Re: [Gluster-users] Volume Types?

2013-09-19 Thread Rejy M Cyriac
On 09/19/2013 03:14 PM, Jake G. wrote:
 *From:* Rejy M Cyriac
 *Sent:* Thursday, September 19, 2013 6:30 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Volume Types?
 On 09/19/2013 02:55 PM, Jake G. wrote:

 Does this mean I need 4 host servers (peers) to do this?
 Do I could I create 4 bricks within the single distributed volume?

 I am really confused (X_X)

 You would need 4 bricks of 100GB, 2 on each server, and create a
 distribute-replicate volume, with replica count of 2.
 The command to be run would be of the syntax given below.
 gluster volume create VOL-NAME replica 2 server1:/bricks/brick1
 server2:/bricks/brick1 server1:/bricks/brick2 server1:/bricks/brick2
 The order in which the bricks are given in the command is important to
 specify which bricks form replica sets.
 Since the replica count given in the above example is 2,
 server1:/bricks/brick1 - server2:/bricks/brick1 will be a replica set,
 and server1:/bricks/brick2 - server1:/bricks/brick2 will the other
 replica set.
 - rejy (rmc)

 *From:* Athanasios Kostopoulos
 *To:* Jake G.
 *Sent:* Thursday, September 19, 2013 6:07 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Volume Types?

 Hi Jake,
 glusterFS newbie here so take my email with a big grain of salt.
 I *think* that in order to have 200Gb available AND replication
 (assuming a replicating factor of 2) you need 4 bricks of 100Gb, not
 just 2.

 On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 11:06 AM, Jake G. wrote:

Hi All,

Wondering if it is possible to create a duplicated and distributed
volume in gluster?

I have two host servers both with 100GB partition for gluster.

After creating the volume I would like there to be 200GB available,
but if serverA dies all the files will be still be present on serverB
Is this even possible? If so can it be done with only two host servers?

Thank you!

Gluster-users mailing list

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 Gluster-users mailing list

 Thank you for your help!
 I would like to confirm the command you gave. Should:
 gluster volume create VOL-NAME replica 2
 server1:/bricks/brick1 server2:/bricks/brick1 server1:/bricks/brick2
 gluster volume create VOL-NAME replica 2
 server1:/bricks/brick1 server2:/bricks/brick1 server1:/bricks/brick2

Silly place to get a typo in... :-P

I meant it to be

gluster volume create VOL-NAME replica 2 server1:/bricks/brick1
server2:/bricks/brick1 server1:/bricks/brick2 server2:/bricks/brick2

And so,

server1:/bricks/brick1 - server2:/bricks/brick1 will be a replica set,
and server1:/bricks/brick2 - server2:/bricks/brick2 will be the other
replica set

Just using a naming convention that 'brickX' will be part of one replica
set, and existing on separate systems.

- rejy (rmc)

 Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] First-time GlusterFS yum install fizzles

2013-09-06 Thread Rejy M Cyriac
On 09/06/2013 06:54 PM, Bret Goodfellow wrote:
 I’m attempting to install GlusterFS on two RHEL 6 servers.  When I
 attempt the yum install on the first server, I get the following messages:
 [root@duchesne1 yum.repos.d]# yum install
 glusterfs-3.3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm glusterfs-fuse-3.3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

Take out the '.rpm' from the package names, as that is not part of the
package name.

yum install glusterfs-3.3.0-1.el6.x86_64

- rejy (rmc)

 Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit, rhnplugin, security
 This system is receiving updates from RHN Classic or RHN Satellite.
 Setting up Install Process
 No package glusterfs-3.3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm available.
 No package glusterfs-fuse-3.3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm available.
 No package glusterfs-geo-replication-3.3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm available.
 No package glusterfs-server-3.3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm available.
 Error: Nothing to do
 You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
 [root@duchesne1 yum.repos.d]#
 I know this really isn’t a GlusterFS issue, but does anyone know how to
 resolve the “No package available” messages. 
 Thanks in advance,
 Gluster-users mailing list

Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] FW: Backup / Restore for Gluster volumes.

2013-09-02 Thread Rejy M Cyriac
On 09/02/2013 12:18 PM, Tamas Papp wrote:
 On 09/01/2013 08:10 AM, Bobby Jacob wrote:

 *From:*Bobby Jacob
 *Sent:* Wednesday, August 28, 2013 8:35 AM
 *Subject:* Backup / Restore for Gluster volumes.




 What would be the various options to backup gluster volumes. The
 bricks are created with xfs filesystems. I’ve gone through the
 concepts of xfsdump concept. Can we schedule daily incremental backups
 of the gluster volume or bricks. ??


 What about restoring the bricks or volumes. ?

 I wouldn't make backups under glusterfs. In theory it should work, but
 there are too many critical points in the system.
 For example you need to stop every transaction (in case of VMs, then all
 of them) to make consistent snapshots.
 If you have multiple bricks, all of them has to be snapshotted at the
 same timeetc.
 In addition restoring would be nightmare.
 IMHO, it's a crazy idea.
 ui.: I use dirvish (rsync based backup solution) and it works fine,
 though cluster side snapshotting feature would help a lot.

 Gluster-users mailing list


Rejy M Cyriac (rmc)
Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] One node goes offline, the other node can't see the replicated volume anymore

2013-07-10 Thread Rejy M Cyriac
On 07/10/2013 11:38 AM, Frank Sonntag wrote:
 Hi Greg,
 Try using the same server on both machines when mounting, instead of mounting 
 off the local gluster server on both.
 I've used the same approach like you in the past and got into all kinds of 
 split-brain problems.
 The drawback of course is that mounts will fail if the machine you chose is 
 not available at mount time. It's one of my gripes with gluster that you 
 cannot list more than one server in your mount command.

Would not the mount option 'backupvolfile-server=secondary server help
at mount time, in the case of the primary server not being available ?

- rejy (rmc)

 On 10/07/2013, at 5:26 PM, Greg Scott wrote:
 Bummer.   Looks like I’m on my own with this one.
 -  Greg
 [] On Behalf Of Greg Scott
 Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 12:37 PM
 To: ''
 Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] One node goes offline, the other node can't see 
 the replicated volume anymore
 No takers?   I am running gluster 3.4beta3 that came with Fedora 19.   Is my 
 issue a consequence of some kind of quorum split-brain thing?
 -  Greg Scott
 [] On Behalf Of Greg Scott
 Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 8:17 PM
 To: ''
 Subject: [Gluster-users] One node goes offline, the other node can't see the 
 replicated volume anymore
 I don’t get this.  I have a replicated volume and 2 nodes.  My challenge is, 
 when I take one node offline, the other node can no longer access the volume 
 until both nodes are back online again.
 I have 2 nodes, fw1 and fw2.   Each node has an XFS file system, 
 /gluster-fw1 on node fw1 and gluster-fw2 no node fw2.   Node fw1 is at IP 
 Address  Node fw2 is at 
 I create a gluster volume named firewall-scripts which is a replica of those 
 two XFS file systems.  The volume holds a bunch of config files common to 
 both fw1 and fw2.  The application is an active/standby pair of firewalls 
 and the idea is to keep config files in a gluster volume.
 When both nodes are online, everything works as expected.  But when I take 
 either node offline, node fw2 behaves badly:
 [root@chicago-fw2 ~]# ls /firewall-scripts
 ls: cannot access /firewall-scripts: Transport endpoint is not connected
 And when I bring the offline node back online, node fw2 eventually behaves 
 normally again. 
 What’s up with that?  Gluster is supposed to be resilient and self-healing 
 and able to stand up to this sort of abuse.  So I must be doing something 
 Here is how I set up everything – it doesn’t get much simpler than this and 
 my setup is right out the Getting Started Guide but using my own names. 
 Here are the steps I followed, all from fw1:
 gluster peer probe
 gluster peer status
 Create and start the volume:
 gluster volume create firewall-scripts replica 2 transport tcp
 gluster volume start firewall-scripts
 On fw1:
 mkdir /firewall-scripts
 mount -t glusterfs /firewall-scripts
 and add this line to /etc/fstab: /firewall-scripts glusterfs defaults,_netdev 
 0 0
 on fw2:
 mkdir /firewall-scripts
 mount -t glusterfs /firewall-scripts
 and add this line to /etc/fstab: /firewall-scripts glusterfs defaults,_netdev 
 0 0
 That’s it.  That’s the whole setup.  When both nodes are online, everything 
 replicates beautifully.  But take one node offline and it all falls apart. 
 Here is the output from gluster volume info, identical on both nodes:
 [root@chicago-fw1 etc]# gluster volume info
 Volume Name: firewall-scripts
 Type: Replicate
 Volume ID: 239b6401-e873-449d-a2d3-1eb2f65a1d4c
 Status: Started
 Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
 Transport-type: tcp
 [root@chicago-fw1 etc]#
 Looking at /var/log/glusterfs/firewall-scripts.log on fw2, I see errors like 
 this every couple of seconds:
 [2013-07-09 00:59:04.706390] I [afr-common.c:3856:afr_local_init] 
 0-firewall-scripts-replicate-0: no subvolumes up
 [2013-07-09 00:59:04.706515] W [fuse-bridge.c:1132:fuse_err_cbk] 
 0-glusterfs-fuse: 3160: FLUSH() ERR = -1 (Transport endpoint is not 
 And then when I bring fw1 back online, I see these messages on fw2:
 [2013-07-09 01:01:35.006782] I [rpc-clnt.c:1648:rpc_clnt_reconfig] 
 0-firewall-scripts-client-0: changing port to 49152 (from 0)
 [2013-07-09 01:01:35.006932] W [socket.c:514:__socket_rwv] 
 0-firewall-scripts-client-0: readv failed (No data available)
 [2013-07-09 01:01:35.018546] I 

Re: [Gluster-users] problem expanding a volume

2013-07-01 Thread Rejy M Cyriac
On 07/02/2013 07:16 AM, Joshua Hawn wrote:
 I've had this issue recently. The error occurred because I tried adding
 a brick that was previously part of another volume. If this is the case
 for you, then this article may be
 You'll need to install the 'attr' package to remove the attributes of
 the brick directory that specify that it already belongs to another volume.

If the brick is on a separate file-system, reformatting it, forcefully
if required. is the easiest way to remove all traces of earlier volume.

If you want to view what attributes have been set on the brick (probably
so as to remove some of them with the 'setfattr -x' command), you may
run the command

getfattr -d -m . path to brick

- rejy (rmc)

 On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Matthew Sacks wrote:
 I am having trouble expanding a volume. Every time I try to add
 bricks to the volume, I get this error:
 [root@gluster1 sdb1]# gluster volume add-brick vg0 
 gluster5:/export/brick2/sdb1 gluster6:/export/brick2/sdb1
 /export/brick2/sdb1 or a prefix of it is already part of a volume
 Here is the volume info:
 [root@gluster1 sdb1]# gluster volume info vg0
 Volume Name: vg0
 Type: Distributed-Replicate
 Volume ID: 7ebad06f-2b44-4769-a395-475f300608e6
 Status: Started
 Number of Bricks: 2 x 2 = 4
 Transport-type: tcp
 Brick1: gluster1:/export/brick2/sdb1
 Brick2: gluster2:/export/brick2/sdb1
 Brick3: gluster3:/export/brick2/sdb1
 Brick4: gluster4:/export/brick2/sdb1
 Any help is appreciated.
Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] SNMP exposure for monitoring?

2013-06-17 Thread Rejy M Cyriac
On 06/17/2013 06:00 PM, Antony Hawkins wrote:
 Hi all,
 I see on this page: (last
 updated maybe a month ago) that Gluster itself does not currently
 expose performance metrics.
 Is there any plan to change this, to expose performance metrics via SNMP?
 I have been tasked with adding GlusterFS monitoring to LogicMonitor and
 we would want to do this as natively as possible, i.e. without the
 need to rely on scripts and without needing GlusterFS users to
 install/maintain additional intermediary monitoring tools such
 Is this possible / on the road map?
 If it is possible, is there a MIB available or at least a documented
 list of OIDs?
 The original request calls for monitoring of (I'm quoting):
 - basic volume usage, free space, used space (etc) statistics;
 - some notification of error conditions, possible split-brain problems;
 - self healing (stats or notification if healing happens that is).
 Is any of this possible?
 Many thanks

This is related to your query, and may interest you.


Rejy M Cyriac (rmc)
Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] CentOS 6.4 + selinux enforcing + mount.glusterfs == bad?

2013-03-12 Thread Rejy M Cyriac
On 03/12/2013 02:57 PM, Alan Orth wrote:
 I just learned how to create a new module to allow this request.  In a
 nutshell, use audit2allow to check the audit log and create a new
 module, see [1] and [2].  My exact steps:
 mkdir ~/selinux_gluster
 cd ~/selinux_gluster
 setenforce 0
 service netfs start
 audit2allow -M glusterd_centos64 -l -i /var/log/audit/audit.log
 setenforce 1
 semodule -i glusterd_centos64.pp
 service netfs start
 More precisely, what you are doing is:
  1. setting selinux to permissive mode
  2. re-loading the policy to get a clean starting point
  3. performing the actions which are being denied
  4. creating a module
  5. re-enabling selinux enforcing mode
  6. loading the new selinux module (which, after loading, is copied into
 /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/ and will persist after
  7. gluster should now be able to mount via /etc/fstab on boot, or via
 the netfs service, etc (ie, not manually as root).
 Hope this helps some future traveler,
 [2] man audit2allow
 On 03/12/2013 11:32 AM, Alan Orth wrote:

 I've updated one of my GlusterFS clients from CentOS 6.3 to CentOS 6.4
 and now my gluster volumes fail to mount at boot.  dmesg shows:

 type=1400 audit(1363004014.209:4): avc:  denied  { execute } for
 pid=1150 comm=mount.glusterfs name=glusterfsd dev=sda1 ino=1315297
 tcontext=system_u:object_r:glusterd_exec_t:s0 tclass=file

 Mounting manually as root works, but obviously isn't optimal.

 Does anyone know how to fix this?


 Alan Orth
 I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my telephone; 
 my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how to use my 
 telephone. -Bjarne Stroustrup, inventor of C++
 Gluster-users mailing list
This should be fixed with the latest SELinux policy update, which was
out for Red Hat Enterprise Linux today -
selinux-policy-3.7.19-195.el6_4.3.noarch .


Rejy M Cyriac (rmc)
Gluster-users mailing list