Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-15 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I recently posted what The Globe and Mail reported on
WMD in Iraq, and despite an additional private request
for a response, he has kept silent :-(
Mario replies:
Mervyn, I have repeatedly told you that the Toronto
Globe & Mail and the Toronto Star both have zero
credibility with me.  I have found that they
deliberately misrepresent the truth on a whole host of
issues and their editors refuse to respond or clarify
when I bring these to their attention.

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-15 Thread Mario Goveia
You have nothing intelligent to say in response to the
points I have made, so you are now resorting to
personal insults and name-calling.  Words such as
"laughable" and "poppycock" do not pass muster in any
debate and are no substitute for facts and logic, and
you seem to be sadly deficient in those areas.

By the way, your side of the debate in the US lost in
the presidential elections last November, and you are
now stewing in your own bitter juices.  This is
fortunate for the 80% of Iraqis, who would have
otherwise been thrown back to the Sunni wolves by
people like you.

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-15 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My Dear, dear Mario,
> Please give it up; too many people to handle! You
have the wrong person I don't know what you are
talking about in regard to Uganda!
> Perhaps your good adversary who has now progressed
to 3.0 can help you out.check below.
Mario replies:
Gabe, the small cabal of anti-Americans are all
sounding the same right now, because you are like peas
in a pod.  I am quite capable of handling all of you
singly and jointly.  The point is I made a mistake in
mentioning Uganda and corrected it.  Mervyn can read
my post and figure it out for himself.

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-15 Thread Mario Goveia
Alfred de Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Mario, 
> please excuse me for butting in: 
> Depose the damned dictator by any and all means, but
does any political situation justify " the need to
.impose freedom and democracy. "?
Mario replies:
Alfred, firstly, you are welcome to butt in anytime.  

Secondly, in answer to your question, I believe that,
yes, democratic countries have an obligation to
support freedom and democracy in countries that do not
have it.  The US made it possible for Afghanistan and
Iraq to experience freedom and democracy, just as in
Germany and Japan a generation ago, and, with the help
of the Pope and Gorbachov, in the old Soviet Union
countries more recently, but did NOT impose
American-style democracy on any of these countries,
leaving the details for the locals to decide.

During his inauguration last January, President Bush
announced a new American policy of proactively
supporting democratic movements around the world.  His
reasoning is that this will bring world peace in the
longer run.  He bases his theory on the fact that
there is no instance in history where a democratic
country has attacked another democratic country.  He
specifically ruled out imposing US-style democracy,
pledging to leave it up to the citizens to decide what
kind of democracy they wanted to have.  Also, the
primary method will be through peaceful negotiations,
hopefully with the UN involved.  Force is always the
last resort in US policy, regardless of what the
anti-American critics may allege.

I have never understood how people who live in freedom
and democracy themselves, question the need for others
to be provided with the opportunity to experience
freedom and democracy.  Especially for people like the
Afghans and Iraqis, whose dictators were anything but benevolent.

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-14 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My Dear, dear Mario,
> Please give it up; too many people to handle! You
> have the wrong person I don't know what you are 
> talking about in regard to Uganda!
> Perhaps your good adversary who has now progressed
> to 3.0 can help you out.check below.

I have tried my level best to engage Mario in private
email so as to spare the other 7,000  members here the
agony of going thru a deteriorating discussion. 

Strangely enough, Mario does not reply to my private
emails. In addition, he has now chosen to close his
eyes and not respond to my postings on Goanet. I
recently posted what The Globe and Mail reported on
WMD in Iraq, and despite an additional private request
for a response, he has kept silent :-(

A man who confesses to small faults hopes you will
think he has no big ones.

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Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-14 Thread Mervyn Lobo
I had previously written:
> Het Mario,
> Please try and get your facts right before you
> write here. Unless, of course, there was an attack >
on Uganda that only you and George Bush know about.
> Mervyn3.0

To which you replied:
> Very good observation, Gabe!

I am wondering if it's possible to refrain from name
calling here on this forum. Can we come to a
gentlemans sgreement on this?


Post your free ad now!

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-14 Thread Mario Goveia
Colin is so upset that Saddam Hussain was removed from
power that he will continue to repeat what everyone
knows, that the WMDs were not found, over and over
again.  I have made a detailed case of why I think the
WMDs are still hidden somewhere, but Colin has not
responded to a single point that has been made with
any specifics of his own, which proves he has no idea
what he is talking about.  

For the record, all the Bush administration has said
is that the WMDs were not found in Iraq, not that they
were disposed off.  There is NO evidence that they
were disposed off.

The the UN asked Iraq to account for 12 years (why
would they do that if they - the UN), not the US -
thought there were NO WMDs?).  Saddam provided NO
evidence that he had disposed off the WMDs, which
eventually led to him being deposed.  Since providing
this evidence would have preserved his dictatorship,
it makes NO SENSE, to anyone but Colin and a handful
of his anti-American friends, to believe that the WMDs
were, in fact, disposed off.

Besides, the WMDs were only one of a whole series of
reasons, officially given by the Bush administration
for the liberation of Iraq, but Colin seems
uninterested in any facts.

--- Colin Britto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The author must realise that it is just HIS case
that WMD still exists. No-one else (even BUSH
officials) believe this any more.The author is free to
believe exactly what he wants to believe and ignore
ALL facts.  However - that doesn't make the facts go

[Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-14 Thread Colin Britto

The author's attempts at spin are laughable. I have
watched this debate for the last 6 months, and his
tactics are simple: just routinely repeat points, and
indulge in gross generalizations (example: if you are
against the war in Iraq, you must be pro-Saddam).

Mario: do you have a poster of Bush on your bedroom
wall? You CLAIM to support Bush, but talk is cheap.
Why have you not enlisted? Why have you not travelled
to Iraq yourself to find WMD? Why are your family
members not fighting in Iraq? Why? So many questions,
but no answers from you. What are you scared of?

Please answer these questions. And remember if you do
find WMD, you will also find fame and fortune, and the
immense gratitude of your personal hero, GWB. Maybe
you will even get a pet moniker from him - Goenkar

Furthermore, if you were to somehow either mention
"Goanet" during your TV interviews and/or inject some
needed capital into the Goanet infrastructure, I will
personally lobby the mythical Goanet Admin Team to
grant you a place at the Admin team table. I am sure
that  most (all?) members of Goanet will join me in
this effort The outpouring of support will doubtless
sway the minds of the great Herman and his cohorts
Fame, fortune, and a place on the Goanet Admin Team!!

So Mario: the rest is in your hands. Will you keep
talking poppycock - or will you replace words with
deeds? It is up to you.

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Colin,
> You are distinguishing yourself on Goanet by
> routinely
> spewing generalizations that have no basis in fact. 
> Can you please cite me one example where I have said
> that the Bush administration can do no wrong?
> You obviously cannot deal with the specific points
> that I have made, so I don't blame you for resorting
> to such tactics.

Do you Yahoo!? 
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Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-14 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 14/05/05, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Very good observation, Gabe!  It was a mistake for me
> to mention Uganda.  I should have said Tanzania, which
> was attacked on the same day as Kenya.


My Dear, dear Mario,

Please give it up; too many people to handle! You have the wrong
person I don't know what you are talking about in regard to Uganda!
Perhaps your good adversary who has now progressed to 3.0 can help you
out.check below.

> --- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Are
> > > you aware that Clinton's failure to respond to the
> > > series of attacks from WTC-I to Saudi Arabia,
> > Kenya,
> > > Uganda, Somalia and Yemen only emboldened them
> > > leading directly to WTC-II on 9/11.
> >
> >
> >
> > Het Mario,
> > Please try and get your facts right before you write
> > here. Unless, of course, there was an attack on
> > Uganda
> > that only you and George Bush know about.
> > Mervyn3.0
> >
> >
> >
> >
> __
> >
> > Post your free ad now!
> >
> >


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-14 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How could Saddam show WMD's that are not there?
Even a primary school kid could be foxed by such a
preposterous question that you put to us.The WMD's
were decommissioned and in reality were not of such a
magnitude as made out by the USA. That he used it
against the Kurds did not mean he had tons of it.
Mario replies, patiently:
In the interests of education and correcting the
record, I will attempt to explain the rationale to
Gabe, one more time.  See if you can follow this,

First of all, Saddam actually used WMDs against Iran
and against his own Kurds in the mid-80s.  Since you
were born at the time, you should know this, unlike
WW-II, where you said you could not be expected to
know stuff that happened before you were born.

In the cease fire agreement in 1991 Saddam agreed to
destroy his WMDs and provide an accounting to the UN. 
The UN, Gabe, not the US.  When he failed to do so,
stringent economic sanctions were imposed on Iraq,
which exempted food and medicines.  There were 17 such
UN resolutions, Gabe, from 1991 to the final one in
2003, which included an ultimatum that he would suffer
severe consequences, not just more sanctions.  When he
again failed to account for the WMDs he was deposed.

What you seem to have a hard time grasping, perhaps
because you don't want to, is that, if he had, in
fact, decommissioned the WMDs and had NONE, as you
seem gullible enough to believe, he should have been
easily been able to show this to the UN inspectors,
which would have complied with the UN resolutions, the
sanctions would have ended, he would not have been
deposed and could have gone back to his cushy
dictatorship, where he could kill, rape and torture
people at will.

He had from 1991 to 2003 to show the UN inspectors
that he had no WMDs.  He made his country suffer
crippling economic sanctions, and deprived them of
food and medicines that killed more of them than all
the casualties since the war began, while he looted
the oil-for-food program to build more palaces for his
own use.  He finally suffered the loss of his

Only anti-Americans like you find it reasonable to
believe that he went through all this, when he could
have avoided it all by showing the UN inspectors what
you claim he had done, which is decommission his WMDs.
 No, Gabe, he has either hidden them, because chemical
and biological weapons do not require TONS, and are
easy to hide in a vast country like Iraq, or he had
them moved to Syria.

Besides, as I have said, the WMDs, which you
anti-Americans seem obsessed with, were only one of a
whole list of reasons that were listed in the war
resolution authorizing the liberation of Iraq in the
US Senate.  Look it up on

Gabe writes:
Poppycock, you will follow Bush blindly; what you do
not answer on this Goanet is whether you would urge
your progeny to do battle. You are full of praise for
combating US troops - you should urge your kids to go
there and do their bit.

Mario replies:
Poppycock, Gabe?  What have I ever said that you can
cite which leads you to believe I will follow Bush
blindly?  You are using big words for you, like
poppycock, because you are too lazy to look up the
facts.  Look up the US resolution authorizing the war
of liberation, and you will see it is no poppycock or
any other cock.  Besides, your attempts at
personalizing this to me and my family is pathetic. 
You may think this is cute, but it is irrelevent to
the discussion.

Gabe writes:
Again you are bringing us down to your level - primary
school stuff - there is not one of us on this goanet
site that loves Saddam; I would state though that
there are not many of us that would follow George Bush
or your view either!

Mario replies:
You (I did not say everyone on Goanet), may not LOVE
Saddam, but the proof that you support him is based on
the lengths you go to obfuscate the true facts, even
refusing to look up things that are easily available
on the internet.  If your factless opposition to the
US-led liberation of Iraq had prevailed, Saddam would
have still be brutalizing the majority of Iraqis. 
This may not constitute you LOVING him, but it sure
constitutes support.
Gabe writes:
Yes I know you don't care, nor does your President.
What I am stating is that you are the one who plainly
stated that peace would not come to Iraq in a short
while and it would take time. You seem to
have a lapse of memory perhaps when it suits or
perhaps when you have no other avenue to turn to, like
a cornered dog staving off the inevitable - being torn
to pieces by the opposition.
Mario replies:
"Torn to pieces" is what is happening to your factless
arguments, Gabe.

Again, I think you are getting frustrated because you
are losing track of what you are saying.  Yes, I did
"plainly state", as did President Bush, that this
would take time.  It is taking time, as we said, so we
were correct.  Where is my lapse of memory?

Gabe, since WW-II took place before

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-14 Thread Mario Goveia
Very good observation, Gabe!  It was a mistake for me
to mention Uganda.  I should have said Tanzania, which
was attacked on the same day as Kenya.  

However, this  correction in a long list of attacks on
the US and US interests throughout the 90s, none of
which were responded to by the Clinton administration,
makes no difference to the point I was making about
Osama being emboldened by the appeasement and calling
himself a "strong horse" as a result.  Tyrants who are
on the attack cannot be appeased as Neville
Chamberlain found out years ago and Bill Clinton found
out more recently.

--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Are
> > you aware that Clinton's failure to respond to the
> > series of attacks from WTC-I to Saudi Arabia,
> Kenya,
> > Uganda, Somalia and Yemen only emboldened them
> > leading directly to WTC-II on 9/11. 
> Het Mario,
> Please try and get your facts right before you write
> here. Unless, of course, there was an attack on
> Uganda
> that only you and George Bush know about.
> Mervyn3.0
> Post your free ad now!

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-14 Thread Mario Goveia
You are distinguishing yourself on Goanet by routinely
spewing generalizations that have no basis in fact. 
Can you please cite me one example where I have said
that the Bush administration can do no wrong?

You obviously cannot deal with the specific points
that I have made, so I don't blame you for resorting
to such tactics.

--- Colin Britto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The author indulges in sycophantic fawning over the
> Bush administration - to him, it can do no wrong.
> Not
> even a single mistake...
> I must remind the audience that no one is
> infallible.
> One must ask: does the author keep a poster of the
> president and other members of the administration on
> his bedroom ceiling? All the better to gaze at
> adoringly
> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
> __ 
> Yahoo! Mail Mobile 
> Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your
> mobile phone. 

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-14 Thread Alfred de Tavares
From: Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in 
Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 23:43:32 +0100

On 13/05/05, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario replies:
> Gabe, it would help the civilized discourse that we
> are supposed to have on Goanet if you knew what you
> were talking about.  I have repeatedly made the case
> that the WMDs are still hidden somewhere, whereas you
> and the other anti-Americans keep repeating the fact
> that they were not found in Iraq, without explaining
> what happened to the ones Saddam had and used.
RESPONSE: How could Saddam show WMD's that are not there?
Even a primary school kid could be foxed by such a preposterous
question that you put to us.The WMD's were decommissioned and in
reality were not of such a magnitude as made out by the USA.
That he used it against the Kurds did not mean he had tons of it.

> Secondly, if you had looked up the war resolution
> authorizing the liberation of Iraq you would know that
> there were several reasons for the action other than
> WMDs, including the need to depose Saddam and impose
> freedom and democracy.  So, the notion that it was an
> afterthought is just flat out false, and reflects the
> biased propaganda being spread by the newspapers you
> and some of our Canadian friends seem to read.
RESPONSE: poppycock, you will follow Bush blindly; what you do not
answer on this Goanet is whether you would urge your progeny to do
battle. You are full of praise for combating US troops - you should
urge your kids to go there and do their bit.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England
please excuse me for butting in:
Depose the demned dictator by any and all means, but does
any political situation justify " the need to . impose freedom and
democracy. "?
Alfred de Tavares
Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

[Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-13 Thread Colin Britto
The author must realise that it is just HIS case that
WMD still exists. No-one else (even BUSH officials)
believe this any more.The author is free to believe
exactly what he wants to believe and ignore ALL facts.
However - that doesn't make the facts go away...

I also note he uses terms below like "we don't care".
Who is this WE? The author is just representing
himself, no one else. 

I strongly urge Mr. Goveia to hop on a plane and prove
everyone wrong by finding the WMD. He will have the
last laugh on every Bush critic.

So, Mario - when is your flight to Baghdad leaving?
Best of luck. please remember us humble
(reality-based) Goanetters when you've found fame and
fortune as a result of finding said missing WMD.

Maybe you can even help out Herman, Fred & Co. by
injecting some much needed capital into Goanet!

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Mario replies:
> Gabe, it would help the civilized discourse that we
> are supposed to have on Goanet if you knew what you
> were talking about.  I have repeatedly made the case
> that the WMDs are still hidden somewhere, whereas
> you
> and the other anti-Americans keep repeating the fact
> that they were not found in Iraq, without explaining
> what happened to the ones Saddam had and used. 
> Maybe
> you are unaware that they really did exist, and
> there
> were 17 UN resolutions from 1991 to 2003 demending
> an
> accounting of them. UN resolutions, not US demands.
> Secondly, if you had looked up the war resolution
> authorizing the liberation of Iraq you would know
> that
> there were several reasons for the action other than
> WMDs, including the need to depose Saddam and impose
> freedom and democracy.  So, the notion that it was
> an
> afterthought is just flat out false, and reflects
> the
> biased propaganda being spread by the newspapers you
> and some of our Canadian friends seem to read.
> What you are truly sad about it seems to me is that
> a
> brutal dictator who was governing by terrorizing the
> majority of Iraqis, killing his own people and
> looting
> his own treasury, has been deposed.
> Gabe writes:
> > Everyday we hear of dozens of people being killed
> in
> Iraq and we are told to be patient as this same sort
> of thing took place after WW II in the
> reconstruction
> of Japan and Germany. I was not born then, perhaps
> he
> knows better - that there were mass atrocities being
> committed in those countries after they were
> conquered
> and it took awhile to calm down the situation.
> > 
> Mario replies:
> Gabe, we really don't care whether you are patient
> or
> not.  Our goal right now is to secure Iraq and stop
> the killing by the people whom you support from
> killing other Iraqis in a futile attempt to turn
> back
> the clock.  The notion that you had to have lived
> through WW-II to know about what happened then is
> preposterous.  By this definition the world began
> when
> YOU were born.

Yahoo! Mail
Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour:

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-13 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 13/05/05, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mario replies:
> Gabe, it would help the civilized discourse that we
> are supposed to have on Goanet if you knew what you
> were talking about.  I have repeatedly made the case
> that the WMDs are still hidden somewhere, whereas you
> and the other anti-Americans keep repeating the fact
> that they were not found in Iraq, without explaining
> what happened to the ones Saddam had and used.  

RESPONSE: How could Saddam show WMD's that are not there?
Even a primary school kid could be foxed by such a preposterous
question that you put to us.The WMD's were decommissioned and in
reality were not of such a magnitude as made out by the USA.
That he used it against the Kurds did not mean he had tons of it.

> Secondly, if you had looked up the war resolution
> authorizing the liberation of Iraq you would know that
> there were several reasons for the action other than
> WMDs, including the need to depose Saddam and impose
> freedom and democracy.  So, the notion that it was an
> afterthought is just flat out false, and reflects the
> biased propaganda being spread by the newspapers you
> and some of our Canadian friends seem to read.

RESPONSE: poppycock, you will follow Bush blindly; what you do not
answer on this Goanet is whether you would urge your progeny to do
battle. You are full of praise for combating US troops - you should
urge your kids to go there and do their bit.
> What you are truly sad about it seems to me is that a
> brutal dictator who was governing by terrorizing the
> majority of Iraqis, killing his own people and looting
> his own treasury, has been deposed.

RESPONSE: Again you are bringing us down to your level - primary
school stuff - there is not one of us on this goanet site that loves
Saddam; I would state though that there are not many of us that would
follow George Bush or your view either!

> Gabe writes:
> > Everyday we hear of dozens of people being killed in
> Iraq and we are told to be patient as this same sort
> of thing took place after WW II in the reconstruction
> of Japan and Germany. I was not born then, perhaps he
> knows better - that there were mass atrocities being
> committed in those countries after they were conquered
> and it took awhile to calm down the situation.
> >
> Mario replies:
> Gabe, we really don't care whether you are patient or
> not.  

RESPONSE: Yes I know you don't care, nor does your President. What I
am stating is that you are the one who plainly stated that peace would
not come to Iraq in a short while and it would take time. You seem to
have a lapse of memory perhaps when it suits or perhaps when you have
no other avenue to turn to, like a cornered dog staving off the
inevitable - being torn to pieces by the opposition.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-13 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Also the author keeps asking the rest of us, the
whereabouts of the WMD. His Government insisted that
there were WMD's. When these were not found the
rhetoric, is did you want Saddam to continue in
Iraq. How truly sad, how one can conjure an excuse
after the fact, for going to War!

Mario replies:
Gabe, it would help the civilized discourse that we
are supposed to have on Goanet if you knew what you
were talking about.  I have repeatedly made the case
that the WMDs are still hidden somewhere, whereas you
and the other anti-Americans keep repeating the fact
that they were not found in Iraq, without explaining
what happened to the ones Saddam had and used.  Maybe
you are unaware that they really did exist, and there
were 17 UN resolutions from 1991 to 2003 demending an
accounting of them. UN resolutions, not US demands.

Secondly, if you had looked up the war resolution
authorizing the liberation of Iraq you would know that
there were several reasons for the action other than
WMDs, including the need to depose Saddam and impose
freedom and democracy.  So, the notion that it was an
afterthought is just flat out false, and reflects the
biased propaganda being spread by the newspapers you
and some of our Canadian friends seem to read.

What you are truly sad about it seems to me is that a
brutal dictator who was governing by terrorizing the
majority of Iraqis, killing his own people and looting
his own treasury, has been deposed.

Gabe writes:
> Everyday we hear of dozens of people being killed in
Iraq and we are told to be patient as this same sort
of thing took place after WW II in the reconstruction
of Japan and Germany. I was not born then, perhaps he
knows better - that there were mass atrocities being
committed in those countries after they were conquered
and it took awhile to calm down the situation.
Mario replies:
Gabe, we really don't care whether you are patient or
not.  Our goal right now is to secure Iraq and stop
the killing by the people whom you support from
killing other Iraqis in a futile attempt to turn back
the clock.  The notion that you had to have lived
through WW-II to know about what happened then is
preposterous.  By this definition the world began when
YOU were born.

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-13 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are
> you aware that Clinton's failure to respond to the
> series of attacks from WTC-I to Saudi Arabia, Kenya,
> Uganda, Somalia and Yemen only emboldened them
> leading directly to WTC-II on 9/11. 

Het Mario,
Please try and get your facts right before you write
here. Unless, of course, there was an attack on Uganda
that only you and George Bush know about.

Post your free ad now!

[Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-13 Thread Colin Britto
The author indulges in sycophantic fawning over the
Bush administration - to him, it can do no wrong. Not
even a single mistake...

I must remind the audience that no one is infallible.

One must ask: does the author keep a poster of the
president and other members of the administration on
his bedroom ceiling? All the better to gaze at

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yahoo! Mail Mobile 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone. 

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-13 Thread Mario Goveia
Colin Britto  wrote:
> The comments below are of the type "if you are
against American intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq,
then you are pro Saddam and Taliban".
> This is a very simplistic evaluation of world
events.  The author swallows the "with us or against
us" and other facets of the doctrine of the Bush
administration without any critical thought 

> They fail to grasp this basic fact: Being against
the US intervention in Iraq does not mean a pro-Saddam

Mario replies:
Colin, what I have grasped is that you like to keep
repeating yourself (see above) without feeling any
need to explain your reasoning or provide any
specifics.  I looked in vain for YOUR critical
thoughts on the Bush doctrine on confronting terrorism
and supporting democratic movements with the long term
expectation that spreading freedom and democracy will
enhance world peace.

I do believe that if you do not support us you are
against us in the war against worldwide terrorism. 
Since you think this is so "simplistic", would you
PLEASE give us your "sophisticated" opinion of how you
can be against the US stand against terrorism without
giving aid and comfort to our enemy - and yours as
well as you will find out if you ever cross paths with
them.  The terrorists are psychologically sustained
and feed on the opposition to the US of people like

Are you even aware that it was Al Qaeda that first
declared "war" against the US at the height of Bill
Clinton's appeasement oriented administration?  Are
you aware that Clinton's failure to respond to the
series of attacks from WTC-I to Saudi Arabia, Kenya,
Uganda, Somalia and Yemen only emboldened them leading
directly to WTC-II on 9/11.  Do you even remember
Osama calling himself the "strong horse" and the US a
"weak horse"?  No sign of the self-declared "strong
horse" for several years now, just some audio and
video tapes encouraging others to die, while he hides
in some hole in the ground.  All this was before Bush
became president.

Are you even aware that Saddam had violated 17 UN
resolutions over 12 long years, was brutalizing his
own people and looting the oil-for-food program,
before Bush decided enough was enough?  Shouldn't he
have been removed just for this stuff, with no regard
to any WMDs?

Colin writes: 
> It is also rather amusing (and sad) that the author
keeps hoping for WMD to be found in Iraq. Ignoring
facts does not make them go away.

Mario replies:
When you finish laughing would you like to tell us
what facts I am ignoring?  Would you venture a guess
as to how WMDs can disappear without a trace?  Did you
even know that Iraq had WMDs and had used these
against Iran and the Kurds?  Also, while you are at
it, would you explain to us why, if Saddam had no
WMDs, that he was unable to show this to the UN
inspectors, which would have lifted the sanctions, and
he could have gone on with his cushy dictatorship,
mass graves and rape rooms, looting the Iraqi
treasury, and you could have gone back to your
sophisticated views of the world without a care fo all
the Shia and Kurds that were being brutalized.

Re: [Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-13 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 13/05/05, Colin Britto  wrote:
> The comments below are of the type "if you are against American intervention
> in Afghanistan and Iraq, then you are pro Saddam and Taliban".
> This is a very simplistic evaluation of world events.  The author swallows
> the "with us or against us" and other facets of the doctrine of the Bush
> administration without any critical thought whatsoever.
> They fail to grasp this basic fact: Being against the US intervention in Iraq
> does not mean a pro-Saddam stance.
> It is also rather amusing (and sad) that the author keeps hoping for WMD to be
> found in Iraq. Ignoring facts does not make them go away.

RESPONSE: Also the author keeps asking the rest of us, the whereabouts
of the WMD. His Government insisted that there were WMD's. When these
were not found the rhetoric, is did you want Saddam to continue in
Iraq. How truly sad, how one can conjure an excuse after the fact, for
going to War!

Everyday we hear of dozens of people being killed in Iraq and we are
told to be patient as this same sort of thing took place after WW II
in the reconstruction of Japan and Germany. I was not born then,
perhaps he knows better - that there were mass atrocities being
committed in those countries after they were conquered and it took
awhile to calm down the situation.

Gabe Menezes.
Wimbledon England.

[Goanet]Re: NEWS UPDATE - another Saddam mass grave found in Iraq

2005-05-12 Thread Colin Britto
The comments below are of the type "if you are against American intervention 
in Afghanistan and Iraq, then you are pro Saddam and Taliban".

This is a very simplistic evaluation of world events.  The author swallows 
the "with us or against us" and other facets of the doctrine of the Bush
administration without any critical thought whatsoever. 

They fail to grasp this basic fact: Being against the US intervention in Iraq 
does not mean a pro-Saddam stance.

It is also rather amusing (and sad) that the author keeps hoping for WMD to be 
found in Iraq. Ignoring facts does not make them go away.

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mario replies:
> > Nice emotional attempt at anti-liberation propaganda,
> > "JDSullivan (stringer)", but you need to know that the
> > US forces today do not target innocent civilians,
> > something that was commonplace during WW-II, whereas,
> > as in any war, innocent civilians do get killed. No
> > one in Afghanistan or among the Shia and Kurds in
> > Iraq is calling Americans "Baby Killers", just the
> > opposite.  It is only people like you, who prefer the
> > "stability" of brutal dictatorships, and can't see the
> > woods for the trees, who spew these canards.