Re: Overlapping, undecidable, incoherent -- or worse?

2004-05-21 Thread Alex Ferguson
On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 11:04:53AM +0100, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> Nothing difficult in principle, but the constraint solver is one of
> the more delicate parts of GHC because GHC's constraint language has
> become so complex.

Well, as my day job is working for a constraints lab, I feel it's my
bounded duty to say, "all the better":  more cross-disciplinary synergy.

For my part I must admit the current restrictions aren't _that_ irksome:
they're just the sort of thing I run into every so often, have to remind
myself they're the way they are, and end up writing a few more instance
declarations by hand than I initially imagined I 'ought' to have to.

On the point of complexity:  it's not immediately obvious to me that
(setting aside the Hugs-style extension to H98 in the form of the
instance decls.) it would cause any blowup here in principle.  Granted
there's a combinatorial issue, but the breadth and depth of alternatives
are necessarily finite, so it seems finitely bound overall, and since HM
typing is D-Exp anyway, I'd be surprised if it made it worse than that
in toto.

Hideousness of implementation's another matter, and certainly I don't
want to be biting the hand that feeds...

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Overlapping, undecidable, incoherent -- or worse?

2004-05-21 Thread Alex Ferguson
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 11:06:44PM +0100, MR K P SCHUPKE wrote:
> I agree, I have made it not terminate myself with undecidable-instances,

Congratulations. ;-)

> I also think prolog style backtacking would be a good idea... I think I said
> that  you either want full backtracking or you want to leave it how it is
> (with dependancies ignored) - I have yet to be convinced that any partial
> solution would have the elegance of full backtracking, yet would complicate
> the implementation and syntax. 

Oh, I don't think what I'm suggesting is a 'partial solution', short of
full dependency-based backtracking: I think it almost requires the
latter.  But having done such a thing, I'd imagine one is yet more
likely to encounter situations where it's ambiguous which of a number of
possible instance derivation routes is possible, which in turn is likely
to make specifying which is wanted more important -- the alternative
would seem to be verifying that only one possible instance can be
arrived at, or examing the possibilities in some arbitrary order (such as
that of the program text).

(I belatedly found the more full description of 'incoherent instances'
in the documentation, having initially only noticed the 'flags' section,
and can see that it indeed does nothing like what I was needing...)

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Overlapping, undecidable, incoherent -- or worse?

2004-05-20 Thread Alex Ferguson
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 09:25:20PM +0100, MR K P SCHUPKE wrote:
> Thats it... Neither GHC nor Hugs pay any attention to the 
> dependancies when choosing which instance to use. The
> dependancies are only considered after the decision has
> been irrevocably made. If the dependancies don't hold, the
> only option the compiler has is to bail out with a compile
> time error.

Let's recap.  You observed that taking dependencies into account leads to
"further problems of the compiler possible not terminating".  I didn't
dispute that ghc and hugs _do not_ take such dependencies into account,
I pointed out that the type system _may already_ not terminate (and not
just hypothetically, but for the option I was using and the class of
instance in my original example, with or without the duplicate heads).
So from a theoretical pov I didn't, and still don't, see how this would
be 'worse'.

That this is clearly not what ghc does or is likely in the near future
to do probably puts this in the category of language list fodder,
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Overlapping, undecidable, incoherent -- or worse?

2004-05-20 Thread Alex Ferguson
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 07:34:18PM +0100, MR K P SCHUPKE wrote:
> that is not the case with "-fallow-undecidable-instances" ... as far as
> I understand it , ghc never considers the dependancies when selecting an
> instance. If you don't think so you will need to show me an example where
> it clearly does... as I haven't seen one yet (but just because I haven't
> seen it doesn't mean its not possible),,,

Am I to understand you're asserting that GHC "undecidable-instances" are
in fact decidable?  Hugs explicitly documents its type system as being
undecidable, and I'd presumed this was the 'make GHC behave that way
too' flag.

> I mean, given two instances like:
>   instance a b c
>   instance d e f
> there is no way to tell between them... if you said choose a in preferenc
> 'a' would be chosen all the time. 

If you were to indicate one instance declaration was preferred, and both
_could otherwise yield a suitable instance_, then that would be
prefered.  (Though if one were to 'search' in the preference order of the
rules, one wouldn't need to find more than one in any event.)
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Overlapping, undecidable, incoherent -- or worse?

2004-05-20 Thread Alex Ferguson
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 05:58:53PM +0100, MR K P SCHUPKE wrote:
> The alternative to the current situation is to take into account the
> dependancies of instances when selecting. The problem here is that
> the compiler may select an instance, evaluate its dependencies, only
> to discover somewhere further on that the dependencies cannot be met.
> At this point it has to backtrack (reverse its previous decisions) and
> try another instance.  This effectively means implementing a Prolog
> style solver in the compiler - which leads to the further problems of
> the compiler possible not terminating (ie taking forever to not 
> compile something)...

Which is the case as soon as you use the -fallow-undecidable-instances
flag in any event.  My suggestion might make things worse pragmatically,
but I don't see it can be any moreso theorically.  You may claim that
it's not an attractive change, or doesn't help in some more general case
than the one I asked about;  but I don't see how you can possibly
maintain it immediately wrecks the type system, or that it doesn't
resolve the problem in this case, which is not so much that finding a
valid instance is difficult, but that there are _two_ possible such, and
no way at the language level to say which is desired.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Overlapping, undecidable, incoherent -- or worse?

2004-05-20 Thread Alex Ferguson
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 05:27:43PM +0100, MR K P SCHUPKE wrote:
> >I wasn't talking about _any_ notion of ordering of instance heads;  I
> >said that prioritising instance _declarations_ themselves, explicitly,
> >by 'name' would suffice.
> How does that help... if you name the instances differently are they
> not just ordinary functions, as they would no longer be overloaded?

I thought I expounded on that, too.  If there were a facility to 'name'
(in a general sense, not as in the function namespace) instance
declarations, it'd facilitate (by way of some further, hypothetical
language extension) specifying _explicitly_ which declarations should be
construed as overriding which others, when they would otherwise be seen
to clash.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Overlapping, undecidable, incoherent -- or worse?

2004-05-20 Thread Alex Ferguson
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 05:16:45PM +0100, MR K P SCHUPKE wrote:
> >That's not the notion of priority I was referring to.
> Any type of priority would not help. As I said then the instance heads
> are identical (PO a) and (PO a) - no kind of priority will help
> differenciate the,

I wasn't talking about _any_ notion of ordering of instance heads;  I
said that prioritising instance _declarations_ themselves, explicitly,
by 'name' would suffice.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Overlapping, undecidable, incoherent -- or worse?

2004-05-20 Thread Alex Ferguson
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 03:52:49PM +0100, MR K P SCHUPKE wrote:
> I don't know whether this was apparent, but only the instance
> pattern is used in determining which instance to use, so 
> "PO a" is the same as "PO a" ... you need to make them different
> otherwise they don;t just overlap they are identical. 
> the left-hand-side of the "=>" play no part in instance selection.
> That is why I suggested using new types. (infact it is your only option)

I see what you're getting at, but I'm not gone on it.  It adds another
constructor (and the instances will generally have at least one to start
with), and it obscures the 'subclass' relationship.  It'd probably be
preferable to code each PO instance 'by hand' (i.e. a separate instance
for each base type selecting the general semiring, c-semi-ring, or some
yet more specialised (as will often be the case anyway)) definition of 
the partial order).  I was just hoping I could avoid doing that, too...

> Even priority would not help here, as the instances are identical.
> (there is a priority, in that if the instances are overlapping
> the most specific is used, IE choosing between (PO a) and (PO Int)
> PO Int wins is 'a' is an Int.

That's not the notion of priority I was referring to.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Overlapping, undecidable, incoherent -- or worse?

2004-05-20 Thread Alex Ferguson
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 08:52:45AM +0100, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
| You don't say what you are trying to achieve.  However it looks as if
| you mean "If you want PO T, for some type T, first try (Bounded T, Enum
| T, SemiRing T) and if that fails try CSemiRing T.  Or maybe the other
| way round.

Sorry, I suppose I was a little gnomic.  I mean the other way round,
ideally.  The difference in the remainder of the contexts isn't
significant for my purposes, so I could as well have (some redundantly)
made the latter declaration:

> instance (Bounded a, Enum a, CSemiRing a) => PO a where
> a |= b = a + b == b

which'd make it strictly more specific than the other.  i.e. if it's a
CSemiRing, use that, if not but is (only) a semiring If that'd
help at all...

| In any case, GHC simply does not implement this kind of backtracking
| search.  It would make sense, and some of the more exotic users of type
| classes would like it, but (a) there are numerous tricky corners, and
| (b) it's awkward to implement the way GHC is now.  If the specification
| was completely clear I might be tempted to fix (b), but it isn't.  The
| main difficulty is that a compiler does not solve constraints "all at
| once".  Instead it does a bit of solving, then then a bit more later.
| If the "later" part doesn't pan out, it's jolly difficult to go back to
| the original part (in another module, perhaps) and change it. 

I can see the possible difficulties all right.  Well, enough of them for
it to seem...  difficult.  I'd think this would be relatively easy to do
if Haskell had some notion of 'naming' instance declarations, and then
of specifying a 'priority' to 'em, but that'd by a pretty significant
looking language extension.  I'd just gotten the impression that
-fallow-incoherent-instances might make some ad hoc 'forcing' choice in
such circumstances that might serve my current purposes.

> As a trivial example, try
>   f a = a |= a
> What type shall we infer for f?  
>   f :: (Bounded a, Enum a, SemiRing a) => a -> a
> or
>   f :: (CSemiRing a) => a -> a

I'm with Stefan on this one.  Surely the type is simply PO a => a ->
Bool?  Or is there a 'top level binding' issue here?  (Surely not, the
MR doesn't apply.)

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Overlapping, undecidable, incoherent -- or worse?

2004-05-19 Thread Alex Ferguson

The following rings a faint bell from somewhere, but if there's a standard
workaround I can't recall or lay my hand on it currently:  
> class PO a where
>(|=) :: a -> a -> Bool
> class Num a => SemiRing a
> class SemiRing a => CSemiRing a
> instance (Bounded a, Enum a, SemiRing a) => PO a where
>a |= b
>   = or [ a + c == b | c <- boundedEnumFrom minBound ]
> instance CSemiRing a => PO a where
>a |= b = a + b == b

The above is in any event requires the "-fallow-undecidable-instances"
flag, due to the format of the instance clauses, and they're worse than
merely "overlapping" due to the identical heads.  But I'm not quite
clear why "incoherent" doesn't help here:  isn't the gist of that to
allow the second to override the first, where they conflict?  Is there
otherwise a means to have it behave in such a way?

(I can hack around this by removing the distinction betweem the two
classes and encoding it as run-time property (which may get compiled out
statically anyway, and I suspect what I actually want are hierarchical
defaults rather than instances, but that's more like fodder for another

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Time profiling question.

2003-11-26 Thread Alex Ferguson

Let me ask this question in the abstract, lest I embarrass myself
publicly with my shoddy code:

Suppose I find that -p style profiling with -auto-all attributes the
majority of the cost of my program to a single function.  Naturally, I'd
like to refine this somewhat.  So I add additional cost centres as

f a1 ... an
   = e
   d1 = {-# SCC "d1" #-} e1
   d1 = {-# SCC "dn" #-} e1

I find it's still attributing almost all of the cost to the original CC
(f), so I add another SCC, before the RHS.  And it _still_ attributes
the same amount to f, and effectively nothing to the body CC.

So my questions are firstly, can someone explain this;  and secondly, is
there a style of adding CCs that would be more informative in such
cases?  (Or if it comes down to it, transforming the code to be more
revelatory in that respect.)

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Question about compiling CGIs with Ghc

2003-02-17 Thread Alex Ferguson
On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 11:00:13AM -, Simon Marlow wrote:
> > I  have some CGI programs running with Hugs and I  want to use GHC
> > instead.
> > 
> > What changes must I do to the .hs file?
> > 
> > Is it an easy job?
> Depends on lots of things really.
> The CGI library that comes with GHC is documented here:

This make me curious, and the following just made me curiouser...

You don't have permission to access /ghc/docs/latest/html/network/Network.CGI.html on 
this server.

Apache/1.3.22 Server at Port 80

I don't think it's anything wrong with my browser setup, as I can access
(e.g.) .../Network.html perfectly well.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: ghc/cygwin filename resolution issue.

2003-01-30 Thread Alex Ferguson
> Alex
> As Simon M says, if you (or anyone else) felt able to write up a
> standalone summary
> of what the problem is, and what the solution is, I'd love to add it to
> the GHC
> FAQ or documentation somewhere.  In my experience, simply explaining the
> problem
> clearly is quite tricky. (E.g. the cygwin vs mingw issues, described in
> the Building Guide,
> took me ages to understand well enough to write down.)
> Simon

I'll definitely defer to Claus on this one.  I'm still "working through
the issues" in places, but I don't yet have anything coherent to add.

(This was all motivated, btw, by trying to build HaXml under ghc/cygwin,
which fell for me at the first hurdle of "first catch your hmake" in the
recipe.  I've now gotten as far as a _build_ of hmake, but it then runs
into similar issues with its own use of the f/s (rc files and what-not).
If anyone has this one down pat already, they might save my tired brain
some pain, otherwise I'll summarise to the list if and when I get some
sort of resolution myself.)

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: ghc/cygwin filename resolution issue.

2003-01-29 Thread Alex Ferguson

Thanks to all for the replies;  Hal's resolution rings a bell, now that
I think about it, from Ye Olde Days when cygwin was a ghc pre-req -- just
didn't think of it when installing more recently on a new machine.  (Install
in haste, repent at leisure.)  Claus' suggestion about relative paths
does the ticket, though:  didn't occur to me as the paths were being
generated by a configure script, but yes, it was possible to override
them, which works as advertised.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

ghc/cygwin filename resolution issue.

2003-01-28 Thread Alex Ferguson

Using ghc-5.04.2 under cygwin, and cygwin (v. 1.3.10-1), I'm having some
horrible problems with inconistent treatment of filenames, especially
when using (gnu, cygwin) make.  In a nutshell, make seems to be passing
paths such as "/usr/local/hmake" (etc) to ghc, which is, as I understand
it, interpretting these in a manner consistent with windows, but not with
cygwin.  (i.e., it'd expect the above to be something like:
/cygwin/usr/local/hmake, where the root of the cygwin installation is in
c:\cygwin.  Experimenting with similar arguments to ghc by hand seems to
confirm this.

Is there a work-around for this, or is using cygwin and ghc together just
an out and out bad idea?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: extra_ghc_opts syntax

2001-09-26 Thread Alex Ferguson

> Just write the list twice, once with the quotes and commas and once
> without?  Alternative I guess you could try to transform one into the
> other using sed, perl, python, etc. but I would just do it the easy way.

Doesn't everyone on this list use Haskell for their string-processing,
then? ;-)  (This one is about a one-liner...)


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

ghc-4.xx Alpha port?

2000-11-30 Thread Alex Ferguson

Hi guys.  Has anyone been so rash as to try this?  Any indications
as to the likely "degree of difficulty"?  I'd have a go myself, but
I'm rather busy with teaching.  (Which is ironic, since teaching is
what I want it for...)


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

TclHaskell query.

2000-03-15 Thread Alex Ferguson

Hi there.  I fear this may end up being not so much a TclHaskell
as a 'power Tcl/Tk' question, but I thought I'd try here first on the

I'm looking for a widget that acts essentially like a listbox (scrolls,
selectable entries), but which isn't restricted to single lines of text
in the entries.  (Ideally each entry would be a arbitrary box.)  Does
anyone happen to have such a thing, or any advice as to how to set about
implementing same, or some combination of the two?  (Such as looting
partially applicable code from elsewhere.)


RE: Collection types.

1999-12-09 Thread Alex Ferguson

> Yes, Jeff Lewis is well advanced with adding functional dependencies
> to GHC.  Certainly, if you get GHC from the CVS tree you are getting
> wads of his F-D code.  I don't think it's completed yet, though.
> Stay tuned

Excellent stuff.  I _think_ this solves a problem I may be about
to have -- it's not Mission Critical for me at the moment, so that's
as good as I would have hoped.

It doesn't look to me like a perfect or general solution, mind you, but
I'll blether about that elseList, if I'm going to reveal my woeful
ignorance on the topic at all.

> Let's hear it for Jeff!



Re: GHC Select and Time modules - struct timeval

1999-12-08 Thread Alex Ferguson

Keith Wansbrough:
> If the Integer is greater than 2^64-1 then simply
> pass NULL to select(): I think 595 000 years is near enough forever
> given current operating systems...

Quincentomillennium bug, anyone?



Collection types.

1999-12-07 Thread Alex Ferguson

I was just looking at Mark Jones' summary of his Hugs extension for
disambiguating collection types (and other MPC snafus), and while I
have some qualms and queries about the generality of his solution, it
does appear to solve an important set of such problems.  So, I was
wondering...  Are there plans to implement this in ghc, too?  Or
equally, any ohter type system extension that would finesse the issue
with typing, in particular, non-type-constructor collections, such
as tries, and the examples mark furnishes.

Asking out of shameless self-interest, as usual.


RE: My head just exploded too.

1999-12-06 Thread Alex Ferguson

> | Although I'd read the restriction in advance, I nevertheless 
> | unwittingly
> | contrived to try and write a binding-group style pattern-match against
> | an existentially quantified data constructor.  Oops.  (Actually, I did
> | it twice, what's worse...)  I can imagine this is indeed an irksome
> | thing to TC, but OTOH, it's not a very natural language restriction
> | either.  What's worse, one is of course not able to use 'selectors' in
> | these cases, as they're immediately ill-typed.  One saving grace was

> You could always use a case expression, no?

This is true.  However, I dislike case expressions moderately intensely
at the best of times on aesthetic grounds, and using them as a let-alike
I find more than usually unspeakable.  Yet more so in the midst of a

> | What's worse, in the other caes, when I replaced the 
> | let-binding with an auxiliary function call (pattern guards no use in this
> case), 
> | I ran into _another_ restriction:  mutually recursive functions needing 
> | to have the  same contexts. 
> |  (That is if one
> | has a group like f (EDC x) = ...  f' x ...; f' x = ...  f (EDC x) ...)
> Here you are really calling f' at a fresh type, so you need
> polymorphic recursion. 
> If you are prepared to write the type signature for f' then there is 
> no difficulty in principle: as Mark has described in his Haskell workshop 
> paper one can typecheck the bindings without sigs first, then the bindings
> with sigs.  But GHC still does them all together.

I don't immediately see why this is an instance of polymorphic recursion:
in what sense does the call of f' involve a fresh type?  But it would seem
reasonable enough to require an explicit type sig.  (Partial or otherwise!)

> So that's two type-system things that would make your life easier.
> Hmm.  
>   - how bad is it to use case?

The existing alternatives are pretty easily liveable-with (though case
happens to be my least favoured option), they just seem odd as restrictions,
and look a tad peculiar.

>   - would pattern-matching on non-rec lets help you?

It would have;  I'd be happy with this, though a small part of me
wonders if doing this might not enrage some future user who bumps into
the thus-moved limitation in a less clearly circumscribed case.
To wit, is it better to say, no recusive bindings, or, more syntactically
simply, no lets or wheres?


My head just exploded too.

1999-12-06 Thread Alex Ferguson

Although I'd read the restriction in advance, I nevertheless unwittingly
contrived to try and write a binding-group style pattern-match against
an existentially quantified data constructor.  Oops.  (Actually, I did
it twice, what's worse...)  I can imagine this is indeed an irksome
thing to TC, but OTOH, it's not a very natural language restriction
either.  What's worse, one is of course not able to use 'selectors' in
these cases, as they're immediately ill-typed.  One saving grace was
that one _can_ use pattern guards, but since that's a non-standard
feature too, I feel I'm multiplying heterodoxy upon heteredoxy when I do

What's worse, in the other caes, when I replaced the let-binding with an
auxiliary function call (pattern guards no use in this case), I ran into
_another_ restriction:  mutually recursive functions needing to have the
same contexts.  I believe, at least at first wink, that in the presence
of existentials this is _not_ an entirely sensible restriction, since if
one is 'unfolding' and 'folding' an existentially-typed DC, then chunks
of the context can disappear and reappear accordingly.  (That is if one
has a group like f (EDC x) = ...  f' x ...; f' x = ...  f (EDC x) ...)

Comments, O implementors and designers?


RE: _ccall_

1999-11-30 Thread Alex Ferguson

Hi there.

> it is mentioned in the user's guide,
> reign-headers

Ah, that:  I managed to read that entire section at least once, and
completely misunderstand.  I thought that was talking about something
else entirely...  (I'm not sure if this indicates this sections needs
more idiot-proofing (maybe a sample command line?), or just less idiocy
on my part...)

> Alternatively, you can use -optC-femit-extern-decls to have
> ghc emit the proto of the function it assumes you're interfacing
> to. (You may need a fairly recent CVS snapshot to get this one
> to work, as there a couple of gcc bugs to contend with.)

Cool...  Many thanks.



1999-11-30 Thread Alex Ferguson

Hi all.  Just started playing around with ccall, and while I managed
to get my toy program to Do The Right Thing, I got a mildly alarming
looking warning message from gcc, re: athe lack of an explicit type
for the generated C call.  I don't see anything about this in the users
guide, either telling me not to worry about this, or specifying how
to pacify it.  If it's generating a type for the given function along
the lines of the C type rules, is there any sort of provision for slurping
in a .h, or equivalent, to provide a 'better' type?

I realize there are more sophisticated Preferred Interfaces around these
days, but what I'm up to ought to be simple enough to do in a single
_ccall_:  I think.


Re: New debugging option `-xc'

1999-11-30 Thread Alex Ferguson

Keith Wansbrough:
> I've just added a new RTS option to GHC in the CVS repository.  Running 
> a program compiled with -prof with the -xc runtime option on will cause 
> it to display the current cost-centre stack on stderr whenever an 
> exception is raised.  This will give you an idea of which part of the 
> program raised the exception, hopefully helping you to trace those 
> "Prelude.head: empty list" errors that can be so frustrating to find.

Excellent plan.  I like the sound of this idea.  But, I thought
profiling was still broken?  Is it now fixed as of 4.04, fixed in CVS,
fixed just enough to allow the above, but not actual profiling, or...?


Oops. [RE: Existential types, save me now?]

1999-11-22 Thread Alex Ferguson

Alex, malreported, haskell and ghc-users lists...:
> It does me ego no end of good to find out that I'm right, and the
> compiler is wrong (for a change, it must be said...).  Unless either
> ghc or hbc catch up to the Hugs extension, though, avails me little
> in practice, sadly.  (Hint, hint.)

I take this back:  ghc accepts the syntax Mark gives without complaint
 -- either I wasn't as unmuddled as I'd thought, or I typoed more fluently
than usually.  I think I was also wrong about the ghc-docs -- checking
the user-guide for ghc-4.045, it seems perfectly consistent -- heaven
knows what version I was looking at/thinking of originally.

Slinking off before I wreak any more confusion...


Re: Existential types, save me now?

1999-11-22 Thread Alex Ferguson

Hi Fergus.

> > > data OrdFuncExist = OE (Ord a => Char -> a)
> > 
> That's not the syntax for a existential type,
> that's the syntax for a universally quantified type
> with rank-2 polymorphism.  With that syntax, the
> argument of `OE' must be a polymorphic function
> with type `forall a . Ord a => Char -> a'.

That would explain a lot.  There seems to be a discrepancy between ghc
and the ghc user-guide, in that event.

> Is this supposed to be a heterogenous list,
> or a homogeneous list?

Sorry, I should have been a tad less terse:  it's intended to be
a homogeneous list, else the maximum wouldn't be well-typed.

> Hmm, I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve here...
> but perhaps you just need to add
>   instance Ord AnyOrd where
>   compare (MkAnyOrd x) (MkAnyOrd y) = compare x y
> to make it work.

I haven't tried this, but this is unwrapping two (potentially)
_different_ types, and then trying to compare them, isn't it?
(Been there, done that, didn't like the type errors, in a previous
brush with existential types...)


RE: Existential types, save me now?

1999-11-22 Thread Alex Ferguson

Hi Mark, all:  thanks for the swiftly muddle-dispelling response.

> | Here's some of the threatened examples:
> | 
> | > data OrdFuncExist = OE (Ord a => Char -> a)
> | > data OrdListExist = OLE (Ord a => [a])
> Perhaps this is a GHC/Hugs difference, but the syntax that you've
> used here isn't permitted in Hugs ... and in old versions where it
> might have been allowed, it would suggest *universal* quantification
> rather than existential.

Must be such a difference.  This is what ghc accepts, and documents:
the user guide even claims to following hugs, here, so that'll be a
tad out of date, then...

> I just rewrote the definitions to fit with the Hugs syntax for
> existentials as follows:
> > data OrdFuncExist = forall a. Ord a => OE (Char -> a)
> > data OrdListExist = forall a. Ord a => OLE [a]
> and now the rest of the code that you sent type checks without any
> apparent problem, including emap, blah, and emax.

It does me ego no end of good to find out that I'm right, and the
compiler is wrong (for a change, it must be said...).  Unless either
ghc or hbc catch up to the Hugs extension, though, avails me little
in practice, sadly.  (Hint, hint.)

> [We keep trying to argue that it makes sense to use the "forall" keyword
> here (because the constructor function that is being defined really does
> have a polymorphic type).  But perhaps this is a further indication that
> the time for a "exists" keyword has come!]

The forall looks syntactically _unnecessary_, slap-bang next to a context,
but it's not confusing in and of itself -- well, not beyond my usual
level of confusion about positive and negative quantifier occurrences.
(Different systems and different docs certainly are, though.)


Re: Existential types, save me now?

1999-11-22 Thread Alex Ferguson

Here's some of the threatened examples:

> data OrdFuncExist = OE (Ord a => Char -> a)

> data OrdListExist = OLE (Ord a => [a])

> emap :: OrdFuncExist -> [Char] -> OrdListExist
> emap (OE f) l = OLE (map f l)

Grand...  (Apparently.)  But now I try to define an actual OrdFuncExist:

> blah = OE fromEnum

Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
Quantified type variable `a' is unified with `Int'
In an expression with expected type:
forall a1. (Ord a1) => Char -> a1
In the first argument of `OE', namely `fromEnum'
In the right-hand side of a pattern binding: OE fromEnum

What?  I dinnae unnerstan', captain.

The other problem:

> emax :: OrdListExist -> OrdListExist
> emax (OLE l) = OLE [maximum l]

Now, I think I see why this doesn't work:  but any ideas on how to fix?


RE: ghc-4.04 + large constant defs = *BOOM*.

1999-11-01 Thread Alex Ferguson

> > Oh, I forget to mention -- blowup is definitely in the code-generator
> > these days;  seems to slide by the simplifier without much difficulty,
> > so I haven't yet bother trying any flag-twiddling.
> I tried compiling a 1500-element list of 10-tuples, and it went through
> (both with and without -O) in less than 10M.  Could you send me your
> example?

Certainly will;  wasn't using -O, btw.  Stand by for mail-spam...


Re: ghc-4.04 + large constant defs = *BOOM*.

1999-10-29 Thread Alex Ferguson

Oh, I forget to mention -- blowup is definitely in the code-generator
these days;  seems to slide by the simplifier without much difficulty,
so I haven't yet bother trying any flag-twiddling.


ghc-4.04 + large constant defs = *BOOM*.

1999-10-29 Thread Alex Ferguson

I've observed before that ghc is a tad sluggish and hungry on modules
with large data defs within, but ghc-4.04 seems especially thus;  on a
1500-ish length list of 10-tuples, I need somewhere north of 200M
of heap to compile in, on a Solaris2.5 machine.  I can ameliorate this
a fair bit by chopping up the definition, but that seems a rather brutal
solution.  Any reason why it's so bad?  (Example furnishable on request,
if this isn't considered a Known Feature.)


Re: ghc-4.04 on Solaris, on TclHaskell.

1999-10-20 Thread Alex Ferguson

Earlier I reported:
> Compiling the TclWidgets.hs module of TclHaskell, I get the following
> somewhat unpleasant crunching sound:
> ghc-4.04 -O -fglasgow-exts -recomp -static 
> -dcore-lint -fvia-C -syslib concurrent -c TclWidgets.hs -dshow-passes
> *** Parser:
> *** Renamer:
> *** TypeCheck:
> *** Desugar
> Result size = 8744
> *** Core Linted result of Desugar
> *** Simplify
> Segmentation Fault
> I'm using a source-built ghc-4.04, on Solaris 2.5.  I've doubtless
> managed to 'nobble' the install, somehow...  (All the modules before
> that seem to compile OK, though.)

Evidently so, since this doesn't happen with the ghc-4.04 binary-dist.
Oh well.

However, I still have some TclHaskell probs on Solaris.  The supplied
makefiles use -static liberally, but on final link of the 'demo'
program, it upchucks thusly:

Undefined   first referenced
 symbol in file
dlclose /usr/lib/libnsl.a(netdir.o)
dlsym   /usr/local/lib/libtcl8.0.a(tclLoadDl.o)
dlopen  /usr/local/lib/libtcl8.0.a(tclLoadDl.o)
dlerror /usr/local/lib/libtcl8.0.a(tclLoadDl.o)

Do I need to use statically linked versions of tcl, etc?  Or is there
some other build tweak I can perform?


phase codes in ghc-4.0x docs.

1999-10-19 Thread Alex Ferguson

I was looking for the phase code for 'force option to C compiler'
a little while ago (reason: coleague braining me for not using
-pipe on a mega .hc compilation that was thrashing his hard disk...),
but the table for this in the recent Users' guides (frex, on the
Haskell site for 4.04) seem to be missing (or at least, mangled to
the point of non-utility).  Could someone post a 'reminder' of these
(or better yet, fix up the userguide).


Re: fromInt method in ghc-4.04 ?

1999-10-19 Thread Alex Ferguson

Ulf Schiller writes:
> I'm just starting to use ghc-4.04 coming from ghc-3.02. I wonder whether there
> is still a fromInt method available. The compiler says Variable not in scope: 
> `fromInt'. My code works with Hugs 98. Do I have to make any additional 

I came across this one too (with code that had allegedly been tested with
4.04, ha-ha).  IIRC, it's now exported (only) from GlaExts.


RE: Happy v1.6.

1999-09-30 Thread Alex Ferguson

> It looks like the Happy page is out of date. The version in CVS is 1.6 or
> better. If you need Linux or Solaris binaries, you can try Michael Weber's
> page:

Thanks, that's indeed a help.

My next worry is that when I try to build ghc from source on an Alpha,
I'll get bitten on the bum by the ghc-needs-Happy-needs-(recent)-ghc
syndrome, or otherwise spend mucho time wrestling with the Happy
build setup to get round this.  (I've done this before, I'm sure, but
long enough ago that each time I do it, I've long since forgotten how...)


RE: NON-ANNOUNCEMENT: The Glasgow Haskell Compiler, version 4.05?

1999-09-30 Thread Alex Ferguson

> After a release, the version number in the repository is bumped up by
> one, that's all there's to these rumours. A release of 4.05 isn't due
> anytime soon (you have to report *all* the bugs in 4.04 first :-)

I had better install it first, then...

> Unless you want to become a fptools CVS groupie, stick with 4.04.

This depends.  Is there a badge, or a hat, or something?

Happy v1.6.

1999-09-29 Thread Alex Ferguson

Since ghc-4.04 confuguration insists one has Happy v1.6, has this
actually been released?  I see no link to it from the usually suspect

If it's Imminent, can a make the modest suggestion that it have a
standalone makefile in it?  Having to slot it into a ghc source
build tree has always struck me as both inconvemient, and overkill.


NON-ANNOUNCEMENT: The Glasgow Haskell Compiler, version 4.05?

1999-09-29 Thread Alex Ferguson

I've heard mutterings about the version count having gone up to 4.05,
but seen no announcement to this effect.  Is it still undergoing sea
trials, or something?

I ask as I'm pondering doing a source build or three, and I'm wondering
whether to do so from the released 4.04, or from the 4.05 CVS.


Re: CynWinTclHaskell...?

1999-09-28 Thread Alex Ferguson

Does anyone else have experiences of building TclHaskell under CygWin?
I'm assured that it ought to be possible, but have had no luck;  crib
sheets greatly appreciated.

(Partial credit for negative results like 'it's a bust, drop back
and punt to Linux'.)



1999-09-24 Thread Alex Ferguson

[I've just had a brilliant idea:  why don't I send this to the
_correct_ list...]

I've managed to entirely confuse myself trying to install TclHaskell
on a Wintel machine, via Cynwin and ghc-4.03.  Poking around it looks
like the problem is with the Tcl/Tk libraries, which seem to have been
complied up with Visual C++.

Now, is there a magic incantation that will persuade TclHaskell to work
with these binaries, or do I need to re-build Tcl/Tk from source, using
gcc under Cynwin, so that the ghc link-step will find it to it's liking?

Tell me this isn't as tortuous as it looks, someone, please...


Calling Haskell from...

1999-02-25 Thread Alex Ferguson

What's the state of the art as regards calling Haskell functions from
'the outside world'?  I note that Haskell Direct has this in its
manifesto, but says "currently unsupported".  Does that mean a moderate
size black hole at the centre of something still potentially usable,
or nothing much at all?

Sorry if this is an 'RTFM' matter, just not sure at present precisely
which 'FM'.


Re: ghc-4.02 -- space.

1999-02-16 Thread Alex Ferguson

> > Parting shot:  isAlphaNum vs. isAlphanum?  Haven't we been here before?
> > Don't the committee have more amusing (and less pointless and gratuitously
> > program-breaking) things to tinker with?  (I know, nothing to do with
> > ghc, I'm just in a mood to 'give out'...)
> Ah, but each new committee has to make a few gratuitous changes
> to put their mark on the language.  And they should be such that
> the user feels it.  This is not the only pointless thing we changed. ;-)

No...  Just the one this user has already pointlessly felt!

Incidentally, are my brain ceels failing entirely, or did either
the 1.3 or the 1.4 committee already make the opposite change?


ghc-4.02 -- space.

1999-02-16 Thread Alex Ferguson

Quite impressed with 4.02 so far -- it walks the walks, see promohype
elsewhere, why should I give you all too much free advertising? ;-)
It does indeed seem to be more go-faster than 3.02, _but_:

No profiling!  Boo, hiss.

Funny space behaviour -- a module I have that contains just one king-sized
constant definition (169K of structured list) now takes _much_ more heap
to compile with 4.02 vs. 3.02.  Details on request if this is a unduly
Surprising result.

Parting shot:  isAlphaNum vs. isAlphanum?  Haven't we been here before?
Don't the committee have more amusing (and less pointless and gratuitously
program-breaking) things to tinker with?  (I know, nothing to do with
ghc, I'm just in a mood to 'give out'...)

Slan libh,

RE: Uncompiling internal names...

1999-02-11 Thread Alex Ferguson

Hi Simon, thanks for the tips;

> We havn't checked out the profiler, remember.

I'm using 3.02, I should have mentioned.  (For this very reason.)

> Here's our convention for splitting up the interface file name space:
>   d...dictionary identifiers
>   (local variables, so no name-clash worries)

Hrm.  So, whence the trailing 0's?  They all seem to be 0, so admittedly
this won't help me much anyway...

>   $m...   default methods

Ah!  All becomes clear.  Well, part becomes clear_er_...

Ta much.


Uncompiling internal names...

1999-02-10 Thread Alex Ferguson

What do "$m" identifiers correspond to?  I'm getting one of these lob
up in a -prof -auto cost centre, and I don't know what/where/how it
corresponds to.

While I'm on the general topic, any hints'n'tips on decoding $d's?

In a name like $dEqPriority0, I presume the first two elements
are Class and Type, but does the "0" relate to the method, or is
it just a name-supply artifact?


RE: RTS flags, at compile time?

1998-12-15 Thread Alex Ferguson

> > Ah-hah!  So I should just be able to write, in rts.c:
> > 
> > #include "Rts.h"
> >   void defaultsHook (void) {
> >  RTSflags.GcFlags.stksSize =  102 / sizeof(W_);
> >  RTSflags.GcFlags.heapSize =  802 / sizeof(W_);
> >   }

> Well, sort of.  I forgot to mention that we changed RTSFlags to RtsFlags,
> and that you'll need to #include "RtsFlags.h" which you can find in ghc/rts/
> in the source tree, *not* in a binary distribution - you might have to copy
> it into your source directory.

I guessed both of those, actually, but it made no diff.  Do I have
to actually use a -I that points to the _source tree_, rather than
the installed version, from source?  (Or do some copying to that effect?)

> A clean up of the external RTS interface will be forthcoming, no doubt.

Look forward to.


RE: RTS flags, at compile time?

1998-12-14 Thread Alex Ferguson

> Looks like the docs are a tad out of date, sorry about that.  Patch follows
> (you want ghc/rts/RtsFlags.h and ghc/includes/Rts.h respectively).

Ah-hah!  So I should just be able to write, in rts.c:

#include "Rts.h"
  void defaultsHook (void) {
 RTSflags.GcFlags.stksSize =  102 / sizeof(W_);
 RTSflags.GcFlags.heapSize =  802 / sizeof(W_);

then:  ghc rts.c?  But, no: ghc rts.c
rts.c:3: `RTSflags' undeclared (first use this function)
rts.c:3: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
rts.c:3: for each function it appears in.)

What momumentally obvious blunder have I just committed?  (I shouldn't
have to declare RTSflags, I thought, as it was already "stubbed"?)


RE: RTS flags, at compile time?

1998-12-14 Thread Alex Ferguson

> Do you mean
> {-# OPTIONS -H12m #-}

That's the one.  Apparently too much C code in section 2.13 for
me to make it to the end of the section, awake. ;-)


RE: RTS flags, at compile time?

1998-12-14 Thread Alex Ferguson

Two small errors in my previous message...  Firstly, it's not C, it's
Core.  Gah!  I obviously _really_ didn't make it to the end of that
section awake.

Secondly, and more to the point...

> Do you mean
> {-# OPTIONS -H12m #-}
> Or do you want to bake the options into GHC itself?

Neither.  I mean, how do I (or indeed, can I?) get the effect of:

a.out +RTS -H12m



and presumably some hypothetical incantation that looks something like...

ghc Main.hs -RTS-Incantation -H12m


Instance contexts.

1998-07-10 Thread Alex Ferguson

I think this has been discussed before, but I've just run into it myself.
I have a MPC 'Set', in the usual bog-standard fashion, and I want to
define interval arithmetic over sequences of such sets.  This requires
they also be partially ordered, and of a numeric type themselves, so
I end up with something like:

instance (Set s n, Num (s n), POrd (s n)) => Num [s n] where
  n + m
= bigunion [ overlaps [n1 + m1 | m1 <- m] | n1 <- n]

This works in 3.01, but not in 3.02.  Is this restriction a sensible
one?  Come to that, are my classes?  It seems to me that the nature of
the MPC forces me to use non-variable contexts, which I think looks
a bit uglky, but I don't know of another way to get the same effect.



1998-02-23 Thread Alex Ferguson

Well, so far I've gathered that syslibs ghc and posix have moved and been
renamed, and that the "full story" is hidden someplace within the docs
 -- someplace I haven't yet been able to find.
Any further clues as to where I might find the dire fate that's befallen
hbc and contrib?  Are these no longer distrubted or supported _at all_?
I had assumed they were just undergoing Yet Another Reorganisation.



1998-02-22 Thread Alex Ferguson

Hi all.  What's the current state of play with ghc (any version), on NT


overlapping instances.

1998-02-06 Thread Alex Ferguson

> Same issue.  Show [a] exists already and overlaps with Show [Blah].

> 3.0 is a bit more restrictive than 2.xx, but it is Righter I think.
> Dissenting opinions welcome.

I think I semi-agree, though I think the change in ghc-3.00 ought to have
been more loudly flagged.  (And not denied, as happened when I reported
this. (-; )  Not knowing there had been a change was the only reason I
was perplexed when this bit me.

My only real reservation is about the _definition_ of overlapping
instances (to wit, unifiable heads).  It seems to me that it would be
useful to try and use the class context to "disambiguate" potentially
overlapping instances -- though ghc-2.?? _didn't_ allow this, while
it did allow blatant overlap, as per the above.  I don't know if
there's a general, sound scheme to do this, however, so this may just
be pipe-dreaming.


Re: MPC dunce question.

1998-02-04 Thread Alex Ferguson

Simon, thanks for the explanation, that makes a bit more sense now.
So the situation is that a relaxation of this rule is possible,
it's just a matter of whether this would ever be any use to anyone,
and indeed worth the extra pain of all those (additional) Overlapping
Instance!, and Ambiguity! errors...

> In the multi-paramter case things are less clear:
>   class C a b where
>  op :: a -> a
> Here, op :: C a b => a -> a.  So suppose we use op on an Int argument.
> Then we need to find an instance for (C Int b).  If there is an 
> instance
>   instance C Int b where
>  ...
> (and of course no overlapping instances) then we are home.
> Is that your stituation here?

More or less.  The class I was trying to define is buggy anyway, so
isn't really a good example.  (Effectively I was trying to re-do
"Collection" with the collection _type_, rather than type constructor,
as the first type parameter, which I don't think makes much sense, as
it leads to an underconstrained situation between the two parameters.)


MPC dunce question.

1998-02-03 Thread Alex Ferguson

While hacking around with MPCs, trying to define a variant of the
Collection class, mutated to suit my own fiendish ends, I ran into

Class type variable `e' does not appear in method signature
union2 :: s -> s -> s

What's the significance of this restriction?  (I presume this is caused
by a requirement that all class vars appear in all methods.)  I don't
recall it being mentioned in the proposal for MPCs, but I may have
overlooked and/or forgotten it.  I don't suppose it ever really "bites"
anyone, since one can always shove the appropriate constraint on the
missing variable into the other methods, that do use it, but I don't
instantly see why that's The Way to do it.


Re: Pattern-matching strings.

1998-01-28 Thread Alex Ferguson

Simon M:
> Quite possibly - pattern matching on strings involves building a
> dictionary for Eq [Char], unpacking the string (it's represented as
> packed in the object code), and performing the comparison.  This is
> probably bad. 

Ah-hah, I didn't realise there was unpacking going on too; that may
explain a lot.  I've converted to an enumeration type, to avoid this
happening in an "inner loop", and was mildly boggled at how much
difference it make.

> Try replacing 
>   f "aa" = ...
> with
>   f ('a':'a':[]) = ...

I'll bear this in mind for the _next_ time I run into this...


Re: ghc-3.00 language

1998-01-28 Thread Alex Ferguson

> Has ghc-3.00 to announce that it implements not Haskell-1.4. but its
> certain extension?
> If yes, how to call this extension?

"Standard Haskell". ;-)  I vote that ghc-3.00 -fgla-exts _not_ enforce
the M.R., in the same spirit.  (To wit, John Hughes baiting. )


Pattern-matching strings.

1998-01-27 Thread Alex Ferguson

Is pattern-matching short strings (one or two characters) likely to be
_vastly_ less efficient than matching against a single level of
constructor?  (Order of magnitude, plus.)  Trying to make sense of some
profiling numbers, here...


"CodeOutput" go-slow.

1997-08-19 Thread Alex Ferguson

Has anyone else, while playing with -dshow-passes and heap usage
information, noticed how alarmingly heap-thirsty the phase CodeOutput
(new to 2.05, IIRC -- previously part of CodeGen?) seems to be?  For
at least one program, it appears to have a greater heap residency than
any other phase, which is a little surprising.  Is my (Happy output)
code just pathological, or is this a Real Problem?


Not very Happy.

1997-07-18 Thread Alex Ferguson

Further to my previous comments about ghc-2.04 and Happy output, I
can report that having mangled happy-0.9 output to work with 1.4ish
arrays, the situation is more dire yet.  For the same happy input
program as previously reported, ghc _really_ struggles to compile
the -a output -- with a 100Mb heap under Solaris, it doesn't get past
the DeSugar phase.  (I'd tell you what happens with a 120Mb heap, but
it's still trashing one of our Ultras quite senseless.)  Must be a
space-leak, surely?


2.04 memory/code-bloat.

1997-07-15 Thread Alex Ferguson

Hi all.

To my horror, I've just discovered that ghc-2.04 appears to reverse the
recent trend of ghc releases by being significantly less efficient on
one of our Problem Child programs.  In particular, it both takes (even)
more memory to compile; and the object code size is (even!) bigger.

The program itself is a 292-rule Happy output text, in case this rings
a bell with anyone.  Under 2.02, it compiles in a "mere" 80Mb (probably
less, in fact), and produces a .o which is a tad over 1Mb in size.
Under 2.04, it seriously struggles to compile in 100MB (sob), and the
object code is nearer 2Mb.  Even that requires some juggling with compiler
flags; too many loops of the core2core simplifier, and it runs out of
heap in that phase; too few, and it runs out of heap in the code generator.

So my question is, does anyone have a clue what's going on, and better
yet, how to fix it?  Is there some 2.04-only optimisation that interacts
badly with this particular program, or is the compiler behaving "leakily"?
I'm suspecting the first is the more likely culprit at this point, from
the difference in simplifier activity between the two cases.

All advice gratefully received.


The wonderful thing about Standards...

1997-03-26 Thread Alex Ferguson

... is that there's yet another of them!

Simon L Peyton Jones ordains:
> Don't bother with 2.01.

The trouble with regarding 2.02 as a Mere Bugfix Release are all those
*term deleted* library incompatibilities.  Why is the August Committee
_still_ rearranging these things in seemingly incosequential ways, might
I be so bold as to ask?  Adding to the Libraries, or even moving things
from the Prelude to libaries, as Chris suggests for the more allegedly-
arcane features of "Read" is all very well; but deleting and renaming
functions from modules like List and Maybe, brings to (at least this
addled) mind the phrase Make an End to It.

Somewhat irascible after having spent the afternoon massaging imports,

Re: Free Haggis: 1.3 Interface File Error?

1996-11-22 Thread Alex . Ferguson

> Has anyone seen the following ghc-2.01 patch 0 (Haskell 1.3) 
> interface file error? It's got me stumped!

The eponymous individual below types:

> satnam@albatross> make
> ghc -fglasgow-exts -syslib hbc -c HaskellHard.lhs
> Interface-file parse error: line 1 toks= [ITinstance, ITqconid 
BitOps.BitClass, ITqconid Prelude.Float, ITsemi, ITinstance, ITqconid 
BitOps.BitClass, ITqconid Prelude.Int, ITsemi, ITinstance, ITqconid NSI.NSI]

Hi Satnam,
This is very much stream-of-consciousness comment, but this _looks_ rather
like the sort of error I've fumbled my way into (and sometimes out of)
by inadvertently having ghc-2 import a ghc-0 input file...
