Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-16 Thread David Shaw

On Sep 16, 2008, at 10:08 AM, rlively wrote:


Windows XP gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.7
Windows Privacy Tray
Version: 1.2.0 (Sep 17 2007)
Copyright (C) 2006 Timo Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pretty Good Privacy(tm) Version 6.5.8
(c) 1999 Network Associates Inc.
Uses the RSAREF(tm) Toolkit, which is copyright RSA Data Security,  

Export of this software may be restricted by the U.S. government.


At first we generated keys on the AIX server and then exported the  
keys to
Windows, but PGP made RSA/IDEA keys which GnuPG can't decrypt, so I  
to generate the keys on GnuPG on Windows and then export to the AIX  
I've tried it now multiple times with different keys, and each time  
I try to
edit the key or decrypt something I get errors on AIX.  I am  
absolutely sure
I am typing the pass phrase correctly, because I can do all of the  
things on Windows by typing the same pass phrase, and I even edited  
the key
to change the pass phrase multiple times to simple things (like  
abc123) and

then exported to AIX again and on AIX I still couldn't authenticate.

PGP 6 is really, really old.  It predates some of the OpenPGP  
standard, so I suspect a passphrase encoding problem between the two  
programs.  I suggest removing the passphrase completely (just hit  
enter when asked for the new passprase), then copying the key over to  
PGP, and changing the passphrase to what you want it to be.

Key for user ID: 
1024-bit DSS key, Key ID 0xF, created 2008/09/15
Key can sign.
You need a pass phrase to unlock your secret key.

Enter pass phrase:

received signal 11

[no cleartext file is created]

That said, a signal 11 is a segfault.  If PGP is actually *crashing*,  
there isn't much you can do.


Gnupg-users mailing list

re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-16 Thread vedaal
rlively 72ceot902 at wrote on
Tue Sep 16 16:08:25 CEST 2008 :

>so I decided to generate the keys on GnuPG 
>on Windows and then export to the AIX server. 
>I've tried it now multiple times with different keys, 
>and each time I try to
>edit the key or decrypt something I get errors on AIX

pgp 6.5.8 is way behind many of the newer features of gnupg

the two main problems are:

[1] newer algorithms not included in 6.5.8

[2] newer secret-key protection

[3] insistence of using IDEA to encrypt to ANY RSA key (v3 or v4)
(even those generated without IDEA capability)

use the following options in gnupg:

--s2k-cipher-algo 3DES
--s2k-digest-algo SHA-1

then generate DH/DSA keypair in gnupg and import it to 6.5.8

then, for all further correspondence from gnupg to 6.5.8
just use the option --pgp6
and 6.5.8 should be able to decrypt and verify anything with that 
DH/DSA key


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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-16 Thread rlively

David Shaw wrote:
>> AIX
>> Pretty Good Privacy(tm) Version 6.5.8
> PGP 6 is really, really old.  It predates some of the OpenPGP  
> standard, so I suspect a passphrase encoding problem between the two  
> programs.  I suggest removing the passphrase completely (just hit  
> enter when asked for the new passprase), then copying the key over to  
> PGP, and changing the passphrase to what you want it to be.

I think our AIX administrator installed the highest version available here:

What is the latest PGP version for Unix/AIX if not this one? How old is this

David Shaw wrote:
>> received signal 11
>> [no cleartext file is created]
> That said, a signal 11 is a segfault.  If PGP is actually *crashing*,  
> there isn't much you can do.

Do you think this version of PGP would always just segfault upon using a
GnuPG key?

I tried blanking out the password, but when exporting to AIX and trying the
new password I still got the "Bad Password" when just hitting enter.  Is
there anything else I can try?

If we install the latest Unix GnuPG on AIX, will we run into any issues with
our current keys?  If someone we communicate with uses RSA/IDEA, will our
GnuPG command-line fail to encrypt to their public key?  Would we need to
install the latest PGP instead and purchase the license for RSA/IDEA?

The versions of PGP, the algorithms, patents, license requirements, etc are
all extremely confusing, and I haven't found a good site explaining all of
the differences.  Is it free? Not free? License needed or not? Only if you
use IDEA?  Is RSA and IDEA the same thing?

Is this all correct?

1) PGP (or GPG) is a software package for encrypting and decrypting data. 
The software can use one of a number of encryption algorithms and usually
comes with support for many different algorithms.

2) The software we downloaded and installed on our local Windows
workstations (Gnu Privacy Guard - GPG) is free for use even in commercial

3) If our AIX admin installed GPG for Unix, then the software on our GIS
servers are also license-free and cost-free for commercial uses.  If he
installed PGP from or then we need a

3) Most of the algorithms in the software are license-free and cose-free for
both commercial and non-commercial uses, except for the IDEA algorithm,
which is patented and needs a license.So we would need to find out if we
are using the IDEA encryption algorithm to find out whether we need to
purchase a license for that algorithm or not.  If we're not using the IDEA
algorithm, we don't need a license.  The MediaCrypt website (either or, I've seen both mentioned) seems
to be defunct, so I couldn't find out more information directly from their
website.  It may be that they're not enforcing the patent any longer.  If we
purchase a copy of the PGP software from NAI, it comes with a license for
IDEA algorithm.

See the information below:

"GnuPG is a complete and free replacement for PGP."  GPG (GNU Privacy Guard)
is a PGP compatible alternative based on the OpenPGP standard.  It has
received funding from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and
Technology, and there are two great reasons to consider it: It is completely
open source software that can be peer reviewed for any security weaknesses;
and it is absolutely free to use for both commercial and noncommercial
purposes.  Although designed for command line operating systems such as
Linux, it has been ported for 32 bit Windows use.

Q: How much does PGP cost?

A: The PGP 2.x series are freely available as open source software under the
GNU General Public License, with no real limits on its use, at no cost
(except the IDEA patent should you opt to include support for it, see What's
with the patent on IDEA?).

A: GNU Privacy Guard is freely available as open source software, with no
real limits on its use, at no cost (except the IDEA patent should you opt to
include support for it, see What's with the patent on IDEA?). The website of
the GNU Privacy Guard Project is the primary distribution point.

A: PGP 5.x and higher are commercial products. Network Associates bought PGP
Inc., a company founded by Phil Zimmerman, and sells a whole range of
products under the brand "PGP". The "original" email and file encryption PGP
are called PGPmail and PGPfile respectively. See NAI for pricing and
availability. There is a version available at no cost for strictly
non-commercial use on

Note that the free versions of PGP are free only for noncommercial use. If
you need to use PGP in a commercial setting you should buy a copy of PGP
from NAI. This version of PGP has other advantages as well, most notably its
integration with common MS Windows and Mac O

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-16 Thread David Shaw
On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 09:57:49AM -0700, rlively wrote:
> David Shaw wrote:
> > 
> >> AIX
> >> Pretty Good Privacy(tm) Version 6.5.8
> > 
> > PGP 6 is really, really old.  It predates some of the OpenPGP  
> > standard, so I suspect a passphrase encoding problem between the two  
> > programs.  I suggest removing the passphrase completely (just hit  
> > enter when asked for the new passprase), then copying the key over to  
> > PGP, and changing the passphrase to what you want it to be.
> > 
> I think our AIX administrator installed the highest version available here:
> What is the latest PGP version for Unix/AIX if not this one? How old is this
> version?

Mid-2000, I think.
> David Shaw wrote:
> > 
> >> received signal 11
> >>
> >> [no cleartext file is created]
> > 
> > That said, a signal 11 is a segfault.  If PGP is actually *crashing*,  
> > there isn't much you can do.
> > 
> Do you think this version of PGP would always just segfault upon using a
> GnuPG key?

No way to guess.  It's a segfault, so something is clearly very
broken.  A sane program would print an error instead of crashing.

> If we install the latest Unix GnuPG on AIX, will we run into any issues with
> our current keys?

Probably not, unless the person you are communicating with is using
PGP 2.x from the 1990s (don't laugh - some people still are).  Just
update your key like this:

 gpg --edit-key (thekey)

> If someone we communicate with uses RSA/IDEA, will our
> GnuPG command-line fail to encrypt to their public key?

No.  IDEA is an optional part of PGP, and 3DES will be used instead.
Whether your recipient will be able to decrypt depends on whether
they're stuck with PGP 2.x.

> Would we need to
> install the latest PGP instead and purchase the license for


> 1) PGP (or GPG) is a software package for encrypting and decrypting data. 
> The software can use one of a number of encryption algorithms and usually
> comes with support for many different algorithms.


> 2) The software we downloaded and installed on our local Windows
> workstations (Gnu Privacy Guard - GPG) is free for use even in commercial
> uses.

Yes.  GPG, and every algorithm supplied with GPG is free for use in
any way you want to use it.

IDEA is a different beast.  It is not shipped as part of GPG, and
requires a license for commercial use.  You can add IDEA to GPG via a
plugin or special compilation, but don't.  Unless your situation is
extremely special, you don't need IDEA.  Just ignore it.

> 3) If our AIX admin installed GPG for Unix, then the software on our GIS
> servers are also license-free and cost-free for commercial uses.  If he
> installed PGP from or then we need a
> license.


> 3) Most of the algorithms in the software are license-free and cose-free for
> both commercial and non-commercial uses, except for the IDEA algorithm,
> which is patented and needs a license.So we would need to find out if we
> are using the IDEA encryption algorithm to find out whether we need to
> purchase a license for that algorithm or not.  If we're not using the IDEA
> algorithm, we don't need a license.  The MediaCrypt website (either
> or, I've seen both mentioned) seems
> to be defunct, so I couldn't find out more information directly from their
> website.  It may be that they're not enforcing the patent any longer.  If we
> purchase a copy of the PGP software from NAI, it comes with a license for
> IDEA algorithm.


Bottom line: don't use PGP 6 (you can't use it for commercial use
without a license and I'm fairly sure there is nobody who will sell
you a PGP 6 license at this point anyway).  Use a recent GPG or a
recent PGP.  Don't even get involved with IDEA unless a specific
customer has a problem, and asking that customer to upgrade isn't an
option.  There is a lot of code in both GPG and PGP to make all these
cipher and version questions invisible to the outside world.  Let the
system do the work for you.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-16 Thread Robert J. Hansen
David Shaw wrote:
>> What is the latest PGP version for Unix/AIX if not this one? How old is this
>> version?
> Mid-2000, I think.

Mid-1998, I think.  Mid-2000 is when PGP 7 came out.  PGP 6.5.8's date
of introduction was mid-to-late '98.

Following remarks are meant more for the original poster, rlively:

> No way to guess.  It's a segfault, so something is clearly very
> broken.  A sane program would print an error instead of crashing.

I'll go one step further and say it's a sign you shouldn't use PGP
6.5.8.  AIX has moved on in the last ten years; it's possible the C
runtime has moved on, too.  The segfault may be a problem with the PGP
6.5.8 code, or it may be a problem with the assumptions the code makes
about the C runtime, or it may be... etc., etc.

The fact it's segfaulting would cause me to harbor doubts about whether
it should be used in a security context.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-16 Thread rlively

David Shaw wrote:
> Bottom line: don't use PGP 6 (you can't use it for commercial use
> without a license and I'm fairly sure there is nobody who will sell
> you a PGP 6 license at this point anyway).  Use a recent GPG or a
> recent PGP.  Don't even get involved with IDEA unless a specific
> customer has a problem, and asking that customer to upgrade isn't an
> option.  There is a lot of code in both GPG and PGP to make all these
> cipher and version questions invisible to the outside world.  Let the
> system do the work for you.
> ...
>> If someone we communicate with uses RSA/IDEA, will our 
>> GnuPG command-line fail to encrypt to their public key?
> No.  IDEA is an optional part of PGP, and 3DES will be used instead. 
> Whether your recipient will be able to decrypt depends on whether 
> they're stuck with PGP 2.x.
> David

One of our contacts uses this key:

Type: Public Key
Algorithm: RSA Legacy
Size: 2048 bits
Created: 5/17/1999
Expires: Never
Validity: None
Cipher: IDEA

Even though they key specifies Cipher: IDEA, are you saying that we should
be able to encrypt to this public key just fine with the latest veresion of
GnuPG, unless that contact is stuck using legacy PGP 2.x?  If they use a
newer version of PGP or GnuPG we should be fine?  So to be safe, what do we
need to do before the decision of whether to go PGP or GnuPG -- just contact
them and ask what version of PGP or GPG they use?

Supported under AIX? GnuPG Supported Systems 
doesn't list AIX 5.3.  It does have AIX v4.3 under "Other OSes," though it
has this disclaimer: GnuPG compiles and runs on many more systems, but due
to the lack of a well tested entropy source, it should be used with some
caution. We have positive reports on these systems.

Is this anything to be concerned about? Is there a precompiled binary for
AIX that someone has done?  What is the danger of downloading the latest
source and compiling it under AIX?  How can I find a group of people that
may have done this in the past so we can get some guidance?
View this message in context:
Sent from the GnuPG - User mailing list archive at

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-16 Thread Robert J. Hansen
rlively wrote:
> One of our contacts uses this key:

This is a PGP 2.6 key, unfortunately.

> Even though they key specifies Cipher: IDEA, are you saying that we 
> should be able to encrypt to this public key just fine with the 
> latest veresion of GnuPG, unless that contact is stuck using legacy 
> PGP 2.x?

He is not.  There are two different internet standards for PGP.  The
first one, called RFC1991, dates to the early '90s.  The second one,
called RFC4880, was only officially released a few months ago.  The two
standards are not interchangeable, and RFC4880 brings many more
capabilities to the table.

GnuPG is an RFC4880 application.  PGP 2.6 is RFC1991.  The two are
generally incompatible.  (I've heard talk of people figuring out how to
make them work together, but I've generally been of the opinion they're
talking about a lot of baling wire and bubblegum.)

> What is the danger of downloading the latest source and compiling it
> under AIX?

No greater than downloading and compiling any other FOSS project.

> How can I find a group of people that may have done this in the past
> so we can get some guidance?

Ask here.  :)  I imagine in short order you'll get some answers from
people using GnuPG on AIX.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-16 Thread David Shaw
On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 02:25:17PM -0700, rlively wrote:

> One of our contacts uses this key:
> Type: Public Key
> Algorithm: RSA Legacy
> Size: 2048 bits
> Created: 5/17/1999
> Expires: Never
> Validity: None
> Cipher: IDEA
> Even though they key specifies Cipher: IDEA, are you saying that we should
> be able to encrypt to this public key just fine with the latest veresion of
> GnuPG, unless that contact is stuck using legacy PGP 2.x?

Yes.  Even though the key specifies IDEA as a cipher, modern OpenPGP
systems (GPG or PGP) will both use 3DES as an alternative if they do
not have IDEA.

> If they use a
> newer version of PGP or GnuPG we should be fine?


> So to be safe, what do we
> need to do before the decision of whether to go PGP or GnuPG -- just contact
> them and ask what version of PGP or GPG they use?

That's one way - even better would be to just send them a sample
encrypted message and verify they can decrypt the thing.  If it works,
it's proven.  If it doesn't work, you'll be in a good place to debug.

> Supported under AIX?
> GnuPG Supported Systems 
> doesn't list AIX 5.3.  It does have AIX v4.3 under "Other OSes," though it
> has this disclaimer: GnuPG compiles and runs on many more systems, but due
> to the lack of a well tested entropy source, it should be used with some
> caution. We have positive reports on these systems.
> Is this anything to be concerned about? Is there a precompiled binary for
> AIX that someone has done?  What is the danger of downloading the latest
> source and compiling it under AIX?  How can I find a group of people that
> may have done this in the past so we can get some guidance?

I think that information is a little out of date.  AIX since v5.2 has
had a /dev/random that is based on Yarrow.  Assuming that there isn't
some bug in their implementation (a point on which anyone's guess is
as good as mine), AIX should do just fine.

for a bit more info about the AIX random number generator.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-17 Thread rlively

I need help reconciling the two responses below.  I am still going to get a
test file encrypted/decrypted using GPG 1.4.7 with the owner of said key
just to see how it goes, but that might take a while, and I need to improve
my general understanding of this entire process and all of the software
involved anyway.

rlively wrote:
> One of our contacts uses this key:
> > Cipher: IDEA
> > 
> > Even though they key specifies Cipher: IDEA, are you saying that we
> should
> > be able to encrypt to this public key just fine with the latest
> veresion of
> > GnuPG, unless that contact is stuck using legacy PGP 2.x?
> >
> > If they use a newer version of PGP or GnuPG we should be fine?


David Shaw wrote:

> Yes.  Even though the key specifies IDEA as a cipher, modern OpenPGP
> systems (GPG or PGP) will both use 3DES as an alternative if they do
> not have IDEA.
> > If they use a newer version of PGP or GnuPG we should be fine?
> Yes.


Robert J. Hansen-3 wrote:
This is a PGP 2.6 key, unfortunately. 
> > If they use a newer version of PGP or GnuPG we should be fine?
> He is not.  There are two different internet standards for PGP.  The
> first one, called RFC1991, dates to the early '90s.  The second one,
> called RFC4880, was only officially released a few months ago.  The two
> standards are not interchangeable, and RFC4880 brings many more
> capabilities to the table.
> GnuPG is an RFC4880 application.  PGP 2.6 is RFC1991.  The two are
> generally incompatible.

View this message in context:
Sent from the GnuPG - User mailing list archive at
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-17 Thread vedaal
>Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 06:42:10 -0700 (PDT)
>From: rlively <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP
>   Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

>I need help reconciling the two responses below.  I am still going 
>to get a
>test file encrypted/decrypted using GPG 1.4.7 with the owner of 
>said key
>just to see how it goes, but that might take a while, and I need 
>to improve my general understanding of this entire process
>and all of the software involved anyway.

>David Shaw wrote:

>> Yes.  Even though the key specifies IDEA as a cipher, modern 
>OpenPGP systems (GPG or PGP) will both use 3DES as an alternative 
>they do not have IDEA.
>> > If they use a newer version of PGP or GnuPG we should be 
>> Yes.

>Robert J. Hansen-3 wrote:
>This is a PGP 2.6 key, unfortunately. 
>> > If they use a newer version of PGP or GnuPG we should be 
>> He is not.  

both posts are technically correct

but, practically,
the problem is that NO newer version of PGP, will use anything 
besides IDEA to encrypt to a pgp 2.6 key,

while you can use gnupg to encrypt to that key, using ANY cipher, 
and PGP can decrypt it (as long as the version of PGP used has that 
i.e., PGP 6x doesn't have AES, so it can't decrypt an AES message, 
but PGP 9.x does and can)

you will still not be able to use gnupg to decrypt any message done 
in ANY version of PGP that encrypts to a pgp 2.x key, unless you 
have IDEA
installed in your gnupg

to make life simple for you,
if you aren't a stickler for the IDEA patent issues, 
and if you don't get any grief from the legal team at your work,
just put IDEA into your gnupg;

[1] get the IDEA module:

[2] unzip this to your gnupg folder (c:\gnupg)

[3] put this line into your gpg.conf file:
load-extension c:\gnupg\IDEA.dll

now you can decrypt whatever the client sends to you

as the client uses pgp 6.5.8

just ask the client to generate a new DH/DSA key

(REAL 'diehard' pgp 2.x users, don't use anything besides 2.x ;-)
so if the client already has 6.5.8
he may be more amenable to making a new key,
and then all you have to do, is use the option of --pgp6
and gnupg will automatically make sure that everything you send can 
be decrypted and verified by 6.5.8)


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Enhance your home's curb appeal with name brand shutters. Click now.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-17 Thread David Shaw
On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 06:42:10AM -0700, rlively wrote:
> I need help reconciling the two responses below.  I am still going to get a
> test file encrypted/decrypted using GPG 1.4.7 with the owner of said key
> just to see how it goes, but that might take a while, and I need to improve
> my general understanding of this entire process and all of the software
> involved anyway.

We're both right with regards to the facts of PGP 2.x.  With all due
respect to Robert, I'm right with regards to whether it'll work.

The situation, underneath it all is this: You have a modern OpenPGP
program.  Your correspondent has, or can be made to have, a modern
OpenPGP program.  Your correspondent's key is a V3 key (the so-called
"PGP 2.x" key).

OpenPGP does just fine with V3 keys.  The spec says:

   OpenPGP implementations MUST create keys with version 4 format.  V3
   keys are deprecated; an implementation MUST NOT generate a V3 key,
   but MAY accept it.

Both GPG and PGP follow that MAY, and happily accept V3 keys.  Since
you are the one doing the encrypting, and you are running GPG, and
your GPG does not have IDEA, you will encrypt using 3DES.  Your
correspondent, receiving this message will be able to decrypt it as
3DES is required by all OpenPGP programs.

As I said before, try it.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-17 Thread David Shaw
On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 11:51:28AM -0400, David Shaw wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 06:42:10AM -0700, rlively wrote:
> > 
> > I need help reconciling the two responses below.  I am still going to get a
> > test file encrypted/decrypted using GPG 1.4.7 with the owner of said key
> > just to see how it goes, but that might take a while, and I need to improve
> > my general understanding of this entire process and all of the software
> > involved anyway.
> We're both right with regards to the facts of PGP 2.x.  With all due
> respect to Robert, I'm right with regards to whether it'll work.
> The situation, underneath it all is this: You have a modern OpenPGP
> program.  Your correspondent has, or can be made to have, a modern
> OpenPGP program.  Your correspondent's key is a V3 key (the so-called
> "PGP 2.x" key).
> OpenPGP does just fine with V3 keys.  The spec says:
>OpenPGP implementations MUST create keys with version 4 format.  V3
>keys are deprecated; an implementation MUST NOT generate a V3 key,
>but MAY accept it.
> Both GPG and PGP follow that MAY, and happily accept V3 keys.  Since
> you are the one doing the encrypting, and you are running GPG, and
> your GPG does not have IDEA, you will encrypt using 3DES.  Your
> correspondent, receiving this message will be able to decrypt it as
> 3DES is required by all OpenPGP programs.

I should add, though, that unless there is some reason why you need to
use that old V3 key, an arguably better solution would be to just ask
your correspondent to generate a new key...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-17 Thread Robert J. Hansen
rlively wrote:
> I need help reconciling the two responses below.

Sure.  Both answers are correct; it's a matter of how David and I are
interpreting your question.

>> Even though they key specifies Cipher: IDEA, are you saying that we
>> should be able to encrypt to this public key just fine with the
>> latest veresion of GnuPG, unless that contact is stuck using legacy
>> PGP 2.x?
>> If they use a newer version of PGP or GnuPG we should be fine?
> David Shaw wrote:
> Yes.  Even though the key specifies IDEA as a cipher, modern OpenPGP 
> systems (GPG or PGP) will both use 3DES as an alternative if they do 
> not have IDEA.

David is talking about using classic PGP 2.6-style ClassicPGP keys to
encrypt OpenPGP traffic.  This answer is correct.  You can use
ClassicPGP keys in an OpenPGP environment if both parties are using a
newer version of GnuPG/PGP.

> He is not.  There are two different internet standards for PGP.  The 
> first one, called RFC1991, dates to the early '90s.  The second one, 
> called RFC4880, was only officially released a few months ago.  The
> two standards are not interchangeable, and RFC4880 brings many more 
> capabilities to the table.
> GnuPG is an RFC4880 application.  PGP 2.6 is RFC1991.  The two are 
> generally incompatible.

I'm talking about using classic PGP 2.6-style ClassicPGP keys to encrypt
ClassicPGP traffic.  AFAIK, this answer is correct; GnuPG was never
meant to be a conformant ClassicPGP application.  (It's possible that
things have changed in the GnuPG codebase since the last time I looked
at this, though.)

The short version is that David read your message as "can GnuPG be used
to process OpenPGP traffic while using ClassicPGP keys", and I read it
as "can GnuPG be used to process ClassicPGP traffic, using ClassicPGP keys".

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-18 Thread rlively

David Shaw wrote:
> We're both right with regards to the facts of PGP 2.x.  With all due
> respect to Robert, I'm right with regards to whether it'll work.
> You have a modern OpenPGP program.  Your correspondent has, or can be made
> to have, a modern
> OpenPGP program.  Your correspondent's key is a V3 key (the so-called
> "PGP 2.x" key).
> OpenPGP does just fine with V3 keys.  The spec says:
> Since you are the one doing the encrypting, and you are running GPG, and
> your GPG does not have IDEA, you will encrypt using 3DES.  Your
> correspondent, receiving this message will be able to decrypt it as
> 3DES is required by all OpenPGP programs.

I did a test with the contact, and I received this response:

contact with legacy v3 key wrote:
> Won't be a problem... we use McAfee e-Business Server v7.5 on our OS/390
> mainframe as well as McAfee e-Business v8.x on Windows as well as GnuPG
> (gpg) with IDEA support DLL.  I was able to decrypt your message
> (encrypted with our legacy IDEA key).

So it seems to work, but I do have this concern: is it possible that since
they tested it on Windows with GnuPG and not on their e-Business server on
the mainframe and that the real file will fail when their mainframe attempts
to decrypt it?  I sent this reply to get that extra test done:

rlively wrote:
> Is it possible to transfer the file to your mainframe to see if e-Business
> server can decrypt it as well?  We do not have the IDEA support DLL, which
> means that the message was encrypted using 3DES instead of IDEA, but
> modern GnuPG and PGP installations are still perfectly capable of
> decrypting that.  I do have concerns about the e-Business server
> installation on the mainframe, though.

Is that correct?  When I view the encrypted file, it shows this:

public key encrypted packet: version 3, algo RSA, keyid 
encrypted data packet: mdc method 0, length 82.

What is mdc method 0?

My concern is partially due to this entry on
Wikipedia , which seems to imply that the development for e-Business server
stopped in 2001, which means that it may fall under the heading of "legacy
PGP program" that is not OpenPGP conformant and therefore can't decrypt the
OpenPGP traffic:

wikipedia wrote:
> In early 2001, Zimmermann left NAI. He served as Chief Cryptographer for
> Hush Communications, who provide an OpenPGP-based e-mail service,
> Hushmail. He has also worked with Veridis and other companies. In October,
> 2001, NAI announced that its PGP assets were for sale and that it was
> suspending further development of PGP encryption. The only remaining asset
> kept was the PGP E-Business Server (the original PGP Commandline version).
> In February 2002, NAI cancelled all support for PGP products, with the
> exception of the re-named commandline product. NAI (now McAfee) continues
> to sell and support the product under the name McAfee E-Business Server.
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re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-18 Thread vedaal
rlively 72ceot902 at wrote
Thu Sep 18 20:01:00 CEST 2008 on :

contact with legacy v3 key wrote:

>> we use McAfee e-Business Server v7.5 on our OS/390
>> mainframe as well as McAfee e-Business v8.x on Windows 
>> as well as GnuPG (gpg) with IDEA support DLL.  
>> I was able to decrypt your message
>> (encrypted with our legacy IDEA key).

>So it seems to work, but I do have this concern: 
>is it possible that since
>they tested it on Windows with GnuPG 
>and not on their e-Business server on
>the mainframe and that the real file will fail 
>when their mainframe attempts
>to decrypt it? 

ANY pgp version on any platform will be able to decrypt a 3DES 
message to any key

> I sent this reply to get that extra test done:

> Is it possible to transfer the file to your mainframe 
> to see if e-Business server can decrypt it as well?  
> We do not have the IDEA support DLL, which
> means that the message was encrypted using 3DES instead of IDEA, 

they will easily be able to decrypt it

as long as you have a GnuPG generated key,
you will be able to decrypt whatever they send to you,
on whatever system and pgp program they use

>What is mdc method 0?

mdc == Modification Detection Code
(the plaintext is hashed before being encrypted, 
and a packet with this hash is added to the pgp message)

method 0  means none was used

section 5.13

it was designed well after pgp 7x
and wouldn't be used by pgp 

not having it,
doesn't interefere with encryption or decryption
(only having it,
and having it with an 'error' means something ;-) )


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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-18 Thread David Shaw
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 11:01:00AM -0700, rlively wrote:

> contact with legacy v3 key wrote:
> > Won't be a problem... we use McAfee e-Business Server v7.5 on our OS/390
> > mainframe as well as McAfee e-Business v8.x on Windows as well as GnuPG
> > (gpg) with IDEA support DLL.  I was able to decrypt your message
> > (encrypted with our legacy IDEA key).
> So it seems to work, but I do have this concern: is it possible that since
> they tested it on Windows with GnuPG and not on their e-Business server on
> the mainframe and that the real file will fail when their mainframe attempts
> to decrypt it?  I sent this reply to get that extra test done:
> rlively wrote:
> > Is it possible to transfer the file to your mainframe to see if e-Business
> > server can decrypt it as well?  We do not have the IDEA support DLL, which
> > means that the message was encrypted using 3DES instead of IDEA, but
> > modern GnuPG and PGP installations are still perfectly capable of
> > decrypting that.  I do have concerns about the e-Business server
> > installation on the mainframe, though.
> Is that correct?

It's the correct question to ask.  They should be fine, but the best
way to know that for sure is to do exactly the test you propose.

> When I view the encrypted file, it shows this:
> public key encrypted packet: version 3, algo RSA, keyid 
> encrypted data packet: mdc method 0, length 82.
> What is mdc method 0?

It means "there is no MDC here".  An MDC is a Modification Detection
Code, which is one of the features of OpenPGP.  It protects against
certain forms of message tampering.  This key does not have the flag
that indicates MDC support, so GPG isn't turning the protection on.
The flag is part of OpenPGP, so that v3 key would naturally not have

> My concern is partially due to this entry on 
> Wikipedia , which seems to imply that the development for e-Business server
> stopped in 2001, which means that it may fall under the heading of "legacy
> PGP program" that is not OpenPGP conformant and therefore can't decrypt the
> OpenPGP traffic:

"Legacy" is just a human term.  The question you have is whether it
can decrypt 3DES traffic.  Run the test you suggest above, and then
you'll know for sure.  I expect it will work.

Given what software they are using, and given the usual relucatance to
rip out a working system, I can understand why your customer would not
want to change keys, but note that there are a few not-small security
benefits in upgrading.  First step is to get things working, though.
After that there is time to worry about future work.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-19 Thread rlively

vedaal wrote:
no, ANY pgp version on any platform will be able to decrypt a 3DES 
> message to any key
> they will easily be able to decrypt it
> and, as long as you have a GnuPG generated key,
> you will be able to decrypt whatever they send to you,
> on whatever system and pgp program they use
> vedaal


David Shaw wrote:
I should add, though, that unless there is some reason why you need to
> use that old V3 key, an arguably better solution would be to just ask
> your correspondent to generate a new key...
> David


Thanks to all (Vedaal, David, and Robert) for helping me through this
process.  I'm getting a handle on the things that were confusing and
concerning me.  PGP vs GPG, patent issues with IDEA, Ciphers, algorithms,
etc can all be confusing ...

I did get a positive response to the question of decrypting the file on the
contact's mainframe:

contact with legacy v3 key wrote:
> I can pretty much guarantee we would be able to decrypt the file on the
> mainframe

and I was able to decrypt their test message to me (using GnuPG 1.4.7 on
Windows).  Also, when I mentioned getting a newer key, the contact was
surprised that I was given a key from 1999 when they had a newer key that I
should've been given instead.  So the contact sent me their updated key to
use instead of the legacy v3 key anyway:

Type: Public Key
Algorithm: DSA/ELG
Size: 1024/2048 bits
Created: 2/10/2000
Expires: Never
Cipher: CAST5

I think we're good for changing from PGP 6.5.8 to GnuPG.  Any suggestions on
what version to get for our AIX install?  1.x or 2.x? website wrote:
>  "GnuPG comes in two flavours: 1.4.9 is the well known and portable
> standalone version, whereas 2.0.9 is the enhanced and somewhat harder to
> build version."
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Re: Export secret key from WinXP (GnuPG) 1.4.7 to AIX PGP Version 6.5.8 gives Bad Pass Phrase

2008-09-23 Thread rlively

David Shaw wrote:

>> If we install the latest Unix GnuPG on AIX, will we run into any issues
>> with 
>> our current keys? 
> Probably not, unless the person you are communicating with is using 
> PGP 2.x from the 1990s (don't laugh - some people still are).
> ...
> "Legacy" is just a human term.  The question you have is whether it
> can decrypt 3DES traffic.  Run the test you suggest above, and then
> you'll know for sure.  I expect it will work.


Robert J. Hansen-3 wrote:

> GnuPG was never meant to be a conformant ClassicPGP application. 
> ...
> The short version is that David read your message as "can GnuPG be used 
> to process OpenPGP traffic while using ClassicPGP keys", and I read it 
> as "can GnuPG be used to process ClassicPGP traffic, using ClassicPGP
> keys".


When I used the term "Legacy" - that's what I was referring to.  I thought
the implication was that if a PGP implementation is old enough and has not
been updated (the PGP version 2.x referred to before), that it would not be
able to decrypt my OpenPGP traffic from GPG using 3DES instead of IDEA for a
v3 key.  That is what I was concerned about.  It appears not to be an issue
in this case though.

Again, thanks to all for helping clarify things.
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