Re: CALL FOR HELP: Software Freedom Day THIS SATURDAY in Manchester!

2009-09-18 Thread Jim Kuzdrall
On Friday 18 September 2009 00:04, Ben Scott wrote:
  What: Software Freedom Day
   Who: *YOU*
 Where: Pulaski Park, Manchester, NH
  Date: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
  Time: Flexible, overall roughly 10 AM to 5 PM

   We need volunteers for Software Freedom Day this Saturday!

Count me in.  I have been to several, and they are great fun - if 
just to meet the folks on the other end of an email address.  You will 
know when I arrive.  The car muffler blew two days ago and won't be 
fixed yet.  Hope there are no cops around.

Is there electricity?  If not, demos must be limited to laptop 
batteries, I guess.  Anybody have a generator?

Not being much of an expert on Linux, I will bring the Qcad 2-D 
drafting program to demo.  It is available open source for free 
(penultimate version) and costs $40 per CD (Windows, Mac, Linux 
included) compared with $800 for AutoCad.   Two extra monitors for the 
laptop, 3 chairs, card table, and sample copy of users' manual round it 
out.  It would help if I could get the monitors in the shade.

Jim Kuzdrall
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: CALL FOR HELP: Software Freedom Day THIS SATURDAY in Manchester!

2009-09-18 Thread Arc Riley
There's no electricity (that I've been told of, city electric never got back
to me).  It would be nice just to be able to burn CDs on demand if we run
out like last year, but we also have a lot more CDs than last year.

My experience of these sorts of events is that nobody wants to look at a
computer screen (you can barely see it against sunlight most of the time
anyway).  They're really just milling through and casually talking to us.

When talking to someone about Ubuntu, for example, showing them a screen
running Ubuntu, they're really not interested in seeing it - they really
just want to talk to you about it.  They can see screenshots and video demos
online at  home later if we peak their interest.

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 7:49 AM, Jim Kuzdrall wrote:

 On Friday 18 September 2009 00:04, Ben Scott wrote:
   What: Software Freedom Day
Who: *YOU*
  Where: Pulaski Park, Manchester, NH
   Date: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
   Time: Flexible, overall roughly 10 AM to 5 PM
We need volunteers for Software Freedom Day this Saturday!

 Count me in.  I have been to several, and they are great fun - if
 just to meet the folks on the other end of an email address.  You will
 know when I arrive.  The car muffler blew two days ago and won't be
 fixed yet.  Hope there are no cops around.

Is there electricity?  If not, demos must be limited to laptop
 batteries, I guess.  Anybody have a generator?

Not being much of an expert on Linux, I will bring the Qcad 2-D
 drafting program to demo.  It is available open source for free
 (penultimate version) and costs $40 per CD (Windows, Mac, Linux
 included) compared with $800 for AutoCad.   Two extra monitors for the
 laptop, 3 chairs, card table, and sample copy of users' manual round it
 out.  It would help if I could get the monitors in the shade.

 Jim Kuzdrall
 gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: CALL FOR HELP: Software Freedom Day THIS SATURDAY in Manchester!

2009-09-18 Thread Ben Scott
Meant to send the below to gnhlug-discuss... Jim's email address
always confuses me.  ;-)

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Ben Scott wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 7:49 AM, Jim Kuzdrall wrote:
    Is there electricity?  If not, demos must be limited to laptop
 batteries, I guess.  Anybody have a generator?

  No on-site power.  I don't know, but I suspect a generator would be
 frowned upon by the authorities.  Our plans are batteries only.

 Not being much of an expert on Linux ...

  You're the best kind of person for this -- you're someone who uses
 Free Software to just get stuff done.  :)

 Two extra monitors ...

  Due to the power situation, I would suggest leaving the monitors at home.

  Thanks!  Looking forward to seeing you there!

 -- Ben

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: CALL FOR HELP: Software Freedom Day THIS SATURDAY in Manchester!

2009-09-18 Thread Jim Kuzdrall
On Friday 18 September 2009 09:41, Arc Riley wrote:

 My experience of these sorts of events is that nobody wants to look
 at a computer screen (you can barely see it against sunlight most of
 the time anyway).  They're really just milling through and casually
 talking to us.

I can believe that.  That is how I feel at similar things.

How does this sound?  Using the CAD-CAM advantage, I can bring some 
C-size (22x17) complex mechanical and electronic drawing to put on an 
old poster board I have.  Not as effective as a pretty woman, but at 
least they know there is something to see.

If I have time, I will try to make some business card size handouts 
with Free CAD-CAM Software and the Qcad web site URL.  (Would it be 
advisable to put Courtesy of Greater NH Linux Users' Group, at the bottom?)

Today is a workday, but I might be able to get all that done 

Jim Kuzdrall
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: CALL FOR HELP: Software Freedom Day THIS SATURDAY in Manchester!

2009-09-18 Thread Arc Riley
On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Jim Kuzdrall wrote:

How does this sound?  Using the CAD-CAM advantage, I can bring some
 C-size (22x17) complex mechanical and electronic drawing to put on an
 old poster board I have.  Not as effective as a pretty woman, but at
 least they know there is something to see.

If I have time, I will try to make some business card size handouts
 with Free CAD-CAM Software and the Qcad web site URL.

That sounds excellent :-)

 (Would it be
 advisable to put Courtesy of Greater NH Linux Users' Group, at the bottom?)

How about sign up for presenting QCad at an upcoming GNHLUG chapter meeting
and put the time/date/loc of that presentation on the card?  There appears
to be a presentation booking shortfall on the website, the only upcoming
meeting listed is PySIG as a TBA - we should really fix that before
Saturday for when people go home and type in the address.

There's contact info for chapter leaders under Our Chapters, I'm sure your
local chapter would be thrilled to have someone volunteer, saves them the
trouble of tracking someone down!

That's the best way I can think of to promote the LUG - give someone a real
tangible reason for showing up to a meeting to learn about stuff that
interests them :-)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: CALL FOR HELP: Software Freedom Day THIS SATURDAY in Manchester!

2009-09-18 Thread Jim Kuzdrall
On Friday 18 September 2009 11:41, Arc Riley wrote:

 How about sign up for presenting QCad at an upcoming GNHLUG chapter
 meeting and put the time/date/loc of that presentation on the card? 
 There appears to be a presentation booking shortfall on the website,
 the only upcoming meeting listed is PySIG as a TBA - we should
 really fix that before Saturday for when people go home and type in
 the address.

GNHLUG is an organization of implementers and maintainers, not 
users.  There would not be enough users in the group to follow up with 
additional talks to interest the engineering types who use 2-D drawing.

When will Linux groups switch emphasis to user applications?  That 
has been discussed often during my years of association.  The answer 
always is, Not quite yet.

The best strategy seems to be making the application software 
available on all platforms.  Once users are used to the free 
application, the system that boots it up makes no difference.  Firefox, 
OpenOffice, Qcad, and a number of others are making that happen.

Jim Kuzdrall
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

CALL FOR HELP: Software Freedom Day THIS SATURDAY in Manchester!

2009-09-17 Thread Ben Scott
 What: Software Freedom Day
  Who: *YOU*
Where: Pulaski Park, Manchester, NH
 Date: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
 Time: Flexible, overall roughly 10 AM to 5 PM

  We need volunteers for Software Freedom Day this Saturday!

  Most of all, we need people to show up and talk to other people. You
can talk about what Software Freedom is and why it's important, or you
can talk about your favorite programs and why they rock.  This isn't a
Linux-only love-fest -- Free Software running on MS Windows, Mac OS X,
or a BSD is equally welcome!  It can Firefox, or OpenOffice, or GIMP,
or whatever.  Free Content music/books are great, too!

  We also need equipment and materials, although they're secondary to
people.  Things we need in any quantity:

   * Tables
   * Chairs
   * Tents/pavilions
   * Discs full of Free Software/Content to give away
   * Laptops running Free Software for demo purposes
   * SWAG -- stickers, T-shirts, button-pins, etc.
   * Stuff to attract attention

  I know we have some Red Hat people in the area.  Come on by with a
pile of Fedora discs!  You don't want the Ubuntu people stealing all
the limelight, do you?  FSF, EFF, Mozilla, Debian, Python and any and
all other projects are welcome too, of course!

  We've got SFD balloons and I plan on buying one of those DIY helium
tank kits.  I'll also be printing a bunch of single-page flyers with
GNHLUG info on them.  Anything else you can think of is great.  Signs,
banners, flags, bumper stickers, shirt stickers, giant stuffed Tux
plush, whatever.

  More ambitious suggests include: Face painting or masks (penguin
beaks, fox ears, etc.).  Carnival-style attractions (popcorn or
snow-cones, or simple games).

  Feel free to just show up!  If you want, you can let us know in
advance -- that way we can pretend we know what's going on.  You can
reply on-list to this message, or privately off-list to me, or sign-up
on the SFD website (see links below), or send a flash drive taped to a
carrier pigeon.  Arc Riley is the lead for this, but he's suffering
from a bad case of Real Life(TM) and asked me to help him coordinate

=== LOCATION ===

Pulaski Park is on Bridge Street in Manchester.  About a block east
from MV Communications.  Lots of foot traffic and high visibility from
Bridge St.  We'll hopefully get between 150 and 250 people through the
day, but no more than a handful at a time.,+Manchester,+NH

The street address looks like 128 Bridge Street.  Lat/lon looks to be
42.994941 North, 71.458731 West.

=== LINKS ===
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: CALL FOR HELP: Software Freedom Day THIS SATURDAY in Manchester!

2009-09-17 Thread Arc Riley
+1 :-)

beaks, fox ears, etc.).  Carnival-style attractions (popcorn or
 snow-cones, or simple games).

Let's avoid food so we don't have a run-in with the health dept, and lets
make absolutely clear that no money is exchanged for games/items/etc so we
don't become a vendor :-)

But yes!  We're all excited about software freedom, this is the big day
every year we have an excuse to share it with our neighbors!

(( Psst - there are three bright lime green Software Freedom Day 2009
tshirts for the first three volunteers to request them.  They're yours to
keep as a thanks for helping make this happen courtesy ! ))
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: CALL FOR HELP: Software Freedom Day THIS SATURDAY in Manchester!

2009-09-17 Thread Ben Scott
On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 12:19 AM, Arc Riley wrote:
 (( Psst - there are three bright lime green Software Freedom Day 2009
 tshirts for the first three volunteers to request them.

  I'm just looking forward to inhaling the helium ;-)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list