[Goanet]re: dubai soccer

2004-11-11 Thread Eugene Correia
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I think Borg hasn't understood my post fully. I
appreciated his posting the reports, but I wanted the
whole world to know that they are published reports
from an established paper.
Borg makes a mistake in applying the Konkani phrase to
me. You must know when and in what context to quote 
Konkani phrases or sayings. 
Since Borg took the initiative in posting the reports,
why would others want to do? Carry on the good work.
By acknowledging the source, you are given credit to
both the newspaper and the reporter.
I gave Wilfred's name to show that it's a Goan who is
covering the tournament. It's just extra information.


Do you Yahoo!? 
Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. 

[Goanet]Fw: Meeting of the Minds - LOK ULOITAT - FUDARI AIKTAT- A Goan Inititative to Empower the People.

2004-11-11 Thread goasuraj
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- Original Message -
From: goasuraj
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 9:37 AM
Subject: Meeting of the Minds - LOK ULOITAT - FUDARI AIKTAT- A Goan
Inititative to Empower the People.

November 12, 2004

The Editor,
V. Ixtt.
Via e-mail.

Dear Sir,

Subject: Meeting of the Minds - LOK  ULOITAT- FUDARI AIKTAT

You are well aware of the existence of the Goa Su-Raj Party. It was formed
to correct and/or to help bring about a reformation in the inconsistencies
and anti people agendas of the leading National as well as Regional
political parties of  Goa by giving teeth to the people, the voters,  to
have a say in the matter in their own governance.

An initiative in this regard will take place at CARITAS, St. Inez, Panjim on
20th. November, 2004 from 4.00 to 6.30 P.M. wherein  an absolute departure
from the traditional public meetings will be observed by not having
guest/star speakers but allowing the people from the audience to speak on
pre-selected political topics for a duration that will be decided by the
moderator  to give equal time for all speakers. Therefore, it goes without
saying that those persons who are interested and or eager to put up their
view points must indicated their willingness to do so, so  that a list may
be drawn-up to allocate equal slots for all speakers. Time permitting, open
slots shall be given to the members of the audience to put across their view

This has not happened in Goa as far as our knowledge goes. It has been
observed that political parties have had their own respective agendas. And
these agendas are forced on the people whether they agree or not. Mostly,
these agendas are secret and unwritten, wherein the people at large are
innocently drawn into the web of the vicious circle without their knowing or
being conscious about it by creating an artificial and/or made to order

Through this initiative  at CARITAS,  people will be able to give  voice to
their inner feelings  so that the powers that be listen and be guided
accordingly to draw-up their agendas.

Per se every single citizen of the state is a  law abider. Those who disobey
the laws know that there are reprimands and punishments to be suffered. But
still some do break the laws knowing that they will get away through the
inconsistencies of the laws, rules and regulations and the manipulative
exercises indulged into by the political class. Therefore, 90 to 95 percent
of the people of the state, irrespective of their faiths, beliefs or
political leanings,   respect just laws. But the same people must have a
voice in objecting to those laws which are highly unjust and manipulative in
nature which get the sanctity of the rule of law through vested

The intelligence of the people, of individuals,  gets trampled upon when
leaders speak-up and build a make-believe world to entrap them in their own
designs where they do not get a chance to voice their differences.  By this
initiative, which will reach each and every city, town and district of the
State in its own time, will give a chance to the people to talk, where
leaders shall listen to adapt themselves  accordingly,  to make
legislations, laws and rules that are compatible with the general thinking.
After all, we are in a democracy and everything is supposed to be happening
as according to the wishes of the people.

We shall thank you to project these views in your writings to apprise the
people of Goa that such a thing is happening and it is to their own benefit
and advantage that they voluntarily participate and be listened to.

And,  we have absolute faith that your good intentions will carry the day.

Yours Sincerely,
for Goa  Su-Raj Party


(Dr. N.S. Dumo)
Vice President (North)

Venue: CARITAS - St. Inez, Panjim.
Saturday- 20/NOV/04 From 4.00 TO 6:30 P.M.
No Guest Speakers
Open to individuals on registration basis for allocating time slots.
Open slots: time permitting only.

1. Present Political Scenario in Goa
2. People's Agenda V/s Agenda of Political Parties.
3. Role of NGOs.
4. People's plan of Action for Political Parties.
5. Your commitment to make the system of governance people friendly.

Presenter to submit written presentation (if possible) for moderator's
Call 2266111 or 9422060347  OR  email [EMAIL PROTECTED] to register to
speak (no fees)

(Organised by: GSRP)

Note: This message has been sent to all leading daily/weekly etc newspapers
of Goa including national newspapers.

[Goanet]Being a Goan on Goanet

2004-11-11 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Dear Goanetters,

The important issue about a debate on the Goanet should never be the
debaters or their origin. The issue is the SUBJECT of the debate.

As per the Goanet rules, the discussion should be either Goa* related ...or
out. [* CONDITIONS APPLY. Charter flight fares are 'Goa-related' as the
destination is Goa. Kerry v/s Bush debate is 'Goa related' as there are Goan
adults with possible voting rights in USA. Karnataka Rajyotsav can been
discussed as Samir lives in Bangalore and espouses legalization of
prostitution in Goa from there ,etc,etc ;-( .]

Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote
[Should] any additional weightage whatsoever should be given to the
> arguments of the party that is 'Goan'?
> Cecil wrote:>
> This is GoaNet so naturally being Goan is in one's favour. Or
isn't it?
> Question everything - Karl Marx

Fred wrote earlier:
> * The concept of being "Goan" is quite problematic, considering that what
> is "Goan" is defined by (accident of) Portuguese conquest.

> In Goa, we don't accept the poor migrant, but a Pratapsing Rane whose
> family migrated from Rajputana land after the Portuguese, or a little
> earlier, gets prompt acceptance as one of Goa's longest serving CMs.

> * Since we all do not believe that man originated in Goa, it is obvious
> that all of us migrated *into* Goa at some point of time.

I don't subscribe to the view that those
> controlling the comunidades in Goa were necessarily the *earliest
> settlers* of these respective areas. The most dominant at one point of
> time? Probably.
> These comments reflect my personal biases, and are not intended to pretend
> to be the opinions of the Goanet Admin Team.
> I quite respect Helga and her forward-looking point of view, and she has
> questioned Gadgil's interpretation of her comments.  More so, when the
debate was about the US Presidential elections. (Even if  the debate was
about Goa, the test would be who is more logical, and not
> the background of the discussant.)

 For example, a Philip Thomas can and is
> adding a lot of value to our debates, while a number of us so-called blue
> blooded sons of the red soil of Goa continue to talk crap.
> FN

 Being Goan* [wrt the topic] should be in one's favour,shouldn't it?

However, who constitutes a GOAN is itself debatable.;-)) and I am not in
sync with what Fred wrote, either:

* Unlike what Fred likes to believe, the Portuguese did not come to Goa
[Gopakkapatna or Ilha de Goa ,actually] by 'accident': they were 'INVITED'
to capture Goa by Admiral Thimmaiah[ or Timmayya or Tammaji Appa] of the
Vijaynagar Kingdom. This is part of the official history books in
post-Liberation Goa.

*A migrant is not a 'Goan' just as a Goan who has migrated to Canada is not
a Canadian or to UK is not a Brit. His or her  GOA-BORN child is a native
Goan. That is what the dictionary--and the law--says in most cases. As far
as I know, Pratapsingh Rane was born in Goa and to Goan parents.No one knows
where our ancestors came from. The "mesticos" and the "decendents" and
children of Rusian, Armenian, German, etc parentage are also called Goans if
they are Goa born. I have had them as childhood friends and acquaintances.
e.g. Lucio Miranda's wife is a German but can anyone think of Ashok, Arun or
Rahul as non-Goans...or even as mesticos?

*Ask Vincente Correia Afonso what he has to say on this subject. Was Eden in
Aden or in Europe? It could very well have been in Goa.Perhaps man evolved
from Chimpanzees in Gondwana land while it was a part of Africa.before
it shifted on the tectonic plates and became the Indian peninsula. the site
of evolution could be Goa, a part of GONDWANA LAND. I am not with you in the
exclusion of this possibility.

* Communidades [ and the Gaunkari or Gaokari before them] are the
associations of adult MALE descendents of MALE  members of the landed class
in Goa[ Something like the bhumihars of UP and Bihar]. That is not to say
that they settled in Goa without their women[who technically are not
'gaokars'] OR THE SONS OF THEIR DAUGHTERS[ who are also non-Gaokars] e.g. My
sons are gaunkars, but my sisters' sons are not...because my sisters are not
gaunkars although their [and my] father was a gaunkar. The gaunkari or
joneiro is a patrilineal male line only, Like it or lump it. That's it.

*The sad episode of the unwarranted attack on  Tariq would not have come
about if the Goanet had stuck to its rules...and not got Kerried away into
the bush ..by the Yankee doodle dandies.;-(

[Goanet]Re: JC finally beginning to make sense to Mr. Pinto & - GoaNet double standa...

2004-11-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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In a message dated 11/11/2004 7:06:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

I wonder: Does Mr. Rangel-Ribeiro agree that HIS posts did NOT have a "screen 
name" besides [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?  If So,  Will he issue a retraction of  
that part (atleast) of what he wrote? or Will he use some standard excuse (I 
am not interested in unending debates) and just keep quiet now?

Will he come with more unbalanced Kattor re Bhaji?

Dear Dr. J. Colaco,

All my posts go out under my own screen name, which is vrangelrib. Once 
they appear, I do not read them, because I know what they say---I promptly 
delete them. If goanet left out my screenname, it had nothing to do with me; 
and I did not notice it, since I deleted the message as soon as I saw it had 
been published. 

You asked at some point whether, since I had objected to public 
congratulations being extended on Goanet, I would also object to birthday 
messages and messages of condolence. Not one of the birthday greetings and 
messages of condolence that have appeared on Goanet over the years have 
included attacks on other people, living or dead; the post about Ben Antao 
being appointed president of a Canadian authors' group slammed other Goan 
writers, both named and unnamed, for not publicly congratulating him.

I did not object to your congratulating Ben Antao on Goanet, or anybody 
else who felt like doing so; I objected to the demand that other Goan writers 
should also congratulate Ben in public, or face censure.

Finally, you ask: "Will he come with more unbalanced Kattor re Bhaji?"
Since I have not yet come up with any unbalanced Kattor re Bhaji, it 
would be difficult for me to come up with "more".

Best regards,

[Goanet]8-A-Side Ramadan Tournament Final

2004-11-11 Thread Julio Cardoso
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The semi finals of the 8-A-Side Ramadan Tournament being organized by
Goan Overseas Association in down town Kuwait City which were scheduled
to be held on Wednesday, were postponed due to lights disruption, and
will now be played on Friday, 12th November 2004, along with the final.
The program today is as follows:-

05:45pm Bombay Boys v/s Curtorcares (semi final)
06:30pm City Boys v/s Buffalo Soldiers (semi final)
7:00pm  Navelim Y.C v/s Goa Maroons (Exhibition Match)
7:30pm  Final

The chief guest is Mr. Assumption D'Sa the founder member of Goan
Overseas Association, who is celebrating his 75th birthday this week.

Julio Cardoso / Kuwait

[Goanet]Re: On being a Goan

2004-11-11 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
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You should be judging me on the basis
of what I say, not on the basis of such considerations.

Apples and oranges.
You cannot change your blood group or caste but you can change
the colour 
of your underpants...

Cecil, you have hidden behind humour and ducked Fred's question. Should
one be judged on the basis of what one says, or on the basis of other
considerations, though these considerations may be as different from
each other as apples and oranges?

Of course, Karl Marx quite rightly held that one should never judge
people by what they say but by what they do, but since Goanet is all
about saying (talking), we can let that pass.

This is the crux of the matter. Who calls themselves Goans? 

The crux indeed. I think Mervyn has already answered part of your
question by pointing out that a person can have multiple, overlapping
and intersecting identities. And these are not necessarily in conflict,
why can't people consider themselves Goan and
Bengali/Malayali/Portuguese/French/Tanzanian or whatever? What is the conflict
betweent these identities? This question of allegiance is valid if the
two entities are at war or something, then one might have to choose
between the two identities. Meanwhile, why can't these identities
happily co-exist? 

It's all a matter of allegiance.

This 'allegiance' business is very worrisome. Next we'll be talking of
having a kind of Tebbit test, so if a person cheers for Andhra Pradesh
in a Goa-Andhra Pradesh Ranji trophy cricket match, that person stands

Yes, allegiance in terms of looking out for the interests of the place
one lives in is important. It is also plain common sense. There is a
saying, which can be roughly paraphrased as "Do not sh-- in the plate
from which you eat!" So of course all those who live in Goa should be
concerned about the interests of Goa, and opposed to things which harm

We Goans spend so much time debating who is Goan and being
polite to 
non-Goans (on this matter) - most of whom identify themselves by
their home 
State / Country

Yes, people in Goa are by and large among the nicest, politest people I
have met, but whether they are always sensitive to those whom they
perceive as 'outsiders' is a question which would be firmly answered in
the negative by any bunch of 'outsiders'.

A little personal digression here. Over the years I have lived in
various parts of India, but have spent substantial years in Madhya
Pradesh, Bihar and Karnataka (apart from Maharashtra, where I was born
and grew up). Yes, people everywhere suffer from this outsider/insider
mentality (all human beings are firmly convinced that they and the
group/s they belong to are superior to all others), but in Goa it does
have a bit of a paranoid edge. The kind of bizarre remarks that I have
heard here have simply been astounding! A number of times various people
have said things to my face like "You outsiders are coming here and
taking our jobs/homes/land/etc." By now I have a stock reply to this,
"There are so many Goans in my 'home town' that there are no
jobs/homes/land/etc. available for me there, so what to do?"

This retort happens to have a certain amount of truth in it. I do not
identify myself as a 'Maharashtrian', but it can be demonstrated with
little difficulty that there are far more 'Goans' in Maharashtra
(particularly in Bombay and Pune) than there are 'Maharashtrians' in

Which brings me to something I have never really understood. One would
expect that a community which has such a large and widespread diaspora
would be particularly sensitive on this insider/outsider business; after
all, nearly every 'Goan' I know has a close relative settled elsewhere
in India or the world. But this is not the case; insensitivity and
paranoia rules.  

If the Rane's or the migrant's proudly call themselves Goans
then they will 
be accepted as such I think. 

Yes, I am willing to broadly accept this definition of 'Goan' -- those
who call themselves as such! But the problem is that though I call
myself a Goan, most 'Goans' call me an 'outsider'.

It's those who still retain their native place 
as their identity who have no right to call themselves Goan.

Why not? Multiple identities! Not 'or' but 'and'.

* Since we all do not believe that man originated in Goa, it is
that all o

[Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-11 Thread Mario Goveia
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We weep for every one of our heroes, especially because they VOLUNTEERED to 
shed their blood to liberate others.  This has always been America's 
contribution to world peace, throughout history.  They instinctively 
understand that freedom is not free, which most others take for granted.  So, 
please don't shed crocodile tears for our 1,200 heroes in Iraq unless you did 
the same for the well over a million Iraqis, Iranis and Kuwaitis that Saddam 
Hussein was responsible for killing.  Our heroes have liberated 50 million 
Afghans and Iraqis, and Libya, where their leader was considered even worse 
than Saddam, has decided to join the civilized world.  It took 4 to 7 years to 
pacify and democratize Japan and Germany and our troops protect them to this 
day.  I always wonder whether there is some subliminal racism in play when 
people want to deny Muslims the same freedom and democracy that every one of 
us enjoys.

Seb dc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Don't know about the world dodging... but the thousand souls, that died
earlier did weep on this day and for the ones joining them from present day
Iraq. Really sad!


2004-11-11 Thread Aires Rodrigues
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Goa Crime Branch Police Inspector Mrs. Ezilda D' Souza, investigating
officer of the Ribandar Church molestation case has reportedly been sternly
censured by top police bosses for intentionally delaying to file the
chargesheet against Ribandar Parish priest Fr. Newton Rodrigues even though
the investigation of the case was complete.

She has been directed to file the targeted immediately and her request to
relieve her from the case has been turned down and has been told that on
taking oath as police officer she was bound to discharge her duties with
responsibility, fairly and fearlessly.

It may be recalled that Mrs. Ezilda D' Souza had at the fag end of the
investigation reportedly sought a transfer from her current posting claiming
that as a Roman Catholic and being also from Ribandar she did not have the
moral courage to charge sheet the Parish Priest.

The Old Goa Police station had on 18th August 2004 registered an F.I.R
against Ribandar Parish Priest Fr. Newton Rodrigues based on a complaint
from a 13 year old Ribandar girl that on the pretext of taking confession
the Parish Priest Fr. Newton Rodrigues took her to a room in the church and
molested her.

The F.I.R against Ribandar Parish Priest Fr. Newton Rodrigues for offences
under section 354 IPC (molestation) and section 8(2) of the Goa Children's
Act, 2003 though registered at the Old Goa Police station the case was
transferred to the Crime Branch at Dona Paula for further investigation.

Crime Branch Police Inspector Ezilda D' Souza had in a statement before the
Panaji bench of the Bombay High Court on 16th September submitted that the
investigation of the alleged molestation case was at the last stage and that
the charge sheet against Fr. Newton Rodrigues was being filed shortly.

A contempt of Court petition now filed against Police Inspector Mrs. Ezilda
D' Souza for not having complied with this undertaking is pending before the
High Court.

Meanwhile, fearing the embarrassment his impending chargesheeting may cause
to the Catholic church especially in view of the forthcoming Exposition the
accused priest Fr. Newton Rodrigues has reportedly been making hectic
attempts by seeking help of top political leaders from various parties to
try and hush up the matter.

The accused Priest has also managed to get the victim and her mother to
attempt to withdraw their complaint after two months of registering it but
this has not been accepted by the top police officers who have decided that
the matter should now be dealt by the courts in view of the fact that the
victim is a minor and the investigation of the molestation case complete
with statements of over 14 witnesses recorded.

[Goanet]Re: Americans emigrating to Canada

2004-11-11 Thread Mario Goveia
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George, the fact remains that Sean will pay for your move to Canada should you 
want to go, and if you promise NOT to return.  I'm sure he will also pay to 
shine your shoes as well.

George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Another falsehood from the radical right. Sean Hannity is NOT my friend. I 
would not let him polish my shoes.


[Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-11 Thread Mario Goveia
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I am on vacation right now so I don't have all the details.  However, I 
remember some:
1. Iraq had no WMDs.  All we know is that no stockpiles were found in Iraq.  
We do NOT have an accounting of the stockpiles Saddam admitted having in the 
ceasefire agreement of 1991.  This is what the 17 UN resolutions over 12 years 
since 1991 were all about, culminating with UN resolution 1441.  Look it up 
and see what it says.
2. Saddam had no links with al Qaeda.  The 9/11 Commission report documented 
many close links.  However, they did not find that Saddam had a hand in 9/11.  
Go to www.senate.gov and read the 9/11 Commission report.
3. During the recent election The Media Fund was running radio ads claiming 
that the Bush administration rounded up the Bin Laden family after 9/11 and 
flew them out of the country during the flight embargo so they could not be 
interrogated.  This was being said in spite of the 9/11 Commission finding 
several months ago that these family members had been investigated by the FBI, 
had no ties to Bin Laden, and were flown out for their protection after the 
embargo was lifted.
4. There is a whole internet industry that has developed to debunk Michael 
Moore's lies.  One URL that has documented over 35 deliberate distortions and 
falsehoods is www.farenheit_fact.blogspot.com, complete with sources and 
footnotes.  There are several others listed on www.moorelies.com 

Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am still waiting to hear what are the "deliberate falsehoods" being talked 
about here. Please clarify with examples.


[Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-11 Thread Mario Goveia
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They like to think of themselves as more educated an "progressive", which is 
why the Democrats chose a supercilious candidate like John Kerry, and they 
will continue to lose elections.  If you look at the electoral map BY COUNTY 
you will see that it's NOT red states versus blue states but major urban 
centers versus everyone else.
So maybe it will be a win-win situation.  We don't need people with such 
attitudes and Canada will get people who think of themselves as more educated 
and progressive.

Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Those pushing for Canada to accept the Americans from "Blue" states, ALWAYS 
point out that these Americans are the more educated and progressive 
components of the US population.



2004-11-11 Thread Gabe Menezes
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From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 1:50 PM
Subject: [Goanet][OFFTOPIC] TWNFeatures -- ROOT OF HIGH OIL PRICES
Not a Goa-related posting, but I guess it could interest both 
economics-related Goanetters and those in the Gulf. FN

-- Forwarded message --

RESPONSE: If the rest of us Goanetters, start off our emails in the same 
vein as you have done, clarifying that it is not Goa/Goan related will that 
therefore give a carte blanche through pass? This is of course when one 
feels strongly about a certain subject!


[Goanet]London Goan's musings.

2004-11-11 Thread Gabe Menezes
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I attended the Merton Goans drop-in on Wednesday. This is a drop-in that 
takes place every Wednesday and the members are primarily seniors. Many had 
attended a recent funeral of a Goan and were informing me of the service. 
Quite a few were upset at the eulogy and sought my opinion. I sympathized 
their feelings and confirmed to them that indeed, they had heard correctly 
as this eulogy was printed in London's premier Goan website. I was shocked 
when I read it.  An eulogy is supposed to extol the virtues of the deceased; 
this piece published the deceased's failings - unfortunately this is in 
print and is now available to the whole wide World - When I go, I hope my 
survivors check the eulogy. It would be interesting though, if it was 
mentioned, ever loving husband of Lily, extremely fond of his Stella!

Also heard about the function that they had attended on the Sunday. The 
priest who said the Mass was highly thought of, in the manner that he spoke. 
Almost everyone to a fault, described the food as diabolical, some wondering 
whether they should have been given a refund! Rice was grainy, fish had guts 
intact, miserly starters.  I am stating this here and now to avert a glossy 
picture being painted about this function  in the next issue of the GOA 

That's it for now, hope to keep you in touch with pulse of the Seniors.

Re: [Goanet]Police dog

2004-11-11 Thread floriano
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Greeting reciprocated.

This is highly appreciated.

Floriano Lobo

- Original Message -
From: "Howi Mueller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 8:13 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Police dog

> Alsatian was quite right, but German Shepherd Dog is simply the
> for " Deutscher Schäferhund".(ä = ae).
> Greetings
> Howi

[Goanet]Police dog

2004-11-11 Thread Gabe Menezes
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From: "Howi Mueller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote:-
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 2:43 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Police dog

Alsatian was quite right, but German Shepherd Dog is simply the 
for " Deutscher Schäferhund".(ä = ae).


RESPONSE: I take it you are German or of German stock. Thank you for your 
translation and for correcting me.
This being the case I take back my post of rebuttal to Floriano, Sorry ! 
Once again I eat humble crow!


Re: [Goanet]Ambedkar Awas Yojana

2004-11-11 Thread floriano
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Dear Percy,
Greetings from the 'Gift-Away Land'
We Goans are a funny lot, aren't we?
If the house and the property one has worked, sweated and died for was to be
gifted away by some industrious crook called the Government one of these
things would happen in these places:

PUNJAB - a blood bath where they do not want to share even their water.
W. BENGAL - Burning of public property like buses and Government offices.
TAMIL NADU - Another Veerappan would arise to maim, kill and abduct.
KASHMIR - Parliament house with the parliamentarians blown up to kingdom
KERALA- Government ministers would be on permanent Yatra outside Kerala.
GOA- Kneel down to say " PRAISE THE LORD" and put up a 'welcome to my house'

BTW in the "Meeting of the minds - LOK ULOITAT  to be held at CARITAS on
20/Nov/04 (4 P.M.),  John Philip Pereira, special attorney of the Comunidade
of Nagoa (Verna) will speak on "Ambedkar Awas Yojana"  and its disastrous
consequences for Goans.

Floriano Camot Lobo

- Original Message -
From: "percy ferrao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 8:26 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Ambedkar Awas Yojana

> When the politicians don't own the communidade land, are they right to
gift it
> to the landless (migrants & thier cronies)?  Is the Governments policy of
> maintaining low birth rate only for the Goans? And why do we Goans have to
> sweat it out in distant lands in order to buy a piece of land or build a
> at astronomical rates ? This is a sinister move and daylight robbery by
> unscruplous politicians to garner  vote banks and dilute the ethnic goan
> people. The people of Curtorim and Pazarkone (Cuncolim) have rightly
> demonstrated,isn't it time for the rest of us to demonstrate and get rid
> all these yojana's ?
> Percy Ferrao
> Ealing  Road

[Goanet]Living in a what-if world

2004-11-11 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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Usenet newsgroups (the poor cousin of the web, once very active... now 
quite neglected) actually has a group called soc.history.what-if

Given the small but vocal number of Goanetters who prefer to live in a 
what-if world, perhaps this group would be of interest to some denizens of 
cyberspace who are linked to our part of the world.

The guys at what-if are speculating on how history could indeed have been 
*very* different, if only certain events had taken place differently. 
On it, I found 303 references to Goa (some false positives, not remotely 
related to Goa as we know it BTW is/was there a "city of Goa on the 
Niger river"? Some site seems to call it Kawkaw or "modern-day Goa".)

But while speculating, they seem to have a rather keen understanding of 
global history, and can quickly get challenged if they talk rot. Or at 
least that's the impression one got; maybe those with historical 
qualifications could give in their comment.

It seems to be more of an academic exercise, rather than to live in an 
unhappy what-if world, wishing and hoping against reality that history had 
shaped up differently!

To find this Usenet newsgroup, go to http://groups.google.com and there 
search for "soc.history.what-if goa" (without the quotes).

Let us all know if you find something interesting.
Below is one extract. FN

Frederick Noronha (FN)Nr Convent Saligao 403511 GoaIndia
Freelance Journalist  P: 832-2409490 M: 9822122436
http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks http://fn.swiki.net
http://www.ryze.com/go/fredericknoronha   http://fn-floss.notlong.com

Difficulties to send email across? Write to fredericknoronha at vsnl.net

   From: Jamie McDonell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   Subject: Re: Loyalist Enclaves
   Newsgroups: soc.history.what-if
   Date: 2004-11-06 20:45:35 PST
 Stanley wrote:
 > Dave Kohlhoff  wrote...
 >> It's one thing for the British to retain Gibraltar and
 >>> something entirely different to keep Delmarva and Long Island. The
 >>> United States was a lot stronger than Spain and the areas you
 >>> mentioned a lot harder to defend. Enclaves work only where one side
 >>> is vastly superior to another and even then not for long.
 >>WI the United States is to recognize British control of these
 >>areas in return for independence?
 > They'd recognize it with their fingers crossed behind their backs much as
 > China accepted British Hong Kong.
 >>Also the population would be mostly Loyalists.
 > Perhaps so, but maybe not. The founder of Ottawa fought for George
 > Washington.
 Col. John By of the Royal Engineers is generally accounted to be the
 founder of Ottawa. Of the men generally accounted to be among the founders
 of Ottawa, two were Americans: Philemon Wright of Woburn MA, the founder of
 Hull (and the only one of the two old enough to have fought in the AR), is
 generally accounted to be a loyalist; and Braddish Billings, born in 1783
 Boston, who founded a settlement on the Rideau River a few miles south of
 the original settlement.
 Billing's father _was_ a surgeon in the Continental Army and an agitator
 for revolution, but Billings himself was not so inclined, witnessed by the
 fact that he was a militia captain in Crown service.
 > Even if the population was mainly Loyalist in 1780 that might not be
 > the  case in 1815 or 1845. In any case, so what? China didn't care
 > about the desires of the Hong Kong or Macao populations. If there had
 > been referendums in Pondicherry ot Goa I doubt they would have voted
 > for annexation by India.
 The Brits aren't the Portuguese. And most of the water supplies of
 Delmarva and (almost certainly) Long Island/Manhattan wouldn't be leased
 from the US.
 >>Would the US really be so angry they weren't in the union?
 > I think they would be. The Indians were angry enough to invade Goa in
 > 1961. Pakistan demanded the Omani enclave of Gwadar and got it in
 > 1958.
 >>If the US wanted to invade Long Island or Delmarva how long
 >>before it would be able to?
 > 1815 is possible. 1845 is likely. 1880 is a certain American victory.
 1815 is ASB territory. 1845 is extremely unlikely. 1880 depends on how
 the US develops with those territories severed from the country. (1865 is
 much more likely, if it developed along similar lines to OTL _and_ the
 Union won the ACW.)
 >>What would be the likely outcome?
 > see above

[Goanet]"Cheap" holidays in Goa

2004-11-11 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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Some links that Google throws up (without even asking!) for "cheap" 
holidays in Goa:

Cheap Flights To Goa 
Amazing Deals on Flights to Goa. 
Compare Prices and Book Online. 

Holidays in Goa 
Cheap Holiday Deals in Goa. 
Find Low Rate Goa Holidays. 

Cheap Holidays In Goa 
Amazing Offers on Holidays In 
Quality, Choice and Superb Value. 

Discount Hotels in Goa 
Excellent rates at hotels in Goa. 
Compare prices and Book Online. 

Vacations India 
We offer vacation packages. 
India's living History with us. 

Could anyone say whether they work? FN

Frederick Noronha (FN)Nr Convent Saligao 403511 GoaIndia
Freelance Journalist  P: 832-2409490 M: 9822122436
http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks http://fn.swiki.net
http://www.ryze.com/go/fredericknoronha   http://fn-floss.notlong.com

Difficulties to send email across? Write to fredericknoronha at vsnl.net

[Goanet]Eulogy, Final commendation or final condemnation?

2004-11-11 Thread Gabe Menezes
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"The death of Yasser Arafat is a significant moment in Palestinians'
history," U.S. President George W. Bush said in a statement. "We hope that
the future will bring peace and the fulfilment of the aspirations for an
independent democratic Palestine that is at peace with its neighbours."
The U.S President has a knack of making significant pronouncements. One
would hope that the final farewell would be a commendation rather than a
In a related matter, in Eulogies usually, praise is lavished. It is
unbecoming when the Eulogizer  brings in one's past which is not
exemplary. Especially one's convictions which are then reproduced in print
and then put out on the internet, which is then available to the Whole
World, through search engines such as Google.
Eulogize: to speak or write in high praise of : EXTOL  (Webster). As
opposed to making public one's failings!

[Goanet]Unhygienic and inhumane hospital conditions in UK?

2004-11-11 Thread Gabe Menezes
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From: "Cecil Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote:-
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 2:48 PM
Everyday there is the latest government
research that says "too much sugar, butter, fresh air, water, alcohol,
breathing is bad for you so I suppose we are becoming a nation that is 
very conscious of health issues.
RESPONSE: Too much freshair, water..breathing is bad for you???
. People here go into
hospital for minor operations and die of an MRSI (infection due to lack of
hygiene)  so I want to avoid hopsitals at all costs.
RESPONSE; There have been cases of people dying of infections, caught while 
in hospital.

Could some UK based Goans please clarify to me if UK hospitals:
1) Refuse to treat smokers?
2) Refuse to operate on overweight patients?
3) Are unhygienic?
I visited the hospital today as a friend is in awaiting a heart operation. I 
saw smokers smoking in the smoking room, I also saw quite a few overweight 
patients ( some grossly), unhgienic? I guess not as good a Jaslok in Mumbai 
but certainly a lot better than Goa Medical College in Goa.
I always thought that the UK people who came to India for their operation
came here because it was much cheaper and faster only. Now it appears 
are other reasons.



2004-11-11 Thread Joel D'Souza
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Nov 10, 2004

We wish all our Hindu Netters

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: "Tujea lagim bailek posunk zainam zalear kazar
zainaka." (Do not marry until you are able to support a wife.) ("domnic
fernandes" [EMAIL PROTECTED])

   GOACOM VIDEO NEWS: Video Clip from Goa on the first Session of HERITAGE
JAZZ YATRA organised by Armando Gonsalves of Trancemedia at Rebelo Mansion
at Betalbatim on October 10, 2004, at  http://www.goacom.com/news
Clips_Heritage_Jazz Yatra_1:

GRAND OPENING FOR IFFI: Two of Goa's topmost bands, Tidal Wave and
Forefront, are scheduled to perform at the opening ceremony of the
International Film festival of India on 29 November. According to sources,
the opening ceremony will also feature a Carnival-style parade organised by
Francisco Martins. (GT)

BRIDGE PARTY TO CELEBRATE: The Entertainment Society of Goa has planned to
have a huge bash on the old Mandovi Bridge to celebrate completion of IFFI
works. The party is expected to be held on 21 November and the bridge will
be closed to all traffic. Entrance to the party will be by invitation only.

HOW MANY SUPER CELEBS COMING? The IFFI could turn out to be one of the most
successful ever but, gauging from the preliminary list of delegates, it
could well fall short on the celebrity quotient. (GT)

DIWALI CELEBRATIONS: Diwali, the festival of lights, will be celebrated with
traditional pomp and religious fervour throughout the State today. Chief
Minister Manohar Parrikar, Governor Jamir  and Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao
have greeted the Hindu brethren on the joyous occasion. (GT)

GEN RODRIGUES LOOKS FORWARD.: "This is a very great honour and an extremely
great challenge. Both, my wife and I are looking forward to this very much.
You see, my first posting as a commissioned officer was in Ambala in the old
days when Punjab was not divided. Subsequent to that we have had five
separate postings to the Punjab at different ranks. The result is we have
friends, who cover the complete spectrum of the human experience, if I may
put it that way. The final posting was as Army Commander when Punjab was at
the height of militancy." (Gen Sunit Francis Rodrigues in an interview with
Joaquim Fernandes in NT)

WOMAN RESCUED FROM WELL: Veenita D'Souza, a 26-year-old woman, was rescued
by the fire brigade on August 10 after she had jumped into a 35-ft deep well
near St Jacinto Island. (H)

BODY FOUND: The body of a 50-year-old man, Peter D'Souza of Tamil Nadu, was
found at a bus shelter at Cortalim on November 10. D'Souza was working for a
fishing trawler at Cortalim for the last few years. (H)

WATER SHORTAGE LIKELY IN CANACONA: Panic has set among the residents of
Canacona as water levels in Chapoli dam are falling on account of inadequate
rainfall this year. (GT)

BJP, CONG FOR CHANGES IN DELIMITATION: The BJP and Congress have suggested
some changes to the draft proposal of delimitation of constituencies,
including retaining of the Velim constituency and renaming of the proposed
Porvorim segment as Penha de Franca. (GT)

POLLUTED LAKE IN NAVELIM: Fearing the water pollution touching higher levels
in Xalpem-Tollem in Navelim village, the Navelim MLA, Mr Luizinho Faleiro,
urged the chairman of the Goa State Pollution Control Board to initiate
necessary action at the earliest to avoid health hazards. (NT)

LEOPARD SKIN JACKET SEIZED: Goa Police's Crime Branch personnel raided a
leather shop in Bardez's Coastal belt and seized a jacket made of leopard's
skin, on Tuesday. The owner of the leather shop, one Mohamad Altaf Handroo,
has been booked under section 49-B and 51 of the Wildlife Protection Act.

THEFT AT AGASSAIM CHAPEL: Some unknown culprits effected entry in a chapel
at Dexibhat, Agassaim, and decamped with articles worth Rs.9,000. (NT)

NEW SARPANCH FOR CURTORIM: Nazareth Rodrigues became the new sarpanch of the
11-member village Panchayat of Curtorim on November 10, defeating Armando
Estibeiro by 6-5 votes. (H)

PRE-PORTUGUESE ARSENAL AT OLD GOA: Sites behind Sao Pedro Church, the
Arsenal de Marinha, plots of Department of Agriculture at Ela and behind
Pinto garage are being cleared for space to park more than 7,000 cars and
15,000 two-wheelers as well as buses. The site of the Arsenal of the Navy
(identified as Bakhia's property) is considered archaeologically more
sensitive as it was virtually a fortress and a mini city with many edifices
inside.According to Percival Noronha, secretary of Indian Heritage Society,
the Ribeira das Naus, as it was also called, was developed by the Muslim
rulers and existed before the Po

[Goanet]What happens to Albert Rodrigues (27)?

2004-11-11 Thread nest nest
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Dear Friends,

Please find forwared Action alert from GJLF to demand justice to the workers
in Goa's famed tourism sector. In Solidarity, seby.

-- Orignal Message --

From: "gjlf labour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Action alert workers of Goa.

Welcome to the land of Goa. A story of worker in transnational leisure
corporate. Albert Rodrigues (27) resides in a village called Siolim located
in Bardez taluka, north Goa, India. He has been employed in Travelpack
Panjim-Goa-capital town. Joined company from September 12, 2002 is a
confirmed staff. Distance from Siolim to Panjim is 21 kms.

Working as a 'driver' and with paid salary of Rs. 3380/- with Rs.180/-  for
fringe benefits deduction.

In the month of November 2004, when he went to see weather salary has been
processed or not, there is a deduction of Rs. 465. After inquiring with the
bank manager of Corporation Bank-Panjim Branch he found that the company had
deducted without any prior notice or any explaination. His salary slip
displays no deduction.Rs. 465, which is a very big amount for a person who
is not even getting the minimum salary.

At the moment, Goa is the most expensive place to live in as compared to the
rest of the states in India. Goa also has the lowest pay scale as compared
to rest of the states in India.

The table will explain the calculation of daily expense of unskilled labour
as per the price rise.

Breakfast   30
Lunch   50
Dinner  50
Transport   30
Personal saving 40
 Total  200

Multiplying Rs 200 for 30 days -- the minimum monthly salary is Rs.6000. He
has been underemployed by Rs. 2440 if he considers himself as unskilled
labour. But when he works as a driver means there is no doubt that he is
skilled labour. His salary should be higher than that of an unskilled
labour. Number of working hours he puts is not less then 18 hrs. Of which he
is not even getting an additional single penny. He gets paid only for 08
hrs. and thus the company is robbing him for 10hrs. Per day. It's left up to
you to calculate how much he has been robbed by the company.

This is a ruthless exploitation of the labour by the company. With this
salary, is it possible him to get married and support a family? Or should he
commit suicide like the farmers of Andhra Pradesh, India? Or should he
peddle narcotics on the beaches of Goa?

Gjlf demands answers for these questions from the transnational leisure
corporate Travelpack, whose head office is based in UK. And which has its
eleven suboffices in India. Choosing Goa as a hub of entire operation i.e
Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO), on the lines of a callcentre --
accounting, web designing, loading information in (special downloaded
module) software with flight fares, amending fares loaded by reservation
staff, providing grounding (stay) accommodation for charter and domestic
tourist. Providing transfers on arrival and departure of tourist as well as
providing vehicles on disposal as per the requirement of customer.

Plus during the charter flight operation employing the (local) boys as hotel
representatives and sending them to respective hotels in search of sales of
different holiday excursions which delights the tourist and pours additional
pounds in maximising corporates accounts. Travelpack is a wholesaler of
issuing flights tickets of various airlines, to sub agents and customers.

In the Goa office, there are 134 employees. Number of tourists arriving
through Travelpack are not less then 800 per week. The charges differ as per
the grade of hotel. Minimum 600 pounds per person per week. So the question
of getting minimum wage is all together a distant dream. The situation is of
life and death. The company wants Albert Rodrigues to work to death. By
working also he is unable to munch bread and butter or, in other words, the
company is snatching the loaf of bread from his mouth.

Few days back, a local newspaper carried a story saying that the Travelpack
is a job-generating organisation. But the local news paper has forgotten to
carry a statement saying that at the same time a brutal exploitator of

There is a online call centre reservation staff whose turnover per month is
not less then 300,000 pounds (three hundred thousand pounds) in Indian
Rupees it is Rs 2,46,00,000 (two crore fortysix lalj ri[ees) at the exchange
rate of Rs. 82. Revenue which is generated by the (local) hotel
representatives is not less then 4000 pounds per week. i.e. Rs.328,000
(rupees three lacks twenty eight thousand). Not less then 16000 pounds per
month. i.e. Rs.13,12,000/- (thirteen lakhs twelve thousand). For six mont

[Goanet]Re: Konkani Course

2004-11-11 Thread Herman D'Souza
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Ghoddeak udkachim passun vorot zalear faido nam
kiteak ghodeak tan lagot zalear-uch udok pieatolo 
nam zalear ghoddo, vho khoinchent zanvor vho munis
kosem udik pieatelem?

teka lagon zhe goeamkar konkani uloinam te, tankan
konkanichi tan dakonc zaie tednach te konkani xinkonc

instead of criticizing them we should encourage them
to speak konkani.

As i had said in my previous mail that there are three
type of goans living in bombay

one who loves to proudly speak write and read konkani 
one who are ashamed to talk konkani in public
and one who has never come in contact with konkani

we should be proud of our language and no doubt we
have to speak english at business but whenever
opportunity permits we should openly speak konkani.

with best regards
Herman D'Souza

[Goanet]Unhygienic and inhumane hospital conditions in UK?

2004-11-11 Thread Cecil Pinto
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A female correspondent of mine from UK wrote to me:

I suppose I am a bit obsessive about exercise. I don't want to get fat and 
have gained 10 LBS since I gave up smoking so I am trying to ensure that I 
don't continue gaining. The extra 10 looks okay on me but it's so easy at 
my age to let the weight creep up until it's at a stage where I give up 
trying. Also in the nanny state we live in if you smoke many hospitals 
refuse to treat you. If you are overweight many hospitals will refuse to 
operate unless you lose weight. Everyday there is the latest government 
research that says "too much sugar, butter, fresh air, water, alcohol, 
breathing is bad for you so I suppose we are becoming a nation that is made 
very conscious of health issues.

Also I see a lot of middle-aged people around me who just let themselves go 
and really suffer health problems as a result, I don't want to become that 
since the health service here is unbelieveably bad. People here go into 
hospital for minor operations and die of an MRSI (infection due to lack of 
hygiene)  so I want to avoid hopsitals at all costs.

Could some UK based Goans please clarify to me if UK hospitals:
1) Refuse to treat smokers?
2) Refuse to operate on overweight patients?
3) Are unhygienic?

I always thought that the UK people who came to India for their operation 
came here because it was much cheaper and faster only. Now it appears there 
are other reasons.



2004-11-11 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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Not a Goa-related posting, but I guess it could interest both 
economics-related Goanetters and those in the Gulf. FN

-- Forwarded message --
The oil giants' commanding position in the global oil industry allows them to 
practically impose oil prices on the market independent of any external factor 
that may affect prices.

By Arnold Padilla
A recent article by Reuters tried to explain why oil prices are high. It gave 
five major reasons: rising demand driven in particular by the Chinese and 
Indian markets, lack of spare supply capacity, political tensions in the Middle 
East and financial crisis of Russian oil giant Yukos, stricter environmental 
regulations especially in the US, and scarcer oil.

While these factors explain to a certain degree the latest surge in world oil 
prices - with New York Mercantile Exchange (NYME) oil posting an all-time high 
of US$44.24 per barrel, London's Brent crude with an unprecedented US$40.28 per 
barrel, and Dubai crude with a 13-year high of US$37.50 per barrel - they do 
not fully explain why oil prices are high.

To understand global oil prices, it is not enough to simply look at factors 
that affect supply and demand. It is more important to closely scrutinise the 
structure of the global petroleum industry to grasp the dynamics of the forces 
that influence prices. Historically, the global oil market has never enjoyed 
free competition. Since its birth in the late 1800s, the industry has been 
dominated by a few giant American and European corporations. In fact, US-based 
Exxon (now ExxonMobil, the world's largest oil company) once boasted that it 
was already a transnational corporation (TNC) 50 years before the term was 

Aside from ExxonMobil, the world's top oil firms also include Royal Dutch Shell 
(Britain-Netherlands), British Petroleum (Britain), Total (France), 
ChevronTexaco (US), and  ConocoPhillips (US).  Based on Fortune  magazine's 
2003  list  of  the  biggest  500 corporations in the world, these oil giants 
have combined revenues of US$788 billion, profits of US$34 billion, assets of 
US$619 billion, and employ more than half a million workers.

Just how powerful are they? Author Anthony Sampson, in his book the Seven 
Sisters, has offered the most graphic description: 'Their supranational 
expertise is way beyond the ability of any government. Their incomes are 
greater than most countries where they operate. Their fleet of tankers has more 
tonnage than any navy. They own and administer whole cities in the desert. In 
dealing with oil, they are self-sufficient, invulnerable to the law of supply 
and demand and to the vagaries of the stock markets.'

Such unimaginable wealth and power stem from the control that these TNCs have 
on all the aspects of their business. The six largest oil companies can produce 
more than 80 million barrels per day of crude and refine more than 112 million 
barrels per day of various petroleum products.

This commanding position allows them to practically impose oil prices on the 
market independent of any external factor that may affect prices. For example, 
it is not true that stricter environmental regulations caused strains on 
refining capacity, leading to shortages and price spikes in the US oil market, 
as argued by the Reuters article. The US Federal Trade Commission has found out 
that oil companies (as stated in internal memos and documents of ExxonMobil, 
British Petroleum, and Texaco that the commission uncovered) intentionally 
withheld gasoline supply in the American market and drive small refiners out of 
business to jack up prices and maximise profits.

The Reuters article claim that there is a lack of spare supply capacity, 
aggravated by rising market demand, is also questionable. As estimated by the 
Energy Intelligence Group, there are seven to eight billion barrels of oil tied 
up worldwide at any given time. The question is who controls these stocks.

In its online primer Oil Market Basics, the US-based Energy Information 
Administration said that most of the world's storage capacity is owned by the 
companies that produce, refine, or market the oil (read: the oil giants) while 
a number of small independent operators rent it to third parties. If oil 
companies that have their own storage capacity want to keep their stocks 
untouched for a year, for instance, it would only cost them US$1.50 per barrel 
- a measly sum compared to the profits they would rake in when prices shoot up 
due to 'lack of spare supply'.

It is therefore no longer news that the world's two most dominant 

Re: [Goanet]The values - vote myth (NYTimes Op-ed)

2004-11-11 Thread Tim de Mello
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From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

". . . .  I have no interest in arguing about them any further. I am sorry."
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2004-11-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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A couple of decades ago I had occasion to attend a Seminar
organised by the Forum of Free Enterprise at the Fort Aguada B.R.
on emerging world political trends. It was attended by a galaxy of
intellectuals led by late Minoo Masani, Girilal Jain, Gen.Sundarji,
Rahul Singh etc.
A former Foreign Secretary (who had just been sacked by
Rajiv Gandhi and whose name I cannot presently recall) referred
to a fascinating thesis by a French writer predicting that the
great conflict of the 21st. Century would a repetition of the
Crusades after a lapse of 8 centuries, with a Christian Western
Europe confronting a Muslim East Asia.
This remarkable prediction appears to be turning out
to be true. With the re-election of President Bush pushing his
aggressive agenda backed by the Christian right against the
so-called Islamic fundamentalists, the rest of the world watches
aghast as Christian fundamentalists face-off Islamic fundamentalists,
with little thought of the consequences for the rest of the world!

---Tony Correia-Afonso.


2004-11-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Goanet]Dr Manoel Francisco de Souza (1767-1831)

2004-11-11 Thread Diane Kraal
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I am researching Dr Manoel Francisco de Souza (1767-1831), a Portuguese
trader who arrived in Malacca around 1793 on his own sailing vessel the
'Maria Louisa' (Fr.Manuel Teixeira,'The 4th Centenary of the Malacca
Diocese, 1557-1957', Rally,1960).   

Dr M. F. de Souza went on to provide advice etc. to Captain Francis
Light, an Englishman who was the founder of Penang. I would like to
research back from that date to find the route of the vessel. Does
anyone know of Dr M. F. de Souza and the typical route of his vessel eg.
was it Lisbon/Goa/Malacca for instance?  

Dr. M. F.de Souza was a 'member of a noble Portuguese' family and his
vessel was apparently shipwrecked off the coast of Malacca.  He was the
son Romualdo de Souza and Sarah Adao who had two other children Joao and
Duarte.  Does anyone know whether and how Romualdo was related to
Antonio de Souza of late 1700s trade association of Jourdain, Sulivan
and de Souza?

[Goanet]Re: condemn workers exploitation in Goa-India.

2004-11-11 Thread nest nest
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Indeed very sickening state of affairs indeed. Labour loot in the name of 
labour employment. Smoke in the Goa's Smokeless industry- Tourism. 
Congratulations to GJLF for blowing the whistle. In case Travelpack continues 
to harrass and torment the Working Class then it may not be long time that it 
may be asked to pack off from Goa. A systematic process of squezing the 
employees. Earlier the travel pack acts to rectify its labour policy, better 
it is.

Long live workers rights! Long live Workers Unity!
NEST supports the awakening of the working class in Goa.

[Goanet]Jazz by the Beach!

2004-11-11 Thread Jazz Goa
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Jazz Goa's off to the beach once again, this time it's a South Goa beach and 
the venue is ZEE-BOP at Uttorda.

So it's going to be Be-bop at Zee-bop with JAZZ JUNCTION featuring:
Yvonne Gonsalves-vocals
Jason Jones (USA)-saxophone
Lenny Heredia (Australia)-keyboards
Colin D'Cruz-bass
Lester Godinho-drums

For more information please call:
Gerson Rebelo:9823236696
Armando Gonsalves:9822487818

[Goanet]Re: GoanetReader -- Goa's Rs 240 million multiplex is up... audiences?

2004-11-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Thanks for sending lot of information of Goans. But my dear friend I
can't understand that why our gaon news and articles are not updated in
proper interval? Since our mothertongue  is Konkani why can't the
newspaper on websites or any other articles be typed in Konkani? It is
shame on us /me that being  goan we/ I don't know to write or read
konkani though some basics have been taught through  the web site . It
is sad to know that Vixtt has not been updated this week as well as
Vavredeancho Ixtt Has not been updated since 2003.If it is so then it
should not be shown on the webpage indiapress.org. It is that we are making
jokes of our own self.
It is so embarassing when I proudly try to open the site and its that
same old news. Please look into this matter. There are Foreign Goans who
try to keep our culture alive then why not goans themselves residing in
goa? Are the Gaons not interested in the modern technology? I don't know
the reason . I would like to send some poems in konkani but will you do the
spelling correction and send it ? I would love to part of the goanet.
I really enjoy reading Vixtt. Its is very good and proud to know that It
not only give us information but it increases the faith of christainity.
that is very important and necessary.
Before I wind up I would like to say
Anv Devachem cheddum , Tu bhi Devacho, Tor kiteak fattim ravu-ia? 
Uttun ami sogli ektai jaum-ea, Kristavacho prochear korunk fuddem soro
Dev bore korum.
Kupp zallem sosop, Ixttan awaz utto ea


2004-11-11 Thread Reggie Gomes
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Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the online petition:

"India: Gujarat Genocide Trials: Appeal for the Protection of Witnesses" 
hosted on the web by PetitionOnline.com, the free online petition service, at:


I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might agree, 
too.  If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider signing 

Best wishes,

Reggie Gomes

[Goanet]new year's dance

2004-11-11 Thread Iona Miranda
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New Year's Eve Dance 2004-2005!

It will be another New Year!!
Bring the kids,
It's a FAM (family) JAM!!

Many fun people, good food, cash bar, prizes,
DJ Music, dancing, perhaps a show!!

Friday, December 31, 8:00pm
@ RiverGrove Community Centre
In Mississauga

Advance Tickets - adults only $30,
Children 4yrs-12yrs only $15!
(After November 25, 2004 - adults only $35)


Iona MIRANDA @ 905-507-6315 /
Lorraine FERNANDES @ 905-792-1686

Tickets on sale now!!

[Goanet]Ambedkar Awas Yojana

2004-11-11 Thread percy ferrao
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When the politicians don't own the communidade land, are they right to gift it 
to the landless (migrants & thier cronies)?  Is the Governments policy of 
maintaining low birth rate only for the Goans? And why do we Goans have to 
sweat it out in distant lands in order to buy a piece of land or build a house 
at astronomical rates ? This is a sinister move and daylight robbery by our 
unscruplous politicians to garner  vote banks and dilute the ethnic goan 
people. The people of Curtorim and Pazarkone (Cuncolim) have rightly 
demonstrated,isn't it time for the rest of us to demonstrate and get rid of 
all these yojana's ?
Percy Ferrao
Ealing  Road

[Goanet]"JINGLE BELL" - inspirational message

2004-11-11 Thread Alexander J. Dias
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Inspirational message created by me on Goanet.

Jesus is better than Santa!!

Santa lives at the North Pole.
Jesus lives everywhere.

Santa rides in a sleigh.
Jesus rides on the wind and walks on water.

Santa comes but once a year.
Jesus is an ever-present help.

Santa comes down your chimney uninvited.
Jesus stands at your door and knocks… and then enters your heart.

You have to stand in line to see Santa.
Jesus is as close as the mention of His Name.

Santa lets you sit on his lap.
Jesus lets you rest in His arms.

Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly.
Jesus has a heart full of love.

All Santa can offer is HO, HO, HO.
Jesus offers health, help and hope.

Santa says “you better not cry”
Jesus says “Cast all your cares on Me for I care for You”


Love and best regards, 
Alexander Dias
Saudi Arabia

[Goanet]3 A-Side Penalty shootouts

2004-11-11 Thread Santan Fernandes
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3 A-Side Penalty shootout

Salmiya Friends Community have the pleasure of inviting both Gents and 
Ladies in two separate Penalty Shootouts Tournament being organized on the 
Salmiya grounds (behind Edee Exhibition stores) which will be held on Friday 
commencing from 12th November 2004, from 10:00 am to 1:00pm. Further matches 
will be continued on the following Fridays. Should there be any changes to 
the schedules, the respective teams will be notified at least 2-3 days in 

The entry fee for Gents will be KD 3/- (KD Three Only), which should be 
submitted along with each entry form. Ladies entry forms will be free.

Rules of the Shootout: -

1. Participating teams (Males and Females respectively) should be of INDIAN 
origin ONLY. Civil ID should be produced upon request.
2. Each Team will consist of 3 players (including Goalkeeper)
3. Each game will comprise of 3 penalties ONLY
a. Should there be a draw, only 1 additional sudden death penalty shot will 
be taken.
b. If the sudden death still continues to be a draw, the winner of the match 
will be decided by a coin toss.
4. The referee’s decision will be final in all circumstances.

Rules of the Draw and qualifying rounds: -
1. Teams will be divided equally by lots as of two groups;
i.e. Group A & Group B
2. In each round the winning teams will further play other winners
with the same group.
3. Matches for the entire tournament will be decided on lots.

*  All Entries should be handed over by Thursday the 11.11.2004
by 6:00pm.

Kindly fill up the attached details and submit
Mr. Judas – 9784155
Mr. Jerry – 9206903
Mr. Santan – 6262323


2004-11-11 Thread Cyril Pereira
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[Goanet]RE: GoanetReader -- Life on a Goan shack is unbeatable

2004-11-11 Thread Reception Reading
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Dear Goanet

I read with great interest the article on Goan shacks, and wholeheartedly
support the view of the writer. The shacks are a very special part of Goa, 
everyone loves them , and have their own favorite.

Many years ago I decided to live in Spain, on the Costa del Sol, which was 
then a series of villages all separate from each other, the village of 
Fuengirola for example had a great shack/bar on the beach called The Sugar 
Shack, everyone new of it, and it made a great meeting place. Now of course 
all the villages have merged as one long concrete mass with nothing to 
distinguish one from another. 

I hope that Goa will prosper with tourism but hopefully will retain the things 
that make it such a special place, it can be done with forward planning, and 
concern for the environment.

Sincerely yours
Pauline Archer (Reading,England) 

[Goanet]condemn workers exploitation in Goa-India.

2004-11-11 Thread gjlf labour
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Action alert workers of Goa.

Welcome to the land of Goa. A story of worker in transnational leisure 
corporate. Albert Rodrigues-27 yrs. Is residing in a village called siolim 
locaked in Bardez taluka-north Goa-India.been employed in Travelpack Panjim-
Goa-capital town. Joined company from 12th september2002 is a confirm 
staff.distance from siolim to panjim is 21kms.
Working as a 'Driver' and with paid salary of Rs. 3380/- with Rs.180/-  for 
fringe benefits diduction.
In the month of November 2004 when he went to see weather salary has been 
processed or no there is a diduction of Rs. 465/- after inquiring with the 
Bank manager of corporation Bank-panjim Branch he found that company has 
deducted without any prior notice or any explaination. His salary slip 
displays no deduction.Rs. 465/- is a very big amount for a person who is not 
even getting minimum salary.

At the moment Goa is the most expensive place to live in as compared to the 
rest of the states in India and Goa is having lowest pay scale as compared to 
rest of the state in India.  

 The table will explain the calculation of daily expense of unskilled labour 
as per the price rise.
Breakfast   30
Lunch   50
Dinner  50
Transport   30
Personal saving 40
 Total  200
Multiplying 200/- for 30days -minimum monthly salary is Rs.6000/-
he has been underemployed byRs. 2440/- if he considers as unskilled labour.
But when he works as a Driver means there is no doubt that he is skilled 
labour. His salary should be higher then the unskilled labour. Number of 
working hours he puts is not less then 18hrs. Of which he is not even getting 
single penny. He gets paid only for 08hrs. company is robbing him for 10hrs. 
Per day. Its left up to you to calculate how much  he has been robbed by the 

This is a ruthless exploitation of the labour by the company. With this salary 
is it possible him to get married and support a family. Or should he commit 
suicide like the farmers of Andhra pradesh-India.or should he paddle narcotics 
on the beaches of Goa?

Gjlf-demands answers for these questions to Transnational leisure corporate 
Transnational liesure corporate – Travelpack who's head office is based in UK. 
Has its eleven  sub offices in India. Choosing Goa as a hub of entire 
operation i.e Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO), on line callcentre, 
accounting, web designing, loading information in (special downloaded module) 
software with flight fares, amending fares loaded by Reservation staff, 
providing grounding (stay) accommodation for charter and domestic tourist. 
Providing transfers on arrival and departure of tourist as well as providing 
vehicles on disposal as per the requirement of customer.

Plus during the charter flight operation employing the (local) boys as Hotel 
Representatives and sending them to respective hotels in search of sales of 
different holiday excursions which delights the tourist and pours additional 
pounds  in maximising corporates accounts. This currench actually tourist are 
coming to spend with lcals for various activities.
Travelpack is a wholesaler of issuing flights tickets of various Airlines.to 
sub agents and customers.

In Goa office there are 134 employees.
Number of tourists arriving through Travelpack are not less then 800 per week.
The charges differ as per the grade of Hotel. Minimum 600pounds per person per 
So the question of getting minimum wage is all together a distant dream. The 
situation is of life and death. The company wants him to work to death.
By working  also he is unable to munch a Bread and Butter or in other words 
company is snatching a loaf of Bread from his mouth.

Few days back local news paper carried a story saying that the Travelpack is a 
job generating organisation.
But the local news paper has forgotten to carry a statement saying that at the 
same time a brutal exploitator of employees.

There is a on line call centre Reservation staff who's turnover per month is 
not less then 300,000pounds (three hundred thousand pounds) in Indian Rupees 
it is 2460/- (two crore fortysix lacks) at the exchange rate of Rs. 82/-
Revenue which is generated by the (local) hotel representatives is not less 
then 4000pounds per week. i.e. Rs.328000/-(three lacks twenty eight thousand).
Not less then 16000pounds per month. i.e. Rs.1312000/- (thirteen lakhs twelve 
For six month it is 96000pounds i.e. Rs. 7872000/-(seventy eight lakhs seventy 
two thousand).
There are domestic cars and coaches on disposal.
Plus there is sale of issuing domestic flight tickets 


2004-11-11 Thread Alfred de Tavares
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(Begins: November 11; Feast day November 20)
To The Eternal Father: Eternal Father who works with such might and 
sweetness in the souls of men so that Divine inspirations may be faithfully 
carried out and who realizes wonders through Thy humblest creatures, grant 
us, we humbly beseech Thee the favour .. as a testimony of the power 
enjoyed in Heaven by Fr. Angelo who laboured with holy favour on this earth 
for Thy Glory.   --Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be...

To the Eternal Son: O Eternal Son, Jesus Christ, who in Thy infinite wisdom 
did will to teach by word and example and did become man to redeem mankind 
with the infinite price of Thy Blood, grant us, we humbly bessech Thee, the 
favour.. as an unequivocal proof of the reward in Heaven which Fr. 
Agnelo received for leaving behind him the example of a virtuous life 
sanctified by the fullfilment of his daily duties.   

--Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be...

To The Eternal Holy Spirit: O Eternal Holy Spirit who pours into souls the 
love which sanctifies them and fills them wit zeal for Thy Holy Service, 
grant us, we humbly beseech Thee the favour.. as a revelation of the 
eternal reward which Fr. Agnelo received owing to his apostolic zeal and his 
tireless labours for the glory of God and the welfare of his neighbours. 
   --Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be...

THE PRAYER:O God of infinite mercy, humbly prostrate at Thy feet, we beg of 
Thee with all confidence that, if it be Thy Holy Will and for the good of 
our sanctification Thou inspire our Holy Mother the Church to appraise the 
virtues of Fr. Agnelo and to grant him the honours of the Altar to the 
greater glory of Thy nameAmen.

Imprimatur: Bishop Oswald Gracias, 15th March 1999.
 Ausiliary Bishop,
 Archbishop’s House,
 21, N. Parekh Marg,
 Bombay-- 400 039, INDIA.
Alfred de Tavares,
Maltesholmsvagen 83,
SE-165 55 Hasselby, Sweden
Tel: 0046 8 759 6213; 0046 70 295 4091
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet]garage in Goa

2004-11-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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I wonder if you can help me.
I have inherited a shop in Goa - the shop was rented (actually it was a  
garage)since 1998-1999 and used as a shop. the tenant has not paid rent for 
than 3 years. Is there a way I can get the shop back.  I do have an  attorney 
and the case has been going on since the beginning of 2003 (almost 22  months).
I thought and I read on the Goa website that if the tenant does not pay  rent 
the rent controller can ask the tenant to vacate the premises.
I would appreciate if you can give me any advice.

[Goanet]Police dog

2004-11-11 Thread Howi Mueller
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Alsatian was quite right, but German Shepherd Dog is simply the translation  
for " Deutscher Schäferhund".(ä = ae).



[Goanet]The values - vote myth (NYTimes Op-ed)

2004-11-11 Thread Daniel_Soares
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Thanks for your reasoned response. I just wanted to clarify that my response is
not because I'm ashamed of the contribution of my fellow believers or because
I'm trying to discount their vote in this election. I just think that the
"moral" vote is a little simplistic and that perhaps they are reaching a
conclusion that is not really researched well enough. If Democrats were to go by
this conclusion and adjust their strategy accordingly they would be basing their
campaign on a false premise.

As Peter pointed out: " The numbers of Christians who voted this year were not
proportionately higher than those who voted in 2000 where moral issues were not
even considered as a voting factor in the polls (if I remember right).



Re: [Goanet]Indian Passport - GOA to London 2 weeks just Rs.16,000 return

2004-11-11 Thread Eddie Fernandes
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From: "LetsGotoGoa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:14 AM
Subject: [Goanet]Indian Passport - GOA to London 2 weeks just Rs.16,000 

I saw a fare on one UK website (Goan owner..rip-off?) for the same
date/flt/duration it was showing up £350 (Rs.28,000)
Dear letsgotogoa,
For the record, I posted details of this offer to GoaNet over a month ago. 
See  http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/2004-October/018908.html


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[Goanet]Hospiltality partner for IFFI: Everything included? :-)

2004-11-11 Thread graceful
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>TAJ TO BE HOSPITALITY PARTNER: The Taj Fort Aguada Beach resort will be the
official hospitality partner for the International Film Festival of India.

[Goanet][persecuted_church_of_india] What is 'wrong' in religious conversion?

2004-11-11 Thread Chris Fernandes
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What is 'wrong' in religious conversion?
By Kumar Chellappan

Religious Conversion is back in the news and that too with more
vigour. Although religious conversion used to be big news in north
India, it was conspicuous by its absence in Kerala. Now conversion
news has become as widespread as sex scandals and general hartals.

It all started with the attack on the US Missionary Bishop Cooper who
while on a visit to Kerala in 2003 got involved in evangelisation
work. The Sangh Parivar people attacked him and the poor Missionary
left the country in a huff. It is not known whether the
Hindu `fundamentalists' lodged any complaints with the local police.
These organisations are doing a lot of work for the `uplift' (social
and spiritual) of the poor and the downtrodden.

There are not many Hindu organisations involved in such projects. I
am yet to come across any Hindu organisations or Hindu missionaries
who are actively working with lepers, physically and mentally
challenged people, HIV + infected people and so on. There are many
centres run by nuns and missionaries for terminally ill patients.
Orphanages and old age homes managed by the Christian Missionaries
offer a lot of relief to all those rejected by their close ones.

It need not be a strange coincidence that most of the hospitals,
orphanages and educational organisations are run by Christian
Missionaries. It requires a lot of money to run these establishments.
It is quite natural that foreign agencies offer funds and other aids
to these organisations.

What is wrong if the Missionaries encourage the poor and the
downtrodden to embrace their religion? For the poor, what matters
most is two square meals a day. All the governments, which ruled the
country for the last sixty years or so, failed miserably in poverty
eradication. Although they churn out data and statistics to prove
that the number of people below the poverty line has come down, there
is no dearth of news about deaths due to starvation and poverty.

Even a state like Bengal, which is under a progressive secular regime
uninterruptedly for the last 27 years is not free from starvation
deaths. Where governments fail, organisations like Missionaries Of
Charity emerge, offering food and other benefits. What is wrong if
they ask the `unreached' to get converted to their religion? If the
Missionaries of Charity or any other organisation is capable of
eradicating poverty by making people change their religious belief,
they should be encouraged to do so.

Courtesy: Asianet Global

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Re: [Goanet]re: dubai soccer

2004-11-11 Thread borg costa
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Hi Eugene, 

Thanks for your comments. First of all, i really dont
know the reports are written by Wilfred Pereira as his
name is not appearing. i will note the source (Gulf
today)  next time when i post the reports. I
understand that it is difficult for all the goaneters
to access directly by logging on to
www.godubai.com/gulftoday, so it is easy for us to
read the report from goanet. 
even you can post the reports so that the goans around
the world could know what activities are going in
dubai or other places. There is one saying in konknni
"apun-ui korchona anik dusreak-ui korunk dinvchona"
and it is true.



> I think Borg is doing a good job in posting the
> inter-village football tournament reports, but the
> reports he posts are from Gulf Today daily paper. It
> would have been right if Borg had noted the source.
> The reports are written by Wilfred Pereira, a former
> sports reporter with Herald.
> The reports also appear in Gulf News and written by
> another Goan, Alaric Gomes, also a former Herald
> staffer.
> Willy's reports can be accessed directly by logging
> on
> to www.godubai.com/gulftoday and then navigating to
> the sports pages.
> I am not sure if Alaric's reports are on the
> www.gulfnews.com site. I didn't see them when I
> browsed the website.
> Eugene
> __ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. 
> www.yahoo.com 

Do you Yahoo!? 
Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. 

[Goanet]LINK: Rayn D'Souza

2004-11-11 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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I knew Ryan as an engineer-turned-RJ (radio jockey) and he was popular 
both via All India Radio's FM services and also as a master of ceremonies 
in Goa. Earlier today, Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> rang up, in another 
context, and mentioned that he was now based in Shiraz, Iran at a job at 
the rigs. Hope I spelt the name of the city out there. Any other Goans out 
there? Ryan happens to be the brother of Salesian priest Ralino D'Souza.

Frederick Noronha (FN)Nr Convent Saligao 403511 GoaIndia
Freelance Journalist  P: 832-2409490 M: 9822122436
http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks http://fn.swiki.net
http://www.ryze.com/go/fredericknoronha   http://fn-floss.notlong.com

[Goanet]Indian Passport - GOA to London 2 weeks just Rs.16,000 return

2004-11-11 Thread LetsGotoGoa
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Remember my prev. posting?? 'Y go 2 Delhi? come 2 london?'

Indian Passport? Don't worry, all you need is UK Visa and offcourse, the

Yes GOA to London and back to GOA for just Rs.16,000 only. And that too
for Xmas & New year, what a bargain 

Leaving 22Dec Dabolim Arrive same day London and then leaving Lon 4th Jan
arrive Dabolim next day morning.

FYI, for the same period/dates Lon-Goa-Lon fare is £599 (Rs.48,500) 


or would there be any interest here for cheap deals etc for this sector??

How would I know???

Warning: you may even get cheaper or more expensive but right now just

I saw a fare on one UK website (Goan owner..rip-off?) for the same
date/flt/duration it was showing up £350 (Rs.28,000)

I DONT GET RICHER (as I dont get commission every time u buy a ticket) BUT

PEOPLE LIKE Seb, Savio, Brendan, Cell (ferns), Rene etc etc really made me

Dev Borem Korum

for Goa & Goa Flights info.. 

New Official (Church) Site on the SFX Exposition.. 
GOAN NRI related..

ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! 

[Goanet]Happy Diwali

2004-11-11 Thread ash k
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Wishing Y'all A Very Happy Diwali and A Very Very
Prosperous Year Ahead.

Do you Yahoo!? 
Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. 


2004-11-11 Thread Bernado Colaco
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Mr. Miguel,

I am talking of fashions and trends and not politics.
Or maybe Goan boys do not have fulfilling capacities.
Is the Zuari Agro creating problems, the NIO should
have known better!

B. Colaço
> Dear Bernado,
> Let me re-phrase that for you: Goan girls marrying
> Maharashtrian,Tamil,Haryanvi ,Punjabi,etc. boys. Goa
> is a state of the
> Indian Union since 1987 and has been an union
> territory like Pondicherry of
> Daman or Chandigarh since 19 Dec.1961. Like it or
> lump it. Even Portugal has
> accepted that.You had better do the same. It is
> difficult to believe, but
> true.

ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! 

[Goanet]Meeting of the Minds - LOK ULOITAT at Caritas on Saturday 20 Nov. 2004 - 4.00 to 6.30 P.M.

2004-11-11 Thread goasuraj
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Venue: CARITAS - St. Inez, Panjim.
Saturday- 20/NOV/04 From 4.00 TO 6:30 P.M.
No Guest Speakers
Open to individuals on registration basis for allocating time slots.
Open slots: time permitting only.

1. Present Political Scenario in Goa
2. People's Agenda V/s Agenda of Political Parties.
3. Role of NGOs.
4. People's plan of Action for Political Parties.
5. Your commitment to make the system of governance people friendly.

Presenter to submit written presentation (if possible) for moderator's
Call 2266111 or 9422060347 OR email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  to register your
slot to speak (no fees)

(Organised by: GSRP)

[Goanet]UK: International Calls Price Checker & and other bargains

2004-11-11 Thread Eddie Fernandes
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For the International Calls Price Checker go to 

Quite simply tell it where you want to call and it gives the updated 
cheapest provider in about 10 seconds.  Best of all you needn't change phone 
line to use the cheapest and most can be accessed instantly without an 
account. The savings are huge.
Article: Cheapest International Calls New technology is at 
India, for example, is shown at 5p a minute - landline or mobile. North 
America for 1/2p

Go to the main site: http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/
Some best buy gems:
Insurance - Travel, Home, Car, Health,  Life etc.
Mobile Phones - Contract, PAYG, etc.
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Supermarkets: Prices compared; Special offers etc.
Of course the most authoritative UK guide to Products and Service is  Which, 
published by the independent Consumers Association.  The problems: it not 
updated very regularly, limited numbers of products are covered and it is 
available by subscription only (though the print copy is available at all 
public libraries and there is a free trial for the online version 

WILL-AID.  Get a solicitor to do your will - free in November:  Hundreds of 
solicitors around the country are taking part in Will-Aid.  Pop into their 
office and they'll draft a will for you without charge.  In return you're 
asked to donate to charity (but it's not compulsory).  See: 

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.791 / Virus Database: 535 - Release Date: 08/11/2004 

Re: [Goanet]Konkani Course

2004-11-11 Thread Fausto V. D'Costa
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Konkani Course
What Herman says makes a lot of sense. Let's encouarge them. Requesting
hehman to join me in the effort.
Zankam Konknni xikchi humed asa tanche khatir xikxonn patth ani audio
casette asat. Xivai, Sarki Amchi Bhas Sompi hem Fr. Rodrigues-achem pustok
Konnak xikonk zai tannim khobor kaddun gheum ieta.
Borivli Konknni Kurs suru korum-ia. Hermanachean toiar korun mhaka kolloum
Konknni vachtoleank V. Ixtt, Gulab, Goan Review him masik asat. Gheum-ia ani
- Original Message -
From: "Herman D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 5:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Konkani Course

> Ghoddeak udkachim passun vorot zalear faido nam
> kiteak ghodeak tan lagot zalear-uch udok pieatolo
> nam zalear ghoddo, vho khoinchent zanvor vho munis
> kosem udik pieatelem?
> teka lagon zhe goeamkar konkani uloinam te, tankan
> konkanichi tan dakonc zaie tednach te konkani xinkonc
> etelet.
> instead of criticizing them we should encourage them
> to speak konkani.
> As i had said in my previous mail that there are three
> type of goans living in bombay
> one who loves to proudly speak write and read konkani
> one who are ashamed to talk konkani in public
> and one who has never come in contact with konkani
> we should be proud of our language and no doubt we
> have to speak english at business but whenever
> opportunity permits we should openly speak konkani.
> with best regards
> Herman D'Souza
>  --- "Fausto V. D'Costa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> ##
> > # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
> > # Want to check the archives?
> > http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#
> > # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
> > reflect respect to others  #
> >
> ##
> >
> >
> > GRAF has been conducting Konkani courses in Bombay
> > for the past 4 years.
> > Although the courses are aimed at teaching Konkani
> > to the Goans, we end up
> > teaching Konkani to non-goans who have either
> > settled in Goa, or have
> > business in Goa and/or have a holiday home in Goa.
> > GRAF also conducts Konkani Seminars atleast twice a
> > year but the attendance
> > is very poor. Basically Goans are not proud of their
> > language, suffer from a
> > complex.
> > The Konkani masses in Bombay are conducted by the
> > Mangaloreans. The hymnal,
> > Lectionary etc. are in Kan'nad Konkani. I have
> > conducted Konkani courses for
> > even five students. If Borivli goans are interested
> > in learning Konkani,
> > enroll 20 people and we will conduct the course even
> > without a nominal fee.
> > First time in history a Konkani show was organised
> > by KBM Mumbai at
> > Shanmukhananda hall which was attending by 2400
> > people speaking Konkani. And
> > out of this only 5% were goans.
> > Ghoddeak udka xim
> >  vhorom ieta, punn udok pivonk nett korunk
> > nozo.Kursachi vatt polloun
> > ravtam, na zalear Khursachi Vatt korum-ia.
> > Fausto
> >
> > Herman wrote:
> > > my suggestion is if there are any goans interested
> > to
> > > learn konkani in bombay there should be konkani
> > > courses conducted in bombay.  But the question is
> > who
> > > will come forward to conduct these konkani
> > language
> > > course? and will it be fruitful?
> > Edie wrote:
> >  Learning to speak
> > > > konkanni, is the FIRST STEP.
> > > > > This is where you come in. I'm aure you can
> > > > convince GRAF( read Fausto) to
> > > > > conduct a crash course in konkanni speaking,
> > at
> > > > Borivali.Adults too could
> > > > > join to brush up on their speech...A nominal
> > fee
> > > > could be charged GRAF
> > > > > could introduce & increase sale of their
> > konkanni
> > > > CDs / Cassettes / Books/
> > > > > Mags.. Maybe a club could follow, with
> > > > book/magazines sharing
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online
> Go to: http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matrimony

[Goanet]Eulogy, Final commendation or final condemnation?

2004-11-11 Thread Gabe Menezes
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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"The death of Yasser Arafat is a significant moment in Palestinians' 
history," U.S. President George W. Bush said in a statement. "We hope that 
the future will bring peace and the fulfilment of the aspirations for an 
independent democratic Palestine that is at peace with its neighbours." 

The U.S President has a knack of making significant pronouncements. One 
would hope that the final farewell would be a commendation rather than a 

In a related matter, in Eulogies usually, praise is lavished. It is 
unbecoming when the Eulogizer  brings in one's past which is not exemplary. 
Especially one's convictions which are then reproduced in print and then put 
out on the internet, which is then available to the Whole World, through 
search engines such as Google.

Eulogize: to speak or write in high praise of : EXTOL  (Webster). As opposed 
to making public one's failings!


Re: [Goanet]How Cheap(est) these GOA deals can be? Thanks Seb

2004-11-11 Thread LetsGotoGoa
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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Thanks Seb.

Very nice of you (despite being a non-UK Goan). 

Well, we too have to pay  about Rs.47,000 if we travel with scheduled
flights like AI/BA/EK/GF etc on  LON-BOM-GOI-BOM-LON sector including
Rs.2500 Bombay hotel stay.  But one can travel cheap with other cheaper
airlines like Syrian, Aeroflot etc for  say around Rs.40,000 (cheapest
being 38,000).

 WE are lucky to have Charter Services (usually Oct-April) where we can
travel and we are now travelling within the fare range Rs.28,000 to just
Rs.16,000 thus saving of up to Rs.31,000 compared to abv AI/EK/BA etc

And what more? Flight direct almost to your door step (Goa), save two days
which one would lose if traveling via BOM i.e. stay at hotel BOM for your
Goa Connection flt and leaving a day earlier from Goa to catch your next
day flt at BOM. 

We UK Goans also lucky to make cheap phone calls to Goa/India (home or
mobile) just Rs.4 per minute

Also, we are lucky to have all Indian food products (vegetables, spices,
fruits incluing jackfruits/mangoes, coconuts etc some times lot cheaper
than GOA)Most such shops are located almost at our door steps.  In some
countries, for this type of products, Goans travel long distances  like
'China Towns' etc 

Once again, Seb, Dev Borem Korum.

 --- Seb dc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> You are doing a wonderful job nodoubt. I wish someone here would do the
> same
> too. On second thought, why not start myself!! Well you need lots of
> time
> and contacts. But I feel from UK to Goa is more cheaper than from Dubai
> to
> Goa. Just imagine I hv a booking in Dec. from here direct on
> Kuwait-Dubai-Goa for a whopping 2,200 dirhams. works out to around Rs.
> 26,500. So there you are, there is nothing called cheap.
> hAVE a nICE dAY!!
> Seb
> >
> > Well, its very difficult to put a price (cheapest)as it all depend on
> > market forces i.e. Supply & Demand and can change by the hour.
> >
> >
> > How would I know ??
> >
> >

for Goa & Goa Flights info.. 

New Official (Church) Site on the SFX Exposition.. 
GOAN NRI related..

Moving house? Beach bar in Thailand? New Wardrobe? Win 10k with Yahoo! Mail to 
make your dream a reality. 
Get Yahoo! Mail http://uk.mail.yahoo.com


2004-11-11 Thread Gilbert menezes
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Come December and many Goans living abroad head back home to Goa and the
unbeatable environment here. For the past 5 years , the options for wine
drinkers have increased considerably, in India in general, and in Goa
specifically, where alcohol is a mite cheaper.  So here are some personal
views about
the wine scene in Goa.  It may help the visitor to get the best deal while
eating out as well. I restrict myself to the dry whites and reds, and not
the sweet wines manufactured locally.
Inspite of WTO pressures, wines continue to be excessively priced in India,
including the local varieties. In fact, some really lousy foreign wines are
being dumped into the Indian markets.  One therefore needs to be careful not
to pay too much for a foreign table wine which is sought to be sold as a
vintage wine.
There are basically three categories of wines, and the cost varies as per
these categories. In the first category are the local Indian wines. Some 15
years ago, foreign grape strains like Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon
blanc, etc were planted in the Naraingaon district of Maharashtra and the
cool regions outside bangalore by the 2 leading wine manufacturers Indage
and Grovers. The Sula group also joined them later. It took over 10 years
for these Indian manufacturers to bottle reasonably good wines.  They are
finally producing wines which have a bouquet and fruity flavour.  Most of
these wines are priced at Rs.200 - Rs.460 per bottle. This, I feel, is a
steep price for a local wine.  Among the best red wines in this category are
Grovers Reserve which costs Rs. 460. The cabernet shiraz, also Grovers,
which costs Rs. 300 is good value for money. Among whites, Indage Vin Ballet
only costs Rs.190, but has no bouquet or flavour.  It is, however, very
popular in the shacks because of its low cost. Sulas Chenin Blanc and
Pacifica are better whites , but cost Rs. 375.

The second category are those wines which are imported in vacuum casks,
usually from Australia, Chile, or South Africa, bottled in India, and sold
locally.  This avoids some element of import duty, and these wines are
normally sold in the price range Rs. 400- 500. I wouldnt categorise any of
these as high quality wines, but they are better than the Indian wines, and
marginally more expensive.  Sulas Satory Merlot from Chile at Rs. 400,
Indages Australian Cranswick Shiraz and Merlot at Rs.450, and South African
Zulu Pinotage at Rs. 450 are some of the best red wines in this catgory.
For a good white, try the South African Two Oceans Chardonnay at Rs.490.
Please avoid the Portuguese Castelinho and Manuelinho which seem to have
been poured out of garafaos into bottles and dumped into the Indian market.
They are cheap, but only fit for cooking.

The last category of wines available are the directly imported bottles,
which are normally priced between Rs. 600 - 1500. This is due to the high
import duty of some 260% and hefty margins added on.  Most Indians can only
admire them from afar and not savour their fine flavours, since their retail
prices are doubled and sometimes trebled in starred hotels. So a Californian
Robert Mondavi which retails for Rs. 1200, or a Ernest & Julio Gallo
Cabernet Sauvignon which cost Rs. 1500 in a wine shop, would cost Rs. 3500
in a starred hotel.  Really a shame spending all that money.  All the same,
for the well heeled,  there is a wide variety of wines imported .

So on your next trip to Goa, buy the bottle in retail, and use your
corkscrew at home or in your hotel room. Happy imbibing.
Gilbert Menezes.

[Goanet]Talking about scheduled Flts...

2004-11-11 Thread LetsGotoGoa
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Just fowrding a mail recvd frm a UK Goan. Pl. note it only his own
personal opinion about the airlines mentioned. This time he is travelling
with newly introduced sector/airline called 'Ethihad'


Quote (in original except mob.phoneNo)

tnx 4 yr mail, as mentioned,that I've only flown on schedule flights.
I fly in2 Bombay,not GOA& from there on, I make my way by
train.coz its very convenient 4me.& I have a fantastic journey
if U or any other Goan's would like 2 know more about these journies then
by all means contact me.
My mbile no. is 07956 2121..Well I paid £435/- for a return flight
on EY... its a tkt open for 90 days...( this siuts me fine,coz I normally
go for a longer period) I could've got this fare cheaper but as I
mentioned 2U in me previous mail that I left it tooo late! hence the
All said & done, this fare is not available any more.But  wz the same
token, dont loose heart, one could only try & with some Luck!
stike it LUCKY!!
joe dont ever try AI or BAnot only r their prices SKY HIGH,but their
services ?!!!~+#0###0?.>>
I've tried AI several times BOM 2 NYC(JFK) via LON(LHR)..Sorry

for Goa & Goa Flights info.. 

New Official (Church) Site on the SFX Exposition.. 
GOAN NRI related..

Moving house? Beach bar in Thailand? New Wardrobe? Win 10k with Yahoo! Mail to 
make your dream a reality. 
Get Yahoo! Mail http://uk.mail.yahoo.com

[Goanet]Luxury stay for IFFI delegates

2004-11-11 Thread Eddie Verdes
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Luxury stay for IFFI delegates


PANAJI: Fort Aguada beach resort in North Goa, the official hospitality
partner for the 35th international film festival of India (IFFI), has made
grand preparations of food and setting the celebratory mood for the

A satisfactory report card of the delegates is of crucial importance for the
coastal state to bag the honours of future IFFI celebrations and the resort
has pulled out all stops to make it a very enjoyable and memorable stay.

General manager of the resort, Atul Lall said the state government has
booked 100 rooms for the visiting delegates for the festival from November
29 to December 9.

The hotel will ferry the delegates to Panjim in boats for a pleasure filled
journey over the waters. The delegates would disembark at the wooden jetty
on the riverside of Kala academy in the capital, which will host the
inaugural session in the newly constructed auditorium, said CEO of the
entertainment society of Goa, Sanjit Rodrigues.

Read full text at:

Forwarded By Eddie Verdes

[Goanet]Goan wins The Teen of the Year

2004-11-11 Thread Eddie Verdes
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Bandra plays host to India's best teens

By: Sowmya Rajaram

For eight years, Bandra has been host to Teen of The Year, a national
contest conducted by Teenager magazine for both male and female teenagers
from around the country.

This year, the contest was held on Nov 5 and 6 at the St Paul’s
Provincialate Building off Turner Road. The building housed 20 boys and
girls who had won the zonal rounds conducted in six centres around the

According to Father Alfonso Elengikal, the editor of Teenager and the brain
behind the initiative, “Some time in 1995, Time magazine selected the Pope
as the Man of the Year. That set me thinking. A lot of students in the
country don’t get a platform to showcase their talents and abilities. Since
I was already editing the magazine, I thought of starting the contest to
give students from around the country this opportunity.”

And opportunity is certainly what these teens seem to have been looking for.
Nasreen Hashambhoy, a member of the organising committee, dislikes the term
contest to describe the event.

Read full text at:

About the contest

Zonal rounds were conducted in 6 centers around the country- Chennai, Pune,
Calcuttta, Mumbai, Shillong, Delhi.
22 people were shortlisted from all the centers and 20 came to Mumbai.
There were seven rounds in the contest. They were Mumbai darshan, Group
dynamics, Pass a ball around in the quickest time, General Knowledge
quiz,Talent Round, etc

About the Winners
Teenagers from all over the country participated in this contest. The Teen
of The Year award went to Amaro Fernandes from Goa, the second prize to
Priya Tauro, a Mumbai resident and the third prize to Caroline Tage from
Arunachal Pradesh. The prize money was Rs 5,000, Rs 3,000 and Rs 2,000

Amaro Fernandes (15) says, “The best contest was the Mumbai Darshan when our
bus passed Wankhede stadium and we could hear the cheers as the last wicket

Forwarded By Eddie Verdes