Audio CD Creating

2003-05-27 Thread Thomas M. Albright
Hi gang! I'm having a problem. (Again) I have a slew of .ogg files. I'd 
like to make a mix-cd. I've done it before, but I can't remember how I 
did it.

Can anyone tell me of a good program that i can give a list of files to 
and it will make a music cd out of?


TARogue (Linux user number 234357)

 "Whether or not Freud was right when he muttered in exasperation that 
 the Irish were the only people who could not be helped by 
 psychoanalysis, there can be no doubt of one thing: the Irish will
 never change."

 --Thomas Cahill 

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Audio CD Creating

2003-05-29 Thread pll

In a message dated: Tue, 27 May 2003 20:53:20 EDT
"Thomas M. Albright" said:

>Can anyone tell me of a good program that i can give a list of files to 
>and it will make a music cd out of?

Are the .ogg files individual songs, or are they small clips of a 
larger "live" recording?  The reason I ask is that with a "live" 
recording, the standard 2 sec spacer between songs is rather 
annoying, but with non-live stuff, it's rather normal and unnoticable.

If it's live stuff, then I recommend 'gcdmaster' which is a graphical 
front-end to cdrdao.  If it's not live stuff, then try 'cdrecord', 
which is a command-line program and can be invoked as such:

cdrecord  dev=  [track1...trackN]

I've often done things like:

cdrecord dev=/dev/scd1 -speed=8 `grep -v \# file.txt`

Or something like that in order to make "mix" CDs.


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gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Audio CD Creating

2003-05-29 Thread bscott
On Wed, 28 May 2003, at 10:19am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> If it's not live stuff, then try 'cdrecord', which is a command-line
> program and can be invoked as such:
>   cdrecord  dev=  [track1...trackN]

  You need to convert the Ogg file to CDDA (Compact Disc Digital Audio, AKA
"Red book audio") format first.  cdrecord needs CDDA, or something very
close to it (e.g., .WAV).  You also need to specify the "-audio" switch, or
the tracks will get written as data tracks.

  I don't use GUI tools for this sort of thing, and it seemed that was
desired, so I didn't respond to the OP.  But, if command-line tools will do,
the general form will be something like this:

ogg123 -d wav -f song1.wav song1.ogg
ogg123 -d wav -f song2.wav song2.ogg
cdrecord -audio song1.wav song2.wav

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gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Audio CD Creating

2003-05-29 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Wed, 28 May 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated: Tue, 27 May 2003 20:53:20 EDT
> "Thomas M. Albright" said:
> >Can anyone tell me of a good program that i can give a list of files to 
> >and it will make a music cd out of?
> Are the .ogg files individual songs, or are they small clips of a 
> larger "live" recording?  The reason I ask is that with a "live" 
> recording, the standard 2 sec spacer between songs is rather 
> annoying, but with non-live stuff, it's rather normal and unnoticable.
They're all individual songs.

> If it's live stuff, then I recommend 'gcdmaster' which is a graphical 
> front-end to cdrdao.  If it's not live stuff, then try 'cdrecord', 
> which is a command-line program and can be invoked as such:
>   cdrecord  dev=  [track1...trackN]
> I've often done things like:
>   cdrecord dev=/dev/scd1 -speed=8 `grep -v \# file.txt`
But how does cdrecord convert the .ogg file into a cdda 'file'? I want 
to be able to play this in a regular cd player.

> Or something like that in order to make "mix" CDs.
> HTH,
Somewhat, thanks. :)

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "I do not believe that they are like the Scots or the Welsh and doubt
 that they ever will be. The real British interest would I think be
 served best by pushing them towards a United Ireland rather than tying
 them closer to the United Kingdom. Our own parliamentary history is one
 long story of trouble with Ireland."
 -- Sir Alex Douglas-Hume (13 March 1972)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Audio CD Creating

2003-05-29 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Wed, 28 May 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   I don't use GUI tools for this sort of thing, and it seemed that was
> desired, so I didn't respond to the OP.  But, if command-line tools will do,
> the general form will be something like this:
CLI is just fine.

>   ogg123 -d wav -f song1.wav song1.ogg
>   ogg123 -d wav -f song2.wav song2.ogg
>   cdrecord -audio song1.wav song2.wav
OK, but I have 39 songs I want to handle ... This looks like a job for 
Shell Scripting! (Dum de DUM)

Thanks again!

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge
 number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the
 national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers.
 Now we should call them economical numbers.
 -Richard Feynman, physicist, Nobel laureate (1918-1988)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Audio CD Creating

2003-05-30 Thread bscott
On Wed, 28 May 2003, at 9:02pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> OK, but I have 39 songs I want to handle ... This looks like a job for
> Shell Scripting! (Dum de DUM)


  Yes, for that case:

for src in *.ogg ; do
dst="$(basename "$src" .ogg)".wav
ogg123 -d wav -f "$dst" "$src"
cdrecord -audio *.wav

  Of course, that puts the tracks on disc in an arbitrary order.

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gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Audio CD Creating

2003-05-31 Thread John Abreau
Hash: SHA1


>   for src in *.ogg ; do
>   dst="$(basename "$src" .ogg)".wav
>   ogg123 -d wav -f "$dst" "$src"
>   done
>   cdrecord -audio *.wav

Personally, I perfer using bash's shell-variable modifiers instead 
of external commands like "basename". 


would do the trick, and as an added bonus, you wouldn't have to worry 
about quoting it to preserve spaces in the filename; the magic is 
taken care of automatically. 

- --
John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix
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Comment: Exmh version 2.6 02/09/2003


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