Re: Using pinentry-curses interactively in Linux boot process fails (SOLVED)

2010-07-23 Thread tux . tsndcb
> Yes and the boot partition is not encrypted, only /home But I solved it. It 
> was an init script issue. On openSUSE there is an init script "earlyxdm" and 
> it has overridden so to say the pinentry-ncurses program. I have now edited 
> earlyxdm and have added my own script to Requried-Start, thus earlyxdm now 
> waits until pinentry-curses does its job. It works now. Pretty cool, I can 
> now 
> unlock my LUKS volume with the openPGP card, that's nerd ;-)

Hello Mate,

I use Debian and not OpenSuse, but I'm interristing by your script.
Could you give it ?

Thanks in advanced for your answer

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Using pinentry-curses interactively in Linux boot process fails (SOLVED)

2010-07-28 Thread tux . tsndcb
- Mail Original -
De: "Malte Gell" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Vendredi 23 Juillet 2010 21h03:53 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: Using pinentry-curses interactively in Linux boot process fails 

> Yes, of course. I have attached it, I named it open-luks-key. The only 
> interesting stuff is the start and stop section. I have directly put the name 
> of my luks partition there. It is a dumb script, does not detect anything 
> automatically, but it works if the card reader is running fine. I even have 
> not removed  the FOO template stuff from it :-) Ugly, but works.
> The "Required-Start:" section needs to contain the PCSC daemon, that needs to 
> run, so gpg-agent can call the pinentry program.

> Regards
> Malte

Hello Malte,

Thanks you very much.

Bests Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

G83-6744 keyboard + smart-card reader

2012-01-16 Thread tux . tsndcb

I can tell you for G83-6744 but gnupg2 work fine with G83-14601, card reader is 

Best Regards

- Mail original -
Envoyé: Lundi 16 Janvier 2012 19:56:26
Objet: G83-6744 keyboard + smart-card reader

I'm thinking of buying one of these keyboards with a built in smart card

Which I understand is supported by GnuPG as per:

However, the place I'm planning on purchasing from:

Has two different models:


And no explanation as to the difference. I've tried to contact their
support but haven't heared back yet. Does anyone have any experience of
this keyboard? Does anyone know what the slightly differing model
numbers mean? Am I right in assuming that they will *both* work fine
with GnuPG?

Mike Cardwell
OpenPGP Key35BC AF1D 3AA2 1F84 3DC3  B0CF 70A5 F512 0018 461F
XMPP OTR Key   8924 B06A 7917 AAF3 DBB1  BF1B 295C 3C78 3EF1 46B4

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how to validate keys on smartcard (only) on an other PC or on a news OS installation

2009-08-21 Thread tux . tsndcb

I don't know how to validate keys on smartcard V2 on PC2 when the keys has been 
generated on PC1 or if the hard disk crash on PC1 how to validate again it 
after new OS installation.

I ask for this, because when I put for example my smartcard on PC2 with key 
generate on PC1, when I done gpg2 --card-status or gpg2 --card-edit I can only 
see the fingerprint of the three keys but nothing on General key information.

I've done many test on debian with gnupg2 patched with (cherry keyboard 
(terminal xx44) and smc 3440) and with gpg4win 2.0.0. with (cherry keyboard 
(terminal xx44) and smc 3440).

But I've always the same result, I can only see general key info on the OS 
where I've generated the keys.

Perhaps I think there are some command line to validate smartcard keys on trust 
database or other ?

So how can I do that (import key, when I've only keys on smartcard, no public 
key on keyserver or on file and no file private and secret keys backup.

Thanks in advanced for your help.

Best Regards.

Gnupg-users mailing list

how to validate keys on smartcard (only) on an other PC or on a news OS installation

2009-08-21 Thread tux . tsndcb

I don't know how to validate keys on smartcard V2 on PC2 when the keys has been 
generated on PC1 or if the hard disk crash on PC1 how to validate again it 
after new OS installation.

I ask for this, because when I put for example my smartcard on PC2 with key 
generate on PC1, when I done gpg2 --card-status or gpg2 --card-edit I can only 
see the fingerprint of the three keys but nothing on General key information.

I've done many test on debian with gnupg2 patched with (cherry keyboard 
(terminal xx44) and smc 3440) and with gpg4win 2.0.0. with (cherry keyboard 
(terminal xx44) and smc 3440).

But I've always the same result, I can only see general key info on the OS 
where I've generated the keys.

Perhaps I think there are some command line to validate smartcard keys on trust 
database or other ?

So how can I do that (import key, when I've only keys on smartcard, no public 
key on keyserver or on file and no file private and secret keys backup.

Thanks in advanced for your help.

Best Regards.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: how to validate keys on smartcard (only) on an other PC or on a news OS installation

2009-08-23 Thread tux . tsndcb

Thanks for your answer.

Best Regard
- Mail Original -
De: "Michel Messerschmidt" 
Envoyé: Samedi 22 Août 2009 21h04:50 GMT +02:00 Harare / Pretoria
Objet: Re: how to validate keys on smartcard (only) on an other PC or on a news 
OS installation

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 03:39:34PM +0200, wrote:
> So how can I do that (import key, when I've only keys on smartcard, no public 
> key on keyserver or on file and no file private and secret keys backup.

AFAIK the smartcard contains only your secret keys not the public keys. 
That's what the URL entry on the smartcard is for.
If you set the URL to a location where your public key is stored, you 
can import your public key on other systems using 
"gpg2 --card-edit" -> "fetch"
If you don't set an URL on the smartcard, gpg will search your default 
keyservers instead.

Gnupg-users mailing list

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How to reset a smartcard ?

2009-09-19 Thread tux . tsndcb

I wanted to hown how to "reset" a smartcard as factory settings or how to 
blanck all informations on the smartcard (Signature key, Encrpytion key, 
Authentication key ... to none) as on the first use.

Thanks in advanced for your help.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

One Private Key on Two or more OpenPGP 2.0 cards?

2009-09-20 Thread tux . tsndcb

I'm also very interresting if there is a way to put the same authentication key 
on several smartcards.

Thanks in advanced.

Best Regards

- Mail Original -
De: "Sean Wilson" 
À: "David Shaw" 
Envoyé: Lundi 14 Septembre 2009 12h00:35 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: One Private Key on Two or more OpenPGP 2.0 cards?

Many thanks for this David! Now that you have explained it to me it all
makes sense. I tested it and it works perfectly.

The only thing I am battling with now is, how do I create an
authentication key that I can use with SSH across all 3 of my OpenPGP
cards? I'm a bit lost how to do this! I can easily create a single
authentication key on ONE card but whats the correct procedure to follow
to create an authentication key and put it on 3 OpenPGP cards?

Many thanks for all your help!

David Shaw wrote:
> On Sep 13, 2009, at 4:52 PM, Sean Wilson wrote:
>> If I generate a brand new key pair and then add the key to an OpenPGP
>> 2.0 card all works perfectly. But if I want to add the same key onto
>> another OpenPGP card (as a backup) I get the following error in
>> Thunderbird:
>> Error - decryption failed
>> gpg command line and output:
>> C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\gpg.exe
>> The SmartCard D2760001240102050043 found in your reader
>> cannot be used to process the message.
>> Please insert your SmartCard D276000124010205003F and repeat
>> the operation.
>> Obviously if I insert the first card it decrypts the email no problem.
>> What is the correct method to use to have the SAME private key on
>> multiple cards? The reason I want to do this is so that I can have a
>> "production" card, a backup card and an offsite card. How do I
>> accomplish this?
> The problem you are having is because the secret key still exists,
> even after it is transferred to a card.  There are no secret bits any
> longer, but the "stub" of the key is still there, and it contains the
> serial number of the card (so GPG knows which card to look at for the
> secret bits).  If you delete the secret key stub, you can re-import it
> and transfer it to other smartcards.
> Something like this:
> 1. Generate your key and save a copy of the secret part (gpg
> --export-secret-key ...)
> 2. Transfer the secret key to your production card
> 3. Delete the whole key from your keyring (gpg
> --delete-secret-and-public ...)
> 4. Import the secret key again (gpg --import ...)
> 5. Transfer the secret key to your backup card
> 6. Repeat #3
> 7. Repeat #4
> 8. Transfer the secret key to your offsite card.
> 9. Repeat #3.
> 10. Import the public part of the key
> 11. Insert the card you want to use regularly, and do a "gpg
> --card-status" (this re-creates the stub for the card you use regularly)
> If you ever want to use a different smartcard, you will need to delete
> your secret key, insert the card, and do a "gpg --card-status" to
> recreate the stub for that card.
> David

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Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

2009-09-23 Thread tux . tsndcb

Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ? 
Is it possible to done an authentication key backup when it has been generated 
directly on a smartcard ?

Thanks in advanced for your answer.

Best Regard.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

2009-09-23 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Werner,

Many thanks for your answer, I will try it.

Best Regard

- Mail Original -
De: "Werner Koch" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Mercredi 23 Septembre 2009 13h36:49 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several 
smartcard ?

On Wed, 23 Sep 2009 11:46, said:

> Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ? 

Yes.  You need to generate the key off-card and and then put it onto the
card.  Use gpg --edit-key and the subcommands genkey and keytocard for

> Is it possible to done an authentication key backup when it has been 
> generated directly on a smartcard ?

No.  An on-card generated key can't be extracted from the card (except
for the public part of course).



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Auschnahme regelt ein Bundeschgesetz.

Gnupg-users mailing list

How to used a smartcard who has already be used to backup my fisrt smartcard ?

2009-09-23 Thread tux . tsndcb

Sorry, I need help again.
I want to used an other smardcard to backup my first smartcard, but this other 
smartcard has already be used to generate keys so it isn't blank.

I've successfully imported the secretkey (encription key) of my first smartcard 
on it by used bkuptocard command, this is good and the fingerprint is good. 
On a second PC I want to imported the public key, so I've put the good url (on 
the backup smartcard) and done a fecth, I've on error at the begin, because it 
try to import the public key of the old smartcard key but finish to import the 
good public key of my first smartcard is well imported on the other PC in the 

But when I done gpg2 --card-status I see nothing in general key info and sign 
counter is 0

But by gpa I can see than the three key's as always considerate store on the 
first card (it's the first smartcard serial number).  

What I've wrong or what's I've missing ? What is the good way ?

Thanks in advanced.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

2009-09-24 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Werner,

Sorry, but I've need more informations about it.

I tried this :

gpg2 --edit-key 
commande > genkey => commande invalide , may be you wanted to say addkey ?, but 
in this case what choice : RSA (sign only) or RSA (encrypt only) ?

Thanks in advanced for these informations and your answer.

Best Regards

- Mail Original -----
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Werner Koch" 
Envoyé: Mercredi 23 Septembre 2009 14h45:37 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

Hi Werner,

Many thanks for your answer, I will try it.

Best Regard

- Mail Original -----
De: "Werner Koch" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Mercredi 23 Septembre 2009 13h36:49 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several 
smartcard ?

On Wed, 23 Sep 2009 11:46, said:

> Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ? 

Yes.  You need to generate the key off-card and and then put it onto the
card.  Use gpg --edit-key and the subcommands genkey and keytocard for

> Is it possible to done an authentication key backup when it has been 
> generated directly on a smartcard ?

No.  An on-card generated key can't be extracted from the card (except
for the public part of course).



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Auschnahme regelt ein Bundeschgesetz.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Gnupg-users mailing list

Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

2009-09-24 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi werner,

I think I've the solution, could you confirm it please :

gpg2 --edit-key 
commande > addkey
RSA (sign only)

Thanks in advanced for your answer

Best Regards
- Mail Original -----
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Werner Koch" 
Envoyé: Jeudi 24 Septembre 2009 22h44:01 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

Hi Werner,

Sorry, but I've need more informations about it.

I tried this :

gpg2 --edit-key 
commande > genkey => commande invalide , may be you wanted to say addkey ?, but 
in this case what choice : RSA (sign only) or RSA (encrypt only) ?

Thanks in advanced for these informations and your answer.

Best Regards

----- Mail Original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Werner Koch" 
Envoyé: Mercredi 23 Septembre 2009 14h45:37 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

Hi Werner,

Many thanks for your answer, I will try it.

Best Regard

- Mail Original -
De: "Werner Koch" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Mercredi 23 Septembre 2009 13h36:49 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several 
smartcard ?

On Wed, 23 Sep 2009 11:46, said:

> Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ? 

Yes.  You need to generate the key off-card and and then put it onto the
card.  Use gpg --edit-key and the subcommands genkey and keytocard for

> Is it possible to done an authentication key backup when it has been 
> generated directly on a smartcard ?

No.  An on-card generated key can't be extracted from the card (except
for the public part of course).



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Auschnahme regelt ein Bundeschgesetz.

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How to reset a smartcard ?

2009-09-25 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi all,

No body has an idea to "reset" a smartcard as factory settings ? I think it is 
possible, but I don't know how to do that.

Thanks in advanced for your help.

Best Regard

- Mail Original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Dimanche 20 Septembre 2009 08h51:52 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: How to reset a smartcard ?


I wanted to hown how to "reset" a smartcard as factory settings or how to 
blanck all informations on the smartcard (Signature key, Encrpytion key, 
Authentication key ... to none) as on the first use.

Thanks in advanced for your help.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How to reset a smartcard ?

2009-09-25 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Werner,

Your help is a pleasure, thanks you very much, it works fine.

Best Regars.

- Mail Original -
De: "Werner Koch" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Vendredi 25 Septembre 2009 11h48:36 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: How to reset a smartcard ?

On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 10:33, said:

> No body has an idea to "reset" a smartcard as factory settings ? I think it 
> is possible, but I don't know how to do that.

If you have a version 2 card, this is possible.

WARNING: Don't run the commands given below on version 1 cards - you
will brick the card.

1. First you have to lock the PIN by decremeting the retry counters.  I
   do it this way:

  $ gpg-connect-agent --hex
  > scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
  D[]  69 82  i.  
  > scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
  D[]  69 82  i.  
  > scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
  D[]  69 82  i.  
  > scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
  D[]  69 83  i.   
  > scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
  D[]  69 82  i.  
  > scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
  D[]  69 82  i.  
  > scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
  D[]  69 83  i.   

The status code 6983 says that the PIN is locked.  I use a PIN of
"" which is very likey invalid.

2. You terminate the card and activate it again:

  >  scd apdu 00 e6 00 00
  D[]  90 00  ..  
  >  scd apdu 00 44 00 00
  D[]  90 00  ..  
  > bye
  OK closing connection

Remove the card and insert it again.  That's all.  gpg --card-status
shows a fresh card. 

To make things easier you may send the lines below as input to
gpg-connect-agent (store them in a file and run "gpg-connect-agent < FILE").

scd serialno
scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 e6 00 00
scd apdu 00 44 00 00
/echo card has been reset to factory defaults

gpg-connect-agent has a complete scripting language, you may use it to
write a more robust script with error checking etc.



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Auschnahme regelt ein Bundeschgesetz.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Why a full keys and sub keys backup are not proposed when keys and sub keys are done "on-card" ?

2009-09-27 Thread tux . tsndcb

Just for information, I wanted to known why you don't propose a full backup of 
the three keys (Sign, encryption and authentication) when keys are generated 
"on-card". Because only encryption key is backupted, a good idea will be 
perhaps to add also authentication key in the backup.

Thanks for more information about it.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Why a full keys and sub keys backup are not proposed when keys and sub keys are done "on-card" ?

2009-09-27 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Werner,

Thanks for your answer, I'm agree with you for sign key, but for the 
authentication key, if it's used to ssh server connection on more than 100 
servers for the user root for example, if you lost this key, you cannot more 
connect on server with the user root. In this case, I think it will be a big 
problematic. It's for that than I suggested to add the authentication key, but 
it's just a suggestion.

Best Regards

- Mail Original -
De: "Werner Koch" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Dimanche 27 Septembre 2009 13h09:36 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: Why a full keys and sub keys backup are not proposed when keys and 
sub keys are done "on-card" ?

On Sun, 27 Sep 2009 09:38, said:

> Just for information, I wanted to known why you don't propose a full backup 
> of the three keys (Sign, encryption and authentication) when keys are 
> generated "on-card". Because only encryption key is backupted, a good idea 
> will be perhaps to add also authentication key in the backup.

A lost of a signing or authentication key is usually not that
problematic.  You can simply create a new one and use it from then on.

If you don't have access to the decryption key anymore you won't be
able to decrypt any of the data you decrypted in the past to that key.
Thus some kind of recovery is in most cases very useful.



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Auschnahme regelt ein Bundeschgesetz.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Why a full keys and sub keys backup are not proposed when keys and sub keys are done "on-card" ?

2009-09-28 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Werner,

Thanks for these informations.

Best Regards

- Mail Original -
De: "Werner Koch" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Lundi 28 Septembre 2009 09h34:28 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: Why a full keys and sub keys backup are not proposed when keys and 
sub keys are done "on-card" ?

On Sun, 27 Sep 2009 20:59, said:

> Thanks for your answer, I'm agree with you for sign key, but for the
> authentication key, if it's used to ssh server connection on more than
> 100 servers for the user root for example, if you lost this key, you

It is always a tradeoff between security and convenience.  Most users
don't have access to that many machines and thus it is easier to use a
console login to replace the lost key than to have a backup somewhere
floating around.

It is anyway only the default and you can just replace the
authentication key with an on-disk created one.  Or manually initialize
the card using keytocard.

Another approach is to have a second card and also install its public
key on the servers.



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Auschnahme regelt ein Bundeschgesetz.

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poldi logon screen

2009-09-28 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi all,

This is the last functionnaly than I've to setup.

I'm on debian squeeze with limpam-poldi 0.4.1-2, I can logon with my smartcard, 
so poldi is ok, but I've the normal debian logon screen, not the poldi screen 
like this :

So my question, how to have this logon screen ?

Thanks in advanced for your answer.

Best Regards.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: poldi logon screen

2009-10-02 Thread tux . tsndcb

I answer to my self, in fact it's an gdm setup.

Best Regards.
- Mail Original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Lundi 28 Septembre 2009 22h36:18 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: poldi logon screen

Hi all,

This is the last functionnaly than I've to setup.

I'm on debian squeeze with limpam-poldi 0.4.1-2, I can logon with my smartcard, 
so poldi is ok, but I've the normal debian logon screen, not the poldi screen 
like this :

So my question, how to have this logon screen ?

Thanks in advanced for your answer.

Best Regards.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Gnupg-users mailing list

Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

2009-10-04 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Werner,

How to generated an authentication key off-card ?

Because when I generate it by : 

gpg2 --edit-key 
commande > addkey
RSA (sign only)

and make a keytocard to authentication, it's appears on sign key (S) and not 
authentication key (A) .

Thanks in advanced for your answer.

Best Regards

- Mail Original -----
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Werner Koch" 
Envoyé: Jeudi 24 Septembre 2009 23h01:46 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

Hi werner,

I think I've the solution, could you confirm it please :

gpg2 --edit-key 
commande > addkey
RSA (sign only)

Thanks in advanced for your answer

Best Regards
- Mail Original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Werner Koch" 
Envoyé: Jeudi 24 Septembre 2009 22h44:01 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

Hi Werner,

Sorry, but I've need more informations about it.

I tried this :

gpg2 --edit-key 
commande > genkey => commande invalide , may be you wanted to say addkey ?, but 
in this case what choice : RSA (sign only) or RSA (encrypt only) ?

Thanks in advanced for these informations and your answer.

Best Regards

- Mail Original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Werner Koch" 
Envoyé: Mercredi 23 Septembre 2009 14h45:37 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

Hi Werner,

Many thanks for your answer, I will try it.

Best Regard

- Mail Original -
De: "Werner Koch" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Mercredi 23 Septembre 2009 13h36:49 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several 
smartcard ?

On Wed, 23 Sep 2009 11:46, said:

> Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ? 

Yes.  You need to generate the key off-card and and then put it onto the
card.  Use gpg --edit-key and the subcommands genkey and keytocard for

> Is it possible to done an authentication key backup when it has been 
> generated directly on a smartcard ?

No.  An on-card generated key can't be extracted from the card (except
for the public part of course).



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Auschnahme regelt ein Bundeschgesetz.

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Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

2009-10-04 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Werner,

I answer to my self, in fact I need to use the expert mode to do that, sorry ...

Best Regards

- Mail Original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Werner Koch" 
Envoyé: Dimanche 4 Octobre 2009 17h51:18 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

Hi Werner,

How to generated an authentication key off-card ?

Because when I generate it by : 

gpg2 --edit-key 
commande > addkey
RSA (sign only)

and make a keytocard to authentication, it's appears on sign key (S) and not 
authentication key (A) .

Thanks in advanced for your answer.

Best Regards

----- Mail Original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Werner Koch" 
Envoyé: Jeudi 24 Septembre 2009 23h01:46 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

Hi werner,

I think I've the solution, could you confirm it please :

gpg2 --edit-key 
commande > addkey
RSA (sign only)

Thanks in advanced for your answer

Best Regards
- Mail Original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Werner Koch" 
Envoyé: Jeudi 24 Septembre 2009 22h44:01 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

Hi Werner,

Sorry, but I've need more informations about it.

I tried this :

gpg2 --edit-key 
commande > genkey => commande invalide , may be you wanted to say addkey ?, but 
in this case what choice : RSA (sign only) or RSA (encrypt only) ?

Thanks in advanced for these informations and your answer.

Best Regards

- Mail Original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Werner Koch" 
Envoyé: Mercredi 23 Septembre 2009 14h45:37 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ?

Hi Werner,

Many thanks for your answer, I will try it.

Best Regard

- Mail Original -
De: "Werner Koch" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Mercredi 23 Septembre 2009 13h36:49 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several 
smartcard ?

On Wed, 23 Sep 2009 11:46, said:

> Is it possible to have the same authentication key on several smartcard ? 

Yes.  You need to generate the key off-card and and then put it onto the
card.  Use gpg --edit-key and the subcommands genkey and keytocard for

> Is it possible to done an authentication key backup when it has been 
> generated directly on a smartcard ?

No.  An on-card generated key can't be extracted from the card (except
for the public part of course).



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How to enable the reader's keypad

2009-10-08 Thread tux . tsndcb

I'm using gnupg2 2.0.13 (with libccid on my debian) and a smardcard reader with 
keypad, but code PIN is always ask on my desktop, not on the reader. 
On my scdaemon.conf I've not disable-keypad
So how to do this ?

Thanks in advanced for your answer.

Best regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

How to enable the reader's keypad

2009-10-13 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Werner,

I have add this yesterday in the ccid-driver.c file :

/* We need to know the vendor to do some hacks. */
enum {
  VENDOR_CHERRY = 0x046a,
  VENDOR_SCM= 0x04e6,
  VENDOR_GEMPC  = 0x08e6,
  VENDOR_KAAN   = 0x0d46,


/* We have only tested a few readers so better don't risk anything
 and do not allow the use with other readers. */
  switch (handle->id_vendor)
case VENDOR_SCM:  /* Tested with SPR 532. */
case VENDOR_KAAN: /* Tested with KAAN Advanced (1.02). */
case VENDOR_COVADIS: /* In Testing with VEGA-ALPHA. */
  /* The CHERRY XX44 keyboard echos an asterisk for each entered
 character on the keyboard channel.  We use a special variant
 of PC_to_RDR_Secure which directs these characters to the
 smart card's bulk-in channel.  We also need to append a zero
 Lc byte to the APDU.  It seems that it will be replaced with
 the actual length instead of being appended before the APDU
 is send to the card. */
  cherry_mode = 1;

But it doesn't works, I've give more information in the [issue1148]

perhaps it because my conf file are wrong :

gpg.conf :
keyserver hkp://

gpg-agent.conf :
pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk-2
default-cache-ttl 1800

scdaemon.conf :

and gpg-agent is invoked by STARTUP="$GPGAGENT --daemon --sh 
--write-env-file=$PID_FILE $STARTUP" in the file 

Thank in advanced for your confirmation.

Best Regards

- Mail Original -
De: "Werner Koch" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Mardi 13 Octobre 2009 10h05:31 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / 
Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: How to enable the reader's keypad

On Thu,  8 Oct 2009 19:46, said:

> On my scdaemon.conf I've not disable-keypad
> So how to do this ?

The keypad is only enabled for certain readers:

  /* We have only tested a few readers so better don't risk anything
 and do not allow the use with other readers. */
  switch (handle->id_vendor)
case VENDOR_SCM:  /* Tested with SPR 532. */
case VENDOR_KAAN: /* Tested with KAAN Advanced (1.02). */
  /* The CHERRY XX44 keyboard echos an asterisk for each entered
 character on the keyboard channel.  We use a special variant
 of PC_to_RDR_Secure which directs these characters to the
 smart card's bulk-in channel.  We also need to append a zero
 Lc byte to the APDU.  It seems that it will be replaced with
 the actual length instead of being appended before the APDU
 is send to the card. */
  cherry_mode = 1;

You may add you vendor id (scd/ccid-driver.c) and test it.  Let me know
if that works and I will add the reader.

Further we don't support them when using PC/SC.  At the time I added the
support PC/SC had no standard for using the keypads.



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Auschnahme regelt ein Bundeschgesetz.

Gnupg-users mailing list

How to enable the reader's keypad

2009-10-13 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Werner,

the Vendor tell to me than I need also this for the reader, but I dont know 
where to put it :

bNumberMessage = 0x01
bEntryValidationCondition = 0x02
bNumberMessages = 0x03

Thanks in advanced for your return

Best Regards

- Mail Original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Werner Koch" 
Envoyé: Mardi 13 Octobre 2009 11h14:32 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / 
Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: How to enable the reader's keypad

Hi Werner,

I have add this yesterday in the ccid-driver.c file :

/* We need to know the vendor to do some hacks. */
enum {
  VENDOR_CHERRY = 0x046a,
  VENDOR_SCM= 0x04e6,
  VENDOR_GEMPC  = 0x08e6,
  VENDOR_KAAN   = 0x0d46,


/* We have only tested a few readers so better don't risk anything
 and do not allow the use with other readers. */
  switch (handle->id_vendor)
case VENDOR_SCM:  /* Tested with SPR 532. */
case VENDOR_KAAN: /* Tested with KAAN Advanced (1.02). */
case VENDOR_COVADIS: /* In Testing with VEGA-ALPHA. */
  /* The CHERRY XX44 keyboard echos an asterisk for each entered
 character on the keyboard channel.  We use a special variant
 of PC_to_RDR_Secure which directs these characters to the
 smart card's bulk-in channel.  We also need to append a zero
 Lc byte to the APDU.  It seems that it will be replaced with
 the actual length instead of being appended before the APDU
 is send to the card. */
  cherry_mode = 1;

But it doesn't works, I've give more information in the [issue1148]

perhaps it because my conf file are wrong :

gpg.conf :
keyserver hkp://

gpg-agent.conf :
pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk-2
default-cache-ttl 1800

scdaemon.conf :

and gpg-agent is invoked by STARTUP="$GPGAGENT --daemon --sh 
--write-env-file=$PID_FILE $STARTUP" in the file 

Thank in advanced for your confirmation.

Best Regards

- Mail Original -
De: "Werner Koch" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Mardi 13 Octobre 2009 10h05:31 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / 
Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: How to enable the reader's keypad

On Thu,  8 Oct 2009 19:46, said:

> On my scdaemon.conf I've not disable-keypad
> So how to do this ?

The keypad is only enabled for certain readers:

  /* We have only tested a few readers so better don't risk anything
 and do not allow the use with other readers. */
  switch (handle->id_vendor)
case VENDOR_SCM:  /* Tested with SPR 532. */
case VENDOR_KAAN: /* Tested with KAAN Advanced (1.02). */
  /* The CHERRY XX44 keyboard echos an asterisk for each entered
 character on the keyboard channel.  We use a special variant
 of PC_to_RDR_Secure which directs these characters to the
 smart card's bulk-in channel.  We also need to append a zero
 Lc byte to the APDU.  It seems that it will be replaced with
 the actual length instead of being appended before the APDU
 is send to the card. */
  cherry_mode = 1;

You may add you vendor id (scd/ccid-driver.c) and test it.  Let me know
if that works and I will add the reader.

Further we don't support them when using PC/SC.  At the time I added the
support PC/SC had no standard for using the keypads.



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Auschnahme regelt ein Bundeschgesetz.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How to enable the reader's keypad

2009-10-14 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Werner,

Do I need to change also something in this two files :



Is there a commande line to test reader's keypad acces ?

thanks in advanced for your return.

Best Regard
- Mail Original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Werner Koch" 
Envoyé: Mardi 13 Octobre 2009 19h10:32 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / 
Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: How to enable the reader's keypad

Hi Werner,

the Vendor tell to me than I need also this for the reader, but I dont know 
where to put it :

bNumberMessage = 0x01
bEntryValidationCondition = 0x02
bNumberMessages = 0x03

Thanks in advanced for your return

Best Regards

----- Mail Original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Werner Koch" 
Envoyé: Mardi 13 Octobre 2009 11h14:32 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / 
Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: How to enable the reader's keypad

Hi Werner,

I have add this yesterday in the ccid-driver.c file :

/* We need to know the vendor to do some hacks. */
enum {
  VENDOR_CHERRY = 0x046a,
  VENDOR_SCM= 0x04e6,
  VENDOR_GEMPC  = 0x08e6,
  VENDOR_KAAN   = 0x0d46,


/* We have only tested a few readers so better don't risk anything
 and do not allow the use with other readers. */
  switch (handle->id_vendor)
case VENDOR_SCM:  /* Tested with SPR 532. */
case VENDOR_KAAN: /* Tested with KAAN Advanced (1.02). */
case VENDOR_COVADIS: /* In Testing with VEGA-ALPHA. */
  /* The CHERRY XX44 keyboard echos an asterisk for each entered
 character on the keyboard channel.  We use a special variant
 of PC_to_RDR_Secure which directs these characters to the
 smart card's bulk-in channel.  We also need to append a zero
 Lc byte to the APDU.  It seems that it will be replaced with
 the actual length instead of being appended before the APDU
 is send to the card. */
  cherry_mode = 1;

But it doesn't works, I've give more information in the [issue1148]

perhaps it because my conf file are wrong :

gpg.conf :
keyserver hkp://

gpg-agent.conf :
pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk-2
default-cache-ttl 1800

scdaemon.conf :

and gpg-agent is invoked by STARTUP="$GPGAGENT --daemon --sh 
--write-env-file=$PID_FILE $STARTUP" in the file 

Thank in advanced for your confirmation.

Best Regards

- Mail Original -
De: "Werner Koch" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Mardi 13 Octobre 2009 10h05:31 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / 
Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: How to enable the reader's keypad

On Thu,  8 Oct 2009 19:46, said:

> On my scdaemon.conf I've not disable-keypad
> So how to do this ?

The keypad is only enabled for certain readers:

  /* We have only tested a few readers so better don't risk anything
 and do not allow the use with other readers. */
  switch (handle->id_vendor)
case VENDOR_SCM:  /* Tested with SPR 532. */
case VENDOR_KAAN: /* Tested with KAAN Advanced (1.02). */
  /* The CHERRY XX44 keyboard echos an asterisk for each entered
 character on the keyboard channel.  We use a special variant
 of PC_to_RDR_Secure which directs these characters to the
 smart card's bulk-in channel.  We also need to append a zero
 Lc byte to the APDU.  It seems that it will be replaced with
 the actual length instead of being appended before the APDU
 is send to the card. */
  cherry_mode = 1;

You may add you vendor id (scd/ccid-driver.c) and test it.  Let me know
if that works and I will add the reader.

Further we don't support them when using PC/SC.  At the time I added the
support PC/SC had no standard for using the keypads.



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Auschnahme regelt ein Bundeschgesetz.

Gnupg-users mailing list

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Gnupg-users mailing list

APDU for CKECKPIN and MODIFY PIN for Smartcard GnuPG V2 ?

2009-10-16 Thread tux . tsndcb

I've done some tests to validate my reader's pinpad with my smartcard GnuPG V2

I've put this to CHECKPIN :

/* PC/SC v2.02.05 Part 10 PIN verification data structure */
pin_verify -> bTimerOut = 0x00;
pin_verify -> bTimerOut2 = 0x00;
pin_verify -> bmFormatString = 0x82;
pin_verify -> bmPINBlockString = 0x00;
pin_verify -> bmPINLengthFormat = 0x00;
pin_verify -> wPINMaxExtraDigit = HOST_TO_CCID_16(0x0408); /* Min Max */
pin_verify -> bEntryValidationCondition = 0x02; /* validation key 
pressed */
pin_verify -> bNumberMessage = 0x01;
pin_verify -> wLangId = HOST_TO_CCID_16(0x0904);
pin_verify -> bMsgIndex = 0x00;
pin_verify -> bTeoPrologue[0] = 0x00;
pin_verify -> bTeoPrologue[1] = 0x00;
pin_verify -> bTeoPrologue[2] = 0x00;
/* pin_verify -> ulDataLength = 0x00; we don't know the size yet */

/* APDU: 00 20 00 82 06 31 32 33 34 35 36 00 00 smartcard GnuPG V2*/
offset = 0;
pin_verify -> abData[offset++] = 0x00;  /* CLA */
pin_verify -> abData[offset++] = 0x20;  /* INS: VERIFY */
pin_verify -> abData[offset++] = 0x00;  /* P1 */
pin_verify -> abData[offset++] = 0x82;  /* P2 */
pin_verify -> abData[offset++] = 0x06;  /* Lc: 8 data bytes */
pin_verify -> abData[offset++] = 0x31;  /* '0' */
pin_verify -> abData[offset++] = 0x32;  /* '0' */
pin_verify -> abData[offset++] = 0x33;  /* '0' */
pin_verify -> abData[offset++] = 0x34;  /* '0' */
pin_verify -> abData[offset++] = 0x35;  /* '\0' */
pin_verify -> abData[offset++] = 0x36;  /* '\0' */
pin_verify -> abData[offset++] = 0x00;  /* '\0' */
pin_verify -> abData[offset++] = 0x00;  /* '\0' */
pin_verify -> ulDataLength = HOST_TO_CCID_32(offset);   /* APDU size */

But I've this answer :

 Reader: Covadis Vega (00F5) 00 00 (length 30 bytes)
 State: 0x190034
 Prot: 0
 ATR (length 21 bytes): 3B DA 18 FF 81 B1 FE 75 1F 03 00 31 C5 73 C0 01 40 00 
90 00 0C
SCardStatus: OK

 Protocol: 2
SCardReconnect: OK

 Secure verify PIN
 command: 00 00 82 00 00 08 04 02 01 04 09 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 00 20 00 82 
06 31 32 33 34 35 36 00 00
Enter your PIN: 
 card response: 67 00
SCardControl: OK

verify PIN dump:  00 40 00 00 FF
 card response: 6D 00
SCardTransmit: OK

So if I anderstand : I've a problem with a Wrong length (Lc and/or Le) and with 
the Instruction (INS) not supported

And for MODIFY PIN, I've put this :

/* PC/SC v2.02.05 Part 10 PIN modification data structure *
pin_modify -> bTimerOut = 0x00;
pin_modify -> bTimerOut2 = 0x00;
pin_modify -> bmFormatString = 0x82;
pin_modify -> bmPINBlockString = 0x04;
pin_modify -> bmPINLengthFormat = 0x00;
pin_modify -> bInsertionOffsetOld = 0x00;   /* offset from APDU 
start */
pin_modify -> bInsertionOffsetNew = 0x04;   /* offset from APDU 
start */
pin_modify -> wPINMaxExtraDigit = HOST_TO_CCID_16(0x0408);  /* Min 
Max */
pin_modify -> bConfirmPIN = 0x03;   /* b0 set = confirmation 
requested */
/* b1 
set = current PIN entry requested */
pin_modify -> bEntryValidationCondition = 0x02; /* validation key 
pressed */
pin_modify -> bNumberMessage = 0x03; /* see table above */
pin_modify -> wLangId = HOST_TO_CCID_16(0x0904);
pin_modify -> bMsgIndex1 = 0x00;
pin_modify -> bMsgIndex2 = 0x00;
pin_modify -> bMsgIndex3 = 0x00;
pin_modify -> bTeoPrologue[0] = 0x00;
pin_modify -> bTeoPrologue[1] = 0x00;
pin_modify -> bTeoPrologue[2] = 0x00;
/* pin_modify -> ulDataLength = 0x00; we don't know the size yet */

/* APDU: 00 24 00 81 0C 31 32 33 34 35 36 00 00 smartcard GnuPG V2*/
offset = 0;
pin_modify -> abData[offset++] = 0x00;  /* CLA */
pin_modify -> abData[offset++] = 0x24;  /* INS: CHANGE/UNBLOCK */
pin_modify -> abData[offset++] = 0x00;  /* P1 */
pin_modify -> abData[offset++] = 0x81;  /* P2 */
pin_modify -> abData[offset++] = 0x0C;  /* Lc: 2x8 data bytes */
pin_modify -> abData[offset++] = 0x31;  /* '0' old PIN */
pin_modify -> abData[offset++] = 0x32;  /* '0' */
pin_modify -> abData[offset++] = 0x33;  /* '0' */
pin_modify -> abData[offset++] = 0x34;  /* '0' */
pin_modify -> abData[offset++] = 0x35;  /* '0' new PIN */
pin_modify -> abData[offset++] = 0x36;  /* '0' */
pin_modify -> abData[offset++] = 0x00;  /* '0' */
pin_modify -> abData[offset++] = 0x00;  /* '0' */
pin_modify -> ulDataLength = HOST_TO_CCID_32(offset);   /* APDU size */

but I've this answer :

 Secure modify PIN
 command: 00 00 82 04 00 00 04 08 04 03 02 03 04 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 
00 00 24 00 81 0C 31 32 33 34 35 36 00 00
Enter your PI

Smartcard GnuPG V2 and CHECKPIn with keypad (pin code conversion) ?

2009-10-19 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi All,

I'm testing my reader's pinpad with my GnuPG smartcard V2 for VERIFY PIN 
function by scardcontrol tools, but I don't know how the PIN code is read by 
the smartcard :

   - PIN uses a binary format conversion
   - PIN uses a shift rotation format conversion
   - PIN uses a BCD format conversion with PIN length insertion
   - PIN uses BCD, right justification and a control field 
   - PIN uses an ASCII format conversion with padding

Is there any body who have tested the GnuPG smartcard with it's reader's keypad 
by scardcontrol ?

Thanks in advanced for your answer.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Smartcard GnuPG V2 and CHECKPIn with keypad (pin code conversion) ?

2009-10-19 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi All,

I answer to myself, in fact it's PIN uses an ASCII format conversion with 

Best Regards
- Mail Original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Lundi 19 Octobre 2009 14h33:27 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / 
Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Smartcard GnuPG V2 and CHECKPIn with keypad (pin code conversion) ?

Hi All,

I'm testing my reader's pinpad with my GnuPG smartcard V2 for VERIFY PIN 
function by scardcontrol tools, but I don't know how the PIN code is read by 
the smartcard :

   - PIN uses a binary format conversion
   - PIN uses a shift rotation format conversion
   - PIN uses a BCD format conversion with PIN length insertion
   - PIN uses BCD, right justification and a control field 
   - PIN uses an ASCII format conversion with padding

Is there any body who have tested the GnuPG smartcard with it's reader's keypad 
by scardcontrol ?

Thanks in advanced for your answer.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Gnupg-users mailing list

tools to test reader's keypad with GnuPG smartcard V2 ?

2009-10-19 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello Werner,

Could you tell me if you've a debug tools to test reader's keypad with a GnuPG 
smartcard  V2 ?

Or could you explain please how you've done your tests and valided the reader's 
keypad with a GnuPG smartcard  V2 ?

Thanks in advanced for your answer.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-04-16 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello Peter,

Actually, I'm on a fresh sid Debian installed, I've use during install crypted 
LVM volume for all my partitions excepted for /boot.

So now I've two files like these :

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
/dev/mapper/sda5_crypt  /   btrfs   
ssd,discard,noatime 0   1
# /boot was on  /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=xx /boot   btrfs   
ssd,discard,noatime 0   2
/dev/mapper/sda7_crypt  /data   btrfs   
ssd,discard,noatime 0   2


/etc/cryptab :
sda5_crypt UUID=yy none luks,discard
sda7_crypt UUID=xx none luks,discard

In a first time, I want to add a key.gpg file solution, so in the firt time I 
want it ask to me the pincode for the key.gpg file, and if it's wrong or broken 
ask me the usual passphrase.

So could you explain us step by step, how to add this key.gpg as passphrase on 
a existing lvm crypted partition and how to have gnupg smartcard activate on 
boot to decrypt the key.gpg file ?

Thanks in advanced for your return.

PS : my gnupg smartcard works actually fine on a terminal on xsession.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-04-16 Thread tux . tsndcb

Thanks for your answer, I've already see your article and I asked to me many 

But in my case I've already crypted lvm partition with a passphrase, so can I 
only generated key.txt file and encrypt it with my gnupg key and add in cryptab 
file :

/etc/cryptab : 
sda5_crypt UUID=yy /etc/gpg_luks/luks-key.txt none 
sda5_crypt UUID=yy none luks,discard 

crypto /dev/sda2 none luks,keyscript=/usr/local/sbin/
sda7_crypt UUID=xx none luks,discard

But in the debian case, it's seems than I neeed to use 
/lib/cryptsetup/scripts/decrypt_gnupg, but I've not really exemple on that.

Best Regards

- Mail original -
De: "Thomas Harning Jr." 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Cc: "Peter Lebbing" ,
Envoyé: Mercredi 16 Avril 2014 21:32:22
Objet: Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

I believe this blog article could be a useful reference: 

This happens to work beautifully w/ the Yubikey NEO and the GPG Applet 

The article does omit any backup measures, so I added a separate long 
passphrase to use in the backup case - but to use it requires the initial boot 
UI to fail and I manually unlock the volumes and resume boot w/o the gnupg 

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 11:40 AM, < > wrote: 

Hello Peter, 

Actually, I'm on a fresh sid Debian installed, I've use during install crypted 
LVM volume for all my partitions excepted for /boot. 

So now I've two files like these : 

# /etc/fstab: static file system information. 
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a 
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices 
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5). 
/dev/mapper/sda5_crypt / btrfs ssd,discard,noatime 0 1 
# /boot was on /dev/sda1 during installation 
UUID=xx /boot btrfs ssd,discard,noatime 0 2 
/dev/mapper/sda7_crypt /data btrfs ssd,discard,noatime 0 2 


/etc/cryptab : 
sda5_crypt UUID=yy none luks,discard 
sda7_crypt UUID=xx none luks,discard 

In a first time, I want to add a key.gpg file solution, so in the firt time I 
want it ask to me the pincode for the key.gpg file, and if it's wrong or broken 
ask me the usual passphrase. 

So could you explain us step by step, how to add this key.gpg as passphrase on 
a existing lvm crypted partition and how to have gnupg smartcard activate on 
boot to decrypt the key.gpg file ? 

Thanks in advanced for your return. 

PS : my gnupg smartcard works actually fine on a terminal on xsession. 

Best Regards 

Gnupg-users mailing list 


Thomas Harning Jr. ( )

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-04-18 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello all,

Someone has an idea to do that please and how to do that ?

All help is appreciated.

Thanks in advanced.

Best Regards.

- Mail original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Thomas Harning Jr." 
Envoyé: Mercredi 16 Avril 2014 22:19:28
Objet: Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?


Thanks for your answer, I've already see your article and I asked to me many 

But in my case I've already crypted lvm partition with a passphrase, so can I 
only generated key.txt file and encrypt it with my gnupg key and add in cryptab 
file :

/etc/cryptab : 
sda5_crypt UUID=yy /etc/gpg_luks/luks-key.txt none 
sda5_crypt UUID=yy none luks,discard 

crypto /dev/sda2 none luks,keyscript=/usr/local/sbin/
sda7_crypt UUID=xx none luks,discard

But in the debian case, it's seems than I neeed to use 
/lib/cryptsetup/scripts/decrypt_gnupg, but I've not really exemple on that.

Best Regards

- Mail original -
De: "Thomas Harning Jr." 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Cc: "Peter Lebbing" ,
Envoyé: Mercredi 16 Avril 2014 21:32:22
Objet: Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

I believe this blog article could be a useful reference: 

This happens to work beautifully w/ the Yubikey NEO and the GPG Applet 

The article does omit any backup measures, so I added a separate long 
passphrase to use in the backup case - but to use it requires the initial boot 
UI to fail and I manually unlock the volumes and resume boot w/o the gnupg 

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 11:40 AM, < > wrote: 

Hello Peter, 

Actually, I'm on a fresh sid Debian installed, I've use during install crypted 
LVM volume for all my partitions excepted for /boot. 

So now I've two files like these : 

# /etc/fstab: static file system information. 
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a 
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices 
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5). 
/dev/mapper/sda5_crypt / btrfs ssd,discard,noatime 0 1 
# /boot was on /dev/sda1 during installation 
UUID=xx /boot btrfs ssd,discard,noatime 0 2 
/dev/mapper/sda7_crypt /data btrfs ssd,discard,noatime 0 2 


/etc/cryptab : 
sda5_crypt UUID=yy none luks,discard 
sda7_crypt UUID=xx none luks,discard 

In a first time, I want to add a key.gpg file solution, so in the firt time I 
want it ask to me the pincode for the key.gpg file, and if it's wrong or broken 
ask me the usual passphrase. 

So could you explain us step by step, how to add this key.gpg as passphrase on 
a existing lvm crypted partition and how to have gnupg smartcard activate on 
boot to decrypt the key.gpg file ? 

Thanks in advanced for your return. 

PS : my gnupg smartcard works actually fine on a terminal on xsession. 

Best Regards 

Gnupg-users mailing list 


Thomas Harning Jr. ( )

Gnupg-users mailing list

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-04-20 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello Peter,

I've read the README.gnupg file in cryptsetup, and it is indicate 3 steps to do 

1) First, you'll have to create the encrypted keyfile by:

# dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=256 | gpg --no-options --no-random-seed-file \
--no-default-keyring --keyring /dev/null --secret-keyring /dev/null \
--trustdb-name /dev/null --symmetric --output /etc/keys/cryptkey.gpg

2) Formate the partition with this cryptkey.gpg key file

# /lib/cryptsetup/scripts/decrypt_gnupg /etc/keys/crytpkey.gpg | \
cryptsetup --key-file=- luksFormat /dev/

3) Modifie the /etc/crypttab file :

cdev1   /dev/  /etc/keys/cryptkey.gpg  

But in fact I've a problem in the step 1, because if I use the command line :

# dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=256 | gpg --no-options --no-random-seed-file \
--no-default-keyring --keyring /dev/null --secret-keyring /dev/null \
--trustdb-name /dev/null --symmetric --output /etc/keys/cryptkey.gpg

It is not my gnupg key use to encrypt this cryptkey.gpg file, so it will be not 
my gnupg key on my smartcard use to decrypt it.

How can I modify in this command line to use my gnupg key to generate this 
cryptkey.gpg ?

Thanks in advanced for your return.

Best Regards.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-05-09 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Thomas,

I believe this blog article could be a useful reference: 

I've tested it on my sid debian with my pinpad reader, but the mean matter, 
it's on boot my debian failed to acces to my smartcard.

Does somebody have sucessfully used it's smartcard to do that ?

Thanks in advanced for your return.

Best Regards.

Gnupg-users mailing list

cyberJack® RFID komfort works fine with pinpad ?

2014-05-11 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi all,

Before buy it, I wanted to know if someone use a cyberJack® RFID komfort or 
cyberJack® go plus smartcard reader and can confirm to me than pinpad works 
fine with gnupg-ccid driver.

Thanks in advanced for your return

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

REINERSCT cyberJack® go plus works fine with pinpad ? Thanks to confirm it.

2014-05-12 Thread tux . tsndcb

Thanks for your answers (Werner and Julian), so maybe the good choise should be 
the other : cyberJack® go plus, CCID compliance as I've can read, isn't it ? 
SCM SPR 532, KAAN Advanced and Cherry ST2000 are too big for a nomade usage and 
the last : Vasco DigiPASS 920, seems no longer be sold

If someone use a cyberJack® go plus thanks to confirm than pinpad works fine.

PS I change the title to cyberJack® go plus

Thanks in advanced for your return.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-05-16 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi all,

I answer my self, after, many many tests done, in fact it isn't actually 
possible to do it under sid debian => root cause bug on systemd :

Debian Bug report logs - #618862
systemd: ignores keyscript in crypttab

link here :

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-05-18 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Peter,

- Mail original -
De: "Peter Lebbing" 
À: "tux tsndcb" ,
Envoyé: Dimanche 18 Mai 2014 12:52:52
Objet: Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

On 16/05/14 16:06, wrote:
> I answer my self, after, many many tests done, in fact it isn't
> actually possible to do it under sid debian => root cause bug on
> systemd :

That's a pity it doesn't work on sid. I've been meaning to look into
this since you brought it up, and I finally made some time to do it.
Since I think Sid is a nasty kid who plays much too roughly with my
toys, I used Jessie, and it does work there. Looking at the Debian bug,
I think they'll fix it.

Many thanks for your return. This Week-end I've done new tests, and the tempory 
solution than I've applied is to install sysvinit-core that remove systemd-sysv 
and now under sid debian, keyfile is ok on boot to decrypt LUKS FS, but I 
haven't already test it with smartcard (just with encrypt keyfile with gpg).

Yes this will be probably fix, because it should be on the standard stable 
Jessie install

What I would really like, by the way, is if you clicked an unopened
encrypted volume in your file manager, and it would prompt for your PIN
through pinentry. But that doesn't work yet. Unlocking the root
filesystem and other filesystems that are unlocked on boot does work.

Actually the problem for me is on boot.

You can check out what I did on

I haven't tried it on Wheezy yet (I will), but I think it will work
there as well.

I will test this on Jessie and sid (now it's same than Jessie with 

I give you my return ASAP about it.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-05-18 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Peter,

My first return on jessie, on boot ask me PIN to decrypt but failed, but it is 
normal, here messages :

Performing GPG key decryption
Enter Smartcard PIN or passphrase for key /etc/keys/cryptkey.gpg
gpg pcsc_establish_context failed : no service (0x8010001d)
gpgh card reader not available

But it's normal because I use PINPAD reader and I can only use gnupg_ccid 
driver so pcscd is not installed on my PC.

I need to check to use gnupg_ccid instead pcsc on your script

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-05-18 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hi Peter,

Thanks for your answer

- Mail original -
De: "Peter Lebbing" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Dimanche 18 Mai 2014 22:04:18
Objet: Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

On 18/05/14 18:51, wrote:
> I need to check to use gnupg_ccid instead pcsc on your script

pcscd is not installed in the initramfs :). So your reader should be
supported by the internal driver of GnuPG for it to work.

Yes it is support by gnupg_ccid driver

You might have noticed you can optionally put a gpg.conf in /etc/keys
(or wherever your key is) and it will be copied and used in the initramfs.

I will test with it 

PS : I've done new tests with update-initramfs -u -vv -k all to have verbose 
generated initramfs, but I see no /etc/keys/secring.gpg or 
/etc/keys/cryptkey.gpg, is it normal ?
but I see well : Calling hook cryptgnupg_sc and Calling hook cryptgnupg_sc

Best Regards.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-05-19 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello Peter,

First good news, as I tell you during initramfs generation, I see no trace for 
/etc/key/cryptkey.gpg, but this file is obligatory OK because passphrase works 
on boot (with gpg.conf in /etc/keys) (may be it it's because my test is for 
/data/test encrypted FS and not /)

But I've always :

gpg: pcsc_etablish_context failed: no service (0x8010001d)
gpg: card reader not evailable

may be it's problem on boot with 60-gnupg.rules file ? This file works fine 
after boot because smartcard redaer works fine.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-05-19 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello Peter

- Mail original -
De: "Peter Lebbing" 
À: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Lundi 19 Mai 2014 20:01:38
Objet: Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

> But I've always :
> gpg: pcsc_etablish_context failed: no service (0x8010001d) gpg: card
> reader not evailable
> may be it's problem on boot with 60-gnupg.rules file ? This file
> works fine after boot because smartcard redaer works fine.

Is your card reader supported by GnuPG's internal CCID driver or do you
need pcscd for the smartcard to work? Related question: Is pcscd usually

As I said, your smartcard reader really needs to be supported by GnuPG's
internal driver, it will not work if pcscd is needed. The messages seem
to indicate that pcscd is needed.

Yes of course, it's for that than I'm very surprise to see pcsc invocated, my 
smartcard reader is a Vega Alpha supported by gnupg internal drivers, on my 
debians I don't install pcscd and libccid because it is not necessary, works 
fine with PINPAD only with gnupg internal drivers with this smartcard reader

It's officially confirmed at this link :

On debian (jessie and sid) I can sign, encrypt use ssh support and poldi with 
this reader and my smartcard and use PINPAD fully supported.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-05-20 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello Peter,

If I done :

gpg --card-status --debug-ccid-driver => I have no error, so normaly it is 
good, isn't it ?

and if I done :

echo scd getinfo reader_list | gpg-connect-agent --decode | awk '/^D/ {print 

it is well my smartcard reader with my smartcard detected.

so do you have an idea with it's wrong on boot ?

Here /etc/keys files :

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  769 mai   18 17:43 cryptkey.gpg
-rw--- 1 root root 4975 mai   18 18:05 pubring.gpg~
-rw--- 1 root root 4975 mai   18 18:05 pubring.gpg
-rw--- 1 root root 5050 mai   18 18:05 secring.gpg
-rw--- 1 root root 7807 mai   19 18:29 gpg.conf

Here my gpg.conf file :

keyserver hkp://
auto-key-locate local
default-key {YOURKEY}

Do I've missing an option in this gpg.conf file ?

Thanks in advanced for your return

Best Regard

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-05-20 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello Peter,

More informations may be help you to help me :

If I boot on rescue mode, same issue during boot phase :

- PIN code wrong (not asked on my smartcard reader, and if I write it on 
keyborad => wrong) but passphase OK.

After boot if I enter on "root" mode after type root password (so console mode).

If I type  the same commands :

gpg --card-status --debug-ccid-driver => I have no error, so normaly it is 
good, isn't it ?

and if I done :

echo scd getinfo reader_list | gpg-connect-agent --decode | awk '/^D/ {print 

same good result.

If I try :

gpg --card-edit

PIN code is well asked on my smartcard reader and works well.

So is it possible to add a "debug mod" on your script to have more informations 
during boot phase ?

Thanks in advance for your help

Best Regards

- Mail original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Peter Lebbing" 
Envoyé: Mardi 20 Mai 2014 16:03:58
Objet: Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

Hello Peter,

If I done :

gpg --card-status --debug-ccid-driver => I have no error, so normaly it is 
good, isn't it ?

and if I done :

echo scd getinfo reader_list | gpg-connect-agent --decode | awk '/^D/ {print 

it is well my smartcard reader with my smartcard detected.

so do you have an idea with it's wrong on boot ?

Here /etc/keys files :

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  769 mai   18 17:43 cryptkey.gpg
-rw--- 1 root root 4975 mai   18 18:05 pubring.gpg~
-rw--- 1 root root 4975 mai   18 18:05 pubring.gpg
-rw--- 1 root root 5050 mai   18 18:05 secring.gpg
-rw--- 1 root root 7807 mai   19 18:29 gpg.conf

Here my gpg.conf file :

keyserver hkp://
auto-key-locate local
default-key {YOURKEY}

Do I've missing an option in this gpg.conf file ?

Thanks in advanced for your return

Best Regard

Gnupg-users mailing list

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-05-21 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello Peter,

Could you tel me what reader you use ?

Thanks in advanced.

Best Ragards

- Mail original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Peter Lebbing" 
Envoyé: Mardi 20 Mai 2014 17:28:20
Objet: Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

Hello Peter,

More informations may be help you to help me :

If I boot on rescue mode, same issue during boot phase :

- PIN code wrong (not asked on my smartcard reader, and if I write it on 
keyborad => wrong) but passphase OK.

After boot if I enter on "root" mode after type root password (so console mode).

If I type  the same commands :

gpg --card-status --debug-ccid-driver => I have no error, so normaly it is 
good, isn't it ?

and if I done :

echo scd getinfo reader_list | gpg-connect-agent --decode | awk '/^D/ {print 

same good result.

If I try :

gpg --card-edit

PIN code is well asked on my smartcard reader and works well.

So is it possible to add a "debug mod" on your script to have more informations 
during boot phase ?

Thanks in advance for your help

Best Regards

- Mail original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
À: "Peter Lebbing" 
Envoyé: Mardi 20 Mai 2014 16:03:58
Objet: Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

Hello Peter,

If I done :

gpg --card-status --debug-ccid-driver => I have no error, so normaly it is 
good, isn't it ?

and if I done :

echo scd getinfo reader_list | gpg-connect-agent --decode | awk '/^D/ {print 

it is well my smartcard reader with my smartcard detected.

so do you have an idea with it's wrong on boot ?

Here /etc/keys files :

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  769 mai   18 17:43 cryptkey.gpg
-rw--- 1 root root 4975 mai   18 18:05 pubring.gpg~
-rw--- 1 root root 4975 mai   18 18:05 pubring.gpg
-rw--- 1 root root 5050 mai   18 18:05 secring.gpg
-rw--- 1 root root 7807 mai   19 18:29 gpg.conf

Here my gpg.conf file :

keyserver hkp://
auto-key-locate local
default-key {YOURKEY}

Do I've missing an option in this gpg.conf file ?

Thanks in advanced for your return

Best Regard

Gnupg-users mailing list

Gnupg-users mailing list

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg smartcard on boot for LUKS on sid debian howto ?

2014-05-21 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello Peter,

Don't worry I can understand.

I will look your new way, and yes pinpad usage is may be the problem, I will 
look for that also (but as I have see on rescue mode after boot PINPAD askpass 
PIN works fine to pinpad, may be and surely the problem is during boot phase).

Many thanks again for your time and your new way (I will give you my result 

Best Regards.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: does gpg & gpg2 use same gpg.conf file in home directory & what are the best practices to create gpg2 signature ?

2014-05-23 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello war,

Yes gpg and gpg2 use the same gpg.conf file, the .gnupg directory will be 
created on your fist usage  gpg or gpg2.

On debian, the first time you use it a generic gpg.conf file is also generated.

Do you use a smartcard ? or do you want to use one ?

You can first look at this link :, seems a 
pretty good fist guide.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: does gpg & gpg2 use same gpg.conf file in home directory & what are the best practices to create gpg2 signature ?

2014-05-23 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello War,

Don't worry, part 5 to 8 and  are commun for without or with smartcard GunPG 

Part 9 is only for smartcard

but don't forgot part 10. Creating a revocation certificate

Good reading.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

what hardware entropy usb key equivalent Simtec entropy key take ?

2014-05-25 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello alls,

As you know it is not more possible to buy a Simtec entropy usb key since many 
years, so my question what hardware entropy usb key do you recommend now to 
replace it (not too expensive) ?

PS:  need to be compatible with GNU Linux / Debian

Thanks in advanced for your return.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: what hardware entropy usb key equivalent Simtec entropy key take ?

2014-05-26 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello Diega,

Yes it will be probably only for entropy because I use my smartcards GnuPG with 
PINPAD smartcard card reader and actualy I don't want to use it without PINPAD.

I haven't see than you can use it only for Random, I will look more and price 
is not so expensive.

Thanks for the information

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Reiner SCT Cyberjack go : Display languge question

2014-05-26 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello all,

I wanted to know, if people who use this cardreader have english language on 

Because on display I've done this configuration :

Menu -> Setting -> Language -> German
  >English I've selected it

but all display messages are in German for exemple when cardreader boot and a 
smartcard is plug on it :

Bitte Karte

so no in English

Other questions :

- On display I can see in permanence : Secoder 2 V2.2.1, is it possible to 
don't see It ?

- On my Vega cardreader, when I use it, I can see these :

- When no smartcard insert :
Insert card

- when PIN code is requested :
Enter PIN
3 retries left

- when I don't put PIN code on time
Time Out

But with this cardreader I see nothing only PIN when PIN code is requested and 
nothing for the other things

Thanks in advance for your feeback with it.

Best Regards


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Reiner SCT Cyberjack go : Display languge question

2014-05-29 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello All,

Here the official Renier SCT support answer :

"This product is mainly developed for German market, therefore it is necessary 
to keep the Secoder2 specs. All PIN messages are definied there, so they will 
ALWAYS be in German.
The cardreader are primary for German Market, so the language will be German. 
It is not possible to use English Secoder2 text. And we will and can not change 

It's very shame, because if this company done a little effort to translate 
display messages min in English, not very hard to do it, and little more 
verbose as normal usage (same as other cardreader), it will be a nice very 
small pinpad cardreader, but it's the life ...

Best Regards

- Mail original -
De: "tux tsndcb" 
Envoyé: Lundi 26 Mai 2014 14:26:00
Objet: Reiner SCT Cyberjack go : Display languge question

Hello all,

I wanted to know, if people who use this cardreader have english language on 

Because on display I've done this configuration :

Menu -> Setting -> Language -> German
  >English I've selected it

but all display messages are in German for exemple when cardreader boot and a 
smartcard is plug on it :

Bitte Karte

so no in English

Other questions :

- On display I can see in permanence : Secoder 2 V2.2.1, is it possible to 
don't see It ?

- On my Vega cardreader, when I use it, I can see these :

- When no smartcard insert :
Insert card

- when PIN code is requested :
Enter PIN
3 retries left

- when I don't put PIN code on time
Time Out

But with this cardreader I see nothing only PIN when PIN code is requested and 
nothing for the other things

Thanks in advance for your feeback with it.

Best Regards


Gnupg-users mailing list

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Reiner SCT Cyberjack go : Display languge question

2014-05-29 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello Ingo

> IMHO, the real shame is that this device (as probably most other similar 
> devices) doesn't have an open-sourced Free Firmware. (Or does it?)

Yes I'm totaly agree with you, but unfortunally for us it's not tomorrow ..

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: fulldisc encryption

2014-05-30 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello Johan,

- Mail original -
De: "Johan Wevers" 
Envoyé: Vendredi 30 Mai 2014 22:51:28
Objet: Re: fulldisc encryption

On 30-05-2014 12:48, wrote:

> as truecrypt gave up developing the software any further, the question
> raised up, how to encrypt the full disc with gnupg. i looked into the
> web and found something like

All other solutions I have seen so far are much more limited than
TrueCrypt: they are either for only one OS (usually windows or Linux),
they are only focussed on whole drive encryption (TrueCrypt containers
can be ptretty usefull too and work even on Android).

LUKS soltution works also for android (but not for full disk), available here :

Best Regards
Gnupg-users mailing list

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: fulldisc encryption

2014-05-30 Thread tux . tsndcb

> LUKS soltution works also for android (but not for full disk), available here 
> :

I don't know any full disc encryption metghod for Android. However, LUKS
doesn't work for windows.

Yes of course because LUKS => L for linux (so not for Windows) but works also 
for android as virtual folders 

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Cannot reset smartcard

2014-06-12 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello all,

Sorry to disturb you but I cannot more used my smartcard and I wanted to known 
if someone has already have this :

gpg2 --card-status
gpg: selecting openpgp failed: Reset card required
gpg: OpenPGP smartcard not available : Reset card required

I've tried to reset it :

gpg-connect-agent < Reset
ERR 100663405 Reset card required 
ERR 100663406 card removed 
ERR 100663406 card removed 
ERR 100663406 card removed 
ERR 100663406 card removed 
ERR 100663406 card removed 
ERR 100663406 card removed 
ERR 100663406 card removed 
ERR 100663406 card removed 
ERR 100663406 card removed 
ERR 100663406 card removed 
card has been reset to factory defaults

But in fact my smartcard is not reseted, is it bricked ?

Thanks in advanced for your return.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: mascot_p

2014-06-17 Thread tux . tsndcb

>I think a mascot would be nice. Is there some especially secretive animal? Some
>animal that hides stuff? Or just a nice animal, something cuddly like a
>pufferfish. Erm.

Yes or may be an animal with two Gnus like the old smartcard GnuPG V1 logo with 
the new GnuPG logo (padlock) on their bellies ?

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: OpenPGP Best Practices article

2014-06-27 Thread tux . tsndcb

> My understanding is that the YubiKey Neo applet supports up to 2048 bit RSA.  
> Thus there are some keys that will work with the V2 SmartCard but not on the 
> Neo.

Yes limitation is physical, the ship cannot have key size more than 2048 bit 
RSA on Yubikey, for the V2 SmartCard GnuPG, it's different, limitation was 
software (by GnuPG) but not hardware, so now it works with 4096 bit RSA.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Smart card reader security

2014-07-07 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello Christian

>I bought a cyberJack go [1] to use it with my openPGP smart card for
>authentification. Since the firmware of that device is upgradeable and
>is capable of saving atleast 2 GB of data, how can I be sure it is not a
>security threat by saving sensitive data?

May be done an encrypted partition on it.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Cyberjack go plus new internal storage size

2014-07-10 Thread tux . tsndcb
Hello all,

Just for information, it seems than ReinerSCT have change internal storage size 
from 2 Go to 4 Go.

Best Regards

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: card is permanently locked!

2014-11-18 Thread tux . tsndcb

I can confirm, works fine.

Best Regards

- Mail original -
De: "Pete Stephenson" 
À: "Damien Goutte-Gattat" 
Cc: "GnuPG Users Mailing List" 
Envoyé: Lundi 17 Novembre 2014 20:15:09
Objet: Re: card is permanently locked!

scd serialno
scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 81 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 20 00 83 08 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
scd apdu 00 e6 00 00
scd apdu 00 44 00 00
/echo card has been reset to factory defaults

2. Insert the smartcard to be reset.

3. Run "gpg-connect-agent < reset.txt"

4. Remove the smartcard.

5. Wait a few seconds, then reinsert the smartcard.

6. Run "gpg --card-status": the card should show as factory fresh[2].

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