Re: Recommendation for a CL data structures library

2010-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-03-21 11:22:57 -0400, John Hasler said:

They are not required to publish it.  They are merely required to
distribute it along with the binaries.  If you offer source to everyone
to whom you sell binaries you are done.

In practice this amounts to publication. Every customer would receive 
the source; every customer has the right to make it public; it would 
only take one customer excercising this right to make the source 
publicly available.

Raffael Cavallaro

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Recommendation for a CL data structures library

2010-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-03-21 15:29:44 -0400, John Hasler said:

They might, but there are cases where they did not.

One can't rely on this unlikely possibility, which becomes increasingly 
unlikely the more sales are made.

The point is that
_you_ are not required to publish anything.

It hardly matters who does the publishing. The point is that the source 
still becomes publicly available.

Offering source to everyone
who receives binaries from you satisfies your GPL obligations.  You can
ignore requests for source from anyone else.

Of course, if the possibility that someone might pass the software on
worries you, the solution is simple: don't link to GPL works.

Which is why many developers choose to avoid this possibility and use 
LGPL/LLGPL/BSD/MIT/Apache licensed libraries instead. And now we've 
come full circle.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Recommendation for a CL data structures library

2010-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-03-22 10:52:58 -0400, John Hasler said:

You assume that everyone has maximum adoption as their primary goal.

I assume that the author's goal is maximizing the amount of open source 
- and in fact, it is Pascal's stated goal - that others who use his 
library will open their source code for him to see and use - a 
perfectly reasonable desire. I just don't think anyone whose source is 
closed is going to open that source code simply to use a library - if 
they are constrained not to open their source, they simply won't use 
GPL libraries.

In order to accomplish this primary goal - greater amounts of open 
source - you need users and contributors. Possibly counterintuitively, 
the goal of maximizing open source is actually better accomplished by 
*not* choosing the GPL. The GPL drives potential users away, and 
potential users are potential contributors, bug fixers, etc. Instead, 
these potential users will become users of some other library which is 
LGPL, or BSD, etc. licensed, and they will become open source 
contributors to those other libraries, not to the GPL licensed project.

Again, recognition of this dynamic is what drove the creation of the 
Library GPL (now the Lesser GPL) in the first place.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Recommendation for a CL data structures library

2010-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-03-22 16:51:46 -0400, John Hasler said:

I guess this is why Linux has been totally eclipsed by BSD.

1. Linux isn't a *library*, it's an operating system. A GPL operating 
system doesn't force GPL licensing for any application that runs on it. 
A GPL library *does* force GPL licensing for any program that links 
with it.

Again, the LLGPL was created for precisely this purpose.

2. Mac OS X is BSD Unix. It has existed for half the time that linux 
has, and has more than 5 times the web client share of linux, so yes, 
BSD is on its way to eclipsing linux as a client OS.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Recommendation for a CL data structures library

2010-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-03-22 20:28:25 -0400, John Hasler said:

No it isn't.

The Open Group which does the official UNIX certification would beg to differ:

It's a heavily modified Mach single-server kernel with a
partial BSD userland.  And Apple contributes little or nothing back.

lists scores of open source components that form part of Mac OS X and 
to which Apple contributes its enhancements.

The market reality is that many programmers work on projects that are, 
at least in part, closed source. Open source licenses other than the 
GPL allow these programmers to use and contribute to open source 

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Recommendation for a CL data structures library

2010-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-03-22 22:48:27 -0400, John Hasler said:

Purchasing a certificate granting the right to label one's product UNIX
does not make it a BSD.

Being a derivative of 4.4 BSD makes it a BSD; Being certified by the 
Open Group makes it a UNIX. Mac OS X is a BSD UNIX.

The market reality... irrelevant to many of us.

Many may wish it weren't relevant, but it is. The FSF recognized that 
the GPL was a poor match for the market realities of library use nearly 
20 years ago when the FSF created the GNU Library Public License, now 
the Lesser GPL, for precisely this reason. that many programmers work on projects that are, at least in
part, closed source.  Open source licenses other than the GPL allow
these programmers to use and contribute to open source projects.

The Berkeley license as well as _some_ other Open Source licenses permit
them to keep some of their changes secret.  This is the very reason some
programmers use the GPL.

People and organizations who want to keep code secret are going to do 
so. It is naive to think that they will change their whole business 
model just to use a library. Instead, they will use libraries with 
licenses that allow them to keep some code private while still open 
sourcing other code thus contributing to the sum total of open source 

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Recommendation for a CL data structures library

2010-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-03-23 04:53:04 -0400, Lieven Marchand said:

As far as I can tell, GPL CLISP would allow you to distribute your
commercial applications compiled and dumped with it.

My understanding is that if your published application (commercial or 
otherwise) uses facilities of CLISP not generally available in other 
lisps (i.e., CLISP specific extensions to common lisp) then you would 
be required to release the source of your application under the GPL.

IOW, an application that could just as easily be distributed using sbcl 
or ccl, etc. does not need to open its source, but one that is clisp 
specific does.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Recommendation for a CL data structures library

2010-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-03-23 09:11:03 -0400, Hyman Rosen said:

It is not correct to say that Mac OS X is BSD Unix for normal
definitions of is.

Mac OS X *is* descended from 4.4 BSD for normal definitions of is.

Mac OS X *is* a UNIX by the only legal definition of UNIX and for 
normal definitions of is.

The license under which Apple releases its open source doesn't change 
Mac OS X's BSD heritage, and it doesn't invalidate Mac OS X's UNIX 

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Recommendation for a CL data structures library

2010-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-03-23 09:41:02 -0400, Hyman Rosen said:

Since much of the discussion in this newsgroup
focuses on license features and requirements, saying that Mac OS X
is BSD needlessly confuses that issue.

Saying that Mac OS X is BSD is:

1. true

2. a counterexample to the claim that linux is trouncing BSD UNIX.

The original claim was that linux was dominating BSD UNIX because of 
the GPL. The 5x web client numbers for Mac OS X show that non-GPL 
licensed UNIX (here, BSD, APSL) in fact has much greater numbers than 
GPL linux.

Finally, the APSL requires that modifications to *covered code* (i.e., 
the APSL library or code you are using in your larger work) be open 
sourced if your larger work is distributed. You are not required to 
open source the whole larger work, something that the GPL *does* 
require, and the LGPL, like the APSL, does not.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Recommendation for a CL data structures library

2010-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-03-24 15:23:28 -0400, Pascal J. Bourguignon said:

Actually, MacOSX is just NeXTSTEP, and is older than Linux, so it's not
surprizing it has more web clients than Linux.  After all, NeXTSTEP was
the system where the web was INVENTED, and where the first web browser

And the laser printer was first connected to the Xerox Alto, but you 
don't see many of those at graphic design firms.

NeXTSTEP never had a significant web client share once numbers of 
internet users grew into the tens of millions. The numbers matched OS 
usage - 95% of these new users were on Windows, and the overwhelming 
majority of the remainder were on Mac OS. That's why NeXT had to sell 
the company to Apple, itself a minority player.

Mac OS X has 5x as many web clients as Linux because of what Apple did 
with NeXT, not because NeXT was ever a popular client platform.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Recommendation for a CL data structures library

2010-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-03-25 06:06:09 -0400, Andrew Haley said:

There's nothing ironic about it.  The FSF seeks to maximize freedom,
so licenses code whichever way works best.  Libraries sometimes have
different needs from applications.

Which is why I suggest that Pascal's lisp libraries would be more 
useful licensed under the LLGPL than the GPL. It's ironic because the 
FSF is the creator of the GPL, and even they recognized that the GPL 
was a poor fit for libraries which is why they created the Library (now 
Lesser) GPL.

Raffael Cavallaro

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Recommendation for a CL data structures library

2010-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-03-25 09:51:04 -0400, Hyman Rosen said:

The FSF does not believe that the GPL is a poor fit for

The release of the Library GPL is an implicit recognition of the fact 
that the GPL is a poor fit for libraries. Renaming it to the Lesser GPL 
isn't likely to convince anyone old enough to remember, or intelligent 
enough to do a little research.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Recommendation for a CL data structures library

2010-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-03-25 09:59:52 -0400, Tamas K Papp said:

I disagree -- I don't think that the FSF considers the GPL a poor
fit for libraries.  Quite the opposite (see [1]).  They just
recognized that in certain situations, some people would prefer
something like the LGPL, and I guess that they wanted to give them the
choice.  But the GPL is still the option they recommend, even for


I don't put much stock in such rationalizations. IOW, having released 
the Library GPL, they realized that it was in many ways superior to the 
GPL from both the user and the open source perspective. They've been 
backpedaling ever since, and the frankly silly renaming of the Library 
GPL to the Lesser GPL is a clear sign of this ongoing attempt at damage 

I.e., when I say they recognize that the GPL is a poor fit for 
libraries, I'm saying that their actions (release of the LGPL and 
subsequent renaming) speak louder and more convincingly than their 
words (the link you provide).

Regarding the broader issue (of how people license their libraries): I
think this is an optimization problem where people have heterogeneous
objective functions, and thus trying to convince people to pick
another license is not always a worthwhile.

It is possible that someone using a GPL/LGPL/LLGPL/BSD/MIT/... license
is perfectly aware of the advantages and disadvantages, it is just that
they decided to make a different choice.  In which case, threads like these
are unlikely to be fruitful.

I don't think their objective functions differ much from mine. I think 
they don't appreciate how the license plays out in the real world. 
Those who support the GPL for libraries think that by doing so they 
maximize the promotion of open source. I contend that the LGPL or 
Apache or APSL license lead to greater amounts of open source because a 
GPL library excludes one of the largest pools of possible contributors 
- professional developers who work on closed source projects. These 
potential contributors will instead either

1. reinvent that particular wheel in a closed source fashion (loss to 
free software)
2. use a library with a license that doesn't require any publication 
such as the bsd, or mit. (possible loss to free software)
3. use a library with a license that requires publication only of 
covered code such as the LGPL, APSL, Apache, etc. Only this last case 
inevitably results in more open source.

So by releasing a library under the GPL one provides as many ways for 
open source to lose as to win. Choosing the winning path in the first 
place by releasing the library under the LGPL/LLGPL/Apache etc. license 
leads to the biggest gains for open source. Again, the recognition of 
this reality is what led to the Library GPL in the first place. So 
people who support the GPL for libraries are unwittingly advocating for 
freedom in a way that actually results in less open source.

Even if I don't convince my correspondents here, I do hope that some of 
those reading this thread will develop a more nuanced view of open 
source licenses. I've said what I have to say, so (undoubtedly much to 
your relief), I'll stop.

warmest regards,

Raffael Cavallaro

gnu-misc-discuss mailing list