Re: ANNOUNCE: GHC 7.8.1 Release Candidate 1

2014-02-05 Thread Ryan Newton
I had some similar problems and had to fiddle with my DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH so
that ghc-related executables would see the libffi.dylib that comes with GHC
before any of my system-wide installed libffi.dylib.

Why the permissive @rpath link for libffi.dylib if the GHC executables are
supposed to come with their own?

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 8:15 AM, Barney Stratford wrote:

 I've been attempting to build under Mac OS X Mavericks and have run into
 some problems. My iconv and gmp are installed in non-standard locations
 using Fink. When configuring

 barneys-imac:ghc-7.8.20140130 bjs$ ./configure
 --prefix=/Users/bjs/Desktop/ghc --with-iconv-includes=/sw/include
 --with-gmp-includes=/sw/include --with-iconv-libraries=/sw/lib
 configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-iconv-includes,

 and then the installed executable can't itself build ghc from source
 because of the missing iconv libraries. I noticed that ./configure --help
 doesn't mention --with-iconv-* in the Mavericks install files but it does
 in the source build.

 Any ideas?

 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Call for talks: Haskell Implementors Workshop 2013, Sept 22, Boston

2013-07-30 Thread Ryan Newton
Please pass on this announcement!  The deadline is in two weeks.*
* Call for Talks*
   ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Implementors' Workshop
Boston, USA, September 22th, 2013
The workshop will be held in conjunction with ICFP 2013

*Important dates*

Proposal Deadline:  *13th August2013 (by midnight, any timezone)*
Notification:   27th August2013
Workshop:   22th September 2013

The Haskell Implementors' Workshop is to be held alongside ICFP 2013
this year in Boston. There will be no proceedings; it is an informal
gathering of people involved in the design and development of Haskell
implementations, tools, libraries, and supporting infrastructure.

This relatively new workshop reflects the growth of the user community:
there is a clear need for a well-supported tool chain for the
development, distribution, deployment, and configuration of Haskell
software. The aim is for this workshop to give the people involved with
building the infrastructure behind this ecosystem an opportunity to bat
around ideas, share experiences, and ask for feedback from fellow

We intend the workshop to have an informal and interactive feel, with a
flexible timetable and plenty of room for ad-hoc discussion, demos, and
impromptu short talks.

Scope and target audience

It is important to distinguish the Haskell Implementors' Workshop from
the Haskell Symposium which is also co-located with ICFP 2013. The
Haskell Symposium is for the publication of Haskell-related research. In
contrast, the Haskell Implementors' Workshop will have no proceedings --
although we will aim to make talk videos, slides and presented data
available with the consent of the speakers.

In the Haskell Implementors' Workshop, we hope to study the underlying
technology. We want to bring together anyone interested in the
nitty-gritty details behind turning plain-text source code into a
deployed product. Having said that, members of the wider Haskell
community are more than welcome to attend the workshop -- we need your
feedback to keep the Haskell ecosystem thriving.

The scope covers any of the following topics. There may be some topics
that people feel we've missed, so by all means submit a proposal even if
it doesn't fit exactly into one of these buckets:

  * Compilation techniques
  * Language features and extensions
  * Type system implementation
  * Concurrency and parallelism: language design and implementation
  * Performance, optimisation and benchmarking
  * Virtual machines and run-time systems
  * Libraries and tools for development or deployment


At this stage we would like to invite proposals from potential speakers
for a relatively short talk. We are aiming for 20 minute talks with 10
minutes for questions and changeovers. We want to hear from people
writing compilers, tools, or libraries, people with cool ideas for
directions in which we should take the platform, proposals for new
features to be implemented, and half-baked crazy ideas. Please submit a
talk title and abstract of no more than 200 words.

Submissions should be made via EasyChair.  The website is:

If you don't have an account you can create one here:

Because the submission is an abstract only, please click the abstract
only button when you make your submission.  There is no need to
attach a separate file.

We will also have a lightning talks session which will be organised on
the day. These talks will be 2-10 minutes, depending on available time.
Suggested topics for lightning talks are to present a single idea, a
work-in-progress project, a problem to intrigue and perplex Haskell
implementors, or simply to ask for feedback and collaborators.


  * Ryan Newton(Indiana University)
  * Neal Glew  (Intel Labs)
  * Edward Yang(Stanford University)
  * Thomas Schilling   (University of Kent)
  * Geoffrey Mainland  (Drexel University)
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: PSA: GHC can now be built with Clang

2013-07-01 Thread Ryan Newton
By the way, on the topic of these preformance comparisons -- has anyone
tried building the RTS with the Intel C compiler?  (They try very hard at
being a drop-in GHC replacement.)
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: PSA: GHC can now be built with Clang

2013-07-01 Thread Ryan Newton
Err, GCC replacement.  But, ironically, GHC [backend] replacement as well,
as of the recent ICFP paper.

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 12:03 PM, Ryan Newton wrote:

 By the way, on the topic of these preformance comparisons -- has anyone
 tried building the RTS with the Intel C compiler?  (They try very hard at
 being a drop-in GHC replacement.)

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Who uses Travis CI and can help write a cookbook for those guys?

2013-06-28 Thread Ryan Newton
The Travis folks have decided they want to support Haskell better (multiple
compiler versions):

(Yay!)  They're asking for someone to help them up with setup scripts.
 They mention their cookbook collection here:

In that thread above, I pasted our little script that fetches and installs
multiple GHC versions, but I have little experiences with cloud
technologies  VMs.  Can someone jump in and help push this forward?

As a community I'm sure it would be great to get a higher percentage of
Hackage packages using simple, hosted continuous testing... I'd personally
like to replace my Jenkins install if they can get the necessary GHC
versions in there.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC Performance Tsar

2012-12-06 Thread Ryan Newton
I'm particularly interested in parallel performance in the 8 core space.
 (In fact, we saw some regressions from 7.2-7.4 that we never tracked down
properly, but maybe can now.)

If the buildbot can make it easy to add a new slave machine that runs and
uploads its result to a central location, then I would be happy to donate a
few hours of dedicated time (no other logins) on a 32 core westmere
machine, and hopefully other architectures soon.

Maybe, this use case is well-covered by creating a jenkins/travis slave and
letting it move the data around?  (CodeSpeed looks pretty nice too.)


On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Ben Lippmeier wrote:

 On 01/12/2012, at 1:42 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

  |  While writing a new nofib benchmark today I found myself wondering
  |  whether all the nofib benchmarks are run just before each release,
  I think we could do with a GHC Performance Tsar.  Especially now that
 Simon has changed jobs, we need to try even harder to broaden the base of
 people who help with GHC.  It would be amazing to have someone who was
 willing to:
  * Run nofib benchmarks regularly, and publish the results
  * Keep baseline figures for GHC 7.6, 7.4, etc so we can keep
track of regressions
  * Investigate regressions to see where they come from; ideally
propose fixes.
  * Extend nofib to contain more representative programs (as Johan is
currently doing).
  That would help keep us on the straight and narrow.

 I was running a performance regression buildbot for a while a year ago,
 but gave it up because I didn't have time to chase down the breakages. At
 the time we were primarily worried about the asymptotic performance of DPH,
 and fretting about a few percent absolute performance was too much of a

 However: if someone wants to pick this up then they may get some use out
 of the code I wrote for it. The dph-buildbot package in the DPH repository
 should still compile. This package uses which includes code
 for running tests, collecting the timings, comparing against a baseline,
 making pretty reports etc. There is then a second package buildbox-tools
 which has a command line tool for listing the benchmarks that have deviated
 from the baseline by a particular amount.

 Here is an example of a report that dph-buildbot made:


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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: memory fragmentation with ghc-7.6.1

2012-10-01 Thread Ryan Newton
Hi Ben,

I would bet on the same memory issues Simon mentioned.  But... while you're
at it would you mind trying a little experiment to share your work items
through a lockfree queue rather than a TQueue?

Under some situations this can yield some benefit.  But again, you didn't
see workers retrying transactions so this is probably not an issue.


On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 4:18 AM, Simon Marlow wrote:

 Hi Ben,

 My guess would be that you're running into some kind of memory bottleneck.
  Three common ones are:

   (1) total memory bandwidth
   (2) cache ping-ponging
   (3) NUMA overheads

 You would run into (1) if you were using an allocation area size (-A or
 -H) larger than the L2 cache.  Your stats seem to indicate that you're
 running with a large heap - could that be the case?

 (2) happens if you share data a lot between cores.  It can also happen if
 the RTS shares data between cores, but I've tried to squash as much of that
 as I can.

 (3) is sadly something that happens on these large AMD machines (and to
 some extent large multicore Intel boxes too).  Improving our NUMA support
 is something we really need to do.  NUMA overheads tend to manifest as very
 unpredictable runtimes.

 I suggest using perf to gather some low-level stats about cache misses and


 On 29/09/2012 07:47, Ben Gamari wrote:

 Simon Marlow writes:

  On 28/09/12 17:36, Ben Gamari wrote:

 Unfortunately, after poking around I found a few obvious problems with
 both the code and my testing configuration which explained the
 performance drop. Things seem to be back to normal now. Sorry for the
 noise! Great job on the new codegen.

 That's good to hear, thanks for letting me know!

  Of course!

 That being said, I have run in to a bit of a performance issue which
 could be related to the runtime system. In particular, as I scale up in
 thread count (from 6 up to 48, the core count of the machine) in my
 program[1] (test data available), I'm seeing the total runtime increase,
 as well as a corresponding increase in CPU-seconds used. This despite
 the RTS claiming consistently high (~94%) productivity. Meanwhile
 Threadscope shows that nearly all of my threads are working busily with
 very few STM retries and no idle time. This in an application which
 should scale reasonably well (or so I believe). Attached below you will
 find a crude listing of various runtime statistics over a variety of
 thread counts (ranging into what should probably be regarded as the
 absurdly large).

 The application is a parallel Gibbs sampler for learning probabilistic
 graphical models. It involves a set of worker threads (updateWorkers)
 pulling work units off of a common TQueue. After grabbing a work unit,
 the thread will read a reference to the current global state from an
 IORef. It will then begin a long-running calculation, resulting in a
 small value (forced to normal form with deepseq) which it then
 communicates back to a global update thread (diffWorker) in the form of
 a lambda through another TQueue. The global update thread then maps the
 global state (the same as was read from the IORef earlier) through this
 lambda with atomicModifyIORef'. This is all implemented in [2].

 I do understand that I'm asking a lot of the language and I have been
 quite impressed by how well Haskell and GHC have stood up to the
 challenge thusfar. That being said, the behavior I'm seeing seems a bit
 strange. If synchronization overhead were the culprit, I'd expect to
 observe STM retries or thread blocking, which I do not see (by eye it
 seems that STM retries occur on the order of 5/second and worker threads
 otherwise appear to run uninterrupted except for GC; GHC event log
 from a 16 thread run available here[3]). If GC were the problem, I would
 expect this to be manifested in the productivity, which it is clearly
 not. Do you have any idea what else might be causing such extreme
 performance degradation with higher thread counts? I would appreciate
 any input you would have to offer.

 Thanks for all of your work!


 - Ben


 Performance of Citation Influence model on lda-handcraft data set
 1115 arcs, 702 nodes, 50 items per node average
 100 sweeps in blocks of 10, 200 topics
 Running with +RTS -A1G
 ghc-7.7 9c15249e082642f9c4c0113133afd7**8f07f1ade2

 Cores  User time (s)  

Re: containing memory-consuming computations

2012-07-16 Thread Ryan Newton
Simon mentioned a system of doing multiple GC's to measure actual live data.

But wouldn't a more limited alternative be capping *allocation* rather than
live data?  GHC already has an mechanism to preempt IO threads based on an
allocation trip wire.  In fact that's *the* preemption mechanism.  Isn't
the only piece missing to have a primitive similar to chez Scheme's

... which would transfer control to a child computation, but would return
control to the parent (along with a continuation) when its allocation
budget is exhausted?

Make-engine + safe-haskell + timeouts should be everything one needs to
resist an adversarial untrusted program.  Maybe?


P.S. Chez Scheme engines are actually related to # procedure calls, not
allocation as far as I know.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 7:35 PM, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

 Excerpts from Brandon Allbery's message of Fri Apr 20 19:31:54 -0400 2012:
   So, it would be pretty interesting if we could have an ST s style
   mechanism, where the data structure is not allowed to escape.
   But I wonder if this would be too cumbersome for anyone to use.
  Isn't this what monadic regions are for?

 That's right!  But we have a hard enough time convincing people it's
 worth it, just for file handles.


 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: parallel garbage collection performance

2012-06-25 Thread Ryan Newton

 However, the parallel GC will be a problem if one or more of your cores is
 being used by other process(es) on the machine.  In that case, the GC
 synchronisation will stall and performance will go down the drain.  You can
 often see this on a ThreadScope profile as a big delay during GC while the
 other cores wait for the delayed core.  Make sure your machine is quiet
 and/or use one fewer cores than the total available.  It's not usually a
 good idea to use hyperthreaded cores either.

Does it ever help to set the number of GC threads greater than
numCapabilities to over-partition the GC work?  The idea would be to enable
some load balancing in the face of perturbation from external load on the

It looks like GHC 6.10 had a -g flag for this that later went away?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Potential GSoC proposal: Reduce the speed gap between 'ghc -c' and 'ghc --make'

2012-05-23 Thread Ryan Newton wrote:
  Thanks. I'll look into how to optimise .hi loading by more traditional
  means, then.

 Lennart is working on speeding up the binary package (which I believe
 is used to decode the .hi files.) His work might benefit this effort.

Last time I tested it, mmap still offered better performance than fread on
linux.  In addition to improving the deserialization code it would seem
like a good idea to mmap the whole file at the outset as well.

It seems like readBinMem is the relevant function (readIFace -
readBinIFace - readBinMem), which occurs here:

Currently it does one big hGetBuf to read the file.  Since the interface
files aren't changing dynamically, I think it's safe to just replace this
code with an mmap.

It's nice to see that we have several wrapped versions of mmap provided on

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Potential GSoC proposal: Reduce the speed gap between 'ghc -c' and 'ghc --make'

2012-05-17 Thread Ryan Newton
Mikhail's original question was about loading interface files for entire
packages with mmap.

As a wild thought experiment, if GHC had a saved-heaps capability, I
believe that would avoid the Unique issues with mmap'ing individual data
structures that Simon mentioned.  How about if each whole-package interface
were then a GHC saved heap that, when booted, would become an interface
server that would communicate with, and be shared by, other GHC build
server processes.


On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 4:57 AM, Simon Marlow wrote:

 On 26/04/2012 23:32, Johan Tibell wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 2:34 PM, Mikhail Glushenkov**  wrote:

 Thanks. I'll look into how to optimise .hi loading by more traditional
 means, then.

 Lennart is working on speeding up the binary package (which I believe
 is used to decode the .hi files.) His work might benefit this effort.

 We're still using our own Binary library in GHC.  There's no good reason
 for that, unless using the binary package would be a performance
 regression. (we don't know whether that's the case or not, with the current


 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Potential GSoC proposal: Reduce the speed gap between 'ghc -c' and 'ghc --make'

2012-04-25 Thread Ryan Newton

 The idea that I currently like the most is to make it possible to save
 and load objects in the GHC heap format. That way, deserialisation
 could be done with a simple fread() and a fast pointer fixup pass,
 which would hopefully make running many 'ghc -c' processes as fast as
 a single 'ghc --make'. This trick is commonly employed in the games
 industry to speed-up load times [1]. Given that Haskell is a
 garbage-collected language, the implementation will be trickier than
 in C++ and will have to be done on the RTS level.

 Is this a good idea? How hard it would be to implement this optimisation?

 I believe OCaml does something like this.

Interesting.  What does OCaml do in this department?  A bit of googling
didn't turn up a link.

For many years Chez scheme had a saved heaps capability.  It was recently
dropped because of the preponderance of SE Linux which randomizes addresses
and messes it up, but here's the doc for V7:

I've always wondered why there weren't more language implementations with
saved heaps.  Under Chez the startup times were amazing (a 50KLOC compiler
a two second load would become 4 milleseconds).  Google Dart apparently has
or will have saved heaps.  It seems like an obvious choice (caching
initialized heaps) for enormous websites with slow load times like GMail.

Chez also has pretty fast serialization to a binary FASL (fast loading)
format, but I'm not sure if those were mmap'ed into the heap on load or
required some parsing.  The gamasutra link that Mikhail provided seems to
describe a process where the programmer knows exactly what the expected
heap representation is for a particular object is, and manually creates it.
 Sounds like walking on thin ice.

Do we know of any memory safe GC'd language implementations that can dump a
single object (rather than the whole heap)?  Would invoke the GC in a
special way to trace the structure and copy it into a new region (to make
it contiguous)?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: containing memory-consuming computations

2012-04-19 Thread Ryan Newton
Hi Herbert,

It sounds like you're interested in running just one client computation at
once?  Hence you don't have a disambiguation problem -- if the total memory
footprint crosses a threshold you know who to blame.

At least this seems easier than needing a per-computation or per-IO-thread
caps.  By the way, the folks who implement Second Life did an interesting
job of that -- they hacked Mono to be able to execute untrusted code with
resource bounds.


On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 6:45 AM, Herbert Valerio Riedel wrote:

 Hello GHC Devs,

 One issue that's been bothering me when writing Haskell programs meant
 to be long-running processes performing computations on external
 input-data in terms of an event/request-loop (think web-services,
 SQL-servers, or REPLs), that it is desirable to be able to limit
 resource-usage and be able to contain the effects of computations
 which exhausts the resource-limits (i.e. w/o crashing and burning the
 whole process)

 For the time-dimension, I'm already using functions such as
 System.Timeout.timeout which I can use to make sure that even a (forced)
 pure computation doesn't require (significantly) more wall-clock time
 than I expect it to.

 But I'm missing a similar facility for constraining the
 space-dimension. In some other languages such as C, I have (more or
 less) the ability to check for /local/ out-of-memory conditions (e.g. by
 checking the return value of e.g. malloc(3) for heap-allocations, or by
 handling an OOM exception), rollback the computation, and be able to
 skip to the next computation request (which hopefully requires less

 So, is there already any such facility provided by the GHC Platform I've
 missed so far?

 ...and if not, would such a memory-limiting facility be reconcilable
 with the GHC RTS architecture?


 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Code review for new primop's CMM code?

2012-03-29 Thread Ryan Newton
Perhaps a question mark is more appropriate in the title.  It is a code
review I am seeking, not one on offer ;-).

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 12:56 AM, Ryan Newton wrote:

 Hi all,

 In preparation for students working on concurrent data structures GSOC(s),
 I wanted to make sure they could count on CAS for array elements as well as
 IORefs.  The following patch represents my first attempt:

 It passes a simple test [Appendix 2 below], but I am very unsure as to
 whether the GC write barrier is correct.  Could someone do a code-review on
 the following few lines of CMM:

if (GET_INFO(arr) == stg_MUT_ARR_PTRS_CLEAN_info) {
   SET_HDR(arr, stg_MUT_ARR_PTRS_DIRTY_info, CCCS);
   len = StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs(arr);
   // The write barrier.  We must write a byte into the mark table:
   I8[arr + SIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs + WDS(len) + (ind 


 -- Appendix 1: First draft code CMM definition for casArray#
 /* MutableArray# s a - Int# - a - a - State# s - (# State# s, Int#, a
 #) */
W_ arr, p, ind, old, new, h, len;
arr = R1; // anything else?
ind = R2;
old = R3;
new = R4;

p = arr + SIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs + WDS(ind);
(h) = foreign C cas(p, old, new) [];

if (h != old) {
// Failure, return what was there instead of 'old':
} else {
// Compare and Swap Succeeded:
if (GET_INFO(arr) == stg_MUT_ARR_PTRS_CLEAN_info) {
   SET_HDR(arr, stg_MUT_ARR_PTRS_DIRTY_info, CCCS);
   len = StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs(arr);
   // The write barrier.  We must write a byte into the mark table:
   I8[arr + SIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs + WDS(len) + (ind 

 -- Appendix 2:  Simple test file; when run it should print:
 -- Perform a CAS within a MutableArray#
 --   1st try should succeed: (True,33)
 -- 2nd should fail: (False,44)
 -- Printing array:
 --   33  33  33  44  33
 -- Done.
 {-# Language MagicHash, UnboxedTuples  #-}

 import GHC.IO
 import GHC.IORef
 import GHC.ST
 import GHC.STRef
 import GHC.Prim
 import GHC.Base
 import Data.Primitive.Array
 import Control.Monad


 -- -- | Write a value to the array at the given index:
 casArrayST :: MutableArray s a - Int - a - a - ST s (Bool, a)
 casArrayST (MutableArray arr#) (I# i#) old new = ST$ \s1# -
  case casArray# arr# i# old new s1# of
(# s2#, x#, res #) - (# s2#, (x# ==# 0#, res) #)

 {-# NOINLINE mynum #-}
 mynum :: Int
 mynum = 33

 main = do
  putStrLn Perform a CAS within a MutableArray#
  arr - newArray 5 mynum

  res  - stToIO$ casArrayST arr 3 mynum 44
  res2 - stToIO$ casArrayST arr 3 mynum 44
  putStrLn$   1st try should succeed: ++show res
  putStrLn$ 2nd should fail: ++show res2

  putStrLn Printing array:
  forM_ [0..4] $ \ i - do
x - readArray arr i
putStr (  ++show x)
  putStrLn Done.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Code review for new primop's CMM code.

2012-03-28 Thread Ryan Newton
Hi all,

In preparation for students working on concurrent data structures GSOC(s),
I wanted to make sure they could count on CAS for array elements as well as
IORefs.  The following patch represents my first attempt:

It passes a simple test [Appendix 2 below], but I am very unsure as to
whether the GC write barrier is correct.  Could someone do a code-review on
the following few lines of CMM:

   if (GET_INFO(arr) == stg_MUT_ARR_PTRS_CLEAN_info) {
  SET_HDR(arr, stg_MUT_ARR_PTRS_DIRTY_info, CCCS);
  len = StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs(arr);
  // The write barrier.  We must write a byte into the mark table:
  I8[arr + SIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs + WDS(len) + (ind 


-- Appendix 1: First draft code CMM definition for casArray#
/* MutableArray# s a - Int# - a - a - State# s - (# State# s, Int#, a
#) */
   W_ arr, p, ind, old, new, h, len;
   arr = R1; // anything else?
   ind = R2;
   old = R3;
   new = R4;

   p = arr + SIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs + WDS(ind);
   (h) = foreign C cas(p, old, new) [];

   if (h != old) {
   // Failure, return what was there instead of 'old':
   } else {
   // Compare and Swap Succeeded:
   if (GET_INFO(arr) == stg_MUT_ARR_PTRS_CLEAN_info) {
  SET_HDR(arr, stg_MUT_ARR_PTRS_DIRTY_info, CCCS);
  len = StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs(arr);
  // The write barrier.  We must write a byte into the mark table:
  I8[arr + SIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs + WDS(len) + (ind 

-- Appendix 2:  Simple test file; when run it should print:
-- Perform a CAS within a MutableArray#
--   1st try should succeed: (True,33)
-- 2nd should fail: (False,44)
-- Printing array:
--   33  33  33  44  33
-- Done.
{-# Language MagicHash, UnboxedTuples  #-}

import GHC.IO
import GHC.IORef
import GHC.ST
import GHC.STRef
import GHC.Prim
import GHC.Base
import Data.Primitive.Array
import Control.Monad

-- -- | Write a value to the array at the given index:
casArrayST :: MutableArray s a - Int - a - a - ST s (Bool, a)
casArrayST (MutableArray arr#) (I# i#) old new = ST$ \s1# -
 case casArray# arr# i# old new s1# of
   (# s2#, x#, res #) - (# s2#, (x# ==# 0#, res) #)

{-# NOINLINE mynum #-}
mynum :: Int
mynum = 33

main = do
 putStrLn Perform a CAS within a MutableArray#
 arr - newArray 5 mynum

 res  - stToIO$ casArrayST arr 3 mynum 44
 res2 - stToIO$ casArrayST arr 3 mynum 44
 putStrLn$   1st try should succeed: ++show res
 putStrLn$ 2nd should fail: ++show res2

 putStrLn Printing array:
 forM_ [0..4] $ \ i - do
   x - readArray arr i
   putStr (  ++show x)
 putStrLn Done.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Abstracting over things that can be unpacked

2012-03-03 Thread Ryan Newton
+1 !

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:

 Hi all,

 These ideas are still in very early stages. I present them here in hope of
 starting a discussion. (We discussed this quite a bit at last year's ICFP,
 I hope this slightly different take on the problem might lead to new ideas.)

 I think the next big step in Haskell performance is going to come from
 using better data representation in common types such as list, sets, and
 maps. Today these polymorphic data structures use both more memory and have
 more indirections than necessary, due to boxing of values. This boxing is
 due to the values being stored in fields of polymorphic type.

 First idea: instead of rejecting unpack pragmas on polymorphic fields,
 have them require a class constraint on the field types. Example:

 data UnboxPair a b = (Unbox a, Unbox b) = UP {-# UNPACK #-} !a {-#
 UNPACK #-} !b

 The Unbox type class would be similar in spirit to the class with the same
 name in the vector package, but be implemented internally by GHC. To a
 first approximation instances would only exist for fields that unpack to
 non-pointer types (e.g. Int.)

 Second idea: Introduce a new pragma, that has similar effect on
 representations as DPH's [::] vector type. This new pragma does deep
 unpacking, allowing for more types to be instances of the Unbox type e.g.
 pairs. Example:

 data T = C {-# UNWRAP #-} (a, b)

 If you squint a bit this pragma does the same as [: (a, b) :], except no
 vectors are involved. The final representation would be the
 unpacked representation of a and b, concatenated together (e.g. (Int, Int)
 would result in the field above being 128-bit wide on a 64-bit machine.

 The meta-idea tying these two ideas together is to allow for some
 abstraction over representation transforming pragmas, such as UNPACK.

 P.S. Before someone suggest using type families. Please read my email
 titled Avoiding O(n^2) instances when using associated data types to
 unpack values into constructors.


 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

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Re: parallel build fixes for 7.4.2

2012-02-24 Thread Ryan Newton
By the way, it looks like the documentation for createDirectoryIfMissing
doesn't mention anything about its safety under concurrent invocation.

Looking at the code, it looks like it is safe (it handles the already exist

But maybe the docs could reflect that


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 3:16 AM, Conrad Parker wrote:


 recently we've been tweaking our internal build system at Tsuru to
 handle parallel builds of both cabal packages via 'cabal-sort
 --makefile' and our local code tree via 'ghc -M'. In addition to the
 recompilation checker fixes of #5878, the following would be great to
 have in 7.4.2:

 1) -- the patch fixes
 a race condition in creating parent directories for built object files

 2) master commit b6f94b5 Compile link .note section separately from
 main.c -- I think this is the patch that fixes link errors we've seen
 during parallel builds (via ghc -M) with 7.4.1, such as:

 /x/y/z.o: file not recognized: File truncated


 /usr/bin/ld: BFD (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.20.51-system.20100908
 internal error, aborting at ../../bfd/merge.c line 872 in

 Will everything currently in master already be included in the next
 release or is it a separate branch? (If it's a separate branch I'll do
 some more testing to confirm that b6f94b5 is the patch that fixes the
 link error).


 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

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Re: ghc-cabal-Random

2012-01-02 Thread Ryan Newton
Just FYI it is possible to use OLD cabal binaries with the new GHC 7.4.
 No need to necessarily rebuild cabal-install with GHC 7.4.

I do this all the time.  Perhaps it's a bad practice ;-).


On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 8:07 AM, Brent Yorgey wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 02, 2012 at 04:35:25PM +0400, Serge D. Mechveliani wrote:
  On Sun, Jan 01, 2012 at 07:51:39AM -0500, Ryan Newton wrote:
   I haven't entirely followed this and I see that it's been split over
   multiple threads.
   Did cabal install random actually fail for you under
   ghc-  If so I'd love to know about it as the maintainer
   of the random package.  (It seems to work for me for
  cabal install random
  cannot run in my situation, because I have not  cabal  usable in the
  command line (I only have the Cabal library in the place where the
  ghc- libraries are installed).
  My idea is that having installed GHC, I use the GHC packages and,
  do not need to install Cabal (why complicate things?, why force a DoCon
  user to install extra software?).

 It is not really forcing them to install extra software.  Pretty
 much everyone these days will already have the Haskell Platform, which
 comes with cabal-install anyway.


 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2012-01-02 Thread Ryan Newton
On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones

 | The lack of response, I believe, is just a lack of anyone who
 | can cut through all the noise and come up with some
 | practical way to move forward in one of the many possible
 | directions.

 You're right.

There are a few tens of thousands of Haskell programmers now, right?

I think a significant fraction of them would in fact appreciate the basic
dot syntax and namespace-fixes that TDNR proposed.

I fear that record-packages-as-libraries are unlikely to be used by a large
number of people.  Are they now?  I love do-it-in-the-language as a
principle, but I've watched it really impair the Scheme community with
respect to many language features.  (Recall your experiences, if you've had
them, with homebrew Scheme OOP systems.)  It seems hard for non-standard
language extensions to gain wide use.  Though, to be fair, Haskell's basic
types have a history of being replaced by widely accepted alternatives
(Vector, ByteString).

In spite of its limitations, was there that much of a negative response to
Simon's more recent proposal?


This is a great bang-for-the-buck proposal; it leverages the existing
multiparameter type classes in a sensible way.

I admit I'm a big fan of polymorphic extension.  But I don't love it enough
for it to impede progress!

Regarding extension:  In trying to read through all this material I don't
see a lot of love for lacks constraints a la TRex.  As one anecdote, I've
been very pleased using Daan Leijen's scoped labels approach.  I
implemented it for my embedded stream processing DSL (WaveScript) and wrote
10K lines of application code with it.  I never once ran into a bug
resulting from shadowed/duplicate fields!


 But it is very telling that the vast majority of responses on
 were not about the subject (leadership) but rather on suggesting yet more,
 incompletely-specified solutions to the original problem.  My modest
 attempt to build a consensus by articulating the simplest solution I could
 think of, manifestly failed.

 The trouble is that I just don't have the bandwidth (or, if I'm honest,
 the motivation) to drive this through to a conclusion. And if no one else
 does either, perhaps it isn't *that* important to anyone.  That said, it
 clearly is *somewhat* important to a lot of people, so doing nothing isn't
 very satisfactory either.

 Usually I feel I know how to move forward, but here I don't.


 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: ghc-cabal-Random

2012-01-01 Thread Ryan Newton
I haven't entirely followed this and I see that it's been split over
multiple threads.

Did cabal install random actually fail for you under
ghc-  If so I'd love to know about it as the maintainer
of the random package.  (It seems to work for me for

That said, I'm sure AC-random is a fine alternative, and there are
many other packages on Hackage as well, including cryptographic
strength ones (crypto-api, intel-aes, etc).


On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 7:11 AM, Yitzchak Gale wrote:
 I wrote:
 Today, it is very unusual to use GHC by itself.
 To use Haskell, you install the Haskell Platform.
 That is GHC together with Cabal and a basic
 set of libraries. It is very easy to install.

 Wolfram Kahl wrote:
 However, since you are willing and able to test bleeding-edge versions of 
 you need to be able to live without the platform, which typically
 catches up to GHC versions only within a couple of months.

 It's true that the platform provides a stable version of GHC,
 as needed by most people, not the bleeding edge. But even if you need
 GHC HEAD you would typically use cabal. Unless for some reason
 you need to shuffle around manually the various pieces that get built,
 follow trees
 of package dependencies manually, etc. There are some people
 who need to do it, and it is doable, though much more
 complicated and error-prone than just using cabal.

 Almost all Haskell software is expected to
 be installed using Cabal nowadays.

 It is important to know that people associate two packages
 with the name ``Cabal''

 They are closely interconnected though. If you use the platform,
 that distinction is not very important. It just works.

 Life without cabal-install is not only possible,
 but also safer.

 I disagree with that. Manual processes are error-prone.

 With experience, you can learn how
 to do things totally manually, just like you can learn to
 build C projects manually without make, and with even
 more experience, you can learn to avoid all of the
 pitfalls. It's a good thing to know, but I wouldn't put
 it at first priority unless there's a special reason for it.

 (See also: )

 The Cabal system is quite mature now, but still far
 from perfect. Problems can arise. Most of the problems
 are inherent to the DLL Hell that can occur in any
 separate compilation system, and some arise from the fact
 that Cabal's dependency solver needs improvement (that's
 a hard problem).

 That link is a detailed write-up of just about everything
 that can possibly go wrong. In my experience, none of that
 happens until you've been using an installation for a long time,
 or if you are very trigger-happy with upgrading packages to the latest
 version for no reason. Or if you're using a package with a huge amount
 of fast-changing dependencies, like one of the web frameworks.

 Even then, it's almost always easy enough just to re-install the
 platform to get a fresh install. Your next few compiles will take a
 few minutes longer as some packages get rebuilt, but that's about it.

 To avoid that altogether, I use cabal-dev. This allows me to
 build a package I am working on in a sandbox with just the
 dependencies it needs, tailored exactly for the needs
 of my specific package. Cabal-dev also makes it
 easy to experiment with how users will experience
 building my package.

 It's good to know all the intricacies of the build system,
 and what is happening beneath the surface if it gets
 lost. The linked article is a worthwhile read for that.


 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

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Way to expose BLACKHOLES through an API?

2011-11-07 Thread Ryan Newton
Hi GHC users,

When implementing certain concurrent systems-level software in Haskell
it is good to be aware of all potentially blocking operations.
Presently, blocking on an MVar is explicit (it only happens when you
do a takeMVar), but blocking on a BLACKHOLE is implicit and can
potentially happen anywhere.

If there are known thunks where we, the programmers, know that
contention might occur, would it be possible to create a variant of
Control.Monad.Evaluate that allows us to construct non-blocking

   evaluate :: a - IO a
   evaluateNonblocking :: a - IO (Maybe a)

It would simply return Nothing if the value is BLACKHOLE'd.  Of course
it may be helpful to also distinguish the evaluated and unevaluated
states.  Further, the above simple version allows data-races (it may
become blackhole'd right after we evaluate).  An extreme version would
actively blackhole it to lock the thunk... but maybe that's overkill
and there are some other good ideas out there.

A mechanism like the proposed should, for example, allow us to consume
just as much of a lazy Bytestring as has already been computed by a
producer, WITHOUT blocking and waiting on that producer thread, or
migrating the producer computation over to our own thread (blowing its


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Way to expose BLACKHOLES through an API?

2011-11-07 Thread Ryan Newton
Jan voted for the explicit lockAndBlackhole version as safer.

I realize that for the Bytestring example all you would want to gently
consume what is already available is WHNF detection alone.  In that
scenario you don't want to evaluate anything, just consume what is already

I would propose that when you do want to explicitly and actively blackhole
something that that call be non-blocking (i.e. if someone else has already
blackhole'd you don't wait).  So the state machine would go:

tryAcquire x =
 case unsafeRTStatus x of
   Blackhole   - return Nothing
   Unevaluated - do b - tryBlackhole x
 if b
  then return (Just x)
  else return Nothing
   Evaluated   - return (Just x)

 It would simply return Nothing if the value is BLACKHOLE'd.  Of course
 it may be helpful to also distinguish the evaluated and unevaluated
 states.  Further, the above simple version allows data-races (it may
 become blackhole'd right after we evaluate).  An extreme version would
 actively blackhole it to lock the thunk... but maybe that's overkill
 and there are some other good ideas out there.

 I'd submit that your latter suggestion is far safer: return Nothing
 unless we successfully blackhole the thunk or find that it's already
 been evaluated.  We actually *know* the blocking behavior we'll get,
 and it's behavior we can't easily obtain through any other mechanism
 (eg we'd have to add multiple unsafe indirections through mutable
 cells into the lazy bytestring implementation to obtain the same
 behavior in any other way, and essentially write out the laziness
 longhand losing the benefits of indirection removal and so forth).

 A mechanism like the proposed should, for example, allow us to consume
 just as much of a lazy Bytestring as has already been computed by a
 producer, WITHOUT blocking and waiting on that producer thread, or
 migrating the producer computation over to our own thread (blowing its

 For that you probably want WHNF-or-not detection as well (at least if
 you want to schedule streaming of computation.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Making a small GHC installation

2011-10-11 Thread Ryan Newton
Also, I find UPX essential in this kind of situation.  It can make
self-decompressing executables without a noticable slowdown (in fact, a
speedup on network drives!).

Typically I see something like this:

  ghc:*54.6 MB*
  after 'strip':  *33.1 MB*
  after UPX:  *6.2* * MB*


On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Joachim Breitner


 Am Dienstag, den 11.10.2011, 11:02 -0700 schrieb Iavor Diatchki:
  The context is that I need to make a demo VM, which has a limited
  amount of space, and I'd like to have GHC installed on the system but
  the default GHC installation (~700MB) does not fit.  The installation
  does not need to be complete---I don't need documentation, or
  profiling, or Template Haskell---and I only need to install a fairly
  limited set of libraries, just enough to build my project.  I'd be
  happy to build a custom version of GHC, if that's the easiest way to
  achieve the goal.
  So, if you have experience doing something similar, or you know of
  what might be the best way to approach the problem, advice would be
  most welcome!

 The debian ghc package comes without profiling (in ghc-prof) and
 documentation (ghc-doc). I’d be happy to hear that someone actually
 profits from that split :-) Installed size is about 250MB. So also in
 terms of efforts it might be easiest to bootstrap a minimal Debian and
 install ghc on it.


 PS: I’m a Debian Developer, so of course my advice is biased :-)

 Joachim nomeata Breitner  |  |  GPG: 0x4743206C
  xmpp: |

 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

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Re: Two Proposals

2011-10-04 Thread Ryan Newton
Just anecdotally I remember we had this problem with Accelerate.

Back when we were using it last Spring for some reason we were forced by the
API to at least nominally go through lists on our way to the GPU -- which we
sorely hoped were deforested!  At times (and somewhat unpredictably), we'd
be faced enormous execution times and memory footprints as the runtime tried
to create gigantic lists for feeding to Accelerate.

Other than that -- I like having a nice literal syntax for other types.  But
I'm not sure that I construct literals for Sets and IntMaps often enough to
profit much...


On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Roman Leshchinskiy

 George Giorgidze wrote:
  This extension could also be used for giving data-parallel array literals
  instead of the special syntax used currently.

 Unfortunately, it couldn't. DPH array literals don't (and can't really) go
 through lists.

 In general, if we are going to overload list literals then forcing the
 desugaring to always go through lists seems wrong to me. There are plenty
 of data structures where that might result in a significant performance


 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2011-09-16 Thread Ryan Newton
 One benefit of TDNR is to replicate the discoverability of APIs that OO
 programming has - if x :: Foo then typing x. in an IDE gives you a
 list of things you can do with a Foo. (Obviously it's not a complete lis
 for various reasons, but it does allow the author of Foo and others to
 design discoverable APIs.)
 But add another import, and some of those APIs disappear!

Because of the additional ambiguity?  Shouldn't the IDE show all options even 
if the type checker requires a unique one?

 And of course, the language doesn't need to support TDNR in order for an
 IDE to use it (although the juxtaposition application syntax doesn't
 make the UI easy).

I'm not sure if I'm saying the same thing as you, here, Ian, but my take is 
that it be nice for an IDE to solve this in a more general way that works for 
normal function application as well as x.f backwards function application.

That is, the equivalent of the OOP IDE auto-complete should be to ask what set 
of functions apply to this value.  The problem is just that the keystrokes 
order is awkward.  Most people typing f x probably type 'f' first ;-).  But 
it should be possible to do:

x left-arrow left-arrow magic-keystroke

To get the same set of functions as if you do (x. magic-keystroke), shouldn't 
it?  (Maybe magic-keystroke inserts an implicit undefined, type checks, and 
then figures out the set of functions.)

I started playing around with Leksah and scion/emacs (searching for what's the 
type of this expr support) and was a little disappointed that this 
functionality doesn't seem to exist yet.  Or am I wrong and it exists somewhere?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: With every new GHC release, also released any new versions of libraries

2011-08-25 Thread Ryan Newton
FYI, as of 7.2 random wasn't shipped with GHC, but it's been updated on
hackage as well (  The API is still the haskell98 API, but there
are some important bug fixes in there.


On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 8:57 AM, Johan Tibell johan.tib...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Ian Lynagh wrote:
  On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 10:39:29AM +0200, Johan Tibell wrote:
  I suggest that with each GHC release the new library releases should
  be uploaded to Hackage.
  They normally are, but in this case I ran out of time before
  disappearing for 2 weeks. They're now uploaded. Sorry for any

 No problem at all. I just wanted to know if uploading them was
 standard procedure or not.

 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Cheap and cheerful partial evaluation

2011-08-24 Thread Ryan Newton
Ah, and there's no core-haskell facility presently?  Thanks.

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 12:14 AM, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

 Since most of GHC's optimizations occur on core, not the user-friendly
 frontend language, doing so would be probably be nontrivial (e.g.
 we'd want some sort of core to Haskell decompiler.)


 Excerpts from Ryan Newton's message of Tue Aug 23 13:46:45 -0400 2011:
  On first glance at your email I misunderstood you as asking about using
  GHC's optimizer as a source-to-source operation (using GHC as an
  retrieving partially evaluated Haskell code).  That's not what you were
  asking for -- but is it possible?
  P.S.   One compiler that comes to mind that exposes this kind of thing
  nicely is Chez Scheme ( ).  In Chez you can get your
  hands on cp0 which does a source to source transform (aka compiler pass
  zero, after macro expansion), and could use cp0 to preprocess the source
  then print it back out.
  On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Edward Z. Yang wrote:
   I think this ticket sums it up very nicely!
   Excerpts from Max Bolingbroke's message of Mon Aug 22 04:07:59 -0400
On 21 August 2011 19:20, Edward Z. Yang wrote:
 And no sooner do I send this email do I realize we have 'inline'
 so I can probably experiment with this right now...
You may be interested in my related ticket #5029:
I don't think this is totally implausible but you have to be very
careful with recursive functions.
   Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Cheap and cheerful partial evaluation

2011-08-23 Thread Ryan Newton

On first glance at your email I misunderstood you as asking about using
GHC's optimizer as a source-to-source operation (using GHC as an optimizer,
retrieving partially evaluated Haskell code).  That's not what you were
asking for -- but is it possible?


P.S.   One compiler that comes to mind that exposes this kind of thing
nicely is Chez Scheme ( ).  In Chez you can get your
hands on cp0 which does a source to source transform (aka compiler pass
zero, after macro expansion), and could use cp0 to preprocess the source and
then print it back out.

On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

 I think this ticket sums it up very nicely!


 Excerpts from Max Bolingbroke's message of Mon Aug 22 04:07:59 -0400 2011:
  On 21 August 2011 19:20, Edward Z. Yang wrote:
   And no sooner do I send this email do I realize we have 'inline'
   so I can probably experiment with this right now...
  You may be interested in my related ticket #5029:
  I don't think this is totally implausible but you have to be very
  careful with recursive functions.

 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Superclass defaults

2011-08-15 Thread Ryan Newton

 My only input is that we have at least 2-3 (depending on whether the
 latter two are to be considered separate) hierarchies in want of
 refactoring: Functor/Applicative/Monad, Num and friends, and Monoid.
 Ideally any solution would solve the problem for all of them, but
 even if it doesn't (and only solves, say, Monad's case), I think it
 should be a requirement that it at least allows for the others to be
 solved as well in an incremental fashion afterwards (whether by
 'upgrading' the by-then existing feature, or adding a new, orthogonal
 one). The undesirable scenario would be where you would have to
 change the world all over again a second time to resolve the
 remaining problems.

Another place where this might help would be with the
RandomGen/SplittableGen issue:

If design goal 1 is met, then clients would not have to refactor their
Random instance to match the new class factoring.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Experiencing libffi related problem with GHC HEAD on Ubuntu 11.04

2011-06-26 Thread Ryan Newton
Has anyone seen this one before?

   # needs to be built with the correct soname.
# NOTE: this builds with the incorrect
# soname, but we don't need that anyway!
cd libffi  \
   cp build/libtool build/libtool.orig; \
  sed -e 
build/libtool.orig  build/libtool
cp: cannot stat `build/libtool': No such file or directory
sed: can't read build/libtool.orig: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [libffi/stamp.ffi.configure] Error 2
make[1]: *** [all_libffi] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/newton/build/haskell2/ghc-validate'
make: *** [all] Error 2


P.S. It's not new.  I just did a git pull origin master  ./sync-all pull
origin master and got this error but I also got the same error on this
machine back on June 9th.
   However, this package has built GHC HEAD in the past.  It has the
standard ubuntu libffi-dev and libffi5 packages installed.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splittable random numbers

2011-01-21 Thread Ryan Newton
Hi cafe,

I want to add the ability to use AES-NI instructions on Intel architectures
to GHC.  Mainly I'd like to do splittable random number generators based on
AES as was suggested at the outset of this email.  (I met Burton Smith last
week and this topic came up.)

I was just reading the below thread about the plugin architecture which got
me thinking about what the right way to add AES-NI is.  (Disregarding for a
moment portability and the issue of where to test cpuid...)

The FFI is always an option.  But after reading the first N pages I could
come across from google I'm still not totally clear on whether unsafe
foreign calls can happen simultaneously from separate Haskell threads (and
with sufficiently low overhead for this purpose).

I also ran across the phrase compiler primitive somewhere wrt GHC:

Is that the right way to go?  Or would the compiler plugin mechanism
possibly allowing doing this without modifying mainline GHC?


On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 6:26 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:

 On 11/12/10 5:33 AM, Richard Senington wrote:

 It does not give the results you would want. This may have something to
 do with picking good parameters for the mkLehmerTree function.
 For example, using a random setup, I just got these results
 result expected range
 16.814 expected = 16.0 (1,31)
 16.191 expected = 16.5 (1,32)
 16.576 expected = 17.0 (1,33)
 17.081 expected = 17.5 (1,34)
 17.543 expected = 18.0 (1,35)

 Have you run any significance tests? I wouldn't be surprised to see +/-0.5
 as within the bounds of expected randomness. I'm more worried about it
 seeming to be consistently on the -0.5 end of things, than I am about it not
 matching expectation (how many samples did you take again?). For small
 ranges like this, a consistent -0.5 (or +0.5) tends to indicate off-by-one
 errors in the generator.

 Live well,

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splittable random numbers

2011-01-21 Thread Ryan Newton
I'm not too familiar with all the Haskell API's for RNGs.  This is the first
time I've looked at CryptoRandomGen, but I can see the benefit of having a
bytestring interface rather than the System.Random Int based one.

Is there a reason that the AES implementation in the AES or crypto
packages can't be ripped out and repackage in the way you would like?


On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Thomas DuBuisson wrote:

 If you make an AES based RNG then consider making an instance for
 CryptoRandomGen (see DRBG [1] for example instances).  Such an
 instance means you can use splitGen [2], which can split generators
 in the manner described in this thread.  If you make the RNG match
 NIST SP 800-90 then feel free to send it to me for inclusion in the
 DRBG package, I've been meaning to make the block cipher based DRBG
 for a while now.

 Finally, any implementation of AES (using NI or not) could probably go
 in its own package or a cipher-specific package like CryptoCipher[3].
 Its a shame we don't have an AES implementation on Hackage that 1)
 exposes the fundamental block interface instead of some higher-level
 wrapping and 2) isn't tied to a large library.



 On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Ryan Newton wrote:
  Hi cafe,
  I want to add the ability to use AES-NI instructions on Intel
  to GHC.  Mainly I'd like to do splittable random number generators based
  AES as was suggested at the outset of this email.  (I met Burton Smith
  week and this topic came up.)
  I was just reading the below thread about the plugin architecture which
  me thinking about what the right way to add AES-NI is.  (Disregarding for
  moment portability and the issue of where to test cpuid...)
  The FFI is always an option.  But after reading the first N pages I could
  come across from google I'm still not totally clear on whether unsafe
  foreign calls can happen simultaneously from separate Haskell threads
  with sufficiently low overhead for this purpose).
  I also ran across the phrase compiler primitive somewhere wrt GHC:
  Is that the right way to go?  Or would the compiler plugin mechanism
  possibly allowing doing this without modifying mainline GHC?
  On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 6:26 PM, wren ng thornton
  On 11/12/10 5:33 AM, Richard Senington wrote:
  It does not give the results you would want. This may have something to
  do with picking good parameters for the mkLehmerTree function.
  For example, using a random setup, I just got these results
  result expected range
  16.814 expected = 16.0 (1,31)
  16.191 expected = 16.5 (1,32)
  16.576 expected = 17.0 (1,33)
  17.081 expected = 17.5 (1,34)
  17.543 expected = 18.0 (1,35)
  Have you run any significance tests? I wouldn't be surprised to see
  as within the bounds of expected randomness. I'm more worried about it
  seeming to be consistently on the -0.5 end of things, than I am about it
  matching expectation (how many samples did you take again?). For small
  ranges like this, a consistent -0.5 (or +0.5) tends to indicate
  errors in the generator.
  Live well,
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list
  Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Terminate unused worker threads

2010-11-17 Thread Ryan Newton
Hi all,

Apologies for commenting before understanding Capability.c very well.  But
it seems that this file uses locking quite heavily.  Has there been an
analysis of whether atomic memory ops and lock free algorithms could play
any role here?

Simon mentioned keeping track of the number of items in the queue so as not
to have to traverse it while holding the lock.  That, for example, seems
that it could be accomplished with an atomically modified counter.


On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

 Excerpts from Simon Marlow's message of Wed Nov 17 06:15:46 -0500 2010:
  I suggest keeping track of the number of items in the queue.

 Ok, I added a spare_workers_no field to the Capability struct.

  So I think the main thing missing is a call to workerTaskStop().


  It would be really nice if we could arrange that in the case where we
  have too many spare workers, the extra workers exit via the same route,
  but I suspect that might not be easy.

 Do you mean, spare workers that have useful tasks to do?

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Re: ghc-6.12.3 package base - build failure on ubuntu10.10 (works with 10.4)

2010-10-19 Thread Ryan Newton
Usually I get undefined references wrt iconv (similar to the below post) not
a failure at configure time.

Although I have seen seemingly spurious Missing C libraries errors before
(for example, when I tried building on windows under cygwin and I got that
same message regarding libs rt and dl -- which were indeed present in

I am going to upgrade to ubuntu 10.10 today so I'll let you know if I run
into the same thing.


On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Simon Marlow wrote:

 On 15/10/2010 16:35, Mischa Dieterle wrote:


 I'm getting a build failure when I try to compile ghc-6.12 from the repo.

 ghc-cabal: Missing dependency on a foreign library:
 * Missing C library: iconv
 This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
 provides this library (you may need the -dev version). If the library is
 already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the
 --extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
 make[1]: *** [libraries/base/dist-install/] Error 1
 make: *** [all] Error 2

 I'm using a ubuntu 10.10-64 bit system with libc-bin and libc-dev-bin
 installed. I don't think the problem is a missing iconv library. Maybe
 the problem is in the generated configure script by the new autoconf
 version (autoconf version is 2.67).

 I haven't encountered this problem, but I'm not using Ubuntu 10.10 yet.
  Please report the bug on the Trac so we don't forget about it.


  Maybe someone can help.


 Stderr output of ./configure on base module is:

 ./configure: line 8709: ${ac_cv_search_iconv_t_cd_
 __iconv_close_cd__+set}: bad substitution
 ./configure: line 8735: ac_cv_search_iconv_t_cd_: command not found
 ./configure: line 8736: __cd___iconv_open_:
 command not found
 ./configure: line 8737:
 __iconv_cd_NULL_NULL_NULL_NULL__: command not found
 ./configure: line 8742: ${ac_cv_search_iconv_t_cd_
 __iconv_close_cd__+set}: bad substitution
 ./configure: line 8742: ${ac_cv_search_iconv_t_cd_
 __iconv_close_cd__+set}: bad substitution
 ./configure: line 8746: ${ac_cv_search_iconv_t_cd_
 __iconv_close_cd__+set}: bad substitution
 ./configure: line 8746: ac_cv_search_iconv_t_cd_: command not found
 ./configure: line 8747: __cd___iconv_open_:
 command not found
 ./configure: line 8748:
 __iconv_cd_NULL_NULL_NULL_NULL__: command not found
 ./configure: line 8751: __cd___iconv_open_:
 command not found

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