re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-07-02 Thread vedaal
Robert Earl Hazelett roberthazelett at
wrote on Wed Jul 2 10:29:18 CEST 2008 :

>I ask if that later model of GPG2GO
>is now available

unfortunately, Maxine Brandt,
the author of GPG2GO
passed on ...

i have copied and have been updating her site, here:

she originally planned for it to be used on a floppy,
but it can easily be used on a usb stick

i have kept her site as she left it,
and put the updates in purple italic print, as additions

read both her site and the updates,
and you can easily run it from a usb

as you have room on the USB,
copy all the gnupg files, not just gpg.exe
into whatever directory the site instructs you to put gpg.exe

as you are using Disastry's PGP,
copy the idea.dll also

all the caveats about insecure public computers still apply

all is completely FREE as per the FSF guidelines

Thanks go to the gnupg development team

(and remember Maxine in your Prayers/Thoughts/etc. ...)


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Re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-07-02 Thread Robert Earl Hazelett
Hash: SHA1

Hello John,

   I'm a 74 year old retired American writing to you from the
island of Luzon in the Philippines. I live in a place called
Baguio City.

   I blundered across an old message on the internet in which,
among other things, you apparently said:

> I shall Update the Binaries to 1.4.8 tonight and they should
> be available by this time tomorrow.

   Based on the context of the message I infer that you were
saying you planned to modify GPG v.1.4.8 in such a way as to
make it usable on a USB stick. A kind of latter-day GPG2GO

   If I am right about that, I ask if that later model of GPG2GO
is now available and if you will share a copy of it with me.
I've been using the older version (1.4.1) but a few problems
developed for me.

   If you require payment for that later version, and if you
will tell me what it is, I will somehow manage to send the money
to you.

Be aware that I have a PGP package I'd be willing to trade.
Using a number of additional programs and a few batch files, I
cobbled together an encryption packet using PGP 2.6.3i multi 06
that works quite nicely. Using it from a hard drive is a snap,
but it can also be used from a USB stick without leaving traces
in the Windows registry. I'm doing essentially the same thing
with GPG 1.4.1 except GPG will not securely WIPE a file as PGP
will. Nothing is perfect, I guess.  :^)


Bob Hazelett

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32) - GPGshell v3.70

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-03-04 Thread Andrew Berg

John Clizbe wrote:

Andrew Berg wrote:

John Clizbe wrote:

set GNUPGHOME=x:\location\you\want  
It would be inconvenient (and inconsiderate to the host machine's 
owner(s)) to set an environment variable on every machine encountered, 
wouldn't it? Sven's idea is much better, I think.

And it shows a clear lack of understanding to think that a SET command at a
Windows command prompt sets an environment variable permanently or globally. The
variable exists in the process environment that invoked the command and those
processes invoked from it.

Actually, it shows that I wasn't thinking quite clearly. For some 
reason, I was thinking of something quite different. Sorry about that.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-03-03 Thread John W. Moore III
Hash: SHA512

nunzky wrote:

> The last version of GPG2Go I could find is 1.4.1, which seems pretty
> outdated.

My Bad.  I shall Update the Binaries to 1.4.8 tonight and they should be
available by this time tomorrow.  I admit that I am abysmally slow as a
Maintainer. :-[

If Your USB Drive is large enough I could send You the requisite Files
direct for GPG2GO and I won't UPX then which will make for slightly
faster access function.  GPG2GO was originally designed for use from a
3.5 Floppy Drive. :)

Timestamp: Monday 03 Mar 2008, 20:47  --500 (Eastern Standard Time)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9-svn4691: (MingW32)
Comment: Public Key at:
Comment: Gossamer Spider Web of Trust:
Comment: Homepage:


Gnupg-users mailing list

re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-03-03 Thread vedaal
nunzky (funkdude at
wrote on Tue Mar 4 00:02:02 CET 2008 :

>However, for convenience, 
>I'd like to maybe use a batch file to set it and
>open a command prompt. 
>This would require me to be able to set it to a
relative path 
>(ie, not have to specify a drive letter, as it will change).
>Is this possible?


[1] make a directory called GNUPG on your usb,
and copy all the gnupg files into it

[2] make the following batch file:

set GNUPGHOME=gnupg

[3] save this .bat file in the GNUPG directory in your usb

double-clicking on the .bat file
gets you to a command prompt within gnupg,
ready for all gpg commands


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Re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-03-03 Thread nunzky

Thanks everyone of you, you have greatly enlightened me concerning the
security risks associated with my endeavor. I will have to rethink my plans,
but for now, I think John's idea of setting GNUPGHOME seems like the best
idea to me.

However, for convenience, I'd like to maybe use a batch file to set it and
open a command prompt. This would require me to be able to set it to a
relative path (ie, not have to specify a drive letter, as it will change).
Is this possible?

As for GPGShell, it seems pretty good, but I'd prefer to just keep my old
command line if I can.

The last version of GPG2Go I could find is 1.4.1, which seems pretty
outdated. Also, the author says it is the exact same thing as the official
gnupg except repackaged as a zip. Which doesn't solve the problem of gpg
writing to local disks by default.
View this message in context:
Sent from the GnuPG - User mailing list archive at

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Re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-03-03 Thread John Clizbe
Andrew Berg wrote:
> John Clizbe wrote:
>> set GNUPGHOME=x:\location\you\want
> It would be inconvenient (and inconsiderate to the host machine's 
> owner(s)) to set an environment variable on every machine encountered, 
> wouldn't it? Sven's idea is much better, I think.

And it shows a clear lack of understanding to think that a SET command at a
Windows command prompt sets an environment variable permanently or globally. The
variable exists in the process environment that invoked the command and those
processes invoked from it.

"Changes made using the SET command are NOT permanent, they apply to the current
CMD prompt only and remain only until the CMD window is closed."

Setting GNUPGHOME is the equivalent of specifying
"--homedir U:\path\to\your\keyrings", but without the need to type (and possibly
 mistype) it every time GnuPG is invoked.

John P. Clizbe   Inet:   JPClizbe (a) tx DAWT rr DAHT con
Ginger Bear Networks PGP/GPG KeyID: 0x608D2A10
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind." - Dr Seuss, "Oh the Places You'll Go"

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-03-03 Thread Avi
Hash: RIPEMD160

Personally, I am using GPGShell, which, once installed, has a
small app called Copy2USB that mounts a completely self-
contained GnuPG and GPGShell system on the stick, which I take
with me.



- --Avi
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (MingW32) - GPGshell v3.64



pub 1024D/785EA229 3/6/2007 Avi (Wikipedia-related) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Primary key fingerprint:  D233 20E7 0697 C3BC 4445 7D45 CBA0 3F46 785E
Gnupg-users mailing list

re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick // forgot a line, sorry // ;-((

2008-03-03 Thread vedaal
vedaal at (vedaal at
wrote on Mon Mar 3 17:11:46 CET 2008 :

>[5] open notepad and types these lines:
>command com
>cd gnupg

sorry, forgot a line ;-((

it should be:

set GNUPGHOME=z:\gnupg
command com
cd gnupg


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re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-03-03 Thread vedaal
nunzky (funkdude at
wrote on Mon Mar 3 02:57:20 CET 2008 :

>Is it possible to avoid this behavior 
>and have GnuPG write those files, say, 
>in its own dir on my usb stick?
>this would probably have to involve 
>me keeping my private key on the usb stick, 
>protected only by a passphrase. 
>How secure is this? 
>Are there any better ways to do it?

in general,
the simplest, most secure way,
is to keep gnupg on your laptop,
and use the usb to transfer files from the public computer
to your laptop and back again

encrypting and decrypting while directly connected to a public 
runs a very real risk of having the plaintext stored in some 
recoverable form on that computer

(i would recommend a Toshiba Libretto,
that you can literally have physical control over,
at all times),2817,1788012,00.asp

if you don't have a laptop,
and need to work from a public computer, and a usb,
here are some guidelines:

[1] generate a new gnupg key, with a comment, 'usb key',
and keep this in a separate keyring (not the the keyring with your 
'real' secret keys)

if you have any concern that this becomes compromised,
you can revoke it, without compromising your 'real' keys

(this is also a common courtesy to people who send encrypted mail 
to you

they are entrusting their secret/personal correspondence to you, 
and need to know how much they can 'trust' you

'trust' is this context,
refers to 'skill and judgment', 
not 'integrity'
[ you can 'trust' someone with your life and money,
but not to drive your BMW, 
if you don't think they have enough experience with a stickshift ] )

[2] keep the keyrings and the entire gnupg program in a truecrypt 
container on the usb
this has two advantages:
(a) it protects your keyrings
(b) it allows you to pick a drive letter that will stay the same 
regardless of the hardware differences of the various public 

(i.e., you can mount the truecrypt container as drive Z,
and have all the entries in your gpg.conf refer to z:\gnupg,
and never have to change it)
truecrypt can be run in traveller mode from a usb, 
without having it installed on the host computer

[3]copy the entire gnupg directory from your home computer,
into the truecrypt container

[4] put these lines into your gpg.conf file:
keyring z:\gnupg\pubring.gpg
secret-keyring z:\gnupg\secring.gpg
(use your 'new' keyrings with the special 'usb key')

[5] open notepad and types these lines:
command com
cd gnupg

save this as gusb.bat in your truecrypt container

whenever you want to run gnupg from the usb,
(and have already mounted the truecrypt container as drive z:)
double-clicking on gusb.bat
opens a dos commandline window

check it by typing gpg -h
if the gnupg version and guide appears, then you're ready

[6] minor recommendation,
(i don't know how much it would help)

get (free) editpad lite:

it can be run from the usb by just copying the file EditPadLite.exe

you can compose any correspondence from editpadlite, without using 
any of the host computers software (e.g. word, wordpad, notepad, 
and there 'might' be less chance of the plaintext being saved on 
the host computer by some file journaling system)


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Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-03-03 Thread Andrew Berg

John Clizbe wrote:

set GNUPGHOME=x:\location\you\want

It would be inconvenient (and inconsiderate to the host machine's 
owner(s)) to set an environment variable on every machine encountered, 
wouldn't it? Sven's idea is much better, I think.

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-03-02 Thread Sven Radde


nunzky schrieb:

However, GPG, when run, creates the keyrings and
conf files on the HDD (documents and settings\appdata). Is it possible to
avoid this behavior and have GnuPG write those files, say, in its own dir on
my usb stick? How would I do this?
Try using "--homedir U:\path\to\your\keyrings" as an option to every 
call to gpg, where U: is the drive letter of your USB stick.

How secure is this? Are there any
better ways to do it?
The OpenPGP smartcard might be an idea if you can get it to work on the 
computers where you want to use GnuPG. While this is better than relying 
on keyfiles with passphrases (which might easily be sniffed by a 
keylogger), it still is not 100% secure on a wholly untrustworthy system.
Another option would be to boot into a dedicated system from CD. Knoppix 
or the like. The risk here is a hardware keylogger. Furthermore, 
depending on the (W)LAN setup, you won't easily have network 
connectivity and, of course, it is inconvenient.

This is the general tradeoff: Security vs. convenience.

HTH, Sven

Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-03-02 Thread John W. Moore III
Hash: SHA512

nunzky wrote:

> I want to keep GnuPG on a USB stick to use at school and on other people's
> computers (all windows). However, GPG, when run, creates the keyrings and
> conf files on the HDD (documents and settings\appdata). Is it possible to
> avoid this behavior and have GnuPG write those files, say, in its own dir on
> my usb stick? How would I do this?

2 ways are easily available depending upon the size of Your Flash Drive.
 You could use GPG2GO and do everything from the Command Line or You
could simply Copy Your GnuPG Directory/Folder to the Flash Drive and
then use the GPGshell Portable Utility [located at the bottom of the
Start Menu list] and then run with a GUI.

> Also, this would probably have to involve me keeping my private key on the
> usb stick, protected only by a passphrase. How secure is this? Are there any
> better ways to do it?

How secure is Your passphrase?

Robert already covered the issues involved in using an untrusted PC.
Also keep in mind that not having control over the PC also means no
Control over the Swap File, whether or not any Keyloggers are present,
etc.  Another consideration is that many Public PC's have the ability to
launch any .exe File blocked.  This is particularly true in Library's
and other places where there is a concern that Students will attempt to
install malware, etc.

If You are just going to be using the USB Drive for Email then there are
Applications like Mobility Email & Portable Thunderbird w/Enigmail + GnuPG.

Timestamp: Sunday 02 Mar 2008, 23:38  --500 (Eastern Standard Time)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9-svn4691: (MingW32)
Comment: Public Key at:
Comment: Gossamer Spider Web of Trust:
Comment: Homepage:


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-03-02 Thread John Clizbe
nunzky wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to keep GnuPG on a USB stick to use at school and on other people's
> computers (all windows). However, GPG, when run, creates the keyrings and
> conf files on the HDD (documents and settings\appdata). Is it possible to
> avoid this behavior and have GnuPG write those files, say, in its own dir on
> my usb stick? How would I do this?

set GNUPGHOME=x:\location\you\want

John P. Clizbe   Inet:   JPClizbe (a)tx DAWT rr DAHT con
Ginger Bear Networks hkp:\\  or
Send email with subject help to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind." - Dr Seuss, "Oh the Places You'll Go"

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: GnuPG (win32) on a USB stick

2008-03-02 Thread Robert J. Hansen

nunzky wrote:

Also, this would probably have to involve me keeping my private key on the
usb stick, protected only by a passphrase. How secure is this? Are there any
better ways to do it?

As a rule of thumb, never do any sensitive computer operations on a 
computer you don't completely trust.

If you think the computers in your campus's IT kiosks are safe and 
pristine, then this idea is probably reasonably good.  If you think the 
computers in the kiosks are exposed to a host of unsafe web browsing 
habits, malware and stupid users 24/7, you may want to rethink this plan.

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