Re: [Goanet] A horrific warning to all

2005-03-28 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But I am puzzled by the fact that you wrote: 
 Sure do.
 In response to the following from me:
 The point is it is wrong to disseminate urban
 legends and hoaxes through chain letters and spam
 email.Do you disagree?
 I will assume that it is a typing error, and that
 actually meant you agree with me.


Yes - it was indeed a typo on my part.  I meant I
agree with your view that spread of hoaxes is wrong. 



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Re: [Goanet] A horrific warning to all - A True Story

2005-03-25 Thread Viviana
Dear Santosh,
Here is a third post, in quick succession.  :-)
Thank you for taking this opportunity to educate the members of this 
forum about the possibilities of contracting a disease from a needle 
injury.  I appreciate it and I'm sure all who read your posts appreciate 
the information contained therein.  Thank God the risk is quite low, as 
these injuries do occur, especially in a hospital setting, as I'm sure 
you already know.

Mario's original post might or might not be 100% false, still I 
appreciate that he was sincere in his attempt to pass on a warning to 
the members of this forum.  Is this a Mars/Venus moment we're having?  
Do you focus only on the content while I focus only on his intent?

Santosh, no one believes it is alright to spread made up stories of 
intentional harm on public mailing lists if they are exaggerated 
versions of isolated, accidental, real occurrences.  Do you think that 
was Mario's intent?  I do not.

Warm regards,
Santosh Helekar wrote:
--- Viviana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Am I not allowed to post my opinions or comments on
Goanet because I donate some time to the cause each

Dear Vivian,
I wish you posted more often. I am glad I succeeded in
eliciting two posts from you in quick succession.

WRT to Mario's original post, my feeling is this: 
Why would anyone be inclined to impugn the integrity
or intelligence of a man who was making a sincere
attempt to warn his fellow Goanetters of a


I have not impugned the integrity or intelligence of
anyone. I have merely stated and substantiated the
fact that the message that was forwarded was entirely
a hoax. I have also expressed my concern about the
defensiveness that it has generated. I have not
claimed that the forwarding was intentional.  

In any case, I have taken this thread as an
opportunity to report whatever pertinent facts I know
and could find out about this issue.

Not a possible hazard, but a real hazard:  I know it
is a hazard because I was present once when it


As I have stated before the risk of catching HIV from
a discarded needle in a public place is extremely low
to negligible.

Whether Mario's post was 100% true or not isn't the
point, there is at least some truth in the warning,


these injuries do occur. 


From my standpoint, that post is entirely the point.
It  was 100% untrue - a total fabrication. But I do
not hold Mario responsible for its origin. He was
clearly duped by it. I only have a problem with the
notion that it is alright to spread made up stories of
intentional harm on public mailing lists if they are
exaggerated versions of isolated, accidental, real

WRT Goanet's part in encouraging urban myths and
legends, we administrators cannot and do not want to
check the veracity of every post.  


All I ask is, please do not try to defend a post when
it has been shown to be an urban myth.

Who among us would be permitted to post under those

It is very easy for any netter to find out if an email
he/she received is a chain letter hoax or not. They
can just do a simple search on the site.

Are you correct 100% of the time?


Re: [Goanet] A horrific warning to all - A True Story

2005-03-25 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Viviana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Am I not allowed to post my opinions or comments on
Goanet because I donate some time to the cause each

Dear Vivian,

I wish you posted more often. I am glad I succeeded in
eliciting two posts from you in quick succession.

WRT to Mario's original post, my feeling is this: 
Why would anyone be inclined to impugn the integrity
or intelligence of a man who was making a sincere
attempt to warn his fellow Goanetters of a

I have not impugned the integrity or intelligence of
anyone. I have merely stated and substantiated the
fact that the message that was forwarded was entirely
a hoax. I have also expressed my concern about the
defensiveness that it has generated. I have not
claimed that the forwarding was intentional.  

In any case, I have taken this thread as an
opportunity to report whatever pertinent facts I know
and could find out about this issue.

Not a possible hazard, but a real hazard:  I know it
is a hazard because I was present once when it

As I have stated before the risk of catching HIV from
a discarded needle in a public place is extremely low
to negligible.

Whether Mario's post was 100% true or not isn't the
point, there is at least some truth in the warning,
these injuries do occur. 

From my standpoint, that post is entirely the point.
It  was 100% untrue - a total fabrication. But I do
not hold Mario responsible for its origin. He was
clearly duped by it. I only have a problem with the
notion that it is alright to spread made up stories of
intentional harm on public mailing lists if they are
exaggerated versions of isolated, accidental, real

WRT Goanet's part in encouraging urban myths and
legends, we administrators cannot and do not want to
check the veracity of every post.  

All I ask is, please do not try to defend a post when
it has been shown to be an urban myth.

Who among us would be permitted to post under those

It is very easy for any netter to find out if an email
he/she received is a chain letter hoax or not. They
can just do a simple search on the site.

Are you correct 100% of the time?




Re: [Goanet] A horrific warning to all

2005-03-25 Thread Santosh Helekar

I think I have said all I had to say on this issue. I
would only add that it is appropriate for health
authorities to run tests for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C
and HIV infection every time somebody gets stuck with
a needle or a sharp surgical instrument, as a
precautionary as well as documentational measure. And
there is definitely a significant risk of catching HIV
by repeated needle sharing in drug users. So the
needle exchange program has a role to play.

But I am puzzled by the fact that you wrote: 

Sure do.

In response to the following from me:

The point is it is wrong to disseminate urban
legends and hoaxes through chain letters and spam
email.Do you disagree?

I will assume that it is a typing error, and that you
actually meant you agree with me.



Re: [Goanet] A horrific warning to all - A True Story

2005-03-25 Thread Viviana
My Dear Santosh,
Am I not allowed to post my opinions or comments on Goanet because I 
donate some time to the cause each day?  I don't believe I signed my 
name as an administrator, only as a private citizen and a member of this 
forum.  Is it your opinion that Herman, Fred, Bosco and I should remain 

WRT to Mario's original post, my feeling is this:  Why would anyone be 
inclined to impugn the integrity or intelligence of a man who was making 
a sincere attempt to warn his fellow Goanetters of a hazard??  Not a 
possible hazard, but a real hazard:  I know it is a hazard because I was 
present once when it happened.  Whether Mario's post was 100% true or 
not isn't the point, there is at least some truth in the warning, as 
these injuries do occur. 

WRT Goanet's part in encouraging urban myths and legends, we 
administrators cannot and do not want to check the veracity of every 
post.  Who among us would be permitted to post under those conditions?  
Are you correct 100% of the time?

Warm regards,
Santosh Helekar wrote:
--- Viviana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

She can tell you that Mario's warning is no hoax.

I cannot believe that even Goanet administrators are
now trying to defend a fabricated chain letter. I
thought it was amply clear to everybody that Mario's
warning was a hoax. 

Vivian, have you read what was written in his
forwarded chain letter email? Do you stand by its
authenticity? Please ask your local health
authorities, the CDC or any of the internet anti-spam
watch-dog groups. I am sorry, but I think it is your
responsibility to do so before categorically stating
that Mario's warning was not a hoax, in this public
forum, of which you are an administrator.
Here are three other sites besides Snopes, Sophos and
CDC, which state that it is a hoax:
Please tell them that you think it is not a hoax, and
ask them why they disagree with you.
Does a bogus chain letter cease to be a hoax just
because its contents bear a slight resemblance to just
a part of something that happened to one of your
friends? I think it is important for us to know if you
and other Goanet administrators are now going to try
to defend the veracity of fake chain letter emails
based on such criteria.
Does Goanet want to encourage the propagation of urban
legends and internet rumors?


Re: [Goanet] A horrific warning to all

2005-03-25 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are these authorities spreading fabricated stories
 about needles in cinema theatres through chain
 letters? If they are doing that then they are
 propagating false information. 

Not through chain letters, but via published documents
(as I've pointed out the URLs before), news reports
and the like.  Every time there is a needle stick
injury in a train or on the beach (thankfully not yet
elsewhere) it is reported in the papers.  It is
usually reported that the affected person has to
undergo tests and wait a period of time before he/she
can be declared free of infection from a needle stick
injury. Are the media to blame?  (Note that in this
country, the govt, in its wisdom, issues free
replacements (meant to be an exchange, but it rarely
happens) to druggies to help keep the spread of
disease, due to needle-sharing, down. Unfortunately,
it means that there's more of them being discarded

 The point is it is wrong to disseminate urban
 and hoaxes through chain letters and spam email. Do
 you disagree?

Sure do.


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Re: [Goanet] A horrific warning to all

2005-03-25 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For a freshly withdrawn needle that has
 come in contact with infected blood the HIV risk is
 0.4%. The risk of Hepatitis C infection in this way
 is 3%. 

Thank you Santosh. 

That means the risk of catching HIV / Hep C through
sharing needles among drug users is small? 



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Re: [Goanet] A horrific warning to all - A True Story

2005-03-25 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Viviana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 She can tell you that Mario's warning is no hoax.

I cannot believe that even Goanet administrators are
now trying to defend a fabricated chain letter. I
thought it was amply clear to everybody that Mario's
warning was a hoax. 

Vivian, have you read what was written in his
forwarded chain letter email? Do you stand by its
authenticity? Please ask your local health
authorities, the CDC or any of the internet anti-spam
watch-dog groups. I am sorry, but I think it is your
responsibility to do so before categorically stating
that Mario's warning was not a hoax, in this public
forum, of which you are an administrator.

Here are three other sites besides Snopes, Sophos and
CDC, which state that it is a hoax:

Please tell them that you think it is not a hoax, and
ask them why they disagree with you.

Does a bogus chain letter cease to be a hoax just
because its contents bear a slight resemblance to just
a part of something that happened to one of your
friends? I think it is important for us to know if you
and other Goanet administrators are now going to try
to defend the veracity of fake chain letter emails
based on such criteria.

Does Goanet want to encourage the propagation of urban
legends and internet rumors?



Re: [Goanet] A horrific warning to all

2005-03-25 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Gabriel de Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Therefore, are the Health Dept of the Queensland
Govt(publisher of Accidental Needle Stick Injury in
Public Places), the South Eastern Sydney Area
Health Service of New South Wales (publishes the NSW
Needlestick Injury Hotline), the Occupational
Health and Safety reporting needle stick hazards, an
MP lobbying for retractable-needle syringes, all
guilty of propagating false information, in your

Are these authorities spreading fabricated stories
about needles in cinema theatres through chain
letters? If they are doing that then they are
propagating false information. 

The point is it is wrong to disseminate urban legends
and hoaxes through chain letters and spam email. Do
you disagree?

I'd like to know if the chances increase dramatically
if the needle has been freshly used and discarded? 
In the semi-darkness of a cinema or in the confines
a train?

The risk of contracting the HIV virus through
discarded needles in public places is extremely low.
This virus cannot survive for more than a few minutes
on an infected needle. So in general, the risk from
needles lying around for more than an hour is
negligible. For a freshly withdrawn needle that has
come in contact with infected blood the HIV risk is
0.4%. The risk of Hepatitis C infection in this way is

There is not a single published report in the medical
literature about anyone catching the HIV virus through
a discarded needle in a public place. The U.S. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which keep
track of such things have not received any report of
HIV infection through needle stick injury outside of
the medical or hospital settings. Here is a CDC
statement regarding this issue:



[Goanet]Goanet] A horrific warning to all - A True Story

2005-03-25 Thread Viviana
It is also hard to believe why anyone would impugn Mario's sincerity or 
intelligence because he posted what others have referred to as a hoax. 

I can assure you that at least in one case a needle was inserted into a 
seat cushion and pointing UP at San Francisco International Airport in 
the late 1990's.  My good friend and co-worker sat on it, it drew blood, 
and she was tested for AIDS and hepatitis for the next six months or 
so.  The worst part of this hoax is that she was at that time in 
treatment for very aggressive explosive breast cancer, had already 
undergone a double mastectomy, a hysterectomy and an oopharectomy, AND 
chemotherapy and radiation.  This hoax almost sent her around the 
bend.  Thank God I was with her when it happened and was able to calm 
her down, reassuring her, as others have mentioned here on this forum, 
that the chances of contracting a blood borne disease from an OLD needle 
are indeed slim.

Mary Jane is alive and well, thank God and Stanford University Medical 
Center, raising her four sons (their father was a US Air pilot, killed 
in a crash).  She can tell you that Mario's warning is no hoax.

Santosh Helekar wrote:
--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Whether the memo I circulated was false or not, all
it did was to warn people to watch their behinds when
they sit in a public place.  What has amazed me is
how this simple common sense warning, about a


possibility whether unintentional or deliberate.

Gabriel de Figueredo wrote:

The original may have been a spoof or not.

It is hard to understand why anybody would be so
defensive about an alarmist chain letter hoax. There
is no uncertainty about its falsity or spoofiness,
whatsoever. This was indeed a spoof of the most
despicable variety. Many anti-spam watch-dog sites and
public health agencies, such as the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, have issued statements
against the dissemination of this urban legend. The
general fact that there is a small risk of blood-borne
viral diseases from discarded needles, is no cover for
this pathetic act of fabrication.

Re: [Goanet] A horrific warning to all

2005-03-25 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Whether the memo I circulated was false or not, all
it did was to warn people to watch their behinds when
they sit in a public place.  What has amazed me is
how this simple common sense warning, about a
possibility whether unintentional or deliberate.

Gabriel de Figueredo wrote:

The original may have been a spoof or not.

It is hard to understand why anybody would be so
defensive about an alarmist chain letter hoax. There
is no uncertainty about its falsity or spoofiness,
whatsoever. This was indeed a spoof of the most
despicable variety. Many anti-spam watch-dog sites and
public health agencies, such as the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, have issued statements
against the dissemination of this urban legend. The
general fact that there is a small risk of blood-borne
viral diseases from discarded needles, is no cover for
this pathetic act of fabrication.



Re: [Goanet]A horrific warning to all

2005-03-24 Thread Mario Goveia

Whether the memo I circulated was false or not, all it
did was to warn people to watch their behinds when
they sit in a public place.  What has amazed me is how
this simple common sense warning, about a horrific
possibility whether unintentional or deliberate, has
gotten your shorts in a twist, along with George Pinto
and Gabe Menezes.

Gabriel de Figueredo has already pointed out that the
warning was hardly farfetched.  We're talking about an
incurable and fatal disease here, one that everyone
can avoid with a minimum of care.

--- Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A young girl, engaged and about to be
  married in a couple of months, was pricked while 
  the movie was going on. The tag with the needle
  the message Welcome to the World of HIV family.
 My guess is that you got trapped into spreading this
 hoax as: 
 1) You did not understand the part of protecting
 behind ;-)
 or maybe
 2) the reference to being pricked was the trigger?

 Post your free ad now!

Re: [Goanet]A horrific warning to all

2005-03-24 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A young girl, engaged and about to be
 married in a couple of months, was pricked while 
 the movie was going on. The tag with the needle
 had the message Welcome to the World of HIV
 My guess is that you got trapped into spreading this
 hoax as: 
 1) You did not understand the part of protecting
 your behind ;-)
 or maybe
 2) the reference to being pricked was the trigger?

Post your free ad now!

Re: [Goanet] A horrific warning to all

2005-03-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is false, see

Other anti-spam sites have also exposed variations of
this horrible hoax. Here is one such site:

The cinema theatre changes location and name. The
Disease Control Centre also relocates from Paris to
Melbourne. Only the IAS officer, S. Dinesh Gopinath,
who is supposed to be the Director of Medical 
Research in Chennai appears to be unique to the
present variation. I wonder if his inclusion can serve
as a test of the gullibility of the recipients of this
chain letter.



 --- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: S. Dinesh Gopinath,
  I.A.S,  Director of Medical  Research Div,
  Subject: AIDS

Re: [Goanet]A horrific warning to all

2005-03-23 Thread Gabe Menezes
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 09:21:56 -0800 (PST), Mario Goveia
 From: S. Dinesh Gopinath,
 I.A.S,  Director of Medical  Research Div, Chennai.
 Subject: AIDS
 Dear Friends,
 Kindly take a couple of minutes to go thru this mail.
 If useful may advise others also . Please pass this on
 to  others.
 This happened in Paris recently and may happen
 elsewhere also. A  few weeks ago, in a movie theatre,
 a  person felt something poking from her  seat. When
 she got up to see what it  was, she found a needle
 sticking out of  the seat with a note attached saying
 You have just been infected by HIV.

RESPONSE: I reckon you have been spoofed and want to return the favour
by spoofing the rest of us!

[Goanet]A horrific warning to all

2005-03-23 Thread Mario Goveia
From: S. Dinesh Gopinath,
I.A.S,  Director of Medical  Research Div, Chennai.

Subject: AIDS

Dear Friends,

Kindly take a couple of minutes to go thru this mail.
If useful may advise others also . Please pass this on
to  others.

This happened in Paris recently and may happen
elsewhere also. A  few weeks ago, in a movie theatre,
a  person felt something poking from her  seat. When
she got up to see what it  was, she found a needle
sticking out of  the seat with a note attached saying
You have just been infected by HIV.

The Disease Control Centre (in Paris) reports many
similar events in many other  cities recently. All
tested needles were HIV Positive. The Centre also
reports that needles have been found in cash
dispensers at public banking   machines. We ask
everyone to use extreme caution when faced with  this
kind of situation. All public chairs/seats should be
inspected with vigilance and caution before use. A
careful visual inspection should be enough.

In addition, they ask that each of you pass this
message along to  all members of your family and your
friends of the potential danger.  Recently, one doctor
has narrated a somewhat similar instance  that
happened  to one of his patients at the Priya Cinema
in Delhi. A young girl, engaged and about to be
married in a couple of months, was pricked while  the
movie was going on. The tag with the needle had the
message Welcome to the  World of HIV family. Though
the doctors told her family that  it takes   about 6
months before the virus grows strong enough to start
damaging the system and a healthy victim could survive
about 5-6 years,  the girl died in 4 months, perhaps
more because of the Shock thought. We  all have to
be careful at public places, rest God help!

Just think about  saving a life by forwarding this
message. Please, take a few seconds of your time to
pass along.

With Regards,

S. Dinesh Gopinath,
I.A.S,  Director of Medical  Research Div, Chennai.