Re: [Goanet]RE: Seeking relatives and Sangolda progeny

2003-07-15 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Gilbert, Why don't you set up a Sangolda-Net mailing list? It's very easy 
to do so, via or on any other option. Given the number of 
expats from this scenic village, it would be easy to build up an active 
list in a few months. Villages like Aldona, Calangute, Saligao, 
Arpora-Assagao (not very active), etc already have their own village-based 
networks. FN
PS: I'm just a neighbour of Sangolda...

On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

> Iris nee Menezes has volunteered to coordinate a Sangolda directory.
> Please forward directly to her any information you may have on her
> Sangolda roots and the following if you would like to have your name on
> the Sangolda list.
> Name: Last, First
> Link to Sangolda (nature)- son, daughter, in-law, nephew/niece/grandkid
> etc.
> Address
> E-mail address
> Areas of Interest (Self or spouse)
> Working / Retried
Frederick Noronha (FN)|
Freelance Journalist  | | |
T: 0091.832.2409490 or 2409783 M: 0 9822 122436

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[Goanet]NEWS: Governo poe na ordem consulado portugues em Goa

2003-07-15 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Below is the translation of an important report on the issue of Portuguese 
nationality. The part translation, from a Portuguese friend, follows. Some 
of the Portuguese characters might not have got rendered properly. FN

Governo põe na ordem consulado português em Goa

Francisco Mota Ferreira 

O Governo detectou a existência de fraudes com passaportes nacionais
passados pelo consulado português em Goa, o que levou ao cancelamento, por
três meses, da emissão daqueles documentos, disse ao Diário Digital o
secretário de Estado das Comunidades Portuguesas, José Cesário. O serviço
reabriu há pouco mais de um mês.

Segundo o secretário de Estado, aquelas situações «estão a ser corrigidas» e
«actualmente no consulado (de Goa) há um total controlo», mas que este
processo «é mais complicado em relação a Damão e a Diu», por serem
territórios maiores.

Neste momento, garante, ?foram dadas orientaes com o mximo rigor?. Agora,
no consulado portugus de Goa, ?o processo  tratado por marcao e com um
limite de casos por dia?.

Jos Cesrio, que regressou de uma visita de trs dias ao antigo territrio
portugus, diz que viu ?cartazes em Goa onde se anunciava que se tratava das
questes da nacionalidade portuguesa com a maior das facilidades?.

Desconhece-se h quanto tempo durava o esquema e quantos ?nacionais?
Portugal ganhou. O que apenas se sabe  que o consulado portugus de Goa era
uma porta de entrada para muitos cidados indianos que pretendiam entrar no
espao da Unio Europeia.

O esquema, segundo disseram ao Diário Digital fontes contactadas em Goa, era
bastante acessível e difícil de ser controlado, uma vez que a nossa própria
lei permite essa brecha.

Pela legislao portuguesa, um cidado de Goa, Damo e Diu (o antigo Estado
Portugus na ?ndia) que tenha nascido nestes territrios at 1961  ano da
ocupao militar e anexao pelas autoridades de Nova Deli  pode pedir a
nacionalidade portuguesa.

Uma benesse que uma lei de 1975, ainda em vigor, alarga até à terceira
geração que, mesmo nascendo já sobre a bandeira indiana, pode invocar a
nacionalidade portuguesa.

Segundo nos foi explicado pelas mesmas fontes, verdadeiros gangs actuam no
território, publicitando a facilidade com que se obtém a nacionalidade

Estas redes estabeleceram contactos com a Conservatria dos Registos
Centrais, em Lisboa, que davam os passaportes portugueses mais depressa e
com menos controlo do que se estes fossem obtidos em Goa.

Um processo que se complica ainda mais porque, como lembrou o secretrio de
Estado, ?quem tem os registos de nascimentos antigos  a Unio Indiana, que
no ter o melhor dos controlos? neste processo, permitindo-se que cidados
indianos acabem por se transformar em legítimos portugueses.

?A situao  muito delicada para os indianos?, reconhece este governante,
?realando que Portugal no quer que esta questo ?seja um factor de
?litgio? entre os dois pases.

Nesse sentido, o Governo quer assegurar que ?o processo  o mais seguro que
for possvel?. E s se for necessrio  que o Governo ir pedir a
colaborao das autoridades de Nova Deli.

11-07-2003 18:04:45 

Government put in order Portuguese Consulate in Goa

The Portuguese government detected frauds in Portuguese passports issued by
Portuguese Consulate in Goa, which determined the three months ban of
passports issuing, said Portuguese Communities Secretary of State, José
Cesario. The passports started to be issued more or less one month ago.

Accordingly with the Secretary of State those situations "are being
rectified" and "nowadays there is a total control in Goa Consulate", but
this process is more complicated in Daman and Diu.

(...) "Maximum rigour is the main orientation" (...)

Jose Cesario (..) saw "advertisements in Goa that announced how easy is to
get Portuguese nacionality"

(...) true gangs act in Goa, publicizing how easy is to get Portuguese

These nets established contacts with Conservatoria dos Registos Centrais, em
Lisboa, in Lisbon, which issued Portuguese passports quicker and with less
control than in Portuguese consulate in Goa.

(...) "who has the old births registers is India, and its control is not the

"This situation is very delicate for the Indians", and Portugal doesn't want
that this issue "to become a contention" between the two countries.

The government wants "this process to be the more secured / reliable as
possible". Only if it becomes really necessary the Portuguese government
will ask Indian Central Government help.

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[Goanet]IMA Goa Chapter opposes private practice by Govt. doctors

2003-07-15 Thread Goa Desc

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network

IMA opposes private practice by Govt. docs

The Goa chapter of the India Medical Association opposed
any move to permit private practice by government doctors.
A delegation of the IMA told the Chief Minister, Mr Manohar
Parrikar, and the Health Minister, Dr Suresh Amonkar, during
a meeting at the Secretariat today that they vehemently oppose
any move to allow doctors from government run hospitals,
particularly the Goa Medical College, to undertake private
practice in any form.
The secretary of the state level committee of IMA, Dr Shekar Salkar
informed The Navhind Times that the Chief Minister has assured
the delegation to take action against those doctors through police
found indulging in private practice and has urged the IMA to
furnish the names of government doctors doing private practice.
Dr Salkar further informed that Mr Parrikar also said that his
government would take action through the Medical Council of India
against rural medical officers and health officers found absent
by government officials as well as by the president and members
of zilla panchayat on two consecutive occasions.
The Chief Minister, he said, has assured the delegation that a
circular would be sent to all the government hospitals informing
the doctors about the government of India rules with regards to this.
Dr Salkar further said that the Chief Minister promised to either
issue an ordinance to enforce the law to prevent quacks from
practicing in the state and regulate functioning of nursing homes
in the state or get it passed in the next assembly session.
He also said that issue of medical waste disposal was also
discussed during the meeting. He further said that a private party
has come with a proposal to dispose medical waste but has sought
a plot of land for the purpose and the government has agreed to allot
a plot provided the party deposited some amount for the plot.
The IMA urged the government to come out with a fresh voluntary
retirement scheme for the government doctors and also take it into
confidence before taking any decision pertaining to medical fraternity.
The IMA also demanded that the government should initiate steps
to control rabies, which showed a rise during the last year. The IMA
officials informed the government that the orders of the Supreme Court
and the High Court have only debarred shooting of the stray dogs
and does not prevent their elimination by using any other humane
method, like putting to sleep.
Dr Salkar said the IMA officials brought to the notice of the government
that there was misconception in the minds of the bureaucrats about
the orders and they have refrained from eliminating stray dogs by
using other methods.
Dr Salkar said the IMA officials also suggested that the government
could have approached the High Court and sought permission to
eliminate stray dogs, which were a major cause for the dreaded
disease. He further said that the Chief Minister and the Health Minister
have agreed to the suggestion and has directed officials to take steps
to approach the court and seek its permission to eliminate stray dogs,
using methods other than shooting, in a bid to control rabies.
Others present during the meeting were the president of Goa Chapter
of IMA, Dr P R A Caiero and presidents and members of all
the branches of IMA.
The Navhind Times 15/7/03 page 1
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy

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[Goanet]Gottfried and Patricia

2003-07-15 Thread NathanHerrmann01
>  Once upon a time there was a wise man who used to go to the ocean to 
> do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his 
> work. One day he was walking along the shore. As he looked down the beach, he 
> saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself to think of 
> someone who would dance to the day. So he began to walk faster to catch up. As he 
> got closer, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasn't dancing, but 
> instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very 
> gently throwing it into the ocean. As he got closer he called out, "Good morning! 
> What are you doing?" The young man paused, looked up and replied, "Throwing 
> starfish in the ocean." "I guess I should have asked, why are you throwing 
> starfish in the ocean?"   "The sun is up and the tide is going out. And if I 
> don't throw them in they'll die." "But, young man, don't you realize that there 
> are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it. You can't possibly 
> make a difference!" The young man listened politely. Then bent down, picked up 
> another starfish, and threw it into the sea, past the breaking waves and said 
> . "I made a difference for that one." There is something very special in 
> each and every one of us. We have all been gifted with the ability to make a 
> difference. And if we can become aware of that gift, we gain through the strength 
> of our visions the power to shape the future. We must each find our starfish. 
> And if we throw our stars wisely and well, the world will be blessed. ---    



2003-07-15 Thread rene barreto

Round up - from here and there


goans_tanzanite TGC-TANGA

  hi there everyone!!!

 On behalf of all the Tanga Youth and people in general, I would like to
take this fantastic opportunity to thank all the delegates who had attended
the TGC in tanga. I know its kind of late to thank you alll now but I think
its better late then never.

 Its is my hope that this convention has provided a platform not only
for all the Goans to gather together under one roof to celebrate our
Goan-ness, but im sure that this convetion has strengthen the bonds of
unity, interaction and togetherness among us.

 let me conclude by thanking you all once again.. and hope to see you al
again for the coming convetion.

 Tanga wil be celebratig world Goa day and so you are all welcomed to
celbrate it with us.


Deo Borem Korum
Iona Fernandes

Karachi Goan Association - KGA:

2nd August - FUN UNDER THE SUN AT KGA (FUNFAIR 2003) for KGA dependants

13th August - INDEPENDANCE DANCE for KGA Members and their Christian guests

Catholic Women's Guild - CWG:

10th August - FAMILY DAY & MINI MELA for its Members and guests at
Sindbad's Kids World

Deborah Santamaria
Our Goanlink rep  -  in Karachi , Pakistan

- compiled by rene barreto

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[Goanet]Sweltering in Wimbledon!

2003-07-15 Thread Gabe Menezes
We are expecting temperatures of around 32 - 32 deg Celsius, here in the
U.K. Today, higher than Goa!


Gabe Menezes

G O A   W E A T H E R
   Temp: 27.4 deg C (81.3 deg F) at 08.00 am in Assagao.
   Max Temp: 29.8 deg C, Min Temp: 23.4 deg C; Humidity: 96% (Official
figures for yesterday)
   Rainfall so far: 1749.9 mm

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[Goanet]LINK: Artists in Goa

2003-07-15 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Some email links to artists in Goa... FN

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Alexyz Fernandes, Cartoonist
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Gauri Divan, Studio potter
  Stoneware ceramics
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Maymoonara, Terracotta, etc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Paintings, etc
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Art installations, etc
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sylvia Braganza, Acrylic, etc
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subodh, Cartoons, painting,
  sculpppting, art gallery
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Sunita Dalvi, pen-and-ink
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tanya Mendonca, ex-Calcutta 
  and Paris. Acrylic, canvas.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Yolanda de Souza Kammermeier
Frederick Noronha (FN)|
Freelance Journalist  | | |
T: 0091.832.2409490 or 2409783 M: 0 9822 122436

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2003-07-15 Thread Tony Mendes
It was interesting reading all the comments and view of all the readers across the 
globe.  I would be much happy if you compile and send me as a digest instead of 
regular flow of e-mails.

I appreciate each and everyone at goanet for the tremendous efforts by posting very 
good articles, promoting the culture and heritage of Goa throughout the globe.

Keep up the goodwork and do Goa proud.

Viva Goa,


Tony Mendes

-Original Message-
From: Herman Carneiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 5:48 AM


If you are feeling overwhelmed by the volume of Goanet posts, but want to
be sure you don't miss anything, try one of our Digests.  These are daily
compilations of the unabridged posts, which come with a list of contents
at the top which you can quickly scan to see what interests you.

If you like the idea of switching to a Digest, change your membership
setting to "digest" at:


If you have any problems, please feel free to contact the Goanet admin

Happy reading -- and don't forget to introduce new members to Goanet!

Best wishes,

The Goanet Administration Team

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[Goanet]Fwd: Birthday/Birthday details

2003-07-15 Thread Vincente Fernandes
I am forwarding this message to Goanet. Messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED] comes 
to me directly and not to goanet e-mail mailing list.

From: "Philip D'souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Birthday/Birthday details
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 10:10:31 +0400
Many Many Happy returns of the day to dearest Santan Rodrigues, May the day
leave you with pleasant surprises (Dubai-Gaumvaddi Anjuna Bardez Goa)
Wishes from Phillip Rosy and Baby Priyanka (Dubai)

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

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RE: [Goanet]LINK: Artists in Goa

2003-07-15 Thread Siqueira, Allwyn.

This is just what the doctor ordered !! Was looking for something like this
for ages. Well done.



-Original Message-
From: Frederick Noronha (FN) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 July 2003 15:04
Subject: [Goanet]LINK: Artists in Goa

Some email links to artists in Goa... FN

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Alexyz Fernandes, Cartoonist
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Gauri Divan, Studio potter
  Stoneware ceramics
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Maymoonara, Terracotta, etc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Paintings, etc
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Art installations, etc
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sylvia Braganza, Acrylic, etc
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subodh, Cartoons, painting,
  sculpppting, art gallery
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Sunita Dalvi, pen-and-ink
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tanya Mendonca, ex-Calcutta 
  and Paris. Acrylic, canvas.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Yolanda de Souza Kammermeier
Frederick Noronha (FN)|
Freelance Journalist  | | |
T: 0091.832.2409490 or 2409783 M: 0 9822 122436

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #

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[Goanet]Birthdays on 15th Jul 2003

2003-07-15 Thread Vincente Fernandes
Wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY on behalf of GoaNetters to

15-Jul  Patricia Fernandes Calangute
15-Jul  Mando Gonsalves   Goa
NOTE: Please send your Birthday's details for those who haven't done so far 
to the following e-mail address([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with subject as 
Birthday/Birthday details.

Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

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[Goanet]Jesuit joke... and Mumbai's Campion

2003-07-15 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
This joke was published in the May-June 2003 issue of JIVAN, a Jesuit 
magazine for South Asia, which perhaps suggests that priests today also 
have a sense of humour:

With so much turmoil in the world, God decided to pay
a visit to earth to check things out. He strolled into
a bar and approached the first man he saw. 

"If you believe in meenough to give me $50," he said,
"I will grant you eternal life." "Sorry, I'm an 
atheist," the fellow replied, "and have never really 
believed in God." 

God walked up to another man and made the same offer.

"Well, I'm an agnostic and not really sure if I believe
in you or not," the guy said, "but here's 50 bucks,
just in case."

As the Lord turned away, a third man ran up to him. 
"I'm the local preacher here and don't really care if
you're God or not," he said excitedly. "Just teach me
the trick you did with the agnostic and I'll give you
$100." (###)

Another report in the same issues says "parents and others" have expressed 
happiness that the Bombay archdiocese has returned to the Jesuits a school 
entangled in a management crisis.

In an official statement on 25 March, Cardinal Ivan Dias of Bombay said an 
"unpleasant situation prevalent" at Campion High School in Mumbai led to 
the decision.

Since mid-February, teachers, parents of children at the school and 
concerned Catholics have staged three protest demostrations alleging 
"mismanagement" of the 60-year-old school. They urged Cardinal Dias to 
reinstate Fr Philip Falcao, who resigned as principal in early February 
citing "failing health", and to remove Guilherme Vaz, the cardinal's 
official representative on the management council, the Jesuit-run UCAN 
news agency reported.

The Bombay Jesuit province opened the school in 1943. It decided in the 
mid-1980s to involve the archdiocese in the school's management so that 
members of the province could focus more on educating the poor inv 

However, the Jesuits withdrew from the administration, "considerably" 
affecting the school's "Catholic ethos", Cardinal Dias said in a 
statement. He said he wanted the Jesuits to take "a more active role" in 
the school management and took up the matter with their superior 

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[Goanet]Visit the GOA DESC website at

2003-07-15 Thread Goa Desc
Visit the GOA DESC website at
Dear Cybergaokars on GoaNet,

We've glad to inform you that the new Goa DESC Resource
Centre website is up.
Thanks to the ceaseless work of Gayathri and Salil Konkar
- volunteers at the GDRC, the site wears a new look and
documents our current activity. Also to Mario Alvares of
Alienwiz for helping us make it possible.
The website contains a 'one of its kind on Goa' electronic
database of newspaper articles, which over the year has
grown to an impressive12,000 articles. We are still in the
process of refining the search engine of the database.
Our thanks to Goa Sudharop for the support to the
E-DOC service.
All the 70 odd Friday Balcao synopsis are on site and offers
the reader an insight into the manner in which people in Goa
are grappling with different issues, big and small.
The site contains a detailed documentation of the water
dharna organised by GOACAN. The site also has pages
on the workshops on Panchayati Raj and Gram Sabhas.
It also reports on the workshops on Medical
Waste Management.
You can also visit the Goa CAN site at or
click on the link in Goa Desc. Here you can download the
pdf file of the first issue of the GOACAN Newsletter.
The content for the site is still being developed and will be
added on continuously, your feedback and suggestions
are most welcome.
with best wishes,

Lillian D'Costa.

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy

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[Goanet]Artists email contacts in Goa...

2003-07-15 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
It's sad to see how few professionals in Goa leverage, or take advantage 
of the power of, the Internet.

Can we think of some campaign to get more people back home online? There's 
a high teledensity here. A growing number have their own computers or 
access to a cybercafe. But, many who have a phone + computer, often don't 
have Internet access.

Over the past month, the Sancharnet switchover (for the umpteenth time, it 
seems) has given a severe setback to Internet communications in the state 
with the second-highest teledensity in the country, i.e. Goa. Many people, 
even some techies, have been facing problems in accessing their mail, or 
sending it out. 

That apart, any ideas of what can be done on a longterm basis? Building up 
directories of specific interest (Niraj Naik of DigitalGoa is working on 
one)? Promoting networks of shared interest (village-level or professional 
level)? Promoting access to hardware (who will bell the cat)?

Your ideas are welcome. Copying this to the CSI-Goa mailing list, the 
Computer Society of India (Goa chapter). It's in everyone's interest 
that more people clamber onto the Net back home. FN

On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, Siqueira, Allwyn. wrote:

> Fred,
> This is just what the doctor ordered !! Was looking for something like this
> for ages. Well done.
> Cheers,
> Allwyn

-Original Message-
From: Frederick Noronha (FN) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 July 2003 15:04
Subject: [Goanet]LINK: Artists in Goa

Some email links to artists in Goa... FN

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Alexyz Fernandes, Cartoonist
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Gauri Divan, Studio potter
  Stoneware ceramics
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Maymoonara, Terracotta, etc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Paintings, etc
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Art installations, etc
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sylvia Braganza, Acrylic, etc
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subodh, Cartoons, painting,
  sculpppting, art gallery
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Sunita Dalvi, pen-and-ink
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tanya Mendonca, ex-Calcutta 
  and Paris. Acrylic, canvas.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Yolanda de Souza Kammermeier
# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: Re: [Goanet] Which future for goan communities around the world?

2003-07-15 Thread brian mark mendonca
i'm with rico all the way.


On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 Frederick Noronha (FN) wrote :
Floriano, Your argument is not valid anymore. Linguists now 
recognise that there are many variants of spoken (and written) 
English in
different parts of the globe. The US and Australian forms might 
quaint, but are as valid. International publishers are now coming 
out with
dictionaries of Indian English.

The standardised accent taught to TV newsreaders at, if not 
places like CIEFL-Hyderabad (Central Institute of English and 
Languages) has been shown to be fairly intelligible all over 
India, while
at the same time not trying to mimic the accent from another 
continent --
even if the language originally came from there. My onetime 
classmate and
colleague Dr Brian Mendonca, now in OUP-Delhi, might be able to 
shed more

African writers in English are proud of the nuances they've lent 
English, just as Pednekars at one Konkani conference some time 
declined to be pushed into a corner because of the accent and 
they use for speaking *their* language.

Prof Peter Nazareth and Dr William da Silva, ex-Goa University, 
offer us more insights. Dr Silva has himself done some very 
studies on the different dialects of Konkani spoken along the 
Indian west
coast. I'm open to correction, being one of those who didn't take 
formal studies too seriously. FN

On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Floriano Lobo wrote:

> I believe that if a language must be taught, the teacher must 
have his/her
> tongue in it. It must be spoken like it is being spoken in the 
country of
> origin. Only then can we say that we have learnt the language 
of that land.
> BTW the English language that most of us in India speak is not  
English. It
> is "Hinglinsh" or "Konglish" or what have you. It is not our 
fault at all. I
> am making a point here. It is the fault of our 
education/tuition system.
> My message is simple. WHILE IN ROME, DO AS THE ROMANS DO.
> I know that a lot of people will disagree with me. But then, I 
can take that
> challenge.
> Floriano Lobo
> goasuraj.

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[Goanet]FW: Tanzania's bullet-carrying minister

2003-07-15 Thread DeQuadros, Ciril
This story intrigued me as I thought that it might be of interest to fellow

Ciril de Quadros
Raia & Slough, England

'no one is so poor that he cannot give, and no one is so rich that he cannot
 Fr Tony Lopes


BBC News

Tanzania's bullet-carrying minister

The Tanzanian minister in charge of poverty reduction, Edgar Maokola-Majogo,

has admitted that Indian police found a single bullet in his possession at 
Mumbai airport, but denies any ulterior motive.
The bullet was found in the minister's brief case
Mr Maokola-Majogo says the bullet was found by Indian security agents 
minutes before he boarded his flight back to Tanzania after attending a 
conference on poverty reduction in India.

He told the BBC that the bullet was inadvertently left in his brief case 
when he left the Tanzanian capital, Dar es Salaam, for India.

"The special hunting gun bullet accidentally dropped from a packet inside my

brief case which also had all my conference papers," said Mr Maokola-Majogo.


He says that he is an ardent hunter and is licensed to carry a hunting gun 
in Tanzania.

"What could I do with a single bullet without my hunting gun which I left 
back in Tanzania," asked the minister.

Tanzania's Majira newspaper on Thursday quoted Indian press reports as 
saying that the minister had been held by Indian security agents for about 
eight hours after bullets were found in his possession.

But Mr Maokola-Majogo says that Indian police neither harassed, arrested or 
charged him with any offence.

He says that he voluntarily wrote a one-page statement regarding the bullet 
found in his possession and was immediately allowed to proceed with his 
journey home.

He has asked the newspaper to publish an apology.

Mr Maokolo-Majogo blames his political enemies for what he describes as 
'witch hunting'.

He has now written to Tanzanian President Benjamin Mkapa; the Prime 
Minister, Frederick Sumaye; and the Attorney-General Andrew Chenge 
explaining the sequence of events.

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[Goanet]NEWS: Abu Salem, arrested in Portugal, claims he would be victimised

2003-07-15 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
I'll be victimised as I'm a Muslim: Abu Salem

>From Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, July 15 (IANS) Abu Salem, an alleged Indian underworld don
currently being held in Portugal, has claimed that he would be victimised if
he is extradited to India as he belongs to that country's minority Muslim

Abu Salem Qayyum Ansari, who went by the assumed name of Arsalan Mohsin Ali
and is wanted by New Delhi for terrorist acts, was arrested from his house
in the Portuguese capital with his second wife, Bollywood starlet Monica
Bedi, last year.

Officials of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which is working to
get Salem extradited, said they planned to contest his claim, made in a
written submission to a Portuguese court.

"His written submission was forwarded to us by the external affairs ministry
last week," CBI spokesman G. Mohanty told IANS Tuesday.

Portuguese authorities passed on Salem's submission to India, seeking a

A CBI official who did not want to be named said the agency had countered a
similar contention made by starlet Bedi to block her extradition to India.
The agency's response to Bedi's allegations was sent in a formal reply to
Portuguese authorities last month.

Bedi had also said the Indian president could turn down her appeal against
any death penalty or life sentence for a period of over 45 years awarded to

In response to Bedi's claims, the CBI had written: "India is a secular
country and our courts are independent. No discrimination is shown to anyone
on the basis of religion, caste, creed or sex. The objections raised are

Bedi and Salem were arrested in Lisbon following an Interpol red corner
notice issued at the behest of the CBI on September 18 last year. Their
extradition trial is currently underway in Lisbon.

Salem, the prime accused in the terror bomb blasts in Mumbai in 1993 that
killed nearly 260 people, had also claimed he might face a jail term of over
25 years in India as he had been charged in various criminal cases.

"We are preparing an answer and we are going to give our objections in
writing. It would be on the lines of what we had written in our response to
Bedi's claims," the CBI official said.

He said Salem was making a desperate bid to avoid extradition to India,
where he faces serious charges.

Salem, however, would have to face charges in Portugal for forging his
resident work permit and marrying a local girl on the basis of that
document, before being extradited.

CBI's formal extradition request has listed Salem's involvement in three
cases the agency is probing, as well as four cases being investigated by
Delhi Police and two by Mumbai Police.

On January 9, the Indian cabinet decided that neither Salem nor Bedi would
be sentenced to death if they were extradited. The extradition request was
handed over to the Portuguese authorities on December 27 last year.

--Indo-Asian News Service

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Re: [Goanet]NEWS: Governo poe na ordem consulado portugues em Goa

2003-07-15 Thread Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha
You are right, Fred, many of the Portuguese characters have not been
rendered properly and so entire words got "garbled".

There is however one sentence in the original (Portuguese) report by
Francisco Mota Ferreira which does not correspond to reality. Goanet members
who do not know Portuguese could not notice this, as it was omitted in the
English translation. I am referring to the phrase  which was ranslated as . The correct translation would be . Do you see why I say that Mota Ferreira's phrase does
not correspond to reality? Who ever heard that Daman and Diu are "bigger
territories" than Goa? - On the other hand, what has the size of a territory
to do with the complication or no-complication of a process? - It might be
more acceptable to say that the process is more complicated in relation to
Daman and Diu because of their distance from and weak communications system
with the consulate. Wouldn't you agree?


- Original Message -
From: Frederick Noronha (FN) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 9:33 AM
Subject: [Goanet]NEWS: Governo poe na ordem consulado portugues em Goa

Below is the translation of an important report on the issue of Portuguese
nationality. The part translation, from a Portuguese friend, follows. Some
of the Portuguese characters might not have got rendered properly. FN

Governo põe na ordem consulado português em Goa

Francisco Mota Ferreira

O Governo detectou a existência de fraudes com passaportes nacionais
passados pelo consulado português em Goa, o que levou ao cancelamento, por
três meses, da emissão daqueles documentos, disse ao Diário Digital o
secretário de Estado das Comunidades Portuguesas, José Cesário. O serviço
reabriu há pouco mais de um mês.

Segundo o secretário de Estado, aquelas situações «estão a ser corrigidas» e
«actualmente no consulado (de Goa) há um total controlo», mas que este
processo «é mais complicado em relação a Damão e a Diu», por serem
territórios maiores.

Neste momento, garante, ?foram dadas orientaes com o mximo rigor?. Agora,
no consulado portugus de Goa, ?o processo tratado por marcao e com um
limite de casos por dia?.

Jos Cesrio, que regressou de uma visita de trs dias ao antigo territrio
portugus, diz que viu ?cartazes em Goa onde se anunciava que se tratava das
questes da nacionalidade portuguesa com a maior das facilidades?.

Desconhece-se h quanto tempo durava o esquema e quantos ?nacionais?
Portugal ganhou. O que apenas se sabe que o consulado portugus de Goa era
uma porta de entrada para muitos cidados indianos que pretendiam entrar no
espao da Unio Europeia.

O esquema, segundo disseram ao Diário Digital fontes contactadas em Goa, era
bastante acessível e difícil de ser controlado, uma vez que a nossa própria
lei permite essa brecha.

Pela legislao portuguesa, um cidado de Goa, Damo e Diu (o antigo Estado
Portugus na ?ndia) que tenha nascido nestes territrios at 1961 ano da
ocupao militar e anexao pelas autoridades de Nova Deli pode pedir a
nacionalidade portuguesa.

Uma benesse que uma lei de 1975, ainda em vigor, alarga até à terceira
geração que, mesmo nascendo já sobre a bandeira indiana, pode invocar a
nacionalidade portuguesa.

Segundo nos foi explicado pelas mesmas fontes, verdadeiros gangs actuam no
território, publicitando a facilidade com que se obtém a nacionalidade

Estas redes estabeleceram contactos com a Conservatria dos Registos
Centrais, em Lisboa, que davam os passaportes portugueses mais depressa e
com menos controlo do que se estes fossem obtidos em Goa.

Um processo que se complica ainda mais porque, como lembrou o secretrio de
Estado, ?quem tem os registos de nascimentos antigos a Unio Indiana, que
no ter o melhor dos controlos? neste processo, permitindo-se que cidados
indianos acabem por se transformar em legítimos portugueses.

?A situao muito delicada para os indianos?, reconhece este governante,
?realando que Portugal no quer que esta questo ?seja um factor de
?litgio? entre os dois pases.

Nesse sentido, o Governo quer assegurar que ?o processo o mais seguro que
for possvel?. E s se for necessrio que o Governo ir pedir a
colaborao das autoridades de Nova Deli.

11-07-2003 18:04:45

Government put in order Portuguese Consulate in Goa

The Portuguese government detected frauds in Portuguese passports issued by
Portuguese Consulate in Goa, which determined the three months ban of
passports issuing, said Portuguese Communities Secretary of State, José
Cesario. The passports started to be issued more or less one month ago.

Accordingly with the Secretary of State those situations "are being
rectified" and "nowadays there is a total control in Goa Consulate", but
this process is more complicated in Daman and Diu.

(...) "Maximum rigour is the main orientation" (...)

Jose Cesario (..) saw "advertisements in Goa that announced how easy is to
get Portuguese nacionality"

(...) true gangs act in Goa, publicizing how easy is to get Portuguese


2003-07-15 Thread Neil Alvares
The items for Sunday laughing Pleasure "Goencho Pao" and "Repeat Repeat"
sent in by Mr.Gilbert Lawrence and Mr. Lino Dourado were really delightful
and a breath of fresh air amidst the "heavy" goatnet discussions
(Pre-Liberation & Post Lib) we've been digesting of late.  The Goencho Pao
mix of  "Konkglish" , as also the Ghov-bhail conversation in quite perfect
Roman script was  so understandable,  funnyand  (by me, atleast,)  much
appreciated.  Could we have some more of the same on Goanet please?

Charlotte Alvares

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2003-07-15 Thread rene barreto


The following Goan organistions and indviduals have indicated
their intentions  to celebrate   WORLD GOA DAY 2003.

Here are  their messages

- Original Message -

Subject: World Goa Day

> While Goans may not be as cohesive as some ethnic groups, yet, there is a
sentimental vein that keeps us subconsciously cohesive.  Given the scenario,
it is no easy mission to bring any number of Goans together without creating
social or psychological islands.  But to those who endeavor in this noble
objective quest, it is not a question of considering how much applause is
due or merited, but a matter of extending same without prejudice.
> In realization of this much needed wellbeing, you have my ongoing best
wishes and prayerful good intents

Dom Nartin

Goans of the Middle East ,


  Unity, friendship and togetherness

Hi Mr. Rene,

As in the past and since the concept of 'Goa Day' established
by the Goan Welfare Society of Kuwait in the 90's and your personal and
dedicated efforts towards the spread of this concept of 'Goa Day' - unity,
friendship and togetherness among the Goans worldwide, we at confirm our continued support towards your endeavours. Let
us know how to go about. Is there something new in your mind. Let's hear
about it. Assuring you of our full cooperation. Have a nice day.

Gaspar Almeida Associate,

Goans of UK

Dear Rene ,

As someone of Goan descent I send my very best wishes for a most
successful World Goa Day, which will be held on August 20th 2003. This is
obviously a crucial step forward in recognising the unique contribution of
the Goan community to the life not just of India but also other countries
where they have chosen to make their homes. Goa is known the world over for
its civility, hospitality and diversity. It is one of the most glorious
places on earth. It is right that we should celebrate this day as Goans and
people of Goan descent, no matter that we have adopted a new country as our
home. I send my very best wishes for a successful day.

London UK

Goa Day 2003.

Dear Rene,

Congratulations and best wishes for a very successful Goa Day 2003. I salute
you and your team of organisers for keeping this event going and despite not
being able to participate more actively, sent you all my very best wishes.

Mervyn Maciel

As part of my own way of celebrating World Goa Day, I am going to place a
narrative with visuals on Goans in the Port of London (AD1600-2000) on the
Ports website, being organised by the National Maritime Museum
(Greenwich)and several other Museums. . More information on this as soon as
I can sort out the technicalities.

Cliff Pereira

Goans of U.S.A.
New Jersey.
The Goan Association of New Jersey Inc., will be celebrating World Goa Day
on saturday, August 2, 2003 at our members picnic.  As an association, we
cherish the idea of maintaining our Goan heritage, identity, culture and
language alive by celebrating on this special day.As this years theme
for World Goa day is 'Giving something back' to society, I am  proud to say
that the association and individual members continue to donate funds to
projects in Goa and help other less fortunate Goans.  The association Caring
Committee extends their helping hands through prayers and practical deeds of
kindness.   Our association has set up a scholarship fund to pay for the
college education of a deserving orphan from St. Joseph's home in Calangute,
on  a continual basis.  Members of the association are actively involved in
setting up a cardiac care center in Goa to meet much needed medical needs.
We have created a partnership with the Salvation Army in the U.S. which we
continue to support.  We are continuously striving to reach out and help
those in need.

On this special day we will proudly sing 'Proud to be a Goan'.  Our next
issue of our newsletter to be published in July 2003 will have an article on
World Goa Day.

Christopher Nunes
Goan Association of New Jersey, Inc.

Goans of Kenya.
Mombasa , kenya.

This year, World Goa Day will be officially celebrated on August 20.
August 20 is also a day when Goans world-wide join in SOLIDARITY to
celebrate our Goan-ness. We have a lot to offer the world and shoul

[Goanet]Grassroots democracy: Glimpses of how it works-III

2003-07-15 Thread GOACAN

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network
Grassroots democracy: Glimpses of how it works-III
by Joaquim Fernandes
When Mr Nyaneshwar Naik's six-year-old son started vomiting
blood in the night, he approached Ms Savitri Naik. Now Ms Savitri
is neither a doctor nor a nurse. She is only the sarpanch of his
Casarvarnem village in Pernem taluka of North Goa. Though ferrying
the sick of the village to the hospital in the dead of night is not a
function of a sarpanch, it is not uncommon for people to approach
Ms Savitri for precisely that reason.
She first won the panchayat election from her ward in 1997.
Then, the post of sarpanch was reserved for women and members
proposed her name unanimously. Having served her term, Ms Savitri
was re-elected in November 2002. Though the post of sarpanch was
now not reserved, the four other members still re-nominated her to
the post.
Against the backdrop of acrimonious competitions for the post
of sarpanch in Goa's faction-ridden panchayats, Ms Savitri's
harmonious nomination to the top post seems surprising. But it
was not for her fair, good looks that she won the post. Ms Savitri
was also found to be quietly efficient.
Casarvarnem is a small farming village in the rustic hinterland of
North Goa. It falls in Dhargalim electoral constituency of Pernem taluka,
which is still considered a backward area. Far from the 5-star gloss
of tourism-driven coastal Goa, Casarvarnem was devoid of any
development. It languished in its primitive beauty.
Enthused by the co-operation of her panchayat members, Ms Savitri
infused a burst of development in the hitherto-neglected village. One
important project was the construction of the community hall at
Parabwadda through funds obtained from the Member of Parliament
Local Area Development (MPLAD) scheme.
In this five-ward, exclusively Hindu village, Ms Savitri was
instrumental in developing at least four "Ganapathi visarjan"
(immersion of Ganapathi idol) sites. There are other works; the
platform-stage for village dramas at Baradwadda and protection
walls for nullahs at Dewulwadda, Tembwadda and Parabwadda.
Roads, footpaths, gutters and culverts have also been constructed
in the village.
More development works are in the pipeline. The grounds around
the village community hall are to be beautified. A new road near the
"Rashtrolli Ped," a footpath and steps at Bailpur are also planned.
For the first time, the welfare of the small Dhangar community
of the village is being looked at. The Dhangars, falling under the
Other Backward Classes category, live in primitive isolation in the
hills of Casarvarnem. "There are about 10 Dhangar houses most
of which have now been electrified," says Ms Savitri. "We are in
the process of building a small community hall for them at an
estimated cost of Rs 3.30 lakh. Besides, a 'Ganapathi visarjan' tank,
a footpath and steps at Dhangarwadda will also be built." She says
that the work has already been tendered and the Block Development
Officer will release that work order shortly.
The Dhangars sell goat milk and 'kamboll'  a thick waterproof sheet
made of sheepskin and worn by people, especially farmers, as
protection against rain. Using a few natural water sources available,
the Dhangars also do some agriculture. Ms Savitri says the
panchayat plans to approach the government to connect the
Dhangars with government water supply like the rest of the village.
Ms Savitri is modest of her achievements as the village sarpanch.
"We received a lot of help from our Member of the Legislative Assembly,
Mr Manohar Babu Azgaonkar," she says graciously.
She also has the full backing of her colleagues in the panchayat.
Says Deputy Sarpanch, Ms Rajeshri Parab, "All five of us, three
ladies and two gents, are united. The villagers are happy with the
work done so far by the panchayat. And we support our Sarpanch."
She too praises the local MLA, Mr Azgoankar, for supporting their
development proposals.
All through her tenure in the panchayat, Ms Savitri has always been
supported by her husband, Mr Raghoba Naik. He is a small
businessman, owning a laterite stone-cutting machine and a cashew
plantation on the hill. During the May-June period this year, Ms Savitri
spent a considerable amount of time, helping him in the hills, in
gathering the cashews.
She also has to care for her two children. Her son is studying in the
XIIth and daughter is in the Xth. Considering her achievements in the
panchayat, Ms Savitri has played well her triple role of wife, mother
and sarpanch.
But the job of sarpanch is not altogether a bed of roses. For exampl

[Goanet]Teaching English in Goa (ESL)

2003-07-15 Thread Helga do Rosario Gomes
Before I get misquoted, misunderstood and taken for an 'accent snob'  here
is my clarification for anyone who cares! Firstly,  everyone in India (yes
even some of my friends in Bombay who think they do not!!!) including me has
an accent that does not correspond very closely to the variants spoken in
the North America, Australia and the English speaking Pacific. So what?!!!As
Fred pointed out most of the educated populace  in India does pretty well
for itself  - we speak and write a grammatically correct English and are
able to communicate,  give presentations at international meetings and our
actors have acted in English movies that have been viewed world wide. My
concern was not for this group and it wasn't even for the rest of India as I
do not know about the education system there although I have heard that
conversational English classes taught of course by Indian teachers  have
mushroomed in Kerala. My posting was apropos the now derailed discussion
about how the Goan youth living aboard could contribute towards Goa.
Constantino Xavier opined that polkas and whiskey  were not enough - young
people like him not born in Goa but of Goan heritage were bored by
Xacuti-Dekni festas as it did not ring the saudades bell in them like it
does in us. Several young people in my husband's family have categorically
stated that  visits to Goa are torture - their parents shop for red chilies
and visit relatives. So I thought perhaps more dynamic people than me (I
have never organized anything in my life!) say like Fred et al. could
have a program where the young people visiting Goa with their parents could
be  'hooked' to a school perhaps in their parents' village where they could
conduct some classes in conversational English. I think they would like
that. I said this not because our
teachers do not know how to speak English  - I know they do but because
the curriculum is not geared to conversational English just as Floriano's
and my French classes were not and that is why after 6 years of verb
conjugation I cannot speak French. Lack of English speaking skills is not a
great concern to kids whose parents speak English but it would be a
severe handicap for those whose parents do not. To them English IS a second
language and hence it needs to be taught that way - just like its taught in
countries like Japan and China or else they will never speak well
enough and gain confidence to work an English speaking
environment. However as we cannot have two curricula it would be of immense
help if they had some extra classes where they could put the grammar they
learned in class to use. We also have to accept that many people who are not
very confident in English get intimidated by say American or British accents
and many have lower listening skills - a  very big and acknowledged problem
in Japan. So
it helps to converse with what are called 'native English speakers'. In
Japan kids fill reams of paper conjugating the most gruesome grammar and
then are petrified  to speak into a phone and end up spending even more
gruesome amounts of yen coming to the USA to do immersion programs. I am
sure that given the right books and tapes Goan teachers would do a fine job
teaching conversational English but as we know this is not going to happen
because that is not what they have been asked to do. So where do we go from
Or if all the above is not really relevant can we start by asking why it is
that many of our kids especially in villages  go to an English medium school
and still cant speak English and  if that is the case does it handicap their
future especially when they look for jobs in industries targeted for growth
by our government? And what about writing skills? We have also not addressed
Fred's concerns for inadequate reading material in school libraries and why
people in Goa read so little.

- Original Message -
From: "Floriano Lobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Which future for goan communities around the world?

> A point well made, Helga.
> As was fashionable and perhaps still is , I took french for SSC. I was
> at writing and also reading (if one can call the  Konkani-English French
> which is taught in most of our schools, the  French language). I had
> my french

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Re: [Goanet]Status of Konkani

2003-07-15 Thread Tim de Mello
re: MELSON F M LOUIS, Margao says:
Goan associations all over the world and those in
various states of India should request the ministry of
finance and the RBI to include the Konkani language in
Roman script on the currency notes from the next new
series to be issued.
Correct me if I am wrong.
As many of you know, it has been pointed out on this forum that I am not a 
Konkani expert - actually it was pointed out that I have not learned much 
from my Konkani lessons.

Nevertheless, the comment made by Mr. Louis interests me.

From what I know, it is only the small (<30%) proportion of Goa's population 
that uses Roman script. i.e. mostly the Christian sector.

Will the Indian Govt. and the RBI respond to cater to such a small number?

And, Oh! Yes!


Tim de Mello
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Re: Re: [Goanet] Which future for goan communities around the world?

2003-07-15 Thread Tim de Mello
On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Floriano Lobo wrote:

I believe that if a language must be taught, the teacher must have his/her 
tongue in it. It must be spoken like it is being spoken in the country of 
origin. Only then can we say that we have learnt the language of that land.

BTW the English language that most of us in India speak is not  English. It 
is "Hinglinsh" or "Konglish" or what have you. It is not our fault at all. 
I am making a point here. It is the fault of our education/tuition system. 
My message is simple. WHILE IN ROME, DO AS THE ROMANS DO.

I know that a lot of people will disagree with me. But then, I can take 
that challenge.

Floriano Lobo goasuraj.
As Rico says, times have changed.

The BBC, the once paragon of the English language - i.e. the "Queen's 
English", has now changed and proudly has people with British regional 
accents, including Irish, as their commentators and news readers.

Also their cricket commentary, once dominated by people like John Arlott, 
has changed and now one can year delightful strains of Carribbean and Indian 

Accent is not the issue. Correct grammatical use of the language is. And 
sometimes this varies too.
e.g. It is quite common to read and hear people in India say:

"So-and-so availed of the opportunity"
elsewhere we say
"So-and-so availed himself/herself/themselves of the opportunity"
There are many more examples like this.
Each contribution to the English language whether it is variation of accent, 
vocabulary or usage enriches the language.

And, Oh! Yes!


Tim de Mello
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2003-07-15 Thread Joel D'Souza
16 July 2003

government's action of superimposing a Corporation in place of the existing
Panaji Municipal Council and the vires of the City of Panaji Corporation Act
has been admitted by the Bombay High Court at Goa yesterday. The petition
filed by People's Movement for Civic Action and Goan People's Forum stated
that Panaji Municipal Council was upgraded as class 'A' municipal council
after its population crossed the 50,000 mark, after including the urban area
of Taleigao, in 1996. While passing the Corporation Act, the government
reverted Taleigao into a village panchayat. As a consequence, the population
of the city dropped to 43,349. (GT)

TALEIGAO PARADING CASE: Bombay High Court at Goa has converted a letter
written by the wife of one of the two victims, alleging violation of human
rights, in their parade by the police in a semi-naked condition at Taleigao,
into a suo moto petition. (GT)

MONSOON MAGIC: In recent years even non-Goans have been going ga-ga over the
traditional "Sao Joao Feast" celebrate by Goans on June 24. Please check at  what Tim de Mello has to say about the two
unique monsoon festivals.

MICKKY DECIDES TO JOIN BJP: Minister for Tourism and Youth Affairs, Mickky
Pacheco, who represents Benaulim constituency, has decided to join the
Bharatiya Janata Party. "Yes, I have made up my mind," Mr Pacheco said when
contacted by the Herald on Tuesday. He was elected on UGDP ticket in the
last assembly elections held in may 2002. (H)

PROBE INTO LOCKING OF STUDENT IN CLASS: The Education department has taken a
serious note of the incident in which a student (seven-year-old) remained
locked up in a primary school at Dona Paula for four hours yesterday. (GT)

" BJP ENTANGLED IN CORRUPTION": President of Goa Pradesh Congress Committee,
Luizinho Faleiro yesterday came out strongly against the ruling BJP saying
it is entangled and embedded in nepotism and corruption and citied several
examples to prove his point including a ration card registration and birth
certificate racket in South Goa. (H)

'LAME DUCK': Nationalist Congress Party, Goa unit president, Dr Wilfred de
Souza yesterday dismissed as a "lame-duck affair" the reported resolution
passed by the Congress legislature party condemning Chief Minister Manohar
Parrikar's alleged attempts to engineer defections of MLAs. Dr de Souza said
whether good, bad or indifferent, Mr Parrikar's government will continue and
no amount of CLP resolutions can change anything. (H)

KERI WEEPS FOR HER LOST CHILDREN: Keri, a small village to the farthest end
of Goa, situated right at the bank of river Terekhol, had never in the past
witnessed such a tragedy as the one that occurred on Monday in which four
members of Talkar family died and five others from the village were injured
in a motor accident at Oras, while they were returning after attending a
religious congregation, at Nanij. (GT)

NGPDA BIFURCATED: Law Minister and Mapusa MLA Francis D'Souza and a
businessman, John F Rodrigues, will head the newly created Planning and
Development Authorities for Mapusa and Panjim respectively. (H)

TOURISM MEET FROM 6 OCTOBER: Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry will
organise a Tourism Meet from 6 to 8 October 2003 to give an impetus to the
State to achieve a status of global premier tourist destination. (GT)

PIG-TYPE TOILETS TO BE PHASED OUT: Margao has finally decided to get rid of
the centuries-old "pig-type toilets" from the municipal area. If a MMC
proposal is any indication the toilets are proposed to be converted into dry
latrines. (H)

DANGEROUSLY LOCATED HOUSES: Mormugao MLA Karl Vaz alongwith the deputy
collector and mamlatdar of Vasco visited Vasant Manerkar, Jayashree Barua,
Mohan Noroji and Diosina Rodrigues, whose houses are dangerously located.
The municipality has issued notice to the above persons to vacate the houses
due to danger of landslide, considering the heavy rainfall for the last few
days. (GT)

SALINE WATER TURNING KHAJAN LAND FALLOW: Growing weeds and aquatic creatures
in the khajan land at Camurlim, Salcete, is proving to be hindrance to the
farmers in cultivation of paddy. (NT)

MISCREANTS FAIL TO BREACH BUNDH: Some unknown miscreants made an abortive
attempt to breach the Bondouchem bundh last night at Santa Cruz. If they had
succeeded, part of the village would have been in danger as the Bondel lake
which is barricaded by the bundh, would have released water flooding the
surrounding areas. (H)

OFFENCE OF FORGERY: The Maina-Curtorim police registered an offence against
one lady panchayat member for cheating and forgery under Sections 420 and
468 of the IPC, for allegedly issuing bogus birth certificates. (NT)

FOSTER MOM CLAIMS MATERNITY LEAVE: An interesting application has been
received by the Education Department from a teacher in South Goa, who has
adopted a newborn. Her contention is that she should