Re: [GNC] multiple currencies in one transaction

2019-08-20 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
When I said price editor, I meant the price database.  I've been
assuming that the rates there are used for proposing rates on new

Anyway, it sort of goes to my point that I think the documentation is
less than clear for those of us who have regular transactions in
multiple currencies due to the vagaries of where we're standing when we
make a purchase, even while it's probably perfectly clear for those
whose foreign currency transactions are limited to holidays.

I didn't know that about reports.  I'm still learning clearly.


On 20/08/2019 12:20, David Carlson wrote:
> I thought this thread was discussing only transactions, not reports. 
> Jeff, the Price Editor does not come in to play in individual
> transactions.  Transactions are self-contained with whatever exchange
> rates happen therein.
> The Price editor exists for reports that are not tied to individual
> transactions, but to aggregate values, either of assets or of incomes
> and expenses.  Since some reports are supposed to be frozen at some
> instant of time, say, at the end of a reporting period, and others are
> supposed to accumulate over an interval of time, there is more than
> one way to perform the aggregation appropriate to a particular report. 
> Discussion of that feature is often heated, sometimes found to be
> incorrect for this or that example, but not to be confused with
> individual transactions that are fixed as a unit.
> David Carlson
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 2:36 AM Jeff Abrahamson  <>> wrote:
> It's not entirely unuseful that some of the discussion happens here on
> the user list.  User input may be of interest.
> I'll add only one point, which is that I think the current English
> language documentation doesn't explain as well as it might how to use
> gnucash in the presence of more than one currency.  If I may say
> it more
> bluntly, it says it in a way that strikes me as useful to
> Americans who
> use non-local currency quite occasionally and less to Europeans
> near the
> UK or Swiss borders who use multiple currencies regularly.  (I can't
> speak for the rest of the world.)
> Just one tiny and minor example.  The docs say that the price editor
> will store only one FX rate per day for a currency pair.  Now
> suppose I
> purchase a croissant in the morning and a tea in the afternoon,
> both on
> my bank card, and my card says that the I paid x1 and x2 in GBP
> respectively and they were debited from my account as y1 and y2 in
> EUR. 
> That constitutes two different exchange rates in one day.  (This is an
> experiment I've been meaning to try, but based on the documentation,
> assuming it all works, it still won't leave me confident that
> there's a
> contract between me and gnucash to behave this way.)
> All that said, I still have to read up on the trading features (wasn't
> at all obvious to me before this thread that this was relevant for FX
> flow) and do a few experiments to understand it all better.
> Jeff
> On 20/08/2019 00:36, Mike Alexander wrote:
> > I’ve been thinking for a while about how the register could be
> changed to better handle multiple currency transactions with
> trading accounts   turned on.  Back when I implemented trading
> accounts I knew this was a problem.  However at that time it was
> expected that the Register2 rewrite of the register code would
> make the old register code obsolete so I didn’t worry about it too
> much.  This is clearly no longer a valid assumption.
> >
> > It seems to me that the simplest solution, and one that might
> work reasonably well, is to make it possible (via a view option)
> to switch any register into the format used for non-currency
> registers where there are separate columns for shares, price, and
> value for each split.  The labels would need to be changed for
> currency splits since “shares” becomes the value in the split’s
> currency, “price” becomes exchange rate, and "value" remains the
> value in the transaction currency.  Getting all the details right
> might be tricky, but this seems to have possibilities.
> >
> > The current code shows only one of those three values, and which
> one depends on whether trading accounts are turned on.  If they
> are on it shows the value in the split’s currency.  If off, it
> shows the value in the transaction's currency.  This adds still
> more confusion to the situation.  A simple change would be to make
> it always show the value in the split’s currency.  At le

Re: [GNC] multiple currencies in one transaction

2019-08-20 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
It's not entirely unuseful that some of the discussion happens here on
the user list.  User input may be of interest.

I'll add only one point, which is that I think the current English
language documentation doesn't explain as well as it might how to use
gnucash in the presence of more than one currency.  If I may say it more
bluntly, it says it in a way that strikes me as useful to Americans who
use non-local currency quite occasionally and less to Europeans near the
UK or Swiss borders who use multiple currencies regularly.  (I can't
speak for the rest of the world.)

Just one tiny and minor example.  The docs say that the price editor
will store only one FX rate per day for a currency pair.  Now suppose I
purchase a croissant in the morning and a tea in the afternoon, both on
my bank card, and my card says that the I paid x1 and x2 in GBP
respectively and they were debited from my account as y1 and y2 in EUR. 
That constitutes two different exchange rates in one day.  (This is an
experiment I've been meaning to try, but based on the documentation,
assuming it all works, it still won't leave me confident that there's a
contract between me and gnucash to behave this way.)

All that said, I still have to read up on the trading features (wasn't
at all obvious to me before this thread that this was relevant for FX
flow) and do a few experiments to understand it all better.


On 20/08/2019 00:36, Mike Alexander wrote:
> I’ve been thinking for a while about how the register could be changed to 
> better handle multiple currency transactions with trading accounts   turned 
> on.  Back when I implemented trading accounts I knew this was a problem.  
> However at that time it was expected that the Register2 rewrite of the 
> register code would make the old register code obsolete so I didn’t worry 
> about it too much.  This is clearly no longer a valid assumption.
> It seems to me that the simplest solution, and one that might work reasonably 
> well, is to make it possible (via a view option) to switch any register into 
> the format used for non-currency registers where there are separate columns 
> for shares, price, and value for each split.  The labels would need to be 
> changed for currency splits since “shares” becomes the value in the split’s 
> currency, “price” becomes exchange rate, and "value" remains the value in the 
> transaction currency.  Getting all the details right might be tricky, but 
> this seems to have possibilities.
> The current code shows only one of those three values, and which one depends 
> on whether trading accounts are turned on.  If they are on it shows the value 
> in the split’s currency.  If off, it shows the value in the transaction's 
> currency.  This adds still more confusion to the situation.  A simple change 
> would be to make it always show the value in the split’s currency.  At least 
> then there wouldn’t be this confusion about what is being shown.  I didn’t do 
> this at the time because one of the goals was to make GnuCash work identical 
> to the way it worked before if trading accounts were turned off.
> If I get some free time I might try to play around with this idea and see 
> where it goes.  If anyone else thinks this might work and wants to take a 
> crack at it, be my guest.  My time for software development is very limited 
> these days.
> PS: this probably should be moved to the Dev list if someone wants to 
> continue the discussion.
>> On Aug 16, 2019, at 2:12 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> It's a difference in the way that the register works with or without trading 
>> accounts. If trading accounts are turned off then the register displays all 
>> splits converted to that register account's currency. If they're on then it 
>> displays each split in its own account's currency, with symbols for all but 
>> the current register's currency.
>> When dealing with multiple currencies "balance" can adopt different 
>> meanings. GnuCash requires that a transaction must balance in the 
>> transaction currency, which is generally the one for the account in whose 
>> register the transaction was created (or the first parent account 
>> denominated in a currency if the register is for a non-currency account). 
>> Since in a currency register the transaction currency value and the exchange 
>> rate between the register currency and transaction currency are hidden that 
>> can be difficult, especially in split view where the user is responsible for 
>> getting the (possibly invisible) values right. The more currencies involved 
>> in the transaction the harder it gets.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>>> On Aug 16, 2019, at 9:39 AM, Jeff Abrahamson  

Re: [GNC] multiple currencies in one transaction

2019-08-16 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Thanks, that's great, I'll have a play with that after work.

Two points concern me:

1.  I don't see currency symbols in my registers.  Is this a setting?

2.  I've been taught in accounting that transactions must balance, and
so I was expecting to see the GBP register all in GBP, the CHF register
all in CHF, and the EUR register all in EUR.  That is, if one sums the
columns of a register, the Dr and Cr columns should have the same sum. 
Am I confused about this principle?

I'll need to read about the trading accounts feature.  As someone who
regularly spends money in several currencies, I don't really think of
these transactions as P related, though I'm aware they could be
modeled that way.


On 16/08/2019 18:13, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> So the Cafe’s price was CHF 5.70?
> Your card was debited GBP 4.67?
> The Expense:Coffee account is set to EUR?
> First, yes, you’ll need Trading Accounts turned on.
> Second, open the price db and fetch rates, then check the EUR-GBP rate, 
> you’ll need it later. (I don’t see a way around this at present) For this 
> example, we’ll use 1.0957 which I fetched just now.
> Third, start your transaction by entering the following to ‘fund’ the card 
> with CHF:
>   Cr. TransferwiseGBP 4.67
> Dr. Transferwise_CHF  CHF 5.70
> (GnuCash will prompt for a GBP-CHF exhange rate, use the ‘debit’ radio button 
> and field and enter the CHF amount, in this case, “-5.70")
> The transaction should now read something like:
> -
> Account   Debit   Credit
> Assets:Current Assets:Transferwise4.67
> Assets:Current Assets:Transferwise_CHFSFr.5.70
> -
> (the 4.67 has no currency symbol because it is in the account’s currency - 
> GBP)
> Fourth, enter the actual expense part of the transaction:
> Dr. Expenses:Coffee   EUR 5.12
> The EUR 5.13 price is based on today’s rate between EUR-GBP above and 
> calculated either on the side, or directly in the debit-entry field. (enter 
> as: GBP*rate or 4.67*1.0957) We’re using the EUR-GBP instead of CHF-EUR 
> because this transaction is being entered in the Transferwise (GBP) account.
> When GnuCash prompts for the exchange rate, simply commit the FX window. We 
> couldn’t wait to fetch the rate here, because we’d have to back out and 
> re-enter the amount in the register to match.
> Now, the transaction reads like this:
> -
> Account   Debit   Credit
> Assets:Current Assets:Transferwise4.67
> Assets:Current Assets:Transferwise_CHFSFr.5.70
> Expenses:Coffee   €5.12
> -
> Fifth, you need to balance this with CHF funds taken from the card:
> Cr. Transferwise_CHF  5.70
> (GnuCash will again prompt for exchange rate, use ‘debit’ and “5.70” for the 
> amount)
> The transaction now looks like this:
> -
> Account   Debit   Credit
> Assets:Current Assets:Transferwise4.67
> Assets:Current Assets:Transferwise_CHFSFr.5.70
> Expenses:Coffee   €5.12
> Assets:Current Assets:Transferwise_CHFSFr.5.70
> -
> Sixth, since you have Trading Accounts turned on, when you hit `Enter` to 
> commit this transaction GnuCash will add the balancing splits so your 
> transaction looks like this in final form:
> -
> Account   Debit   Credit
> Assets:Current Assets:Transferwise_CHFSFr.5.70
> Expenses:Coffee   €5.12
> Trading:CURRENCY:GBP  £4.67
> Assets:Current Assets:Transferwise4.67
> Assets:Current Assets:Transferwise_CHFSFr.5.70
> Trading:CURRENCY:EUR  €5.12
> -
> You can of course, make the transaction more ‘complete’ (or complicated as 
> per your perspective) by also using actual CHF-GBP and CHF-EUR rates and 
> accounting for the conversion fee rather than using the ‘debit’ option for 
> those two splits.
> You could also separate this into two transactions, one to ‘fund’ the CHF, 
> then another to spend that on Coffee.
> Note, that I tried doing this from the Expense account, but it was messy. I 
> also couldn’t find a 

Re: [GNC] multiple currencies in one transaction

2019-08-15 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
On 15/08/2019 18:55, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Aug 15, 2019, at 7:38 AM, Jeff Abrahamson  wrote:
>> Somewhat related, I thought to import historical currencies, as I'm back
>> filling some data for analysis purposes.  I grabbed 10 years of daily
>> quotes and imported them (3600 or so rows of data per currency).  All ok
>> for GBP - EUR.  When I do the same for CHF - EUR, gnucash says it's done
>> it, but the price database doesn't show more than a handful.  When I do
>> it for JPY - EUR, gnucash says it's done but the price editor shows none
>> of them.  The proposed exchange rates when entering transactions are
>> consistent with what the price editor thinks it knows.
>> Is there a limit on FX rates?  (This is about 4000, which doesn't strike
>> me as terribly large.)
> Did you look at both both directions in the price db?
> Between versions 2.6.8 and 3.5 GnuCash inverted quotes < 1.0 because of a 
> mis-begotten rounding scheme in 2.6 that truncated at 6 decimal places. The 
> rounding was fixed in 3.0 but the reversal wasn't removed until Mike 
> Alexander noticed it when working on a bug last spring.
> Aside from a few days in January 2015 the CHF has traded at less than 1 EUR 
> and the JPY of course always trade that way, so most of the CHF rates and all 
> of the JPY rates should show up under EUR.

I did look in both directions.  Under euro there were no exchange rates
listed in the price database.

I'll play with it a bit more and see what I can find.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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Re: [GNC] multiple currencies in one transaction

2019-08-15 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Apparently the mailing list strips images, even very tiny ones.

The first image simply showed Transferwise associating 5.70 CFH = 4.67 GBP.

The second showed that gnucash is creating a correcting split in the
transaction I'd entered:

512452_Transferwise CHF    5.70
6212_cafe  5.70
512452_Transferwise CHF    5.70
51245_Transferwise 5.70

And that 2.80 is rather odd.

Jeff Abrahamson

On 15/08/2019 16:38, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> I purchased a coffee in Switzerland using my GBP-based Transferwise
> card.  That card could hold a CHF balance, but on that day it held only
> GBP.  My local currency is EUR.  So I can think of my coffee purchase as
> two FX transactions: funding (GBP -> CHF) and an expense (CHF -> EUR).
> What Transferwise tells me is the amount of the purchase and the amount
> of the transaction.  (I can also poke further and find the exchange rate
> they used and the minuscule fee, but the important point to me is the
> the two endpoints.)
> Now what makes sense to me based on reading about accounting principles
> for multiple currencies is that I should make one transaction thus:
> Coffee (CHF)   <--  Bank (GBP)    # This is the funding part of
> the transaction.
> Expense acct   <--  Coffee (CHF)  # Here I'm tracking the actual
> expense.
> I put those in a single transaction for easier understanding later. 
> Here I've created a bank account for Transferwise (GBP) as well as
> subaccounts of that called Transferwise_CHF and some others, denominated
> in the indicated currencies.  Those three accounts are transfer
> accounts: I usually expect them to have zero balance.
> Transferwise_CHF   <--  Transferwise (GBP)   # This is the
> funding part of the transaction.
> Expense/cafe       <--  Transferwise_CHF     # Here I'm tracking
> the actual expense.
> Gnucash asks me for some exchange rates, and I answer for the CHF - GBP
> part with the specific numbers provided by Transferwise and for the GBP
> - EUR part with the exchange rate I've downloaded for that date.
> I expect to see this in the account Transferwise_CHF
> 5.70   <--  5.70   # This is the funding part of the transaction.
> 5.70   <--  5.70   # Here I'm tracking the actual expense.
> and this in the Transferwise (GBP) account
> 4.67   <--  4.67   # This is the funding part of the transaction.
> 4.67   <--  4.67   # Here I'm tracking the actual expense.
> and something similar looking at the splits in the (euro-denominated
> expense account).
> But what I see (from the perspective of the CHF account) is this, which
> makes no sense to me:
> Gnucash has entered the 2.80, and deleting that split just makes it pop
> up again.  Something is terribly wrong if any  account's view of the
> transaction doesn't balance.  (This is gnucash 3.4, ubuntu, build id
> 3.4+ (2018-12-30).
> Is this my error or a bug in gnucash?  Any pointers?
> Somewhat related, I thought to import historical currencies, as I'm back
> filling some data for analysis purposes.  I grabbed 10 years of daily
> quotes and imported them (3600 or so rows of data per currency).  All ok
> for GBP - EUR.  When I do the same for CHF - EUR, gnucash says it's done
> it, but the price database doesn't show more than a handful.  When I do
> it for JPY - EUR, gnucash says it's done but the price editor shows none
> of them.  The proposed exchange rates when entering transactions are
> consistent with what the price editor thinks it knows.
> Is there a limit on FX rates?  (This is about 4000, which doesn't strike
> me as terribly large.)

Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

gnucash-user mailing list
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[GNC] multiple currencies in one transaction

2019-08-15 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I purchased a coffee in Switzerland using my GBP-based Transferwise
card.  That card could hold a CHF balance, but on that day it held only
GBP.  My local currency is EUR.  So I can think of my coffee purchase as
two FX transactions: funding (GBP -> CHF) and an expense (CHF -> EUR).

What Transferwise tells me is the amount of the purchase and the amount
of the transaction.  (I can also poke further and find the exchange rate
they used and the minuscule fee, but the important point to me is the
the two endpoints.)

Now what makes sense to me based on reading about accounting principles
for multiple currencies is that I should make one transaction thus:

Coffee (CHF)   <--  Bank (GBP)    # This is the funding part of
the transaction.
Expense acct   <--  Coffee (CHF)  # Here I'm tracking the actual

I put those in a single transaction for easier understanding later. 
Here I've created a bank account for Transferwise (GBP) as well as
subaccounts of that called Transferwise_CHF and some others, denominated
in the indicated currencies.  Those three accounts are transfer
accounts: I usually expect them to have zero balance.

Transferwise_CHF   <--  Transferwise (GBP)   # This is the
funding part of the transaction.
Expense/cafe       <--  Transferwise_CHF     # Here I'm tracking
the actual expense.

Gnucash asks me for some exchange rates, and I answer for the CHF - GBP
part with the specific numbers provided by Transferwise and for the GBP
- EUR part with the exchange rate I've downloaded for that date.

I expect to see this in the account Transferwise_CHF

5.70   <--  5.70   # This is the funding part of the transaction.
5.70   <--  5.70   # Here I'm tracking the actual expense.

and this in the Transferwise (GBP) account

4.67   <--  4.67   # This is the funding part of the transaction.
4.67   <--  4.67   # Here I'm tracking the actual expense.

and something similar looking at the splits in the (euro-denominated
expense account).

But what I see (from the perspective of the CHF account) is this, which
makes no sense to me:

Gnucash has entered the 2.80, and deleting that split just makes it pop
up again.  Something is terribly wrong if any  account's view of the
transaction doesn't balance.  (This is gnucash 3.4, ubuntu, build id
3.4+ (2018-12-30).

Is this my error or a bug in gnucash?  Any pointers?

Somewhat related, I thought to import historical currencies, as I'm back
filling some data for analysis purposes.  I grabbed 10 years of daily
quotes and imported them (3600 or so rows of data per currency).  All ok
for GBP - EUR.  When I do the same for CHF - EUR, gnucash says it's done
it, but the price database doesn't show more than a handful.  When I do
it for JPY - EUR, gnucash says it's done but the price editor shows none
of them.  The proposed exchange rates when entering transactions are
consistent with what the price editor thinks it knows.

Is there a limit on FX rates?  (This is about 4000, which doesn't strike
me as terribly large.)


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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Re: [GNC] Importing FX rates into gnucash

2019-08-11 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Aha, thanks!

Jeff Abrahamson

On 11/08/2019 19:55, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Aug 11, 2019, at 10:37 AM, Jeff Abrahamson  wrote:
>> I have a table of historic FX rates I'd like to import into gnucash.  I
>> don't see how to do this inside gnucash, and googling about and reading
>> the docs I don't see mention of it.  Is this possible?  Or is there a
>> work-around?  (I'm using the sqlite backend, if that matters, which I
>> hope it doesn't. ;-)
> Format your table into a CSV and use File>Import>Import prices from a CSV 
> File
> Regards,
> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] FX fetching strangeness

2019-08-11 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Ah, that works, thanks.  Although within gnucash I'm now able to update
USD, CHF, and GBP against EUR but JPY gives an error (Get Quote ->
"Unable to retrieve quotes for these items: ... Continue using only the
good quotes?").

I read that I am limited to 5 quote per minute, this would be three plus
an error.  So I presume it's not that.  Except that if I first do a
single quote from the commandline, gnucash then fails on two of the four
instead of three of the four.  So it's looking like rate limit.

Jeff Abrahamson

On 11/08/2019 19:53, John Ralls wrote:
> The "alphavantage" source is for stock quotes. To retrieve currency exchange 
> rates use "currency":
> gnc-fq-dump currency EUR JPY
> 1 EUR = 118.31 JPY
> That's hard-coded inside of Finance::Quote to use alphavantage and so 
> requires an API key.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Aug 11, 2019, at 10:35 AM, Jeff Abrahamson  wrote:
>> Somewhat related, the Alphavantage docs as well as gnucash itself suggest 
>> that Yen is JPY.  And yet
>> jeff@birdsong:~ $ gnc-fq-dump alphavantage EUR JPY
>> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>> symbol: EUR (deduced)<=== required
>>   date: ** missing **<=== recommended
>>   currency: ** missing **<=== required
>>   last:  <=\   
>>nav:  <=== one of these
>>  price:  <=/
>>   timezone:  <=== optional
>> ** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!
>> =
>> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>> symbol: JPY (deduced)<=== required
>>   date: ** missing **<=== recommended
>>   currency: ** missing **<=== required
>>   last:  <=\   
>>nav:  <=== one of these
>>  price:  <=/    
>>   timezone:  <=== optional
>> ** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!
>> jeff@birdsong:~ $ 
>> I'm I confused or is there a different way of fetching JPY FX?
>> Thanks.
>> Jeff
>> On 11/08/2019 19:20, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
>>> That was it.  Thanks.
>>> I've also filed this:
>>> Jeff Abrahamson
>>> On 04/08/2019 21:39, John Ralls wrote:
>>>> Do you have an Alphavantage key set in $ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY (for command 
>>>> line tools like gnc-fq-dump) and in Preferences>Online Quotes (for 
>>>> GnuCash's internal use)?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> John Ralls
>>>>> On Aug 4, 2019, at 11:45 AM, Jeff Abrahamson 
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> I'm using gnucash 3.4 and Finance::Quote 1.47 on linux (ubuntu 19.04). 
>>>>> I'm trying to get FQ to work for me.
>>>>> When I enter a dual-currency transaction, the quote editor pops up.  If
>>>>> I touch the "fetch rate" button, I see a dialog that says "unable to
>>>>> retrieve quotes for these items: CURRENCY:CHF" and three other currencies.
>>>>> I have precisely those four currencies in use, though I'm a bit confused
>>>>> why FQ would have tried to fetch all four at once when I only needed
>>>>> one.  I'm also confused why it found none.
>>>>> Based on a conversation on this list in 2018, I tried this:
>>>>>jeff@birdsong:~ $ gnc-fq-dump currency USD EUR
>>>>>1 USD =  EUR
>>>>>jeff@birdsong:~ $ gnc-fq-dump alphavantage USD EUR
>>>>>Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>>>>>symbol: USD (deduced)<=== required
>>>>>  date: ** missing **<=== recommended
>>>>>  currency: ** missing **    <=== required
>>>>>  last:  <=\  
>>>>>   nav:  <=== one of these
>>>>> price:  <=/   
>>>>>  timezone:  &

[GNC] Importing FX rates into gnucash

2019-08-11 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I have a table of historic FX rates I'd like to import into gnucash.  I
don't see how to do this inside gnucash, and googling about and reading
the docs I don't see mention of it.  Is this possible?  Or is there a
work-around?  (I'm using the sqlite backend, if that matters, which I
hope it doesn't. ;-)



Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

gnucash-user mailing list
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Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

Re: [GNC] FX fetching strangeness

2019-08-11 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Somewhat related, the Alphavantage docs as well as gnucash itself
suggest that Yen is JPY.  And yet

jeff@birdsong:~ $ gnc-fq-dump alphavantage EUR JPY
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
    symbol: EUR (deduced)    <=== required
  date: ** missing **    <=== recommended
  currency: ** missing **    <=== required
  last:  <=\  
   nav:  <=== one of these
 price:  <=/   
  timezone:  <=== optional

** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!


Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
    symbol: JPY (deduced)    <=== required
  date: ** missing **    <=== recommended
  currency: ** missing **    <=== required
  last:  <=\  
   nav:  <=== one of these
 price:  <=/   
  timezone:  <=== optional

** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!

jeff@birdsong:~ $

I'm I confused or is there a different way of fetching JPY FX?



On 11/08/2019 19:20, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> That was it.  Thanks.
> I've also filed this:
> Jeff Abrahamson
> On 04/08/2019 21:39, John Ralls wrote:
>> Do you have an Alphavantage key set in $ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY (for command 
>> line tools like gnc-fq-dump) and in Preferences>Online Quotes (for GnuCash's 
>> internal use)?
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>>> On Aug 4, 2019, at 11:45 AM, Jeff Abrahamson  wrote:
>>> I'm using gnucash 3.4 and Finance::Quote 1.47 on linux (ubuntu 19.04). 
>>> I'm trying to get FQ to work for me.
>>> When I enter a dual-currency transaction, the quote editor pops up.  If
>>> I touch the "fetch rate" button, I see a dialog that says "unable to
>>> retrieve quotes for these items: CURRENCY:CHF" and three other currencies.
>>> I have precisely those four currencies in use, though I'm a bit confused
>>> why FQ would have tried to fetch all four at once when I only needed
>>> one.  I'm also confused why it found none.
>>> Based on a conversation on this list in 2018, I tried this:
>>>jeff@birdsong:~ $ gnc-fq-dump currency USD EUR
>>>1 USD =  EUR
>>>jeff@birdsong:~ $ gnc-fq-dump alphavantage USD EUR
>>>Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>>>symbol: USD (deduced)<=== required
>>>  date: ** missing **<=== recommended
>>>  currency: ** missing **<=== required
>>>  last:  <=\  
>>>   nav:  <=== one of these
>>> price:  <=/   
>>>  timezone:  <=== optional
>>>** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!
>>>Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>>>symbol: EUR (deduced)<=== required
>>>  date: ** missing **<=== recommended
>>>  currency: ** missing **<=== required
>>>  last:  <=\  
>>>   nav:  <=== one of these
>>> price:  <=/   
>>>  timezone:  <=== optional
>>>** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!
>>>jeff@birdsong:~ $
>>> Any suggestions on what to do or what to test?
>>> -- 
>>> Jeff Abrahamson
>>> +33 6 24 40 01 57
>>> +44 7920 594 255
>>> ___
>>> gnucash-user mailing list
>>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
>>> for more information.
>>> -
>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -- 
> Jeff Abrahamson
> +33 6 24 40 01 57
> +44 7920 594 255


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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Re: [GNC] FX fetching strangeness

2019-08-11 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
That was it.  Thanks.

I've also filed this:

Jeff Abrahamson

On 04/08/2019 21:39, John Ralls wrote:
> Do you have an Alphavantage key set in $ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY (for command 
> line tools like gnc-fq-dump) and in Preferences>Online Quotes (for GnuCash's 
> internal use)?
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Aug 4, 2019, at 11:45 AM, Jeff Abrahamson  wrote:
>> I'm using gnucash 3.4 and Finance::Quote 1.47 on linux (ubuntu 19.04). 
>> I'm trying to get FQ to work for me.
>> When I enter a dual-currency transaction, the quote editor pops up.  If
>> I touch the "fetch rate" button, I see a dialog that says "unable to
>> retrieve quotes for these items: CURRENCY:CHF" and three other currencies.
>> I have precisely those four currencies in use, though I'm a bit confused
>> why FQ would have tried to fetch all four at once when I only needed
>> one.  I'm also confused why it found none.
>> Based on a conversation on this list in 2018, I tried this:
>>jeff@birdsong:~ $ gnc-fq-dump currency USD EUR
>>1 USD =  EUR
>>jeff@birdsong:~ $ gnc-fq-dump alphavantage USD EUR
>>Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>>symbol: USD (deduced)<=== required
>>  date: ** missing **<=== recommended
>>  currency: ** missing **<=== required
>>  last:  <=\  
>>   nav:  <=== one of these
>> price:  <=/   
>>  timezone:  <=== optional
>>** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!
>>Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>>symbol: EUR (deduced)<=== required
>>  date: ** missing **<=== recommended
>>  currency: ** missing **<=== required
>>  last:  <=\  
>>   nav:  <=== one of these
>> price:  <=/   
>>  timezone:  <=== optional
>>** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!
>>jeff@birdsong:~ $
>> Any suggestions on what to do or what to test?
>> -- 
>> Jeff Abrahamson
>> +33 6 24 40 01 57
>> +44 7920 594 255
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
>> for more information.
>> -
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>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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[GNC] FX fetching strangeness

2019-08-04 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I'm using gnucash 3.4 and Finance::Quote 1.47 on linux (ubuntu 19.04). 
I'm trying to get FQ to work for me.

When I enter a dual-currency transaction, the quote editor pops up.  If
I touch the "fetch rate" button, I see a dialog that says "unable to
retrieve quotes for these items: CURRENCY:CHF" and three other currencies.

I have precisely those four currencies in use, though I'm a bit confused
why FQ would have tried to fetch all four at once when I only needed
one.  I'm also confused why it found none.

Based on a conversation on this list in 2018, I tried this:

jeff@birdsong:~ $ gnc-fq-dump currency USD EUR
1 USD =  EUR
jeff@birdsong:~ $ gnc-fq-dump alphavantage USD EUR
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
    symbol: USD (deduced)    <=== required
  date: ** missing **    <=== recommended
  currency: ** missing **    <=== required
  last:  <=\  
   nav:  <=== one of these
 price:  <=/   
  timezone:  <=== optional

** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!


Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
    symbol: EUR (deduced)    <=== required
  date: ** missing **    <=== recommended
  currency: ** missing **    <=== required
  last:  <=\  
   nav:  <=== one of these
 price:  <=/   
  timezone:  <=== optional

** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!

jeff@birdsong:~ $

Any suggestions on what to do or what to test?


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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[GNC] representing shared accounts (personal)

2019-04-30 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I have a bank account that I share 50/50 with my spouse.  We each pay in
a certain amount each month, we use the money to pay utilities and
things like that, occasionally to reimburse individual expenses.

When I calculate my net worth, I include half of the value of that account.

When I compute expenses, a payment into that account isn't an expense,
but half of every payment outbound is.

So for payments from me to the account, it's just a transfer.
For payments from the account to me, it's a transfer, but it probably
ought to someone cancel some expense entry.
For payments from the account to (say) the electric provider, I just
make everything a split: half to the expense, half to something else.
For in/out to/from spouse, it's something, maybe a transfer to the above
something else.

I'm not really sure what that something else should be, though, because
it's not income, and it shouldn't be sticking around in my net worth
(equity) when my spouse reimburses himself.

Any suggestions?  This is personal accounting, but I still like to try
to do things in a way that respects the half millennium of experience
that accountants have in modeling these things.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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Re: [GNC] Dimensions in Accounts

2019-04-29 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
If I understand the original question, this is requesting analytical
accounting features.  This has been mentioned before on this list.  I
don't believe gnucash currently provides this, thought I'd be very happy
to be proven wrong, as it's  a feature I also would like.


On 29/04/2019 09:36, Colin Law wrote:
> Is it a big complication to have top level asset accounts Me and Wife
> (or whatever) with the relevant bank accounts under them?
> Colin
> On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 at 05:03, Sachin Danave  wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> This may sound like a feature request, but just wanted to know if anything
>> like this already exists.
>> I am preparing accounts for 2 persons (me and my wife) in the same set up.
>> That gives me an advantage of seeing the whole financial status at one go.
>> However, for Taxation purposes, I would like to have a dimension that
>> specifies the owner of an account. E.g. A Bank account that is owned by me
>> and a bank account owned by my wife. I could do this using Subaccounts,
>> however, that complicates the Chart of Accounts substantially. Traditional
>> accounting packages deal with this by allowing to define a dimension to
>> different accounts, whereby you can classify the accounts. This
>> classification field then can be used in reporting.
>> My basic question is, can we add such "custom" fields in Accounts ? If so,
>> any guidance is welcome !!!
>> Thanks in advance
>> Best Regards
>> Sachin
>> ___
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Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: [GNC] sqlite error from gnucash 2.6.19

2019-04-28 Thread Jeff Abrahamson via gnucash-user
On 27/04/2019 23:44, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Apr 27, 2019, at 10:00 AM, Jeff Abrahamson  wrote:
>> I opened a gnucash file (sqlite, gnucash v2.6.19, built from version
>> c1b5e6c8d+) and saw a stream of errors in /tmp/gnucash.trace
>>* 18:36:09  CRIT  xaccAccountGetName: assertion
>>'GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc)' failed
>> I presume this means some bit of corruption in the sqlite file, but
>> googling isn't helping me know what to do about it.  Something gnucash
>> specific?  Use sqlite tools directly?  Other?
> Don't leap to conclusions. First run GnuCash with the --debug option. That 
> will provide a great deal more information that should help resolve where the 
> error is coming from.
> If it does prove to be a database problem next run gnucash with --log 
> gnc.backend.dbi=debug which will print out all of the SQL queries. If it's 
> really corrupt data then the errors will be interleaved with the queries. 
> That should provide you enough information to query the database with the 
> sqlite3 command-line tool and figure out exactly what's wrong.

Thanks, and fair enough.  I was overly distracted by the CRIT.

Anyway, even with backend logging, I'm not seeing anything clear in the
stream of messages that suggests a pattern, certainly not against
specific SQL statements.  I'll watch it more closely and on a couple
different gnucash files and report back.  Perhaps this always happens
and I've just never noticed.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
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[GNC] sqlite error from gnucash 2.6.19

2019-04-27 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I opened a gnucash file (sqlite, gnucash v2.6.19, built from version
c1b5e6c8d+) and saw a stream of errors in /tmp/gnucash.trace

* 18:36:09  CRIT  xaccAccountGetName: assertion
'GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(acc)' failed

I presume this means some bit of corruption in the sqlite file, but
googling isn't helping me know what to do about it.  Something gnucash
specific?  Use sqlite tools directly?  Other?


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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Re: [GNC] Column Width

2019-04-17 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Double-click the centre of the column header.

This may very well be a function of your OS, however, since gnucash is
written on toolboxes that behave slightly differently depending on
context.  In my context, ubuntu linus (and 2.6, in case that matters),
this works.

Jeff Abrahamson

On 17/04/2019 12:29, Justin Mathew via gnucash-user wrote:
> I am wondering about this same thing as well.
> If you expand the width by double clicking on the edge of the column, it 
> adjusts to it's width but at the expense of the spreadsheet shifting right of 
> the fold.
> -
> Regards,
> Justin Mathew
> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Wednesday, April 17, 2019 3:55 PM, Gareth Davies via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
>> Hi
>> Is there an easy way of resizing the width of the columns, especially the 
>> transaction one. When I try to drag the column width across it just springs 
>> back.
>> Gareth
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> gnucash-user mailing list
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Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: [GNC] Suggesting simple interface changes

2019-04-11 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Thanks for the very good suggestions, Chris.  I wholeheartedly agree
with you on all points.

The best way to get the developers not to lose sight of these
suggestions is to file bugs (tagged as enhancements) here:

Suggestion: file three bugs, one per suggestion below.  You can mostly
copy/paste, you've described them pretty well.

Of course, as a mostly volunteer project, one's influence over other
volunteers is minimal.  But having the bug / feature enhancement to
point to improves chances.

Jeff Abrahamson

On 11/04/2019 05:57, ChrisInAccounting wrote:
> I work in accounting and think it may help newbies if a few changes were
> made.
> 1.  In the chart of accounts, call the page "chart of accounts" rather than
> accounts (as default).  This will help them communicate with other business
> owner's who use other accounting platforms.  "Chart of Accounts" is
> universal in accounting and will only hinder the GnuCash user if they are
> learning different uncommon lingo.
> 2.  The page displaying Chart of Accounts has three columns that I would
> suggest be modified.  As it stands in version 3.5, the columns are "Account
> Name", "Description", and "Total".  This default setup is redundant, as the
> description is the same as the account name.  Again, for the benefit of new
> users, I highly suggest replacing the 'Description' column with "account
> type".  This way the user's eye can scan left to right to see the account
> name along with the type of account it is.  
>  I can see that the chart of accounts are listed as a hierarchy by
> account type, which is helpful, but the redundancy of having 'description'
> next to is, to me, is wasteful. Also consider that once the account list
> gets so long (under the parent of 'expenses', per se), the new user will
> have to scroll up to verify which account type they are working under rather
> than being able to quickly just eyeball to the right.  So please consider
> this modification.
> 3.  Last, it would be helpful if the user could right click any account name
> and be able to run a report on it.  The "reports' tool as I currently see it
> is clunkly.  Being in the chart of accounts allows the user to go straight
> to the source to run a report on it.  Having to go to reports and scan
> through all the report options seems a little bit too long of a route, and
> less intuitive.  If this can be added, awesome.
> Thank you to the developers and contributors for bringing an opensource
> accounting platform this far.  Greatly greatly appreciated.  
> Any questions on the accounting side of things just drop me a line. 
> Cheers,
> Chris
> --
> Sent from:
> ___
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Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
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Re: [GNC] US Bans Free tax Software

2019-04-11 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
For those who use gnucash for personal finances, I don't see this being
important (to that goal).  As Stuart notes, gnucash provides a way to
understand your finances and prepare to file your taxes, but it doesn't
purport to know anything about tax law.

Probably the bigger issue in the U.S. is the complexity of the tax
system and the creation of an expectation that tax filing is and should
be hard, should require assistance.  (A huge fraction of U.S. tax payers
pay for tax preparation assitance.  In many countries, it is a rare
exception.)  In many European countries, for example, it's a non-event
for most people: either you don't have to file anything at all (assuming
an "uninteresting" financial life) or you just have to rubber stampe
what the tax authorities compute for you (e.g., click a button that says
"ok").  A very small fraction of people have "interesting" tax lives and
so have to do something.

The UK and France, probably among others, have rules that make the use
of FOSS accounting software difficult or illegal.  In France it's under
the guise of preventing people from cheating on VAT.  It's
anti-competitive, of course, but if we were going to start talking about
anti-competitive laws, this might not be the most influential place to

Jeff Abrahamson

On 11/04/2019 07:28, Stuart McGraw wrote:
> On 4/10/19 10:33 PM, David Cousens wrote:
>> Just noticed this post.
>> Impact on the use of GnuCash for Tax preparation in the US could be
>> profound. Looks like the US government is trying to head the same way
>> as the
>> Brits.  Australia has done something similar recently in that one has to
>> join a consortium of software developers (at a significant fee) to
>> get full
>> access to the information needed to build in software communication
>> to the
>> ATO. The ATO no longer publishes the protocols in use and has outsourced
>> developmemnt of the protocols to a non-government consortium
> I'm don't think will have any effect on Gnucash today because Gnucash
> does not do tax preparation: filling out IRS forms and submitting them
> electronically to the IRS.  I doubt it would, given the yearly changes
> in the forms and regulations.
> Never the less it is discouraging news.  The IRS could, and should
> provide active forms, with the info they have on taxpayers pre-entered
> and with interactive help for entering the rest of it.  The U.S.
> Democrats
> and Republicans seem to have no problems coming together when the target
> in screwing American tax payers to the benefit of large corporations.
> Business as usual.
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
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Re: [GNC] search

2019-04-07 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Ah, yes, it didn't occur to me that it wouldn't search through the split

Jeff Abrahamson

On 07/04/2019 18:48, John Ralls wrote:
> Since it works when you search the whole book and fails when you search only 
> one account, I must ask if you put the note in the memo field of the split 
> for the account you're searching?
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Apr 7, 2019, at 9:21 AM, Jeff Abrahamson  wrote:
>> The list strips images, so information was lost.
>> I have an entry with a memo field containing the word (text string)
>> J
>> On 07/04/2019 18:05, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
>>> [This is gnucash 2.6.19 on linux.  Some day I'll upgrade to 3.x.]
>>> I have some transactions in which I've put a reminder that I am missing
>>> the bill or receipt so that (ideally) we will chase the person who owes it.
>>> But when I do a search for "description, note, or memo contains JUST" or
>>> even the full =JUSTIFICATIF, I get an empty result set (despite having
>>> checked "new search").  I'm only searching in the account where this
>>> happens.
>>> I can search for other words in the memo field.  Is there something
>>> special about the equal sign?  Or some other reason this might not be
>>> working?  (I used the equal sign to make it easy to search for such
>>> tags, but that seems not to be working.  This is my private hack for not
>>> having analytical accounting features.)
>>> If I search the entire book (search initiated from the accounts window),
>>> I do see results.  It's doubly strange that the search is different
>>> depending on where I initiated it, given that all the results are in the
>>> one bank account.
>> -- 
>> Jeff Abrahamson
>> +33 6 24 40 01 57
>> +44 7920 594 255
>> ___
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Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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Re: [GNC] search

2019-04-07 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
The list strips images, so information was lost.

I have an entry with a memo field containing the word (text string)


On 07/04/2019 18:05, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> [This is gnucash 2.6.19 on linux.  Some day I'll upgrade to 3.x.]
> I have some transactions in which I've put a reminder that I am missing
> the bill or receipt so that (ideally) we will chase the person who owes it.
> But when I do a search for "description, note, or memo contains JUST" or
> even the full =JUSTIFICATIF, I get an empty result set (despite having
> checked "new search").  I'm only searching in the account where this
> happens.
> I can search for other words in the memo field.  Is there something
> special about the equal sign?  Or some other reason this might not be
> working?  (I used the equal sign to make it easy to search for such
> tags, but that seems not to be working.  This is my private hack for not
> having analytical accounting features.)
> If I search the entire book (search initiated from the accounts window),
> I do see results.  It's doubly strange that the search is different
> depending on where I initiated it, given that all the results are in the
> one bank account.

Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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[GNC] search

2019-04-07 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
[This is gnucash 2.6.19 on linux.  Some day I'll upgrade to 3.x.]

I have some transactions in which I've put a reminder that I am missing
the bill or receipt so that (ideally) we will chase the person who owes it.

But when I do a search for "description, note, or memo contains JUST" or
even the full =JUSTIFICATIF, I get an empty result set (despite having
checked "new search").  I'm only searching in the account where this

I can search for other words in the memo field.  Is there something
special about the equal sign?  Or some other reason this might not be
working?  (I used the equal sign to make it easy to search for such
tags, but that seems not to be working.  This is my private hack for not
having analytical accounting features.)

If I search the entire book (search initiated from the accounts window),
I do see results.  It's doubly strange that the search is different
depending on where I initiated it, given that all the results are in the
one bank account.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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[GNC] shared accounts

2019-03-05 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I have some assets that I share with my spouse.  Two examples are our
home and a shared bank account.  In each case, when I compute my own net
worth, I want to consider these joint assets with a pre-determined fraction.

I can certainly create liabilities to offset those assets and then enter
transactions to keep them at the preset fraction.  And expenses paid
from a joint bank account I might record as splits, with half going
against equity (?), the other half to expense.  But I'd rather something
more automatic.  I've not found it, aside from my old standby of python
scripts to do checks and spot errors.  Does such a thing exist in gnucash?

Joint ownership is common in the business world, can anyone point me to
what it's called or how it's handled among accountants?  The closest
I've found is the equity method
for accounting for joint ventures.  This might just be overkill for my
house and a shared bank account.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
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Re: [GNC] I would like different Preference settings for different files, same user

2019-03-03 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
A bug was filed on this issue in November of 2007 (!).

I've updated it to to point to this thread.  I strongly encourage those
of you who who feel that this is important to add yourselves to that bug.

I've not found documentation on how the gnucash developers prefer one
express interest.  A common technique in many communities is simply to
(create a bugzilla account on, then) login and add a
single comment with the text "+1".  This will express your interest to
the developers, add you to receive emails about the evolution of the
bug, and make it easy to find again (in principle, anyway).


On 03/03/2019 15:35, John Dablin via gnucash-user wrote:
> On 03/03/2019 11:58, Michael Hendry wrote:
>> My personal accounts run according to the UK tax year - 6th Apr one
>> year to 5th Apr the next - but I also keep the books for East of
>> Scotland Jazz Education (ESJE), a charity  whose reporting year runs
>> from 1st Nov one year to 31st Oct the next because its peak activity
>> in bookkeeping terms is a Summer Jazz School.
>> The manual tells me quite clearly that Preferences are per-user, not
>> per-file, so I can’t complain that Gnucash isn’t doing what’s
>> intended! BUT it isn’t convenient to have to switch to another user
>> to edit the ESJE books.
>> Has anyone similarly afflicted invented a work-around?
>> Regards,
>> Michael
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> I agree wholeheartedly, it's illogical not to be able to set different
> financial years for different sets of accounts. I have exactly the
> same problem. I keep the accounts for two organisations, one has a
> financial year ending 31st December, the other ending 31st March, so
> when I get reports for one of them I have to set the start and end
> dates manually.
> John Dablin
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Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: [GNC] I would like different Preference settings for different files, same user

2019-03-03 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I'd happily +1 a bug report that it should be a book preference rather
than a user preference.  It makes no sense to me to force a user to see
the same fiscal year everywhere s/he looks but then to let multiple
users see the same book with different fiscal years.

Jeff Abrahamson

On 03/03/2019 12:58, Michael Hendry wrote:
> My personal accounts run according to the UK tax year - 6th Apr one year to 
> 5th Apr the next - but I also keep the books for East of Scotland Jazz 
> Education (ESJE), a charity  whose reporting year runs from 1st Nov one year 
> to 31st Oct the next because its peak activity in bookkeeping terms is a 
> Summer Jazz School.
> The manual tells me quite clearly that Preferences are per-user, not 
> per-file, so I can’t complain that Gnucash isn’t doing what’s intended! BUT 
> it isn’t convenient to have to switch to another user to edit the ESJE books.
> Has anyone similarly afflicted invented a work-around?
> Regards,
> Michael
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Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: [GNC] How to handle bounced check

2019-02-02 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Please don't delete the transaction unless you really don't like good
accounting practices.  Always leave a trace of what you do and why.

Just select the original cheque payment, choose "Add reversing
modify the date and give it a slightly different number (I prepend "X"
to transaction numbers that are cancellations, any convention will do),
and add a description like "cheque returned for insufficient funds".

Separately, add an entry for the bank fee.  Refer to the transaction
number of the returned cheque (the X... in my world).

Jeff Abrahamson

On 02/02/2019 06:06, David Cousens wrote:
> Mike
> Simnply delete the payment transaction. This will leave the invoice open and
> still awaiting payment.
> The other approach you could take if you want to maintain a full accounting
> trail would to be to create a reversing transaction for the payment, duly
> annotated. This will leave the original invoice in place but the reversing
> trannsaction won't be tied specifically to the invoice in the way the
> original payment was. You could then reissue a new invoice, adding the
> dishonour fee and any interest charges you specified in your original
> invoice terms and conditions.
> David Cousens
> -
> David Cousens
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Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: [GNC] GNUCash becoming unusable ..v3.4

2019-02-01 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
You might try the sqlite backend, that at least avoids the heavier XML
autosaves.  After making sure the needed sqlite3 libraries are
installed, it's a simple save-as (and don't forget to specify in the now
present dropdown menu what format you want).

If you're willing to tinker in python some day, it also gives you access
to that.


On 01/02/2019 09:34, Jamestk wrote:
> Thanks, there are other small issues creeping in which makes me think the
> program is becoming unstable.
> Example, when browsing the account tree menu the cursor hangs then jumps
> after a delay to where you are pointing, this only happens when there is a
> data file loaded.
> When reconciling an account if auto save starts then it can really take an
> age, i don't tend to time this as go and do something else in between. 
> I generally don't run full ledgers either but selected 'all accounts'' by
> mistake while editing options.
> My guess is the core code is designed for Linux, porting across to Windows
> may not be ideal?
> Jeff Abrahamson wrote
>> I've been doing reports with python scripts (not an officially supported
>> technique, also requires the backend be sqlite, which is easy).  My
>> reports run in a snap.  That said, maybe I have less data than you.
>> Jeff Abrahamson
>> On 01/02/2019 09:07, Jamestk wrote:
>>> *First of all thank you to all of the contributors, devs who have
>>> volunteered
>>> to make GNUCash freely available.  *  
>>> That said, I do need to ask if any improvements are likely on the speed
>>> front. Basic reports take 1 - 2 minutes to run, larger ledger reports up
>>> to
>>> 15 minutes. I have tried all of the tweaks mentioned on here but with
>>> little
>>> difference, if any.
>>> Its always puzzled me how crunching numbers requires so much time and
>>> resources, its more intensive than rendering images. Changing even the
>>> report title takes the same amount of time, i.e no number crunching? 
>>> My set-up isn't complicated, yes accounts go back 10 years but that in
>>> itself is not a large number of transactions overall.
>>> Sorry to moan but I need to make a decision about what to do.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> Sent from:
>>> ___
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>> -- 
>> Jeff Abrahamson
>> +33 6 24 40 01 57
>> +44 7920 594 255
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Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: [GNC] GNUCash becoming unusable ..v3.4

2019-02-01 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I've been doing reports with python scripts (not an officially supported
technique, also requires the backend be sqlite, which is easy).  My
reports run in a snap.  That said, maybe I have less data than you.

Jeff Abrahamson

On 01/02/2019 09:07, Jamestk wrote:
> *First of all thank you to all of the contributors, devs who have volunteered
> to make GNUCash freely available.  *  
> That said, I do need to ask if any improvements are likely on the speed
> front. Basic reports take 1 - 2 minutes to run, larger ledger reports up to
> 15 minutes. I have tried all of the tweaks mentioned on here but with little
> difference, if any.
> Its always puzzled me how crunching numbers requires so much time and
> resources, its more intensive than rendering images. Changing even the
> report title takes the same amount of time, i.e no number crunching? 
> My set-up isn't complicated, yes accounts go back 10 years but that in
> itself is not a large number of transactions overall.
> Sorry to moan but I need to make a decision about what to do.
> Thanks,
> --
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> ___
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Jeff Abrahamson
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[GNC] reconcile history

2019-01-29 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Although I have been reconciling my bank statement regularly, I discover
today that gnucash's (v 2.6.19) idea of previous balance does not
correspond to my bank's.  I don't remember deleting or changing a
reconciled transaction, and I should think I would have said no to the
warning that I was about to, but I suspect nonetheless that that's what

I've found a couple candidate transactions in the logs.  What I'm
unclear on is how to determine if those lines represent deletions or
not.  I suspect naively that it is field 0 (mod), which takes on values
B, C, and D.

Alternatively, is there any log kept of when I reconcile?  I know the
last reconciled balance is available, but a log of "reconciled to this
date and this amount at this time" would also be of use.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
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Re: [GNC] new to gnucash

2019-01-05 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
In accounting, a debit is a movement of funds towards something, a
credit away from.  So you debit a bank account when you move money into
it, credit it when you move money out.

The confusion arises from popular usage: for example, when your bank
sends you a statement, they are showing the credit and debit columns
from /their/ perspective.  To the bank, your account is a liability
(payable to you).  The debits are movements of funds that reduce that
liability, the credits are movements of funds that increase the liability.

It eventually feels natural, but it's also natural to find this quite
weird when you first start using proper accounting language.

Jeff Abrahamson

On 05/01/19 17:41, Mike Kerstetter wrote:
> Hello all. I'm brand new to gnucash. I want it to do just the basics
> of keeping a register and reconciliation of a couple bank and credit
> card accounts. I had Money Sunset Deluxe and currently have Quicken
> (which is now charging a yearly subscription). I'm muddling through
> setting up my accounts and I am baffled at the seemingly backward
> credit and debit columns in the register. A deposit to my Checking (or
> payment to my credit card account) shows up under "DEBIT" and a charge
> to my accounts shows up under "CREDIT".  The balance is correct. Am I
> doing something wrong in my set-up?
> Thanks,
> Mike Kerstetter
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Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: [GNC] How to automate $ value on the contra account when editing a transaction

2018-12-03 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Beyond inconvenience questions, I think error questions are more
weighty.  If the engine creates a balancing split, you see it and
react.  And if, for some reason, you don't see it, you'll catch it later
by noticing that the imbalance account has non-zero balance.

On the other hand, if gnucash changes the other split and that's not
what you meant, but for some reason you accept the transaction anyway
(say because hitting return is a highly ingrained behaviour), it would
be very difficult to catch later.  (It also introduces weird behaviours
where the engine has to keep track of how many times you've edited
splits and in what order in order to know when to create an error split
or adjust some other split.  That quickly becomes non-intuitive for users.)


On 03/12/18 23:11, David Cousens wrote:
> Dave,
> The problem for GnuCash is that when you have duplicated a previous
> transaction and then edit it, GnuCash has no way of knowing what your
> intentions are. The engine is currently setup to maintain a transaction in
> balance as it is edited. When you change the value of one split of the
> transaction, the engine is designed to calculate the difference between the
> new sum of the splits and zero and allocate that to the Imbalance account
> which simplifies creating transactions with 2 or more splits.
> It would be feasible in principle to detect whether the editeded transaction
> only has two splits and to adjust the value of the second split rather than
> the imbalance account in that case. How easy that is to do will require a
> close look at how the engine manages the balancing.
> This introduces a further complication however. If your intention was to
> change this to a transaction with 3 or more splits. You could not do what
> you would do at present which is edit the existing two splits into an
> imbalanced state and have GnuCash create the 3rd split automatically and
> allocate it to the Imbalance account which you then reassign to the account
> you desire that split to go to. 
> You would have to create the split to the third account and assign it a
> value first to break the two split calculation as above out of the two split
> mode rather than just edit the existing splits. 
> It will be a judgement call as to how many users would be inconvenienced by
> the current approach relative to those who would then be inconvenienced if
> it was changed as described  above.
> Perhaps raise a feature enhancement request at
> David Cousens
> -
> David Cousens
> --
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Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: [GNC] Accounting Modules

2018-11-26 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I second that you can just start with C++.  C++11 and beyond permits and
encourages programming styles that are very different from C's.

A while back (having already worked with C and C++ for many years) I
read Koenig & Moo's Accelerated C++.  For specificity, here's a link at
one online vendor:

One of its strong points is that it doesn't talk about memory allocation
until near the end and encourages a nearly python-with-types style of
programming.  That produces much more readable and maintainable code.

Jeff Abrahamson

On 27/11/18 04:00, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Stephen,
> You can learn it directly. My university didn’t even offer C except as part 
> of their Operating Systems Design course. They start everyone off with C++.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Nov 26, 2018, at 8:18 PM, Stephen M. Butler  wrote:
>> And I think the route to C++ is learning C -- or can one skip directly.  
>> Although that might not be helpful during the migration.
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Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: [GNC] Is GnuCash the right application for me?

2018-10-12 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Ditto here, I run a sports club and two other clubs with gnucash.  It's
perfect for our needs.

I also don't bother with the business features, just a/r accounts and
manually issue bills and such.  That may or may not be the right choice,
someday I should look at those functions further.

Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

On 12/10/18 12:56, Colin Law wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 at 11:44, Leslie Jensen  wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm the treasurer of three sports clubs. They all have the same setup.
>> Most of the income is membership fees and we pay Invoices for
>> equipment and other costs. We have no tax or billing needs. The
>> account plan for each club is almost the same. So a very simple setup.
>> Can I run all three clubs as individual "companies" in GnuCash? And is
>> GnuCash the right application to do this?
> I run the accounts for a couple of clubs with similar needs.  Setup
> one accounts file for each club so they are kept separate.  I have not
> bothered with the complexities of the business features (invoices etc)
> as I have not found them necessary.
> As to whether it is the right application for you I can only say that
> it meets all my needs (and handles my personal accounts too, in anther
> accounts file of course) and is very good value for money.
> Colin
>> I'm aware of the tutorial page and I see a lot of stock oriented
>> subjects so I thought that maybe I'm in over my head?
>> Thanks
>> Les
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Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: [GNC] moving multiple transactions

2018-10-01 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
On 01/10/18 09:15, David Cousens wrote:
> Jeff,
>> Point well taken.  I'll have a think and file a bug.
> I was on this afternoon fixing another problem and created a 
> bug report for
> the feature enhancement  -No 796874.



Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
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Re: [GNC] moving multiple transactions

2018-09-30 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
On 01/10/18 02:22, David Cousens wrote:
> Jeff,
> That is not currently available but I recently made changes in the importer
> matching which allowed multiple selection of transactions and assignment in
> that case of a destination account. That is not in the current and the newly
> released version 
>  as yet. It may be possible to  similarly process multiple transactions  to
> the account registers as well. The use case that I think can be addressed is
> where in an account register there are a number of transactions where the
> split of the transaction to that register needs to be changed to another
> account. It could work with a CTRL-click to select multiple transactions,
> followed by a right click to bring up the popup menu and adding an option to
> move the selected transactions to another account and a select account
> dialog followed to select an accont to transfer the splits to. 

Cool about the importer changes, I look forward to seeing them when the
code makes its way to my gnucash stability zone.

And good suggestions, thanks.

In the end, the suggestion to search in order to get a register window
with just those transactions, then to refine the search to the
(initially) same set by specifying the incorrect account allowed very
efficient copying and pasting.  So the initial need is past.

> The question has been asked before but that does not necessarily initiate
> any changes in the program. What is needed is a feature request Bug report
> at If you raise a Bug request and describe how you would
> like it to work it will  then at least be assigned a priority in the list of
> fixes.

Point well taken.  I'll have a think and file a bug.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
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[GNC] moving multiple transactions

2018-09-30 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
While doing end of year validation, I've found a hundred or so
transactions that were inadvertently entered against the wrong account.

I see from googling that this is asked frequently and, in the past,
hasn't been possible.

In 2012

In 2014

In 2017

It seemed worth checking if any newer solutions have arisen.  But maybe
I'll go brew a cup of tea and get on with it. ;-)


Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: [GNC] QIF import is empty

2018-09-30 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
It looks like my QIF was slightly invalid.  Playing about with the
gnucash android app and asking it to send me a qif transaction, I came
up with this, which works:

ASSIMILES:512_Banques:5121_Comptes en monnaie
nationale:51215_Comptes online:512151_Helloasso
PSomething yummy
MThis is a note
S6_CHARGES:62_AUTRES SERVICES EXTERIEURS:625_Déplacements, missions
et réceptions:6251_Voyages et déplacements:62511_Voyages,
Déplacements sportifs, Stages du club)

Notably, I needed to use full hierarchical names and add an N field to
the !account section (rather than !Account:).  Or at
least, this worked, I'm not fully certain my explanation is correct.

Jeff Abrahamson

On 29/09/18 16:03, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> I've written a short python script that writes a qif file.  I'm using
> gnucash 2.6.19 from ubuntu 18.04.1.  I want to import the qif file.
> !Type:Bank
> !Account:512151_Helloasso
> D05/10/2017
> T60.0
> NHA-20171005-30
> PDescription here
> S7061_Participation rameurs aux déplacements et stages
> $60.0
> EPAF (
> ^
> D05/10/2017
> T40.0
> NHA-20171005-29
> PCDescription here
> S7061_Participation rameurs aux déplacements et stages
> $40.0
> EPAF (
> ^
> I found that I needed to rename the output file to be the name of the
> account to which I'm importing it, despite the second line (the account
> name) and despite having that account window open, otherwise I got this
> error:
> /The QIF file you have loaded appears to have transactions for just //one 
> account, but the file does not specify a name for that account /
> Strange, but fine.  Now, though, when the qif importer gets to the
> "accounts found" dialog, it doesn't show any accounts and no
> transactions are imported.
> In my particular case here, the transactions are very homogeneous: all
> of them credit 7061 and all of them debit 512151.
> Any suggestions why I'm seeing neither an error nor importing transactions?
> Thanks in advance.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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[GNC] compiling 3.2 on linux (ubuntu)

2018-09-29 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I downloaded  After unbzipping, I do this (ubuntu 18.04.1):

$ mkdir -p gnucash-3.2/build-3.2
$ cd gnucash-3.2/build-3.2
$ cmake ../gnucash/
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:5 (file):
  file problem creating directory: /glib-2.0/schemas

-- Performing Test have_mod_mask
-- Performing Test have_mod_mask - Failed
CMake Error at gnome/CMakeLists.txt:59 (gnc_add_swig_guile_command):
  Unknown CMake command "gnc_add_swig_guile_command".

CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt:
  No cmake_minimum_required command is present.  A line of code such as

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

  should be added at the top of the file.  The version specified may
be lower
  if you wish to support older CMake versions for this project.  For
  information run "cmake --help-policy CMP".
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also
See also

CMakeError.log suggests the real problem is not finding gdk/gdk.h.  This
is provided from two packages, libgtk-3-dev and libgtk2.0-dev.  But
installing those doesn't change the error.  (I manually confirm gdk.h is
present: /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdk.h.)

Thinking this was a caching problem, I removed and recreated
./build-3.2/.  Same problem.

Any pointers?


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
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[GNC] QIF import is empty

2018-09-29 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I've written a short python script that writes a qif file.  I'm using
gnucash 2.6.19 from ubuntu 18.04.1.  I want to import the qif file.

PDescription here
S7061_Participation rameurs aux déplacements et stages

PCDescription here
S7061_Participation rameurs aux déplacements et stages


I found that I needed to rename the output file to be the name of the
account to which I'm importing it, despite the second line (the account
name) and despite having that account window open, otherwise I got this

/The QIF file you have loaded appears to have transactions for just //one 
account, but the file does not specify a name for that account /

Strange, but fine.  Now, though, when the qif importer gets to the
"accounts found" dialog, it doesn't show any accounts and no
transactions are imported.

In my particular case here, the transactions are very homogeneous: all
of them credit 7061 and all of them debit 512151.

Any suggestions why I'm seeing neither an error nor importing transactions?

Thanks in advance.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
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Re: [GNC] Help required for debugging gnucash to find Segmentation fault error when saving from mysql to xml

2018-09-20 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
The first thing to try is surely just to run the program under gdb and
to let it crash.  When it crashes, ask for a backtrace (bt) to see where
you are.  You can move from stack frame to stack frame (f -- for
example, "f 3" to view frame 3).  You can request to see the values of
variables with the print command (p).  For example "p the_date" will
show you the value of variable "the_date".

I find it helpful to run gdb in emacs (M-x gdb).  The reason is that it
allows me to see source code automatically rather than having to request
gdb to list bits of source code at the commandline.

Note that I don't have experience debugging gnucash but I have plenty
with gdb.

Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

On 19/09/18 23:19, Uli Hansen wrote:
> Dear All,
> please be aware that I run gdb the first time in my life to find this
> problem.
> When saving from mysql to xml I get a segmentation fault error:
> Thread 1 "gnucash" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> g_date_time_add (datetime=0x0, timespan=0) at
> /build/glib2.0-7ZsPUq/glib2.0-2.48.2/./glib/gdatetime.c:1074
> 1074    /build/glib2.0-7ZsPUq/glib2.0-2.48.2/./glib/gdatetime.c: No
> such file or directory
> I already comiled the sources from 2.6.12 to dive into this problem.
> I assume that the cause of my error is an empty date field somewhere
> in my database.
> In order to find the proper table and the id, I want to debug with gdb.
> But honestly it's quiet complicated and I'm not familiar with gdb.
> Can somebody give me a hint where to set a breakpoint. Which function
> is called to convert from mysql to xml?
> Which file/function could be a good startpoint for me?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Uli
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Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: [GNC] How do I enter a transaction with an account not in the Gnucash ledger?

2018-09-09 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
It's just an expense report, the same as if you have paid employees who
pay something out of pocket and ask for reimbursement.

Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

On 09/09/18 20:59, Mark Phillips wrote:
> How do I enter the following transaction in gnucash?
> I have a business checking account and a personal checking account. My
> Gnucash file only tracks the business checking account. Occasionally, I
> grab the wrong debit card from my wallet to pay for a business expense.
> For example, let's say I use my personal debit card to pay $100 of business
> expenses. For this example let's say I bought $100 of nuts and bolts (since
> I feel like a nut not being able to work this out). How do I enter this
> transaction into my business Gnucash ledger to account for (1) transferring
> money out of my business checking to reimburse my personal checking and (2)
> record the expense in the appropriate business account?
> Thanks!
> Mark
> PS The good news is I have only done this twice since 2015!
> ___
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Jeff Abrahamson
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[GNC] mysql backend, second user (lock, for example)

2018-08-18 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I'd like to understand if gnucash + mysql supports avoiding simultaneous
editors (e.g., via locks).

In more detail:

I want to keep accounts for a small organisation in which we've decided
several people should have access to the books for transparency and
distribution of work.  One possibility seems to be gnucash, which would
suit me because I already know it among other reasons.  With a mysql
backend, it's easy enough to set up for us.

Gnucash has long (very long) noted that simultaneous editors is a
wishlist item.  Now the chances of simultaneous editors is really small
for us, so even a simple lock-out ("sorry, Sara is editing now, want to
wait a few minutes?") is enough.  Even anonymous, because we know each
other and can message to figure out who.  But I haven't found anything
written here about whether gnucash with the mysql back end leaves behind
a breadcrumb so that other instances know not to edit.  (Or maybe
there's a compile-time option to support this, for example.  So just
testing isn't quite good enough here.)

I've seen that James Nylen has written a (possibly moribund) django
interface, which could sort the multi-user access issue by actually
being only a single user.  I'm not overly inclined, however, as the
project smells of "good enough for the author but not fully production
ready".  And I don't want to maintain a django application as well.


Jeff Abrahamson
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[GNC] importing (QIF/OFX)

2018-06-27 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I wanted to import a bunch of transactions.  I had a CSV file, which
gnucash (2.6.19) doesn't like to import.  So I wrote a quick CSV to QIF
translator.  This worked, it recognized account names even though I
provided only the tail, and it correctly caught duplicates.  But a
couple quibbles: I'm wondering if they are inevitable.

- The importer asks me a lot of questions. ;-)

- When it finds matching transactions (because I tested importing the
same file a second time to make sure it wouldn't do it quietly), it
proposed matches.  (Good!)  In my case, every transaction had a unique
transaction id (the "number" field in gnucash, the N prefix in QIF) but
most of the transactions had one of a handful of values.  I would have
thought that 20180515-XQUFEF-3 would be matched uniquely, but it's not. 
I'm proposed every transaction with that value.

These aren't deal-killers, but it does make automation feel like a weak
concept.  I'm wondering if I can optimise better.

In passing, since I'll surely write more of these converters, would I
have been better off converting to OFX?  QIF simply had the advantage of
being dead simple, permitting splits, and having a wikipedia page that
describes the format.



Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: importing splits

2018-02-23 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Thanks.  I see my question wasn't clear.  My problem is that I want to
import the splits and it seems I can only import transactions.

I.e. (super simplified):

deposit cheque   bank  dx 100.00
cheque 1Alicemembership rx 50.00
cheque 2Bob  membership rx 50.00


On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 09:01:54PM +, Matt Graham wrote:
> The easiest way would be saving  the spreadsheet to .csv format and importing
> that to Gnucash.
> Id recommend:
> - first removing any other text and stuff you have so that the spreadsheet is
> just the headings you want and the data you want in columns
> - doing the import on a new test gnucash file first if you have a lot of data
> already in your gnucash book. Just in case.
> Good luck!
> Thanks and regards,
> Matt
>  Original message 
> From: Jeff Abrahamson <>
> Date: 21/2/18 05:00 (GMT+10:00)
> To:
> Subject: importing splits
> I'm processing check deposits.  I have a spreadsheet with lovely columns
> like name, check number, amount, and the account to debit.  It seems a
> shame to retype it all.
> I see some old discussion on the list that, essentially, says this is
> not well supported if supported at all.
> =
> 02%7C01%7C%7C78035f813c42409f0bb008d5788bde6b%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435%7C1%7C0%7C636547464489079590
> =uG5aM8vQ0%2FJ6JvudouGDUL%2F%2BJaLVQvq%2FOQcX93gD%2BaA%3D=0
> Is there anything since that might help?  I'm not sure converting
> spreadsheets to QIF to then import into gnucash is better than retyping.
> --
> Jeff Abrahamson
> +33 6 24 40 01 57
> +44 7920 594 255
> 02%7C01%7C%7C78035f813c42409f0bb008d5788bde6b%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435%7C1%7C0%7C636547464489079590
> =Y%2FRcHTU8yWdltXDL4zBTAMPN8grAsKCwY7mf%2FQfmhyw%3D=0
> ___
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> =LnIFOxRytZiVO6O4On68c7%2B%2FT6DbEEEOclsFRTwyxyo%3D=0
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Re: One account for both Income and Expenses possible?

2018-02-11 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
On 11/02/18 15:46, Robert Heller wrote:
> Here is a "practical" application:
> Lets say you buy a case of tomatoes for $10 -- this would be a transaction
> from your bank account (for the check you gave the vegetable wholeseller) of
> $10 to your Assets:vegetables account. (It is not actually an expense!). Then
> you sell that case of tomatoes for $12. This would be a split transaction: $10
> from your Assets:vegetables account and $2 to an income account. The $12 would
> come from whatever account the $12 was paid into (eg "Cash" if it was a cash
> transaction). This brings the Assets:vegetables down to zero (you have no
> vegetables in stock right now). At the end of the year you generate a report
> showing the Assets:vegetables at the beginning of the year and and the end of
> the year. The difference is your "cost of goods sold" -- this is what goes on
> your tax form (actually, the form has your inventory at the beginning of the
> year, and your inventory at the end of the year, plus whatever you spent to
> acquire your inventory during the year, at least that is how the 1040C form
> works and I guess theo 1040F is similar).

Our emails crossed.  I see what you mean, but I don't think the tax
authorities would find that particularly legal here.  It would also make
VAT computations impossible, I think, although we are exempt from VAT.

Thanks for explaining clearly!


Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: One account for both Income and Expenses possible?

2018-02-11 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
On 11/02/18 15:03, Robert Heller wrote:
> I expect that the OP wants to have an account that represents his stock of
> vegetables (or whatever). He can actually do that. What you do is think of the
> vegetables as a kind of currency or comodity or inventory, that is the
> vegetables themselves are an asset (Assets:vegetables). Then when you sell
> vegetables the vegetable account is redued and when you buy vegetables the
> vegetable account is increased. This happens by transactions which transfer
> "money" from the vegetable account to a bank account (income when you sell
> vegetables) and when you transfer money from a bank account to the vegetable
> account (an expense when you buy vegetables). *I* do this which my inventory
> of thumb drives. GnuCash does not have "inventory" accounts or any way of
> dealing with inventory as such -- the two "features GnuCash lacks are payroll
> and inventory management features. Payroll processing is a huge process (not
> trivial to implement) but inventory management can be "faked" by considering
> inventory as if it were a currency of sorts, by just having an account with a
> balance representing the value of the inventory, which then goes up or down as
> inventory is bought or sold. Since he is a farm, I expect he is growing
> vegetables, so things are slightly more tricky. Maybe it might be useful to
> think of his farm like Bitcoin mining -- maybe someone with that sort of
> experience can describe how to represent a Bitcoin currency and how to
> represent the mining process -- one would do the same with growing vegetables
> somehow.

That is enticing, and I've contemplated doing the same.  But, unlike a
currency, which is a durable form of value that (except for currency
traders) does not constitute P, the vegetables also should show up in
income and expense accounts.  I'd really love to have our inventory show
up in our accounting system, but it's even more important to have our
income and expenses show up, and it seems to be either/or.

buy inventory     bank [cx] -> expense [dx]
(add value)
sell inventory    income [cx] -> bank [dx]

or faking it with currencies

buy inventory     bank [cx] -> inventory [dx]
(add value)
sell inventory    inventory [cx] -> bank [dx]

Except in this second case, only my balance sheet changes, not my P

Did I miss something?

(This is moving away from OP, but a common theme here and one that I'd
like to understand.)


Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: One account for both Income and Expenses possible?

2018-02-11 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
On 11/02/18 05:22, Norbert Klein wrote:
> I am a complete newcomer to GNUcash, using version 2.6.19 on Windows 10.
> My name is Norbert, living in the countryside in Cambodia.
> This is my first posting.

Welcome, Norbert.

> I live on a farm – we produce, sell, and buy vegetables, fruits, and
> handicrafts.
> [...]
> When I now enter something like “Selling vegetables” I can enter the
> price under “Charge/Income” into Income. - When I enter something like
> “Buying vegetables” I can enter the income under “Expense/Rebate” into
> Expenses (and as a double-entry to Cash, increasing or decreasing).
> [...]
> But could I instead set up an account “Vegetables” where I can enter
> both BOUGHT Vegetables and SOLD Vegetables? (same for fruits and
> handicrafts)

It depends what you want to do.

When you sell vegetables, you are making a transfer from an income
account to (probably) a cash or bank account.
When you buy vegetables, you are making a transfer from a cash/bank
account to an expense account.

So that cash/bank account is a common account where you see both.  If
your goal is ease of entry, for example, that one account is the place
to do it.

Alternatively, you can construct reports where you see only vegetable
income and expense transactions (if you have dedicated expense and
income accounts for vegetables).  I'm a bit new to gnucash, and I
haven't fully explored the report functions.  But an appropriately
filtered income/expense report should be possible.

But maybe that's not what mean.  Maybe you can let us know what need you
want to satisfy this way.


Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: info about action field in double-line view

2018-01-21 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
The num field[*] is for the check number or other accounting document.  
(In a business situation, you always need to have some unique identifier 
between accounting entries and the physical or electronic documents that 
justify them in case of control (=audit).

[*] I say this because it makes sense in the context of accounting, not 
because I actually know what was in the developers' minds when they 
implemented it.

Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255 ->

On 22/01/18 03:11, Dave H wrote:

Yes, if you use the Reconcile process it puts the "R" in for you :-)

Cheers Dave.

On 22 January 2018 at 11:47, Mark Hedges <> wrote:

Oh so I should use the R column for checking against the bank web site
or statement, instead of putting a checkmark in the notes column like
I have been :-)

Still not sure what 'Action' is supposed to describe on an entry that
is not split, or even what it means on a split item, but thanks for
the reference.

Mark Hedges
CEO Weird Vibe Inc.

On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 6:54 PM, Dave H <> wrote:

Try clicking in the Action field - it displays a drop down for


type etdc.

R = Reconciled and has values of N (New ?) / C = Cleared / R =


A dunno I only ever use "Basic Ledger" view :-)

Check out


for a bit more detail...

Cheers Dave H.

On 22 January 2018 at 10:03, Mark Hedges <>


Hi.  I view my checking account ledger in Basic Ledger mode.  I choose
View > Double Line View.  This opens up the "Notes" line for each
entry, which is helpful.

It also shows an "Action" field underneath the "Num" field.  Where is
this described in the manual?  What is the purpose of the Action

On that note what is the purpose of the Num field?  To enter check

It also has R and A fields.  "R" field is automatically filled with
"n" for each transaction.  "A" field is blank.  What are these for?


Mark Hedges
CEO Weird Vibe Inc.
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Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: Year end issues

2018-01-15 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
In France, even for small clubs like ours, we face a regulatory
requirement that the books be immutable after end of year.  This makes
sense in that if the tax authorities (even though we don't have to file
taxes) ask us a question and then find out that our books for some past
year have changed, they might reasonably be suspicious of our rigor and

Is there a way in gnucash to make a set of transactions or a period of
time immutable?  For us, that's really the only reason we still have for
"closing books" -- avoiding this sort of mistake where something gets
accidentally entered or changed from a past year.

Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

On 15/01/18 22:23, Ronal B Morse wrote:
> This is what I do, but I'm only dealing with household and personal
> accounts and smallish investment portfolios. Because the statement
> closing dates for the investment and personal bank and credit accounts
> don't correspond exactly with the beginning date of the new book,
> there's always some monkey motion at the first of the year to "fix"
> opening balances or manually add transactions that were in float.
> Not much work, actually, and this keeps the year's data file (and
> backups) down to a reasonable size.  Access to past data is as easy as
> opening the appropriate file (one must remember to ensure you're
> working on the correct data at the start of the next session as the
> autobot opens the last data file you uses, not the newest by date).
> I understand that people using GnuCash for business purposes may be
> facing different issues and restrictions.
> RBM.
> On 01/15/2018 01:54 PM, Mike or Penny Novack wrote:
>> Let's discuss this (and possible options)
>> First, you need to understand what "close the books" does do and what
>> is does not do. It creates a transaction (or transactions) to zero
>> out income and expense accounts to equity. It does NOT remove
>> transactions and so will not make your file smaller.
>> It sounds like what you want is something more like to was in the old
>> days of books kept in BOOKS, pen and ink on paper.  What was common
>> at the end of each accounting period was to close the old books and
>> open new ones. The old volumes were put safely by in case they needed
>> to be referenced later.
>> One of the advantages of software like gnucash is that it can create
>> the usual reports without actually closing the books. Easy to
>> reference old transactions (previous accounting periods) without
>> having to "bring them back" as they would have done in the old days
>> when physical books. But suppose you don't want this, you don't want
>> to be seeing all those accounts that have become obsolete cluttering
>> up your view, etc. Or are worried about the sheer size of the file, etc.
>> You CAN simulate what was done in the old days when they opened new
>> books each period. This is just like when you created your gnucash
>> books in the first place. You run a final Balance Sheet report which
>> gives you the balances of all of the standing accounts (asset,
>> liability, and equity). You create a new set of books, say by
>> exporting the CoA and importing that to a new set of books (all
>> accounts zero) and can delete any accounts that are obsolete. You
>> then enter the initial values from the Balance Sheet << note: I never
>> use the facility to create accounts with an initial value but instead
>> with an opening transaction, or rather two so each is split on only
>> one side >>
>> You of course SAVE the old file. If you at some future time want to
>> look at old (prior period) transactions you simply ask gnucash to
>> open THAT (saved) file instead of the one you are currently using.
>> Michael D Novack
>> PS: All of my books are small enough that I have never been tempted
>> to do this. The obsolete accounts do not appear in the reports as
>> furnished to the boards of the organizations because EDITED first <<
>> in other words, I do not expect gnucash to produce the final pretty
>> version of reports. I have to edit them anyway to add annotations
>> explaining and unusual entries so all the editing for "pretty print"
>> etc. can be done at that time >>
>> ___
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can I make account names be left justified?

2018-01-14 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
When viewing a ledger in gnucash 2.6.15 (rev 1ef17e6+), the description
is left-justified (good!) but the account names are right justified.  Is
there a way to make the account names be left justified?


Some context, but this is really trivia:  In France, the basic structure
of account numbers are set by legislation.  This seems insane the first
time one learns this, but it does turn it out to make it easier to
compare books between different organisations.  Anyway, the result is
that having those account numbers at the beginning of account names
makes a huge amount of sense in France.  So seeing the left side is more
important than seeing the right side.  (It also means that turning on
the feature only to show leaf accounts works really well, because the
account number already clearly indicates where in the account tree I am.)


Jeff Abrahamson
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closing accounts and unreconciled transactions

2018-01-08 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
In moving my accounts to gnucash, I see that I have some unreconciled
accounts in my checking account.  To make it simple, suppose I have a
reconciled balance of 1000 € and there's just one unreconciled transaction:

[credit: checking] 100 €  -->  [debit: expense:food]  (label: stuff)

Is the right way to represent this (so that future reconciliations make
sense) to set up the checking account with a balance (transfer to
equity) of 1100 € and a 100 € transfer back?

[credit: equity] 1100 €   -->  [debit: checking]  (label: opening
[credit: checking] 100 €  -->  [debit: equity]  (label: stuff)


Jeff Abrahamson
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Re: export general ledger

2017-12-18 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Thanks, Adrien.  In the end, as long as I can automate this, I'll be
happy.  (I haven't fully followed on on the python solution, but it sure
looks like it will work fine, so I've chalked it up as future work for
me rather than potential workflow blocking today.  Always good to have a
project over Christmas.)

Ultimately, it's a user experience issue, and I don't have any vision at
all of what gnucash users expect.  The accounting software I've used
previously was geared towards professional accountants, and some of the
features (like journal entry rather than account entry) I found really
convenient once I got used to them.  Faced with a pile of bills, for
example, it was great to be able to enter them all from their respective
a/p to their respective expense accounts without a single mouse click,
just a steady stream of typing bill numbers, descriptions, amounts, and
debit and credit account numbers.

Again, my perspective is keeping the books for a rowing club.  I'm sure
that matters in terms of what I find convenient or not.


On 18/12/17 19:13, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Jeff,
> If I recall correctly from other discussion, the General Ledger is not it’s 
> own entity. It’s a ‘view’ of the separate account ledgers all rolled into 
> one. This is probably why there is no export option for it.
> GnuCash takes the opposite approach from paper books.
> With paper, you enter everything in a General Journal and then later post the 
> proper amounts to T-accounts.
> With GnuCash, you skip the Journal and enter directly to the accounts.
> The General Ledger was provided for the benefit of those who were used to the 
> paper method and wanted the option to see all transactions in chronological 
> order regardless of accounts used.
> But I don’t see why you can’t combine the files after the fact. That’s an 
> easy concatenation command.
> It is curious that you can’t export ‘all’ transactions and have to choose 
> only one hierarchy at a time.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Dec 17, 2017, at 1:31 PM, Jeff Abrahamson <> wrote:
>> I'd like to export the general ledger to a csv file.  When I use File ->
>> Export, however, I'm offered a choice of exporting income, expenses,
>> assets, or liabilities.  But I'd like to have all transactions in the
>> csv file.
>> I think I see how to do this using python (the example script
>> in the examples is instructive).  But this seems so
>> basic I suspect I'm missing something.
>> Many thanks for any pointers.
>> -- 
>> Jeff Abrahamson
>> +33 6 24 40 01 57
>> +44 7920 594 255
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Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
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Re: export general ledger

2017-12-18 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
On 18/12/17 03:26, Wm via gnucash-user wrote:
> On 17/12/2017 19:31, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
>> I'd like to export the general ledger to a csv file.  When I use File ->
>> Export, however, I'm offered a choice of exporting income, expenses,
>> assets, or liabilities.  But I'd like to have all transactions in the
>> csv file.
>> I think I see how to do this using python (the example script
>> in the examples is instructive).  But this seems so
>> basic I suspect I'm missing something.
>> Many thanks for any pointers.
> May be easier to do a transaction report or similar and copy and paste
> that into a spreadsheet.
> Alternatively there are a number of scripts that can take gnc files of
> some flavour and produce ledger-cli / beancount compatible files which
> are generally mores useful than csv files for accounting data anyway.

Ah, ledger-cli and beancount are neat, thanks for the pointer.

This sort of export is something I want to be able to do frequently. 
I'll have a look around for scripts to automate it.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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export general ledger

2017-12-17 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I'd like to export the general ledger to a csv file.  When I use File ->
Export, however, I'm offered a choice of exporting income, expenses,
assets, or liabilities.  But I'd like to have all transactions in the
csv file.

I think I see how to do this using python (the example script in the examples is instructive).  But this seems so
basic I suspect I'm missing something.

Many thanks for any pointers.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

gnucash-user mailing list
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accounting categories

2017-12-14 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
I'm starting to use gnucash for my rowing club.  We'd like to track
certain projects independently: each race that we go to, a regatta that
we run here at home, the activities of various committees.  Some of
these categories overlap (the students have their own budget but also
participate in races).  I'd like to create budgets for each tracked
activity (as well, of course, as an inclusive budget for the entire
club).  And then I'd like to tag income and expenses for each tracked
activity so that I can watch P relative to budget for each.

In French, I would do what I literally translate as analytical
accounting.  (Conceptually, it's just tagging items.)  I've not found
reference to this in the docs, but maybe it's called something else in

Is there support for this in gnucash?  Or have others found useful

I can easily see a hack (adding tags in the descriptions I enter and
then processing certain reports with python).  But it would be quite
nice to stay within gnucash if I can.

Thanks for any pointers.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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Re: Translation...

2017-11-10 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
Thanks for your efforts, Thomas.

FYI, there's a somewhat dormant gnucash-fr list that might also be
helpful.  (I suspect you know, but just in case.)

For others:  France is a particularly weird case, because (1) we have
nationally legislated account numbers (which seems invasive, but it does
seem to make it easier to move between organisations) and (2) the market
is hollowed out by a recent law that prevents anyone who is subject to
VAT from using open source accounting software (which seems abusive and
is).  The last means there are fewer professionals using gnucash than
one might hope.


On 10/11/17 12:16, Christopher Lam wrote:
> Hi Thomas
>>Two major problems:
>>  * The accounting vocabulary has been mixed up and add difficulties to
>>the simple work of understanding accounting concepts. An example:
>>the name given to the registers is, in fact, the name accountants
>>give to the main book that sums up all the transactions of all
>>accounts. Another example, the word "Transaction" is not used in
>>this context, and have a different meaning (transaction is more
>>like a "deal"). Examples are numerous. It is so confusing that I
>>thought it could be useful to create my own .po file and recompile
>>the whole thing.
> It will be useful to have a native speaker explain concepts and use correct
> words. Thank you for your contribution!
>>  * But another problem appears : some columns have been inverted. For
>>example,asset account register columns have weird title AND are
>>reversed. So, it is difficult to understand the titles and the user
>>cannot rely on "Debit" on left and "Credit" on right. How is that
> Are you relating to the register for a bank account? The register
> debit/credit, for most individuals, is confusing, and does not match the
> bank statement which presents the bank's (well, duh) statement of your
> account, rather than your own statement. The following explains it all:
> In formal accounting, for an asset account such as bank, debits will
> *increase* it. But the usual bank statement received by the account holder
> will state the opposite. Hence, to the layterm, to "debit an account"
> usually means to try to empty it.
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Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
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