Re: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)

2014-09-10 Thread Luis Pabón
Hi guys, I wanted to share my experiences with Go.  I have been using it 
for the past few months and I have to say I am very impressed.  Instead 
of writing a massive email I created a blog entry:

Hope this helps.

- Luis

On 09/05/2014 11:44 AM, Jeff Darcy wrote:

Does this mean we'll need to learn Go as well as C and Python?

As KP points out, the fact that consul is written in Go doesn't mean our
code needs to be ... unless we need to contribute code upstream e.g. to
add new features.  Ditto for etcd also being written in Go, ZooKeeper
being written in Java, and so on.  It's probably more of an issue that
these all require integration into our build/test environments.  At
least Go, unlike Java, doesn't require any new *run time* support.
Python kind of sits in between - it does require runtime support, but
it's much less resource-intensive and onerous than Java (no GC-tuning
hell).  Between that and the fact that it's almost always present
already, it just doesn't seem to provoke the same kind of allergic
reaction that Java does.

However, this is as good a time as any to think about what languages
we're going to use for the project going forward.  While there are many
good reasons for our I/O path to remain in Plain Old C (yes I'm
deliberately avoiding the C++ issue), many of those reasons apply only
weakly to other parts of the code - not only management code, but also
offline processes like self heal and rebalancing.  Some people might
already be aware that I've used Python for the reconciliation component
of NSR, for example, and that version is in almost every way better than
the C version it replaces.  When we need to interface with code written
in other languages, or even interact with communities where other
languages are spoken more fluently than C, it's pretty natural to
consider using those languages ourselves.  Let's look at some of the

  * C++
Code is highly compatible with C, programming styles and idioms less
so.  Not prominent in most areas we care about.

  * Java
The old standard for a lot of distributed systems - e.g.  the
entire Hadoop universe, Cassandra, etc.  Also a great burden as
discussed previously.

  * Go
Definitely the up and comer in distributed systems, for which it
was (partly) designed.  Easy for C programmers to pick up, and also
popular among (former?) Python folks.  Light on resources and

  * JavaScript
Ubiquitous.  Common in HTTP-ish microservice situations, but not so
much in true distributed systems.

  * Ruby
Much like JavaScript as far as we're concerned, but less ubiquitous.

  * Erlang
Functional, designed for highly reliable distributed systems,
significant use in related areas (e.g. Riak).

Obviously, there are many more, but issues of compatibility and talent
availability weigh heavier for most than for Erlang (which barely made
the list as it is despite its strengths).  Of these, the ones without
serious drawbacks are JavaScript and Go.  As popular as JS is in other
specialties, I just don't feel any positive pull to use it in anything
we do.  As a language it's notoriously loose about many things (e.g.
equality comparisons) and prone to the same callback hell from which
we already suffer.

Go is an entirely different story.  We're already bumping up against
other projects that use it, and that's no surprise considering how
strong the uptake has been among other systems programmers.
Language-wise, goroutines might help get us out of callback hell, and it
has other features such as channels and defer that might also support
a more productive style for our own code.  I know that several in the
group are already eager to give it a try.  While we shouldn't do so for
the cool factor alone, for new code that's not in the I/O path the
potential productivity benefits make it an option well worth exploring.
Gluster-devel mailing list

Gluster-devel mailing list

Re: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)

2014-09-10 Thread Jeff Darcy
 Hi guys, I wanted to share my experiences with Go.  I have been using it
 for the past few months and I have to say I am very impressed.  Instead
 of writing a massive email I created a blog entry:

Fantastic.  Thanks, Luis!
Gluster-devel mailing list

Re: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)

2014-09-10 Thread Justin Clift
On 11/09/2014, at 2:51 AM, Luis Pabón wrote:
 I think the real question is, Why do we depend on core files?  What does it 
 provide?  If we rethink how we may do debugging, we may realize that we only 
 require core files because we are used to it and it is familiar to us.  Now, 
 I am not saying that core files are not useful, but I am saying that we may 
 be able to do most of the necessary debugging by other means.
 For example, debugging systems running OpenStack Swift which uses Python 
 stack traces has been much easier than analyzing C core files.  Just my 
 I would not say that because Go, Java, Ruby, or Python do not create core 
 files, that it would be hard to debug.  Instead we need to learn new ways of 
 debugging.  Just my $0.02 :-)

Yeah, I'm no expert. :)

My understanding of our core file usage, is to capture (in a
fairly detailed way) the code path of what went wrong when
something unexpectedly caused an application crash.  We can
then copy that file around (with appropriate matching binaries?)
to a machine for proper investigation.

As long as there's an equivalent kind of approach, it should
be ok.  If not, then we should probably ping the Go Community
and find out their recommendations (or submit a feature
request). :)

+ Justin

GlusterFS -

An open source, distributed file system scaling to several
petabytes, and handling thousands of clients.

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Gluster-devel mailing list

Re: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)

2014-09-09 Thread Aravinda

On 09/08/2014 10:29 PM, Krishnan Parthasarathi wrote:

While the proposal for Glusterd-2.0 is doing its rounds in the devel/users 
lists, let me find out how the Go toolchain fares in debugging a live 
application and a core file, with a dash of go routines and channels for good 
effect :-) Shouldn't take long. I will share my experience and lets take this 
discussion from there. Does that make sense?
One more thing to explore is Go is not free from data 



- Original Message -

Two characteristics of a language (tool chain) are important to me,
when you spend a good part of your time debugging failures/bugs.

- Analysing core files.
- Ability to reason about space consumption. This becomes important in
   the case of garbage collected languages.

I have written a few toy programs in Go and have been following the
lately. Some of its features like channels and go routines catch my
as we are aspiring to build reactive and scalable services. Its lack of
and inheritance worries me a little. But, I shouldn't be complaining when
our default choice has been C thus far ;)

If there's going to be complaining, now's the time.  Justin's kind of
right that we don't want to be adding languages willy-nilly.  If there's
something about a language which is likely to preclude its use in
certain contexts (e.g. GC languages in the I/O path) or impair our
long-term productivity, then that's important to realize.
Unfortunately, the list of such drawbacks for C isn't exactly
zero-length either.

Gluster-devel mailing list

Gluster-devel mailing list

Re: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)

2014-09-08 Thread Krishnan Parthasarathi
[Apologies up front for questionable posting etiquettes]

Two characteristics of a language (tool chain) are important to me, especially
when you spend a good part of your time debugging failures/bugs.

- Analysing core files.
- Ability to reason about space consumption. This becomes important in
  the case of garbage collected languages.

I have written a few toy programs in Go and have been following the language
lately. Some of its features like channels and go routines catch my attention
as we are aspiring to build reactive and scalable services. Its lack of 
and inheritance worries me a little. But, I shouldn't be complaining when
our default choice has been C thus far ;)


- Original Message -
 Digging deeper into Go, I see there is a fascinating discussion in the
 language communities comparing Go with C++.
 Go has no..
 - classes (no inheritance), though it has interfaces (sets of methods) which
 remind me of things like gluster's struct xlator_fops {}
 - polymorphism
 - pointer arithmetic
 - generic programming
 - etc.
 Here is a comparison of C++ with Go from Rob Pike himself (a Go author).
 And here are a few counter arguments.
 Preference for Go seems to come down to how deeply you prefer the C++ object
 oriented way of doing things (as Pike calls it, the type-centric focus on
 classes). If thats your cup of tea, you may find Go a letdown or step
 backwards. Pike implies that coders invest a lot of time to master those
 techniques and are reluctant to ditch those skills.
 But if you are a C or python programmer, you may see Go as a way to have your
 cake (modern stripped down language with lists, maps, packages, interfaces,
 no #includes) and eat it too (it compiles to binary, no VM).
 As gluster is not beholden in any way to legacy C++, Go seems like a great
 fit. I'm looking forward to giving it a spin :)
 - Original Message -
  From: Dan Lambright
  To: Jeff Darcy
  Cc: Justin Clift, Gluster Devel
  Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 5:32:05 PM
  Subject: Re: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)
  One reason to use c++ could be to build components that we wish to share
  ceph. (Not that I know of any at this time). Also c++0x11 has improved the
  But the more I hear about it, the more interesting go sounds..
  - Original Message -
   From: Jeff Darcy
   To: Justin Clift
   Cc: Gluster Devel
   Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 11:44:35 AM
   Subject: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)
Does this mean we'll need to learn Go as well as C and Python?
   As KP points out, the fact that consul is written in Go doesn't mean our
   code needs to be ... unless we need to contribute code upstream e.g. to
   add new features.  Ditto for etcd also being written in Go, ZooKeeper
   being written in Java, and so on.  It's probably more of an issue that
   these all require integration into our build/test environments.  At
   least Go, unlike Java, doesn't require any new *run time* support.
   Python kind of sits in between - it does require runtime support, but
   it's much less resource-intensive and onerous than Java (no GC-tuning
   hell).  Between that and the fact that it's almost always present
   already, it just doesn't seem to provoke the same kind of allergic
   reaction that Java does.
   However, this is as good a time as any to think about what languages
   we're going to use for the project going forward.  While there are many
   good reasons for our I/O path to remain in Plain Old C (yes I'm
   deliberately avoiding the C++ issue), many of those reasons apply only
   weakly to other parts of the code - not only management code, but also
   offline processes like self heal and rebalancing.  Some people might
   already be aware that I've used Python for the reconciliation component
   of NSR, for example, and that version is in almost every way better than
   the C version it replaces.  When we need to interface with code written
   in other languages, or even interact with communities where other
   languages are spoken more fluently than C, it's pretty natural to
   consider using those languages ourselves.  Let's look at some of the
* C++
  Code is highly compatible with C, programming styles and idioms less
  so.  Not prominent in most areas we care about.
* Java
  The old standard for a lot of distributed systems - e.g.  the
  entire Hadoop universe, Cassandra, etc.  Also a great burden as
  discussed previously.
* Go
  Definitely the up and comer in distributed systems, for which it
  was (partly) designed

Re: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)

2014-09-08 Thread Jeff Darcy
 Two characteristics of a language (tool chain) are important to me,
 when you spend a good part of your time debugging failures/bugs.
 - Analysing core files.
 - Ability to reason about space consumption. This becomes important in
   the case of garbage collected languages.
 I have written a few toy programs in Go and have been following the language
 lately. Some of its features like channels and go routines catch my attention
 as we are aspiring to build reactive and scalable services. Its lack of
 and inheritance worries me a little. But, I shouldn't be complaining when
 our default choice has been C thus far ;)

If there's going to be complaining, now's the time.  Justin's kind of
right that we don't want to be adding languages willy-nilly.  If there's
something about a language which is likely to preclude its use in
certain contexts (e.g. GC languages in the I/O path) or impair our
long-term productivity, then that's important to realize.
Unfortunately, the list of such drawbacks for C isn't exactly
zero-length either.
Gluster-devel mailing list

Re: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)

2014-09-08 Thread Dan Lambright
I could see Go used for background type jobs or test harnessing in the 
beginning, at the discretion of the developer. The question about garbage 
collection is an unknown and a good point. To me, it makes sense to get 
experience with Go before using it in the I/O path. Particularly as the 
language is new.

Apparently Go does have a kind of inheritance. It does *not* have virtual 
functions. Here is a nice blog post.

- Original Message -
 From: Jeff Darcy
 To: Krishnan Parthasarathi
 Cc: Dan Lambright, Gluster Devel
 Sent: Monday, September 8, 2014 8:14:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)
  Two characteristics of a language (tool chain) are important to me,
  when you spend a good part of your time debugging failures/bugs.
  - Analysing core files.
  - Ability to reason about space consumption. This becomes important in
the case of garbage collected languages.
  I have written a few toy programs in Go and have been following the
  lately. Some of its features like channels and go routines catch my
  as we are aspiring to build reactive and scalable services. Its lack of
  and inheritance worries me a little. But, I shouldn't be complaining when
  our default choice has been C thus far ;)
 If there's going to be complaining, now's the time.  Justin's kind of
 right that we don't want to be adding languages willy-nilly.  If there's
 something about a language which is likely to preclude its use in
 certain contexts (e.g. GC languages in the I/O path) or impair our
 long-term productivity, then that's important to realize.
 Unfortunately, the list of such drawbacks for C isn't exactly
 zero-length either.
Gluster-devel mailing list

Re: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)

2014-09-08 Thread Krishnan Parthasarathi
While the proposal for Glusterd-2.0 is doing its rounds in the devel/users 
lists, let me find out how the Go toolchain fares in debugging a live 
application and a core file, with a dash of go routines and channels for good 
effect :-) Shouldn't take long. I will share my experience and lets take this 
discussion from there. Does that make sense?


- Original Message -
  Two characteristics of a language (tool chain) are important to me,
  when you spend a good part of your time debugging failures/bugs.
  - Analysing core files.
  - Ability to reason about space consumption. This becomes important in
the case of garbage collected languages.
  I have written a few toy programs in Go and have been following the
  lately. Some of its features like channels and go routines catch my
  as we are aspiring to build reactive and scalable services. Its lack of
  and inheritance worries me a little. But, I shouldn't be complaining when
  our default choice has been C thus far ;)
 If there's going to be complaining, now's the time.  Justin's kind of
 right that we don't want to be adding languages willy-nilly.  If there's
 something about a language which is likely to preclude its use in
 certain contexts (e.g. GC languages in the I/O path) or impair our
 long-term productivity, then that's important to realize.
 Unfortunately, the list of such drawbacks for C isn't exactly
 zero-length either.
Gluster-devel mailing list

Re: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)

2014-09-07 Thread Dan Lambright

Digging deeper into Go, I see there is a fascinating discussion in the language 
communities comparing Go with C++.

Go has no..
- classes (no inheritance), though it has interfaces (sets of methods) which 
remind me of things like gluster's struct xlator_fops {}
- polymorphism 
- pointer arithmetic
- generic programming
- etc. 

Here is a comparison of C++ with Go from Rob Pike himself (a Go author). 

And here are a few counter arguments.

Preference for Go seems to come down to how deeply you prefer the C++ object 
oriented way of doing things (as Pike calls it, the type-centric focus on 
classes). If thats your cup of tea, you may find Go a letdown or step 
backwards. Pike implies that coders invest a lot of time to master those 
techniques and are reluctant to ditch those skills.

But if you are a C or python programmer, you may see Go as a way to have your 
cake (modern stripped down language with lists, maps, packages, interfaces, no 
#includes) and eat it too (it compiles to binary, no VM).

As gluster is not beholden in any way to legacy C++, Go seems like a great fit. 
I'm looking forward to giving it a spin :)

- Original Message -
 From: Dan Lambright
 To: Jeff Darcy
 Cc: Justin Clift, Gluster Devel
 Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 5:32:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)
 One reason to use c++ could be to build components that we wish to share with
 ceph. (Not that I know of any at this time). Also c++0x11 has improved the
 But the more I hear about it, the more interesting go sounds..
 - Original Message -
  From: Jeff Darcy
  To: Justin Clift
  Cc: Gluster Devel
  Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 11:44:35 AM
  Subject: [Gluster-devel] Languages (was Re: Proposal for GlusterD-2.0)
   Does this mean we'll need to learn Go as well as C and Python?
  As KP points out, the fact that consul is written in Go doesn't mean our
  code needs to be ... unless we need to contribute code upstream e.g. to
  add new features.  Ditto for etcd also being written in Go, ZooKeeper
  being written in Java, and so on.  It's probably more of an issue that
  these all require integration into our build/test environments.  At
  least Go, unlike Java, doesn't require any new *run time* support.
  Python kind of sits in between - it does require runtime support, but
  it's much less resource-intensive and onerous than Java (no GC-tuning
  hell).  Between that and the fact that it's almost always present
  already, it just doesn't seem to provoke the same kind of allergic
  reaction that Java does.
  However, this is as good a time as any to think about what languages
  we're going to use for the project going forward.  While there are many
  good reasons for our I/O path to remain in Plain Old C (yes I'm
  deliberately avoiding the C++ issue), many of those reasons apply only
  weakly to other parts of the code - not only management code, but also
  offline processes like self heal and rebalancing.  Some people might
  already be aware that I've used Python for the reconciliation component
  of NSR, for example, and that version is in almost every way better than
  the C version it replaces.  When we need to interface with code written
  in other languages, or even interact with communities where other
  languages are spoken more fluently than C, it's pretty natural to
  consider using those languages ourselves.  Let's look at some of the
   * C++
 Code is highly compatible with C, programming styles and idioms less
 so.  Not prominent in most areas we care about.
   * Java
 The old standard for a lot of distributed systems - e.g.  the
 entire Hadoop universe, Cassandra, etc.  Also a great burden as
 discussed previously.
   * Go
 Definitely the up and comer in distributed systems, for which it
 was (partly) designed.  Easy for C programmers to pick up, and also
 popular among (former?) Python folks.  Light on resources and
   * JavaScript
 Ubiquitous.  Common in HTTP-ish microservice situations, but not so
 much in true distributed systems.
   * Ruby
 Much like JavaScript as far as we're concerned, but less ubiquitous.
   * Erlang
 Functional, designed for highly reliable distributed systems,
 significant use in related areas (e.g. Riak).
  Obviously, there are many more, but issues of compatibility and talent
  availability weigh heavier for most than for Erlang (which barely made
  the list as it is despite its strengths).  Of these, the ones without
  serious drawbacks are JavaScript and Go.  As popular as JS is in other
  specialties, I just don't feel any