Re: Fwd: Interest in Memento?

2010-02-15 Thread Bill Hooker
What is this supposed to do that the Internet Archive
( doesn't/won't/can't?  Or for that
matter, WebCite (


On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 11:53 -0500, Stevan Harnad
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Leslie Carr lac --
 Date: Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 6:53 AM
 Subject: Interest in Memento?
 Have you heard of Memento, one of Herbert van de Sompel's recent
 Have you ever felt frustrated by your inability to get to old
 versions of Web pages? Did you bookmark a page last year, and
 revisited it recently only to find that the current content isn't even
 remotely related to what caught your interest back then? ... Wouldn’t
 it be much easier if you could just connect to, Wikipedia, or indicating that you are interested in the pages of
 March 20 2008, not the current ones? If you could activate a time
 machine in your browser or bot? (
 We (EPrints) have been asked to think about providing support for this
 facility in our repository software,  but we'd like to get some
 feedback from the community.
 Would this be useful to anyone? What use cases can you foresee?
 Indeed, have you ever felt frustrated by the lack of this facility, as
 the project page assumes?
 Les Carr

Re: Submission Fees (was: RE: Overlay Journals Over Again...)

2009-07-05 Thread Bill Hooker
Heather Morrison:
 If 10% of last year's revenue
 stream is coming from publication charges, prices should be decreased
 by 10%.  OR, libraries and others such as funding agencies,
 departments, etc., should not support the publication charges.

While I have seen publishers claim that OA uptake is very low or
similar, I have not seen any figures -- does anyone know of a hybrid
model where the %OA uptake has been quantified?  Does anyone know of a
hybrid publisher who has explicitly adjusted their subscription prices
in accordance with OA uptake?

The numbers may prove useful, because libraries etc who are going to
refuse to support hybrid charges at popular journals will have to deal
with unhappy faculty, and perhaps the best way to defuse that situation
is to have actual data to hand showing %OA uptake and the absence of any
proportional subscription adjustment.  Even monkeys have been shown to
have an innate sense of fairness...


Re: Call for a vote of nonconfidence in the moderator of the AmSci Forum

2008-10-08 Thread Bill Hooker
Such a vote seems unnecessary to me, but if one is to be (is being?) held
then I wish to make it clear that I vote to retain Stevan Harnad as moderator.

Re: RE: Jean-Claude Gu�don is wrong, and so is Zinath Rehana

2008-10-04 Thread Bill Hooker
I, too, will conserve bandwidth by simply agreeing with Alma Swan in every
particular in re: Zinath Rehana's offensive post, Stevan Harnad's laudable
decision not to post same, and Richard Poynder's consummate professionalism.

Bill Hooker