goanet-digest V1 #3966

2002-05-15 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest  Tuesday, May 14 2002  Volume 01 : Number 3966

In this issue:

Re: [Goanet] NEWS: 33 die in gruesome Kashmir massacre

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 08:51:51 +0400
From: Sunila Muzawar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] NEWS: 33 die in gruesome Kashmir massacre

Fred, I appreciate your posting this news. This is one of the rare instances 
when news such as this which although common in India has made it to this 
forum. Let's hope this turns into an effort to provide Indian news and Goan 
news in totality rather than the communally lopsided reporting and 
discussions we have seen in the past on this forum. 3 Cheers for goanet!!!

On the actual news itself, this is just another instance of the barbarious 
and inhuman activities of Pakistan and their Islamic terrorists. And for the 
people of Jammu and Kashmir it is a story much repeated. But I don't see it 
any different from Staines, Godhra, Gujarat, and all the other communal and 
politically motivated riots and killings we see everyday in India. I truly 
cannot understand the psyche of a person who is so obsessed with his 
religion that he has no qualms about killing innocent men, women and 
CHILDREN ! The Islamic terrorists have virtually destroyed any honour which 
the world had given to Islam. The Hindu militants have shown shades of 
similar colours in Gujarat recently, albeit in a reaction to Godhra.

My question is when will it ever end ? Or will it ?

From: Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] NEWS: 33 die in gruesome Kashmir massacre
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 01:54:13 +0530 (IST)

33 die in gruesome Kashmir massacre   (THIRDLEAD)

By H. Joshi, Indo-Asian News Service

Jammu, May 14 (IANS) Terrorists dressed in military fatigues Tuesday shot
dead children and wives of Indian soldiers even as the victims begged for
mercy in a gruesome massacre that left 33 people, including the three
attackers, dead in Jammu and Kashmir.

A sombre Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah blamed Pakistan-backed guerrillas
for the brutal killings and said the death toll - in what is undoubtedly 
of the worst acts of terrorism in the Himalayan state - could be much more.

About 40 people were injured, and many were reported to be in critical

We normally don't stop on the highway, said Satish Sharma, the conductor
of the bus and who survived the massacre. But when we saw men in uniforms
flagging us down, we stopped. Little did we realise what was in store for

The nationality of the killers was not immediately known, but the
pro-Pakistan Jamiat-ul Mujahideen and the unknown Al-Manzooria claimed
responsibility for the suicide operation.

In a statement to a news agency in Srinagar, the groups identified the 
terrorists who died in the attack as Abu Marsad, Abu Jaffer and Abu Sheal.
Indian officials said all three were in their early 20s.

The orgy of violence began early in the day when three gunmen, dressed in
military fatigues, boarded a bus carrying Hindu pilgrims from the hill 
of Himachal Pradesh at a small township near the Pakistan border.

But by the time the terrorists were gunned down, police sources told 
IANS,they had displayed unprecedented cruelty.

Many of the victims were children who were asleep in their beds. In some
instances, their mothers begged for mercy from the killers but were mowed
down. A few women survived by hiding under the cots.

It is one of the worst setbacks for the army in Kashmir, a police officer

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: 


Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 11:11:04 +0530
From: Joel D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]

15 May 2002

COLVALE PANCHAYAT MOOTS SAFEGUARDS: Conducting an Environment Impart 
Assessment prior to issuing approval for any industry, revocation of NOC to 
erring scrap dealers and a 'cattle only' pond were some of the safeguards 
mooted at a gramsabha of Colvale Panchayat. It was also resolved to make 
the approval of the gramsabha for any new project and environmental 
assessment mandatory in what could be a landmark suggestion. (GT)

and main accused in the multi-crore power scam, Mauvin Godinho, quoted 
scriptures while issuing a blunt and naked threat to Chief Minister Manohar 
Parrikar for falsely implicating him in the power scam and the 
disproportionate assets case. As you sow, so shall you reap, he warned Mr 
Parrikar during a press conference 

[Goanet] Secularism and appeasement

2002-05-15 Thread Sunila Muzawar

Interesting article !

Secularism and appeasement
by Amberish K Diwanji

A complaint often made is that secularism in India is flawed at best and 
minority appeasement at worst. Granted Indian secularism is not perfect. But 
just as we cannot have true secularism through minority appeasement, we 
cannot have it through minority bashing or majority appeasement either. The 
need of the hour is for better secularism. So what is it that makes for 
better secularism and appeases no particular religious section of society?

The tragic fact is that in India today, its laws do appease different 
sections in different ways. So if Muslims are 'appeased' through personal 
laws that allow them four wives in complete disregard of women's 
emancipation and liberty, Hindus too have contrived to ensure that various 
laws in the country appease Hindu sentiments, and perhaps the best, and most 
controversial, example is the law that bans the slaughter of cows, but not 
of other bovine creatures.

One of the single biggest grouse is the existence of different personal 
civil laws for Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and Parsis in India. It has been 
pointed out how in the United States or other Western country, the law is 
common for all, regardless of race, creed, or faith. And has been rightly 
pointed out, in no major country in the world do such personal laws exist 
which means that before law, all men and women are not equal.

The founders of our Constitution agreed to personal laws to give various 
communities time to evolve so that the particular community's social 
practice comes close to the law of the land. For instance, there were some 
Hindu tribes where a man had conjugal rights over his sister-in-law since 
she was considered married to the family! The idea was to give such 
communities time to change rather than force change on them.

But it is also a fact that communities rarely change unless there is some 
external pressure. The best reforms in Hindu society came during the 
turbulent years from 1850s to 1950s, till about when some Hindu laws were 
codified in 1956. Since then, Hindu society and laws have stopped reforming, 
and the reason is the lack of external pressure. Similarly, expecting other 
religious communities in India to reform could imply an eternal wait.

Tragically, the existence of the personal laws is seen as a source of 
identity today, and any move to abolish or amend them is bound to raise a 
hue and cry, mostly by the terribly bigoted so-called leaders of the 
Muslims, the Syed Shahabuddins and the Imam Bukharis. Yet, there is no doubt 
that India, like other liberal, secular societies, must have a uniform civil 
code that is secular, liberal, equal (especially between the sexes), 
promotes fraternity, and ensures justice for all. That is the foundation of 
a modern nation. It is not just a case of Muslim man being allowed four 
wives but the fact that a Muslim woman lacks the right, like her Hindu 
counterpart, to not share her husband with another woman. The law is more 
anti-Muslim woman that pro-Muslim man and the fact that many Islamic 
republics too do not practice it clearly shows that this particular law is 

Then, there is always a hue and cry about the fact that the Government of 
India subsidies the Haj pilgrims, a practice no one has thought fit to 
abolish. The money spent on subsidizing the Haj is needed far more 
desperately to educate poor boys and girls, including many Muslims who, in 
the absence of schools, turn to madrasas. Similarly, why should a Hindu 
undivided family get tax benefit but not a non-Hindu undivided family? It is 
not the duty of the State to subsidise religious programs or exempt united 
families from taxes.

Yet, a secular society does not end with abolishing the different personal 
laws but by bringing about civil laws that benefit the individuals, not a 
section of society. And much as certain Muslim laws and practices need 
reform, let Hindus not absolve themselves of all blame. For instance, during 
some religious festivals, often areas or cities in India simply shut down. 
Roads are taken over for processions, loudspeakers blare late into the 
evening and civic and working life is badly affected. The fact that India is 
a poor country that cannot afford to lose working days is no one's 
consideration, least of all the government that simply does not have the 
will to fight communal forces of varying denominations.

For instance, in Mumbai, during Ganesh Chaturthi and a month later, during 
Navratri, citizens are subject to blaring loudspeakers set up in every nook 
and corner. There is very little religion here, and a lot of commercial 
considerations. Though there are laws governing the use of loudspeakers, 
they are rarely applied for fear of 'offending religious sentiments.'

India needs laws that ensure that religious festivals or practices do not 
disturb or restrict the common man in any way. Religious processions 

[Goanet] Photo exhibition in Goa... and they killed him again

2002-05-15 Thread OIB



On 13th April, 2002, the Forum for Communal Harmony had organised a Silent 
Protest March and Public Rally in Panjim to protest the communal violence 
in Gujarat and ask for stern action against the Gujarat Government, which 
had not only failed to take action to stop the violence, but had actively 
aided and abetted the rioters and looters. Similar protests have taken 
place all over the country. The situation has not improved to date, and the 
Central Government has not acted to bring the situation under control. 
Worse, the Prime Minister and other senior members of the Government have 
actually defended the acts of the Chief Minister of Gujarat, and tried to 
justify the violence.

In these times, it is necessary for all citizens of this country to reflect 
upon the growing communalisation of our society at the behest of the Sangh 
Parivar, and where this trend is leading us. It is essential that ordinary 
citizens come together to raise their voice against communalisation of 
public life, and drive home to those in power that they will not stand 
silently by, while the secular fabric of our nation is torn apart.
The media has done a good job of exposing the real truth behind what is 
going on in Gujarata state which the Sangh Parivar has itself described as 
being the 'laboratory' of its brand of politics. Despite the efforts of the 
media, many citizens remain ignorant of the true situation. Keeping this in 
mind, the Forum for Communal Harmony is organising an exhibition of 
photographs on Gujarat, along with the screening of some films, in Panjim 
and other parts of Goa.

A photo exhibition will be held at T.B. Cunha Hall in Panjim  on 16th-17th 
April. The programme for the exhibition, which has been prepared by a 
15-year old boy (see attached note) is given below. The Forum is open to 
suggestions from citizens to hold exhibitions and screenings on this theme 
in other parts of Goa.
16th May 2002

4.30 p.m. Inauguration of the exhibition at a public function to be 
addressed by Adv. Amrut Kansar, Sahir Raza and others.
5.30 - 7.30 p.m. Exhibition and screening of film: Hey Ram by Gopal Menon
17th May 2002
9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. Exhibition


(Ramesh Gaus)

...And they killed him again''

Boy captures agony on camera
Trapped in the camera of a 15-year-old school boy, each imprint has a tale 
to tell  of gore, agony, plunder and medieval barbarism. Clicked by Sahir 
Raza, who visited the riot-ravaged areas of Ahmedabad, Gomtipur and 
Mahendrapur in Gujarat last week, each of his 76 pictures bear testimony to 
the uncontrolled violence that swept through the state.
If you see my pictures, they look like leaves plucked out of our history 
book detailing a foreign invasion on the Indian soil in the medieval ages. 
But, the sad part is both the invader and the invaded, the killer and the 
killed, the plunderer and the plundered belong to this soil. They are all 
my countrymen,'' Sahir told UNI after the inauguration of his three-day 
photo exhibition in New Delhi recently.
Aptly named ...And they killed him again'' with a picture of the Father of 
the Nation turning his back to his countrymen, the exhibition displayed 
charred ruins of houses and religious places, selective demolition of shops 
and business centres, petrified victims with a stony silence and speaking 
eyes, an empty grave waiting to be filled up - all shot in the areas hit by 
over-a month-long communal carnage in Ahmedabad, Gomtipur and Mahendrapur.

The photo exhibition will be open to the public at T.B. Cunha Hall, Panjim, 
on 17th May 2002.

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goanet-digest V1 #3967

2002-05-15 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest Wednesday, May 15 2002 Volume 01 : Number 3967

In this issue:

[Goanet] Decision to save dog proves costly for this driver.
[Goanet] Secularism and appeasement 
[Goanet] Regarding GOA NEWS
[Goanet] Photo exhibition in Goa... and they killed him again

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 13:50:33 +0530
Subject: [Goanet] Decision to save dog proves costly for this driver.

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
 circulated by Goa Civic  Consumer Action Network
- --
Decision to save dog proves costly for this driver.
- --
A jeep driver's decision to save the life of an animal proved costly,
as he collided with a stationary car near Teen Building, here this afternoon.
Porvorim police said the Trax, driven by Paul Vashul, a native of Manipur
but residing at Calangute, was proceeding from Panjim to Mapusa
when the driver noticed a dog crossing the road.

In a bid to save the animal, the driver slammed the brakes
but lost control of the vehicle, which rammed
into a stationary Santro car (GA-01-R-1276).
The car was severely damaged in the mishap.

Police has registered a complaint against Vashul
and Hawaldar K V Sawant is investigating the case.
- ---
HERALD  13/5/02   page 3
- ---

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- --
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy


Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 12:57:17 +0400
From: Sunila Muzawar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Secularism and appeasement 

Interesting article !

Secularism and appeasement
by Amberish K Diwanji

A complaint often made is that secularism in India is flawed at best and 
minority appeasement at worst. Granted Indian secularism is not perfect. But 
just as we cannot have true secularism through minority appeasement, we 
cannot have it through minority bashing or majority appeasement either. The 
need of the hour is for better secularism. So what is it that makes for 
better secularism and appeases no particular religious section of society?

The tragic fact is that in India today, its laws do appease different 
sections in different ways. So if Muslims are 'appeased' through personal 
laws that allow them four wives in complete disregard of women's 
emancipation and liberty, Hindus too have contrived to ensure that various 
laws in the country appease Hindu sentiments, and perhaps the best, and most 
controversial, example is the law that bans the slaughter of cows, but not 
of other bovine creatures.

One of the single biggest grouse is the existence of different personal 
civil laws for Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and Parsis in India. It has been 
pointed out how in the United States or other Western country, the law is 
common for all, regardless of race, creed, or faith. And has been rightly 
pointed out, in no major country in the world do such personal laws exist 
which means that before law, all men and women are not equal.

The founders of our Constitution agreed to personal laws to give various 
communities time to evolve so that the particular community's social 
practice comes close to the law of the land. For instance, there were some 
Hindu tribes where a man had conjugal rights over his sister-in-law since 
she was considered married to the family! The idea was to give such 
communities time to change rather than force change on them.

But it is also a fact that communities rarely change unless there is some 
external pressure. The best reforms in Hindu society came during the 
turbulent years from 1850s to 1950s, till about when some Hindu laws were 
codified in 1956. Since then, Hindu society and laws have stopped reforming, 
and the reason is the lack of external pressure. Similarly, expecting other 
religious communities in India to reform could imply an eternal wait.

Tragically, the existence of the personal laws is seen as a source of 
identity today, and any move to abolish or amend them is bound to raise a 
hue and cry, mostly by the terribly bigoted so-called leaders of the 
Muslims, the Syed Shahabuddins and the Imam Bukharis. Yet, there is no 

[Goanet] Kashmir killings

2002-05-15 Thread J. Almeida

 But I don't see it 
 any different from Staines, Godhra, Gujarat, and all
the other communal and 
 politically motivated riots and killings we see
everyday in India. 

 My question is when will it ever end ? Or will it ?

Dear Sunila,

We all, like you, want it to end.

However, these latest Kashmir killings, the Staines
killings, and most other communal and politically
motivated riots differ hugely from the Gujarat
reaction to Godhra. The difference is this:

The government and police are supposed to safeguard
the lives of citizens, not to abet murder, rape and
violence. That is why the Gujarat reaction to Godhra
is so unique and so terrible: the police themselves
are accused of abetting murder.

When the guardians of the law allegedly abet murder,
it is time to think clearly and speak out loudly:
regardless of communal background or sympathy.


Joel Almeida

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[Goanet] Candidates list... for each constituency in Goa

2002-05-15 Thread Frederick Noronha



Khalap Ramakant DattaramINC
Gawandi Hanumant Ganesh MAG 
Parsekar Laxmikant Yeshwant BJP
Bagkar Anil Shiva   SHS 
Mhamal Ashok Dhaku  IND 
Parab Sangeeta GopalIND
Louis Lawrence Fernades IND 
Satelikar Dhondu Arjun  IND 


Dayanand Raghunath Sopate   BJP
Deshprabhu Jitendra Raghraj INC
Vasudo Rajendra Deshprabhu  MAG
Petkar Bharat RamchandraSHS
Ajgaonkar Bablo Atmaram IND


Amonkar Janardan Arjun  MAG
Ajgaonkar Manohar Trimbak   BJP
Dhargalkar Balkrishna Atmaram   INC

Nilkanth Halarnkar  NCP 
Maulinkar Premnath  INC
Shet Sadanand Mhalu BJP
Korgaonkar IndrakantSHS

Divkar Prasad Kalidas   NCP
Francis Pedro D'Souza   BJP
Braganza Armindo Jose   INC
Raikar Paresh Atmaram   MAG
Shirodkar Kiran (Mahadev) Hanumant IND
Harmalkar Sanjay Pundalik   SHS


Chodankar Chandrakant   NCP
Polle Pandharinath VamanMAG
Fernandes Francis Gregorio  INC
Christopher Fonseca CPI
Mandrekar Dayanand Rayu BJP
Naik Gokuldas Surya GVP
Fernandes AlbainGoa Suraj Party
Javaharlal HenriquesIND
Narvekar Sanjay Ganesh  IND


D'Souza Urban JosephNCP
Naik Gajanan Rama   CPI
Fernandes Agnelo AmancioINC
Suresh V. Parulekar BJP
Nagvekar Pundalik Manmohan  SHS
Noronha Edvin Francis JosephGoa Suraj Party


D'Mello Trejano Agricio INC
D'Souza Wilfred NCP
Sayyad Salim Pir Saheb  MAG
Harmalkar S. Pandurang  BJP
Kalangutkar Deelip Sonu SHS
Prabhu Padgaonkar D Vithal  SHS
Roland A. D'Souza   IND
Vishwanath Ramalu Haldankar IND


Asnodkar Ulhas GopalBJP
Chodankar Harihar VithalMAG
Narvekar Dayanand GaneshINC
Fernandes Joao Rosario Joaquim  NCP
Fernandes Geraldo John  Goa Suraj Party


Prabhu Parrikar Manohar GopalkrishnaBJP
Silimkhan RameshINC
Naik Pramod GopinathSHS
Dhuma Rajaram Bhonsle   IND


Zuwarkar Somnath Datta  INC
Fernandes Lawrence Jack NCP
Monserrate Atanasio UGDP
Rodrigues Tony  BJP
Talwar Shankar Laxman   IND
Peter Diogo Vaz IND
Vijay Anant Palekar IND
Silveira Agnelo Mariano IND


Gonsalves Victor Benjamin   UGDP
Fernandes Victoria RomeoINC
Makandar Ramzan Imamsaheb   MAG
Maura Gregorio SebastiaoCPI
Laurenco Vincento Domingos  NCP
Hoble Anil Raghuvir BJP
Vaz Matias Caitono  GSRP
Shirodkar Avdut Raamchandra SHS
Amonkar Pundalik AtmaramIND
DeSouza Martha Filomena IND
Lopes Jose EdgarIND

Kamat Dhakankar Avinash Govind  BJP
Pegado Carmo Rafael Andre Jose  NCP
Pereira Teotonio Paulo  UGDP
Silveira Francis Manuel INC
Sawant Prakash Mahadev  SHS
Gracias Xavier Joquim   IND

Parvatkar Govind BhakajiBJP
Madkaikar Pandurang MAG
Lawrence Minguel Thomas NCP
Sawant Nirmala PrabhakarINC
Anand Moso Gad  SHS


Gad Vivekanand SukdoNCP
Parab Arjun ShrirangINC
Patnekar Rajesh Tulshidas   BJP
Raut Pandurang Dattaram MAG


Kamalakant Krishna Gadekar  CPIM
Prakash J. Phadte   BJP
Prabhu Zantye Harish NarayanINC
Kakodkar Shashikala Gurudatta   MAG
RAne Sardessai aparnadevi Jitendra  SHS


Amonkar Ghadi Pradeep Pundalik  MAG
Amonkar Suresh Kuso BJP
Gawas Gurudas  PrabhakarINC
Ghadi Damodar Krishna   SHS
Amonkar Subodh Gopi IND
Gauns Raghunath Narayan IND


[Goanet] X'tian higher education top India's best-colleges lists; but no

2002-05-15 Thread Frederick Noronha

room for complacency...
Precedence: bulk


Christian colleges feature in the list of top Indian educational
institutions within the country. But their presence is mainly concentrated
in fields like Arts and Science and Medicine, while showing a low presence
in fields like engineering and law.

Jesuit-run Loyola College in Chennai tops the list of Science colleges in
India, while Christian Medical College of Vellore stands a clear first among
a list of 'Top 10 Colleges' emerging from a survey of academic excellence
put out by newsmagazine 'India Today' in its issue dated May 13, 2002.

Knowledge today is an international commodity. As the world becomes
frenetically competitive, nations realise the value of good quality higher
education. India can only stand on a par with the rest of the world if its
education system is strong, says the national newsmagazine.

India has a total of 10,000 colleges, 250 universities and five million
students. This, says India Today, offers bewildering choices to parents and

India Today began its surveys in 1997, and says this year it gave weightage
to facilities available in a college, student-teacher ratios, accessibility
of job placements from a college and other factors, while deciding on the
list of 'top colleges' in the country. 

The combination of these new criteria has brought us new winners while some
old ones have dropped off, said 'India Today'. It said in the past, it used
interviews with some 450 leading experts in order to arrive at the ranking,
based on peer review and perception. 

Commented India Today: In arts, Presidency College, Chennai, which was
rated fourth last year, took the top spot, shoving aside St Xavier's
College, Kolkata. But in science, the new weightage saw Presidency College,
Chennai, tumbled from its pedestal giving way to its neighbour down the road
-- (Jesuit-run) Loyola College.

It also added, later in its analysis: But it was medicine that produced the
biggest upset. Christian Medical College, Vellore, which was rated seventh
last year, moved rapidly upwards and ousted the All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, Delhi, from the top slot.

But, without getting carried away by the positive achievements, the fact
remains that Christian institutions have a poor presence in fields like
engineering, and law. Management, a field where Christian educators
particularly the Jesuits are known to run only a few, but top ranking
institutions, was not rated.

Besides, the number of students getting education in top Christian colleges
seems to be smaller than in other prestigious institutions. This could imply
that only few students could benefit from such quality institutions, leading
to charges of elitism.

On the Arts front, St Xavier's College in Kolkata is ranked second, Madras
Christian College of Chennai is third, St Xavier's of Mumbai if fourth,
while Loyola College of Chennai is seventh, and St Stephen's of Delhi is

Commented India Today: St Xavier's College, Kolkata, retained its No.2
position in Arts this year thanks to its increasingly competitive academic
content. The days when it was dismissed as a brick-and-mortar recreation of
a Bollywood institution are over. A fully-equipped computer lab, an
audio-visual room and a professional studio with an editing room have helped
cast the college in a new mould.

It adds: The most creditable surge this year has been that of Madras
Christian College. From last year's 9th place, it has moved up to 3rd.
Academics apart, the 365-acre campus with a cricket ground with Australian
turf, athletics track and football field continue to be a major draw.

Loyola College in Madras tops the Science stream. In the year 2000 it was
ranked fourth nationwide, and in 2001, second.

This ranking attributes much of Loyola's success to the college
administration's futuristic approach. It says: While drawing from its
76-year-old tradition, Loyola has made a conscious effort to blend academic
excellence and history. Its restructured syllabus, in effect from 2000-01,
is something many educational institutions are trying to emulate.

Besides streamlining the academic schedule, the syllabus includes topics such
as world religion, heritage, personality development, social analysis,
computer literacy, arts for science, science for arts and skill-based
training in the last semester.

Nobody disagrees with Loyola's hallmark assets like excellent faculty,
enviable infrastructure and focussed learning. And Loyola is proud to be a
trend-setter in developing the student beyond the knowledge of text books,
it quotes Principal Father V. Joseph Xavier as saying.

Recently, science education was taken to an all-new dimension with the
formation of the Loyola Institute of Frontier Energy (LIFE), an
inter-disciplinary group working on projects involving the basic sciences
department. With more than 80 published works since its 

Re: [Goanet] Candidates list... for each constituency in Goa

2002-05-15 Thread Tariq Siddiqui

On Wed, 15 May 2002, Frederick Noronha wrote:


 Gaonkar Kanta Shamba  MAG
 Rane Pratapsing Raoji INC
 Santoba Krishnarao Dessai BJP
 Rane Vishwajit PratapSinghIND

Let me get this correct - Vishwajit is running against his father?
When did this family feud come about?

Tariq Siddiqui
[ This Space for Rent ]

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[Goanet] Query about Tanzania... from a writer in Goa

2002-05-15 Thread Frederick Noronha

Dear GoaNetters: Please help Dr Albuquerque if you can. She's a
writer, historian and author of books on Santa Cruz (co-incidentally, two
separate books on the village in Goa and the suburb in Bombay, both of
which share the name). She has also written on the contribution of
Catholics to Bombay, a city now called Mumbai officially. One of her
recent books was on Goans in Kenya. She also wrote another on Anjuna, the
beachside-village turned hippy-haunt in coastal North Goa. (Though the
book looks at it's traditional face.) Dr Teresa also happens to be the
sister of the famous editor of past decades, Frank Moraes, and the aunt of
the poet-writer Dom Moraes. She lives part of the year at their family 
home in Anjuna. FN

On Wed, 15 May 2002, teresa wrote:

 Hi Rico
 I want you please to ask your   Goan Tanzanites to help me in  by way of any
 data they have that relates to my current biography of Dr.Manoel Francisco
 de Albuquerque of Anjuna, Goa and  Zanzibar.(1869-1956) I'd be most
 Teresa Albuquerque
 Tel: Mumbai  (91-22) 6499005
 Tel Goa (91-832)  273676

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[Goanet] Refer HIV/AIDS cases to Govt hospitals: GSACS.

2002-05-15 Thread Goa Desc

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
 circulated by Goa Civic  Consumer Action Network
Refer HIV/AIDS cases to Govt hospitals: GSACS

The Goa State Aids Control Society (GSACS) has requested
all private practitioners to refer all suspected cases of HIV/AIDS
to GMC/Hospicio/Asilo for diagnosis/treatment.

In a press release, GSACS has observed that,
some of the private practitioners still continue to refer
suspected HIV cases to ADHAR Clinic, at Old GMC Complex.

It is hereby brought to the notice of all the doctors that,
the ADHAR clinic has been closed since 1999 and hence,
no diagnosis/treatment is being provided at GSACS
located in the OPD Block, old GMC complex.

GSACS has further informed that, there are two voluntary counselling
and testing centres in Goa, one at Central Laboratory/OPD 13
of Goa Medical College, Bambolim and the other at the STD Clinic/Blood Bank
at Hospicio Hospital in Margao. The voluntary testing facility for HIV 
with pretest/post test counseling is available at these centres on payment 
of Rs 10.

Under voluntary testing, the blood sample is tested for HIV antibodies
with three tests conducted with ELISA/Rapid/Simple with different antigen
preparations or different principles. This ensures a better reliability of 
the test
and therefore further confirmation bases on western blot test
is not generally necessary as was done in the past.

For management of HIV/AIDS patients, CD4/CD8 blood count facility
is available in the Microbiology Department of the Goa Medical College.
As per the guidelines of National AIDS Control Organisation,
Rs 500 is charged per test and for poor patients this facility is provided 
free of cost.

GSACS provides drugs for treatment of opportunistic infections
such as TB, Herpes, Candidiasis, etc in HIV/AIDS patients
treated at GMC, Hospicio and Asilo hospitals.

Similarly drugs for treatment of STIs/RTIs in all the Government,
STD clinics viz at GMC, Hospicio, Asilo
and STD clinic, Baina are provided by GSACS.

GSACS also provides drugs for post exposure prophylaxis
for health care workers in government hospitals.
Detailed guidelines have been issued by GSACS
regarding use of these drugs.

PEP has to be started immediately in case of any needle stick injury
or contact of non-intact skin or mucous membrane
with blood or other potentially infectious body fluids/tissue.
HERALD   12/5/02  page 5

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2002-05-15 Thread Joel D'Souza

16 May 2002

'IF BJP WINS PARRIKAR WILL BE CM': The mantle of chief ministership will 
fall on the shoulders of Manohar Parrikar in the event the BJP winning the 
forthcoming mid-term assembly elections, Union Home Minister LK Advani 
announced in Ponda yesterday. Advani said that BJP was going to the polls 
with Parrikar as the leader based on the excellent performance of his 
government over the last one-and-a-half years. (GT)

'BJP WANTS TO TEST COMMUNAL CARD': Nationalist Congress Party national 
president Sharad Pawar, while speaking to reporters in Panjim yesterday, 
cautioned Goans about the possible testing of the communal card in this 
state against the backdrop of the Gujarat carnage. He ridiculed Parrikar's 
promises of clean and stable government and charged Parrikar and the BJP 
high command of pushing Goans into an expensive and premature election for 
no valid reason, two-and-a-half years ahead of schedule. (GT)

'REBELS WILL NOT MAKE DIFFERENCE': Briefing reporters, the Goa Pradesh 
Congress Committee President Nirmala Sawant said, I don't think people 
will trust the rebels and even if they remain in the fray, voters will vote 
for the candidates contesting on the Congress tickets. (H)

IF YOU HAVE THE VOTERSÂ…: What matters is not how you safeguard values but 
how many seats you win. So, the Congress allotted tickets to 12 defectors 
and the BJP to four. Because they may be defectors in the eyes of 
conscientious citizens but they are sure winners in the eyes of the high 
commands of the Congress and the BJP. (Umesh Mahambre in NT)

have decided to go to the villages and campaign against habitual defectors 
and corrupt candidates, and urge the people not to vote them at the 
forthcoming elections. (NT)

CBI RAIDS HPCL: Central Bureau of Investigation officers yesterday raided 
various Hindustan Petroleum Chemical Limited godowns and office of senior 
sales executive and dealer Uday Krishna, and later raided the house. At his 
residence they recovered, fixed deposits worth Rs.2.2 lakh, documents of 
flats and cars, and a stack of share certificates. (GT)

SIOLIM-CHOPDEM BRIDGE COMPLETION: The Siolim-Chopdem bridge is nearing its 
completion and is expected to be opened for public use by the end of this 
month, after a period nearly one decade. (NT)

SANCOALE PANCHAS ON HUNGER STRIKE: Two panchas of Sancoale Village 
Panchayat, Simao Carvalho and Deputy Sarpanch Archana Naik, have gone on 
hunger strike at the Panchayat premises protesting against the move to 
issue NOC to the setting up of oil tanks at Sancoale. (H)

DEMAND FOR REPAIR OF DYKE: The locals of Siolim village have demanded the 
repair of a dyke in the region, constructed along the river flowing through 
the village. (NT)

'POWER SUPPLY MUST IMPROVE': Chief Secretary Baleshwar Rai reviewed the 
power scenario in the State and suggested measures to improve power 
distribution to the consumers. (GT)

NGO AGAINST HEPATITIS B VACCINE: An NGO, Citizens for Health, has suggested 
for an immediate ban on the administration of Hepatitis B vaccine until the 
same is certified to be free from al potential hazards. (H)

recently completed the work on its first foreign project, a contract by the 
Ministry of Railways, Malaysia, to undertake monitoring of track parameters 
and to certify the fitness of 70-km long Kuantan-Kerteh Railway line to 
carry passengers and freight. (GT)

Industries and Mines, Panjim, invites applications for undergoing three 
years diploma course at the Institute of Handloom Technology, Salem Tamil 
Nadu, which will commence from July 1. The last date for receiving 
applications is June 5. For details: TCP Section, Directorate of Industries 
and Mines, Udyog Bhavan, Panjim. (H)

FOUNDER'S DAY OBSERVED: the Founder's Day of VM Salgaocar Group of 
Companies and the 86th anniversary of late VM Salgaocar were observed on 
May 13, at a special function organised by the staff of the institution, at 
Shree Vidhyadhiraj Bhavan, Vasco. (NT)

RELEASE OF 'GEETA' IN KONKANI: The prose and verse translation of the 
Bhagwad Geeta, written by Suresh Gundu Amonkar, former chairman of Goa 
Education Board, will be released by Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar at the 
Kala Academy on May 24 at 5.30 pm. (H)

GOAN DRAMATIST FELICITATED: Mr Vijaykumar Naik, a dramatist from Ponda was 
recently felicitated at Pune, by senior stage artist, Mr Chandrakant 
Gokhale. (NT)


CANDOLIM STRIKERS EMERGE WINNERS: Candolim Strikers clinched the inaugural 
Goan Inter-Village football tournament title, organised by Gulf 
International Promotions over the week-end. (15 May. Gulf 