[gmx-users] building up a long polymer chain

2010-06-18 Thread Moeed
Dear experts,

For hexane molecule I used atom types

opls_157   12.01100  ; all-atom C: CH3 & CH2, alcohols
opls_158   12.01100  ; all-atom C: CH, alcohols

in residue file:

[ HEX ]
 [ atoms ]
C1   opls_157-0.180  1
H11  opls_140 0.060  1
H12  opls_140 0.060  1
H13  opls_140 0.060  1
C2   opls_158-0.120  2
H21  opls_140 0.060  2
H22  opls_140 0.060  2
C3   opls_158-0.120  3
H31  opls_140 0.060  3
H32  opls_140 0.060  3
C4   opls_158-0.120  4
H41  opls_140 0.060  4
H42  opls_140 0.060  4
C5   opls_158-0.120  5
H51  opls_140 0.060  5
H52  opls_140 0.060  5
C6   opls_157-0.180  6
H61  opls_140 0.060  6
H62  opls_140 0.060  6
H63  opls_140 0.060  6

now that I am trying to create top file for polyethylene (PE) I doubt if I
pickec right atom types for hexane since I see in ffoplsaa.atp file:

opls_135   12.01100  ; alkane CH3
 opls_136   12.01100  ; alkane CH2

for alkanes. Please let me know if I am right and I should use

opls_157   12.01100  ; all-atom C: CH3 & CH2, alcohols
opls_158   12.01100  ; all-atom C: CH, alcohols

for PE. or maybe this dies not affect the results since charges and mass are
the same..?!

Also: can opls_157 be used for both CH3 & CH2,on PE chain? what is the
suitable atom type for carbon atoms on PE chain?

2- I spent alot of time finding a solution for the following problem: I am
trying to build up a very long PE chain. to do this I am using the following
residues in rtp file:

; Polyethylene - this is an internal residue
[ Eth ]
 [ atoms ]
   H11   opls_140 0.0601
   H12   opls_140 0.0601
   H21   opls_140 0.0602
   H22   opls_140 0.0602
 [ bonds ]

; Terminal PE residue ("beginning" of chain)
; designation arbitrary, C1 is -CH3
; designation arbitrary, C1 is -CH3
[ EthB ]
 [ atoms ]
   H11   opls_140 0.0601
   H12   opls_140 0.0601
   H13   opls_140 0.0601
   H21   opls_140 0.0602
   H22   opls_140 0.0602
 [ bonds ]

; Terminal PE residue ("end" of chain)
; designation arbitrary, C2 is -CH3
[ EthE ]
 [ atoms ]
   H11   opls_140 0.0601
   H12   opls_140 0.0601
   H21   opls_140 0.0602
   H22   opls_140 0.0602
   H23   opls_140 0.0602
 [ bonds ]

However, the software I am using(Ascalaph Desingner) to build up PE chain
lists atoms as shown below: (I changed the res names to Eth and EthB
myself). i.e. atoms have no numbering meaning that if I want to use the
above resudies in rtp file I will have to go thorough the whole structure
file(below) and do the numbering by myself (H to H11, H12, H21, H22...)and C
to C1 C2) which is a tedious work. when I want to generate a molecule of
4 Mw (about 1400 monomer units! or about 8000 atoms)

HETATM1  CB  EthB1   2.739   2.554  -0.012  0.00 -0.39
HETATM2  H   EthB1   2.736   3.644  -0.012  0.00  0.13
HETATM3  H   EthB1   2.190   2.217  -0.893  0.00  0.13
HETATM4  H   EthB1   2.190   2.217   0.868  0.00  0.13
HETATM5  C   Eth 2   4.155   1.993  -0.012  0.00 -0.26
HETATM6  H   Eth 2   4.696   2.362  -0.887  0.00  0.13
HETATM7  H   Eth 2   4.696   2.362   0.862  0.00  0.13
HETATM8  C   Eth 3   4.163   0.470  -0.012  0.00 -0.26
HETATM9  H   Eth 3   3.623   0.101   0.862  0.00  0.13
HETATM   10  H   Eth 3   3.623   0.101  -0.887  0.00  0.13
HETATM   11  C   Eth 4   5.579  -0.091  -0.012  0.00 -0.26
HETATM   12  H   Eth 4   6.119   0.278  -0.887  0.00  0.13
I numbered 350 atoms (60 monomer units) and simulation is working now.
1EthBC11   0.860   2.362   1.500
1EthB   H112   0.860   2.471   1.500
1EthB   H123   0.805   2.329   1.412
1EthB   H134   0.805   2.329   1.588
1EthBC25   1.002   2.306   1.500
1EthB   H216   1.056   2.343   1.412
1EthB   H227   1.056   2.343   1.587
2Eth C18   1.002   2.154   1.500
2EthH119   0.948   2.117   1.587
2EthH12   10   0.948   2.117   1.412
2Eth C2   11   1.144   2.098   1.500
2EthH21   12   1.198   2.135   1.412
2EthH22   13   1.198   2.135   1.587
3Eth C1   14   1.145   1.946   1.500
3EthH11   15   1.091   1.909   1

[gmx-users] building up a long polymer chain

2010-06-21 Thread Moeed
Hello Justin,

As you pointed out at the end of former message my real problem is
generation of a properly formatted structure file for PE. Within last few
weeks I tried to obtain the structure file using that known link... but that
was not helpful to me since those residues need atom numbering..Hdb file was
not helpful either because I think I need to have a structure file with only
coordinates of carbon atoms (hdb adds H ). ...That coordinate file I dont
know how to get.

I tried x2top command to generate top file and I got LINCS error. I followd
the tips you had given before on how to diagnose a crashing system and thats
why I suspect top file is not produced properly when I have no atom
numbering in coordinate file. Now I am following your suggestion to use
genconf command to build up my polymer. The distance between C -C atoms in
ethylene is 1.52 A. So I considred 0.76 A as distance from each side, and
1.52+ 2*0.76=3.04 A as box size. In the command line below I entered 0.304
to convert to nm. Please see below:

Initsial pdb file:

HETATM1  C1  EthB1  2.739   2.554  -0.012  0.00 -0.39
HETATM2  H11 EthB1  2.736   3.644  -0.012  0.00  0.13
HETATM3  H12 EthB1  2.190   2.217  -0.893  0.00  0.13
HETATM4  H13 EthB1  2.190   2.217   0.868  0.00  0.13
HETATM5  C2  EthB1  4.155   1.993  -0.012  0.00 -0.26
HETATM6  H21 EthB1  4.696   2.362  -0.887  0.00  0.13
HETATM7  H22 EthB1  4.696   2.362   0.862  0.00  0.13

editconf -f PEmonomer.pdb -o PEmonomer.gro -box 0.304 0.304 0.304 -angles 90
90 90 -d 0.076

1EthBC11   0.141   0.166   0.164
1EthB   H112   0.141   0.275   0.164
1EthB   H123   0.086   0.132   0.076
1EthB   H134   0.086   0.132   0.252
1EthBC25   0.282   0.110   0.164
1EthB   H216   0.337   0.147   0.077
1EthB   H227   0.337   0.147   0.251
   0.40260   0.31710   0.32810   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
0.0   0.0

genconf -f PEmonomer.gro -sort  -o PEsort -nbox 5

I use -sort to align the molecule with X coordinate and want to replicate 5
boxes. Am I using correctly the -sort option? What I get is:

1EthBC11   0.086   0.132   0.252  0.  0.  0.
1EthB   H112   0.282   0.110   0.164  0.  0.  0.
1EthB   H123   0.337   0.147   0.077  0.  0.  0.
1EthB   H134   0.086   0.132   0.404  0.  0.  0.
1EthBC25   0.086   0.132   0.580  0.  0.  0.
1EthB   H216   0.282   0.110   0.492  0.  0.  0.
1EthB   H227   0.086   0.132   1.236  0.  0.  0.
2EthBC18   0.282   0.110   1.148  0.  0.  0.
2EthB   H119   0.337   0.147   1.061  0.  0.  0.
2EthB   H12   10   0.086   0.132   1.388  0.  0.  0.
2EthB   H13   11   0.086   0.132   1.564  0.  0.  0.
2EthBC2   12   0.282   0.110   1.476  0.  0.  0.
2EthB   H21   13   0.086   0.449   0.580  0.  0.  0.
2EthB   H22   14   0.282   0.427   0.492  0.  0.  0.
3EthBC1   15   0.337   0.464   0.405  0.  0.  0.
3EthB   H11   16   0.086   0.449   0.732  0.  0.  0.

To me what I have done is not right.

1- I am replicating CH3CH, while what I need is CH2CH2. Even when I do this
I need to somehow add in CH3 to both ends! Please guide me on this issue
2- I am sure something is wrong. When I use -box 5 I get 8875 monomer units!

Thank you,
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[gmx-users] building up a long polymer chain

2010-06-22 Thread Moeed
Hello Justin,

I created structure file for a 4-carbon repeating unit as follows:
HETATM1  CAA DRG 1  14.260  -4.270   0.000  1.00
20.00 C
HETATM2 1HAA DRG 1  14.175  -3.426   0.530  1.00
20.00 H
HETATM3 2HAA DRG 1  15.050  -4.790   0.326  1.00
20.00 H
HETATM4 3HAA DRG 1  14.385  -4.045  -0.966  1.00
20.00 H
HETATM5  CAB DRG 1  12.990  -5.110   0.170  1.00
20.00 C
HETATM6 1HAB DRG 1  12.205  -4.581  -0.153  1.00
20.00 H
HETATM7 2HAB DRG 1  12.871  -5.326   1.139  1.00
20.00 H
HETATM8  CAC DRG 1  13.070  -6.410  -0.620  1.00
20.00 C
HETATM9 1HAC DRG 1  13.855  -6.939  -0.297  1.00
20.00 H
HETATM   10 2HAC DRG 1  13.189  -6.194  -1.589  1.00
20.00 H
HETATM   11  CAD DRG 1  11.800  -7.250  -0.450  1.00
20.00 C
HETATM   12 1HAD DRG 1  11.885  -8.094  -0.980  1.00
20.00 H
HETATM   13 2HAD DRG 1  11.675  -7.475   0.516  1.00
20.00 H
HETATM   14 3HAD DRG 1  11.010  -6.730  -0.776  1.00
20.00 H

I renamed the atoms and removed one hydrogen atoms from both ends to get
repeating unit. CH2CH2,

1- I am not able to produce the repeating unit C2H4 in PRODRG. It adds the
third H automatically. I dont know anyother way but removing the third H
from structure file by hand..

Then I mesaured the C1 To C4 distance which is 0.388 A.

editconf -f prodrg.pdb -o prodrg.gro -box 0.388 -bt cubic

1DRG C11   0.208   0.006   0.242
1DRGH112   0.158   0.010   0.328
1DRGH123   0.149  -0.030   0.170
1DRG C24   0.255   0.148   0.203
1DRGH215   0.305   0.143   0.116
1DRGH226   0.314   0.184   0.274
1DRG C37   0.133   0.240   0.186
1DRGH318   0.083   0.245   0.272
1DRGH329   0.074   0.204   0.114
1DRG C4   10   0.179   0.382   0.147
1DRGH41   11   0.239   0.418   0.218
1DRGH42   12   0.230   0.378   0.060
   0.38800   0.38800   0.38800

then : genconf -f prodrg.gro -o rep.gro -nbox 1 5 1

2- The problem here is that one CH2 unit with 2 H atoms is falling on the
next repeating unit in the next box. i.e 4 H atoms and C atoms are
overlapping... as shown below:

 H H H *H H* H H H
 | |  |  | |  | | |
 | |  |  | | |  |  |
 H H H *H H* H H H

Do you think I should use -d option?

Please guide me..
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Re: [gmx-users] building up a long polymer chain

2010-06-18 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Moeed wrote:

for PE. or maybe this dies not affect the results since charges and mass 
are the same..?!

You can set the charges to whatever you want them to be, so this is no issue at 

Also: can opls_157 be used for both CH3 & CH2,on PE chain? what is the 
suitable atom type for carbon atoms on PE chain?

The nonbonded parameters (sigma and epsilon) for opls_135 and opls_157 are 
identical.  I don't know why there are different types, but they are the same. 
Check ffoplsaanb.itp and you will see.

The top file I got has contains exactly the same listing of [bonds] 
[pairs] [angles] [dihedrals] as the one I got from the structure file 
for which I did the numbering by hand. But I am unsure of the forcefield 
parameters if they are extracted from itp file properly because after 
doing energy minimization step I get LINCS error.

I don't fully understand what you did or what you think is wrong, but I do 
recall giving you some very thorough procedures to go through to diagnose a 
crashing system.  I even updated the wiki to keep track of all the tips I gave you.

Q 2-1 Please kindly furnish me with your comments on this issue. *I need 
a residue for internal ethylene monomer in rtp file which depends as 
less as possible on atoms numbering (H11,...). *I think the solution 
will help many gmx users dealing with polymers. what would be the best 

To build a long polymer chain, it should be possible by generating a coordinate 
file of one monomer that is aligned with one of the principal axes and 
positioned such that its atoms are half a bond length from the edges of the box. 
 Then use genconf -nbox to replicate this system in one direction and you'll 
have as long a chain as you want, correctly numbered and named, and if you've 
done your geometry right, the structure will even be in a reasonable configuration.

If you want to use .rtp files to create a topology, atom naming is required to 
be consistent with the structure file.  There is no way around this.  The 
hydrogen atoms are actually very easy to deal with if you have an appropriate 
.hdb file, which is provided in the example you've been using for several weeks 
now.  So you really don't even need H atoms in your input file, just 
appropriately-named carbons.

my current internal repeating unit has numbering of atoms:
[Eth ]
 [ atoms ]
   H11   opls_140 0.0601
   H12   opls_140 0.0601
   H21   opls_140 0.0602
   H22   opls_140 0.0602
 [ bonds ]

Q 2-2. Does x2top command have advantage over pdb2gmx command with 
regards to atom numbering?

It seems like your first real problem is creating a properly-formatted 
coordinate file.  If you have to add in residue names yourself and rename all of 
the atoms yourself, then that's more trouble than its worth.  See the above 
comment about genconf.


Many many thanks,


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] building up a long polymer chain

2010-06-21 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Moeed wrote:

Hello Justin,

As you pointed out at the end of former message my real problem is 
generation of a properly formatted structure file for PE. Within last 
few weeks I tried to obtain the structure file using that known link... 
but that was not helpful to me since those residues need atom 
numbering..Hdb file was not helpful either because I think I need to 
have a structure file with only coordinates of carbon atoms (hdb adds H 
). ...That coordinate file I dont know how to get.


With both PRODRG and xLeap you should be able to easily build a short repeat 
unit.  You will have to rename the constituent atoms, but at least the 
coordinate files are syntactically correct.

I tried x2top command to generate top file and I got LINCS error. I 
followd the tips you had given before on how to diagnose a crashing 
system and thats why I suspect top file is not produced properly when I 
have no atom numbering in coordinate file. Now I am following your 

Well, I have never dealt with something like that, but if you're coordinate file 
is useless, then so too will the topology, likely.

suggestion to use genconf command to build up my polymer. The distance 
between C -C atoms in ethylene is 1.52 A. So I considred 0.76 A as 
distance from each side, and 1.52+ 2*0.76=3.04 A as box size. In the 
command line below I entered 0.304 to convert to nm. Please see below:

Initsial pdb file:

HETATM1  C1  EthB1  2.739   2.554  -0.012  0.00 
-0.39   C
HETATM2  H11 EthB1  2.736   3.644  -0.012  0.00  
0.13   H
HETATM3  H12 EthB1  2.190   2.217  -0.893  0.00  
0.13   H
HETATM4  H13 EthB1  2.190   2.217   0.868  0.00  
0.13   H
HETATM5  C2  EthB1  4.155   1.993  -0.012  0.00 
-0.26   C
HETATM6  H21 EthB1  4.696   2.362  -0.887  0.00  
0.13   H
HETATM7  H22 EthB1  4.696   2.362   0.862  0.00  
0.13   H


editconf -f PEmonomer.pdb -o PEmonomer.gro -box 0.304 0.304 0.304 
-angles 90 90 90 -d 0.076

Going by the nomenclature of the system we've been discussing for the last 
eternity, EthB is a "beginning" residue, i.e. CH3-CH2-, when what you want to be 
using is Eth, which is a -CH2-CH2- unit.  Once you've built the coordinate file, 
change the names of the beginning and end residues and process the structure 
with pdb2gmx to build back the right hydrogens.

By specifying both -box and -d, you are adding extra space in the box.  The use 
of -angles is not necessary, and somehow you are not getting a cubic box:

   0.40260   0.31710   0.32810   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   
0.0   0.0

The proper command for what you want is:

editconf -f PEmonomer.pdb -o PEmonomer.gro -box 0.304 -bt cubic

genconf -f PEmonomer.gro -sort  -o PEsort -nbox 5

I use -sort to align the molecule with X coordinate and want to 
replicate 5 boxes. Am I using correctly the -sort option? What I get is:

1EthBC11   0.086   0.132   0.252  0.  0.  0.
1EthB   H112   0.282   0.110   0.164  0.  0.  0.
1EthB   H123   0.337   0.147   0.077  0.  0.  0.
1EthB   H134   0.086   0.132   0.404  0.  0.  0.
1EthBC25   0.086   0.132   0.580  0.  0.  0.
1EthB   H216   0.282   0.110   0.492  0.  0.  0.
1EthB   H227   0.086   0.132   1.236  0.  0.  0.
2EthBC18   0.282   0.110   1.148  0.  0.  0.
2EthB   H119   0.337   0.147   1.061  0.  0.  0.
2EthB   H12   10   0.086   0.132   1.388  0.  0.  0.
2EthB   H13   11   0.086   0.132   1.564  0.  0.  0.
2EthBC2   12   0.282   0.110   1.476  0.  0.  0.
2EthB   H21   13   0.086   0.449   0.580  0.  0.  0.
2EthB   H22   14   0.282   0.427   0.492  0.  0.  0.
3EthBC1   15   0.337   0.464   0.405  0.  0.  0.
3EthB   H11   16   0.086   0.449   0.732  0.  0.  0.

To me what I have done is not right.

1- I am replicating CH3CH, while what I need is CH2CH2. Even when I do 
this I need to somehow add in CH3 to both ends! Please guide me on this 

See above.

2- I am sure something is wrong. When I use -box 5 I get 8875 monomer 

Yes, because when a GROMACS command expects a vector quantity, and receives only 
a scalar, it is applied uniformly in all directions.  This is documented in the 
manual.  I also see no purpose whatsoever to using -sort.  What you need is:

genconf -f PEmonomer.gro -o PEchain.gro -nbox 5 1 1


Thank you,


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 23

Re: [gmx-users] building up a long polymer chain

2010-06-22 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Moeed wrote:

Hello Justin,

I created structure file for a 4-carbon repeating unit as follows:
HETATM1  CAA DRG 1  14.260  -4.270   0.000  1.00 
20.00 C
HETATM2 1HAA DRG 1  14.175  -3.426   0.530  1.00 
20.00 H
HETATM3 2HAA DRG 1  15.050  -4.790   0.326  1.00 
20.00 H
HETATM4 3HAA DRG 1  14.385  -4.045  -0.966  1.00 
20.00 H
HETATM5  CAB DRG 1  12.990  -5.110   0.170  1.00 
20.00 C
HETATM6 1HAB DRG 1  12.205  -4.581  -0.153  1.00 
20.00 H
HETATM7 2HAB DRG 1  12.871  -5.326   1.139  1.00 
20.00 H
HETATM8  CAC DRG 1  13.070  -6.410  -0.620  1.00 
20.00 C
HETATM9 1HAC DRG 1  13.855  -6.939  -0.297  1.00 
20.00 H
HETATM   10 2HAC DRG 1  13.189  -6.194  -1.589  1.00 
20.00 H
HETATM   11  CAD DRG 1  11.800  -7.250  -0.450  1.00 
20.00 C
HETATM   12 1HAD DRG 1  11.885  -8.094  -0.980  1.00 
20.00 H
HETATM   13 2HAD DRG 1  11.675  -7.475   0.516  1.00 
20.00 H
HETATM   14 3HAD DRG 1  11.010  -6.730  -0.776  1.00 
20.00 H

I renamed the atoms and removed one hydrogen atoms from both ends to get 
repeating unit. CH2CH2,

1- I am not able to produce the repeating unit C2H4 in PRODRG. It adds 
the third H automatically. I dont know anyother way but removing the 
third H from structure file by hand..

Then I mesaured the C1 To C4 distance which is 0.388 A.

editconf -f prodrg.pdb -o prodrg.gro -box 0.388 -bt cubic

1DRG C11   0.208   0.006   0.242
1DRGH112   0.158   0.010   0.328
1DRGH123   0.149  -0.030   0.170
1DRG C24   0.255   0.148   0.203
1DRGH215   0.305   0.143   0.116
1DRGH226   0.314   0.184   0.274
1DRG C37   0.133   0.240   0.186
1DRGH318   0.083   0.245   0.272
1DRGH329   0.074   0.204   0.114
1DRG C4   10   0.179   0.382   0.147
1DRGH41   11   0.239   0.418   0.218
1DRGH42   12   0.230   0.378   0.060
   0.38800   0.38800   0.38800

then : genconf -f prodrg.gro -o rep.gro -nbox 1 5 1

2- The problem here is that one CH2 unit with 2 H atoms is falling on 
the next repeating unit in the next box. i.e 4 H atoms and C atoms are 
overlapping... as shown below:

 H H H *H H* H H H
 | |  |  | |  | | |
 | |  |  | | |  |  |

 H H H *H H* H H H

Do you think I should use -d option?

As I've said twice now, use either -box or -d to set an appropriately-sized unit 
cell.  If you've measured a C...C distance of 0.388 nm, you've left no space for 
the bond that will occur to the next unit, so naturally you're seeing overlap. 
You've simply made your box too small.


Please guide me..


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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