[Goanet] Re: II - Chandneachi Rati, Maddamche Savllek...

2005-11-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
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II - Chandneachi Rati,Maddamche Savllek...

Eddie, I guess yours was the only correct answer,
yes, the Singer is Ulhas Buyao

Your prize will be posted to your Goa home 'Chinchonnem'

Well done & congratulations

Konkani Maim Bhaxen tujer besanv galum.

Mon Nov 7 22:37:27 PST 2005

Ulhas Buyao???
> I have just sung the song for you.
> Now, you please name the singer. Can you ??
> (this was also played on Akasvanni Ponnje Kendr in 1970s 80s)

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! 
Security Centre. http://uk.security.yahoo.com

[Goanet] Re: “UDAY BHEMBRE's ROAD MAP TO HELL” by Godfrey Gonsalves - VI

2005-11-09 Thread Sebastian Borges
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Gonsalves  VI
  Part VI

Godfrey has brought in some extraneous issues which
are not directly connected with Bhembre’s Road Map. 
But they are nonetheless important to merit attention.
 So let us discuss them as well.  Godfrey says:
6.  <>
 This statement refers to a practice prevalent in
Hindu temples in Goa.  Each temple has a Managing
Committee called Mahajani.  Members of this Committee
are elected at certain regular intervals, according to
law.  Many of the temples, especially the larger and
richer ones, are managed exclusively by Saraswat
Brahmins.  There are other temples which are managed
exclusively by non-Saraswats.  But THE CASTE
for any and every Saraswat to be eligible for election
to the Mahajani of a particular Saraswat-administered
temple; he must belong to one of the Mahajan families
of THAT temple.  The same rule applies to the temples
administered by non-Saraswats.  THE RIGHT IS
HEREDITARY and does not lapse on changing one’s place
of residence.  These procedures are laid down in the
LAW which governs the Mahajanis.  This law was
formulated during Portuguese rule.  Its working is
somewhat akin to that of the law on Comunidades with
which the readers will be more familiar.  
 A Goan can be a zonnkar of a Comunidade only if
his father is/was a zonnkar; this right is also
hereditary and does not lapse even when the person
leaves that village and settles in another.  One
cannot enroll as a zonnkar of  a village just on the
premise that he lives in that village and belongs to
the CASTE of the zonnkars there.  The Comunidades are
also governed by a LAW which was formulated during the
Portuguese regime.  Both these institutions existed
before the arrival of the Portuguese; the latter only
codified the procedures which were then in vogue.  
 Now some activists, notably N. Shivdas, are
demanding that the membership of Mahajanis be
universalized; that non-Saraswats too be made eligible
to become Mahajans of the Saraswat-administered
temples.  The Saraswats, on the other hand contend
that those temples having been built by their
forefathers, only they have a right to administer
them.  Shivdas and his group say that many of the
temples were originally built by the non-Saraswat
“kullavis” but the Saraswats used their influence with
the Portuguese to fraudulently register them as their
own.  This possibility cannot be ruled out considering
the enormous clout and vantage positions that the
Saraswats enjoyed during the Portuguese rule; but it
would be difficult to prove.  THE SOLUTION TO THE
is possible only if the two factions come to some
consensus on the issue.  This again is far-fetched
since the human tendency is, “I shall not part with
even a bit of what I possess but I shall fight for a
piece of what you have”.  In any case, it is not a
serious problem since the parties to the conflict have
not yet come to physical blows.
 But if Godfrey thinks that such a conflict exists
only in Hindu temples, he is sadly mistaken.  It is
found in Catholic Churches as well and in a worse
form. Every Goan parish has more than one Confraria
membership of the “Confraria maior” is not open to
Catholics belonging to the subaltern castes nor will
an upper caste Catholic apply for the membership of
“Confraria menor”.  There is no heredity factor
involved.  Any Catholic who settles in a parish can
become a member of a Confraria of that parish; but HE
 The caste-exclusivism of the Mahajanis, however
unjust we may think it to be, is at least LEGAL.  But
the caste-exclusivism of Confrarias is ILLEGAL; it
contravenes the directive of the Archbishop-Patriarch
issued in 1945, by which all caste-based membership of
Confrarias was banned.  
 Unlike the conflict over temple rights, the
problem of caste-exclusivism in Church has led to
physical clashes.  It has even come to barbaric
levels; in one of the parishes, an interred coffin was
actually exhumed and placed at the gate of the
 Would the “journalist-activist” Godfrey Gonsalves
now do a N. Shivdas among the Catholics and take up

[Goanet] Goan old konkani kantaram - Quiz

2005-11-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
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This is really hotting up..

I have just posted No. III

And 1V, V, VI will be lined up soon. Some will be with MP3 online

So Don't miss out

Youngsters can consult their parents or grand parents or goan 'Kuzner'/servants

All songs are from 1970s or 80s and all played (or still playing) on All India 

And remember, if you are a winner and if I know your home/Goa address, you can 
suprises and I am not joking.

It's me - JoeGoaUk

Request to FN:
Can you please include this in your popular NewsBites for maximum participation 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

[Goanet] III - Kiteak Kortai Nokre, Fattlean bhountai Bhoklle..

2005-11-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
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I have just sung the song for you.
Can you name the Singer ? or the Film ? or both ? can you 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday 
snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos http://uk.photos.yahoo.com

[Goanet] Re: Degradable plastic bags?

2005-11-09 Thread Richard Fernandes
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This is true and the coop is implementing this in the UK

  -Original Message-
  From: Valerie Rodrigues

  Some time back, on a bag (plastic) brought by a relative from the UK, I
saw the words "BRITAIN'S FIRST 100% DEGRADABLE plastic carrier bag" There
were other details as well, a phone number (Freephone 0800 0686 727),
website address, etc.


2005-11-09 Thread lino dourado
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Rosary Ferns hanchea "Ghor Bandlem Ghorabo Modlo"
tiatrachi kollovnni Goanet ani Goa-World-acher ami

Modlo, hea sobdacho orth (middle)
Moddlo vo tuntlo (break)

Sanny bab, upkar korun amkam spoxtt korchem khoimchem
sarkem tem.

Ghor Bandlem Ghorabo Modlo
Ghor Bandlem Ghorabo Moddlo 

Thodde pavtti tiatracho 'title' kolloita kitlo meren
tiatr boroinarachea borovpak rong astolo poi to.

Zori tor mitthakuch karsan na zalear jevnnachi ruch
kosli asteli?

Borem magun,

Lino Dourado

--- Sanny Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kuwait Goans Association: Presents ever-green
> Ophelia “Tragedy Queen of  Konkani Stage” in Rosary
Ferns’s family drama “Ghor Bandlem Ghorabo Modlo” 
> on 11th August 2006 along with selected artists from
> Goa, Mumbai & Kuwait.  Venue will be announced
shortly, watch out for further details…
> Best wishes to all.
> Sanny Vaz – Kuwait
> Sanny De Quepem.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] RE: *** Goanet News Bytes * Nov 8, 2005 * Historian Dr John Correia-Afonsois no more... IFFI inaugural at INOX

2005-11-09 Thread Jorge Gomes
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Dear Readers,

I need information on how to get my name back on the electoral rolls. My
brother and I are non-residents in Kuwait and come down to Goa once a
year on vacation. There are times our visits coincide with the election
of the state or Panchayat, etc. During the last census (I'm not too
sure)our names were knocked out of the electoral rolls. I've been told
we can get our names back on the electoral and there is a procedure to
be followed. I've enquired about this with the Mamlatdar's office in
Margoa and I was told that there is an auspicious period once a year and
it is only during this period that one can accomplish this task. This
really sounded absurd and ridiculous to me. The authorities can't be
expecting the non-resident to come down only during this month to do
what is their birth right. I'm sure many other non-residents are facing
the same problem.

Can anyone suggest what the facts are and what is the procedure to be
followed. I think this issue ought to be taken up with the authorities
by the NRI grievances forums. Any assistance will be greatly


Jorge Gomes

[Goanet] Goa film festival illegally conducted: Dias

2005-11-09 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Goa film festival illegally conducted: Dias

NT News Service

Margao Nov 7: The president of the Film Producers of Goa, Mr Bonifacio
Dias has claimed that the recently held film festival in Goa was
�illegal and violated the rules of the Goa State Film Festival
Regulation Act�.

In a press note issued here, Mr Dias said as per Clause 7 of the Act,
it was mandatory to screen at least five films, however, only four
were screened.

A film-producing agency should be registered under the Society
Regulation Act 1860, however, it was found that many of these agencies
were not registered, he added.

He demanded that the awards presented to the artistes should be
withdrawn within a period of seven days and cautioned to appraoch
competent authorities, if failed to do so.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Goanet Reader -- Never watch a movie with a Goan

2005-11-09 Thread Goanet Reader
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Never watch a movie with a Goan.

Bina Nayak

And don't watch a football match either.

Ages before they invented interactive movie plots, where the
audience could choose the storyline, or the climax, there was
the imaginative Goan sutradhar (narrator). What? You've never
encountered one? Lucky you.

  I’m a Bombayite Goan. That means although I might
  have a Maharashtrian sounding surname, ending with
  the proverbial 'kar', I'm not a Maharastrian. I run
  miles from the Shiv Sena types -- they would
  persecute me too; for taking their jobs with my
  accent-free English, for speaking a singsong
  Marathi, and for supporting football and hockey in
  a cricket-crazed city. 

But being born and brought up in this city, I considered
myself to be more a Bombayite, than a Goan. I tried to blend
in with the Maharastrian crowd, tried to speak Marathi more
than I spoke Konkani -- it helped with the peons at
Government offices. But you know how strange life is; the
more you try to hide who you are, the more you stand

At movie theatres for instance. Mom and Dad loved watching
movies. They especially loved the English ones. Luckily I was
young at a time when the Andheri Shoppers Stop was still a
theatre complex called Amber-Oscar-Minor. And Oscar showed
only English movies. So mom, dad, sis and me would troop in
regularly. Yes, those were the days. Star Wars, Return of the
Jedi, Saturday Night Fever, the 2 Greases (seen with friends,
not parents), Force 10 from Navarone

And each time we nearly got thrown out of the theatre. Or
left before there was a riot. You see, the problem is, even
though my parents had spent most of their youth and adult
life in Bombay -- they were still very Goan. And most Goans
have this peculiar habit when they are in the presence of a
movie or a play. They get so carried away by the action; they
become a part of it. A whole new parallel storyline gets
played out in the next seat. You don’t need to watch the
movie screen at all. Imagine this...

It is a dark and stormy night; a quivering heroine is walking
hurriedly on a deserted street. To make matters worse, it
starts to rain, blurring her vision and slowing her pace
considerably. Suddenly the point of view changes, we get a
top angle view of the heroine. Just then... "Watch it girl!
He’s on top of that building."

Yup, that would be my mommie dearest.

"Oh look, it’s a vampire. Bina, look it’s a vampire."

"I can see, Ma"

The heroine now starts running helter-skelter. Past a
deserted petrol pump, a convenience store that conveniently
shows her the closed sign when she tries to enter, and a

"Get in girl, enter the church. Go in, you stupid thing. Turn
around, go to church. He cannot enter in there." Turning her
gaze towards me, my mom lovingly chooses this moment to
educate me on vampires -- just in case I find myself in a
similar predicament.

"You know, Bina, he would have burst into flames had she
dragged him inside the church. I think she should keep
running till daybreak." Then turning back to the screen,
"Hey! I know how you can save yourself! Shut your umbrella,
yes shut it and poke it into his heart. Use it like a stake,
girl." "Ma, you’re disturbing everybody. Dad, please ask her
to shut up. Dad? Dad? Deepa?"

No dad, no sis.

Deciding to dwell on things other than the storyline, she
suddenly stands up and starts clapping as a scene with an
interesting editing effect unfolds.

"Arre Wah! What tricky camera work! Is it done on computer,

"Ma, please sit down."

My mother just had to get into the action each time.
Apparently there is a special DNA in a Goan that encourages
this kind of behaviour. And there is no known cure. You can
tell a Goan at a movie theatre or even at a classy play.

They will forget all decency and rush to the stage. They’ll
tell a cowering villain or the hero exactly what they feel.
Or they’ll try to play director by shouting out instructions,
seated in the last row. And oh, don't even ask me what they
do at a football match. That you have to see for yourself,
that is something else

Being born outside Goa helps -- to some extent. I mean, I too
do the same; but with one big difference. I shout out
instructions in my own head. My Dad and sis somehow do not
indulge in this behaviour. Perhaps the gene skips siblings.
Ma is old now; she no longer enjoys watching movies in


2005-11-09 Thread sylvester vaz
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Countdown began for the Greatest Show of Late Rosario Rodrigues (The 
Shakespeare of Konkani Stage) entitled AUM KALLUKHANT SANDDLIM which will be 
staged in Kuwait on 11th November 2005 at 3.30pm at Gulf English School Hall 
Rumeithiya on a special designed stage.

RR Production Kuwait are gearing up for this special event to make this show a 
memorable one for  All Rosario's fans and tiatr lovers maintaining the 
originality of Rosario's masterpiece.
All Orginal Goan artists who performed in the Super Hit show  when it was 
staged in Goa and had broken several records in 1999 are already here in 
Kuwait are all excited to be a part and perform for the special occassion.




CONTACT 7870433, 6184198, 9568793 


"HANV KALLOKHANT SANDLLIM" - is a classic & philosophical masterpiece of Late 
Dr. Rosario Rodrigues who was known as "The Shakespeare of Konkani stage".
With Top original artists specially coming from Goa:-

Irene Vaz, Meena Leitao, Maggie de Benaulim, Comedian Ben Evangelisto, 
Comedian Bebo, Maxcy  Pereira and Latest sensation & Dhir Adhar Bhorvanso fame 
Little Wondergirl Baby Muriel 

Plus MEGA STARS from Kuwait:-

Marcus Vaz, Querobina, Rosary Ferns, Comedian Philip, Laurente Pereira, 
Micheal D'Silva, Cathy de Navelim, Bab Agnel, Lawry M, Cajetan De Sanvordem, 
Comedian Nelson, Simon Gonsalves and Sylvester Vaz

Music: Challengers

Sound : SPIDERS 

Special Stage Sets n Curtains by LECKINSON STAGE SETTING (THOMAS)

Light Effects by Julio Cardozo


Book in advance to avoid dissapointment. For booking please contact: Raja 
Stores 2412970 or 7870433, 6184198, 9568793

[Goanet] Re: Progress, progress / a friend's personal experience

2005-11-09 Thread Stanley Pinto
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Dear Chitta,

I hope you will not mind my widening this conversation to include a few 
friends who I know think about this subject as well.

First, to bring them onto the same page, I am attaching a copy of Ranga Bedi
s article on which you commented. (See attachment.) And I am copying below
your response to it:

"My very old friends from Bangalore, Umi and Ranga Bedi, visited China 
recently. Ranga summarised his experiences in a short note he sent to me
which I found really interesting. Note, of course, that I do not agree with
Ranga that India's lagging behind China so very badly has to be attributed
to our choosing democracy. There are democratic societies which have 
flourished and prospered and equally well there have been totalitarian
regimes which have done the very opposite; Burma comes to mind. The fault is
not with the system of government of our nation; the fault is in ourselves."

You're probably right, Chitta, the fault is in ourselves. We keep electing
politicians who:

1.  Avoid educating our masses, so they won't know how NOT to elect them
(there are more illiterate Indians now than there were Indians in 1947.
Percentages are dropping but not fast enough to prevent the actual numbers
from increasing.);

2.  Populate the Lok Sabha with criminals, (70% qualify for that description
at last count) so we know they will never shoot themselves in their back
pockets by introducing meaningful corruption control measures ;

3. Have perfected a vicious cycle that gives everybody a piece of the pie in
rotation: Clog the arteries of substantive progress when in Opposition, then
form the next government, when the ex-govt will continue the clogging
progress themselves;

4. Are thick-skinned and resourceful enough not to give a damn for what the
public thinks. The thinking public is vastly outnumbered at the polls by the
flotsam and jetsam who can be bought for the price of a meal. 

Hey, it just occurred to me, this sounds like democracy at work, doesn't it?
In the way that Churchill had in mind when he said Democracy is the worst
form of government except for all the rest. 

Ranga is wondering what if anything can be done about that. Fair question,
when you've driven down the perfect ribbon of 200km road in Shanghai, only
to fall into an open sewer outside Bangalore airport.

So, my dear oracle wot has himself fled to a refuge in the world's most
liveable city Vancouver, what's the remedy? Thoughts on that wd be most
useful - and welcome. Because it wd seem one billion people have run out of

Best - Stanley

Stanley & Yvonne Pinto
153 The Embassy
15 Ali Askar Road
Bangalore 560 052, INDIA
Telephones: (91-80) 2220 3320 & 5114 8153
Mobile: (91) 98453 95319

---Original Message---


From: C Gauba
Date: 06/11/2005 00:57:42

Hello all,

My very old friends from Bangalore, Umi and Ranga Bedi, visited China
recently. Ranga summarised his experiences in a short note he sent to me
which I found really interesting - having never been to mainland China, and
therefore with no first-hand experience of the developments and progress
being made there. I thought I should share it with you and am enclosing a

Note, of course, that I do not agree with Ranga that India's lagging behind
China so very badly has to be attributed to our choosing democracy. There
are democratic societies which have flourished and prospered and equally
well there have been totalitarian regimes which have done the very opposite;
Burma comes to mind. The fault is not with the system of government of our
nation; the fault is in ourselves.

Cheers,  = Cheeta

[Goanet] OBITUARY: Lourenco DeSouza, Mapusa, Goa

2005-11-09 Thread Bosco D'Mello
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Lourenco DeSouza (Ex-Abu Dhabi)
Ansabatt/Housing Board - Mapusa (Goa)

Beloved husband of late Clotilda Desouza, Father/Father-in-law of 
Philo/Raymond Pereira (Kuwait), George/Rosalina, Xavier/Thelma (Bahrain), 
Dorothy/Gasper Almeida (Kuwait).

Grandfather of Dwane and Charmaine Almeida, Dylan Desouza, Roselle, Rosette 
and Roscoe Pereira.

Brother of Late Bruno, Bento, late Betaldina, late Matilda, Teotina.

Brother-in-law of Arcanjela, Patelina, late Felicidade.

Passed away peacefully on 8th November 2005.

Funeral Cortege will leave his residence at Ganeshpuri Housing Board-Mapusa to 
St. Jerome's Church on 10th November 2005 at 4.00 pm for Mass and Burial.

Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him Oh Lord and Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him.
May his soul rest in peace.

[Goanet] London: Twenty-year-old Nikil Rana Crowned Miss India UK

2005-11-09 Thread rene barreto
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London: Twenty-year-old Nikil Rana Crowned Miss India UK

London, Nov 8: Nikki Kaur Rana, aged 20 from Rushy Mead Leicester, was crowned 
Miss India UK 2005 at the prestigious Miss India UK Finals
more at 


[Goanet] 60th Santosh Trophy - Goa in Quarters

2005-11-09 Thread borg costa
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In the last league match of Cluster VII, of the 60th
Santosh Trophy held in Kerala, Goa beat Sikkim 10-0 to
enter in the quarterfinals. 

Goals scored by : 

 Anthony Pereira  (1) 
 Nicholas L Rodrigues (1)
 Climax Lawrence  (4)
 Nicolas Borges   (1)
 Joaquim Abranches(2)
 Samir Naik   (1)

Quarterfinal League line up - Group D 

05/11/05 Manipur vs Assam 
07/11/05 Assam vs Goa 
09/11/05 Manipur vs Goa

Viva Goa


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] Nokre

2005-11-09 Thread ACC GENERAL - CYPRIANO
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Hi Joe,

This song "Nokre" is from the film "Bhuierantlo munis" and sung by Adolfo.

It goes like this:

Kiteak kortai nokre
Mog tuzo to dakoi
Mog mozo tuka assa tor 
Kednaim maka apoi
Fattlean bountat bokdde
Marit tuka zompoi
Thondd zalelea kalzak hea
Tujea mogan tapoi

Sounsar ho, atancho, mouza marpacho
Cheddeanim, cheddvanim, mogan boumpacho

Kiteak kortai nokre
Rag tuzo to lipoi
Thondd zalelea kalzak hea
Tujea mogan tapoi

Best regards,
Cypriano Fernandes 
(Riyadh, K.S.A.)

Message: 5
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 00:30:21 + (GMT)
Subject: [Goanet] III -   Kiteak Kortai Nokre,  Fattlean bhountai
To: goanet@goanet.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1




I have just sung the song for you.
Can you name the Singer ? or the Film ? or both ? can you 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

[Goanet] 11th Nov FRIDAY BALCAO:Ten Years of The Disability Act in the context of Goa.

2005-11-09 Thread Goa Desc

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Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO
Read the Balcao Synopsis on the website

Dear Cybergaokars on GoaNet,

Friday Balcao the fortnightly discussion event to be held
on 11th November will focus on Ten Years of The Disability Act
in the context of Goa.

The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights
and Full Participation) Act, 1995, provides a charter of rights to
empower disabled people and include them in the mainstream.

The goals of the Disabilities Act are to integrate persons with
disabilities and to provide them with opportunities for full participation
in society and to create a society in which disabled person would enjoy
equal status on par with non-disabled persons.

More recently the awareness created by the NGO's working in the field
of Disability Rights has resulted in actions such as the submitting of
memorandum to Govt. officials as well as Public Interest Litigation.

Is the vigilance regarding the implementation of the provisions
of the Act only a responsibility of the NGO sector ? How can the issue of
Disability Rights be a mainstream discussion in Goan society ?

How has the Act been implemented in Goa and to what extent is there
an awareness of the provisions of the Act among the elected representatives
in State and local bodies such as the Municipal Councils & Village Panchayats?

What role can the Educational Institutions play to promote the
provisions of the Act ? How can Consumer Forums, Women's groups and
Youth Organizations contribute in creating awareness about the Act ?

The Balcao discussion will cover these questions and
also evolve an agenda for action by citizens on the issue.

Friday Balcao will be from 4pm to 6pm
at the Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11 Liberty Apartments Feira Alta,
Mapusa and is open to  members of the public.

Interested citizens wanting more information
on Friday Balcao can email

best wishes,

Roland Martins

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy

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[Goanet] Demolition time again...Colva.

2005-11-09 Thread Gabe Menezes
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News -- Goa-Colva: It's Demolition Time again - Illegal Huts Razed down

from Sanjay Borkar in Margao for Daijiworld News Network - Goa

Margao, Nov 9:  Once again the illegal structure of huts at the Colva
beach has been demolished by the state Tourism Department, on November

Recently, in  May 2005, the erected structures on the spot were
demolished, as they were raised on the Tourism Department's acquired
land. The soon after, the same people had carried on the work of huts.
When the department came to know about this, they again took the
action, and razed all the 28 huts which were identified as illegal

On Tuesday, after an order was received from the department, the
demolition squad led by deputy collector Suresh Pilarnekar, 
additional collector Narayan Sawant along with tourism assistant
director Hanumant Parsenkar and the police came to implement the order
and the huts were demolished soon after that…

Fishermen from the colva beach had been using these huts as storerooms
to stack dry fish and salt. Also in the rainy season they used to moor
small boats in the same huts.

As soon as the officials, with the help of municipality and public
work departments, started the demolition, some of the hut owners
started to dismantle the same by themselves, to avoid any loss.

When queried about the action taken by department, tourism assistant
diirector Hanumant Parsekar said that all the 28 huts were constructed
on the department's land, which act was illegal.

When asked if proper demarcation of the place had been done, he
replied that several times the demarcation was done, but these
fishermen had been throwing out the signboards and marks from the

Meanwhile the agriculture minister reached the spot and he assured the
people, that he will look in the matter.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Re: *** South Goans look at an alphabet-soup of solutions to fightgarbage

2005-11-09 Thread Joao Manuel Pereira

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I wish to compliment Roland Martins and Clinton Vaz for their great work in 
protecting the Goan Environment.  I should be sending in December the 
publications I have collected from Environmental Organisations in Canada.

All the best,

Joao Manuel Pereira 

[Goanet] An Indian in Paris

2005-11-09 Thread Mario Goveia
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An excerpt from the article above:
"A FRIEND called me a night ago from Paris. Paris? Not
quite. My friend is of Indian origin and comes from a
rundown "cité" in a suburb called Choisy-le-Roi, a
housing project plopped down in an 18th-century royal
park. The park retains a Louis XV elegance and grace.
But as you walk by the project's windows, my friend
says, on a good day only a trash bag will land on your
head; on a bad day, it could be a washing machine."
"On Friday, as his mother was having a bite in a
restaurant at the local mall, a gang of 20 or so angry
youths from the neighborhood stormed into the
restaurant, terrorizing customers, poaching food and
drinks and ransacking the place. His mother, who is
severely disabled and survives on a modest state
pension, was frightened. And my friend was frightened
for her, but angry as well." 

[Goanet] JCA - Thank you , Theo.

2005-11-09 Thread eric pinto
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For the kind and moving obituary: can i send you to
the funeral ( US 718 767 3411 ).  A little fact here
about his father, Prof. Pedro Correia Afonso and
Father John : both played a role in the India
independence movement in Bombay, he as a student at
the college in Bombay. They addressed meetings that
were banned and risked their carreers. The professor
was a stirring orator who wrote convincingly, both for
the Church, and the popular Press. One cannot also
leave out the contribution to the community and Bombay
civic life of the extended Heredia clan.  Fr. John's
mother was the late Jimmy Heredia's sister, perhaps
Irene would set modesty aside and and do a little
piece for our benefit, in a tribute to family 
Patriarch Jose Heredia.  RIP. Eric.

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] luxury cabs on Goa roads

2005-11-09 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Rajesh Motors puts luxury cabs on Goa roads
Mayuresh Pawar / Panaji November 10, 2005
Audio-visual facilities at the Dabolim International Airport are no
longer a privilege to passengers on flights alone. Step out of the
airport, situated in the port-town of Vasco, and you are treated by
cabs with LCDs, having VCD and MP3 functions.

Rajesh Motors has set in motion its Premier AC Sigma Black and Yellow
taxis, which were launched at the Dabolim International Airport by
Goa�s transport minister Pandurang Madkaikar.

These taxis are fitted with LCDs having VCD and MP3 functions for the
entertainment of the passenger. These features are provided by dealers
in a scheme.

The vehicle, which can carry 6+1 passengers with enough space for
luggage, runs about 16-18 km per litre of diesel. With AC, the tariff
is Rs 12 per km, while without AC it is Rs 10 per km.

Premier Sigma car costs Rs 4.41 lakh (AC) and 4.19 lakh (non-AC) and
Rajesh Motors managing director Rajesh Tangri claimed the car could be
converted into white tourist taxis. The concept is similar to that of
�Cool Cab�, which runs between Mumbai and Pune. However, there are
some interesting features that would attract more customers, he said.

As Goa is all set to introduce over 800 charter flights this year,
Tangri is very optimistic that these taxis will have booming business.

�This year, the tourist industry is going to be a double bonanza for
the state since the tourist arrivals to Goa are expected to break
all-time record. So, the exotic concept of these taxis will help them
do exceptionally good business,� he said.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] IV - Bom Jezuchea konventant, utor dilem juramentan..

2005-11-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
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I have just sing a song, now, can you name the Singer? Can you ??

Previously, 'kiteak kortai Nokre'

Received so far 7 mails, others pl keep sending..

If you dont want me to announce u as a winner (if u Win) please say so and I 
will respect
your privacy.

Further Clue: The Abv Singer is not just popular with Goans but throughout 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

for Goa & Goa Flights info..

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! 
Security Centre. http://uk.security.yahoo.com

[Goanet] A Goa state of mind

2005-11-09 Thread Gabe Menezes
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A Goa state of mind

Rajiv Desai
Tuesday, November 08, 2005  20:57 IST

Panaji: Once you're out of the chaotic Dabholim airport, Goa bursts
upon you with sweeping vistas of the Arabian Sea and the mighty Zuari
River as the car winds its way up and down the hilly highway with the
blue-green Western Ghats looming like sentinels in the distance. In
the past 15 years, I must have travelled up and down the road at least
a hundred times but nature's tableau has never failed to amaze me. I
switch off the music in the car, put away my magazine and gape at the
beauty of the Goan countryside.

What adds to the visual experience is the promise of a week or more or
less, amid the serene green of Goa; long drawn out days in which the
major deci-sions you are called on to make is whether to have prawns
or fish for a meal; beer or some other aperitif, perhaps even a slug
of Goa's lethal cashew feni, which can stay in your system for days.
The Goans call it sussegad; a state of mind in which each morsel of
fish and every sip of beer is an eternity. Time seemingly stands still
but those of us, who don't live there, know it's a mirage; time
actually moves on and soon enough, it's time to leave. There is
impermanence about sussegad that makes it an altered state of
consciousness in which time is stretched to make every nanosecond

Things changed for us somewhat when we got our own place in Goa. We
began to see another, more complex, hidden dimension not always
evident to visitors, who stay in hotels. Suddenly, Goa is more than
palms and sand; now there are bazaars and repairmen; rambling drives
through quaint villages and glimpses of impressive white churches that
dot the landscape. The concept of sussegad also changed; from an
eternity on shacks on the beach, it became an unhurried pace of life
in which things must get done without demanding schedules and
dictatorial appointment books.

If the electrician says he will come at 11 am and shows up at 2 pm, it
is okay because the faulty switches will get meticulously repaired
even if it takes till 8 pm and at a reasonable charge. Or the cable
guy, who tells you he will charge only a fraction of the annual cost
because you only spend a few weeks in a year at your home in Goa. Or
the carpenter, who you send word to by telling the guy at a corner
shop in the village and who, after two days, when you are close to
losing hope, miraculously appears and your job gets done fast because
he has to get back to his village in time to watch a football game.

Or the stereo repairman, who comes to fix a glitch in the music system
and disappears without taking any payment and then shows up weeks
later on your next trip, smiling and asking if the system works. Or
the driver, who helps you score coconuts from your trees; or the
foreman of the property management company, who sits with you at the
dining table to have a cup of tea.

The thing that strikes me about Goa in the unconscious egalitarian
ethic that is evident in abundance. Sure there's a bit of the feudal
culture still around as when people call you patrao (patron…as in
patronage). By and large, however, everything's on a casual,
first-name basis. Or it can be extremely courtly and formal,
especially among the older generations.

Last year, when my firm was short-listed to pitch for some government
busi-ness in Panjim, then chief minister Manohar Parrikar told me he
was not at all happy about the his tourism department pitching Goa's
sussegad as a magnet for tourists: "I want infotech and biotech
investors to come to Goa and set up units here. This sussegad business
can be a major obstacle to such investment." When I told him how I
reformulated the concept to mean doing things in an unhurried manner,
he nodded and began to think.

Parrikar was the moving spirit behind the hugely successful
international film festival that was first staged in Goa last year and
will happen again this year. In a few months, he got the city of
Panjim spruced up, not just in cosmetic terms but put in
infrastructure such as a new multiplex and a jetty, re-furbished the
exquisite cultural centre in downtown Panjim and built new roads and
resurfaced old ones.

That he managed this in the face of all-round skepticism about the
Goan work ethic is, of course, a major personal achievement. Most
important, the gussying up of Goa for the film festival revealed a
work ethic that was largely unk

[Goanet] Tiatros in Goa.

2005-11-09 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes

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During my last few days in Goa, I saw some tiatros which deserve mention in 
this forum.

"Khorench Aum Fattim Pavlom" by Menino de Bandar.  I saw this drama at 
Panjim Kala Academy.  The story is based on family affairs, one scene in it 
where a Plane is shown taking off from the airport is excellent.  It looked 
like genuine.  The cast was good and everyone played his or her role well. 
In his masterpiece 50th drama "Goemcho Mog", C. Alvares also shows Planes in 
the sky from the stage.  Between the two, Menino de Bandar's depiction was 
good but Alvares' depiction had better presentation and better light 
effects.  Alvares converted his stage into an Airport.  Oh my God! what  
beautifully Alvares shown that scene!!  Really he was great, may his soul 
rest in peace and may Konkani stage produce more of such Alvareses.

Earlier I saw at Mapusa "Goemkar' by Rose Ferns.  The Mike system at Mapusa 
is horrible and it spoils the mood to see a tiatro there. Many times before 
I brought this to the notice of some directors but none bothered to bring 
this to the notice of the Hall management.  Further to my earlier mention in 
this forum of this drama, it was staged on Sliding stage which was really 
very good.  The first Konkani tiatro director to stage Konkani drama on 
Sliding Stage was the late Nelson Afonso and immediately after this Prem 
Kumar in Bombay followed.  But Nelson Afonso created history.  However, 
between Nelson's and Rosefern's, the latter's set up was better.  Nelsons 
stage was moving in only one direction that is front side and backward 
whereas that of Roseferns' the stage was sliding from front side, backward 
and sideways as well.

Then I saw in Panjim Mario Menezes's Non-Stop drama "Hem Ghor Amchem Nhoi".  
On this day in the same hall at Kala Academy, Chief Minister Rane was the 
chief guest before the show of Mario Menezes for a function to award prizes 
of Film Festival.  This function started late and ended
also late, one hour late and because of this Mario Menezes's show had to 
start at 8.30 instead of 7.30 p.m.  This put the tiatr goers into confusion 
and inconvenience.  Rane was responsible for this
delay and the organisers of the function.  Because of one Rane the 
organisers kept the Konkani tiatro goers waiting for one hour?  What 
rubbish?  Who is Rane?  He is only a Chief Minister and that too only of 
small and corrupt state of  Goa.  He is not a Prime Minster of India nor an 
The organisers nor the chief guest were apologetic for delaying the Konkani 
show.  These
people have no value for time and just because they are in power they are 
acting like lords by putting others into incovenience. While coming out of 
the hall after the function Rane came out as if nothing has happened.  And 
all the chamchas were encricling him but none asked him why he kept outside 
so many hundreds tiatir goers waiting.  I condemn the inconveniece that was 
created for Mario Menezes's show and for the audience at large.  At least 
Mario Menezes had decency to apologise.

This show was well staged, well written and well performed by all the 
artistes. Rosy Alvares did her role well and sang also well.  Mario Menezes 
too did his role well.  The show was full of rich
proverbs many of them are not even found in the "Konkani Voparinchem 
Bhandar" by Fr. Antonio Pereira.  Comedians Agostinho and Ambe did extremely 
well to produce peals of laughter in the hall.  Well done Mario and 
congratulations to you and your troupe.

"Sounsar Sudorlo" written by M. Boyer and directed by Anil Kumar was yet 
another drama I saw in Panjim.  This drama was organised by "Kesari 
International" a socio economic organisation which is recently formed.  When 
I spoke to few office bearers of this organisers, they said they want to 
help the need irrespective of their caste and creed.  They claimed to be 
secular but when they paraded all their top personnel on the stage, I found 
not a single Muslim or Christian and this fact I brought to their notice.  
30 years back I saw this drama in Goa when M. Boyer first time staged it all 
over Goa.  It was a magnificent then because the cast was magnificent.  
Jacinto Vaz was the reaL COMEDY SUPREMO. Those who are calling themselves 
comedy supremo are nothing and hence they must stop calling themselves as 
such.  Jacinto Vaz died and with his death M. Boyer's guts to stage any more 
tiatro also died.  It was Jacinto Vaz t

[Goanet] Air India Scheme: Buy one Ticket & Get One Free (?)

2005-11-09 Thread LetsGotoGoa
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Mumbai, 31st October, 2005: Air India, the country’s national carrier, has
announced the reintroduction of its hugely popular “Companion-Free Scheme”
from November 1st 2005. The “Companion-Free Scheme” programme, applicable
to passengers travelling on full published IATA fares in all classes –
First, Executive and Economy for outbound travel between India and the US
/ Canada / Europe will be in operation till March 31st 2006.

Air India has in recent times upgraded its premium classes by introducing
flat beds in its First Class and Slumberettes in its Executive Class.  Air
India’s in-flight service, which has won numerous accolades in the past
from passengers is also being upgraded and the introduction of the
companion Free Scheme will enable a larger number of its passengers to
experience the upgraded product and services.

Air India currently operates 28 flights a week to the U.S., a daily
service to New York, Newark, Los Angeles and Chicago; 21 flights to London
; 11 flights to Frankfurt , 7 flights to Paris; 3 flights each to
Birmingham and Toronto every week.

News flash!!!
London Gatwick to GOA 2 weeks Dec. 9,  just for £95 yes 95 only

for Goa & Goa Flights info.. 

GOAN NRI related..

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

[Goanet] One stroke solution for Mopa and Garbage

2005-11-09 Thread Cecil Pinto

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Tongue in Cheek
By Cecil Pinto

With the Mopa airport and the garbage issue hogging most of the news space 
I thought of a solution that would keep everyone happy. Specially the 
newspaper readers, who would prefer photos of that lovely Priyanka Bidye 
from the Konkani movie "Aleesha", rather than photos of piles of 
accumulated garbage. I called a meeting with my friends Deshprabhu, 
Churchill, Mickey, Mathany, Willy and Rane to convince them of my idea.

"See my idea is very simple. We let the Mopa airport come up as planned. 
The only clause will be that the Government acquires an equal amount of 
land at Mopa itself and uses it to for dumping and incinerating garbage."

While Deshprabhu and Rane were still reeling from shock Churchill was quick 
on the draw, "How will that help my... I mean the hotels in South Goa? Why 
will tourists come to South Goa when the airport is so far away?"

Jitendra snorted derisively, "Hotels, shmotels! You think tourists come 
only to hotels which are close to airports? In that case Bogmalo would be 
the most crowded beach in Goa. They go where they have planned to go. You 
think they care whether it's a half-hour ride or a one-hour ride from the 

Rane joined in, "Indeed yes. The cheaper British charters will keep going 
to the Calangute belt, however concretised it may be. The Israelis and 
ravers will go to Anjuna from any airport. The rich Russians will go to 
Cavelossim. The nirvana seekers to Palolem. The sun worshippers to Morjim. 
The Indian businessmen to Panjim. "

Mathany interjected, "Yes! The students from Tamil Nadu will keep drowning 
themselves in Colva and the young Indian lovers will continue committing 
suicide in Margao."

Churchill raised his voice, "These last people you mentioned don't come by 
plane. They come by road or train. Whose side are you on anyway?"

Mathany calmly replied, "I'm in the middle. Even my constituency is in the 

Mickey scoffed as he adjusted his bandana, "Yes! We all know how your ship 
sails with the wind."

Willy decided to use the opportunity, "Talking of ships we also know of 
somebody who said that either the River Princess would go or he would. Ha!"

Deshprabhu was quick to jab, "Yes, dotor, we can see how you have been so 
quick to solve the problem. Ha!"

By now Rane decided to exercise his authority. But since he seemed to 
command none, he just said, "Boys, boys, let's stop this squabbling and 
look at the solution". He turned to me and asked, "And won't the stench of 
the garbage be a disgusting welcome for the tourists?"

"Well, consider this. Every passenger arriving at Mumbai airport is greeted 
with a top view of slums and then the stench of the city. And it never 
stops. At least at Mopa it will be just for a few minutes till they get out 
of the airport. Half an hour maximum if the custom officers are in an extra 
greedy mood. Unless of course the tourists are going to Vasco. Where they 
will get the smell again anyway. Vasco smelt bad even before the garbage 
problem. But seriously, the garbage dump can be located upwind of the 
airport. And be covered with a giant pandal. During Parrikar's tenure there 
were pandals being built for every conceivable occasion. All those pandal 
contractors now have no work. They will now get employment"

"What about transporting the garbage from all over Goa to Mopa. Have you 
calculated the costs involved?", asked Churchill, "You think we are going 
to use bullock carts to transport the garbage?

Mickey whispered in Churchill's ear, "Talking of bulls, just remember to 
phone me later."

I decided to pursue the matter further, "Maybe we could use tourist taxi 
cabs to transport the garbage?"

Everyone looked at me aghast.

"Well they have been transporting English charter trash for so many years 
anyway. Ha! But jokes aside. See there are much too many tourist taxi vans 
around. Specially in South Goa where they're terrorising the tourists and 
hotels and forcing them to rent their vans. Can't blame them as they have 
taken bank loans and have dreams of building RCC bungalows from their taxi 
earnings. That's never going to happen. So at least transporting garbage 
will give them a steady income. And once they get absorbed as permanent 
Government servants they can go back to their old ways. Have countless 
teas, play cards, gossip and not do diligently what they are paid to do 
-  like most other lower level government serv

[Goanet] CM condoles the death of K.R. Narayanan

2005-11-09 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Goa CM condoles the death of former president K R Narayanan
Panaji | November 10, 2005 12:41:44 AM IST

Goa Chief Minister Pratapsinh Rane has condoled the demise of former
President K R Narayanan saying the passing away of Mr Narayanan has
plunged Goa and its people in deep grief and shock.

In a condolence message, Mr Rane said Mr Narayanan's contribution to
the nation as a dynamic president and his concern for socio-economic
development of the people, particularly the downtrodden, will be
remembered for long.

Mr Narayanan had a special affinity and love for Goa which was evident
during his many visits to the State where he evinced deep interest in
its history, culture, heritage, natural beauty and other aspects, Mr
Rane said.

Mr Narayanan's demise is a great loss to the nation, Mr Rane said UNI


Gabe Menezes.
London, England


2005-11-09 Thread Janet Pinto
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Dear Tony,

Fr. John Correia -Afonso  as does his brother, the late Fr. Parmanand --- 
will continue to live in the hearts of thousands of his  former students, the 
worldover. To know him was to be challenged by his brilliance and inspired by 
his humble simplicity. 

What a gift your brothers have been to you,  to the World and to His Kingdom. 

The Lord grant Fr. John eternal bliss within His loving embrace.

Janet Pinto

[Goanet] Re: Fists of Freedom - Rosa Parks

2005-11-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Targeted In Tulia, Texas?

July 4, 2004

(CBS) Tulia, Texas is the site of what's been called  one of the worst 
miscarriages of justice in recent memory.

It's where an  undercover narcotics officer named Tom Coleman arrested 46 
people - nearly all  of them black - on charges of being cocaine dealers, 
sending many of them to  prison for a total of 750 years.

As Correspondent Ed Bradley  first reported last September, they were pardoned 
by Texas Gov. Rick Perry,  after a judge accused Coleman of being a liar, 
thief and racist.

Coleman  defended his work in his first major American television interview.

So who is Tom Coleman? He's a former rodeo cowboy with a spotty  record in law 
enforcement, and no experience as an undercover narcotics agent.

Nevertheless, he was hired by the local sheriff in 1998 to rout out drug 
dealers in Tulia, a desolate farm town of some 5,000 people who have fallen 
on hard times.

Read the rest of this article at:


[Goanet] From Baina to Zeebras

2005-11-09 Thread Sandy at Cavelossim
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There has been much coverage given to and much disapproval of the sex workers 
at Baina and "bar girls" recently.  Yet on the subject of the Zeebras 
cheerleaders and Miss Goa competitionalmost silence.  Is this because 
prostitutes are self employed and therefore make money for themselves, rather 
than for someone else's business?  Or can no-one else see a wedge when the 
thin end is pointing at them?


[Goanet] Silly Season and the Selfish South

2005-11-09 Thread Cecil Pinto

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Silly Season and the Selfish South
By Cecil Pinto

Silly Season, as a certain editor calls it, is upon us. People on the beach 
belt and in the cities can see it. The non-tourist villages can read the 
newspapers. Every year we see the cycle. First come the reports about how 
many charters are booked for the season. Then the statistics of Indian 
versus Overseas tourists. Following this the debates: Whether miserly 
plumbers from UK are preferable to Trax full of alcohol imbibing Biharis or 
big spending Russian mafia brutes with their sexy molls.  A minor false 
scare or two for the foreign tourists - stray dog bites, contaminated 
water, molestation, planting of drugs... this year we can add 'garbage' to 
the list. The River Princess has become so entrenched in our collective 
memory that it is no longer considered a threat. Next the advertisements by 
hotels for Continental and Tandoori cooks, musicians, waiters, activities 
coordinators, vegetable & poultry suppliers and masseurs.

At Ground Zero extensive multi-cuisine menus are designed, re-designed and 
printed.  So are vouchers, invoices, bill books, tariff cards and even 
feedback forms. Printing activity is almost as hectic as at election time, 
and equally prone to payment defaulters. Most hoteliers lament about 
losses, however good the season has been. Supply deals are made for 
beverages and complimentary freezers. Garish vinyl signboards are replaced 
with even larger, and more garish, vinyl signboards. The arguments for and 
against rave parties begin and the relevance of a Madhya Pradesh Act, 
regarding music, for a festive place like Goa is questioned. And finally, 
the ultimate sign that Silly Season has actually begun. No, it's not the 
arrival of the first charter. The annual 'Shack Allotment Controversy' is 
the hands-down winner as the indisputable signal that the season has 
arrived. Sarpanch versus MLA versus Panch versus Minister versus Locals 
versus  Last Year's Shack Owners versus Recently Self Appointed Social 
Worker With Political Aspirations. The merry dance begins.

This year, strangely, the South Goa Tourist Taxi Association has jumped 
their place in the queue and started agitating - before their allotted time 
of beginning December. Their initial list of grievances demands not just 
that hotels not be allowed to ferry their own guests in their own coaches 
to and from the airport, but absolutely no sightseeing tours can be 
conducted sans Tourist Taxis. My German friend Maxi is coming down 
end-November. I guess I can't take him around on my motorcycle? The taxi 
drivers also refuse to queue up outside hotels but will play cards and 
carrom at home. The hotel has to call them up when there is a client and 
politely ask if they wish to make a living.

Some few years back the South Goa Tourist Taxi Association drove down all 
their Maruti Omni vans to Panjim and blocked the bridges to press for their 
demands. Satellite photos of that time showed a strange glow in Panjim. 
Whether it was from the white taxi tops or from the accumulated 
belligerence is questionable. Since that failed they started stopping hotel 
coaches and hammering up drivers. Next they began stoning coaches and even 
manhandling the tourist passengers.

"We have loans to pay", they wail. "If tourism does not benefit the locals 
then what is the point?". "The big hotels can make enough money from their 
rooms, let us make some commission from Kashmiri  handcraft shops at 
least". "How come the North Goa Tourist Taxis don't have our problems?". 
"How come they become friends and confidantes of the tourists and get nice 
gifts and tips and dinners - and sometimes even a trip to Europe? Or even a 
work or marriage offer abroad?". "What are we doing wrong? Why are we 
determined to selfishly kill the golden goose for Rs. 8/- per kilometer - 
and waiting charges?"

So many questions. So few answers.

In keeping with the Selfish South attitude I hear that the South Goa Shack 
Owners Association is now demanding that all residential hotels can only 
serve breakfast in their restaurants. Tourists have to have to have all 
other meals in shacks and non-hotel restaurants. "We have bribes to 
recover", they wail. "If tourism does not benefit the locals". "How 
come the tourist industry is vibrant in North Goa despite the airport being 
in the South? Why are we paranoid about Mopa?". "How do shacks, hotels, 
taxi drivers, pimps and MLAs pea

[Goanet] Re: JCA - Thank you , Theo.

2005-11-09 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza
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Dear Eric,

I appreciate greatly your humanity and generosity. I wish I could avail of
it, but my many pressures of work at the University right now and a
lecture-visit to Macau in a couple of days makes it impossible to reach
Mumbai. May be I shall have some other opportunity to call for your

I am aware of the contribution of Correia-Afonsos and Heredias to public
life in Mumbai. I have cited somewhere in my writings Francisco
Correia-Afonso's imaginative slogan "Rome Rule is Home Rule" during the days
of agitation for Home Rule! I too wish Irene Heredia provides us more
insights on Heredias. There is also Fr. Rudi Heredia, highly qualified
Jesuit sociologist of the family!


[Goanet] International Film Fest to Showcase 200 Movies over Eleven Days

2005-11-09 Thread Goanet News Service
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Goa: International Film Fest to Showcase 200 Movies over Eleven Days   

>From Daijiworld News Network special correspondent in Panaji

Panaji, Nov 9: The International film festival of india (IFFI) scheduled
this month end in the state would showcase 200 international and Indian
films during 11-day-long event. The films from Asian, African, European
and Latin American countries will be screened along with a number of
Indian feature and non-feature films.

The films would be screened across four theatres and the 900 seating
auditorium at Kala Academy in Panaji, informed Sanjith Rodrigues, chief
executive officer, Entertainment society of Goa (ESG). The ESG is a
local organiser for this festival.

For the first time this year, the IFFI will showcase host of special
events like Goa music day, namaste India music concert by prominent
indian artists and street animation among others. These have been
planned to spice up the festivities during the entire duration of the
festival, stated Mr Rodrigues briefing presspersons, this morning.

Rodrigues said, "Another major highlight of IFFI 2005 is a selection of
Asian, African and Latin American feature films, highlighting the latest
cinematic trends from these regions.

The main awards which would be presented for the festival includes
Golden peacock award for the best film, silver peacock for the most
promising director and special jury award for the director of a film for
his individual artistic contribution.

During a special function on Wednesday, Goa chief minister Pratapsingh
Rane, unveiled the new IFFI poster created by Goa's own eminent
cartoonist Mario Miranda. The poster in every sense brings forth the
Goan lifestyle and culture.

[Goanet] Public meeting to protest TCP Ordinance

2005-11-09 Thread Rahul Goswami
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Call to attend public meeting to protest the Ordinance to amend the Town and 
Country Planning Act

Citizens' groups in Goa have called a public meeting on

- Friday 11 November 2005 -

to demonstrate citizens' rejection of this anti-democratic ordinance and to 
call for its scrapping

The meeting will be held

- between 10 am and 1 pm -

opposite the Old Customs House, by the jetty, in Panaji


Co-ordinated by Goa Environment Federation, the meeting will include talks by 
members of the supporting groups on the
impact of the ordinance on Goa, and its effect on development in our state

Groups supporting this initiative include South Goa Public Interest Action 
Group, Peoples Movement for Civic Action,
Nitoll Jinn Trust, Lok Shakti, Indian Institute Of Architects Goa Chapter, 
Green Goa Works, Goa Heritage Action Group, Goa
Foundation, Goa Environment Action Group, Goa DESC/GOACAN

the public meeting in Margao is to be held on Saturday 12 November 2005.
The TENTATIVE time and venue are 4 pm and Our Lady of Grace Hall, next to 
Municipal Garden.
An update will be posted as soon as that becomes firm

Goa, India  : +91 9321027684 / +91 832 2417847

[Goanet] 'Catholic Educational Institutions Must Become Agents Of Social Change'

2005-11-09 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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'Catholic Educational Institutions Must Become Agents Of Social Change'


GUWAHATI, Assam (SAR NEWS) -- A three-day regional seminar on education
for social change underlined the need for Catholic schools and colleges
to become agents of social change, advocacy, public relations and media.
Over 100 heads of educational institutions from the seven states of
Northeast India attended the November 3-5, seminar organised by Don
Bosco Institute, Guwahati.

Founder of National Open Schools, Jesuit Father Tom Kunnunkal, urged
educators to contribute to create an inclusive Indian society and to
empower the poor and marglinalised. A school can claim excellence only
when it has made measurable contribution to transform both self and

Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil of Guwahati stressed the need for
educators to be inserted in society, to be knowledgeable and to think
with the students. National Integration Council member and journalist
John Dayal said unless there was unity of intent and action in the
Church among the various agencies, the Church will never be able to make
an impact, much less intervene, in national policy formulations and
planning, finance and resource allocation, and long-term strategies for
India as a whole.

Salesian Father Jerry Thomas, Director, Northeastern Youth Catholic
Youth Commission, called for a rethinking of our education strategy and
invest resources and personnel in teacher training, student programmes,
working with parents, lobbying with governments, bringing teachers,
students and the community together on issues of common concern.

Director of Northeast Social Research Centre, Jesuit Father Walter
Fernandez, analysed some of the issues relating to education for social
change such as education steeped in individual values and commercial
interests, and a curriculum that is not region-specific. Education, he
pointed out, must address issues like conflict resolution and peace
education, economic solutions like resource management and employment.

Several speakers underlined the importance of making education a tool
for effective social change and for institutions to network for
advocacy, peace and value education. Catholic Bishops’ Council India
spokesperson Father Babu Joseph said our educational institutions must
promote justice and equality in India and must produce citizens who are
socially committed, rooted in values of secularism, democracy, and
capable of reforming society.

[Goanet] NEWS: Govt. to project Goa as an ideal IFFI venue: Rane

2005-11-09 Thread Goanet News Service
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Govt. to project Goa as an ideal IFFI venue: Rane

Panaji, Nov. 9 (PTI): Stressing on promoting Goa as an international
tourism hub during 36th Film Festival of India, Goa Chief Minister
Pratapsinh Rane, today said the government would project the state as
the ideal venue for IFFI inspite of claims from other states. 

"We have planned extensive activities like beach screenings, concerts
and children's workshops, all of which will project Goa as the ideal
destination for IFFI and project it on the international festival map.
Other states may cry hoarse, but we have been declared as a permanent
venue for IFFI by the Centre," Rane told reporters here. 

"This fringe activity has been named as `Celebrating IFFI Goa', with the
poster for the event designed by well known Goan artist Mario Miranda,"
he said. The Film Festival will be held from November 24 to December 4. 

"We will try our best to involve the locals in the festival. There will
be screenings held in rural areas for those who cannot travel to
Panaji," CEO of Entertainment Society of Goa Sanjit Rodrigues, said. 

Rodrigues said this edition of IFFI had attracted much more corporate
sponsorship than last year, saying "while last year we saw a cash
component of Rs 25-30 lakhs, this year it has already crossed a crore.
We are still getting sponsorship offers." 

About security, Rane said "let us not overplay things and scare away
people. We will be taking adequate security precautions keeping in mind
what we see happening around us these days." 

Rane also downplayed Deputy Speaker Victoria Fernandes's threat to
boycott the IFFI, saying "these are internal matters which should be
sorted out among ourselves." 

[Goanet] Trying to locate Fr. Salvador D'Souza, previously of Holy Cross Church Siolim

2005-11-09 Thread khsitish mondal

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I am trying to locate Fr. Salvador D'Souza, who used to conduct healing 
services at Holy Cross Church, Siolim, Goa. If anybody has any information 
(I heard he was transferred to Maharashtra), please email me at 

Answer questions. Register with e-bay. Win gold, watches and more! 

[Goanet] Delhi to host Goa Mahotsav

2005-11-09 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Delhi to host Goa Mahotsav
UNI New Delhi Nov 8: The music, culinary delights and handicrafts from Goa —

a tourist paradise — will be brought under one roof at the Goa
Mahotsav' beginning in the capital tomorrow.

Goan food, the perfect blend of eastern and western culinary, prepared
by chefs specially flown in for the five-day event will be for asking
of both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

The state government and the Goenkarancho Ekvot, an organisation of
Goans in Delhi, which are organising the event at the Goa Sadan on the
Amrita Shergill Marg near the Lodhi Gardens, also assures the presence
of Goan rock bands.

"There will be live music by the Goan bands," says Ms Suman Kurade,
the president of Goenkarancho Ekvot. Thirty folk dancers from Goa are
also arriving for the event, which will be inaugurated by the Minister
of State in the Prime Minister's Office, Mr Prithviraj Chauhan.

The VIPs present on the occasion will be the Goa Chief Minister, Mr
Pratapsing Rane; Union minister, Mr Oscar Fernandes and Ms Margaret
Alva besides the Goa Minister for Art and Culture, Mr Digambar Kamat.

According to Ms Kurade, the festival is also aimed at keeping the
spirit of Goa alive among the Goans (about 7,000) living away from
home in the national capital.

"It is also to spread the awareness of Goan culture and tradition
among others," she adds. So, head for the lawns of Goa Sadan tomorrow
and the only thing you will be missing would be the beaches.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England