[Goanet]Birthdays from 10th -11th Oct 2003

2003-10-10 Thread Vincente Fernandes
Wishing you all a  very HAPPY BIRTHDAY on behalf of GoaNetters to

10-oct JOHNNY ALPHONSO Streatham Uk
Wishing Johnny Alphonso of Streatham U.K a very happy birthday on the 10/10 
he will be the big 50. With mog from Jane and Dylan (Streatham U.K) Mum 
Bella (Aldona) Mum Pricila. Sister in laws Annet, Margaret and brother in 
law Anthony Fernandes(Hayes UK)

10-Oct Joe Perry (joegoauk)

11-Oct	Sameer Sarvate	USA

NOTE: Please send your Birthday's details for those who haven't done so far 
to the following e-mail address([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with subject as 
Birthday/Birthday details as per below format.
Birth Day/Month   NameBirth/Current Place

Get 10MB of e-mail storage! Sign up for Hotmail Extra Storage.  

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2003-10-10 Thread airesrod
Goa is so small yet we have abundant resources and no
dearth of politicians
either. Politicians who keep politicking round the
clock and 365 days in a
year. It is this politicking that is stalling Goa's
progress and the rapid
advancement we would have otherwise achieved.

It is this politics that derails us from the path to
prosperity. We need to
have all the political debates and discussion at
election time and then for
five years work in togetherness with selfless zeal and
a clear focused

All Political parties should be unambiguous on issues
that concern the
common good. There can be no denial that Corruption is
the one issue that
needs to be addressed by all. It is only good
governance and transparency in
the day to day functioning of every authority that
will take us to our
prized destination.

All parties while securing their interests should
first focus on what is
best for the state and its long-term future. If the
BJP could keep the
communal elements within its cadres at bay and the
Congress could clearly
distance itself from the corrupt individuals within
its ranks it would be a
right recipe and things may look bright for this State
of ours. And of
course if the rest of the fringe parties wake up to
the reality as to where
they really stand it may help us in the long run to
work in conjunction.

In the United Kingdom for example the parties fight it
out relentlessly at
election time. Once the votes are counted all the
parties have only one
goal - the progress and development of their country.
There is never
politics of vengeance or retribution. Those in power
and the ones in
opposition try and build a consensus on most issues
and work together
towards the progress and development of their land.
One good aspect there is
that there are only three main political parties and
Independents do not
mushroom as they do in fertile Goa at election time.

It may take time to develop our political system but
we have to be
optimistic and try hard. Goa could set the example and
be a model state for
the rest of the country. We will then be remembered
for the right reasons
and not for the frequent defections as in the not so
distant past.

Today and over the years Goa has advanced but we could
have done much
better. Goa has to remember that the Dempos,
Salgaoncars, Chowgules,Timblos
etc. have not only built their business empires but
have also contributed
their share to Goa's development. The educational
institutions some of these
industrialists have set up have gone a long way
towards imparting academic
impetus to our students. That most of the graduates
produced by these
institutions have not been provided a career avenue by
the Government
policies is a different issue.

All parties have to resolve that all these foreign
jaunts cannot be at
public expense. It has to be ensured that any trips
abroad including any
cultural trips have to be sponsored events. The
Government should get its
priorities right. Paying the four crores owed to KLE
hospital is a priority
and extravagant expenses on trips abroad are
unwarranted and unaffordable.
The Government should do everything possible to avoid
expenditure in all quarters. Our coffers are empty and
we have to go all out
to rescue the exchequer.

There has to also be a consensus to ensure that the
bureaucracy gets its
independence and its identity. It is a shame that
officers over the years
have been manipulated and tamed by the powers to be
and that in fact the
officers have no role to play except to dance to the
tunes of those in

Today due to the ground realities we cannot sympathise
with the cry of the
past, Goa for Goans. We have to think and march as
Indians and live and let
our fellow brothers feel at home in this very
hospitable land of ours just
as Goans in their thousands have made their homes in
other parts of India.

We have to work hand in hand to preserve and retain
our secular fabric at
all cost. Temples, mosques and Churches should be
instruments for bringing
people together rather than segregating us. Id, Diwali
and Christmas should
be occasions of joy and celebration to one and all
regardless of caste and

Those in power should be able to relish and digest
constructive criticism.
To err is human so unless one is alerted one may not
realise one's folly.
Criticism should be taken in stride rather than
something personal.

Goa is indeed the India's best state to live in. We
can only appreciate
Goa's goodness once  we go on a day trip to
neighbouring Sawantwadi or even
Karwar. Let alone the feelings you may have if you go
to Bihar or Madhya
Pradesh. It is these feelings that should give us the
drive to further
improve our State.

Aires Rodrigues

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[Goanet]RE: Goan Proverbs - original anim Translated

2003-10-10 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Goencho Munneo

Hi all the contributors of the Goencho Munneo or Goan Proverbs.
Great Job!
Shows how productive Goans can be if we work together anim help each
This is maximizing the benefits of cyberspace rather than those "going
round in circles" arguments about some non-essentials. 
Regards, GL

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[Goanet]Krishi Mela

2003-10-10 Thread Miguel Braganza
The  Krishi Vignan Kendra [ Farmers' Training Centre] at ICAR Research
Complex,Ela,Old Goa[opposite the Gregory's Petrol Pump] will hold a FIELD
DAY [Krishi Mela] on Friday 17 October from 10.30 A.M. onwards. The Governor
of Goa will be the Chief Guest at the inaugural function.

The KVK conducts various training courses in appropriate technology for Goan
farmers and general public alike. It also conducts field demonstrations. The
ICAR Research complex has a number of scientists working on production
problems in various crops. It also has a number of publications,both priced
and free,on the crops. A visit to the complex on the ocassion of the Field
Day will be well worth the while for someone interested in
fruitcrops,flowers,organic farming, agriculture,EM,etc. Most of the
Scientists,Project officers and Training Associates will be present at the
complex on that day.

Viva Goa.

Miguel Braganza.


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[Goanet]Konkani Proverbs; flavour lost in translations!

2003-10-10 Thread Miguel Braganza
 Dear Goanetters,

There is wisdom in the saying,"Firingi bhaas,aadak maas!" even when speaking
about the language. It is as impossible to translate a local saying into a
foreign language and to still retain its flavour as,say, trying to get caju
feni without without the aroma but with the same flavour. Valmiki is
absolutely right. In a language,the flavour is in the nuances and the

Just try translating the all-time favourite of any harried/irritated soul in
God's Own Abode...SMP { XMP in Domnic's version below- 'Xenttar mar pirluk'}
and you will know what I mean.

"You can't have your cake and Edith,too" is nothing compared to the rich
flavour of
"- Nidui zai, ani f**-ui zai?" appropriately quoted by Domnic ,below! Don't
lose sleep over the translation...you can try the Kung-Fu,if properly
disposed. Check the rest of the sample selected from just one of  the
approved postings  of just one of the many contributors of konkani proverbs
to the goanet.

Amche bhaashek moron na!  Deu dita, deumchar naddta!! Ani amkam zata

Viva Goa.


> Message: 4
> From: "domnic fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet]Wisdom in Konkani Proverbs
> Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 12:39:47 +0300
> It is a wonderful idea to compile a list of Goan Konkani Proverbs.
> - Deu dita, deumchar naddta
> - Ghoran noko maim maum, zanna soglo gaum
> - Rodtai konnanc, maimchea minddak, kha patoieo
> - Pottache bhukek, kazreachim follam
> - Nalkar-ui roddta ani tellkar-ui roddta
> - Bikareachea uxea pondak polli astoch teka jem poddonam
> - Padrea-ak nib ornamchem
> - Nachonk noko zalear, angonn vankddem
> - Tempa pormonnem, mateak kurponnem
> - Pott marun zot kelem, vagan khailem
> - Fator marun thau kaddop
> - Sangta tujem tond, aikota mojem bonk
> - Jiu aslear, bik magon khait
> - Kortolo korun guelo, sopear bosteleache andd kadle
> - Nidui zai ani f**-ui zai?
> - Nahtana nahli nagddi, nidtanam laili mandri
> - Xenttar mar pirluk
> - Nirmonn tem formonn
> Domnic Fernandes

From: "Valmiki Faleiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet]Wisdom in Goan Proverbs
> Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 23:15:45 +0530
> Eddie,
> Don't even try loosely translating Konkani proverbs, those pearls of
> wisdom accumulated down generations.  You'd lose the soul of
> those wisecracks.
> The rich Konkani language, on the other hand, has five (or seven?) -
> to describe every nuance of the term[sunrise]!
> Translation, though helpful for the uninitiated in the language, will
> certainly steal the soul of age-old Konkani proverbs.  That's one reason
> I had referred to the Sirlim-Salcete Padre's book : the painfully-compiled
> originals in Konkani were gems, their translated counterparts lacked
> lustre - and soul, if I may say.
> Regards/Valmiki
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[Goanet]Konkani Proverbs....Translated ????

2003-10-10 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear  Agnelo,

As Valmiki has rightly pointed out earlier, translations are fraught with
insufficiencies of the English language to express konkani thought. Absence
of knowledge about the context is another area of concern.May be we should
consult Dr.Olivinho Gomes,ex-H.O.D. of Konkani at Goa University and a
voracious translator of prose and poems into Konkani[but not vice-versa, as
far as I know]. We actually need a translator who knows the reverse process.
Indeed,"ghoddo gelo ani hoti ailo".The smaller[problem] has gone and the
gigantic one stares us in the face!

> 3) Appurbai Ghara koddem, Nhuim Voddea koddem". " [Give]Preferential
[Affectionate] treatment at home, not near the boat". voddi=boat,canoe that
was used to cross the river before the era of the "ferry boats" and bridges
in Goa. If you missed the boat trip because someone else was permitted to
jump the queue and had to wait for hours till the next trip,you would
understand the wisdom of this proverb!

20)  "Ek jiv sada shiv." Remember Cliff Richard's song "Bachelor Boy" ? If
you are a bachelor, you can always be a [casnova like the good lord] Shiv.
Otherwise,"27)  Aplem ghor, sothean (rights) mor." One can die with dignity
in one's own home." You may have to face indignity in a foreign land or in
the market place,but whether you are rich or poor,no one can take away your
dignity in your own home! "Aplem ghor, sothean mor." This I believe.

 Keep the proverbs and sayings coming.Be careful...or you will be a fool
...to try a translation.

Viva Goa.


Message: 13
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 13:05:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: Agnelo Mascarenhas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Some Goan proverbs translated

1."ghoddo gelo, hoti ailo."
literal: a horse departs, an elephant arrives.
context: reporting verbatim without applying one's mind. spreading rumors.
my guesses on some ...
> 3) Appurbai Ghara koddem, Nhuim Voddea koddem".
literal: show appreciation at home, not the village.*vaddo = a settlement.*
> 8) Padrinche sermao vhoneik nhuim'
literal: the priest's sermon is not for your sister-in-law.
> 20)  Ek jiv sada shiv
*you live once, but god Shiv lives forever.smartha-ish proverb ?*
> 27)  Aplem ghor, sothean (rights) mor.
it's one's own house, die *by oneself.*here sothean is unlikely to be
"rights", but is
probably svata = self. the *clue* is provided by the word aplem.


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[Goanet]indianfootball.com newsletter

2003-10-10 Thread rene barreto
Goannetters !


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monthly indianfootball.com newsletter, where the latest infos, 
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rene barreto
IFSC int., 

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Re: [Goanet]Wisdom in Goan Proverbs

2003-10-10 Thread Valmiki Faleiro
Konkani Proverbs) by Antonio Pereira S.J.   Published by
Gulab Publications, E6 Ramakant Apts., Opp. Don Bosco
High School, Panaji, Goa and Typeset/printed at Casa
J.D. Fernandes, Panaji, Goa [ISBN Ref. not available.]
1985, Pgs 251, Price: Rs.15/-

Trust that will help.  Happy reading!


From: "Agnelo Mascarenhas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 11:10 PM

> the book's title please?

> > From: "Valmiki Faleiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 21:48:14 +0530
> >
> > BTW, have you guys seen Jesuit, Fr. Antonio
> > Pereira's book on the subject?

From: "Valmiki Faleiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 11:15 PM

>   That's one reason
> I had referred to the Sirlim-Salcete Padre's book : the painfully-compiled
> originals in Konkani were gems, their translated counterparts lacked
> lustre - and soul, if I may say.
> Regards/Valmiki

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Re: [Goanet]Konkani Proverbs....Translated ????

2003-10-10 Thread Santosh Helekar
Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>As Valmiki has rightly pointed out earlier, translations are 
>fraught with insufficiencies of the English language to express 
>konkani thought.

It is the meaning that is hard to convey across languages, when it 
comes to proverbs. Literal translation is relatively easy if you know 
both languages well. For instance, take the following proverbs, which 
are quite appropriate for some in this forum:

1. Pott bhorlam, mhonnun g**nn xivonneo ghalta

(Stomach is full, therefore the bottom is whistling)

2. Bhatkarachem vaarem, bhatak saarem

(Landlord's wind is fertilizer for his farm)



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[Goanet]MINGUEL ROD’s Death Anniversary. I

2003-10-10 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes
MINGUEL ROD’s Death Anniversary.  I

4th October this year was the 48th death anniversary of the greatest 
tistrist that Konkani Stage has ever produced, the late Minguel Rod.  I bow 
down my head with deep respect to this Konkani stage genius and pen down 
this article on this giant. Though the power of my pen to make a write up on 
this man is small compared to the greatness of this legendary figure yet I 
try to make some sketches of his life.  May his soul rest in peace.  To mark 
this day, Basilio Magno (Spain) wrote a wonderful article on this man, which 
appeared on Goanet dated 2nd of this month. In response to this article on 
3rd of this month Dom Martin another intellectual giant also expressed his 
opinion with beautiful words on Minguel Rod.  Though belatedly yet rightly I 
feel I too must add something on this great Konkani Tiatro personality.  The 
death of Minguel Rod at the tender age of just 32 was a great loss not only 
to Konkani Stage and Goa but more than that for Konkani language as a whole. 
 It was he who during those days attracted in greater number the Goan 
aristocracy, Bhatkarshai and Bamonnshahi to Konkani Stage who many times 
used to attend his tiatros even by disguising themselves not to disclose 
their real identities. This they used to do in order to witness in person 
what Minguel Rod depicts of them on the stage.  During those days attending 
Konkani Tiatro was the work of semi literate or illiterate persons and 
precisely because of this the so-called elite Goans used to refrain from 
watching the tiatros.   No doubt he was not schooled at Arpora or any other 
reputed school of the then Goa yet he underwent basic schooling in Roman 
Script Konkani at his local Parochial School which during those days used to 
enrich the students with good moral education and music – 
reading-writing-playing. To become genius one need not go to Oxford or 
Harward or Sorbone.  William Shakesphere never attended any University and 
yet he became what we read him now.   Minguel Rod was born genius and his 
genius came to surface only when he landed in Candolim to do his apprentice 
in Tailoring newr the Candolim Church which finally he left unfinished and 
embarked on Tiatro.  The reason for this was that in Candolim during those 
days he came in close contact with great tiatrists of that era namely 
Alexinho de Candolim, Young Menezes, Vitorino, Maestro Isidore and many 
Konkani intellectuals of that time. In their company he learnt many things, 
which soon developed into him the great Minguel Rod the Tiatrist.

When he entered the Konkani Stage he was burning with fire to bring about 
total revolution in Goan Society.  Some of his tiatros such as Gorib Sezari, 
Gorchem Kestaum, Bapul Bhau are just a few to name where one could easily 
notice revolutionary ideas running in his blood.  His tiatros dealt not only 
in hammering the Bhattkashai and Bamonshahi only but also hammering the 
dadageri and arrogance of family life in the lower strata of Goan society.  
That was the need of the hour and still it is, for this reason his tiatros 
will never attain the old age.

Currently many of the present day tiatrists are borrowing their stories from 
Hindi Films but Minguel Rod was giving originality in his tiatros and songs. 
 Though in his tiatros one could see originality yet in many of his songs 
and solos one could by observing minutely come to know that the tunes were 
borrowed mainly from English songs.  As I was told, one day while he was 
passing by my neighbour’s house, Radio Cylon was playing in its morning 
programme one song.  Hearing this song from a distance of few metres, 
Minguel Rod suddenly stopped and picked up the tune so perfectly that based 
on this music he composed a beautiful but sorrowful song in his great Tiatro 
Bapul Bhau.  It was said that while Kid Boxer singing this song – canto – 
the Village Regidor seated on the first row was sobbing like a child, of 
course the theme of this canto had great significance.  The father (Kid 
Boxer) of the dead child carrying the new born babe to the cemetery to bury 
her without anybody attending the funeral, this was due to extremely bad 
poverty.  The words of this canto run something like this:

“Puta Pai tuzo dis kaddta khavun Bakri,
Tukam purunk zai also laun bend ani sontri,
Pun atam purcho poddlo nastana kon lok ani padri”.
It was not very correct to say that he was not singing Zupatti.  The 
zupattis of Minguel Rod were of totally different category.  By the way the 
core of those days tiatros was nothing but Zupattis and without zupattis the 
audience would not enjoy tiatro fully. Hence zupatti became the part and 
parcel of the then tiatros, either mild or harsh. One great zupatti Minguel 
Rod rendered was if I am not mistaken, at Navelim.  Two groups of tiatrists 
were performing their tiatros for the local feast there.  One of Alvares and 
his troupe and the other by Minguel Rod and his troupe.  Because of high 

Re: [Goanet]IGO or You Go!

2003-10-10 Thread Valmiki Faleiro
Hi Miguel,

Don't know if I've said this about your reversal of the *lurking* decision, but
nice to see you back!

Ha, Rajan must have had Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton in mind while at that
*impeachable* typo.  Your lines on Tax Deduction at Source (TDS - Tara, Devika
deducted at Source) and on the *Pros* makes me suspect you're joining the
Times of India (Goa Plus) humour brigade, a la Cecil Pinto?  :-)

No one who is aware of reality behind the curtains of Goa's journalistic scene
can disagree with what you say.  In private mails, though, I am being accused of
discussing larger-than-life personalities, not issues.  Ha, again!


From: "Miguel Braganza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 8:15 PM

>  The word actually used by Rajan on the website was *impeachable* not
> 'impeccable'. The mouth sometimes speaks what the heart often feels. I do
> not think the word 'men' is as gender sensitive as the word 'persons'[or are
> Tara, Devika, etc 'deducted at source' from bored membership of the Board of
> Observers?]
> The webpage also does not specify what type of "Professionals" will manage
> the Observer. The Panaji Bench of the Bombay High Court has recently
> directed the Goa Government to deport one category of professionals to their
> home states.
> One can sin['err',where there is no concept of 'sin'] in thought ,word or
> deed.

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[Goanet]Video on St.Francis Xavier's Expo. 1994/95

2003-10-10 Thread JperGOA

I had this my own personal filming (collection) and showed to my friends and relatives 
this time during my present visit to GOA.

Many of them liked it so much that they even recommended to their local cable provider 

It is about 35 minutes with close-up of the Sacred body in Se Cathedral and the last 
days procession back to Bom Jesus.

Additionally, it also shows a bit of Miramar, Donapaula, Vasco harbour, Panaji etc.
Damania shipping Goa to Bom, Goan Ferry crossing, Konkan railways under construction 
also seen.

Background Music being devotional, mando-dulpud & portugeuse.

Total 1hour approx.

If any one is interested, I could make copies and post at cost price.


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[Goanet]Sports News: Hayden breaks Lara's record

2003-10-10 Thread Eustaquio Santimano
Hayden breaks Lara's record
October 10, 2003 11:02 IST
Australian opener Matthew Hayden's record-breaking knock finally came to 
an end on 380.

The left-hander hit 38 boundaries and 11 sixes in his 437 ball knock in 
622 minutes stay at the crease.

Hayden eclipsed Brian Lara's nine-year old record of 375 against England 
in Antigua. Hayden became only the second player in history to score a 
triple century in Australia. Only Robert Cowper has scored a triple 
hundred in Australia in 1965 against England at the Melbourne Cricket 

Hayden resumed his innings on his overnight score of 183 and smashed five 
sixes in the morning session to surpass his previous best of 203.

He reached his triple hundred against Zimbabwe in the first Test off only 
364 balls with 33 boundaries and eight sixes. He also surpassed the 
previous highest score, Michael Slater's 219 against Sri Lanka in 1995-96, 
at the WACA.

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Re: [Goanet]Konkani Proverbs....Translated ????

2003-10-10 Thread Agnelo Mascarenhas
Hi Miguel,

not knowing the context is my error. thanks for the
nice explanations. 

these are idioms. the meaning of the whole phrase is
different from the meaning of the sum of its words.
perhaps, a literal translation is meaningless.


> Message: 11
> Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 13:26:55 +0530
> From: Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet]Konkani ProverbsTranslated 
> Dear  Agnelo,
> konkani thought. Absence
> of knowledge about the context is another area of
> concern.May be we should
>  Keep the proverbs and sayings coming.Be
> careful...or you will be a fool
> ...to try a translation.

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# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet]Sports News: Anjali wins gold at World Cup Finals

2003-10-10 Thread Eustaquio Santimano
Anjali wins gold at World Cup Finals
October 10, 2003 23:56 IST
Anjali Vedpathak-Bhagwat won the women's air rifle gold at the World Cup 
Finals in Milan, Italy.

The ace Indian shooter, who had won the silver at the same event last 
year, shot 502.4 to win the yellow metal ahead of China's Du Li (501.1) 
and Japan's Hiromi Misaki (500).

The World Cup Finals features the ten best performers in the four World 
Cup events of the year.

Anjali, who was conferred the Khel Ratna, India's highest sports award, 
last month, shot 399 in the preliminary and 103.4 in the final round.

The level of competition which Anjali had to face can be gauged from the 
fact that World champion Katerina Kurkova of the Czech Republic finished 
fifth while defending champion Lioubob Galkina of Russia ended up sixth.

On the disappointing note for the Indian fans, Abhinav Bindra failed to 
make it to the final round of the men's air rifle event, finishing last 
among the ten contestants, with a score of 590.

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[Goanet]TidBits.029 (The Turkey bas been Grilled Nice and Proper)

2003-10-10 Thread Floriano
TidBits.029 (The Turkey has been Grilled Nice and Proper)

And if at all any one day of the week brings me alive in the evening,  it is
the FRIDAY.  And  my readers should not get me wrong or simply  jump to
conclusions in  identifying the cause. It is definitely not because of the
Goa Desc's  'Friday Balcao'. It could have been, but for the odd timing. And
it is certainly not because of the Friday Market at Mapusa either. The very
thought of entering Mapusa market  on Saturdays, specially in the morning,
undoes the age old Friday Market craze, mainly because what one beholds is
that entire Belgaum is spread out at the Mapusa Market as a Saturday tourist
attraction. And what is worst is that one realizes that our Mapusa Municipal
sweepers and garbage cleaning team have been blessed with the 'banking'
working hours. The nice and proper, green saree clad,  majesties,  ladies
sweepers wield their sweeping broom like writing  pens on the banking
ledgers as late as 9.00 AM when  they ought to have been at work from 5 AM
in the morning and deliver the market clean and ready to take the onslaught
of another hectic market day at 7.00 AM.  Not to say that the Mapusa
Municipal Councilors are not heavy in their  pockets after a very successful
extortion Friday from the hawkers,  to be particularly conscious of their
prime duties of having the market cleaned in time for the next day.

The reason is that I come alive, expectantly, for the Friday's "Question
time India" or even more so for "Question time Pakistan" at 10 PM. Most
often, the boring 'Question Time India' finds me snoring in my seat in front
of the TV until my better half sends me packing to bed with a threat of the
holocaust  in the morning. But today, it was the hard talking Karan Thapar
which jolted me into attentiveness. No sleepy eyes. No dozing off.  And if
Karan Thapar has this effect on me, it was multiplied a thousand fold when I
realized that the "turkey on Karan Thapar's Grill" was none other than my
very very good friend  Lal Krishna Advani. As we say in Konkani  "MOJE UBAU
GHELE" for I hadn't seen my friend at such close range and so clear in a
long long time. Therefore, I pulled my chair closest to  the TV screen  so I
should not miss even his eyelids twitching while under the intense Karan
Thapar's grilling heat. And my wife,  my son, and my daughter and even my
two dogs  thought  that it was I who  was grilling  this great hypocrite
jerk instead of Karan Thapar to the extent that they had to tell me  to shut
up,  and that, Advani could not hear me, and please don't awaken the

And during the half  hour  of this prime show, I felt that I was watching
the "Exorcist".  I could visualize  the green hued spitty venom filling
Advani's mouth and threatening to spill out each time Karan poked him,  as
if,  with the spike in the ribs. And I really thought  Advani would spray
the vile green bile all over Karan's face in contempt, just like in the
'Exorcist'. And I sincerely hoped that he would choke to death on it, right
there and then. But it was not to be. For, again,  they say in Konkani

Karan, in his utter expertise, took Advani from "Supreme Court's indictment
of the Gujarat Government over the Best Bakery case to the  'party with a
difference" to "terrorism" to "Babri Demolishing" to "Gujarat Carnage" to
"Supreme Court's stay on disinvestments of BPCL & HPCL, to his influencing
the CBI to exonerate himself.  And  I could really see Advani feeling the
heat and wanting to bolt. I was, all the time looking at his hypocrite's
eyes which were telling me how he felt each time more powerful and well
planned punches were delivered from  Karan's end. He tried to cover up his
complicity in the Gujarat affair by saying that the overall system of
justice in the country was inadequate. He tried to get away from his
opposition time slogan "We shall persue and  end terrorism"  by saying that
while in opposition it was different and while in the government it was
different. We all know this to be the fact even by virtue of not being in
the opposition  or in the government. (Our very own Goa Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar has proved this theory right, while in the opposition,  by
virtue of his applying black shoe polish on Dr. Willy's (CMs) the then brand
new Fiat, NE-118, terming it a luxury that Goa could not afford, AND,  by
being very comfortable with a line of BALENOs himself, while in power).  And
the worst thing which I could not bear to hear from this hypocrite's (Advani
's) mouth is that "from the very first, I had said that the Babri demolition
was the saddest thing in my life"  If I was Karan I sure would have asked
him, nay, not asked him but rather spat at him "But dear Deputy PM,
immediately after the demolition of the Babri Masjid, when you returned
home, you had said  'JO KARNE GAYE WOH KARKE AYEM' , how come??

And I am very sure, that after the half hour of expert grilling by Karan

Re: [Goanet] Goa's Patron Saint

2003-10-10 Thread Ivo Souza
Love should be translated into our action for the neighbour. Unless we live
for others, we cannot be healthy. Religion enlightens our reason and
strengthens our will. We need a religion that liberates us. Superstition is
ignorance that enslaves us. Our faith in God and Man should transform our
reason and our human existence. That is the true religion, lived by the
Saints and so many who are "silent lovers". Education in good living is also
important. Lack of genuine religious education has led today's society to
the brink of a disaster. Saints show us the way to a transformative

- Original Message -
From: "Santosh Helekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 5:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa's Patron Saint

> Ivo Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > When I wrote "Man", it means man or woman.
> >
> Please regard this as an exercise in free expression of disparate
> views. It is just as important to understand what our differences are
> as it is to achieve a common ground.
> >
> >It is the quality of our love that makes us good, holy, saintly
> >people, not what we achieve. What we achieve through love will serve
> >the cause of humankind.
> >
> The love could be love of knowledge, love of capturing the awesome
> beauty of the universe, and/or a love for the quest to bring about a
> real, tangible advancement of the human condition.
> >
> >One may use the word "saints" for all those who struggle for the
> >cause of human race.
> >
> That is exactly my point. Most great achievements of science and art
> have symbolized a struggle for the cause of the human race.
> >
> >We respect all religions and all the people, yet we have to agree to
> >disagree with some different opinions...
> >
> I would only add that we ought to also respect the absence of
> religion, and good, decent and honest people who do not practice any
> religion at all.
> Cheers,
> Santosh
> ##
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> ##

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet]NEWS: Editor quits, journalists write... and the band plays on

2003-10-10 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Editor quits, journalists write... and the band plays on 


PANAJI (Goa), Oct 10: You could call it a day journalists took to the
limelight. Shedding the dispassionate observer status that goes along with
the usual news process, jouros took to centrestage on Friday.

Goa's longest-serving editor quit his post in an unusual manner, some 20
journalists compiled a collaborative e-book critiquing the media, and by
happenstance a 'peace concert' in honour of slain Wall Street Journal South
Asia ex-bureau chief Daniel Pearl was also organised by journalist Ethel da
Costa in state-capital Panaji on the same day.

Rajan Narayan tendered his resignation from the Herald, a century-old former
Portuguese newspaper, which he led since its conversion to an
English-language daily, amidst falling Portuguese readership here, in 1983. 

The Herald, formerly O Heraldo, was considered to be the second-largest
English-language daily in Goa. But recent circulation figures released in
the Goa assembly suggested that it had overtaken main rival the 40-year-old
Navhind Times, which had always been leading in both circulation and

Goa has three English-language newspapers, the other being the Gomantak

Narayan, who had in recent weeks publicly announced his decision via his
website to quit, went amidst drama and some tension. On the day the
newspaper was celebrating its 20th anniversary, the editor went to the
religious service being held and handed in his resignation to the
officiating priest.

This led to some hot and angry words, staff members present said.  

For some weeks now, the editor has been in open conflict with the
newspaper's management, and has also blamed Goa chief minister Manohar
Parrikar of the BJP for seeking to influence newspaper proprietors.

This quarrel, strangely, errupted over a news-feature written by Narayan's
wife, journalist Tara Narayan, questioning the unhygenic settings in which
the chief minister snacked near the Cine Alankar Theatre in Mapusa, in the
context of the recent spurt in jaundice that parts of Goa have seen. 

Parrikar denied his involvement in "talking to (newspaper) managements". 

Since, Narayan -- a former Mumbai journalist who has played a dominant role
in a section of the English-language media here since the past twenty years
-- has announced plans to launch a weekly newspaper and multimedia company,
with borrowings from the general public.

In another development, an e-book titled 'Behind The News: Voices From Goa's
Press' was released on Friday, following a collaborative initiative by some
20 journalist and former journalists here. 

This book, put together via the Net and to be made available in cyberspace
shortly, offers some little-known insights into how the one-time mining
lobby-dominated media in this small state functioned, and the changing
aspects of the economics of the media today.

Media bias during elections, some outsider-journalists' perceptions of the
media here, and failed experiments in building media alternatives are some
of the issues raised.

Free-sheeters -- that are made available for free to readers, since they're
supported by advertising -- have already made their advent to some of Goa's
towns, it becomes clear.

But, two essays by former editor Raju Nayak and Catholic priest-editor Peter
Raposo, offer an insight into why journalism in Konkani, the local language
and one of India's smallest 'official languages' nationwide -- is in a
perilous state, with something needing to be done urgently to build or
restore readership.

Meanwhile, in an unconnected development, journalist Ethel da Costa
organised a free concert lasting from 6 pm to midnight, to pay tribute to
the WSJ scribe Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped and murdered in Pakistan,
while following a story there.

Pearl is believed to have visited Goa too, but this concert was part of a
global tribute 
October 10 happened to be the second annual Daniel Pearl Music Day, and
would have been his 40th birthday. It is to be celebrated across the globe
in non-profit musical events, with calls for 'harmony for humanity'. 

Da Costa said she had brought in "musicians and bands from within and
outside Goa" -- including The Brown Indian Band, The Music Company, Mabel
with Anibal Castro Quartet, Taal Tri-Rang and Soggy Biscuits, all of whom
would perform free. 

Five women artists were also selected to exhibit their paintings at the
venue -- Yolanda de Souza, Fernanda de Mello, Nirupa Naik, Tanya Mendonsa
and Chaitali Morajkar. 

Journalist Pearl is also known to have been a violinist, fiddler and
mandolin player. "He joined a band, orchestra or chamber group in every town
in which he lived and formed connections through his passion for music and
friendship," said da Costa. (ENDS) 

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and 

[Goanet-news]NEWS: Editor quits, journalists write... and the band plays on

2003-10-10 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Editor quits, journalists write... and the band plays on 


PANAJI (Goa), Oct 10: You could call it a day journalists took to the
limelight. Shedding the dispassionate observer status that goes along with
the usual news process, jouros took to centrestage on Friday.

Goa's longest-serving editor quit his post in an unusual manner, some 20
journalists compiled a collaborative e-book critiquing the media, and by
happenstance a 'peace concert' in honour of slain Wall Street Journal South
Asia ex-bureau chief Daniel Pearl was also organised by journalist Ethel da
Costa in state-capital Panaji on the same day.

Rajan Narayan tendered his resignation from the Herald, a century-old former
Portuguese newspaper, which he led since its conversion to an
English-language daily, amidst falling Portuguese readership here, in 1983. 

The Herald, formerly O Heraldo, was considered to be the second-largest
English-language daily in Goa. But recent circulation figures released in
the Goa assembly suggested that it had overtaken main rival the 40-year-old
Navhind Times, which had always been leading in both circulation and

Goa has three English-language newspapers, the other being the Gomantak

Narayan, who had in recent weeks publicly announced his decision via his
website to quit, went amidst drama and some tension. On the day the
newspaper was celebrating its 20th anniversary, the editor went to the
religious service being held and handed in his resignation to the
officiating priest.

This led to some hot and angry words, staff members present said.  

For some weeks now, the editor has been in open conflict with the
newspaper's management, and has also blamed Goa chief minister Manohar
Parrikar of the BJP for seeking to influence newspaper proprietors.

This quarrel, strangely, errupted over a news-feature written by Narayan's
wife, journalist Tara Narayan, questioning the unhygenic settings in which
the chief minister snacked near the Cine Alankar Theatre in Mapusa, in the
context of the recent spurt in jaundice that parts of Goa have seen. 

Parrikar denied his involvement in "talking to (newspaper) managements". 

Since, Narayan -- a former Mumbai journalist who has played a dominant role
in a section of the English-language media here since the past twenty years
-- has announced plans to launch a weekly newspaper and multimedia company,
with borrowings from the general public.

In another development, an e-book titled 'Behind The News: Voices From Goa's
Press' was released on Friday, following a collaborative initiative by some
20 journalist and former journalists here. 

This book, put together via the Net and to be made available in cyberspace
shortly, offers some little-known insights into how the one-time mining
lobby-dominated media in this small state functioned, and the changing
aspects of the economics of the media today.

Media bias during elections, some outsider-journalists' perceptions of the
media here, and failed experiments in building media alternatives are some
of the issues raised.

Free-sheeters -- that are made available for free to readers, since they're
supported by advertising -- have already made their advent to some of Goa's
towns, it becomes clear.

But, two essays by former editor Raju Nayak and Catholic priest-editor Peter
Raposo, offer an insight into why journalism in Konkani, the local language
and one of India's smallest 'official languages' nationwide -- is in a
perilous state, with something needing to be done urgently to build or
restore readership.

Meanwhile, in an unconnected development, journalist Ethel da Costa
organised a free concert lasting from 6 pm to midnight, to pay tribute to
the WSJ scribe Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped and murdered in Pakistan,
while following a story there.

Pearl is believed to have visited Goa too, but this concert was part of a
global tribute 
October 10 happened to be the second annual Daniel Pearl Music Day, and
would have been his 40th birthday. It is to be celebrated across the globe
in non-profit musical events, with calls for 'harmony for humanity'. 

Da Costa said she had brought in "musicians and bands from within and
outside Goa" -- including The Brown Indian Band, The Music Company, Mabel
with Anibal Castro Quartet, Taal Tri-Rang and Soggy Biscuits, all of whom
would perform free. 

Five women artists were also selected to exhibit their paintings at the
venue -- Yolanda de Souza, Fernanda de Mello, Nirupa Naik, Tanya Mendonsa
and Chaitali Morajkar. 

Journalist Pearl is also known to have been a violinist, fiddler and
mandolin player. "He joined a band, orchestra or chamber group in every town
in which he lived and formed connections through his passion for music and
friendship," said da Costa. (ENDS) 

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and 

[Goanet]WHAT'S COOKING... sorpatel (a saucy pork dish)

2003-10-10 Thread Daisy & Lino Rodrigues
Good day my fellow Goans & friends,

I have received many requests for the following recipe, which happens to be
the essence of Goan cuisine.  Adapted from the Portuguese dish of Sarabulho,
this dish is served traditionally on feast days, Christmas and weddings.  It
goes extremely well with a rice cake called "sanna", " Yes, I am talking
about the delicious saucy pork dish, "sorpotel:.  If I may, I am including a
part of a poem that seemed quite appropriate for this article:

For the famed Tandoori Chicken 
That Punjabis praise like hell 
For us who hail from Goa 
There's nothing like SORPOTEL! 

Isn't that the truth!  Anyhow, more traditional recipes call for the use of
cooked pigs blood. However, I don't think too many of you would savor this,
to be sure. There are several versions of this dish and I have tried about
10 of them.  Here is one that I thought was pretty easy to follow.  Enjoy
and as usual send me your feedback. Happy eating! - Daisy

2 lbs pork liver
1 lb pork tongue
1 lb pork heart
1 lb pork ear
1 lb intestines
2 lbs pork meat
2 medium onions
Quarter tablespoon chili powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
? teaspoon turmeric powder
1-teaspoon pepper powder
1-inch ginger (grated)
2 cloves garlic (crushed & finely chopped)_
1-cup vinegar
1-teaspoon sugar

Boil all the pork parts.  Add a little salt to the water.  Mix the vinegar,
sugar and spice powders and keep aside.  When the meat cools, cut into fine
pieces.  Fry this in a non-stick pan with a little oil.  Separately, heat up
some oil and put in ginger & garlic.  Saute for about 3 minutes, then add
chopped onions and saute till translucent.  Add fried meat and vinegar
mixture and coat the meat well. If too dry, add a little water.  Cook till
the sauce thickens.  Yum? Enjoy!

Note:  For those of you that are squeamish about using the various parts of
the pork, stick with the liver and pork meat only.  You can get the same
results although some of you may not agree with me.  If you have different
versions of this recipe and would like to share, please email me.  Thanks.

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: [Goanet] Goa's Patron Saint

2003-10-10 Thread Santosh Helekar
Ivo Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Lack of genuine religious education has led today's society to
>the brink of a disaster. Saints show us the way to a transformative

I disagree. We do not need religion or religious education to know 
how to live a good, decent and honest life. All we need is a 
humanitarian, utilitarian and rational moral sense of right and 
wrong. Today's society is not at the brink of disaster. That is an 
apocalyptic view, perpetuated among other things by a genuine 
religious education.



# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #


2003-10-10 Thread airesrod
Goa is so small yet we have abundant resources and no dearth of politicians
either. Politicians who keep politicking round the clock and 365 days in a
year. It is this politicking that is stalling Goa's progress and the rapid
advancement we would have otherwise achieved.

It is this politics that derails us from the path to prosperity. We need to
have all the political debates and discussion at election time and then for
five years work in togetherness with selfless zeal and a clear focused

All Political parties should be unambiguous on issues that concern the
common good. There can be no denial that Corruption is the one issue that
needs to be addressed by all. It is only good governance and transparency in
the day to day functioning of every authority that will take us to our
prized destination.

All parties while securing their interests should first focus on what is
best for the state and its long-term future. If the BJP could keep the
communal elements within its cadres at bay and the Congress could clearly
distance itself from the corrupt individuals within its ranks it would be a
right recipe and things may look bright for this State of ours. And of
course if the rest of the fringe parties wake up to the reality as to where
they really stand it may help us in the long run to work in conjunction.

In the United Kingdom for example the parties fight it out relentlessly at
election time. Once the votes are counted all the parties have only one
goal - the progress and development of their country. There is never
politics of vengeance or retribution. Those in power and the ones in
opposition try and build a consensus on most issues and work together
towards the progress and development of their land. One good aspect there is
that there are only three main political parties and Independents do not
mushroom as they do in fertile Goa at election time.

It may take time to develop our political system but we have to be
optimistic and try hard. Goa could set the example and be a model state for
the rest of the country. We will then be remembered for the right reasons
and not for the frequent defections as in the not so distant past.

Today and over the years Goa has advanced but we could have done much
better. Goa has to remember that the Dempos, Salgaoncars, Chowgules,Timblos
etc. have not only built their business empires but have also contributed
their share to Goa's development. The educational institutions some of these
industrialists have set up have gone a long way towards imparting academic
impetus to our students. That most of the graduates produced by these
institutions have not been provided a career avenue by the Government
policies is a different issue.

All parties have to resolve that all these foreign jaunts cannot be at
public expense. It has to be ensured that any trips abroad including any
cultural trips have to be sponsored events. The Government should get its
priorities right. Paying the four crores owed to KLE hospital is a priority
and extravagant expenses on trips abroad are unwarranted and unaffordable.
The Government should do everything possible to avoid unnecessary
expenditure in all quarters. Our coffers are empty and we have to go all out
to rescue the exchequer.

There has to also be a consensus to ensure that the bureaucracy gets its
independence and its identity. It is a shame that officers over the years
have been manipulated and tamed by the powers to be and that in fact the
officers have no role to play except to dance to the tunes of those in

Today due to the ground realities we cannot sympathise with the cry of the
past, Goa for Goans. We have to think and march as Indians and live and let
our fellow brothers feel at home in this very hospitable land of ours just
as Goans in their thousands have made their homes in other parts of India.

We have to work hand in hand to preserve and retain our secular fabric at
all cost. Temples, mosques and Churches should be instruments for bringing
people together rather than segregating us. Id, Diwali and Christmas should
be occasions of joy and celebration to one and all regardless of caste and

Those in power should be able to relish and digest constructive criticism.
To err is human so unless one is alerted one may not realise one's folly.
Criticism should be taken in stride rather than something personal.

Goa is indeed the India's best state to live in. We can only appreciate
Goa's goodness once  we go on a day trip to neighbouring Sawantwadi or even
Karwar. Let alone the feelings you may have if you go to Bihar or Madhya
Pradesh. It is these feelings that should give us the drive to further
improve our State.

Aires Rodrigues

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joing

[Goanet]CONSUMER ALERT:A filthy jetty at Betim

2003-10-10 Thread GOACAN

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network

A Filthy Jetty

It seems that the Betim jetty has been taken over by stray cattle.
At any given point of time there are at least 10-12 cows sitting there.
The place is full of cowdung, plastic bottles, paper and other garbage.
The approach to the ferry is a downward slope which is green with
moss and splattered with cowdung. Ideal conditions for people to slip
and get injured. The Panaji side of the jetty is not much better.
Apart from being a sickening sight the carelessness of the authorities
in taking care of the jetty presents a sorry picture to a lot of the locals
and also to domestic and international tourists who use the ferry. A
massive clean-up jobs is required urgently.
in a letter to the Editor
The Navhind Times 9/10/03 page 10
to promote civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  website: www.goacan.org
# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #


2003-10-10 Thread domnic fernandes
Here are some more Konkani proverbs, which I was able to recall during the 

Reddea-paddeachem zuz, zaddacher kau
Etolo deumchar, kolltolo soumsar
Xita fuddem mitt khaumchem noi
Lozta to fosta
Ximbreak loz nam
Kaddi kadlear, paddi voita
Dorian assa mosso, moll korta pisso
Kadli jib, laili tonddak
Panchui bottam ek sarkim noi
Eka kapddan bail mathari zainam
Firingui mele, undde kabar zale
Amche ami, Simao komi
Sottie ratik boroilelem chukonam
Votan aslealeak savllen vochonk xem dista
Chamddi soddit pun domddi soddpak nam
Sovaichem khan, pott fuguem
Thodde dis maimche, thodde dis sunemche
Mazrak sath jiu
Deu mon polloun dhon dita
Rogtak rogot vollkota
Soirea pormonnem, ghor zainam
Deklem moddem, eilem roddnnem
Undrachea ragan, ghorak uzo
Nakak dhorlear, tondd ugttem zata
Kanank vainguim bandop
Dhi respect, ghue respet
Kelelea mapan bhog
Bhat-ac zai zalear amans, nam zalear punov
Etolo deumchar, kolltolo soumsar
Xennantlo kiddo xennant uronam
Chodd nahateleak chodd chikol
Ekdam chor to sodanch chor
Zogzogta tem bangar noi
Sukea barabor voleim lasta
Athan-ui dhoronam ani vorlen-ui dhoronam
Xennantlo kiddo xennant uronam
Mog aslear un-un vodde ghanttar pautat nam zalear xellele torui pavonant
Deklear chor nam zalear xenttam todd
Hagteleak loz nam zalear, polleteleak tori assonk zai
Zounnem thoddem, kimchonnem chodd
Xenttache bajiek, tupachim fonnam
Xenttani konnieo punzavop
Khobro urleo khobranchea manddar, bail nidli govachea anddar
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# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet]GOA BAYWATCH:Two Bangalore youth drown off Baga beach

2003-10-10 Thread GOACAN

Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/

Two Bangalore youth drown off Baga beach
Goa’s famed coastline continued to claim victims for the second day
in a row, when one youth from Bangalore drowned in the sea off Baga
beach on Wednesday afternoon, while his friend expired on the way to
According to police, a nine-member group of youth arrived in Goa on
Tuesday on a sight-seeing trip and were staying in a hotel at Miramar.
On Wednesday morning, the group decided to visit the beaches in North
Goa. After spending some time at the Calangute beach, the group then
proceeded to Baga.
Five members of the group decided to venture into the sea for a swim
at about 1.30 pm and a short while later, two of them returned to the
shores to click photographs. Moments later, three youth — Ayaraj (25),
Ravi J R (26) and Navin Kumar (25) — were hit by a large wave and
were pulled into the sea.
The two friends who were on the shore immediately raised an alarm.
Local fishermen and the lifeguard on duty rushed to their rescue and
managed to pull out Navin, who was rushed to the Candolim Primary
Health Centre (PHC) for treatment.
About 20 minutes later, Ayaraj was spotted in the sea and was brought
to the shore. He however breathed his last on the way to the Candolim
PHC hospital. The body of Ravi was fished out from the sea later at about
4 pm. The two bodies were later taken to the Goa Medical College Hospital
at Bambolim for an autopsy. Police has established contacts with the
families of the deceased.
Earlier on Tuesday, a teacher and three students from Tamil Nadu drowned
off the Colva beach, while a youth from Hubli drowned off the Calangute
beach. According to sources, nearly 60 people have drowned in the sea,
off the Goan beaches and most of the victims have been tourists.

HERALD 9/10/03 page 1
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet]Let us know our Artistes! Preserve our Music and see how we can lift it UP!

2003-10-10 Thread Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues
Goans have been called a people of music and dance
Goans have been known all over the world to excel in Music.
Many a Goan have contributed in a big way to produce great Musical
I was wondering if we could put together a directory of Musicians from Goa
and their Contribution to World Music along with their contact information.
If such adirectory is already available ,I would most certainly welcome an
assistance to lead me to it,It would be great if it is already available on
If the information is not already available ,it would be agreat opportunity
to put it together.
I would like to  humbly, welcome ways and means,as to how we can network
this together,for all who share the feeling of being Goan and who identify
themselves with being very much GOAN and not Gone!
All of the Goanet volunteers ,official /unofficial ,can we get your
suggestions please?

On The Internet!
Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues
Simply Goan,Simple Goan!
 Panjim Goa India 403001
CALL the WORLD for FREE!!*
  tel: +91-832-2224119
tel2: +91-832-2421646

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet]Konkani Proverbs; flavour lost in translations!

2003-10-10 Thread Eddie
Agree with you Valmiki, Miguel, thats the reason my first post on proverbs
was without translations as its in simple konkani and not devnagri.

The translations/meanings are for those Goanetters who had asked for 
translations as they  could not understand konkani and its good to see them
making an effort to learn Konkani.

Also a question to the Admin pls: Why are posts in Konkani not censored
likewise posts in English?

Eddie Verdes
> Original Message -
> From: "Miguel Braganza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet]Konkani Proverbs; flavour lost in translations!
> Miguel
 From: "Valmiki Faleiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet]Wisdom in Goan Proverbs

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

JESS: Retractions through Rete object trouble!

2003-10-10 Thread Jordan Willms
Hi there.

I am communicating with the Jess engine using Java, and I've noticed
some altogether strange behaviour with Fact retractions (which I have no
doubt is my fault). I come to the mailing list as a last resort.

I am quite experienced with Jess/Java integration, which is why this problem

is very confusing to me.

Firstly, take the following retraction string, I run it in WinJess with no
problems : 

(retract-string "


But, the same string, generated from a rdf file :


Re: [Juglist] Which is m

JESS: Retractions through Rete object trouble!
Jordan Willms



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