2005-11-07 Thread Philip Thomas
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In today's HERALD VM de Malar writes a timely article titled  Goa's crowded
skies. He talks about the dizzying increase of domestic scheduled
airlines flying into Dabolim and finding there's no end in sight as the
vast railway clientele is switching to aeroplanes.

Hence he rightly asks: Can we physically handle all the traffic headed our
way? concluding immediately No. Dabolim is already inadequate.

His solution: We need a better alternative... we probably do need Mopa.

Imho,  VM needed a better word i.e addition instead of alternative. Why
is he writing off Dabolim? I sincerely hope he doesnt have a shut down of
civilian traffic at Dabolim in mind.  That would indeed be an unmitigated
disaster for Goa. He seems to be way off the mark as far as the airport
issue is concerned in this particular respect.

[Goanet] Suresh Amoncar's Konkanni Jnaneshwari rendition

2005-11-07 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Mr. Suresh Gundu Amoncar of Dattawadi Mhapsa had the rapt attention of the
audience at the release function of the Konkanni rendition of the magnum
opus Sant Jnaneshwar's Jnaneshwari at the Kala Academy today. The function
was organised by GEETA PRASAR: Friends of Jnaneshwari Publication Committee,
chaired by Mr. Surendra Sirsat, Principal of DM's PVS Sarojini Kushe HS
School, Assagao, former MLA of Mhapsa and Ex-Speaker of Goa Legislative
Assembly. Ms.Amita Nayak Salatry, former teacher and presently TV talk-show
anchor and Konkani film personality is the Secretary.

A Souvenir entitled  Shri Jnaneshwar- Shri Jnaneshwari edited by
Mr.Jagdish Wagh, former Bureau Chief of UNI in Goa and well-known newspaper
columnist, was also released on the occasion.

The galaxy of well-known names
present on the occasion included Rev. Allwyn Barreto, the new Bishop of
Sindhudurg and former student of New Goa High School [ now renamed as Gundu
S.Amoncar Vidya Mandir ], Mhapsa, Alban Couto IAS [Retd], Dr. Tanaji
Halarkar, former editor of the Konkani Encyclopaedia, Mr. Ravindra Kelekar
and the sister of Baki Bab Borcar. On stage was the Mr.Digambar Kamat,
Minister for Power, as the President of the function, Mr. Pundalik  Naik,
Chairman of Goa Konkani Academy as Chief Guest[ in lieu of CM Mr.Pratapsingh
Raoji Rane, who was away in Delhi], Dr. Kiran Budkuley to deliver an
introduction to the Jnaneshwari,Mr. Ashok Kamat of Pune University ,Ms.
Suresh Amoncar and Ms. Amita Salatry.

Dr.Kiran Budkuley, a former student of Mr.Suresh Amoncar, compared the
translation of the Jnaneshwari from the ancient Prakrit Marathi [in Modi
script?] to the current Konkani language to the emptying of the ocean into a
well. Sant Jnaneshwar wrote the Jnaneshwari when Marathi was still a nascent
language 750 years ago. He wanted the wisdom of the Bhagwad Geeta [written
exclusively in Sanskrit] to be available in Marathi, the common man's
language in his
area, Maharashtra. He differed in opinion with two concepts in the Geeta in
Freedom of Will and 2. Knowledge of the contemproary world. The difference
is clear in the commentary on the Geeta that the Jnaneshwari inevitably is.
Contrary to the Geeta, Jnaneshwar beleives that Will can overcome destiny.
It challenges one to be revolutionary, yet humble; knowledgeable and  yet
open to other points of view.

Mr. Pundalik Naik, President of GKA, stated that we know the rosall ponos
[juicy jackfruit] and the rosant'le fov [pounded rice cooked in coconut
milk] served at Diwali. Relishing the rosall konkani Jnaneshwari should come
as simply to us in Goa. The word for 'juicy' normally used in Konkani is
rasall but Suresh-bab has used literary licence to make in rosall. It is
an intentional change which we need to appreciate, he said.

An obviously emotional Mr.Suresh Amoncar spoke as the author of the
Jnaneshwari who was moved to do so by his destiny. When such a magnum opus
sees the light of day, emotion is but a natural upswell in the human chest.
He said that the rendition was not an effort just to build a bridge between
two regional languages, Marathi and Konkani, but to bridge the thoughts and
hearts of the people who knew these languages. Today, Konkani readers will
read an original work from Marathi. Tomorrow, Marathi readers will be able
to understand Konkani better. What better thoughts than these when there is
a war between the protagnists of the two scripts of just one language,

Mr. Suresh Amoncar remembered his parents for the values they inculcated in
him through his childhood and said that the books that his father,Gundu [who
founded the school known as Amoncar's even when it was officially the New
Goa High School!],gave him were his greatest wealth.

Mukhesh Thali, formerly a Researcher  at the Konkani Encyclopaedia
section of the  Goa University and now an Executive of the All India Radio,
ably compered the function.

For me it was an evening with friends, seniors and role models. I have been
associated with Dr.Tanaji Halarnkar and Mukesh Thali for the Konkani Encyclo
paedia, which has a few enties submitted by me on things agricultural. Mr.
Suresh Amoncar and Ms Sudha Amoncar are almost family to me. So is Ms.Amita
Salatry. Mr.Suresh Amoncar's classmate and my mentor in Agriculture ,
Dr.Heman Y. Karapurkar was with me, too. I have been associated with
Mr.Jagdish Wagh in the Plant and Press
kingdoms for long. The audience was full of known faces from my 

[Goanet] Fr. John CORREIA AFONSO rests with the LORD

2005-11-07 Thread FERNANDO DO REGO
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08.11 at 08.50

Dear Friends

Early today, I got this letter from my cousin Tony Correia Afonso ,
conveying to us the sad news of the death of his brother John C.A.
His brilliant career as a Jesuit and as a Historian mut be known to
you. All the same I give below his biodata, even though it it is


Nasceu na aldeia de Benaulim(Salcete-GOA) aos 15 de julho de
1924,sendo filho do Prof. Francisco Correia Afonso e d. Luzia  de
Heredia.Feitos os estudos primarios na Escola de Benaulim, continuou
no St. Xavier's High School de Bombaim,seguido dos Cursos
Universitarios no St. Xavier's College fazendo a sua licenciatura em
Histsria e Sociologia, seguida do Mestrado em Economia e
Sociologia,com o primio Sir Wedderburn Prizeman e a bolsa Sir
Pherozeshah Mehta Research para o seu Doutoramento em Histsria
Indiana, mais tarde publicada pela Universidade de Bombaim.

Entrou depois na Companhia de Jesus, licenciou-se em Filosofia no
Seminario Papal de Kandy ( Ceilao) ,seguido dos estudos teolsgicos no
Colegio Maximo de  SanCugat (Barcelona) onde foi ordenado presbitero
em 25 de julho de 1957.Em 1958, concluiu os seus estudos no Weston
College em Massachussets,com licenciatura em teologia.

De 1963-65 foi Provincial da Companhia de Jesus em Bombaim e Reitor do
St. Xavier's College.Em 1967-70, o Pe,Correia Afonso foi o primeiro
nao- Europeu a ocupar o cargo de Secretario do Geral em Roma, tendo
Sco Francisco Xavier sido o primeiro quando Santo Inacio fundou a
Companhia em Paris. Logo em 1970-75,era novamente chamado ` Roma como
Assistente ( para a India) do Geral da Companhia.

Antes de seguir para Roma, foi leitor das Universidades de Dharwar e
do St. Xavier's College,visiting Lecturer em Histsria e Filosofia
Indiana na Universidade de Boston , etc.

Finalmente, regressado a India em 1975, foi outra vez Reitor do St.
Xaviers College de Bombaim e Director do Heras Institute of Indian
Culture and History do mesmo College.

O pe. Correia Afonso foi sscio da Royal Asiatic Society,da Academia
de Historia de Portugal,da Indian Historical Records Comission,da
Association for Asian Studies e do Internacional Congress of

Em 1976,apss o estabecimento de um govjrno democratico em Portugal e
do estabelecimento das relagues politicas entre esse pais e a India, o
pe. Correia Afonso iniciou a sirie dos SEMINARIOS DA HISTSRIA INDO
-PORTUGUESA.  O primeiro realizou-se  em Goa. Seguiram-se-lhe outros
cada 2-3 anos em Lisboa, Goa, Macau, Angra do Heroismo,e Baia(Brasil).
Comemorando o 25o aniversario do seu inmcio o prsximo Seminario
realiza-se em Goa em setembro de 2003. Devido aos seus incansaveis
esforgos em prol destes Seminarios, Portugal galardoou-o com a Ordem
do Principe Henrique, o Navegador que lhe foi entregue pessoalmente
pelo Presidente Mario Soares quando da sua visita oficial ` India em

A sua vasta contribuigbo bibliografica conta entre os trabalhos mais
notaveis os Jesuit Letters and Indian History, Letters from the
Moghul Court. The Ignatian Vision of India ,' The Jesuits in India
and Intrepid Itinerant, Enrique Heras,historiador de la India,The
soul of Modern India, Indian Historical Records in Lisbon, Manuel
Godinho's alternatives to the Carreira da Indiaetc.alim de inzmeros
artigos em revistas da Historia.

143-Fontainhas.Pangim 403.001.
GOA. INDIA TEL:222.6353.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 06:41:04 +0530

Dear family  friends,

   It is with deep sorrow that we regret to inform you that
our dear brother Fr.John,S.J. passed away yesterday at the Jesuit
Nursing Home, Vinayalaya, Andheri (East), Mumbai after a long illness.
He was 81 years old and will be greatly missed by all of us. May his soul
rest in eternal peace!

---Tony  Marina.

[Goanet] Degradable plastic bags / Melinda Coutinho Powell

2005-11-07 Thread melinda Powell
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Valerie Rodrigues wrote:


The Co-op is launching Britain's first 100% degradable plastic carrier bag
today (Monday 2 September), to help reduce landfill waste.

Although the Co-op bags are 100% degradable, they are just as strong as
non-degradable carrier bags and can still be reused.

Hi Valerie,

That was an interesting bit of news.I dont know how effective these bags
are,but it is nice to know that solutions are being sought to fight the
plastic menace.

Here in Goa, we are a long way from fancy technology but what we need to
change is our mindset and our attitude.

Two days ago,many interesting points came up at the GOACAN  Waste
Managementworkshop in Margao.There were vibrant group discussions and
attitudes were challenged.Localised action plans,individual and group
intiatives were chalked out and many who attended the workshop decided to go
home and start garbage Segregation At Source.

What was really nice to see was attendance and participation - the hall at
the BPS Club was full.It was a mixed audience of Doctors,teachers,panchayat
representatives,housewives ,business folk etc(I also spotted a few
goanetters).Awarenes is slowly increasing and people are realising that each
one has a civic responsibility to protect the environment and keep Goa
garbage free.A Solidarity March in Margao, A short session to teach maids to
segregate garbage has been planned.

If we follow the Each One Teach One  policy,slowly this cleanliness
movement will spread all Goa.

Cheers to a Cleaner,greener Goa.

Re: [Goanet] Re: Fists of Freedom - Rosa Parks

2005-11-07 Thread Mervyn Lobo
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Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mervyn, I don't know to explain this to someone like
 you who is so poorly informed about the USA, but
 people here are not put into jail based on their
 percentage of the population, but on being convicted
 of a crime.

In the past twelve months, I have been to eighteen
states in the US. I have dipped my big toe in the
Pacific Ocean, the Mississippi and the Atlantic Ocean.
I make it a point to keep up to speed with what is
going on in the US, as I have large investments there.
Secondly, I am aware that people are jailed upon
conviction of a crime. I am also aware that prisoners
are executed by the US govt and then it is found that
they were innocent of the crime they were convicted

 It is an example of your unfamiliarity with the USA
 that you can say that inner city schools, ...the
 schools do not get funding from local, state and
 federal governments.  Are you suggesting that inner
 city public schools in the USA are privately funded?

Clearly, I am not. 
I also can not fathom where you got that idea from.

 While these inner city schools are fairing poorly,
 has nothing to do with funding, and everything to do
 with liberal attitudes prevalent at these schools,
 what President Bush calls, The soft bigotry of low
 expectations.  He has imposed stringent standards
 on all public schools over the last 4 years, and has
 threatened to close those that do not perform up to

The above is the lamest excuse I have seen on Goanet.

 The NAACP is the biggest culprit in The soft
 bigotry of low expectations for inner city 
 schools. They demand more and more funding but 
 obstruct any attempts to improve the quality of the

IMHO, the NAACP is staffed by people who are dedicated
to their cause. I was able to graduate from college
only because of the efforts of the NAACP.

 For example,
 the worst public school system in the country is in
 NAACP influenced Washington, DC, which spends over
 $10,000 perstudent per year.  This compares with one
 third of that cost at any decent Catholic school,
 which provide high quality education.

It beats me why any American would claim that his  
nations capital has the worst public school system.
I think Alabama and Mississippi have far worse
systems. I have lived and worked in DC. It is not
called district of Columbia for no reason. Drug
dealers operate in the hallways of some public
schools. The money the school districts require is not
for education but for the security of the pupils.
Principals ARE concerned about the physical safety of
their pupils. As far as catholic schools are
concerned, they can pick and choose which students
they want and also which students to expel. There are
no prizes for guessing which schools these expelled
students wind up.

 I have already demonstrated above that you know very
 little about what is going on in the USA with public
 schools, regarding funding or anything else.  Your
 information seems to be coming from the same people
 who are responsible for the poorest performers among
 the schools in the USA.

You have demonstrated nothing. My output here comes
from my experiences in studying/teaching/living in
Alabama and the Washington DC area.

 Besides, hurling insults and spreading
 misinformation does not substitute for the facts.

Hurling insults? 
Spreading misinformation?
I don't understand what you are talking about, Mario.




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RE: [Goanet] Demise: fr. John Correia-Afonso,S.J.

2005-11-07 Thread Alfred de Tavares

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My dear Tony, Marina and family,

Please accept our deepest condolences on death of Fr. John.

Howver, after such a glorious emminent career he leaves us
all with only the happiest memortes.

Although I met him just twice I was one of his fortmidable
legion admireres.

We will joim them all praying he enjoys his well earned

Eva, Alfred and family.

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the sad demise of our
brother Fr.John,former Principal of St.Xavier's College, Provincial 
Secretary-General of the Society of Jesus, which occurred in Bombay
on 7th.Nov.2005, after a long illness. He was 81 years old.
May his soul rest in eternal peace!

---Tony, Marina and family.

[Goanet] Demise: fr. John Correia-Afonso,S.J.

2005-11-07 Thread tonyca
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It is with deep sorrow that we announce the sad demise of our
brother Fr.John,former Principal of St.Xavier's College, Provincial  
Secretary-General of the Society of Jesus, which occurred in Bombay 
on 7th.Nov.2005, after a long illness. He was 81 years old. 
May his soul rest in eternal peace!

---Tony, Marina and family.

This message was sent using NWebmail, BSNL's Webmail Program

Re: [Goanet] Re: amazing Goa corrections 2

2005-11-07 Thread Alfred de Tavares

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de Sequeira, Eric,

From: eric pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@goanet.org
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re: amazing Goa corrections 2
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005 07:03:17 -0800 (PST)

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Hello Jose,  I think they favour 'de Siqueira',  last
week his granddaughter Aisha, her mother Maureen and i
ate dinner in Kannatakat, also present with us -
Barbara McGrath, a great granddaughter of V.Paul
D'Souza ( Sole Stockist of Dynamite !! ).  Aisha made
the Wall Street Journal this year, named a Morgan
Stanley Managing Director.   eric.

--- jose colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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 |  by visiting this link and following the
 instructions therein  |



 From: Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha

 Only a minor correction to the above: The name of
 the Goan pioneer of
 Christian art ... is not Agnelo da Fonseca but
 Angelo da Fonseca (ANGelo,
 not AGNelo).

 and this one from me:

 re: Who led the United Goans Party during the
 historic Opinion Poll of 1967?
 Dr Jace Sequeira (Panjim)

 It must be a typo .. Jack not Jace i.e. Dr Jack

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Irrelevant topics, and Goans and African Americans.........................

2005-11-07 Thread Mario Goveia
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--- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For Mario to refer to socialist meccas in Europe
 indicates that he hasn't got a clue how capitalist 
 are the countries he refers to.
Mario responds:

Only a committed socialist like yourself would
consider Holland and France to be capitalist
countries.  If they were they wouldn't experience the
economic stagnation they are experiencing.


2005-11-07 Thread godfrey gonsalves
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The Convenor of the Santa Cruz Constituency Citizens
Committee Ms Victoria Fernandes, INC MLA (Santa Cruz
and Deputy Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly has
at a press conference this morning at Hotel Manvin
Panaji announced a jail bharo ANDOLAN  on 8th
November, 2005 at 1400 hrs IST from the Panaji Steamer
Jetty just near the Old Secretariat Adil Shah Palace
a) withdrawal of the controversial Town and Country
Planning ordinance of 29th September, 2005 
b)withdrawal of revenue villages from Tiswadi and
Bardez taluka from the Planning areas under North Goa
Planning Development Authority and 
c) withdrawal of all PDA's also from Municipalities as
demanded by several other NGO's and citizen groups
opposing the ordinance and the PDA's 

The plan of action which is week long will see similar
peaceful protests from villagers of the revenue
villages affected and also at Margao and Mapusa.

While the ground swell is clearly against the
political establishment what is now being viewed with
great interest is whether the Minister of Town 
Country Planning's proposal in the form of the
ordinance will remain on the statute books or the
voice of veteran politician Ms Victoria Fernandes will

There are rumours doing the round that MLA Margao  Mr
Digamber Kamat who was the number 2 in the BJP has
clearly fallen out of grace with most of the
politicians in the Indian National Congress following
his insistence on the assurance before quiting to be
given the plum posting of Deputy Chief Ministership.

The Nationalist Congress Party Mr Francisco Micky
Pacheco Minister for Agriculture and Animal Husbandary
is clearly upset with the attitude of CM Mr Pratapsing
Raoji Rane over slow movement of files, which makes
him non functional in the discharge of his normal

There is a finger pointing at Mr Radharao Gracias
according to some sources as being the master mind
behind the drafting of the contents of the ordinance
at the behest of Mr Monserrate apparently to gain a
clout for seats for the United Goans Democratic Party.
 There is also talk that the Nationalist Congress
Party of Dr Wilfred A D Souza will be trying to
clobber a better foothold in the State by engineering
defections or ensuring the collapse of the Goa

CM Mr Rane has however maintained a no nonsense
attitude and warned his partymen of imminent
dissolution of the Assembly a move which did not go
well with the INC MLA's who have tasted power after
nearly four and half years.  From 24 October 2000 to
4th February 2005 they were out in the cold nearly
with empty coffers.  But a new lease of life came
about thereafter and more specifically after
Presidents rule ended on 7th June 2005 when the
present coalition government was ushered in.

One school of thought among INC partyment is that the
new delimitation will come to effect in 2007 and
therefore one way for ensuring elections in the
existing constituencies will be by holding the
election well before the Budget session in February

But with the IFFI near on 24.11.2005 upto 4.12 .2005
and Ms Victoria Fernandes hell bent on the agitation,
incidentally she had also addressed a memoradum on the
ill effects of the ordinance to the President of India
during his special addresss to the Goa Legislative
Assembly, there is one certainity that the INC will
have to silence Ms Fernandes or settle her demands.

Incidentally with the delimitation of wards of the
Corporation of City of Panaji to 30 wards and most of
the 16 wards coming in Taleigao Assembly  Constituency
, 12 in Panaji Assembly Constituency and just two
wards in the Sanata Cruz Assembly Constituency there
is little doubt that Mr Atnasio Babush Monserrate can
have a clout on both the CCP and the Taleigao Assembly
Constituency if he secures and simple majority of 16
seats only of Taleigao Constituency.

This probabilty has been noted by many and therefore
the ordinance which will reduced the Regional Plan of
2011 which is unfortunately not notified even after
over two months since the Draft was put up for public
suggestions clearly indicates the the TCP Minister or
the Department and not the Municipalities or
Panchayats will have the decision making power in the
develoment activities which is envisaged following the
73rd and 74th Constitutional amendment in 1992.

What is further surprising that there is more than the
eye can see to the ordinance is clear from the fact
while the the Parrikar government had 

[Goanet] II - Chandneachi Rati, Maddamche Savllek...

2005-11-07 Thread JoeGoaUk
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 I have just sung the song for you.
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Re: [Goanet] Fists of Freedom and Goa

2005-11-07 Thread Mario Goveia
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--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In Goa, the new  generation of tomorrow's outcaste
 is growing everyday with the school dropouts due
 to perhaps a loss of the value system even though
 ther is no lack of opportunities and / or funding.
 Kind Regards, GL
Mario adds:

Wouldn't it be a nice achievement for Dalits in Goa
and India to some day be able to report in an Indian
census that 76% of them are either middle-income or
upper income?


2005-11-07 Thread Sanny Vaz

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Kuwait Goans Association: Presents ever-green Ophelia “Tragedy Queen of 
Konkani Stage” in Rosary Ferns’s family drama “Ghor Bandlem Ghorabo Modlo” 
on 11th August 2006 along with selected artists from Goa, Mumbai  Kuwait. 
Venue will be announced shortly, watch out for further details…

Best wishes to all.

Sanny Vaz – Kuwait
Sanny De Quepem.

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[Goanet] article

2005-11-07 Thread Joel Moraes
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Hi, Fredrick,If u find something interesting in my article,do forward it to all those whom you know or u can publish it on your site.

A Sailors Dilema

Great sacrifices of some great, poor, people who in reality doesn’t need themselves any publicity are sometimes often purposely forgotten, that’s life, it goes on and people like me has to take it as it comes.

Look forward, back, left or right, it’s all water, salt water, up there’s sky, and during night, looking at the stars, they try to recollect the sweet memories of their life and I just dream about my mother’s ‘Xitt-Koddi’ (rice-curry), one must be wandering what I m talking about, it’s about sailors, who according to me are known for great sacrifices. We, the sailors are thousands of miles away from our families, some of us has built some nice, posh bungalows back home but in reality most years of our life we stay at sea, in houses made of iron and in may case, I really miss drinking the water from my ‘baim’ (well) which is just in front of my house, that’s life, life of a sailor. In my seven years of experience at sea, I have come across many talented, qualified, youngsters who were forced to work at sea because they were neglected back home, they had the required qualification, talent, but they didn’t had money and political background to buy the kind of job they wanted and that’s the reason why some of them were forced to work as cooks and butlers at sea. I have witnessed sailors, specially married ones, sitting in their cabins in front of the photograph of their families for hours and thinking of them, really it’s very sad, but what to do? It’s life, life of a sailor. There’s a great say,’ no money, no honey’ and nowadays things are going on as per this say, people are been judged on the basis of money and not qualification, talent or behaviour. It was really ridiculous when I heard from my colleague that after 3 months staying with his wife and only child back home his wife started to ask him, when you are leaving back to sea? That’s life, life of a sailor, everybody needs to live a good life, but very few goan wives of sailors realises about the great sacrifices of their husbands. This still doesn’t affects me as I m still a bachelor. What a poor destiny of a sailor?

It’s festive time back home, our families celebrates, but we struggle, we likes to shake hands with them, hug them, kiss them, but they are miles away, we try to call them, it’s not connecting, that’s life, life of a sailor. Life is really not easy, we cannot be with our family when they need us the most, sometimes even cannot pay last respect to the one’s who brought us in this world, and it’s only God, the creator looks after us.

They play with huge waves, they face rolling and pitching, beginners even vomit blood, only to give a good life to their families. On the present ship, a 50 year old ‘bosun’ told me that, our wives wants us to be understanding but their never try to understand us and although I m still a bachelor, I do accept him. For a sailor, a ship is a means of livelihood for more people ashore than aboard. Only a sailor can say something about a sailor and that’s what I m doing.

Finally in my case, after struggling in the hot sun for hours, I m not allowed to drink a cold beer as the ship is alcohol –free, but the gas fumes from one of the cargo tanks already intoxicated me. I ve to accept it at this present moment because I ve got no other option and sometimes I feel I m lucky to be at sea, because my Goa,the one time very beautiful state, is presently fully corrupted, polluted, people like me are neglected and I feel the seas are still clean.

Joel Morais
Tel-0832 2764094

Presently on the Senior Merchant Navy Officers Course at Fleetwood Nautical Campus,Lancashire, England.

My Address in England,
11,Windsor Place,
FY 7 6HQ,
Tel-0044 7886544419

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[Goanet] Re:Draconian Act

2005-11-07 Thread dr.sherryl and dr pascal pinto
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|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
Dear Goanetters,

Apart from the activists and the intellectuals there seems to be very little
reaction on this forum and various other fora to the recent Town and Country
Planning Ordinance passed by the Government. While there is a heated
discussion among the participants on Mopa, Dabolim ,Romi etc , there seems
to be little interest about the deviousness of the current administration to
convert our fields into housing colonies and our beaches into resorts. It
would appear that the master plan would be to turn Goa into a huge
Calangute-Baga-Candolim strip. There also appears to be a deafening silence
in the press, political parties and the chattering class. The only notable
opponents to date apart from the NGO,s is the Santa Cruz MLA -an awowed
Babush Monserrat foe and the diocesian center for peace and social justice.
The activists feel that the legal nature of the ordinance has confused the
lay person into acceptance. I think that would be too charitable. Everyone
of us secretly hopes that 'someone'' will put to better (profitable)use our
fields which have been lying fallow. A lot of us pay just lip service to a
Green and Clean Goa and the Ranes and the Parrikars know it!! And a lot of
us well meaning Goans will hope that someone else -not me will file a PIL
and the problem will go away. In the mean time another village will be
úrbanised' and garbage will continue to be dumped on our hillsides and in
our rivers.

[Goanet] Re: (Goanet) Uday Bhembre's Road to Hell - V

2005-11-07 Thread Sebastian Borges
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|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
  Oops!  I regret the typographical errors which
cropped in my earlier installments. So here I present
the corrected statements:
(1) The books in Roman script were used by the
missionaries upto 1684 (rpt. 1684 NOT 1984) when
Konkani was banned even
from being spoken.

It is also relevant to point out
here that no native Goan anywhere ever published any
Konkani literary work in the Roman script before 1890
(rpt. 1890 NOT 1990).

It was
only when the Portuguese Government banned the use of
the local script for official documents that Fr.
Stephens transliterated his books into Roman script
and got them ready for printing. His “Doutrina
Christam” was printed posthumously in 1622 (rpt. 1622
NOT 1922); This
SEVENTEENTH CENTURY work is the earliest Konkani book
printed in the Roman script.
I beg forgiveness of my readers for the unnecessary
trouble I have caused them.  Now, let us carry on with
the issues raised by Godfrey.
   Part V
Godfrey says:
5. by  infiltrating into the ranks of the
Archdiocese of Goa  Daman and manipulating the think
tank and top hierarchy of the Archdiocese of Goa 
Daman he cunningly succeeded in imposing an
unstandardised script viz Konkani in Devanagari in
Diocesan run schools in 1989-90

 How did Bhembre infiltrate into the ranks of the
Archdiocese of Goa  Daman?  Did he become a Catholic
priest or religious brother, a member of any Diocesan
body or even a Catechist?  How could he impose
anything on the Archdiocese?
 The Archdiocese of Goa was not made up of
ignoramuses.  All the priests in the higher echelons
had received their education during the Portuguese
regime.  At that time, any boy who sensed a vocation
for priesthood would join the Seminary after
completing the Segundo grau (std. IV) of Portuguese
primary education.  Only after successfully completing
he would be eligible to be ordained.  During that
course, he had to PASS IN EACH AND EVERY PAPER.  A boy
failing in a paper for two consecutive years would not
be allowed to continue in the Seminary.  Therefore,
COMPLETE THE COURSE.  If at any time during that
period he felt that priesthood was not for him, he
could leave the Seminary and join any High school and
get credit for the time spent in the Seminary; a boy
who had passed the Fifth Year of the course would be
able to join the Matriculation (std. XI) class. 
Therefore, we could treat the Sixth Year as equivalent
to Matriculation.  Any student who passed the
Matriculation could continue in College for six years
and earn an M.A. degree.  Therefore any priest who had
spent seven years in further education, and that too
residential, could be easily considered as equivalent
to at least M.A., B.T.  Thus, the Archdiocese of Goa
was endowed with scores of priests whose educational
level was at least M.A., B.T.  Moreover, the
Archdiocese also had several priests who had actually
obtained M.A., B.Ed. and even Ph.D. degrees AFTER
their Ordination.  The Archdiocese had been running
over a hundred High schools (and a College too i.e.
St. Xavier’s) since 1962.  With all these resources,
how can we say that it fell prey to the machinations
of just one person holding a mere B.A., LL.B.? 
 If it was the question of introducing Konkani as
the medium of instruction in the Primary schools
administered by the Archdiocesan Board, this Board
already had the experience of successfully running
several primary schools in the Konkani medium,
DEVANAGARI script, in the 1960’s and later.  Had there
been any serious problem regarding the proposed step,
these experienced priests would have brought it to the
notice of the Archbishop and dissuaded him from taking
that “wrong” step. Therefore, we cannot say that the
Archdiocese went blindly into it.
   At that point in time, the TSKK, which is a part of
the Archdiocese, was also in existence.  Did the
Kendra proffer any advice to the Archbishop with
regard to the “unstandardized script”?  If so, what
was it?  If not, why not?  I am sure Fr. Mathew
Almeida and Fr. Pratap Naik would be able to answer
this.  But will Godfrey dare probe this angle?
(to be continued)

S. M. Borges

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

[Goanet] Some More Konkani Song-lyrics

2005-11-07 Thread JoeGoaUk
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|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

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[Goanet] 60th Santosh Trophy - Goa beat Tripura by huge margin

2005-11-07 Thread borg costa
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In the 2nd group match of the 60th Santosh Trophy,
played in Kerela Goa trash Tripura 15-0. 

Goals scored by: 
   Anthony Pereria (2 goals)

   Clifford Miranda (1 goal)

   Freddy Mascarenhas (6 goals)

   Nicholas Rodrigues (3 goals)

   Nicolas Borges (2 goals), 

   Alvito Rodrigues (1 goal). 

Viva Goa!!!


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] RE: Goan Roads

2005-11-07 Thread Philip Thomas
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|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
Here are my nominations for worst and best roads:


1.  NH 17 from Margao to Canacona with craters which seem to have been
transplanted directly from the lunar surface.

2. The brand new  10 km Bypass  (NH4A?) from Old Goa to Panjim which has
even been re-surfaced  to a large extent recently! It is still like a wash
board either longitudinally and horizontally!


1. A stretch of road between Mapusa and Siolim (or maybe beyond) which is
aesthetically very pleasing besides being a good surface.

I agree that something should be done to make Goa's roads first class
starting with the highways.

Re: [Goanet] Cheddvamchea Mogan poddon, Zaite pautti Foslam..

2005-11-07 Thread Edward Verdes
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|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
Dear Joe,
Just missed this..as we had a week Eid holidays.

The lyrics of the full song along with the singer's name have been
posted on the below site by me in 04.check it out:


Song no 92.

Edward Verdes
- Original Message - 
Subject: [Goanet] Cheddvamchea Mogan poddon, Zaite pautti Foslam..

 I just sung the song.
 You now name the Singer, Can you ??
 (the song Played on Akasvanni Ponnje)

Re: [Goanet] Amazing Goa Game Card Sets

2005-11-07 Thread twiga
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

 I hope that  some of  these  game cards are available  at  the  OIBS  in  
Mapusa  as  I intend  to  pick   a few up  while  I am presently  here in  
North Goa.
  Any  chance  of  snatching you away  from your busy life  and  the launching  
throes  of  your  soon to be  released book ?...i  shall be  in  south  
Goa  next  week...and hopeto meet you in  some  relaxed  surroundings ??


Quoting jose lourenco [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 |  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
 |  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
 |   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
 Dear Fred
 It has come to my notice that you have mispelled some
 facts from my box of cards, as pointed out by Jorge
 and Cecil below:
 Re: amazing Goa corrections 2
 Mon Oct 31 15:28:38 PST 2005
 From: Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha joli.goa at
 Only a minor correction to the above: The name of the
 Goan pioneer of 
 Christian art ... is not Agnelo da Fonseca but Angelo
 da Fonseca (ANGelo, not AGNelo).
 and this one from Cecil:
 re: Who led the United Goans Party during the historic
 Opinion Poll of 1967? 
 Dr Jace Sequeira (Panjim)
 It must be a typo .. Jack not Jace i.e. Dr Jack
 Fred, I know you are a busy man and we all make
 mistakes, but your mistakes are making me look like an
 ass to the world! It would be blasphemy on my part to
 mispell the names of such eminent Goans as Sequeira
 and Fonseca. Please ensure that the facts are typed
 correctly or drop the column altogether. I have spent
 many years making sure I get my facts right and I
 don't want it all to go down the drain. You made me a
 fool in the eyes of senior Goans like Jorge Abreu
 Noronha and alert Goans like Cecil. Please publish the
 corrected facts in your next edition. 
 I am busy with the printing of my Parish Churches book
 and I cannot defend myself on Goanet.
 You keep giving me much grief, Fred !
 Jose Lourenco 
 Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] Goanet News Bytes * Ingo's market plans in Assagao makes it to the news...

2005-11-07 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

   / d8   Founded1994
 e88~88e  e88~-_/~~~8e  888-~88e  e88~~8e  _d88__ by Herman
 888 888 d888   i   88b 888  888 d888  88b  888   Carneiro
 88_88    |  e88~-888 888  888 __888  888   -
  /  Y888   ' C888  888 888  888 Y888,  888   www.goanet.org
 Cb   88_-~   88_-888 888  888  88___/   88_/


Compiled by Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ingo's market planned shift to Assagao in the news. Saturday
Nite Bazaar, a tourist-oriented event wanting to shift to
Assagao (from Arpora) is in a controversy. Gomantak Times alleges
that voting over the issue at a village council (gram sabha)
meet was allegedly rigged to secure a 26-vote margin in
favour of the controversial project. Herald says, Ingo yet
to pay Arpora village panchayat taxes. It also adds that the
Assagao residents have resolved to fight the challenge of the
Saturday Night Bazaar, a concept that was started by the
European visitor Ingo, and which gained considerable popularity
when run at Arpora, though villagers in Assagao fear its impact.
Navhind Times says simply: Assagao gram sabha for Saturday Bazaar

o Bus owners to issue stir notice: fare hike. (H)
o Churchill Alemao claims public distribution system to restart.(H)
o M Boyer feted for 50 years contribution to tiatr. (H)
o Week-long jail-bharo (fill the jails) over PDAs planned. DigitalGoa
o Fields, Goa's disappearing treasure (Barry Cardozo in Herald)
o Goa police reduces height criteria for female candidates. (H)
o Educate masses on AIDS, says former CM Parrikar. (H)
o Noted architect Gerard da Cunha yet to receive national award. (PTI)
o Zantye chairperson Harish Zantye against privatisation of KTC routes.H
o Pollution Board chief for autoclaving to dispose medical wastes. (H)
o Noronha Infotech Solutions  Computer Academy opens in Fatorda. 
o Neeta Shenoy uncovers the romanticism of black-and-white photographyGT

o GT (Gomantak Times) is offering to publish your grievances.
  Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] (address it to Features Dept)

  Graying and dirtying of clean Goa. Dr Joe D'Souza
  looks at the various problems  facing Goa,
  growing slums, migrants living in ghettoes, 
  lack of cleanliness in a tourist destination,
  poor planning by the Plundering and Destroying
  Agency, a poor sense of heritage protection, etc. (H)

o International Film Festival 2005 will bring in around 200
  films in about 28 languages, from 45 countries of the world.
  Begins in Goa from November 24, 2005. (H)

o Sanvordem bandh: roads blocked to town from 5.30 am by truck
  drivers demanding better roads. Protests from this morning DigitalGoa

  Help your friends and relatives to stay in touch with
  Goa... through the news. Goanet News Bytes is one
  suitable -- and affordable -- option. It's driven by
  volunteers, and comes in regularly to your mailbox. 
  To get a free subscription send an email to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] with SUBSCRIBE GNB as your subject.

o Mapusa is suffering acute parking problems (Andrew Pereira, GT)
o Youth Congress questions Parrikar's stand on grants to Goa films.GT
o South film industry wants Rajnikant to open IFFI. (NT)
o Two youngsters die in Betora road mishap. (NT)
o Solar hot water systems. Rainbow Panjim 243 8350 Margao 9822 103550
o If you want to stop alcohol: Alcoholics Anonymous Ph 2224140

HEADLINES FROM GOVADOOT (Marathi): * Ravi Naik or Luizinho Faleiro (the
paper plays up the story of dissidence against Rane). * Prior to IFFI,
Govadoot talks to local film-makers on their views. One calls for a
policy on grants for local films. Another says that injustice should not
be done to quality films. * Preparations underway for the feast of
Goencho Saib (St Francis Xavier). *


o Wikand-Idd-Deewalee, paryatakanchee bheereen zalimaleen.