Re: [Goanet] Re: The destruction of Hindu temples to build Churches- response to Mario

2006-06-20 Thread Mario Goveia

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--- Vivek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In my opinion and in the opinion of many historians
 there is no perhaps or maybe as far as
 atrocities on the local population including 
 destruction of hindu temples is concerned.It is 
 well documented by independent historians and the 
 writings of people like Francis xavier too reflect 
 that barbarity.
Mario responds:

Any opinion needs to be backed up by supporting
evidence.  Please refer to the posts of Gilbert
Lawrence on the subject of the evidence you so glibly
cite, without presenting any, and debate that part
with him if you choose to.  Such details are his

Vivek writes:

 I also belive that such wanton acts of religious
 extremism in the past should not be used to justify
 and encourage more such acts in our present times.
 At the same times such incidents should not be
 brushed under the carpet under the pretense of 
 maintaining communal harmony or by refering to 
 other issues like sati manusmriti and aryan 
 invasion or hindutva.
Mario replies:

I agree.  However, we should not brush one part of
ancient history under the carpet while obsessing on
some other part.  Mentioning that every conquering
group did something does not absolve any of them. 
Mentioning one and objecting to any mention of others
indicates some bias.

Vivek writes:

 I belive it would be a good start for all of us if
 accept that what the portuguese and other colonial
 missionaries of bygone era incuding francis xavier
 did was an extreme example of religious bigotry and
Mario replies:

I hope that you have noted that while I am a
practicing Catholic who focuses on the precepts of the
religion as opposed to the institution and the
personalities that may have besmirched it over the
years, I have called the Portuguese of the Inquisition
period Christian-fascists.  What more do you want from

Vivek writes:

 I also do not agree with your assertion that
 criticising such acts by christian zealots in the
 past is in any way related to christianity 
Mario replies:

Again, I agree with you in principle.  However, why
would we give any special credibility on this issue to
those like Marlon who gleefully bash Christians and
Christianity as a general part of their modus
operandi, while denying they do so?  If you don't
believe me, click on the following URL and see what he
thinks for yourself, in his own words:

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Re: [Goanet] Re: The destruction of Hindu temples to build Churches

2006-06-19 Thread Mario Goveia

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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--- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However, as all knowledge is provisional, I am sure 
 we will discover much more on this theme--
 particularly from historians.
Mario observes:


Bill Clinton would love you, man :-))  It all depends
on what the meaning of 'is' is is the mantra that
guides you both :-))

As the comical Oracle of relativism you have
pronounced once again with utmost certitude all
knowledge is provisional.  Is your certitude on this
issue provisional as well?

I'm waiting with bated breath to discover whether the
provisional knowledge that 2 plus 2 equals 4 has
changed due to additional research and reflection :-))

And please use some other object, not yourself, when
you try to see whether the provisional principles of
gravity have changed:-))

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Re: [Goanet] Re: The destruction of Hindu temples to build Churches

2006-06-18 Thread Mario Goveia
Please do not selectively associate me in this issue.

If you have followed this thread you would know that I
have clearly said that this kind of atrocity was quite
possible during Goa's Christian-fascist Inquisition
period.  If it did, it is another unfortunate
historical atrocity, among many such atrocities.

I have also said that such atrocities were not limited
to Portuguese or Christians as we know from the
Ayodhya experience.  I cited a Hindu temple that was
demolished in Lahore just this month and replaced by a
temple of commerce.

My comments have mostly to do with the attitudes and
biased comments by certain well-known
Christian-bashers on Goanet, who grew up Christian but
who now never lose an opportunity to malign the
religion and those of us who practice it.

--- Vivek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have been following the discussion between marlon,
 Gilber mario and others regarding the destruction of
 hindu temples by the Portuguese

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Re: [Goanet] Re: The destruction of Hindu temples to build Churches

2006-06-18 Thread cornel

Hi Gilbert
I have now read your version as well as that of Marlon on this theme. 
Further, I have had communication in London, among others, with  a Goan who 
is working on a book on the Inquisition in Goa. I have of course, done some 
reading on the theme too. On the bases of all these avenues, my hunch is 
that  Marlon's is the more persuasive of the two versions. However, as all 
knowledge is provisional, I am sure we will discover much more on this 
theme--particularly from historians.

- Original Message - 
From: Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 2:51 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Re: The destruction of Hindu temples to build Churches

Hi Cornel,

This is a response to some of your comments in the two recent posts on this 
thread. Both your posts have statements which appear to be confusing. In 
themselves, some may be true statements, but they (the various facts) are 
not connected.

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Re: [Goanet] Re: The destruction of Hindu temples to build Churches

2006-06-17 Thread Marlon Menezes
Just to let everyone, Gilbert's comments below are yet
another spin in his attempt to deflect blame from the

It is well known that Goa was ruled by a Muslim leader
by the name of Adil Shah when the Portuguese attacked
Goa. In fact, the Portuguese received support from
neighboring Hindu rulers. Like the British who were to
follow much later, the Portuguese came to India in
search of trade, not to prostelyze. The Portuguese did
not touch any of the Hindu structures and the native
population continued to live as before.

It as only around 100+ years later, with the onset of
the Inquisition that the Portuguese were forced to
change course and target the native Hindu population
and their religion. It is only during this time that
Hindu temples were destroyed with churches built on
them. To suggest that Hindu temples were destroyed as
a result of a military operation that took place 100+
years earlier is simply ridiculous! This was not a
militarily driven operation. It was purely a
manifestation of christian extremism.

During this period of Christian genocide against the
Goan Hindus, virtually all their temples were
destroyed in the regions they controlled, which
primarily consisted of what is today's Ilhas, Bardez
and Salcete. That is why, we see few if any old Hindu
structures in these regions today.

After about another 100 years, the rest of the eastern
talukas of what now called Goa came under Portuguese
rule. However by then, the Inquisition had died down
and furthermore, the Church no longer had the power it
once did. As a result, many ancient Hindu temples
still exist in these talukas today.

As I said, the more Gilbert writes on this topic, the
more it highlights his biases.

--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Cornel,
 This is a response to some of your comments in the
 two recent posts on this thread. Both your posts
 have statements which appear to be confusing. In
 themselves, some may be true statements, but they
 (the various facts) are not connected.
 As I stated previously and discussed about two years
 ago, Hindu temples were destroyed to terrorize the
 native population and as part of a LAND GRAB. Thus
 the Hindus left their ancestral land and villages
 and fled the Portuguese territory. This was part of
 the military's plan. All invading armies did the
 same - used some excuse (extending from destruction
 of places of worship and homes, slaughter,
 intimidation, introduction of laws, etc.) to
 confiscate / grab the land. The land was then
 distributed (as compensation) to the retired
 soldiers and officers of the invading army. 

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Re: [Goanet] Re: The destruction of Hindu temples .....

2006-06-15 Thread Marlon Menezes

Thank you for your long winded attempt to weasel out
an explanation. The more you write, the more you
expose your prejudices.

If you wish to ignore the mountains of independent
research that has been done on this issue and choose
to ignore the material evidence that still exists on
the ground today, all the more power to you. 


--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hence we should be skeptical on rumors, beliefs and
 writings from the Ancient and Middle Ages. In Goa,
 we call them Kaneos.  However many modern writings
 are reproductions from or heavily referenced to
 Middle Age accounts. A good example is the De Vinci
 Code. Other modern examples are some of the articles
 written on the web on Goa during the Middle Ages.
 Hence SUBJECTIVE descriptions should be taken with a
 large grain of salt.  This compared to texts that
 are factual and describe OBJECTIVE findings. Some of
 these objective findings should still be
 CORROBORATED to verify the authenticity of the
 original descriptions.  Or else what we see and what
 they mean may be fictional and we do not want our
 religious beliefs to be based on fiction.

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Re: [Goanet] Re: The destruction of Hindu temples to build Catholicchurches in their places.

2006-06-15 Thread Marlon Menezes
  Mario replies:
 Many things that are well known are based on
 and don't have the slightest evidence.

Obviously Mario has not bothered to read the threads
from 2004.

Once he is done reading those threads, he should read:
Flight of the Deities: Hindu Resistance in Portuguese
Goa,  by Paul Axelrod, Michelle A. Fuerch
Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (May, 1996).

If he is still interested, I can provide him with
references to additional books that I have read that
have more details with pictoral evidence of Hindu
structures within existing churches.

 Mario replies:
 Since when did Marlon, who doesn't lose an
 to bash Christians, Catholics and religion, become
 expert on this subject?
And when did Mario become a friend of the catholics?
Mario's vile comments comparing the Pope and the
Vatican to the islamic terrorists, just because they
opposed the Iraq war, leaves a lot to be desired!
Mario should not throw stones in glass houses.

My questioning of christian beliefs does not equate to
me being anti christian. All it does is that it
exposes certain people's insecurities about their own
religion. The record clearly shows that I have
supported the rights of christians (and all religions
for that matter) and have provided material support
for Goan Catholic organizations.

 Mario replies:
 And how about when pagan temples were built on the
 ruins of Christian churches, mosques were built on
 ruins of Hindu temples, and Hindu temples built on
 ruins of mosques?  What cross was involved in these
 Wherever this kind of thing did happen it was the  
 ultimate symbol of religious supremacy, hatred and
You need to show consistency to all forms of
intolerance. If all of the above was unaccetable, then
why is it that you continue to ignore the issue of
churches being built over destroyed temples?

I am not asking that the church provide restitution
for events that took place 500 years ago. What I am
asking for is that people acknowledge that such events
took place, as it serves as the best deterrent against
extremism from the other side. It is quite natural for
some like Gilbert to fear the truth for it may provide
ammunition for the enemies of the church to attack it.
My approach looks to marginalize the Hindu extremists
by appealing to the quest for the truth and common
sense shared by the moderate majority from all the


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Re: [Goanet] Re: The destruction of Hindu temples to build Catholicchurches in their places.

2006-06-14 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Aurelius Figueredo wrote:

 Well it's also quite well known the during the early
 crusades in Europe, a lot of pagan temples were
 destroyed and churches raised in their place.  The
 reasons were varied of which this thread doesn't get
 into but it did happen. 
Mario replies:

Many things that are well known are based on rumors
and don't have the slightest evidence.

Auri writes:

 In fact as Marlon stated, in some old churches
 eastern Europe, tourists have actually traced the 
 outlines of the pagan temple within the church.  

Mario replies:

Since when did Marlon, who doesn't lose an opportunity
to bash Christians, Catholics and religion, become an
expert on this subject?
Auri writes:

 As far as what the thought process would be to
 desecrate a church by building over a pagan temple? 
 The raising of a blessed cross by a priest and the
 first mass would sanctify the land and drive away
 all evils.  
Mario replies:

And how about when pagan temples were built on the
ruins of Christian churches, mosques were built on the
ruins of Hindu temples, and Hindu temples built on the
ruins of mosques?  What cross was involved in these

Wherever this kind of thing did happen it was the  
ultimate symbol of religious supremacy, hatred and


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