[Goanet] Come what may!!!

2006-01-12 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)

| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
This is with reference to posting of Gabe Menezes subject "Come what may"

"Come what may government will remove River Princess" was and is the slogan 
of then and now government since the sweet princess was encored (I am 
completed to say it was encored rather than grounded!) Governments have come 
and gone and yet the same slogan "I will remove River Process" And we fools 
go by the tunes of these politicians to the extent of fighting face to face 
even without knowing the FACTUALS involved in the issue!  None of the Goans 
are wise enough to know that it's a perfect game of "You clap my back I will 
clap yours" and also about the perfect understanding of "What about my share 
if I do this? Or else..." The show continues this way!   Secondly in most of 
the issues many persons wait till the issue goes to peak level and then 
every one won't to jump in the fry to "Make hey when sun shines" If any 
knowledgeable person reads my posting I want to convey you that "River 
Princess will continue to be encored as it is and finally government will be 
suggested to convert the same into Night Club for elite people. And if this 
suggestion gets flopped for what ever reason the government in power will 
say "We don't have 25 crores to spend on removing the skeleton in sweet 
River Princess and hence as an alternative we have now finalized to convert 
the same into Night Club to further boost tourism in Goa". Tourism my friend 
is the buzz word in Goa that swings balance of even the intellectuals. 
About stone crushers since liberation in 1961 it's pitiable to hear our 
government(s) saying that "They have no guidelines for stone crushing 
activity?" If government had no norms than on what basis the concerned 
departments gave licenses to 130 stone crushers in Goa? No one wants to 
answer this question. About CRZ violation, present chief minister is on 
record saying "Yes this is very much prevailing in Goa but I am helpless" 
Every one is ever of this but no one wants to raise their concern. Cheers 
Goa .Cheers!!!

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Girl who sustained burn injuries dies!

2006-01-08 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)

| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
This referes to the posting of Mr. Avelino on above subject appeared in 
Goanet. In this connection, Electricity department and its advice-giving 
committee are already PUT in action! These days they work over time only to 
ensure that there is no hue and cry situation in the society! They have not 
only taken high tension wire from the incidence site but made sure that it's 
installed at new location to create yet another tension!  Right now their 
appeal to all Goans is "Bear with us till underground electrical cabling is 
over - Have you not heard of this message?" Further you should also 
understand that this wire was retained only to impress upon the general 
public that we cannot be ignored even if TCP gives you clearance! Don't you 
know that TCP is not the only department who will clear every project and 
that there exist many more departments which one should not forget! You 
should also not forget that when concerned department comes to hue and 
crises situation we always say "Our department's roll is limited only up to 
this limit? Beyond that is some body else's problem!" Contrary to this, ask 
for the license with the concerned department we will ensure that you are 
squeezed to your last penny! But remember if public protest surfaces it's 
your problem not of licensing departments problem!

To this statement general public reacts: Is the underground cabling executed 
in right technical way? Has any one finalized on which sides of the road 
each of the underground utilities should be? What does the feasibility 
report say on this mega project? Who has issued the feasibility report for 
under ground cabling? Apparently as the things are seen going right now, 
different underground cabling techniques are followed in different areas 
that one should not forget or neglect! It appears from the way the job is 
executed that every house will be prone to receive electrical shocks when 
there will be digging to rectify the faults that take place every day in 
telephone / cell phone / water supply problems? You will be surprised to 
locate that every utility is over laid one top of another utilities. Such 
underground cabeling will surely give us and you shocks.shocks..and 
shocks!!! Than it will be redugged to rectify the entire fault and the 
cycle of digging and laying of new cables with recent technology will 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Are we Movers and Shakers?

2006-01-05 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)

| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
The call of the year 2006 and hence forth is every Goan has to be "Movers & 
Shakers" or else we will find ourselves in ashes undetectable even by 
sophisticated DNA testing. Even when these alarming bells are ringing loud 
and clear elderly personnel are heading to control the youths with an 
intension to take control of entire situations in Goa. If they are thing so 
I should say they are not into 20th century!

What today's youth demand is "All should follow and respect Peoples agenda 
not Party's agenda" Youths don't give value to "His Master's Voice" agenda. 
Today's youth is getting frustrated for losing Goan identity in Goa. Balcony 
including Drivers seats are all sold out in Goa for non-Goans! Factually 
Youth always wants to be in drivers' seat not in passenger seat. And we 
Goans are now struggling to get the tickets at least not to miss a passenger 
seat.Therefore Youths are marching forward to locate a Real Efficient Leader 
who can lead them and ultimately Goa. They don't want to accept the old 
practices of saying "You are great. Therefore I will accept your ideology 
and belief & listen to you" The most they do is give respect to these old 
stalwarts truly by heart! They respect them and their guidance; they always 
expect to be guided by them but they never accepted the philosophy of 
leading them or accepting them as members of true activity in which they are 
indulged. They will never ever follow the path of elderly stalwarts. At the 
same time young bread is very shroud enough not to loose the name of the 
elderly person being associated with their activity?

Their entire planning of youth starts with including respected personnel in 
their activity and once they achieve their goals elderly personnel are just 
discarded as disposables! This is the truth and factual reality. Reality 
today is the younger you are, the active you are, you are most wanted. The 
only salvation to elderly persons is to be a guide, be a tutor, or be an 
inspiring force without attempting to become a leader. Should any elderly 
person try to interfere in such mass movement I am sure youths will be most 
happy to give you shoulders to graveyard.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Face to Face and we

2006-01-05 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)

| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
3rd Gomantak Vishwa Sammelan brought CM and Opposition Leader (OL) face to
face program at famous Kala Academy. Non-Resident Goans literally grilled
the duo on major issues.

On garbage issue our CM confirmed that he had officially visited Macau 10
years back to study and implement the garbage handling German technology in
Goa which he could not initiate nor implement it till date. Now that Goans
are making hue and cry over the issue he is thinking of providing something
similar to Goa. To start with he is going to provide Goa gunny and rexine
bags to curb overuse of plastic bags! Is our CM sure that rexine bags are
biodegradable. It should not happen that our garbage problems compounds
further with this intellectual brains. On this issue OL said that he had
planned two plants one each in North and South Goa for garbage management
but there was some reluctance from concerned department and that he did not
want to interfere with Urban Development Ministry. But as then CM he
accepted the blame.

On Water Supply our CM said that with completion of Tillari Project we will
manage to take some load off of water needs in Goa and that he is going to
have many more such projects in various parts of Goa. All the Goans are only
hoping that CM should not initiate such projects close to boundary lines of
Goa which will prove beneficial to Maharashtra and Karnataka like that of
Mopa project. Secondly we should only hope that our Goa wants get flooded
with fresh drinking water due to such projects to be coming up. Goans please
keep your eyes open. Where as OL opined that Goa has plenty raw water
therefore what Goa needs is not Tillari project but more treatment plants?
The fact and reality is Goans don't get 24 x 7 hour water supply.

On influx of migrants CM says it's difficult to stop it. If this version
comes from CM one need not be surprised why he initiated changed in TCP
ordinance! This revised ordinance is issued only to take care of migrants so
that they can very easily construct structures on hill slops and on seashore
sides. OL showed concern to declining Goan numbers. He further said
immediate possible way to restrict migrant flow in Goa is going into
atomization so that we need not dependant on migrant labors. And that our
Goa's vision should be to go ahead with the projects that does not demand
working labors and yet attract the tourists.

On Dabolim air port CM wants Mopa to come up but equally at same breath he
says that Dabolim will be retailed. His expression like this clearly
indicates that he has not studied the international air port regulations.
Dabolim is next to impossible to operate once Mopa starts this is as per
international airport guidelines. Whom is he trying to fool?  OL did not say
any thing whether he is for Mopa or Dabolim but only confirmed that Nay
occupied Dabolim. OL should have come out open on their party stand. Why did
he not do that at this forum?

In case of constructions coming up violating CRZ norms our Mr. CM is on
record saying that it's true and that he cannot do any thing to control
this. If he controls this then sure he will have to loose his golden seat.
Who wants to cut the hen which lays golden eggs? Mr. Parikar was fool to do
this and he is suffering today is it not correct. But people say he had guts
and he did it.

In nut shell duo appeared to be two sides of the same coin. General
impression was OL outsmarted CM on many counts and also came to his rescue
many times. But both of them were made speechless by the audience on many
occasion was also witnessed on that day.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Mr. CM you might (not) be right in Operation Clean-Up

2006-01-05 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)

| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |

After a long wait Mr. CM came on record with two things. First announcement 
was spontaneous i.e. announcing judicial inquiry. His next action came at a 
press conference held at official residence of CM. At this press conference 
he categorically announced that BJP party including opposition leader Mr. 
Manohar Parikar is brain behind organizing unwanted incidence at Saleli - 
Sattari. I only hope Mr. CM's intelligence agency's reporting is not a 
failure or misguiding information like Bush's and Blair's reporting 
intelligence agency! One should not forget that just because of US and UK's 
intelligence failure millions of Iraqis had to loose their lives. Mr. CM if 
you are convinced beyond doubt initiates legal proceedings against the one 
whom you are accusing. Who has stopped you from taking action? Mr. CM your 

GPCC president or GPCC party may not be with Mr. CM or his views. What is 
more important is youth leader in Goa Pradesh Youth Congress (GPYC) 
president in Girish Chodankar has extended strong support to you and is with 
you. This is very clear from the press statement that he has released. Does 
the press statement appear to you as blame game!

Mr. CM should not be too much worried on what if any one does in-depth 
analysis of the past misdeeds! Never mind what you said at 3rd Gomantak 
Vishwa Sammelan about you granting licenses to only 4 crushers when you have 
actually granted licenses to 7 stone crushers since 1993 - 2000. The issue 
to be made in this episode is not about you sectioning 7 stone crushers but 
the issue to be made is why BJP granted license to one crusher i.e. the 8th 
crusher in 2002 to Swaraj Metal which belonged to Prithviraj Rane that too 
in CM's constituency. Mr. CM be rest assured that no one will dig the past 
record which says that GSPCB had objected to setting up of the very same 
stone crushing project of Prithviraj Rane on 25th November 2002. Never mind 
that this objection was initiated much before villagers had officially 
complained about the said project. Mr. CM be rest assured that no one will 
ever try and find out whether despite GSPCB's official objection to granting 
the license to the said project Prithviraj was illegally operating that 
crusher under some other political blessings or not.  Situation today 
demands that Congress loyalists has to make an issue that BJP tried to 
extend unwanted favors to Prithviraj only to grab his loyalty towards BJP. 
And since they failed in their attempt they triggered the recent issue. How 
you like this brainy idea Mr. CM? Mr. CM don't you worry about any 
consequences, congress youths are with you full heartedly and your 
intelligence reporting system. With all this you don't have to have even a 
vote of confidence in whether what you are doing is right or wrong from 
GPCC. GPCC is not UNO. For your information Mr. CM even Bush and Blair had 
not cared for UNO. So why should you care for GPCC. You start your action 
plan of bulldozing BJP. And if at all you feel you are short of ideas please 
dial in official capacity to Bush or Blair. They will be most willing to 
help you in this situation. US might even send their external affairs 
minister in smart dynamic lady to your rescue.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Is our electricity supply safe?

2006-01-03 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)

| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |

I ignorantly asked my friend as to what is the issue about 3 young girls 
caught is electrical mix firing? My friend very furiously said I don't want 
to seat with you for a minute if you want to talk on electricity. You know, 
our electricity supply is one of the best systems in the world. Concerned 
minister and his supporting staff are working round the clock to see that 
every individual is kept happy. Don't raise the issues, if you have problems 
with electricity I will take you to the minister okay. He will ensure that 
you go back happily! For a decade he has studied the pulses of every 
Madgaonkars including trouble shooter Goans. He will do every thing to 
impress upon general public that he is one of the honest person in this Goa. 
By the way are you honest? If you are not honest he will never be your 
friend? And yet see that you are entangled in legal proceedings. He likes 
honest persons who pray with his name every day round the clock. Are you 
ready to pray like me? For your information, he never tolerates any issues 
raised in his name. Have you seen any write-up or article against his name? 
No never? And if you are talking about one article in Goan Observer forget 
it like stay thoughts!  My dear if you don't get supply or if you are 
getting electrical shock dial me any time. I will see that all your problems 
are solved but don't talk about electricity! Some times we have to create 
such surprises just to gage who are with us in this turbulence days. Most 
importantly why don't you think that electricity tries to stop Goa 
developing like concrete jungle? What does our electricity get from such 
development?  Do you get what I am talking about? So let's forget about 
electricity as an issue in Goa. Not only this, you have to be also saying 
that there is no shortage of electricity in Goa. Our electricity is a fail 
safe and is a roll model to entire world. Secondly those three girls who are 
admitted in best Vintage hospital are ensured of full medical bill payment. 
What else you want. Clearing of hospital bills need not be your worries. We 
have our Dean placed only for that! He will clear the required documents 
saying they have no facility to treat such patients. We will settle all the 
bills with middle men that too with 50:50 cut. Don't you still get what I am 
trying to say? What dumboo character are you? I have yet to come across such 
a dumboo character? I really don't want to talk to you any more. These all 
thoughts are enough for the day! Good buy!! And he walked of f without even 
wishing other friends present!!! I was stunt with his lengthy expressions 
and that too not allowing me to express myself or to interrupt him in his 
talk - rather in his preaching like a big sermon!!! Dear Goanet members 
please guide me why my friend behaved and talked like this? 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Is Saleli a local issue or issue of concern for entire Goa?

2006-01-01 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)

| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Come New Year astrological forecasts, tarot forecasts, numerological 
forecast takes pages in the news papers and magazines.  I'm neither a 
forecaster nor I know anything about these subjects. But I can smell 
something cocking in Goa for all Goans. The unwanted incidence that closed 
the year 2005 in Saleli is likely to instigate and inspire many more mass 
movements in Goa. I could as well smell similar incidence to occur in 
Chimbel & Santacruz any time. I get somewhat similar stink that is likely to 
irrupt in Pisurlem - Bicholim where water is being pumped round the clock by 
mining lobby resulting in ground water table going unimaginably low. I also 
get a feeling that Mayekars are likely to blast the mining lobby creating 
total unrest in entire Goa! I could also predict that most cities in Goa 
will bulldoze the local MLAs on traffic congestion, burgeoning scrap yards 
and garbage issues. All these and more issues are likely to zoom up in 2006.

I can also foresee that when such unwanted incidences like this spurt up 
some scruples Goan, will point figure to opposition party as instigators of 
the violence. Some notable Goans started saying that Saleli issue is 
triggered by BJP. They are saying this even though they are not politicians 
but have inclination to ruling party. To them anything that is done by 
ruling party appears right as though they are blind followers! Such attitude 
is quite detrimental to entire Goa. They have not even realized that Saleli 
incidence occurred as a result of ages of suppression and oppression which 
finally revolted against the Rane clan throwing the God out of pedestal.

I also pity the persons who say "Let's not get into Saleli issue for it's a 
local issue". What a Joke? I pity such persons and their intelligence for 
passing such careless remark or may be their intelligence is high jacked I 
don't know! What are your views dear Goanetners "Is Saleli a local issue or 
issue of concern for entire Goa?" 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Operation Black Wednesday

2005-12-30 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)
Mr. CM orders magisterial inquiry into Saleli black Wednesday episode is the 
headlines in all local news papers today. Mr. CM needs to be commended for 
his ever first prompt action since past 10 months! In this connection Goans 
would like to ask Mr. CM to let public know as to what are the "Terms of 
Reference" that are given to magisterial inquiry! General opinion demands 
that the inquiry should not be restricted only to locate who killed 
Prithviraj Rane but it should be extended to find out the root causes that 
triggered villagers to brutally kill Rane, what are the various causes that 
prompted villagers to start such a mass movement, how, why and under whose 
instructions police personnel's initiated attack on villagers, why police 
never took any actions on Krishnaji Rane's sons  when they were lifting 
village girls and ladies from the street into their jeep (Reference Gomantak 
Times, dated 30/12/05, front page), why prompt attentions were not given to 
villagers grievances for past so many years, how Krishnaji Rane and his 
infamous sons (I use this words as is used by Saleli Villagers) could 
illegally install so many stone crushers at the site despite hue and cry of 
villagers, was the environmental pollution clearance obtained by Krishnaji 
and sons for their stone crushing activities.  Magisterial inquiry should 
also be asked to find out why these villagers were denied their rightful 
land share even when well settled Mundkar Act is in place! Magisterial 
inquiry should also question Mr. CM as to why he failed in controlling the 
illegal activities in his own constituency and that why he could not attend 
to the growing unrest of Saleli villagers which was brewing since past 5 
years.  Mr. CM you cannot escape from the inquiry. You are accused by Saleli 
villagers that you were showing indifferent attitude to their demands for 
past 5 - 10 years even when you were representing that constituency. Mr. CM 
you are equally questionable and responsible for this mess. Goans feel that 
what Goa witnessed on black Wednesday is nothing but indication of beginning 
of mass movements. Mr. CM should not forget that he cannot fool all the 
people all the time. We Goans are afraid about such mass movements taking 
shape in different parts of Goa since past 10 months. Remember these mass 
moments are just waiting to burst like that of black Wednesday and the first 
victim of such revolt was Prithviraj Rane and injuries to Police personnel. 
Both these actions are of course highly condemnable offence. Mr. CM we don't 
want to see any more Prithviraj Ranes to die or any more police personnel to 
get injured in Goa. 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Growing Mass Movement in Goa 2005

2005-12-28 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)

|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
|The Riviera Opposite Hotel Mandovi, Panjim (near Ferry Jetty/Riverfront)|
| Attending...drop a line to [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
Year 2005 is living behind unresolved mounting issues. The issues that 
surfaced out this year are: TCP ordinance issue, Garbage issue, 
Environmental issue, Ingo Grill's Saturday night bazaar issue, Scrap yard 
issue, rave parties' issue, computer teachers issue, pre-employment 
candidates issue, Goa Antibiotic closure / revamping issue, deteriorating 
EDC issue, political in-flights of MLAs issue, court interventions in 
speakers rulings issue, street re-naming issue. Other issues that affected 
general public are pathetic road conditions, irregular supply of elixir of 
life in water, shortage of electricity supply, decorating law and order, 
none cooperative attitudes of Chief Officers of municipalities resulting in 
poor maintenance of cleanliness of municipal areas. Though it's a common 
practice in Goa to point figures to earlier government, in this 2005 year 
the ruling party has no moral grounds to point figures at previous 
government. For today's ruling party is the concoction of erstwhile 
ministers of previous government who are continuing to rule Goa. The only 
difference is they are now ruling us from ruling side.  They always like to 
be in ruling party is what is their principle and they are without any 
morals. All these issues surfaced out like Mushrooms of 2005. No congress 
leader (of course they don't have real effective leader. They are all full 
of leaders with NO followers is a forgone conclusion) ever bothered to give 
time to these issues. They must admit that they have failed on many counts 
for which they cannot justify themselves.  So much so that Congress party 
failed to realize growing unrest in general public. Earlier Curca villagers 
stopped dumping of garbage in their area even after court ruling, Santacruz 
villagers mobilized movement against TCP ordinance, Last few days villagers 
got together to close down the Ingo Grill's bazaar, this time again 
villagers marched to close down 13 crushers in Sattari, the home 
constituency of our CM, on account of environmental pollution issue which 
resulted in brutally killing one person, injuring 40 matlele police 
personnel, and damaged 4 police cars. All these actions are clear indicative 
of Goans loosing faith in ruling party and hence they are resorting to take 
law and order in their hands. Such developed hatred to party and growing 
mass movement is detrimental to Goa and Congress party at large. Will Goa 
Congress do some retrospective analysis? Or will they continue their own way 
till they see their own death in Goa?

Dr. U. G. Barad

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Goa in 2006

2005-12-27 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)

|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
|The Riviera Opposite Hotel Mandovi, Panjim (near Ferry Jetty/Riverfront)|
| Attending...drop a line to [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
Let me wish all Goans a very happy NEW YEAR 2006. Also wish you a very happy 
New Year eave. But for gods sack don't go to sleep, don't be susegad as we 
were, be vigilant, be informative. For which you might have to get your 
waxed Ears dewaxed from good ENT, get your Eyes checked from good 
ophthalmologist, don't forget to get your heart checked from renowned 
specialist. These checks are absolutely essential as you have a greater roll 
to play.

2006 will be a Sunamy year for all of us.  Church, temple and mosk bells are 
ringing saying "Our Goa is getting hijacked" We are sure loosing Goan 
identity in Goa. The main reason being we in Goa have NO LEADER in ruling 
party on account of which every member of ruling party is acting like a 
leader. This is leading to big chaos.

Considering all that is going on for past 10 months in Goa don't you think 
Goa needs a well settled and acceptable party leader who can clean up all 
the mess. For that matter even Salazar of Portugal will do! Please don't get 
annoyed at my saying but is the bitter truth and I am just getting convinced 
to this theory. If you have any other view please express yourself with a 
copy to me.

Dr. U. G. Barad 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Governance in Goa 2005

2005-12-27 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)

|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
|The Riviera Opposite Hotel Mandovi, Panjim (near Ferry Jetty/Riverfront)|
| Attending...drop a line to [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

Administration in Goa 2005 is totally paralyzed, suffered multiple fractures 
and is moving on crunches. This multi fractured and paralyzed governance has 
finalized to convert entire Goa into concrete jungle, finalized beneficiary 
scheme for the benefit of Maharashtra and Karnataka (but not for Goa) in 
giving green signal to unwanted, uneconomical and non-beneficial Mopa 
project. In short 2005 has brought in chaos in every sphere of governance. 
For a person who knows what good administration is all about I have no 
hesitation in saying that Mr. Pratapsing Rane who was earlier admired for 
his administrative skills has lost his shine. Factually he was never an 
EFFECTIVE LEADER for he was always chosen for the post of CM as a compromise 
candidate. Congress had to resort to his selection as CM on 7 - 8 occasions 
only because congress in Goa is a party full of SELF STYLED LEADERS and no 
disciplined followers / supporters. Every occasion these self styled leaders 
have literally cut the Mr. Rane to peaces. On account of these internal 
cuttings the ageing Rane and the Goa Congress together are loosing their 
shine. Right this year no one knows who the REAL LEADER in the congress 
party in Goa and who ACTUALLY RULES Goa. Unless this basic issue of 
leadership is clearly defined understood and fully supported by all their 
MLAs and party workers administration in Goa by congress party will always 
continue to suffer. Contrary to this the issue of leadership in BJP in Goa 
has long been settled and supported by their MLAs and party workers. On 
account of which they could give quality administration during their four 
and half years of rule. Have you any comment on this please post it on net 
and do mark a copy to me.

I wish all Goanet members a very happy and prosperous new year 2006.

Dr. U. G. Barad 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Goans are sleeping with sedation dose!

2005-12-24 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)

|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
|The Riviera Opposite Hotel Mandovi, Panjim (near Ferry Jetty/Riverfront)|
Last week one person argued with me saying "I don't mind suffering under 
congress misrules, but I don't want Manohar Parikar to come to power" 
Confused by his expression I asked him "That means you are afraid of Parikar 
or you are against BJP ideology? Prompt came his reply saying "In Goa, BJP 
means Parikar therefore I am against him" At the same breath he continued 
further saying "Forget about BJP coming to power any more! Parikar himself 
want be re-elected even as MLA in forth coming election"

This statement confused me all the more and forced me to think if Parikar 
cannot get re-elected why cannot that person be cool about Parikar rather 
BJP? But from his arguments I got an impression that my friend does not mind 
BJP rule in Goa but he just does not want Parikar to lead either BJP or Goa 
and that he does not want me to boldly express my views on  ruling party or 
how it's functioning! Rather I felt as though I should be "Indifferent to 
Goa" Or may be my friend is worried because of misdeeds of ruling party 
Parikar might come back to power! Frankly to me any party is like "feathers 
of same bird" All that each party does is "Divide the public and Rule the 

Till date no Goan whether he is popular figure, or president of NGO or 
running the NGO by hiring intellectuals or associated with group of 
individuals / association has never realized that in Goa Secularism, 
Communalism, Corruption is not a big issue! The biggest issue in Goa today 
is "Goans are loosing their own identity in Goa in terms of culture, and 
tradition" I don't want to talk on declining Goan numbers in Goa or 
increasing non-Goan number in Goa or non-Goans buying the property in Goa.

Frankly we have reached the stage were we just don't want to know who we 
are, what's wrong with our fellow Goan! No one wants to realize or question 
one self on this issue  and on "Whether Goan want to be in drivers seat in 
Goa or Goan want to be in passenger seat in Goa" Frankly I have no answer or 
solution to this growing issue. Therefore I request GoaNet members / 
subscribers / well-wishers to think on this issue and vent out your own 
feelings which might help to control this monstrously growing issue!

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |