[Goanet] Peas of the same pod - BJP/Congress

2002-04-29 Thread Sunila Muzawar

Interestingly enough this news did not make it to the forum yet...so I am 
posting it. It just confirms my remarks a few days ago that although the BJP 
committed the violence in Gujarat (following the Congress led Godhra 
incident) it is the Congress that is continuing to perpetrate violence there 
since it is no longer in BJP's interest for the violence to continue (with 
the Central Govt. in gross trouble). This news also confirms my contention 
that all political parties are communal and unsecular.



BJP alleges Congress hand behind renewed violence
Ahmedabad, April 28, 21:38

Violence erupted again in Ahmedabad on Sunday barely a few hours after Union 
Ministers George Fernandes, Arun Jetley and Chief Minister Narendra Modi led 
a peace march this morning through Kalupur - a Muslim-dominated area, which 
remained relatively peaceful for quite some time.

Plus, in the Gomatipur area, one person was killed and another knifed. It 
triggered massive group clashes all over the area, forcing the 
administration to impose an indefinite curfew.

An indefinite curfew was imposed at Kalupur this evening after several group 
clashes broke out in the area, forcing the police to open fire. Private 
firearms were used in the clashes in which mobs from rival communities 
indulged in heavy stone pelting.

What apparently lends credence to the charge being levelled by the ruling 
BJP government that there is a political hand behind the current round of 
violence is that violence engulfed the very route through which the peace 
marchers passed today.

The BJP allegation followed the sudden breakout of violence with the killing 
of a police constable a week ago when there were indications that peace was 
returning to the city. The killing took place soon after a Muslim group - 
led allegedly by some Congress leaders and dominated by the radical Islamic 
Tableeghi Jamaat - had urged Muslim students to boycott the rescheduled 
secondary and higher secondary examinations.

Minister of State for Home Gordhan Jhadaphiya said: The sudden eruption of 
violence after the excitement over the exam boycott call petered out and the 
pattern of violence make it clear that the Congress is behind it. The 
Congress wants Narendra Modi’s exit by hook or by crook. But Gujarat 
Congress chief Amarsinh Chaudhary said: It is ridiculous that the BJP 
should blame the Congress for its failure to contain violence.

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[Goanet] Mental health -- a Goan myth

2002-04-29 Thread M Mascarenhas

Margaret Mascarenhas

Mental health-a Goan myth

As I write, a Voyager van has pulled up in front of the outdoor coffee shop
where I'm seated. On the side, it says, Coconut Creek, Goa's best kept
secret.  The advertisers have got it all wrong. Coconut Creek isn't Goa's
best kept secret. I'll tell you what Goa's best kept secret is: how to
obtain a copy of a birth certificate in Goa without committing yourself and
some other people to the Mental Hospital in the process.

My dad called a couple of weeks ago from America. Listen, sweetie, he
said, the paper of my birth certificate is disintegrating. Get me another

Sure, Dad, I said, no problem.

I retrospect, I laugh sardonically at my incredible naivete.

Someone pointed me towards the Municipality. But no, that's only for those
born after 1970. Try the Archives, said one of the municipality guys. So
then I went to the Archives. No, they said, we only have those born prior to
1921, try the Sub-registrar. By then I needed some tea. I went over to my
aunt's house, where my cousin told me that once he'd applied for a birth
certificate at the sub-registrar and no one could find the requisite
registry. This turned out to be because some of the registry books were
being utilized as bricks to make one of the staff tables higher. So, I was
not especially looking forward to the next stop in my journey towards Birth
Certificate Acquisition. When I arrived at the Civil Registrar, a man told
me I should return the following morning, because they only accept birth
certificate applications between 9 am and 1 pm. He was very pleasant about
it, though, and my spirits were lifted. By the way, I said, chattily, as I
was leaving, Do you have any idea how long it will take to obtain the birth

The pleasant man sighed, If you don't have the registration number, it
could take up to one month. We sometimes can't find the books.  And,
looking around, I could see why. The CM came here and said we should be
computerized, but. his voice faded off and he shrugged his shoulders to
indicate his helplessness (or was it hopelessness?) in the matter.

What do you mean by Registration number? my father, who has been living in
the Land of Convenience and Instant Gratification for many years, asked. I
explained it was a number that would be somewhere on the birth certificate
in his possession. I was clued in by then. Then he explained. He said maybe
he'd have been able to accommodate my request, had it not been for the
incontrovertible fact that the document in his possession was in bits and
pieces. That's why I want another one, he said. His tone was that of a
benevolent and tolerant adult speaking to a beloved, but retarded, child.

A few days later, while I was fighting off all the line cutters at the Civil
Registrar in the queue for applying for birth certificates (which is,
thankfully, shorter than the queue for reconnecting your telephone), I met a
mechanic friend of mine who told me he was migrating to Portugal. He was
very excited about his plans. I asked him how long it had taken for him to
process his papers for a Portuguese passport. A few months, he said, and I
was so distracted by his reply, that one of the cutters managed to slip in
ahead of me. The mechanic confided that the entire process had been
expedited because he paid an agent in Lisbon 500 USD to follow up on that
end. That's interesting, I thought, because one of my friends paid a lawyer
around that amount almost four years ago to do the same thing, and she still
hasn't managed to get her documentation in order. She told me her lawyer is
a former High Court judge from Margao, now residing in Lisbon. Now, why a
High Court judge would leave his job in Goa to fiddle around with passport
papers in Portugal (especially when he clearly isn't very good at it), is
beyond me. If you ask me, that surely qualifies for contempt more than
Arundhatti Roy's dabblings in polemics. Personally, I wish Roy would give up
this Noam Chomsky impersonation and stick to fiction which is her forte, but
that's another story.

Meanwhile, I have another date with the Civil Registrar in two weeks. If you
don't hear from me before then, look me up at the Mental Hospital.

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goanet-digest V1 #3897

2002-04-29 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest Monday, April 29 2002 Volume 01 : Number 3897

In this issue:

Re: [Goanet] Money Talks ! - a response to Sunila Muzawar
[Goanet] Peas of the same pod - BJP/Congress
[Goanet] Mental health -- a Goan myth

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 09:10:10 +0530
From: Joel D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] 28 Apr: GOACOM NEWS CLIPPINGS

28 APRIL 2002

CONGRESS TO MOVE EC: Former leader of Opposition, Luizinho Faleiro, said the 
Congress Party would complain to the Election Commission about the flagrant 
violation of the model code of conduct by the Parrikar government through 
mass appointments and misuse of machinery. (WE-GT)

FALEIRO SEES ULTERIOR MOTIVE: Addressing a press conference in Panjim 
yesterday, Congress Leader Luizinho Faleiro claimed that a recent circular 
issued by the State's Education Department, fixing a ceiling of 40 students 
per class, had put several reputed institutions, mostly minority run, in deep 
trouble, as also parents. This, he said, is obviously aimed at diverting 
students from the better run schools to those privatised government schools, 
which had failed to cut any ice with the Goan students. (H) 

Election Commission seeking removal of some police officials, who are 
allegedly conspiring with the BJP government to manipulate the outcome of the 
elections to the State assembly. (NT)

TALKS FOR THIRD FRONT CONTINUE: The discussions of seat sharing amongst the 
UGDP, CPI, CPI(M) and the MGP are still in progress and the chances of 
formation of the third front to challenge both the Congress and the BJP are 
bright, remarked GPI generally secretary, Mr Christopher Fonseca. (NT)

UGDP REJECTS CONGRESS OFFER: The United Goans Democratic Party on Saturday 
rejected the offer made by the Congress Party for seat sharing and reiterated 
that the party would go ahead on its own in the ensuing polls. He said, The 
people of Goa are disgusted with 17 years of Congress rule and 17 months of 
BJP rule. (H)

KONKANI MUST BE 'UNAVOIDABLE' SUBJECT: We cannot stop anyone from taking 
Marathi or any other language but we want Konkani to be an 'unavoidable' 
subject up to std tenth. It will be profitable to Goa, to the people and even 
to the government. Let there be an open debate on this, said Dr Tanaji 
Halarnakar, the president of the All India Konkani Parishad, in an interview 
with Damodar Ghanekar of NT.

FREEDOM FIGHTERS TO EDUCATE ELECTORATE: Chandrakant Keni, while delivering a 
talk on Expectation from the Freedom Fighters, said that they can make 
themselves heard and influence happenings on the socio-political field in 
Goa. He lamented that politicians had been using religion and caste for 
selfish interests and seemingly want to turn Goa into another Gujarat. (WE-GT)

BUS SHED SET ABLAZE: The bus shed at Dhavkhond-Dharbandora near Codli Tisk, 
which was gutted in a recent fire, has caused hardship to the passengers. 
Village sources informed Herald that some miscreants set fire to the bus 
shed, which was covered with coconut leaves (thatched) by the villagers. (H)

NEW LOOK FOR COMUNIDADE BLDG: The Administrator of South Goa Comunidades, 
Shefali M Majrekar, who took over just a month back, has not only taken steps 
to streamline the working in the office but also is working to improve the 
maintenance of the building which houses the office of the Administrator of 
Comunidades (in Margao). (WE-GT)

SHIVDAS PLANS TO CONTEST: Well-known writer and social activist N Shivdas, 
has planned to contest the forthcoming assembly polls to take the temple 
issue as an election issue. He alleged that the Hindu Bahujan Samaj has been 
socially discriminated, kept outside the 'garbhakud' and not allowed to 
perform religious rites such 'abhixeka' on caste line in the temples. He has 
been agitating over the issue for the last 22 years. (H)

MARTYR'S BODY ARRIVES: The body of Mahesh Binnar, an army jawan from New 
Vaddem-Vasco, who became a martyr while fighting against terrorists at Jammu 
and Kashmir, was brought to Goa yesterday. Binnar (23), succumbed to gun shot 
wounds after he and other army men were attacked by militants at Jammu on 25 
April. (WE-GT)

SEMINAR ON GOA IN NEW DELHI: Delhi-based Goenkarancho Ekvott is organising a 
seminar on Goa Today-Tomorrow on 4 May at the Institute of Town Planners, 
India, New Delhi. (WE-GT)

NIGHT VIGIL AT MANDUR: The parishioners of Our Lady of Amparo Church, Mandur, 
will organise and All Goa Nigh Vigil at the Mandur Church ground on 30 April 
at 8 pm. (WE-GT)

BAIL PLEA REJECTED: South Goa Session and District Court yesterday rejected 
the bail 

[Goanet] Brief History of Mothers' Day

2002-04-29 Thread Cecil Pinto

In the U.S. Mothers' Day is a holiday celebrated on second Sunday in May.
It is a day when children honor their mothers with cards, gifts, and
flowers. First observance in Philadelphia, Pa. in 1907, it is based on
suggestions by Julia Ward Howe in 1872 and Anna Jarvis in 1907. 

Although it wasn't celebrated in the U.S. until 1907, there were days
honoring mothers even in the days of ancient Greece. In those days,
however, it was Rhea, the Mother of the gods that was given honor. 

Later, in the 1600's, in England there was an annual observance called
Mothering Sunday. It was celebrated during Lent, on the fourth Sunday. On
Mothering Sunday, the servants, who generally lived with their employers,
were encouraged to return home and honor their mothers. It was traditional
for them to bring a special cake along to celebrate the occasion. 

In the U.S., in 1907 Ana Jarvis, from Philadelphia, began a campaign to
establish a national Mother's Day. Jarvis persuaded her mother's church in
Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mother's Day on the second anniversary
of her mother's death, the 2nd Sunday of May. The next year Mother's Day
was also celebrated in Philadelphia. 

Jarvis and others began a letter-writing campaign to ministers,
businessmen, and politicians in their quest to establish a national
Mother's Day. They were successful. President Woodrow Wilson, in 1914, made
the official announcement proclaiming Mother's Day a national observance
that was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May. 

Many other countries of the world celebrate their own Mother's Day at
different times throughout the year. Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey,
Australia, and Belgium celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May,
as in the U.S. 

This year Mothers Day is on the 12th of May.

Greet your loved ones in Goa with flowers!


Check out the Mothers' Day offer for 12th May

EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop
World famous all over Goa!

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[Goanet] Todays headline

2002-04-29 Thread goabjp

People who are shouting the loudest against the BJP over the Gujarat
incidents are the ones who are responsible for communal violence that the
country has suffered since Independence, the Chief Minister, Mr Manohar
Parrikar said. He was speaking as chief guest at the inaugural Kannada
Samaj Sammelan in Panaji on April 28. Strongly countering the hate
campaign that the opponents of the BJP had launched against the party and
its leaders on the Gujarat issue, Mr Parrikar said the Congress, which was
making the most noise, was responsible for large scale communal backlash
in Punjab in the eighties when the Sikhs and later Hindus became targets
of fundamentalists propped up by the party.
Taking a swipe at the Congress party in the state, the Chief Minister said
that in the eighties, a campaign had been launched against sections of
people in the port town of Vasco da Gama wherein they were terrorized and
virtually forced to abandon their homes. This was done at the behest of
those who were now in the forefront criticizing the BJP government for
allegedly spreading communal hatred.
 Referring to the unrest in J  K, he commented that the minorities there
were facing virtual ethnic cleansing and the responsibility for the
situation there lies with the Congress. Mr Parrikar also made a mention of
the situation in the North-East and said that large sections of people
there were feeling insecure. The BJP was surely not responsible for the
communal discord that had been created decades ago in these regions, he
pointed out.
Strongly condemning the violence in Gujarat, Mr Parrikar stated that
unfortunately Indian society has had to pass through troubled times over
the decades as a result of faulty Congress policies. While there could be
a number of reasons for communal flare-ups, the root cause of social
unrest often could be traced to frustration among people due to rising
unemployment etc. He said that only good governance could effectively
tackle such unrest.
Mr Parrikar said the BJP government in the state had in the last 18 months
provided good governance and that it was sure of gaining the confidence of
and mandate of the people to continue with the effort to make Goa into a
model state.
PLEASE VISIT US a href = 'http://www.goabjp.com' www.goabjp.com/a

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[Goanet] NEWS: Hindu leaders silently supporting rightwing British party

2002-04-29 Thread Frederick Noronha

Hindu leaders silently supporting rightwing British party

By Sanjay Suri, Indo-Asian News Service

London, Apr 28 (IANS) Several Hindu leaders have begun silently supporting
the far-right British National Party in local elections in towns hit by race
riots last year.

Rioting in Bradford, Oldham and Burnley towns, the worst that Britain has
seen in 20 years, had led to continuing clashes between white youths and
Pakistanis and Bangladeshis on the other, but did not involve any youths of
Indian origin.

The BNP has since then made a policy shift from opposing all immigrants to
opposing Muslim immigrants.

The BNP has set up an Ethnic Liaison Committee to launch a joint effort with
Sikhs and Hindus. Sikh and Hindu leaders in the area are believed to have
given their support to a Campaign Against Islam launched by the BNP.

The BNP has been distributing CDs and audio tapes of its policies which
include a warning to the British people by someone who describes himself as
Sikh and who talks of his father hacked to death by mobs during the
partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947.

Several leaders have warned that the BNP is using Hindu and Sikh leaders for
tactical purposes and has not given up its anti-immigrant policies.

Continuing talks between BNP leader Nick Griffin and Hindu and Sikh leaders
since then is now finding expression in the local elections due May 2,
according to both BNP leaders and Hindu leaders.

We have had the support of Hindus and Sikhs before and now we have that
support again, a leader at the BNP campaign office told IANS.

The support earlier came in a by-election in Burnley in November 2001 when
the BNP took 19 percent of the vote in Trinity Ward and 23 percent of the
vote in Lower House ward.

Hindu leaders have stopped short of boasting of the alliance with the BNP
publicly. But Hasmukh Shah, one of the most influential Hindu leaders in
north England, was reported to have met Griffin about that time.

Several other leaders within the Indian community warned against any deal
with rightwing racists.

The BNP's Burnley organiser, local accountant Steve Smith, said after the
by-election results: Our rapidly rising vote shows that it's only a matter
of time before we win in Burnley. Just over a couple of years ago we only
had two members in the town; now we're getting more than one in five votes.

--Indo-Asian News Service

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[Goanet] Re: Mangoes

2002-04-29 Thread Eddie Fernandes

Dear Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha,

You wrote:

1. Coloration and colouration are both found in an
 English dictionary, so they are both acceptable 

2. ...mankurad ... has entered the current
 Konkani (and, by way of it, also the current English) vocabulary 

Thank you!

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Fwd: Re: [Goanet] Re: Mangoes

2002-04-29 Thread gilmen30

Dear cybergoans,
I apologise(profusely) for starting this long, argumentative, 
endless, and ridiculous discussion about mangoes, a week ago, with a 
seemingly innocent post about malcurada mangoes, which are going at 
Rs. 200 a doz. in the margao market today, a price which I can ill 
afford, because I like to go through 3 at 1 sitting. Hope the season 
is better next year.  regards--Gilbert.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Dear Eddie,

 OK, agreed that recent literature refers
  to malcorada as mankurad; but this doesn't mean that 
mankurad is
  correct, does it?

 *Yes, it does, particularly as there was incorrect description in 

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[no subject]

2002-04-29 Thread msgme_now

The Dar es Salaam Institute


on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 8:00pm


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 Thank you 

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Re: [Goanet] Jose being fair

2002-04-29 Thread Sunila Muzawar

Dotor, let me first thank you for your balanced reaction to my last message 
to you. You have proved that we can all have civilized discussions on this 
forum without things deteriorating to blows and I truly appreciate your 

From: The Goan Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Sunila on fairness in reporting
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 10:09:19 -0700 (PDT)

It is impossible for me to support extremists from any
religion, country, whatever, especially the ones who
see NO wrong that their OWN do but Holler at the top
of their voices when a mouse from their political or
emotional rival/competitor crosses their path.

I agree with you completely

BTW: those who made noise about the Staines' burning
need to be commended for their noise.

Sure. But don't forget Godhra again.

While those who blamed the Church bombings on the
Sangh Parivar, need to apologize for being distinctly
prejudicial - automatically thinking that IF any group
bombs Christian Churches...it MUST be HINDU.
If they haven't apologized yet.there is still

Well let us not wait for an apology. After all, the Pope refused to 
apologise for the Inquisition crimes when he last came to India. With the 
Pope being the representative of Christ and all that I would have thought 
the ego factor would have been non-existant in this person at least. But was 
unfortunately proved wrong. Christ to me is the embodiment of love and more 
love and more love. He is completely and truly beautiful. Unfortunately, 
with organised religion most of what is practised today is a travesty of his 
teachings. Otherwise the Pope would have turned the other cheek..and 
succeeded in taking the wind out of the VHP sails.

Talking of apologies, do you think the VHP and Co. will ever apologise for 
the breakdown of the Babri Masjid ? I am certainly not waiting with bated 
breath. After all, this is the group that is trying to group the Hindus into 
following an organised religion which Hinduism fortunately is not.

And while on the apology do you think we will ever get one out of Pakistan 
for killing 60,000 plus people in Kashmir in order to keep their own nation 
together with the promotion of collective hatred.

And what about all the caste killings. Do you think any apologies will flow 
on those ?

As I said I will not wait for the apology.

And.ALL of us need to condemn the ethnic cleansing
going on in Kashmir...where both Hindus  Muslims are
losing lives.
Lives which could have been used productively.

I hopeone day...this hate will end, and we will
resume our lives with our resolve to do(legally 
ethically) the best we can for ourselves and our

It will end Dotor when you and me and all others like you and me stand up 
and voice our concern loud and clear just like what we did with the Gujarat 
riots. Being an optimist, I have hope. After all what is living in this 
world without love and hope ?


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[Goanet] More on women in Gujarat

2002-04-29 Thread Pamela D'Mello

Reuters report...


Muslim women brutalized in India's Gujarat - report
By Sugita Katyal

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The day after 59 people were burnt alive in a train
in India's western state of Gujarat last month, a screaming mob chased
Sultani Sheikh and her family with sticks, swords and cans of
kerosene in their hands.

My clothes were stripped and I was left stark naked. One by one the
men raped me, Sultani, a Muslim woman from Delol village told a panel
examining the impact on Muslim women of the country's worst religious
bloodshed in a decade.

I lost count after three, a report by the panel quotes her as
saying. All the while I could hear my son crying.

According to the report by a coalition of women's groups, many
Muslim females suffered the most bestial forms of sexual violence
including rape, insertion of objects into their bodies and burning in
the violence.

More than 750 people, most of them belonging to India's minority
Muslim population, have died in a wave of reprisal killings and
communal clashes in Gujarat since a Muslim mob torched the train carrying
Hindu activists in Godhra.

The six-member team of women's activists spoke to hundreds of
witnesses and survivors of the religious mayhem to prepare the report,
entitled How has the Gujarat Massacre Affected Minority Women: The
Survivors Speak.

Many of the women who were raped were then burnt to death, Malini
Ghose, a member of the team, told Reuters on Thursday.

But survivors and witnesses had horrific tales to tell the panel.


Saira Banu, living in a refugee camp in Ahmedabad, Gujarat's main
city which bore the brunt of the violence, says a group of men cut open
her nine-month pregnant relative's stomach, took out her fetus with a
sword and threw it into a blazing fire.

Medina Mustafa Sheikh, another refugee in an Ahmedabad camp, says
she heard her young daughter screaming for help as a group of men raped
her in a maize field where her family had hidden to escape a
bloodthirsty mob of 500 people.

My daughter was screaming in pain asking the men to leave her
alone. My mind was seething with fear and fury. I could do nothing to
help my daughter from being assaulted sexually and tortured to death,
Medina told the women's panel.

My daughter was like a flower, still to see life...the monsters
tore my beloved daughter to pieces, she said.

Activists working at a relief camp in Ahmedabad said many women
arrived naked at the camp.

One woman was brought to the camp unconscious, bleeding profusely,
her body covered with bites and marks and relief workers dressing her
wounds said they had to removed pieces of wood that had been pushed up
her vagina.

Police say survivors of the religious violence have been filing more
than 100 complaints a day, but activists say the issue of sexual
violence has been grossly under-reported.

This time round in Gujarat, far more than in previous episodes of
communal violence, women have been fair game, the report said.

Forced out of burning homes, running for their lives on violent
streets, they have been targeted not only by rampaging mobs hellbent on
hurting every Muslim woman, man and child in sight but far worse, by
police whose job it was to protect them.

Many Muslims, opposition parties and civil rights groups have
accused the Hindu nationalist state government of failing to help
Muslim survivors of the riots.

They even allege the Bharatiya Janata Party state government turned
a blind eye to the violence, allowing Hindu mobs free rein to kill,
burn and loot -- accusations it has denied.

Ashok Narayan, a senior official with the government, said the
state had asked police to investigate the complaints made in the report.

We have taken note of the report and have instructed the police to
investigate all the complaints about sexual abuse, he said.

If anything that has been mentioned in the report has taken place,
we will take strict action. Nobody will be allowed to go scot free,
Narayan said.


Reut09:29 04-18-02

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goanet-digest V1 #3903

2002-04-29 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest Monday, April 29 2002 Volume 01 : Number 3903

In this issue:

[Goanet] Rules and Regulations
Re: [Goanet] Jose being fair
[Goanet] Report of the GOA CAN Earth Day meeting.

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 21:23:15 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: [none]

The Dar es Salaam Institute


on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 8:00pm


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Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 21:42:30 +0200
Subject: [Goanet] Rules and Regulations

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Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 08:54:13 +0400
From: Sunila Muzawar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Jose being fair

Dotor, let me first thank you for your balanced reaction to my last message 
to you. You have proved that we can all have civilized discussions on this 
forum without things deteriorating to blows and I truly appreciate your 

From: The Goan Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Sunila on fairness in reporting
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 10:09:19 -0700 (PDT)

It is impossible for me to support extremists from any
religion, country, whatever, especially the ones who
see NO wrong that their OWN do but Holler at the top
of their voices when a mouse from their political or
emotional rival/competitor crosses their path.

I agree with you completely

BTW: those who made noise about the Staines' burning
need to be commended for their noise.

Sure. But don't forget Godhra again.

While those who blamed the Church bombings on the
Sangh Parivar, need to apologize for being distinctly
prejudicial - automatically thinking that IF any group
bombs Christian Churches...it MUST be HINDU.
If they haven't apologized yet.there is still

Well let us not wait for an apology. After all, the Pope refused to 
apologise for the Inquisition crimes when he last came to India. With the 
Pope being the representative of Christ and all that I would have 

Re: [Goanet] FW: Untold story of Godra, India

2002-04-29 Thread Sunila Muzawar

I have received this message several times now and if I recall right, it has 
already made it to goanet before. This message has obviously been circulated 
by the political parties who pretend to support Muslims e.g. Samajwadi 
Party, Congress Party, NCP, etc.

I have also received another message a couple of times which tells the story 
from the other side. It focusses on the innocence of the Godhra victims and 
the harshness of the persons who set the train on fire. This message has 
obviously been circulated by the Sangh Parivar, BJP, etc. who pretend to 
support Hindus.

Who should we believe? I guess it is upto you. Just remember some facts like 
the train stopped at Godhra for all of five minutes; fifty nine people were 
burnt alive, the majority of whom were women and childres (17 women and 25 
children if I recall right); the fire stations were forcibly prevented from 
putting out the fire; Godhra is notorious in the past also for communal 
violence; the incident resulted in mass killings in the revenge vendetta 
that followed; hundreds of Muslims have had their homes burnt down, their 
relatives killed, raped, assaulted; etc.

I would rather not take sides. After all whether a person is Hindu or Muslim 
he is first human. And a child is a child no matter who his/her parents are. 
And nothing and nobody can justify violence leading to deaths of men, women 
and children.at Godhra or the rest of Gujarat. Do you agree ?

Also you guys must have heard that tale about the conspiracy behind the Sep 
11 bombings wherein 4000-5000 Jews are supposed to have not reported to work 
at the WTC on that day. Well, 90% of one billion Muslims in the world 
believed this story the first time they heard it. 99% of the rest of the 
world did not believe it when they heard it. Some Muslims got convinced 
otherwise when it was pointed out that there was no way that the alleged 
Jewish absenteism could have been proven. What did you think ? I suppose 
many of us like to believe things according to our own fixed perceptions of 
people and events.


From: Francisco Alves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] FW: Untold story of Godra, India
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 18:52:37 -0700 (PDT)

I received this from a friend. If it is true, it is very shocking

  From: Hari Sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: The Godhra train incident
  Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 12:18:36 -0800
  Dear friends:
  Conflicting news have been coming from various sources as to
happened at the Godhra station on Feb. 27, where a couple of
were burnt, killing many Hindu Ram Sewaks and others,
women and
  Knowing India as I think I do, I found it extremely unlikely
organized crowd of Muslims would undertake such a ghastly
  act in
pre-planned way, as has been widely asserted in the media.
  I wrote to some journalist friends of mine in India. And
  here is
a version
I have received from a highly reputed journalist and Human
Mukundan Menon, based in Kerala. And I am pleased to share it
you. This
story has already been published in some Kerala papers.

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