[Goanet] Women's Initiative for Peace

2006-03-13 Thread Albertina Almeida

INITIATIVE FOR PEACEA meeting has been called by Bailancho Saad at 
T B Cunha hall , on 16thMarch2006 at 3 pm to draw up a plan to ensure 
peace in Goa .Women are invited tocontribute to the peace process and can 
also participate in the meetingthroughpoetry, verse, song, 
stories,posters or any cultural _expression_ inkeepingwith the 
objectiveof the meeting.Sabina Martinsfor Bailancho 

[Goanet] Bailancho Saad Women's Day Press Release

2006-03-08 Thread Albertina Almeida
8th March, 2006.


International Women's Day was heralded by Bailancho Saad at Azad Maidan to
the beating of drums by women from different communities in expression of
protest against the communal violence, and in expression of solidarity with
the Muslim women who have been victims of the violence at Sanvordem. To the
rhythm of drummers Ms. Shabana,  Ms. Savia, Ms. Ulka, Ms. Angel and Ms.
Sonia, women marched into Azad Maidan making a fervent call to retain the
hard won spaces where women can walk freely without any fear.

The programme highlighted the various concerns and struggles waged over the
last one year and the burning issues of today through a vivid ensemble of
various cultural forms.
The issues of domestic violence and alcoholism resonated through in many
cultural presentations by women from different parts of Goa. Saad Alashiro
expressed concern over the rising HIV infection among women and the
discrimination faced by women in the family in that context. It outlined out
the various measures for support to the HIV victim through a skit. Jan Ugahi
focussed on exploitation and oppression of migrant women as domestic labour
and trafficking of women. Issues of sexual harassment and rising inflation
were presented through a fugdi by the women of Siolim.

A skit by Bailancho Saad drew attention to the proposed withdrawal of labour
rights of women in the IT Policy through  relaxation of provisions relating
to maternity leave and minimum wages.The need for access to information so
that women can have an informed say before special economic zones or any
economic policies are thrust on Goa was also highlighted.

Dances by the tribal Cunbi women groups from Paroda and Tilamol in Quepem
highlighted the hard work done by women in the mining sector, in
agriculture, and the raw deal that the women received at work and at home.
Rivonche Ostori Vani presented a mando and dulpods on the theme of women's
unity at all times and trying situations.

A poem written by Madhuri Rao which drew linkages between gender
discrimination and casteism and racism was recited by Ms. Pratibha Bapat. So
also a poem on a dream village was recited by Ms. Vrunda Prabhu. Mr. Daniel
Alphonse sang an ode to women.
A tribute was paid by Ms. Pratibha Bapat to late Jyotsna Kamal, a founder
member of Bailancho Saad who passed away two months ago.

Ms. Angela D'Souza reported about the work and stands of Bailancho Saad and
significant achievements made in the last one year. The passage of  the
Protection from Domestic Violence Bill providing much needed reliefs was
hailed and the decision to ensure dissemination of information about the law
and the tasks that lie ahead to see to its implementation in the near
future, conveyed, Ms. D'Souza stated that  Bailancho Saad had to battle
against derogatory ads and imposition of dress codes of women.  The issues
of  lack of access to health care in certain remote areas, the need for
consultative processes in the formulation of family laws, the struggle to
improve conditions in the homes for women like the State Protective Home,
the Provedoria Home for Aged and destitute women and the need for caring
homes for mentally challenged women. The launch of a sustained campaign for
a conducive work environment was also announced. Ms. D'Souza also stressed
that the organization is presently seized with the issues of land rights and
communalism that have been thrown up through the Saleli uprising and the
Sanvordem incident.

Ms. Sabina Martins shared accounts coming in to Bailancho Saad of  how in
Curchorem-Sanvordem, local Muslim women were attacked by local people known
to them at the instigation of communal forces. Ms. Martins pointed out
these very forces had sown the communal virus and sparked off the riots
through rumour-mongering and spread of falsehoods. Ms. Martins emphasized
that the communalism was sought to be camouflaged by projecting it as an
outsider-insider issue. Ms. Martins whle expressing outrage, reminded that
communalism puts all women at risk and pushes them indoors. Ms. Martins then
read out the joint statement of  women's organizations, condemning the
attack on the Muslim community, appealing for peace and expressing
solidarity with the affected people and seeking action against the
perpetrators of the terror.

Ms. Dipti Arolkar who compered the programme stated that the struggle must
go on and that persistent united moves were sure recipes for peace, justice,
freedom and equality.

For Bailancho Saad

[Goanet] Amchem Aangan-stalls, events to be held from 7th December 2005

2005-12-07 Thread Albertina Almeida
|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |
'Amchem Aangan', designed to create a gender consciousness and also to
provoke thinking on retaining and developing women's  spaces, and  spaces
for discussion, will be held at Don Bosco's Oratory  Hall, Panaji, from  7th
to 9th  December, 2005. This time, it will include inter-college,
inter-professional and workplace association  and inter-organisation events.

'Amchem Aangan' will also include informative stalls with a focus on gender
issues and stalls presenting hand-made and ecofriendly products and
traditional medicines. There will also be gift items with a difference
available at the stalls. Various events like 'Bhumika'(Role Play),
'Kalavishkar'(Art),  'Halla  Bol'(Speak Out), 'Soor Mhajem'(Songs and Poems)
and 'Shodh'(Fact-finding Report) will be organized on each day.

These events are being organized under the auspices  of  the SAAD AANGAN
Trust  which has been set up with a view  to nurture a drop-in centre for
women and girls - a centre  which  can foster community support and concern
on issues of women and equip the  community to provide support to women and
girls to find their spaces. Amchem Aangan is also expected to generate
community suggestions  on shaping the drop-in center  on the basis of the
community's needs and resources.

Movies around women's issues will also be screened on all  the three days.
On the 7th, there will be screening of Charulata directed by Satyajit Ray,
on the 8th, Not only Mrs. Raut directed by Ahire and on the 9th Meghe
Dhaka Tara directed by Ritwik. The screening will start at 5:30 pm. each

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
Spread the Christmas cheer - even when you're not here!
Send Christmas Greetings to your loved ones in Goa.
2005 Christmas Package - Flowers, Bubbles and Layers of Love.

[Goanet] International Fortnight to End Violence Against Women co-odinated by Bailancho Saad

2005-11-26 Thread Albertina Almeida
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

25- International Day to End Violence Against Women
(Launching of International Fortnight to End Violence Agaist Women)
Church Square Panaji ( Public Programme)

26- No Girl Shall Die in Her Mother's Womb
Programme org. with Government College, Pernem
and Appropriate Authority under PNDTSP Act, North Goa

27- Challenges of Sheltering Child Survivors of Violence
- A dialogue with managers and care-givers in shelter homes for children

28- No Woman Shall be Beaten
- Meeting on Issues Around Domestic Violence at Vasco

29- Preventing Sexual Harassment in Employment
- Discussion organized by Government College Khandola

30- Adopting a New Way
- brainstorming on inputs for a law on adoption and adoption agencies
at Caritas Hall, Panaji ( Public Programme)

1 December - Issues around representation of women in the media
- a seminar along with Salgaonkar College of Law

2 December - Fighting Stigma and Discrimination relating to HIV/AIDS
- a meeting at Porvorim

3 December -  What does 'Development' mean for women?
-Meeting at  Mopa

5 December - Whither IT Policy?
- A Panel Discussion with Dhempe College of Arts and Science

6 December - Affirming a Secular Vision
- Carving our vision on the sands of time
Coti carving on the sand along with Dempo College
with inputs from Full-na-Pakli
( Public Programme at Miramar Beach)

7, 8, 9  December - AMCHEM AANGAN
A three day event about retaining and creating spaces for women
organised by Saad Aangan at Don Bosco Oratory Hall  (Public Programme)

8 December - Empowering  Self-Help Groups to Combat Violence
- programme at Mapusa organized by Saad Alashiro

10 December - Women's Rights are Human Rights
- Looking at Media Coverage on Issues of Violence Against Women
organised with Goa Union of Journalists at Shram Shakti Bhavan
(Public Programme)

[Goanet] Press release to Saad

2005-10-09 Thread Albertina Almeida
9th October, 2005.

Bailancho Saad has stated that the recent incidents in the casino are
symbolic of the lawlessness of casino operators. Bailancho Saad has further
pointed out that the history of the casinos in Goa is in fact a saga of
lawlessness, with the effective patronage of successive Governments.

The Saad has taken objection to the statement by Mr.Sunder Advani of Casino
Caravela in the visual media that gambling is not yet socially acceptable,
implying an intention to make it so. The Saad has pointed out that the
public in Goa and more particularly women will never allow casinos to become
socially acceptable. The Saad has reminded that in fact the present Chief
Minister under whose rule the amendments to the Goa Public Gambling Act were
passed permitting casinos had been compelled by the swelling agitation led
by the women's movement then to commit that he would not issue a licence for
any casino. That the casinos enjoy substantial political clout was
established when the subsequent Sardinha Government actually issued a
licence for an offshore casino. The casinos were further supported by the
BJP Government. The Saad has stated that if the present Chief Minister is
serious about the assurance he gave the women's movement, he should take
lawlessness by the casinos seriously and repeal the amendments to the Goa
Public Gambling Act permitting casinos.

The Saad has stated that despite the Constitutional amendments for local
self-Government Raj, there was no say sought of the Municipality or
Panchayat on the matter of issuing a licence to any casino. Similarly, the
Police and the Collectorate had no say in the matter as well. The Saad has
stated that violations of legal provisions relating to Inland Waterways  and
operation of casinos in violation of the Goa Public Gambling (Prevention)
Act and the Excise law and misrepresentation as to who are the owners and
operators are the order of the day with casinos. The Saad has pointed out
that thus it is apparent that lawlessness is inherent to casinos.The Saad
has called upon the State to repeal the amendments permitting casinos
forthwith, stating that Goa does not need casinos to promote tourism in Goa.

The Saad has further stated that more and more questionable
policies/legislation are being enacted to nullify the applicability of
pro-people laws, including labour laws, in more and more areas and that this
calls for serious introspection.

A meeting of the anti-casino movement has been convened to take stock of the
developments and draw up a further plan of action.

For Bailancho Saad


2005-08-23 Thread Albertina Almeida


People from different parts of Goa converged at 
T.B.Cunha Hall on 23rd August on a call from Bailancho Saad to protest the 
derogatory representation of women in the advertisements and the objectionable 
projection of women in Goa in advertisements.

The meeting took stock of the removal of 
advertisements following the campaign which sparked off after a barrage of 
derogatory advertisements in newspapers and hoardings appeared. Ms. Sabina 
Martins of Bailancho Saad informed about steps taken by Bailancho Saad. Ms. 
Martins further stated that the DIG had responded to the complaint lodged by 
Bailancho Saad stating that the matter had to be referred for legal opinion and 
that he had requested the companies to keep the ads on hold. Ms. Martins 
emphasised that neither should a taboo be created about a woman's sexuality nor 
should a woman be reduced to a sex object. The context in which a woman's body 
is used in an advertisement has to be seen, Ms. Martins stressed.

Ms. Prashanti Talpankar enacted a monologue which 
poignantly raised the impressions with which tourists come to Goa on account of 
the imagery created by such advertisements. She further highlighted the 
assertion by various sections of women in Goa about their sense of 

Ms. Dipti Arolkar elaborated on the provisions in 
the law that could help book those responsible for such advertisements. Ms. 
Arolkar pointed out that even where there are ample provisions in the law, where 
they are not implemented the public is forced to mount pressure and keep up the 
spirit of the law.

Dr. Pramod Dukle remarked that we should emulate 
the positive aspects of laws in other countries such as the UK ban on use of 
models for alcohol promotion.

Various suggestions were made as to ways of taking 
the campaign forward. Prominent among them were a week-long concerted action 
programme to identify derogatory advertisements, create awareness and take 
action against thederogatory advertisements, besides critically looking at 
the implementation of the Indecent Representationof Women ( Prohibition) 

For Bailancho Saad

[Goanet]Women's Day Programme

2005-03-10 Thread albertina almeida
Women's Day Programme

Women are taking their own steps, charting their own paths and redefining
politics. This was apparent from the various presentations made at the
programme organised by Bailancho Saad on the occasion of International Women
's Day. In the context of the ongoing political scenario, women voiced that
power should not be about sticking to chairs but about collective
empowerment of people. The theme Our Steps, Our Paths of International
Women's Day emerged from the fact that women often find themselves posed
with options either of which they do not wish to choose and want to define
their own ways.
Earlier women from different parts of Goa assembled at Ambedkar Garden,
Panaji, and marched through the city winding their way through 18th June
Road and the market and converged at Azad Maidan.. Students, housewives,
agricultural workers, urban slum dwellers, professionals, working women all
marched shoulder to shoulder voicing their concerns and demands loud and
clear. No woman shall be beaten, no girl child shall remain unborn, stop
drowning women in alcohol, no to casinos and golf courses, health,
education, dignity and love - every girl child's right, Women's Unity,
Zindabad' were some of the slogans that rent the air as several onlookers
watched on.
There is no peace in any war or fundamentalism or communalism, Ms. Pratibha
Bapat emphasised in her keynote address. Deliberations held during the last
year highlighted the inadequacies and changes required in family laws,
tourism policy and health policy, Ms. Pratibha stated. Sharing the lessons
of Bailancho Saad's No woman shall be beaten Campaign launched last year,
Ms. Pratibha stated that while on the one hand, wife-beating was found to be
widely prevalent, be it in urban or rural areas, on the other hand, the
campaign got tremendous support from the men. However there were inadequate
facilities to deal with the numerous complaints that the women were coming
forth with, following the door to door campaign. Ms. Pratibha announced the
intentions of Bailancho Saad to launch a model drop-in-centre for women,
even as the demands for short stay homes and homes for women were
reiterated. Self-defence courses, education on sex and sexuality,
consciousness raising programmes for adolescents, interactive workshops for
rural women, were some of the activities undertaken by Bailancho Saad and
will be further stepped up, Ms. Pratibha added.
A skit depicting the limitations of the Goa family laws, was enacted and a
demand was made for changes in the law after due consultations with all
women. Two fugdis, one from Morjim and one from Siolim highlighted the
issues of alcoholism and price-rise and problems of access to health and
Drawing attention to the rising AIDS infection amongst women due to
increasing vulnerabilities such as violence and abuse, Ms. Vrunda Prabhu
stated that adequate attention needs to be given to provide easy access to
medicines and facilities for women who are dispossessed of their homes and
livelihoods. She called on the women to call the Free Helpline No.1097 for
information and assistance.
Children from the Saad Alashiro Community Centre for Children highlighted
the invasion of the media into the household to the extent of exclusion of
human relationships and neighbourhood concerns.
Discrimination and deprivation of rights of migrant women was the subject of
a skit presented by Jan Ugahi from Margao.
Poverty and violence should be eliminated from society and the world should
be looked at from women's eyes, were the key phrases of a song melodiously
rendered by Ms. Devyani Kerkar from Vasco. Ms. Vaishali Revodkar from Revora
vocalised in song that there was no turning back for the women's movement.
for Bailancho Saad

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[Goanet]Women's Day Rally today (7th)

2005-03-06 Thread albertina almeida
Goanetters, we trust you will join the Women's Day Rally organised by
Bailancho Saad today (the 7th), commencing from Ambedkar Garden, near KTC
Bus-Stand, Panaji and winding through the streets of Panaji and converging
at Azad Maidan, followed by a public programme. This is just a reminder.


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Re: [Goanet]Some FFs need bangles!

2004-12-24 Thread albertina almeida
Hey Miguel,

Excuse me. While I don't disagree with the thread of your views that freedom
fighters worth their name should be able to stand up for and stand by what
they are supposed to have stood for,  I don't see how they would be better
off wearing green and red bangles? What really are you saying Miguel?

 Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004 09:23:39 +0530
 From: Miguel Braganza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Goanet goanet@goanet.org
 Subject: [Goanet]Some FFs need bangles!
 Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org

 The Editor,
 Gomantak Times,

 Sub: Nothing objectionable,only factual says Nagesh Karmali. GT dated
 23.12.2004 page 1.

 Dear Sir,

 Can one really call a person,  who is unwilling to come on record about
 views on the Goan freedom struggle in a FREE Goa[ currently under a
 pro-hindu BJP dispensation] that is a part of an INDEPENDENT  India, a
 FREEDOM FIGHTER? Such persons are better off wearing green and red glass
 bangles on their arms. If they cannot speak, the truth or otherwise, with
 their names on record in a country that enshrines the Freedom of Speech in
 its Constitution, they are unlikely to have dared to work against the
 dictatorial regime of antonio Oliviera de Salazar. The tamra patra that
 have fraudulently obtained to benefit from the pension and reservation
 schemes should be returned to the Government.

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[Goanet]Year Planners

2004-12-23 Thread albertina almeida
Dear Friends,

Bailancho Saad has just brought out the 2005 Wall Planner on the theme
Freedom from fear, empowered women, an empowered society, an empowered
world. Of size about 18 by 22, the Planner has voices on the said theme
which will remain flashed throughout the year.

The Wall Planner while being an utility item is also a fund-raiser for
Bailancho Saad and contributions from Rs. 10/- onwards for each planner are

When u give someone a year planner, u will be
A)  contributing to the expenses involved in the activities of Bailancho
B) spreading the messages of  justice, peace, equality, sustainability,
dignity and hope AND
C) gifting someone something they can use

If u are interested, the Planners are available with Bailancho Saad at SF-4,
Goa Housing Board Residential and Commercial Complex, Block A, Opposite Goa
Housing Board Office, Journalist Colony, Near Sai Service, Porvorim OR at
519, Citicentre, Near KTC bus-stand, Panaji, or U can also e-mail us your
address where we can reach u the same.

Best wishes of the season and for the coming year

for Bailancho Saad

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2004-03-08 Thread albertina almeida
Protest against the increasing crimes against women and Government apathy,
indifference to gender concerns in Government policies like education,
health policies, and the State's development programmes which are anti-women
resounded at the International Women's Day Programme organised by Bailancho
Saad at Azad Maidan, Panaji. Cultural programmes highlighted these various

To counter the increasing the increasing violence, Bailancho Saad announced
the launching of the NO WOMEN WILL BE BEATEN CAMPAIGN. As part of this
campaign, Bailancho Saad will form groups in the villages who will record
the names of all those who beat women and approach these persons and impress
upon them not to violate the human rights of women and take recourse to the
law if the violence continues. Ms. Angela D'Souza announcing the launching
of this campaign from Bardez, expressed the hope that in three years, the
campaign would spread throughout Goa and no person would dare to beat women.

Bailancho Saad also announced training programmes in self-defence to equip
women to be mentally and physically equipped to deal with all kinds of
violence, specially sexual violence. Ms. Seema Naik and Ms.Afrose Shaikh
presented snippets of the self-defence training they had undergone appealed
to the public to support the training.

Ms. Aishwarya Bapat compering the programme lamented the declining sex ratio
and boy-preference prevalent in society. Seven year old Sini Fernandes sang
the dreams of a young girl child blossoming into a capable woman. Young
girls from Saad Alashiro Mapusa Community Centre also sang the aspirations
of a bright tomorrow.
Ms. Sabina Martins from Bailancho Saad located the deteriorating crimes
against women in the context of the State -induced erosion of women's rights
in the country. Ms. Martins remarked that the Government apathy to
introduction of measures essential to curb crimes against women was
responsible for the rising crime graph. Ms. Martins also referred to the
recently introduced Jammu and Kashmir Bill which seeks to further deprive
the women of their citizenship, the non-passage of the reservation bill,
acquittal of accused in sati glorification case. Ms. Martins further stated
that while on the one hand the women were enabled to work at night due to a
recent legislation, there were no enabling facilities like hostels and
transport to make this possible.

Ms. Cevelorna Torres once again reiterated the demand that family laws must
be reviewed through consultative processes and animated skits through which
there were responses on gender bias in existing succession laws in Goa.

Baina Mahila Mandal, Arz and residents of Baina focussed on the
circumstances under which women are forced into prostitution, the further
victimisation and atrocities against these women by the police. The skit
concluded with an appeal for decent livelihood and shelter for the women.
The gathering condemned the harassment of NGOs working in the area.

Caste prejudices prevalent in Goa were highlighted by the Savitri Phule
Mahila Mandal and Bailancho Saad through a song and a talk on the activities
that the Mandal has been doing to combat the problem.

Rivona Ostorivani highlighted the contribution of women in paddy cultivation
in this International Year of Rice. With lively music, the Ostorivani also
musically highlighted the daily household chores of women. Rajani Redkar
presented the initial findings of a study conducted by Bailancho Saad on the
status of women in agriculture in Goa, which included the discrimination in
work, wages, ownership.

Ms. Pratibha Bapat presented the health concerns of women from childhood to
adolescence to old age, which included lack of proper nutrition, neglect of
women related diseases, depression.

Ms. Vrunda Prabhu from Camurlim enlisted various schemes announced by the
government which are either not tailored to the needs of women or are not
reaching all women who deserve them. It was announced that a detailed
analysis of where the self-help groups and micro-credit are headed will be
done in the coming year.

Ms. Albertina Almeida through various examples indicated how development was
skewed in favour of profits for a few at the cost of the people particularly
women. Ms. Almeida cited the instance of the International Film Festival
being promoted for tourism, and referred to the statement of the Director
General of Cannes Film Festival Kayla that development of a party atmosphere
and floating casinos are necessary for the success of the Film festival. Ms.
Almeida pointed out that already casinos and matka gambling due to
non-implementation of the Gambling Act were wreaking enough havoc in women's
lives in the State of Goa.

A fugdi by the women from Morjim and a song by the students of Holy Rosary
School from Nuvem, depicted the need for liberation of women from
exploitation and social oppression.

The Programme concluded with a reiteration of the demands of last year all
of which remained


2004-03-07 Thread albertina almeida

You will have seen Bailancho Saad's invitation for the International Women's
Day programme on 8th March at Azad Maidan from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.. It is our
sincere endeavour to provide a platform for women from different parts of
Goa to express their concerns and to ensure exchange of solidarity amongst
the various sections of women. This has meant spilling out from the halls in
which we had our programmes to the large Azad Maidan ground. Last year, when
we held the programme at Azad Maidan, we had one major problem and that was
the scorching heat of the sun. We thought that it is only appropriate that
we should arrange for a pandal/shamiana so that those participating or
attending are spared the scorching heat. Arrangements like these entail a
lot of financial expense and we count on supporters to contribute to this.
This is therefore an appeal for contribution towards the Women's Day
programme which can either be made on the spot on International Women's Day
or volunteered through the e-mail and we can get back to you as to how we
could collect the same from you. Or alternatively, any contribution can be
sent by money order or by cheque drawn in favour of BAILANCHO SAAD, SF-4,
Goa Housing Board Residential and Commercial Complex, Journalist Colony,
Alto Betim, Goa.

for Bailancho Saad

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# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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2004-02-29 Thread albertina almeida

- Original Message -
From: Bailancho saad
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:53 PM


It will soon be International Women's Day again. Time for taking stock of
the developments as they have unfolded since the last Women's Day and
looking at ways
in which women have been confronting the increasing challenges before them.
Bailancho Saad has organised a programme:
on 8th March, 2004,
from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
at Azad Maidan, Panaji,
where women from different parts of Goa will articulate their struggles and
their strengths through various cultural forms.
It will also be a time to reaffirm our belief in gender-just, democratic,
secular, people-friendly principles as we move ahead towards a just
egalitarian society in harmony with nature.
Looking forward to commemorating International Women's Day together,
Yours sincerely,
for Bailancho Saad

We will  move from strength to strength

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# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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[Goanet]Re: Goanet digest, Vol 1 #471 - 10 msgs

2003-09-28 Thread albertina almeida

 FOR FORCING DAUGHTER INTO FLESH TRADE: Vasco police arrested one Papa Joga
 of Andhra Pradesh, the mother of one K Rani, who was allegedly forced into
 prostitution at the Baina red-light area. (H)

And what happened to the trafficker through whom she was brought to Goa, as
per the newspaper reports? Are the police pretending not to know where that
man lives? Are they not aware that he lives next to a police in Andhra?

albertina almeida

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Version: 6.0.520 / Virus Database: 318 - Release Date: 9/18/03

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #