Re: [Goanet] Re: Two great men

2006-01-23 Thread Chris Vaz


Have to disagree with you.

Anyone who can liberate 50 million people from tyranny,  drive the
Syrians out out of the Lebanon without firing a shot, have Qaddafi surrender 
his WMDs, help institute elections in several feudal Mideast countries, 
steal Arab Oil, etc., etc., cannot be totally incompetent...

- Original Message - 
From: "George Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 8:27 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Re: Two great men

Chris, Bush is not an incompentent warmonger. He is a competent warmonger 
and incompetent



Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is this the same Heilburton guy who raped Iraq economically in
cahoots with his buddy the incompetent warmonger Bush and who is
now sucking the Kuwaitis and Saudis dry of their precious Oil
so that these Arabs will soon be in the poorhouse?

[Goanet] Re: Two great men not

2006-01-21 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Halliburton is not the only company whose stock has
> appreciated since 2001 (after 9/11).
> Here are other companies in similar industries
> (oilfield and engineering services) whose stock
> has risen to similar levels OR ABOVE during the
> same period (2001 to the present):
>Schlumberger  Limited  $35   -  115.00

>Murphy Exploration 15   -   60.00

>Questar Corp.  20   -   84.00

>Nabors Industries  19   -   80.00

You are comparing oranges with apples.
You have chosen to compare Halliburton with a seismic company, with a trader 
of electricity and hydrocarbons, and with a pipeline company.

> I can cite several others with similar equivalents.
> The reason that the price of such stocks has gone
> up is due to the fact that there is shortage of oil
> and there is feverish exploration activity with
> resultant demand for such services...

I took a quick look at Halliburton's financials.
It's reported sales in Iraq are as below:
2002 1 Million
2003 2.4 BILLION
2004 5.3 BILLION
You may be aware that most of Halliburton's contracts in Iraq have not been 
won by any tender. Everytime a pipeline gets blown up, Halliburton gets another
contract. H!

> The impression sought to be given is that
> Halliburton is making money hand over fist
> which goes directly into the pockets of
> Bush/Cheney.  The facts are: Halliburton lost
> money in the last three years to the extent of
> $979 (million) in 2004, $820 (million) in 2003
> and $998 (million) in 2002.
> These are cold irrefutable facts.

What is irrefutable is that you do not know to read a financial statement. 
Halliburton did not lose money. Between 2003 and 2004, its cash balance 
increased by one BILLION dollars. Its assets increased by 2 BILLION dollars. 
In 2004, it took a tax write off for 1.5 BILLION dollars thus turning the 
results from operations into a tax loss. It will now turn around and ask the 
US govt for a hand out because it needs money to search for oil in difficult 
places. In this regard, it's no better than all the other US firm who are 
seeking the same govt handouts (despite all the oil firms making obscene 
profits last year.) Yes indeed! this company does "know" how to operate and it
reflects in its share price. I would be investing in it too if I could somehow 
convince myself that the 3,000 Americans who died, are not the cost of

One more thing, Halliburton's stock price had fallen from $50 to $10 in the 
year preceding the invasion of Iraq.

> If we as Goans continue with closed minds without
> educating ourselves into reality trying to bring
> others down as it appears to be our tradition,
> we shall continue to remain at the bottom of the

I would like to congratulate the person who gave you that piece of advise 
(even though you have not understood the same :-)

> It is a crying shame that some of the posters on
> this forum are so blinded in their hate for
> Pesident Bush and Mr. Cheney, they would like
> to obfuscate statistics to bring these honorable
> people down to their level--if it is possible to
> drag anyone into the sewer with them...

Joy, Bush(43) and Cheney are NOT honourable people. They are war mongers.

Lastly talking about sewer people, do you remember one picnic in New York 
where GOA mothers were screaming at "Joy Braganza" not to shout obscenities in 
front of their children?

Here is what "Joy Braganza's" reported on Goanet, in case you have forgotten.

> The New York Goans put on quite a spectacle in full
public view to the bemusement of other picnickers. The
Whitestone crowd was in full form with choice abuses
and physical threats ala Tony Soprano against Hercules
of New Jersey and his partner. The Budd Lake Padre was
also inebriated and rose to the occasion by rushing
towards Hercules and using abuse freely. A Nun kept
praying and finally the Padre was unanimously elected
and proceeded to imbibe more Feni.
Why go to Goa? We have free Tiatr here. Not to be left
behind, the former first lady went ballistic and
unleashed a torrent of swear words which would make
Tony Soprano look mild. And a newcomer sighed-we are
after all Goans! God Bless our Goa and Viva!!

Joy too.

Re: [Goanet] Re: Two great men

2006-01-21 Thread Mario Goveia
> > Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is this the same Heilburton guy who raped Iraq
> economically in cahoots with his buddy the
> warmonger Bush and who is now sucking the Kuwaitis
and Saudis 
> dry of their precious Oil so that these Arabs will
soon be in 
> the poorhouse?
--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris, Bush is not an incompentent warmonger. He is
> a competent warmonger and incompetent President.
Mario responds:
The virulent attacks by George on President Bush, Vice
President Dick Cheney and Republicans in general in
this thread are gross
political misrepresentations.  
1. Far from being a "warmonger", President Bush, after
being authorised by UN resolution 1441, deposed the
tyrant Saddam Hussein and led the liberation of 27
million Muslims in Iraq.
2. Far from being an incompetent President, Bush
turned around a declining economy inherited from
Democrat President Clinton in record time, and,
inspite of the shocks of the sneak attack of 9/11, and
the subsequent actions to liberate 50 million Muslims
in Afghanistan and Iraq, has managed a mature US
economy that has modest and consistent growth, low
inflation, and a 4.8% unemployment rate that is the
envy of the rest of the world.
3. A compassionate conservative, President Bush has
pledged 15 BILLION to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa and has
fought to forgive the
crushing foreign debt owed by struggling African
countries and to reduce or eliminate tarriffs that
impede exports from Africa.
4. President Bush has almost DOUBLED the federal
spending for anti-poverty programs in the US over that
of his predecessor, called by some "the first black US
5. Black home ownership has skyrocketed under
President Bush's policies to help lower income
Americans own their own homes.
6. As Vice President of the US, Dick Cheney has no
business partners, as George has falsely alleged.
7. Dick Cheney was instrumental in the elevation of
African-Americans Colin Powell and Condi Rice to the
most powerful
positions in US foreign policy.
8. President Bush's cabinet has two African Americans,
two Hispanics, two Asian Americans and four women, the
most diverse cabinet in US history.  Two of the four
women are minorities.  Dick Cheney played a key role
in selecting these cabinet members.

[Goanet] Re: Two great men

2006-01-20 Thread George Pinto
Chris, Bush is not an incompentent warmonger. He is a competent warmonger and 


> Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this the same Heilburton guy who raped Iraq economically in
> cahoots with his buddy the incompetent warmonger Bush and who is
> now sucking the Kuwaitis and Saudis dry of their precious Oil
> so that these Arabs will soon be in the poorhouse?

Re: [Goanet] Re: Two great men not

2006-01-19 Thread Chris Vaz
It is a crying shame that some of the posters on this forum are so blinded 
in their hate for Pesident Bush and Mr. Cheney, they would like to obfuscate 
statistics to bring these honorable people down to their level--if it is 
possible to drag anyone into the sewer with them...

Halliburton is not the only company whose stock has appreciated since 2001 
(after 9/11).

Here are other companies in similar industries (oilfield and engineering 
services) whose stock has risen to similar levels OR ABOVE during the same 
period (2001 to the present):

  Schlumberger  Limited$35   - 115.00

  Murphy Exploration15   -   60.00

  Questar Corp.   20   -   84.00

  Nabors Industries 19   -   80.00

I can cite several others with similar equivalents.  The reason that the 
price of such stocks has gone up is due to the fact that there is shortage 
of oil and there is feverish exploration activity with resultant demand for 
such services...

The impression sought to be given is that Halliburton is making money hand 
over fist which goes directly into the pockets of Bush/Cheney.  The facts 
are: Halliburton lost money in the last three years to the extent of $979 
(million) in 2004, $820 (million) in 2003 and $998 (million) in 2002.

These are cold irrefutable facts.  If we as Goans continue with closed minds 
without educating ourselves into reality trying to bring others down as it 
appears to be our tradition, we shall  continue to remain at the bottom of 
the heap!  Please, let us try to elevate ourselves and stop the bottom 


- Original Message - 
From: "Mervyn Lobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re: Two great men not

Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is this the same Heilburton guy who raped Iraq
economically in cahoots with
his buddy the incompetent warmonger Bush and who is
now sucking the Kuwaitis and Saudis dry of their
precious Oil so that these Arabs will soon be in the


Halliburton, run by Dick Cheney, was trading at USD$20
at the start of the Iraq war. It's now trading at

Any trader who believed that the US were invading Iraq
for oil (instead of "to promote democracy") went out
and bought oil stocks. After all, both Cheney and
President Bush (43) were oil men before accepting govt
positions and will return to trading  oil when their
terms are over. It helps the two when, coincidentally,
their "blind trusts" are loaded with oil stocks.

Could Valenzuela and Cuba be far behind in the
nefarious Cheney schemes to rob those countries of
their Oil?

Actually, both countries are a step ahead of Cheney.
Venezuela already owns the Citgo chain in the US and
has announced that it will supply cheap gas to the
American poor. Cuba is willing to do the same too.


Find your next car at

Re: [Goanet] Re: Two great men not

2006-01-19 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this the same Heilburton guy who raped Iraq
> economically in cahoots with 
> his buddy the incompetent warmonger Bush and who is
> now sucking the Kuwaitis and Saudis dry of their 
> precious Oil so that these Arabs will soon be in the

> poorhouse?

Halliburton, run by Dick Cheney, was trading at USD$20
at the start of the Iraq war. It's now trading at

Any trader who believed that the US were invading Iraq
for oil (instead of "to promote democracy") went out
and bought oil stocks. After all, both Cheney and
President Bush (43) were oil men before accepting govt
positions and will return to trading  oil when their
terms are over. It helps the two when, coincidentally,
their "blind trusts" are loaded with oil stocks.

> Could Valenzuela and Cuba be far behind in the
> nefarious Cheney schemes to rob those countries of 
> their Oil?

Actually, both countries are a step ahead of Cheney.
Venezuela already owns the Citgo chain in the US and
has announced that it will supply cheap gas to the
American poor. Cuba is willing to do the same too.


Find your next car at

Re: [Goanet] Re: Two great men

2006-01-19 Thread Chris Vaz
Is this the same Heilburton guy who raped Iraq economically in cahoots with 
his buddy the incompetent warmonger Bush and who is now sucking the Kuwaitis 
and Saudis dry of their precious Oil so that these Arabs will soon be in the 

And don't forget, he is now intimidating Old Europe into an unholy alliance 
to attack Iran (!) so that they can take over Iranian Oil for selfish U.S 
purposes and send the Ayatollahs to the poorhouse!

Could Valenzuela and Cuba be far behind in the nefarious Cheney schemes to 
rob those countries of their Oil?

Vigilance should be the order of the day...   Thanks for the reminders, 


- Original Message - 
From: "George Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:00 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Re: Two great men

| New on Goanet's website's A&E section -   |
|   Book in Review: A Kind of Absence - Joao da Veiga Coutinho 
| POEM: SUSEGAAD - Cynthia Gomes James 
| |

--- Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Let us also remember ... the Republicans in
Congress who helped tip the 1964 Civil Rights Act even when Democrats 

as Algore Sr and the Robt Byrd Klaneagle opposed it.

The 1960's made strange alliances as both Republicans and Democrats 
jockeyed for the
African-American vote.  However, in the relative civil-rights calm of 
1979, "freedom and
democracy" loving REPUBLICAN Dick Cheney (now Vice-President) voted 
against the Martin Luther King
holiday. He subsequently voted for it in 1983. How did he spend the 
holiday yesterday honoring
Martin Luther King?  In true Halliburton style he travelled to Saudi 
Arabia to meet his oil

business partners.


[Goanet] Re: Two great men

2006-01-17 Thread George Pinto
| New on Goanet's website's A&E section - 
|   Book in Review: A Kind of Absence - Joao da Veiga Coutinho|
| POEM: SUSEGAAD - Cynthia Gomes James|
--- Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let us also remember ... the Republicans in
> Congress who helped tip the 1964 Civil Rights Act even when Democrats such
> as Algore Sr and the Robt Byrd Klaneagle opposed it.

The 1960's made strange alliances as both Republicans and Democrats jockeyed 
for the
African-American vote.  However, in the relative civil-rights calm of 1979, 
"freedom and
democracy" loving REPUBLICAN Dick Cheney (now Vice-President) voted against the 
Martin Luther King
holiday. He subsequently voted for it in 1983. How did he spend the holiday 
yesterday honoring
Martin Luther King?  In true Halliburton style he travelled to Saudi Arabia to 
meet his oil
business partners.
