[Goanet] Press Note for kind favour of Publication: Goa Legislative Assembly Elections-2007

2007-03-27 Thread Goa Su-raj Party

27 March, 2007

The Administrator,


Sub: Press Note for kind favour of Publication.

Attached herewith please find the Press Note and the letter we have sent to 
the President of India and copied to the PMO and the Election Commission of 
India for the imposition of the President's rule in Goa to oversee the G.L. 
A. Elections-2007.

We shall be highly obliged for the publication of the same in your esteemed 

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
for Goa Su-Raj Party.
Floriano Lobo
(General Secretary/Spokesperson)

Tel: (Off) 2266111  (M) 9890470896

Press Note

The Goa Su-Raj Party is concerned about the way  the ruling Congress 
coalition is preparing itself for the oncoming assembly elections and 
believes that to allow Mr. Rane's government to oversee the Elections-2007 
as the care-taker government will be a big mistake as it is amply clear that 
free and fair polls will be inhibited. Therefore, in its letter to the 
President of India, the Party has requested the President to consider the 
imposition of the President's in Goa after the dissolution of the 
Government. However the Party has also voiced its concern that  the 
imposition of the President's Rule in Goa  with the present Governor Shri. 
S.C. Jamir in charge will be no different than the care-t aker government of 
Mr. Rane. Therefore the Party has requested the Predsident of India that 
Shri. S.C. Jamir be replaced.


Ref: GSRP/PI/PMO/03/07/001

Date: March 24, 2007

His Excellency,
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam,
The President of India.
Rashtrapati Bhavan,
New Delhi.


Subject: Goa Legislative Assembly Elections-2007.

The tiny State of Goa is scheduled to go into the Legislative Assembly 
Elections mode shortly, the official notification of which is awaited.

This Party, which is Goa's youngest Regional Party, wishes to inform your 
excellency that Assembly Elections-2007, generally perceived, will be the 
most violent elections in Goa's history. And, it is also generally perceived 
that following the dissolution of the present Goa Legislative Assembly, in 
preparation for the Assembly Elections, Goa's Administration will be in the 
hands of a care-taker government of the present Chief Minister, Shri. 
Pratapsing Raoji Rane, who is understood  will be contesting the Assembly 
Elections along with his son, Shri. Vishwajeet Rane,  as a new entrant in 
the Goa's Legislative politics.

This Party believes that Shri. Rane's care-taker government cannot and will 
not allow these coming elections to be free and fair by virtue of being in 
command of the government machinery, including the Election Commission and 
the Police.

The reasons for such a belief are many-fold. For one, the recent 
notification of the Regional Plan 2011 for Goa was withdrawn after the 
massive agitation by the people of Goa, actively supported by all NGOs and 
all religious institutions,  for the simple reason that the Chief Minister's 
son was one of the  architects of this Regional Plan in collusion with the 
Town & Country Planning Minister, affording him and others to sell Goa to 
the highest bidder without an iota of concern for Goa's well-being. The 
Regional Plan has been tactically withdrawn on paper only, following the 
agitation,  but its effects are taking a toll on fragile Goa's eco-balance 
where Goa's hills, agricultural fields and low-lying areas are the target of 
massively proposed developments without any thought for the infrastructural 
base to sustain this development. And it is feared that after the 
Election-2007, this Regional Plan will be revived leading to the destruction 
of Goa as a whole. Crores of rupees have exchanged hands by way of  massive 
and indiscriminate conversions of Goa's fragile terrain for settlement 
and/or commercial purposes, and it is inevitable that this money will be 
used in these elections to intimidate the right-thinking people of Goa for 
electoral wins. This fact is  not an exaggeration,  as the same view point 
is widely expressed daily in the newspapers, and it is the view of the 'GOA 
BACHO ABHIYAN' a politically neutral People's  Organization which has 
spearheaded the agitation against this destructive Regional Plan-2011.

The only alternative to strengthen the hands of the  law, more specifically, 
the hands of the Election Commission and the Police, is to put Goa under the 
President's Rule after the dissolution of the Goa Legislative Assembly. 
However, again, it is generally perceived that putting Goa under the 
President's Rule will also be hugely ineffective since  the present Governor 
of Goa, Shri. S.C. Jamir is a Congressman  at heart and he has amply shown 
his leanings towards the present Congress lead government, especially his 
leanings towards the present Chief Minister, Shri. Pratapsing Raoji Rane. 
Therefore, it is generally desired that Shri. S.C. Jamir  be replaced as Goa's 
Governor during the President's Rule immediately before the Assembly 

[Goanet] Church under Archaeological Survey of India dadagiri.

2007-03-27 Thread Anthony M Barreto
UCAN: Archaeology work threatens church monuments,
Catholic officials say
UCANews (www.ucanews.com)

OLD GOA, India (UCAN) – Church officials in Goa say
the federal archaeological department is threatening
church monuments in the western Indian state by
working haphazardly and secretively. 

As an example, they cite the accidental discovery of a
crypt at the Se Cathedral complex in Old Goa. The
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) staff who made
the discovery on Feb. 26 did not inform the church's
priests of the find.

"I came to know about it almost five days later" when
some people complained of dusty benches in the
cathedral, Father Leonardo Correia, parish priest of
Old Goa, 1,910 kilometers (about 1,185 miles)
southwest of New Delhi, told UCA News.

The priest explained that a government employee
working on underground electrical wiring accidentally
broke a stone, revealing a 2.1-meter deep vault. The
crypt, with a cross mounted on its wall, contained
bones that the priest said may belong to a Portuguese
viceroy, governor or bishop.

Goa, a Portuguese colony for more than four centuries
from 1510, has several 16-century churches and
convents. The ASI has taken over several of them, but
some of these, such as Se Cathedral, continue as
active churches under Goa archdiocese.

"This is the bishop's church, a live parish church.
This is not a museum," Father Correia asserted. He
added that ASI "ought to have the courtesy" to inform
him about the works it undertakes within the

According to Father Correia, ASI also has interfered
in parish affairs. Its officials asked him to remove
the donation box he had placed in the cathedral, but
he said they later relented when told about the
Catholic religious practice of making donations during

In another instance, the parish priest recalled that
termites had infested a statue of Christ but ASI
stopped him from dealing with the problem, saying its
workers would do the job. "By the time they attended
to it a month had passed by," and later they explained
their staff were on holiday, he said.

Father Correia is not alone in complaining. Father
Savio Baretto, rector of nearby Basilica of Bom Jesus,
which houses the relics of St. Francis Xavier, says an
illegal temple was allowed to come up just behind his
church, in violation of heritage-preservation norms.

Construction activity permitted by ASI near other
historical landmarks also is a matter of concern. Near
Our Lady of Rosary Church, built in 1526, a two-story
concrete structure is being built.

Father Baretto said that when he asked ASI officials
the reasons for granting permission for that
construction, they said the application had been
pending a long time. "Is this any justification?" he

Jesuit Father Moreno de Souza, a member of the
basilica staff, admits the Church would have "never
been able to maintain the churches on its own." But he
condemned ASI for ignoring Church authorities. "Even
for the underground electrical wiring they have not
sought permission from us," he said.

According to reports, ASI now plans to cover the
exposed side of the crypt with a transparent
fiberglass sheet, illuminating it from inside with an
electric light so "hordes of visitors" can see it.

Godfrey Gonsalves is among Catholics worried by the
agency's behavior. "Is ASI a competent authority to
decide on these matters? How can the ASI intervene in
religious sentiments of a community with utter
disregard for (its leadership)?" he asked while
speaking with UCA News.

M.K. Jos, who campaigns for social justice, noted that
the ASI-Church tussle has lasted for some time. ASI
argues that when it took over these monuments in 1965,
four years after Goa was liberated from Portuguese
colonial rule, the plan was published in the
government gazette, giving people a chance to express
objections. But no objections were raised.

"At that time who read the gazette? And where was it
available in Goa?" Jos asked, noting that Goa was then
under federal rule, not a state.

Countering the various criticisms, N. Taher, ASI
deputy superintending archaeologist, said some people
are trying to create a wedge between the church and
ASI. "We have no problem with the church authorities,"
he told UCA News. 

"After all, the ASI, the church and all are
stakeholders in our work. Our job is to enhance the
conservation of monuments," he said. "If we do not
work, the monuments deteriorate. If we work, there are
- -
Republished by Catholic Online with permission of the
Union of Catholic Asian News (UCA News), the world's
largest Asian church news agency (www.ucanews.com). 


  Anthony M Barreto aka Tony Martin 
  Freelance Writer and Author 
Galgibaga, Canacona, Goa -- 403728
M: 9422390701 R: 91-0832-2632012

[Goanet] Goa Velha - Santamchem Pursanv (Procession of Saints)- 2007

2007-03-27 Thread JoeGoaUk

Goa Velha - Santamchem Pursanv (Procession of Saints)- 2007

It took me over 8 hrs to reduce the 40 minute footage to just about 9 minutes. 
Plus 4 hrs to
upload to youtube and another four hours to go to view it on Konkan.tv.

I am not very professional but that was the best I could do.

So, here it is..

By the time you red this, the same will also be available at Konkan.tv under 
the same title.

All saint are seen again at the end of the clip (inside the church).

To know who is who, you may refer the previous photo show clip here..
 as the same 30 saints are taken our for procession every year. 

or check this out last year's photos of all 30 saints

Coming up next the Book 'World's Grand Procession of Saints in India.

  for Goa & NRI related info...
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! 
Security Centre. http://uk.security.yahoo.com

Re: [Goanet] plagiarism - response to Frederick

2007-03-27 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

On 26/03/07, Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

views. Actually, the way I see it I think I agree with
you on the issue of copyright. But I am not sure what
your view is on plagiarism because you have never
stated it clearly.

I wouldn't plagarise anyone, and always try my best to quote sources.
But I wouldn't make a big issue if someone chose to reproduce my
writing, with or without credit. At most, I would politely request
that credit be given.

At the same time, let us not pretend that our views are all original,
and not influenced by what we read and hear. My understanding of Goa
is shaped by the thoughts and words of the Robert Newmans, the Goa
Gazetteers, and so many of the other 2000+ books on Goa in my
collection. Let us be honest in acknowledging that "original" thoughts
and writing are often not so "original".

1. Should we tell our students that it is bad to copy
from others without giving them proper credit?

Yes. But please tell them that there are also other "licenses" such as
the Creative Commons Non-Attribution 2.5 license which allow you to do
precisely that. Provided the person who put it out has allowed you to
do that.

2. Should we be concerned that in this time of easy
access to the internet that people are lifting
material verbatim from all kinds of websites, both
authentic and bogus, and presenting it as their own in
forums such as this one?

Maybe. But hasn't this been the history of all knowledge? Dr Timothy
Walker has documented how the Portuguese were pilfering information
about medical plants in Asia in the 16th and 17th century... not
bothering to credit the unknown and unsung vaidyas who had the
knowledge then. We know how Western Europe claimed to have
"discovered" America, when people lived their millenia before,

These are just two examples. But there are many, many more. Take a
look at Claude Alvares' earlier contribution on the history of science
(a god which you workship as infallable, it seems to me) at

Pratik Chakrabarti's biography on Knowledge, Science, and Empire is
particularly interesting.

In a word, I cannot give yes-or-no answers to your questions. And
that's not because I "support" plagarism in any way, as you seek to
construe. FN
FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
What bloggers are saying about Goa: http://planet.goa-india.org/

[Goanet] Plagiarism

2007-03-27 Thread Arnold Noronha

An extract from Wikipedia states:
Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and 
thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own 
original work. Ergo, it's tantamount to the perceived pilferage of published 
products for profit and prominence. Detection can Illwill and Censure 

The proscription against plagiarism is about protecting Ownership and 


Plagiarism is unauthorized use of other's material that belies
The author’s competence and in the face of Originality flies
It  smacks of soiled  creativity and misplaced  enterprise
Overstepping  boundaries of propriety with such unfair device
Manifests abject dishonesty  the Establishment does  despise
As all the desirable  merit accruing  to such work ignobly dies
The product of an author should be unassailably seminal and wise
Of its purity and integrity, no aspersions and doubts should arise
Powers-that-be judge the work’s value not merely by craft and size
Failing the touchstone test of circumspection, Society will sternly 

After due process, censorious standards of justice the Law will exercise
Thus to many a good reputation,  offending pirates have said "Goodbyes"

Stealing intellectual eggs from another's nest, could make you a dubious 
Book Club guest.


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Re: [Goanet] Global Goan Convention Expenses

2007-03-27 Thread Eddie Fernandes

JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Global Goan Convention Expenses: 
> 9. Advertisement and Publicity... Rs.2,52,600
> Total: 34,37,732


I am intrigued by the revelation of the amount spent on advertising and
publicity - over 2.5 lakhs.  I am sure that I am correct in assuming that
the main avenue of publicity was via GoaNet.  Would it be appropriate to
enquire how much the Department of NRI Affairs, Govt. of Goa paid GoaNet?  

The Global Goans website does not even have an acknowledgement of the
existence of GoaNet.  But the sources it pays for publicity are named
prominently on its home page. 

We were told that the official proceedings of the Convention would be posted
on the Global Goans site.  When?  The site has not been updated with any
news this year as far as I can tell.  As usual we shall have to wait for the
eve of the next Convention for the slumbering giant to wake up and expect us
to be enthralled by his accomplishments and pitch in to support his dream!

Eddie Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Plagiarism

2007-03-27 Thread Sunith D Velho


Even that great temple of learning, Wikipedia has a guide on how to 
write a good article. Part of that guide is the following link on the 
importance of citing sources.


Why do you seem to be defending plagiarism in your fight against 
intellectual copyright.

Citing references or sources in no way hinders the sharing of knowledge 
but instead vastly improves the 'quality' of information in circulation 
and rightly gives credit where it is due. Whether the original authors 
were or were not seeking fame or gratification for themselves is 
entirely irrelevant to the debate.


Sunith D Velho

[Goanet] ICB seek J. Mourinho!

2007-03-27 Thread Bernado Colaco
Since the lambasting of a dysfunctional country called
bharat in the West Indies World Cup Cricket and with
players using highlights to colour their hair, the ICB
chairman David Eprabim from Bubai is now trying to
hold talks with Embramhovic of Chelsea to seek J.
Mourinho the legendary coach of Portugal. It is also
believed that Cristiano Ronaldo and Ricardo Quaresma
may make way for Tendulkar and Shewag. Now it is lad
to the Portuguese lads to take the offer

The all-new Yahoo! Mail goes wherever you go - free your email address from 
your Internet provider. http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/nowyoucan.html

Re: [Goanet] New Religious Gambling (?)

2007-03-27 Thread Kevin Saldanha

Hi Joe,

What is the difference between this and the 'voluntary' tithing to
religious institutions who refuse to follow the dictates of canon law
which require them to establish financial councils within the parish
made up of financially astute parishioners.

"Each parish is to have a Finance council which is regulated by
universal law as well as
by norms issued by the diocesan bishop; in this Council the Christian
faithful, selected
according to the same norms, aid the pastor in the administration of
parish goods with
due regard for the prescription of can. 532."

Here is the efforts of one diocese ( http://tinyurl.com/3ykewu ) which
is trying to influence it's parishes but as a recent article in the
Time magazine stated (
http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1590435,00.html ), it
is having little effect.

It's time to wake up from the smell of incense!!!

Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.

Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 05:31:23 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: [Goanet] New Religious Gambling (?),   Goans Christians
  losing upto Rs. one million every month (allplease Read)

Lottery and a threat

business losses etc.)


2007-03-27 Thread Paulo Colaco Dias
Alfred, the information is posted in standard pdf format so you need to have
a pdf reader like for example adobe acrobat pdf reader.

You can download adobe acrobat pdf reader free of charge from:

Once adobe acrobat is installed on your pc, then everything will display


> -Original Message-
> From: Alfred de Tavares [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 March 2007 11:34
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; goanet@lists.goanet.org
> No dice querido Paulo. Thre comes display as below & no more,
> however I click. Pls you try & keep advised,
> Alfred
> Actividades a Realizar
> ***
> (15 - 17 June 2007 – Casa de Goa - Lisboa)
> Convenção da Diáspora Goesa – em português
> Convention of the Goan Diaspora - in English
>   Programme of the Convention
> Application Form
> ***
> Índice de
> Boletins Informativos neste site:
> ***
> Boletim Número 18 - 2a. Série  - Abr/Jul 2005
> Boletim Número 17 - 2a. Série  - Jan/Mar 2005
> Boletim Número 16 - 2a. Série  - Out/Dez 2004
> Boletim Número 15 - 2a. Série  - Jul/Set 2004
> Boletim Número 14 - 2a. Série  - Abr/Jun 2004
> Boletim Número 13 - 2a. Série  - Jan/Mar 2004
> Boletim Número 12 - 2a. Série  - Nov/Dez 2003
> Boletim Número 11 - 2a. Série  - Set/Out 2003
> Boletim Número 10 - 2a. Série  - Jul/Ago 2003
> Boletim Número 9 - 2a. Série  - Mai/Jun 2003
> Boletim Número 8 - 2a. Série  - Mar/Abr 2003
> Boletim Número 7 - 2a. Série  - Jan/Fev 2003
> Boletim Número 6 - 2a. Série  - Nov/Dez 2002
> >From: "Paulo Colaco Dias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "'Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!'"
> >CC: "'r.barreto'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 11:23:48 +0100
> >
> >Dear Alfred and Rene,
> >
> >The Casa de Goa website has now been updated with correct information
> >regarding the convention.
> >
> >Check:
> >http://www.goacom.org/casa-de-goa/noticias.html
> >
> >Best wishes
> >Paulo.
> >
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:goanet-
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alfred de Tavares
> > > Sent: 23 March 2007 13:04
> > > To: goanet@lists.goanet.org; goanet@goanet.org
> > >
> > > Dear Rene,
> > >
> > > I wish to attend.
> > >
> > > There is something wrong/error with the links you have provided below.
> > >
> > > Pls check & also advise how to register.
> > >
> > > Your, ghott in diaspora,
> > >
> > > Alfred de Tavares,
> > > Stockholm, 2007-03-23.
> >
> _
> Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
> http://search.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200636ave/direct/01/


2007-03-27 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

Goa discussion mailing list
There seems to a good and active Goa discussion forum which can be
read on the web here


It's actually a mailing list turned into a newsgroup and made web based.
I believe the sub list is here

I'd urge people to have a look there and join that Goa list if you
have specific questions. Espcially going back to decades of finding

long lost friends/relatives
X (where teasure is buried)

Not to swing people out of IM but it seems very Goa specific with a
lot of Goanese out there.

Mods, please delete this thread if you need to.
Get the Indiamike train guide in PDF at

FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
What bloggers are saying about Goa: http://planet.goa-india.org/

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: The Uses and Abuses of All Things Portuguese (Augusto Pinto)

2007-03-27 Thread Goanet Reader

The Uses and Abuses of All Things Portuguese

By Augusto Pinto
pintogoa at gmail.com

After the Liberation of Goa, much that had to do with the
Portuguese became as devalued as their currency notes. Of
course, with over four centuries of their rule, certain
aspects of their language and culture seeped into the marrow
of Goan life in ways that are at times indiscernible. The
Konkani language, the culinary habits of the people, and the
architecture of Goa, most obviously bear the Portuguese

But soon after Liberation, some of the more obvious symbols
of Portuguese rule were sought to be cast off. Some people
Anglicized or Marathicized their names; some shops discarded
their Portuguese nameplates and some street names and
institutions changed their names -- for instance Camotim
became Kamat and Instituto Vasco da Gama became Institute
Menezes Braganza.

Perhaps the most important change that occurred of course was
the obliteration of the Portuguese language after it ceased
to be the language of administration and the medium of
instruction. Some now feel that this amounted to throwing the
baby out with the bathwater, and that India thereby shut what
could have been their gateway to the Lusophonic world.

 Those associated with Portuguese rule were looked
 upon with suspicion. The Portuguese-speaking,
 upper-caste, upper-class Christian gentry were
 especially targeted. This was sometimes rather
 unfair given that many among them favoured
 independence, and indeed some were active freedom
 fighters; and given that Portuguese rule could
 hardly have been sustained without the active
 collaboration of the Hindu business classes.

Later as the call for merger with Maharashtra hotted up, all
Christians began to be branded as "pro-Portuguese" and
"denationalized " by pro-mergerites because of their
resistance to the notion of merger and for daring to demand a
separate state for Goa.

Then Defence Minister Y.B.Chavan is reported to have branded
them as "Black Portuguese", and the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak
Party habitually persisted with their 'antinational',
'unpatriotic', 'traitors to Goa's cause' and 'pro-Portuguese'
litanies in the lead up to the Opinion Poll in 1967.

 All this happened when the memory of Portuguese
 rule was still fresh. What was the position of
 things Portuguese when with the passage of time
 some old irritants disappeared: for instance, the
 Salazar regime was overthrown and the gold that
 belonged to Goans was returned by the B.N.U (Banco
 Nacional Ultramarino)? And after Portugal offered
 some impressive sops to Goans born before 1961 by
 conferring upon them Portuguese citizenship -- thus
 allowing them to enter into the lucrative European

Generally speaking, things Portuguese have ceased to be of
much relevance to the day to day lives of most Goans. Yet
there have been sporadic outbursts mainly in the press
against certain aspects Portuguese.

For instance, the public row over the statue of Luis de
Camoens which stood in the courtyard of Se Cathedral, and
which the Government removed after an attempt to dynamite it
by alleged freedom fighters; protests about the visit of the
Portuguese Prime Minister Mario Soares in 1994; the
vandalisation of the Fontainhas street names and the Pilar de
Tonca in 2004; or most recently the black flag demonstrations
against the Portuguese Prime Minister who was being conferred
a D.Litt.degree by Goa University.

The stated rationale of these outbursts was to express
outrage against the acts of the colonial rulers. However some
people find this behavior pointless, given the amount of time
that has elapsed since the Portuguese have departed and this
would lead to heated debates in the columns of the local

What is going on here? To understand the phenomenon it is
perhaps more fruitful to examine who the combatants in these
controversies are, rather than to study their arguments. For
it soon becomes apparent that, with some exceptions, they are
arrayed on communal lines with the Christians emerging as
apologists for things Portuguese on one side; and the other
side having sympathies if they are not directly aligned with
Hindutva groups. This suggests that a proxy communal battle
is being fought by individuals belonging to the right wings
of their respective communities.

This paper looks at one Portuguese related controversy that
has been going on since the 1950's: that of the Portuguese
based names of Goan Christians.

The groundwork for this controversy was prepared by
A.K.Priolkar who in an essay titled "Who is a Goan?"
ingenuously suggested that Goan Christians who have
Portuguese names should "to symbolize their cultural
emancipation adopt Indian names." The implied slur that those
who retain their Portuguese names were not culturally
emancipated was hardly likely to be misse

[Goanet] Eating out... Vasco

2007-03-27 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

Would appreciate any help to update or correct this list. Am grateful
to friends on VascokarsUnited and others in Vasco for helping me build
the list.  Some info and links are available online. FN


Ginza (multi-cuisine restaurant, located at Karma Plaza's
ground floor, walking distance from the Railway Station) is a
Chinese restaurant, with food recommended by those who know
as being "good".  Ph 2518928 Extn 48 or 2513776.

Rangoli (located in the basement at Karma Plaza, on Dr
Rajendra Prasad Avenue, walking distance from the railway
station, phone 2518928 or 2513776) offers good food, with
live music some evenings. In the same building is Temptation
(phone 2518928, extension 50), a 24-hour fast-food joint and
hang out for the younger crowd.

Vasco Inn is located at Khalap Mansion, Near IOC, Vasco da
Gama. Specialises in sea-food, Goan, Indian, Chinese.
Airconditioned restaurant and bar, preferred for its Goan
cuisine. Check its chicken cafreal, and chicken vildalho (or
vindaloo). Also recommended: xacuti and caldine. Located 1 km
from the Mormugao Harbour and 3.5 km from the Dabolim
airport. 2514725 or 9890412725.

[TOP END] La Paz, on Swatantra Path, near the Municipal Garden.  The
age-old place of old-world charm Hotel La Paz is located on
Swatantra Path near the Municipal Garden. It restaurants are
The Regency (phone 2512125 extn 130 serving Indian,
continental, Goan food) and Sweet n Sour (phone 2512125
extn 125, serving exclusively Chinese), which offer
interesting food.
Also check the fast food joint on the ground floor called
Goodyland (Ext 140). Harbour Bar (Ext 124). Phone numbers
Hotel La Paz Gardens, phone 2512121 till 2512125.

City Shack, is located near the municipal garden, the
ambience is intersting.

Anantashram is near the municipal garden, the AC counterpart
of the City Shack. In both, the food is good. Check the handi
biryani, and fish dishes.

Annapurna is a vegetarian restaurant, located close to the
Municipal Market, Opposite the Bata showroom.
Recommended: Panner makhanwala. Biryani. Fried rice.
Phone 2513745, 2513375.

Welcome, a veg outlet, located on Swatantra Path near the
Municipal Garden. (Phone 2512627.) There are also a
smattering of Udupi restaurants all over.

Lobo's Edifice, FL Gomes Road, Vasco da Gama, Goa 403 802
Opp Penguin Apartments, near the old bus stand.
Phone 511 627

Check out Lymour and Vrindavan (both on Swatantra Path near
the Municipal Market, not far from railway station). Abhiksha
Classic is opp. KTC bus stand at Vaddem.

Coconut Creek Restaurant, Bimut Vaddo, Bogmalo
Located on the beach just outside Vasco. Restaurant attached
to a boutique resort. Live music on some evenings.
Recommended: chicken cordon bleu, beef wellington and prawns
stuffed sole.
Phone 2538090 or 2538100. Or try 2556100 or 2556090

Full Moon Restaurant and Bar
Bogmalo Beach
Phone 2538072

Joet's, at Bogmalo beach
Phone 2538036

Parijath Restaurant
Vasco Goa-403802
Phone: 0832-2511832

Hotel Rukmini
Dattatray Deshpande Road, Near MPT Hall, Vasco (Phone
DD Marg, Opp Police Qtrs, Vasco (Phone 2511784 or
2510932 or 2501324).

Renaissance Airport Plaza Restaurant
Airport Plaza, Airport Road, Dabolim 403801
Phone 2555841, 2515076, 2515077, 2515074

Welcome Restaurant

Luis Corner Bar & Restaurant, just on the slope to the Mangor
Hill, in Vasco. Goan delicacies, like fries, steaks, fried
fish. Quality of Goan liquor reported to be good.

Annapoorna Restaurant
D.Deshpande Road, Vasco da Gama 403802

Gulzar Restaurant
Hotel Nagina, D.Deshpande Road, Vasco da Gama 403802

Hotel Rukmini
Near MPT Hall, DD Road, Vasco da Gama, Goa 403802   
Phone 2512350

New Punjab Bar & Restaurant
Dr. E Borges Building, Near Municipal Gardens, Vasco da Gama 403 802
Phone 2514642

Royal Darbar Restaurant
Indra Niwas Building, Nr Madina Masjid, Vasco da Gama 403 802   
Phone 2512254

Renaissance Airport Plaza Restaurant
Sancoale, Airport Road, Vasco 403 802

Windows, multicuisine airconditioned restaurant.
Maharaja Hotels, Opp Hindustan Petroleum, Vasco. Also Dawat
multicuisine otudoor restaurant (and CoffeeDay Xpress), open
11 am to 11 pm. Buffet breakfast open to the public 8 am to
11 am (call for daily menu). Phone 9326002037 or 2514075/7.
Musical nights on Fri, Sat, Sun.

Shravni, pure veg family restaurant
Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. South India, North
Indian, Chinese, Tandoor and Goan.
Hotel Rukmini, at the end of Swatantra Path off the main
road, near the Police quarters.  Ph 9850828477 or 2512350.

Baskin Robbins ice cream
Shop 3, Jancia Apts, Swatantra Path, Next to Municipal
Garden, Vasco 9822485573 or 2516611.

See Cafe Flintstone at the Chicalim Airport Junction and
John's Seagull at Bogmalo Beach (both popular joints).
Regulars to the area talk of a tiny eatery just known as
"Maushimgher", near the airport for simple, home-made meals.

For more details of this city, check recent issues of the
local community newspaper call

[Goanet] Thanks Santosh - plagiarism

2007-03-27 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
At the outset, let me state that I do not claim / allege that Jose's write up 
on his published blog constitutes plagiarism.

Yet, I have to defer to his friend Santosh and thank him for providing the 
definition of plagiarism.   
Looking at Part b, I submit, it includes much that Jose did in his web log.  

It is natural but not surprising, that Jose will not accept his writing as 
plagiarism.  Jose would have us believe that he wrote what he knows (on the 
tips of his fingers).  We know that Jose is smart Goan doctor.  Yet he is not 
that smart.  No one in the twentieth century is a "walking encyclopedia" of 
medical knowledge. And this is especially in a field that is not part of their 
specialized training or daily medical practice.  

A pediatrician, even one graduated form Goa Medical College and practicing in 
the Bahamas, does not deal with the entire gamut of Infective Disease 
speciality, or Preventive Medicine or Communicable Diseases - illnesses that 
were covered in Jose's write-up.  And we have to remember some of these disease 
are not common in the Caribbean but in Africa and India.  

Let me state again that I do not claim, Jose's write up on his published blog 
constitutes plagiarism.  Though I wish he provided a list of scientific 
write-up for those seeking further information.  Perhaps those wanting it will 
have to  pay him for that.:=))
Kind Regards, GL

--- Santosh Helekar 

Here is the definition provided by Indiana University:  
a. A student must not adopt or reproduce ideas, opinions, theories, formulas, 
graphics, or pictures of another person without acknowledgment. 
b. A student must give credit to the originality of others and acknowledge an 
indebtedness whenever:  
1. Directly quoting another person's actual words, whether oral or written; 
2. Using another person's ideas, opinions, or theories; 
3. Paraphrasing the words, ideas, opinions, or theories of others, whether 
oral or written; 
4. Borrowing facts, statistics, or illustrative material; or 
5. Offering materials assembled or collected by others in the form of 
projects or collections without acknowledgment.

Re: [Goanet] Wanted: Names of top publications

2007-03-27 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

Whole lot of Goan journos in places like the Gulf, Australia (a few
like Carlos and Glen) and even in Thailand (Russel Murray) in
middle-to-senior level positions. FN
PS: Curious, why do you want this? Joining freelancing like me? :-)

On 27/03/07, Philip Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks, Reena, for the tip! Let's see if there are any other Good Samaritans
on goanet. :)

FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
What bloggers are saying about Goa: http://planet.goa-india.org/


2007-03-27 Thread Paulo Colaco Dias
Dear Alfred and Rene, 

The Casa de Goa website has now been updated with correct information
regarding the convention.


Best wishes

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:goanet-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alfred de Tavares
> Sent: 23 March 2007 13:04
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org; goanet@goanet.org
> Dear Rene,
> I wish to attend.
> There is something wrong/error with the links you have provided below.
> Pls check & also advise how to register.
> Your, ghott in diaspora,
> Alfred de Tavares,
> Stockholm, 2007-03-23.

[Goanet] Ani Oxe Toren Tanchem Bhovmann Kelem - Majorda-Utorda-Calata ganvchea Konkani palkachea

2007-03-27 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com
Ani Oxe Toren Tanchem Bhovmann Kelem
-  Majorda-Utorda-Calata ganvchea Konkani palkachea 
artistes-ancho Kuwait-ak sotkar kelo
Gelea Sukrarak, Marsachea 23ver, 2007 Hawally A/C
vosreant ‘|Challis Dis ani Challis Rati’ hea tiatra
disa Majorda-Utorda-Calata hea ganvantlea panch
kolakorancho sotkar (felicitation) kelo. Ani tanchea
bhorim tiatracchea digdorspea-kui Bab Simon
Gonsalves-ak bhovmann dilem. Karriavolicho dhobazo he
toren aslo.   
Richard Rodrigues: Saxttiche vattarantle
Majorda-Utorda-Calata eke soimbik dekhaveanim borlele
tin lhanxe vadde punn ek vhodd ganv. Hea gavantlea
mon’xanim vingodd-vingodd vo zaite torechea vauran
apleak nam’nea zhoddun ghetlea. Zaum te padri, madri,
voiz, vokil, nitidar, professor, lekok, futtboll
khellpi ani dusre sabar mollant Goyant, Bharatan ani
pordesant aslelea Goykaram modim unchle zage samballun
famad zaleat. Ani kheritponnim Konknni rong-machier
hixeob korunk zainam title kolakar, borovpi, digdorspi
Majorda-Utorda-Calata ganvantlean nirman zaleat.
Sogleanchim nanvam ghetlear aichi sanz thoddi zatli. 
Aiz ami, United Club of Utorda-Kuwait-an thikhan ani
nokri kortelea panch jextt vo senior kolakaranchim
vollok kortanam, tannim Konknni rong-machier kel’lo
vaur monant dhorun tanchem bhovmann vo sotkar kortat. 
Hea mahan kolakarancho sotkar aichea disachi mhukell
soiri Shrimati Jannet Franco e Fernandes hichea
hatantlean zatlem. Hanv magtam Shri Francisco
Chequinho Fernandes, United Club of Utorda hanchea
odhex-a thaim, mhukell pavnneank machier haddunk..
Lino Dourado: Utodd'dechi sundori Bai Clayea
Rodrigues, aichea disachea mhukel soireak sobit
fulancho turo bhettoitelem.
 Lino Dourado: a) To ek Mazodd’dekar. Tannem 30 vorsam
Konknni palkar seva kelea. Lhanuch thaun taka ‘clown’
hea nanvan voddkitale. Ani aiz taka tiatr somazant
Comedian Philip mhunn vollkotat. United Club of
Utorda, tachea omor Konknni palkavelea vaurachi tust
korun Bab Philip Pereira-k porbim ditat ani hangasor
machier yeunk vinonti kortat.
b) Gelea 20 vorsam tannem Kuwait-che Konknni palkar
mothvacho vaur kela ani tin tiatr boroun ani digdorxit
khorun nam’nea zhoddun ghetlea. Goyantui tannem
tiatranim bhag ghetla. Ani to zaun asa Mario Fernandes
punn tiatr mollar Mario de Majorda hea nanvan
vollkotat, United Club of Utorda, tachea omor Konknni
palkavelea vaurachi tust korun Bab Mario-k porbim
ditat ani hangasor machier yeunk vinonti kortat. 
Richard Rodrigues: a) Bechallis vo 42 vorsam Konknni
rong-machechi seva kelea ani azun korit asa. Decent
ani comedy kantaram ghaun tiatr pollenamranche duddu
vosul korta. Dekunuch taka crowd puller hem nanv
favtta. Ani to zaun asa Utodd’decho Marcus Vaz. United
Club of Utorda, tachea omor Konknni palkavelea
vaurachi tust korun Bab Marcus-k porbim ditat ani
hangasor machier yeunk vinonti kortat.
b) Zaum tem Goyant vo Kuwait-an, Konknni palkar 20
vorsam seva kortanam Kuwait-chea desant tin voznadik
tiatr boroun ani digdorxit korun,  kinnam bhitor tiatr
mollar bhouch famad zalo. Tiatr pollennarank kitem
tori novem dinvchem hi tachi karia, ani ek Utod’dekar,
Kuwait-chea machier Konknnicho bhavtto ubharun dovorpi
zaun asa Laurente. Pereira. United Club of Utorda,
tachea omor Konknni palkavelea vaurachi tust korun Bab
Laurente-k porbim ditat ani hangasor machier yeunk
vinonti kortat.

Lino Dourado: Fulam viret fulanchi bhag ani ostore
xivai rong-machi sobo nam. Majorda-Utorda-Calata tin
lhan vadde punn ek ganv, ani hea ganvantlem rosroxit
ful tiatr mollar ghelea 30 vorsam fankarta. Dukhest
obinoi tiche avddiche punn tiatr pollenarank ti,
vinodi bhumiken nhesleli zai asta. Machier koslem-i
acting  nizachi korun palk soboita ani hakach lagun
tika bhovgunni vo all rounder actress mhonn pachartat.
Ani ti kolakarn zaun asa Calata-chem Bai Querobina
Carvalho. United Club of Utorda, tichea omor Konknni
palkavelea vaurachi tust korun Bai Querobina-nk porbim
ditat ani hangasor machier yeunk vinonti kortat.  

Richard Rodrigues: Ani thoddeach minutanim ‘Challis
Dis ani Challis Rati’ pirachit khallacho tiatr suru
zatolo. Borea moralachi khannien, to Simon
Gonsalves-an boroila ani digdorxit kela.
Pirachittachea khallan Kuwait-chea desant ho poilo
tiatr, dekhunnuch United Club of Utorda, Simon-achea
he vhodd vaurachi tust korun porbim ditat ani hangasor
machier yeunk vinonti kortat.
Amchim porbim sogglea kolakorank!  
Toxeach kheritponnim United Club of Utorda hanchea
karbareank tannim hi kareaivoll Konkani bhasean keli
dekhun.  Xabas!

Boroupavoll:  United Club of Utorda-chea chitnis ani
membre, Richard S. Rodrigues
ani Lino B. Dourado.

Gaspar Almeida
Vach Tiatra-acho Review ani pollea Tiatr-achea Dekave,
Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter 
http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans ani
Kuwait-chea Inglez potrancher.  Fotu:  Rewon
Gomes-anchea upkarant.
Goa-World.Com Team (Kuwai

[Goanet] HJS & kabrasthan land prob

2007-03-27 Thread agnela ronita torcato
The Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) must produce hard evidence - names, 
addresses, dates of alleged fraudulent conversions instead of themselves 
tring to stoke communal fires with sweeping statements and/or lies.

The honorable gentlemen in the HJS must also learn to discern between 
altruism, community service and "allurements". The HJS should be apprised 
that every Christian is enjoined to perform  acts of mercy and charity ( or 
good works as the Bible puts it ) failing which the Christian faith would be 
a dead, empty faith.

Or could it be that the HJS and others of its ilk do not  want to lend a 
helping hand to the poor and can't bear it when others do so?

Apropos the report on the land acquisition for the kabrasthan prayers; and 
Mr Mulla's "clarification" that prayers will be held on the new plot while 
burials would be conducted on the old adjacent site, it should be borne in 
mind that regardless of said technical clarification; the plot would still 
be anintegral part of the graveyard and since many residential sites are 
3 -10 meters away this would amount to violating the law to permit the 

Lest we forget, history is replete with examples of those who have gone back 
on their solemn assurances. Do the aggrieved envisage endless litigation at 
best or violence at worst?

If, as it is contended in some quarters, there is indeed a space crunch for 
fresh burials, a plot can be acquired elsewhere for a new graveyard. The 
dead cannot inconvenience the liviing.

Should the land acquisition (expansion for prayers or other reasons) be 
allowed, please note, this will aggravate the situation and escalate to more 
serious problems in the near future.


Hindu samiti alarmed over 'forced' conversions

HERALD March 18, 2007 Page 3

By Herald Reporter

PANJIM, March 17 -- The Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) has
demanded strong action against the people forcing conversions
through force.

According to HJS, conversion of faith through force or
allurement is on the rise in Goa. And, if forced conversions
are not stopped, it would lead to a big law and order problem
in the state. Forced conversion by the Believers has been
causing unrest among Hindus.

Welcomes magisterial inquiry report


NT Staff Reporter
Panaji, March 22

Welcoming the magisterial inquiry report into last year's
communal riots at Sanvordem-Curchorem, the Bharatiya Janata
Party said that a deeper investigation should be carried out
into the incident to pin down the real conspirators.

the leader of the Opposition, Mr Manohar Parrikar, addressing
a press conference this morning said the Collector (North
Goa) Mr Nikhil Kumar who carried out the inquiry and prepared
a report had done a good job.

Milli Council says report on riots clears baselles charges

HERALD, MARCH 22, 2007

Herald Reporter

VASCO, MARCH 21 - All-India Milli Council State President
Iqbal Mohidin has stated that the magisterial report on the
Curchorem-Sanvordem riots is significant for the Goan
Muslims, as it has exonerated them of the allegations that
Muslims were responsible for the riots as they had brought
"armed outsiders" to Goa.

"The report as 'much delayed but much awaited' as the
peace-loving Goan Muslims were deeply hurt when such baseless
allegations were levied against us. In fact, our community
had only assembled for a peaceful procession against the
demolition of the religious structure. It is important for us
that we have been relieved of the charge by the magisterial
inquiry into the whole incident," said Mohidin.

Probe indicts none, says riots pre-planned



PANJIM, MARCH 20 - The Magisterial inquiry which went into
the Curchorem-Sanvordem communal riots in early March last
year, has concluded that "it is intuitively and logically
reasonable to presume" that there was a pre-planned and
pre-conceived orientation to the communal riots but in the
absence of any tangible evidence, it is not possible to
identify or pinpoint the actual persons or organisations
responsible for it.

The inquiry report submitted by the North Goa District
Collector and District Magistrate Nikhil Kumar was made
public by the government on Tuesday.

Going through the issue in detail, the Magistrate said the
violence that occurred on March 3-4 was in the nature of an
eruption which was precipitated due to the building up of
continuous tension and strain between the two communities --
Hindus and Muslims -- over the past many months.


Kabrastan issue takes a grave turn


MARGAO, MARCH 21 -Tension rent the air at the District
Collectorate building here on Wednesday morning as
anti-kabrastan protestors turned up in siz

[Goanet] Goan Welfare Society (GWS) - Kuwait Annual General Body Meeting

2007-03-27 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

The Goan Welfare Society (GWS) Annual General Body
Meeting (AGM) will held on Friday, 20th April 2007
from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Carlton Tower
Hotel, Kuwait City. 

All GWS Members are kindly requested to attend. 
Elections to form the new Managing committee and
adoption of the new constitution is part of the

For more details, contact Tel: (+965) 9047401 (Carmo
Santos, Hon. President), 9519439 (Julio Cardoso, Hon.
Vice President), 5658661(Mrs. Philo Rebelo, Hon. Jt.
Secretary) or  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gaspar
Almeida, Hon. General Secretary - GWS).



Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check. 
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[Goanet] Jump the ship

2007-03-27 Thread Bernado Colaco
Dr. Barad,

The root cause of this evil which you have elucidated
is the Indian rule in Goa. Unless we understand what
happened in 61, Goa can not change its future. 

The root cause of Goa's critical state of health is
unhesitatingly a
corruption and precipitous fall in the moral standards
of our politics
and public life.

New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find out more at 
the Yahoo! Mail Championships. Plus: play games and win prizes. 

Re: [Goanet] Wanted: Names of top publications

2007-03-27 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

Strange, I never thought of it on these lines :-) I've found it best
to work beyond regional angles while in the media.

Anyway, Rajdeep Sardesai is at CNN/IBN. Samar Halarnkar is with Indian
Express (not sure if he still is). Carlos Monteiro is the night editor
of the Online Sydney Morning Herald.

On 26/03/07, Philip Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would like to have the names of some top Indian (non-Goan) publications,
with editors/deputy editors who are Goan, for personal correspondence
purposes. Thanks.

FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
What bloggers are saying about Goa: http://planet.goa-india.org/

[Goanet] A Million Nandigrams (in Goa)

2007-03-27 Thread Frederick Menezes

A million Nandigrams


Sunita Narain / New Delhi March 27, 2007

We were standing between a massive mine and a stunning water
reservoir. Local activists were explaining to me how this iron ore
mine was located in the catchment of the Salaulim water reservoir, the
only water source for south Goa. Suddenly, as I clicked with my
camera, we were surrounded by a jeepload of men. They said they were
from the mine management and wanted us off the property. We explained
that we had come on a public path and that there were no signs to
indicate that we were trespassing. But they were not in a mood to
listen. They snatched the keys of our jeep, picked up stones to hit us
and got abusive. Before things got totally out of hand, we decided to

I was completely baffled at these developments. After all, this was
Goa, known for its peace and calm. This was also the place where
industrialists—the Dempos, the Salgoacars, the Timblos with mineral
interests—play key roles in education, in culture and in promoting the
ethics of good corporate governance. Why would they allow mining to
take place next to what is clearly the most important water source for
the state? Why were there no signboards with names of owners, near or
around the mine? Why would state regulators allow this to happen? What
was happening in this paradise to unleash this violence and simmering
tension? I got my answers soon.

Full story at 

More Goan news stories and features at http://khobro.blogspot.com.

[Goanet] Wanted: Names of top publications

2007-03-27 Thread Philip Thomas

Thanks, Reena, for the tip! Let's see if there are any other Good Samaritans
on goanet. :)

Re: [Goanet] New Religious Gambling

2007-03-27 Thread Carvalho
Dear Roland and Joe,

I am more disturbed than shocked by the distribution
of such flyers. It seems that both our institutions,
the press and the church have failed in their singular
responsibility, which is raising social awareness,
rather they have aided and abetted ignorance as best
as they can.

Even given the limitations of organised religion, we
must at least strive for continuous evolution of
thought. When evolution comes to a standstill, we
revert back to selling magic potions and buy-one,
get-one free coupons on the altar. 

--- Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Joegoauk,
> I am certainly shocked at the money being stupidly
> thrown away by
> either fearful or stupid people! Your recommendation
> of how the
> Catholic Church in Goa should act is full of common
> sense, but I have
> noticed this august institution is not too well
> known for this
> particular art. 


Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate 
in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q&A.

[Goanet] Flogging a dead horse?

2007-03-27 Thread Philip Thomas

 Govt mulls moving general aviation activities to Juhu 

Which charters? International charters use big planes!

[Goanet] AICHEA DISAK CHINTOP - Marsachi 27vi, 2007!

2007-03-27 Thread domnic fernandes

Devan dileat dant, Devuch jevonn dhitolo.

(God has given us a set of teeth; He alone will provide us food.)


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

Catch all the cricketing action right here. Live score, match reports, 
photos et al. http://content.msn.co.in/Sports/Cricket/Default.aspx


2007-03-27 Thread C Fernandes

INDIA (26/03/07)

Mr Richard Stagg CMG has been appointed British High
Commissioner to the Republic of India in succession to
Sir Michael Arthur KCMG, who will be transferring to
another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mr Stagg will
take up his new appointment in September 2007. 


Full Name: (Charles) Richard (Vernon) Stagg CMG 
Married to: Arabella
Children: Three sons and two daughters

2003 - 2007 FCO: Director General of Corporate Affairs
2001 - 2003 FCO: Director Public Services/Information
1998 - 2001 Sofia: HM Ambassador
1996 - 1998 FCO: Head of EU (External) Department
1993 - 1996 FCO: Private Secretary to Foreign
1991 - 1993 Brussels: Press Spokesman
1988 - 1991 FCO: Soviet Department
1987 - 1988 Brussels: Council Secretariat
1985 - 1987 FCO
1982 - 1985 The Hague
1979 - 1982 Sofia: Third later Second Secretary
1977 - 1979 FCO


[Goanet] E-Fusion launched by JW Marriott hotel

2007-03-27 Thread Jazz Goa
The Brown Indian Band led by bassplayer Colin D'Cruz,
features accomplished Indian classical musicians in
concert with jazz virtuosos. The band is managed by
Mumbai based Mardigras Entertainment and performs on a
resident contract at the JW Marriott hotel in Mumbai.
>From the time the band began playing there in April
2006, guests have made regular enquiries about where
they could buy a CD of this soothing new sound of
indo-jazz fusion. This led to the band's debut album
E-Fusion being launched and merchandised by the JW
Marriott hotel. Indian classical music like jazz, is
all about improvised music. Indian classical music is
linear and improvisation is based on just one scale
(raga). Jazz on the other hand has a broader pallette
where multiple scales are often used to improvise
through harmonic changes. Indian classical music is
known to be very meloncholic, whereas jazz can be
extremely exuberant. Indian classical music however,
has subtle quarter tones and complex rhythm structures
that add a whole new dimension to jazz. The Brown
Indian Band's E-Fusion is a happy mix of the two
systems of musical improvisation. The hour long album
features four tracks based on different ragas and
grooves. Yaman Yatra is a long lazy trip through raag
Yaman set to a chilled lounge beat. Bagya Boogie based
on raag Bageshree, is more upbeat and features some
brilliant synthesizer and fretless bass solos. Gin
Jyoti spontaneously created from raag Jhinjoti, is
driven by a funky drum 'n' bass groove and punctuated
right through with heady percussion. Finally a path
breaking Deshi Salsa presents the bansuri in raag
Desh, performed for the first time to an infectious
salsa groove. The album title has nothing to do with
the current age that we live in, it's called E-Fusion
simply because all four tunes in the album are
performed in the key of E! 
Download Deshi Salsa mp3 at the band's website:



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