Re: [GNC] The Meaning of Split (previously Example of multi-split feature of CSV importer?)

2019-03-22 Thread Bucky Carr

Derek, I think you have defined the reason that the term 'split' 
should remain in use as it presently is in GNUcash.

On 3/22/2019 2:00 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:

You are confusing the VERB split -- the act of splitting two things into
pieces -- and the NOUN split, which are the results of the splitting.
While you are correct that a simple transaction has been split(v) only
once, that does not imply that it is made of one one split(n).

It is absolutely reasonable to use the same word to mean (slightly)
different things as a verb and as a noun.  It's also quite clear from
context (at least most of the time) whether you are using split(v) or

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Re: [GNC] Unable to add prices to some securities

2019-03-19 Thread Bucky Carr

Forgot to mention. For the Online Price update, I switched from 
Alphavantage to Yahoo_JSON and it seems to be working fine.

On 3/19/2019 8:47 AM, Alan Taylor wrote:

And of course the Online Price update does not work, I have updated Perl etc. 
as per the WIKI.

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Re: [GNC] Unable to add prices to some securities

2019-03-19 Thread Bucky Carr

This might not be what you are seeing, but I found that I need to 
press the "Apply" button after entering each security's info and when 
done, then press "OK" button. If I skipped the "Apply" step, the info 
was not saved / updated.


On 3/19/2019 8:47 AM, Alan Taylor wrote:


I am running the latest GnuCash on the latest MacOS.
In Price Database | Add , I can add prices to some securities but not others. 
On the ones that won’t update, the dialogue box appears normal but nothing gets 
saved (no prices saved under the security name).
Nothing obvious linking the failures or successes.
The standard Portfolio report does appear to update to contain the new price, 
but it shows no signs of being stored anywhere.
And of course the Online Price update does not work, I have updated Perl etc. 
as per the WIKI.

I guess the first order of business is to get the manual update working …


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Re: [GNC] Using a mysql database?

2019-03-13 Thread Bucky Carr

Thank you. Didn't know you could make a MySQL db, logon-only.

On 3/13/2019 6:53 AM, Joseph Vernice wrote:
There are no logon credentials for an XML database, making it easy 
for someone to access your data.  I use a mysql database that 
requires credentials to log on.  Also, I change the port from the 
default 3306 to something else.  The port is blocked by my 
firewall.  I can do this only because the DB server is on my LAN.

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Re: [GNC] Using a mysql database?

2019-03-12 Thread Bucky Carr

On 3/12/2019 6:14 PM, Joseph Vernice wrote:

Been using MySQL DB for gnu cash for many years, mainly because of
security. Never had a problem. Very reliable and fast on my lan server.
Not sure how fast over internet.

Hi. Can you explain a bit how the MySQL db is more secure than the 
standard xml, for example?

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Re: [GNC] Setting up chart of accounts

2019-03-07 Thread Bucky Carr

I did it directly in the child account with the corresponding, 
double-entry accounting entry into Equity child account.

For example I have my Asset:Banking:Checking1 hierarchy and my 
Equity:Opening_Balances hierarchy. In the Checking1 child account I 
entered the opening balance with a corresponding entry in my 
Opening_Balances child account. That Equity:Opening_Balances child 
account ends up with lots of entries from all the open balance entries 
pulled in from various accounts during the setup process.

(I'm not an expert but this has worked for me)

On 3/7/2019 11:18 AM, Teresa wrote:

One more question, just to be clear, did you set up opening balances 
in the child accounts, or transfer from the proper parent account?

On 3/7/2019 1:03 PM, Bucky Carr wrote:

The way I did it was to set up a CoA with 5 parent accounts: Asset, 
Equity, Liability, Income and Expenses. I set those as top level 
accounts so no transactions can be entered directly into them. Then 
I set up all my child accounts under the proper parent accounts. 
Then I set up the opening balances in each child account. Depending 
on the level of detail I wanted some of the child accounts have 
child accounts of their own.

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Re: [GNC] Setting up chart of accounts

2019-03-07 Thread Bucky Carr

The way I did it was to set up a CoA with 5 parent accounts: Asset, 
Equity, Liability, Income and Expenses. I set those as top level 
accounts so no transactions can be entered directly into them. Then I 
set up all my child accounts under the proper parent accounts. Then I 
set up the opening balances in each child account. Depending on the 
level of detail I wanted some of the child accounts have child 
accounts of their own.


On 3/7/2019 10:56 AM, Teresa wrote:
I have 25 years experience in Accounting, however never set up a 
chart of accounts.

I just started working for my daughter, who has done everything in 

I have put all the gl accounts in GnuCash, but they all went in as 
parent accounts, I new term to me.

My question is, shouldn't these be child accounts? Also, do I set up 
a single of each Equity, Liability and Asset accounts as parent 
accounts with the beginning balances, and transfer to the child 
accounts from there?

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Re: [GNC] Citi CC Download options

2019-02-14 Thread Bucky Carr

I just checked again looking at my non-Costco card and the same 
'export' offerings are shown. Not sure why you're not seeing it. They 
seem to be doing some ongoing upgrades to their site, in real time.

On 2/14/2019 12:48 PM, Stephen M. Butler wrote:

Strange.  Perhaps the Costco customers get something different.  I know
it was there before and I searched all over the page for it.

On 2/14/19 11:32 AM, Bucky Carr wrote:

I'm looking at my Citi page now and it offers QFX, OFX, TXT, CSV and
QBO format options. It is a new download selection window than I saw
last month (which offered the same choices).

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Re: [GNC] Citi CC Download options

2019-02-14 Thread Bucky Carr

I'm looking at my Citi page now and it offers QFX, OFX, TXT, CSV and 
QBO format options. It is a new download selection window than I saw 
last month (which offered the same choices).

On 2/14/2019 12:09 PM, Stephen M. Butler wrote:

Anybody else discover that Citi Cards has stopped offering the QFX
format on the transaction export page?

I did manage to import using the CSV format (but a pain).  Had one
transaction in RED and was unable to double click to force it to be
loaded.  Had to load it manually after the import.


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Re: [GNC] Struggling with Quicken import

2019-02-12 Thread Bucky Carr

Quicken2016 has a .PRN export option that looks like this:

"6/24/1992",,"VG - 500 Index","[Retire - VG - Rollover 
"9/24/1992",,"VG - 500 Index","[Retire - VG - Rollover 

Is that close enough to cvs?

On 2/12/2019 1:54 PM, dmacklewis wrote:

No, Quicken does not have the CSV option.

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Re: [GNC] "Non-sticky" scroll bars in gnucash registers

2019-02-05 Thread Bucky Carr

Then don't try to be so nice.  From your OP:

"When I click in the scroller and move my mouse, whenever the mouse 
leaves the scroll bar area the display snaps back to where it was 
before the scroll operation.  I initially tried to carefully keep the 
mouse within the scroll bar area, and that does prevent the display 
from snapping back - but my new ephiphany is this:  If I do manage not 
to stray from the bounds of the scroll bar before releasing the mouse 
button, then the display stays where my scrolling action left it BUT, 
the moment I subsequently move the mouse out of the scroll bar area, 
the display snaps to its previous position."

I followed your precise instructions above in MS Excel on Windows 10 a 
few seconds ago and it behaves EXACTLY as you are describing above.

My impression of your OP is that you seek to blame GNUcash for some 
unique behavior that is unseen anywhere else. Am I misunderstanding 
your OP?

On 2/5/2019 10:54 AM, Steve Cohen wrote:
I'm trying to be nice but you're making it hard.  I have never 
experienced such behavior in Windows or in Linux except with 
Gnucash.  I don't know what you're experiencing but it's not what I 
am experiencing.  Your input is less than helpful here.

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Re: [GNC] "Non-sticky" scroll bars in gnucash registers

2019-02-05 Thread Bucky Carr

I just tried it with MS Excel (Win10) and it behaves exactly as you 
describe with your GNUcash-in-Linux experience. So it is not uncommon.

But it is annoying.

On 2/5/2019 10:38 AM, Steve Cohen wrote:

On 2/5/19 11:33 AM, Bucky Carr wrote:
Well, I am not using the Windows version and this behavior is unlike 
anything I ever saw when I did use Windows.

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Re: [GNC] "Non-sticky" scroll bars in gnucash registers

2019-02-05 Thread Bucky Carr

Isn't GNUcash a Windows program? :)

The OP said that "other programs don't do this". I was pointing out 
that the observed behavior is evident in other programs as well, and I 
just happened to mention the "other programs" are Windows programs, 
too, just like GNUcash is a Windows (and other platform) program.

On 2/5/2019 10:27 AM, Colin Law wrote:
On Tue, 5 Feb 2019 at 17:22, Bucky Carr <>> wrote:

I've noticed that exact behavior in many other Windows programs as
well. Definitely annoying.

We are not talking about Windows programs are we?


On 2/5/2019 9:53 AM, Steve Cohen wrote:
> For two years something seemed not quite right about the use of
> scroll bars in Gnucash register windows, but I always just "lived
> with it" in a state of vague , not quite conscious annoyance.
> I have finally put my finger on the problem.
> When I click in the scroller and move my mouse, whenever the
> leaves the scroll bar area the display snaps back to where it was
> before the scroll operation.  I initially tried to carefully keep
> the mouse within the scroll bar area, and that does prevent the
> display from snapping back - but my new ephiphany is this:  If
I do
> manage not to stray from the bounds of the scroll bar before
> releasing the mouse button, then the display stays where my
> scrolling action left it BUT, the moment I subsequently move the
> mouse out of the scroll bar area, the display snaps to its
> position.  In particular this makes it impossible to edit an
> that was out of the visible scrolling area but became visible
> scrolling, as it is gone before I can click it.  The only way
to get
> to a row not visible is by using the arrow keys or PgUp, PgDown.
> Ironically, pressing those keys does move the scroller.
> I am running GNUCash version 3.900, which I built from source on
> 2018-06-03 on Ubuntu 18.04.
> This is highly irritating and non-standard behavior, I think.
> apps do not handle scrolling this way, such as the Thunderbird
> inbox, Libre Office Calc, etc.  I was not able to find a setting
> that would govern this behavior.  Do others experience this,
or is
> it a bug?

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Re: [GNC] "Non-sticky" scroll bars in gnucash registers

2019-02-05 Thread Bucky Carr

I've noticed that exact behavior in many other Windows programs as 
well. Definitely annoying.

On 2/5/2019 9:53 AM, Steve Cohen wrote:
For two years something seemed not quite right about the use of 
scroll bars in Gnucash register windows, but I always just "lived 
with it" in a state of vague , not quite conscious annoyance.

I have finally put my finger on the problem.

When I click in the scroller and move my mouse, whenever the mouse 
leaves the scroll bar area the display snaps back to where it was 
before the scroll operation.  I initially tried to carefully keep 
the mouse within the scroll bar area, and that does prevent the 
display from snapping back - but my new ephiphany is this:  If I do 
manage not to stray from the bounds of the scroll bar before 
releasing the mouse button, then the display stays where my 
scrolling action left it BUT, the moment I subsequently move the 
mouse out of the scroll bar area, the display snaps to its previous 
position.  In particular this makes it impossible to edit an entry 
that was out of the visible scrolling area but became visible after 
scrolling, as it is gone before I can click it.  The only way to get 
to a row not visible is by using the arrow keys or PgUp, PgDown.  
Ironically, pressing those keys does move the scroller.

I am running GNUCash version 3.900, which I built from source on 
2018-06-03 on Ubuntu 18.04.

This is highly irritating and non-standard behavior, I think. Other 
apps do not handle scrolling this way, such as the Thunderbird Mail 
inbox, Libre Office Calc, etc.  I was not able to find a setting 
that would govern this behavior.  Do others experience this, or is 
it a bug?

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Re: [GNC] GNUCash becoming unusable ..v3.4

2019-02-01 Thread Bucky Carr

I agree. Quit using Quicken 2 years ago and will never go back.

Diane, what are you trying to do? I find my usage of GNUcash to be 
very basic and have not had

any problems with it.

On 2/1/2019 1:21 PM, Stephen M. Butler wrote:

Your mileage is different than mine.  I'm not seeing that many problems
for basic personal accounting.  And the folks here have been very helpful.

On 2/1/19 11:56 AM, Diane Trefethen wrote:

I am trying to decide how to proceed with my accounting software.

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Re: [GNC] Liabilities and Net Worth in Android app

2019-02-01 Thread Bucky Carr

I got the same answer that you did. If you can confirm the 
repeatability of this discrepancy, perhaps a bug report should be made.

On 2/1/2019 2:27 AM, Chris wrote:

The second point I want to make is the reports' balance sheet assets 
calculation. I run the following scenario (I would add a screenshot 
but the app does not allow for it):

Cash in Wallet:    18.75
Checking Account:   2,386.21
   - Subaccount_1:   2,264.04
   - Subaccount_2:   -83.42
    - Subaccount_2.1:   67.10
    - Subaccount_2.2    -150.52
    - Subaccount_3:  205.59
Savings Account: 0

Total:   2,587.16

Clearly the calculated total amount is wrong. I do not know what is 
calculated here from the information shown. Can someone confirm? The 
correct answer for the total would be 2,404.96 which is also shown 
when I look at my assets account.
(Side note: I would also recommend adding some visual distinction 
for subaccounts in the report balance sheet. Currently all is shown 
plain with the same indentation.)

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Re: [GNC] Migrating from AceMoney

2019-01-28 Thread Bucky Carr

You are most welcome. What I ended up doing is saving all the Quicken 
individual account files in every export format I could figure out 
(created dozens and dozens of files in .qif, .txt, .csv, .xlsx 
formats), just in case like you, I decided I needed the data later for 
some reason. So far, I've not needed them.

Those files are backed up six ways from Sunday along with all the 
other stuff I think has "saving value".

Perhaps that technique would work for you, too.

On 1/28/2019 3:59 PM, Jason Voss wrote:
I had been thinking I wanted all the historical transactions but 
you've started me thinking a bit differently.

I suppose I could keep the old machine and AceMoney files to prepare 
2018 taxes... and start transaction files in Gnucash as of Jan. 1 
2019. (I can probably brute force my way through getting one month 
of data into the new system.)

I need to give more thought to downside of losing the old records. 
We have mined them before for several different reasons. Not sure if 
casting them aside might be regretted later. (I really want to get 
rid of the windows machine... not keep it around any longer than 
necessary. I'm a convert to Apple and really don't like Microsoft. 
Although Apple has adopted many of their business practices and now 
also frustrates me, their hardware and drivers are sure more stable 
and give me fewer headaches.)

Appreciate the assistance from you and David.

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Re: [GNC] Migrating from AceMoney

2019-01-28 Thread Bucky Carr

You'll want to approach this project with some time and no deadline, 
else you might get frustrated.

Get GNUcash installed and running on the target machine.

In AceMoney, export the largest account you have into a .qif format 
file and get that file to where GNUcash can find it. Then in GNUcash, 
use File-Import-QIF... and see what it does. Accept the defaults when 
asked. When it is done with the import, see what GNUcash thought about 
all the stuff it imported.

I'm suggesting starting with the largest account because it will cause 
you the most head scratching grief in the conversion process. Smaller 
imports can be ferreting out more easily. Maybe you won't have any 
grief at all with the import.

If the import is a complete mess you could retry exporting into a 
different format, such as .csv, delete everything in GNUcash (may 
require a reinstall of GNUcash to get a completely fresh slate) and 
try to import that file.

At some point, if this isn't working satisfactorily, you may need to 
draw a line in the sand, leave AceMoney behind and start with a new 
install of GNUcash and enter transactions as of Jan 1, 2019, for 
example.  I am a refugee from Quicken. Spent several weeks trying to 
import the 50+mb Quicken data file into GNUcash, but I had done 
something stupid in Quicken many years ago - I deleted one account 
with thousands of transactions. Importing the .qif into GNUcash was a 
practical impossibility because GNUcash didn't know what to do with 
all those orphaned transactions.

So I simply quit using Quicken as of Jan 1, 2017, switched to GNUcash 
and have been a happy camper since then.

(make your postings public to the user list so others can benefit from 
the discussion)

On 1/28/2019 3:09 PM, Jason Voss wrote:

Looks like export options include:

However, I'm not familiar with any of these (at least for these 
types of records) or which one would be best for migrating to GNUcash.

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Re: [GNC] Migrating from AceMoney

2019-01-28 Thread Bucky Carr

I found this on the AceMoney user forum, so perhaps there is hope:

"Yes!  Select FILE at upper left - Select EXPORT - set the path to the 
folder & file name you wish to use - lastly, select
SAVE AS TYPE - you will see a drop down menu for TXT, CSV, QIF, & 
XML.  Choose the format style you want & click on SAVE to finish.

---In,  wrote :

Is it possible to convert AceMoney files to QIF format for exporting?"

On 1/28/2019 2:44 PM, David Cousens wrote:


AceMoney does not list any export formats in its documentation.  GnuCash
will not be able to read AceMoneys file format unless someone has written a
translator and this is unlikely.

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Re: [GNC] Migrating from AceMoney

2019-01-28 Thread Bucky Carr

What forms of accounts file export can you do in AceMoney?

On 1/28/2019 1:54 PM, Jason Voss wrote:

My wife stayed on Windows much longer than I did but I have recently moved her 
to a MacBook Air.Now I'm trying to get her a basic checkbook register app to 
replace AceMoney Lite and I'm looking at Gnucash for this purpose.
We have several years of historical data in .amj files on a Network Attached 
Server (NAS) and I'd like to verify whether Gnucash can read these, or if they 
can be imported and then used by Gnucash.
Any insights or advice is much appreciated.

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