2005-07-28 Thread Philip Thomas

Flying made affordable for U

Posted online: Thursday, July 28, 2005 at 1113 hours IST Updated: Thursday,
July 28, 2005 at 1905 hours IST

NEW DELHI, JULY 28:  The Civil Aviation Policy, which will be discussed by
the Union Cabinet next month, will focus on lowering fares to make aviation
affordable and look at ways to remove price monopolies in turbine fuel,
Civil Aviation Secretary Ajay Prasad said today.

The policy will also look at liberalising the air services agreements and
moving towards an open sky regime encouraging promotion of regional airlines
and the creation of an essential air services fund to provide subsidy
support to essential services, he said.

On the issue of investments by NRIs and people of Indian rigin being treated
at par, Prasad, addressing a seminar organised by aviation and sustainable
development, said this was an issue that would have to be decided by the

The policy will not, however, allow foreign airlines to pick up stake in
the domestic airlines at present, he added.

Turning his attention to the development of infrastructure, Prasad said that
apart from ongoing proposed restructuring of Delhi and Mumbai airports, the
government was also taking measures to convert other airports to world class


The Civil Aviation Policy was supposed to have been finalised this month.
Now it is postponed till next month! This exercise has been going on for
at least 5 YEARS! The Ministry seems to be suffering from analysis

With regard to infrastructure development it is imperative that the Civil
Aviation Ministry makes a high speed U-turn from its policy of shutting down
civilian flights at military bases as soon as a greenfield airport goes into
operation. It doesnt seem to realise that this kind of approach contributes
to high ticket costs which is what it says it is tryin to alleviate!

Ways must be found to contnue civilian flights at Bangalore and Hyderabad
airports and maybe even revert to them at Kochi naval airstation. Pune's
Lohegaon airport must continue to handle civilian flights even when Chakan
comes up. Ditto for Dabolim when Mopa kicks in.

[Goanet]Konkan Railway Monsoon scenes photographs

2005-07-28 Thread Ancy S. D'Souza Paladka
Catchy 168 Monsoon scenes of Konkan Railway

Please click the link

For all other Konkani related photo collections please click

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Url: http://www.konkanifoundation.com/ancy/

[Goanet]Re: Abbe Faria

2005-07-28 Thread sandeep heble
The magician I spoke to some time back, on this
particular subject, was Goa's renowned magician D

He has even written a book debunking the art of
hypnotism. Those who wish to have more insights and
info on the subject of hypnotism must make it a
point to interact with him. He is very knowledgeable,
humorous and witty. He lives in Panjim. 

The little talk I had with him left me more than
convinced that hypnotism was nothing but bunkum.

Sandeep Heble

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 


2005-07-28 Thread Philip Thomas
Today's (July 29) HERALD had a front page report titled IFFI Decision by
August 2. It seems this is on the agenda of a crucial meeting of the
Planning Commision on August 1 which a delegation led by the Goa CM will be

Other notable issues are 1) the new expressway between Patradevi and Pollem
or 4-laning of NH-17, 2) the airport at Mopa and 3) the Convention Centre.
It is anticipated that the Centre would sanction substantial funds to Goa
for development.

The State Government must get its priorities right for this meeting. Top
priority has to be given to relieving the bottleneck at Dabolim. The State
must ensure that the military begins active planning and construction and
expeditious operation of an airfield at Seabird. This facility should enable
the discontinuation of jet trainer, helicopter, Sea Harrier and MIG-29K
training flights at Dabolim to free prime runway time for civilian flights.

There should be no problem of reccy and transport flights at Dabolim
although the former should be mainly at night.
Perhaps Mopa can be used for daytime reccy flights on a non-exclusive basis.

Dabolim should be under an effective joint use agreement between the
civilian and military authorities if necessary. The model for this could be
the one between Honolulu International Airport (HIA) and Hickam Air Base.

We need not go into the other issues for the tme being. Except that we would
strongly urge the Goa government to adopt a wholisitic, integral citistate
view for state development purposes especially in the case of networked
infrastructure like roads, electricity, pipelines, sewerage, telecom etc.
Goa has to be developed as a virtual A class city for 4 million people --
1.5 million resident and 2.5 million visitors (including  0.5 m foreign
visitors). Goa should be eligible for special National Urban Renewal Fund
status etc.

Let's keep our fingers crossed.


2005-07-28 Thread Nasci Caldeira

Hi Florian,

You feel that Mr Rane and or Dr W. Sousa, or the Govenor, are involved and 
therefore will not take up the matter of 'Constituting the Judicial 
Enquiry'; may be rightly so.

But what then? Who is able to do it?  What are your ideas and opinion re: 
commissioning the Judicial Enquiry. Can you or other like minded persons or 
someone who is a member of 'The Goa Legislative Assembly' initiate a 
resolution and goad the Govt. towards this goal?

C'mon, please get the people to campaign and have this, in place. and not 
rest untill the Enquiry is established. Your Goa Su-raj Party should start 
and build up a momentum; Your Party will then even gain prominence in the 
eyes of the Goan People; and may even win a few seats two years on.

Hoping to hear from the 'Goa -Suraj party' on this matter.


Nasci Caldeira

From: Floriano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 17:28:59 +0530

You really can dream,  and dream well too.
However, you must realise that the two persons you are asking to commission
the process of inquiry  are sitting very much high on pot of gold. In other
words, you have high hope of them asking for their own necks to be cut.  

Governor too has been filling his bean bags to find it  fit to sacrifice
Elvis Gomes.

After all they both are veteran Congress men, one complementing  the other.


- Original Message -
From: Nasci Caldeira [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello Goanetters,

 Goa has been LOOTED and is suffering from far TOO MUCH CORRUPTION and 

 far TOO LONG.

 I strongly urge Mr Pratapsingh Rane and Dr Wilfred de Sousa, and the
 of Goa, to commission these two Judicial Enquiries without fail! The
 in Goa inside and outside Govt. should carry on a sustained campaign,
 these two demands of Goans are met. Nothing less will do!

 Nasci Caldeira
 Down Under.

[Goanet]Konkani mai - victim of script

2005-07-28 Thread jerry fernandes
Hello sogle konkani mogi

A lot has been written on this forum regarding Konkani language. A lot of 
discussions have taken place too, and wonderful articles have been written 
some in wisdom, some in anger, but as a forum of goanetters how can we help 
reintroduce Konkani in Roman script? What will happen to all the students who 
took it in devanagri? Of course, they will learn it faster in Roman. As 
someone suggested that introduction of a TV channel purely for Konkani 
language will be a great source for this education. But the big question is 
who will bell the cat.

I am sure, some great Goans will support the idea of this Konkani channel and 
with people like Ancy S. D'Souza Paladka who wrote a wonderful article 
Language bill taking catholics for a ride, and than Bosco’s article Konkani 
mai, victim of script, and many other supporters of Roman script with 
thousands of goanetters, I am sure this Konkani channel can be a reality,  
which can be viewed by the whole konkan community. Promoting Roman script and 
making it an official script in the long run.

Konkanicho mog amcam soglank assach. Zoxem ek kantar Somplolea Alfred Rosan 
gailolem Konkanik salan addpak zai, tika kuznan dovorpachi num, etc etc. Zaito 
teomp adim aikololem hem kantar.

We have some real good talent on goanet, like Domnic, Lino, Eddie, Cypriano, 
and many others, who too must be keen on having konkani in Roman script, and 
it will be a great pride for all of us to have our own Konkani channel, 
promoting programs exclusivly in Roman script, and not like what happened for 
the language issue, Roman scriptik zogodle, ani devanagri konkanik man dilo.

I read the article of Godfrey, and he had sent it to various groups, I wonder 
if it did come on the local news paper and what was the reaction. Godfrey bab, 
some feed back please


Jerry Fernandes

[Goanet]SFX Hymns

2005-07-28 Thread Joao Manuel Pereira
I need the words from all the hymns and possibly the notes and other musical 
arrangements (Prof. michael Martins, Rev. Maestro Camilo Xavier, Victor 
Paranjoti) of the Hymns to S.Francisco Xavier .  I live in Canada and we 
celebrate the feast on the 3rd December, in Konknni/English..

Joao Manuel Pereira

[Goanet]Re: Dumping of garbage

2005-07-28 Thread Sonia Vaze
No more dumping in Curca, say residents: The apathy of the
government in dumping garbage on the Curca plateau without treating
it seems to have caused havoc in the surrounding area. Water
that was accumulated at the dumping site had seeped into the
wells, in low lying areas, contaminating them. (NT)

Garbage problem: Ponda citizens stage protest march. (NT)

Foreign trips seem to be a regular perk of our politicians. If only they could 
imitate the cleanliness and the efficient garbage disposal systems of counties 
abroad, perhaps those trips might benefit the common man too!  Manufacturers 
of water sold in plastic bottles should also be held to account for keeping 
the cities clean as the discarded bottles are an ugly sight and a nuisance 
everywhere. In a country like India where the cow is supposed to be a holy 
animal that is venerated, it is shocking that many cows die due to swallowing 
of discarded plastic bags that wrap around internal organs. 

[Goanet]Abbe Faria and Goan Pride

2005-07-28 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Netters,
Abbe Faria is a rare person. He was a priest who mastered hypnotism. His 
father became a priest and his mother a nun. In all ways he was uncommon.
Abbe Faria's statue stands next to the Secretariat. It is an image associated 
with Goa. The BMX-Goa [an informal association of ex-students of St.Britto's 
HS, St.Mary's HS and St.Xavier's College, all at Mapusa-Goa] have adopted Abbe 
Faria as the image of Goa for their logo while looking at a worldwide reunion 
from 16 to 22 December, 2006 i.e. the 250th birth anniversary year of the 
great Abbe who features in Alexandre Dumas' magnum opus The Count of Monte 
If we want the Postal Authorities to release a commemorative stamp on 31 May[ 
one day after Statehood Day], we need to petition now. There is red tape to 
cross and printing to do. Perhaps the outgoing MP of Rajya Sabha, who is also 
a Goanetter, Prof Eduardo Faleiro, can set the ball rolling from the Rajya 
Sabha Secretariat. The Mustard Seed Art Co. Power Point Presentation could be 
shown at other fora like GHAG [ there is a function to release a book on 
Panaji on 06 August at the old GMC,Campal], the Rotary and Lions Clubs, the 
Jaycees and others. Perhaps the GIMS [ that is having a Syposium on Patents on 
20-21 August at the Marriott, Panaji] can show our brand ambassador, too.
If we are proud to be Goans, let us show it ,too.
Viva Goa.

[Goanet]Konkani TV Channel

2005-07-28 Thread George Ferns
Hi Goanetters,

My sincere request goes all the groups to come forward and assist in launching 
a konkani TV channel which can cover news, konkani serials, movies, adds, etc. 
There is lot of hidden talents in our goan blood, youth, to be cherish. 

To begin with, likewise the ETV channels provider, who has many state channels 
eg. ETV - Urdu, ETV - Marathi, ETV - Gujarati, ETV - Orrisa, etc etc. We can 
tie-up with this ETV for assisting  enrolling a new goan channel ETV - 

Lets give this a challenge, Utt goenkara nidun ravonaka. Good wishes to all in 
making this dream come true, a launch of TV channel latest by Dec 2005.

Konkani Mogi,


Re: [Goanet]Re: Bernado's view

2005-07-28 Thread Bernado Colaco
Dear George Pinto,

As you may be aware there was no liberation of Goa.
Nehru's invasion of 61 has left Goa in the dark ages.
I hope you will muster all strength (may be you need
to visit Fatima) to raise the Goan flag.

B. Colaco
 Which of the two events of '61 are a failure?  
 1. Goa liberated of the Portuguese.
 2. Nehru's invasion.
 Is it not clear which of the two events you consider
 'a clear failure'.

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[Goanet]Hypnotherapist Gregory Antão of HypnosNLP.com

2005-07-28 Thread Goanet News Service

London Terrorist Bombings: Coping Strategies For Victims -- Institute For
Complementary Medicine's Free Article by Hypnotherapist Gregory Antão of

Download this press release as an Adobe PDF document.

Strategies to cope with acute stress and trauma by London hypnotherapist
Gregory Antão, is a special article published by the prestigious UK based
Institute for Complementary Medicine (ICM). The article shows you some powerful
ways of how to cope with the psychological aftermath of the London terrorist
bombings and other such traumatic events. This is especially useful for the
surviving victims and their families, the emergency service personnel involved
and to anyone else traumatised by the impact of this appalling outrage. The
article “Strategies to cope with acute stress and trauma” may be accessed at

(PRWEB) July 20, 2005 -- Terrorist outrages like the very recent London bombings
can leave some very enduring mental scars and traumatise anyone touched either
directly or indirectly by these events.

Especially vulnerable are the surviving victims and the families of victims of
these shocking outrageous acts of terrorism. Almost equally traumatised are
personnel from the emergency services who are involved in the rescue, medical,
security and identification processes. Even those who were not directly involved
such as observers and bystanders as well as the end users of the news media
output, can also suffer the effects of trauma to a life changing extent.

Gregory Antão, a London Hypnotherapist and Licensed NLP Practitioner, has
written an article for the UK-based ICM (Institute for Complementary Medicine)
Online Journal. This shows how some very useful and simply applied strategies,
as well as some really cutting edge Mind Technologies, can be applied very
effectively in these cases. These techniques will greatly help to reduce and
manage the levels of trauma being experienced. They will also assist to enhance
the life quality of victims and sufferers of these acutely stressful scenarios.

Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) are two such, highly effective
Mind Technologies - which are used synergistically and this combination is
termed HypnosNLP™. Descriptions of how these and other allied techniques can be
used to quickly and efficiently improve the 'Life Quality' of stress victims are
also discussed.

The article Strategies to cope with acute stress and trauma may be accessed at
The article may also be accessed directly at the ICM website at www.i-c-m.org.uk
during July/August. Thereafter in its Archive section.
HypnosNLP™ techniques have also been used to really great effect in treating
disorders such as phobias and fears such as Fear of Flying – in just one or
two sessions; stress-based problems; self-confidence and self-image deficits;
addictions, smoking cessation – in just a single cessation session; weight
control; sexual dysfunction, sports and performance enhancement and a wide range
of other conditions. Articles on HypnosNLP™ and allied subjects can be accessed
or downloaded at www.HypnosNLP.co.uk

Gregory Antão first qualified as a Chartered Engineer, before becoming a
professional therapist. He is a Licensed Practitioner of NLP, a Certified
Hypnotherapist and a member of the British Institute of Hypnotherapy. He studied
Neuro-Linguistic Programming under its acclaimed co-founder Dr. Richard Bandler
and was trained in hypnosis in the USA. Gregory uses his own particular form of
combinational therapy, which he terms HypnosNLP™, at his UK practices in
London's Harley Street and in Weybridge, Surrey. He has appeared on the UK
Living TV channel and on BBC radio interviews and “phone-ins” in relation to his
hypnosis work. He has also written several articles on HypnosNLP™, hypnosis, NLP
and hypnotherapy for the internationally renowned Institute for Complementary
Medicine (ICM) Online Journal and other national and international publications.

Gregory Antão practices in London and in Weybridge, Surrey. He is available to
see clients for private consultations in London (Harley Street and Violet Hill
Studios) as well as at the Maple Leaf Clinic in Weybridge, Surrey. For more
information, call him on (+44) 0870 1997834 or see his website:
www.HypnosNLP.org.uk ; email: Hypnos @innovatus.net

[Thanks to Eddie Fernandes of http://www.goanvoice.org.uk for pointing out to
this. FN]

Re: [Goanet]Re: Which of two....a failure (jerry fernandes) Gerry Ferns

2005-07-28 Thread Bernado Colaco

 perhaps the WORLD, 


Occupation of Goa is not dead, otherwise many Goans
would not talk or write about it. Besides Delhi should
stop its citizens from diving below vehicles to avoid
getting maimed for begging, forget the nuclear brain

B. Colaco

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

[Goanet]WORLD GOA DAY - 2005 - in RIO de Janeiro -Brazil

2005-07-28 Thread rene barreto


   Goans in Rio de Janeiro join Goans world wide 
   in celebrating WORLD GOA DAY = ON THE 20th of
   August 2005 

WORLD GOA DAY is a GOANET supported Partnership event.
 YOU too can JOIN us in this Partnership.  

 A message from a Goan in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil 



Rui do Carmo Costa
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


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[Goanet]WORLD GOA DAY - message - from Flavio Gracias , President of GOA UK

2005-07-28 Thread rene barreto

  WORLD GOA DAY message - from Flavio Gracias ,  
  President of G.O.A UK. 


To all Goans wherever they may be, I would like to
send my best wishes for a memorable celebration of
World Goa Day, in whatever format it takes.  I believe
the Goans should be justifiably proud of their
inheritance and strive to maintain their cultural
identity for generations to come.  The Goan
Association in the UK, in conjnction with all the Goan
Organisations, have their own celebration in a Goan
Festival, which takes place on Sunday 31st July 2005,
at Archbishop Lanfranc School.  We are honoured to
have the presence of Bishop Alex Dias (from the Andman
and Nicboar Islands Diocese), who will be the main
celebrant at the religious service that begins at
12.15pm.  We hope that as many Goans as possible in
the UK will be present to enjoy the cultural
activities and taste some home cooked Goan fayre.  
Kind regards

Flavio Gracias
Goan Assciation (UK)


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[Goanet]PRESS NOTE: Goa's Garbage Problem

2005-07-28 Thread Wendell Rodricks
27th July 2005

The Editor

The Problem of Goa’s garbage is a matter of concern to us all.  It is an issue 
that needs to be addressed intelligently, with many considerations.

The Government’s plans for Goa’s garbage is shortsighted and simplistic.  They 
want to create a dumping site and settle this issue once and for all, in a 
hasty manner.  Is a dumping site the only solution ?  Is it fair to use two or 
three villages to solve a problem that will affect so many villages en route 
to the site ?

As a concerned Colvalkar and proud Goan, I wish to remind every Goan that a 
dumping site at any village will entail :

1. Attracting pests like rodents, dogs, predatory birds, etc.

2. Medical and chemical waste will pollute not just the water levels but also 
the environment.

3. Cattle will loose grazing grounds and feed on plastic, chemicals and 
medical waste.

4. Every village will become a corridor for garbage trucks.  Which means that 
a hotel in Calangute will take a road that passes Baga, Arpora, Assagao, 
Siolim, Camurlim and Colvale, to reach Tivim.  Or the trucks will pass via 
Saligao, Arpora, Parra and Guirim before getting onto the NH 17 towards 
Tivim.  Along the way, the trucks will emit odour and the villages also risk 
garbage flying off the trucks and into their homes or gardens.  Careless or 
drunk drivers will dump garbage before the site in the rivers or valleys, at 
isolated village areas, during the night .

5. Our village roads are in no condition to take more load.  In fact they are 
in a bad state and need repairs…… Not more vehicles on them please.

For all these reasons, it is natural for the villagers at Curca to protest.  
They have been silent sufferers for too long.

Instead of one or two sites, I propose the following :

1. Group two or three villages together to handle their own wet garbage with 
compost or vermiculture pits.

2. The Government should arrange for Vermicompost pits to be made at the 
crossroads of each vaddo.  The villagers can maintain them with help from the 

3. There should be a weekly collection of plastic and other dry garbage.  The 
Government should arrange for the transport of this garbage to the nearest 
town or sorting center.

4. A contract to transport and convert this garbage should be awarded to a 
private company.

5. Effective Microorganisms (EM) liquid should be made available in all 
Panchayats and City Councils.

If we solve our garbage in this manner, every Goan village will not only be 
clean but generate sufficient manure for our fields, fruit orchards and 
gardens.  It will also stop the pollution and damage to roads caused by 
transporting garbage each day by so many trucks.  Proper garbage management 
can convert garbage into profits.

As we have done before, Colvalkars will protest and not permit a dumping site 
in the village or its environs.  I am sure our neighbouring brethren in 
Siolim, Tivim, Camurlim, Revora, Cunchelim and other villages will support us 
since their villages will also suffer.

It is time we Goans react to this abuse of the land and village life.  I have 
seen Colvale become a highway, an industrial site with a power station that 
gives us no power. The population has hence increased (no fault of ours) 
resulting in the village being categorized as “urban”.  This has made many 
old, poor families give up their telephone lines because the tariff was raised 
to urban status.  After all this, a dumping site will be the last straw.

I hope the Government has a dialogue with concerned citizens and seeks 
professional advice on how to handle the garbage problem.  Handling this 
problem effectively will mean good PR for the Goa Government at a national 
level and ensure a greater support of the Goan people. After all, garbage is a 
national problem and Goa can do well to set a good example to the rest of the 

Wendell Rodricks

[Goanet]An UNIQUE GOAN event - The Bonderam Festival

2005-07-28 Thread rene barreto


   A WORLD GOA DAY event 










CHILDREN (5 TO 12 YEARS) $10-.  


Maurice Coutinho


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[Goanet]MONSOON UPDATE: Is Konkan belt next on the hit list? (Hindu Business Line)

2005-07-28 Thread Goanet News Service

Is Konkan belt next on the hit list?

Vinson Kurian

Thiruvananthapuram , July 27

THE deluge in Mumbai on Tuesday that saw a record breaking 94.4 cm of rain swamp
the international airport and the neighbourhood has been attributed to the
formation of a monsoon vortex, a destructive feature associated with the most
active phase of the monsoon.

July normally brings good precipitation to the country's financial capital, but
Tuesday's inundation was of a scale unprecedented in the history of urban India.
The highest rainfall recorded in Mumbai till now was 37.5 cm on July 5, 1974.

Speaking to Business Line, Dr Akhilesh Gupta, Director of the National Centre
for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), said monsoon vortices are strong,
circular-moving and comparatively short-lived systems embedded in the prevailing
monsoon trough. But they can trigger a cloudburst within an area, extending to
as much as 30 km.

In meteorological parlance, these are tiny components of a very strong and
elaborate monsoon system. They are very unpredictable and mostly escape the
notice of the best weather models.

Vortices are formed when the strength of the westerlies blasting into the
natural barrier offered by the Western Ghats in the Konkan belt does not allow
them to align along the elongated offshore trough and instead, cause them to
rotate around their own axis with such intensity as to trigger a drencher.

The stronger the westerlies, the more intensively active will be the vortex and
the more destructive will be its impact. According to Dr Gupta, the Konkan belt
might not have seen the last of the vortices yet, given the strength of the
prevailing monsoonal flows. Unfortunately, there is no way of predicting when
and where they can take shape.

For instance, it was one of these offshore vortices that had dumped rain in
parts of Goa two days back, he said.

In any case, the ongoing rain activity in and around Mumbai would continue for
some more days but not in the same intensity.

The reason is that the dynamics associated with the atmosphere do not allow for
the sustenance of vortices of such forceful motion beyond 24 hours. On
Wednesday, the low-pressure area was positioned over east Madhya Pradesh and the

This means that the rain activity would now get shifted to the north Konkan
region and south Gujarat over the next few days.

Gujarat can expect to get heavy rain from the west-northwest orientation of the
`low' and the circulation pattern over the north east Arabian Sea, which has not
yet evolved into a full-scale mid-tropospheric cyclone.South east Rajasthan can
also hope for some good showers over the next few days.

The offshore trough running from the Konkan belt to Karnataka is likely to
persist for the next 2-3 days and the ongoing widespread rainfall activity over
the north Konkan region and South Gujarat region is likely to continue.

Fairly widespread rainfall activity is likely over coastal Karnataka, north
Interior Karnataka, Telangana and coastal Andhra Pradesh. 

Re: [Goanet]Re:Poll Result: Need for Interpretation(Phillip Thomas)

2005-07-28 Thread Bernado Colaco

Goanet will change the direction of Goa. The Dabolim
poll on this forum is a clear indication of Goan
intentions, and in this case they want the occupiers
out of their airport.

B. Colaco

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2005-07-28 Thread Philip Thomas
 a near total disconnect with commentary (or the lack of it) in the main
body of goanet posts

Hmm. I now see why the silent treatment makes sense. [It reminds me of the
old submarine yarn, Run Silent, Run Deep!] The message is loud and clear.
Somehow or other it touches a raw nerve. Good.

[Goanet]Goa ... and the Right to Information law

2005-07-28 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
This might be interesting to those who have been looking at Goa's Right
to Information Act... Actually, this state has quite a good law (on
paper), even if bureaucrats and politicians have learnt diverse ways of
subverting it. FN


Of the nine states which have local RTI laws, Karnataka and Goa have
said they would enforce the national law and withdraw their respective
state laws;

Maharashtra has begun to prepare for enforcement of the national law.
There has been no official announcement yet on repeal of the Maharashtra
RTI act, but this appears imminent;

Delhi is enforcing national law and will probably retain the state law
with modifications; There is no news from Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh,
Tamil Nadu and Assam.


[Goanet]Konkani Musical Show in Kuwait - Comedian Philip's TUM VHOIR AUM SOKOL on 16th September 2005

2005-07-28 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
Konkani Musical Show in Kuwait 
 -  Comedian Philip's TUM VHOIR AUM SOKOL
COMEDIAN PHILIP – NRI Goan Comedian of a Thousand
Faces -  who has mastered the art of comedy and whose
charm and impeccable 'stage presence' captivates
audiences everywhere, is now all set to present his
second musical show TUM VHOIR AUM SOKOL on September
16th, 2005 at the Hawally A/C Auditorium at 3:30 p.m.
in Kuwait. This musical show will feature well known
Konkani stage artistes from Goa, London (U.K.), and
Kuwait and music by Norman and Shahu. Comedian Philip
is all set to show something unique and different for
the Konkani lovers. 
More details at http://www.goa-world.com and Kuwait's
English dailies and online news magazines.   Book
early to avoid disappointment.
Just back from A.M. Pacheco's drama Tukach Ravtalim
after 9 shows within a fortnight after a long time
performing in Goa, Philip is all set to show his 2nd
Konkani Musical Show in Kuwait.  Philip's
impersonification of the great Lorna as in Lorna's
song Aikat Mhojo Tallo,  Micheal Jackson as in
Beat It song as well as late Dr. Rosario Rodrigues
(with the get-up and his voice matching the characters
to perfection) were greatly appreciated at Goa Day
events in Kuwait as well as in tiatros by his fans in
Kuwait, Dubai and back in Goa.  Philip being a fun
loving person and with a humorous glint in his eyes
coupled with a mischievous grin on his face says it
seems as if playing humorous roles comes to me 
naturally. He has acted in what was then known as
Tin parti zomni khell of Pascoal Estiberio.  Philip 
has been featured in scores of Konkani non-stop
Khell-Tiatrs, Tiatrs as well as Musical Shows with 
directors - big and small alike - which  Anthony San
Ekuch Ghor, Bab Peter (in Goa and Bahrain, Dubai and
Muscat), Patrick Dourado Tig Fugoteancho Morann,
Ostori, John Claro English Madam (3 shows one
day), Roseferns' Tapott, Arso, Baulem, Uzo,
Maim, Pai Ani Bhurgim, A.M. Pacheco Don Rostea,
Visvasghat, Fator, Rosario Rodrigues Kumar,
Menin de Bandar Duddu Ginnean, John D'Silva
Chuklolea Rostea, Pascoal Rodrigues Tinn Kidde,
Rosary Ferns' Mhojem Dusrem Ghor, Laurente Pereira's
Lokachim Tondam Bhond,  Jose Rod's drama Mauli and
as Charlie Chaplin in Biradd,  Punn Kiteak?,
Tujem Nanv Vhodd Zaum, Satvo Mandament, and Mario
de Majorda's tiatr Sambau.  The audience just loves
him when he is on stage.
 He brushes aside his critics.  Always with a smiling
face he says: Laughter is the fruit of the soul. 
Enjoy Konkani dramas and support the Konkani artistes.
 Laugh when you can !.  His Konkani album SIR was
produced by Manfa Music, was well received.  His
second Konkani Album titled Jib is under production.
 Philip presented Hem Kazar Koslem? a musical comedy
in Kuwait in April 2001 with PadmaShree award winner
M. Boyer, superstar Jose Rod, Rosy Alvares, William de
Curtorim, Comedians Dominic, Louis, Antonette Mendes,
late Bab Peter, Donald Colaco, Patrick Fernandes,
Marcus Vaz, Laurente Pereira, Succorina, Michael,
Simon and Valanka. This  show was also repeated in
Dubai, U.A.E.  He has released a VCD to keep alive the
fond memories of his first innovative musical show.  

In Jose Rod's CD Suskar, Philip sang the humourous
song Telephone with Cecilia Rod which was a big
'hit'. In Anthony San's audio cassette Goencho Saib,
he sang a number on Goa's famous traditional
profession of 'Poder' .  Even after participating in
tiatrs and dramas throughout the night, early in the
morning, a few years ago, one could see Philip on his
cycle and later even on motorcycle with pau in his
village with his 'trademark smile'!   Shortly he will
be featuring in a 'never seen before' role in T-Bush's
full length Konkani comedy film All The Best.

Photos, text and links © www.goa-world.com
All rights reserved.

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[Goanet]Dear Worldzone...

2005-07-28 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
I'm just now tuned in to your fabulous music, coming all the way from
Africa, (specially) Latin America, Asia (including the Punjab and
elsewhere). Please include some of fascinating Konkani music from Goa
on the west coast of India. If you need a clue of where you could get
this from, you can contact me or so many others via www.goanet.org.
There's tonnes of great music available from this small part of India.
Please earn yourself more listeners among Konkani music fans. Frederick

 _/ Frederick Noronha | Independent Journalist | Ph 832.2409490
 _/ 784 Saligao 403511 Goa India | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet]UN OCHA looks at flood situation in Goa too

2005-07-28 Thread Goanet News Service

Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 

Date: 27 Jul 2005
Print Print Email E-mail Save to My ReliefWeb Save
India: Maharashtra and Goa Floods OCHA Situation Report No.1

Ref: OCHA/GVA - 2005/0121

OCHA Situation Report No. 1
India (Maharashtra, Goa) - Floods
27 July 2005

This situation report is based on information received from the United Nations
Resident Coordinator's office in Delhi.



1. Heavy rains since 24 July caused severe flood in Maharashtra state affecting
Ratnagri, Raigad, Thane and Mumbai districts. A total of 150 people have been
trapped in a landslide in Juigaon village in Raigad district, while 23 persons
were reported killed in Raigad, 6 persons killed in Ratnagiri and 4 persons
killed in Thane.

Mumbai metropolis has been isolated by disruption of road networks and air links
and has experienced gusty winds with a speed of 45kms to 60kms per hour. Power
supply has been disconnected and communication networks were hampered in
suburban areas.


2. In the state of Goa, low-lying areas in both South and North Goa districts
have been flooded due to heavy rains and high tide conditions in the rivers. A
total of 9 deaths have been reported due to a landslide in Dicarpale village in
South Goa district. Train traffic along coastal areas was disrupted due to
submergence of rail tracks.

National Response

3. The Government called in the Army, Navy and Air Forces to carry out search
and rescue operations. Air force helicopters would be deployed to airdrop food
packages. Approximately 10, 000 people have been evacuated to safer places.

4. An emergency meeting was held today with the Chief Minister to undertake
resource and relief operations in the flood affected areas. A detailed damage
assessment survey would be undertaken in the affected districts once the
floodwater recedes.

5. The state Relief and Rehabilitation Department has released sufficient funds
to the districts administration for relief expenditure. The district
administration has made necessary arrangements for supply of food in the
temporary shelters.

6. OCHA is in close contact with the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in
Delhi and will revert with further information as required. This situation
report, together with further information on ongoing emergencies, is also
available on the OCHA Internet Website at http://www.reliefweb.int.

Telephone: +41-22-917 12 34
Fax: +41-22-917 00 23

In case of emergency only: Tel. +41-22-917 20 10

Desk Officers:

Mr. Masaaki Nakagawa, direct Tel. +41-22-917-4034

Press contact:

(GVA) Ms. Elizabeth Byrs, direct Tel. +41-22-917 26 53
(N.Y.) Ms. Stephanie Bunker, direct Tel. +1-917-892 1679 

[Goanet]BOOK REVIEW: Sixth Night by Silviano C Barbosa (Reviewer: Dr Cornel da Costa)

2005-07-28 Thread Goanet News Service

I read this recent novel with intense interest, and reasonably quickly, because
it held my interest throughout. Hopefully many others will share my enthusiasm
for the novel and obtain it before the current print run soon comes to an end.

The novel held my attention for many reasons. Chief of these were that there was
an excellent continuous thread within a very human story. Secondly, it was
informatively set against the political and social background in Goa from
Portuguese times until 1961, and beyond to the UK and Canada. Thirdly, I felt
that the warmth of the presentation of the material by the author was genuinely

Many of the characters in the novel appear to be real ones but with some
imagined ones. The central character is Linda from a relatively poor childhood
background in Goa and how she was absolutely determined to do well
educationally. Her tenacity paid off by dint of hard work and despite the many
constricting traditions, customs, quirks, eccentricities and parochialism of Goa
village life. Her motivation to succeed seemed to stem from an early awareness
and experience of caste discrimination as well as her father’s stance against
such a system that had historically bedevilled Goa.

In time, Linda met and fell desperately in love with Carlos, a Portuguese young
man working in the Goa capital city of Panjim. However, these were unpredictable
political times, and in 1961, the two were painfully parted without being able
to bid farewell to each other. Soon after, Linda discovers that she is expecting
Carlos’s child and becomes helpless and very much on her own. She struggles on
bravely by giving her child up for adoption and eventually continuing
successfully career wise from Goa to London and then to Canada.

Throughout this time, Carlos and Linda were thwarted in their many attempts to
contact each other because a friend of Linda’s intercepted both sets of their
letters in her own desire to marry Carlos. Eventually, through a complex set of
circumstances, Carlos discovers that he is the father of a daughter by Linda,
locates the child in Goa and manages to take responsibility for her in Portugal
initially. Later, quite unknowingly, both Linda and Carlos, with the young
daughter, end up in Toronto and by sheer chance meet up after many years as a

A quick account of the story, as above, needs to be understood in the fulsome
context of the setting provided. The personal and the political are succinctly
intertwined throughout. In particular, the ramifications of caste practice in
Goa are exemplified with vivid and realistic illustrations of painful
occurrences there. Perhaps, more could have been made of this, particularly, in
Linda’s reflections of racism initially experienced in Canada and some parallels
with her experiences of caste in Goa. 

Clearly, the novel should appeal to a wide readership. There will be those with
no first hand knowledge of Goa, either before or after being incorporated into
India and they will discover how and why emigration from this little ‘paradise’
has taken significant numbers of Goans to the far corners of the globe. Then
there will be those who have themselves grown up in Goa and either left or
remained there.  They should be filled with so much nostalgia that is
encapsulated in the Sixth Night. And of course, there are the many young people
of Goan origin who should be delighted to learn about their roots wherever they
may now live.

Cornel DaCosta PhD, London, UK.


Re: [Goanet]CORPORATE-GOA: Corporate Aircraft Wi-Fi Enabled with D-Link in India

2005-07-28 Thread rene barreto

  Friends of Goa ! 

 I wrote a while ago asking if it was possible to set
up  a Desk Top Video Computer Link - a GOANLINK on
WORLD GOA DAY.  ...But hav'nt heard from any
one..maybe  something that not many of us get involved

 But this morning's Goanews - gave me the impression
that it is a possiblity ..if we are unable to have
this LINK this year , I am sure we will have this link
for next year.I will make sure we do. God willing.

* He said that such an installation would be normally
in an office, but doing it on  an aircraft made it a
difficult challenge for our  engineers. It  was
expected  that up to 2006, over 150 aircrafts would
be wi-fi  enabled.  P. Vyas

 If some one can give me  the Company's Director of
 sales and Marketing, P. Vyas, email address , I will
gladly write to him and ask him to help us ...the
people of Goa to set a WORLD wide GOANLINK ..
lets keep dreaming , i hear some Goans say : - )

 said that this Wi-Fi installation had been the first
 of its kind in India. * 

   This is all really great , but what about the
PEOPLE of Goa , why should they not also enjoy the
benefits that Goa has helped to develop ?  

  Just asking 

 rene barreto

--- Goanet News Service

 Corporate Aircraft Wi-Fi Enabled with D-Link in
 Jul 27, 05 | 9:37 am
 By M.M. Khanna, Chandigarh(India)
 D-Link (India) limited successfully covered a
 Corporate aircraft with a Wireless
 Hot Spot, allowing the passengers high-speed
 connectivity while flying.

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

[Goanet]diaspora books

2005-07-28 Thread Eugene Correia
Found the book on the net. Want to know from Cornel or
other UK goanetters if the book is still available. 


Kusoom Vadgama: India in Britain The Indian
Contribution to the British Way of
Life (Robert Royce Limited, 1984).
In Diaspora: Theories, Histories, Texts

Edited by Makarand Paranjape
Over the last twenty years or so, it seems as if the
Indian diaspora has suddenly come of age. Shedding its
minority status, it has demonstrated its inclination
for becoming a majority, not in the sense of numerical
superiority, but of growing up, maturing, attaining
self-apprehension and self-expression. It can now look
at itself, the host country, and the homeland, with a
critical humor that has not necessarily dulled its
passion or lessened the intensity of its engagement.
Moreover, the Indian diaspora has become an important
economic force, whose reputed net worth exceeds
hundreds of billions of dollars. It is, at once, more
mobile and cohesive than ever before, what with faster
means of travel and communication. Not only has the
old diaspora made inroads into the new, but the access
of all the scattered peoples of Indian origin to
India, the motherland, has also increased
dramatically. Now, it actually seems as if this
diaspora has an unprecedented ascendancy and leverage
both in the host country and the homeland. Perhaps its
days of 'impossible mourning,' to use Vijay Mishra's
phrase, might at last be at an end

Makarand Paranjape, a widely published scholar,
critic, poet, and columnist, is currently Professor of
English at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Alka Kumar Brinda Bose 
C. Vijayasree Deepika Bahri 
Harish Narang Henry Schwarz 
Jasbir Jain K. Satchidanandan 
K. S. Maniam  Makarand Paranjape 
Manjit Inder Singh Pratyusha Basu  
R. Raj Rao Satendra Nandan  
Shanthini Pillai Shiva Kumar Srinivasan 
Sudhir Kumar Susanna Checketts 
Uma Parameswaran Vijay Mishra 
Vinay Lal 

368 pages
Price US $ 10.95
ISBN 81-87981-06-7  


Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

[Goanet]Sania loses to Venus in second round

2005-07-28 Thread Eustaquio Santimano

Sania loses to Venus in second round
July 28, 2005 12:45 IST

Sania Mirza's lucky run was cut short by Wimbledon champion Venus Williams  
in the second round of the USD 585,000 Stanford Classic women's singles  
tournament in Stanford, USA.

Sania, who entered the tournament as lucky loser, crashed out 3-6, 2-6  
against the second seeded American in front of the sellout crowd of 4353,  
in her second hardcourt tune-up for the US Open.

Williams, a two-time title winner here, will next play seventh seed Jelena  
Jankovic of Serbia, who beat American Amy Frazier 6-0, 6-3, in the  
quarter-finals of the Tier II event.

After Sania lost on her service in the game two of the first set, Williams  
demonstrated her powerful serves and made no mistake in earning easy  
points against the 18-year-old.

Sania made too many mistakes to stay close against Williams. The American  
hit three straight aces in her first service game of the second set and  
broke Sania in the first fifth and seventh game.

I had a lot of chances and I should have capitalised on them a bit more,  
said Sania, who is nursing a pulled stomach muscle.

I think it was much closer than the score suggests. In the second set, I  
would hit a winner the first point and she would hit three aces. I guess  
that's why she won Wimbledon, because she plays better on the important  
points, she said.

Sania entered the draw as lucky loser after America's Chanda Rubin  
withdrew because of inflammation in her left ankle.

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/


2005-07-28 Thread Floriano
You really can dream,  and dream well too.
However, you must realise that the two persons you are asking to commission
the process of inquiry  are sitting very much high on pot of gold. In other
words, you have high hope of them asking for their own necks to be cut.  The
Governor too has been filling his bean bags to find it  fit to sacrifice
Elvis Gomes.

After all they both are veteran Congress men, one complementing  the other.


- Original Message -
From: Nasci Caldeira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:10 PM

 Hello Goanetters,

 Goa has been LOOTED and is suffering from far TOO MUCH CORRUPTION and for
 far TOO LONG.

 Need of the Hour is: One Judicial Enquiry into 'All aspects including
 Finances and Execution of projects, as well as the Financial Status of
 persons responsible for decision making and awarding of contracts: IFFI
 2004. That will surely bring out all the misdeameanors committed and pave
 the way for the trial of those 'Guilty' It will also put a real fright
 the present, and may bring about an end to corruption.

 I remember when India was newly independent; this Huge Scandal with the
 Finances of the LIC, that which came to be known as, 'The Mundhra
 The scandal was exposed by Indira's estranged husband Feroze Gandhi, who
 also a member of parliament. The people forced the Nehru Regime to
 Commission the Judicial Enquiry; as a result of that, many rogues were
 waste! That was Justice! It was said that enemies of Feroze, slow
 him to death, for forcing the enquiry.

 The Second Judicial Enquiry should be into 'The Saga of the River
 from Day One, until the present time. In the meantime, Evis Gomes who has
 been made a scape goat, looks like, should be immediately re-instated,
 full entitlements.

 I strongly urge Mr Pratapsingh Rane and Dr Wilfred de Sousa, and the
 of Goa, to commission these two Judicial Enquiries without fail! The
 in Goa inside and outside Govt. should carry on a sustained campaign,
 these two demands of Goans are met. Nothing less will do!

 Nasci Caldeira
 Down Under.

[Goanet]Goanet News Bytes (In Brief) * July 28-27 * Major sex racket busted in Parra

2005-07-28 Thread Goanet News Service

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 Cb   88_-~   88_-888 888  888  88___/   88_/

   GOANET NEWS BYTES * July 28-27, 2005 * DATELINE GOA
Compiled in public interest by Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Major sex racket busted in Parra: Seven Mumbai women, nine youth
arrested in raid: Local villagers with the help of Mapusa police
on Tuesday night, raided a house at Parra, Bardez and arrested
seven young girls and nine youth suspected to be involved in a sex
racket. The boys are believed to have been transported the women
to Goa for prostitution. The owner of the house where the women
were found, one Rosy Almeida, has also been arrested. It was only
when the youngsters threatened to take the law into their own hands,
that a team led by DySP Waman Tari, PI Sandesh Chodankar and PSI
Milind Bhuimbar rushed to Parra and raided the house. Tuesday
night's raid on the prostitution den at Parra is only the tip of
the iceberg, as a systemic and well-organised call girl racket
flourishes in North Goa. (Jerry Santamaria and Sukumar Shastri in Herald)

  Ordinance amends fishing act: Governor SC Jamir has
  signed an ordinance to curtain the fishing ban in
  Goa. The ban will function only between June 10
  and July 31 each year. Traditional fishing crafts
  upto 36 feet, fitted with a motor upto 10 hp in
  specified areas would now be banned from fishing
  from June 10 to July 15 each year. (NT) 
  Mechanised trawlers, well represented by politicians
  across party lines, have been lobbying for a weaker
  monsoon ban, during the crucial spawning season. The
  ban on traditional fishing crafts could also change
  the dynamics which has seen the traditional sector
  lobbying for a ban on the trawlers till now. (Goanet)

o Goa government virtually abandons Curca garbage dump. (NT)
  It is learnt from confidential sources that the garbage
  collected from Panjim during the past two days was dumped
  in part at an unknown destination in Bardez taluka. (NT)
o Panjim city turning into a garbage zone. (NT)
o Alemao visits garbage dump site at Sonsodo (near Margao). NT
o Garbage disposal, water-logging are man-made problems, says
  Parrikar. He said these issues were being deliberatedly
  created as I am the MLA of the city. (NT)
o CCP (Panjim) dumps waste opposite St Monica jetty in midnight
  operation! (H)

o Task-force formed to remove oil balls from South Goa coast.(NT)
o Not oil slick, but tar balls: Coast Guard on South Goa. (NT)
o Tourists appalled by Goa government's slow response to oily threat.(H)
o Be vigilant on ships movement, Willy directs Coast Guard. Wants
  culprits nabbed for dumping oil near coastline. (H)
o Government sets up task force to tackle oil deposited along Salcete coast.

o Goa's air links with Mumbai may be restored today. (NT)
o Trains may start on Friday. (NT)
o Dicarpale landslide toll touches 11. (NT)

o Presentation of technical feasibility report of Mopa 
  airport done by the Int'l Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO),
  with the Airport de Paris International (ADPI). NT
o Congress-NCP-MGP for scrapping the Ambedkar Awas Yojana (NT).
  The controversial housing scheme which was seen to favour
  out of state migrants in the Parrikar regime. 
o CM will allocate portfolio to Pachedo, says Willy. (NT)
o Dhangar community to be included in Scheduled Tribes. (NT)
  Considered among Goa's aboriginals, this traditional
  pastoral community was excluded from ST listing while
  the Gavada, Kunbis and Velips attained it recently. Goanet
o Marmagoa Steel Ltd of Curtorim says a truck lifted spring
  steel worth Rs .8 million from its premises, and vanished.
o Polls for Dalgado Konknni Akademi managing panel on Aug 31
  at T B Cunha hall. (NT)

  GOVERNMENT ADVISORY: Don't drink water from near
  flooded areas. Boil drinking water for at least ten
  minutes. Avoid cut fruit, juices, ice fruits,
  ice creams and sweets on the roadsides. An advisory
  after some areas in Goa were flooded with rain water.


o New garbage dumping site by Friday, says Government. (NT)
o Court allows CCP-Panjim to dump garbage at Curca on temporary
o Residents vow to keep garbage out of Curca. (NT)
o Sonsoddo garbage dump wall collapses. (NT)
o Three more bodies recovered; landslide toll is 10. (GT)
o Rane stalls dumping of city muck to avoid law 

[Goanet]CORPORATE-GOA: Corporate Aircraft Wi-Fi Enabled with D-Link in India

2005-07-28 Thread Goanet News Service

Corporate Aircraft Wi-Fi Enabled with D-Link in India
Jul 27, 05 | 9:37 am

By M.M. Khanna, Chandigarh(India)
D-Link (India) limited successfully covered a Corporate aircraft with a Wireless
Hot Spot, allowing the passengers high-speed connectivity while flying.

A twelve seater aircraft owned by Essar Group had been made Wi-Fi enabled
using wireless products by engineers from Goa-Based D-Link Company. Here, it is
worthwhile to mention that D-Link equipment with USB interface had been
installed in the aircraft and the executive carrying their Wi-FI laptops could
stay connected when they were on the flight .

The internet connectivity had been provided through satellite cnnection service.
The Wi-Fi installation enabled any laptop on board to access the Inernet at the
best speed currently available - 4 gigabytes per second, and share a printer
which had  also been installed.

On this happy occasion, the Company's Director of sales and Marketing, P. Vyas,
said that this Wi-Fi installation had been the first of its kind in India. He
said that such an installation would be normally in an office, but doing it on
an aircraft made it a difficult challenge for our engineers. It  was expected
that up to 2006, over 150 aircrafts would be wi-fi enabled.   

[Goanet]Stranded, passengers go on a sightseeing trip

2005-07-28 Thread Goanet News Service

Stranded, passengers go on a sightseeing trip
Express News Service

Ahemdabad, July 27: Ever seen airline passengers stranded at a place take
cancellation of flights due to bad weather in their stride? Well, that is what
the stranded passengers of Mumbai-bound domestic flights did when there flights
were diverted to Ahmedabad. Instead of spending the day cribbing about their
scheduled meetings and other appointments which they could not attend, they
chose to go out for sight seeing, enjoying the pleasant weather.

Lodged comfortably in city hotels, the passengers of four Mumbai-bound domestic
flights that were diverted to Ahmedabad, were all praise for their respective
airlines as well as for the Airport authority officials. Even those who missed
as many as four important meetings scheduled for Wednesday put all the blame on
“natures fury”.

Dr William Britto, the owner of Chance Casino, one of the leading casinos in Goa
was highly impressed by the Air-Sahara services, and also by the arrangements at
Hotel Pride, where he is lodged. Britto, who is based in London and has his
business spread across the globe, was on his way from Goa to Mumbai.

“I was vacationing with my family in Goa and we were to leave for London on
Thursday. But as I had an important business meeting on Wednesday, I took the
Mumbai flight to finish my work fast so that I could join them tomorrow.”

He said that he had four important meetings scheduled for Wednesday but
unfortunately he could not even get through their numbers to inform them about
this unprecedented delay.

P Sreenivasan, a senior official with the State Bank of India, who was
travelling from Delhi to Bombay on Indian Airlines flight was pleased that the
RBI had declared a holiday on Wednesday. Though he said that he was very worried
about his family that was stuck in Nerul. “I just want to get home as early as
possible,” said a worried Sreenivasan.

There were some who were going to Mumbai to board their connecting flight
abroad. E M Britto, a production manager with Golden Loaf, a bakery company, who
was aboard the connecting Indian Airlines flight to Sharjah confirmed that
nearly 10 passengers who were to take the same flight, have been stuck in 

“I have informed my office people in Sharjah that I’ll not be able to report on
time. But it is my family that is really worried as my entire schedule has gone

The situation remains as bad as on Thursday with six Mumbai- bound flights
grounded. S D Awasthi, airport director, informed that since the the Mumbai
airport was still closed, the stranded passengers will have to spend their
second night in Ahmedabad. 

[Goanet]Shipyards in Goa

2005-07-28 Thread Sachin Phadte
A couple of Goanetters sent the following information to me privately.  I 
think it is sufficiently important for others to know, so that they  can 
pass it on to others, and so help the economy of Goa.  Also, one of  the 
Goanetters mentions about the Institute of Shipbuilding Technology.  Does 
anyone know more?  I mean is it a private institute or a government  aided 
one?  Also, what are the admission possibilities?

Chowgule Ship Yard,
Near Borim Bridge, Loutlim - 403 718, Goa - India,
Tel: +91 (0) 832 277 7010/ 277 7343 / 277 7334/ 277 7639/ 277 7638
Fax: +91(0) 832 285 8058
URL: http://www.chowgule.co.in/cclsbd/index.html

Head Office: Chowgule House,
Mormugoa Harbour- 403 803, Goa - India
Tel: +91 (0) 832 252 1010, Fax: +91(0) 832 252 1011
Website: www.chowgule.co.in

Regd. Office: Mumbai,
75-77, Maker Chamber VI, 7th Floor, Nariman Point,
Mumbai-400 021, India,
Tel: +91 (0) 22 2204 6238, Fax: +91(0) 22 2202 7135

(A Govertment of India Undertaking)

TEL: 91-832-2512152( 5 LINES) / 2513954 / 2512359
FAX:91-832-2513870 / 2513943 / 2513260 / 2512148

MUMBAI OFFICE: C/o Mazagon Dock Ltd,
Dockyard Road, Mumbai-400 010
TEL: 91-22-23738321/23738749
FAX: 91-22-23738140

DELHI OFFICE: 'H' Block, Defence Headquarters,
DHQ Post Office, New Delhi - 110 011
TEL: 91-11-23015681
FAX: 91-11-23792311


Western India Shipyard Ltd
P.O. Box No. 21, Mormugao Harbour, Mormugao-Goa 403803
TEL: 91-832-2520252/3/4/5/6/7
FAX: 91-832-2520258, 2520264


Sancoale Shipping Limited
Below Hotel La-Paz, Opp. Municipal Garden, Vasco-Goa 403803
TEL: 91-832-2512651/2512504
FAX: 91-832-2512504
Web: www. sancoale.com


Hi Sachin,
Sorry! In fact I had thought of writing to you but before that I wanted to
make sure. But in the end didn't do any of the two things. There are yards
called shipyards all along the river Zuari. There is the WISL, then there
is Nigel Shipyard at Rassaim, then there's Dempo dockyards at Sao Pedro,
etc. but I dont really know whether they are dockyards, drydocks,
shipyards, or what wlse. Frankly speaking I dont the difference. Most of
these carry out repairs and barge constructions.Perhaps you could enquire
at Institute of Shipbuilding Technology, Vasco.
That I hope gives you some handle to work on.
Have a nice day!

Sachin Phadte.

NRIs, does your family in India need money urgently? 
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[Goanet]Oily beach leaves Goa vexed (Anil Sastry in The Hindu)

2005-07-28 Thread Goanet News Service

Oily beach leaves Goa vexed

Anil Sastry

A tourist paradise grapples with what may be the dregs from an oil tanker

— Photo: Arvind Tengse

FROM THE BLUE: A mess on a South Goa beach on Wednesday.

PANAJI: The spectacular silver sandy beaches in Salcete Tauka, South Goa, remain
covered with an oily substance much like tar balls since Tuesday.

While the deposit threatened the prospects of tourism on which the State
depends, pollution concerns are also raised. A large number of tourists visit
Goa even during the monsoon. Rain has been lashing the area for several days 

The coastal belt from Cavelossim to Benaulim, which houses a number of star
hotels and which is a major centre of tourist attraction, now wears an awful
look. Residents said not less than 4 km of the beach is affected.

Visitors and tourists were unable to move on the beaches. A resident said that
although such deposits were not new to the coastal belt, the enormous quantity
that has come in this time worried them.

Deputy Chief Minister Wilfred D'Souza and the Chairman of the Goa State
Pollution Control Board L.U. Joshi visited the areas on Wednesday. Dr. Joshi
told The Hindu that the substance must be the outcome of washing of bunkers of
empty oil tankers on high seas. He ruled out any accident involving vessels. The
Arabian Sea is a major route for oil tankers, which move from the Gulf countries
to India and East Asia, Dr. Joshi pointed out. He said the oily substance would
have evaporated during normal weather conditions.

However, due to rough weather and the churning of the waves, they have reached
the shore in large quantities. He ruled out any large-scale pollution. He said
the Board has collected samples for examination.

As help from the authorities to remove the substance was not forthcoming
immediately, many hotels deployed their own personnel to clean the beaches.
South Goa Collector J.B. Singh said it was not possible to hold anyone
responsible for the incident. He said it would be the responsibility of the
local bodies to clean up. 

[Goanet]London post 7/7 from inside a cab ... Mr Almeida’s Goanness

2005-07-28 Thread Goanet News Service

London post 7/7 from inside a cab
Posted online: Thursday, July 28, 2005 at 0045 hours IST

It took two mini-cab drivers, one Indian, one Pakistani, to explain the sudden
wall of ice that has come between Indians and Pakistanis in London, post-7/7,
and the further freeze after 21/7. All this, in an island of black cabs, where
prudent English cabbies caution you against rogue mini cabs — get robbed,
cheated or dumped, they warn. But then, who wants to stand bleary-eyed in a
queue at the airport, and so, it was comforting to be greeted by the rotund Mr
Alvares Almeida, at Terminal Four.

By the time we hit the A4, Mr Almeida had established we were boorish
northerners from India, while he was from sunny, south Goa. We were redeemed
only after it was established we were from Bombay originally, and also Goa
fiends, and he relaxed with familial cheer. Without further ado, Mr Almeida set
off on a litany of complaints and a rendition of the benefits of being back
home, sometimes swelling with nostalgic emotion, at other times, cursing native
stupidity. Now that we had also established he had led a good 25 years in London
Central he boasts, with fresh fish and meat cooked daily by his agreeable wife,
it was mandatory to ask him about the 7/7 bombings. He stiffened and then burst
forth, ‘‘Those Paki b**, they have given us all a bad name.’’


There was no stopping Mr Affable Almeida, who went from being sunny to dark in
an instant. ‘‘Why do they want to live here if they want to lead separate
lives?” he demanded. ‘‘Do you know, they wanted to wear the headdress to school,
and protested on streets because it was not allowed?’’ He spluttered with
Christian scorn. ‘‘They are a menace and the youth are violent, and the mosques,
dangerous. Do you know, not once have the English ever said, Indians, Go Home.
It is always, Pakis, Go Home.’’ He underlined this statement with dramatic 

Perhaps it was Mr Almeida’s Goanness, we thought, after all, he believed all
northerners were coarse and jingoistic, so, no one paid much attention to his
rant. But a few days later, in the first flush of 21/7 on a rainy evening, we
were once again in a mini cab. This time it was a crisp Mr Afsal Khan who
greeted us at the door. The moment he saw our Indianness, he went from familiar
to distant. The customary Punjabiyat that normally followed was barely uttered,
but curiosity got the better of him. Mr Khan established we were from Delhi, and
he, from around the corner, Islamabad.

The frostiness soon explained the sudden stiff and wooden courtesies of the two
neighbourhood Pakistani grocers, the off-licence guys for a midnight bottle of
Vodka and Tonic, pack of fags, or for a breakfast melon. But the penny did not
drop until Mr Khan appeared again, in a fatalistic twist, at the front door to
take me to the airport.

I almost believed he asked for the assignment, and it was a re-run on the
motorway. The trendy, bald-shaven, Mr Khan, in his Mercedes SL 300, he boasted,
was also from Central London, and lived a good 30 years in the city, with none
of the ghetto mentality of suburban London. Was he angry by the bombings? Mr
Khan swerved from being demonic to being in denial.It was a political meltdown,
and India became the beast of the sub-continent, brutal to Kashmiris, Muslims
etc., etc. But the years of comradeship of being an Asian abroad prevailed on
him, and Khan bemoaned his sudden ethnic isolation, and why Pakistani youth,
unlike other Asians, were turning to violence.

‘‘We have no control on our kids anymore,’’ he said with his Pak-Punjabi nasal
twang, ‘‘I believe many go to Pakistan and come back changed. It is terrible.’’
He blamed the Iraq War, and the murderous West, for the London bombings. ‘‘There
is a lot of violence and a lot of unhappiness,’’ he added for measure. Perhaps
his aggression comes from a bad diet? Mr Almeida’s good cheer comes from a good
stomach. Mr Khan burst out. ‘‘Do you know even the meat at the butcher’s could
be five years old? I heard it on the radio.’’ But it made up his mind for the
future. ‘‘I think I will go back home.’’

[Goanet]Diverted flights pack Goa airport

2005-07-28 Thread Goanet News Service
Diverted flights pack Goa airport

Panaji, July 27: Goa airport is bearing the brunt of the rainfall in Mumbai with
six flights already being diverted here since last night even as the officials
said no more flights can be accommodated as there is no runway space.

Since last night, six flights -- all of them domestic -- have been diverted to
Dabolim airport. These include one flight each from Coimbatore and Delhi and two
flights originating in Goa, which were sent back due to poor visibility at
Mumbai airport, Airport sources said.

But, since this morning, there has been no movement as there is no runway space
available as of this moment. However, later in the day, perhaps we might be able
to accommodate Spicejet and Jet Airways from Bangalore, the sources said.

They said since Mumbai airport was closed until 4 pm, the status of all flights
going to Mumbai had been declared as delayed and no estimated time of
departure was announced.

All those passengers whose flights were diverted have been put up in five star
hotels by the concerned airlines and all efforts are being made to get them to
their destinations. Airlines are trying to accommodate as many of these
passengers, they added.

No flight is likely to take off to Mumbai until an all clear is given. Since
the news is being flashed since morning, hardly any passengers have come to the
airport, expecting that their flights will not have taken off, the sources
added. (Agencies)
Published: Thursday, July 28, 2005