[Goanet] Re: *** Expat Goan, returning home, finds enterprise here isn't a gift

2005-12-02 Thread Felicia Kemp
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This is such a sad story that touched me.  Wishing Manuel Caldeira all the
best for the future.

God Bless
Felicia Kemp (Coutinho)

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] U.S., Indian Officials Seek To Advance High-Tech Trade

2005-12-02 Thread Edgar Furtado
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Text: U.S., Indian Officials Seek To Advance High-Tech Trade

For additional information, see U.S.-India: Strengthening a Global 
Partnership(http://usinfo.state.gov/sa/south_asia/india_summit.html (Trade 
group holds meeting in New Delhi November 30 -- December 1) 

Government officials and private sector representatives from the United States 
and India are scheduled to begin bilateral trade discussions in New Delhi 
November 30 aimed at boosting trade in defense technology,biotechnology, 
information technology and nanotechnology and at reviewing the two 
countries' export controls governing trade in sensitive technologies. 

"These close consultations on strategic trade issues are critical to our 
technological, economic and political relationship and help build the 
confidence necessary to further broaden high-technology trade, investment, 
and cooperation," Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security 
David McCormick said at a meeting of the World Economic 
Forum in New Delhi November 28. The trade talks are part of a regularly 
scheduled meeting of the U.S.-India High-Technology Cooperation Group 
(HTCG), which was formed in 2002 to provide a forum for discussing 
high-tech trade issues.

McCormick said that over the past three years, the HTCG has loosened trade 
regulations on certain dual-use technologies, reduced the licensing time 
for Indian companies seeking access to U.S. technology and facilitated the 
exchange of information between the two countries. It also has helped 
India strengthen its commitment to nuclear nonproliferation through new 

For additional information, see U.S.-India: Strengthening a Global Partnership 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] safety factor in Goa

2005-12-02 Thread afra dias
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Hi Goanetters,

this is what Soham wrote. 
I was also a bit puzzled by seeing the varied structure of the road near the 
Panjim market, and in front the Kala Academy. Why have tiled roads only for a 
few square meters ? In fact, these roads are dangerous too, as was proved 
sometime last year, when two boys (albeit speeding) lost their lives when 
their bike skidded on the tiled textures in front of Kala Academy.

Is safety of any significance in Goa/India?
Do they know what it is? and why?
Last time I went to Goa.
Some one had dug a hole on the pavement in front of the tourist centre in 
Did the Panjim Tourist Manager do any thing about it.
By the time I had left Goa after three month, the hole was still there 
unfilled (forget about finsishing it to its original state).


|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Konkani songs and singers

2005-12-02 Thread Eugene Correia
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It's interesting to read Dominic and Joe's writings on Konkani songs and 
singers. I heard Felcy for the first time at the Soglle Bhagivont tiatr in 
Dubai. She and her sister sang a tribute song to their dad Rom Tony. I was 
also pleased to hear Anthony after a very, very long time.
  Since no playbill, which lists the cast and singers, was provided it was 
hard to know who is who. One singer, I think Souza Boy or maybe Frances de 
Tuem imitated old singers such as Kid Boxer, Young Menezes, Remmie Colaco, and 
newer ones such as Succorino and, I think, Lorna. Both Lorna and Soccorina 
were part of the group.
  Lorna sang her old stuff, but missed lines from songs. One doesn't 
understand why she didn't sing newer songs composed by different people and 
also why she didn't her tribute song to Chris Perry.
  The tiatr Roddo Naka by Prince Jacob, which was held the previous day, the 
organizers sold a folded handbill for 10 dirhams. I bought one to know the 
cast. There were no names. The handbills had numbers which were drawn for some 
prizes and the first prize being a ticket to any destination Gulf Air flew.
  Truly, people suffer in silence because they want to watch the tiatr. Many 
were standing up with no seats available despite paying 50 dirhams. The 
organizers, as usual, apologized and, at the same time, appeal to their Goan 
hearts and for their love of Konkani. 
  Better arrangements must be made for such shows. I am not sure if the 
organizers make lot of money. People who reserved their seats were shocked to 
see their seats occupied by others. There was nothing the organizers could do 
to get these illegal occupants of the go elsewhere.
  'The organizeers stock reply: "We are doing it for the love of Konkani and 
so you can also bear a little discomfort for the language.
  Eugene Correia

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Re: *** Expat Goan, returning home, finds enterprise here isn't a gift

2005-12-02 Thread Goanet
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Dear Frederick,

I've read your article on the woes of Mr Manuel Caldeira with great interest. 
I myself have been considering a similar proposition bringing with me a 
substantial sum of capital, the fruits of my life's efforts. I also have 
expertise gained in my contact with the West which I would love to share with 
my brothers and sisters. However, in the wake of your article I have very, 
very serious doubts and reservations about relocating now and will have to 
reconder my position and plans. 

Without commenting on Mr Caldeira's case in particular as the devilish detail 
is not avaliable to us, I hope the authorities take note of the effect their 
red tape, bureaucracy and corruption are having on inward investment. 
Goa, like much of India, is going through nothing short of a revolution, in 
all its forms. It is stating the obvious to say that the old agrarian/feudal 
system is in collapse in the face of its collision with the juggernaut of 
Capitalism (I'm not suggesting that capitalism is the be-all and end-
all). Clearly, people who have a vested interest in the old system will 
attempt to subvert the new; mediocrity clinging to it's comfort zone or 
jostling for position in the new order and new alliances being forged. Sadly, 
the effect is to drive away local intellectual  and skill capital, not to 
mention that vital financial investment. 

It seems like our work must start at a much more fundamental level. You 
touched on it when you quoted Mr Caldeira's observation that 'some people with 
a mediocre mentality' inhabit positions of power and decision making. The 
work, I submit, needs/must be with our young (in order to supplant the 
old dinosaurs) in the field of education. I do mean EDUCATION, not in its 
narrow, alienating, rote-learning sence but as a tool to enable us to become 
fully contributing humans. For the past 100yrs at least Goa, for a whole host 
of reasons, has had a remittence economy having exported many of its bright 
and skilled young things. This process must be reversed. Young Goans (across 
all genders,faiths and political persuasions) of the hightest caliber must 
be groomed for the mechinations of democracy (the notion that we don't have to 
kill each other if we disagree is learned behaviour); must be enabled to 
develop a stomach for the cut and thrust of everyday politics. After all, 
if we keep migrating out who will be the honest, educated cop, who will be the 
honest, educated judge, who will be the honest, educated mamladhar,surpunch or 
politician?  Who will be the honest builder/contractor and honest 
fishmonger?...and on and on.  But if the young stay, participate fully in 
Goa's vibrant, changing situation, indeed, be the instruments of that 
change, then we might begin to have hope for the future. It is they who will 
create a new world, one with a level playing field for all, one based on 
merit, one that aspires to optimise the gifts to realise our potential as 
human beings. A tall order and idealistic? Yes, and why not? The world we 
inhabit is one we create with our collective minds, spirits and wills. It is 
we who will create our future; who else? It is we who must take responsibility 
for it.

When  I've spoken to young Goans in Goa lately the common call is towards the 
mirage of the West, a mirage my grandfather, father and I  were seduced by 
since the 1870s. Here are some truths..those of us who have migrated know 
this but rarely share it: for the vast majority of us, life abroad isn't a bed 
of roses! Sure, we've made some money, sure we can be 'flash' every time we 
come down to Goa with our $$s and ££s, but if truth be told, most of us live 
pretty mediocre lives abroad rarely climbing to the pinnacles of our 
professions, content to be the executors of the dreams of others, rarely 
entrepreneurs, content to be 'techno-collies' (a term I have coined for the IT 
worker) - and we do this in the coldest/hottest and most miserable of 
environments. I say to all young Goans in Goa, stay right where you are. Why 
be a COOLIE in the cold when you can be a KING in paradise?!! Stay where you 
are but acquire the skills and knowledge for the coming changes, for you are 
in paradise already but make it a paradise of YOUR choosing.

Forgive me if I've rambled on and on a bit. Perhaps this is the forum for us 
to begin talking about how we put in place practical steps that will make Goa 
a 1st Class place to live and work in for al

[Goanet] Re: World AIDS Day

2005-12-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Will our dreams die young?India's promise is threatened by a 
potential  pandemic. A reminder from David C Mulford, the US ambassador to  
India, on World AIDS DayToday is World  AIDS Day. This day represents an 
opportunity for everyone concerned with  this devastating disease to come 
together in a spirit of remembrance for  those who have died from it, 
compassion for those who are suffering today,  and commitment to help others 
remain free from infection. Despite the  continuing tragedy of HIV/AIDS, there 
is a growing basis for  hope.

The successes achieved through the United States partnership  with India in 
fighting HIV/AIDS demonstrate that action can make a  difference.  
The theme of this year's World AIDS Day is "Keep the Promise." To me,  World 
AIDS Day is not only about keeping the promise, but also about  taking 
action. The United States and India are doing just that. At their  historic 
meeting  in July 2005, US President George W. Bush and Indian  Prime Minister 
Manmohan Singh made a commitment to strengthen cooperation  and combat 
HIV/AIDs at a global level through an initiative that mobilises  private 
sector and government resources, knowledge, and expertise. This is  a call to 
action. The private sector, business sector, civil society, and  religious 
communities in India must join together with the government to  resist 
complacency and expand their actions in waging the battle against  HIV/AIDS.  
HIV/AIDS is one of the greatest threats to India’s desire to become a  more 
productive and prosperous nation. Already, there are over five  million 
Indians infected, and new infections are occurring every day. It  is estimated 
that each hour, 64 new people are infected. The epidemic is  shifting from 
urban to rural areas, and increasingly more women are being  infected. Youth - 
India's next generation of leaders are at serious  risk. And prevalence rates 
in the general population are also on the rise.

But action brings hope. The Government of India has taken the lead with  
numerous steps to stop the epidemic by mobilising its resources, knowledge  
and expertise to fight the disease. It has established The National AIDS  
Council, chaired by the Prime Minister, which comprises thirty ministries  
with specific budget resources dedicated to increase HIV/AIDS awareness  and 
prevention activities. The National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO)  is also 
scaling up its activities and preparing for a broader national  response under 
the third phase of the National AIDS Control Program. And  the Government of 
India took an ambitious step when it announced it would  provide free anti-
retrovirals to 100,000 people by 2007. We recognise and  applaud these actions.

Some Indian corporations are leading the way in combating HIV/AIDS in  the 
workplace. Tata took an early stand to protect its workforce from  HIV/AIDS. 
Other leaders include Bajaj Auto, Bharat Petroleum, Steel  Authority of India 
Limited, Hero Honda, Larsen and Toubro Limited and  Godrej Industries. The US 
is working with the Confederation of Indian  Industries (CII) and other 
associations to expand that agreement and,  together, have reached nearly 700 
companies who have committed to HIV/AIDS  prevention and care programs. These 
bold initiatives create momentum for  change.

America has kept its promise and is now working in partnership with 123  
nations - including India -  as part of the President's Emergency Plan for  
AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to support sustainable, locally-driven responses to  the 
pandemic. In 2005, we provided $30 million towards AIDS prevention and  care 
in India. US government agencies are working in high prevalence  states, 
including the Northeast, to build the capacity of healthcare  providers and 
public health professionals to make available quality  prevention and care for 
people living with HIV/AIDS. In addition, the  agencies are concentrating on 
the states of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and  Andhra Pradesh, where HIV 
prevalence is higher.

Focussed and consistent action yields success. As a result of intensive  
prevention and vigorous surveillance efforts by the US, and India's  bi-
lateral AIDS Prevention and Control Project (APAC), overall HIV  infection 
rates are on a downward trend in Tamil Nadu. APAC provides a  strong model for 
other states to replicate. US and Tamil Nadu authorities  have also developed 
HIV/AIDS treatment and care facilities 

[Goanet] Re: Remembering the life and legacy of St. Francis Xavier on December 3

2005-12-02 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
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Hi Jose,

Read you post and followed the doctor's good advice to check out the new web 
site regarding SFX.  Only becasue you requested a critical reappraisal of the 
editorial I am sending you this.

In the editorial on that site, you rightly condemn those critical of SFX. And 
you identify the few who falsely accuse him of introducing the inquisition to 
Goa.  Yet with deep humility it is the Catholics who FALSELY ACCUSE  the saint 
of bringing inquisition to Goa. The recent written web link making that false 
allegation which I read was on your own TGF web site.  

Please check the web page written by your good friend Alfred D'Mello on Garcia 
de Orta. Like the reference to SFX, there are a few other facts in that 
write-up that are incorrect both regarding Garcia de Orta as well as the 

No one responded to my question on the Goan web site seeking confirmation / 
reference to the statistics quoted in this article. I trust you will edit that 
web page to reflect the true facts.
Kind Regards, GL
 jose colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Dear all,

The TGF website at http://www.colaco.net has been updated for the feast 
tomorrow (Dec 3) of St. Francis Xavier

Your critical appraisal of the 'front page' editorial is welcome



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[Goanet] British researchers predict Europe cooling over next decade

2005-12-02 Thread Mario Goveia
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Good news for common sense but more bad news for the
"global warming is caused by humans" environmental
Excerpts from the news report above::
 ...a new study published this week in the journal
Nature (Dec. 1) turns global warming alarmism on its
head. British researchers reported that the ocean
current responsible for the tropical winds that warm
Europe’s climate has decreased by an estimated 30
percent since 1957. The headline of the New Scientist
report (Nov. 30) on the study nicely captured its
import, “Failing ocean current raises fear of mini ice
"The British newspaper The Independent, for example,
reported in its Nov. 30 article about the Nature study
that “the real evidence does point to a possible one
degree Centigrade cooling over the next two decades.”
But the newspaper reported in another same-day article
that, “the [record hot] summer of 2003 was triggered
by global warming caused by man-made emissions of
greenhouse gases.” Such contradictory reporting
casually ignores the reality that greenhouse gas
emissions can’t simultaneously cool and warm Europe.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] How banning DDT is killing people in the tropics

2005-12-02 Thread Mario Goveia
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DDT Is Only Real Weapon to Combat Malaria

Thursday, October 27, 2005

By Steven Milloy

During the few minutes you spend reading this column,
malaria will kill six Africans and sicken about 3,000
more, mostly children and pregnant women -- a rate of
more than one million deaths and 500 million illnesses
annually among the 2.2 billion people who live in
malarial regions like Africa.

There’s legislation moving through the Senate right
now intended to reduce this tragic toll.

U.S. taxpayers spend about $200 million annually on
malaria control efforts. Ironically, almost none of
this money is spent to kill or repel the mosquitoes
that spread disease. The money is instead spent on
anti-malarial drugs and insecticide-treated bed nets
that aren’t very effective.

Bed nets are often torn. They are uncomfortable on hot
African nights and may get kicked off. There may not
be enough nets for every family member or people
whoare still up and about at sunset when the
mosquitoes arrive for their night feeding.
Anti-malarial drugs are in short supply. The U.S.
Agency for International Development hopes to have 55
million pediatric doses for 2006 – leaving the other
445 million people on their own to battle with malaria
without any drugs.

Although researchers are working to develop an
anti-malarial vaccine, there is little prospect for
one in the next 10 years. It’s a grim reality, but it
doesn’t have to be. We have the technology to make a
large dent in this tragedy, if only we could rid
ourselves of the most infamous environmentalist myth
of all-time, our irrational fear of the insecticide

As discussed in JunkScience.com’s “100 Things You
Should Know About DDT,” the Rachel Carson-Silent
Spring-inspired campaign against DDT was utterly
detached from reality. DDT did not cause declines in
populations of great birds like the bald eagle and the
peregrine falcon. These bird populations were
threatened before DDT had even been invented ,thanks
to over-hunting, habitat destruction, and egg

The bird populations rebounded, in fact, during the
period of the greatest use of DDT.

No scientific experiment has ever shown that typical
levels of DDT found in the environment cause the
thinning of bird egg shells – a mechanism by which DDT
was alleged to have harmed birds. While a host of
natural and artificial factors have been
scientifically identified as potentially contributing
to egg shell-thinning, typical environmental levels of
pesticide residues aren’t among them.

DDT has also never been credibly linked with cancer or
non-cancer health effects in humans.

What really drove that point home to me was a recent
visit to the Imperial War Museum in London, where I
saw a display about the DDT de-lousing that was done
to liberated World War II concentration camp victims.
DDT was used to save their lives – and despite the
extremely fragile state of their health during such
use, no ill-effects among the survivors have been
attributed to DDT in the medical literature.

DDT was ultimately banned in the U.S. in 1972 because
of politics, not science. For no stated reason,
then-EPA Administrator William Ruckleshaus overruled a
finding of DDT’s safety by an EPA administrative law
judge. Evidence was later discovered identifying
Ruckleshaus as a fundraiser for the Environmental
Defense Fund -- the activist group spearheading the
anti-DDT campaign.

Of course, by the time Ruckleshaus banned DDT, malaria
in the U.S. and Europe had essentially been eradicated
so the insecticide was no longer needed. Although DDT
was also used – some say over-used – in U.S.
agriculture, economical substitutes could be had.

But there is no economical substitute for DDT when it
comes to malaria in poorer regions of the world. Other
chemicals are too expensive and don’t work as well for
the sort of widespread spraying needed to control
mosquitoes in Africa. While DDT has not been
officially banned in Africa, its use is discouraged by
limited production and cumbersome
environmentalist-designed rules on use and handling.

The European Union, which environmentalists often lead
by the nose, has even threatened a ban on agricultural
imports from countries that use DDT.

But when DDT is available, the results are nothing
short of spectacular. Indoor spraying with DDT, for
example, reduced malaria cases and deaths by nearly 75
percent in Zambia over a two-year period and by 80
percent in South Africa in just one year. DDT works
like no

[Goanet] Kator re Bhaji - Support the Arts!

2005-12-02 Thread Cecil Pinto

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On the 14th and 15th of December The Mustard Seed Art Company will be 
presenting a play "Kator re Bhaji" (Through Corridors of Power). The play 
will be screened at the mini outdoor auditorium at the Kala Academy in 
Panjim at 7 p.m. on both days. This is part of a bigger project "Visual 
Arts & Theatre Festival" co-ordinated by Fundacao Oriente and Kala Academy. 
It brings together artistes from Theatre, Painting, Photography etc and has 
interpretations and interplay between these fields. What emerges is bound 
to be impressive.

"Kator re Bhaji" is a play on Abbe Faria and is scripted and directed by 
Isabel Santa Rita Vas. The play is not biographical but rather a 
fictionalised narration as seen by different characters. It is a very 
complex script (I have read it!) and hopes to analyse what the Abbe, a 
brown skinned man in 18th century Europe, must have gone through in the 
pursuit of his theories. It examines his human side and the mores of the 
times. Very experimental.

I interacted closely with Isabel when we made our documentary on Abbe 
Faria. Her energy and enthusiasm is inexhaustible. And her determination to 
see that this great Goan be given his rightful place in history.

But let me come to the main point of this posting. When we set out to make 
our documentary on Abbe Faria we were not only amateur first-time 
filmmakers, we also had no funding. While fine tuning the script with 
Isabel I too got fascinated by the Abbe and decided that we had to see this 
project through - whether funded or not.

With a borrowed DV camera, a tripod and loads of amateurish enthusiasm, we 
went around on my motorcycle interviewing people and filming on location at 
Panjim, Old Goa, Colvale, Candolim and Margao. At that time, last December, 
my good friend Maximillan Schecker was down on holiday from Germany. Maxi 
is a young professional, experienced cinematographer and was crucial in 
showing us the organised way of going about things. He sacrificed many days 
of his holiday to be our guide. Once we had all our footage we approached 
Allain Saldanha of Digital Magic who not only did a fantastic job in 
putting our story together slickly but also charged us just a fraction of 
his normal professional charges for his studio time and equipment use.

But I am digressing... maybe I should save it for my Award Acceptance 
Speech. Any Award Committees out there listening? Just kidding.

The point I am trying to make is that we went through a lot of expenses in 
terms of time, effort and money to make the documentary celebrating Abbe 
Faria. Both Isabel and me work for a living and we had to squeeze out 
whatever spare time we could for this project. And of course there were 
expenses - most of which were borne by Isabel. We did make some attempts at 
obtaining funding but were disillusioned by the process. Government 
institutions require a lot of red tape to be cut and the backing of 
politicians who demand their pound of flesh and servitude. So, being proud 
Aldonkars, we did it ourselves! Fortunately we could.

The movie has been since screened publicly at many places. We have 
distributed the VCD/DVD absolutely free of cost to people who want to 
arrange for a public screening. I plan to put it up on a website for anyone 
to download free of cost.  We don't want compensation for our expenses. We 
want that Abbe Faria's name and work be remembered and celebrated. That is 
reward enough.

Now for this play "Kator re Bhaji" obviously there are expenses involved. 
Rehearsals have been going on since early October. To defray expenses The 
Mustard Seed Company is printing Donation Coupons of Rs. 100/- that will 
serve as Tickets for the play. I know for a fact that these donations will 
not cover all the expenses that have gone into making this play possible. 
I'm doing my part by designing the Tickets and paying for their printing. I 
have no involvement in the play and am just a close friend of Isabel's. I'm 
not a great fan of theatre but have seen many Mustard Seed productions and 
am amazed at what a talented cast can produce - with little or no 
resources. All the Mustard Seed Theatre Group members give of their time 
free of cost but obviously there are expenses involved in travelling and 
eating and costumes and...

Experimental theatre such as this, I feel, should be promoted and 
supported. If any of you wish to contribute, with no strings attached, 
towards subsidizing the sta

[Goanet] Remembering the life and legacy of St. Francis Xavier on December 3

2005-12-02 Thread jose colaco

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|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
Dear all,

The TGF website at http://www.colaco.net has been updated for the feast 
tomorrow (Dec 3) of St. Francis Xavier

Your critical appraisal of the 'front page' editorial is welcome



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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] KONKANI: Over 56 VCDs available so far, how many you watched so far ??

2005-12-02 Thread JoeGoaUk
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Production of Konkani VCDs is booming day by day.  In just 2 years time over 56 
VCDs were
produced. During the last 4 months alone there were about 16 VCDs i.e. av. 4 
per months.
More releasing shortly (See list below).

Have you got any news about Konkani VCDs etc, please let me also know.



Updated: 30.11.2005

If you have any  ORIGINAL VCDs other than the ones listed below,
please let me know 

Thanks for your support:


VCDs available so far.. 

Bhuimkamp  - by Mark Araujo etc 

Rontto   -  by Candido & Ratnakar
Devan Dilem Devcharan Velem - By Jose Rod

Zababdari(film) - Bonifacio Dias, Anil kumar 
Tukach Lagon - Khell Tiatr by Minino Mario
Soirikar   - Khell Tiatr by Minino Mario 
Dor Taka sodnaka -  Actors John D silva,Domnic etc

O my God -Commedian Domnic & Luis Bacchan. March 2004

Sorry PAI -Commedy Film by Comedian Agostinho.Apr04

Tujem Sambau-Khell Tiatr by Minino Mario-April 2004

Moriad -Film by Bonifacio dias- March/April 2004

Devak Zai Zalear – Film-Ben Evangelisto July/Aug2004

Kavllo Rodlo Lozen- Songs& Jokes-Rosary Ferns Aug 2004

Mog -a short film by Peter Roshan August 2004

Vantte, A drama by Allan D’Costs/Sidon Sil Aug/2004

Manfas’s Musical show, songs. June/2004


GOA Bombay- with GOA/Bombay Actors by Tony Dias oct/04

Dol Mojea Bai (Film)- Candido Araujo/Sinari Nov/04

Kantiantlem Ful (Film)- D’Costa Production/Sinari Nov/04

Sunday- Comedy by Comedian Agostino/Manfa Music Nov/04

Sangat Ami Bhurgim Konnachim by Mario Menezes Dec/04

Axirvad by Jesus Antao 

PURTUGUESE GOENKAR by Samuel Carvalho/Manfa

KALLZACHE GHAVE By Teotonio d'Costa


MAINCHEM KALLIZ by Agnelo Da Costa

DOGANCH PURO by Comedian Ambe

AUNCH TO by Rafael de majorda

SANGATIN a Candido Araujo production

TUKAI TENCH RAUTA by Rafael De Majorta  july/04

HANV NOKHO ZALOM by Rafael De Majorda july/04

BHADDEACHO KUSVO By Machi Mogi St.Cruz April/05

KOR MOJEM KALLIZ TUJEA KALLZA SARKEM by Tony Dias (Conny Enerprises) April/o5

KERELACHI TOPI by Comedian Prince Leslie  April/05

KONNECH LOZCHEN NHUI By nini Mario june/05

DUDDUVAMKAR  by John D'Silva  July/2005

KUROIKAR by Com. Agostinho July/05

TUJEM NANV VHODD ZAUM by Jose Rod  july/05

NIKITA by Rosy Alvares Aug/05

GOEMCHO SAIB by Prince Jacob Aug/05

KONN ZABABDAR by Bonifacio Dias/Anil Kumar Aug/05

DHAGHO by Dramatic Troup of Ribandar

BHUDVONT JACKINAS by Com. Jesus Antao Sept/05

HO AMCHO BHAVART by Fr. Nevil Gracias

CIRCUS  by com. Peter D' Costa

EK DIS Film songs Audio/Vidio 2 in one

BYE, BYE TATA by Micky Faria


ASLO THUINCH PAULO by Socoro de St. Cruz

MIRAMAR by Aniceto Lourenco

ALEESHA film by Rajendra Tilak



EK DIS film

ZOMLEM RE ZOMLEM Konkani Nattok by Rajay Pawar

VCDs on GOA etc
GOA a Paradise by Agostinho Da Cruz Nov.2003
Beaches of GOA by Taresh Sabharwal March 2004
A film on Life of St.Francis Xavier- Grace Cuts & Glory 
VCD on the life of JESUS
GOA An Indian Paradise (a Video Guide)   

I have the foll VCDs and watched them all and made my
own comparision/scoring which is given below for your info.

VCD/Name   Drama Commedy   Songs  Popular  Price
  Actors Rs.
1.Bhuimkamp 8  58  4250

2.Rontto7  54  4200

3.Devan Dilem 
   Devcharan Velem   9  96 10200

4.Zababdari(flm)8  64  9250

5.Moriad Film   8  75  9250

6.To dis Udelo  8  78  8250

7.Devak Zai Zalear  8 10+   7 10200

8.MOG   8  99  9150

9.Vantte9  98  7250

10.Tukach Lagon  8  77  9150

11.Soirikar  8  76  9150

12.Tujem Sambau  9  97  9150

13.Dor Taka sodn -  8-  9150

14.O my God  - 10- 10150

15.Sorry Pai -  9- 10150

16.Kavlo Roddlo Lozen-  99 

Re: [Goanet] Kvcd: Rom Tony (Kuddi Bhoinn) reply

2005-12-02 Thread Stephen Fernandes
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

Daer Goan 
   well done felcy keep it up and God Bless
you n your family, you have done so well this we Goan
never forget your father work on the Stage, Buy each
Goan One Original Copy in every house buy your copy

yours fellow Goan 

Stephen fernandes
--- JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> |  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA
> |   
> |
> |  by visiting this link and following the
> instructions therein  |
> |   
> |
> |  
>   |
> ROM TONY - A Tribute to our beloved dad, by Felcy.
> I have just finihsed watching it and I liked it so
> much that I decided to go out to a
> nearby cybercafe to write a few words..
> 10 beautiful songs, most reminded me
> watching/listening in its original tiatr in 70s &
> 80s.
> It may be reminded that like Conception- Nelson-
> Anthony, ROM-REM-ROD were equally famous
> trio. Felcy is a daughter of one of them.
> This is realy an unique type of production never
> seen before.
> Congratulations to Felcy and her entire team.
> Well done Felcy, keep up the good work.
> All songs are beautifully sung/acted with
> indoors/outdoor scenes.
> Comedian Dominic, Luis Bachan, Ben Evangelisto, Mini
> Mario, Francis de Tuen, Josephine,
> Jr. Rod, Felcy, Aplon, Sylvina, Clive, Lawrence and
> Rom Tony  all played nice and fitting
> roles
> be it a tailor, Doctor/Nurse/Patient, Income Tax
> officer etc.etc
> You remember ? A heartless brother plucked his own
> sister's eyes?
> This was happened in Margao i think about 20 years
> ago.
> Two beautiful songs based on this true story 'Kuddi
> Bhoinn' sung by Felcy & Jr.Rod with
> background scenes depicting the Sister, her
> boyfriend, her brother & her sister-in-law,
> it was really touching.
> I remember the original song Trio 'MOSKORIO' watched
> on stage/ Tiatr where the daughter
> complains to his dad about a boy teasing/touching
> her etc father replies 'No problem,Take
> it easy'
> or says 'Hio Moskorio bai' Few months later, the
> daughter become pregnant and the father
> ask her 'what is this?' then the daughter replies '
> Hio Moskorio Pai'
> (The tune was hindi film song - gapuchi-gapuchi gam
> gam..)
> Another song, Imtto Bhatkar (Luis Bachan & Francis
> de Tuen), I also remember this song-
> where the bhatkar gives 1 metre piece of cloth to a
> tailor and tell him to make two pants
> and then he bargains to make 3 pants, so the tailors
> comes back with 3 tiny pants.
> Another Song 'Nurse' Its got to be an hosital ward
> room with Rom Tony as patient, Clive
> as Doctor and Sylvina as Nurse.
> These scene reminds me of our UK popular TV Soap
> 'Casualty' where all young doctors and
> nurses having affair etc (I think there is similar
> one in Hindi on Star Plus-India)
> The old nosy patient watch them kissing etc and when
> asked how he knew every thing then
> he replies 'I watched it all thru the key hole'
> Superb acting or action (as if real) with playback
> singing by Felcy, Rom Tony, Jr.Rod &
> Jusephine.
> Verdict: 10+
> Now, would any body like to have this FREE VCD ? I
> can post to any one any where from UK.
> Don't know why I keep doing this knowingly there was
> no one came forward last time. It
> was really disapointing though.. 
> My few words abv, plus my 10+ marks and this FREE
> offer.. It's got to be a good one. So
> what you waiting for ??
> for Goa & NRI related info... 
> http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/GOAN-NRI/ 
> for Goa & Goa Flights info..
> http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/LetsGotoGoa
> For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and
> films on GOA...)
>  http://konkani-vcd.swiki.net/1
> How much free photo storage do you get? Store your
> holiday 
> snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos
> http://uk.photos.yahoo.com


2005-12-02 Thread Philip Thomas
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

< Having a fully operational airport reserved for smaller aircraft and
general aviation at their fingertips is too good an opportunity to pass up.
"A nice airport, near the city and full facilities that will support general
aviation with no more investment," says Suwit. "This has never happened
before in Thailand.">

No such entrepreneurial visions at Dabolim to be sure. Maybe the Navy will
crank up plans to make it India's space shuttle landing site 20 years hence.
(Goa is used to pie-in-the-sky ideas, right?)

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Goa: No certificate to marry without AIDS-free certificate

2005-12-02 Thread Cip Fernandes
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

No marriage certificate without AIDS-free certificate in Goa

PANJIM, Dec 2: Health Minister Dayanand Narvekar said that the government
would soon amend the Civil Code to make AIDS-free certificate mandatory at
the time of marriage registration. Chief Minister Pratapsing Rane also
called for creating greater awareness among the people against the dreaded
disease and added that the NGOs can play a vital role to support the
government's efforts to combat AIDS. Both were speaking at a programme
organised by the Goa State AIDS Control Society to launch the campaign on
HIV/AIDS to commemorate World AIDS Day at NIO Hall, Dona Paula. Narvekar
said there were around 12,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in Goa and that
maximum reported cases belong to the age group of 15 to 40 years. He
strongly stressed the need to take up effective and sustainable steps to
reduce spread of new infections particularly among the youth. (GT)

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Re: Goanet Digest, Vol 2, Issue 259

2005-12-02 Thread Fausto V. D'Costa
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
 Rom-Rem-Rod trio was famous before the release of this cassette 'Kudd'ddi
Bhoinn'. The trio was split after Remmie (Rem) of Vasco left for Gulf and
had once again joined the trio after his return from the Gulf. In between
Josephine used to join the trio.

Domnic wrote:
It is the first song of Rom Tony's first cassette titled "KUDDI
BHOINN" - Rom and Rod. At the time of the release of the cassette, Rom and
were a famous duo, which later on became Rom-Rem-Rod trio. The trio became
very popular because they sang "zupatteo" about Goan politics and

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] IFFI

2005-12-02 Thread chris
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

It really pains me to read the reactions of GL (30/11) re IFFI, although I
dont blame him.  Working in a corporate environment, we (me included) have
developed insensitiveness to the common man and hence sometimes we dont see
beyond our nose.

It is not a matter of hospitals and schools that we Goans or citizens of
India need, we are not asking for any handouts from the Govt.; what is
desired are basic needs - infrastructure i.e. potable water, roads,
transportation, primary health centres, jobs, educational institutions,
justice, etc. etc. This basic infrastructure is enshrined & covered by the
Constitution of India and I guess is it too much to ask??  From Siolim to
Keri (including Morjim & Aswem) there are hardly any hospitals or primary
healthcare centres although the Government of the day earns several
hundreds of crores/annum on this stretch alone in terms of tourist activity
during the season. I am sure many Goanetters will bear with me that there
are several areas in n around Goa that have been neglected of basic needs n
infrastructure.  Only when we demand, push, coerce, pressurise the
politicians and/or the administration, it dawns on them to do the needful;
otherwise it is hunky dory.

Perhaps the silent Goanetters can also chip in with their reactions?

Chris Fernandes

Message: 15
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 7:20:40 -0500
From: Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Remo and IFFI

I was surprised to read the post on Remo's reactions vis-a-vis IFFI

In many respect it reflects a typical Goan reaction.  But who are hurt by
Remo's  actions?
1. The charitable causes that his donation supported last year and this
year if he had participated in the events.
2. The many Goans whose livelihood depends on tourism (conservatively - 30%
of Goa's economy).
3. Goan image - that Goa cannot pull-off a national meeting / festival.
4. If the next IFFI is not held, that's Rs- 100 crore less in Goa's economy
and the lakhs individual visitors spend during their stay in Goa.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |