[Goanet] The Marriage of the Pets (Chapter 1)

2002-05-03 Thread santoshhelekar

I present below the second part of the Post-Marriage Story that 
resulted from George Pinto's elaboration of a Bambino Martins riddle 
involving a Goan Bhatcar, his two sons, and three pets, on the Goan 
Forum.  This part deals with what happened after the cow married the 
goat in George's elaboration of Bambino's riddle. I would like to 
warn readers that this is a long post, and presented here in three 
chapters because of length limitations. Some of the statements in 
this story are only relevant in the context of a discussion between 
three other contributors to the Goan Forum, but the subject matter 
should be of interest to everybody.


The two creatures that are the subjects of this story were excluded
from the opportunity to savor the subjective perspective offered by a
theoretical pantheist religion, because their masters thought that
they could not think for themselves. So the poor ruminant beings spent
their lives ruminating on their own, unable to express their views in
any forum. They had to settle for loving and caring for each other,
and quietly solving the material problems of their lives, for which
thankfully they received at least one generous undirected salute on
The Goan Forum. As if the treatment that they received in the Goan
bhatcar's household was not enough, their private lives and their
marriage were unfortunately subjected to a smear campaign initiated by
a hastily formed Silicon Valley internet rag mag startup company whose
aggressive accounting practices, we have now learned, are exemplified
by the equation 2+2=5. 

One of the early casualties of this media-generated morass of
confusion was the sexual orientation of the cow. The cow was not a cow
or gay as reported. He was a transvestite bull who had a fairly
healthy, albeit somewhat awkward, heterosexual love affair with the
goat before marriage. Any awkwardness that was there in the physical
relationship was adequately remedied by the cross-dressing, which
provided a prosthetic benefit in facilitating the many recreational
activities conducted by the ruminant pair. If you have not already
guessed it, this union was one where the need for recreation
superseded the need for procreation, because of the very practical
uncertainty about the identity and size of the offspring. For this
thoughtful choice they were once considered for the Freedom from
Cynicism and Insensitivity Award of the Independent Republic of 

However, like most marriages this one also had to sooner or later face
a minor crisis. The predicament began when the bovine husband received
that annoying phone call in the middle of the night, this time
claiming that recreational sex was a conspiracy hatched by liberal
intellectuals, and artificial birth control, a money-making scheme
launched by the scientific establishment still rooted in the cultural
context of the socialist university dorms of the sixties, but tempted
by the irrational capitalist exuberance of the nineties. The seeds of
guilt sown by this phone call and other similar ones, each containing
familiar but slightly different liberally used quotes of a
conservative British intellectual whose name escaped the caller, ate
at the unrecognized conscience of the bull, who began wondering if he
was indeed wasting his own seeds. The spilling of seeds on the
ground he had heard had displeased God and caused Him to slay Onan,
although the phone calls never mentioned this.

Tormented by these progressive thoughts that had found their way in
his otherwise imprisoned mind, not having received the benefit of
a passionate and subjective freedom that can only come from an
ultraconservative religious upbringing, the bull in cow's clothing
wondered how he would broach the topic with his beloved bundle of
mutton. But with appropriate deftness and lack of condescension that
would make his co-travelers (even those who have long since got off
his bandwagon to join a real band) filled with delight, he laid out
his problem before his caprine wife, proceeding with great caution to
make sure she would not be paralyzed by his analysis.

So with the right amount of confluence of streams of emotion and
reason, to create warmth like the kind you only feel in a bathtub
fitted with properly functioning hot and cold faucets in a vacation
resort in the Bahamas, where they like to entertain people with a 2
night stay in a five star hotel, with a promise not to engage in a
face-to-face argument, even if the guest is the elusive Raul, he 

My dear bokdi, we are getting old, and I think we have had enough
fun. We have to think about our future, our posterity and our legacy.
Don't you think we should have a calf?, slightly apprehensive that he
might have caused his wife to spend many a sleepless night juggling
contradictory ideas, when her mind and her hooves could be on
something better.

The wife, startled by the tone of her husband's newly found voice as
much as the content of his first real 

goanet-digest V1 #3922

2002-05-03 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest   Friday, May 3 2002   Volume 01 : Number 3922

In this issue:

[Goanet] New York Related-Film on Rap musicians
Re: [Goanet] Dinesh D?Souza: Assimilation of immigrants in the West.
[Goanet] Vietnam and India Sign Nuclear Co-Operation Plan
[Goanet] NEWS: Rights activist asks court to derecognise BJP
[Goanet] Educational CD on malaria
[Goanet] Church statement on Goa's political situation

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 15:13:00 EDT
From: Venantius J Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] New York Related-Film on Rap musicians

I am coping this message about a film screening (part of the 
Brooklyn Int Film Festival) that a friend sent to me.

Black Picket Fence.

Its about Rap musicians
(Thurs. May  2 and 9pm at the Brooklyn Museum - 200 Eastern 
Parkway in Brooklyn)

The 1 and 2 7th ave. subway trains go directly to Eastern 
Parkway/Brooklyn Museum st


Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 21:40:59 +
From: James Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dinesh D?Souza: Assimilation of immigrants in the West.

Thanks for posting that note Eddie.  While Dinesh does gloss over some 
issues, the essence of his message is indeed quite true.  I must admit, 
though, that he appears to have somewhat softened his stance over the years 
(for instance, comparing his book on Race from the early 90s to his most 
recent publication).  Then again, maybe his current position as a fellow of 
the American Enterprise Institute has had an impact!:-)

Thanks again.


Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com


Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 23:22:45 +
From: Tim de Mello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Vietnam and India Sign Nuclear Co-Operation Plan

Vietnam and India have signed a memorandum of understanding that includes a 
'detailed work plan of co-operation for the year 2002 - 2003' for the 
development of nuclear energy for peaceful and commercial purposes.

The memorandum was signed during a visit to India by a four-member 
delegation from Vietnam last month, at the invitation of the chairman of the 
Indian Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Anil Kakodkar. According to officials 
at the Indian department of atomic energy, the discussions included 
presentations by the Indian side on multi-purpose research reactors, the 
220 megawatt (MW) pressurised heavy water reactor (PHWR) and regulatory 

The announcement follows a bilateral agreement for co-operation into the 
utilisation of atomic energy for peaceful purposes signed between Vietnam 
and India in 1986. According to the department of atomic energy, bilateral 
co-operation regarding nuclear energy particulary gained momentum from 
1988 when India started receiving Vietnamese scientists on an annual basis 
for the one-year training programme at the Bhabha atomic research centre. 
This has helped Vietnam to build its human resource base in the nuclear 

India recently helped in the setting up of the Vietnam / India nuclear 
science centre in Dalat, north Vietnam, by providing equipment and free 
expert services. The centre was inaugurated last January, marking 30 years 
of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Both sides have agreed to 
explore the possibility of using the centre as a regional research base to 
conduct training programmes in nuclear science.

In a separate development, Russia gave the go-ahead last month for the 
signing of a bilateral agreement for nuclear power co-operation between 
Russia and Vietnam, intended to facilitate the construction of Vietnam's 
first nuclear power plant. The Vietnamese government recently approved the 
launch of a feasibility study - to be completed by 2003 - which may pave the 
way for a nuclear plant to be commissioned by 2019 (see News No. 129, 4th 

Meanwhile, talks between India and Russia continue concerning the 
construction of two further units at the Kudankulam site in India. AEC 
chairman Mr Kakodkar recently said: If anybody, including Russia, gives a 
proposal which is beneficial to us, we will certainly consider it. 
Otherwise, we have our own programme. We can put up four indigenous 700 MW 

Russia's deputy prime minister Reshet Nikov confirmed talks were still under 
way, adding: I understand that it is not the best possible scenario for 
India to have the new technology only in two units. He said the question 
will be solved during president Vladimir Putin's visit to India later this 

Tim de Mello
Ontario, CANADA

[Goanet] The Marriage of the Pets (Chapter 3)

2002-05-03 Thread santoshhelekar

The last chapter in this saga began abruptly and ended even more
quickly, before the bull could sense what hit him. Like the terrorist
attacks that befell this great nation of Chimbel, the events that
transpired at the top secret private meeting between the bull, the
sentient being, and the President's people who use bull, the verbal
instrument, in the art of sophistry accompanying political and
business dealings, forever changed two ordinary lives. By the time the
bull emerged from the meeting his mind was thrust into such a quagmire
that he wished he had joined a circus as a professional juggler
juggling contradictory ideas for a living. 

He was carrying in his hands a hurriedly typed rough draft of a
summary of the minutes of the meeting, which required him to sign an

The draft read:

The President's decision regarding the issue of the interspecies
marriage between Mr. Boil and Mrs. Bokdi-Boil is as follows:
(Pandurang had no clue about the specifics of any of this. He was not
yet able to say interspecies, but he was going to be working on it.
He would be happy if he could say some of the words in this statement,
let alone remember them.)

This union is in the national interest. It is the only union of common
working people that is in the national interest. It addresses the
central social and economic issues of our lives. The proposal of Mr.
Boil to have a mixed breed calf or calves is a good one, because it is
pro-life. Such calves would also benefit our economy, because they
would provide a new resource for the agricultural and food industry,
struggling to market products to consumers whose dietary habits have
expanded due to the communal harmony generated by Hindus having been
forcibly converted to Christianity, and Christians having been forced
to adopt Hindu ways and first names, for fear of being scapegoated or
lynched by patriots. The first McDonald's restaurant to be opened in
Chimbel has already patented the rights to sell Bokboilburger in
four self-explanatory varieties, trademarked McBokboil, McBoilbok, 
McGaibok and McBokgai. 

The overseas trade assessment by our experts suggests that substantial
commercial activity can be generated by marketing this new form of
livestock to Muslims (those who we determine are against the
terrorists), and the Goan and Indian Hindus (those who deny they are
for the terrorists) who have adopted western ways. 

We have always been bothered by the fact that we have not been able to
take advantage of the commercial benefits of cloning and embryonic
stem cells because of our politically fruitful pro-life agenda. We did
not want to terminate a life created by God through a natural union.
But we believe God would not mind if we used lives created through
perverted unnatural unions. So we believe we can continue to be
pro-life, and allow unrestricted cloning and embryonic stem cell use,
as long as it is conducted on an interspecies union. Towards this end,
a prominent multinational company that has had some financial trouble
recently, but is nevertheless known for its ability to be lucrative
for everybody, has diversified into the agricultural and food sector
by forming a new subsidiary, appropriately named Embryon, Inc. This
company will have their head office in the Independent Republic of
Chimbel, for which they will receive the appropriate tax breaks. Mr.
Boil and Mrs. Bokdi-Boil who have never received a tax cut and who
have never had the privilege of donating for a political cause will
receive both for their role in this enterprise. 

In conclusion, there is the minor issue of the likelihood of loss of
life of the goat during delivery, should a bokodgai or bokodboil be
born. But we have concluded that sacrificing a goat in the national
interest is a small price to pay.

The President of the Independent Republic of Chimbel therefore issues
an executive order to Mr. Boil and Mrs. Bokdi-Boil to be the patriots
that, we are sure, they always wanted to be and kindly sign the
requisite documents in the national interest of this great country.


Thus the story of the bull and the goat was not just the lost last
chapter of Animal Farm, but it was also the first chapter of A
Brave New World part deux, which was going to be inaugurated with a
small involuntary sacrifice of a goat at an altar sanctifying the
backdoor fusion between religious conservatism and avaricious
capitalism, presided over by a clueless cowherd, whose wandering mind
was incapable of spotting the many seemingly insignificant detours
around the separation of the Church and the State, and the excesses 
of profit-minded special interests motivated by greed.

  _ The End 



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2002-05-03 Thread Joel D'Souza

03 May 2002

criminals, the Supreme Court yesterday directed the Election Commission to 
ask candidates contesting parliamentary or assembly elections to mandatorily 
furnish details about their criminal antecedents, if any, to allow voters to 
think before they make their choice. The candidate also needs to furnish 
details of assets (immovable, movable, bank balances, etc) and of his/her 
spouse and that of dependants. (From PTI report)

seat-adjustment proposal between the Congress Party and the Nationalist 
Congress Party (NCP) is yet to take a concrete shape, the NCP has put a 
pre-condition that it would not allow the Congress Party to allow tickets to 
those Congress defectors, who had joined the BJP and returned to the defected 
party. (NT)

MAHAJAN, GEORGE URGE KHALAP NOT TO QUIT: Water Resources Minister Ramakant 
Khalap, who has camped in Delhi for the past two days, met IT Minister Pramod 
Mahajan and Defence Minister George Fernandes yesterday. Sources close to 
Khalap stated that both the Union minister impressed upon him not to resign 
from the BJP party. (GT)

EXCEPT FOR POWER: While judging this (BJP) governments performance in 
developing the states infrastructure, it must be said that barring power, 
there arent any other noteworthy achievements, though there have been mere 
promises galore, of constructing several bridges in the State. This 
government has also been guilty of dragging its feet on completion of several 
existing projects. A case in point is the never ending Siolim-Chopdem bridge 
project. (ASHLEY DO ROSARIO in Herald)

NARVEKAR, THREE AIDES DISCHARGED: In a setback to the prosecution case 
judicial magistrate first class has discharged Dayanand Narvekar and his 
three associates from endangering human life case (ODI match) by allowing 
their application for recall of process. (GT)

industrialist Anil Salgaonkar may not dish out the Deep Purple hit Smoke on 
the Water, but he certainly intends to generate smoke if there is no water 
for his voters in the Sanvordem constituency. While water is being used for 
gardening, farmers in Collem and other parts of Sanvordem constituency face 
acute water shortage for agriculture, claimed Salgaonkar. (H)

CYBER CRIME CELL OPENED: The Cyber Crime Offences Cell was opened at the 
CID/Crime Branch, Panaji, with effect from yesterday. All cyber crimes will 
be registered under the Information technology (IT) Act, 2000. (GT)

CONSTABLE STABBED AT BAINA: A police constable, Kishore Salgaonkar, was 
stabbed by unknown tourists at Bainas red light area on Thursday night. 
Reliable sources informed that the constable alongwith three other 
colleagues, who were sitting in a bar at Baina, had an altercation with the 
tourists who had come in two jeeps. (GT)

FATAL FALL: A 55-year-old man from Ambaulim, Minguel DCosta, died after he 
fell off a tree, which he had climbed to pluck zamblam fruit. (H)

asphyxiation while drilling a 75-feet-deep well located at Chorlem Ghat on 
Goa-Karnataka border. (H)

FPB TO CONTROL CRIME: Hard-core criminals, dacoits, thieves, thugs and 
robbers beware, it is time for you to mend your ways. Or else, there is every 
possibility youll walk straight into the police net soon after committing any 
kind of crime, as the Goa Police is now equipped with highly sophisticated 
and most powerful fingerprint software. (NT)

COURSE IN LINUX CERTIFICATION: Agnel Technical Education Complex has recently 
partnered with Red Hat India Private Limited to conduct courses in Linux 
leading to the Red Hat Certified Engineer certification and becomes a part of 
the global network of authorities training centres established by Red Hat 
Inc, USA. (GT)

CURTORIM PARISHIONERS AGITATE: Several parishioners from Curtorim yesterday 
held a dharna at Curtorim market, protesting against Congress observer 
Prodyut Guhas alleged statements terming the Church as anti-national and 

PLEAS OPPOSING PSI RECRUITMENT: Yet another petition has been filed in the 
Panjim Bench of the Bombay High Court challenging the recruitment to the 
posts of Police Sub-Inspector in the Police Department, this time by Victor 
Lobo of Merces a contender for the said post. Another contender, Tanveer 
Khatib of Sangolda, had also approached the Court earlier in this connection. 

STOP BEING CORRUPT: She (Goa) was so beautiful, so precious, so pure, and we 
sold her to the poorest tourists from Europethe taxi drivers, the mechanics, 
the welders. The lower than low-budget tourists are the ones who pack our 
chartersWhat does the government need to do to take Goa in the right 
direction? Just one single thing: stop being corrupt. (REMO FERNANDES 

[Goanet] Goa to US calls at Rs 3 per minute?

2002-05-03 Thread FREDERICK NORONHA

This is what is being promised. After VoIP (Voice-over-IP) belatedly got 
legalised in India from April 1, 2002, the benefits of low-cost 
long-distance telephony might be just about reaching Goa.

Railton Electronics of Porvorim's Landscape City, run by Sanjay Bhaiya,  is 
promising Caltiger's solution to the user in Goa. Railton 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] says Caltiger's Internet Telephony Cards work through 
Net2Phone the world's largest player.

PC-to-phone calls from Goa to the US (by their estimates, unverified by me) 
cost Rs 3 per minute. This rate is also being offered to other countries as 
an introductory offer. 

Lesser-useful PC-to-PC calls anywhere in India are priced at Rs 1.20 per 
minute. They're also talking about exciting IP (internet protocol) telephony 
devices for the first time in India. 

But one has to buy prepaid cards for Rs 500, which are valid for three months 
from the date of first call made. This means that such offers are useful 
mainly for cyber centres, PCOs, and other bulk users like hotels, 
travel-agents, etc.

This is not intended to be an endorsement of the efficacy of the product, and 
I have no commercial interest in the same. Nonetheless, there is an exciting 
potential in such ideas in an expat-oriented state which has suddenly touched 
the second-highest density nationwide (meaning, after Delhi, Goa ranks second 
in terms of numbers of telephones per hundred population). For someone who 
believes in the power of information and communication technologies, ICTs, if 
properly applied, this is surely interesting. FN *** 

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[Goanet] Links to http://www.freenewsgoa.net

2002-05-03 Thread Frederick Noronha

Some news currently up at www.freenewsgoa.net -- it costs to tell the

-- Forwarded message --

NCP says 'no' Quislings
Friday, May 03, 2002 - 01:46 PM GMT+5:30

Can the Congress in Goa afford to renominate defectors and hope to win 
the election, or will it suffer a public backlash? The party, which is in a 
one-to-one battle in this state with the BJP, saw three of its governments 
sink since 1998, with wholesale defections, writes Deccan Herald's Devika 


Friday, May 03, 2002 - 01:38 PM GMT+5:30

This is the Goa Church's Diocesan Service Centre for Social Action's 
statement for the forthcoming elections. Corruption, communalism... and the 
debate-provoing suggestion to identify and promote a third candidate, if 
the choice is between a communal and a corrupt one. Do you agree?


Church puts BJP on the defensive in Goa
Thursday, May 02, 2002 - 06:31 PM GMT+5:30

Devika Sequeira of Deccan Herald says the BJP has found itself at a 
disadvantage in the Assembly election here, due to its handling of the 
communal violence in Gujarat


Goa CM blames Gujarat violence on bad governance
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 

Sandesh Prabhudesai in Panaji (Courtesy: Rediff.com) reports: Goa Chief 
Minister Manohar Parrikar, who belongs to the Bharatiya Janata Party, has 
said that bad governance is the cause of the communal violence in Gujarat. 
Good governance by my government in Goa could be adopted as a model by all 
states in the country that are hit by group violence, the IIT 
engineer-turned-politician said.


Targetting its guns on corruption: Goa Suraj
Saturday, April 27, 2002 - 03:27 PM GMT+5:30

Goa Su-raj party came into being as an answer to the current state of 
affairs in Goa including politics of aya-Ram gaya-Ram (frequent floor 
crossings). The party is striving hard to promote good persons to clean the 
Goan polity. It is perhaps the only political party which does not 
authorise its executive committee members to contest elections. Goa Su-Raj 
says it has a vision for good governance and also has an answer to prevent 
elected members from defecting, says party president FLORIANO LOBO in an 
interview with Ashley do Rosario. 


How to get the most of this site...
Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 10:14 PM GMT+5:30

Freenewsgoa.net is still in the beta testing stages. Some tips to get the 
most of this site, including details of how to post your comments to 
stories already posted... and how to vote in a poll.


'India was secular even before Muslims and Christians came here...'
Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 11:40 PM GMT+5:30

Reprinted here is the English text of the speech, delivered in Hindi, by 
Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee at a public meeting in Goa on April 12. 
This speech raked up a major row nationwide, with clarifications coming in 
from the PMO (Prime Minister's Office).


BJP banking on stability plank to ride back to power in the State
Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 08:06 PM GMT+5:30

The Bharatiya Janata Party claims to swear by a dharma that is entirely 
against defections. How, then, does it explain its own ascent to power 
during the 31-month tenure of the just dissolved assembly a la defections? 
In an interview with ASHLEY do ROSARIO, its general secretary and 
spokesman, Govind Parvatkar, claims that the party was forced to rely on 
defections, if only to teach a lesson to the Congress, which was 
desperately attempting to lure BJP MLAs. He also speaks about the party's 
chances in the polls, the impact of Vajpayee's speech in Goa, and whether 
politicians in Goa deserting the BJP will mar its chances.


Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 03:51 PM GMT+5:30

WILL HE make it? Metallurgical engineer Manohar Parrikar, who ascended 
the chief ministership of Goa after engineering defections from the other 
parties and alloying a quaint but shaky and ideologically-disparate 
coalition, has made a big gamble. Going in for mid-term elections. PAMELA 
D'MELLO hears from the Goa CM, just before he faces a crucial poll... on a 
range of issues. On how he takes on his opponents, what the BJP chances in 
the election are, the communal situation in the state, taxes on citizens... 
and whether he changed the rules of the game by jailing political opponents.

[no subject]

2002-05-03 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes


Kuwait Canara Welfare Association is a well – known Manglorean Association 
in Kuwait and this association is doing yeomen services for the cause of 
their community members in Mangalore, in Kuwait and also for Konkani.  They 
are the people who forcefully display their love for their mother tongue.  
Among Indian Associations KCWA association is doing excellent work for the 
upliftment and betterment of their needy brothers and sisters back in 
Mangalore.  When Lawry Pinto was its president a few years back, I wrote an 
article in this forum highlighting their contribution in the field of 
education to the needy and handicapped in Mangalore.  That particular 
article was read all around the world and in response to it I received a 
reply from an official of World Bank asking more details of this association 
and also appreciating KCWA’s efforts in this field. I passed that message to 
Lawry and even to others.  KCWA’s contribution for the welfare of human 
beings is top most. They have especial fund for education and the 
beneficiaries of this fund are mainly the poor children.  They have 
especially raised one school at a cost of rupees 31 lakhs for the physically 
deformed children in Mangalore besides helping plenty of their poor children 
in Kuwait to acquire education.  For Gujarat Earthquake victims recently 
they donated almost 2 lakhs. Likewise they have innumerable incidents to 
cite as far as their charitable work is concerned.

KCWA is on forefront to spread the gospel of Konkani by organising 
cultural/traditional and other theatrical items.  On 26th of last month they 
organized a Konkani Comedy Show at Funaitees Indian Arts Circle Auditorium, 
at 7.15 attended by a good number of people mainly Mangaloreans. Normally 
what I noticed among Konkani people here is this when Goans organize their 
Konkani shows lot of Mangaloreans flock to witness these shows but when 
Mangaloreans organize their shows only me and few like me attend these 
shows.  Some ways have to be devised to create more awareness among Goans to 
attend Mangalorean shows which many times I find rich in literature and in 
comedy always superb.  Goans can learn a lot from these plays. No doubt very 
many Goans find it rather difficult to digest Mangalorean Konkani and accent 
yet ways can be found out to make it more accessible for both the 
communities.  After all Managalorean Konkani people and Goans are come from 
the same roots.  Our beginning is same but due to geographical barriers and 
due to historical mishaps we are separated from each other.  We can easily 
integrate with each other for the good of humanity and for the cause of 
Konkani, our culture, tradition and history. Goan find Mangalorean Konkani 
more sanskritik, more Hindik and more local, because of these factors Goans 
find Mangalorean Konkani rather difficult to understand and absorb.

The Konkani Comedy show I mentioned above was “Dothor Damiyaon” directed by 
Lancy Rodrigues and translated by George Pinto. The whole play was 
sourrounded around beautiful and very intellectual comedy role played by 
Konkani activist, writer and Konkani promoter Johny Suratkal whose role of a 
drunkard was excellent.  Even in earlier shows I noticed greatness in Johny 
Suratkal in playing such roles, he has acquired specialty in performing the 
roles of drunkard. Others too contributed their mite namely Valerian 
Desouza, Rinna Desouza, Anil Menezes, Renny Menezes and Rudolph Desouza.  In 
singing as usual the husband and wife couple Roney and Jasmine stole the 
show.  But the best song “Dhaum Bhoinnim” was rendered by Kavita and Namitha 
Desouza beautifully sung which was very pleasing to the listeners ears.  
They have lived up to the reputation of their parents Mr.  Mrs. Francis who 
are well known singers in the Church activities as conductors of Konkani 
Choir.  Both these young daughters of Francis should be given more and more 
exposures to delight the listeners. The stage setting was good. Musical 
score single-handedly was provided by maestro Adrian Gomes simultaneously 
playing  Trumpet and Organ.  Adrian is showing lot of enthusiasm in 
performing for Konkani musical shows.  He has great love for Konkani and 
Konkani musical shows. Recently he released his Audio Cassette and CD on 
Konkani Instrumental and the entire musical score was provided by him only 
and in fact the music was very rich.

In his inaugural address the President of KCWA Mr. Mxim D’Mello welcome the 
gathering and highlighted on the donations and other charities KCWA has 
done, these are in lakhs of ruppes.  Ms Ida D’Silva while proposing the vote 
of thanks detailed the contribution of  everyone to make this show a big 
success.  It was very interesting and encouraging to have such an energetic 
woman amongst Konkani people to speak so gracefully and beautifully thereby 
bringing elegance to the whole function.  Her talent should be utilized by 
other Konkani 

goanet-digest V1 #3926

2002-05-03 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest   Friday, May 3 2002   Volume 01 : Number 3926

In this issue:

[Goanet] TOI article about visitor visa to the US
[Goanet] Goa to US calls at Rs 3 per minute?
[Goanet] Links to http://www.freenewsgoa.net

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 15:25:09 +
From: Sachin Naik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] TOI article about visitor visa to the US

Indians needn't worry about US visa regulations


  [ THURSDAY, MAY 02, 2002  11:57:54 PM ]

NEW DELHI: Close ties bind India and the United States. There
are about two million people of Indian origin in America.

They are US citizens, participants in American commerce,
students at university or visitors. It is because of this constant
interchange that there has been keen interest in the proposed
new visa regulations by the US Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS).

Despite much coverage in the media, some misconceptions
about the INS proposals exist. I hope I can put many people's
minds at ease: the vast majority of visitors from India to the US
will experience no disruption to their travel because of the
proposed new regulations.

Let me tell you why:

First, there will be no changes in the way visas are issued by the
US Embassy and Consulates in India. Visa applicants will still
use our appointment system and courier pass-back services to
receive their visas before traveling to the US. And the long lines
for visas are a thing of the past.

Second, the proposals will not reduce the number of visas
granted to Indians. Some two-thirds of all applicants from India
are granted visas -over 300,000 last year -and travel between
the US and India seems certain to grow further in coming years.
Americans certainly welcome this trend.

Third, immigrant visas, the permanent Green Card work permit
and the temporary H1B visa work permit will not be affected.

Two changes to INS visa regulations may affect Indians seeking
US visas. One change has already occurred, and approval of the
other is pending.

The INS has implemented a procedure that will limit student visa
adjustments within the US, but will not affect legitimate student
visa applicants applying abroad. In the past, foreign students
could visit the US on a tourist visa and, while in the US, could
apply to change from a tourist (B-2) to a student visa (F-1). This
is no longer allowed.

Indians wishing to study in America should have their student
visas issued in their country of residence before they go to the
US. This will not affect a person's ability to study at his or her
chosen university.

In its continuing effort to enhance national security and
strengthen immigration controls in the US, the INS has proposed
modifying the current admission period for B-1/B-2 non-immigrant
visitors. In the past, the INS allowed most visitors a six-month
stay in the US, regardless of the time they required. Now, the
INS proposes to base the admission period on the amount of
time the visitor requests in order to accomplish the purpose of his
or her trip.

This modification has been wrongly described as allowing visitors
only a 30-day visit to the US. That is not accurate.

If this change of rule is accepted, the INS inspector at the port of
entry in the US would ask all visitors how much time they require
to complete their visit. If a visitor does not request more than 30
days in the US, then he or she would generally be granted a stay
of 30 days. If the visitor needs more than 30 days, the longer
period would normally be approved.

In addition to these two INS regulations, the Senate has approved
legislation (still to be passed by the House of Representatives
and signed into law by the president) that would require
universities to notify the INS of individuals who have entered the
country claiming to be students but who, in fact, have not
pursued their course of study.

This legislation would not affect genuine students, but should
help the INS find those who would use the liberal US visa system
to enter America for illegal purposes.

I believe these changes strike the appropriate balance between
INS' mission to stop illegal immigration, and our desire to
welcome legitimate visitors to the US. Indians and Americans of
Indian origin play an increasingly important part in American life.
President Bush welcomes this. So do I.

(Robert D Blackwill is the US Ambassador to India)

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Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 18:56:57 +0530
Subject: [Goanet] Goa to US calls at Rs 3 per minute?

This is what is being promised. After VoIP 

[Goanet] FBI was warned of suspicious flight students

2002-05-03 Thread Sachin Naik

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Two months before the suicide hijackings, an FBI
agent in Arizona alerted Washington headquarters that several Middle
Easterners were training at a U.S. aviation school and recommended
contacting other schools nationwide where Arabs might be studying.

FBIHQ should discuss this matter with other elements of the U.S. 
community and task the community for any information that supports Phoenix's
suspicions, the agent recommended in the memo obtained by The Associated

The FBI sent the intelligence to its terrorism experts in Washington and New 
for analysis and had begun discussing conducting a nationwide canvass of 
schools when the September 11 tragedies occurred, officials told AP.

At least one leader of the 19 hijackers, Hani Hanjour, received flight 
training in
Arizona in 2001 but his name had not surfaced in the FBI intelligence from 
the officials said.

None of the Middle Eastern men identified by the Arizona counterterrorism 
or any information contained in their July 2001 memo pointed to the suicide 
that leveled the World Trade Center and killed thousands in New York, 
and Pennsylvania, officials said.

None of the people i dentified by Phoenix are connected to the September 11
attacks, FBI Assistant Director John Collingwood said Thursday night.

The Phoenix communication went to appropriate operational agents and 
but it did not lead to uncovering the impending attacks, Collingwood said.

Officials said FBI counterterrorism agents in Phoenix were suspicious why 
Arab men were seeking airport operations, security information and pilot 
The agents recommended that the FBI begin alerting local offices when Middle
Easterners sought visas for training at local aeronautical schools.

FBIHQ should consider seeking the necessary authority to obtain visa 
from the USDOS (State Department) on individuals obtaining visas to attend 
types of schools and notify the appropriate FBI field office when these 
are scheduled to arrive in their area of responsibility, the memo said.

Sketchy tips before September 11

The FBI's concerns about the U.S. flight schools is the latest revelation 
information, much of it sketchy, that the government possessed before 
11 concerning the possibility of terrorism in the skies. For example:

The AP reported last month that Filipino authorities alerted the FBI as 
early as 1995
that several Middle Eastern pilots were training at American flight schools 
and at least
one had proposed hijacking a commercial jet and crashing it into federal 

A month after the 2001 memo from Arizona to FBI headquarters, FBI agents in
Minnesota arrested a French citizen of Moroccan descent, Zacarias Moussaoui, 
after a
flight school instructor became suspicious of his desire to learn to fly a 
commercial jet.

Moussaoui has since emerged as the single most important defendant in the
post-September 11 terrorism investigation, charged with conspiring with the
hijackers and Osama bin Laden to kill thousands of Americans. Prosecutors 
seeking the death penalty.

About the same time as the Phoenix memo and Moussaoui's arrest, U.S. 
issued a late summer warning that there was heightened risk of a terrorist 
attack on
Americans, possibly even on U.S. soil, officials have said.

Law enforcement officials said in retrospect the FBI believes it should have
accelerated the suggested check of U.S. flight schools after Moussaoui's 
arrest, but
does not believe it would have led to the hijackers.

FBI officials said a supervisory agent in Arizona wrote a several-page memo 
to FBI
headquarters in July 2001 laying out information his counterterrorism team 
developed in an unrelated investigation. A portion of the memo dealt with an
Arizona flight school, officials said.

The memo indicated agents were suspicious about why several nonresident Arab
men were seeking training at a commercial aeronautical school in Prescott, 

Collingwood said the men were enrolled in various aspects of civil aviation
engineering, airport operations and pilot training. The agents were 
concerned that some were attempting to learn about airport security 
officials said.

The Phoenix memo urged FBI headquarters to assemble a list of U.S. aviation
academies and to instruct field offices across the country to make 
liaison with their local schools where other Middle Easterners might be 

Information sent to terrorism experts

The information was shared with intelligence analysts who monitored 
threats and was even sent to the FBI office in New York that had the most
experience with terrorism cases, officials said.

After the suicide attacks, the FBI quickly descended upon flight schools
nationwide, identifying academies in Florida, Arizona and elsewhere where 
leaders of the 19 

goanet-digest V1 #3927

2002-05-03 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest   Friday, May 3 2002   Volume 01 : Number 3927

In this issue:

[Goanet] FEATURE: NFL's foreign strikers: step forward or own goal? (Indian 
[Goanet] FBI was warned of suspicious flight students 

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Sat, 4 May 2002 01:17:23 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] FEATURE: NFL's foreign strikers: step forward or own goal? (Indian 

NFL's foreign strikers: step forward or own goal?

[The Indian Express * April 28, 2002]

T h e   d o m i n a n c e  
of foreigners in 
the score-sheets has 
put home-grown 
in the shade.


THEY CAME, they saw and conquered. Ghanaian Yusif Yakubu (Churchill
Brothers) and Brazilian Baretto (Mohun Bagan), the top two scorers in the
recently concluded National Football League, netted 33 goals between
them. While it brought in rich dividents for their clubs (Bagan went on to
win the league) it has raised one vital question: Has Indian football --
and have Indian footballers -- gained in the bargain?

Baichung Bhutia's success and IM Vijayan's brilliance have been noticed
abroad, but such successes are few and far between. The domestic league is
peppered with strikers who can never wear the Indian jersey; the top scorer
in each of the past four seasons has been a foreigner (see box).

- -
Clubs have made the
NFL too commercial,
putting aside the
concept of producing
caliber players for
India. What's the use 
of laurels when
one cannot produce?
- -- India's goal-keeping 
   coach Brahmanand
- -

Ask what went wrong and a host of theories surface.

Over-dependence on foreigners, a short-sighted attitude of coaches who
preferred ready-made material from abroad rather than groom local talent. As
competition grew, so too did the demand on clubs; it became easier to shop
around than grow at home.

It may sound odious -- and self-defeating -- to draw comparisons but the
same story plays out in Europe. The arguments have been going on for years
in England, where the national squad lacks a mid-field -- or even a
goal-keeper -- to match those of its top three clubs. The most obvious
fallout is cosmopolitan Chelsea, where few English footballers stand a

The club and the AIFF are to blame, says India's goal-keeping coach
Brahmanand Shankwalkar. Clubs have made the NFL too commercial, putting
aside the concept of producing caliber players for India. What's the use of
laurels when one cannot produce?

Why blame the clubs, asks Churchill Brothers owner Joaquim Alemao. Blame
the federation, whose rules permit each team to play four foreign players in
a match. The reason, he says, is pure business. We, or for that matter any
team, spend a huge sum getting players and I don't suppose targeting a title
after doing so is an issue.

Six years -- the life of the NFL to date -- is enough time for Indian
footballers to hone their natural skills, says Shyam Thapa, whose trademark
bicycle kick made him a feared striker in the 1970s. Curbs are needed on
foreign players. One way of doing this, he says, is by making grooming of
players a criterion for the best coach award.

India has, over the years, seen class players in Cheema Okerie, Majid
Baskar, Jamshed Nasseri, Chibuzor Nwakanma, Percy Mawse, Stephan Abarowei,
Sunday Seah to name a few, but has churned out very few to match their

The league is overcrowded now and our players have been relegated to
also-rans, says Thapa. For the record, the sixth NFL saw 11 foreigners
score more than five goals for their team, which included four hat-tricks
(two by Yakubu, and one each by Abdul Ganiyu (Churchill), Mike Okoro (ITI)
and Akeem (Tollygunge).

For the record, both Yakubu and Baretto are unsure of how long they'll
continue in India; they say they wish to keep their options open. But for
every Barretto, there will be another Brazilian walking in, for every Yakubu
another from Africa.

Thapa asks, How do you expect our boys to learn then? The work is already
done the moment they get their chance.

The ball now seems to be in the AIFF's court. It needs to act fast. It could
implement its idea of a much-delayed under-19 league -- aimed at developing
a second line of attack for each club. (ENDS)


1st NFL: Baichung Bhutia (East Bengal) 14 goals

2nd NFL: Raman Vijayan (FCK) 10 goals; CHIMA OKERI (Mohun Bagan; Nigeria) 9
goals; Baichung Bhutia (E Bengal) 8 goals and Chibuzor Nawakanma (Churchill:
Nigeria) 7 goals.

3rd NFL: PHILIP MENSAH (Churchill, Ghana) 11 goals; Raman Vijayan (EB) 10

[Goanet] Mamlatdar forced to clear Colvale waste

2002-05-03 Thread Goa Desc

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
 circulated by Goa Civic  Consumer Action Network
Mamlatdar forced to clear Colvale waste

Agitating citizens compel him to summon contractor and remove waste 
 From Our Mapusa Bureau
MAPUSA, May 2: The power of a united and determined citizenry came into sharp
and pleasant focus yesterday when their efforts compelled Bardez Mamlatdar,
Mr S Shetye to order a private contractor to remove the hazardous 
industrial waste
that was being illegally dumped and burned at Colvale, Bardez.

More than 100 jubilant citizens from Colvale and Maddel, Tivim,
gathered at the open space off National Highway 17, near Carraswado,
and watched a hapless contractor, Ahmed Rizwan, re-load the industrial 
waste into his truck.
The waste included fibre glass strands, glass fibre strands used in 
pressure vessels,
roving, certain types of clay, colour pellets, resin with and without pigment,
pultrusion rods, fibre reinforced plastic pipes and other material.

Citizens in the area had feared that the toxic fumes and chemical dust
caused by the illegal dumping and burning of this hazardous industrial waste
may adversely affect their health in the long run. Citizens present at the 
said that the contractor was nervous at the sight of the large crowd,
but proceeded with the waste removal after being assured that he would not 
be harmed.

Among the crowd were children carrying banners that read, we want to 
live, Save Goa
and Make the world a better place. While he has promised the citizens to 
clear the land
of all waste and even to gather the ashes of the burnt material, the citizens
have vowed to supervise and ensure that he fulfils his promises.

Against the backdrop of illegal dumping of garbage elsewhere in Goa,
the Colvale case sets a good precedent for citizens. But the victory did 
not come easy.
Colvale residents, under the banner of the Colvale Jagrut Manch,
filed complaints with police and other authorities. On their insistent 
the Colvale Panchayat and the Colvale Communidade also filed
separate complaints with authorities. It is learnt that residents of 
Maddel, Tivim,
led by panch member Mr Arjun Aroskar and Mr Douglas, also contributed to 
these efforts.

Not happy with the slow pace of action from authorities,
a delegation of Colvale Jagrut Manch met the Chief Minister, Mr Manohar 
on April 25 and handed him a memorandum seeking his intercession.
The Bardez Mamlatdar's order was quick to follow.
Following a report from Mapusa police, the Mamlatdar issued an order dated 
April 29,
to restrain the respondents from dumping the waste materials and hereby 
order to remove
the waste materials and restore the land to its original position within 15 

Mr Shetye's order named 9 respondents; Pentair Water India Private Limited 
GKB Ophthalmics Limited, GKB Hitech Lenses Limited, Phil Corporation 
Private Limited,
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, Blossom Pharmaceuticals, all of Carraswaddo,
Goa Glass Fibre Limited (Colvale), GKB Vision (Pilerne)
and the contractor, Ahmed Rizwan from Carraswaddo.

Though Rizwan has now cleared the Colvale land of the hazardous industrial 
he has not specified at what location he is taking it. I am taking it 
where it belongs,
the contractor reportedly told the assembled citizens.
Members of the Colvale Jagrut Manch said they would inspect
the place after it is restored to its original condition.
THE NAVHIND TIMES   3/5/02   Page 3

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[Goanet] Indian Ayurvedic medicine lowers cholesterol

2002-05-03 Thread George Pinto

I am not a medic, passing this story on without comment.  George


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