Re: [GKD] Small Towns Build Their Own High-Speed Internet Systems

2002-04-22 Thread Profitinafrica

Dear Colleagues,

The posting by Alan Levy regarding small towns building their own high
speed internet system is also the justification for the rural strategy
being implemented by ATCnet in Africa. The technology is powerful
enough and low cost enough for service to be universal and sustainable
 but not at the high cost of capital and high cost of fees and
taxation that are recommended by many international development
advisors and institutions.

T. Peter Burgess
VP and CFO ATCnet
New York USA
Tel 212 772 6918 Fax 707 371 7805

ATCnet Project for Universal Accountability
ATCnet Community Cyber EduCenter Networks
ATCnet Database on African Development and Enterprise
ATCnet Database on the African Health and HIV-AIDS Crisis
ATCnet Trade Networks
ATCnet Consultancy and Management Services 

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, an NGO that is a GKP member***
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Re: [GKD] Open-Source Software for Development

2002-04-22 Thread Frederick Noronha

Don Cameron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Paul Swider wrote:
  neither I in Washington, DC, nor someone in a village in Africa has to
  merely take what is given in terms of software function, we can make
  what we need. This not only translates into better IT, it can also
  translate into real jobs
 This would be wonderful, but I do wonder how the person located in this
 African village, with everything involved in terms of literacy, economy
 etc., would determine exactly what is needed from the latest version of
 Red Hat or Debian, let alone build it? - To begin with, who is compiling
 these systems into African village dialects? Also, it's perhaps a sad
 reality, but reality nonetheless that commercial software is that which
 creates jobs - business culture drives commercial purchases, which in

Dear Don, Where are you writing this from? I myself live in a village,
Saligao, which I welcome you to visit anytime to see what is possible
from there.

Please also check out to see what others
are doing from a country like India. It's not implausible to think that,
if India can do it today, other areas of the Third World can do it

Anyway, I feel we should not get too much caught up in the villages or
urban areas debate. The question is whether at all software can play a
role in a way that makes it accessible and affordable to the Third World
(or the Two-Thirds World), call it what you choose. GNU/Linux, Open
Source and Free Software definitely has immense potential.

Lastly, should we be unduly concerned if companies and corporations show
a disinclination to enter the GNU/Linux-FreeSoftware-OpenSource world?
Is it our assumption that all change, development and growth will flow
from what corporations do? In any case, the whole of GNU/Linux was built
almost wholly with volunteer support and involvement.

It would appear that we who are talking of development have a useful
lesson to learn from this approach.

In fact, our project has been inspired in large measure
by the GNU/Linux approach. Two years old, 15 volunteers from six South
Asian countries, an ezine sent out via listservs that reaches
decisionmakers/IT professionals and the commonman,  a whole lot of
enthusiasm generated about the potential of IT-for-development
(including a monthly column in one of India's most prestigious and
mainstream IT magazines)... all done without a single rupee or taka or
dollar spent, but through volunteer work.

A lot is possible... if only there's an open mind. FN
Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa * India 832.409490 / 409783

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, an NGO that is a GKP member***
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