[Goanet] Essence of Goa online store at www.goacom.com offline?

2005-09-07 Thread Ronald Albuquerque

I just tried to go to www.goacom.com to check out the online store. It
has disappeared (old bookmarked links don't work) and it looks like
the site is in the process of a flashy redesign.

Does anyone know when it will be back online? Or is it possible to
contact the store owner(s) through alternative means.

Thanks so much.

Best Regards.

[Goanet]Re: Global dimming/global warming

2005-01-19 Thread Ronald Albuquerque
Mario replies:
Libertarians do consider themselves to be independent
relative to conservatives and liberals in the US
political spectrum.

Again, just pointing out that the Cato Institute is not regarded as
independent, regardless of how you perceive it. It is rather
well-known as a libertarian policy institute.

As one very frequent Goanet poster once said:
One is entitled to their own opinions on facts. One is not entitled
to their own facts.

The name of this Goanet poster escapes me though ;-)

[Goanet]Re: Global dimming/global warming

2005-01-18 Thread Ronald Albuquerque
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 14:19:55 -0800 (PST)
Since you seem seriously concerned let me refer you to
a brief article called A Massive Extinction of Logic
by Patrick J. Michaels, a senior fellow in
environmental studies at the Cato Institute, which can
be seen at: www.cato.org/dailys/01-13-04-2.html  The
article discusses the computer models that are used to
alarm you.  For you Brits, the Cato Institute is an
independent and highly respected think tank.

Hey, I'm a Brit. and a Yank :-)

A correction here. The Cato Institute is not an *independent*
think-tank. Rather, it is a libertarian think-tank.

For further clarification, look no further than how the Cato Institute
describes itself:

Just to be clear: I am not saying that this paper is nonsense. 

However, any policy papers produced by ANY institution that  promotes
a particular agenda need to be regarded carefully. By definition, such
papers are not from an independent point of view.

[Goanet]Re: RE: Betting odds?

2005-01-04 Thread Ronald Albuquerque

I see your point of certain members being unable to cope with the
load/getting fed up and unsubscribing is valid. But does that really happen
all that much, or is it more of a theoretical possibility?  I would wager
that most people just skip over stuff they don't want to read. They don't
HAVE to read everything posted :-) ( I certainly don't.)

You need to look at it from the other side as well. You said:
Furthermore, not all the members on the list were welcomed the debate. 
 One well-regarded member asked Is this Goanet or Iraq-Net? We,
 therefore, decided to put and end to the debate

I do not know what the definition of well-regarded member is... Is it some
special status one gets ?

Have you accounted for when people perceive these kinds of actions by the
goanet-admin team as selective censorship and unsubscribe as a result?  Is
that fair?

 Message: 9
 Date: Mon,  3 Jan 2005 12:01:31 -0500
 From: Herman Carneiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Point taken. A few responses preceded by ***.
 Quoting Tim de Mello [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  (Copying this to Herman  Fred as some of my posting to Goa-Net mysteriously
 *** It's not fair to say that your posts mysteriously disappear as if we
 discard them underhandedly. We have nothing to gain by doing that. If an email
 is rejected from the forum an email automatically sent to you automatically by
 the mailing list program. We add comments informing you why it was

[Goanet]Re: Betting Odds?

2005-01-03 Thread Ronald Albuquerque

I applaud this mail!  As you know, Mario and I have disagreed
vociferously too - but I completely agree with him (and you) on this
You have hit the nail on the head: the definition of what is
annoying depends on who is annoyed.

Maybe if the title is renamed to : Goa Chickens coming home to
roost!  then it will be deemed acceptable :-) :-)

From: Tim de Mello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: RE: [Goanet]Betting odds?
Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2005 11:35:18 -0500
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org

From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We may just have to agree to disagree.  However, your
specific comments cry out for some rebuttals:

Far be it for me to defend Mario on his political views but on this e-mail I
have to agree with him.

Most of the exchange of e-mails on the political stance of the US in Iraq,
etc has been put forth by by some right wing leaning members. The have been
well ariticulated and for the most part these discussions have been carried
out in a civilized manner.

The counter arguments have been put forward by many of our members who are
very well regarded by the general membership. They have articulated and
presented well balanced counter arguments. This debate, as far as content
goes, IMHO, surpasses many other discussions that have taken place on this

These discussions have taken place between Goans who consider these
arguments important. To take such arguments offline, as some of them did,
deprives others of the discussion taking place.

I would also remind Fred that on Aug 11 2004 he said:

(ii)  That discourse is idle. IMHO, sharing of information has a critical
 role to play in the life of any society. Our goals, our action,
 our plans, our future... all depends on our ideas and what we
 know. Hence, while some people get impatient with discourse (and
 what is dismissed as mere talk), this too has an important
 role to play.

There are many posts that keep popping up with fair regularity that I
consider annoying and of little merit either to Goa or to the general
membership. Consider, for example, the self promoting posts of Rene
regarding Goa Day.

Is it the opinion of the GoaNet Admin team that as long as the post contains
the word Goa in it, any such drivel is acceptable?

The decision to stop the debate is nothing more than small minded thinking
by the Admin Team. And ridiculous!

Tim de Mello

[Goanet]Re: Chickens coming home to roost!

2004-12-23 Thread Ronald Albuquerque
Upon reading this post, I decided to re-read the news article previously 


The last few lines are particularly apt here, in regards to this post. People 
have a hard time admitting the discrediting of the reasons given to go to war 
in Iraq. In fact, they still maintain the reasons are completely valid - 
despite all the evidence to the contrary.

This is very counter-intuitive. From a pure sociological point of view, I 
wonder why this is so. Is it because in general, some people have a hard time 
admitting that they could be wrong? Or are there other reasons?

The lines are excerpted below:
the dissonance among Bush voters reflects the country's difficulty coming to 
grips with the discrediting of the rationale for the Iraq war.This period will 
really stand out as when the US went to war on assumptions that turned out to 
be incorrect, he said. The body politic is still struggling to come to terms 
with that.

   From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: Chickens coming home to roost!
   Yes, no WMDs have been found in Iraq.  However,
   neither has there been any accounting of what happened
   to the WMDs Iraq had.  There has been some speculation
   in reports, but no one knows for sure.
   Bush voters are using common sense.
   The question is, what happened to the WMDs
   not accounted for.

[Goanet]Re: Chickens coming home to roost!

2004-12-18 Thread Ronald Albuquerque
# Goanetters-2004 meet in Goa. Dec 21, Tuesday. 12 noon to 2 pm. #   
# Clube Vasco, Near Municipal Garden, Panjim. Pass the word around!  #  

The problem with this post is that it completely ignores facts,
preferring instead to repeat patriotic-sounding statements and talking

 Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 09:42:41 -0800 (PST)
 From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Goanet]Re: Chickens coming home to roost!
 1. No one believes Saddam was involved in 9/11.
 2. The 9/11 Commission report detailed numerous links
 between Saddam's Iraq and Al Qaeda.  Why do you guys
 think Al Qaeda would be active all over the world,
 except Iraq, a major supporter of terrorism?

After these first couple of points were debunked, I stopped reading.

For more information on the truth behind this, see


Some excerpts:
A large majority of self-identified Bush voters polled believe Saddam
Hussein provided substantial support to Al Qaeda, and 47 percent
believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction before the US
invasion. Among the president's supporters, 57 percent queried think
international public opinion favors Bush's reelection, and 51 percent
believe that most Islamic countries support US-led efforts to fight

No weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq, the Sept. 11
Commission found no evidence of substantial Iraqi support for Al
Qaeda, and international public  opinion polls have shown widespread
opposition to Bush's reelection.
And many of the Bush voters surveyed knew that the Duelfer report said
Hussein had no WMDs, but continue to believe that he did regardless.
dissonance among Bush voters reflects the country's difficulty coming
to grips with the discrediting of the rationale for the Iraq war.

[Goanet]Re: Chickens coming home to roost!

2004-12-17 Thread Ronald Albuquerque
# Goanetters-2004 meet in Goa. Dec 21, Tuesday. 12 noon to 2 pm. #   
# Clube Vasco, Near Municipal Garden, Panjim. Pass the word around!  #  

Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 17:15:05 -0800 (PST)
From: Tariq Siddiqui [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Chickens coming home to roost!

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And I still haven't heard an explanation about what
 happened to the Iraqi WMDs that were never accounted
 for.  Ooops! I forgot!  The Globe  Mail told you that
 they never had any!  Sorry.  Can't expect an answer
 from you on that question.

I fail to understand why you continue to peddle lies on this forum.


There are some folks who completely ignore facts, preferring ideology
and propaganda.
They will refuse to believe when presented with irrefutable proof.
Rather, they will
respond with patriotic-sounding statements that are bereft of
independent, critical
thinking. To do any different would mean admitting they are wrong, and
they are not
capable of doing this.

Witness how there are still people who believe Saddam Hussein was
behind 9/11  in
cahoots with Osama bin Laden - and there are still massive stockpiles
of WMD waiting
to be found. Or that there was no Abu Ghraib prison abuse. Iraq is
calm and free.
Afghanistan is a benign democratic ocean. People are waiting in line
to enlist and go to
Iraq. The list goes on.

It is impossible to convince these people.

On a related note: I've started wondering how Goenkars can become hard
conservatives lacking the ability to consider the possibility they
could be wrong

[Goanet]Re: A Must Read before you vote

2004-10-29 Thread Ronald Albuquerque
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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	 Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 19:46:47 -0400
	 From: Chris Vaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
	 It is nice to hear a further voice in these deliberations.  It can 
only add to
	 our enlightenment I hope.

I heartily agree.
	 I would recommend a re-reading of Mario's comments.  It would be 
helpful if
	 you provided point-by-point rebuttals.  As I recall, Mario had made 
at least
	 five points.  If you did not receive Mario's e-mail, I would be happy to

Please do so, I do not have Mario's email.
	 I might just point out that shooting from the hip has liberated 25 
	 Afghanis from Taliban bondage and brought about the first ever 
	 election in their country!  This important (I would say earthshaking) 
event is
	 of monumental significance and cannot be minimized!

By shooting from the hip, I do not mean Afghanistan. I mean Iraq. I 
supported the war in Afghanistan. Too bad the Bushies forgot to focus on 
the aftermath, though.
The spin aside, Karzai is really mayor of Kabul. and the Taliban have 

	 And if we support our hardworking troops instead of frequently 
calling into
	 question their competence, 25 million Iraqis will have freedom--and free
	 elections just as you and I have!

No-one is questioning the competence of the troops - just the competence of
the current administration.  I'm sure Bush is a perfectly nice guy - he 
just happens
to not really be qualified for his job.

	 May I also point out that the grand coalition Bush Sr. had put 
together and
	 supported by Kerry's friends including the French, Germans, and even 
	 nations such as Syria, did not meet Kerry's global test!  He had voted
	 against the resolution to drive Saddam out of Kuwait!

Bush Sr. DID put a grand coalition together.  Whether one agrees with 
that war or not.
And by the way- that war was over oil, not democracy. Kerry and a LOT 
of others
opposed it. That said, Bush Sr. did his job making a case.

Don't believe the W spin. Go read Kerry's comments about the global 
test - from the first
debate. Basically, he said you need to ensure that you have made a good 
case for military action.
I'm sorry - Bush didn't. He just decided to go ahead, forgetting this is 
not a dictatorship.

	 I would also recommend a reading of Unfit for Command.  It is must 
	 for those planning to vote!

Indeed. It highlights the gross incompetence of the current leaders.  Sy 
Hersh has been a
thorn in the side for many administrations; and the current one is not 
Thankfully, questioning our leaders is NO LONGER considered unpatriotic.


Re: [Goanet]A Must Read before you Vote

2004-10-28 Thread Ronald Albuquerque
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

I completely disagree on the Monday morning quarterbacking comment.
Read Seymour Hersh's book 'Chain of Command'.  It is really quite 
what the administration chose to ignore.

Yes, after 9/11 things changed. However, things changing does not mean
that it is now OK to shoot from the hip, without completely thinking 

Unfortunately, that is what GWB and Co. did. And, spin aside - this was no
grand coalition.
If you look at what Bush's Dad did in 1991 - that was a GRAND coalition. 
whether you
agree with that war or not, this fact is indisputable.

And let's not get started on W's economic policies...
The problem is that the GOP leadership has been taken over by right-wing 

I would LOVE to know why they suddenly dropped focus on al-Qaeda and
went after Saddam. It was like an obsession.
Again: go read Chain of Command.
Message: 12
Subject: Re: [Goanet]A Must Read before you Vote
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 17:29:28 -0400
Organization: Premier
Your response is too simplistic.  It is easy to Monday morning quarterback, 
but after 9/11 we had no option but preempt any future possibility of attack 
on us.  It is insulting to say we had only the UK in our coalition and snub 
New Europe who have lost  personnel, and older countries like Italy, Spain 
(didn't have the endurance unfortunately), Australians, et al.  GWB did all 
he could to persuade, short of going down on his knees, the French, Germans 
and the Russians but they adamantly refused to join.  As recently as a few 
days ago, both France and Germany have reiterated that they would not join 
us in Iraq even if a new Kerry administration comes  in.  The reason, now 
being revealed, is that these countries profited considerably under the Oil 
for Food program and didn't want to let go of the gravy train!

Yes, wars are never cheap, and the cost to preserve freedom can be high.  We 
should not forget that this administration inherited a recession after the 
technology bubble had burst and it was like handing Bush a hand grenade with 
the pin pulled out..   In the long run it is far cheaper to fight the war on 
terrorist terrain than fight it on our soil just as the consequences of 9/11 
proved.  Unfortunately, it does take a degree of spending to bring a country 
out of recession and recent economic indicators suggest that the country is 
on the right track.  We must persevere if we are to win...

Re: [Goanet]USA Goans, order your goan foods online!

2003-07-30 Thread Ronald Albuquerque
Well, I tried out the goa sausages and prawn mole.
Excellent stuff!  I'm very excited, I've been hoping for something like 
this for years.

Those in the US, you've gotta try it.

Marlon, testing this must have been fun!


marlon menezes wrote:
After a year of testing (i.e., over indulging in goan
foods) I am pleased to announce the launch of the Goan
Foods site. You can order and pay the food online and
have it shipped to any place in the US. 

Right now, the following products are being offered:
* Goa Sausages
* Reichada masala
* Mussel pickle
* Prawn mole
* Prawn balchao
* Carrot pickle
* Lime pickle
In the future, the following products are planned for
* Bebinca
* Tendlim (gerkin) pickle
* Sorpotel
The products are all made in the USA, with USDA meats,
seafoods and vegetables, with a few key ingredients
imported from Goa. Those items that are perishable are
vacuum-sealed to ensure long shelf lives and maximum
freshness. The other items are packaged in leak
resistant containers to ensure its safe arrival to
your home. 

Currently, these items are available for sale in the
US only and are shipped to any place in the US via

You can check it out at:




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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: [Goanet] Edgar Martins article on the way things were.................

2003-06-04 Thread Ronald Albuquerque
can someone please repost the article or send it to me directly?


Vivian D'Souza wrote:
Now, that was a helluva nice article from Edgar
Martins, nostalgic, and oh so true..
Brings back so many memories of childhood holidays
spent in Goa.
I am glad to see Edgar use his talents in writing 
such a beautiful piece, instead of often beating up on
us barbarians from South of the Border (South from
Canada where Edgar currently resides that is) and the
leaders(in the USA) that we(including yours truly)
freely elected.

Good work !  I will keep that article and share it
with my kids and grandkids.  They will wonder what
Gilly-dandu and Kantam etc. are, but I will broaden
their horizons by relating the events of the past.
Here in Goa where I reside for most of the year, we
have had our fill of the choicest mangoes.  The
Mancurad mango tree in our backyard has given us a
bounty of the most luscious mangoes I have ever
Now it is on to other varieties of mangoes and
Jackfruits which have seemingly flooded the market.
We eagerly await the rains, but mercifully, unlike
many of my neighbors we do not have a water crisis at
our residence, yet.  Prudent use of water and some
in-advertent rain-water harvesting(through commonsense
practices) have obviously had their effect. But the
monsoons, the arrival of which I have not personally
witnessed since  1947, will bring welcome respite.
Daily life in Goa continues at a languid civilized
pace.  One sees positive signs of change.  The City of
Panjim is receiving a facelift.  Roads are being paved
with hot-mix asphalt; historic buildings are being
restored and painted in what appears to be their
original colors;  traffic islands and roundabouts with
gardens are being constructed with carved laeterite
stone; the first phase of a new market for Panjim has
been inaugurated; the new Patto bridge and the bridges
over the Mandovi have had their ramparts painted.
One can focus on all the things that are wrong in Goa
and give a dismal picture or one can choose to look
for the positives that improve the life of the average
citizen.  Sure there are lots of things wrong in Goa.
The less one has to deal with the bureaucracy, the
better, and I have my own trove of horror stories of
encounters with the Customs, the Police, the RTO
(where one is compelled to go to get a vehicle
registered or to get a drivers license), the
Panchayats etc.  Putting those things aside, we Goans
are friendly, helpful, kind, compassionate, religious,
and love to dance and sing (with a little Feni to
lubricate our vocal chords).

Vivian A. D'Souza (an American enjoying retired life 
   in Goa)

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Re: [Goanet] INS-deported Canadian a Goan? Role of Goa Netters!!

2003-02-22 Thread Ronald Albuquerque

For more information/links, see http://goanet.netfirms.com


I have a question. Ms Cruz is a Canadian citizen. Could this have 
happened to her if she presented an American passport at the port of entry ?

Interested in comments.

-- rja

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