[Goanet] NCP threatens Parrikar with Rs 5 cr defamation suit

2002-05-07 Thread deccan

From Deccan Herald May 5

NCP threatens Parrikar with Rs 5 cr defamation suit
De Souza could emerge as Oppn consensus candidate vs Parrikar

Devika Sequeira
DH News Service


As the pace of the election campaign here begins to pick up, so has the 
heat of the political debate. The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader
and former chief minister Wilfred De Souza has been the first to hit the
peak of the election barometre.

He threatened today to sue Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar for damages of
Rs 5 crore (50 million rupees), for attempting to defame him and tarnish
his image before the state assembly election.

Mr Parrikar who called Dr De Souza a liar at a media briefing on Friday,
claimed the former chief minister had been fined Rs 2 lakh by the Supreme
Court in a contempt case.

Dr De Souza challenged the chief minister's claim, and produced copies of
the court's March 5 order to prove that the case was still in the process
of being heard and the matter, sub judice.

Giving the public wrong information to defame me is the worst possible
thing one can do at the time of election, the NCP leader said. He said he
was in touch with his lawyer Kapil Sibal on the matter.

He also sought an apology from the local newspapers, some of which carried
the chief minister's statement verbatim.

At issue here is not so much the intricacies of a four-year-old case filed
against De Souza when he was chief minister, as the political equations at
work behind the scenes for the Goa election.

The NCP is at the moment engaged in talks with the Congress for an
electoral seat adjustment. The party which announced that the BJP's defeat
here was its primary target, has made no bones about the fact that it would
like to see Mr Parrikar go at all costs, and promised to work for a
secular alliance.

If the NCP plays its cards well, Dr De Souza may well emerge as the
consensus Opposition candidate against the chief minister for the Panjim
seat. Sources close to Dr De Souza said he is up to taking on the

Mr Parrikar has won two terms from the capital, a highly literate, urban
constituency, with just over 14,000 voters. But his fondness for
maintaining a tight-knit circle of RSS men around him and in key positions
in government bodies, is believed to have have annoyed many of his former
well-heeled business community supporters here. These are now working
behind the scenes to finalise a consensus Opposition candidate against the
outgoing chief minister./ends

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[Goanet] NAVHIND: Goa is an idea

2002-05-07 Thread Frederick Menezes

www.navhindtimes.com dated May 7, 2002

Goa is an idea and not a geography or history


Any discussion on the politics of Goa, in the run up to the elections, must 
begin with the recognition of the following four fundamental truths.

The first truth is that there is a class of people in Goa who are more 
powerful than the politicians who govern the state. They rule Goa and do so 
from behind the scenes. No political party can go against their interests. 
Parties may at best cause them some discomfort but can never, never really, 
trouble them.

The story of the River Princess illustrates this simple truth most 
graphically. To see a huge rusting ship sitting on Candolim beach for nearly 
two years, in spite of the state having all the agencies and all the 
regulatory structures to check maritime pollution and disasters, tells us a 
lot about the impotence of the state. The ruling class rules. All 
governments dance to their tune.

The second truth is that the political class, i.e., politicians, 
bureaucrats, party functionaries, are a ‘rentier class’ living on the wealth 
produced by the state of Goa.

Politics in Goa is a rent-seeking activity. Politicians comprise a class of 
rent extractors. They are like the absentee bhatcars who cannot climb 
coconut trees, or plough paddy fields, yet live off the wealth produced by 
the land only because of an inherited right. The more rent the politicians 
can extract from the land, they will extract, and we will have to pay. That 
is the law of governance.

The third truth is that one can reduce the rent we have to pay. Democracy as 
a form of government has the potential to be the least rent taking. But that 
requires, (a) competition among political leaders, this we must ensure, (b) 
a media which is vigilant and committed to exposing the abuses of power, 
this we must strive for, and (c) an active citizenry who are continuously 
demanding, protesting, challenging, exposing, organizing, mobilizing, and 
most of all treating the political class as their representatives and not 
their masters. Continuous protest is an end in itself. It checks the abuse 
of power. It makes the political class and the ruling class more 

The fourth truth is that Goa is an idea. Not a geography, not a history, not 
a religion, but an idea of living together while living differently.

Itis essentially a secular idea that has evolved through a troubled history. 
Multiple influences, from the Arab traders, to the Portuguese colonialists, 
to the charter tourists, to the migrant labour, and so on have shaped the 
culture of the land. We are a coastal people, accommodative, forward 
looking, cosmopolitan, non-aggressive. Our people have gone out from Mumbai 
to Mombasa, and brought back traces of the lands and culture they have 

Others have come from distant lands, from Bengal to Bahrain, and 
incorporated Goa into their lives. Goa is a syncretic idea and any political 
party that seeks to undermine this is a party that looks at a rainbow and 
sees only a single colour.

Goa is like the gardens at Rashtrapati Bhavan adorned by a diversity of 
flowers. Even the roses have a variety of colours. Like a garden Goa has to 
be carefully nurtured.

These four truths must be the starting point of all evaluations of the 
promises that politicians will make in the next three weeks. The last one, 
of the idea of Goa, was prompted by a comment made by the present acting 
Chief Minister, Mr Parrikar who informed the state that this year was the 
only year when Goa’s ‘true culture’ was presented at the Republic day 
parade. ‘True culture’ Mr Chief Minister! Does that mean that all the 
trophies we got in previous years were based on a portrayal of a ‘false’ 
culture? That the national selection committees had been fooled. That all 
previous contingents from Goa had gone to Delhi to mislead the nation.

When a Chief Minister talks of a ‘true culture’ there is a chilling message 
for believers in diversity. Imagine a rainbow with only a ‘true colour’. But 
more about that later.

Now for an evaluation of governance in Goa. The answer is clear. No party 
has been able to give us good governance. In the last fifteen years there 
has been a steady erosion of our democratic institutions and conventions.

In addition to this, erosion of democratic practices, there has also been an 
atrophy of the developmental activity of the state. I have no place to go 
into all the details here. A simple cataloguing of the ills of governance 
will make the point: jumbo cabinets, repeated defections, a questionable 
dissolution, a bad precedent setting expansion of the contingency fund, 
political blackmail of political opponents and allies, violation of security 
norms by politicians at airports, destruction of urban habitats, etc and 
most of all taking orders from extra-constitutional authorities.

The news item that appeared the other day in the papers is a measure of 

goanet-digest V1 #3938

2002-05-07 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest  Tuesday, May 7 2002  Volume 01 : Number 3938

In this issue:

[Goanet] BB Cafe relocation plans
[Goanet] HERALD: Tuesday Tunes
[Goanet] NCP threatens Parrikar with Rs 5 cr defamation suit
[Goanet] NAVHIND: Goa is an idea

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 00:06:33 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: [Goanet] BB Cafe relocation plans

Hi, BB Caf=E9 is transplanting its seedlings. There's no longer enough
space for our music, literary and miscellaneous workshop and institution
building programmes to grow side by side in Panaji and so we have taken
on a twin farmhouse complex set in a tranquil forested part of the Arpora
region where these projects can evolve with plenty of breathing space.

The new facility will also have accommodation for visiting professionals;
an outdoor amphitheatre for cultural programmes and house the editorial
offices of our forthcoming literary webzine.=20

All activities ( creperie; tea and coffee house; organic food
store; designer product exhibitions; art exhibitions etc.) currently being
conducted from Panaji will continue from Arpora from next season
onwards. In addition, we have also been invited to open BB Caf=E9 outlets/
product-pick-up-points at Dona Paula (Synapse) and Palolem (Bhakti
Kutir) and so our e-commerce programme (especially for hard to find
children's books; rare teas; handmade papers and organic food) will
continue refurbished from June 15th onwards after a brief break. (
Walkabout Bookshop, Anjuna will also become a BB Caf=E9 outlet/ product

As far as BB Caf=E9 Panaji goes it is no longer possible for us to manage
it personally. There are a few people who have expressed an interest in
running this outlet on a franchise basis, however, and we are still
talking. We will keep u informed as to its fate.

For further information please refer to our website pranaline.com which
will be ready for viewing by June 1st.

All queries should be addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 11:36:51 +0530
From: Frederick Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] HERALD: Tuesday Tunes

www.oherald.com dated May 7, 2002


KRC ticket to polls!?

WANT A TICKET? Be well connected to the staff of the Konkan Railway 
Corporation, and you are sure to get one.

It’s peak season now for rail travel, and strangely, people holding 
managerial posts, who were recruited when George Fernandes was minister for 
railways, are busy issuing tickets not for rail travel but tickets to 
contest 20 seats that the Samata Party intends to do in the ensuing assembly 

The Samata Party is all too willing to offer you a ticket. And, if you are 
connected to the staff of the Konkan Railway Corporation, then nothing like 
it. You are sure to get the Samata ticket.

Reports are that George Fernandes’ party is hoping to contest the assembly 
elections in as many as 20 constituencies, to maintain its status as a 
national party.

Deciding to contest an election is one thing for George, but implementing 
that decision, is quite another. Where will his Samata Party get the 20 
candidates he intends to put up from?

But for George it’s no problem. He can always fall back on Konkan Railway 
Corporation. After all it was his baby, and he’s dumped hundreds of ‘ayahs’ 
and male nurses to look after it.

The former railway minister and current defence minister, has deputed a 
trusted lieutenant from Mumbai, one Martins, to finalise the list of 

To implement this plan, Martins who has no Goan political background, only 
has Fernandes’ solitary link to Goa — the Konkan Railway Corporation — to 
bank on.

One of the senior KRC staff who is entrusted the duty of identifying 
candidates, revealed that given the short notice and they being non-Goans, 
it has become a nightmare for them to obey to their chief’s order.

All isn’t fair

SO HOW DO you know that you will not get a ticket. Well, we guess, this 
Bharatiya Janata Party candidate from Tiswadi got a clear hint, a while ago.

One of the most reliable partymen and already a veteran of two assembly 
elections, this aspirant was literally shrugged aside, during a press 
conference, last week.

When before a press conference, the aspirant came to the dais to announce, 
how fake names had been inserted in the electoral rolls, by his rival to be.

Well, before he could start, he was told by a party heavyweight to move 
aside, so that the press conference could begin. Who said, all is fair in 

Water woes

SO THE WATER situation in Goa is very good eh? Ask anybody visiting the Goa 
Medical College, Bambolim. Several eye-witnesses claim, that the water 
scarcity is such, that even 

[Goanet] Tourism in Goa hit by Gujarat violence

2002-05-07 Thread Eddie Fernandes

Headline: Tourism in Goa hit by Gujarat violence 
Source: Hindustan Times 7 May 2002 at
By: KSR Menon (PTI) 
Dubai, May 7 

Hit by Gujarat violence and fighting in Afghanistan, Goa is planning
roadshows in the Gulf countries to attract Arab tourists, a senior Tourism
officials said. 

Fifteen percent of domestic tourists to Goa are from Gujarat and there has
been a dip in arrivals from the trouble-torn state recently, Goa Tourism
Director, N Suryanarayana told PTI. 

The roadshow, organised to promote Goa tourism, to Arabs who may find it
attractive to travel eastward in view of the tighter security checks on
Arabs and Asians in the Western countries, he said attending the Arabian
travel market exhibition here.  

Chartered tourist flights recorded 40 per cent drop after September last
year but was showing signs of revival, Joao Xavier Miranda, Director, of
Cicerone Air Transport Services, Margoa, has said. 

Suryanarayana said foreign tourist arrivals fell at least ten per cent last
year down from three lakhs in 2000-2001 to 2.65 lakhs the next year. Even
though, Goa was more than 2500 kms away from Afghanistan, many foreign
tourists dropped plans to visit the state fearing security problems.
From Gulf News 7 May:
Headline: Tourist arrivals decline in India
Excerpt: Tour operators, airlines and hotel managers say religious violence
in the western state of Gujarat state has prompted many to cancel holidays.
Full text at:
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[Goanet] MONEYMATTERS: Currency value of the Indian rupee....

2002-05-07 Thread Frederick Noronha

Currency rates supplied by InfoLedge.com
Your base currency is : INR

AED 13.330702
AUD 26.416617
BHD 129.880637
BRL 20.342750
CHF 30.787852
DEM 22.924762
DKK 6.031955
ESP 0.269477
EUR 44.837250
FRF 6.835441
GBP 71.900206
IQD 158.104617
IRR 0.006179
ITL 0.023157
JOD 69.062059
JPY 0.384915
KES 0.625351
KWD 160.435780
MOP 6.096847
NLG 20.346131
NOK 5.917078
NZD 21.941217
PKR 0.817446
PTE 0.223647
QAR 13.450076
RUB 1.567131
SAR 13.056637
SEK 4.827896
SGD 27.157515
TZS 0.050479
USD 48.965000

 End of Currency rates 

  AED - UAE Dirham
  AUD - Australian Dollar
  BHD - Bahraini Dinar
  BRL - Brazilian Real
  CHF - Swiss Franc
  DEM - German mark
  DKK - Danish Krone
  ESP - Spanish Peseta
  EUR - Euro
  FRF - French Franc
  GBP - Pound Sterling 
  GEL - Lari
  IQD - Iraqi Dinar
  IRR - Iranian Rial   
  ITL - Italian Lira
  JOD - Jordanian Dinar
  JPY - Yen
  KES - Kenyan Shilling
  KWD - Kuwaiti Dinar
  MOP - Pataca
  NLG - Dutch Guilder   
  NOK - Norwegian Krone
  NZD - New Zealand Dollar   
  OMR - Rial Omani
  PKR - Pakistan Rupee
  PTE - Portuguese Escudo
  QAR - Qatari Rial
  RUB - Russian Ruble
  SAR - Saudi Riyal   
  SEK - Swedish Krona
  SGD - Singapore Dollar
  TZS - Tanzanian Shilling
  USD - United States Dollar

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[Goanet] Something to think about

2002-05-07 Thread M Mascarenhas

Something to think about

I have been following the escalation of violence between Israel and the
Palestinians with foreboding. Everyday, I watch Israeli tanks and
helicopters crush the infrastructure of the Palestinian Authority. Then I
watch the coverage of the carnage from a suicide bombing. Then I watch Ariel
Sharon, who increasingly appears to me like a Jewish Hitler, turn around and
say Arafat is not doing enough to arrest Palestinian guerillas and dissuade
young Palestinians from killing themselves and busloads of Israelis. And
George Bush agrees. And Tim Sebastian, whose IQ is possibly even lower than
George's but who, unlike George, can usually express himself in grammatical
sentences, acts like he's George's personal spokesperson and grills the
European Union guy on why the EU wants to impose sanctions on Israel.

I change the channel, only to get a dose of Vajpayee saying he can't face
the world because of Gujarat.

Out-of-control violence based on fundamentalist belief systems seems to be
on the rise everywhere. My mind clicks on the fact that Gujarat is a lot
closer to home than the West Bank. And I get a cold feeling in the pit of my
stomach. I try to convince myself that nothing like that could happen here,
in our little tropical enclave. Come on, I say to myself, Goans are so laid
back, they don't even have the energy for that sort thing. And I look
around. Under the current caretaking government, some of our most corrupt
politicians have been neutralized under what is coming to be known as the
dossier system. The availability of basic amenities and services seems to
have improved, the roads are being taken care of, the city is cleaner,
things work, traffic is better controlled, and every time I cross the
Mandovi Bridge after 12 pm, the cops are out there doing their job and
protecting civilians.

Okay, I think, sure, some degree of fundamentalism exists among Goans, like
that time my friend of many years, Ashok Chowgule, got mad at me because he
thought I was the author of a Reuters piece criticizing the VHP (it wasn't
me, although I am clearly not a cheering fan of the VHP). But he's a still a
staunch VHP man and we're still friends, so how serious can the communal
issue really be here in Goa?

I look at the palm trees swaying and the gentle beating of waves against the
shore, and it is so easy to feel that nothing is really too out of whack in
my little world (except for the looming vision of the River Princess). Oh,
but then I remember the mosque that got wiped out, which somehow became a
non-issue. And there was the church that allegedly burnt down because of
some candles. And there was that business during the bandh which was
declared after the Godhra incident, when thugs were running around Goa
threatening shop keepers and burning tires on the road, and we were afraid
to go out-that's definitely a new thing. And, wait a minute, wasn't our man
one of the kar sevaks who went rushing off to Ayodhya to help tear down the
Babri Masjid? Hmmm. Something for people to think about during the upcoming

Smething else to think about: April 18th is World Heritage Day. To
commemorate it, Heritage and Conservation groups plan to have a public
celebration at the Panjim Municipal Garden, starting at 5 pm. The objective
is to revive the public use of the garden, which has a noteworthy
architectural heritage history. Accordingly, musicians, artists, theatre
groups are being invited to attend and perform for the public. They have
agreed to do this free of cost. The Police Band, which in earlier times used
to play regularly at the garden bandstand, is being invited to kick off the
event. Press releases will be out this week encouraging the public to
participate in the celebration. People are advised to bring some candles,
since the garden is not very well lit. (Nobody is worried about the
bandstand accidentally burning down.)

I personally hope this will give the Municipality some alternative ideas on
how this space can be utilized, other than filling it with fake fiberglass
mountains and absurd toilets in the shape of castles. After all, the
Municipal garden is not Disneyland. Maybe I'll see you there.

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Re: [Goanet] FT: Pat Buchanan replies to Dinesh D'Souza

2002-05-07 Thread Tariq Siddiqui

On Tue, 7 May 2002, Eddie Fernandes wrote:

  Solzhenitsyn was speaking about France and the America I grew up in, a
 country that people like D'Souza would convert into a commercial mall for
 all mankind, what Teddy Roosevelt called a polyglot boarding house for the
 world. Anyone who could  write what D'Souza wrote does not know what it
 means to be an American.

Does not know what it means to be an American is the favorite phrase of
the nationalists who exist in every country. The last word can be
subsituted for any country of the world.

The question is, what is it to be an American? Or what does one have to do
to be an American? Usually, for the Pat Buchanan-type, it usually means
little more than their own narrow definition of self-identity that
typically reflects an aversion to change.

Tariq Siddiqui
[ This Space for Rent ]

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