[gmx-users] A question

2008-04-24 Thread samad ahadian

I am new user of Gromacs. I did a pdb2gmx command on my pdb file. I got an 
error below:

Residue 'XXX' not found in residue topology database

I know that I blindly made my pdb file using Materials Studio 4.2. Let me know 
there is a special software to make a pdb file? Thank you in advance for your 




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RE: [gmx-users] Entropy correction in PMF

2008-04-24 Thread Berk Hess

 Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 20:34:40 -0400
 To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Subject: [gmx-users] Entropy correction in PMF
 That sentence could definitely use some massaging. Try this:
 Whether one needs to correct for this contribution depends on what the
 pmf should represent. When one wants to pull a substrate into a protein,
 this entropic term indeed contributes to the work to get the substrate
 into the protein. This is because the work required to pull a ligand  
 into a protein binding pocket depends on the concentration of that  
 ligand in the unbound state. The entropic contribution, however,  
 depends on the size of your simulation box if your sampling of the  
 entire box is ergodic. Further, the large computational cost of  
 converging the sampling of large separations between the protein and  
 ligand make it undesirable to target true ergodicity for large  
 separations. It is more efficient to calculate the work required to  
 pull a ligand into a protein from an unbound state that has a defined  
 concentration and then to separately calculate the work required to  
 change that concentration to some standard state, e.g. 1 molar.
 If any other free energy users care to comment, perhaps we could come  
 up with something based on what I have suggested (or something  
 entirely different) that could go into the new manual.
 --original message --
 I sent the attached message on last March 31 but I didn't get any
 answer... may be the right people was not available at that time and
 that is why I am trying again. I would thank a lot to have some more
 detail about this paragraph in the gromacs manual (version 3.3, chapter
 6, page 111):
 Whether one needs to correct for this contribution depends on what the
 pmf should represent. When one wants to pull a substrate into a protein,
 this entropic term indeed contributes to the work to get the substrate
 into the protein. But when calculating a pmf between two solutes in a
 solvent, for the purpose of simulating without solvent, the entropic
 contribution should be removed. Note that this term can be significant;
 when at 300K the distance is halved the contribution is 3.5 kJ mol-1.�
 why exactly for a substrate-protein complex shouldn't one correct the

This is not a simple should or should not.
It depends on what you want to use the PMF for.

You should be aware that there is this simple entropic distance contribution.
When a substrate needs to enter into a protein, it has to work against
this entropic term. If you include this or not, depends on how your want
to present the PMF in a presentation, or how your will use it for further


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Re: [gmx-users] A question

2008-04-24 Thread Erik Marklund
I suggest reading the following: 


samad ahadian skrev:


I am new user of Gromacs. I did a pdb2gmx command on my pdb file. I got an 
error below:

Residue 'XXX' not found in residue topology database

I know that I blindly made my pdb file using Materials Studio 4.2. Let me know 
there is a special software to make a pdb file? Thank you in advance for your 




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Erik Marklund, PhD student
Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics,
Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University.
Husargatan 3, Box 596,75124 Uppsala, Sweden
phone:+46 18 471 4537fax: +46 18 511 755
[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://xray.bmc.uu.se/molbiophys

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Re: [gmx-users] A question

2008-04-24 Thread Mark Abraham

samad ahadian wrote:


I am new user of Gromacs. I did a pdb2gmx command on my pdb file. I got an 
error below:

Residue 'XXX' not found in residue topology database

I know that I blindly made my pdb file using Materials Studio 4.2. Let me know 
there is a special software to make a pdb file? Thank you in advance for your 

No, but you can certainly make life hard for yourself by using poor 
PDB-producing software, or using good software poorly. See 
http://wiki.gromacs.org/index.php/Errors for some background for this 
error. You need to generate a structure file whose residues and atoms 
are defined for the force field you intend to use, and which are named 
suitably so that pdb2gmx can recognize them. 'XXX' suggests that either 
MS4.2, or your usage of it, or both, are making life hard.

Depending on your level of newness, you should definitely do some 
background textbook/manual/literature reading, and/or tutorials.

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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Re: [gmx-users] position restraints

2008-04-24 Thread gadies


I'm trying to run a simulation with one lipid molecule in a fixed
simulation box without pbc.
I set position restraints on one of the atoms and I seem to keep on
getting the following error:

...This usually means your system is exploding...

Do you have any idea what may cause this problem?
Not without further details.  Where did you get the parameters for your lipid?
What lipid is it?  What did you do to minimize and equilibrate your system?
What's in your .mdp file?

See here: http://wiki.gromacs.org/index.php/blowing_up



The lipid is DPPC.The .itp file I got from a coworker that used it  
before for membrane MD simulations.

To minimize the system I used steepest descent with the following parameters:
title = TAT
cpp = /usr/bin/cpp
define = -DPOSRE
constraints = none
integrator = steep
dt = 0.002 ;ps
nsteps = 400
nstlist = 10
ns_type = grid
rlist = 0.99
coulombtype = PME
rcoulomb = 0.99
vdwtype = cut-off
rvdw = 0.99
fourierspacing = 0.12
fourier_nx = 0
fourier_ny = 0
fourier_nz = 0
pme_order = 4
ewald_rtol = 1e-5
optimize_fft = yes
emtol = 1000.0
emstep = 0.01

I tried running the steepest descent several times however that did not help.
I run an MD simulation with the following parameters:
title = dppc
cpp = /usr/bin/cpp
constraints = all-bonds
integrator = md
dt = 0.001 ;ps
nsteps = 10
nstcomm = 1
nstxout = 1000
nstvout = 0
nstfout = 0
nstenergy = 1000
nstlist = 10
pbc = no
ns_type = simple
rlist = 1.4
coulombtype = cut-off
rcoulomb = 1.4
vdwtype = cut-off
rvdw = 1.4
fourierspacing = 0.12
fourier_nx = 0
fourier_ny = 0
fourier_nz = 0
pme_order = 4
ewald_rtol = 1e-5
optimize_fft = yes
Tcoupl = berendsen
tau_t = 1.0
tc-grps = DPP
ref_t = 300
Pcoupl = no
gen_vel = yes
gen_temp = 300.0
gen_seed = -1
bd_fric = 0
ld_seed = -1
epsilon_r = 80
comm_mode = angular

thank you

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Re: [gmx-users] position restraints

2008-04-24 Thread Mark Abraham


Please generate replies to the mailing list sensibly. It's very hard to 
work out who you are quoting where in this email. It'd be easy just to 
ignore it, and that's the last thing you should want.


I'm trying to run a simulation with one lipid molecule in a fixed
simulation box without pbc.
I set position restraints on one of the atoms and I seem to keep on
getting the following error:

Why do you want MD of a single lipid and a position restraint on one 
atom? If you just want to see a lipid wiggle around, then don't create 
more numerical complexity.

The lipid is DPPC.The .itp file I got from a coworker that used it 
before for membrane MD simulations.
To minimize the system I used steepest descent with the following 

Well if your grompp and mdrun completed successfully and without 
warnings then you've probably got an OK topology and structure.

The combination of all bond constraints, a single lipid in vacuo, 
temperature coupling and a single position restraint sounds like a 
recipe for a numerical disaster, i.e. blowing up. Try with fewer of 
those things applied, or get a more physically-reasonable system, like a 
whole membrane.

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the 
www interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

Re: [gmx-users] position restraints

2008-04-24 Thread gadies


I tried using no temperature coupling and no constraints, that did not help.
If I run the simulation without the position restraints it works OK.
Could there by something wrong with the posre file (I'll attach it at  
the end of the email).
I want one of the atoms in the lipid to stay in one place and the rest  
to wiggle around it. Is there any other way to do that which is not  
position restraints.

Thanks Gadi

[ position_restraints ]
; atom  type  fx  fy  fz
 1 1  0  0  0
 2 1  0  0  0
 3 1  0  0  0
 4 1  0  0  0
 5 1  0  0  0
 6 1  0  0  0
 7 1  0  0  0
 8 1  1000.0  1000.0  1000.0
 9 1  0  0  0
10 1  0  0  0
11 1  0  0  0
12 1  0  0  0
13 1  0  0  0
14 1  0  0  0
15 1  0  0  0
16 1  0  0  0
17 1  0  0  0
18 1  0  0  0
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21 1  0  0  0
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36 1  0  0  0
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39 1  0  0  0
40 1  0  0  0
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44 1  0  0  0
45 1  0  0  0
46 1  0  0  0
47 1  0  0  0
48 1  0  0  0
49 1  0  0  0
50 1  0  0  0

Quoting Mark Abraham [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Please generate replies to the mailing list sensibly. It's very hard to
work out who you are quoting where in this email. It'd be easy just to
ignore it, and that's the last thing you should want.


I'm trying to run a simulation with one lipid molecule in a fixed
simulation box without pbc.
I set position restraints on one of the atoms and I seem to keep on
getting the following error:

Why do you want MD of a single lipid and a position restraint on one
atom? If you just want to see a lipid wiggle around, then don't create
more numerical complexity.

The lipid is DPPC.The .itp file I got from a coworker that used it   
before for membrane MD simulations.
To minimize the system I used steepest descent with the following   

Well if your grompp and mdrun completed successfully and without
warnings then you've probably got an OK topology and structure.

The combination of all bond constraints, a single lipid in vacuo,
temperature coupling and a single position restraint sounds like a
recipe for a numerical disaster, i.e. blowing up. Try with fewer of
those things applied, or get a more physically-reasonable system, like
a whole membrane.

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www
interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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Re: [gmx-users] position restraints

2008-04-24 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Did your minimization converge to a nice, negative potential energy?  Also, what
is the full mdrun output when the simulation blows up?  You've quoted the last
bit, but it would be more informative to see the whole output, or at least a
description of it (i.e., LINCS warnings).




 I tried using no temperature coupling and no constraints, that did not help.
 If I run the simulation without the position restraints it works OK.
 Could there by something wrong with the posre file (I'll attach it at
 the end of the email).
 I want one of the atoms in the lipid to stay in one place and the rest
 to wiggle around it. Is there any other way to do that which is not
 position restraints.

 Thanks Gadi

 [ position_restraints ]
 ; atom  type  fx  fy  fz
   1 1  0  0  0
   2 1  0  0  0
   3 1  0  0  0
   4 1  0  0  0
   5 1  0  0  0
   6 1  0  0  0
   7 1  0  0  0
   8 1  1000.0  1000.0  1000.0
   9 1  0  0  0
  10 1  0  0  0
  11 1  0  0  0
  12 1  0  0  0
  13 1  0  0  0
  14 1  0  0  0
  15 1  0  0  0
  16 1  0  0  0
  17 1  0  0  0
  18 1  0  0  0
  19 1  0  0  0
  20 1  0  0  0
  21 1  0  0  0
  22 1  0  0  0
  23 1  0  0  0
  24 1  0  0  0
  25 1  0  0  0
  26 1  0  0  0
  27 1  0  0  0
  28 1  0  0  0
  29 1  0  0  0
  30 1  0  0  0
  31 1  0  0  0
  32 1  0  0  0
  33 1  0  0  0
  34 1  0  0  0
  35 1  0  0  0
  36 1  0  0  0
  37 1  0  0  0
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  39 1  0  0  0
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  41 1  0  0  0
  42 1  0  0  0
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  46 1  0  0  0
  47 1  0  0  0
  48 1  0  0  0
  49 1  0  0  0
  50 1  0  0  0

 Quoting Mark Abraham [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Please generate replies to the mailing list sensibly. It's very hard to
  work out who you are quoting where in this email. It'd be easy just to
  ignore it, and that's the last thing you should want.
  I'm trying to run a simulation with one lipid molecule in a fixed
  simulation box without pbc.
  I set position restraints on one of the atoms and I seem to keep on
  getting the following error:
  Why do you want MD of a single lipid and a position restraint on one
  atom? If you just want to see a lipid wiggle around, then don't create
  more numerical complexity.
  The lipid is DPPC.The .itp file I got from a coworker that used it
  before for membrane MD simulations.
  To minimize the system I used steepest descent with the following
  Well if your grompp and mdrun completed successfully and without
  warnings then you've probably got an OK topology and structure.
  The combination of all bond constraints, a single lipid in vacuo,
  temperature coupling and a single position restraint sounds like a
  recipe for a numerical disaster, i.e. blowing up. Try with fewer of
  those things applied, or get a more physically-reasonable system, like
  a whole membrane.
  gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
  Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
  Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www
  interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

 This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

 gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
 Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
 Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the
 www interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | (540) 231-9080

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
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www interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

Re: [gmx-users] position restraints

2008-04-24 Thread gadies


The full mdrun output when the simulation blows up is:

Step 0, time 0 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max inf (between atoms 6 and 7) rms inf
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
Warning: 1-4 interaction between 1 and 6 at distance  
324490777485109120.000 which is larger than the 1-4 table size 1.000 nm

These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
This usually means your system is exploding,
if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file

Thanks Gadi

Quoting Justin A. Lemkul [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Did your minimization converge to a nice, negative potential energy?  
  Also, what
is the full mdrun output when the simulation blows up?  You've   
quoted the last

bit, but it would be more informative to see the whole output, or at least a
description of it (i.e., LINCS warnings).




I tried using no temperature coupling and no constraints, that did not help.
If I run the simulation without the position restraints it works OK.
Could there by something wrong with the posre file (I'll attach it at
the end of the email).
I want one of the atoms in the lipid to stay in one place and the rest
to wiggle around it. Is there any other way to do that which is not
position restraints.

Thanks Gadi

[ position_restraints ]
; atom  type  fx  fy  fz
  1 1  0  0  0
  2 1  0  0  0
  3 1  0  0  0
  4 1  0  0  0
  5 1  0  0  0
  6 1  0  0  0
  7 1  0  0  0
  8 1  1000.0  1000.0  1000.0
  9 1  0  0  0
 10 1  0  0  0
 11 1  0  0  0
 12 1  0  0  0
 13 1  0  0  0
 14 1  0  0  0
 15 1  0  0  0
 16 1  0  0  0
 17 1  0  0  0
 18 1  0  0  0
 19 1  0  0  0
 20 1  0  0  0
 21 1  0  0  0
 22 1  0  0  0
 23 1  0  0  0
 24 1  0  0  0
 25 1  0  0  0
 26 1  0  0  0
 27 1  0  0  0
 28 1  0  0  0
 29 1  0  0  0
 30 1  0  0  0
 31 1  0  0  0
 32 1  0  0  0
 33 1  0  0  0
 34 1  0  0  0
 35 1  0  0  0
 36 1  0  0  0
 37 1  0  0  0
 38 1  0  0  0
 39 1  0  0  0
 40 1  0  0  0
 41 1  0  0  0
 42 1  0  0  0
 43 1  0  0  0
 44 1  0  0  0
 45 1  0  0  0
 46 1  0  0  0
 47 1  0  0  0
 48 1  0  0  0
 49 1  0  0  0
 50 1  0  0  0

Quoting Mark Abraham [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 Please generate replies to the mailing list sensibly. It's very hard to
 work out who you are quoting where in this email. It'd be easy just to
 ignore it, and that's the last thing you should want.


 I'm trying to run a simulation with one lipid molecule in a fixed
 simulation box without pbc.
 I set position restraints on one of the atoms and I seem to keep on
 getting the following error:

 Why do you want MD of a single lipid and a position restraint on one
 atom? If you just want to see a lipid wiggle around, then don't create
 more numerical complexity.

 The lipid is DPPC.The .itp file I got from a coworker that used it
 before for membrane MD simulations.
 To minimize the system I used steepest descent with the following

 Well if your grompp and mdrun completed successfully and without
 warnings then you've probably got an OK topology and structure.

 The combination of all bond constraints, a single lipid in vacuo,
 temperature coupling and a single position restraint sounds like a
 recipe for a numerical disaster, i.e. blowing up. Try with fewer of
 those things applied, or get a more physically-reasonable system, like
 a whole membrane.

 gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
 Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
 Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www
 interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the
www interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | (540) 231-9080

Re: [gmx-users] position restraints

2008-04-24 Thread Justin A. Lemkul


 The full mdrun output when the simulation blows up is:

 Step 0, time 0 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 max inf (between atoms 6 and 7) rms inf
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 Warning: 1-4 interaction between 1 and 6 at distance
 324490777485109120.000 which is larger than the 1-4 table size 1.000 nm
 These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
 This usually means your system is exploding,
 if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file

Basic information about this type of error can be found here (as well as several
hundred posts in the list archive):


How did you do your minimization, with or without restraints?  Did it converge
to an acceptable potential energy?


 Thanks Gadi

 Quoting Justin A. Lemkul [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Did your minimization converge to a nice, negative potential energy?
Also, what
  is the full mdrun output when the simulation blows up?  You've
  quoted the last
  bit, but it would be more informative to see the whole output, or at least
  description of it (i.e., LINCS warnings).
  I tried using no temperature coupling and no constraints, that did not
  If I run the simulation without the position restraints it works OK.
  Could there by something wrong with the posre file (I'll attach it at
  the end of the email).
  I want one of the atoms in the lipid to stay in one place and the rest
  to wiggle around it. Is there any other way to do that which is not
  position restraints.
  Thanks Gadi
  [ position_restraints ]
  ; atom  type  fx  fy  fz
1 1  0  0  0
2 1  0  0  0
3 1  0  0  0
4 1  0  0  0
5 1  0  0  0
6 1  0  0  0
7 1  0  0  0
8 1  1000.0  1000.0  1000.0
9 1  0  0  0
   10 1  0  0  0
   11 1  0  0  0
   12 1  0  0  0
   13 1  0  0  0
   14 1  0  0  0
   15 1  0  0  0
   16 1  0  0  0
   17 1  0  0  0
   18 1  0  0  0
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   38 1  0  0  0
   39 1  0  0  0
   40 1  0  0  0
   41 1  0  0  0
   42 1  0  0  0
   43 1  0  0  0
   44 1  0  0  0
   45 1  0  0  0
   46 1  0  0  0
   47 1  0  0  0
   48 1  0  0  0
   49 1  0  0  0
   50 1  0  0  0
  Quoting Mark Abraham [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Please generate replies to the mailing list sensibly. It's very hard to
   work out who you are quoting where in this email. It'd be easy just to
   ignore it, and that's the last thing you should want.
   I'm trying to run a simulation with one lipid molecule in a fixed
   simulation box without pbc.
   I set position restraints on one of the atoms and I seem to keep on
   getting the following error:
   Why do you want MD of a single lipid and a position restraint on one
   atom? If you just want to see a lipid wiggle around, then don't create
   more numerical complexity.
   The lipid is DPPC.The .itp file I got from a coworker that used it
   before for membrane MD simulations.
   To minimize the system I used steepest descent with the following
   Well if your grompp and mdrun completed successfully and without
   warnings then you've probably got an OK topology and structure.
   The combination of all bond constraints, a single lipid in vacuo,
   temperature coupling and a single position restraint sounds like a
   recipe for a numerical disaster, i.e. blowing up. Try with fewer of
   those things applied, or get a more physically-reasonable system, like
   a whole membrane.
   gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
   Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before
   Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www
   interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php
  This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Re: [gmx-users] position restraints

2008-04-24 Thread chandrabhan seniya
no prob you wait for some time it will write topology file and the proceed

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 5:04 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 The full mdrun output when the simulation blows up is:

 Step 0, time 0 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 max inf (between atoms 6 and 7) rms inf
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 Warning: 1-4 interaction between 1 and 6 at distance
 324490777485109120.000 which is larger than the 1-4 table size 1.000 nm
 These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
 This usually means your system is exploding,
 if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file

 Thanks Gadi

 Quoting Justin A. Lemkul [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Did your minimization converge to a nice, negative potential energy?
   Also, what
  is the full mdrun output when the simulation blows up?  You've  quoted
  the last
  bit, but it would be more informative to see the whole output, or at
  least a
  description of it (i.e., LINCS warnings).
   I tried using no temperature coupling and no constraints, that did not
   If I run the simulation without the position restraints it works OK.
   Could there by something wrong with the posre file (I'll attach it at
   the end of the email).
   I want one of the atoms in the lipid to stay in one place and the rest
   to wiggle around it. Is there any other way to do that which is not
   position restraints.
   Thanks Gadi
   [ position_restraints ]
   ; atom  type  fx  fy  fz
1 1  0  0  0
2 1  0  0  0
3 1  0  0  0
4 1  0  0  0
5 1  0  0  0
6 1  0  0  0
7 1  0  0  0
8 1  1000.0  1000.0  1000.0
9 1  0  0  0
   10 1  0  0  0
   11 1  0  0  0
   12 1  0  0  0
   13 1  0  0  0
   14 1  0  0  0
   15 1  0  0  0
   16 1  0  0  0
   17 1  0  0  0
   18 1  0  0  0
   19 1  0  0  0
   20 1  0  0  0
   21 1  0  0  0
   22 1  0  0  0
   23 1  0  0  0
   24 1  0  0  0
   25 1  0  0  0
   26 1  0  0  0
   27 1  0  0  0
   28 1  0  0  0
   29 1  0  0  0
   30 1  0  0  0
   31 1  0  0  0
   32 1  0  0  0
   33 1  0  0  0
   34 1  0  0  0
   35 1  0  0  0
   36 1  0  0  0
   37 1  0  0  0
   38 1  0  0  0
   39 1  0  0  0
   40 1  0  0  0
   41 1  0  0  0
   42 1  0  0  0
   43 1  0  0  0
   44 1  0  0  0
   45 1  0  0  0
   46 1  0  0  0
   47 1  0  0  0
   48 1  0  0  0
   49 1  0  0  0
   50 1  0  0  0
   Quoting Mark Abraham [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Please generate replies to the mailing list sensibly. It's very hard
work out who you are quoting where in this email. It'd be easy just
ignore it, and that's the last thing you should want.
I'm trying to run a simulation with one lipid molecule in a fixed
simulation box without pbc.
I set position restraints on one of the atoms and I seem to keep on
getting the following error:
Why do you want MD of a single lipid and a position restraint on one
atom? If you just want to see a lipid wiggle around, then don't
more numerical complexity.
The lipid is DPPC.The .itp file I got from a coworker that used it
before for membrane MD simulations.
To minimize the system I used steepest descent with the following
Well if your grompp and mdrun completed successfully and without
warnings then you've probably got an OK topology and structure.
The combination of all bond constraints, a single lipid in vacuo,
temperature coupling and a single position restraint sounds like a
recipe for a numerical disaster, i.e. blowing up. Try with fewer of
those things applied, or get a more physically-reasonable system,
a whole membrane.
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before
Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www
interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php
   This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
   gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org

Re: [gmx-users] position restraints

2008-04-24 Thread Justin A. Lemkul
Quoting chandrabhan seniya [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 no prob you wait for some time it will write topology file and the proceed

I think that a lipid molecule trying to tear itself apart at step 0 would fall
under the category of a problem, and it will not disappear on it's own if we
conveniently ignore it...

 On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 5:04 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The full mdrun output when the simulation blows up is:
  Step 0, time 0 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
  relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
  max inf (between atoms 6 and 7) rms inf
  bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  Warning: 1-4 interaction between 1 and 6 at distance
  324490777485109120.000 which is larger than the 1-4 table size 1.000 nm
  These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
  This usually means your system is exploding,
  if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file
  Thanks Gadi
  Quoting Justin A. Lemkul [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Did your minimization converge to a nice, negative potential energy?
Also, what
   is the full mdrun output when the simulation blows up?  You've  quoted
   the last
   bit, but it would be more informative to see the whole output, or at
   least a
   description of it (i.e., LINCS warnings).
I tried using no temperature coupling and no constraints, that did not
If I run the simulation without the position restraints it works OK.
Could there by something wrong with the posre file (I'll attach it at
the end of the email).
I want one of the atoms in the lipid to stay in one place and the rest
to wiggle around it. Is there any other way to do that which is not
position restraints.
Thanks Gadi
[ position_restraints ]
; atom  type  fx  fy  fz
 1 1  0  0  0
 2 1  0  0  0
 3 1  0  0  0
 4 1  0  0  0
 5 1  0  0  0
 6 1  0  0  0
 7 1  0  0  0
 8 1  1000.0  1000.0  1000.0
 9 1  0  0  0
10 1  0  0  0
11 1  0  0  0
12 1  0  0  0
13 1  0  0  0
14 1  0  0  0
15 1  0  0  0
16 1  0  0  0
17 1  0  0  0
18 1  0  0  0
19 1  0  0  0
20 1  0  0  0
21 1  0  0  0
22 1  0  0  0
23 1  0  0  0
24 1  0  0  0
25 1  0  0  0
26 1  0  0  0
27 1  0  0  0
28 1  0  0  0
29 1  0  0  0
30 1  0  0  0
31 1  0  0  0
32 1  0  0  0
33 1  0  0  0
34 1  0  0  0
35 1  0  0  0
36 1  0  0  0
37 1  0  0  0
38 1  0  0  0
39 1  0  0  0
40 1  0  0  0
41 1  0  0  0
42 1  0  0  0
43 1  0  0  0
44 1  0  0  0
45 1  0  0  0
46 1  0  0  0
47 1  0  0  0
48 1  0  0  0
49 1  0  0  0
50 1  0  0  0
Quoting Mark Abraham [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Please generate replies to the mailing list sensibly. It's very hard
 work out who you are quoting where in this email. It'd be easy just
 ignore it, and that's the last thing you should want.


 I'm trying to run a simulation with one lipid molecule in a fixed
 simulation box without pbc.
 I set position restraints on one of the atoms and I seem to keep on
 getting the following error:

 Why do you want MD of a single lipid and a position restraint on one
 atom? If you just want to see a lipid wiggle around, then don't
 more numerical complexity.

 The lipid is DPPC.The .itp file I got from a coworker that used it
 before for membrane MD simulations.
 To minimize the system I used steepest descent with the following

 Well if your grompp and mdrun completed successfully and without
 warnings then you've probably got an OK topology and structure.

 The combination of all bond constraints, a single lipid in vacuo,
 temperature coupling and a single position restraint sounds like a
 recipe for a numerical disaster, i.e. blowing up. Try with fewer of
 those things applied, or get a more physically-reasonable system,
 a whole membrane.

 gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
 Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before
 Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www
 interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[gmx-users] AFMM parameter refinement

2008-04-24 Thread Abu Naser

Hi All,

Has any body tried doing parameter refinement using Vaiana's python code called 

A.C. Vaiana, Z. Cournia, I.B. Costescu and J.C. Smith, AFMM: A molecular 
mechanics force field vibrational parametrization program', Computer Physics 
Communications, 167 (2005), pp.34-42.

I have done a test run  using propene setup that came along with the code and 
came across a problem. It gives me the same minimum and current sigma value in 
every steps as:
Minimum sigma: 5782.258565, current sigma: 5782.258565

Dose anybody know what might be the problem?

With regards,


Be a superhero and win! Play the Iron Man Mashup Game 
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the
www interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

Re: [gmx-users] position restraints

2008-04-24 Thread Mark Abraham

chandrabhan seniya wrote:

what is yr real prob tell me?

On this list, we like constructive criticism. I don't think the above 
qualifies as such.

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the 
www interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

Re: [gmx-users] position restraints

2008-04-24 Thread Justin A. Lemkul
Quoting chandrabhan seniya [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 what is yr real prob tell me?

No need to get confrontational; my reply was not intended to be insulting.  Mark
and I have been putting forth some effort to help our friend Gadi here by
extracting some detail that may be useful to document in the list archives. 
Posting advice to ignore the problem, that everything will be fine, etc, may
result in someone searching for help, finding your post about ignoring the
problem, and trying to proceed.  My response was simply that errors that cause
simulations to crash typically shouldn't be ignored with the belief that they
will resolve themselves.  Just my $0.02, and everyone hereafter is free to take
it or leave it.


 On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 5:49 PM, Justin A. Lemkul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Quoting chandrabhan seniya [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   no prob you wait for some time it will write topology file and the
  I think that a lipid molecule trying to tear itself apart at step 0 would
  under the category of a problem, and it will not disappear on it's own
  if we
  conveniently ignore it...
   On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 5:04 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The full mdrun output when the simulation blows up is:
Step 0, time 0 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max inf (between atoms 6 and 7) rms inf
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
Warning: 1-4 interaction between 1 and 6 at distance
324490777485109120.000 which is larger than the 1-4 table size 1.000
These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
This usually means your system is exploding,
if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file
Thanks Gadi
Quoting Justin A. Lemkul [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Did your minimization converge to a nice, negative potential energy?
  Also, what
 is the full mdrun output when the simulation blows up?  You've
 the last
 bit, but it would be more informative to see the whole output, or at
 least a
 description of it (i.e., LINCS warnings).



  I tried using no temperature coupling and no constraints, that did
  If I run the simulation without the position restraints it works
  Could there by something wrong with the posre file (I'll attach it
  the end of the email).
  I want one of the atoms in the lipid to stay in one place and the
  to wiggle around it. Is there any other way to do that which is
  position restraints.
  Thanks Gadi
  [ position_restraints ]
  ; atom  type  fx  fy  fz
   1 1  0  0  0
   2 1  0  0  0
   3 1  0  0  0
   4 1  0  0  0
   5 1  0  0  0
   6 1  0  0  0
   7 1  0  0  0
   8 1  1000.0  1000.0  1000.0
   9 1  0  0  0
  10 1  0  0  0
  11 1  0  0  0
  12 1  0  0  0
  13 1  0  0  0
  14 1  0  0  0
  15 1  0  0  0
  16 1  0  0  0
  17 1  0  0  0
  18 1  0  0  0
  19 1  0  0  0
  20 1  0  0  0
  21 1  0  0  0
  22 1  0  0  0
  23 1  0  0  0
  24 1  0  0  0
  25 1  0  0  0
  26 1  0  0  0
  27 1  0  0  0
  28 1  0  0  0
  29 1  0  0  0
  30 1  0  0  0
  31 1  0  0  0
  32 1  0  0  0
  33 1  0  0  0
  34 1  0  0  0
  35 1  0  0  0
  36 1  0  0  0
  37 1  0  0  0
  38 1  0  0  0
  39 1  0  0  0
  40 1  0  0  0
  41 1  0  0  0
  42 1  0  0  0
  43 1  0  0  0
  44 1  0  0  0
  45 1  0  0  0
  46 1  0  0  0
  47 1  0  0  0
  48 1  0  0  0
  49 1  0  0  0
  50 1  0  0  0
  Quoting Mark Abraham [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Please generate replies to the mailing list sensibly. It's very
   work out who you are quoting where in this email. It'd be easy
   ignore it, and that's the last thing you should want.
   I'm trying to run a simulation with one lipid molecule in a
   simulation box without pbc.
   I set position restraints on one of the atoms and I seem to
  keep on
   getting the following error:
   Why do you want MD of a single lipid and a position restraint on
   atom? If you just want to see a lipid wiggle around, then 

Re: [gmx-users] position restraints

2008-04-24 Thread gadies


I minimized without restraints, could that be the problem?
After the minimization I got a Potential Energy  = -6.1434351e+02.


Quoting Justin A. Lemkul [EMAIL PROTECTED]:



The full mdrun output when the simulation blows up is:

Step 0, time 0 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max inf (between atoms 6 and 7) rms inf
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
Warning: 1-4 interaction between 1 and 6 at distance
324490777485109120.000 which is larger than the 1-4 table size 1.000 nm
These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
This usually means your system is exploding,
if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file

Basic information about this type of error can be found here (as   
well as several

hundred posts in the list archive):


How did you do your minimization, with or without restraints?  Did   
it converge

to an acceptable potential energy?


Thanks Gadi

Quoting Justin A. Lemkul [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Did your minimization converge to a nice, negative potential energy?
   Also, what
 is the full mdrun output when the simulation blows up?  You've
 quoted the last
 bit, but it would be more informative to see the whole output, or at least
 description of it (i.e., LINCS warnings).




 I tried using no temperature coupling and no constraints, that did not
 If I run the simulation without the position restraints it works OK.
 Could there by something wrong with the posre file (I'll attach it at
 the end of the email).
 I want one of the atoms in the lipid to stay in one place and the rest
 to wiggle around it. Is there any other way to do that which is not
 position restraints.

 Thanks Gadi

 [ position_restraints ]
 ; atom  type  fx  fy  fz
   1 1  0  0  0
   2 1  0  0  0
   3 1  0  0  0
   4 1  0  0  0
   5 1  0  0  0
   6 1  0  0  0
   7 1  0  0  0
   8 1  1000.0  1000.0  1000.0
   9 1  0  0  0
  10 1  0  0  0
  11 1  0  0  0
  12 1  0  0  0
  13 1  0  0  0
  14 1  0  0  0
  15 1  0  0  0
  16 1  0  0  0
  17 1  0  0  0
  18 1  0  0  0
  19 1  0  0  0
  20 1  0  0  0
  21 1  0  0  0
  22 1  0  0  0
  23 1  0  0  0
  24 1  0  0  0
  25 1  0  0  0
  26 1  0  0  0
  27 1  0  0  0
  28 1  0  0  0
  29 1  0  0  0
  30 1  0  0  0
  31 1  0  0  0
  32 1  0  0  0
  33 1  0  0  0
  34 1  0  0  0
  35 1  0  0  0
  36 1  0  0  0
  37 1  0  0  0
  38 1  0  0  0
  39 1  0  0  0
  40 1  0  0  0
  41 1  0  0  0
  42 1  0  0  0
  43 1  0  0  0
  44 1  0  0  0
  45 1  0  0  0
  46 1  0  0  0
  47 1  0  0  0
  48 1  0  0  0
  49 1  0  0  0
  50 1  0  0  0

 Quoting Mark Abraham [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Please generate replies to the mailing list sensibly. It's very hard to
  work out who you are quoting where in this email. It'd be easy just to
  ignore it, and that's the last thing you should want.
  I'm trying to run a simulation with one lipid molecule in a fixed
  simulation box without pbc.
  I set position restraints on one of the atoms and I seem to keep on
  getting the following error:
  Why do you want MD of a single lipid and a position restraint on one
  atom? If you just want to see a lipid wiggle around, then don't create
  more numerical complexity.
  The lipid is DPPC.The .itp file I got from a coworker that used it
  before for membrane MD simulations.
  To minimize the system I used steepest descent with the following
  Well if your grompp and mdrun completed successfully and without
  warnings then you've probably got an OK topology and structure.
  The combination of all bond constraints, a single lipid in vacuo,
  temperature coupling and a single position restraint sounds like a
  recipe for a numerical disaster, i.e. blowing up. Try with fewer of
  those things applied, or get a more physically-reasonable system, like
  a whole membrane.
  gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
  Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before
  Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www
  interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

 This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.


Re: [gmx-users] position restraints

2008-04-24 Thread Justin A. Lemkul


 I minimized without restraints, could that be the problem?
 After the minimization I got a Potential Energy  = -6.1434351e+02.

That seems fine.  Basically, your lipid's headgroup is shearing itself apart
(which you can tell from the LINCS warnings).  At this point, I could only
guess as to what's going wrong, which probably won't do you much good.

If you'd like to send me your structure, topologies, and .mdp file off-list, I'd
be happy to have a look at them.



 Quoting Justin A. Lemkul [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  The full mdrun output when the simulation blows up is:
  Step 0, time 0 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
  relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
  max inf (between atoms 6 and 7) rms inf
  bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  Warning: 1-4 interaction between 1 and 6 at distance
  324490777485109120.000 which is larger than the 1-4 table size 1.000 nm
  These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
  This usually means your system is exploding,
  if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file
  Basic information about this type of error can be found here (as
  well as several
  hundred posts in the list archive):
  How did you do your minimization, with or without restraints?  Did
  it converge
  to an acceptable potential energy?
  Thanks Gadi
  Quoting Justin A. Lemkul [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Did your minimization converge to a nice, negative potential energy?
 Also, what
   is the full mdrun output when the simulation blows up?  You've
   quoted the last
   bit, but it would be more informative to see the whole output, or at
   description of it (i.e., LINCS warnings).
   I tried using no temperature coupling and no constraints, that did not
   If I run the simulation without the position restraints it works OK.
   Could there by something wrong with the posre file (I'll attach it at
   the end of the email).
   I want one of the atoms in the lipid to stay in one place and the rest
   to wiggle around it. Is there any other way to do that which is not
   position restraints.
   Thanks Gadi
   [ position_restraints ]
   ; atom  type  fx  fy  fz
 1 1  0  0  0
 2 1  0  0  0
 3 1  0  0  0
 4 1  0  0  0
 5 1  0  0  0
 6 1  0  0  0
 7 1  0  0  0
 8 1  1000.0  1000.0  1000.0
 9 1  0  0  0
10 1  0  0  0
11 1  0  0  0
12 1  0  0  0
13 1  0  0  0
14 1  0  0  0
15 1  0  0  0
16 1  0  0  0
17 1  0  0  0
18 1  0  0  0
19 1  0  0  0
20 1  0  0  0
21 1  0  0  0
22 1  0  0  0
23 1  0  0  0
24 1  0  0  0
25 1  0  0  0
26 1  0  0  0
27 1  0  0  0
28 1  0  0  0
29 1  0  0  0
30 1  0  0  0
31 1  0  0  0
32 1  0  0  0
33 1  0  0  0
34 1  0  0  0
35 1  0  0  0
36 1  0  0  0
37 1  0  0  0
38 1  0  0  0
39 1  0  0  0
40 1  0  0  0
41 1  0  0  0
42 1  0  0  0
43 1  0  0  0
44 1  0  0  0
45 1  0  0  0
46 1  0  0  0
47 1  0  0  0
48 1  0  0  0
49 1  0  0  0
50 1  0  0  0
   Quoting Mark Abraham [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Please generate replies to the mailing list sensibly. It's very hard
work out who you are quoting where in this email. It'd be easy just
ignore it, and that's the last thing you should want.
I'm trying to run a simulation with one lipid molecule in a fixed
simulation box without pbc.
I set position restraints on one of the atoms and I seem to keep on
getting the following error:
Why do you want MD of a single lipid and a position restraint on one
atom? If you just want to see a lipid wiggle around, then don't
more numerical complexity.
The lipid is DPPC.The .itp file I got from a coworker that used it
before for membrane MD simulations.
To minimize the system I used steepest descent with the following
Well if your grompp and mdrun completed successfully and without
warnings then you've probably got an OK topology and structure.
The combination of all bond constraints, a single lipid in vacuo,
temperature coupling and a single position restraint sounds like a
recipe for a numerical disaster, i.e. blowing up. Try with 

[gmx-users] Converting OPLS parameters

2008-04-24 Thread Ramon Crehuet
Dear Gromacs users,
I am new to gromacs. I have just installed and read some tutorials.
I would like to start reproducing the results I have calculated with
another program (Dynamo). My system has a protein, water, ATP and
N-acetylglutamate (NAG).
The protein and water are trivial to convert. But I would like to use
the same ATP and NAG parameters that I already have in my OPLS file (I
enclose this file for the ATP at the end of the mail).
I know PRODRG can generate the topology files, but it also creates the
force field parameters, doesn't it? Is there an automatic way to
translate the OPLS format to gromacs? Or could you suggest another
Thanks in advance,

!  OPLS MM Definition File for ATP
! . Notes:
MM_Definitions OPLS_AA 1.0

! . Atom Type Definitions.
! Atom Name Atomic Number   Sigma   Epsilon
H 10.0  0.0
HO10.0  0.0
HC12.5  0.03000
CA63.5  0.08000  !  for Adenine
CB63.5  0.08000  !  for Adenine
CK63.5  0.08000  !  for Adenine
CQ63.5  0.08000  !  for Adenine
CT63.5  0.06600
N*73.25000  0.17000
N273.25000  0.17000
NB73.25000  0.17000  !  for Adenine
NC73.25000  0.17000  !  for Adenine
O 83.15000  0.2
OH83.07000  0.17000
OS82.9  0.14000
P153.74000  0.2

! . Electrostatics and Lennard-Jones Options.
Electrostatics Scale 0.5
Lennard_Jones  Scale 0.5

! . Units specification.
Units kcal/mole

! . Residue Definitions.
Residue ATP
! # Atoms, bonds and impropers.
 44 45 5
N1NC -0.53   ! Impact Adenine
C2CQ  0.22   ! Impact Adenine
H2HC  0.20   ! Impact Adenine
N3NC -0.55   ! Impact Adenine
C4CB  0.38   ! Impact Adenine
C5CB  0.15   ! Impact Adenine
C6CA  0.44   ! Impact Adenine
N7NB -0.49   ! Impact Adenine
C8CK  0.20   ! Impact Adenine
H8HC  0.20   ! Impact Adenine
N9N* -0.50   ! Impact Adenine
N10   N2 -0.81   ! Impact Adenine
H11   H   0.37   ! Impact Adenine
H12   H   0.37   ! Impact Adenine
C1'   CT  0.25   ! adjusted
H1'   HC  0.10   ! Impact HC hemiacetal
C2'   CT  0.20   ! Impact CT diols
H2'   HC  0.10   ! Impact HC hemiacetal
O2'   OH -0.70   ! Impact OH6 hemiacetal, diol
HT2'  HO  0.43   ! Impact HO hemiacetal, diol
C3'   CT  0.20   ! Impact CT diols
H3'   HC  0.10   ! Impact HC hemiacetal
O3'   OH -0.70   ! Impact OH6 hemiacetal, diol
HT3'  HO  0.43   ! Impact HO hemiacetal, diol
C4'   CT  0.24   ! adjusted
O4'   OS -0.40   ! Impact OS ether, acetal.
H4'   HC  0.10   ! Impact HC hemiacetal
C5'   CT  0.42   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
H51'  HC -0.10   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
H52'  HC -0.10   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
O5'   OS -0.71   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
PAP   1.85   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
OA1   O  -1.07   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
OA2   O  -1.07   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
OA3   OS -0.78   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
PBP   1.98   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
OB1   O  -1.09   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
OB2   O  -1.09   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
OB3   OS -0.74   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
PGP   2.04   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
OG1   O  -1.18   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
OG2   O  -1.18   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
OG3   O  -1.18   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG

N1   C2  ; C2   N3  ; C2   H2  ; N3   C4  ; C4   C5  ; C5   C6
C6   N1  ; C6   N10 ; N10  H11 ; N10  H12 ; C5   N7  ; N7   C8
C8   N9  ; C8   H8  ; N9   C4  ; N9   C1' ; C1'  C2' ; C1'  H1'
C2'  C3' ; C2'  H2' ; C2'  O2' ; O2'  HT2'; C3'  C4' ; C3'  H3'
C3'  O3' ; O3'  HT3'; C4'  C5' ; C4'  H4' ; C4'  O4' ; O4'  C1'
C5'  O5' ; C5'  H51'; C5'  H52'; O5'  PA  ; PA   OA1 ; PA   OA2
PA   OA3 ; OA3  PB  ; PB   OB1 ; PB   OB2 ; PB   OB3;  OB3  PG
PG   OG1 ; PG   OG2 ; PG   OG3

N1   N3   C2   H2   ; N1   C5   C6   N10  ; N3   C5   C4   N9
C4   C6   C5   N7   ; N7   N9   C8   

[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 48, Issue 82

2008-04-24 Thread Bonner, Carl E.
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  Justin A. Lemkul
  Graduate Research Assistant
  Department of Biochemistry
  Virginia Tech
  Blacksburg, VA
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (540) 231-9080
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Re: [gmx-users] Converting OPLS parameters

2008-04-24 Thread Ran Friedman
Hello Ramon,

There's no automatic way, and prodrg doesn't deal with OPLS. If you have
common residues (protein, water, maybe also ATP and NAG) you can use
pdb2gmx. Otherwise, you'll have to write a script or do things by hand.
Since you already have the parameters it shouldn't be too difficult.


Ramon Crehuet wrote:
 Dear Gromacs users,
 I am new to gromacs. I have just installed and read some tutorials.
 I would like to start reproducing the results I have calculated with
 another program (Dynamo). My system has a protein, water, ATP and
 N-acetylglutamate (NAG).
 The protein and water are trivial to convert. But I would like to use
 the same ATP and NAG parameters that I already have in my OPLS file (I
 enclose this file for the ATP at the end of the mail).
 I know PRODRG can generate the topology files, but it also creates the
 force field parameters, doesn't it? Is there an automatic way to
 translate the OPLS format to gromacs? Or could you suggest another
 Thanks in advance,

 !  OPLS MM Definition File for ATP
 ! . Notes:
 MM_Definitions OPLS_AA 1.0

 ! . Atom Type Definitions.
 ! Atom Name Atomic Number   Sigma   Epsilon
 H 10.0  0.0
 HO10.0  0.0
 HC12.5  0.03000
 CA63.5  0.08000  !  for Adenine
 CB63.5  0.08000  !  for Adenine
 CK63.5  0.08000  !  for Adenine
 CQ63.5  0.08000  !  for Adenine
 CT63.5  0.06600
 N*73.25000  0.17000
 N273.25000  0.17000
 NB73.25000  0.17000  !  for Adenine
 NC73.25000  0.17000  !  for Adenine
 O 83.15000  0.2
 OH83.07000  0.17000
 OS82.9  0.14000
 P153.74000  0.2

 ! . Electrostatics and Lennard-Jones Options.
 Electrostatics Scale 0.5
 Lennard_Jones  Scale 0.5

 ! . Units specification.
 Units kcal/mole

 ! . Residue Definitions.
 Residue ATP
 ! # Atoms, bonds and impropers.
  44 45 5
 N1NC -0.53   ! Impact Adenine
 C2CQ  0.22   ! Impact Adenine
 H2HC  0.20   ! Impact Adenine
 N3NC -0.55   ! Impact Adenine
 C4CB  0.38   ! Impact Adenine
 C5CB  0.15   ! Impact Adenine
 C6CA  0.44   ! Impact Adenine
 N7NB -0.49   ! Impact Adenine
 C8CK  0.20   ! Impact Adenine
 H8HC  0.20   ! Impact Adenine
 N9N* -0.50   ! Impact Adenine
 N10   N2 -0.81   ! Impact Adenine
 H11   H   0.37   ! Impact Adenine
 H12   H   0.37   ! Impact Adenine
 C1'   CT  0.25   ! adjusted
 H1'   HC  0.10   ! Impact HC hemiacetal
 C2'   CT  0.20   ! Impact CT diols
 H2'   HC  0.10   ! Impact HC hemiacetal
 O2'   OH -0.70   ! Impact OH6 hemiacetal, diol
 HT2'  HO  0.43   ! Impact HO hemiacetal, diol
 C3'   CT  0.20   ! Impact CT diols
 H3'   HC  0.10   ! Impact HC hemiacetal
 O3'   OH -0.70   ! Impact OH6 hemiacetal, diol
 HT3'  HO  0.43   ! Impact HO hemiacetal, diol
 C4'   CT  0.24   ! adjusted
 O4'   OS -0.40   ! Impact OS ether, acetal.
 H4'   HC  0.10   ! Impact HC hemiacetal
 C5'   CT  0.42   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 H51'  HC -0.10   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 H52'  HC -0.10   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 O5'   OS -0.71   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 PAP   1.85   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 OA1   O  -1.07   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 OA2   O  -1.07   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 OA3   OS -0.78   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 PBP   1.98   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 OB1   O  -1.09   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 OB2   O  -1.09   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 OB3   OS -0.74   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 PGP   2.04   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 OG1   O  -1.18   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 OG2   O  -1.18   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG
 OG3   O  -1.18   ! HF/6-31+G* CHelpG

 N1   C2  ; C2   N3  ; C2   H2  ; N3   C4  ; C4   C5  ; C5   C6
 C6   N1  ; C6   N10 ; N10  H11 ; N10  H12 ; C5   N7  ; N7   C8
 C8   N9  ; C8   H8  ; 

[gmx-users] Problem with ref_t and tau_t values

2008-04-24 Thread Miguel Fernández Oliva
Hi List: I am trying to run a MD of a system containing 12256 atoms and
grompp gives me that Fatal error about ¨not enough ref_t and tau_t values¨
, I have already tried everything recommended in the mailing list and can
not solve my problem. Any new tips?
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Re: [gmx-users] Problem with ref_t and tau_t values

2008-04-24 Thread Justin A. Lemkul
Quoting Miguel Fernández Oliva [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi List: I am trying to run a MD of a system containing 12256 atoms and
 grompp gives me that Fatal error about ¨not enough ref_t and tau_t values¨
 , I have already tried everything recommended in the mailing list and can
 not solve my problem. Any new tips?

Without seeing your .mdp file, not really.  If you can show us that, we might
have some idea.


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Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | (540) 231-9080

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RE: [gmx-users] Entropy correction in PMF

2008-04-24 Thread Ángel Piñeiro
Thanks a lot Chris and Berk for your answers. I think that there are (at
least) two different and independent corrections that should be
performed to estimate absolute binding energies from the pmf (that is
indeed my aim) -the  correction for the reference state that depends on
the concentration of the different species in the solution (this is
quite clear in the Gilson's papers) and the entropic correction. I may
agree that whether or not the entropic correction should be performed
depends on what you want the pmf for but what is the difference
between a substrate-protein complex and the interaction between two
methane molecules in solution regarding the entropic correction?

My confusion comes from these two sentences in the manual:

When one wants to pull a substrate into a protein, this entropic term
indeed contributes to the work to get the substrate into the protein.
But when calculating a pmf between two solutes in a solvent, for the
purpose of simulating without solvent, the entropic contribution should
be removed.

Summing up my concern: Does the entropic term really contribute to the
absolute binding energy, or, on the contrary, this absolute  binding
energy must be calculated from the previously corrected pmf?


On Thu, 2008-04-24 at 09:23 +0200, Berk Hess wrote:
  Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 20:34:40 -0400
  To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
  Subject: [gmx-users] Entropy correction in PMF
  That sentence could definitely use some massaging. Try this:
  Whether one needs to correct for this contribution depends on what
  pmf should represent. When one wants to pull a substrate into a
  this entropic term indeed contributes to the work to get the
  into the protein. This is because the work required to pull a
  into a protein binding pocket depends on the concentration of that 
  ligand in the unbound state. The entropic contribution, however, 
  depends on the size of your simulation box if your sampling of the 
  entire box is ergodic. Further, the large computational cost of 
  converging the sampling of large separations between the protein
  ligand make it undesirable to target true ergodicity for large 
  separations. It is more efficient to calculate the work required to 
  pull a ligand into a protein from an unbound state that has a
  concentration and then to separately calculate the work required to 
  change that concentration to some standard state, e.g. 1 molar.
  If any other free energy users care to comment, perhaps we could
  up with something based on what I have suggested (or something 
  entirely different) that could go into the new manual.
  --original message --
  I sent the attached message on last March 31 but I didn't get any
  answer... may be the right people was not available at that time and
  that is why I am trying again. I would thank a lot to have some more
  detail about this paragraph in the gromacs manual (version 3.3,
  6, page 111):
  Whether one needs to correct for this contribution depends on what
  pmf should represent. When one wants to pull a substrate into a
  this entropic term indeed contributes to the work to get the
  into the protein. But when calculating a pmf between two solutes in
  solvent, for the purpose of simulating without solvent, the entropic
  contribution should be removed. Note that this term can be
  when at 300K the distance is halved the contribution is 3.5 kJ
  why exactly for a substrate-protein complex shouldn't one correct
 This is not a simple should or should not.
 It depends on what you want to use the PMF for.
 You should be aware that there is this simple entropic distance
 When a substrate needs to enter into a protein, it has to work against
 this entropic term. If you include this or not, depends on how your
 to present the PMF in a presentation, or how your will use it for
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[gmx-users] Infinite system PBC and Bonded Interaction

2008-04-24 Thread Eudes Fileti
I am simulating a infinite graphene sheet in water.
The expected is that the system it is infinite in xy plane.
But after the simulation I note that the edges of the box (in particular
the graphene) are not replicables, i. e., it do not match with its
images. I suspect that I may be wrong in using any option mdp  file
I got the same result for both full and xyz for option pbd.

What have I to do to my system be infinitely replicated,
with all its bonded interaction matching?

Eudes Eterno Fileti
Centro de Ciência Naturais e Humanas
Universidade Federal do ABC
Rua Catequese, 242 - 3º Andar
09090-400 Santo André - SP Brasil
Tel: +55 11 4437-1600 ramal 408
skype: eefileti
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[gmx-users] Ion Parametrization in OPLS-AA forcefield

2008-04-24 Thread srinivas ramachandran
Dear All,

I require the papers in which the original parameters (in ions.itp) for ions
in OPLSAA force field was published. Also I would like to if there are any
studies in which these ion parameters were benchmarked with experimental

Thanks a lot.


Srinivas Ramachandran
Graduate Student
Molecular and Cellular Biophysics Program
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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[gmx-users] Defining charges: [atomtypes] vs [atoms]

2008-04-24 Thread Matt Wyczalkowski
Looking through the documentation, it seems like the charge of an atom
may be defined in one of two ways: in the [atomtypes] directive, or in
the [atoms] directive.  In the past, I've always made them identical,
but I have seen examples where they differ.

Why are there two ways to define an atom's charge, and which
definition takes precedence?  Also, during a free energy calculation
where an atom mutates typeA - typeB, are the charge values as defined
in the [atomtypes] section or [atoms] section used?

Thanks --

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[gmx-users] about NMR Refinement

2008-04-24 Thread Rogelio Hernández

Hi users

I sent the attached message on last April 16th, but I didn't get any
answer... that is why I am trying again. 

I would thank a lot to have some information about NMR refinement with GROMACS
Dear users,

 I want to do a NMR refinement (with GROMACS) of a protein structure that comes 
from CYANA, (a program that perform torsion angle dynamics), to include a full 
physical force field and explicit water to represent the solvent to improve the 
quality of the structure,
my question is about the protocol that i should do, i have read the manual but 
i dont know if i need to do annealing simulation, or position restricted 
dynamics or use NMR refinement and how i should choose the parameters, 

is there any manual to do that? 

thanks in advance


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Re: [gmx-users] Entropy correction in PMF

2008-04-24 Thread David Mobley

I think you are correct here. For binding calculations there is
probably a further trick relating to how to define an unbound state
that has a well-defined concentration. This I think depends on how one
is pulling -- i.e. doing simple radial PMFs is probably a bad idea,
because to even converge the PMF when the ligand is separate from the
protein, you by definition need to integrate over all x, y, and z at
that r, so you end up needing to sample a spherical shell covering a
substantial fraction of the simulation box. For this reason I think
it's probably wiser to do pulling along a specified vector away from
the protein, for example (this is what people using this strategy have
mostly done, I think). Additionally there is the standard state issue,
which is important also.

I think you may have more or less raised all of these issues already;
I'm just trying to put them a slightly different way.


On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 5:34 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That sentence could definitely use some massaging. Try this:

  Whether one needs to correct for this contribution depends on what the
  pmf should represent. When one wants to pull a substrate into a protein,
  this entropic term indeed contributes to the work to get the substrate
  into the protein. This is because the work required to pull a ligand into a
 protein binding pocket depends on the concentration of that ligand in the
 unbound state. The entropic contribution, however, depends on the size of
 your simulation box if your sampling of the entire box is ergodic. Further,
 the large computational cost of converging the sampling of large separations
 between the protein and ligand make it undesirable to target true ergodicity
 for large separations. It is more efficient to calculate the work required
 to pull a ligand into a protein from an unbound state that has a defined
 concentration and then to separately calculate the work required to change
 that concentration to some standard state, e.g. 1 molar.

  If any other free energy users care to comment, perhaps we could come up
 with something based on what I have suggested (or something entirely
 different) that could go into the new manual.

  --original message --

  I sent the attached message on last March 31 but I didn't get any
  answer... may be the right people was not available at that time and
  that is why I am trying again. I would thank a lot to have some more
  detail about this paragraph in the gromacs manual (version 3.3, chapter
  6, page 111):

  Whether one needs to correct for this contribution depends on what the
  pmf should represent. When one wants to pull a substrate into a protein,
  this entropic term indeed contributes to the work to get the substrate
  into the protein. But when calculating a pmf between two solutes in a
  solvent, for the purpose of simulating without solvent, the entropic
  contribution should be removed. Note that this term can be significant;
  when at 300K the distance is halved the contribution is 3.5 kJ mol-1.

  why exactly for a substrate-protein complex shouldn't one correct the

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[gmx-users] RE: x2top error in CNT simulation on Gromacs 3.3.3 (Christopher Stiles)

2008-04-24 Thread Christopher Stiles
 Please read over this wiki article that I sent to you just the other
day: http://wiki.gromacs.org/index.php/Carbon_Nanotube
Please to special note of the sending e-mails to the mailing list and not
individuals, while then every one can benefit. On my site I set it up so
that you can check to make sure you are doing things correctly every step of
the way by providing copies of files that you should have at each step and a
complete copy of my output with each step. Please take some time to learn
how *.pdb file should look like and its format.

Since I do not have version 3.3.3 I can not really offer any better advice.

Take care,
~Christopher Stiles

-Original Message-
From: Hero [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 12:42 PM
Subject: x2top error in CNT simulation on Gromacs 3.3.3 (Christopher

Dear Mr. Stiles,

Thank you so much for your reply!

Sorry I keep on bugging you on CNT! But I do have problems making it
run on Gromacs 3.3.3.

I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out the problems, unfortunately
I still do not know what happened using the new version.

The files are attached and I sincerely appreciate your kind help and time!

Very best regards,


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 22:27:57 -0400
From: Christopher Stiles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [gmx-users] x2top error in CNT simulation on Gromacs
To: 'Discussion list for GROMACS users' gmx-users@gromacs.org
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=us-ascii

Send a copy of your ffgmx.n2t, ffgmxbon.itp, and SWNT_6_6_144.pdb files
please, if the following does not work. Also I think that the information
updated in ffgmxbon.itp might be found in a different file with the 3.3.3
version (I think from looking at previous e-mails that it is
ffencadvbon.itp). If any one could let me know I will make an addendum to
site for this new version. (I am about done using GROMACS due to the fact
that I am graduating, so I will not be updating mine)

~Christopher Stiles

College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE)

State University of New York, Albany, New York 12203, USA

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Hero
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 5:44 PM
To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
Subject: [gmx-users] x2top error in CNT simulation on Gromacs 3.3.3

Dear All,

I am trying to simulate water flow in CNT and just followed the website:

I did the following:

1. ffgmx.n2t
 must change this files name to ffencadv.n2t and add the following 2
C C 1 C ; CNT Carbon with one bond
C C 2 C C ; CNT double bonded Carbon

2. ffgmxbon.itp
add the following line to it:

[ bondtypes ]
; i j func b0 kb
C C 1 0.14210 478900.
[ angletypes ]
; i j k func th0 cth
C C C 1 120.000 397.480
[ dihedraltypes ]
; i l func q0 cq
C C 1 0.000 167.360

But when I ran:
x2top -f SWNT_6_6_144.pdb -o SWNT_6_6_144.top -r SWNT_6_6_144.rtp

Error message appeared:
Can not find forcefield for atom C-1 with 2 bonds
Can not find forcefield for atom C-143 with 2 bonds
Can not find forcefield for atom C-144 with 2 bonds

Program x2top, VERSION 3.3.3
Source code file: x2top.c, line: 206

Fatal error:
Could only find a forcefield type for 0 out of 144 atoms
Could you please tell me what is the problem? This works on Gromacs 3.3.1

Thank you very much!


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Re: [gmx-users] Infinite system PBC and Bonded Interaction

2008-04-24 Thread Mark Abraham

Eudes Fileti wrote:

I am simulating a infinite graphene sheet in water.
The expected is that the system it is infinite in xy plane.
But after the simulation I note that the edges of the box (in particular
the graphene) are not replicables, i. e., it do not match with its
images. I suspect that I may be wrong in using any option mdp  file
I got the same result for both full and xyz for option pbd.
What have I to do to my system be infinitely replicated,

with all its bonded interaction matching?

There's some advice here for an analogous problem that might help - 

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Re: [gmx-users] Ion Parametrization in OPLS-AA forcefield

2008-04-24 Thread Mark Abraham

srinivas ramachandran wrote:

Dear All,

I require the papers in which the original parameters (in ions.itp) for 
ions in OPLSAA force field was published. Also I would like to if there 
are any studies in which these ion parameters were benchmarked with 
experimental values.

require is a dangerous word to use when asking for help from people 
you don't know! :-)

There are literature references to the force fields in the GROMACS 
manual - I suggest you start by reading them.

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Re: [gmx-users] Defining charges: [atomtypes] vs [atoms]

2008-04-24 Thread Mark Abraham

Matt Wyczalkowski wrote:

Looking through the documentation, it seems like the charge of an atom
may be defined in one of two ways: in the [atomtypes] directive, or in
the [atoms] directive.  In the past, I've always made them identical,
but I have seen examples where they differ.

Why are there two ways to define an atom's charge, and which
definition takes precedence? 

Having two ways allows for more flexibility. Some force fields might be 
prescriptive about charges for certain atom types, some might not be. 
Accordingly, [atoms] takes precedence.

Also, during a free energy calculation
where an atom mutates typeA - typeB, are the charge values as defined
in the [atomtypes] section or [atoms] section used?

I don't know, but I expect [atoms].

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Re: [gmx-users] about NMR Refinement

2008-04-24 Thread Mark Abraham

Rogelio Hernández wrote:

Hi users

I sent the attached message on last April 16th, but I didn't get any
answer... that is why I am trying again. 

I would thank a lot to have some information about NMR refinement with GROMACS

There's nothing to say - you should search the manual for NMR and read 
about what it has to say there. Then search the literature for people 
who've done NMR refinement using MD programs and learn from that.

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Re: [gmx-users] A question

2008-04-24 Thread samad ahadian
Dear Mark,

Thanks for your invaluable advice. I solved my problem.


--- On Thu, 4/24/08, Mark Abraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Mark Abraham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] A question
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Date: Thursday, April 24, 2008, 12:37 AM
 samad ahadian wrote:
  I am new user of Gromacs. I did a pdb2gmx command on
 my pdb file. I got an error below:
  Residue 'XXX' not found in residue
 topology database
  I know that I blindly made my pdb file using Materials
 Studio 4.2. Let me know there is a special software to make
 a pdb file? Thank you in advance for your response.
 No, but you can certainly make life hard for yourself by
 using poor 
 PDB-producing software, or using good software poorly. See 
 http://wiki.gromacs.org/index.php/Errors for some
 background for this 
 error. You need to generate a structure file whose residues
 and atoms 
 are defined for the force field you intend to use, and
 which are named 
 suitably so that pdb2gmx can recognize them. 'XXX'
 suggests that either 
 MS4.2, or your usage of it, or both, are making life hard.
 Depending on your level of newness, you should definitely
 do some 
 background textbook/manual/literature reading, and/or
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[gmx-users] problem running parallel simulation regarding the md log file

2008-04-24 Thread Alif M Latif
Dear GROMACS users and developers,

I've encountered a problem when tying to do a parallel simulation for my 
protein structure.  I tried so many times but the problem still with the log 
file. Can someone help me out here please?. I changed the log filename, but 
still got this error:
Program mdrun_mpi, VERSION 3.3.2
Source code file: futil.c, line: 313

File input/output error:

You Own the Sun (Throwing Muses)

Halting program mdrun_mpi

gcq#111: You Own the Sun (Throwing Muses)

[0] MPI Abort by user Aborting program !
[0] Aborting program!
p0_2442:  p4_error: : -1
p4_error: latest msg from perror: No such file or directory

Muhammad Alif Mohammad Latif

Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Science
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor


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[gmx-users] negative eigenvalues occured and not nearly zero

2008-04-24 Thread silvester.thu
Hello gmx-users:

I'm recently using Normal Mode Analysis(NMA) of GROMACS package to calculate 
the foundamental frequency of graphite systems. But I got some results that are 
unexplainable, and I can not continue my work now. 

For all the examples below, I use the double precision GROMACS functions: 
grompp_d, mdrun_d, and g_nmeig_d. For the EM part, I used the 
conjugated-gradients algorism, and for the NMA part, I used nm integrator and 
included the full precision structure file: em.trr into the .tpr input file.

For the systems that I applied no restraints, the first six eigenvalues should 
be zero, or at least nearly zero if we considering the accuracy of numerical 
calculating. But the typical first twelve eigenvalues I got have the values 
(after EM, the Fmax5e-4)

 2   -0.335177
 3   -0.206887
 4   -0.111813
 5  -0.0381566
 6  -0.0211911
 7   0.0189381
 8   0.0370517
 9   0.0385126

the first eigenvalue has larger absolute value than the 7th eigenvalue, which 
should not happen for an unrestrained system. WHY the first six eigenvalues are 
not zero or nearly zero? I guess there might by something wrong in my input 
files, but I can not figure out where it is. By the way, the topology files and 
coordinate files are surely correct.

Another problem is:
For the system that I applied restraints to, which removed the translation and 
rotation about the center of mass, the eigenvalues should be all positive. But 
I still found that negative values occured. 
 1   -0.135621
 2  -0.074
 3  -0.0390086
 4  -0.0108285
 5   0.0101438
 6   0.0553579

If anyone used the NMA of GROMACS before and got correct output, it will be 
very helpful if you can send me your parameters or input files or give me some 
advice. If you need any more information, please e-mail me.

I really need your help, thanks.

Yours Sincerely

Yue Shao



Shao Yue
Institue of Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Department of Engineering Mechanics
Tsinghua University
P.R. China

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