[GKD] The African Youth Foundation Scholarship Award for ICT and Agriculture

2004-07-27 Thread UgaBYTES Initiative
The AYF Youth Award is a new annual educational scholarship award which
will be awarded to an African Youth starting 2004/2005 academic year.
This year's award ceremony will take place in Accra on the 22nd October
2004. To win this award, a Youth Project writing Contest on "ICT and
Agriculture" is set in place to elicit and disseminate the views of
African young people on the needs and benefits of ICT and Agriculture in

If you are an African between the ages of 18 and 30, with a vision on
how ICTs could help your generation and nation to create jobs and
eradicate poverty, then participate in AYF's writing contest and get a
reward for your efforts.

The best project submitted on this topic will be the winner. The
contributions of all contest winners will be published in a booklet by
the AYF.

The deadline for submitting papers is: 20th September 2004. Project
papers could be submitted via email to the secretariat at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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UgaBYTES Initiative
P.O.Box 6081
Check our website: www.ugabytes.org

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Re: [GKD] Completing the Revolution: The Challenge of Rural Telephony in Africa

2004-07-27 Thread Don Richardson
Dear GKD Members,

Re: Completing the Revolution: The Challenge of Rural Telephony in
Africa - 

If you are in a donor agency, and looking for "Digital Divide" program
strategies, if you only read one report this year, READ THIS ONE!

Then think about how you can work to improve rural telecommunication
policies in the developing countries in which you work.

Rural telecom policy - this is the area where you will get the best
development "bang" for your Digital Divide "buck".

Don Richardson

On Monday, July 12, 2004, UgaBYTES Initiative wrote:

> In the midst of the current enthusiasm for "ICTs for Development", it is
> often forgotten that most rural Africans do not yet even have access to
> telephones. Initiatives such as the World Summit on the Information
> Society aspire to bridge the digital divide in order to reduce poverty
> and achieve the Millennium Development Goals, but this aim risks being
> undermined if basic telephone connectivity is not first made available.
> In most of rural Africa, there is only one telephone for every thousand
> people. It is true that the number of phones in Africa has risen
> enormously in the past decade, especially since liberalisation, but most
> of the new telephones are mobiles, and they are mostly in cities. For
> rural people, buying and using a mobile phone is very expensive -- a
> single call can cost as much as half the daily wage of an agricultural
> worker.
> This report, based on case studies from Burkina Faso, Senegal, Uganda
> and Zambia (click to download), argues that policy-makers should pay
> more attention to the challenge of providing telephones to rural people
> in Africa. If they do not, the development benefits of the information
> revolution will by-pass many of the world's poorest people. To read more
> or download the report, follow the link:
> http://www.panos.org.uk/resources/reportdetails.asp?id=1069

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[GKD] Mission 2007: Taking ICTs to Every Indian Village

2004-07-27 Thread Digital Opportunity Channel
>From Digital Opportunity Channel
Promoting Digital Opportunities for All 

Mission 2007: Taking ICTs to every Indian village

New Delhi, July 10, 2004: A national policymakers workshop on July 9-10,
2004, organised by the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation and OneWorld
South Asia, agreed on an action framework to take the benefits of ICTs
to every village in India by 2007. The workshop was supported by the
Nasscom Foundation, International Development Research Center (IDRC),
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Swiss Agency
for Development and Cooperation.

A joint action framework to implement this plan was drawn up at the
workshop by professionals/academics, private sector, governmental and
civil society organisations and the media.

The objective of "Mission 2007: Every Village a Knowledge Centre", is to
facilitate and accelerate the setting up of knowledge centres in each
village to generate knowledge-based livelihoods.

The National Alliance aims to be a movement that will help provide
livelihood opportunities in the village communities. The alliance
highlighted the need for policy intervention, such as delicensing and
reducing the high regulatory environment. The alliance will also promote
entrepreneurship in the villages.

"There is a growing concern about adverse social, economic and political
implications of the expanding urban-rural divide in knowledge skill and
technological empowerment. This alliance will address this concern",
said Prof M S Swaminathan, Chairman of National Alliance for Mission

"The time has come for ICTs to be used for pro-poor development policies
that benefit poor people directly in their day to day livelihood
generation", added Dr Basheerhamad Shadrach, Secretary, National

Policymakers and agencies like ISRO, AIR, TRAI, IITs and the ministries
of I&B, IT and Department of Science and Technology have offered to
support the initiative.

The alliance will have formal structures at the national, state,
district and local levels that will plan and implement the objectives of
the Mission. This will be supported by a secretariat.

The taskforces (on connectivity; content; policy issues; space
applications; resource mobilisation; training & capacity building; and
organisation, evaluation, monitoring and scalability) currently serving
the national alliance will continue their functions.

For more information, contact: 
Geeta Sharma 
Operations Manager, Mission 2007. 

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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[GKD] ANN: ICT4D Training Materials Available Online

2004-07-27 Thread Barbara Fillip
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The self-paced training modules on ICT4D that I have developed over the
past few years of teaching ICT4D online are now posted on my website.
Feel free to send me comments and to use the materials for educational
and nonprofit uses. If anyone intends on using the materials, updating,
adapting and otherwise transforming them, I would love to hear about it.
The materials were developed using Eclass.building 2.5

General Entry to the site:  http://www.knowledgefordevelopment.com 
Direct link to the materials: 

Here is a list of modules:
1. What is ICT4D?
2. What is the Digital Divide?
3. Addressing the Digital Divide
4. ICTs and Learning
5. ICTs for Better Health
6. ICTs and Agriculture
7. eCommerce
8. eGovernance
9. Telecenters
10. Knowledge Networking

If there are any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

Barbara Fillip, Ph.D.
Knowledge for Development, LLC 

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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