[Goanet] Parrikar vows to stop Malaprabha project

2002-07-13 Thread Devika Sequeira

DECCAN HERALD * Saturday,  July 13, 2002 =20


Parrikar vows to stop Malaprabha project

From Devika Sequeira
DH News Service
PANAJI, July 12

Sandwiched between two Congress-ruled states, Goa BJP Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar appears set for a confrontation with both his
neighbours, Karnataka and Maharashtra, on the contentious issue of the
sharing of inter-state waters.

Mr Parrikar who is to lead an all-party delegation to Union Water
Resources Minister Arjun Sethi on July 26, to protest the Mahadayi
diversion, made it plain that he would go all out to stop Karnataka from
going ahead with the Malaprabha project because it lacked an
environmental clearance.

I will use all the mechanisms at my disposal, including appealing to the
Supreme Court and agitational methods to stop the project, which will
cause irreversible damage to Goa's wildlife and its environment, he said.

An ingress of saline waters would have a severe impact on Goa's forests,
agriculture and fishing. The Goa chief minister argues that Karnataka's
assessment of the Malaprabha project is based on incorrect and outdated
data, and accuses his neighbour of propagating an artifical water
scarcity in the Hubli-Dharwad region, to force the Central government's
hand on the issue.

In April, Mr B N Nawalawa, secretary in the Ministry of Water Resources,
granted Karnataka in principle clearance to divert 7.56 tmc of water
from Kalsa/Haltar Nalla project and the the Bhandur Nalla project to the
Malaprabha river.=20

Mr Parrikar has termed the decision mischievous and has sought the
secretary's suspension for his exceeding his authority. Goa has asked
the Central ministry to withhold the in principle clearance till it
presents its case to the Central Water Commission.

The Goa government is also set to review the Tillari irrgation project it
shares with Maharashtra. Goa which has so far spent Rs 280 crore on the
project has not seen a drop of water flow into the canals.

The project is shared on a 23:77 per cent basis between the states, with
Goa having the larger share.

The Goa government which was criticised by Maharashtra Chief Minister
Vilasrao Deshmukh for failing to pay up its share, would have to cough up
another Rs 370 crore to see the project through. An annoyed Mr Parrikar
said he had no trust in the Maharashtra government on the project's
financial aspect.=20

I have no way of knowing if our funds are being properly utilised. The
project's parametres had also changed since its inception in 1991.


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Re: [Goanet] Contributions of our anchesters to Science

2002-07-13 Thread Subhash Paradkar

Vivian Please help me post this educational piece.

(1) Maharishi Bharadwaaja from Prayag was well versed in aeronatics (vimaana
Vidya). He authored three books; (a) Complete Mechanics (Yantra Sarvasva),
(b) System of Sun beams (Anmashu Shaastra), and (c) Scientific Treatise on
Space (Aakash Shastra). In book (a), the discoveries of aviation science,
space science and flying machines (aeroplanes) are described.
(2) Rishi Kanaada from Gujrat was the proponent of the Atomic Philosophy
(theVaishesika darshana), and the law of causation. This was nearly 2500
years earlier than John Dalton.   Kanaada also described the dimension and
motion of atoms and their chemical reactions with each other. Historian,
T.N. Colebrook has said, Compared to Europian scientists, Indian scientists
were the global masters in this field.
(3) Rishi Aaryabhatta, was born in Bihar (476AD). In 499AD, at the age of
23, he wrote a book on astronomy
and an unparalled treatise on mathematics called 'Aaryabhattiyama. He
formulated the process of calculating the motion of the planets and the
times of eclipses. Aaryabhatta was the first to proclaim the earth is round;
it rotates around its own axis, orbits the sun and is suspended in space.
This was 1000 years before Corpernicus published his theory in 1543 AD.
Aaryabhatta was known for ~ (pie) used in calculating circumference to four
decimal places (3.1416). In 825AD, the Arab mathematician, Mohammed Iban
Musa wrote that the value of pie, decimal system has been given by Hindus.
His most important contribution is the concept of zero without which the
modern computer technology would have been non-existance.
(4) Bhaskaracharya was 12th century mathematician from Jalgaon,Maharashtra.
His renown work in Algebra is known as Beeja Ganita. In Sinddhanta
Shiromani he writes on the position of planets, eclipses, cosmography, math
techniques and astronomical equipment. In other treatise,Soorya
Siddhanta,he writes on the force of gravity.Objects fall on earth due to a
force of attraction by the earth. The earth, planets, constellations, moon
and sun are held in orbit due to this attraction. He was head of
Astronomical Observatory in Ujjain,India. This was 500 years before Sir
Issac Newton.
(5) Cause and Effect theory popularly known as the law of karma (Action)
is explained in Vedic literature. It is now used by all scientists,
technologists, medical professionals, businesses, lawyers and law makers in
research, assessment, and corrective actions.
(6) As President of Maharashtra Mandal, I had a pleasure of honoring Dr.
Narlikar, an eminent astrophysicist from Pune during his visit to
Washington, D.C. He confirmed that the contributions of our ancestors are
not recognized by West. In India, we don't teach the history of our cultural
and scientific heritage to our children in school curriculum. My son, an
engineering student at Princeton, recently bought a whole set of
encyclopedia on India's history from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (some 11 books).
Princeton now offers Sanskrit language for American students. For the past
35 years, Indians have made considerable contributions to the science and
technology in the US. Some 30% scientists at NASA are Indians. 30% employees
of Microsoft, Intel and Oracle are of Indian origin. 30% of world's IT
professionals are now Indians. The modern science has acknowledged that the
intelligence is genetic. We must be grateful to our parents and these rishis
for their contribution to us, our nation, science and the world


Subhash Paradkar

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2002-07-13 Thread Joel D'Souza

13 July 2002

yesterday as a pipeline used to discharge petroleum products from the ships 
to IOC tanks burst amidst huge black flames at the IOC terminal at Vasco at 
about 9 am yesterday. The blast struck panic buttons among the residents, 
who were seen running towards Chicalim with their children, for safety. 
Even the school children were allowed to go home. Chaos prevailed in the 
city till about 9.30 am, until it became clear that it was only a pipeline 
that had caught fire and not the IOC oil tanks. (GT)

MASSIVE LEAKAGE: It was observed that the pipeline carrying the petrol was 
tapped and there were two visible tapping points, one of them was 
abutter-fly cork and the other one was open. The leak was plugged at around 
12.30 am but then the entire Vasco city was engulfed with the smell of 
petrol upto Chicalim airport junction.  As a precautionary measure the 
entire pipeline was flushed with water and chemicals to clear the pipeline. 
Subsequently, at around 9 am, two blasts in quick succession reverberated 
through the port town. Glass panes of the central Industrial Security Force 
and the Customs, who have their offices at the main entry point towards the 
Harbour, were shattered. (H)

ONE ARRESTED: Prima facie police have established pilferage as the reason 
behind the incident. The investigations have unearthed a 200-metre long 2.5 
inches diameter PVC pipe that was used to steal petrol from the main pipe. 
Vasco police have arrested 45-year-old Loginho Joseph Fernandes, residing 
near Cine El-Monte adjacent to the Mormugao Port Trust compound. (NT)

VASCO POTENTIAL SITE FOR ATTACKS: The Chief Secretary, Mr Baleshwar Rai, 
has said that a meeting of senior officials was held recently to oversee 
the safety management of the port town, particularly in view of tension 
between India and Pakistan. (NT)

DEMAND TO SHIFT TANKS: According to a report in the Herald, the Mormugao 
civic body will pass a resolution seeking to shift the oil tanks away from 
the city, in the light of the oil leakage incident. MMC chairperson Carlos 
Almeida said that the resolution will be unanimously passed. (H)

TO HALT ROADSIDE MARBLE SALE: Unlicenced business activities conducted on 
roadsides, particularly stocking and ale of granite/marble stones and emend 
products could soon come to a grinding halt as the State government is 
moving to crack-down on such activities. Heads of village panchayats have 
been asked to crackdown on such illegal trading and other activities being 
carried out alongside national highway, state highways and other roads. (H)

of Our Lady of Brotasknown for its archaeological significanceshifted from 
Anjediv Island, by May 2003, on the ground that no visitors would be 
allowed there by then for security reasons as Seabird project would be 
fully operation by that time. (H)

PEATS, AIDE CONVICTED: The long-drawn battle in the infamous case involving 
Freddy Peats, who has been serving life imprisonment in one office, was 
yesterday held guilty along with his accomplice EC McBride for 
paedeophilia. The duo were convicted by additional district and session 
judge Afonso Araujo. (GT)

GIRL FALLS INTO A WELL: An 18-year-old girlPoona V Bhatikerfrom 
Kavena-Rivona, accidentally fell into an open well and got drowned on July 12.

MATKA RAID: In what could be termed as the biggest matka raid in the last 
few year, the Crime Branch officials raided a flat at St Inez, serving as a 
collection centre for matka operations, and arrested three persons and 
recovered Rs.64,000 approximately. (H)

GOVT DROPS HERITAGE HOTEL PROPOSAL: The Reis Magos Fort, situated at 
Betim-Verem, will not be converted into a heritage hotel but it will be 
restored by the Archives and Archaeology Department. This was declared by 
Archives and Archaeology and Museum Minister Sudin Dhavalikar at the 
unveiling of the model of rock carvings at Pansaimol, Sanguem, at a 
function held at the Goa state Museum, Panaji, on July 12. (GT)

DAYANAND SCHEME REVIVAL: The Dayanand Social Security scheme, which was 
launched with much fanfare on the Gandhi Jayanti day last year, has run 
into a limbo, official sources said in Panjim yesterday. The Social Welfare 
department, which looks after the implementation of the scheme, has stopped 
accepting forms from senior citizens, single women and disabled persons, 
the three categories, which were the target beneficiaries. Under the 
scheme, every beneficiary was to receive Rs.500 per month, with an annual 
increment of Rs.50. (NT)

SFX INSTALLATION CEREMONY: St Francis Xavier's High School, Siolim, 
organised the 11 th installation ceremony of Junior Red Cross and 12 th 
installation ceremony of Eco Club of the school recently under the 
leadership of headmaster Fr Anthony D'Souza. (GT)


[Goanet] offtopic: which generationam i from??

2002-07-13 Thread Ashley Delaney

sorry about this posting but i was wondering if someone could help me.
we all talk about this generation and that generation. How we have to make 
the world a  better place for the next generation, and how the previous 
generation invented computers etc.. so.. it got me thinking. how is the 
generation defined??
one suggestion would be dividing it into age groups or people born in a 
specific century. i.e 1-30yrs = 1st grp, 31-60 yrs, 2nd grp, 61 onwards 
third grp and so forth.
but, if we go by this thinking...

I have a grandmother. she calls me the third generation down the line.
I have a nephew that makes me the second generation.
people say that i am a young person and it is people like me who make this 
present genaration. means i am of the present generation..

i'm confused,
who am i??


  Ashley Delaney  (I've learned That being kind is more important than 
being right.)
  Res: Abreovaddo, Saligao, Bardez Goa. India. 403511
  Ph.(R) 0091-0832-409580 Mobile: 9823014976
MSN MESSENGER: delaneyashley , Yahoo ID: ashleywiz
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2002-07-13 Thread Joe Vaz

One manager lets employees know how valuable they are with the
following memo:

  You Arx A Kxy Pxrson

Xvxn though my typxwritxr is an old modxl, it works vxry wxll -- xxcxpt for 
onx kxy. You would think that with all thx othxr kxys functioning propxrly, 
onx kxy not working would hardly bx noticxd; but just onx kxy out of whack 
sxxms to ruin thx wholx xffort.

You may say to yoursxlf -- Wxll, I'm only onx pxrson. No onx will noticx if 
I don't do my bxst. But it doxs makx a diffxrxncx, bxcausx an xffxctivx 
organization nxxds activx participation by xvxry onx to thx bxst of his or 
hxr ability.

So, thx nxxt timx you think you arx not important, rxmxmbxr my old 
typxwritxr. You arx a kxy pxrson.

-- Pasadena Weekly Journal Of Business

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[Goanet] Fw: Commendable stand.

2002-07-13 Thread hobcraft

- Original Message -
From: hobcraft
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 4:26 PM
Subject: Commendable stand.

There are two specific issues/happenings in the recent past which are very
dear to Goa and Goans and on which is based the Goa's identity and its well
being respectively.

The stand taken by Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar in both these instances
is commendable and can only foster the ground swell support from Goans from
all walks of life for these initiatives.

Inspite of the rift of discontent that he knew would be created within the
Marathi camp in Goa, Manohar Parrikar has made a bold stand in the context
of the almost forgotten  great Goan son of the soil 'Shenoi Goembab' There
is no language equalling one's mother tongue and without its patronage,
there cannot be 100 percent identity and integration of its peoples. Goa's
tongue has suffered enough of persecution  for ages, but has been resilient
in keeping itself alive  and well. It is only through the well meaning and
sincere patronage to one's own mother tongue, the kind shown by Bab Manohar
Parrikar by according the deserving tribute and recognition to 'SHENOI
GOEMBAB  that Goans  can mend fences and come together to fight the external
challenges that threaten every aspect of Goan survival.

Madei river water diversion to malaprabha basin  by Karnataka has been a
thorn in Goa's flesh for a long time. What is more hurting is the connivance
of the Karnataka government with the Central Water Commission in total
disregard for the well being of the neighbouring state of Goa. It must be
well understood that environmental and ecological degradation of Goa cannot
benefit Karnataka in the long run. The fight to put things into right
perspective gains significance when the government of the day leaves no
stones unturned to get at the root of this conspiracy to deprive Goa of its
livelyhood and balance. The full support for this fight and the initiative
taken by Manohar Parrikar in this regard is well appreciated. The
representation of Goa's all party meet with the Union Minister in New Delhi,
however, should have been expanded to all parties rather than only the
parties represented in the Goa legislative assembly. Nevertheless, it is
heartening that Goa is fighting as one united force for its survival. We
wish Goa well.

Floriano Lobo
Goa Su-Raj

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[Goanet] re: Offtopic

2002-07-13 Thread J. Almeida

i'm confused,
who am i??



Dear Ashley,

Thanks for your delightful post. I always enjoy your
nuggets of wisdom in the footnote.

I consulted a learned professor who assured me that
you are a mere watch: a ticking automaton that will
one day stop ticking. Therefore you cannot be confused
any more than your wristwatch can be confused.

But it's fun pretending to have intentions and choices
and even debates, isn't it? Maybe we should put some
chemicals in the learned professor's tea to make him
as ignorant as we are.

Your family, like mine, appears to be fairly
straightforward. Not like the family in the song
Shame and Scandal in the Family. Now they were
seriously confused watches, if ever a watch was


Joel Almeida

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[Goanet] Fwd:

2002-07-13 Thread CasaMel



CT, USA, a freshman at Penn State University, Pennsylvania, has been 
selected to represent the varsity's men's gymnastics team. He is the No.2 
ring-man on the Penn state Nittany Lion Squad. Kyle, the only child of 
Angela de Mello (Colaba, Mumbai) and Yvor Fernandes (Mapusa), also coached 
at Polly' School of Gymnastics in Straford, CT. (Sportswatch-Herald)

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: 

---End Message---

[Goanet] re: Ancestors, science and culture

2002-07-13 Thread J. Almeida

Subhash Paradkar writes:

In India, we don't teach the history of our cultural
and scientific heritage to our children in school


Dear Subhashbab (may I take the liberty?),

Aryabhatta and pi and zero: where will it all end?
Next we'll be asked to believe that the indigenous
Americans discovered Columbus. 

All this talk of MacDonald's and animal fat: do you
know how carefully MacDonald's conducts safety trials
before marketing its products? And Coca Cola? (I
don't, actually). Why can't Indians do the same?


Joel Almeida

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[Goanet] Ek Kovita: SANGIL'LEM TUKA

2002-07-13 Thread lino dourado


Sangil'lem tuka!

Mhojea darak
 addambo na
Kedna-i bhitor
 sorunk zata 

   Ponn atam!
  Bhitor etna
   darar avaz ghal
  Mhoje sangata
   konnui asum eta

Suria udenti thavn
 ostomtea vatharant pavlo
Tuji vatt polloit
 kiteak ravum?

  Vorixtt somdirant
   jinsavar masli
  Tujich kiteak
   axea korum?

  Lino B. Dourado

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[Goanet] Re: Subhash Paradkar, baby, Manu , 30% Fred's post

2002-07-13 Thread The Goan Forum

Dear Subhash,


re: the following points in your postings on GoaNet

SP1. [Along with modern medicines, it may help, if
young couples make occasional trips to these peaceful
places to find love and understanding towards each
other. With faith, there is a good chance they may
improve their chances of bringing a beautiful life on
this planet.]

I don't know about the faith bit, but being left
alone does help couples to find love and
understanding towards each other

SP2.[In India, poverty, large families, demand for
dowry, demand to have a son to carry family name, ill
treatment by husband's relatives, job related stress,
physical, verbal abuse are stress causers that lower
self-esteem and reduce women to less than human

Agree. This situation is not restricted only to women
in poorer segments of Indian society.

SP2. [Manu Smruti says, Daughter-in-law should be
loved as she is Laxmi of your house. Mother is 100
times more influential in raising children than
father, and father is ten times more influential than
Guru or Teacher.]

And yetthe same Manu Smriti says Never trust a
woman. Never sit alone with a woman even if it may be
your mother, she may tempt you. Do not sit alone with
your daughter, she may tempt you. Do not sit alone
with your sister, she may tempt you.

AND a woman after marriage should be under control of
her husband 

BTW: Isn't this the same Manu who gave the world the
horrible caste system?


SP3.[Some 30% scientists at NASA are Indians]

which NASA are we talking about?

SP4. [ Sanskrit being taught at Princeton ]

That is the greatness of the Western countries. In the
UK, they routinely teach Hindi, Bengali, Urdu and
Punjabi.in many counties.

Look at how India has suppressed the learning of Urdu
and Portuguese.

BTW: Fred Noronha wrote the following about

[PANJIM, July 12: Decades back, it was grounds for
legally permitting polygamy in colonial Goa.]

Dear Fred, do you know of ANYBODY who was permitted to
be Polygamous because of Infertility.

I know that Muslim families in Goa ( as well as in
other places ) had/have more than one wife. 

I'd be surprised that the Portuguese colonialists,
officially sanctioned Polygamy or even Bigamy.

NOT after what they did to Telo!

good wishes

jose colaco

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[Goanet] Portuguese laws, polygamy... and what the law actually states

2002-07-13 Thread Frederick Noronha

My point is  that the law allows for it under certain conditions; I didn't
say I know or knew of anyone who took or plans to take advantage of the
law (as far as I know, it is still not revoked).

The law *did* permit simultaneous polygamy under the quaintly-named
'Usages and Customs of Gentile Hindus of Goa' -- see page 156 of 'Family
Laws of Goa, Daman and Diu - Volume I'. Contrary to the widespread belief,
the uniform family laws of Goa contain provisions which are surprisingly
un-uniform. They not only have differing provisions (in some aspects)
based on people's religion, but even based on their caste!

It is another matter that these laws today have a strong lobby to support
them on ideological grounds ('If Muslims can do without polygamy being
allowed in Goa, why can't we enforce a similar law on them across India')
or very strong economic grounds (some can pay lower taxes on the claim
that the husband and wife have supposedly, or at least in theory, equal
shares to the income and wealth).

Check what Article 3 approved by Vsicount of S. Januario, Secretary of the
State for Naval and Overseas Affairs assented on December 16, 1880:

However, the marriage contracted by a male Gentile Hindu by
simultaneous polygamy shall not produce civil effects,
*except* in the following cases only:

(i) Absolute absence of issue by the wife of the previous
marriage until she attains the age of 25 years.

(ii) Absolute absence of male issue, the previous wife
having completed 30 years of age, and being of lower age,
ten years having elapsed from the last pregnancy

On a related issue, in response to JC's criticism of the Manusmriti, it is
perhaps rather easy to criticise someone else's religion... The fact is
that almost all (all?) forms of religion tend to be, to some degree or the
other, rather anti-woman, and even antiquated by today's standards.

This is perhaps the major reason why religion earned such a strong
reaction to it in past centuries. Religion at various points of time has
been manipulated to support not just the  caste system, but also racism,
slavery and colonialism.

Maybe the biggest challenge before all of us is to begin by criticising
the wrongs in the religion we ourselves belong to (a more diffficult
task!), so that we overall work to a more humane face for the potent force
called religion. FN

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, The Goan Forum wrote:

 BTW: Fred Noronha wrote the following about

 [PANJIM, July 12: Decades back, it was grounds for
 legally permitting polygamy in colonial Goa.]

 Dear Fred, do you know of ANYBODY who was permitted to
 be Polygamous because of Infertility.

 I know that Muslim families in Goa ( as well as in
 other places ) had/have more than one wife.

 I'd be surprised that the Portuguese colonialists,
 officially sanctioned Polygamy or even Bigamy.

 NOT after what they did to Telo!

 good wishes

 jose colaco


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goanet-digest V1 #4154

2002-07-13 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest Saturday, July 13 2002 Volume 01 : Number 4154

In this issue:

[Goanet] offtopic: which generationam i from??
[Goanet] Re: [goanews] FEATURE: Waiting for baby... 
[Goanet] Fw: Commendable stand.
[Goanet] re: Offtopic
[Goanet] Fwd: 
[Goanet] re: Ancestors, science and culture
[Goanet] Ek Kovita: SANGIL'LEM TUKA
[Goanet] Re: Subhash Paradkar, baby, Manu , 30%  Fred's post
[Goanet] Vasco petrol scam deserves judicial probe -- SGPIAG

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 14:14:26 +0530
From: Ashley Delaney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] offtopic: which generationam i from??

sorry about this posting but i was wondering if someone could help me.
we all talk about this generation and that generation. How we have to make 
the world a  better place for the next generation, and how the previous 
generation invented computers etc.. so.. it got me thinking. how is the 
generation defined??
one suggestion would be dividing it into age groups or people born in a 
specific century. i.e 1-30yrs = 1st grp, 31-60 yrs, 2nd grp, 61 onwards 
third grp and so forth.
but, if we go by this thinking...

I have a grandmother. she calls me the third generation down the line.
I have a nephew that makes me the second generation.
people say that i am a young person and it is people like me who make this 
present genaration. means i am of the present generation..

i'm confused,
who am i??


  Ashley Delaney  (I've learned That being kind is more important than 
being right.)
  Res: Abreovaddo, Saligao, Bardez Goa. India. 403511
  Ph.(R) 0091-0832-409580 Mobile: 9823014976
MSN MESSENGER: delaneyashley , Yahoo ID: ashleywiz
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Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 09:19:55 +
Subject: [Goanet] XVXRY   PXRSON   IS   IMPORTANT

One manager lets employees know how valuable they are with the
following memo:

  You Arx A Kxy Pxrson

Xvxn though my typxwritxr is an old modxl, it works vxry wxll -- xxcxpt for 
onx kxy. You would think that with all thx othxr kxys functioning propxrly, 
onx kxy not working would hardly bx noticxd; but just onx kxy out of whack 
sxxms to ruin thx wholx xffort.

You may say to yoursxlf -- Wxll, I'm only onx pxrson. No onx will noticx if 
I don't do my bxst. But it doxs makx a diffxrxncx, bxcausx an xffxctivx 
organization nxxds activx participation by xvxry onx to thx bxst of his or 
hxr ability.

So, thx nxxt timx you think you arx not important, rxmxmbxr my old 
typxwritxr. You arx a kxy pxrson.

- -- Pasadena Weekly Journal Of Business

Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com


Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 18:31:04 -0400
From: Subhash Paradkar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Re: [goanews] FEATURE: Waiting for baby... 

I would like to share some US research and some experience from family
traditions in Konkan region.

1.  Before second world war, Women in all societies, especially in
economically less prosperous ones, got married at early ages.  Parents
thought (and still think) that daughters are burden due to dowry or may get
hurt by someone, and needed no further education except how to cook and care
of elders in the family. Male dominant society, caste system, conscience
about family image in the community all are contributing factors that affect
social behavior towards women.

2. Since second world war, the American women got into work place, and
women's freedom movement came to play here in 1960's. In upper-caste or
wealthy families, women got much fair chance to educate themselves. Now,
here in America  many professional women are marrying between the age 25-30.
Recent, research indicates that woman will have more physical and emotional
suffering, if she gives first birth after the age of 30.

3. In India, poverty, large families, demand for dowry, demand to have a son
to carry family name, ill treatment by husband's relatives, job related
stress, physical, verbal abuse are stress causers that lower self-esteem and
reduce women to less than human status. Since my roots are in Sindhudurga
District, I have first hand experience of these things and despite the fact
that all great religions say,  we are all made in Lord's image, For
centuries, Mankind has been unkind towards women. Even elder college
graduates treat daughters with utmost distrust as compared to their sons. I
had to fight elders to educate my own 


2002-07-13 Thread John D'souza

 Chinese scientists have developed small nuclear reactors to provide
steam for district heating and for water desalination. The reactor
in coastal northern China will be about 200 MW thermal in Yingkou at a
of about $4 million U.S.** The initial phase would provide heating for 5

million square metres of buildings or desalinate 3,000 tons of seawater
daily when no heating was required.
  One interesting characteristic of the new reactor is that it uses
used fuel from other nuclear reactors. By using nuclear power for
and desalination, the project avoids the burning of about 130,000 tons
coal annually. China needs extensive new water supplies, as more than
Chinese cities have reported facing water shortages. Xinhua News Agency

** Cost seems dubious

Posted by JJD'S

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[Goanet] China: The sleeping giant has risen

2002-07-13 Thread John D'souza

From: Toronto Star - David Crane Column -July 7, 2002


CHINA, POTENTIALLY the world's next  superpower, is both an economic
opportunity, as its market grows, and an economic threat, as its
businesses become increasingly competitive. These are two
reasons to pay much more attention to China than we do.

India is also paying more attention to China. A recent commentary
published by the Asia Pacific Foundation in Vancouver reveals
Indian concerns. Written by Subhash Agrawal, president of Delhi-based
Foundations, the commentary warns that China has a big lead over India.
Even discounting for puffed up Chinese statistics,the reality is that
economic trajectory has been so much higher and faster than that of
India, so
there is no way India could catch up to China over the next 10 years,
contends. China is a much more important trading nation, attracts much
foreign investment than India, has 30 times the Internet penetration of
has more students in U.S. universities than India, and has 150 million
subscribers compared to just 6 million in India.

While China is a competitor in manufacturing, thereal and most severe
may not come in manufacturing but in software and other information
technology-related services where India has built a strong brand

While India has many advantages the Chinese appear determined to catch
Further, India must be concerned over Microsoft Corp.'s plan to invest
million (U.S.) to help develop the Chinese software industry.

To be sure, China faces huge challenges as it attemptsto build a modern
knowledge-based economy. It will suffer setbacks. Butthere would seem to
be little doubt a new economic superpower is emerging and we must pay a
more attention - which means looking beyond North America to the bigger,
wider world.

Posted by JJD'S
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[Goanet] In response to Fred Noronha's : Portuguese laws, polygamy etc

2002-07-13 Thread The Goan Forum

From:  Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date:  Sat Jul 13, 2002  1:36 pm
Subject:  [Goanet] Portuguese laws, polygamy... and
what the law actually states 

[My point is that the law allows for it under certain
conditions; I didn't say I know or knew of anyone who
took or plans to take advantage of the law (as far as
I know, it is still not revoked).

The law *did* permit simultaneous polygamy under the
quaintly-named 'Usages and Customs of Gentile Hindus
of Goa' -- see page 156 of 'Family Laws of Goa, Daman
and Diu - Volume I'. Contrary to the widespread
belief, the uniform family laws of Goa contain
provisions which are surprisingly un-uniform. They not
only have differing provisions (in some aspects) based
on people's religion, but even based on their caste!

It is another matter that these laws today have a
strong lobby to support them on ideological grounds
('If Muslims can do without polygamy being allowed in
Goa, why can't we enforce a similar law on them across
India') or very strong economic grounds (some can pay
lower taxes on the claim that the husband and wife
have supposedly, or at least in theory, equal
shares to the income and wealth).

Check what Article 3 approved by Vsicount of S.
Januario, Secretary of the State for Naval and
Overseas Affairs assented on December 16, 1880:

However, the marriage contracted by a male Gentile
Hindu by simultaneous polygamy shall not produce civil
effects, *except* in the following cases only:

(i) Absolute absence of issue by the wife of the
previous marriage until she attains the age of 25

(ii) Absolute absence of male issue, the previous wife
having completed 30 years of age, and being of lower
age, ten years having elapsed from the last


Dear Fred,

May I suggest that the Cordigo Civil Portugues of the
Portuguese Civil Code (PCC) was introduced in Goa in
1870 as a tacit acceptance to the prevailing situation
of Polygamy which existed among the Muslims and Hindus
in Old Goa  the Novas Conquistas WAY BEFORE  the
Portuguese Colonialists arrived in Goa?

AND THAT your sentence [PANJIM, July 12: Decades back,
it was grounds for legally permitting
polygamy in colonial Goa] is actually misleading.

Why...only'colonial' Goa? IF it was there
BEFORE the Portuguese colonialists and continues (on
the books) AFTER the Portuguese colonialists?

Do read what YOU wrote in the following article

SCHOLAR By Frederick Noronha

PANJIM: Portugal, inspite of getting a bad image as
the colonial ruler, also undertook some welfare
authorities in parts of the Konkan occupied by that
country in past centuries. Historian Dr Fatima da
Silva Gracias, in a research paper presented recently,
says that these welfare activities were promoted
through the State, the Church and social organisations

..Reforms were also implemented to DO AWAY WITH
PRACTICES LIKE sati, child marriages, tonsuring of
widows and POLYGAMY. Albuquerque is credited with
ending sati -- buring in the pyre of the dead husband
-- soon after his conquest of Goa. (CAPS are JC's)]


I submit further that IN an environment which paints
everything Catholic and Portuguese as depraved and
decadent, you could have worded your sentence

you further write:

[On a related issue, in response to JC's criticism of
the Manusmriti, it is perhaps rather easy to criticise
someone else's religion... The fact is that almost all
(all?) forms of religion tend to be, to some degree or
the other, rather anti-woman, and even antiquated by
today's standards.]

I beg to seriously disagree with your above assertion.

While I will normally criticise ANYBODY who
discriminates on the basis of Caste, Religion or
Ethnicity, my response to Subhash was MERELY to point
out the contradictions in Manusmriti as far as the
role of the woman was concerned.

Nothing More..Nothing less!

[Religion at various points of time has been
manipulated to support not just the caste system, but
also racism, slavery and colonialism.]

NO question about that!

[Maybe the biggest challenge before all of us is to
begin by criticising the wrongs in the religion we
ourselves belong to (a more diffficult task!), so that
we overall work to a more humane face for the potent
force called religion. FN]

please visit the following URL (Incomplete as the site
isit attempts to do exactly as you suggest)


good wishes


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[Goanet] FEATURE: Goa Jesuit 'old boys' plan to rebuild links, revive alumni

2002-07-13 Thread Frederick Noronha


From Frederick Noronha

PANJIM, July 13: Jesuit-run schools in Goa, of which there are just a few,
are making attempts to fight the odds and re-build their 'old boys'
associations. This endeavour would hopefully harness for society some of the
skills and talent of the men they gave a leg-up to early in their life.

Last weekend was the turn of Britto's, a prominent Mapusa-based school in
North Goa, which was launched in the 1940s, like some other major schools in
this state. 

One common refrain emerging was that schools like St Britto's, which have
educated nearly two generations of students over the past five decades, have
a potent pool of ex-students with skills and gratitude waiting to be tapped.

Britto's has a lot of strength (in its past pupils). There are ex-students
all over the world, said prominent businessman Eric Menezes, speaking at
a meeting of 'old boys', as alumni of this institution prefer to call

School principal Fr Apollo Cardozo sj, whom students from the 'seventies
would remember as a young Jesuit Brother then en route to priesthood,
agreed. Our strongest supporters can be you, he told past pupils, in a
short but rousing talk.

Hector Almeida, the priest recently-appointed Rector at Britto's, who has
been one of the key persons trying to re-build the old-boys association, got
the discussions underway.

In the South Goa headquarters town of Margao, the prominent Loyola's school,
also run by the Jesuits, has been successful in getting its alumni active. 

Agnelo Alvares and Colin Coelho, both of the recently re-activated Loyola
Ex-Students Association (LESA), came in from Margao to share tips of how an
old-boys association could be effectively run.

If I'm not mistaken, Don Bosco's is one of the few alumni associations in
Goa that is effectively run, said Agnelo. He added half-jokingly: We're
better off in one respect; our association (lapsed into inactivity) thrice.
We revived it four times, and we're determined to keep it running now.

LESA says they meet regularly, on a fixed Sunday of predetermined months, so
that everyone anticipates a meeting on this day.

Loyola's tries to combine 'fellowship' with 'service'. 

The first goal offers the chance for ex-students to simply get to know each
other once again, while the latter builds on the commitment of ex-students
of the Jesuits to pay back to society part of the debt owed for getting a
superior education.

LESA has begun been holding career-guidance camps for current students.

We choose off-beat careers. There's no point in talking simply about how to
become engineers and doctors; everyone knows that. It's important for the
parents to also come along, to understand issues better, said Agnelo.

Some 257 persons had attended a medical camp organised by LESA, with
specialists consulting on ENT, opthalmology and homeopathy issues, among
others. Some of the doctors were Loyola ex-students, infact.

LESA has also set up its website www.lesagoa.com. It is planning to
possibly launch an electronic e-mail based mailing list. 

On the site, students are allowed to input details about their links with
this institution, the years during which they studied, and even their best
friend's names!

Colin Coelho said there were plans to have a once-in-three-months
newsletter, and the first issue has already been published. It should be a
tool for networking, given free to all our members, said Coelho.

LESA has plans to revive the Fr. Emmanuel Castelino basketball tournament.
On August 18, they're also planning an all-Goa inter-school quiz.

Old boys from Britto's felt the need to build up a database that would help
to track down as many students as possible. Rebuilding links between old
boys and the school could help to build this institution into an even more
useful 'societal asset', it was suggested.

Some also voiced the view that the gratitude felt by ex-students for their
education needed to be effectively harnessed for positive goals. 

Suggestions came up that alumni help could be garnered to build specific
projects that would benefit the current generation of students, whether in
the shape of a career-guidance centre, or music-training academy.

Incidentally, Goa was the first place in India where Jesuits landed to work,
as early as the mid-sixteenth century. But this small state is yet to see
the active involvement of Jesuits in running higher-education centres of
learning, unlike elsewhere in India where they even run autonomous colleges.

Some ex-students have already informally set up a Britto's old-boys network
via the Internet, at groups.yahoo.com/group/brittos It currently has some 33

But other participants felt that for such an activity to become fruitful,
participation levels needed to touch 'critical mass'. One suggestion was
that the 'old boys' could be located by accessing school records and writing
to their families to locate current 

goanet-digest V1 #4155

2002-07-13 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest Saturday, July 13 2002 Volume 01 : Number 4155

In this issue:

[Goanet] Portuguese laws, polygamy... and what the law actually states
[Goanet] China: The sleeping giant has risen
[Goanet] In response to Fred Noronha's : Portuguese laws, polygamy etc
[Goanet] FEATURE: Goa Jesuit 'old boys' plan to rebuild links, revive alumni
[Goanet] Self-criticism
[Goanet] Biased History of Ideas

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 23:06:32 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Portuguese laws, polygamy... and what the law actually states

My point is  that the law allows for it under certain conditions; I didn't
say I know or knew of anyone who took or plans to take advantage of the
law (as far as I know, it is still not revoked).

The law *did* permit simultaneous polygamy under the quaintly-named
'Usages and Customs of Gentile Hindus of Goa' -- see page 156 of 'Family
Laws of Goa, Daman and Diu - Volume I'. Contrary to the widespread belief,
the uniform family laws of Goa contain provisions which are surprisingly
un-uniform. They not only have differing provisions (in some aspects)
based on people's religion, but even based on their caste!

It is another matter that these laws today have a strong lobby to support
them on ideological grounds ('If Muslims can do without polygamy being
allowed in Goa, why can't we enforce a similar law on them across India')
or very strong economic grounds (some can pay lower taxes on the claim
that the husband and wife have supposedly, or at least in theory, equal
shares to the income and wealth).

Check what Article 3 approved by Vsicount of S. Januario, Secretary of the
State for Naval and Overseas Affairs assented on December 16, 1880:

However, the marriage contracted by a male Gentile Hindu by
simultaneous polygamy shall not produce civil effects,
*except* in the following cases only:

(i) Absolute absence of issue by the wife of the previous
marriage until she attains the age of 25 years.

(ii) Absolute absence of male issue, the previous wife
having completed 30 years of age, and being of lower age,
ten years having elapsed from the last pregnancy

On a related issue, in response to JC's criticism of the Manusmriti, it is
perhaps rather easy to criticise someone else's religion... The fact is
that almost all (all?) forms of religion tend to be, to some degree or the
other, rather anti-woman, and even antiquated by today's standards.

This is perhaps the major reason why religion earned such a strong
reaction to it in past centuries. Religion at various points of time has
been manipulated to support not just the  caste system, but also racism,
slavery and colonialism.

Maybe the biggest challenge before all of us is to begin by criticising
the wrongs in the religion we ourselves belong to (a more diffficult
task!), so that we overall work to a more humane face for the potent force
called religion. FN

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, The Goan Forum wrote:

 BTW: Fred Noronha wrote the following about

 [PANJIM, July 12: Decades back, it was grounds for
 legally permitting polygamy in colonial Goa.]

 Dear Fred, do you know of ANYBODY who was permitted to
 be Polygamous because of Infertility.

 I know that Muslim families in Goa ( as well as in
 other places ) had/have more than one wife.

 I'd be surprised that the Portuguese colonialists,
 officially sanctioned Polygamy or even Bigamy.

 NOT after what they did to Telo!

 good wishes

 jose colaco



Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 14:41:04 -0700
From: John D'souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Chinese scientists have developed small nuclear reactors to provide
steam for district heating and for water desalination. The reactor
in coastal northern China will be about 200 MW thermal in Yingkou at a
of about $4 million U.S.** The initial phase would provide heating for 5

million square metres of buildings or desalinate 3,000 tons of seawater
daily when no heating was required.
  One interesting characteristic of the new reactor is that it uses
used fuel from other nuclear reactors. By using nuclear power for
and desalination, the project avoids the burning of about 130,000 tons
coal annually. China needs extensive new water supplies, as more than
Chinese cities have reported facing water shortages. Xinhua News Agency

** Cost seems dubious

Posted by JJD'S


Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 14:53:23 -0700
From: John 

[Goanet] Genocide in Gujarat, From Prof. Hari Sharma

2002-07-13 Thread George Pinto

Dear friends:

Appended below is the announcement of the Public Forum on the genocide that took place 
in Gujarat.
This is for your information, and support.

Hari Sharma
President, SANSAD
President, INSAF

Bring to Justice!

The Perpetrators of the Crimes against Humanity in Gujarat, India.

A Public Forum

Organized by
(South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy)

Lecture Theatre, The Justice Institute of BC
715 McBride Blvd, New Westminster (corner of 8th Avenue)
Saturday 20th July 2002 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

During late February and early March a genocidal attack on the minority Muslim 
community took
place in Gujarat. This has already faded from the media and the attention of the 
community. Although the pace of World events tends to make us forget all but the most 
horror we should not forget that nearly two thousand people were killed, many women 
were raped and
then torched to ashes, and more than a hundred thousand made homeless by organized 
violence in
Gujarat. Those who committed these crimes against humanity must be brought to justice. 
This forum
is organized as a part of an international movement to plan action toward justice for 
atrocities in Gujarat and for the prevention of similar occurrences elsewhere.

Moderator: Harinder Mahil, former Chairman of the Human Rights Commission of BC

Invited Speakers and Panelists:
Nishrin and Najid Hussain (daughter and son-in-law of ex-MP Mr. Ehsan Jaffri, who was 
one of the
many people brutally lynched in the Gujarat violence)
Dr. Radhika Desai, University of Victoria, Victoria (A Political Scientist who has 
done extensive
research on the growth of Hindutava in Gujarat and in India)
Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmed, University of Stockhom, Sweden (A Political Scientist, and a 
committed activist
for peace in South Asia, and Human Rights)
Mr. Mordecai Briemberg , Canada Palestine Network.
Dr. Lauri King-Irani, University of Victoria, Victoria (An Anthropologist, and an 
expert on
International Humanitarian Law, on Crimes Against Humanity)
Mr. Abu Ansari, an Entrepreneur, and a Concerned Muslim from India.
Dr. Nandita Sharma, University of British Columbia
Dr. Satyen Banerjee, A practicing Hindu priest, and president, Bengali Cult. Soc. of 

Two short  films recently made on the Gujarat massacres will be shown.

For more information contact: Chin Banerjee  (421-6742), Rex Casinader (222-1781), 
Farouk Jamal
(218-9345), Abid Pittawala (325-5092) or Hari Sharma (420-2972)

Genocide in Gujarat
Beginning on February 28 for seventy-two hours organized armed gangs attacked Muslim 
in the cities and villages of Gujarat. Estimated 2000 Muslims were killed, many being 
burnt to
death. Women were raped and killed. Muslim owned properties; trading and industrial 
were looted and destroyed. Almost two hundred religious shrines were razed or vastly 
damaged. Over
a hundred thousand persons were displaced and turned into refugees. The organized 
character and
the state support for these atrocities against a minority community clearly identifies 
them as

The spark for these events was the burning of a train carriage carrying Hindutava 
returning from a temple-building ceremony in Ayodhya, resulting in 58 persons being 
burnt to
death. Though there are accounts of various provocations to Muslims, all the way on 
the journey
and upto Godhra Railway Station, this is a shocking crime whose perpetrators must be 
brought to
justice. But the events that followed were not spontaneous reprisals or religious 
riots as they
have been falsely characterized. These attacks against the Muslims were an organized, 
pogrom waiting for a spark to be unleashed. The Gujarat State Government approved and 
enabled this
pogrom.  The agencies of the Gujarat State made the electoral lists available to the 
attackers to
identify Muslim homes and neighborhoods; the State Police watched unconcerned, and 
sometimes even
aided and abetted, the attacks taking place. The subsequent transfers out of the few 
officers who acted to prevent the attacks are further evidence of the State's 
collusion in the

Indian civil society has been under great stress in the last few years with the growth 
of the
Hindutva (Hinduness, the essence of being Hindu) movement or Hindu nationalism. This 
movement sees
no place for Muslims and Christians in India, identifying the nation with Hinduism. 
ideological attitude in Hindutva raises the danger of ethno-religious cleansing. The 
events of
Gujarat could be occurring elsewhere in India. Gujarat could be the beginning of a 
greater horror.

Against this dark background we have to find hope in the role played by Indian media, 
which, with
the exception of the vernacular Gujarati media, has published investigative reports on 
carnage. The support provided to refugees by many Indian NGOs and activists concerned 
with human
rights, secularism and democracy 


2002-07-13 Thread Joel D'Souza

14 July 2002

FEAR STRICKEN VASCO LIMPING TO NORMALCY: Vasco seems to be slowly limping 
back to normalcy, a day after a major fire mishap was averted when fire 
broke out at the Indian Oil Corporation. The police, IOC, CISF and the 
State administration were reported to be gathering information about the 
entire incident. Police sources on condition of anonymity stated that along 
the two-km stretch from Berth 8 to the IOC storage tanks, there were four 
different pipelines. One carried seawater to IOC tanks, another carried 
black oil, the third carried High Speed Diesel and the last one carried 
petrol, kerosene or naphta. What liquid passed through the pipes can be 
known only by the IOC officials and the oil tank carrier, stated a police 
official. (H)

PANIC FRIDAY EXPOSED CHINKS: When panic stricken Vascoites began to run 
helter-skelter on Friday following blasts in the IOC pipeline, no one knew 
where they were heading to. This incident exposed the district authorities 
for its delay in not putting in place an off-site emergency plan to tackle 
such chemical and hazardous accidents. A senior bureaucrat said, It's 
sheer providence that no major tragedy occurred in Vasco. The authorities 
were totally ill-prepared for the off-site measures. (H)

IOC OFFICIALS TO TAKE SAFETY STEPS: Vasco MLA Rajendra Arlekar yesterday 
held talks with senior officials from the India Oil Corporation in 
connection with the two blasts at the IOC and asked them to conduct a 
detailed inquiry in the fire incident and pilferage of petrol. (H)

matters liker power tariff, sale and purchase of power and 
electricity-relates disputes, will be decided by the Goa State Electricity 
Regulatory Commission. (H)

STATE SET FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS: With the value of each legislator's 
vote in Goa being fixed as 20, based on 1971 census, Goa will cast a total 
value of 800 votes in Monday's Presidential elections. (NT)

GOOD NIGHT HIGH BEAM: Very soon, road users may heave a sigh of relief as 
the Goa Traffic Police will start its campaign to stamp five lakh stickers 
on the offending headlights. Though vehicle owners are required to paint 
one half of the headlight under the Central Motor Vehicles Act to cut the 
flashing beam, this section is hardly implemented. (WE-GT)

GOVT TO ACCEPT DSSS FORMS: The state government, which had stopped 
accepting the forms for financial assistance under the Dayanand Social 
Security Scheme from March 18, will resume accepting the forms from 
September 15 onwards, said the Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Parrikar. (NT)

QUIET FLOWS THE MADEI: Oblivious to the dark shadows of controversy looming 
over it's waters, the Mondovi, Mahadai or the Madei continues to flow in 
its usual majesty. Following its ancient route from Degao, remote hamlet in 
Northern Karnataka, where it originates, to Miramar, where it pours into 
the Arabian sea in saline form. (H)

KARNATAKA MAY GO AHEAD: Decreasing rainfall in Khanapur taluka and the 
adjoining areas has resulted in plunging water levels in two major 
reservoirs in Belgaum district, and Karnataka may use the raison d'etre to 
pursue the long-pending projects to divert the Mhadei river. (WE-GT)

SANQUELIM OPPOSES MHADEI: A resolution to oppose the diversion of Mhadei 
river water to Karnataka was passed in the Gram Sabha held at the Sanquelim 
panchayat. (WE-GT)

KHALAP'S BUNGALOW BURGLED: Former Mandrem MLA Ramakant Khalap became the 
latest target for burglars, after an unknown person broke into his bungalow 
at Altinho in Mapusa on the night of July 13. The burglar, however, only 
managed to lay his hands on a pouch containing cash of Rs.5,500. (H)

DRIVER DIES OF ELECTROCUTION: Angelo Fernandes, a driver attached to 2 
Signal Training Centre, died of electric shock at Altinho, when an electric 
drill he was handling jolted him with electric current. (H)

TOURIST DROWNED: Namichand Kandilal Jain (30), resident of Mumbai, died 
while having a swim at a star-hotel in Mobor, South Goa. (WE-GT)

JANASHATABDI TO HALT AT TIVIM: The Janashatabdi Express, plying between 
Madgaon and Lokmanya Tilak Terminus, Kurla, has been given a two-minute 
stop at the Tivim Station in North Goa with effect fro, 15 July.

COMPLAINT AGAINST SUBANNA: The Home Department has registered a complaint 
against former law secretary BS Subanna for allegedly causing loss to the 
State exchequer during his two terms as Custodian of the Evacuee Property. 

NEVER SAY DIE: A young heart-broken couple from Curti Ponda who walked to 
the Majorda beach to die together, are now recovering at GMC Hospital. They 
were deeply in love and had plans to get married. However, the boy's 
parents are learnt to have objected to their son marrying the girl, who 
originally hails from Gujarat. (WE-GT)

VIGIL ON ROAD ROMEOS: Former editor of Sanatan Prabhat, Dr Durgesh S 
Samant, stated that some of the future 

[Goanet] Linug-Goa schedule talk in Margao on 20th July 2002

2002-07-13 Thread Arvind Clemente

From the India Linux Users' Group (ILUG) in Margao, South Goa

Hi All,

I am fixing a live demo of thin clients going to be given by Yunus
Shaikh who has worked in this type of environment at our next ILUG-GOA
meeting on Saturday the 20th July

I will also be showing a demo of how to connect your Palm OS based PDA
to a standard D-Link 56K modem and configure the same for dialup to ISP
and get mail/browse the internet.


Arvind C

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[Goanet] NEWS: Report on dual nationality confuses British Indians

2002-07-13 Thread Frederick Noronha

Report on dual nationality confuses British Indians

By Sanjay Suri, Indo-Asian News Service

London, July 13 (IANS) There was widespread confusion in the Indian
community in Britain Saturday following an erroneous report here that India
had decided to grant dual citizenship.

The Daily Telegraph reported an Indian offer to grant dual nationality to
the nearly 22 million people of Indian origin around the world.

We have at last got what we wanted, an excited garments importer told IANS
Saturday morning. Several other callers and community leaders made inquiries
about the decision.

But no such decision has been taken, an official from India House clarified.
There is no change from the official position taken in January this year
after submission of the (L.M.) Singhvi report, an official told IANS.

Singhvi was head of the High Level Committee on the Indian Diaspora.

Following the submission of the report, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee
had said he was in sympathy with the demand for dual nationality in
principle. But no decision was taken.

The Daily Telegraph, however, reported Saturday morning: More than 22
million people of Indian origin scattered across the world, including 1.2
million in Britain, are to be offered dual citizenship by India, it was
announced in London yesterday.

The report was based on press statements by the U.S.-based Bhishma K.
Agnihotri, India's ambassador at large for non-resident Indians.

Agnihotri, however, did no more than restate the January position. He said a
final decision would be taken next year following a process of consultations
with different departments.

Once the review is done, it will go before the cabinet, he said. But that
process could take a long time, and it is far from certain yet that the
government will grant dual nationality even in a few countries.

The Daily Telegraph report said the decision had been taken already.

It added by way of comment: This represents a fundamental departure for
India, where all governments since independence in 1947 have resisted the
very concept of dual nationality. They feared that dual nationality would
mean split loyalties and allow terrorists with tenuous links with India to
slip into the country.

The Telegraph added: However, the Indian communities settled abroad,
especially in Britain and America, are now doing so well that the Prime
Minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, has decided to give in gracefully and create
a 'Greater India'.

The Telegraph said: In agreeing to allow dual nationality, India, the
world's biggest democracy, has decided to follow the examples of Britain and
America. Mr Vajpayee has realised that Indians abroad, especially tycoons in
Britain and America, are a valuable source of inward investment.

An Indian official said the report was incorrect. Officials are preparing to
make moves to correct the position through local media over the weekend.

--Indo-Asian News Service

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