Re: [Goanet]Steel plant

2005-06-10 Thread Bernado Colaco
Nice one Afra! No airport no port no rail link nothing
innit. all tosh in port time?

B. Colaco

> Afra says:
> To smelt Iron Ore we need Lime Stone.
> From where was it going to come and by what means?
> During Port. period there was no infrastructure, it
> is just about happening 
> now.
> Things do not happen, just because of ones say so.
> I hear there is a Rubber Tree plantation going on in
> Goa, so why not a rubber 
> plant?
> Afra Dias. (London)

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[Goanet]Re: Was Jinnah Secular?

2005-06-10 Thread sandeep heble
(RKN wrote: It's unfair to pick up bits and pieces out
of context to paint someone a 
fundamentalist. The statements have to be read in the
context of the social 
milieu and time in history to understand their true

While Jinnah may not have been a fundamentalist
wanting to establish a 'theocratic Islamic State', he
was not a liberal leader who had espoused the cause of
a secular Pakistan either. Jinnah's vision was clear
and unambiguous: he was in favour of a modern
'democratic Islamic state' and not a secular society
divorced from religion. Jinnah's model Islamic State
would seek to synthesise Islam with modernity. In such
a State, all citizens would be equal before the law
but governance and policies to be pursued would be
based upon the 'ideologies and identities of Islam'.
In other words, it essentially would be an 'Islamic
democracy' which would follow a progressive and
dynamic vision of Islam. Such a model could hardly
have been referred to as a  'Secular democracy'. 

Jinnah's broadcast to the people of the United States
(February 1948) makes this position of his very clear:

"I do not know what the ultimate shape of this
constitution is going to be, but I am sure that it
will be of a democratic type, embodying the essential
principles of Islam. Today, they are as applicable in
actual life as they were 1300 years ago. Islam and its
idealism have taught us democracy. It has taught
equality of men, justice and fairly play to everybody.
We are the inheritors of these glorious traditions and
are fully alive to our responsibilities and
obligations as framers of the future constitution of
Pakistan. In any case Pakistan is not going to be a
theocratic State -- to be ruled by priests with a
divine mission. We have many non- Muslims -- Hindus,
Christians, and Parsis -- but they are all Pakistanis.
They will enjoy the same rights and privileges as any
other citizens and will play their rightful part in
the affairs of Pakistan.".

And we will leave the discussion on whether a 'modern
Islamic State' can also be a democratic one to another

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2005-06-10 Thread Bernado Colaco
Hello Antonio,

Your long discourse on Goa contemprary politics does
not provide any solutions. Goa needs solutions and not
continued failures.

B. Colcao
> money and more money thru which they got elected by
> making the voters fools 
> and “gantta – Boills”.
> A. Veronica Fernandes,
> Kuwait.

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

Re: [Goanet]Re:: [OFFTOPIC] Canada... and America

2005-06-10 Thread Mervyn Lobo
dudes @ Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I send you copies because you send me articles he
> has written. The first one you sent me had a 
> falsehood in almost every single paragraph.

I also sent you articles from Thomas L. Friedman, see

How come you have not written to him about any false
hoods in the article? You scared that if you do, the
good folks may send you too to Cuba?

"Texas could get along without the United States, but
the United States cannot, except at great hazard,
exist without Texas." 
Sam Houston

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Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!(Fred)

2005-06-10 Thread Nasci Caldeira

You may be right as far as the origin of 'Sousa' is concerned.
However in practice, almost all the De Souza's and D'Souza's residents in 
Goa, and whom I know, (not migrated out of Goa) and not brahmin have this 
spelling with a 'Z'. I have only met Goa brahmins who spell the same as 
Sousa; One was ' Sousa Ferrao' the tiatrist and I know him when he lived and 
worked for B'bay Telephones in Bombay. I also know people from Bardez, and 
not brahmin who spell it with a 'Z'.

Anyway, it's good to know. Lets leave it at that.

From: Gabriel de Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL!(Fred)
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2005 01:05:13 +1000 (EST)

--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> His family name is written as: 'Sousa' the Bamon
> spelling and not 'Souza'.


The correct spelling is Sousa (from the Portuguese
river Sousa).  People who moved to British territories
outside Goa 'anglicized' it to Souza, some going as
far as putting d'Souza (incorrect) instead of de Sousa

The spelling has nothing to do with being Bamon.


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourtne - Oz.

Send instant messages to your online friends

Re: [Goanet]My beer cap overfloweth

2005-06-10 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I asked my Mum what was all this beer consumption
> about and was very quickly educated. Apparently 
> Belo beer had a scheme going. Under each Belo 
> beer cap is a prize. From a minimum of a guaranteed
> Rs. 2/-, one can win Rs. 5/-, Rs. 10/-, a 325 ml 
> beer, a 650 ml beer, Rs. 10,000/- and even Rs. 
> 50,000/-. But I knew this all along. The difference
> being that a local Aldona boy had recently won 
> Rs. 10,000/-.

Here is another good reason why you should not come to
Canada. Every summer, the beer companies enclose
coupons in their 24 bottle cases. The coupons are for
prizes ranging from T-shirts to $250,000 cottages.

Yes, two hundred and fifty thousand dollar cottages. 

Mervyn of many caps.

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[Goanet]Government & Ministers: three observations

2005-06-10 Thread Constantino Xavier

This is my new weblog, from outside Goa, about Goa. Attached my first 
posting on "Government & Ministers: three observations". I hope to have your 
comments and start a constructive debate about the future of Goa. Thank you.

Constantino Hermanns Xavier


Saturday, June 11, 2005

Government & Ministers: three observations

I have been postponing for too long my comments on what is happening at the 
political level in Goa. The drama, theatre and circus (all in the negative 
understanding) of Goan politics seem to worsen day by day. That makes it 
difficult to make any comment or analysis. It is like a dense jungle, 
especially for me, without having a past of living in Goa, neither being 
there presently. Where to start?

There is a new government in place now in Goa. Let me start by three simple 
observations. A simple but clear start, I hope.

First, is it my imagination or is there a growing public exposure and 
acceptance of caste and social hierarchies as criteria to form a government 
in Goa? I don't remember Goan media referring so openly to the caste of 
politicians and its importance during and after the election campaign. 
Perhaps it is just something which has always been present and has only now 
come up to the public surface. Perhaps it is not longer considered as a 

But perhaps it is also a mere return to the cultural and tribal impulses of 
man. Our need of allegiances and loyalty to social or territorial symbols – 
in this case a politician. That is a recurrent theme in globalisation: 
social homogenisation prevails and cultural differences seem to erode, but 
suddenly there is also a revival of ethnicity, of locality and of tribalism 
(self-determination movements, ethnic minorities, post-modern urban tribes 
etc.). My question is only if this present emergence of caste-criteria is 
anyhow linked to this globalisation phenomenon. Why now? Why so important?

Second, as a consequence of the first point, while forming a government, the 
priorities seem to be set wrong. For the last days there has been a huge 
pressure and excitement about the new government, almost every MLA (BJP ones 
probably included…) trying to get a ministerial post. But have we seen any 
comment, any analysis, any discussion about the profiles and specific 
qualities of the candidates? Of their capacity to take over a certain 
responsibility and truly develop Goa? About their academic or professional 

With the emergence of ministerial cabinets in 19th century Europe there was 
a consensus that ministers should be specialists in their areas. Today – I 
have to concede – we move closer to ministers with a technocratic and 
bureaucratic profile, merely coordinating the structure they command. Yet, 
in Goa, neither one or the other orientation seem to be in place. Ministers 
remind me the feudal lords in late medieval Europe, looking for a bright 
room in the king's court. Or the hundreds of Indian marajas in the 
pre-independence period, desperately looking for British friendship. Now 
that the puppets have been put on stage, only now, we will see what clothes 
they will wear. And, as we know, they love to change clothes all the time. 
It would be interesting to have a previous public or political debate about 
whom which clothes suit best.

Third, a very brief but important point. Is it normal to have a Legislative 
Assembly with one lone female MLA among 40 elected representants? I am 
generally not in favour of quotas for minorities but in this case I am 
tempted to establish a parallel between the abysmal under-representation of 
women MLA's (2,5%) and the jungle-law of Goan politics. A perspective which 
can be strengthened by looking at the average age of the elected MLA's.

Women and youth being excluded from Goan politics, I can only attempt two 
conclusions. A) there is no hope as the political structure s taken over 
indefinitely by male and old dinosaurs. Or B) There will necessarily be a 
change, because there cannot be such a tremendous gap in democracy, where 
elected representants should – at least in theory – mirror the elector's 
diversity and interests.

[Goanet]RE: a good music to the goans

2005-06-10 Thread Errol Pinto
RJ = rio de janeiro

TELERJ = telephone company of rio de janeiro

-Original Message-
From: novampb

Dear people of Goa
We hope do you like  good music. I am a Brazilian musician and 
I invite you to ear the web radio of CREA-RJ  and by clicking the window AO
VIVO  can you appreciate the best music of the world. The  web radio of the
CREA-RJ is free online 24 hours a day.
My congratulations to the Goan Peoples.
Sincerilly yours
Bene Rodrigues

[Goanet]Goa's Dirty Politicians & Today's Headlines 10th June

2005-06-10 Thread jerry fernandes
Hello all

I bet our politicians; especially Willy has not heard the story of the Goose 
that laid golden eggs. No wonder he wants to cut the goose to grab all the 
eggs at once. Elections are just two years away, and instead of doing well for 
the people, and getting elected for full 5-year term in the coming election, 
He wants to do good for his colleague, Mikky Pacheco. I wish he had learnt a 
lesson from the communist who are supporting congress in Delhi from outside. 
And, not greedy, for the chairs.

I bet Parrikar is having a hearty laughter. 


Jerry Fernandes

[Goanet]Steel plant

2005-06-10 Thread afra dias
Mr Colaco wrote: 
Strange how Goa which is/was rich in iron ore was not
allowed to build mini steel plants. Neo imperalism has
left us in the dark!
B. Colaco

Afra says:
To smelt Iron Ore we need Lime Stone.
>From where was it going to come and by what means?
During Port. period there was no infrastructure, it is just about happening 
Things do not happen, just because of ones say so.
I hear there is a Rubber Tree plantation going on in Goa, so why not a rubber 
Afra Dias. (London)


2005-06-10 Thread Ricardo Nunes
They migrated to America from Asia but they are of Sino-Mongolian stock not
of Aryan-Malay stock. To follow the pattern I would call them American
Chinese rather than American Indians ... How about that?


> Message: 16
> Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 22:18:40 -0400
> From: afra dias 
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet]American Indians
> Reply-To:
> Hi All,
> Santosh wrote:
> else the Red Indians?
> The politically correct term is American Indians. They migrated to America
> from Asia. You are now dealing with entirely separate continents.
> Cheers,
> Santosh
> Afra Adds:
> Before any one disagrees with Santosh, I must add that he is correct.
> Afra Dias (London)

Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!

2005-06-10 Thread Joe Vaz

Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I would appreciate it if someone would tell me how Dr.
Wilfred De Souza wrecked the educational system in
Goa. I want to know this because I have an interest in
education, not because I am a supporter or opponent of
Dr. Willie. I am neither.



This is not a matter of supporting or opposing Dr. Willie.  It is not about 
personal differences, but public interest.  As ex-CM of Goa, Dr. Willie had 
his chance of making a difference; he did not pick on that opportunity.  
Willie is motivated by his own political expediency, not ethics, and by most 
accounts— not the interest of the state.

His stance on the present educational system was no different either.  Talk 
to the teachers and parents in Goa, and it will become abundantly clear how 
much the current educational system is helping students in schools.

Joe Vaz

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Re: [Goanet]NCP threat subsides 7 INC MLA's inducted

2005-06-10 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 10/06/05, godfrey gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In fact the BJP insiders prefer to allow Dr Wilfred De
> Souza and Mr Mickey Pacheco to tender their
> resignations and trigger a political turmoil which
> will pave the way for the BJP to resign en masse this
> will meet their earlier demand for dissolution of the
> House and would also avoid the embarrasment of the
> ongoing court cases which would further see the
> disqualification of the Siolim and Vasco da Gama MLAs
> atleast by  July and atleast one MLA may be implicated
> in the forgery case in the next two months.

> from the Dona Paula end

RESPONSE: I very much doubt, that either Dr. Willy or Shri Pacheco
will resign. They might find themselves on the receiving end of the
voters wrath, should they then attempt to stand for re-election.

I also very much doubt the BJP will resign en-masse. What would be the
point? There is no call for dissolution of the Assembley on these
grounds. Another bye election would take place and the BJP too, might
end up on the receiving end of the wrath of the voters. You are
implying that it is a simple exercise to get dissolution of the
Assembley. If you come out second best you can resign en-masse and
trigger a dissolution, I think you are wrong on this.

I would stake my Stella beer on this.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet]Put Casteism in history's dustbin

2005-06-10 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Vivian D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is the modern world where people are
> judged by their achievements and not whether they
> were born to nobility or caste or even the color of 
> their skin.  
Mario adds:
All I can add is, Amen!  However, one person responded
to one of my posts on the subject some months ago to
claim indignantly that high-achievers enjoy an "unfair
advantage" over low-achievers.
Vivian continues:
> As a Catholic I have no caste.
> My family left casteeism behind when we converted or
> were converted into Catholicism several centuries
> ago.
Mario responds:
You would think that any Goan Catholic with half a
brain would know this, Vivian, and I'm sure they do in
their hearts.  But as we have seen, apparently the
"higher castes" still use the system to signal their
mythical superiority, and apparently the "lower
castes" are now also using it to garner some benefits
from government programs.

Re: [Goanet]Re: [OFFTOPIC] Canada... and America

2005-06-10 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Bosco D'Mello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You don't mean the "Top Thrill Dragster", the
one-time fastest and highest Roller Coaster located at
Cedar Point, Sandusky.;-) I can't handle 
> the blood-rush after one of those rides. Pleeez !!
Mario replies:
Cornel, are you reading this to add to your list, this
one of Goan Canadians?

No, Bosco, none of these.  You have proved a second
time that your knowledge of Ohio history is somewhat
lacking, but I am glad to continue educating you.  The
monument is at Put-in-Bay on South Bass Island in Lake
Erie, close to where the British were defeated.  An
excerpt from a history book reads as follows:

On 10 September 1813, Master Commandant Oliver Hazard
Perry met and defeated a British flotilla, under
Commander Robert Heriot Barclay, at the Battle of Lake
Erie. With a squadron of nine ships, manned as a mixed
crew of soldiers, marines, and sailors, Perry achieved
one of the most significant victories of the War of
1812.  Moments after the final gun went silent, Perry
wrote his now famous message to General William Henry
Harrison: "We have met the enemy and they are ours."
Bosco writes:
After admonishing Mervyn (and me) that Canada was a
socialist blah-blah, now you are asking me whether we
are monarchy?? We have elections you know.just
like you.and our politicians throw dirt at each 
other..just like yours.and at the end of those
shenanigans a Prime Minister will lead Her Majesty's
government albeit I'm uncertain whether H.M. 
is creaming us for a slice of the Alberta tar-sands.
Mario replies:
As I suspected the Queen is still the head of your
government.  You used a lot of verbiage to finally
arrive at the admission that your Prime Minister leads
Her Majesty's government.
Bosco writes:
> Nowthe Peace Treaty still holds ?? Or do you
want us to sail down the Welland Canal and across
Erie with our flintlocks and muskets ??
Mario replies:
I guess so since Her Majesty's various governments
have become our allies, some strong like the always
reliable Aussies and Brits, some weak like the PRC. 
You are always welcome to cross the pond, but keep
your muskets and flintlocks behind lest you be
mistaken for one of those jihadis that are lurking in
Canada, at least one on the staff of the Toronto Star.
 But with the knowledge you are exhibiting I may have
to send you written directions to the Welland Canal.

[Goanet]Looking for water solutions in a dry Bagalkot, not far from Goa

2005-06-10 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)


In a dry South Indian region where the annual rainfall is around half-a-metre a 
year, officials believe that water-awareness can play a big role, even if the 
rain gods don't oblige. And they're marching to find a solution.

Bagalkot district in north Karnataka state, South India, with an annual
average rainfall of 547 mm has been reeling under drought in the last three
years. It is located almost adjacent to Goa.

Reports from the area put the loss of agricultural crop to run to crores of
rupees. Bagalkit's district administration had to spend Rs 50 to 60 lakhs to
provide drinking water through tankers to 80 villages for a two-month

To create awareness about water among people, the district administration
has now opened up a 'rain centre', at Malenadu, which builds awareness about
how every drop of water saved can make a difference. This information
clearing house-cum-training centre cost Rs 8 lakhs.

Now, with the south-west monsoon has stepped in, the district administration
is preparing itself for a 10-day, 100-villages 'jalajatha', or procession
for water awareness.

"This jalajatha is first of its kind in the state in its preparation,
coverage and planning, "North Kerala-based journalist Shree Padre who takes
an active interest in researching water conservation initiatives in the
region, told IANS.

Padre is involved with various initiatives including the farm-based
journalism initiative and which
works, as its name suggests, for rainwater harvesting. He urges those
suffering from water shortages, "Rain is a gift from the sky; deposit it in
the earthen bank!"

Mysore-based Niranthara Foundation, a group of multi-talented artists, will
give a 10-day training to 60 selected drama artists in folk songs,
street-plays and skits on rainwater. New songs and plays are being written
expressely for the purpose.

This training was launched on June 6, with a two-day slide-show session on
water conservation and rainwater harvesting, mainly from western and
southern India. Two local farmers who have successfully drought-proofed
their lands by traditional methods and could reap some yield even in the
last three drought years also shared their experiences.

But it's not going to be a question of preaching alone. The troupe will have
first hand experience in Rainwater Harvesting by digging a farm-pond,
assembling a roof-water harvesting system and constructing a contour bund at
the Morarji Desai residential school, where the training is underway.
Schoolchildren will also help in creating rain-water harvesting structures.

This 'water procession' will commence from June 16 and the first leg will
end on June 25. Plans are for the troupe of 60 to split into five groups.

Each group will visit two villages in a day. Their agenda includes planting
trees, interaction with farmers, collection of info about rain-water
harvesting enthusiasts who can volunteer, documentation of traditional
rainwater harvesting and soil-and-water conservation methods, street plays,
skits and songs on rain.

Local farmers and experienced elders will also be requested to partake in
these programmes. Officials will look at a second leg of the procession,
after reviewing feedback from the first.

For further details: DC Bagalkot,  [EMAIL PROTECTED], Phone: (08354) 235
091; Sudhakar Cholachgud, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph: 98458 21400

[Goanet]being nilly about willie

2005-06-10 Thread jose colaco

From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

He is also responsible for wrecking the educational >system in Goa, and 
later making an unsuccessful “U” turn on the subject.

From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would appreciate it if someone would tell me how Dr. Wilfred De Souza 
wrecked the educational system in Goa. I want to know this because I have an 
interest in education, not because I am a supporter or opponent of Dr. 
Willie. I am neither.

Me too

I am a supporter of Willie ...he has been my mentor in Med School

I'd like to know too please


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[Goanet]RSS blinked first!

2005-06-10 Thread Gabe Menezes 
Advani stays on as BJP's leader 

India's opposition leader LK Advani has taken back an offer to resign
as president of his BJP party.
BJP spokesman Sushma Swaraj announced the decision after a crisis
meeting of the party.
Mr Advani offered to step down after he described Pakistan's founder,
Mohammed Ali Jinnah as "secular", causing a furore in India.
Mr Jinnah is still widely blamed for the partition of India because of
his drive for a Muslim homeland.
Ms Swaraj told journalists that the party viewed Mr Advani's recent
trip to Pakistan as a success and a major step in furthering the peace
process between the two countries.
A statement issued by the party after a key meeting in Delhi praised
Mr Advani's "path-breaking visit to Pakistan" and "appreciated" the
Pakistan government's invitation to the BJP leader to inaugurate a
restored Hindu temple.
But the statement also reiterated the BJP's position that "whatever
may be Mr Jinnah's vision of Pakistan, the very idea of Hindus and
Muslims being two separate nations is repugnant to it."
"The BJP has always condemned the division of India on communal lines
and continues to steadfastly reject the two-nation theory championed
by Mr Jinnah and endorsed by British colonialists," the statement
Mr Advani had been upset that the party has not backed him and taken a
position on his comments in Pakistan.
During his six-day visit to Pakistan Mr Advani spoke of Mr Jinnah's
"forceful espousal of a secular state in which every citizen would be
free to practice his own religion".
His comments were strongly criticised by Hindu nationalist groups
allied to the BJP and has divided his party down the middle.
On Thursday, senior party leader Murli Manohar Joshi joined the
criticism of Mr Advani.
Mr Joshi, a former education minister, said the party was passing
through a "difficult stage" which must be speedily resolved - "We
cannot describe Jinnah as secular," he said.
Mr Joshi's comments were seen as significant because he is one of the
three founding members of the BJP along with Mr Advani and former
Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee.
But Mr Advani stood behind his comments. 
"I have not said or done anything in Pakistan which I need to retract
or review", Mr Advani wrote in a letter to a senior party member
requesting the BJP to "relieve" him of the post of party leader.
Mr Advani is considered one of the more hardline members of the Hindu
nationalist BJP. He could still face criminal charges for his role in
the destruction of a mosque in the northern city of Ayodhya by a mob
in 1992.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet]Anti-smoking fascism

2005-06-10 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vidyadhar Gadgil wrote:
> There seems to be a wilful blindness among our
> citizens regarding the
> government proposal to ban images of smoking in
> film. Rather than
> condemning the step, they cheer our would-be
> censors on.
> Cecil:
> Indeed yes. How strange that except for a few voices
> nobody has really 
> exposed the blatant stupidity of the proposed law.
Mario asks:
Morality aside, in India who pays for the treatment of
the illnesses that smokers suffer that are far greater
and far more serious than the non-smoking population?

Re: [Goanet]American Indians

2005-06-10 Thread Mario Goveia
American Indian is a term that goes back to Columbus'
time, and is generally acceptable.  However, I believe
the "politically correct" term is "Native American"

--- afra dias  wrote:

> Hi All,
>  Santosh wrote:
> else the Red Indians?
> The politically correct term is American Indians.
> They migrated to America 
> from Asia. You are now dealing with entirely
> separate continents.
> Cheers,
> Santosh
> Afra Adds:
> Before any one disagrees with Santosh, I must add
> that he is correct.
> Afra Dias (London)

[Goanet]NCP threat subsides 7 INC MLA's inducted

2005-06-10 Thread godfrey gonsalves
As is expected and customary with the Indian National
Congress Party and its "half blood  brother" the
Nationalist Congress Party --(which incidentally
came into being after the Maratha war lord Mr Sharad
Pawar ex CM Mumbai and present Union Minister split
from the INC to form the NCP as he willed  that a
person of foreign origin (referring to Madam Sonia
Gandhi) could not covet the Prime Ministerial seat in
India ---though  after she made the "supreme
sacrifice" of not occupying the seat there was a thaw
in relations which culminated in their alliance both
in Goa and New Delhi --- albeit "to keep the communal
forces at bay " ) the NCP leader Dr Wilfred
Anthony De Souza retaliated "verbally"in no uncertain
terms over the non inclusion of Mr Francisco (Micky)
Pacheco NCP MLA Benaulim in the Cabinet. 

But there are two sides to this argument --- the INC
top brass told this writer telephonically during the
swearing in ceremony this morning that Mr Francisco
(Micky) Pacheco was indeed offered the Benaulim seat
on a INC ticket for his "sacrifice" in unseating the
Parrikar Government alongwith the others Monseratte
Kamat, Madkaikar, Fernandes --- this offer was not
accepted by Mr Pacheco and he preferred to put his
eggs in the basket of the NCP on his own volition and
ofcourse on the studied advice of his mentor Dr
Wilfred De Souza.

Dr De Souza however insists that the sacrifice needs
to be rewarded with a Cabinet berth just as the other
three were rewarded. One of them Mr  Isidore Fernandes
of Poinguinim did not make it at the hustings.  "So
why not Pacheco" and  this act of the INC High or Low
Command  feels the Doctor from Saligao "is a communal
stance worst than that of the BJP" which translated
meant the Doctor would not mind taking support from
the BJP to form the Government. 

This was denied by Goa Pradesh Congress Committee
President -- Mr Ravi Sitaram Naik MLA Ponda --- but
then one could not take Ravi's denial as the gospel
truth given the fact on an earlier ocassion following
the assasination of ex PM and MP Rajiv Gandhi on 21st
May, Mr Ravi Naik denied that there was any
understanding on interchanging Chief Ministerial
positions with Dr Wilfred De Souza and that eventually
led to a political turmoil of sorts which saw De Souza
in CM position  and the then Governor given the boot.

But Ms Margaret Alva INC Observer in Goa close to Dr
Wilfred De Souza also denied such assurances to make
Mr Pacheco a Minister after he wore the NCP label

Therefore while rumours were agog of the imminent
collapse of the Government a shrewd Mr Pratapsing
Raoji Rane knew that the numbers though seemed
favourable to the NCP MGP to switch sides with the BJP
as being "less communal" according to Dr De Souza the
damocles sword  of Dissolution of the Assembly was
looming high  remember ---the  late night faxed
signature obtained from Rashtrapatiji while enroute to
Moscow on a 14 day four nation tour to dissolve the
Bihar Assembly albeit to avoid "horse trading " when
it was a certainity that the NDA had the numbers and
the RJD INC and others combine would be relageted to
Opposition benches.

This was the final answer and the swearing in ceremony
went on smoothly this mornign as ordained by CM Rane.

The others left thereafter for Mumbai Surat to trash
the "misunderstanding" and pursue the issue of
inclusion of Mr Pacheco, with Mr Prafulla Patel of the
NCP. Incidentally Mr Praful Patel the Union Minister
for Civil Aviation was present of the public meeting
at Dando Grounds in Benaulim on the last Sunday of
electioneering and speaker after speaker from both the
NCP and INC made announcements of Mr Pacheco earning a
ministerial berth with Dr Wilfred De Souza being made
a Deputy Chief Minister.  This public statement
therefore amounts to back stabbing by the INC but this
is the traditional weapon of the INC against loyalist
and committments are not honoured despite the era of
'supreme" and simple sacrifices.

The new Ministerial postings taluka wise is now as

There are 12  ministerial positions available for the
State of the size of Goa (following an amendment to
down size Ministries ) besides two for the post of
Speaker and the Dy Speaker (as per convention the Dy
Speakers post is offered to the opposition but not any
longer in the era of coalitions) 

Then there is the posibility of appointing
Parliamentary Secretaries and these have the rank of
Cabinet Minister --- a red beacon light -- atop the 
car assured so the fringe benefits applicable to
Ministers is available to this Parliamentary
Secretaries (Incidentally Mr Parrikar discovered this
position when he had to drop a Minister from his
Cabinet when the amended act of downsizing Ministerial
postings came into force in July 2003  

PERNEM TALUKA   (nova conquistas 1763- 1961) 
Shri. Jeetendra Deshprabhu   INCPernem  

BARDEZ  TALUKA  (velhas conquistas 1510 - 1961)
Dr Wilfred De Souza  NCP Saligao DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER

Shri. Agnelo Fernandes   I

[Goanet]Remember these words.

2005-06-10 Thread Cynthia Fernandes

Don't let go of hope. Hope gives you the strength
to keep going when you feel like giving up.

Don't ever quit believing in yourself. As long as
you believe you can, you will have a reason for trying.

Don't let anyone hold your happiness in their hands;
hold it in yours, so it will always be within you reach.

Don't measure success or failure by material wealth,
but by how you feel; our feelings determine the richness of our lives.

Don't let bad moments overcome you; be patient, and they will pass.

Don't hesitate to reach out for help; we all need it from time to time.

Don't run away from love but towards love, because it is our deepest joy.

Don't wait for what you want to come to you; go after it
with all that you are, knowing that life will meet you halfway.

Don't feel like you've lost when plans and dreams fall
short of your hopes. Anytime you learn something new
about yourself or about life, you have progressed.

Don't do anything that takes away from your self-respect;
feeling good about yourself is essential to feeling good about life.

Don't ever forget how to laugh or be too proud to cry.
It is by doing both that we live life to its fullest.


Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!

2005-06-10 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Joe Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>He is also responsible for wrecking the educational
>system in Goa, and later making an unsuccessful “U”
>turn on the subject.

I would appreciate it if someone would tell me how Dr.
Wilfred De Souza wrecked the educational system in
Goa. I want to know this because I have an interest in
education, not because I am a supporter or opponent of
Dr. Willie. I am neither.



Re: Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!(Fred)

2005-06-10 Thread Nasci Caldeira


Thanks for the correction! I have not mistaken for the United Goans Party, 
which was lead by Jack Sequeira; however I must correct that, it's the 'Goa 
Congress Party' that was founded by Dr Wilfred and supported by Churchill; 
and I happened to be there for the launch. Luizinho Faleiro also was with 
this party then. I supported this Goa Congress Party for the Goa Assembly 
then, and the INC for Parliament. I clearly remember now; This is what I was 
refering to, in my earlier post.

Willfred started this party then, as he seemed to not get on with Mr Rane; 
Then for his usual disruptive tendencies, he went on to support the INC, 
after realising that the Goa Congress had not much clout;Then he quarrelled 
here, and went on to start his sectional party and called it: 
Congress(Rajiv); and now his latest stunt is to flirt with the NCP; from 
where he is playing his games. I can not understand what this Doutor wants; 
may be wants to be 'chief Minister' all the time; not realising he is not 
able to be a competent Ch. Minister! God help him! He should quieten down 
and take a back bench seat on the govt. side. I hope he is able to do that.

Nasci Caldeira

From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL!(Fred) 
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 19:33:03 +0530

> Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL!>

Nascy, I think you're mixing up the United Goans Party (lead by Dr Jack 
Sequeira, in the 'sixties and 'seventies) with the United Goans Democratic 
Party (UGDP, lead by Churchill Alemao earlier, Anacleto Viegas, Radharao 
Gracias etc) in the 'nineties onwards.

The UGDP still exists. Both are different in approach and ideology, though 
the commonness is there in the shape of appealing largely for Catholic 
votes (even though the official position might deny this). FN

Frederick Noronha 784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
Freelance Journalist  TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
fred at

[Goanet]First Goan in Canada???

2005-06-10 Thread Aloysius D'Souza
Hi Silviano,

Ped Ruzar Fernandes is a figment of your imagination but my Grand-Father, 
Sylvester Philip D'Souza, was a very real person  --  and
he reached Montreal, Canada in 1918 after serving with an Indian Army group in 
France during the First World War, which ended in
1918  --  He died in Montreal on 1st August 1945.

His grand-children, his daughter's (Bemvinder Rodrigues') children, Bella 
(D'Cruz), Leo, Alex, Allan, Rudi and Collette (Andrade)
and their children and grand-children are all in Canada  --  Toronto and 

Maybe we should stake claim to Sylvester Philip D'Souza being one of the first 
Goans, if not the very first, to reach Canada.


Aloysius D'Soiuza

- Original Message -
From: "Silviano Barbosa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 5:59 AM
Subject: [Goanet]O.K. Nice to be back Here's one old article I just 
foundviaAltaVista Search!

| OCTOBER 1997
| By Silviano Barbosa
| A close look at Goan paradise in Toronto, Canada
| Who was the first Goan to land in Canada? Was it A. Fernandes from East
| Africa or B. D'Souza from Karachi or C. Pereira from Bombay? Well, it was
| none of them. From what I found out recently, it was Ped Ruzar Fernandes
| from Maddel, Goa. He was the first Niz Goenkar, the real genuine Goan from
| Goa to step upon Canadian soil. Pedro Rosario Fernandes landed in Vancouver
| on a cold winter's day on January 17th 1897.
| At a recently held lavish party thrown in his honour to commemorate his
| centenary, Ped Ruzar's great grandson, Kennedy Valerian Fernandes of Goa,
| (who recently migrated to Canada from Saudi Arabia) welcomed the mostly
| Konkani speaking Goan creme de la creme in his palatial 4000 sq.ft. home in
| Markham and described in detail the pioneering effort of Ped Ruzaris first
| landing in Canada.
| It seems Ped Ruzar was a cook on a British steamship S.S. Adelaide. The ship
| had docked in Vancouver on January 17, 1897. Ped Ruzar had seen snow for the
| first time in his life. Excited he quickly opened a can of condensed milk,
| poured it into a bowl, added some sugar and cocoa to it and got off the
| ship. He ran towards the dock which was covered with fresh snow. He grabbed
| some snow, placed it into the bowl and mixed it with sugar, cocoa and
| condensed milk. He quickly gulped the concocted mixture, loudly exclaiming
| "Ice-cream! Ice-cream!" The captain of the ship heard him and shouted back
| "Don't scream! Don't scream!" Since that day, Ped Ruzar was known as the
| 'Ice-cream Man' all over Goa.
| Ped Ruzar went back to Goa. Word got around that the 'Ice-cream Man' was
| ready for marriage. Hundreds of proposals came for the Canada returned
| prospective bachelor. A beautiful maiden Kotrin finally became the mango
| (apple) of his eye. They got married and within a year they had a son,
| Hipolito. When he grew up, young Hipolito also joined the ship. Hipolito got
| married and had a son named Manuel. Hipolito died during the war when the
| Japanese emperor Hirohito died. Manuel got married and had a son who was
| born in 1961 soon after Kennedy became the President of the United States.
| As a result Manuel's son was christened Kennedy. His second name was taken
| from Goa's first Prince of the Church, Cardinal Valerian Gracias.
| Kennedy V. Fernandes went to Loyola High School and later graduated as a
| computer engineer from Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T.) at Powai,
| Bombay. Then he accepted an offer to go to Saudi Arabia, where he made a lot
| of tax-free money. Through a professional broker and money manager in New
| York, he made even more money playing the risky commodities and futures
| market.
| Kennedy went back to Goa and opened an ice-cream factory in Margao and named
| it 'PERFECT' ICE CREAM, the acronym 'Perfect' being for 'Ped Ruzar Fernandes
| Canadian Taste'. Soon Kennedy got married to his bhattkar's (landlord)
| beautiful daughter, Clara and went back to Saudi Arabia. He eventually
| migrated to Canada for the sake of their children's future. They presently
| live in a gorgeous mortgage-free home in Markham, (not Margao) North of
| Toronto.
| But in the heart of his hearts, like his great grandfather, Kennedy is a
| true and genuine Goan, a Niz Goenkar. He is happy to be here among thousands
| of other Goans. He was thrilled to see Goa represented in all facets of life
| in Toronto, Canada.
| When he first attended St. Francis Xavier's feast, he was surprised to see
| Goan food like pulau, sorpotel, vindalho, xacuti, bebic, Goa sausages, buch,
| pickle and paro. What surprised him most was the Annual Konkani Tiatro
| performed by Goans in Toronto. He found the acting, singing and comedy to be
| of the same calibre as in Goa if not better. He was even more surprised to
| find that there were even Konkani cassettes and CDs produced by Goans in
| Canada. When he first went to the GOA's New Year's Dance he

[Goanet]Pray for me, I have sinned

2005-06-10 Thread Salus Correia

Marlon wrote:

I think the following lyrics by Gowan from his 80's
hit "A Criminal Mind" are an apt response to your
prayers for me...

Not apt enough my friend.  But you will still remain in my prayers!


Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!(Fred)

2005-06-10 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> His family name is written as: 'Sousa' the Bamon
> spelling and not 'Souza'. 


The correct spelling is Sousa (from the Portuguese
river Sousa).  People who moved to British territories
outside Goa 'anglicized' it to Souza, some going as
far as putting d'Souza (incorrect) instead of de Sousa

The spelling has nothing to do with being Bamon. 


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourtne - Oz.

Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: [Goanet]Goa's Caste System - of (Church), Gaumkars, Bamons & Chaddis

2005-06-10 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Antonio Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I simply cannot understand  the mentality of the
> bamon padri (the chaddi padri  appeared on the scene
much later ).  A padri by profession  is supposed to
look after the spiritual welfare of his flock. 
Mario replies:
It's very simple, Antonio.  They were
caste-supremacists and major hypocrites, who failed to
understand the very fundamentals of Christ's teachings.

Re: FW: [Goanet]Goa - Dirty Politicians go Bollywood style ?

2005-06-10 Thread JoeGoaUk

Thanks Simon.
I was trying to get that name since April last year but in vein.

Thanks again.

--- Simon D'Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Joe,
> The name of the movie is INQUILAB ZINDABAD.
> Simon.
> -Original Message-
> Of JoeGoaUk
> Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 2:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet]Goa - Dirty Politicians go Bollywood style ?
> If Mickky is not inducted, NCP will pull out & Govt will Fall.
> Who said this?
> Not me!
> But Dr. Willy (NCP State President)
> Ref. Today's GT
> Remember my yesterdays Post? about Mickky demanding NCP Dept?
> The same in now appeared in today's Herald.
> So,it must be true- GT first and the others follow.
> There was a rumour (not in press) that Babush demanding Home Dept.
> Vah!! re vah!! Goa Govt. goes Bollywood style..
> Does any body remember Amitab Bachan's Film- where all corrupt elected
> MLAs
> demanding porfolios ? And in the end Amitab shoots them all (with
> automatic riffle
> frm his briefcase)?
> Can any one name that Film?
>  It seems there is no other option left now..
> Where would I get such Automatic Gun?
> for NRI related info... 
> For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)
> ___ 
> Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with
> voicemail

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

Re: [Goanet]Re:: [OFFTOPIC] Canada... and America

2005-06-10 Thread Mario Goveia
You can defend Haroon Siddiqui of the Toronto Star all
you like, but he is a prevaricating Saddam-supporting
propagandist who cannot respond when I point out the
numerous blatant lies he writes in his columns.

I send you copies because you send me articles he has
written.  The first one you sent me had a falsehood in
almost every single paragraph.

--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Only your mind(s) can comprehend why you need to
> send me copies of all the letters you send to

[Goanet]Re: *** Goanet Reader -- Of jobs and Goa... the unpleasant reality

2005-06-10 Thread James D'Souza

Dear Joseph,

I am really surprised at reading your article below.  Some of the comments 
made by you are really strange and do not actually make sense.

The number of Goan Hindus working in the Gulf is not as large as it could be 
because of the Islamic bogey; they simply do not want to work for Muslims.


The fact is that there is quite a large number of Goan Hindus working in the 
Gulf and other parts of the world.  In the Gulf itself one will find Goan 
Hindus working in managerial and senior positions whereas one can find a 
large number of Goan Christians working as waiters, cooks, mechanics and 
other similar jobs (although not all).

Your article below suggests Hindus to be like extremists and Christians to 
be secular. You are totally off track when you suggest that Hindus just do 
not want to work for Muslims.

There are some politicians who want Hindu votes, some want Christian votes, 
some want Muslim votes and some Sikh votes.  They are the bastards of our 
society.  It is pathetic to see educated individuals like yourself falling 
into their trap and writing articles such as these.  Such writings only 
create more of a gap that actually bridging it between our people.

During Portuguese rule (until 1961), which was a Catholic government, 
Catholics were obviously favoured for government jobs, a fact which has been 
buried in
the racial memory of Goan Hindus. They think of it as injustice and 
discrimination, and now, with the Portuguese gone, they are trying to remedy 
situation. But in doing so, probably those in positions of power are going a 
bit too far towards the other extreme, though that might

also be a transitional phase because it is an
obviously lop-sided development and needs to be corrected.

Was it alright to give preference to Catholics for govt jobs during the 
Portuguese rule.  Now that they have gone, we Catholics want secularism ???  
Does an  article such as yours actually smell of secularism or does it smell 
of Christian extremism and desperation ??
For your information there were a number of Hindus also holding responsible 
govt jobs during that time.

This group has been posting some very interesting articles on Goa and Goans. 
 Please do not ruin it by writing such stuff.  It is dangerous to have 
people with such opinions in the field of journalism.


I attend church every Sunday with wife and kids.  I have taught them never 
to disrespect people of other religions.  I only hope that after I am gone, 
they or their kids do not read such material which will create hatred in 
their hearts.


Pls take this in the right spirit.  You know what I have commented is 

Thanks you and God bless,


Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

[Goanet]Shopkeeper gets Rs 2 crore power bill

2005-06-10 Thread Goa Desc

Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web:

Shopkeeper gets Rs 2 crore power bill
Computerization of various government departments was supposed to
ease the hardship of manual calculations, easy maintenance of records,
save time and give accurate billings for the state government employees
but it has often not fully served the purpose for which it was introduced.

An example of failure of the modern technology (computerisation) is the
power bill received of over Rs 2 crore by a small-time shopkeeper,
from Corlim, which shocked him.

The shopkeeper normally used to receive a bill of around Rs 150 per
month, but was shocked to see a bill issued on June 6, 2005, for
Rs 2,02,97,491 for the period from April 6, 2005 to May 5, 2005.
The bill includes an amount of Rs 1,06,272 as electricity duty
charged at 2 paise per unit.

Though the meter reading on May 5, 2005, is 648 and the reading
for the previous month (April 2005) was 595 which indicate that only
53 units were consumed but the units shown in unit consumed
(actual units) column is 53,13,576 and the energy charges as
Rs 2,01,91,214, while the minimum charges that could be collected
is Rs 65 only.

The bill amount, if not paid by June 21, 2005, would rise to
Rs 2,07,03,441 as the shopkeeper will have to pay Rs 4,05,950
as delayed payment charges.

The Navhind Times 9/06/05 page 3

to promote civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!(Fred)

2005-06-10 Thread Frederick Noronha
> Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL!>

Nascy, I think you're mixing up the United Goans Party (lead by Dr Jack 
Sequeira, in the 'sixties and 'seventies) with the United Goans Democratic 
Party (UGDP, lead by Churchill Alemao earlier, Anacleto Viegas, Radharao 
Gracias etc) in the 'nineties onwards.

The UGDP still exists. Both are different in approach and ideology, though the 
commonness is there in the shape of appealing largely for Catholic votes (even 
though the official position might deny this). FN

Frederick Noronha 784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
Freelance Journalist  TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
fred at

Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!(Fred)

2005-06-10 Thread Nasci Caldeira

Hi Fred,

I totally agree with you, as I knew Dr. Willie, a little bit, when I lived 
in Goa. In fact I was present as a silent person at the very meeting in 
Panjim, that was the start of the United Goans Party; I happened to be 
there, as I was asked to 'come along' by my then sarpanch. To my surprise I 
met and came to know Alemao Churchill, at this meeting. Mr. Churchill became 
Dr Willie's main financier! Though Dr Willie had his own clout and political 
cunning of sorts; it was Churchill who really knew to play the political 
game in Salcete, and elsewhere in South Goa; that too inspite of his 

Yes, Dr Willie and Churchill together were able to shoo Sashikala out, and 
start the new trend in politics; I could boast that, at the time, whilst I 
worked/ campaigned for Churchill to the state assembly seat; I decided that 
Eduard Faleiro was the man to work for, for the South Goa Parliament seat; 
and that's exactly what I did.

His family name is written as: 'Sousa' the Bamon spelling and not 'Souza'. I 
do not think Dr Willfred is 'Casteist' ; it's his being born into an upper 
caste and his educated bachground is what makes him. Looking back, I feel he 
is 'a failed politician'. He is and has been engaged in disruptive politics; 
It's high time the people who support his seat, put pressure on him and 
gherao him until he relents, and sits on the back bench without any 
ministerial portfolio. That will be the begining of good goverment. Hoorah!

Nasci Caldeira

From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL!
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 04:09:28 +0530 (IST)

As far as caste goes, I have no grounds to make a comment
on how the doctor perceives it. What I can say is that when
he became chief minister for the first time (around 1993),
some of my Hindu Brahmin journo colleagues half-jokingly commented
that it was the first time that "a Brahmin" had become a
chief minister in post-Liberation Goa (known more, since the
sixties, for its somewhat aggressive and
counter-discriminatory Bahujan Samaj politics).
While this was half in jest, it also underlines the point
that feelings of caste solidarity can and do -- sometimes -- cut
across religious lines.

On the other hand, I would suspect that, like many Catholics of his 
generation (and younger ones too!), the surgeon-politician is probably just 
oblivious to how caste cuts in current times... and accept all that comes 
one's way by way of being born with a golden/silver spoon as a natural 
right. No questions asked.

In the political lore of Goa, however, Dr Wilfred de Souza and his then 
political close-aide, Govinda Panvelcar, are credited with calculatedly 
working towards the downfall of the by-then-disliked Shashikala Kakodkar 
government (in 1979). They did it very shrewedly, by studying, almost as a 
sociologist would do, the caste and communal equations in each constituency 
-- and allocating the seats to the 'right' people of the 'right' background 
in each place. They won a thumping victory.

As far as Dr de Souza "opting" for Goa, I think not everyone takes this 
decision on the basis of financial returns alone. In addition, he had 
already spent some of his years abroad, and could be seen as an early 
returnee to Goa. There are many who stay on in Goa, who could have taken 
the migration-route, a tradition among the Goan Catholic. Not everyone of 
'export quality' is actually exported! If this rule applies for other 
fields, why won't it apply for politics too?

Then, there's another issue:

Dr Souza was a dyed-in-the-wool in UGP (United Goans Party) politics of the 
'sixties -- an ideology which went down rather well with the Catholic upper 
middle class (and other less-affluent co-religionists, through the 
extension of the former's hegemony) in Goa. That was till the futility of 
religion-based capitalist-controlled and reforming-promising politics 
became clear with the arrival of less-"feudal" parties like the Congress 
and Janata in the 'seventies or the BJP in the 'eighties. Not that the 
latter were necessarily better, but they brought in another dynamics of 
building majorities and winning elections.

I may be wrong here, but there was some issue of Dr Souza being unfairly 

This could have been a factor in a decision to stay on and
bounce back.

In addition, politics gives its own high. Dr Souza is also addicted to the 
game of politics, of which he is a skilled player, even if seen by critics 
to have a destructive strategy sometimes.

Dr Wilfred de Souza, unlike say Churchill Alemao (who is a Chardo, but with 
a far greater sub-altern image in part explained by a poor education due to 
a difficult childhood) is seen as having the old-school Catholic values of 
arrogance and assertiveness. It is hard to say if this is because of caste 
or simply 

Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!

2005-06-10 Thread Joe Vaz

Please note that I have made no such reference to caste or called Dr. Willy 
caste biased.  All I said is that Dr. Willy has done more damage to Goa than 

This is one of the (if not main) politicians responsible for some of the 
political upheavals, party-hopping etc, thus bringing instability to 
successive Governments he supported (or chose to be a part of). His 
political career is replete with the type of (his) maneuverings which are 
currently in the offing, i.e. to destabilize the Government that he chose to 

He is also responsible for wrecking the educational system in Goa, and later 
making an unsuccessful “U” turn on the subject.

The surgeon turned politician is best known for his “U” turns that lack any 
sense of direction or vision.  It would have been far better if he had to 
stick to his profession as a surgeon, rather than persistently pursue a 
political career.

Joe Vaz


Alfred de Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: "Joe Vaz" Reply-To:
Subject: Re: [Goanet]A certain Dr Willy!
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 20:09:10 +

Dr. Willy may be a skilled surgeon; but if he had even a fraction of the 
skills of a prolific politician he would have done Goa proud. His stint as 
a politician has done more damage to the state than good.

Joe Vaz

I won't extol Willie's better qualities besides asserting that he has
many fine ones.

The man certainly has faults; quite a few, but casteism is definitely
one of them.

Those who so assevere would do well to elaborate, with recorded
responsible data, Willie's negative caste-bias, -attitudes and -acts.

Would you please oblige, Dr Cornel da Costa.

The man's honour has been sullied and the charges levelled against
him should be either substantiated or expunged.

He is entitled to satisfaction.

Alfred de Tavares, 0046 8 7596214
Stockholm, 2005-06-09

NRIs, FREE Money Transfers. Now 
more with the Rupee Checking Account!

[Goanet]St. Thomas Tomb in Madras

2005-06-10 Thread JoeGoaUk

This photo was taken about 14 years ago..

St. Thomas (one of the 12 apostles) was buried in Madras, India.

See pick below..

for NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

Re: [Goanet]A certain Dr Willy!

2005-06-10 Thread cornel

Hi Eric,
I note your point. By now, believe you me, I really am keen to get off the 
caste debate on Goanet, except, if intellectually challenged or provoked.
There is absolutely no pain for you to feel about. For me, it is about 
justified unease about the obscenity and effect of caste among the Catholic 

- Original Message - 
From: "eric pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]A certain Dr Willy!

I feel your pain,  don't get me wrong, but this whole
thing is a drag, you do make sense most of the times,
but how far does this near Quixotic quest for
vindication go, or is it really flagellation: i want
to believe otherwise.  eric.

--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Jose,
I note that you passionately extolled the virtues of
Dr. Willy de Souza as a
surgeon and as your former academic/professional
teacher. You seemed utterly
intrigued and disappointed that such a 'learned' man
could give up a
lucrative medical professional career in the USA for
engagement in political
life in Goa. However, I recall a Goanet post
indicating that the said Dr
Willy believed strongly in caste, even though also
professing to be a
staunch Catholic and acting as an adviser to the
Catholic Church at a recent
Bishops' Conference. Therefore, the answer to your
query is quite simple to
my very humble logic. Had he gone abroad, the man
would not have been able
to swirl within the insidiousness of caste practice
which is so plentifully
available in Goa. Now combine this with caste ridden
politics in Goa, about
which so much has appeared on Goanet, as well as,
the accommodation of caste
by the Catholic Church in Goa, and surely, you have
the perfect heady triple
mixture of caste, Goan politics, and Catholicism.
Surely, the man simply
could not be, utterly, more at home in Goa than
anywhere else! Also, as an
aside, do remember Margaret  Thatcher's advisory
political 'dictum' that
"everybody needs a willy sometime!"
Cornel DaCosta, London, UK.

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Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!

2005-06-10 Thread cornel

Dear Mr Alfred de Tavares,
I reckon you were awake, but only partially so, when you responded to my 
post on Dr. Willie de Souza!

I say this because you failed to:
a) respond to my earlier email to you, specifically asking for an 
explanation for referring to the anti-casteists as "fighting like 
b) note that I did not, repeat not, refer to Dr. Willie as a casteist. What 
I had said was that he believed in caste. Please check the post. This fact 
about Dr. Willie's known belief was available in written form a little while 
ago. Thus, I was merely reiterating this specific point in my email to Jose. 
I happened to find it useful for an explanation regarding why I felt Dr. 
Willie may not have opted to leave Goa. Perhaps, my explanatory view was too 
intellectually demanding for you and why you had to read into my post 
something that was simply not there.
c) that the good doctor is perfectly capable of replying to me if he is in 
the least bit unhappy about my comment and view.

Finally, please note that I think it is unhelpful to ask someone else to ask 
me something on your behalf. Your known command of the English language 
should definitely not deter you from responding directly to me via Goanet. 
And I promise you that I will not bite your head off!

I am sorry if you feel that I am rocking the boat on the issue of caste 
among the Catholic Goans. However, I believe that somebody has to do it and 
that it is time this happened  fearlessly and with tenacity. If this makes 
you uncomfortable, so be it!

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 11:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL!


Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL!
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 03:24:43 +0530

Dear Alfred,
 Perhaps you meant to say that Dr. Willy might have many faults, but
casteism is definitely NOT one of them?

Correct Victor, thanks.

I noticed the omision the moment I hit "send" and
immediately sent in the corrected version. It din't appear:

[Goanet]Bhatkal (Mini Dubai) & Murdeshwar (Beach &Giant Lord Shiva Statue)

2005-06-10 Thread JoeGoaUk

Mini Dubai in Bhatkal (after Karwar, in Karnataka State) become very popular 
Goans. I first heard about it 5 years ago.
People (including traders) go there for shopping foreign goods mainly gulf
products(dont know about North Goans).
As I like seeing new places, we decided to go there too (few days back).
It is a typical Indian Village. We visited few small-small shops there just to
compare the prices. Main items are like Clothing, electronics, Food stuff etc
We came accross so many konkani speaking customers.

I usually buy small tins of KRAFT cheese from local Magsons superstore for 
per tin, there they are selling for half price i.e. Rs.60. So, I bought 5.

Small MINI DV cassettes for my digital Camcorder, the popular shop opp GPO 
selling for Rs.200 per cassette, there it is just Rs.120 so I bought 5. There 
memory/media cards too.
Another item I was interested was Olympus Binocular 8x24 price was Rs.2500 but 
not aware of the actual retail price elsewhere.

Sorry, I could not compare the prices of any other items.
All items seems genuine (imported from gulf). 

Food stuff like chocolates etc, Maggie cubes, Soaps etc seems pretty cheap.

Next, we went to Murudeshwar, which comes first before Bhatkal about 10ks. 
charge about Rs.100.
There I enjoy the most. Large giant size Statue of Lord Shiva surrounded by sea
water all 3 sides. It was really magnificent and wish to go there again day 
(We reached there night time and could not enjoy much).
The sitting Statue is about 25-30 meters high excluding the rock on which he is
sitting (see pics below). I understand there are some boat rides for tourists 
beach to relax, hotel right into the waters (see pics)

We are soon thinking to go there again, this time with hired mini bus on 1 
Are you interested?

How to get there: Bhatkal/Murdeshwar.
Cheapest way is to travel by Konkan Railway.
Its about 170kms from Margao stn. There are two trains twice a week (Tue &
Fri?)leaving Margao early morning around 730am you can come back same day from
bhatkal.But seat in the general compartment is not guaranteed as the train comes
from out side Goa n the same whilst coming back are trains coming form kerala 
Alternately, A train (Verna-mangalore) leaving Verna every day at 2pm arriving
margao 2.25pm (from 15/6/05 it will originate from Margao only) and arrive 
before 6pm (fare Rs.37), in this case you will need to stay there overnight 
are very cheap not more than Rs.400 double room (there  are plenty at Rs.180 
attached bath but no towel,soap, bed shit provided). From Bhatkal Stn Rickshaw
charge Rs.25 to Mini Dubai. There are buses to bhatkal too e.g. one leave panjim
7am. We took bus from Bhatkal to Margao fare Rs.90 it was like local and it 
took 5
hrs to reach margao (normally less than 4). 
There are trains to come back same night but arrive margao around 2 or 3 am.

Pl note, if you go to Murudeshwar only, then buy ticket to Murdeshwar and get 
there which is one station before Bhatkal. Take rickshaw to Lord Shiva/beach 
around Rs,25.
Remember, most trains stop bhatkal and verna-mangalore stops at all stations
canacona, balli, karwar, murudeshwar etc

Please feel free to ask should you require further info.

Check this photos..

for NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

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2005-06-10 Thread Vivian D'Souza
Are we tilting at windmills ??? What is going on here
Now we find casteeism as the motive or reason behind
everything and everybody.  Is this only the perception
of NRIs ? In Goa I dont find anyone except those of
the Hindu faith talking about caste .  What is going
on here ?
Cant't we leave our demons behind and move on ? 

We have debated this topic "ad nauseum".  It is time
to move on.  This is the modern world where people are
judged by their achievements and not whether they were
born to nobility or caste or even the color of their

As a Catholic I have no caste.
My family left casteeism behind when we converted or
were converted into Catholicism several centuries ago.
 Evidently, many still have superiority or inferiority
complexes  and hang on to this despicable garbage. Let
them live in their own self-created cages. 

Lets show our maturity and grow up !

[Goanet]Babush's warm heart

2005-06-10 Thread sunil monteiro
" No wonder Goa is getting famous as a whore house" wonder why you think it 
like that and if so why don't you do something rather than just complaining? 
Why complain complain why not  improve and change for betterment? The rest 
of your life are you just going to keep  on complaining? If you so concerned 
why not do something?

Are you saying that  (GOA NOW FAMOUS AS A WHORE HOUSE) is it all because of 
only Babush? Is it because of one man now who is the Hon'ble Minister Mr. 
Babush that goa is famous as a whore house? If that is so what are you doing 
just sitting pretty and complaining through the net? what would i do if my 
sister is  a victim of sex scandal rather than asking me ask yourself, its 
more shameful when you know that such things happen around you and yet you 
don't do anything but complain through net . So stop complaining do 

When you say Babush has destroyed many lives what are all those victims 
doing? if you know these victims help them out just dont' sympathise with 
the situation, fight it out and that is the greatness of a person. If my 
sister was a victim , all i could reply to you is " I THANK GOD I AM NOT 
HANDICAPPED" he has blessed me with a sense of understanding, i can think 
and am a normal human being. I would make use of all that and fight it out 
and not complain.

I think you have got your issues mixed up , we started with babush, then you 
say Goa is getting famous as a whore house, then again one step ahead you 
make a mention that i must have some dignity , i don't think appreciating 
Babush i have lost it, on the contrary you never had one since you say 
Babush has destroyed lives and yet you don't act.

Anything negative that strikes Goa and Goans its we who should act and help 
and fight it out for god sake " LET'S STOP COMPLAINING 


Think Rani is the best? Make sure she 
wins the award.

Re: [Goanet]A certain Dr Willy!

2005-06-10 Thread gipsport
Dr Willy appears to be selfish and greedy? The NCP are only two out of 
21 elected MLAs! He has been made the Deputy CM (Undeservedly). why 
are they (NCP in Goa) not able to be elected as a majority party? 
cause they are not fit and want to enter the scene through the BACK 

- Original Message -
Date: Thursday, June 9, 2005 0:09 am
Subject: Re: [Goanet]A certain Dr Willy!

> Dr. Willy may be a skilled surgeon; but if he had even a fraction 
> of the 
> skills of a prolific politician he would have done Goa proud.  His 
> stint as 
> a politician has done more damage to the state than good.
> Joe Vaz
> _
> MSN Careers! Sign up now!

Re: [Goanet]Babush's warm heart?

2005-06-10 Thread gipsport
How many politicians can you name that have not destroyed lives?? How 
many politicians (in Goa) can you name that have done what good Babush 
has done in his constituency

Look at the facts and than pass your comments! There are always two 
sides to a story - why is it (the sex scandal) affecting you so much?

- Original Message -
Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2005 11:01 pm
Subject: [Goanet]Babush's warm heart?

> What if your sister was a victim of the sex scandal?
> You would have then learnt to appreciate the present!
> Babush has destroyed lives.
> Comeon, have some dignity.
> No wonder Goa is getting famous as a whore house!
> samir
> >Samir Kelekar
> Is babush the only one who has skeletons in the cupboard? How many 
> sex 
> scandals we have had in Goa? If you could elaborate those first 
> and see 
> which ladder babush falls in? Sex scandal should not be an issue 
> for the 
> moment, right now its a (BONKAR FONT ON THE BJP LIKE THE DONKEY'S 
> FONT), and 
> having a congress Govt. in Goa. If it wasn't for Babush congress 
> wouldn't 
> manage to come to power.
> Bill clinton was involved in a scandal but that does not stop us 
> from 
> appreciating his good works, Michael Jackson is involved in a 
> scandal too 
> but again people are not going to stop buying his music, what 
> about Dayanand 
> Narvekar where is he today and many such persons.The world is 
> filled with 
> scandals be it an ordinary person , a politician, or someone else 
> life moves 
> on.
> Learn to appreciate the present and keep the past as a history 
> otherwise we 
> shall remain static.
> >Monteiro
> _
> MSN Careers! Sign up now!


2005-06-10 Thread Philip Thomas
[Goanet Reader June 9]

[HERALD, June 3]

Does Goa have a tendency to clutch at straws? Why do central ministers seem
to get fancy ideas for Goa to implement?

In 2003 it was IFFI 2004, on May 27 it was double decker jumbos at Mopa (by
2014) and this month it is SEZ in Goa in 6 months.

The reaction to the IFFI idea was virulent in Goa. Still it was forced down
the throats of Panjimites in 5 months flat.  Now we are bracing for
water-logging on the arterial road due to monumental bungling last year for
"IFFI in a jiffy".

Regarding "A380s at Mopa", there has been nary a word so far one way or
another. The very plan smacks of  an extended exercise in mega corruption
leading otherwise to nowhere.

As for SEZ, listen to what the President of GCCI said in Goa Plus (TOI
supplement) of June 3:

< "Our port is in bad shape, container facilities are not developed, Konkan
Railway is not able to take containers and connect to JNPT [Mumbai?],
airport has no adequate cargo facility", he goes on to list the inadequacies
in the industrial infrastrcuture and blames it on a lack of "Mission
industrial development" among our  politicians who he describes as round the
clock busy and happy to indulge in petty political games and who are more
happy in wasting time in toppling games.>

SEZ in Goa to "solve the employment-cum-governance problem" in 1 or 2 years?
Ha! We may as well believe in miracles.

[Goanet]Anti-smoking fascism

2005-06-10 Thread Cecil Pinto

Vidyadhar Gadgil wrote:
There seems to be a wilful blindness among our citizens regarding the
government proposal to ban images of smoking in film. Rather than
condemning the step, theyt cheer our would-be censors on.

Indeed yes. How strange that except for a few voices nobody has really 
exposed the blatant stupidity of the proposed law.

The state in India has taken upon itself the role of the arbiter of
public morality, and is intruding into the private domain to enforce its
diktats. Already we face bans on books, films, magazines, etc., on
grounds of 'hurting religious sentiments'. The Shiv Sena in Mumbai
wants to tell women how to dress. Now the state will dictate personal
morality vis-a-vis smoking to us. This is the thin end of the wedge -
the natural progression is to outlawing all images which the state does
not approve of. Soon we could see bans on images of people drinking
alcohol, people falling in love (and making it), people breaking the
law, people using guns, etc. From here to banning images, descriptions
(and thoughts) of people protesting against the state, exercising their
right to freedom of speech, etc. is a short and easy step. There will be
no end to this once we let the state become the arbiter of our personal
morality. Once freedom of expression gets eroded, our civil liberties
are all under threat.

Well said. I agree.


The description by a section of the film industry of this proposal as
'absurd' is only just. Are we going to apply retrospective censorship as
well? Images of the celebrations by the Indian team of the 1983 cricket
world cup will also have to censored, as some team members are seen
happily puffing away. Thousands of photographs (of Winston Churchill,
Guru Dutt, Saadat Hassan Manto and many other smokers) will have to be
rubbished. We will have to deny reality.

Half the old movies will have to be scrapped. And what about movies from 
the West? Will the smoking scenes be cut? Or will any movie which has a 
smoking scene not be allowed to be screening in India at all?

This proposed measure is a part of what I call 'anti-smoking fascism'.
Smoking has provided a soft and convenient target for modern-day petty
moralists. Granted, it is a disgusting, smelly and unhealthy habit, but
the state has no business preventing its citizens from engaging in any
activities which do not affect anybody other than the individual
concerned --however disgusting and obnoxious these activities may be.

As far as smoking is concerned, the role of the state extends only
insofaras it affects public health. To protect this, the state should
impose high taxation, ban smoking in public places (and enforce the
ban), and carry out public education campaigns-all of which it is
already doing. But intruding on citizens' private spaces to tell them
what to do is just not acceptable.

Even with justifiable measures, the state has a tendency to go too far.
Of course, smoking in offices, auditoria, and other enclosed public
spaces is most necessary. Smoking in buses is just not on. But why go in
for overkill? Many steps which the government in Goa has taken recently
with regard to smoking were totally stupid. To take one example, banning
smoking on the roads of Panjim. On what grounds can such a ban be
justified? Public health? What does the government plan to do about all
those private vehicles (doubtless driven by non-smokers), which spew far
more noxious and polluting fumes in our faces on those very same roads?
Ban all fossil-fuel driven vehicles? Besides, they have also banned
smoking on beaches. This is so patently idiotic that further comment is

I am glad someone has finally spoken up here in Goa. The proposed 
no-smoking-in-films law is patently absurd and will hopefully soon be 
scrapped. Hope that the idiot who even had the idea is also exposed for his 
foolishness. But I would like to address the more immediate problem that 
Vidyadhar has brought up - the ban on smoking in public places in Goa. As 
Vidyadhar rightly point out if I am smoking on a beach I am not endangering 
anybody's health other than my own. I wonder what is the rationale in 
fining a person in such circumstances.


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[Goanet]Goenkars - health warning alert!

2005-06-10 Thread Gabe Menezes

Ibuprofen increases risk of heart attacks


COMMON painkillers such as ibuprofen could significantly increase the
risk of a heart attack, research warned yesterday.

Scots are regularly prescribed the drug to deal with painful
conditions such as arthritis.

But research in the British Medical Journal found patients prescribed
ibuprofen are almost a quarter more likely to have a heart attack
within three months than those who do not take the drug.

The news will raise fears among arthritis patients who have already
seen the painkiller Vioxx - part of a drug group known as Cox-2
inhibitors - withdrawn last year on safety grounds.

Now the new study has suggested that other NSAIDS (non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs), such as ibuprofen, may also increase the
risk of heart attack.

The finding is the latest scare surrounding ibuprofen. Long-term daily
use of the painkiller was also recently linked to an increased risk of
breast cancer.

Experts stressed that ibuprofen was not a risk for those in good
health, but should be considered carefully for those with heart
disease, or risk factors for heart disease.

Professor Peter Weissberg, medical director of the British Heart
Foundation, said: "It would be wrong to change clinical practice on
the basis of current evidence, but it is important that we build on
this work and address the question in properly constructed and
controlled trials."

In the biggest study of its kind, researchers identified 9,218
patients aged 25 and over in Scotland, England and Wales who suffered
a heart attack for the first time over a four-year period. The group
was tracked to see if and when they had been prescribed NSAIDS, which
also include naproxen, which is found in Aleve and Naprelan;
diclofenac - found in Cataflam and Voltaren; celecoxib - found in
Celebrex; and rofecoxib, which is found in Vioxx and Ceoxx.

The researchers found that for those prescribed NSAIDS in the three
months just before the heart attack, the risk increased compared with
those who had not taken these drugs in the previous three years - for
ibuprofen by 24 per cent and for diclofenac by 55 per cent. Celecoxib
increased the risk of heart attack by 21 per cent, while rofecoxib
increased the risk by 32 per cent.

Putting the numbers into context, researchers found that for those
aged over 65 taking diclofenac, one extra patient for every 521
patients was likely to suffer a first time heart attack.

For rofecoxib the figure was one patient for every 695 patients, and
for ibuprofen one patient for every 1,005 patients was at risk.

Professor Julia Hippisley-Cox, a researcher from the University of
Nottingham, said the findings could have a significant impact on an
increasingly elderly population.

She added that, given the high prevalence of the use of these drugs in
elderly people and the increased risk of heart attack with age, even
the relatively few patients who were at risk of harm 'could have
considerable implications for public health'.

The findings were adjusted to allow for several other heart attack
risk factors, including age, obesity and smoking habits. Importantly,
they also adjusted for whether the patient already suffered from heart
disease, or whether they were being prescribed aspirin.

Nevertheless, the researchers accepted that the nature of the
research, an observational study, may make it prone to other
explanations for the findings.

Prof Hippisley-Cox called for more thorough clinical trials. "Enough
concerns exist to warrant a reconsideration of the cardiovascular
safety of all NSAIDS," she said.

Stuart Cobbe, professor of medical cardiology at the University of
Glasgow, said anti-inflammatory drugs were fine for a headache but
urged caution for more vulnerable patients.

"A fit and healthy person should not be concerned about taking
ibuprofen, but someone who has heart disease or multiple risk factors
for heart disease has to consider the balance of benefits more
carefully," he said.

David Webb, professor of clinical pharmacology at the University of
Edinburgh, said: "There are some people who need NSAIDS to function,
but for others paracetamol is likely to be less harmful. It is about
balancing the potential risk and whether the patient needs the drug in
order to function."

Ibuprofen is one of the most popular painkillers in Britain, with 46
tons sold here each year. Sales of Nurofen have soared 15 per cent in
the past year to £140 million.

Research in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found women
who took ibuprofen daily had a small but statistically significant
increased risk of breast cancer compared to those who never took it.

Taking the drug once a week did not appear to increase the risk.

Comment: Your Doctor should know best, caveat emptor.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet]Pray for me, for I have sinned

2005-06-10 Thread Marlon Menezes
I think the following lyrics by Gowan from his 80's
hit "A Criminal Mind" are an apt response to your
prayers for me.

Before you hand me over
Before you read my sentence
I'd like to say a few words
Here in my own defense
Some people struggle daily
They struggle with their concience
'Til the end
I have no guilt to haunt me
I feel no wrong intent

A criminal mind
Is all I've ever known
They tried to reform me
But I'm made of cold stone
My criminal mind
Is all I've ever had
Ask one who's known me
If I'm really so bad
I am!

--- Salus Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I think Marlon is making a confession to the wrong
> person here.  Marlon, if you are truly guilty of all
> the so called sins mentioned by you, then you must
> have remorse for the wrongs you have done, and the
> next step would be to approach the concerned
> authorities and make a confession.
> As to prayers, I will definitely include you among
> others in my prayers.  May God bless you and forgive
> you if you are really sincere.

Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!

2005-06-10 Thread Alfred de Tavares

My dear Gabe, Victor,

Thanks for pointing out the omission. I noticed it the moment
I pressed 'send' and sent in the corrected version:

viz. I won't extol Willie's better qualities besides asserting that he has
many fine ones.

The man certainly has faults; quite a few, but casteism is definitely
NOT one of them.

Those who so assevere would do well to elaborate, with recorded
responsible data, Willie's negative caste-bias, -attitudes and -acts.

Would you please oblige, Dr Cornel da Costa.

The man's honour has been sullied and the charges levelled against
him should be either substantiated or expunged.

He is entitled to satisfaction.

Alfred de Tavares, 0046 8 7596214
Stockholm, 2005-06-09

You must have read Rico's comments on the issue, today.

Let me point out that there is no status de sanguinis blurring
my subjectivity in maintaining the non-existence of detrimental
caste prejudice in Willie.

The radical opposite has always held true throughout his life.

If political pragmatism has at times blurred the issue it should be
reviewed in the appropriate context.

I am still awaiting clarification from those that levelled the charges.

Alfred de Tavares

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2005-06-10 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes


And finally inevitable has happened and as expected all favourites got 
victory thereby giving a strong defeat to communal Parrikar and his super 
communal party BJP.  I am not more happy that 4 seats went to the 
Congressmen but I am more happy because communal BJP and Hitlerian Parrikar 
has lost the chance of forming the Government in Goa and thereby Goa was 
saved from communal disaster. I am not happy that Poinginni Seat went to BJP 
but I am happy that Isidore got a royal defeat from the voters. He treated 
his voters as “gantta - boil” and as such he was taking them for granted. He 
was thought a very good lesson.  Parrikar thought Goa is his father’s 
property.  The way he was threatening Police force and other bureaucrats 
that he will take so and so action against them when he comes back to power 
was an enough indication of his Hitlerism.  Now he must eat his own words 
and retire from active politics but he will never do that because he is a 
shameless man.  He was given a chance on silver platter to rule Goa by 
politically crook Sardinha and other Congressmen and his position of 
communalizing Goan politics was further strengthened by other selfish 
politicians from non-BJP parties including Mathanay Saldanha who is still 
sticking-up to BJP.  I am surprised how the constituents of Cortalim are 
still keeping silence over Mathanay’s flirting with others. The constituents 
of Cortalim must teach Mathanay Saldanha a very good lesson for his 
arrogance of still being arrogant.  Mathanay was elected not to support and 
align with BJP but that he is still thinking of flirting with others is a 
crime against the confidence of his voters who should now and now only rise 
against him.

While showing my pleasure over the downfall of Parrikar and his BJP in Goa, 
I am hurt that once again the MGP product known for his anti-Goan and 
anti-Konkani characteristics Mr. Prataphsingh Raoji Rane is heading the 
current government in Goa.  Rane is not as “Chor” and as “Bamtto” as other 
earlier Chief Ministers but he is as worst as first Goa’s Chief Minister 
Dayananda Bandodkar whose stance against Goa, Goans and Konkani is still 
fresh in our minds.  Today Goa is suffering only because of the bias shown 
by Bandodkar against genuine Goans and against Christians and against Goan 
interest. Bandodkar was the first class communal.  He was open but Rane is 
known to practice communalism in a disguise manner but more ferociously.  
Now that he is appointed as Chief Minister of Goa he will play all the dirty 
tricks against Christians, Konkanivadis and against the interest of genuine 
Goans.  While he does this all his Cabinet and party colleagues will remain 
as pure “gantta – boils” because they will not care for anything other than 
their own personal interest.  Rane though an artificial Congressman 
acquiring Congress citizenship thru naturalization for fulfilling his own 
convenience, he is pro BJP because being an MGP product he has to be the 
sympathizer of BJP and because of this he earned favours from Parrikar 
Government.  The problem of genuine Goans is that we do not have upright 
persons to challenge and expose the wrong doings of Rane and his likes.  Dr. 
Willie had some guts but he too can convert himself a cockroach.  Earlier he 
was very challenging and bold especially during the Konkani agitation when 
he was donning the colours of Goa Congress but as he grows in age he is 
becoming more and more soft and selfish like other “chors” and “bamttes” in 
the Cabinet and in the Legislative Assembly.  The current Congressmen are as 
corrupt as any other corrupt politicians. The current Congressmen have 
inherited corrupt culture of their seniors who have robbed India and Indians 
of their due rights and privileges. Winston Churchill while hitting hard at 
Clement Attlee during the process of India’s independence, spoke thus “ To 
hand over power at this stage into the hands of these rogue Congressmen 
headed by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,  will be a big crime because these rogue 
Congressmen headed by Nehru will exploit the poor Indian masses in such a 
way thru the means of taxation the benefit of which will be better acquired 
by the Congressmen only to lead a feudal life that there will be nothing 
left free for the poor Indian masses to enjoy free of charge except air”.  I 
am sure the current Congressmen in Goa headed by Rane will do the same 
because lot of money power was used in the recent bye elections and in the 
process of dethroning of Parrikar Government and this huge money power has 
to be compensated either thru taxation or thru bribery, the latter option 
will be better suited for the Goan Congress politicians.  In view of this, 
Government jobs, government contracts and all other Government facilities 
including seats in the Government aided educational institutions will be on 
sale.  In the bargain poor Goans will be the worst sufferer.  As a 
descendent of non-Go

Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!

2005-06-10 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 09/06/05, Frederick Noronha (FN) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dr Wilfred de Souza reminds me of an earlier generation, which felt
> superior mainly on the grounds that they were Catholic, of an upper-middle
> class background, and simultaneously very highly educated in times when
> few had access to such qualifications. 

Thank you for that very insightful piece. It has shed light not only
on the Dr. but also a bit on Churchill. Perhaps people like me, who
are not in the know, are unable to read in depth, the political
manoeuvrings engineered by the likes of Dr. Willy.

One has to concede though, that the recent machinations and
pronouncements by Dr. Willy, must leave the majority of Catholic Goans
with a quizzical look on their faces!

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Re: Beatifull Goan Flowers for Sale........ Alfinet

2005-06-10 Thread JoeGoaUk

Thank you Jerry for your feed back. I do appreciate.

There is a flower see new link below (not a slide show) locally named as 

For that matter, there is also one called 'butanv' (button), St.Anton (st. 
These are all local names and may differ from village to village or taluka to

Flower No. 3 & 6 Bogonvila ?
4 Perpetina
5 Kopam fulam
13 lanbe poll (local)
14 Doshnni fulam (also 27,17,41)
33 Chamfo
44 Butanv
48 Abolim
49/50 Rozolio

Could any one name the others (in the pics) ? either english or Konkani names.

Thanks again.

Goans Flowers

Goan Vegetables
Thu Jun 9 21:52:33 2005

Hello Joe,

Its always nice to read your articles which keep us in touch with Goa.

In your present article, Goan Flowers you have mentioned ‘alfinet’ which I
believe is a safety pin, and not a flower.

Some flowers that I can recollect are Rozam, Shinvtim, Zueo, Lilly, forgot the
name of the shoe flower, the most famous one, than gantarim those small wild

(most abv flowers blooms during monsoon, pics will be added soon, Joe)


Jerry Fernandes

for NRI related info... 

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How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday 
snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos

[Goanet]NEWS: Catholic Church Joins Hands With Bollywood To Spread Message On HIV/AIDS

2005-06-10 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)

Catholic Church Joins Hands With Bollywood To Spread Message On HIV/AIDS


NEW DELHI, (SAR NEWS) -- A Delhi-based Roman Catholic priest has joined hands 
with the Hindi film industry in Mumbai to make a commercial film highlighting 
the dangers of unsafe sex.

Spokesperson of the Delhi Catholic Archdiocese, Father Dominic Emmanuel, said that this was 
"the first ever instance" of India's Catholic Church producing a commercial film. 
"There are people who have made video films more along the documentary style, but this is 
purely a Bollywood formula with songs and dances," the priest added.

The Hindi-language film, titled 'Aisa Kyon Hota Hain' (Why does this happen?"), 
includes an HIV-positive character and is set for release in July or August.

Bollywood heroine Rati Agnihotri plays the lead role of a woman who 
single-handedly raises her son after finding her husband cheating on her.

The film is low-budget, costing just 13 million rupees, but the filmmakers have 
been helped by maverick Bollywood producer-director, Mr. Mahesh Bhatt. His 
company, Vishesh Films, will be responsible for the launch and publicity of the 

Says Father Emmanuel, "Mr. Bhatt's involvement was aimed at ensuring the film does 
not become preachy ... but retains its place in the genre of entertainment."

The film, shot in Mumbai, will be dubbed into Tamil and Telugu languages of the 
southern Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh respectively, which are 
home to many of India's 5.1 million people living with HIV/AIDS.

"Profit certainly is not the motive of making this film. It is just using the 
vehicle of entertainment to put across a message," says Father Emmanuel.

Director of the film, Mr. Ajay Kanchan, said: "The film communicates hope without 
preaching.People should know the HIV virus has moved from high-risk groups to the common 
population. Even families as a whole can watch the film without any feeling of 

[Goanet]Re: Was Jinnah Secular?

2005-06-10 Thread carlos6143
If any one who should be annoyed by Lalji?s (Advani) remark, it should 
be the Congress,? George Fernandes said in Guwahati. Quoting veteran 
politicians and historians, Fernandes said it was Jawaharlal Nehru and 
the Congress who were responsible for the country?s division.
It was the Congress?s ?betrayal? which had forced Jinnah to demand a 
separate nation on the basis of religion.
?It was in 1935 that the Congress and Jinnah?s party entered into an 
agreement to jointly contest in the ensuing elections and to form a 
government together. But after the elections, Nehru backtracked from 
the earlier promise,? Fernandes said.
This development, he added, had pushed Jinnah out of secular politics. 
Fernandes also called for a national debate on the issue.


halur rasho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
If Jinnah was secular, Pakisan would not exist. Or else the two-nation 

is highest form of secularism? And why two-nation theory? Was Jinnah 

against Christians? If he was secular, he would have demanded a 


country for Indian christians too

On 09/06/05, sandeep heble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
., Mr. Advani reportedly described Jinnah as
``a great man'' who had espoused the cause of "secular

[Goanet]..and Soon, the Goa's people may say or realise...

2005-06-10 Thread JoeGoaUk

Parikar Govt. was the best.

for NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

[Goanet]Goa's Dirty Politicians & Today's Headlines 10th June

2005-06-10 Thread JoeGoaUk

Willy & Co threaten to pull out and form alternate Govt with BJP, MGP. Says,
Congress is more communal than BJP


Sharad Pawar has told Willy: Go ahead and topple the Govt.

7 Ministers to be sworn-in, Congress geared up to face any political 
It is learnt that Cong.has now decided to approach the lone UGDP member 
and request him to extend suppport to Rane Govt in the present circumstances.

Read more from rediff.

for NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

RE: [Goanet]New face of Journalism - Ethel da Costa

2005-06-10 Thread Nasci Caldeira

From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]New face of Journalism - Ethel da Costa
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 20:20:45 +0530

Herald (June 6)

What's the new face of journalism?

"what had me intrigued was the line of debate
that emerged during the session, "The freedom of Press belongs to the 
owners of the Press," and in that very much rests the role of the media and 
our future as journalists."

Journalism, as we've known it, is about to be commandeered by the 
barbarians of profit mongers. Time to fire your own bazookas with a crash 
helmet, readers. Let more people take power into their own hands to stand 
up for their own destiny

Ethel da Costa.

Hi all,

This is and has been worrying for a long time now; So what do the 
professional and non pro and the amateur and freelance journo's do about it? 
Why not produce a world wide campaign against what the system has become?

Organise a world wide 'Union of Journalists' and together 'strike' at the 
same time world wide; until all Press owners (private and Government) decide 
and agree to commit in writing, to the complete freedom of the press, by the 
people, for the people and of the people. What then can the owners of the 
Press do? The owners of the press will have to give in, to a 'rightful 
demand'. With the internet and present day advances, in communications, I'm 
sure some one or a group can muster enough time and courage to start the 
'Good War' for the good of all peoples.

I would think this is possible. Will all the journalists debate this and 
join up in this 'war'?

Nasci Caldeira
Down Under.

Re: [Goanet]Re: Was Jinnah Secular?

2005-06-10 Thread carlos6143

If the socialist Nehru had allowed Jinnah to be the PM of India, 
Pakistan would not have existed. We all could have lived as a happy 
familly in a true secular India.


halur rasho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If Jinnah was secular, Pakisan would not exist. Or else the two-nation 

is highest form of secularism? And why two-nation theory? Was Jinnah 

against Christians? If he was secular, he would have demanded a 


country for Indian christians too

On 09/06/05, sandeep heble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
., Mr. Advani reportedly described Jinnah as
``a great man'' who had espoused the cause of "secular

[Goanet]Goanet Reader -- Of jobs and Goa... the unpleasant reality

2005-06-10 Thread Philip Thomas

An informative and incisive article. But it tends to take us back eventually
to the bug-bear of sectarianism/communalism/"goacentrism" etc whose
undertones are very marked. We need to dig down instead of falling back on
these emotive, abstract, catch-all phrases.

Under the skin of "employment" there is the problem of "employability"
(which is reflected in inward migration etc). And under "employability" are
the issues of education, and investment, and problem solving abilities on
the job. Investment in turn poses problems of infrastructure and
technological choices. Beneath these are problems of the environment which
has to be conserved for posterity.

Similarly under "governance" there is the question of education specifically
in terms of civic sense and peaceful conflict resolution. Also the nuts and
bolts of a whole range of activites such as electricity, water supply,
garbage disposal, sewerage, transportation, law and order, health,
communication, etc etc. All these go a long way to determine  the overall
standard of living in Goa.

The lesson may be that we should not accept facile arguments and
explanations such as "communalism" which are bandied about nowadays at the
drop of a hat but push for action and results on concrete fronts in the life
of the people of Goa.

[Goanet]Advani becomes a hit with Pak media

2005-06-10 Thread carlos6143

Advani becomes a hit with Pak media

Indo-Asian News Service

Islamabad, June 9, 2005|15:33 IST
BJP leader LK Advani's resignation as party president has sparked off a 
guessing game in the Pakistan media over his motives, with some saying 
that it was meant to widen his support base.
Most leading Pakistani newspapers on Thursday carried editorials trying 
to decode Advani's laudatory comments on Mohammed Ali Jinnah during his 
weeklong visit to the country and his subsequent resignation.
In an editorial headlined "Advani's new clothes", The News said, "His 
remarks have certainly given him a new look among the Pakistani people, 
who otherwise would reject him as a hardcore radical with nothing good 
to contribute to peace."
It interpreted Advani's statement calling the Pakistan founder 
"secular" as part of his drive to create new constituencies to serve 
his prime ministerial ambitions.
"Advani, shrewd and astute as he is, appears to be more responsive to 
the emerging environment in the region and also to the public mood in 
India that is supportive of peace and coexistence with Pakistan."
"He appears to be ready to capitalise on the moderate and liberal 
elements within his party as well as outside. Perhaps he is looking 
forward to creating new constituencies," the editorial elaborated.
"What his hardliner partners cannot read now is something Advani has 
foreseen - there is no place for radical politics in the changing 
global geo-political scenario."
The Daily Times, in its editorial entitled "Mr Advani's masterful 
hand", saw in Advani's remarks his desire to acquire an Atal Bihari 
Vajpayee-like liberal appeal as a potential prime minister-in-waiting.
"It now appears from Advani's statements in Pakistan that he is trying 
to acquire the same image and stature as Vajpayee. So he has started by 
placating Pakistanis on some of the more emotive issues," said the 
"He talked about the Babri Masjid and offered a mea culpa of sorts; he 
spoke of India-Pakistan peace and the need to resolve Kashmir; he went 
to the Qaid's mazar and called him a secularist. In doing all this, 
Advani came across as a seasoned and mature politician," said the Daily 
Calling it a "masterstroke", the editorial posed the all-important 
question - "Will the BJP wag its Parivar tail or will the tail, the 
Parivar that is, wag the BJP?"
"Advani's gamble is likely to work. If he returns, he will be more 
entrenched than he was before. He will also have unshackled himself 
from the Parivar. In such a situation, he will be the winner all round."
In an editorial, The Dawn saw in Advani's remarks a provocation for a 
radical reappraisal of religion-based politics in the subcontinent. The 
controversy "managed to bring into sharp focus the dilemma of 
religio-political parties in today's rapidly globalising, and 
inevitably secularising, world."
"The politics of extremism and of exploiting religious sentiments for 
political purposes may become irrelevant even in limited, regional 
In an attempt to place Advani's resignation in the wider context, the 
Dawn editorial adopted a soul-searching note. "This is not only an 
Indian or a BJP problem. Pakistan too faces similar issues, perhaps in 
an acuter form because our constitution specifically provides for a 
state based on religion and is thus a durable point of reference for 
religious parties," it said.
The editorial advised parties to stop extracting mileage out of 
religious politics. "Otherwise, we can easily become an anachronism in 
a world changing around us."

Jai Hind!

Tension persists with India over Kashmir and a nuclear arms race began 
after 'Pokhran nuclear explosions', though CBMs are in full swing.

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