Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-11-11 Thread hellekin
Hash: SHA512

On 11/11/2014 05:22 PM, John Sullivan wrote:

 Good point. Here's their version:

 The GPL (V2 or V3) is a copyleft license that requires anyone who
 distributes your code or a derivative work to make the source
 available under the same terms. V3 is similar to V2, but further
 restricts use in hardware that forbids software alterations.

 And, here's my modified version:

 The GPL (V2 or V3) is a copyleft license that ensures that anyone
 distributes your code or a derivative work will make the source
 available under the same terms. V3 is similar to V2, but ensures
 any hardware it is used in will permit software modifications.

 (Personally, I don't think that requires is strong language in the
 same way that further restricts is, but I've removed it anyway.)

*** I agree that requires here is a statement of a fact.  If further
restricts is replaced, then the whole paragraph loses its derogatory
meaning.  I would use ensures instead of requires, and prevents to
replace further restricts, with the result:

The GPL (v2 or v3) is a copyleft license that ensures anyone who
distributes your code or a derivative work will make the source
available under the same terms. V3 is similar to v2, but prevents use in
hardware that forbids software alterations.

The reason I want to propose that alternative is to avoid repeating the
word ensures, and stick to the original style to insist on the
problematic wording.


Version: GnuPG v2


Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-10-20 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
Le 13/10/2014 à 09h34, Riley Baird a écrit :
 On 26/09/14 05:17, Garreau, Alexandre wrote:
 Le 25/09/2014 à 00h06, Riley Baird a écrit :
 To take again your example: someone can probably (it’s an
 euphemism) increase your freedom in *so more many ways you can’t
 even wonder* alive than dead. Dead it’s just a pile of flesh, as
 you could obtain killing a simple animal, or even (bio)hacking with
 pluripotent inducted cells. Alive it’s quite surely an instance of
 the most fantastic and powerful autoimproving system produced by
 the universe.

 What about people that are not autoimproving or powerful? Is it
 ethical to kill them?
 Well, when I was saying “powerful”, it’s in the same meaning of a
 “x language/concept/software is powerful”, so “with a lot of
 potential”, and I was speaking at the scale of the universe, so that
 even a monkey in something damn powerful in relation with an infinity
 of void with some rocks.

 Ah, okay, I misunderstood your definition. If someone is autoimproving
 and powerful, they are likely to be able to increase my freedom. This is
 not true in all cases, and if we are being realistic, some people could
 take away my freedom, for example if they overthrew the government to
 replace it with a dictatorship.

Yeah, some people can exerce power. But that doesn’t stop that (a) it’s
still human being who are potentially useful/source of freedom *on some
other side* in parallel, (b) they exerce a power into the context of a
hierarchy, so the problem is not them but the hierarchy. If you delete
them, hierarchy stays, and someone else will take their place, and
nothing would have change, except maybe some nasty details on you,
because you killed someone, especially someone powerful, and that people
could consider you could keep doing that.

 But even if we consider that all humans are better alive than dead to me
 (and hence there is no such thing as freedom to use their flesh in
 cooking), then surely they would be better able to directly serve my
 freedom if I put them into slavery? Again, I'm not advocating this, but
 this is an example of how one person can have freedom at the expense of
 another person's freedom.

They would serve your power, not freedom, thus “you” as an element of a
hierarchy, not as an unique and particular individual with a will, a
personality, a mind, emotions, etc. That also mean that you are forced
to follow historic rules that until now allowed hierarchy to stay up
(rules of gender, sexuality, religion/moral/well-thought/wathever,
“races”, “nation”, capital, property, classes, etc.), otherwise you
could fall down in a very fatal way. It means that you are never
completely master of your masterness. And even when you —you between
some billions of others trying the best they can— try to go up, you’re
just following the general, widespread and essential (for people not to
revolt against hierarchy in itself) illusion of having a possibility to
go up in hierarchy, while the higher and stronger the hierarchy, the
unlikely someone is going to move from one place to another.

While when others are free, it means everyone is making the others more
free, so it can increase exponentially. Thus, everyone becoming more
free as everyone else is working that way, people are going to get more
free more rapidly, and thus to be useful to your freedom much
quicker. Imagine two situations: a centralized and hierarchized
distribution system… and a P2P one. In the former you could maybe,
potentially, in 1 chances over a billion, control what happens, and get
the comfortable illusion that’s the best situation for you, in the
latter, people would be going to exchange not only with you but also
between each other… Which one is the more likely to serve you the

 Objectivity does not suppose an objective subject - in fact, it does
 not suppose a subject at all. If there were no conscious beings, an
 objective reality could still exist.

 *** That's debatable, but humans have been doing it since they have the
 capacity to do so, and still didn't reach any conclusion.

 Hopefully we'll take less than 2 years. :) Can you imagine a
 universe with no conscious beings? If you believe in the Big Bang
 Theory, then such a time must have existed.

 In the hypothesis objective reality wouldn’t exist without Subject
 (idealism) the Big Bang Theory would be a conception of the Subject, it
 would still be, but would just be dependent of it.

 Would the subject themselves exist objectively, or would they also need
 to be perceived?
 In our case we are conscious of ourselves, so this question is useless.

 Do you objectively know that you are conscious of yourself?

I think, therefore I am.

 Yet you can’t prove what you see is real, because to prove anything
 you need material, and you can’t have material if you assume it is
 not real. Thus the fact objective reality exist can’t be a proven
 truth but only a postulate, an useful (even better: essential)

 I agree 

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-10-13 Thread Riley Baird
On 26/09/14 05:17, Garreau, Alexandre wrote:
 Le 25/09/2014 à 00h06, Riley Baird a écrit :
 To take again your example: someone can probably (it’s an euphemism)
 increase your freedom in *so more many ways you can’t even wonder*
 alive than dead. Dead it’s just a pile of flesh, as you could obtain
 killing a simple animal, or even (bio)hacking with pluripotent
 inducted cells. Alive it’s quite surely an instance of the most
 fantastic and powerful autoimproving system produced by the universe.

 What about people that are not autoimproving or powerful? Is it ethical
 to kill them?
 Well, when I was saying “powerful”, it’s in the same meaning of “x
 language/concept/software is powerful”, so “with a lot of potential”,
 and I was speaking at the scale of the universe, so that even a monkey
 in something damn powerful in relation with an infinity of void with
 some rocks.

Ah, okay, I misunderstood your definition. If someone is autoimproving
and powerful, they are likely to be able to increase my freedom. This is
not true in all cases, and if we are being realistic, some people could
take away my freedom, for example if they overthrew the government to
replace it with a dictatorship.

But even if we consider that all humans are better alive than dead to me
(and hence there is no such thing as freedom to use their flesh in
cooking), then surely they would be better able to directly serve my
freedom if I put them into slavery? Again, I'm not advocating this, but
this is an example of how one person can have freedom at the expense of
another person's freedom.

 If he expressed opinion it would be free speech, if it expressed
 scientific ideas (much closer) it would be free science (like when
 Galileo said Earth was rotating around Sun), now it’s not a scientific
 idea but an *implementation*. He didn’t published a paper on RSA, he
 implemented it, it’s different. Though why people initially tried to
 censor him was for the diffusion of the scientific idea more than
 implementation. But yet this isn’t free speech, it’s not like saying
 “government is doing this and you don’t know!”, it’s more like saying
 “hey, look how everything in astronomy look simpler if you take Sun as

Free science is free speech. When Galileo said that the Earth rotates
around the Sun, he was censored because this idea contradicted the
beliefs of the Church.

Science often has political implications - consider climate change, for
example. If publishing the results of climate research were forbidden,
it would be censorship for a political purpose, even if the research did
not state an opinion, only experimental results. Facts are much better
than opinions in guiding public policy. To have a rational opinion on
anything, you need facts.

 Objectivity does not suppose an objective subject - in fact, it does
 not suppose a subject at all. If there were no conscious beings, an
 objective reality could still exist.

 *** That's debatable, but humans have been doing it since they have the
 capacity to do so, and still didn't reach any conclusion.

 Hopefully we'll take less than 2 years. :) Can you imagine a
 universe with no conscious beings? If you believe in the Big Bang
 Theory, then such a time must have existed.

 In the hypothesis objective reality wouldn’t exist without Subject
 (idealism) the Big Bang Theory would be a conception of the Subject, it
 would still be, but would just be dependent of it.

 Would the subject themselves exist objectively, or would they also need
 to be perceived?
 In our case we are conscious of ourselves, so this question is useless.

Do you objectively know that you are conscious of yourself?

 Yet you can’t prove what you see is real, because to prove anything you
 need material, and you can’t have material if you assume it is not
 real. Thus the fact objective reality exist can’t be a proven truth but
 only a postulate, an useful (even better: essential) assumption.

 I agree that you can't prove that what you see is real. However, I
 disagree that you need material to prove anything. You can prove the
 existence of your consciousness - I think therefore I am.
 It’s not a proof, it’s an observation. That doesn’t need proof since you
 observe it. Everything that is innate in your brain is true according
 your mind rules (for instance: basic maths), and so you don’t need to
 prove that, because it’s not a fact but a conception of things. Then
 this doesn’t mean it’s true according “exterior observable 
 rules, just as lot of advanced physics theories contradicts our innate
 notion of space.

Basic maths might not be correct - it relies on premises. For example,
Peano arithmetic defines natural number arithmetic through several
axioms. We can say, that basic maths is true *given* these premises,
provided that these premises do not contradict each other.

The knowledge that consciousness exists is 

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-09-25 Thread Garreau, Alexandre
Le 25/09/2014 à 00h06, Riley Baird a écrit :
 To take again your example: someone can probably (it’s an euphemism)
 increase your freedom in *so more many ways you can’t even wonder*
 alive than dead. Dead it’s just a pile of flesh, as you could obtain
 killing a simple animal, or even (bio)hacking with pluripotent
 inducted cells. Alive it’s quite surely an instance of the most
 fantastic and powerful autoimproving system produced by the universe.

 What about people that are not autoimproving or powerful? Is it ethical
 to kill them?

Well, when I was saying “powerful”, it’s in the same meaning of “x
language/concept/software is powerful”, so “with a lot of potential”,
and I was speaking at the scale of the universe, so that even a monkey
in something damn powerful in relation with an infinity of void with
some rocks.

Added to that, there’s only one kind of human which is not
autoimproving: a corpse. Almost everything is socially constructed and
acquired trough experience in human (and that’s why it’s so powerful:
because all the power is in hot/live-adaptable software) so a human
which is not able to acquire anything wouldn’t acquire the minimum to
keep its brain working, and would die.

I could mention the experiment, tried several times in story, always of
a king or some important figure, to find the “natural language” of
mankind (generally thinking to something like greek or latin), and
asking to grow human babies in perfect conditions, with all heat, love,
food, comfort, etc. they need, but *never* speaking with them, nor
communicating using any form of language.

Generally, the babies died without any explanation. The brain just
stopped working.

Therefore, since all the value of human freedom is in the fact it can
live-adapt, and that without being able of that it dies, any human has
already an intrinsic giant power.

Then you could argue the minimum found in a human in potential is
sometimes lower than what is found in some non-human animals, like
monkeys or elephants…

But first such humans are probably really rare, maybe even not existing:
*lower* means that it would have *everything* lower, but human intellect
(and even larger: animals intellect) is so much complex and has so much
features even our greatest science abilities didn’t completely
determined what it does and how it does it… It’s really unlikely we know
enough about any human being to say it has less abilities: we thought
that of autism/asperger, and it was damn wrong, we thought it of many
“diseases” which finally wasn’t. Every human is different, we just have
some who are so much that we aren’t able to understand them, or worst,
to make them understand us and our society. How can we judge something
we aren’t even able to include in our society? Since individuals are
socially built, we can’t know if they can’t do something because they
really can’t in any way or because we just ignore the way we should
teach them.

Btw we use not to kill such intellectually animals for these same

Second even if it’s really dumb, so much I would be able to build a
superior AI (“superior” meaning “completely able to simulate it /plus/
even more”), I wouldn’t kill even your dog, firstly because it would
really badly affect all members of society emotionally attached to it
(and even this not being rational, it’s sane, natural and indivisible
From the way human work), comprised myself (because of this fantastic
feature called empathy, making social enough animals feel the suffer
they see, very useful to automatically, instantly and enormously
increase the probability of survival of all individual in any group of
animals (even of separate species)).

And what is true for a dog is certainly a lot more for any human,
whatever its intellectual abilities.

 Even if I don’t share the opinion of many on copyright legitimacy, I
 would notice go against it is not free speech: free speech is the
 authority-unregulated expression of *opinions*. Just transmitting
 others’ work is not an opinion, at least not your, thus it’s not free
 speech. Yet it’s still legal to express the same opinion of someone
 else who expressed it in a copyrighted work.

 I think that free speech is much more than the right to express your
 opinions. Wouldn't you agree that Phil Zimmermann's exporting of the PGP
 source code was free speech?

If he expressed opinion it would be free speech, if it expressed
scientific ideas (much closer) it would be free science (like when
Galileo said Earth was rotating around Sun), now it’s not a scientific
idea but an *implementation*. He didn’t published a paper on RSA, he
implemented it, it’s different. Though why people initially tried to
censor him was for the diffusion of the scientific idea more than
implementation. But yet this isn’t free speech, it’s not like saying
“government is doing this and you don’t know!”, it’s more like saying
“hey, look how everything in astronomy look simpler if you take Sun as

Yet I agree the 

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-09-24 Thread Riley Baird
 Because you have to contextualize it in a social context: when he says
 “amplifies/restrict� freedom, he’s not only speaking about your, but
 anyone’s, the whole society’s, of each individual in it.

Agreed, this is what I was saying before. If we wish to preserve our
individual freedom, we have to give up the ability to take others'
freedom away.

 To take again your example: someone can probably (it’s an euphemism)
 increase your freedom in *so more many ways you can’t even wonder* alive
 than dead. Dead it’s just a pile of flesh, as you could obtain killing a
 simple animal, or even (bio)hacking with pluripotent inducted
 cells. Alive it’s quite surely an instance of the most fantastic and
 powerful autoimproving system produced by the universe.

What about people that are not autoimproving or powerful? Is it ethical
to kill them?

 Even if I don’t share the opinion of many on copyright legitimacy, I
 would notice go against it is not free speech: free speech is the
 authority-unregulated expression of *opinions*. Just transmitting
 others’ work is not an opinion, at least not your, thus it’s not free
 speech. Yet it’s still legal to express the same opinion of someone else
 who expressed it in a copyrighted work.

I think that free speech is much more than the right to express your
opinions. Wouldn't you agree that Phil Zimmermann's exporting of the PGP
source code was free speech?

 Objectivity does not suppose an objective subject - in fact, it does
 not suppose a subject at all. If there were no conscious beings, an
 objective reality could still exist.

 *** That's debatable, but humans have been doing it since they have the
 capacity to do so, and still didn't reach any conclusion.

 Hopefully we'll take less than 2 years. :) Can you imagine a
 universe with no conscious beings? If you believe in the Big Bang
 Theory, then such a time must have existed.
 In the hypothesis objective reality wouldn’t exist without Subject
 (idealism) the Big Bang Theory would be a conception of the Subject, it
 would still be, but would just be dependent of it.

Would the subject themselves exist objectively, or would they also need
to be perceived?

 Yet you can’t prove what you see is real, because to prove anything you
 need material, and you can’t have material if you assume it is not
 real. Thus the fact objective reality exist can’t be a proven truth but
 only a postulate, an useful (even better: essential) assumption.

I agree that you can't prove that what you see is real. However, I
disagree that you need material to prove anything. You can prove the
existence of your consciousness - I think therefore I am.

Even if some things are subjective, we cannot say that *everything* is
subjective, as it leads to a contradiction:

Assume that everything is subjective. Is everything subjective? If so,
then we have just made an objective statement, which contradicts our
original assumption. If not, then something must be objective, which
again contradicts our original assumption.

 And no, if I'm producing a guide on choosing a free software license,
 I don't want to hear about what proprietary software vendors have to
 say about it.

 Understandable. And, if you're right, really, you shouldn't have to.
 However, note that this is a moral issue, and all morality, to some
 degree, involves an arbitrary choice of what to value.
 No it’s not up to moral but to ethic. Moral —coming from latin /mores/:
 habits— is the value of “Good� relative to a specific culture. While
 ethic —coming from greek “ethike�: a science of what is good— is the
 value of “Good� in absolute, not relative to any culture but objectively
 developed after the study of human.

You cannot base an objective morality upon the study of human. Why draw
the line at human? Why not include certain animals? Why not limit it to
individual races, as Social Darwinists do?

 Freedom being essentially defined after will, it matches

While I, too, support taking freedom to be the highest objective, I'll
just point out that this is not always true. Consider people who are
manipulated through guilt into doing something that they would not want
to do otherwise. They are still following their will, but it is not
bringing them happiness.

 Equality (to distinguish from “similar� or “identical�) being
 defined as being not superior nor inferior negates hierarchy, thus
 authority thus matches Freedom.

The problem with equality is that it needs to be enforced, which
requires someone in a position of authority to enforce it, who by
definition is now unequal to everyone else.

If we are arguing from a communist perspective, from each according to
his ability is incompatible with freedom. If I do not wish to work
according to my ability, then I am not free to do so. (I might be wrong
with my understanding of anarcho-communism here - if so, please correct me.)

 Every value of Good, at the 

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-19 Thread Riley Baird
On 19/08/14 07:36, Jason Self wrote:
 Riley Baird asked:
 What part of their description is untrue?
 One example: Presenting the anti-tivoization provisions in the GPLv3
 as a restriction.

But, like copyleft, it still is a restriction, albeit a good one.

 If you listen to Tom Preston-Werner's (GitHub co-founder) anti-GPL
 keynote from OSCON his position on the GPL will become clear and
 shouldn't be surprising that the website reflects this.

Ah, okay, this could be a way to convince people to use permissive
licenses while pretending to be objective. (I haven't watched the video,
so I can't be sure, but I'll assume you're right.)

Someone has pointed out that the FSF has a license guide already [1].
However, this guide has a strong bias towards copyleft.

Personally, I think that the community would benefit from a guide
written from an objective point of view - getting people from both sides
of the debate to write their side, and then combining the pieces into a
guide that lets the user see the best arguments of both sides.

That being said, there are already a lot of articles about this, so it
isn't really a major concern for me. You might be justified in making a
fork if you feel that the site is actively trying to stop the GPL, and
if you decide to, then I wish you good luck.


Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-19 Thread Julian Marchant
Hash: SHA1

On 08/19/2014 03:14 AM, Riley Baird wrote:
 On 19/08/14 07:36, Jason Self wrote: Someone has pointed out that
 the FSF has a license guide already [1]. However, this guide has a
 strong bias towards copyleft.
 Personally, I think that the community would benefit from a guide 
 written from an objective point of view - getting people from both
 sides of the debate to write their side, and then combining the
 pieces into a guide that lets the user see the best arguments of
 both sides.

Benefit in what way? If you're making software libre because you care
about freedom, the FSF's guide is perfect. For such a person, I can't
imagine any advantages for permissive licenses that guide doesn't
already cover. The only people I can think of who would want to use
permissive licenses in any other case are people who are making some
of their software libre for purely practical reasons and don't want it
to affect their development of proprietary software, and people who
think copyleft is unethical. I don't see any reason for us to deal
with the former group (that's the open source crowd's department and
not very productive for us), and for the latter group, they're not
going to consider copyleft at all.

- -- 
Julian Marchant
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Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-19 Thread Jason Self
Riley Baird said:
 is a restriction

The only way I can think of it to consider is a restriction is if
Tivoization were considered a legitimate activity to begin with.

Framing copyleft as a restriction is not a good idea. This goes back
to what John said.

As an example, it's not as if TiVo Inc. can't use GPLv3 stuff or
that they the license somehow restricts them from doing so. Rather,
they can and should use it (everyone should.) They just need to pass
on those same freedoms to others.

It's probably better to position/frame the GPL and copyleft as
protecting software freedom rather than restricting it.

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-19 Thread ag ag01
 The only way I can think of it to consider is a restriction is if Tivoization 
 were considered a
 legitimate activity to begin with.

Definition of restrict from Wiktionary:
  1. To restrain within bounds; to limit; to confine; as, to restrict worlds 
to a particular
meaning; to restrict a patient to a certain diet.

Making murder a crime is a restriction, it's one I agree with and one that's 
purpose is to protect
the freedom of others but that doesn't change the fact that it's a restriction. 
The anti-tivoization
clause in GPLv3 is also a restriction that tries to protect freedom.

 Framing copyleft as a restriction is not a good idea. This goes back to 
 what John said.

If you agree with the restriction then you might want to note how you think it 
will help protect
freedom but if you want to stay unbiased I don't see a problem just calling it 
a restriction. It
should probably be changed to say restricts distribution instead of 
restricts use though.

The only big problem with the wording of seems to be calling 
the licenses OSS
which is biased in favor of Open Source (it also has non-free Google Analytics 
spyware but that's

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-19 Thread Jason Self
Riley Baird said:
 For someone who hasn't decided whether they care about free software
 or open source (or both), it would help them to make their mind up
 without feeling that they are reading propaganda.

Framing copyleft as a restriction is often propaganda used by the
anti-copyleft crowd though so the site already contains some of that.

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-19 Thread Riley Baird
On 20/08/14 06:58, Jason Self wrote:
 Riley Baird said:
 For someone who hasn't decided whether they care about free software
 or open source (or both), it would help them to make their mind up
 without feeling that they are reading propaganda.
 Framing copyleft as a restriction is often propaganda used by the
 anti-copyleft crowd though so the site already contains some of that.

But, like ag ag01 said, it is still a restriction, in the same way that
the government forbids murder. Most people would react well to being
told that their freedom to murder would be taken from them, because it
would mean that they would live in a safer society. You could use this
line of reasoning to convince people that copyleft is a good idea.

Also, it is worth noting that even the preamble to the GPL acknowledges
that it is imposing restrictions: To protect your rights, we need to
make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask
you to surrender the rights.

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-19 Thread John Sullivan
Jason Self writes:

 Riley Baird said:
 is a restriction

 The only way I can think of it to consider is a restriction is if
 Tivoization were considered a legitimate activity to begin with.

 Framing copyleft as a restriction is not a good idea. This goes back
 to what John said.

 As an example, it's not as if TiVo Inc. can't use GPLv3 stuff or
 that they the license somehow restricts them from doing so. Rather,
 they can and should use it (everyone should.) They just need to pass
 on those same freedoms to others.

 It's probably better to position/frame the GPL and copyleft as
 protecting software freedom rather than restricting it.

Right, and as preventing others from restricting access to your

Given only one tag line to describe the GPL, I care about sharing
improvements is really not it. Probably something more like I want my
software to always be free for everyone. 

Plus, the GPL choice links to v2. It should link to v3.


John Sullivan | Executive Director, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: 61A0963B | |

Do you use free software? Donate to join the FSF and support freedom at

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-19 Thread Robert Call
 Jason Self writes:

 Riley Baird said:
 is a restriction

 The only way I can think of it to consider is a restriction is if
 Tivoization were considered a legitimate activity to begin with.

 Framing copyleft as a restriction is not a good idea. This goes back
 to what John said.

 As an example, it's not as if TiVo Inc. can't use GPLv3 stuff or
 that they the license somehow restricts them from doing so. Rather,
 they can and should use it (everyone should.) They just need to pass
 on those same freedoms to others.

 It's probably better to position/frame the GPL and copyleft as
 protecting software freedom rather than restricting it.

 Right, and as preventing others from restricting access to your

 Given only one tag line to describe the GPL, I care about sharing
 improvements is really not it. Probably something more like I want my
 software to always be free for everyone.

 Plus, the GPL choice links to v2. It should link to v3.


While I don't like to see forks when we can avoid it, I think this would
be a good reason to fork.

In response to this, I'm starting a Don't fork me on GitHub campaign
(don't know how receptive it would be). An example is on the libreCMC
project page [1]. Note that we clearly state that the software does
not have other restrictions, but we do want to inform people that github
is not great for free software.

If anyone has some input, please feel free to share.

[1] libreCMC project page -

Robert Call (Bob)
FSF Member #8115

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-19 Thread hellekin
Hash: SHA512

On 08/19/2014 06:09 PM, Riley Baird wrote:

 freedom to murder
*** Wait, what?  Look, you need to learn about ethics.  Specifically,
you need to understand the difference between positive freedom and
negative freedom.  Software freedom is about positive freedom, i.e. not
about restrictions.  Neoliberal, neocon, libertarian-Randian
propagandas are all about negative freedom, i.e. the freedom of an
individual to do anything they like, including, e.g. to terminate other
people's freedom (as in your example: murder).  As long as you can't
make this difference, you cannot grasp the concept of software freedom.

Objectivity is itself propaganda: it supposes an objective subject,
which is a contradiction.  One can tend to objectivity, but since the
XXth Century and the Theory of Relativity, science knows that the
observer influences the observation.  So in any case, what you tell
about licensing is necessarily propaganda.  Journalist objectivity is
said to tell the facts.  But how you tell the facts, and what facts you
tell (and therefore, what facts you omit) frame a discourse in a certain
way.  If you want to make an objective account of free software
licenses, you must start with understanding the underlying concepts.
You can't be objective about something if you can't understand it.  When
some people reject Evolution, they can't be objective.  They simply
reject Evolution.  Now, one can prefer Lynn Margulis' Theory of
Evolution to Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution, and that's a
different matter.  But you can't say objectively something like: Man
comes from monkey who comes from a tree.  That's misunderstanding
Darwin's Theory of Evolution.  In the same way, you can't say that the
GPL restricts people's freedom-to-restrict-other-people's-freedom:
that's not objective, and that's non-sense.

That said, I do think that the user interface of is a
good way for someone to choose a license, and
license-recommendations.html is a different thing entirely, not only
content-wise, but primarily at the level of user experience.  Maybe the
FSF should fork the site and rectify the propaganda to lean on the
side of positive freedom.

Another note on freedom to murder: that's the kind of propaganda that
is pervasive in our globalizing civilization to justify all kinds of
dumbass bullying corporate agenda.  It's like saying: in order to allow
the construction industry to increase their profit--and support their
freedom to profit, we should bomb a city or two once in a while.  It's
obviously wrong, and confusing ends and means, and reversing the purpose
of anything: let's kill people to solve the unemployment issue. WTF.


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Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-18 Thread John Sullivan
Riley Baird (Orthogonal) writes:

 On 05/08/14 12:10, Felipe Sanches wrote:
 Is there something similar to but with language
 better aligned to the mission of the free software movement ?

 I don't know, but personally, I think that a fork over something like
 this would be a bad idea. We don't fork every program that uses the word
 Linux instead of GNU/Linux to refer to the operating system in its
 documentation, for example. If you're concerned about it, perhaps you
 could write to the maintainer and ask them to use neutral terms (e.g.
 FLOSS instead of OSS on their main page).

Well, there are a lot of other problems with the license chooser in
addition to that. It is pretty anti-copyleft. We submitted a patch to
fix the factual description of the GPL and it was rejected.

For example, the choice to present the GPL's protections as
restrictions/requirements is a loaded one.


John Sullivan | Executive Director, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: 61A0963B | |

Do you use free software? Donate to join the FSF and support freedom at

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-18 Thread Riley Baird
 Well, there are a lot of other problems with the license chooser in
 addition to that. It is pretty anti-copyleft. We submitted a patch to
 fix the factual description of the GPL and it was rejected.

What part of their description is untrue? This is all the information I
could find on the GPL on their website:

The GPL (V2 or V3) is a copyleft license that requires anyone who
distributes your code or a derivative work to make the source available
under the same terms. V3 is similar to V2, but further restricts use in
hardware that forbids software alterations.

Linux, Git, and WordPress use the GPL.

How to apply this license

Create a text file (typically named LICENSE or LICENSE.txt) in the root
of your source code and copy the text of the license into the file.

Note: The Free Software Foundation recommends taking the additional step
of adding a boilerplate notice to the top of each file. The boilerplate
can be found at the end of the license.


Disclose Source
License and copyright notice
State Changes


Commercial Use
Patent Grant
Private Use


Hold Liable

 For example, the choice to present the GPL's protections as
 restrictions/requirements is a loaded one.

I don't think that saying that the protections are requirements is
loaded language. For example, license and copyright notice is held to
be a requirement, and this is still listen as a requirement on the MIT
license's page. (That being said, there are some requirements of the GPL
which they do not list, e.g. 2a and 2c of GPLv2)

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-18 Thread Jason Self
Riley Baird asked:
 What part of their description is untrue?

One example: Presenting the anti-tivoization provisions in the GPLv3
as a restriction.

If you listen to Tom Preston-Werner's (GitHub co-founder) anti-GPL
keynote from OSCON his position on the GPL will become clear and
shouldn't be surprising that the website reflects this.

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-05 Thread Riley Baird (Orthogonal)
On 05/08/14 12:10, Felipe Sanches wrote:
 Is there something similar to but with language
 better aligned to the mission of the free software movement ?

I don't know, but personally, I think that a fork over something like
this would be a bad idea. We don't fork every program that uses the word
Linux instead of GNU/Linux to refer to the operating system in its
documentation, for example. If you're concerned about it, perhaps you
could write to the maintainer and ask them to use neutral terms (e.g.
FLOSS instead of OSS on their main page).

Re: [GNU-linux-libre] fork with better wording, perhaps ?

2014-08-05 Thread Julian Marchant
Hash: SHA1

On 08/04/2014 10:10 PM, Felipe Sanches wrote:
 Is there something similar to but with 
 language better aligned to the mission of the free software
 movement ? has had a better license guide for a long time (I think it
predates the website you're talking about):

- -- 
Julian Marchant
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