Re: Errr! DSL is here, DSL is gone.

2003-07-15 Thread Bob Bell
On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 03:00:59AM -0400, Bill Mullen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
FWIW, it should also be possible to have the firewall fix-up script
  invoked automatically when the dhcpcd daemon sees the new IP address.  
  It is supposed to be able to invoke an external program when that
  happens.  I've never tried it, though.
 It works, too. On RH/Mandrake systems (at least), you just name the script
 /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-interface.exe, and it will run whenever dhcpcd gets a
 new IP address on interface. I use it to update my system's A record
 on ZoneEdit's DNS servers, and then mail me my new IP address.

On my RH9 system I use /etc/dhclient-enter-hooks to modify my
system's /etc/resolv.conf file to my liking.  You can also use
/etc/dhclient-exit-hooks (see the dhclient-script man page).

 Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes
  from bad judgement.
   -- Frederick Brooks
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Errr! DSL is here, DSL is gone.

2003-07-14 Thread pll
Errr, I send the wrong e-mail to the list :)

In a message dated: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:00:44 EDT


I don't know who is playing what games, but I wouldn't be surprised 
if Verizon is behind this!

2 weeks ago I checked with Earthlink, DSL Reports, and Verizon.  All 
3 locations stated I was within 9000 feet of the CO, and could order 
DSL service.  This week, as I'm about to order, I went and checked,
and only Verizon is stating that I'm eligible for DSL.

Earthlink says that the problem seems to be that I can only get DSL 
at 384/384, and that they don't offer that speed. DLS Reports
doesn't provide a distance estimate this week, but does state that 
service is available from Covad and Network Access Solutions, and 
that Rhythyms is 'waiting'.

So, why would I be able to get DSL 2 weeks ago, and not this week?
Should I wait another week to see if this gets fixed, or just sign up 
with Verizon?

Anyone have any experience with Verizon for DSL?  How bad is it?
Should I just wait until Comcast comes through with broadband?

Maybe I'll just invest in 'Avian Carrier Networks' :)

Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Errr! DSL is here, DSL is gone.

2003-07-14 Thread Kurth Bemis
Verizon DSL is a total cluster (We resell VZ DSL in several markets, 
through our CLEC.)

As compared to the network that we sell aDSL off of, the VZ dsl offering 
is a total pain.  Unexplained downtimes, packet loss, all things that VZ 
says are fine.

We attempting to move most of our dsl (both our own and VZ resold) to 
wireless.  It's faster, we can provide better control, and most of all, 
we know what's going on with it.

Are you in Manchester?  I wan't following the entire thread. :-)


Errr, I send the wrong e-mail to the list :)

In a message dated: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:00:44 EDT


I don't know who is playing what games, but I wouldn't be surprised 
if Verizon is behind this!

2 weeks ago I checked with Earthlink, DSL Reports, and Verizon.  All 
3 locations stated I was within 9000 feet of the CO, and could order 
DSL service.  This week, as I'm about to order, I went and checked,
and only Verizon is stating that I'm eligible for DSL.

Earthlink says that the problem seems to be that I can only get DSL 
at 384/384, and that they don't offer that speed. DLS Reports
doesn't provide a distance estimate this week, but does state that 
service is available from Covad and Network Access Solutions, and 
that Rhythyms is 'waiting'.

So, why would I be able to get DSL 2 weeks ago, and not this week?
Should I wait another week to see if this gets fixed, or just sign up 
with Verizon?

Anyone have any experience with Verizon for DSL?  How bad is it?
Should I just wait until Comcast comes through with broadband?
Maybe I'll just invest in 'Avian Carrier Networks' :)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Errr! DSL is here, DSL is gone.

2003-07-14 Thread bscott
On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, at 12:00pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2 weeks ago I checked with Earthlink, DSL Reports, and Verizon.  All 3
 locations stated I was within 9000 feet of the CO, and could order DSL
 service.  This week, as I'm about to order, I went and checked, and only
 Verizon is stating that I'm eligible for DSL.

  Well, I certainly wouldn't put it past Verizon to be screwing with people,
but on the other hand, remember that DSL is inherently unpredictable in
availability.  DSL is basically hooking digital equipment up to physical
wiring that was intended to run a fairly low-grade analog signal.  
Sometimes you get lucky.  Sometimes you don't.  To make matters worse, many
times, nobody (literally) really knows what the wiring in an area is like.  
The only way to find out is to have someone physically go and test the line.  
So the web-based qualifier you type your phone number/address into, while
not quite worthless, is a far cry from a definite answer.  Combine that with
the fact that many of these companies are making half of this stuff up as
they go along, and, well... don't be surprised by anything.  :-)

  We share our office building with another company.  We have the same
street address.  Same power line.  We can get DSL.  They can't.

 But can't you just build a kernel with PPPoE support?

  Not even needed.  Many (most?) Linux systems acting as PPPoE clients run
the Roaring Penguin PPPoE client, which is implemented using userland
software and the regular PPP interface.

 I really haven't kept up with the changes from ipfwadm-ipchains-
 iptables ...

  Here is most of what a SOHO router does in eleven iptables commands:

# config

# policy actions
iptables -P INPUT   DROP
iptables -P OUTPUT  DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP

# clear everything
iptables -F
iptables -X

# any packet can be sent from this host
iptables -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT

# any packet can be forwarded out via public
iptables -A FORWARD -o $PUB_DEV -j ACCEPT

# any packet via loopback (localhost) can come in
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT

# any packet part of an already-established connection can come in
# connections get established by sending packets out (see above)
iptables -A INPUT   -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

# masquerade anything going out via public
iptables -t nat -A FORWARD -o $PUB_DEV -j MASQUERADE

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| All information is provided without warranty of any kind.  |

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Errr! DSL is here, DSL is gone.

2003-07-14 Thread bscott
On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, at 12:06pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Errr, I send the wrong e-mail to the list :)

  Actually, I think you sent half of the wrong e-mail to the list.  :)  I
responded to parts of it anyway.  I'll also response to some of the new
parts you just posted:

 Anyone have any experience with Verizon for DSL?


 How bad is it?

  Surprisingly good, for a Verizon product.  Which means it often sucks.  
Reliability tends to be good, except when it's not, in which case it drives
you insane.  Customer service  tech support is a joke.  If you have to call
them, I recommend instead beating your head against a brick wall.  It feels
better, and is more rewarding.

  Their registration process more-or-less requires that you run some
software on an MS-Windows system.

  But I'd rather have Verizon DSL then dialup over a Verizon POTS line.

  You also have to remember: Verizon owns the telephone wires, so no matter
what, if you have DSL, Verizon is still involved.

 Should I just wait until Comcast comes through with broadband?

  When it comes to customer-service, reliability, and/or technology, Comcast
is not significantly better or worse then Verizon.  Cable Internet is
frequently faster than DSL, though.  However, even that depends on your
distance to the CO, quality of the lines, the amount of over-subscription
going on in your area, any bandwidth caps the provider might have in place
in your area, the phase of the moon, the average life-span of a Whelk in a
supernova, and several other less-obvious factors.

| The opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do  |
| not represent the views or policy of any other person or organization. |
| All information is provided without warranty of any kind.  |

gnhlug-discuss mailing list