[Goanet] Reu-been there, but not done that

2006-01-04 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
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| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Reu-been there, but not done that
Mid Day
Ashwin Ferro 
January 4, 2006 
If the bat does the talking in cricket then it is the boot that screams
aloud in football! And who better to exemplify this statement than
Golden Gunners and Maharashtra footballer Reuben D'Souza.

Just three impressive performances for Maharastra at the Santosh Trophy
in December last year, has suddenly brought offers galore to the
striker's doorstep, leaving the St Andrew's College second year student
in a fix.
>From Mumbai, Central Railway and Western Railway are interested in
Reuben. While from outside the city, Kolkata giants Mohun Bagan have
asked him to attend their Academy, and Goa's champion outfit, Salgaocar
too want him on board.  "Western and Central are offering me jobs, while
Salgaocar and Mohun Bagan would be contracts," Reuben confirmed, adding,
"But I don't know where to go."

While local outfits CR and WR are offering him the option of job
security, which is a good long-term benefit, Salgaocar and Mohun Bagan
would make sound financial sense. 

Two of Reuben's first coaches at St Anne's High School (Malad), Joe
Monteiro and Michael Pereira are of the view that he should join the
"Preferably Western Railway, provided they make him a very good job
offer," Monteiro and Pereira echo in unison.  But Reuben's Golden
Gunners' manager Jonathan Fernandes says the player should go for the
best.  "At 19, when he is still doing his graduation he shouldn't look
at job security now. If he is looking forward to playing for India he
must play the country's top tourneys like the NFL, Federation Cup, etc,
which won't be possible if he joins railways.  "Also, we all know how
Kolkata clubs hire and then bench outstation players. So his best
option, as of now, is Salgaocar," says Jonathan.

But Reuben has other ideas. Though, there are no offers yet, Fed Cup
champs Mahindra Utd and Nadkarni Cup holders Air India are on Reuben's
Though he wouldn't divulge much, he did give an indication that the
jeepmen, "would be a great club to join!"

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Colva: gambling activity to be curbed.

2006-01-04 Thread Gabe Menezes
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |

From Sanjay Borkar in Margao for Daijiworld News Network - Goa

Margao, January 4: The local MLA and animal husbandry minister
Francisco (Micky) Pacheco has promised to cleanse the Colva Beach,
which is being stained by gambling activities. In this direction, he
has also ordered the police to take action. However, the activities
seemed to continue, allegedly because the police collect 'hafta' from
the gamblers.

As the tourist season starts in Goa, gamblers set their tables on the
sea-shore and run their gambling activities. The era of modern
technology like mobiles helps them a lot to run their business without
tension or hindrance. If any raid takes place after complaints from
anyone,  the police, as alleged by many citizens, themselves alert the
gamblers and no one is arrested.

Despite knowing and seeing for themselves this farce, the police do
not seem to take any action.

When this correspondent tried to have a peep of these activities
taking place on seashore, one of the gamblers said, �Khelta hai to
dekho, nahi to yahan se phuto�.

In response to his bullying tone, this correspondent told him that he
would inform police. But the gamblers, without showing any fear, shot
back saying, " We are not afraid of the Goan police. They don�t live
on government salary, but they live on our gambling activities, as
they charge hafta of around Rs. 6,000 from each group daily. So there
is no question of their arresting us."

But soon this correspondent contacted control Room on 100, and
reported the matter. Although the Colva police station is about a
kilometre from the seashore, the police took around 25 minutes to
reach the spot.

As soon as the police reached the seashore, some of the gamblers
communicated with them in a friendly manner. Even after arresting the
gamblers, the police, with their help, were trying to identity the
reporter who inform the control room !

When all this was narrated to Pacheco, he said: "I was unaware of all
these activities. But I will take strong action against these
gamblers. If these activities do not stop, it will be like a black
patch on the golden Goan sands."

As the police have given virtual immunity to these gamblers to run
their trade smoothly, all those gamblers who were operating in
secluded dens have come out in the open on the Colva beach.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England
|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] RE: Re: *** Goanet Reader: Real Estate, Again (V M de Malar)

2006-01-04 Thread Philip Thomas
| Wishing all Goanetters |
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|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |

You may have heard this useful saying which goes something like "there are
three sides to every story: his, ours and the facts"! The trick is to focus
on facts and forget the fluff.

Did you notice that in the article it says that "85% of the nearly $2
billion marketplace is controlled by outsiders"? This would mean that 15% is
controlled by locals! Is this a percentage to be sniffed at?  It amounts to
$300 million, for gosh sakes.

What is considered to be a "proper share of the benefits of tourism" ?
50-50? Btw, the "shares" may be merely a function of exchange rates. If the
Bali currency appreciates in relation to the dollar (say as a result of the
success of tourism) then the shares may change commensurately in favour of

The key may be to focus on 'excellence' in the business or service  and not
the money. The latter is just a means, not an end in itself. And hey, no one
owes anyone a living. It has to be earned by the sweat of one's brow, right?
Goa may need to ponder these ideas too.

Btw, was there a typo in your post? Is "more" missing? Cheers!

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Governor Jamir's speech to non-resident Goans

2006-01-04 Thread Goanet News Bytes
| Wishing all Goanetters |
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| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
at the inaugural function of the Third Gomant Vishwa Sammelan
(expats meet) at Kala Academy, Panjim on January 3, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen,

  It gives me great pleasure to join you in the third
  Gomant Vishwa Sammelan to deliberate on how Goans
  living in and out of the State expect from, and can
  do for each other. The Sammelan is a happy occasion
  which provides not only the opportunity for Goans
  to meet their near and dear ones, but also an
  opportunity to interact with each other to
  preserve, promote and propagate their identity.

At the outset, before deliberating on what we expect from
each other, we should take stock of the existing situation
here in the State, the country and the world.

As it stands, we can all be proud of our State. It is one of
the richest States in the country with one of the highest per
capita income.

The Human Development Index is one of the best in the
country, comparable with the developed nations of the world.

Death rate is low and the growth of population is slow as far
as indigenous inhabitants are concerned. The population of
the State in 1961 where Goa was liberated stood at about
540,000 and, in 2001, the population increased to 1,347,000.
The projected population for 2050 AD stands at 2,700,000 and
calculating at this same rate, the projected population for
2015 for the entire State of Goa is about 1,650,000.

Economically, Goa is one of the few States in the country
where the Plan Expenditure is financed by the State's own
internal resources. Only 4% of the population lives below the
poverty line and poverty in Goa is the 2nd lowest in the
country. In other words, Goa is economically sound.

In spite of three dominant religions in the State, Goa enjoys
communal harmony where people of different religions
tolerate, respect and appreciate each other's beliefs and

Goa is also the one State in the country to have a Uniform
Civil Code. Even though the Constitution of India clearly
lays down that each State should endeavour to have a Uniform
Civil Code, it is impossible for other States in the country
to implement it. But Goa is a unique exception. The Uniform
Civil Code provides equal rights to all citizens of the State
irrespective of sex, religion, caste or creed.

The level of legal awareness of the population is remarkable.
Perhaps, at times, Goans may be seen as a very litigious
people, but this litigiousness is because of the people's
awareness of their rights, duties and responsibilities
coupled with knowledge about legal provisions.

Apart from economic and social indicators, Goa is simply
blessed with natural beauty. Its white sands, gorgeous
beaches, pleasant weather, flora and fauna and the undulating
landscape attract people from all over the world. Goa is one
of the few places in the world where people feel like coming
back after they have experienced its hospitality and beauty.

Beach tourism is the mainstay of the tourism industry but at
the same time, heritage tourism to old monuments, churches
and buildings has also been growing. The State is ideally
located and is easily accessible from land, water and air.

Tourist arrivals to the State has witnessed a quantum jump in
recent years and is growing at the rate of 20% annually. The
number of chartered flights was around 700 last year and is
expected to touch 1000 this year. 

Goa receives more than 10% of foreign tourists in the country
and generates quite a substantial amount of foreign exchange
for the national exchequer. In fact, almost 15% of the
national foreign exchange from tourism is attributed to Goa!

>From all accounts, Goa had made tremendous progress since
Liberation and it continues to grow socially and
economically. We certainly feel proud of our beautiful and
prosperous State. But this pride should not make us
complacent about the potential risks we may face in future.

Our achievements should give us maturity to pause and
carefully analyze where we are headed and where we would be
landing. So far, we can say that we have won Round I, but
Round II will test us even more. It would be the litmus test
for us and would show us our true colours. Whether we are a
mature people ready to steer the ship of our destiny to a
better future or not.

  Just as voyages start after deciding the

[Goanet] Christmas Issue of The Goan Review

2006-01-04 Thread Fausto V. D'Costa
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Christmas Issue of The Goan Review
The January-February'06 (Christmas & New Year Special) of the only
Konkani-English bi-monthly published from Mumbai and edited by Fausto V. Da
Costa is out on stands.
The issue features a special story on Christmas - Then & Now, besides the
regular features - Goa News Round up, spotlight, Culinary, short story,
kovita, zollim-mollim etc. and thought-provoking articles by the stalwarts:
Prof. S M Borges, Cursino Pinho, Soter Barreto, Enclidas de Elly, Justina
Costa etc.
This issue also features the 'Viva Carnival' event organised by GRAF in
Mumbai on 3rd. December'05 at St. Sebastian Goan School compound, Dabul on
the occasion of the feast of St. Francis Xavier.
The forthcoming issue (March-April'06) will be a cranival special and will
hit the news stand by the last week of February 2006.
For subscription, advertisements & other details contact: 22630139,
9821228684 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: No NRG Energy (VM)

2006-01-04 Thread Bernado Colaco
| Wishing all Goanetters |
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| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |

, India is
> unstoppably resurgent
> and Goa's never had more allure. Plus, we need our
> diaspora now, at
> this time of great change and rapid transition, it's
> what Americans
> call a no-brainer, an obvious logical move.

The writer claims bharat is resurgent. Therefore, why
do you need the NRG's. Is it to further feed the
resurgent bharat with  Foreign Exchange? Billions have
been taken from Goa. 

Today water, power, and telephony for how long does it
work in  a day in Goa?

Please stop craping Goans!

B. Colaço 

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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Re: The Top 10 Junk Science Claims of 2005

2006-01-04 Thread cornel
| Wishing all Goanetters |
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|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
I had kept an open mind on CO generated  global warming for quite some time. 
However, with all the evidence now available to us, I'd like to share your 
position on this critical matter without hesitation. Further, the fellow 
from the USA who goes on about the amount of CO emitted by India and China 
currently, (which is admittedly high), fails to say that the USA generates 
more than these two countries put together.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] January issue of Gulab

2006-01-04 Thread Fausto V. D'Costa
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
January issue of Gulab hits the stands

The January issue of the only illustrated Konkani monthly Gulab edited by
Fausto V. da Costa has hit the news stands.

The issue carries a special features on the new year 2006 by the renowned
Konkani writers Soter Barreto, Marcos Gonsalves, Tomazinho Cardozo et al.
and thought-provoking articles by Ravindr Kellekar, Cursino R. Pinho, Udai
Bhembre, Fr. Moreno de Souza, Chandrakant keni, Fr. Jose Dias, Prof. S M
Borges & Felix P. da Cruz.

This issue also features the interview of comedian Agostinho Temudo - the
ace comedian of the konkani stage.

The issue is available in Goa, Mumbai & Gulf countries. For subscription,
advt. & other details contact: 2782413, 2782416 or email:

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Re:How should the world deal with Iran?

2006-01-04 Thread cornel
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|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Blair is already yesterday's man. Minimally, it would be best not to count 
on such a devious Iraq war-monger in your tongue in cheek advice on world 
problems. As to Bush, I'm afraid my comments would be unprintable here.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Can you figure this out ??

2006-01-04 Thread JoeGoaUk
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|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
What that could be ???

Clue: those 3 are not street lights.


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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Goa: Hindu Organizations Demand Action against Maqbool Fida Hussain

2006-01-04 Thread Gabe Menezes
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |

News -- Goa: Hindu Organizations Demand Action against Maqbool Fida Hussain

Feb 23, 2006 - In Dubai

'The CARNIVAL' - A Goan Cultural Fest

from Daijiworld's special correspondent in Goa

Panaji, Jan  4: Hindu organizations have sought action against
renowned painter M F Hussain terming him anti-Hindu, objecting to his
paintings depicting Hindu deities in nude and compromising position.

"By selling and exhibiting blasphemous pictures of Hindu deities shown
in the nude in various compromising positions, Hussain has hurt the
Hindu sentiments,'' says Dr Nandini Samant, coordinator, Hindu
Janajagruti Samiti (HJS), who is also associated with Sanatan

She said that HJS demands that Hussain should be arrested and legal
action should be taken against him for having hurt the religious
sentiments of all the Hindus at large.

HJS's demand is a part of nationwide campaign initiated against the
painter for his paintings, which according to Dr Samant, he started
painting since 1974 and is still continuing.

Showing Hussain's book, aptly named 'Anti-Hindu' written by Prafull
Goradia and K R Panda, which has information regarding Hussain which
contains blasphemous pictures of Hindu deities, Dr Samant said that
these paintings denegrates Hindu deities.

As a part of international campaign, Germany-based Law and Justice
Foundation is thinking in terms of filing suit against Hussain. This,
according to Dr Samant, will be another suit as four petititions filed
by private parties in Delhi high court were rejected as there was no
government approval for the prosecution.

The Hindu organizations have also filed police complaints against
Hussain. "As many as 106 complaints are filed in Maharashtra and Goa
and 21 in Karnataka,'' informed Dr Samant.

Dr Samant said that these paintings are published on the web on a
website artswithoutborders.com. ``Publishing of these paintings should
be banned immediately as it is a crime,'' she said.

The Hindu organizations have also sought withdrawal of Padma Shri
title from Hussain, who has hurt sentiments of 80 per cent of India's

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

Re: [Goanet] The Top 10 Junk Science Claims of 2005

2006-01-04 Thread Mario Goveia
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
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|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
The problem, as I see it, is not with all the
plausible sounding "facts" you cite, but with what
these mean.  Please be careful of what you make of
smug claims of "non-partisan" and "non-profit" as if
non-profits are automatically non-partisan.
Please use your common sense regarding alternative
analyses of these same facts, as well as other known
facts and observations.  The extreme environmentalists
have been very clever in pushing their agenda to the
point of demanding mandatory controls on entire
economies, while exempting the large and fast growing
economies of India and China.
First of all, global warming may be taking place. 
Modest global warming may even be good for the world
in terms of food production, health, lower heating
costs, better climate for tourism, etc.  The
controversy is whether humans can be blamed for
whatever is taking place.  Believe me, there are
reputable scientists on both sides of this
Here are some issues for you to consider if you are
interested in honest debate with an open mind.
Frozen Siberia used to be a verdant forest, and
verdant North America was once covered with several
feet of ice, all before human industrial activity
began and before all your impressive-sounding levels
of CO2 and other greenhouse gases supposedly trapped
heat around the earth.  Obviously humans could not be
blamed for those periods of global warming and
cooling.  BTW, most of the so-called greenhouse gases
are caused by natural causes, not by human activity.
You have cited what initially sound like massive
levels of CO2 production in the US.  What you have
ignored is that the US also converts massive amounts
of CO2 naturally through it's plants and forests.  In
addition, any high schooler will tell you that 99% of
the earth's atmosphere consists of just Oxygen and
Nitrogen.  CO2 accounts for only 0.036%.  All the
greenhouse gases you cite do not amount to much more
than this as a percentage.  Ask yourself how such a
miniscule percentage can produce a heat trapping
"greenhouse" effect around the whole world.  Ask
youself if even shutting down industry around the
world is likely to change this miniscule percentage
The extreme environmentalists were successful in
producing the much ballyhooed Kyoto Protocols.  The US
has refused to adopt these bogus protocols with their
mandatory controls, arguing for voluntary
environmental controls instead.  The US already has
already imposed massive controls on it's industries,
not because of global warming, but to reduce
pollutants for health reasons.  The reason we consider
the Kyoto Protocols bogus, in addition to our
skepticism that humans can cause whatever is
happening, is because they exempted India and China,
which do not have ANY environmental controls, even for
health reasons.  Exempting India and China is like
allowing 2 swimmers to go in the pool while everyone
else has to go to the bathroom, and yet expect the
pool water to stay clean.
Then there are the abdurd claims that raise eyebrows
as to the motives of the extreme environmentalists.  A
British scientist named Sir John Law was quick to
blame the severity of hurricane Katrina on global
warming over the Gulf of Mexico.  Then we found that
there were hurricanes far worse than Katrina, Rita and
Wilma between 1880 and 1900, before humans could be
blamed for global warming.
There was an article recently of an atoll in the
Pacific where the islanders had to move to higher
ground because the sea level was rising presumably due
to melting icecaps.  Until someone noticed that sea
levels in adjoining islands in the chain were not
rising.  Any high schooler will tell you that sea
levels cannot rise selectively to affect just one
island.  The same thing with melting icecaps.  There
are some that are melting, while others in the same
vicinity are not, while others are actually
The bottom line, in my opinion, is that whatever is
happening has happened before and may happen again,
that human activity should focus on improving the
environment for health reasons and to handle the
effects of whatever is taking place around us.  
It is supreme hubris to believe that one planet in the
solar system is subject to control by us puny humans.
BTW, I wonder if you remember the Top 10 Junk Science
claims of 2005.  Most of them focused on issues other
than global warming.
--- maurice dmello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   With a view t

[Goanet] Goanet] Goanet Reader: No NRG Energy (VM)

2006-01-04 Thread edgarfurtado
| Wishing all Goanetters |
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| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
ON VM's NRG Energy:

"We stand at the cusp of total degradation via tourism onslaught and illegal 
land conversion; the predatory forces have never been stronger or better 

What is MATHANY SALDANHA and NGO's doing with the On-Slaught and Illegal Land 
Conversion?  Expatriate Goans and Ex-Goans need a platform to combat non-Goan 
predators.  Expatriates need support from the local Goans.  

Wealthy Goans need to contribute to Goa's infrastructure instead of 
contributing robustly to already established institutions in India.  

"We need to rally together to defend the character
of our blessed, unique, little homeland" 

How do "WE" go-about defending our "Little Homeland" when there is disharmony 
and and power-hungry legislators?  There is a need for grassroots level rally 
to forge a united stand against those forces who have ravised our little 

"And so we need our expatriates like never before, we need their support and 
strength in numbers, we need them to stay connected and informed as we face the 
coming threat"

You got that right babe!!! Stay Connected! Hmm! Give us some action now that 
you are Goa Based!!  If it works for you then it works for all expatriates. 
We'll pack our Khatli-Potli- ani Bis-thar and come back to Little Homeland Goa.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2006-01-04 Thread godfrey gonsalves
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
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| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
NRIs and NRG's this evening on the concluding day of
the third Gomant Vishwa Sammelan (Worldwide Goan
Convention)  had an interface with the Leader of the
Opposition Mr Manohar Parrikar of the Bharatiya Janata
Party and the Chief Minister of Goa in the Black Box
of the Kala Academy. 

It was lawn tennis as its best with the NRI NRG's
fielding questions which remained unattended and the
LOO and the CM diplomatically blaming each other for
the inaction or lack of it.

Sample a few:
a) on garbage disposal -- LOO felt that his government
clubbed some villages in a cluster and provided for
garbage disposal CM felt that the Candolim or the
Panaji (represented by LOO in the Goa Legislative
Assembly )may have succeeded in a bin free Panaji or
vermicomposting but the nuisance the garbage
collection had created on the Curca hilltop had ruined
the wells in the village.
CM felt that the Urban development Minister Mr Joaquim
Alemao and perhaps the Panchayat Minister Mr Subhash
Shirodkar were working on a Japanese project in
progress to find a permanent solution.
b) on garbage prevention--- CM felt that though a law
was in force to ban less than 40 microns in place its
implementation was difficult because it would render
people jobless and worse what would happen to the
machinery--- this was a ridiculous answer considering
that POLLUTER PAYS norm where the Government is the
worst violator --- with the use of milk sachets---
they do have a scheme to collect and pay -- but for
the masses flinging them away is easier.  He agreed
that Garbage disposal will be his one point priority
before the next Sammelan and his Government did not
need any money from the NRI/NRG's for the purpose
However he would welcome innovations suggestions in
the field.

On Dabolim airport -- LOO was clear that the land
belongs to Goa Navy is occupying it --- CM stated that
double decker airbus would not be able to land in
Dabolim and therefore needed a much bigger terminal --
He stated that Defence priority comes first and
therefore -- the land which was in the possession of
the Navy ought to have their priorities first.  About
the continuation of Dabolim when Mopa is in place a
delegation has placed the proposal before the PM and
the Defence Minister and their views are awaited.

On Tillari and inadequacy of water in the state:  LOO
felt that plans were afoot to augment the water supply
and there is scope for a 24X7 supply with various
projects undertaken by his government.CM felt that the
Tillari project when completed in 2007 apparently by
end of Plan period (2002 - 2007) would meet the needs
of the state - besides the other projects too will
make it self sufficient.

Special Commissioner for the NRI/NRG'S -- CM stated
that an IAS officer would be appointed "soon" and he
would interact between the NRI / NRG's  and the

On the Communidades -- CM blamed the clerks of the
Communidade who are corrupt. In the absence of the
shareholders and disinterest shown by the members of
the communidades government could not protect the
encroachments.  He stated under the Code of
Communidades a minimum fifteen years domicile was
required to acquire land tenement but there were more
encroachments and corruption.  He pleaded helplessness
and felt that some thing needs to be done

On the population front: LOO stated that of the 14 lac
odd population in the State nearly 4 lacs were
outsiders -- In law one can not prevent their
migration into the state. Therefore his Government
worked for ways and means to promote industries which
would only attract those industries where locals
(defined as Goans and those having the 15 year
domicile in the State) Or hitech machinery to be
utilised like pre-mix concrete in the construction
industry to curb excessive labour. It was because of
this that he never welcomed the Soft ware park etc
becuse he was aware skilled personnel were not
available then.  CM pointed out to the various slums
in Mapusa Margao etc and the nuisance and pressures
they create on the budget and he felt that steps to be
taken by local self governing bodies municipalities
panchayats to avoid the same.

Earlier in the day Dr Wilfred De  Souza Deputy CM
clarified as under:

on River Princess: the same would be removed soon but
would not hazard a guess on how soon " it was for the
competent persons who are examining whether it should
be towed and broken or broken as is where is and scrap
disposed thro land or at sea.

on taxi and tour op

Re: [Goanet] Funny answers to questions about comical alternative science

2006-01-04 Thread Mario Goveia
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The comical allegations by Santosh are answered in
sequence below:
--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. When asked to name some real scientists the names
> of Bush and Blair are offered in response.
Mario replies:
This is false.  Bush and Blair were not named as
Santosh writes:
> 2. We are told that India and China are generating
> increasing amounts of greenhouse gases but humans in
> general are not responsible for them.
Mario replies:
Another false claim.  What was cited was the absurd
claim by the extreme environmentalists that greenhouse
gases around the world could be contriolled by
exempting India and China from their bogus Kyoto
Santosh writes:
> 3. When asked to name a legitimate scientific source
> such as an expert scientist or a reputed scientific
> organization, a website called "JunkScience.com" run
> by a political activist and a lawyer is offered in
> response.
Mario replies:
There are several reputable scientists on both sides
of the global warming controversy.  The web site
JunkScience.com is dedicated to debunking the false
and often comical claims of the extreme
Santosh writes:
> 4. We are told that Blair agrees with Bush that
> "alternative scientific evidence" contradicts human
> causation of global warming.
Mario replies:
Another false claim by Santosh.  While Blair is a
proponent of the Kyoto Protocols, he has also admitted
that it is unlikely that any responsible world leader
would impose the kinds of mandatory controls it
demands.  BTW, a recent study showed that most of the
signatories of the Kyoto Protocols were failing to
meet their own bogus standards.

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Re: [Goanet] Re: The Top 10 Junk Science Claims of 2005

2006-01-04 Thread Mario Goveia
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--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maurice,
> I had kept an open mind on CO generated  global
> warming for quite some time. 
> However, with all the evidence now available to us,
> I'd like to share your 
> position on this critical matter without hesitation.
> Further, the fellow 
> from the USA who goes on about the amount of CO
> emitted by India and China 
> currently, (which is admittedly high), fails to say
> that the USA generates 
> more than these two countries put together.
Mario observes:
Cornel has provided some evidence of what is in play
in the global warming controversy - an envy of the US
and its mighty industrial capability, and a desire to
bring it down to the lowest common denominator through
the back door of extreme and mandatory environmental
controls, which the socialists like Cornel failed to
achieve through the front door.
At the same time Cornel has failed to say anything
about what his comments mean in terms of blaming
humans for whatever global warming is taking place.

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Re: [Goanet] Re:How should the world deal with Iran?

2006-01-04 Thread Mario Goveia
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|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tony,
> Blair is already yesterday's man. Minimally, it
> would be best not to count 
> on such a devious Iraq war-monger in your tongue in
> cheek advice on world 
> problems. As to Bush, I'm afraid my comments would
> be unprintable here.
Mario observes:
This is another attempt by Cornel to sound glib,
without making any contribution to the debate or any
suggestions on how to address the problem of a
recalcitrant Iran. 

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[Goanet] Jute bags to replace plastic bags in Goa

2006-01-04 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Jute bags to replace plastic bags in Goa

Jan 4 – Chief Minister Pratapsing Rane today assured the Non Resident
Goans/Indians that plastic bag menace will be severely dealt with in
the State by replacing plastic bags with jute bags.

Replying to a query raised by one of the delegates of Goa NRI
convention that is underway at Kala Academy, Mr Rane also said that
his government will come out with a solution for the garbage problem
as well.

He blamed the Panchayats for the mushrooming illegal constructions in
the tourist belt. Former chief  minister Manohar Parrikar was also
present at the 'face to face ' programme.



Gabe Menezes.
London, England
|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Inculturation: The politics of the Word made Flesh

2006-01-04 Thread Goanet Reader
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Inculturation: The politics of the Word made Flesh

Jason Keith Fernandes

In the early 1960's, just prior to the start of the Vatican
II Council, Pope John XXIII of blessed memory, called for
aggiornamento -- a renewal -- within the Church. And lo and
behold, a great wind blew throughout the Church, a wind as if
from a blast from the very nostrils of God, that did turn
around the position of the Church; a full 180 degrees to be

The second Vatican council was a moment of almost mystic
significance, a moment that we of the Church are still
grappling to understand and negotiate as we translate the
spirit of the moment into the flesh.

Perhaps of greatest significance to the non-Western world,
countries which at that point in time, were slowly emerging
from the grip of colonial powers, the Council opened the
doors for great change as it moved away from centuries of
dogmatic Roman rigidity, and recognized among other things,
the need to respond to the peoples of the Church in the
languages of its peoples, allowing for the vernacular to
emerge and the faith of the people to emerge in their own

Inculturation, was one such word that from this churning
became flesh and came to dwell amongst us, allowing us to
open ourselves to the plethora of local cultures that
comprised the universal Church and an entire new colour range
when engaged in iconographic exercises. The Magisterium of
the Church has used the term inculturation to define more
precisely "the incarnation of the Gospel in autonomous
cultures and at the same time the introduction of these
cultures into the life of the Church." Inculturation
therefore, signifies "an intimate transformation of the
authentic cultural values by their integration into
Christianity and the implantation of Christianity into
different human cultures."

  A similar spirit moved in the Goan Church, when in
  it's recently concluded Synod it gathered as a
  community, of laity and clergy, to take stock of
  its realities and challenges. Given the gusto with
  which inculturation has been taken to by the church
  within the Indian national space, it is of little
  surprise that the word figured in the discussions
  of the Synod itself and found place in its
  concluding statement.

And yet, while the process of inculturation opens up new
spaces within Church, recognises the validity of certain
cultural expressions in the rites of the Church, the process
of this inculturation is not one that we can blindly commit
ourselves to for truly it is said, the road to hell is paved
with good intentions.

A close reading of the Magesterium's definition of
inculturation marks out the dangers that lie inherent in the
notion. The notion revolves around an identification of
authentic cultural values of a local church.

Given the overwhelming dominance of European thought, within
the Catholic church, it is not surprising that this deeply
problematic notion of cultural authenticity has been included
in the understanding of inculturation. In Europe's history of
nation-building exercises, the necessity of identifying one
"authentic" culture as the national culture, alone receives
patronage to the detriment and even the suppression of all
other cultures and values.

It is not surprising that this definition should also come up
following the period of decolonisation of the 'Third World'
and the attempts of local elite to build nation states in
these countries, similar to those in Europe. The
identification of authentic cultural values in this sense
plays right along into the nation building agenda, making the
Church an active partner in the creation of a national
culture, a process that in every country in the world, has
been marked by great violence and suffering, be it France of
the revolution or France today as it battles the cross and
the head scarf, or our own country as we slaughter ourselves
insanely, not over religious difference as some would like to
have us believe, but over differing notions of nationalism
and constituents of national culture.

  There is perhaps more than a whiff of this line of
  thinking when the Statement of the Synod
  disapproves of, among other things, the Eucharistic
  celebration where "proper decorum and religious
  atmosphere cannot be maintained e.g. roadside
  crosses" (p.76).

While cognizant o

Re: [Goanet] Stand up to the 'bhailes' - Ethel da Costa

2006-01-04 Thread Gabe Menezes
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|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
HEART TO HEART (Jan 1, 2006)By Ethel Da Costa
Goans, it's time to govern our land! I'm not a party pooper. I love

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

Re: [Goanet] The latest issue of comical alternative science

2006-01-04 Thread Santosh Helekar
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|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
The new issue of comical alternative science has
arrived. It makes the following claims:

1. Bush and Blair were not named as scientists in the
previous issue of comical alternative science.

2. The earlier claim that India and China are
generating increasing amounts of greenhouse gases is

3. The earlier claim that humans are not responsible
for greenhouse gases may also be false.

4. The JunkScience.com website may not be a reputable
scientific source. It is merely a site that debunks
the false claims of some unnamed comical extremists.



|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Rabies Awareness a must !!

2006-01-04 Thread Joy de Souza

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|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Hi Maria and the rest,

I will help in a little way at this present time. Many years ago I used to 
write articles about pet diseases and care for the same in the Herald when I 
was in Mapusa Goa (Animal Clinic) and this was way back in 1984 as Goa's 
first veterinary private practitioner. I am hopeful the present vets are 
educating the local people and  should be working alongside human public 
health especially where zoonotic diseases prevails. RABIES is a deadly 

I cannot talk about whats happening in Goa at present as I have not been to 
Goa for over 8 yrs but this is not a new disease and I feel that since you 
have brought this up, the others can push the local vets to do more even if 
it is of voluntary nature.

RABIES is a virus that can affect any warm-blooded animal; whenever someone 
is bitten by an animal, the chance of rabies exists. Rabies primarily 
attacks the nervous system and causes an encephalitis. The virus is 
transmitted in saliva from the bite of an infected animal. The incubation 
period prior to clinical signs is extremely variable, but is usually 
two-to-eight weeks. The virus will begin shedding in saliva a short time 
before clinical signs develop, usually less than 10 days.
For both humans and domestic animals, the primary source of rabies is the 
bite of a rabid wild animal. The most common of these are jackal; raccoon, 
bat, skunk and fox.Try to minimize contact between wild animals and pet 
animals.Do not feed wild animals or even keep them as pets Currently, the 
number of cats infected with rabies has surpassed that of dogs as there are 
now more cats than dogs and cats tend to roam more often.

CLINICAL SIGNS There are 3  phases to the course of the disease: prodromal, 
furious, and paralytic. Death occurs three to-seven days from the onset of 

The prodomal stage lasts two-to-three days. The signs can include behavioral 
changes, fever, slow eye reflexes, and chewing at the bite site.

The furious stage lasts two-to-four days. During this stage, signs of 
erratic behavior may include irritability, restlessness, barking, 
aggression, vicious attacks on inanimate objects, and unexplained roaming. 
Disorientation and seizures may also develop.

The paralytic stage lasts two-to-four days, during which signs of paralysis 
develop, usually beginning in the limb that was bitten. Paralysis of the 
throat and face cause a change in the bark, drooling with typical foaming at 
the mouth, and a dropped jaw. These signs are followed by depression, coma, 
and death from respiratory paralysis.


be made mandatory through local councils especially for the poor. ALL PEOPLE 
FEEDING STRAYS must also bear the responsibility of vaccinating and fixing 
(speying and castrating) the animals they feed otherwise such animals must 
be sent to the RSPCA or the local pound. In order to reduce the incidence of 
the disease, the stray dogs being fed by people must be kept under control 
and not be allowed to have litters.

The recommendations for a pet bitten by a wild animal or a known rabid 
animal are as follows:

If the pet has been vaccinated, re-vaccinate and quarantine for 90 days.
If the pet has not been vaccinated, euthanize and submit tissue for rabies 
testing. If the owner is unwilling to euthanize the pet, it should be 
strictly quarantined for six months with vaccination one month prior to 
As strict as this protocol sounds, it is the proper procedure to ensure that 
no one else is infected with this deadly disease.


Secondly, people need to be be made aware on RABIES AWARENESS through 
brochures or radios/ television about the dangers of non vaccinated pets as 
well as how to treat the initial bite especially if it's a bite from a stray 
animal or wild animal.If you are bitten
by a wild animals:, or stray animals an animal control officer should 
sacrifice the animal. All biting wild animals should be tested for rabies as 
soon as possible.
By a cat or dog: obtain information about the pet animal. Include a 
description of the animal and licensing number or identification, owner's 
name, address and telephone number and the rabies vaccination status 
whenever available.

Immediately cleanse the wound thoroughly with soapy water.Don't go packing 
the wound with dressings!!

[Goanet] *View From The Outer Harbour (02-01-2006)

2006-01-04 Thread Thalmann Pereira
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|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |


View  From  The  Outer 
By: Thalmann Pradeep Pereira

A very stunning event has taken place in the highlands of Sattari. A 
whole village has risen in revolt. And it has shaken the bottom out of 
the theory that Goans are "Sussegado".
The facts as they occurred seem very simple. As simple as a Hindi movie 
starring Amitabh Bachchan :  A family of Ranes -  a branch of 
the Ranes who had resisted the Portuguese for decades; A village full of 
"Gawda" tribals; A rural economy based on agriculture; Land titles 
entirely in the name of the Ranes; A Goa on the path of "Development"; 
Discovery of minor minerals in the hills; Large-scale rampant extraction 
of the minor minerals; Setting up of many stone-crusher plants; 
Pollution in the form of dust & noise; Encroachments on the 
agricultural lands; Displacement of the tribal peasants; Suppression of 
all dissent either by the carrot or the stick; The atrocity against the 
beautiful tribal girl; Unemployment and hunger stalking the villagers; 
News of an impending sale of more lands to some big companies…. In 
short, it was a cocktail for an impending social explosion. It was all 
waiting to happen. And it happened.
A show-down took place. And for the first time in the history of 
Sattari, the tribal villagers of Saleli attacked their feudal rulers. 
And when the Police came to hunt for them, the entire village stood up 
as one to take on the might of the State. 
The village of Saleli being comprised in the Poriem Constituency of 
which Chief Minister Pratapsing Raoji Rane Sardessai is the present MLA, 
it was natural for the Hon'ble MLA, the Government headed by him and for 
his Congress Party to be questioned. The local Rane of Saleli was 
himself no small fry. He has been a freedom fighter against the 
Portuguese in pre-1961 days and he has been the Election Agent for 
Pratapsing Rane in the various Assembly elections, besides himself being 
active in the local Village Panchayat and Zilla Panchayat. In short a 
feudal ruler who actually ruled and still rules.
The Press has commented on the absence of Land Reforms as the major 
cause of the events. The Editors have commented on the patterns of 
tribal uprisings against the British and how they were the precursors of 
the Freedom Movement. The Commentators have referred to peasant 
uprisings in Telangana and seem to be waiting for a Naxalbari. And while 
it is totally premature to term the Saleli events as an Uprising or a 
Revolution, it has all the seeds of an earth-shaking change in Goan 
The peasant in Goa is shaking off the chains of centuries and waking 
from his slumber. It would be wise to remember that many rogue 
politicians will seek to make hay for reaping political gains for 
themselves in the process. And yet Goa is lurching ….forward. And that 
is the real tragedy of the matter. For only drunken men lurch forward on 
their way home. The tragedy is not of those villagers. The tragedy is of 
the absence of a coherent progressive movement in Goa which would accept 
the fact of the peasantry's important role in building a new 
For too long, Goa has been identified with the four major cities of 
Margao, Vasco-da-Gama, Panjim and Mapusa. Under Manohar Parrikar's (and 
Rane's) IFFI dreams, the idea of Goa's development was further reduced 
to the development of just one part of Panjim. But Saleli is a wake -up 
call from the heart of Goa. These are the same Gawda peasants whose 
forefathers were the foot soldiers of Dipaji Rane, Dada Rane and 
Kushtoba Rane's famous guerrilla battles against the Portuguese. Those 
forefathers had then fought against the Portuguese to protect the feudal 
privileges of the Mokaso

[Goanet] Goa Governor's remarks

2006-01-04 Thread gilbertlaw
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|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Future discussions on Goa's economy and tourism related issues should remember 
the following statistics as presented by Goa's governor at the recent NRI 
meeting.  The unemployment statistics is only about "educated Goans". I assume 
this does not include the 40% of Goan school children who drop out of school 
before graduation. 
Kind Regards, GL

Inaugurating the two-day third ''Gomant Vishwa Sammelan (Worldwide Goans 
Convention)'' the Goa Governor's remarks:

tackling the mounting unemployment problem with more than one lakh educated 
youth on the live registers of the employment exchange, he said. 

The Governor also called for diversifying into other sectors of tourism like 
the eco-tourism to the hinterland, cultural and heritage tourism to retain the 
inflow of tourists.  The tourism sector on which 70 per cent of the population 
depends in Goa, was a temperamental industry based on the mother nature, and 
''one stray communal incident or a natural tragedy was enough to kill our 
Golden Goose'', he said. 
So was the mining industry which was the second economic pillar of Goa, but 
with depleting resources. 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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[Goanet] Time wrap in Saleli-Sattari

2006-01-04 Thread Miguel Braganza
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|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Untitled DocumentWhen working in, or  reporting about, Sattari one tends to
go into a time wrap. In "liberated" Goa with a democratically elected
Government, Poriem returns a Kashe everytime, irrespective of which "party"
[ the word has a myraid of connotations these days] he belongs. Like sin,
the more one tries to avoid it, the more one does it. The bourgeois system
continues to this day. That was the story of Saleli village till the son of
a kashe was lynched on the day the Catholics world over celebrate the feast
of the "Holy Innocents" ..28 December. The breaking news of 03 January, 2006
is datelined 03 December, a day on which the events at Saleli had not
occurred ...in any year so far!
- Original Message -
From: Digital Goa
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 8:50 PM
Subject: Digitalgoa.com\'s breaking news service - December 3 **
Sattari people's ultimatum to the govt
**Dec 3 - People of Sattari today took out a marcha on Mamlatdar office at
Valpoi demanding the immediate release of all the accused in Saleli
The 4000 strong morcha which was in support of the people of Saleli was
attended by the people from all the villages of Sattari taluka. A memorandum
was given to the mamlatdar asking for the release of all the accused within
24 hours. They have also threatened to start chain hunger strike if they are
not release before the expiry of the deadline. People from all the villages
will participate in the hunger strike.
»» Log on to www.digitalgoa.com for latest news updates on Goa.
I have had the privilege of knowing Krishnarao Rane personally. He has been
a freedom fighter unlike the pseudos that parade on 19 December near Azad
maidan. He has been a pragmatic Sarpanch, getting the administration to set
up educational institutions, milk collection centres and even an organised
fruit orchard for the Honda Panchayat. He is a man of word. It is a pity
that he had to suffer the misfortune of having a son die of unnatural causes
during his own lifetime. I do not know the son, but I can understand the
anguish of the father. I can also understand the anguish of the dispossessed
people of Saleli. The fiefdoms should have been abolished in 1962 or soon
thereafter. ONLY THE ENACTMENT OF A LAND CEILING ACT and its implementation
can be the starting point of reform for the dispossessed. There is no other
way, except through bloodshed. The struggle has reached the brink.

Viva Goa.


|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Action in Mangala Express on Konkan Railway...

2006-01-04 Thread Lawrence Rodrigues
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
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| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |

3rd Jan, 2006



On 3rd January, 2006, the Ratnagiri station received a message from the
Passenger Assistant of Mangala Express train that the train is overcrowded and
some passengers with general ticket have boarded in reserved compartments. The
train arrived at Ratnagiri station at 0909 hrs and the RPF personnel detrained
the unauthorized passengers and sent to General coach. Thus  the train was
detained at Ratnagiri station for 13 minutes.

As soon as the train started off from the station, alarm chain was pulled by
some passenger/s. When RPF inquired into this, about 20-25 persons ran away
towards the fields. Out of these, 7 persons were arrested when they were trying
to flee via Mumbai-Goa highway. They have been arrested under Railway Act and
enquiry is under progress.

Till now no complaint of robbery or molestation, as is being rumoured, has been
received by Konkan Railway from any passenger on train.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Goan Voice UK. Daily Newsletter. Thursday, 05 Jan. 2006

2006-01-04 Thread Eddie Fernandes

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|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Francis deSouza sells IMLogic to Symantec
4 Jan. Forbes. Francis DeSouza is IMlogic's founder and chief executive 
Officials did not release financial figures but the purchase price is 
estimated at  between $75 and $100 million ... IMlogic is based in Waltham, 
Mass., and has about 100 employees ... DeSouza will continue to lead the 
group ... 
For the genealogist: Francis is the son of Domingos DeSouza and Elpiniki 
Papacostandinour a Greek national. Domingos is the son of A. B Desouza 
(Parra) and Rosa Viegas e Souza (Anjuna). Domingos and Elpiniki got married 
in Ethiopia where he worked as Commercial Representative of C. Itoh & Co. 
Ltd Japan. He later transferred to their Dubai office and hence the family 
moved there.
To check out the GVUK Francis deSouza photo and Supplement see 

India's rave days are fading fast
4 Jan. The First Post (UK).  Goa has been tense these last 10 days ... Would 
Sloanes and their consorts be able to mix with hardcore Israelis, wild-eyed 
Italians and 'eve-teasing' Bombay sleazoids? ... The Christmas orgy at 
Anjuna had been cancelled by the fuzz. Would the big one, Hilltops, happen? 
It did, for three thousand, and, as of the time of writing, the third day is 
pounding on. It's gritty (stoned) and messy (uber-stoned), and, according to 
participants, all too full of groping middle-class Indians. "Old Goa is 
passing," said Prakash, as he fixed a banana lassi. "It is all becoming 
commercial now." It certainly is - but for now at least the beat goes on. 
315 words.  http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/index.php?menuID=2&subID=187

Anniversaries of 2006
3 Jan: The Daily Telegraph (UK). 7 April 1506: Born, in the castle of 
Xavier, near Sanguesa, Navarre: Francis Xavier (1506-52). He joined Ignatius 
Loyola in the founding of the Society of Jesus and spent the last decade of 
his life travelling in the far East, preaching the Gospel. He died within 
sight of China and his remains are enshrined at Goa. 

Church official opposes proposed premarital AIDS testing in India
3 Jan: UCAN. A Church official and an AIDS worker in Goa have expressed 
reservations over a government plan to make premarital AIDS/HIV testing 
mandatory. Father Valeriano Vaz, who heads Goa and Daman archdiocese's 
Council for Social Justice and Peace, says such a law would infringe on 
people's privacy ...  Another priest, Father Eremito Rebelo, welcomed the 
government initiative but said he fears the medical certificates could be 
manipulated ... Jeromy Dias, a physician who heads Goa State AIDS Control 
Society (GSAS), acknowledged that making HIV/AIDS tests mandatory is tough. 
640 words. 

Actress Celina Jaitley to portray a Catholic Goan girl
3 Jan: IndiaFM. Actress Celina Jaitley talks about her forthcoming sex 
comedy film, Jawani Diwani. "I am playing a catholic Goan girl Roma 
Fernandez, who is one local celebrity, a famous singer. Even though she is 
glamorous and sexy, her thinking is very simple. She's a girl who doesn't 
believe in sex before marriage or other than being in love." 

Jute bags to replace plastic bags in Goa
4 Jan. Digital Goa. Chief Minister Pratapsing Rane today assured the Non 
Resident Goans/Indians that plastic bag menace will be severely dealt with 
in the State by replacing plastic bags with jute bags. Replying to a query 
raised by one of the delegates of Goa NRI convention that is underway at 
Kala Academy, Mr Rane also said that his government will come out with a 
solution for the garbage problem as well. http://www.digitalgoa.com/

Briton is key child sex trafficker
5 Jan: Deccan Herald. British citizen Douglas Ian William Rankin (62) who 
was arrested on December 24 by Immigration authorities at the Bangalore 
airport, is said to be one of the key players of a world-wide child sex 
trafficking ring. 

India's Skies Teem With Airlines as Fares Drop and Shares Soar
4 Jan. Bloomberg. 4092 words. 

Goa for glory
1 Jan: The Sunday Sun (Newcastle).  Travel article by  Len Coa

[Goanet] XCHR: History Hour - Jan 11/05

2006-01-04 Thread delio
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Cordially invites you to a talk/discussion on
Middle Class Myths about Bihar


Dr. Prakash Louis, S. J.

Xavier Centre of Historical Research
B. B. Borkar Road
Alto Porvorim
Wednesday,  11th  January  2006
5. 30 pm
Tel: 2417772 ;  2414971
The word Bihar or Bihari has become a laughable  commodity or a point of 
ridicule. Those outside of Bihar both Indians and foreigners are scared to 
come to Bihar, but over 80 million people live here.  It is believed that 
until the Mandalisation of Bihar took place everything including law and order 
was perfect in Bihar. Mr. Laloo turned out to be the clown for the media but 
the manner in which Laloo used media to build his own image was overlooked by 
this media itself.  Now with  Mr. Nitish taking over the reigns of power in  
Bihar his tenure is being spoken of  as  an attempt to put  law and order back 
on track. But these are just middle class myths with hardly any substance on 
the ground.

Prakash Louis, a Jesuit from the Patna Province, holds a doctorate from A. N. 
Sinha Institute of Social Sciences and his thesis was "Radical Agrarian 
Movement in Bihar".  His major publications are: The Emerging Hindutva Force, 
People Power: The Naxalite Movement in Central Bihar and  The Political 
Sociology of Dalit Assertion. He contributes regularly to research  journals 
like EPW, Mainstream, Seminar, Social Change and Social Action. He also writes 
regularly for Hindi and English dailies.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] January issue of VOICES

2006-01-04 Thread leo
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
'VOICES' is the monthly parish newsletter of Holy Spirit Church, Margao.
The January 06, issue is now available in print (free) at the Church office
and also available in HTML on the website : www.holyspiritchurchgoa.com

The theme of the month is, 'Renewed Without, Renew Within'.

Fr Ventura Lourenco, the parish priest has taken extensive repair and
maintenance work to the Church building and the exterior is nearly complete
(work is still in progress inside).  Thus the theme, "Renewed without.".
The call for the month is to "Renew Within" i.e. the people who are the
Living Church.  Do read about this in the 'Editor's Desk'

The management of the New Year, takes on a new meaning in the article,
"Faith and Visualisation" at "Insight"
http://holyspiritchurchgoa.com/insight.htm where step by step exercises are
given to increase Faith to be 'enabled people' in the New Year.

Besides it contains the regular reports of activities and happenings in the
parish, the Holy Father's intention for the month, Children's page with
Bible Quiz etc.

Your comments /feedback are welcome at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Leo D'Mello.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] CM alleges BJP's hand in the December 28 incident

2006-01-04 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
CM alleges BJP's hand in the December 28 incident
January 04, 2006 9:39:57 PM IST
Goa Chief Minister Pratapsinh Rane today alleged Bharatiya Janata
Party's (BJP) involvement in the December 28 incident in which the owner
of a stone crusher unit, Prthiviraj Rane, was lynched to death and
several policemen injured by irate villagers at Saleli village in North
Goa.  Speaking to reporters here Mr Rane also alleged that the Leader of
the Opposition is a party to this incident. "It is very sad, taking a
mileage on someone's death," he added. 

Mr Rane admitted that as home minister it was his duty to visit Saleli
village and see who were injured and also to visit the kin of the
victim. "If I had not visited Saleli, there would have been a riot," the
chief minister said.  He said the police were forced to fire in the air
for the safety of their personnel as irate villagers were hurling stones
in their direction resulting in severe injuries to a few cops.(UNI)

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Briton is key child sex trafficker

2006-01-04 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Briton is key child sex trafficker
Deccan Herald
Thursday, January 5, 2006
Madhuprasad N DH News Service Bangalore: 

British citizen Douglas Ian William Rankin (62) who was arrested on
December 24 by Immigration authorities at the Bangalore airport, is said
to be one of the key players of a world-wide child sex trafficking ring.
Following a tip-off from the British High Commission in Delhi, Rankin
was arrested when he was trying to take two 16-year-old boys - an
Iranian, Khayyam and an Afghan, Habibullah - illegally to London on fake
Mexican passports.  Immigration officials said Rankin's arrest has laid
bare the increased threat faced by children of India and other countries
from global child sex trafficking rackets. 

British paedophiles frequent Eastern Europe and South-East Asia. In
India, Goa, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh are their favourite haunts.
Other European paedophiles - German, Dutch, French, Swiss and Swedish -
are also regular visitors to India. After a crackdown on cheap child-sex
tourism in Thailand and Sri Lanka, the paedophile bus has rolled into
Goa, immigration sources observed. 

The lure particular countries hold to paedophiles relates to a number of
factors including a low age of consent or tolerance of sex with
children, inadequate legislation or poorly law enforcement and an
established sex industry, the officials said. Poverty is also an
important factor, and countries where natural or economic disasters have
created a large pool of vulnerable children are likely to have
paedophiles pouring in. 

Rankin, was born in Selkirk in 1943. His parents, Royal Air Force
corporal Leonard and Betsy, are now dead. He was sent to a "List D"
school as a boy and was a loner.  His two sisters, Elizabeth, 65, of
Basingstoke, and 67-year-old Kathleen, from Highth Wycombe, have been
sending money to Rankin so that he would never return home, the
officials said. 

Overstaying illegally in Goa for 10 years now, Rankin owns a six-bedroom
house and is said to be engaged in water sports industry. But business
fraternity in Goa have not heard of him, the officials said. He is also
believed to be very popular among single European males in Goa. 

The presence of the Afghani in Rankin's intended quarry, has heightened
fears that paedophiles may be preying on orphans in the war-torn
country, the officials pointed out.  When the immigration officials
challenged Rankin, he insisted that he was David Suarez Perez, the alias
on his Mexico passport. The officials searched his luggage and found a
UK passport with the name Douglas Ian William Rankin. 

Rankin has smuggled children to the UK "at least once and perhaps three
or four times" in recent years, the officials said.  "Rankin has also
allegedly smuggled Indian children from Mumbai and Delhi to Europe and
the US through an Indian agent called Aliman, using the alias Ali from
Mumbai."  Khayyam and Habibulla are also being questioned, the officials
said. A case has been registered with the Airport police.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Dempo downs Sporting club; emerges at top with 34 pts

2006-01-04 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Dempo downs Sporting club; emerges at top with 34 pts
Margao | January 04, 2006 9:54:35 PM IST
A second-half goal by Nigerian Renty Martin was enough for Dempo Sports
Club to get the better of Sporting club de Goa 1-0 in their last round
match of the Hutch Goa Professional Football League Championship at
Nehru Stadium, Fatorda here today. 

The all-important goal came in the 61st minute. Renty, after getting a
diagonal pass from Johny D'Cruze, unleashed a shot at the far corner of
the net giving no chance to rival goalkeeper.  At the end of the last
round, Dempo, who have already emerged champions topping the table with
34 points, are ten points ahead of second placed Sporting club de Goa
(24 pts) from 14 matches each. 

Now, the fight for second place will be between Sporting club de Goa,
Vasco Sports Club (23 pts) and Churchill Brothers (22 pts).  Vasco will
play their last league match tomorrow against Churchill Brothers, while
Sporting completed their league engagement today. 

Dempo's Majek Bolaji was adjudged the Timex Man of the Match.  In
another match at Tilak Maidan, Vasco, Raia Sporting comprehensively
outplayed MPT by 7-3 after leading 2-1 at the breather. Raia took their
tally to 13 points from 14 matches, while MPT, which finished at the
bottom with only one point, is relegated to first division of the

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] RE: History being made at Mumbai airport

2006-01-04 Thread Philip Thomas
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
<''We have to increase the capacity of the Mumbai airport, while ensuring
all safety aspects are taken care of. Using the runways simultaneously will
help ease congestion.'' ...''ATCs from less busy airstrips are also being
brought into Delhi and Mumbai,'' the minister said.>

There is a real need for the Civil Aviation Ministry to think out of the box
for a change. A key reason for the congestion at Mumbai (and Delhi) is a
marked reluctance to build up traffic at other airports, bypassing these two
metros. We all know how long it took for Trivandrum to start getting direct
international flights. What if Goa also got more direct Gulf fights and new
scheduled flights to Europe? Wouldnt that ease some of the pressure on

This brings us to the persistent blindspot in aviation policy and
planning -- the military control over nearly 30 airports including Goa's
Dabolim. These airports need to be "de-militarised" pronto to facilitate
direct domestic and international flights. Then see how the "congestion" at
Mumbai and Delhi evaporates, at least in relative terms!  Instead we have
the anomalous situation where ATCs from the "less busy" airports are being
poached to beef up the staff strength at Mumbai!

Of course, there is the talk of upgrading 35 non metro airports etc
including Dabolim. But there is still no willingness to take the bull by the
horns and re-cast the antediluvian mindset towards military control in the
explosive growth situation the civil aviation sector is facing especially
vis a vis low cost air travel. The military itself is unable or unwilling to
take a proactive stance in the circumstances.  Somebody has to drag the
military kicking and screaming into the 21st century of civil aviation!

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] RE: Stand up to the 'bhailes' - Ethel da Costa

2006-01-04 Thread Philip Thomas
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
This article makes very interesting reading. But who exactly make up the
targets which the author is attacking?

Although the article is outwardly critical of "bhailes", ironically the
clearest object of derision are Goans themselves, specifically the "nouveau
riche brat pack"!

A second category is labelled "foreign residents". This is ambiguous. Is
"foreign" as in "foreigners"? And is "resident" as in NRGs? You get the
point, right? In other words, Goans may just be in the author's line of
fire -- again! (perhaps inadvertently).

Finally, the third group is described as the "celebrity hungry society
crowd". This group is supposedly infected by the "celebrity virus offloaded
from Mumbai and Delhi". Again the allusion seems somehow to be to local

If foreigners and out-of-staters are actually responsible for dominating
Goans across the board as the author seems to be hinting then it should be
said so in less ambiguous terms. (To be fair I find other writers in the
media are also equally if not more evasive on this issue!) Recognising the
problem correctly may be half way to meaningful solutions.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |