Re: [Goanet] HINDU MASS

2006-10-28 Thread Neal Pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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I've entered this discussion a little bit late and I haven't managed
to find all the e-mails referring to this issue.

I need some clarification:

Are people here in *support* of Indian inculturation of Christianity
or are they *against* it?

Neal Pinto
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Clarification regarding misinformation

2006-10-28 Thread Santosh Helekar

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Are you doing a bit of 'yetha or vetha rree'?  This
is the fastest 'yetha or vetha ree / turn-around'
I have seen. And THIS is embarrassing for someone
who calls himself a scientist.  Likely you really do
not know what you are writing. (Like denying
Jayant's written statement / belief in the Goan


It is unfortunate that you find it necessary to insult
me in every single one of your posts.

Interspersed below are my final comments on this
thread. If you want to reply to this, please do it
without resorting to any more insults.

There was little that Jayant said that contradicted
me. Unlike you and a few others, Jayant even agreed
with me about the kani existing in Goa, albeit not
exclusively. :=))

False. Jayant said that there is no such kaanni
specifically in Goa. I have spent the first 25 years
of my life in Goa. I went to medical college in Goa,
the same one that Jayant went to. I have never heard
such a kaanni in Goa.

 1. The Goan kani, which you deny exists - hence this
 discussion is really moot.

Jayant who has practiced cancer surgery in Goa denies
that there is such a kaanni among grandmothers in Goa.

 2. The possible deleterious effects of surgery in
 cancer - for whatever reason - REPEAT by whatever

Here is what Jayant says at

For some types of cancers, excision of tumour could
have deleterious effect on the patient, but in reality
this is the exception rather than the rule. In fact, a
recent paper in JCO suggests that surgery even in the
presence of metastasis is good for the patient.

3. The deleterious effects of surgery on the immune

The deleterious effect of surgical stress is a
separate matter, and a more general one, as addressed
by me. Both Jayant and I have pointed out that it does
not apply to the effects implied in your erroneous
description of the so-called mouse experiment.

 In a related simile, Galileo observed the earth
 revolves around the sun. Galileo did not know about
 Newton's gravitation and other astronomers' theories
 why that happened.  The mauxis had the power of
 observation. The explanations for their observations
 is / are for latter-day scientists to work on and
 advance.  And there may be several explanations for
 the observations which are not mutually exclusive.

There is only one explanation for Galileo's
observation. The force of gravity! 

For the inhibitory effects of the primary tumor on
metastatic growth in Lewis lung carcinoma, Folkman's
lab has shown that the explanation is the secretion of
angiostatin, which inhibits tumor blood vessel
formation. They have ruled out the involvement of the
immune system by observing the same results in
immunodeficient mice (SCID mice).

Unless of course, if you want to wager with me to
donate, to a charity of my designation, if I show you
studies in mice and/ or humans showing the possible
deleterious effects of major surgery on cancer
survival compared to smaller operations (beyond of
course the operative mortality).:=))  

If you can, all I ask you to do is to tell me where
you read the description of the so-called mouse
experiment that you provided in this forum. I submit
to you and prove to you privately that your decription
was completely inaccurate.

This is the thrust of the mauxis' kani, in case you
missed it.  

Please note that you referred to grandmother's kaanni.
Mauxi is a Konkani word for maternal aunt, not for a


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] A woman without a culture of her own

2006-10-28 Thread Carvalho

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Dear Victor,

I take the liberty of calling you Victor. I don't
understand, how can Asians be Caucasians?

--- Victor Rangel-Ribeiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear Selma,
   Surely those two groups overlap? Some American
 Asians are American 
 Caucasians? Some Indians, for example?

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[Goanet] An evening of Narkasur spotting

2006-10-28 Thread Cecil Pinto

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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An evening of Narkasur spotting
Din-I-Ilahi, the perfect religion for a very special generation.
By Cecil Pinto

Big nalkasur daddar!, screamed my son Fabian 
pointing to a huge green roadside Narkasur 
effigy, in the  popular seated position, 
somewhere near the St. Inez-Taleigao 
junction.  Fabian had been appointed our 
Narkasur-spotter while his elder brother Desmond 
kept up a non-stop conversation with me. This was 
our annual father-and-sons routine on the evening 
before Diwali in Panjim. Astride my trusted 
Activa scooter, with Desmond seated behind and 
Fabian in front, we would do the standard route 
from Tonca through Panjim to Mala and back, and 
in the process see every Narkasur in town. Much 
more exciting than watching Cartoon Network, and 
definitely cheaper than a movie, popcorn and cola 
at Inox. Especially since Fabian turned four. 
Before that we felt morally justified in saying 
that he was technically in the three-and-below 
category, and hence did not need a separate ticket.

Small nalkasur daddar, piped in Fabian, who has 
a language problem not only with 'l' and 'r' but 
apparently also in estimating size. Any Narkasur 
above twelve feet was 'big' and anything below 
that was 'small'. The word 'medium' did not exist 
in Fabian's vocabulary. Maybe he will grow up 
intolerant of mediocrity, which isn't such a bad thing!

But Dada if they're going to burn the Narkasur why make one at all?

It's symbolic son, like the Ganesh idol that 
costs so much to make and decorate and is then immersed

But Ganesh is good and Narkasur is bad, no Dada? 
So why they are worshipping Narkasur?

No son, they are not worshipping Narkasur. It's 
all symbolic. By burning the Narkasur they are 
celebrating the triumph of good over evil.

Dada is Narkasur the God of Cellphones?

Why on earth would you think that son?

See so many people are stretching their hands 
and facing their cellphones to the Narkasurs

Those people have camera-phones Desmond. They 
are not taking blessings, they're taking photos!

Dada why are there much more Narkasurs this year 
than last year? And bigger and better ones?

Elections are coming up son. Politicians need 
votes and supporters. They give money to the 
local boys to make Narkasurs hoping they will in 
turn be their supporters come elections. This is 
a good time for the public. Politicians will 
sponsor anything from dances to dhirios to get support and votes.

So Dada are politicians like Narkasurs then?

Far worse son. A Narkasur will stop eating when 
he is full. A politician's greed has no limit.

Dada who exactly was Narkasur? Why does my 
friend Anubhav talk about Laxmi Pooja? What is Diwali dada? 

I'm, not quite sure son. I think Narkasur was a 
demon who used to terrorise the villagers and 
Lord Krishna killed him. Or maybe they're 
celebrating Rama's victory over Ravana. Laxmi, I 
think, is the Goddess of Wealth. Now I wouldn't 
mind her visiting us tomorrow along with 
Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge. Imagine I 
would never have to work again and you would not 
have to do homework. Just kidding son.

You don't know much about Hindu religion, do you Dada?

Sadly you are right son. We were raised with a 
blinkered vision of only our religion. I want you 
to be different son. Learn whatever you can about 
all religions. Absorb what is good in each 
religion. You remember the story I told you about Akbar and Birbal? 

Yes, Dada. Birbal was very smart.

But Emperor Akbar was wise and concluded that no 
single religion could claim the monopoly of 
truth. He merged the best of all faiths into a 
new religion he called Din-i-Ilahi. Akbar was a 
man way ahead of his time. Unfortunately the 
Din-I-Ilahi didn't have many takers then. Perhaps it should be revived.

But Dada grandma says that our religion is the 
best and our God is the only true God.

I don't know son. Some say there is only one God 
and these are all just different forms. I prefer 
to think that there are many Gods and all of them 
are good. What do you think Desmond?

I think the Hindu gods really rock Dada. They're 
so colorful and cool! And they have wars and can 
fly and carry mountains and have many heads and 
hands and … Can I become a Hindu Dada?

Sure you can son! But if you have to change your 
religion do it for the right reason. Nor because 
someone offers you some freebies, and definitely not for more colourful Gods! 

Anubhav says Hindus can become 

Re: [Goanet] Hindu Mass

2006-10-28 Thread Eugene Correia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Mario has said there is no such thing as Hindu Mass.
In my opening para I have said Mass in Indian style
but later I continued the subject line Hindu Mass.
One of the best journals to follow news and new
direction in Indian theology is Vidyajothi.
Here's two paras, the second one is the concluding
one, from the National Catholic Reporter, sometime in
There is also the Congregation for the Doctrine of
the Faith's 1998 notification warning against the
writings of the late Indian spiritual author Anthony
de Mello. Belgian missionary Jacques Dupuis, who
theologized for more than 30 years in India, is yet
another who was put under the congregation's
microscope. The editors of New Delhi's Vidyajyoti
theological journal recently received a multi-paged
missive outlining the deviation of some of its
authors. These cases are but testimony that, indeed,
the Asian church has become a problem for the
Such is the theological vision of the church in Asia.
It is the fruit of years and decades of engaging with
Asian realities, especially the fact of religious
pluralism. Since religious pluralism is no longer a
phenomenon peculiar to Asia, as the West itself is
becoming post-Christian, the church universal needs to
take seriously the fact and role of other religions in
its theology. The experience of the Asian bishops, as
articulated through the FABC, should provide useful
FABC is Federaion of Asian Bishops Conference.



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[Goanet] SOIRIKEN KAZAR (Arranged marriage) ? Part 3

2006-10-28 Thread domnic fernandes

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SOIRIKEN KAZAR (Arranged marriage) – Part 3

“KAZARACHI VOVLIK” (Wedding Invitation)

Nobody printed invitation cards then.  Even relatives abroad, including 
Bombay, were informed and invited for the wedding through letters.  A person 
who was familiar with the whole ward was asked to go around and invite 
people for “Bhikareanchem Jevonn”, “Ros” and wedding.  If no one was at 
home, he plucked a “talli” (branch) from a nearby tree and stuck it in the 
main door key-hole.  When the person(s) returned home and found the branch, 
they asked other neighbors who had come around and got the message.  
Actually, the entire village was invited by default.  For close relatives, 
the invitation through a messenger was not enough; bride’s/groom’s parents 
or next of kin had to extend wedding invitation personally or else they 
would not attend.

A person was dispatched on foot to invite far away relatives.  In the 
1950’s, anyone who had a bicycle was assigned the task.  In the 1960’s, with 
the arrival of the motorcycle, the task became easier.  I have done such 
tasks on my bicycle in the 1950’s and 1960’s, and on my motorcycle from the 
mid 1960’s after my father brought me a Honda motorcycle from Kuwait in 
1965.  During the same period, “Basurkarn” (Basurkar’s wife) made use of the 
few Ambassador or Fiat cars to go around inviting far away relatives and 
friends.  The “Basurkarn” was accompanied by one or two of her female 
relatives.  In those days it was compulsory to wear flowers on the head 
while on a “vovlik” mission, preferably a “zuvianchi panti” (arrangement of 
jasmine flowers sewn in a line) was tucked to hair or on a “xenddo” (a lock 
of hairs) with a bobby pin.

The people in those days were compassionate.  The person, who went around 
inviting people, especially in far away places, was treated very nicely.  If 
he reached a residence between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. they forced him to have 
“pez”; if he entered a house after 12:00 p.m. they forced him to have lunch, 
and in the afternoon, they offered him tea/coffee with biscuits or whatever 
home-made sweets they had, including konngeo (sweet potatoes.)  Practically, 
every house offered him a glass of water or “xerbot”.  I just loved the 

The invitation was extended thus:

Messenger:  “Hanv kazarachi vovlik ghevn eilam.”  (I have come to invite you 
for the wedding.)

Host:  “Konnanchem kazar re baba?”  (Whose wedding is it?)

Messenger:  “Anjunchea Roque-chea cheddeachem” (Roque’s son’s from Anjuna.)

“Budvaradis, donparchea bara horar bhikareanchem jevonn; Sonvaradis, 
sanjechea sadde sat horar ros; Aitaradis, sanjechea panch horar Anjuna Sam 
Mingueliche igorjent resper ani uprant ratchea nov horar novreager kazar.  
Tumi sogott kazarak ieat ham!”

(On Wednesday, food for the beggars will be served at 12:00 p.m; on 
Saturday, ‘ros’ ceremony at 7:30 p.m; on Sunday, the nuptials will be 
celebrated at St. Michael’s Church in Anjuna and then a reception will be 
held at the groom’s place at 9:00 p.m.  Please come for the wedding and 

BHIKAREANCHEM JEVONN (Food for the beggars)

Bhikareanchem jevonn (food for the beggars) was offered on any one of the 
days on an afternoon in the week preceding a wedding, except on Thursdays 
and Fridays, with only a few beggars in attendance – most of the crowd were 
neighbors and relatives in the name of beggars.  In Anjuna and in 
surrounding villages, it was mostly given on a Wednesday.  Besides beef, 
pork and fish dishes, the specialty of the “jevonn” was “sukim sungttam ani 
suke ambeache padd’dde ghalun sambareachi koddi ani tachea barabor ukddem 
xit ani achar ani uprant vorn” (fried massala curry with dried prawns and 
dried mango seeds and paraboiled rice and pickles to go with it, and then a 
sweet dish called “vorn”.)  This luncheon was offered in memory of the 
dearly departed souls.

Everyone was required to sit on the floor on a “souem” (large bamboo mat; 
usually used for “movnni” [thrashing of the paddy by feet] at harvesting 
time).  People sat either cross-legged or with legs tucked behind.  The food 
was served on “cajuchea panancheo boxeo” (cashew leaf plates) known as 
“potralleo”, the oldest form of plates used by Goans since time immemorial, 
and they are still in use with the Hindu community in Goa; they use them to 
serve food at every religious ceremony as well as at wedding functions.  
These plates were mostly 

[Goanet] AICHEA DISAK CHINTOP - Outubrachi 28vi, 2006!

2006-10-28 Thread domnic fernandes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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Jednam sonvsara ani tujea modem somandan vosta, tujean khuimchorui biddar 
korunk zata.

(When you are at peace with yourself and the world, any place is home.)


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

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Re: [Goanet] Random thoughts...................

2006-10-28 Thread Mervyn Lobo

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Vivian D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The level and quality of discussions on GoaNet in
 recent months has reached 
 a new low.  Some of the postings are downright
 disgusting. They are not amusing!

Bwana D'Souza,
Those disgusting posts would stop if just 5% of the
members here write to the author(s) of the disgusting
posts and inform him/her of the same. Since this is
not being done, the author of the disgusting posts
assumes that his/her posts are acceptable and thus
churns out four more every day.

 To avoid the somewhat liberal censorship of the 
 moderators, discussions have been taken off-Net, 
 and I have had the distinct and 
 unwelcome privilege of being CC ed.
 I have carefully chosen to remain 
 silent, but the discussions continue ad nauseum. 

I find that if I inform any of the senders of these
group emails that I do not want to be on their CC
list, the CC's immediately cease. There is only one
exception and this person insists on sending me 15
emails a day even after informing him that I do not
want his emails. There are no prizes for guessing who
this person is.

 It reminds me of something I learnt probably on my 
first day of Kindergarten when we exuberant 
 toddlers made a lot of noise -  Empty vessels 
 make the most sound


 And finally,I keep the saying in mind that
 Brevity is the essence of eloquence.  Some of 
 the posts are so long that Knowing what is ahead
 I just delete the post without reading a word.


Do not give the devil his duet.

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[Goanet] World Youth championships: Ivana conquers the world, golden day for Goan chess!

2006-10-28 Thread Goanet Sports

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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At the start of the 11th round, Asian Silver medallist Ivana Furtado was in 
the lead with 7.5 points and was sharing the lead with two
others Navyavaishnavi and Mahalakshmi with the same number of points. There 
were 4 girls trailing narrowly on 7 points so everything was pointing 
towards a razor sharp finish. However, the prayers of all the Goans were 
answered when Ivana demolished Shoumi Mukherjee to become the Under 8 World 
Champion. Although Navyavaishnavi also finished with level points 7 year old 
Ivana edged her out on a better cut progressive tiebreak. In a never before 
accomplished feat, India swept the medals tally here when Mahalakshmi won 
the bronze medal in the section. Wonder girl Ivana's feat is even more 
significant as this was the first time that the Under 8 category was 
introduced at the World level. She will become thus the first World Champion 
in this category as well as the first Goan to win a medal at this level!

Olympiad player and second seed WGM Dronavalli Harika (ELO 2353) smashed 
Iran's seventh seeded WIM Pourkashiyan Atousa (2329) in a short game to win 
the Girls Under 18 section of the World Youth Chess Championships. In this 
section WIM Mary Ann Gomes (2264) won the bronze medal by beating Meskhi 
Teona (2088) of Georgia.

Ch Sahajashri (1936) won gold as well in Under 12 Girls by drawing with 
unrated Imnadze Natoto of Georgia to take India's tally to 5
golds. The young hardworking chess players of India won an astounding total 
of 10 medals which is considerably more than the two we won last year in 
France and reimposed the faith that the Ministry of Sports had placed in 
them by clearing a mammonth squad of 41. Significantly, India picked up the 
World Youth Chess Championship for maximum number of medals for the first 
time in its chess history.

Goa's WFM and Asian Gold medallist Bhakti Kulkarni (2062)  beat 10th seed Le 
Hoan Tran Chau of Vietnam (2072) today in a dazzling diplay to finish in a 
creditable eight place. She was seeded 11th before this tournament started 
so she has surpassed the expectations that people had of her. Significantly, 
she finished ahead of two time National Subjunior Champion and Asian Under 
16 Champion P. Lakshmi Sahiti (2136) who had to be content with 12th place 
after suffering defeat at the hands of Georgia's eight seeded Tsatsalashvili 
Keti (2082) in the last round. This is the second consecutive time that 
Bhakti has upstaged Sahiti, the previous one being in the National 'B' in 

SOURCE: Sameer A. Salgaocar - President,  GSCA 

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Bombay Has New Archbishop - Oswald Gracias

2006-10-28 Thread CARMO DCRUZ

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Hi Everyone,

The new Archbishop of Bombay is not an ex-Stanislite. He is an ex-student of 
nearby St. Michael's, Mahim.

See Congratulatury Message to him from Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao of Goa:

[Goanet] Congratulations to the new Archbishop of Mumbai - Most Rev. Oswald 
Gracias from Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao
Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media - Goa
Sat, 14 Oct 2006 10:57:14 -0700

The Archbishop of Goa, Most Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao, along with the Clergy,
Religious and Faithful of this Archdiocese, is pleased to offer hearty
congratulations to Most Rev. Oswald Gracias on his appointment as the new
Archbishop of Bombay. To this third Son of Goa, chosen to lead the Church in
Bombay, we offer the support of our prayer and best wishes in the discharge
of this new and most important service to his new Diocese.

Goanet mailing list

Fortunately he is a Goan - like his other two Goan predecessors Cardinal 
Valerian Gracias of Navelim, Goa and Ivan Dias of Velsao (who nearly missed 
winning the last papal horse race), Archbishop Oswald Gracias too is 
destined for the upper echelons of the Church hierarchy. All Stanislites 
wish Archbishop Oswald Dias all the very best in his new ministry.

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz
Stanislite, Goan
INDIAn Harbour Beach, Florida

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] HINDU MASS

2006-10-28 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

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On Sat, 2006-10-28 at 07:05 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: Neal Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] HINDU MASS
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
 I need some clarification:
 Are people here in *support* of Indian inculturation of Christianity
 or are they *against* it? 

This is a bizarre question to ask on a Goan website. At last count,
there were 21 people who had posted opinions on this issue, and there
were 47 opinions. If you want yes/no, either/or kind of answers, this is
the wrong place to visit.
Question everything -- Karl Marx

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Death of a football organiser

2006-10-28 Thread Eugene Correia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

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Dubai football lovers received sad news of Moses
Colaco's death yesterday (Oct 27). A minute's silence
was observed at the three matches -- an exhibition
match between Goa vs Kerala, match for third and
fourth places, and the final for the Ligorio Trophy --
of the All-Star Entertainment/United Goans tournament.
I am informed that Moses died from a heart attack at a
park where he had gone for a picnic. I spoke with his
wife but since her voice seemed choked emotionally I
didn't ask for details. She said she knew who I was as
Moses spoke of me. 
It was about a week ago I chatted with him on the
phone and asked him why he is not attending the
football matches. He said he was unhappy at the way
the two groups were engaged in hitting out at each
other in the media. I could sense the sadness and
anger in his voice. In one of my posts on Dubai
Football I mentioned about a person who was involved
in football for ages but does not attend any of the
two tournaments. The person was none other than Moses.
He was a man of conviction and resolve.
It was about two and half years ago I met him for the
first time. I don't remember who gave me his contact
number but I called him and he said we could meet at a
coffee shop at a mall. The main reason to meet him was
to ask him if he could arrange an all-Goans team to
Toronto. He said it would be very difficult without
sponsorships. However, SFX Old Goa/Jumeirah Hotels
wanted to go but sponsorship problems too prevented
the team from making the trip. Moses backed the team
full hilt to take the opportunity to play in Toronto.
Besides football, we discussed other issues related to
the community.
I am told he used to organise the football tournament
for the Goan Cultural Society and he did a good job
but the GCS was still not happy with him because he
was providing goodies for the teams such as free
water, etc. The GCS wanted to make as much profit as
possible. It seems most of the quarter-million dirhams
in the GCS's kitty came from the football tournaments.
Knowing him for a short time, I can say that Moses had
the players' well-being at heart. Being a player
himself before becoming a coach and manager, he knew
that players must be cared for, since almost all play
in Dubai Goan tournaments without any direct financial
benefit. Many players are given jobs by those who
sponsor them or by team management and fellow
players. Football stirred Moses's heart, the heart
that will no longer beat to the sounds of football
kicks on the playfield. 
Last year he told me how he enjoyed his stay in
Toronto, where he has many friends from his days in
Tanzania. He said he enjoyed Viva Goa, the annual
event held by the Goan Overseas Association in
Toronto. I suggested Dubai could hold such an event
and he seemed receptive to the idea. I will miss
talking football and community affairs with him. 
May his soul rest in peace.

Eugene Correia


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Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] A generous Goan

2006-10-28 Thread Joe Gomes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

I am 63 years old.I intend retiring and coming to Goa,with my wife, from 
Oman, to settle down in Cavelossim,where I have a home, in April 07.
Is it possible to know from where I can get information about the benfits of 
the Senior Citizens.
Thanks for your assistance.
Joe Gpmes

From: George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],Goa's premiere mailing list,  estb. 
To: Goanet
Subject: [Goanet] A generous Goan
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 12:00:11 -0700 (PDT)

Many thanks to Mervyn Lobo for a generous donation to Goa Sudharop in 
connection with his my
camp members initiative on Goanet. The donation will be used towards a 
Senior Home in Goa (to be
named later). 2006 has been designated YEAR OF THE SENIOR by Goa Sudharop 
and awards will be
presented on Nov 20 at Hotel Mandovi, Panjim, Goa from 4:30-6:30pm. All 

Goa Sudharop
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[Goanet] Goanet News Headlines * Oct 28, 2006: Curchorem tense over road fatality ... Gandhian-style protest against official

2006-10-28 Thread Frederick \FN\ Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Goanet News Headlines * Oct 28, 2006

* Curchorem tense over road fatality. Second fatal accident,
  labourer crushed under wheels of truck. Yesterday a young
  recently-married lady Shweta Sudesh Bandekar was crushed
  under a mining truck. (H)

o Patto to be Goa's Nariman Point: EDC plans Rs 11.5 cr facelift
o Mumbai tourist drowns off Bogmalo beach. (H)
o Margao ring road may not see light of day. (H)
o Hold panchayat polls on time, says BJP. (H)
o Punjab police looking out for Army deserter luring girls.H
o Man asked to stop religious activity in Chinchinim residence
o Lovelorn youth jumps before running train at Curchorem.(H)
o Aldona inauguration of traffic island on Oct 29. (H)
o Jesuit Superior General to visit Goa, Nov 5-11. (H)
o Alzheimer's centenary celebration held. (H)
o Public funds for private works? Quepem councillors build
  vote bank. (H)
o Sancoale Parish Priest Fr Roque da Costa, 25 years a priest
o Police hold meeting with taxi, motorbike owners. (H)
o Children's Rights in Goa releases directory of services H
o Carl Zeiss operating microscope with integrated camera and
  recording facility launched at Goa Medical College. (NT)

o Prove your innocence before law, Mauvin tells Parrikar.(NT)
o Case Mauvin filed is direct attack on BJP: Arlekar. (NT)
o Crime Branch to probe case against Parrikar. (NT)

o Senior German experts to guide workers in small sector.NT
o Usgao locals up in arms over dust pollution. (NT)
o India, US to hold naval exercise off Goa coast. (NT)
o Reliance says: Get new handset, Rs 699, no hidden cost.
o Call anywhere in India, Rs 1 per minute. Conditions. BSNL
o Kingfisher Voice of Goa finals today. (NT)
o National MRF supercross at Campal on Sunday. (NT)
o Goa's Ivana Furtado stands good chance of winning a medal
  at the Girls U-8 chess championship at Georgia. (NT)

 SWEDISH National Ulrika Kristina Wenger's passport and
 Visa card found in Margao. The good Samaritan doesn't
 wish to disclose his identity. Collect from Vaz General
 Stores or 273 3768.

 Forum and NGOs working to fight AIDS came together in
 Gandhian style, to resolve they would no longer face
 humiliation and abusive language from Dr Prakash
 Kanekar, project director of Goa State AIDS Control
 Society. 'Operation Gandhigiri' was held, by
 symbolically closing their ears to convey that they no
 longer wish hear insulting words and filthy language
 showered on them by project director Dr Prakash Kanekar.
 A negative attitude is even worse than the AIDS virus,
 said Satish Sonak.  The NGOs voiced their frustration
 presenting flowers to the director with the theme Gali
 ka jawab phool se (flowers in response to badwords. (H)

CYCLE DE TOUR: Bindu  Vaz vaz_bindu at
writes: A unique eco-friendly tour, which takes the concept
of tourism to another level, has been launched recently in
North Goa.  Branded 'Cycle de tour', this activity is an
experience of the architectural heritage of Panjim that is
done on lightweight and comfortable all-terrain bikes (ATBs).
The tour starts at Dona Paula and winds through Campal,
Altinho and Fontainhas. The 3 1/2 hour ride stopped at
various sites along the way, starting with Miramar Circle,
Kala Academy, Adil Shah's palace Maruti Temple, Bishop's
Palace, High Court and such other interesting architectural
sites. An MP3 player provided to the cyclists gave a brief
narrative of history -- in English, Hindi, French, German,
Russian and Portuguese. A sumptious breakfast at Panjim Inn
in the middle of the tour and a beer session at the end of
the trip is complimentary. Aquatic Sports Pvt. Ltd. (the
company that launched Cycle de Tour) offers two other
adventure sports activities in Goa at present: one is branded
Seawalk and it entails taking a walk three metres below the
sea, on the bed of the ocean for 20 minutes, at Baina beach.
The company also offers regular water sports like parasailing
and water scooter rides in Calangute, under the brand name
H2O. Cycle tours start at 8.30 am at its Dona Paula office.

historian Dr Michael Pearson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
recently wrote on
[]: A friend
and colleague of mine needs help for 

[Goanet] After Russian mafia, Goa is open for Germans, Britons

2006-10-28 Thread Goanet News Service

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

After Russian mafia, Goa is open for Germans, Britons


NEW DELHI: It may sound unbelievable, but around 500 foreigners have made 
huge real estate investments in Goa. And it's not just the Russian mafia 
that has taken advantage of the liberalised FDI regime to pump money into 
the state. The list includes Germans and Britons who have cornered huge 
tracts of land.

The developments in the coastal state have caught the eye of the National 
Security Council, as also the Union home ministry and the Enforcement 
Directorate. The NSC had, as reported in ET, revealed that the Russian mafia 
had made huge real estate investments in Goa.

Shaken by reports of a large number of foreigners making a beeline for the 
coastal state to make real estate investments by taking advantage of a lax 
interpretation of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (Fema), the state 
government has now initiated an inquiry to identify such investments and 
their sources. It has, in the process, discovered that close to 500 
foreigners have bought land, most of it agricultural, in the state.

Taken aback by reports of land passing into the hands of foreigners in Goa, 
the Mumbai office of the Enforcement Directorate too has written a letter to 
the state government asking it to ensure that Fema provisions were strictly 
adhered to.

If we're able to establish that agricultural land has indeed been sold to 
foreigners in clear violation of the rules and laws, we may take the extreme 
step of cancelling the allotments,'' a senior state government official told 

Read the entire article at: 

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] SRILANKAN AIRLINES Commenced from 30th October 2006 from GOA

2006-10-28 Thread Santana Afonso

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

A message to my all NRI Goans,

Good news...the PA to CEO of Srilankan Airlines had sent a confirmation 
to me that Srilankan Airlines will commence their first flight from Goa to 
Colombo on 30th October 2006 and vice versa. They will fly to Goa twice a 
week, i.e. every Monday and Saturday.

There will be no direct flight from Goa to gulf yet. But passengers from Goa 
can travel to Kuwait/Dubai and other parts of the world thru connecting 

Flight Schedule Information from Goa (GOI) to Colombo (CMB) on  every Monday 
 Saturday; starting from 30 October 2006 and vice versa.

Monday   UL 155 Dep CMB - 0530 hours, Arrival GOI - 0730 hours
 UL 156 Dep GOI - 0830 hours, Arrival CMB - 1030 hours

Saturday UL 155 Dep CMB- 0530 hours, Arrival GOI - 0730 hours
 UL 156 Dep GOI - 0945 hours, Arrival CMB - 1145 hours

Connecting flight to Kuwait

Flight Schedule Information from Colombo (CMB) to Kuwait (KWI ) on  every 
Monday  Saturday; starting from 30 October 2006 and vice versa.

MON  SAT  UL 227 Dep CMB - 1315 hours, Arriving KWI - 1805 hours 330-CY via 
  UL 228 Dep KWI - 1915 hours, Arriving CMB - 0445 hours 
330-CY via DXB

Please check with your booking agents for discounted fare.

Santana Afonso - Kuwait.

Shah Rukh fan? Know all about the Baadshah of Bollywood. On MSN Search

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Random thoughts...................

2006-10-28 Thread Frederick \FN\ Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Bwana Karani: Nice to read you on Goanet, after reading your
insightful book on your life and times in East Africa! It was almost
like being there, following you through all those frontier areas and
difficult days that many other Goans would have also shared.

A generation and more later, earlier this year, I passed through
Entebbe, Kampala and the Sesse Islands in Lake Victoria... only to
understand why so many Goans fell in love with this region.

My job didn't have anything to do with the task of civilising the
natives though. It was to understand (and write about) their
involvement with Free Software ... see []

As someone who has been in love with Goanet for half my working life,
I would disagree with your pessimism. All it takes is a few nasty guys
to kill a good venture; by our silence and pessimism, we are allowing
this to happen.

There was a time when Goanet had a few hundred readers, and could
easily manage itself as an unmoderated mailing list. Herman had to
brandish the big stick, and post-posting, threaten to unsubscribe
anyone who misbehaved!

Goanet has been run for many years as a moderated mailing list. Those
on the admin team know what it is to be accused of censoring,
inspite of every effort being made to promote a diversity of veiws,
including those which moderators didn't agree with.

As I see it, time has come for Goanet to be more selective about what
it puts out, and thus compel everyone to earn the space for what
they have written.  This is just a suggestion; which may or may not
make sense. It would be nice to hear from other Goanetters as to what
they see as the problem, and possible solutions.

While we acknowledge problem areas, it would be not apt to forget the
potential of Goanet, and what it has done for a decade-and-two years
of its existence.

In my view, some problem areas are:

* Repeated posts, ad nauseam, sometimes on irrelevant, offtopic subjects.
* Insulting posts.
* Personalised battles, where persons are attacked, not issues debated.
* Getting stuck in a few threads (religion, caste, etc)
* Inability to 'add value' and take the debate forward.
* Abuse of the 'free speech' rule by those who dislike Goanet for
whatever reason.
* Sitting on judgement over Goanet and its admin in unconnected fora
(or cc lists).
* Challenge to get more Goa/Goan-relevant content.
* Difficulties in shaping views on the basis of some well-considered opinion.

Anyway, it's really nice to have you here Mervyn. I also ran into your
journalist brother when he was around in Goa once. Maybe in the 1980s.


On 28/10/06, Mervyn Maciel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Vivian,

 As a comparative new comer to Goanet, I wholeheartedly share your
 observations on some of the postings on the net in recent weeks, and your
 comments that some of these have reached a new low and are dowright
 disgusting are so true.I was myself tempted to write earlier, but being
 new, thought I'd wait for a while. From your mailing, I can see there may be
 others who share your views and am glad you have sen bold to express
 yourself in this fashion.

  Much though I enjoy some of the postings, I feel I must reluctantly ask for
 my name to be deleted from the mailing list as from now, since I shall be
 quite happy receiving items of interest which Cornel regularly posts on our
 Goan Voice(UK) newsletter.

   I know my contribution since my introduction has been nil, and rather than
 being tempted to enter the fray on some of the contentious subjects which,
 at times, have not been conduced in a gentlemanly manner, I prefer to bow
 out now!

   Meanwhile, let me thank Cornel for initially introducing me to Goanet,
 (which has helped me to establish contact with a long lost classmate), but
 sadly, the time has now come to say enough is enough.

 Mervyn Maciel
Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490
Free Software gives you the freedom to run, study, copy and improve software!
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] After European Charter Flights now its Karnataka buses to Goa's beaches

2006-10-28 Thread Goacan

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre (GDRC)
Through the Fifth supplemental Inter-State Agreement
made on 16th August 2006 between the Government of Karnataka
and the Government of Goa it has been decided to augment
stage carriage operations by way of inclusion of new routes 
for operation by both the State Transport Undertakings 
Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (K.S.R.T.C.) and 
Kadamba Transport Corporation Limited (K.T.C.)

This year there will be buses on the following routes 
exclusively run by Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation 

Extract from Official Gazette Govt. of Goa 
Series I No.21 Extraordinary No. 2 
25th August 2006 page 435 to 441
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] A woman without a culture of her own

2006-10-28 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

--- Radhakrishnan Nair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Selma, Madrassis is a pejorative used by North
  Indians (especially the illiterate types) to 
  describe the entire population to the south
  of the Vindhyas.

--- Selma Carvalho wrote:

 Dear RKN,
 I had no idea but what do you call someone from
 Chennai? In the Arabian Gulf, we called them
 Madrassis, with no pejorative connotation to the
Mario observes:

RKN's assertion is a gross exaggeration, and in my
experience, false.  Perhaps RKN and his friends used
Madrassis as a pejorative, but I grew up in central
India post-Independence and had several educated
friends whom we referred to as Madrassis.  It was not
a pejorative term and was used within the community
itself.  These were ethnic Tamilians from the state of
Tamil Nadu, which was previously known as Madras. It
was no different than calling a Sikh a Sadarji, or a
Nepalese a Gurkha, or an Afghan a Pathan or a Bengali
a Bengali.  

Under British rule, most of south India was ruled from
the city of Madras [now Chennai] and was known as the
Madras Presidency.  A few years after India's
Independence, in the early to mid-50s, Indian states
were formed based on language.  The Indian south was
split up into the states of Madras, Andhra, Karnataka
and Kerala based on their individual distinctive
languages.  The name of Madras was changed to Tamil
Nadu in 1969.

Thus when I was a kid, the state of Tamil Nadu was
called Madras, and the capital city of Chennai was
also called Madras, and the people of the state were
called Madrassis.  The name of the city was changed to
Chennai more recently.

Also, the soldiers of the Madras Regiment in the
British Indian Army were known as Madrassis, and these
were one of the storied regiments of the British
Indian Army in WW-II, as one can see from the book
The Road Past Mandalay by Col. John Masters, who was
an officer in the Gurkha Regiment.  This book is a
must read for anyone interested in the exploits of the
British Indian Army in the Burmese theater during

A review of the book can be seen in,9171,895675-2,00.html

Here is an excerpt:

Masters writes emotionally, sometimes
overemotionally. But his style in these reminiscences
is several cuts above the more self-conscious manner
of his fiction. Masters is at his best writing about
the peculiar, intense, masculine love a professional
soldier has for the men he leads into battle. There
came the day in 1945 when the Indian army — British,
Sikhs, Gurkhas, Madrassis, Pathans — swept to the
attack for the last time in its 87-year history.
Masters, whose family had lived in India for more than
150 years, watched them go with a sudden surge of
choking pride: All these men knew their commanders,
and as the vehicles crashed past, most of the soldiers
were on their feet, cheering and yelling. The Gurkhas,
of course, went by sitting stiffly to attention, whole
truckloads bouncing four feet in the air without
change of expression. The romance of war — but only a
fool would begrudge us the excitement and the sense of
glory, for no one on that plain had wanted war, and
all of us had known enough terror to last several

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Thimas Pereira, Norwegian Goan Footballer

2006-10-28 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Goan Voice UK
Dear Circulation Editor:
Thank you for including me in your circulation lists. I thoroughly enjoy the 
synopses of Goa-related news, profiles and views you dispatch via e-mail.
I draw your particular attention to the profile of Norway's stalwart 
footballer, Thomas Pereira, appearing in your October 26 issue. It has 
reproduced a purported extract from The Times of India's October 24 print. 
In the extract, Thomas is described as a footballer of Goanese descent.  
I hope you're aware that term Goanese is downright derogatory. It harkens 
back to the colonial days when the menial crew of Goan origin serving on 
British merchant vessels were classified as Goanese  on board. As a 
visitor, I witnessed this personally on PO ships. The dichotomy between 
Goan and Goanese should be clearly established not just as a matter of 
semantics but to avoid regurgitating the demeaning memories of those times. 
True, History cannot be rewritten or expunged but it certainly can be kept 
in proper perspective. We as Goans are very proud of Thomas and hope his 
declared ethnicity is properly identified in today's nomenclature which is 
unequivocally GOAN. I hope you will pursue this item as you see fit.
I request you to give me your Times of India contact's e-mail address so 
that I can pursue this matter further on my own too.  Thank you for the 
excellent network news service provided.

Arnold Noronha
Wilmington, Delaware, USA


Norway: Soccer: Thomas Pereira: Goan Viking
24 Oct: Times of India. Thomas Pereira, a nifty footballer of Goanese 
descent, has broken new ground in Norway. He plays for Viking FK, who made 
European headlines after sending Chelsea crashing out of UEFA Cup in 2002-03 
and has represented Norway eight times … Pereira says his roots go back to 
Benaulim in South Goa. “My father was a teacher who left India for Africa in 
the Sixties. Later he came to Norway in 1972.” … “My finest football moment 
is winning the FA Cup in 2001,” he says …
The footballer of Goanese origin has never been to India. But that could 
change in future. “I would like to visit India and see the place where we 
originally came from.” Soccer-serious Goa would look forward to that. 407 
words. Click here.
Thomas is the son of Kirstin and Austin Pereira ( ex Masaka, Uganda). He is 
married to Hanne and they have three sons. For his profile click here.

Use your PC to make calls at very low rates

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Communidade of Pilerne to decide lease of 35, 000 sq.metres for Industrial purpose

2006-10-28 Thread Goacan

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre (GDRC)
Communidade of Pilerne will meet at their premises
on 5/11/06 to discuss and decide on application for 
lease of 35,000 sq.metres of land for Industrial purpose 
in uncultivated and unused plot in Sy No. 90/1 
situated in the village of Marra by
M/s Tahira Computers Pvt. Ltd. 
4th Floor Joffre Residency, 
Behind Pharmacy College, Panjim

Extract from Official Gazette Govt. of Goa 
Series III No. 28 12th October page 253

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Living on 7 rupees a day!

2006-10-28 Thread Preetu nair

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Living on 7 rupees a day!

Total earnings per month - Rs 1500. Members in this Dhangar family - seven. 
Three are orthopaedically disabled and two chronically ill and old. Average 
cash in hand that each member has in a day is Rs 7. How much can they 
possibly spend on food, clothing and medicines?

PREETU NAIR travels to Latambarcem (Bicholim taluka) and discovers that 
beyond the feel-good factory, there is a house where there is a surplus of 
hunger but no food or hope. This is not the whole story but a window to many 
such families in the state who live below the poverty line, under similar 

LATAMBARCEM (BICHOLIM TALUKA): Jani Singadi's pain and intensity are real. 
At 65-plus, she has no relief. Her family is swamped by a crisis of many 
layers: three orthopaedically disabled sons, surplus of hunger, no money, an 
illegal house gifted by a few philanthropists, rising debt, etc. Probably, a 
symptom of a much deeper rural distress.

It is difficult to talk with Jani. And even more difficult to apprehend her 
pain. She talks, coughs, cries, takes a deep breath and talks again, 
coughs . the pattern continues. To put it simply, they are landless people 
from the Dhangar community, who don't even have the normal avenues of 
work. She has six sons but three of them are orthopaedically disabled. Her 
80-plus husband is blind and the couple suffers from chronic ailments.

Collapse of hope has broken up the family and their 23-year-old son Sonu, 
tired of the unending turmoil and sufferings, left his ill parents and three 
orthopaedically disabled brothers in search of better livelihood options. 
The only earning member in the family is 27-year-old Rama, a daily wage 
worker, who if lucky to get some work in a mining unit, earns Rs 60 a day. 
Her 16-year-old son is the only literate person in the family. He is 
studying in standard IV in an adjacent government school. After school, he 
rushes back home to work as a shepherd in the neighbourhood. He tends goats 
and in return earns around 5 kg raw rice in a month for his family.

So fragile is their economy and equilibrium that more than often they have 
less than one square meal a day. For clothing, per member has just two 
shabby and somewhat worn out items . But then what do you expect when the 
household spends less than Rs 220 a month per person. What can they afford 
if the most they can spend is, on an average, Rs 7 a day? How much can they 
possibly spend on food, clothing and shelter?

Every moment spent there is instructive as you are forced to think about how 
they live and on what is it that they live. When GT-Weekender visited the 
family it was 1 pm on a Sunday afternoon. The family had no rice to cook. 
When asked if the family was waiting for the elder son to get some 
groceries, Jani starts crying inconsolably. Seeing her cry, Rajendra, 20, 
who looks and behaves like a five -year-old started screaming, Don't make 
my mother cry. Please, don't make my mother cry.

The plight of the family makes a deep impact and you understand the acute 
distress that the family is undergoing. The scenes from the family expose 
two different rules and realities: the urban rich and rural poor of Goa. 
This, despite the fact that the government has various schemes for the 
welfare of disabled and elderly citizens, besides policies for the people 
living below poverty line.

Though they possess a ration card and had applied for the benefits under 
BPL, unfortunately their name still doesn't figure in the BPL list. And 
although their suffering is certified as genuine by the Social Welfare 
Department, which has issued a card stating that three children - Tukaram 
(22), Rajendra (20) and Laxman (11) - are orthopaedically disabled, they are 
yet to get financial assistance under the Dayanand Social Security Scheme.

It is not that the family has not tried. We have applied several times and 
still keep sending several reminders to the Social Welfare Department, but 
to no avail, revealed Jani. What is still worse is that the semi-pucca 
house gifted to them by few philanthropists is illegal, while their thatched 
roof house, bearing number 7 in survey number 557, at Balachi Bhand 
(Latambarcem Comunidade) collapsed on June 26, 2006 due to the heavy rains.

It is terrifying. What if we are forced to vacate this house? What will we 
do, Jani said. The already shattered family is now being troubled by the 

[Goanet] Pilgrimage to Sri Lanka (Blessed Jose Vaz)

2006-10-28 Thread JoeGoaUk

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Pilgrimage to Sri Lanka (Blessed Jose Vaz) 

Flying next month 27th, direct flight with Sri Lankan Airways from Goa. 
It's a 6 day pilgrimage which covers all places where Blessed Jose Vaz worked 
as missionary. 

The cost per head is less than 450BP or Rs.35,000. 
Which includes return air ticket 3 or 4 star hotel stay, all meals, sightseeing 
as per the itinerary. 

It's with TRAVCO Holidays. 


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[Goanet] Bellittling communal labelling

2006-10-28 Thread Arnold Noronha

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Roger Wilco!!!
You're a straight shooter.  In denouncing the ugly, supercilious, 
hand-me-down, demeaning labelling inherited  from hoity-toity colonial 
times, you've exposed a longstanding social evil. I fully endorse your 
deprecating views on the insidious practice of  prejudicially calling 
southerners Madrassis generically.  I witnessed it myself growing up in 
Mahim, Bombay in a predominantly Goan enclave or wadi. The sad part is we 
still perpetuate this evil parochialism today as it's innate in our social 
Keep up the good work.

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[Goanet] Domestic Violence Act only to protect wives from husbands and not vice-versa ??

2006-10-28 Thread JoeGoaUk

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 Domestic Violence Act only to protect wives from husbands  and not vice-versa  
Readers may be reminded that Domestic Violence Act (DV Act) 2005 come into 
effect from
yesterday (26th Oct 2006) is primarily meant to provide protection to wife or 
female live-in
partner from violence at the hands of the husband or male live-in partner or 
his relatives.
Besides physical violence, the law also covers verbal and emotional violence 
such as
name-calling, insults etc
It is true majority of women are victims of domestic violence. We know/see, 
read or hear about
it all the times.  So, not much is talked about it here . The law would go a 
long way to
provide relief to women  from domestic violence.
When read the morning newspapers following headlines were read:
“Beware husbands! Beating or insulting your wife from tomorrow (26th Oct) can 
land you in jail
with a fine of up to Rs.20,000.”
“Love your wife or go to jail”
Well, in this fast changing world,  if  70% of women  are victims of  domestic 
violence,  I
would also say remaining (upto 30%) are men who are victims of domestic 
So, in another words,  DV Act only covers about two third of the domestic 
violence victims ?
JoeGoaUk brings to you some of the most popular fact based cases of  DV where 
‘Men’ are also
the victims of so called domestic violence. (Names/places have been changed to 
Case 1:
My name is Saboo (Sabastiao), tall, stylish and handsome looking guy and I 
won’t leave home
without my ray ban, girls were dying on me yet I never had a proper girlfriend. 
 I had every
thing that a young man in mid 20’s should have except one ‘ I am illiterate’ 
Cannot even sign
my name. I did go to school up to Std II  ( early 70s, I was about 15) but 
never been a good
boy and I blame the bad company I had in school. I somehow managed to go to 
abroad/Kuwait and
within 18 months I came back due to then Iraqi invasion on Kuwait.  I am now 
starting crossing
my  marriageable age and desperately looking  for bride.  Through friends and 
family, I did go
to see or meet many prospective brides (Soirik). I visited their houses, 
sometimes meeting was
arranged at  Margao - Longuinhos, Marliz or at Grace church terrace.  Within 2 
months, I may
have met at least 50 prospective brides with their families. Mostly, I was 
rejected because of
my illiteracy. 
But this one, not looking good at all, knowing all about me accepted as I am 
(remember, I was
fed up and was desperate too)  and finally got married. I was 33 she was 26.
Trouble started in just one week of our marriage. She overtook almost 
everything.  I was
forced to leave my friends (males) and I had to leave them without even 
assigning any reasons.
Strict timing to return home by 7pm. Shouting,  screaming and even assaulting 
become part of my life and all these things were happening strictly well within 
the four
walls.  Once, she threw a tin (Milkmaid)   and  it hit me on my forehead which 
resulted in 3
stitches at the local doctor’s.  She was very good to others or none will 
believe in me if
told about her.
We don’t go out together, she would never even take me with her to my in-laws. 
There are
problems everyday and night. I never had any affair and I still remained loyal 
to her we have
two beautiful girls eldest being now 19. Which made me never to tell this to 
anyone (except
one), never even thought of separation or divorce. 
Case 2.
My name is Polly and I am from North Goa.
I am not so good looking (with dark complexion) but I was happy go lucky with 
my small tourist
transport business with 5/6 people/drivers working under me. The business was 
good but I had a
large friend circle which means always eating and drinking out. There was no 
saving at all on
top the bank loans (taken to purchase cars).  We did not even have a decent 
house, for this, I
never took anyone at home and instead entertained them outside- restaurant etc. 
I am now 32
and time to settle down but what I have in saving ? Nothing!
Thinking of going abroad by giving up this transport business as I knew I would 
never be able
to save in Goa.  Just around this time, there come the first ‘Soirik’ (marriage 
proposal) a
Goan girl from UK (just been to UK 14 months). Looking at her I said to myself 
‘she!! never’
as she was equally of dark complexion as mine. ‘She is dark, I am dark, how 
this will work ?’
So I reject the proposal. But 

Re: [Goanet] Clarification regarding misinformation

2006-10-28 Thread Gilbert Lawrence

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Hi Radha,

To begin with, thank you for following this thread.  I would think by now most 
goanetters have given up on two guys arguing more and more about less and less.

In response to your post, do I need to do the entire research all by myself?  
If someone else is interested in the topic, should they not share in the 
In my experience, people doing their own home-work will learn from independent 
sources the same facts that I have.
This, rather than the detractors just sitting in front of their keyboard, being 
a contrarian and claiming tho kitem zano?

As you mentioned about the inquisition in Goa, do you remember one poster 
accuse me of making up the history of the inquisition?  A few posts later, the 
same poster was accusing me that, my writings were merely copying what the 
historians of the period and other experts were saying.  All this while the 
zapper did not post any information about the inquisition except the name of 
the bishop (not viceroy or king) who introduced the inquisition to Goa.

Kind Regards, GL

--- Radhakrishnan Nair 

This is very typical of Dr Gilbert Lawrence. He makes an assertion and then 
expects others to do the research and provide the material to substantiate his 
claims. Remember the seemingly never-ending debate on Inquisiton in Goa? 

Dr Gilbert Lawrence wrote: I look forward to reading the four or 
five papers and your comments and discussion on EACH of them.  Very 
likely, as soon as Jayant sent you his post, you read these papers and 
undertook a detailed and critical analysis of the data and 
conclusions.  Hence, this chore of mailing to me the material (that 
you have) should be 'a piece of cake'.  Similarly if your protege 
Sunith (and others) did this research, he is welcome to e-mail / mail 
me his analysis of the data and conclusions of his reading of these 
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[Goanet] The week that was

2006-10-28 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

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By Valmiki Faleiro

Goa was a mixed bag last week. Let’s sample some news from the good,
the bad, the ugly. In that order. The Madgavkar brothers, Anil and Anand,
like many in the younger generation, have shattered the myth that Goans
lack enterprise. Madgavkar Salvage, Goa’s homegrown maritime salvage
company started by their father, today competes with the best in the world,
worldwide. Their latest: neatly and quickly, they removed a fully laden barge
that had run aground in a squall off Miramar.

First, the cargo was emptied and transshipped. The vessel was then repaired,
made watertight and dried out. Finally, it was re-floated and towed away.
Within two weeks! Years ago, under global competition, the Madgavkars had
sensationally retrieved a huge monolithic statue of Lord Buddha weighing
several hundred tonnes that had sunk to the depths of the Hyderabad/
Secundrabad lake. So, when we have a world player in maritime salvage
in our own backyard, why, one would ask, should the River Princess languish
six years off Candolim? ‘Coz homegrown stuff ain’t meat to our politicians.
If the Madgavkars were given the River Princess job, it should have been
a neat Anil versus Anil classic. Salgaokar v/s Madgavkar.

ENLIGHTENING: Margao, again, showed the way: light a candle, forge oneness.
A citizens’ initiative saw people light candles to mark the festivities of 
Diwali and
Id-ul-Fitr last week. Jose Maria Miranda and Gurunath Kelekar merit applause.
In a similar display of inter-religious solidarity, predominantly Catholic 
Borda lit up
on the twin occasions, on a call by the Borda Citizens Welfare Committee,
an active civic forum at the forefront of many a battle for justice. Let’s not 
that when an old cross was vandalized in the largely Hindu ward of Comba, it was
locals like Rajendra Talak and Datta Naik who kept opportunist politicos at bay
and had the cross rebuilt and reinstated within the insides of a single day.
Different paths, one light. Well done, Madgavkars!

SECULAR GOVERNANCE: Goa Government unveiled plans to organize and
sponsor a ‘Christmas Crib Competition’ through its department of Art  Culture.
Pinch yourself. Yes, this is a Congress led government that calls itself 
Pictures of gods hanging in public offices, ladainhas and pujas in government
premises were bad enough. What next? As someone said, sponsor regular
Sunday masses and Temple poojas? Time secular-minded Goans told these
jokers the meaning of true secularism.

QUADRI MESS: The IFFI multiplex was mired in mess from Day One.
From the tearing down of huge RCC buildings that once housed the departments
and student hostels of the old Goa Medical College, to the idea of a state
government building a cinema complex, to its eventual operation. Oddly, many
things about the controversial multiplex revolve around the number four, which,
any numerologist will attest, spins around money – pots of it.

Four screens, that’s what the multiplex is made of. Built at four times the 
if allegations are to be believed (how could something that took under
Rs.7.00 crores to build elsewhere in India take almost four-fold, or Rs.24.00 
in Goa, people asked.) And now the latest: INOX, the blue-eyed guest of the
State of Goa, has upped its initial bid by an incredible four times, to retain
its hold on the multiplex.

INOX, which owns 11 multiplexes in India, was in 2004 given the task of
building (and then running) the Goa multiplex at public expense. Forget the
construction cost, what INOX paid the state to commercially exploit the
multiplex in the last two years is a joke. The OGL would have continued
but for J.P. Singh, the Chief Secretary, who called for tenders. INOX offered
Rs.7.30 lakh per month, in contrast to Rs.31.50 lakh bid by M2K of New Delhi.
Under a brilliantly drafted MoU, INOX enjoyed an unheard of option
(pioneer privilege?) to equal the best bid and retain the multiplex for a
further five years. Which it promptly did. If the multiplex earned such huge 
where did all the crores of the last two years go?

THE BELLS TOLLl: About two dozen lives – women and kids included – were lost
on Goa’s roads this past fortnight. The toll mounts, as our government works
in high gear chopping trees, extending jetties and cooking glitz for IFFI-06.

STAGGERING SHAME: Angela Gomes represented Goa seven times in
National women’s football. The Sports Authority of Goa 

[Goanet] Misinformation regarding cancer

2006-10-28 Thread Gilbert Lawrence

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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Hi Cornel,
Before this post below, that was sent to you a few days ago, goes 'under the 
radar' and is ignored by you, could you be kind enough to respond to it?

This is not a trick question.  It is just an attempt by me to understand what 
an otherwise intelligent Goan got as a 'take-home message' from my post and the 
following controversy.

Any other responders are welcome to respond publicly or privately.
Kind Regards, GL

 Gilbert Lawrence
Hi Cornel, 
You start your post by claiming what I said in my several posts on this thread 
(see below).   
Can you state what exactly did I say that has clear implications for cancer 
treatment on humans.? 
Thanks in anticipation. 
I would appreciate if you were short, sweet and to the point. 
Kind Regards, GL 
-- cornel  
My understanding from the Goanet posts on this issue about  cancer is that, a 
respected oncologist, practising in the USA, Gilbert Lawrence, asserted that, 
there was evidence from a study on mice that has clear implications for cancer 
treatment on humans.
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Re: [Goanet] World Youth championships: Ivana conquers the world, golden day for Goan chess!

2006-10-28 Thread Mervyn Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Goanet Sports wrote:
 The young hardworking chess players of India
 won an astounding total of 10 medals which is 
 considerably more than the two  we won last year in 
 France and reimposed the faith that the Ministry of
 Sports had placed in them by clearing a mammonth 
 squad of 41. Significantly, India picked up the 
 World Youth Chess Championship for maximum number of
 medals for the first time in its chess history.

This reminds me of the old chess joke:
A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and
were standing in the lobby discussing their recent
tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager
came out of the office and asked them to disperse.
But why, they asked, as they moved off. Because,
he said, I can't stand chess-nuts boasting in an open


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[Goanet] Death of Footballer Angela.

2006-10-28 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes

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It hurts me very much to know that one of the excellent ex Goan soccer 
players and excellent coaches amongst the current ones, Ms Angela Gomes has 
recently committed suicide out of frustration in Goa.  What led her to 
commit suicide in such a manner to end her life?  It is really the 
insensitivities on the part of the sports authorities in Goa headed by 
insensitive persons who got no love for sports or for human beings.  Earlier 
in another incident we saw how a young girl, athletics sensation of Goa, 
Miss Pratima Gaumkar also had to end her life by committing suicide only.  
What ails our Goan Sports in Goa?  Up to now no real truth has been 
discovered why Pratima Gaunkar committed suicide.  Her coach according to 
available information tried to blackmail her into submitting to his wishes 
but the young Goan girl was different in nature.  Her coach a non-Goan tried 
to use Pratima to get maximum benefits of her financial deals and when he 
found it difficult he made the young Goan athlete to commit suicide.  It was 
surprising that none in Goa and in her village Sanguem bothered to go deep 
into this matter to reprimand her Coach and those behind her misfortune. If 
the same incident had to take place in the State of her Coach I am sure none 
in that State would keep silence till the Coach was fully punished either 
thru law or thru the hands of the public.  The non-Goans are rampantly in 
misuse of our manpower and we Goans are nonsensically keeping silence over 
their misbehaviour.

I remember one incident at Santa Cruz Ground when first All Goa Athletics 
Meet was organized in 1964 after the annexure of Goa by Bharat.  Even Cops 
of Signal from Bambolim participated with their top athletes of All India 
stature and the competition was very stiff.  The then big man of Goa Sports 
Authority was one Mr. Mali a non – Goan who had strong dislike for Goans and 
also had a very low opinion of Goan athletes, he was also sexually perverted 
man according to some of my female colleagues. Our the then Principal of the 
school St. Joseph’s High School, Arpora Fr. Mendonca was a genius in 
organizing these type of Meets, his voice had strong influence and was very 
respectable Goan at that time and an authority in Sports administration in 
Goa. I had unique distinction of associating with him in school and at all 
Goa Athletics Meets and also other sports activities. When he sensed some 
craziness on the part of Mali and other non-Goan supervisors he warned our 
girls to keep a distance from non-Goan crazy idiots.  The non-Goans who come 
to Goa are having a very law opinion of our girls and they try to misuse 
them in one way or the other.  Pratima Gaumkar was also suffered the same 
stroke from non-Goan coach and because of this non-Goan coach, Goa lost a 
star athlete.

Now coming back to Angela Gomes, I cannot understand how Goa will produce 
best of sporting talents when Goa does not know how to take care of its 
sportspersons.  We adore our sportspersons when they are shining and once 
they are fizzled out we just ignore them.  It is said that till today 
Calcutta produces best of soccer talents in India and till today they are 
dominating Indian soccer arena.  Why is this?  Because they take more care 
of their soccer stars in all respects.  Because they give more respect and 
more adoration for their ex stars.  Rahman was my coach at Sesa Goa in early 
seventies.  His native place was Bangalore but he was engaged by Calcutta’s 
Mohun Bhagan and he played on top form for Mohun Bhagan for many years.  He 
was an international and Olympian.  He played as a forward along with our 
Goan Neville Desouza in 1956 Melbourne Olympics when Neville scored that 
memorable hat-trick which till today remained unsurpassed. Rahman played for 
Mohun Bhagan for three times in the victorious team in the finals of Rovers 
Cup in Bombay. 15 Years after his retirement from Calcutta and Mohun Bhagan 
he one fine morning returned to Calcutta from Bangalore. When he got down 
from the Railway at Calcutta he was spotted by the “Cauvala” who was selling 
tea in the stalls at Railway platform and then he shouted at the top of his 
voice the name of his ex football hero, rushed to him and kissed his feet.  
Immediately then everybody on the platform recognized Rahman and mobbed and 
hugged him.  Rahman was overwhelmed by this kind gesture and said this 

[Goanet] Thread Closed: Cancer / Experiments, etc.

2006-10-28 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Please note the ongoing thread on Cancer is now closed.

Thank you - Bosco
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