Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error

2011-12-19 Thread aiswarya pawar
I get an error like this=
Step 43230, time 86.46 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.033583, max 1.621884 (between atoms 2032 and 2030)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
   2032   2030   90.00.4449   0.2622  0.1000
   2031   2030   90.00.1949   0.1264  0.1000
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates

Step 43231, time 86.462 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.066301, max 3.173023 (between atoms 2032 and 2030)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
   2032   2030   90.00.2622   0.4173  0.1000
   2031   2030   89.90.1264   0.1675  0.1000

Program mdrun, VERSION 4.5.3
Source code file: constr.c, line: 176

Fatal error:
Too many LINCS warnings (1001)
If you know what you are doing you can adjust the lincs warning threshold
in your mdp file
or set the environment variable GMX_MAXCONSTRWARN to -1,
but normally it is better to fix the problem
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at

and my md.mdp file i altered goes like this=
title= Production Simulation
cpp  = /lib/cpp

integrator   = md
tinit= 0   ; Starting time
dt   = 0.002   ; 2 femtosecond time step for integration
nsteps   = 250; Make it 10 ns

nstxout  = 500 ; Writing full precision coordinates every
nstvout  = 500 ; Writing velocities every nanosecond
nstfout  = 0 ; Not writing forces
nstlog   = 2500  ; Writing to the log file every step
nstenergy= 2500  ; Writing out energy information every step
nstxtcout= 500  ; Writing coordinates every 5 ps
energygrps   = Protein Non-Protein

nstlist  = 5
ns-type  = Grid
pbc  = xyz
rlist= 0.9

coulombtype  = Reaction-Field
rcoulomb = 1.4
epsilon_rf   = 78
epsilon_r= 1
vdw-type = Cut-off
rvdw = 1.4

; Temperature coupling
Tcoupl   = Berendsen
tc-grps  = Protein  Non-Protein
tau_t= 0.1  0.1
ref_t= 300  300
; Pressure coupling
Pcoupl   = Berendsen
Pcoupltype   = Isotropic
tau_p= 1.0
compressibility  = 4.5e-5
ref_p= 1.0

gen_vel  = no
constraints  = all-bonds
constraint-algorithm = Lincs
unconstrained-start  = yes
lincs-order  = 4
lincs-iter   = 1
lincs-warnangle  = 30

how should i rectify this. Please help

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Mark Abraham

  On 19/12/2011 1:05 AM, aiswarya pawar wrote:

 Hi users,

  I did energy minimization of a protein complex using the following
 minimization mdp file.

 general advice.

  ; Lines starting with ';' ARE COMMENTS
 ; Everything following ';' is also comment

  title = Energy Minimization ; Title of run

  ; The following line tell the program the standard locations where to
 find certain files
 cpp = /lib/cpp ; Preprocessor

  ; Define can be used to control processes
 define  = -DFLEXIBLE

  ; Parameters describing what to do, when to stop and what to save
 integrator = steep ; Algorithm (steep = steepest descent minimization)
 emtol = 1000.0   ; Stop minimization when the maximum force  1.0 kJ/mol
 emstep  = 0.01
 nsteps = 5000 ; Maximum number of (minimization) steps to perform
 nstenergy = 10 ; Write energies to disk every nstenergy steps
 energygrps = Protein ; Which energy group(s) to write to disk

  ; Parameters describing how to find the neighbors of each atom and how
 to calculate the interactions
 nstlist = 10 ; Frequency to update the neighbor list and long range forces
 ns_type = grid   ; Method to determine neighbor list (simple, grid)
 rlist = 1.0 ; Cut-off for making neighbor list (short range forces)
 coulombtype = PME   ; Treatment of long range electrostatic interactions
 rcoulomb = 1.0 ; long range electrostatic cut-off
 rvdw = 1.4 ; long range Van der Waals cut-off
 constraints = none ; Bond types to replace by constraints
 pbc= xyz ; Periodic 

Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error

2011-12-19 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

aiswarya pawar wrote:

I get an error like this=
Step 43230, time 86.46 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.033583, max 1.621884 (between atoms 2032 and 2030)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
   2032   2030   90.00.4449   0.2622  0.1000
   2031   2030   90.00.1949   0.1264  0.1000
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates

Step 43231, time 86.462 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.066301, max 3.173023 (between atoms 2032 and 2030)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
   2032   2030   90.00.2622   0.4173  0.1000
   2031   2030   89.90.1264   0.1675  0.1000

Program mdrun, VERSION 4.5.3
Source code file: constr.c, line: 176

Fatal error:
Too many LINCS warnings (1001)
If you know what you are doing you can adjust the lincs warning 
threshold in your mdp file

or set the environment variable GMX_MAXCONSTRWARN to -1,
but normally it is better to fix the problem
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at

and my md.mdp file i altered goes like this=
title= Production Simulation
cpp  = /lib/cpp

integrator   = md
tinit= 0   ; Starting time
dt   = 0.002   ; 2 femtosecond time step for integration
nsteps   = 250; Make it 10 ns

nstxout  = 500 ; Writing full precision coordinates 
every nanosecond

nstvout  = 500 ; Writing velocities every nanosecond
nstfout  = 0 ; Not writing forces
nstlog   = 2500  ; Writing to the log file every step
nstenergy= 2500  ; Writing out energy information every step
nstxtcout= 500  ; Writing coordinates every 5 ps
energygrps   = Protein Non-Protein

nstlist  = 5
ns-type  = Grid
pbc  = xyz
rlist= 0.9

coulombtype  = Reaction-Field
rcoulomb = 1.4
epsilon_rf   = 78
epsilon_r= 1
vdw-type = Cut-off
rvdw = 1.4

; Temperature coupling
Tcoupl   = Berendsen
tc-grps  = Protein  Non-Protein
tau_t= 0.1  0.1
ref_t= 300  300
; Pressure coupling
Pcoupl   = Berendsen
Pcoupltype   = Isotropic
tau_p= 1.0
compressibility  = 4.5e-5
ref_p= 1.0

gen_vel  = no
constraints  = all-bonds
constraint-algorithm = Lincs
unconstrained-start  = yes
lincs-order  = 4
lincs-iter   = 1
lincs-warnangle  = 30

how should i rectify this. Please help

Please consult 
and/or the thousands of posts in the list archive that have been asked and 
answered on this topic.



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] LINCS error

2011-12-18 Thread aiswarya pawar
Hi users,

I did energy minimization of a protein complex using the following
minimization mdp file.

; Lines starting with ';' ARE COMMENTS
; Everything following ';' is also comment

title = Energy Minimization ; Title of run

; The following line tell the program the standard locations where to find
certain files
cpp = /lib/cpp ; Preprocessor

; Define can be used to control processes
define  = -DFLEXIBLE

; Parameters describing what to do, when to stop and what to save
integrator = steep ; Algorithm (steep = steepest descent minimization)
emtol = 1000.0   ; Stop minimization when the maximum force  1.0 kJ/mol
emstep  = 0.01
nsteps = 5000 ; Maximum number of (minimization) steps to perform
nstenergy = 10 ; Write energies to disk every nstenergy steps
energygrps = Protein ; Which energy group(s) to write to disk

; Parameters describing how to find the neighbors of each atom and how to
calculate the interactions
nstlist = 10 ; Frequency to update the neighbor list and long range forces
ns_type = grid   ; Method to determine neighbor list (simple, grid)
rlist = 1.0 ; Cut-off for making neighbor list (short range forces)
coulombtype = PME   ; Treatment of long range electrostatic interactions
rcoulomb = 1.0 ; long range electrostatic cut-off
rvdw = 1.4 ; long range Van der Waals cut-off
constraints = none ; Bond types to replace by constraints
pbc= xyz ; Periodic Boundary Conditions (yes/no)

and the pr.mdp =

title= Position Restrained Molecular Dynamics
define   = -DPOSRES

constraints  = all-bonds
integrator   = md
dt   = 0.001 ; ps !
nsteps   = 25000 ; total 50 ps.
nstcomm  = 10
nstxout  = 500 ; collect data every 1 ps
nstxtcout= 500
nstvout  = 0
nstfout  = 0
nstlist  = 10
ns_type  = grid
rlist= 1.0
coulombtype  = PME
rcoulomb = 1.0
vdwtype  = cut-off
rvdw = 1.4
pme_order= 4
ewald_rtol   = 1e-5
optimize_fft = yes
DispCorr = no
; Berendsen temperature coupling is on
Tcoupl   = v-rescale
tau_t= 0.1 0.1
tc-grps = protein non-protein
ref_t= 300 300
; Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl   = parrinello-rahman
Pcoupltype   = isotropic
tau_p= 1.0
compressibility  = 4.5e-5
ref_p= 1.0
; Generate velocites is on at 300 K.
gen_vel  = yes
gen_temp = 300.0
gen_seed = -1

and md.mdp file =

title= Position Restrained Molecular Dynamics

constraints = all-bonds
integrator = md
dt = 0.002 ; 2fs !
nsteps = 250 ; total 5000 ps.
nstcomm = 10
nstxout = 500 ; collect data every 1 ps
nstxtcout = 0
nstvout = 0
nstfout = 0
nstlist = 10
ns_type = grid
rlist = 1.0
coulombtype = PME
rcoulomb = 1.0
vdwtype = cut-off
rvdw = 1.4
pme_order = 4
ewald_rtol = 1e-5
optimize_fft = yes
DispCorr = no
; Berendsen temperature coupling is on
Tcoupl = v-rescale
tau_t = 0.1 0.1
tc-grps = protein non-protein
ref_t = 300 300
; Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl = parrinello-rahman
Pcoupltype = isotropic
tau_p = 1.0
compressibility = 4.5e-5
ref_p = 1.0
; Generate velocites is on at 300 K.
gen_vel = yes
gen_temp = 300.0
gen_seed = -1

The minimization step went well. but while doing the final mdrun am getting
LINCS error. i read through the numerous mailing list on grimaces but still
couldn't understand how would i fix this. am getting this error for all the
10 protein complex i did minimization for. Please help.

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Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error

2011-12-18 Thread Mark Abraham

On 19/12/2011 1:05 AM, aiswarya pawar wrote:

Hi users,

I did energy minimization of a protein complex using the following 
minimization mdp file.

for general advice.

; Lines starting with ';' ARE COMMENTS
; Everything following ';' is also comment

title= Energy Minimization; Title of run

; The following line tell the program the standard locations where to 
find certain files

cpp= /lib/cpp; Preprocessor

; Define can be used to control processes
define  = -DFLEXIBLE

; Parameters describing what to do, when to stop and what to save
integrator= steep; Algorithm (steep = steepest descent minimization)
emtol= 1000.0 ; Stop minimization when the maximum force  1.0 kJ/mol
emstep  = 0.01
nsteps= 5000; Maximum number of (minimization) steps to perform
nstenergy= 10; Write energies to disk every nstenergy steps
energygrps= Protein; Which energy group(s) to write to disk

; Parameters describing how to find the neighbors of each atom and how 
to calculate the interactions

nstlist= 10; Frequency to update the neighbor list and long range forces
ns_type= grid ; Method to determine neighbor list (simple, grid)
rlist= 1.0; Cut-off for making neighbor list (short range forces)
coulombtype= PME ; Treatment of long range electrostatic interactions
rcoulomb= 1.0; long range electrostatic cut-off
rvdw= 1.4; long range Van der Waals cut-off
constraints= none; Bond types to replace by constraints
pbc   = xyz; Periodic Boundary Conditions (yes/no)

and the pr.mdp =

title= Position Restrained Molecular Dynamics
define   = -DPOSRES

constraints  = all-bonds
integrator   = md
dt   = 0.001 ; ps !
nsteps   = 25000 ; total 50 ps.
nstcomm  = 10
nstxout  = 500 ; collect data every 1 ps
nstxtcout= 500
nstvout  = 0
nstfout  = 0
nstlist  = 10
ns_type  = grid
rlist= 1.0
coulombtype  = PME
rcoulomb = 1.0
vdwtype  = cut-off
rvdw = 1.4
pme_order= 4
ewald_rtol   = 1e-5
optimize_fft = yes
DispCorr = no
; Berendsen temperature coupling is on
Tcoupl   = v-rescale
tau_t= 0.1 0.1
tc-grps = protein non-protein
ref_t= 300 300
; Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl   = parrinello-rahman
Pcoupltype   = isotropic
tau_p= 1.0
compressibility  = 4.5e-5
ref_p= 1.0
; Generate velocites is on at 300 K.
gen_vel  = yes
gen_temp = 300.0
gen_seed = -1

You are asking for trouble by generating velocities and doing position 
restraints with P-R pressure coupling in one step. It might work, but 
the workflow in the above link is safer.

and md.mdp file =

title= Position Restrained Molecular Dynamics

constraints = all-bonds
integrator = md
dt = 0.002 ; 2fs !
nsteps = 250 ; total 5000 ps.
nstcomm = 10
nstxout = 500 ; collect data every 1 ps
nstxtcout = 0
nstvout = 0
nstfout = 0
nstlist = 10
ns_type = grid
rlist = 1.0
coulombtype = PME
rcoulomb = 1.0
vdwtype = cut-off
rvdw = 1.4
pme_order = 4
ewald_rtol = 1e-5
optimize_fft = yes
DispCorr = no
; Berendsen temperature coupling is on
Tcoupl = v-rescale
tau_t = 0.1 0.1
tc-grps = protein non-protein
ref_t = 300 300
; Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl = parrinello-rahman
Pcoupltype = isotropic
tau_p = 1.0
compressibility = 4.5e-5
ref_p = 1.0
; Generate velocites is on at 300 K.
gen_vel = yes
gen_temp = 300.0
gen_seed = -1

Why are you re-generating non-equilibrium velocities after equilibrating 


The minimization step went well. but while doing the final mdrun am 
getting LINCS error. i read through the numerous mailing list on 
grimaces but still couldn't understand how would i fix this. am 
getting this error for all the 10 protein complex i did minimization 
for. Please help.


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Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error- 4.5.4 installation?

2011-04-30 Thread Mark Abraham

On 4/30/2011 9:06 AM, Juliette N. wrote:

Dear experts,

I just tried the command  mpirun -np 4 mdrun on 4.5.4 but after a few 
steps I get LINCS error:

step 400, will finish Sat Apr 30 05:20:45 2011
Step 750, time 1.5 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 10.116560, max 72.359520 (between atoms 314 and 315)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
301302   61.00.1090   0.1841  0.1090

I tried to run using the same input files on 4.0.7 and simulation 
worked fine. I mean the LINCS is not because of flawed topology or 
instability issue. I am wondering this is happening because of MPI or 
installation ..Please help!

Normally, a successful MPI installation would have produced an mdrun_mpi 
executable, not mdrun. 15 minutes before this email you didn't manage to 
configure successfully with --enable-mpi. So probably you are not 
running in parallel. Look at the number of .log files produced, and 
their first line.

Regarding the LINCS error, your simulation was probably marginally 
stable, and got lucky with the integration in 4.0.7 and unlucky in 4.5. 
That's life - you should consider the management strategies here


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Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error

2009-10-09 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Yongchul Chung wrote:

Hi again gmx-users,

I ran into LINCS error again when I tried to incorporate pressure 
scaling parameters.
It seems like the initial pressure and temperature is erroneously large 
as shown in the md.log file below. can anyone tell me how to fix this?

Did you run energy minimization first?



Input Parameters:
   integrator   = md
   nsteps   = 10
   init_step= 0
   ns_type  = Grid
   nstlist  = 10
   ndelta   = 2
   nstcomm  = 1
   comm_mode= Linear
   nstlog   = 10
   nstxout  = 500
   nstvout  = 1000
   nstfout  = 0
   nstenergy= 10
   nstxtcout= 0
   init_t   = 0
   delta_t  = 0.002
   xtcprec  = 1000
   nkx  = 0
   nky  = 0
   nkz  = 0
   pme_order= 4
   ewald_rtol   = 1e-05
   ewald_geometry   = 0
   epsilon_surface  = 0
   optimize_fft = TRUE
   ePBC = xyz
   bPeriodicMols= FALSE
   bContinuation= FALSE
   bShakeSOR= FALSE
   etc  = V-rescale
   epc  = Berendsen
   epctype  = Isotropic
   tau_p= 1
   ref_p (3x3):
  ref_p[0]={ 1.01325e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  ref_p[1]={ 0.0e+00,  1.01325e+00,  0.0e+00}
  ref_p[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  1.01325e+00}
   compress (3x3):
  compress[0]={ 4.5e-03,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  compress[1]={ 0.0e+00,  4.5e-03,  0.0e+00}
  compress[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  4.5e-03}
   refcoord_scaling = No
   posres_com (3):
  posres_com[0]= 0.0e+00
  posres_com[1]= 0.0e+00
  posres_com[2]= 0.0e+00
   posres_comB (3):
  posres_comB[0]= 0.0e+00
  posres_comB[1]= 0.0e+00
  posres_comB[2]= 0.0e+00
   andersen_seed= 815131
   rlist= 1
   rtpi = 0.05
   coulombtype  = Cut-off
   rcoulomb_switch  = 0
   rcoulomb = 1.4
   vdwtype  = Cut-off
   rvdw_switch  = 0
   rvdw = 1.4
   epsilon_r= 1
   epsilon_rf   = 1
   tabext   = 1
   implicit_solvent = No
   gb_algorithm = Still
   gb_epsilon_solvent   = 80
   nstgbradii   = 1
   rgbradii = 2
   gb_saltconc  = 0
   gb_obc_alpha = 1
   gb_obc_beta  = 0.8
   gb_obc_gamma = 4.85
   sa_surface_tension   = 2.092
   DispCorr = No
   free_energy  = no
   init_lambda  = 0
   sc_alpha = 0
   sc_power = 0
   sc_sigma = 0.3
   delta_lambda = 0
   nwall= 0
   wall_type= 9-3
   wall_atomtype[0] = -1
   wall_atomtype[1] = -1
   wall_density[0]  = 0
   wall_density[1]  = 0
   wall_ewald_zfac  = 3
   pull = no
   disre= No
   disre_weighting  = Conservative
   disre_mixed  = FALSE
   dr_fc= 1000
   dr_tau   = 0
   nstdisreout  = 100
   orires_fc= 0
   orires_tau   = 0
   nstorireout  = 100
   dihre-fc = 1000
   em_stepsize  = 0.01
   em_tol   = 10
   niter= 20
   fc_stepsize  = 0
   nstcgsteep   = 1000
   nbfgscorr= 10
   ConstAlg = Lincs
   shake_tol= 0.0001
   lincs_order  = 4
   lincs_warnangle  = 30
   lincs_iter   = 1
   bd_fric  = 0
   ld_seed  = 1993
   cos_accel= 0
   deform (3x3):
  deform[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  deform[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  deform[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
   userint1 = 0
   userint2 = 0
   userint3 = 0
   userint4 = 0
   userreal1= 0
   userreal2= 0
   userreal3= 0
   userreal4= 0
   nrdf:   11297
   ref_t: 300
   tau_t: 0.1
anneal:  No
ann_npoints:   0
   acc:   0   0   0
   nfreeze:   N   N   N
   energygrp_flags[  0]: 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
   QMconstraints= 0
   QMMMscheme   = 0
   scalefactor  = 1
   ngQM = 0
Table routines are used for coulomb: FALSE
Table routines are used for vdw: FALSE
Cut-off's:   NS: 1   Coulomb: 1.4   LJ: 1.4
System total charge: -0.000

Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error

2009-10-09 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Yongchul Chung wrote:

yes I carried out energy minimization and used following parameters.

OK, so what values of potential energy and maximum force did EM achieve?


title   =  FWS
cpp =  /usr/bin/cpp ; the c pre-processor 
define  =  -DFLEXIBLE

constraints =  none
integrator  =  steep
dt  =  0.002; ps !
nsteps  =  1000
nstlist =  10 
ns_type =  grid

rlist   =  1.0
coulombtype =  PME
rcoulomb=  1.0
vdwtype =  cut-off
rvdw=  1.4
fourierspacing  =  0.12
fourier_nx  =  0
fourier_ny  =  0
fourier_nz  =  0
pme_order  =  4
ewald_rtol  =  1e-5
optimize_fft  =  yes
;   Energy minimizing stuff
emtol   =  500
emstep  =  0.01


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

gmx-users mailing
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Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error

2009-10-09 Thread Yongchul Chung
After EM, I got:

Potential Energy  =  1.7242092e+05
Maximum force =  2.1079963e+03 on atom 675
Norm of force =  5.9417034e+01

I think my system size is too big compared to the box size so I am going to
run the simulation with smaller number of molecules to see whether this
helps or not.

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

 Yongchul Chung wrote:

 yes I carried out energy minimization and used following parameters.

 OK, so what values of potential energy and maximum force did EM achieve?


  title   =  FWS
 cpp =  /usr/bin/cpp ; the c pre-processor define
 constraints =  none
 integrator  =  steep
 dt  =  0.002; ps !
 nsteps  =  1000
 nstlist =  10 ns_type =  grid
 rlist   =  1.0
 coulombtype =  PME
 rcoulomb=  1.0
 vdwtype =  cut-off
 rvdw=  1.4
 fourierspacing  =  0.12
 fourier_nx  =  0
 fourier_ny  =  0
 fourier_nz  =  0
 pme_order  =  4
 ewald_rtol  =  1e-5
 optimize_fft  =  yes
 ;   Energy minimizing stuff
 emtol   =  500
 emstep  =  0.01


 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

 gmx-users mailing
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Yongchul Greg Chung
Graduate Student
Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University
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Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error

2009-10-09 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Yongchul Chung wrote:

After EM, I got:

Potential Energy  =  1.7242092e+05
Maximum force =  2.1079963e+03 on atom 675
Norm of force =  5.9417034e+01

I think my system size is too big compared to the box size so I am going 
to run the simulation with smaller number of molecules to see whether 
this helps or not.

Well, it could be that things are too jam-packed.  Note that you have an 
extremely repulsive potential energy, and a very large Fmax.  Using the atom 
number printed, you should be able to deduce the location of this large force, 
and hopefully the source, which is likely causing your explosion.



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] LINCS error

2009-10-08 Thread Yongchul Chung
Hi all,

I am trying to simulate 100 molecules of n-alkane molecules but keep
receiving LINC errors.
When I completed steepest descent I received following msg:

Steepest Descents converged to Fmax  500 in 819 steps
Potential Energy  =  1.7174361e+05
Maximum force =  4.4903098e+02 on atom 172
Norm of force =  3.0003010e+01

Then I performed mdrun with the output of this file and gets LINCS warning:

Input Parameters:
   integrator   = md
   nsteps   = 8000
   init_step= 0
   ns_type  = Grid
   nstlist  = 10
   ndelta   = 2
   nstcomm  = 1
   comm_mode= Linear
   nstlog   = 10
   nstxout  = 250
   nstvout  = 1000
   nstfout  = 0
   nstenergy= 10
   nstxtcout= 0
   init_t   = 0
   delta_t  = 0.01
   xtcprec  = 1000
   nkx  = 125
   nky  = 125
   nkz  = 125
   pme_order= 4
   ewald_rtol   = 1e-05
   ewald_geometry   = 0
   epsilon_surface  = 0
   optimize_fft = TRUE
   ePBC = xyz
   bPeriodicMols= FALSE
   bContinuation= FALSE
   bShakeSOR= FALSE
   etc  = V-rescale
   epc  = No
   epctype  = Isotropic
   tau_p= 1
   ref_p (3x3):
  ref_p[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  ref_p[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  ref_p[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
   compress (3x3):
  compress[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  compress[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  compress[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
   refcoord_scaling = No
   posres_com (3):
  posres_com[0]= 0.0e+00
  posres_com[1]= 0.0e+00
  posres_com[2]= 0.0e+00
   posres_comB (3):
  posres_comB[0]= 0.0e+00
  posres_comB[1]= 0.0e+00
  posres_comB[2]= 0.0e+00
   andersen_seed= 815131
   rlist= 1
   rtpi = 0.05
   coulombtype  = PME
   rcoulomb_switch  = 0
   rcoulomb = 1
   vdwtype  = Cut-off
   rvdw_switch  = 0
   rvdw = 2
   epsilon_r= 1
   epsilon_rf   = 1
   tabext   = 1
   implicit_solvent = No
   gb_algorithm = Still
   gb_epsilon_solvent   = 80
   nstgbradii   = 1
   rgbradii = 2
   gb_saltconc  = 0
   gb_obc_alpha = 1
   gb_obc_beta  = 0.8
   gb_obc_gamma = 4.85
   sa_surface_tension   = 2.092
   DispCorr = No
   free_energy  = no
   init_lambda  = 0
   sc_alpha = 0
   sc_power = 0
   sc_sigma = 0.3
   delta_lambda = 0
   nwall= 0
   wall_type= 9-3
   wall_atomtype[0] = -1
   wall_atomtype[1] = -1
   wall_density[0]  = 0
   wall_density[1]  = 0
   wall_ewald_zfac  = 3
   pull = no
   disre= No
   disre_weighting  = Conservative
   disre_mixed  = FALSE
   dr_fc= 1000
   dr_tau   = 0
   nstdisreout  = 100
   orires_fc= 0
   orires_tau   = 0
   nstorireout  = 100
   dihre-fc = 1000
   em_stepsize  = 0.01
   em_tol   = 10
   niter= 20
   fc_stepsize  = 0
   nstcgsteep   = 1000
   nbfgscorr= 10
   ConstAlg = Lincs
   shake_tol= 0.0001
   lincs_order  = 4
   lincs_warnangle  = 30
   lincs_iter   = 1
   bd_fric  = 0
   ld_seed  = 1993
   cos_accel= 0
   deform (3x3):
  deform[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  deform[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  deform[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
   userint1 = 0
   userint2 = 0
   userint3 = 0
   userint4 = 0
   userreal1= 0
   userreal2= 0
   userreal3= 0
   userreal4= 0
   nrdf:   11297
   ref_t: 300
   tau_t: 0.1
anneal:  No
ann_npoints:   0
   acc:   0   0   0
   nfreeze:   N   N   N
   energygrp_flags[  0]: 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
   QMconstraints= 0
   QMMMscheme   = 0
   scalefactor  = 1
   ngQM = 0
Table routines are used for coulomb: TRUE
Table routines are used for vdw: FALSE
Will do PME sum in reciprocal 

Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error

2009-10-08 Thread Jochen Hub

  delta_t  = 0.01

You are using a 10 fs timestep!!! That is way too long. Standard is 2 
(with bond constraints).

Yongchul Chung wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to simulate 100 molecules of n-alkane molecules but keep 
receiving LINC errors.

When I completed steepest descent I received following msg:

Steepest Descents converged to Fmax  500 in 819 steps
Potential Energy  =  1.7174361e+05
Maximum force =  4.4903098e+02 on atom 172
Norm of force =  3.0003010e+01

Then I performed mdrun with the output of this file and gets LINCS 

Input Parameters:
   integrator   = md
   nsteps   = 8000
   init_step= 0
   ns_type  = Grid
   nstlist  = 10
   ndelta   = 2
   nstcomm  = 1
   comm_mode= Linear
   nstlog   = 10
   nstxout  = 250
   nstvout  = 1000
   nstfout  = 0
   nstenergy= 10
   nstxtcout= 0
   init_t   = 0
   delta_t  = 0.01
   xtcprec  = 1000
   nkx  = 125
   nky  = 125
   nkz  = 125
   pme_order= 4
   ewald_rtol   = 1e-05
   ewald_geometry   = 0
   epsilon_surface  = 0
   optimize_fft = TRUE
   ePBC = xyz
   bPeriodicMols= FALSE
   bContinuation= FALSE
   bShakeSOR= FALSE
   etc  = V-rescale
   epc  = No
   epctype  = Isotropic
   tau_p= 1
   ref_p (3x3):
  ref_p[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  ref_p[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  ref_p[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
   compress (3x3):
  compress[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  compress[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  compress[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
   refcoord_scaling = No
   posres_com (3):
  posres_com[0]= 0.0e+00
  posres_com[1]= 0.0e+00
  posres_com[2]= 0.0e+00
   posres_comB (3):
  posres_comB[0]= 0.0e+00
  posres_comB[1]= 0.0e+00
  posres_comB[2]= 0.0e+00
   andersen_seed= 815131
   rlist= 1
   rtpi = 0.05
   coulombtype  = PME
   rcoulomb_switch  = 0
   rcoulomb = 1
   vdwtype  = Cut-off
   rvdw_switch  = 0
   rvdw = 2
   epsilon_r= 1
   epsilon_rf   = 1
   tabext   = 1
   implicit_solvent = No
   gb_algorithm = Still
   gb_epsilon_solvent   = 80
   nstgbradii   = 1
   rgbradii = 2
   gb_saltconc  = 0
   gb_obc_alpha = 1
   gb_obc_beta  = 0.8
   gb_obc_gamma = 4.85
   sa_surface_tension   = 2.092
   DispCorr = No
   free_energy  = no
   init_lambda  = 0
   sc_alpha = 0
   sc_power = 0
   sc_sigma = 0.3
   delta_lambda = 0
   nwall= 0
   wall_type= 9-3
   wall_atomtype[0] = -1
   wall_atomtype[1] = -1
   wall_density[0]  = 0
   wall_density[1]  = 0
   wall_ewald_zfac  = 3
   pull = no
   disre= No
   disre_weighting  = Conservative
   disre_mixed  = FALSE
   dr_fc= 1000
   dr_tau   = 0
   nstdisreout  = 100
   orires_fc= 0
   orires_tau   = 0
   nstorireout  = 100
   dihre-fc = 1000
   em_stepsize  = 0.01
   em_tol   = 10
   niter= 20
   fc_stepsize  = 0
   nstcgsteep   = 1000
   nbfgscorr= 10
   ConstAlg = Lincs
   shake_tol= 0.0001
   lincs_order  = 4
   lincs_warnangle  = 30
   lincs_iter   = 1
   bd_fric  = 0
   ld_seed  = 1993
   cos_accel= 0
   deform (3x3):
  deform[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  deform[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  deform[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
   userint1 = 0
   userint2 = 0
   userint3 = 0
   userint4 = 0
   userreal1= 0
   userreal2= 0
   userreal3= 0
   userreal4= 0
   nrdf:   11297
   ref_t: 300
   tau_t: 0.1
anneal:  No
ann_npoints:   0
   acc:   0   0   0
   nfreeze:   N   N   N
   energygrp_flags[  0]: 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
   QMconstraints= 0
   QMMMscheme   = 0

Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error

2009-10-08 Thread Yongchul Chung
Hi guys,

As Justin pointed out, it was the problem with md simulation blowing up. I
also had coloumbtype=PME and had to switch to cut-off to make my simulation
run faster.

Thanks for all the help.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Jochen Hub wrote:

  delta_t  = 0.01

 You are using a 10 fs timestep!!! That is way too long. Standard is 2 (with
 bond constraints).

 Yongchul Chung wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am trying to simulate 100 molecules of n-alkane molecules but keep
 receiving LINC errors.
 When I completed steepest descent I received following msg:

 Steepest Descents converged to Fmax  500 in 819 steps
 Potential Energy  =  1.7174361e+05
 Maximum force =  4.4903098e+02 on atom 172
 Norm of force =  3.0003010e+01

 Then I performed mdrun with the output of this file and gets LINCS

 Input Parameters:
   integrator   = md
   nsteps   = 8000
   init_step= 0
   ns_type  = Grid
   nstlist  = 10
   ndelta   = 2
   nstcomm  = 1
   comm_mode= Linear
   nstlog   = 10
   nstxout  = 250
   nstvout  = 1000
   nstfout  = 0
   nstenergy= 10
   nstxtcout= 0
   init_t   = 0
   delta_t  = 0.01
   xtcprec  = 1000
   nkx  = 125
   nky  = 125
   nkz  = 125
   pme_order= 4
   ewald_rtol   = 1e-05
   ewald_geometry   = 0
   epsilon_surface  = 0
   optimize_fft = TRUE
   ePBC = xyz
   bPeriodicMols= FALSE
   bContinuation= FALSE
   bShakeSOR= FALSE
   etc  = V-rescale
   epc  = No
   epctype  = Isotropic
   tau_p= 1
   ref_p (3x3):
  ref_p[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  ref_p[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  ref_p[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
   compress (3x3):
  compress[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  compress[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  compress[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
   refcoord_scaling = No
   posres_com (3):
  posres_com[0]= 0.0e+00
  posres_com[1]= 0.0e+00
  posres_com[2]= 0.0e+00
   posres_comB (3):
  posres_comB[0]= 0.0e+00
  posres_comB[1]= 0.0e+00
  posres_comB[2]= 0.0e+00
   andersen_seed= 815131
   rlist= 1
   rtpi = 0.05
   coulombtype  = PME
   rcoulomb_switch  = 0
   rcoulomb = 1
   vdwtype  = Cut-off
   rvdw_switch  = 0
   rvdw = 2
   epsilon_r= 1
   epsilon_rf   = 1
   tabext   = 1
   implicit_solvent = No
   gb_algorithm = Still
   gb_epsilon_solvent   = 80
   nstgbradii   = 1
   rgbradii = 2
   gb_saltconc  = 0
   gb_obc_alpha = 1
   gb_obc_beta  = 0.8
   gb_obc_gamma = 4.85
   sa_surface_tension   = 2.092
   DispCorr = No
   free_energy  = no
   init_lambda  = 0
   sc_alpha = 0
   sc_power = 0
   sc_sigma = 0.3
   delta_lambda = 0
   nwall= 0
   wall_type= 9-3
   wall_atomtype[0] = -1
   wall_atomtype[1] = -1
   wall_density[0]  = 0
   wall_density[1]  = 0
   wall_ewald_zfac  = 3
   pull = no
   disre= No
   disre_weighting  = Conservative
   disre_mixed  = FALSE
   dr_fc= 1000
   dr_tau   = 0
   nstdisreout  = 100
   orires_fc= 0
   orires_tau   = 0
   nstorireout  = 100
   dihre-fc = 1000
   em_stepsize  = 0.01
   em_tol   = 10
   niter= 20
   fc_stepsize  = 0
   nstcgsteep   = 1000
   nbfgscorr= 10
   ConstAlg = Lincs
   shake_tol= 0.0001
   lincs_order  = 4
   lincs_warnangle  = 30
   lincs_iter   = 1
   bd_fric  = 0
   ld_seed  = 1993
   cos_accel= 0
   deform (3x3):
  deform[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  deform[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  deform[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
   userint1 = 0
   userint2 = 0
   userint3 = 0
   userint4 = 0
   userreal1= 0
   userreal2= 0
   userreal3= 0
   userreal4= 0
   nrdf:   11297
   ref_t: 300
   tau_t: 0.1
 anneal:  No
 ann_npoints:   0
   acc:   0   0   0
   nfreeze:   N   N   N

Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error

2009-10-08 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Yongchul Chung wrote:

Hi guys,

As Justin pointed out, it was the problem with md simulation blowing up. 
I also had coloumbtype=PME and had to switch to cut-off to make my 
simulation run faster.

And it will be substantially less accurate than using PME.  I would say Jochen's 
advice is the best - reduce the time step to something reasonable, and use PME.


Thanks for all the help.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Jochen Hub wrote:

 delta_t  = 0.01

You are using a 10 fs timestep!!! That is way too long. Standard is
2 (with bond constraints).

Yongchul Chung wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to simulate 100 molecules of n-alkane molecules but
keep receiving LINC errors.
When I completed steepest descent I received following msg:

Steepest Descents converged to Fmax  500 in 819 steps
Potential Energy  =  1.7174361e+05
Maximum force =  4.4903098e+02 on atom 172
Norm of force =  3.0003010e+01

Then I performed mdrun with the output of this file and gets
LINCS warning:

Input Parameters:
  integrator   = md
  nsteps   = 8000
  init_step= 0
  ns_type  = Grid
  nstlist  = 10
  ndelta   = 2
  nstcomm  = 1
  comm_mode= Linear
  nstlog   = 10
  nstxout  = 250
  nstvout  = 1000
  nstfout  = 0
  nstenergy= 10
  nstxtcout= 0
  init_t   = 0
  delta_t  = 0.01
  xtcprec  = 1000
  nkx  = 125
  nky  = 125
  nkz  = 125
  pme_order= 4
  ewald_rtol   = 1e-05
  ewald_geometry   = 0
  epsilon_surface  = 0
  optimize_fft = TRUE
  ePBC = xyz
  bPeriodicMols= FALSE
  bContinuation= FALSE
  bShakeSOR= FALSE
  etc  = V-rescale
  epc  = No
  epctype  = Isotropic
  tau_p= 1
  ref_p (3x3):
 ref_p[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
 ref_p[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
 ref_p[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  compress (3x3):
 compress[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
 compress[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
 compress[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  refcoord_scaling = No
  posres_com (3):
 posres_com[0]= 0.0e+00
 posres_com[1]= 0.0e+00
 posres_com[2]= 0.0e+00
  posres_comB (3):
 posres_comB[0]= 0.0e+00
 posres_comB[1]= 0.0e+00
 posres_comB[2]= 0.0e+00
  andersen_seed= 815131
  rlist= 1
  rtpi = 0.05
  coulombtype  = PME
  rcoulomb_switch  = 0
  rcoulomb = 1
  vdwtype  = Cut-off
  rvdw_switch  = 0
  rvdw = 2
  epsilon_r= 1
  epsilon_rf   = 1
  tabext   = 1
  implicit_solvent = No
  gb_algorithm = Still
  gb_epsilon_solvent   = 80
  nstgbradii   = 1
  rgbradii = 2
  gb_saltconc  = 0
  gb_obc_alpha = 1
  gb_obc_beta  = 0.8
  gb_obc_gamma = 4.85
  sa_surface_tension   = 2.092
  DispCorr = No
  free_energy  = no
  init_lambda  = 0
  sc_alpha = 0
  sc_power = 0
  sc_sigma = 0.3
  delta_lambda = 0
  nwall= 0
  wall_type= 9-3
  wall_atomtype[0] = -1
  wall_atomtype[1] = -1
  wall_density[0]  = 0
  wall_density[1]  = 0
  wall_ewald_zfac  = 3
  pull = no
  disre= No
  disre_weighting  = Conservative
  disre_mixed  = FALSE
  dr_fc= 1000
  dr_tau   = 0
  nstdisreout  = 100
  orires_fc= 0
  orires_tau   = 0
  nstorireout  = 100
  dihre-fc = 1000
  em_stepsize  = 0.01

[gmx-users] LINCS error

2008-08-31 Thread sarbani chattopadhyay
 I am trying to simulate a peptide whose structure is yet to be validated 

It has 3 protonated lysine residues. 
I have used oplsaa force filed with spc water model and had added 3 CL ions 
into the box.
Everything works fine till energy minimisation but after that during position 
restricted dynamics, I encounter segmentation fault that states
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
I again energy minimized the structure and then during the position restrained 
dynamics run I get the error
Can't settle water molecule starting with ..
While going through the Suggestions for creating helix in octane simulation 
system in gromacs I got the suggestion to remove that particular water 
molecule from the starting configuration and energy minimising it again.
I removed the molecule from the already energy minimised structure, updated the 
topology file and again ran the position restrained dynamics. But again the 
same error comes that a particular water molecule can't be settled.
I had tried to use different energy minimisation processes but still I am 
unable to fix this problem

If I get any help , it will be highly beneficial.
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Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error

2008-08-31 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

sarbani chattopadhyay wrote:

I am trying to simulate a peptide whose structure is yet to be 
validated experimentally.

It has 3 protonated lysine residues.
I have used oplsaa force filed with spc water model and had added 3 
CL ions into the box.
Everything works fine till energy minimisation but after that during 
position restricted dynamics, I encounter segmentation fault that states

relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
I again energy minimized the structure and then during the position 
restrained dynamics run I get the error

Can't settle water molecule starting with ..
While going through the Suggestions for creating helix in octane 
simulation system in gromacs I got the suggestion to remove that 
particular water molecule from the starting configuration and energy 
minimising it again.
I removed the molecule from the already energy minimised structure, 
updated the topology file and again ran the position restrained 
dynamics. But again the same error comes that a particular water 
molecule can't be settled.
I had tried to use different energy minimisation processes but still I 
am unable to fix this problem

Have you tried searching the archives for other solutions?  Searching for 
cannot settle water molecule and LINCS warning together return almost 600 
results.  This is probably one of the most common problems reported to this list.

Deleting the problematic water molecule is almost never the solution.  For some 
more reference, see here:

Visualize the trajectory, see where things are blowing up, and re-evaluate what 
you are doing.


If I get any help , it will be highly beneficial.

Ebay[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2401775_2394076/2397136/1?PARTNER=3OAS_QUERY=null

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Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

gmx-users mailing
Please search the archive at before posting!
Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the 
www interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[gmx-users] Lincs error and explosion of the system

2008-04-28 Thread Egidijus Kuprusevicius
Dear users,
I have a problem on runningMD of 146 LC molecules system. I do not do the energy minimisation. I use NVT ensemble to equilibrate my system.My topology was created using PRODRG beta server. After the creation of my systems box (on top of each other)

1. editconf -f lc -bt d -box 1.3 0.02 0.02 -princ -c -d 0.5 -rvdw 0.12 -o lcc
2. genconf -f lcc -nbox 8 8 8 -dist 0 0 0 -nmolat 27 -o lc512

I put inside another(a little bigger) molecule

3. editconf -f sl -bt c -box 6 -princ -c -d 2.5 -rvdw 0.12 -o sll
4. genbox -cp sll -cs lc512 -o slw -p sl

then create tpr

5. grompp -v -np 32 -shuffle -sort -f eq.mdp -c slw -p sl -o topol.tpr
and submit the job

I always get my system exploding

Initializing LINear Constraint Solver
number of constraints is 122
average number of constraints coupled to one constraint is 3.0
Rel. Constraint Deviation: Max between atoms RMS
Before LINCS 0.086035 40 39 0.026421
After LINCS 0.000704 103 104 0.000292
Energies (kJ/mol)
G96Angle Proper Dih. Improper Dih. LJ-14 Coulomb-14
2.76783e+03 8.11377e+01 8.21662e+01 3.98602e+04 5.57164e+03
LJ (SR) LJ (LR) Coulomb (SR) Coul. recip. Potential
2.71048e+03 -1.88575e+02 -3.38992e+03 -3.62073e+04 1.12877e+04
Kinetic En. Total Energy Temperature Pressure (bar)
6.65517e+04 7.78394e+04 2.06669e+03 1.75872e+05

Step 86, time 0.172 (ps) LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 96.909290 (between atoms 85 and 86) rms 10.933811
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
atom 1 atom 2 angle previous, current, constraint length
77 78 113.7 0.1390 0.5917 0.1390
77 87 116.3 0.1390 0.5570 0.1390
78 79 109.8 0.1090 0.5917 0.1090
78 80 104.4 0.1390 1.2899 0.1390
80 81 93.6 0.1090 5.0458 0.1090
82 80 99.8 0.1390 3.9224 0.1390
82 83 100.5 0.1430 3.8921 0.1430
82 85 99.9 0.1390 3.9638 0.1390
83 84 103.4 0.1140 3.1119 0.1140
85 86 91.7 0.1090 10.6721 0.1090
85 87 100.2 0.1390 1.7797 0.1390
87 88 110.3 0.1090 0.5717 0.1090
Constraint error in algorithm Lincs at step 86
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
Large VCM(group rest): -949890684120872786061526585043023133196136319944012857455888493019588547485855908650717825011817737590092000256377384500897124503083675335640562545921274578670325230339034153228858928503740516247758241500986457604229169152.0, -770017767340537250834106819849535443794415171890886583459517725651760798703652487434834859771194101005699859793685064099787214560958505758284878533509661264882479706501126070295847653568962516830194295490734095350104064.0, -17482030675841594076114066100363479435124387445824631353703195421406478322250794440904806833364056039859394683424411714469447896344546474426178109668279235955517800609185251692588873229116161214420413237478774727134943379456.0, ekin-cm: inf

MDP file

title = molecular dynamics
cpp = /usr/bin/cpp
include = -I../top
integrator = md
dt = 0.002 ;ps
nsteps = 500 ;10 ns
;comm_mode = Angular ;remove center of mass translation and rotation around the center of mass
nstcomm = 1 ;number of steps for center of mass motion removal
nstxout = 100 ;every0.2 ps
nstvout = 100
nstfout = 0
nstlog = 100 ;Output frequency to write energies to log file 
nstenergy = 100 ;Output frequency to write energies to energy file 
energygrps = MMM DRG ;Selection of energy groups
nstlist = 1 ;update frequency 
ns_type = grid ;algorithm (simple or grid)
pbc = xyz
rlist = 1.2 ;cut-off distance nm 
coulombtype = PME ;Method for doing electrostatics 
rcoulomb = 1.2 ;Coulomb cut-off distance nm 
epsilon-r = 1.0 ;relative dielectric constant
vdw-type = Cut-off ;Method for doing VDW
rvdw = 1.5 ;cut-off lengths nm
;DispCorr = EnerPres ;Apply long range dispersion corrections for Energy and Pressure
fourierspacing = 0.1 ;Spacing for the PME/PPPM FFT grid
; EWALD/PME/PPPM parameters
pme_order = 4 ;cubic interpolation
ewald_rtol = 1e-05 ;relative Evald-shifted potential at cut-off
optimize_fft = yes ;calculate at startup
Tcoupl = Berendsen ;Temperature coupling 
Tc-grps = System ;Groups to couple separately
tau_T = 5.0 ;Time constant (ps)
ref_T = 299 ;reference temperature (K)
Pcoupl = no ;Pressure coupling
Pcoupltype = Isotropic
tau_P = 5.0 ;Time constant (ps)
compressibility = 4.5e-5 ;compressibility (1/bar)
ref_P = 1.0 ;reference P (bar)
constraints = all-bonds
constraint-algorithm = lincs
;shake_tol = 0.0001
unconstrained-start = yes ;don't constrain the start configuration
lincs-order = 4 ;Highest order in the expansion of the constraint coupling matrix
lincs-warnangle = 30
lincs-iter = 2
morse = no ;Convert harmonic bonds to morse potentials
gen_vel = no ;generates velocities
gen_temp = 299 
gen_seed = 173529

Could anyone help me?


Egidijus Kuprusevicius

  Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: [gmx-users] Lincs error and explosion of the system

2008-04-28 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Why don't you do energy minimization?  It's pretty clear that you've generated
some atomic overlap in your procedure, from what you've described.

For general reference on such problems, check the hundreds of related posts
(LINCS warnings) in the list archive or the following link to the wiki site:


Quoting Egidijus Kuprusevicius [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Dear users,
 I have a problem on running MD of 146 LC molecules system. I do not do the
 energy minimisation. I use NVT ensemble to equilibrate my system. My topology
 was created using PRODRG beta server. After the creation of my systems box
 (on top of each other)

 1. editconf -f lc -bt d -box 1.3 0.02 0.02 -princ -c -d 0.5 -rvdw 0.12 -o lcc
 2. genconf -f lcc -nbox 8 8 8 -dist 0 0 0 -nmolat 27 -o lc512

 I put inside another (a little bigger) molecule

 3. editconf -f sl -bt c -box 6 -princ -c -d 2.5 -rvdw 0.12 -o sll
 4. genbox -cp sll -cs lc512 -o slw -p sl

 then create tpr

 5. grompp -v -np 32 -shuffle -sort -f eq.mdp -c slw -p sl -o topol.tpr
 and submit the job

 I always get my system exploding

 Initializing LINear Constraint Solver
 number of constraints is 122
 average number of constraints coupled to one constraint is 3.0
 Rel. Constraint Deviation: Max between atoms RMS
 Before LINCS 0.086035 40 39 0.026421
 After LINCS 0.000704 103 104 0.000292
 Energies (kJ/mol)
 G96Angle Proper Dih. Improper Dih. LJ-14 Coulomb-14
 2.76783e+03 8.11377e+01 8.21662e+01 3.98602e+04 5.57164e+03
 LJ (SR) LJ (LR) Coulomb (SR) Coul. recip. Potential
 2.71048e+03 -1.88575e+02 -3.38992e+03 -3.62073e+04 1.12877e+04
 Kinetic En. Total Energy Temperature Pressure (bar)
 6.65517e+04 7.78394e+04 2.06669e+03 1.75872e+05

 Step 86, time 0.172 (ps) LINCS WARNING
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 max 96.909290 (between atoms 85 and 86) rms 10.933811
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2 angle previous, current, constraint length
 77 78 113.7 0.1390 0.5917 0.1390
 77 87 116.3 0.1390 0.5570 0.1390
 78 79 109.8 0.1090 0.5917 0.1090
 78 80 104.4 0.1390 1.2899 0.1390
 80 81 93.6 0.1090 5.0458 0.1090
 82 80 99.8 0.1390 3.9224 0.1390
 82 83 100.5 0.1430 3.8921 0.1430
 82 85 99.9 0.1390 3.9638 0.1390
 83 84 103.4 0.1140 3.1119 0.1140
 85 86 91.7 0.1090 10.6721 0.1090
 85 87 100.2 0.1390 1.7797 0.1390
 87 88 110.3 0.1090 0.5717 0.1090
 Constraint error in algorithm Lincs at step 86
 Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
 Large VCM(group rest):



 ekin-cm: inf

 MDP file

 title = molecular dynamics
 cpp = /usr/bin/cpp
 include = -I../top
 integrator = md
 dt = 0.002 ;ps
 nsteps = 500 ;10 ns
 ;comm_mode = Angular ;remove center of mass translation and rotation around
 the center of mass
 nstcomm = 1 ;number of steps for center of mass motion removal
 nstxout = 100 ;every 0.2 ps
 nstvout = 100
 nstfout = 0
 nstlog = 100 ;Output frequency to write energies to log file
 nstenergy = 100 ;Output frequency to write energies to energy file
 energygrps = MMM DRG ;Selection of energy groups
 nstlist = 1 ;update frequency
 ns_type = grid ;algorithm (simple or grid)
 pbc = xyz
 rlist = 1.2 ;cut-off distance nm
 coulombtype = PME ;Method for doing electrostatics
 rcoulomb = 1.2 ;Coulomb cut-off distance nm
 epsilon-r = 1.0 ;relative dielectric constant
 ; VDW
 vdw-type = Cut-off ;Method for doing VDW
 rvdw = 1.5 ;cut-off lengths nm
 ;DispCorr = EnerPres ;Apply long range dispersion corrections for Energy and
 fourierspacing = 0.1 ;Spacing for the PME/PPPM FFT grid
 ; EWALD/PME/PPPM parameters
 pme_order = 4 ;cubic interpolation
 ewald_rtol = 1e-05 ;relative Evald-shifted potential at cut-off
 optimize_fft = yes ;calculate at startup
 Tcoupl = Berendsen ;Temperature coupling
 Tc-grps = System ;Groups to couple separately
 tau_T = 5.0 ;Time constant (ps)
 ref_T = 299 ;reference temperature (K)
 Pcoupl = no ;Pressure coupling
 Pcoupltype = Isotropic
 tau_P = 5.0 ;Time constant (ps)
 compressibility = 4.5e-5 ;compressibility (1/bar)
 ref_P = 1.0 ;reference P (bar)
 constraints = all-bonds
 constraint-algorithm = lincs

[gmx-users] LINCS error

2007-09-17 Thread vijay kumar hinge vijay
hello users,

i am using gromacs 3.3 version on unix platform
i got these error while running MD simulation of 89 aa in spc216 water for
10ns at step 4088373 time 8176.55 .i had used force field 4a1(official
hear I'm sending  .mdp file also
error which i got is

step 4088520, will finish at Sat Sep 22 06:22:35 2007

Step 4088530, time 8177.06 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 17.051964 (between atoms 615 and 616) rms 0.709711
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
613614   35.70.1233   0.1232  0.1230
613615   35.20.1332   0.1352  0.1330
615616   90.00.0997   1.8052  0.1000
615617   90.00.1322   1.3965  0.1000
step 4088530, will finish at Sat Sep 22 06:22:35 2007Warning: 1-4
interaction at
 distance larger than 1
These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
turn on -debug for more information

Step 4088531, time 8177.06 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 1.625723 (between atoms 615 and 617) rms 0.062578
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
612613   46.40.1548   0.1344  0.1530
613614   37.20.1232   0.1816  0.1230
613615   89.70.1352   0.2216  0.1330
615616   76.31.8052   0.1476  0.1000
615617   89.71.3965   0.2626  0.1000

Step 4088532, time 8177.06 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 14.399930 (between atoms 615 and 616) rms 0.598937
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
611612   44.20.1693   0.1761  0.1530
612613   35.40.1344   0.1669  0.1530
613614   95.70.1816   0.1308  0.1230
615616   90.20.1476   1.5400  0.1000
615617   90.50.2626   1.1927  0.1000

Step 4088533, time 8177.07 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 1.051080 (between atoms 615 and 617) rms 0.046065
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
609611   44.50.1529   0.1910  0.1470
611612   39.90.1761   0.1800  0.1530
611618   41.90.1579   0.1736  0.1530
612613  105.90.1669   0.2124  0.1530
613614  123.80.1308   0.1181  0.1230
613615   34.60.1178   0.2224  0.1330
615616   74.01.5400   0.1253  0.1000
615617   80.31.1927   0.2051  0.1000

Step 4088534, time 8177.07 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 45040.144531 (between atoms 613 and 614) rms 1994.670654
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
582584   41.90.1470   0.2116  0.1470
584585   41.30.1530   0.2102  0.1530
584586   69.20.1530   8.3830  0.1530
586587   59.20.1230   8.3382  0.1230
586588   78.90.1331  28.5889  0.1330
588589   75.70.1001  27.4635  0.1000
588590   80.70.1471 156.4029  0.1470
590591   82.50.1531 156.2125  0.1530
590607   84.10.1537 272.5951  0.1530
591592   78.30.1531  23.8232  0.1530
592593   55.20.1330   6.7518  0.1330
592595   55.70.1390   6.7401  0.1390
593594   41.60.1090   0.1595  0.1090
593596   45.10.1330   0.1971  0.1330
595598   37.70.1390   0.1911  0.1390
595599   34.40.1390   0.1923  0.1390
607608   85.10.1235 322.3230  0.1230
607609   90.80.1334 722.2238  0.1330
609610   87.50.1001 730.5731  0.1000
609611   91.70.1910 2220.5916  0.1470
611612  113.10.1800 1928.0201  0.1530
611618   61.90.1736 2612.3730  0.1530
612613  152.60.2124 2170.9067  0.1530
613614   95.00.1181 5540.0610  0.1230
613615  100.80.2224 1264.8948  0.1330
615616   88.00.1253 729.0342  0.1000
615617   69.10.2051 610.1647  0.1000
618619   96.00.1365 1772.1053  0.1230
618620  101.80.1456 1954.0292  0.1330
620621   97.10.1014 161.6277  0.1000
620622   44.00.1484 387.2649  0.1470
622623  119.20.1536 271.5126  0.1530
622628  110.20.1536 303.3078  0.1530
623624   65.60.1531  51.2406  0.1530
624625  113.70.1530  26.6845  0.1530
625626   32.70.1250   0.1557  0.1250
625627   34.20.1250   0.1577  

Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error

2007-09-17 Thread Justin A. Lemkul
This is an issue that has been discussed a lot on the list.  The typical reasons
for LINCS errors can be found here:

Quoting vijay kumar hinge vijay [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 hello users,

 i am using gromacs 3.3 version on unix platform
 i got these error while running MD simulation of 89 aa in spc216 water for
 10ns at step 4088373 time 8176.55 .i had used force field 4a1(official
 hear I'm sending  .mdp file also
 error which i got is

 ; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in two groups
 Tcoupl  =  berendsen
 tc-grps =  Protein  SOL   NA+
 tau_t =  0.1 0.1   0.1
 ref_t =  300300   300

Also note that this is a bad idea - never couple solvent and ions separately. 
Make an index group with both components merged into one group.



Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error during mdrun

2007-01-25 Thread Stéphane Téletchéa

Mark Abraham a écrit :

Dear GROMACS users,

I am trying to run md of a protein with a non-standard residue.

It was fine up until I ran mdrun with pr.mdp, where I received a LINCS
warning after 20 steps (0.042 ps).

Step 21, time 0.042 (ps)  LINCS WARNING

I looked up the mailing list and found discussion about this subject but
there appears to be no conclusions.

That's because the problem lies with your topology or your structure. Have
a look at the structures and see what is wrong. Either you need to fix the
topology, or you haven't relaxed a bad atomic contact enough.

I wish I had a dollar for every time I've given the above advice for a
LINCS error!


Set up a donation page :-)

Stéphane Téletchéa, PhD.
Unité Mathématique Informatique et Génome
INRA, Domaine de Vilvert  Tél : (33) 134 652 891
78352 Jouy-en-Josas cedex, France Fax : (33) 134 652 901
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Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error during mdrun

2007-01-25 Thread Mark Abraham
 Dear GROMACS users,

 I am trying to run md of a protein with a non-standard residue.

 It was fine up until I ran mdrun with pr.mdp, where I received a LINCS
 warning after 20 steps (0.042 ps).

 Step 21, time 0.042 (ps)  LINCS WARNING

 I looked up the mailing list and found discussion about this subject but
 there appears to be no conclusions.

That's because the problem lies with your topology or your structure. Have
a look at the structures and see what is wrong. Either you need to fix the
topology, or you haven't relaxed a bad atomic contact enough.

I wish I had a dollar for every time I've given the above advice for a
LINCS error!


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Re: [gmx-users] LINCS error during mdrun

2007-01-25 Thread Tsjerk Wassenaar

Hi Shangwa Han,

First of all, there is no general conclusion regarding such error.
Second, the general conclusion is: your system contains severe errors,
which have not been resolved during energy minimization, if you
performed any, but you didn't mention it.

If you would have browsed the archive more thoroughly or had read the
posts of the last days, regarding non-standard residues, you would
have noticed that the problem has been met before.

Now, first of all, what residue do you have? Did you perform energy
minimization (vacuum and/or solvated)? Did energy minimization
converge? Did the potential energy after energy minimization seem
reasonable (well negative)? What atoms are causing the failure? I have
no idea to what the atom numbers correspond...

Maybe it's good to have read the following (and taking the advice)
when asking a question on this (or any) list:


On 1/25/07, 한상화 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear GROMACS users,

I am trying to run md of a protein with a non-standard residue.

It was fine up until I ran mdrun with pr.mdp, where I received a LINCS
warning after 20 steps (0.042 ps).

Step 21, time 0.042 (ps)  LINCS WARNING

relative constraint deviation after LINCS:

max 236965036032.00 (between atoms 261 and 262) rms 7344678400.00

bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:

 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length

250252   70.20.1331   0.0388  0.1330

252253  133.70.1000   0.1070  0.1000

252254  113.70.1471 584679.3560  0.1470

254255   99.10.1531 4371462.3199  0.1530

254268  113.20.1531 584679.3412  0.1530

255256  104.00.1531 14918575.9155  0.1530

256257   94.10.1391 71642892.3147  0.1390

256259  118.90.1391 9989150.8212  0.1390

257258   94.70.1090 53680649.8250  0.1090

257261   92.00.1391 165281594.0708  0.1390

259260  167.30.1090 3058365.4015  0.1090

259263  102.70.1391 23632615.9567  0.1390

261262   90.00.1090 25829189100.6878  0.1090

261265   93.50.1391 151539192.8914  0.1390

263264  102.70.1090 23369011.4797  0.1090

263265   99.00.1391 51420376.9215  0.1390

265266   96.00.1361 61029666.4858  0.1360

266267   93.30.1000 22670607.4602  0.1000

268269  123.50.1230   0.1132  0.1230

268270   89.00.1331   0.0916  0.1330

270271   32.20.1000   0.1280  0.1000

270272   32.30.1471   0.1820  0.1470

I looked up the mailing list and found discussion about this subject but
there appears to be no conclusions.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sanghwa Han

gmx-users mailing
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Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
Junior UD (post-doc)
Biomolecular NMR, Bijvoet Center
Utrecht University
Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht
The Netherlands
P: +31-30-2539931
F: +31-30-2537623
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[gmx-users] LINCS error during mdrun

2007-01-24 Thread 한상화
Dear GROMACS users,


I am trying to run md of a protein with a non-standard residue.

It was fine up until I ran mdrun with pr.mdp, where I received a LINCS
warning after 20 steps (0.042 ps).


Step 21, time 0.042 (ps)  LINCS WARNING

relative constraint deviation after LINCS:

max 236965036032.00 (between atoms 261 and 262) rms 7344678400.00

bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:

 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length

250252   70.20.1331   0.0388  0.1330

252253  133.70.1000   0.1070  0.1000

252254  113.70.1471 584679.3560  0.1470

254255   99.10.1531 4371462.3199  0.1530

254268  113.20.1531 584679.3412  0.1530

255256  104.00.1531 14918575.9155  0.1530

256257   94.10.1391 71642892.3147  0.1390

256259  118.90.1391 9989150.8212  0.1390

257258   94.70.1090 53680649.8250  0.1090

257261   92.00.1391 165281594.0708  0.1390

259260  167.30.1090 3058365.4015  0.1090

259263  102.70.1391 23632615.9567  0.1390

261262   90.00.1090 25829189100.6878  0.1090

261265   93.50.1391 151539192.8914  0.1390

263264  102.70.1090 23369011.4797  0.1090

263265   99.00.1391 51420376.9215  0.1390

265266   96.00.1361 61029666.4858  0.1360

266267   93.30.1000 22670607.4602  0.1000

268269  123.50.1230   0.1132  0.1230

268270   89.00.1331   0.0916  0.1330

270271   32.20.1000   0.1280  0.1000

270272   32.30.1471   0.1820  0.1470


I looked up the mailing list and found discussion about this subject but
there appears to be no conclusions.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Sanghwa Han


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[gmx-users] lincs error

2006-06-13 Thread Beniamino Sciacca

this is my problem: after a few step (from 1 to 20) mdrun stops because 
of  lincs
...LINCS WARNING - Relative constraint deviation after lincs: max 
103.684275 (between atoms 7941 and 7942) rms 1.227871 bonds that rotated 
more than 180 degrees...

7941 e  7942 should be two water atoms.
There are more than one WARNING
If I use a smaller time step (1fs instead of 4 fs or 2 fs) there is no 
problem, and it works well!

What can I do?
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[gmx-users] LINCS Error in Gromacs-3.3.1 in pr simulation

2006-04-26 Thread raja
Dear all,
  I have been trying to simulate various mutant models (single
  mutant) of a enzyme. I am successfully finished simulation of 3
  variants including wild type (So for finished up to position
  restraints of all variants). In one mutation involving Ala in
  requsite position happened to be unfinished at the stage of
  position restraint. The error is of old kind , which I have pasted
  below. I am surprised about the fact that all system of almost
  simillar execpt one mutant residues went through undisturbed but
  this particular varient creating problem. I used same parameter
  files without any change for all simulation. More to add for your
  information, I am simulating all protein with bound ligand

The Error is pasted below

Step 142, time 0.284 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 6425310107478786048.00 (between atoms 1266 and 1267) rms NaN
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
   1232   1234   45.20.1449   0.2169  0.1449
   1234   1235   48.40.1090   0.1784  0.1090
   1234   1236   44.70.1529   0.2261  0.1529
   1234   1249  122.50.1522 136533780725760.  0.1522
   1249   1250  119.00.1229 136533780725760.  0.1229
   1249   1251  109.10.1335 603724024119296.  0.1335
   1251   1252  108.90.1010 586193511120896.  0.1010
   1251   1253  100.60.1449 3357735101923328.  0.1449
   1253   1254   98.00.1090 3204054192750592.  0.1090
   1253   1255   97.40.1529 3419750134710272.  0.1529
   1253   1264   97.60.1522 9328680778072064.  0.1522
   1255   1256  102.10.1090 516437605089280.  0.1090
   1255   1257  103.20.1090 510584571297792.  0.1090
   1255   1258  100.10.1529 531077537988608.  0.1529
   1258   1259  110.20.1090 46668405800960.  0.1090
   1258   1260  115.10.1090 46668405800960.  0.1090
   1258   1261  111.30.1522 46668405800960.  0.1522
   1264   1265   96.80.1229 8772496471883776.  0.1229
   1264   1266   93.40.1335 23058375889649664.  0.1335
   1266   1267   90.10.1010 648956295566589952.  0.1010
   1266   1268   92.80.1449 20309538838151168.  0.1449
   1268   1269   93.70.1090 9442003490177024.  0.1090
   1268   1270   94.10.1529 10569273491587072.  0.1529
   1268   1275   94.60.1522 10709468740321280.  0.1522
   1270   1271   97.40.1090 2281559910514688.  0.1090
   1270   1272   96.70.1090 2346805832450048.  0.1090
   1270   1273   97.60.1410 2468801157267456.  0.1410
   1273   1274   98.10.0945 516787946913792.  0.0945
   1275   1276  103.00.1229 1965350593757184.  0.1229
   1275   1277  105.20.1335 1981484369969152.  0.1335
   1277   1278  112.00.1010 484401947344896.  0.1010
   1277   1279  105.50.1449 537563274149888.  0.1449
   1279   1280  114.60.1090 93084121563136.  0.1090
   1279   1281  107.40.1529 93082670333952.  0.1529
   1279   1290  106.90.1522 93082821328896.  0.1522
   1281   1282   83.50.1090 1272794624.  0.1090
   1281   1283   85.00.1090 1321838592.  0.1090
   1281   1284   82.10.1529 1407034368.  0.1529
   1284   1285   85.90.1090 283390016.  0.1090
   1284   1286   84.90.1090 264245008.  0.1090
   1284   1287   88.20.1522 295514624.  0.1522
   1287   1288   55.50.1250 47520624.  0.1250
   1287   1289   66.60.1250 47520412.  0.1250
   1290   1291   74.90.1229 1078725504.  0.1229
   1290   1292   76.20.1335 1155043328.  0.1335
   1292   1293   72.90.1010 250017072.  0.1010
   1292   1294   78.60.1449 282246560.  0.1449
   1294   1295   69.00.1090 79070984.  0.1090
   1294   1296   63.80.1529 79075408.  0.1529
   1294   1301   71.90.1522 79078832.  0.1522
   1296   1297   79.50.1090 18558.5371  0.1090
   1296   1298   82.70.1090 19417.0156  0.1090
   1296   1299   79.40.1410 19846.6992  0.1410
   1299   1300   88.40.0945 2605.6270  0.0945
   1301   1302   78.30.1229 17848.5957  0.1229
   1301   1303   72.30.1335 17940.1172  0.1335
   1303   1304   72.90.1010 4016.1282  0.1010
   1303   1305   77.50.1449 4398.8486  0.1449
   1305   1306   79.00.1090 1363.8757  0.1090
   1305   1307   66.20.1529 1353.4260  0.1529
   1305   1315   72.90.1522 1368.8561  0.1522
   1307   1309  121.40.1410  25.7220  0.1410
   1307   1311  142.80.1529