[Goanet]Sending off a protest mail

2005-03-12 Thread ralph . flores
Dear Alfredo,

I had writen a long report on the political situation in India but somehow
when I was about to send it off to you I erased by mistake the whole text.
Any way, here is a short version of what I had in mind. 

It is indeed outrageous and a shame to Indian democracy that such
contemptful and illegal atrocities are allowed to happen in India without
the intervention of our judiciary. I'll be following this case of Fr. Prasad
Gonsalves and wd. be thankful to you if you wd. mail me whatever you come
across on this matter.

The Indian Judiciary is simply off its rightful track and I can't visualise
democracy and state of Law without a functioning legal system.We have plenty
of examples - - the most horrendous was the Godhra massacre and its
aftermath in Ahmedabad. 

Although the court proceedings were shifted from Ahmedabad to Delhi because
of alleged bias, the proceedings dont seem to have gained any momentum. The
road-construction Engineer Dubey, who was murdered when working at the site
was another very sad story. Dubey wrote to our then PM Vajpayee about
widespread corruption of the entrepreneurs. Probably there was a leak in the
PMO, which led to the murder of Dubey. Vajpayee promised Dubey's parents
that he wd. personally follow up the matter in the courts and the
outcome? NIL! 

Am following up the Ahmedabad case in Delhi courts and the odd turn-around
and volte faceof the plaintiff and witnesses reminds me of small lies one
had to have in one's repertoir not to be caught for an offense. I have sent
a protest e-mail to Justice Anand, Chairman, Nationa= l Human Rights
Comission. All the best, Ralph

[Goanet]Opportunity for Goan Singles

2005-03-12 Thread ddsouza
For any  Canadian Goan Singles 35-45years old who are interested in
attending an Easter Dance to held on April 2nd 2005 at International Banquet
Hall 5835 Kennedy Road in Mississauga north of Matheson south of Britannia
dance to a live band PAVE CONNECTION with DJ FATZ. The cost is
$22 The food that will be served includes:

Hors D'oeurves: Chicken Tikka  Vegetable Pakoras Buffet: Salad, Goat Curry,
Butter Chicken, Alu Mutter, Pork Vindaloo, Nan Tandoori, Basmati
Pulao,Dessert: Fruit Custard, Ice Cream, Coffee/Tea. Please email at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] me by March 21st and I will provide you more details


2005-03-12 Thread goaworldtoday
John Victor Mendes 
Born: 24/6/1949 Died:12/3/2005

Son of late Peter John Mendes/late Gloria Mendes, beloved husband of Flora
(Abdussalam Shuaib's  Sons Trading Ltd.-Kuwait), father of Gloria (Kuwait
Bahrain Int'l Exchange Co.), Ralston (student), brother/brother-in-law of
Rosy Mendonca/late Agnelo (Australia), Annie D'Souza (Delhi)/late Joaquim,
Anthony/Rosy Mendes (Bombay), Victoria/Franco Lobo (Kuwait), Anthony Francis
Fernandes (Bombay), Hillary/Rohidas Palav (Bombay) and Fabian Fernandes
(Bombay) expired after brief illness on 12/3/2005.
May his soul rest in peace.
(Source: AGM)

[Goanet]Accident death rate

2005-03-12 Thread Philip Thomas
Goa tops India's accidental death rate [Frederick Noronha, March 13]

In a separate section, the NCRB report disclosed that 19 per cent of all
accidental deaths in the country were reported from Maharashtra and 26 per
cent of road accident victims were occupants of either trucks or lorries.
Goa accounted for the highest rate of accidental deaths - 71 per 100,000
population, as compared to the national average of 26.4.

The absolute numbers of accidental deaths may be highest in Maharashtra
while the per capita rate seems  highest for Goa. The latter may be a
reflection of the high vehicular density in the state while the former may
be due to the high volume of traffic flow.


2005-03-12 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
India TV now showing exclusive video of Shakti Kapoor demanding sex from
new entrants for role in films.  Shakti tells the girl that he has slept
with more than 200.  He also tells the girl that it's a must to get role
in films.  Shakti Kapoor states Shakti Kapoor supports you than nobody
touches you

The girl pleads and tells him that she has never done this type of thing


[Goanet]Aitaracheo Kaskutleo: Dubhauvi Patok Naslem Zalear?

2005-03-12 Thread lino dourado
Dubhauvi  Patok  Naslem  Zalear ?
VERONICA: Aikota tum?
SAMMY: Uloilear aikotolom nhoi?
VERONICA: Falleam Ontoraxtrik Bailancho Dis
(International Women Day)
SAMMY: Ponnjechea Azad Moidanar bailanchi zomat ani
uprant morcha asa kitem? 
VERONICA: Toslem politik mhaka lagu zaina.
SAMMY: Bailancho dis mhonn mhaka kiteak sangta tor
VERONICA:  Moji ixttin Viviana , London sakun aileli
asa. Tum bore bhaxen zanai, ti amchea ghorak bhett
ditana keddnach ritiea hatani iena mhonn. Hanvem
chintlam faleamchea disa, tika ani tichea bhurgeank
gheun Ponnjechea Delhi Darbar kannavollint jevnnank
vhetelim mhonn.
SAMMY: Khorem mhollear falleamchea disa hanvem sadi
sutti (casual leave) kaddleli. Tuka khoim tori
boreaxea panch nokhetri hotelant jevnnank vhortolom
VERONICA:  Eke vhaumte zori udka bhaxen tujo mog
mhojem sovem. Jitlo amcho mog mhataro zait asta
titlich tuji apurbai mhoje sovem choddot vheta. Faleam
naka morgadha ani keddnai vhellear zata. Faleam
bailancho dis. Amkam bailank ek dis tori adleo ghozali
korunk mekhlli asum di. Tuvem leave kaddlea, tum ghora
rav ani mhojem kam' kor.
SAMMY:Atam somzolom hanv. Hea disani bhogor-bhogor 
tum Internet-ar kitem polletalem tem. Poir fattim
Cecilia-n  Ontor'raxtrik Bailancho Dis mhonn GoaNet-ar
ugddas kela ani soglea ostoreank  choddoun dovorleant.
VERONICA:  Cecilia ek bail monis. Tum, taka bhes borem
ollkotai. Tujea sangata, tumchea offisant nokri korta
tem. Ostoreanchea hok'k (women's rights) somazachea
nodre mukhar ghaddpak tem aplea boroupanni
SAMMY: Babddem azun ekmulem (single) asa. Novrean
soddlea te meren tem dadleank laginch dovrina. Kitle
pavtt taka somzailem, boro cheddo polletam mhonn, ponn
kan haloina. Tannem adlem visrun novea jivitachi vatt
apnavpak zai. Borem, atam sarkem sang faleamchem
sarkem tharlam nhoi tujem?
VERONICA:  Kal, Viviana-nk fon korun utor dilam. Mhaka
poixeanchi ghoroz asteli. Jevonn kortokoch ami INOX
theater-an 'Black' hindi chollchitrak vochpachem

SAMMY: Duddvanchi horkot na. Tuji khuxalkai zaun asa
mhojem dadhosponn. 'Black' chollchitr bhouch bhavnnik
vo sentimental khoim. Nimnnem pasun dolleank dukham
bhorun dolle tambdde zatat mhonn Cecilia sangtalem
VERONICA:  Tum kitem kortolo?
SAMMY: Mhonnchem?
VERONICA: Tuvem sutti ghelea. Ekttoch ghora bostolo.
SAMMY:Cecilia kagall (complain) kortalem. Ponnje
Campalar aslelea swimming pool-ant  ghelele khepek
tachea tornne kuddir kispuieo vo dadol koxea ietat
mhonn. Takach nhoi, tachi ixttin Beatrice hikai
toslench infection zata. Swimming pool-achem udok favo
tea vellar boldinant zalear udok duxit (polluted)
VERONICA:  Sorkar, Goeamche porjek pievpak nitoll
udkacho purvotho (supply) korina ani tuka dista
sorkari swimming pool-anchi favo te toren zotnai ghevn
lokachi bholaiki bori dovortolo mhonn?
SAMMY:Heach khatir lagchilea 'Goa Marriot' hotelant
membership korpak Cecilia-k hanvem sol'lo (advice)
dilolo. Marog lagtelem , ponn brown  katik infection
zavnchem na mhonn hi khatri asa mhaka. Ani tem
sangtalem, swimming ek ekdom boro veiaem' (exercise)
Pevntanam kuddiche purai sandde ekan-ek gholltat
khoim. Mhakai membership korunk vinoilam tannem.
VERONICA:  Naka, naka. Ghoroz na Cecilia-k sol'lo
divchelo, ani tum hotelachea swimming pool-an ghelolo.
Taka zai tor, tem polloun ghetelem.
 SAMMY: Falleam Ontor'raxtrik Bailancho Dis zalelean,
tannemnui casual leave ghetleli asa. Mhonntalem tem,
hotelachea manager- chi vollok korun di mhonn. Taka
khuxi thoisor vochpachi. Hanv ekmulo astolom mhonn
tuka husko aslo nhoi? Cecilia-k fon kortam ani
falleamchem swimming pool-an  vechem tharaitam.
.Ago, fon vazta. Konnacho to polle.

VERONICA:  (Ragan) Hello konn uloita?... (soukas)
Hey Viviana, how are you?. What?
Tomorrow?.. Too much problem..  You don't know
man? I was about to call you. There is BoJaPi's public
meeting at Azad Maidan in Panjim. You know?
Yes, yes.  Supporters will attend in large
number. After meeting they will stage violent dharna.
May be start damaging government property.
Why? Because, ministers playing frog game, makodd
jumping game. Helloexcuse me...How I came to
know all about this? Thru' very reliable source Maria
de Ribhandar... Very danger to go to Panjim,
specially tomorrow.. Ok..ok ..I will... my
promise...but let me first bring my home crisis under
controlOk bye ...see you
SAMMY: Hanv somzotalom fokot politicians ekdom fast
fottingponnacho pavs votoipak huxar mhonn. Ponn
tanchea vonn dobrad mhoji bail asa mhonn mhaka
khoboruch nasli. Tuvem topia (chemeleon) bhaxen ekuch
minutan rong bodoll'lo.
VERONICA:   Sometime the chameleon has to change it's
color when the need arises.
SAMMY: Tuvem tuje ixttinink utor dilam tem samballchem
VERONICA: Hanv dis bhor ghorant na tem pollevn Cecilia
sangata swimming pool-an khellunk, falleamchoch dis?
Hi sondi kitlo kal pasun tum pollet aslo? Tem ankvar

[Goanet]14th March Consumer Rights Solidarity Rally in Panjim

2005-03-12 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/

Consumer Rights Solidarity Rally in Panjim
The Goa Civic and Consumer Action Network (GOACAN) is
organising a Consumer Rights Solidarity Rally in Panjim
on Monday 14th March on the eve of World Consumer Rights Day.
The rally which will have participation of Consumer Forum volunteers
from different parts of Goa will highlight the demand of consumer
organisations worldwide to stop the spread of genetically modified
organisms (GMOs). Consumers right to information, right to choice
and right to safety will be highlighted. All food containing or derived
from GMO's must be independently tested, subject to international
safety guidelines and must be clearly labelled.
The Rally will also support the national level crusade against the
spread of counterfeit, spurious  adulterated goods and demand
action in Goa. Medicines, electrical appliances, food items  cosmetics
are the major products affected. The need for surprise checks,
quality tests and the insistence for the use of ISI mark are among
the demands.
The Rally will also extend support to the global campaign against
the amendment to the Indian Patent Act 1970. The Amendment Bill which
is to be discussed in Parliament will impact consumers with the increase
in the price of new medicines for cancer, diabetes, AIDS and other
to promote civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   website: www.goacan.org

[Goanet]Garbage disposal raises a storm in villages in Goa

2005-03-12 Thread GOACAN

Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/
Garbage disposal raises a storm in villages
Residents of Uguem have strongly objected to the selection of Uguem
as the site for the garbage of nearby village panchayats. At a recent
gram sabha meeting, Uguem sarpanch Anil Zangale informed residents
that Uguem village had been chosen as one of the sites for dumping
garbage under the rural garbage disposal scheme by the government.
The gram sabha members strongly objected to the scheme and urged
the sarpanch to immediately bring to the notice of authorities of the
objections being raised by villagers. They brought it to the notice of the
sarpanch that the Uguem village generates little waste as most of the
garbage presently being collected by individual household is disposed
off systematically in their own compounds or yards.
Villagers at the gramsabha pointed out that presently there exists
no vacant place in Uguem village away from the residential places
that could be used as dumping ground for garbage
Later, a resolution strongly opposing the garbage disposal scheme
in the village was passed unanimously. Speaking to Herald, Uguem
Sarpanch Anil Zangale informed that the panchayat has already
forwarded the copy of the resolution to the authorities concerned
Zangale, however, informed that the report from the concerned
authorities over the opposition being raised by the villagers is
still awaited..
HERALD 12/03/05 page 4
to promote civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  website: www.goacan.org

[Goanet]AICHEA DISSAK CHINTOP - March 13, 2005!

2005-03-12 Thread domnic fernandes
“Veng marop ek vhodd dennem – ek voddai soglleank pavta.”
(A hug is a great gift – one size fits all.)
Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar - get it now! 

[Goanet]REMO FERNANDES: In the land of the soul rebel (Tehelka)

2005-03-12 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
In the land of the soul rebel
Singer-musician Remo Fernandes walks through Jamaica -- the land of 
reggae-king Bob Marley and recounts the experience for Tehelka

Elation: Fernandes in
Marley country
When an icon dies young, his age remains frozen in our minds. Like other 
lost-in-time souls, I thought Jamaica would still be grooving to reggae
When I finally visited Jamaica last year, there was only one thought in my 
mind: Bob Marley. And of course other satellite thoughts, all centered 
around Marley: reggae, rastafarianism, dreadlocks, marijuana. Flying into 
Kingston and driving to my hotel late that first night seemed like a 
surreal, jet-lagged drift across time. More thoughts: Marley frequented 
this airport, walked down these very steps, probably held this hand rail 
I'm holding...

But when I went out looking for reggae music the next day, reality hit me 
right in the face. Had Marley been alive, he'd have been around 60 years 
of age. When an icon dies young, his youth remains forever frozen in our 
minds. I mean, if Elvis and Rajiv Gandhi turned up alive today, we 
probably wouldn't recognise them.
Like a whole lot of other lost-in-time souls, I too subconsciously thought 
that Jamaica would still be grooving to reggae. But this was 20 years 
later, maahn. They were grooving to dancehall, which was nothing but rap.

Rap? Oh no, said I, this tiny island which consistently coughed up new 
styles which the rest of the world gratefully followed, has finally bowed 
down to the American onslaught and been demoted from trendsetters to 

 Until I was corrected in no uncertain terms by a professor of the 
University of the West Indies specialising in Jamaican Culture: dancehall 
came first, she said, and American rap is the copy. I couldn't believe it. 
Jamaica, nothing but the tiniest fraction of the size of India, was 
leading world music still. To speak nothing of their Nobel Prize, Booker 
Prize and Grammy Winners, plus other international awardees in diverse 
fields. How could a tiny island produce such people? Was it the air? The 
water? The meat they gobbled like carnivores, shunning the accompaniment 
of vegetables? The fabled, mystical grass? Whatever it was, it showed in 
their attitude: they seemed certain that the world revolved around their 
tiny protrusion in the ocean. And in many ways, it does.

American rap, a copy of Jamaican dancehall! Of course, given half a 
chance, America would have appropriated reggae as its own too, the way 
they tried to do with basmati rice. But they couldn't, mainly because 
Marley first became a huge hit in England, among the underground Jamaican 
community there. I was living in Paris at the time, and news was filtering 
through across the Channel that this new music was not just music, but a 
whole religious/political movement, that the people who followed it were 
an extremely serious sect, grew dreadlocks, wore yellow, green and red 
colours, and smoked Kaya. And that for the first time in the UK, the brown 
man was making himself heard and respected. It was a boost of pride for 
all of us brownies everywhere in Europe, however much reflected and 
refracted the light might have been.

When I first heard reggae I thought: This music is meant for Goa. The 
laid-back beat for the laid-back Goan lifestyle. Just meant for each 
other. But when I returned two years later, it hadn't caught on at all. A 
friend said Reggae? You mean that music which threatens to go one step 
forward but recedes two steps backward? Nah... its boring. And he shoved 
another Boney M cassette into his stereo.

But about a year later (yes, late as usual), Goa caught on -- and with a 
vengeance. At every concert, dance or wedding, the audience would 
inevitably break into a chant of demand, accompanied by the stomping of 
feet and clapping of hands, which became de rigueur: Reggae! Reggae! 
Reggae! And every Goan band had to play I shot the Sheriff at least 10 
times a night.

But now it was 2004 in Jamaica, and there was no reggae anywhere in sight. 
Dancehall music ruled everywhere: hyper-energetic, dance-oriented, 
extremely and explicitly sexual in text and dance movements, totally 
programmed, sampled and dj-centric, it was the perfect anti-thesis to 
reggae. Jamaicans have a totally unique relationship with their bodies, 
and males and females (of all ages, shapes and sizes) walk around the 
streets half naked. Not in order to be provocative, but because to them 
that is as normal as wearing a saree or kurta pyjama is to us. Now, to 
this half nakedness, add wining -- the dance step which emulates the 
sexual act, front against front, back against front, back against back, 
with quite a few other highly imaginative and acrobatic combinations and 
permutations thrown in for good measure, and you get a picture of what 
happens in clubs, university gatherings, family weddings, and in the 

[Goanet]Goa tops India's accidental death rate

2005-03-12 Thread Frederick Noronha
This report from the Hindustan Times 
 has thrown up a shocking piece of statistics: 

Goa accounted for the highest rate of accidental deaths - 71 per 
100,000 population, as compared to the national average of 26.4. 

The report is titled Two rapes, four murders every hour in India and is based 
on figures compiled by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).

Frederick Noronha 784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
Freelance Journalist  TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
http://fn.swiki.net   http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks
fred at bytesforall.org   http://www.bytesforall.org

[Goanet]Stuff one is unlikely to find anywhere else

2005-03-12 Thread The Goan Forum
Things which will make Bernado Colaco, of the Ole_Xac
de Macau fame, go Uumh!

Stuff one is unlikely to find anywhere else

1. It might not be known
2. It might be known but Hidden in the sand of Goan
3. It might actually be censored by those who do not
wish it to be known
4. other reasons


This is probably what LIBERATION is all about!


The top political leadership in Delhi irrespective of
which party is in power, have tended to think of Goa
only as a holiday destination. Even as scores of prime
ministers and presidents and central ministers and
senior political leaders of the entire spectrum of
parties have DESCENDED on Goa to enjoy the sun, the
sea and the sand, they have never spared any time or
attention for Goa’s problems. 

Successive governments at the Centre have been happy
enough to MILK Goa for its foreign exchange potential.
Goa is among the largest, if not the single largest
contributor to the foreign exchange reserves in the
country on the tourism account.

While Goa may relatively speaking be rich, Goans are
poor. If the per capita income in Goa is high, it is
not because of the wealth created in Goa, but because
if NRI remittances.

courtesy   http://www.goanobserver.com/
Subscription required to access online publication


Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.net, TGF is at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d- list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

To respond directly to any post  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage less. 

Re: [Goanet]Pros of caste and castacho and zat

2005-03-12 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1) I can show you an easy way to get your kids to
 clean thier rooms. This is NOT a free service.
 2) I can also show you how to get your kids to marry
 whom you want. This is a free service. However, in
 the first place, you would have to have kids who
 want to be tied to your skirt forever.

Mario replies:
Your offer comes too late on both counts.  We brought
up our kids to be independent-thinking Americans of
Indian-Goan heritage, and our Grandkids will all be
Anglo-Indians, if you know what I mean.  Fixing them
up with anyone was never an option, Don't even think
about it, Dad.

BTW, they keep their own homes far cleaner than they
ever kept their rooms.

[Goanet]My Quest For Shiva.

2005-03-12 Thread eric pinto
Its pronounced Sheev, said a New York Jew to me,
sternly, one does not cross paths with Him who is both
creator and destroyer, he continued : my friend is
right i think, on all counts.  Hindus revere him for
much the same reason, and Jews invite friends to 'sit
Shiva', a prayer gathering  held a week in to a death
in the family. This is probably the only vestige of
the old Faith  that survives in the in the ethos of
that proto-Ugarithic group ( i dislike the label
Semitic), for they can thank Abraham for introducing
them to the the dubious pleasures of monotheism, just
as Zarusthra did for our folk a little to the west in
Sumerian country.
 Friend Shiva probably went to work early, in the
Rift Valley, in the Gita Rama precincts, a city in
Ruwanda. I lived in the region once, and i heard the
same refrain when i asked - 'it was our religion we
think, but no one seems to remember anymore'. 
Ethiopia has both, towns named Siva as well as Rama,
but Egypt is the clincher: the Siva Oasis, where
Alexander is buried. An Oracle had ordered it when he
had inquired about the best route to to his Divinity
on his death - it took the funeral caravan eighteen
months to  reach Siva from Macedonia.
We then set sail a short breeze to Kriti(Crete),
you get to see the island in the movie Zorba the
Greek, Siva is their third town. On this barren 
outcrop, you are expected to believe, European
civilization saw the light of day. Amen.
There are Sivas in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan,
bless them all, and someday soon i hope there will be
lttle Catholic boys in  Goa who will be baptized Siva,
and why not !!eric.

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RE: [Goanet]Re: Pros of caste and castacho and zat

2005-03-12 Thread Alfred de Tavares
From: George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Pros of caste and castacho and zat
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 07:10:11 -0800 (PST)
--- Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any connection between caste and cricket. Howzzat?

My dear boys:
Oh, yes. Until not very long ago, a bit before your times,
playing the game down-caste was just not cricket.
Our Indians stuck to the 'noble' tradition incepted and maintained by the
English clubs which would'nt countenance a benetonian rainbow,
with the exception of the occasional maharaja.
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet]Goan Caste System

2005-03-12 Thread Milad Meah Meah
Dear Goanetters,
Mario wrote.
So, I guess we anti-casters can all give up now.
Abolishing discrimination cannot stack up against all
these wonderful benefits, can it?  I'm finally
beginning to realize why the system has lasted for so
many hundreds of years.
Now, where's that bottle of caju I just brought back
from Goa?  I really need a double peg, right
That'a right Mario - 'old habits die hard'.
Stick to ur old 'kundmi' habits, hit the feni.
when u can't face the hard task hit the bottle. and stop calling me MEAO
Grapes are sour for u. things don't come easy in this world. Caste or no 
Caste System.
Milad Meah.(Acton, London)

[Goanet]At it again! RSS

2005-03-12 Thread Gabe Menezes
 RSS kicks-off row, no reservation for Muslim-Christian converts:- 
Mangalore | March 12, 2005 2:43:05 PM IST
The RSS has kicked off yet another row by announcing that converted
Christians or Muslims cannot avail reservation facilities.


The Akhil Bhartiya Pratinidhi Sabha, the highest policy-making body of
RSS, having its 3-day conclave in Mangalore, would discuss the issue
of reservation for the erstwhile Hindus who have embraced other
religions, said Ram Madhav, RSS Spokesman.

There is a move to seek extension of reservation facility to
converted Christians of Scheduled Castes. A Public Interest Litigation
has been moved in the Supreme Court. Earlier, the courts had taken a
clear stand that reservation means for those sections of Hindu
society, which face discrimination because of caste system in
Hinduism. So, we would like to discuss this issue in the session and a
resolution will be passed on that question, whether the reservation
facility can be extended to those who go out of Hindu religion and
embrace other religions, said Madhav.

Firebrand VHP leader Praveen Togadia, who is also in the city to
attend the conclave, followed Madhav and came down heavily on the
Centre for inviting Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf for the
ongoing Cricket series between India and Pakistan.

Terrorists are killing our security forces everyday, terrorists are
being killed in Delhi on a regular basis. Pakistan and Musharraf are
supporting terrorists and we are inviting him for cricket. It is
nothing but the impotency of the rulers of India. They are welcoming
the foreign ruler with a red carpet who wants to destroy India, said

At the same venue, VHP once again reiterated that the construction of
a Ram Mandir at Ayodhya is still an issue for it and it would continue
to be.

Senior VHP leader Acharya Giriraj Kishore said that the meeting of the
Saints at Haridwar in June would decide the course of action and also
decide the date of commencement of construction of the temple.

VHP will take the decision, RSS will help. We are having a meeting in
Haridwar on June 13th and 14th. Saints will decide it. So everything
will be decided in the month of June, said Acharya Kishore.

Once again opening up doors for speculation, the VHP leader said that
the outfit would prefer to have a political Hindu front as an
alternative to UPA and NDA. (ANI)

COMMENT: Manohar Parrikar is a paid up Member of the RSS..whose
views he adhers to; for those of you who didn't know, ignorance is not
bliss anymore! Ayodhya today or tomorrow, next stop could well be Goa.
Don't want to be alarmist but better you know the devil, better late
than never.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Operation Self-Destruction - from Goa Today

2005-03-12 Thread Cecil Pinto
By Cecil Pinto
Ajeeb indeed, you Goans, smirked my friend Amit as he took one more sip 
of chilled beer to wash down his last mouthful of spicy sorpatel-in-bread. 
Eight months of living in Goa had not doused his enthusiasm for non-veg 
food. I suppose it was the sheer contrast to his orthodox Bengali 
upbringing that brought out the best of him here in Goa, and of course his 
constant bewilderment at our unique ways.

Ok. What is it this time?, I asked Amit. His outsider perspective very 
often awakened me to anomalies in our Goan approach which I often take for 

Well take those three pathetic trees in Campal. The three that have 
remained firmly rooted in the main road near the SAG grounds.

What about them?, I asked. I pass these trees everyday on my way to work 
and when dropping my kids off to school.

Can't you see how ridiculous it is to have them still there. They're a 
tragedy waiting to happen. Somebody's going to die there in an accident 
very soon.

You don't understand, I exclaimed, Nothing can be done about them. If 
the Government dares to cut them down we will have the environmentalists up 
in arms.

So you keep them there, nearly in the middle of the road, till someone 
bangs into one of them and dies?

In a manner of speaking... yes!
But don't you guys understand that the environmentalists aren't really 
bothered now. What really was at stake was the stretch from Bal Bhavan to 
Miramar circle. The land owners there went back on their agreement, and 
didn't want to give up their precious fifteen meters of land for road 
widening. First they protested the tree cutting to do this. When the 
Government said they would have to claim their precious land if the trees 
were to remain then they quickly turned around and decided that the trees 
could go! All that remained were a few red-faced dedicated 
environmentalists. The pseudos vanished back into their La Campala 
bungalows. Selfish!

Well at least we Goans have been consistent in our demand that the River 
Princess has to be removed.

Really? Ok check this out. Every April the agitation on the Candolim belt 
picks up and protest are held. Hoteliers, shack owners, shopkeepers, 
what-have-you. They organise dharnas and write protest letters to the 
newspapers. Every September the same petty businessmen quieten down and 
downplay the disaster-waiting-to-happen. Why? Because the holy of holies, 
the 'season' is approaching. And they don't want their precious charters 
shying away because of some news about any possible environmental problems. 
Once the charters have gone off in April the protests will start again. 
Talk about short term. These guys can't see beyond their nose, forget the 
next season. Selfish!

Now that's a bit harsh Amit. They have to make a living you know.
Sure! Sure! Like the guys who rent their rooms and bikes to known 
paedophiles. Ask around on the beaches my friend. Everyone knows who the 
foreigner paedophiles are but nobody will bother to expose them. They do 
after all spend a lot of money and everyone has to make a living. Can't cut 
off the hand that feeds, can you? Selfish!

No Goan knowingly protects a person who has committed a crime!
Then how do you explain the totally corrupt circus of clowns that you 
Goans have elected to the Assembly? The whole country's laughing at the 
antics of these spineless shameless self-centred career politicians, and at 
you Goans for electing this same rubbish in every time around.

Amit, the Zilla Parishad elections are around the corner. Just you see. A 
fresh crop of young representatives will be voted in to lead Goa forward.

No, my friend. What you will have is a round of huge newspaper 
advertisements, paid for by the candidates themselves, made to look as 
though all their supporters are wishing them. And then finally who will get 
elected are a bunch of unprincipled opportunists. Tell me who would you 
vote for? Someone who helps you to build an illegal extension to your 
house, someone who can get your cousin out of jail, someone who can get 
your traffic challan cancelled, someone who can get your sister-in-law a 
Government job out of turn, someone who can get your servant an illegal 
ration card...  Or would you prefer someone who has a reputation of being 
ethical and has a long term vision?

Well see it's not really an illegal extension. I just wanted to cover my 
van from the rain. And as for my cousin he wasn't really guilty. It was 
just a misunderstanding. He's supposed to get engaged next week and...

Ha! See what I mean. What we need is planners, visionaries, thinkers and 
statesmen. What you want are instant fixers. And then you guys complain.

So if it's all that bad what are you doing here in Goa for so long? You 
outsiders are one of the reasons Goa is going to the dogs. You are buying 
all our properties and taking our jobs and ...

Sure I brought some property. I didn't hold a gun to the owner's head did 
I? He sold it to me fair 

[Goanet]Welcome back: Domnic Fernandes

2005-03-12 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Domnic, Great to see your postings back on Goanet! More power to you pen 
(elbow!) Here's hoping your health is better, and that you are able to put 
out a lot more of your interesting content for all of us to read! FN

 _/ \Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa
 \   __\/\   India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
  |  | |   |  \  http://fn.swiki.net http://goabooks.swiki.net
  |__| |___|  /  http://www.bytesforall.net http://www.bytesforall.org
\/   -
  Writing with a difference, on issues that really make the difference.

[Goanet]Congress getting their act together?

2005-03-12 Thread Gabe Menezes

All misunderstandings with the high command cleared: GPCC chief

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji March 11: The Goa Congress-led delegation to Delhi has cleared
all the misunderstandings among the central leadership regarding the
recent political developments in Goa, the president of the Goa Pradesh
Congress Committee (GPCC), Mr Luizinho Faleiro said today.

It took meetings with the President, Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, the Prime
Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, the Union Home Minister, Mr Shivraj
Patil, two meetings with the Congress president, Ms Sonia Gandhi in
New Delhi and presentations to all to nail the lies spread by the
propaganda machinery of the Goa Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Mr
Faleiro said.

He was addressing a press conference along with former chief minister,
Mr Pratapsingh Rane soon after their arrival from Delhi today

Mr Faleiro reacted strongly to the reported statement of former chief
minister, Mr Manohar Parrikar demanding dissolution of the Goa
assembly and fresh elections in Goa. He said that midway during the
last term, when Mr Parrikar lost majority, he dissolved the assembly
and forced an election on the people of Goa and a burden on the state
exchequer. Now he has lost majority again, he wants another

Mr Faleiro said that Mr Parrikar never had a clear mandate from the
people of Goa and that he held on to power only through chicanery and

Mr Faleiro said democracy is a game of numbers. Those who have the
numbers, can rule. Those who dont cannot rule. When four BJP MLAs
resigned, then the fifth, the BJP had lost majority. The Congress had
the majority on all three occasions of vote of confidence, on February
2, February 28 and March 4, he added.

The BJP tried to cling on to power through the machinations of its
Speaker. The central leadership is convinced of these arguments, Mr
Faleiro said further.

We gave documentary evidence and VCDs of all three episodes of vote
of confidence. We specially highlighted the speakers behaviour of the
physical eviction of Mr Felipe Neri Rodrigues from the assembly and
then his disqualification on the basis of forged documents, Mr
Faleiro said.

Mr Faleiro expressed amusement at the BJPs demands for recall of the
Governor, of police harassment and for dissolution of the assembly.
The BJP supporters damaging the Governors escort-car and then crying
of police harassment. What should the police do? Mr Faleiro

Regarding calls for dissolution, he said it is a case of sour grapes
for the BJP.

After by-elections to 5 assembly seats and the re-qualification of Mr
Felipe Neri Rodrigues by the High Court, the BJP knows they will be
reduced to a microscopic minority in Goa. That is why they want a
dissolution of the House, Mr Faleiro said.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]India wins ruling on Neem.

2005-03-12 Thread Gabe Menezes

India wins landmark patent battle

The neem provides a popular traditional tooth cleaner
India has won a 10-year-long battle at the European Patent Office
(EPO) against a patent granted on an anti-fungal product, derived from

EPO initially granted the patent to the US Department of Agriculture
and multinational WR Grace in 1995.

But the Indian government successfully argued that the medicinal neem
tree is part of traditional Indian knowledge.

The winning challenge comes after years of campaigning and legal
efforts against so-called bio-piracy.

Leading the campaign in the neem case was the EU Parliament's Green
Party, India-based Research Foundation for Science, Technology and
Ecology (RFSTE) and the International Federation of Organic
Agriculture Movements (IFOAM).

This historic precedent must be further developed
Linda Bullard, IFOAM
Denying the patent means upholding the value of 'traditional' for
millions of [people] not only in India but throughout the South. The
free tree will stay free, said RFSTE director, Dr Vandana Shiva.

This victory is the result of extremely long solidarity. It is a
victory of committed citizens over commercial interests and big

Ancient knowledge

A challenge was first mounted against the patent when it was granted
in 1995. In 2000, it was victorious, but the US multinational mounted
an appeal. On Tuesday this week, that appeal was lost.

The backbone of RFSTE's challenge was that the fungicide qualities of
the neem tree and its use had been known in India for over 2,000

The neem derivatives have also been used traditionally to make insect
repellents, soaps, cosmetics, tooth cleaners and contraceptives.

In 1995, WR Grace patented neem-based bio pesticides, including
Neemix, for use on food crops. Neemix suppresses insect feeding
behaviour and growth in more than 200 species of insects.

But the EPO agreed that the process for which the patent had been
granted had actually been in use in India for many years.

Under normal circumstances, a patent application should always be
rejected if there is prior existing knowledge about the product.

But in the United States, prior existing knowledge is only
recognised if it is published in a journal - not if it has been passed
down through generations of oral and folk traditions.

We are deeply gratified that through our case the EPO has recognised
the intellectual achievements of the South, said Linda Bullard,
former president of IFOAM.

We were able to establish that traditional knowledge systems can be a
means of establishing 'prior art' and thus used to destroy claims of
novelty and inventiveness.

This historic precedent must be further developed and transposed into
overall international frameworks so that this type of theft is no
longer possible.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet]Speaking and Writing under influence

2005-03-12 Thread Gabe Menezes
On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 21:15:23 -0500, Joe Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I do hope  you  realise  that there is a difference in the  word   trash
 as compared to  theword  thrashie  the  two words  mean
 something  quite  distinctly different from each  other
...However  I  do  agree  with  you  that  reading  the 
many  posts  of
 Gabe  Menezes
   over  the  last  two  years  I`ve  found  them  sane, well balanced  and

RESPONSE: Thank you Cecil and thank you Joe for your kind words. Cecil
was quoting the original post - spelling included.

Joe, do I know you, are you from Toronto, Canada?


Gabe Menezes.
London England.

[Goanet]AICHEA DISSAK CHINTOP - March 12, 2005!

2005-03-12 Thread domnic fernandes
“Jivit amkam zai aslelea porim sodanch vortovnam.  Gorjechem mhul’lear ami 
borea tensavan jieop ani dusreank khuxealkai divop.”

(Life is not always the way we want it to be.  What matters is we live with 
good intentions and provide happiness for others.)

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet]Who else but the Supreme Court?

2005-03-12 Thread Gabe Menezes
Who else but the Supreme Court?

March 11, 2005

Room 46 in the West Bengal legislative assembly complex is called the
'Bejoy Kumar Banerjee Hall.' Few would recognise his name today but 38
years he made the headlines in every Indian newspaper. What he said
and did in 1967 are relevant to the events of today.

The West Bengal of 1967 presented as confused a picture as the Goa,
Jharkhand, and Bihar of today, no party having won a clear majority in
the assembly election. Ajoy Kumar Mukherjee, leader of a group of
Congress defectors, joined hands with the Marxists to form the United
Front. The coalition ministry was involved in a running battle with
Governor Dharam Vira from the first. It did not last very long, the
exasperated governor kicking out the United Front to install the
Progressive Democratic Alliance that was led by Dr P C Ghosh.

It was at this point that Speaker Bejoy Kumar Banerjee entered the
picture. The Speaker refused to recognise the new regime, ruling it
was the exclusive power of the House to make and unmake ministries.
Efforts to do so behind the back of the assembly were, he declared,
unconstitutional and invalid. The P C Ghosh ministry threw in the
towel, there was a bout of President's Rule, and the Ajoy
Mukherjee-led United Front returned in 1969.

Many think that politicians should be barred from becoming governors.
It may interest them to know that Dharam Vira was no politician, he
had been one of India's most distinguished civil servants, efficient
and incorruptible. He was genuinely concerned about the deteriorating
situation in West Bengal; the Ajoy Mukherjee ministry was so
spectacularly incompetent that the chief minister once sat on a dharna
outside Writers Building against his own government! But the Speaker
was equally correct in upholding the authority of the assembly.

Both Dharam Vira and Bejoy Kumar Banerjee could legitimately claim
that they were working in West Bengal's best interests. Nobody would
buy that excuse from Governor S C Jamir, the former Speaker Vishwas
Satarkar, and Speaker Pro-tem Francisco Sardinha. Does anyone think S
C Jamir had no role to play in the fall of the BJP-led Manohar
Parikkar ministry? Speaker Satarkar sought to counter this by
disqualifying an MLA just before a crucial vote in the assembly.
Finally, Speaker Pro-tem Sardinha stretched the powers of his post to
the limit by ordering the ouster of an MLA from the BJP side.

Jharkhand trust vote on March 11 

Stop this nonsense about our great democracy!

The sad part is that it was actually politics as usual up to the point
where Francisco Sardinha entered. S C Jamir is scarcely the first
governor to be partial to one party. There are even precedents of a
Speaker playing fast and loose with the rules. (The governor would
have been justified in recommending President's Rule after Satarkar's
timely disqualification of the pro-Congress Philip Neri Rodrigues.)
But what the Speaker Pro-tem did was in a class of its own. It opened
the door to manipulation on a different scale.

Every assembly -- even the Lok Sabha come to that -- starts
proceedings with a Speaker Pro-tem being nominated. That nomination is
the gift of the executive wing, not of the legislature. Imagine what
might happen if other Speakers Pro-tem follow Sardinha to disqualify
'inconvenient' members. You could face a situation where an electoral
verdict is overthrown before all the legislators have time to read the

A governor serves at the pleasure of the President. A Speaker is
elected by the legislature over which he presides, and he may be
removed by its members. But who is to check abuse of power by a
Speaker Pro-tem? Sitaram Yechury says the Left disapproves of all
legislative problems being dumped into the judiciary's lap. In
principle he is correct but who else can lay down the law to prevent
the disgusting antics we saw in Goa?

The Supreme Court stepped in to tell Governor Syed Sibtey Razi that it
was setting a date for the vote of confidence in the Jharkhand
assembly. It told 'Chief Minister' Soren that he could not have one of
his pets sitting there as a nominated Anglo-Indian member. I pray that
it also lays down broad guidelines on the powers of a Speaker Pro-tem.

The marauders of democracy

But what of those Speakers, properly elected and not serving pro-tem,
who act as tools of the executive wing? The position of a Speaker were
spelt out on January 4, 1642 when King Charles I came in person to
arrest five MPs from the House of Commons. Not finding them, he asked
the Speaker where they were. William Lenthall, famously replied, 'I
have neither eyes to see nor tongue to speak in this place but as this
House is pleased to direct me, whose servant I am here.' Speaker Bejoy
Kumar Banerjee was man cast in the same iron mould; others, I am
afraid, have been far more accommodating to the executive branch.

I recall something Dr Ambedkar said long ago. After pointing