Re: [Goanet] Calling All Goan Chauvinists (concluded)

2007-09-20 Thread Marie D'Souza

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Rajan Parrikar says

"It is not as if the ghatis are
here to emulate our relatively civilized ways.  Their instinct is
to turn every corner they can squat on into a sty just like it is
'back home' whether in UP, Bihar or the village in Karnataka.
Slums have sprung up, they have fouled our beaches, our
city sidewalks, and our village tintos."

My take:-
Are the Ghatis to be blamed for the above situation?  If they are given work 
in the cities - mostly by Goan contractors - who do not provide them with 
decemt temporary housing or toilets - what ar they to do?

I have worked with Tribals who out of dire necessity had to migrate to the 
city in another state for a few months every year.  They hated going there 
because they had to squat in the open and on roadsides.  At home they went 
into the fields far away from their homes.

By the way, even today, goans who do not have toilets - either the septic 
tank, sulabh or piggy varieties still go to the fields or even to river 
sides! We have them in our village !  What if these same goans had had to go 
to work for contractors in cities?  Where would they go to relieve 

May be this is one of the reasons goans do not work for contractors / 
builders and ghatis are brought in.

And in the villages, aren't the goans to blame who rent out their rooms to 
the ghatis but do not provide them with toilet facility?  They charge a fat 
rent however !

"The goans are concerned about the ghati problem" .. only when they cannot 
make some money from them.

And by the way do you know that there are also goans living in slums in 
Mumbai ?  Should they not be sent back to Goa by the Maharashtrians?


[Goanet] Rose day

2007-09-20 Thread Joel Moraes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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A blooming rose of today will turn out into dry petals tommorrow but the 
smile on her face never dries till she is dried.

  22 nd September is been considered as the Rose day.Let's spread  peace n 
love by gifting a rose to the one whom u hate the most.

  Do remember the cancer patients on this day.Just remembering them ll cost 
us nothing.


  Joel Morais 

[Goanet] Multicultural Goans in Canada - Cornel

2007-09-20 Thread Gilbert Lawrence

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Arre Cornel patrao, ye kitem???

Your initial presentation had a question (see below for start of this 
dialogue).  Then in your next post, you contradict yourself (see below).  
Because: if Goans do so much to replicate Goa in the place they live (London - 
as you describe), then there is NO BASIS for your original bewilderment.  In 
fact if London Goans practice as much Goaness as you claim, (and I have no 
reason to doubt), it is you who have the beef that "so many Goans want to love 
Goa, quite a lot, but from afar!"  Tum yetha or vetha rre?  So you are making a 
claim / comment, when in your own environs no evidence exists to support the 
underlying basis of the question. Hem zanam mure tum? 

So as you see, this supurlo Goenkar (moi) is not confused, neither do I have a 
"beef".  Perhaps your initial comment was YOUR BEEF against Goans who do not 
patronize the Goan events.  Again this is only my explanation for the 
disconnect between your statements and your stated facts.

My response was to help you understand your question. And more importantly my 
suggestion  was to the other 10,000 goanetters in large and small Diaspora 
communities; as to how they could be connected and continue to "want to love 
Goa, from afar!"

Thanks for your invitation to attend the Goan events in London next year. First 
I need to visit Selma after her "appurbaen" invitation. I look forward to her 
"kalchi kodi" for breakfast, ani "pattis" for lunch, ani "ambot tik" for dinner 
- all finger-licking good.  All this for spending the whole day doing the 
'vankdem korum bendum' with her 2-year old.  How more Goan can one get?

For the rest of this year, we will do justice to our last year's bottle of 
"tendli" and other pickles.  With harvest time, we are busy canning this year's 
batch of pickles made from egg plant (aubergine / brinjall), mango and sweet 
ginger.  This is the first step to next month's annual "dinner and home-made 
pickle exchange" with about twenty local Indian families. So we have to make at 
least twenty bottles of miskut.  Aiz hanv itlo okupadd.

Did you meet / know any of those girls that I serenaded in my last post?  Now 
some are likely proud grandmas.  Likely they have only gotten better with 

Viva Goa. Dev boro dis.
Kind regards, GL

- Cornel wrote: 

There is ever so much of Goa that is replicated in the Goan Diaspora especially 
where a large number of Goans are able to  meet. 

How is your example of other ethnic communities different from what I described 
above? Please explain. I therefore await your response to the above. 

- Gilbert Lawrence  wrote: 
If a Diaspora Goan truly loves Goa, they could duplicate its practices and  
customs in their adopted land; and know the history and geography of Goa.  
There is nothing new here. It is done by most ethnic groups (European and 
Indian) that have immigrated to Canada and USA. I do not mean the minimum once 
a year social event called "Goa Day". 
 Cornel wrote:
why so many Goans want to love Goa, quite a lot, but from afar!

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (20SEP07)

2007-09-20 Thread alexyz fernandes

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On Wendell Rodricks  winning accolades on his show in Paris.and his 
collections finding space in the boutiques of Europe :


To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
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[Goanet] KONKANI

2007-09-20 Thread Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami

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Hi Goanetters,

 I agree with Miguel fully that we Goans should be able to converse in 
Konkani.  If you are born and brought up in Goa then its easy to speak the 
language or if you have lived here for many years and have local domestic 
staff. Goans in Bombay speak Konkani because of the Goan staff.
I also agree,Tamilians, Malayalees, Bengalies all speak the language among 
themselves.  Especially the Bengalie, they will never speak in any other 
language to a fellow Bengalie other than Bengali. I'm a witness to that.

A Hindu Goan will speak in Konkani to another Hindu Goan.  But, I don;t 
think a Catholic Goan of a certain economic strata, will speak in Konkani, 
if they know Portuguese they will sepak it or if they don't its English.

Unfortunately, no one spoke to me in Konkani and my first school was in 
Delhi, so its was English/Hindi, which I'm fluent in both and finished 
schooling in a boarding school in Ajmer.  Knowing Hindi it was easy for me 
to follow Gujarati and Bengali.  Having lived in Gujarat for four years, and 
you hear only Gujarati around you, its easy to follow the language.  In 
Betim,everyone speaks either English or Hindi, from my local grocer, to the 
vegetable vendor (from Rajasthan) to the post office personal to my 
newspaper chap.  I think its too late for me to learn the language at this 

I find a lot of young goans who hardly speak the language!!!

Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami 

[Goanet] Call for Articles for North American Goan Convention Souvenir, July 4-6, 2008

2007-09-20 Thread George Pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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Conventions come and conventions go, but souvenirs stay forever.

My Dear Friends,

I am Paresh Gurudas Kenkre from the scenic coastal town of Benaulim , Goa and 
brought up in Mahim,
Mumbai. Currently I am residing in the San Francisco Bay Area.

As the editor-in-chief, I am responsible for  the publication of the Souvenir 
for our 9th 
Biennial Goan Convention to be held in San Jose in 2008. 

Our other vibrant and talented members of Editorial Committee are:
Gauri Shekhar Ambe
Sara Kenkare-Mitra
Ratnakar Pai-Dhungat
Milind Parab

This effort cannot be successful without the active help and contributions from 
you all. There are
many ways you can help us make this souvenir a collector�s item. 

Here are few ways in which you can contribute:
A. Write 
�Articles / Stories - Bring up those literary skills; once upon a 
time you used to
but now your busy schedule doesn�t allow you that time. This convention gives 
you the perfect
opportunity.  Articles can range from fiction, non-fiction, life experiences, 
experiences of
second generation Goans growing up in America , travelogues, favorite recipes 
�Poems � We all recognize the power of poetry, that spontaneous 
overflow of powerful
feelings as defined by Wordsworth. Like singing, writing poetry is a God given 
gift. Please share
it with us.
�Jokes � There is abundance of humor in Konkani. Any funny story 
you may want to share
welcome. It has to be Goan flavored. Substituting Pedro or Damu Bab for Buta 
Singh in Sardarji
jokes doesn�t make it a Goan Joke. 

B. Other Ways 
�Solicit for articles on our behalf from any Goan author you 
personally know. You may
give us contact details if you want us to follow up.  
�If you want to republish any interesting article you read in the 
�Photographs of Goan life or landscape
Guidelines for Articles 
We would prefer if your contribution topic matches with the convention theme of 
�Celebrating our
roots, spreading our wings�, but don�t take this it as a constraint.  
�Articles can be 500 to 3000 words (One to six pages) .
�No word limit on jokes or poems
�Articles can be written in Konkani (Devnagari or Roman script), 
Marathi or English .
�For republished articles, necessary permissions will be obtained by 

Please let us know if you can contribute and any details you may provide by 
sending email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call at (650) 571 9381. 

Deadline for us to receive your contributions is January 31st, 2008. 

Many people cherish copies of souvenirs for years to come. I have known people 
in the US, as well
in Mumbai and Goa who have shown me copies of souvenir from prior years.  

I will be making another appeal for our young generation to contribute and 
would like you to
encourage them to participate as well.


Paresh Gurudas Kenkre

[Goanet] Edwin Saldanha: his spirit lives on

2007-09-20 Thread Miguel Braganza

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Edwin Saldanha: his spirit lives on
by M Braganza

While the alumni prepared to host a Quiz Competition in an institution where 
he had taught , Edwin Saldanha quietly slipped from "current affairs" to 
"history" on the tenth day of August, 2007. As with all things in his life, 
the transition took place in an orderly manner with his keen sense of time, 
place and people. I knew the man closely for 35 of the almost 90 years he 
lived. Most people know his book "Successful Goan Home Wines".His book on 
wines has the flavour of "Eddie" or "Mr. Saldanha", as one knew him. It is 
almost like his footprint in the sands of time. Take the title of the book. 
It is by no accident that the first word is "Successful". I have not known 
him to attempt a single thing in life and not be successful in doing what he 
set out to do. He restored an old statue of St. Britto in the school where 
he taught me the basics of drawing. He did not attempt to make me an artist 
as he, rightly, saw no potential in that direction. Instead, he taught me 
scouting and took me under his wing as if I was his own. The President of 
India recognised our joint effort and awarded me the President's Scout 
badge. There were three more boys and eight girls who were successful in 
getting a similar honour. He stuffed penguins for NIO when he was seventy 
and painted life size portraits of Vijaya and Madhura Sardessai when he was 
more than eighty years of age and had cataracts in both his eyes! That was 
Eddie: successful.

Eddie's neighbour and student-for-life like me, Frederick Noronha, quotes 
him as saying, "My book is the only one in the whole world that tells you 
how to make wine from tropical fruits." [See full text at ] If one wants to make wine 
of any fruit in Goa, it is there in his book. At his funeral, his only son, 
Kevin, had this to say," When we were preparing to leave Kenya in the late 
1960s, my uncle Eugene offered to sponsor him and us out to the US to which 
Dad replied that his one wish was to 'bury his bones' in Goa. After almost 
40 years, that wish will come true as we lower Dad's body into the sandy 
soil of the Saligao that he loved so much." Eddie was every bit Goan!

At the end of his eulogy, Kevin had this to say as irreverently as his Dad, 
" I hope no one has smuggled a 'bangddo' into the church. because Dad 
irreverently joked with us saying that if we really missed him when he died, 
all we needed to do was to dangle a fried mackerel over his coffin to 
resurrect him. His love for Goa was intertwined with his love for sea-food 
and his knowledge on buying, cleaning, filleting and cooking fish was 
legendary." Even when circumstances [with all five children in America and 
his heart firmly in Goa] made him to shift to Vijaya Ashram in Arpora, he 
visited home to see that it was in good shape. It was from here that his 
body was taken to the cemetery for the last rites. Eddie's heart and soul 
were always in his home!

His wine making ability was as legendary as his ability to do almost 
anything: buying, cleaning, filleting and cooking fish, besides anything 
else he could lay his hands on, was legendary.

His nature was not poch-pochitt like that of a watery grape or watermelon, 
it was more refined like a fruit wine. He gave of himself in metered doses 
so that the receiver may appreciate its worth. The years spent in the Jesuit 
seminary before he met and married the wonderful lady of his life, Phyllis, 
may have had a role in this. His spirit was that of sacrifice, like the 
sacramental wine.

Years will dim the memory of Edwin Saldanha as it does of any great man 
beyond his generation and the GenNext. His book will definitely see reprints 
or plagiarism or both. Even if that does not happen, every time someone 
raises a glass of home made Goan fruit wine it will be a silent toast to his 
indomitable spirit! 

[Goanet] Konkani & Golgal Goans Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

2007-09-20 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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You said,

transcend the
divide and be based on what is common between the
Goans in Goa, whether
Hindu or Catholic. That should be the platform for a
Goan uniqueness, a
of benchmark against which the Goan diaspora should
measure itself
than set up standards based on their individual
upbringing or way of

I also like the words and views you put in your post. 
I passed out from  college in 1981.
We friends had made a study that time about our
language,,,it was starting of Kokani movement...
please note...
We came to following conclusion
Two goan college girls when meet .. 90% they will
start conversation in English and if goes beyond half
hour chances that it will end in kokani is 30%.
If two goan college boys meet. 50% they will start
conversation in English and if goes beyond half hour
chances that it will end in kokani is 90%.

If a catholic and hindu college students meet. 95%
they will start conversation in English and if goes
beyond half hour chances that it will end in kokani is
If two catholic college students meet. 100% they will
start conversation in English and if goes beyond half
hour chances that it will end in kokani is 30%.
If two hindu college students meet. 100% they will
start conversation in English and if goes beyond half
hour chances that it will end in kokani is 100%.
I dont think there is any imporvement in this
statictic in favour of kokani... my knowledge tells me
that .. it is worsen


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Re: [Goanet] Multicultural Goans in Canada

2007-09-20 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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Dear Cornel,

Its Goa Diaspora...
You believe please correct me if I am wrong, that
Catholic percentage of Goans left Goa after liberation
is very high (may be to the extent of 90% as pointed
by FN).

Case may be true for the year 1961/62 but not after

Even before liberation, when New Cabizad came under
control of Protuguse many hindu families, atleast 60
families from sattari (many of them left there
belongings)who are my relatives left Goa. This was may
be around 1850. My grandfather come to Panaji in 1925.


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[Goanet] Fred's subaltern

2007-09-20 Thread Eugene Correia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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Of late I have noticed Fred's frequent use of the word "subaltern". Obviously, 
Fred seems to a new student of this school of thought that has or made some of 
brightest intellectual minds in post-independence India. A note of caution, 
however. Overuse of the word or use of it in low-brow intellectural discussion 
could kill the word's meaning and significance.



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[Goanet] Multicultural Goans in Canada

2007-09-20 Thread Bhandare

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Dear Cornel:

You asked:
"why so few Hindu Goans left Goa compared 
to the huge number of Christians  well before 1961.
Have you got any thoughts on this point?"

I think catholics prior to 1961 would find it more
easier to adapt in a western christian world than
local saraswats because of reasons we all
religion etc.. also economic opportunities were very
scarce in goa of the 1850s ...i think that explains
why some enterprising christians left goa then..hindus
..well they all became "posorkars" :-)

but in 1961 when india invaded (libereted , in my
opinion) Goa, things changed dramatically..catholics
esp. the mestizos had come to believe that they
enjoyed special perks and priveleges under the
colonial regime because of the religion they both
practised..(though the pakhle themselves were rather
impartial in general and there isnt any significant
proof that they favored christaons over the saraswats)

they were probably apprehensive that the hindus would
somehow exact revenge for the atrocities committed
against them..

the bahjan samaj was finally getting its rightful
place as free ctizens and Bhau was begining to set
things right...all this made them aprehensive

the playing fied became fact slightly in
favor of the local hindus..the christaons because of
their religion were not ready to assimilate
efortlessly into an overwhelmingly Hindu india and
were more loyal to the portuguese then to the Indians
who they regarded as foreign...( savarkars pitrabhumi
poonyabhumi concept at play here)That sparked the
massive emigration of christaons out of india and
ofcourse a few coissorros, naranas, and other
protuguese worshipping saraswats may have followed

saraswats who had enjoyed the priveleges under the
colonial rulers could seamless take a important place
in the post colonial society because of familiarity
with the language and all..also their innate sense f
patriotsim to this land dint motivate them to seek
fresher pastures abroad.

i think the main impetus for the christaons to run
away from Goa was their lack of patriotism to India.

of course once safely out hey till today feel the need
to bad mouth bhausaheb, make up stories of indian
army's atrocities, dabolim merger and all sorts of

I have seen many christians Goans who somehow refuse
to see themselves as indians but rather as goans..i
have never seen a punjabi do that even during the
khalistani agitation or gujrati or a UP or a bihari...

for some reason it is always the religious minorities
who harbor notions of independence..or a sense of
belonging to a greater religious community outside the
country ..ex i know muslims who passionately talk
about chechnya or palestine out if a sense of
belonging to their muslim "brothers" but are not
concernd with the plight of their fellow indians..

just my thoughts



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[Goanet] All-Goan Dubai soccer kicks off today

2007-09-20 Thread borg costa

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All-Goan Dubai soccer kicks off today

The 4th All Goa Inter-village 11-a-side football
tournament organized by United Goans, commences today
at Iranian Soccer Stadium, Dubai-U.A.E.
In the first match, Vaxim Divar will take on Siolim.
In the next match, SFX Old Goa will play ABC Benaulim.

Two matches will be played daily during the league
phase, the first match starting at 4.00pm.

A record number of teams from all over UAE have
confirmed their entry this year. The tournament will
be held on league-cum-knockout basis.



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Re: [Goanet] Multicultural Goans in Canada

2007-09-20 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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There was some small spurt in Catholic migration during and after
1961, I guess because the Portuguese government of the time was
offering anyone wanting to migrate not just an easy route out, but
even a free ticket (someone correct me if I'm wrong here).

But while some (on both sides of the fence, including the Bernardo
Colacos) would like to see only communal motivations in migration out
of Goa, I doubt this argument could be sustained for too long.

Catholics have migrated out of Goa long before the end of Portuguese
rule in 1961. Post-1980s migration had more to do with economic
reasons, and the entry that a Portuguese passport offered into the
more-affluent EU. And such passports were not just restricted to
Catholic Goans alone (read an article of Punjabi-raised-in-Norway
starlet Monica Bedi and the suspected gangster Abu Salem ending up in
Portugal, wondered if they were linked to such passports or why the
choice of Portugal).

Some years back, I came across 4-5 books about the Mangalorean
Catholic community. It might be surprising to learn that migration out
of Goa (to Mangalore, coastal Karanataka and Kerala) didn't happen
always or even mainly due to religious persecution, as some try to
project today. It's logical too, if religious persecution was the
cause, why would Catholics migrate of out Goa in colonial times?

And Hindu migration out of Goa happened in pre-colonial times, though
such subjects obviously need better explanations. FN

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Multicultural Goans in Canada

Its Goa Diaspora...
You believe please correct me if I am wrong, that
Catholic percentage of Goans left Goa after liberation
is very high (may be to the extent of 90% as pointed
by FN).
Case may be true for the year 1961/62 but not after
Even before liberation, when New Cabizad came under
control of Protuguse many hindu families, atleast 60
families from sattari (many of them left there
belongings)who are my relatives left Goa. This was may
be around 1850. My grandfather come to Panaji in 1925.

Frederick Noronha Ph 0091-832-2409490
List of Indian e-lists


2007-09-20 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

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Rila Mukherjee is a historian specialising in South Asia in
the first global age, from 1400-1800 C.E., "although my
researches frequently take me as far back as 800 C.E."

Her research interests include mercantile history of medieval
South Asia (Bengal and Arakan), sacred geography, and early
modern European history.

Some of her recent publications include 'Strange Riches:
Bengal in the Mercantile Map of South Asia' (New Delhi:
CUP/Foundation. 2006); 'Merchants and Companies in Bengal:
Kasimbazar and Jugdia in the Eighteenth Century' (New Delhi:
Pragati Publications); 'Rice Culture of Divine Right in a
Celestially Ordered Commercial Zone' (in Campus Social,
Lisbon) and 'Contested Authenticities in Rethinking History'

Presently, she is Professor of History at the School of
Social Sciences of University of Hyderabad, in Gachibowli
Hyderabad 500 046 Andhra Pradesh, India. She is also a member
of the editorial board of "Rethinking History" Recently she wrote a paper that got titled
"Faith and Empire: Vailankanni in Portuguese Asia."

She shares some views with FREDERICK NORONHA in a recent

* How important were the Portuguese in global trade in our
[South Asian] region a few centuries ago?
Very very important. It discloses early modern networks.

* What information could records in Goa give you to gain a
more complete picture?
Slave manumission (formal emancipation from slavery), and
Bengal-Goa trade records

* How well (or badly) are colonial trade issues studied in
Pretty badly at the moment. I have just finished an essay for
the Medieval History Journal on this.

* Why study colonial trade at all?
I am interested in the early modern world and not colonial
trade per se. But because the Portuguese networks are
situated (in this wider context) , I am interested.

* How do the French, British and Dutch trade compare to the
More organised, more networks, more commodity flows.

* If you had unlimited time and research funds, what would
you choose to study in a place like Goa?
I would not.

* Which regions and archives are the best to study today if
one wants to understand trade issues of a past century?
Portuguese and then British. French archives come third.
Bengal-north Burma-Yunnan is a bloc that interests me at

* How do you see the community of researchers working on Goa
-- their strengths and weaknesses, from an "outsider's"
I think there is too much of fighting on the GRN

* What topic would you like to study the most in Goa?
Goa-Bengal links.

* What's your advice to young historians who are, say,
embarking from a place like Goa?
To work on issues other than those centring on Portugal-Goa
interactions and to concentrate on wider issues relevant to
the whole region as a whole.

RESEARCHER'S CONTACTS: (M) +91 9985907167 (O) 91 40 2313 3163
Fax: 91 40 2313 3159 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Frederick Noronha Ph 0091-832-2409490
List of Indian e-lists

[Goanet] US Dollar in trouble ?

2007-09-20 Thread Jim Fernandes

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Is it true?

I think so.

Jim F.
New York.

[Goanet] Goa news for September 21, 2007

2007-09-20 Thread Goanet News Service

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 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

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Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** New flight to Goa from East Midlands - Holiday hypermarket
[13 hours ago]  British Holidaymakers have the opportunity to
visit Goa this winter with a new flight from East Midlands
Airport (EMA). Starting in February, First Choice ...

*** Heavy rains forecast in Orissa, Goa, Kerala, Gujarat,
coastal AP -
[9 hours ago]  Heavy to very heavy rains are likely to occur at
most places in Orissa, Konkan, Goa, coastal Karnataka, Kerala,
and at many places in Gujarat and coastal ...

*** Dempo SC players skip Goa camp - Calcutta Telegraph
[1 hour ago]  New Delhi: Four Dempo Sports Club footballers
didnt join the national camp which started in Goa on Thursday.
According to Dempo sources, ...

*** \'Broiler chicken increases chances of breast cancer\' -
[3 hours ago]  21 (PTI): Constant consumption of broiler
chicken increases possibility of breast cancer amongst women, a
study by Goa Medical College and Hospital said. ...

*** Goa ties up with Triple I for super speciality block -
[Sep 19, 2007]  20 (PTI): Goa government has signed an
agreement with India Infrastructure Initiative, a trust run by
Industrial Development Finance Company to set up super ...

*** Goa: Mixing holidays with cricket -
[22 hours ago]  By Jenny Coutinho, Goa Panaji September 19,
2007: Jas Cricket's is five - man army - no comparison's to
barmy-army of English fans. ...

*** Jesvil to lead Goa U-16 - Navhind Times
[Sep 19, 2007]  PANAJI: Jesvil DSouza will captain Goa U-16
football team which will participate in 30th sub junior national
football championship for Justice Mir Iqbal ...

*** Dempo Dairy launches Bounce Milk in Goa - Navhind Times
[Sep 19, 2007]  Panaji, Sept 19 Dempo Dairy Industries Ltd has
set its goal to meet the growing deficit of milk in the state
with the introduction Bounce Milk in Goa. ...

*** Congress starts preparing for LS by-poll in S Goa - Navhind
[Sep 19, 2007]  Panaji, Sept 19 With Central Election
Commission set to declare the schedule for holding by-election
to the Mormugao parliamentary constituency of South Goa ...

*** Law and order situation in Goa is normal: Jamir - Navhind
[2 hours ago]  ... with reference to the recent escape by 14
undertrials from judicial custody as well as looting of
jewellery shops in South Goa, Mr Jamir said, ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Et all

2007-09-20 Thread Mervyn Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

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Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sometimes you are Bhandari, other times you are
> Bhandare, still other times you are just a 
> b [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ . Privately you are Chinmay or just a
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] The state in which you are is not Goa but the
> state of confusion. ;-(
> It does not matter who YOU think I am YOU ARE
> CONFUSED AS TO WHO YOU ARE ! Sort out yourself 
> first. Then go figure others.

The world record for multiple personalities is held by
an American. There is a documented case of a patient
believing he was, and providing the names, mannerisms
and personalities, of 119 people.

I think Goa is now in a position to challenge that
record. All we have to do is wait a little longer for
the other personalities to pop out...

"Either that or you have no idea what a big word like
schizophrenic means.  I said calling Portugal a third
rate European country was tongue-in-cheek.  Then I
said that I really should have said second-rate
European country:-))  If I were schizophrenic I would
have said it was a first rate European country.  See
the difference?"
 - Mario Goveia -

  Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to 
Yahoo! Answers and share what you know at

[Goanet] Dois académicos de renome vêm a Braga nça para o 6º Colóquio Internacional da Lusof onia 6º Colóquio Anual da Lusofonia, 3-6 Outu bro 2007

2007-09-20 Thread J. CHRYS CHRYSTELLO

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

O Presidente da Comissão Executiva
ACL Mentor, University of Brighton, UK. (information Technology Research 
Institute )
Reviewer Helsinki University, Finland (Translation Studies Department 
Reviewer University of Texas at El Paso (Department of Languages and 
Linguistics)/The American Translation and Interpreting Association (4th 
biannual conference)
Telefone: (351) 296 446940
Telemóvel: (+ 351) 91 9287816 / 91 6755675
E-fax (E-mail fax): + (00) 1 630 563 1902
Página da internet:
Local: CENTRO CULTURAL MUNICIPAL (Anfiteatro do Conservatório de Música) 
Praça da Sé, Bragança Portugal

Professor Doutor Evanildo Bechara, Academia Brasileira de Letras e
  Professor Doutor João Malaca Casteleiro da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa 

[Goanet] Migrations and conversions

2007-09-20 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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I had wrote to Cornel,

Its Goa Diaspora...
You believe please correct me if I am wrong, that
Catholic percentage of Goans left Goa after liberation
is very high (may be to the extent of 90% as pointed
by FN).

Case may be true for the year 1961/62 but not after

Even before liberation, when New Cabizad came under
control of Protuguse many hindu families, atleast 60
families from sattari (many of them left there
belongings)who are my relatives left Goa. This was may
be around 1850. My grandfather come to Panaji in 1925.

Dear Miguel,

I would also like to know about people living Goa Post
liberation..Pre liberations.would cooperate with
you to know the truth...fulfill my correct
my worng notions...

Bhandare may be right about the reason for
out-migrations from Goa in
the immediate aftermath of December, 1961. He may
equally be wrong. In
any case he was not around then as he was, admitedly,
born in 1978!

Having said that, it would be nice to have the
statistics of
persons/families that left Goa in 1962 and 1963,
calendar year-wise
and categorise it among the then traditionally
accepted groupings of
"Cristao, Konknno, Bamonn, Bhot ani Moir" . That was
the era of the
Military rule under the then Col. K.P.Kandeth. [later
Lt. General]

The statistics of in-migration [again group wise]
during the early
days of elected Government [1964 and 1965] would also
be revealing,
although the aim may not have been so much for
changing the religious
balance as to ensure the merger in to Maharashtra. The
change is more of the 1970s and 1980s when Goa began
booming as a
tourist destination and attracted the smarter,
non-labour class
persons from the rest of India.

Whatever the other findings, I do not believe Bhandare
can be faulted
when he writes, "the perks and priveleges of being the
same religion
as the colonial masters(most of the perks and
priveleges were
imagined) would dissapear..." The Goan people's
perception [of
themselves] and their reality was as disjointed and
erroneous as
Bollywood's projection of Goa today. It is almost like
the Lonely
Planet's projection of a Lamani woman and a lungi-clad
man beside a
caparisoned "Nandi" bull as representative images of

Assim sao coisas do Mundo; quem nao sabe nadar . o

Mog asundi.



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2007-09-20 Thread Sanny Vaz

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Goa should not have more than two SEZs: BJP

27 Aug, 2007, 1715 hrs IST, PTI

PANAJI: BJP has demanded that Goa should not allow more than
two Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in the state to arrest the `demographic

"Goa has already notified two SEZs. We
don't want more as it will result in forced migration in the state which will
stress the infrastructure further," Leader of the Opposition Manohar
Parrikar told reporters on Monday. 

Citing the replies tabled by Goa government on
the floor of the House, he said the state should put a ceiling on any further
SEZs in the state which needs huge chunk of landmass and power. 

The official figures revealed that Goa has
recognised two SEZs. Seven SEZs, including two which are recognized, are
approved by the Centre, while eight more proposals are pending in Delhi which 
sums to 15 such
exclusive zones in the state. 

Referring to official documents, Parrikar said 98 lakh square metres of land is
already allotted by the state government for SEZs while procedure for allotting
additional 1.27 crore square metres is in the pipeline. 

"The land is sold to the companies at cheap price by the Minister by
striking underhand dealings," Parrikar alleged. "This land amounts to
twice the land allotted by government to industrial development in last 44
years," he added. 

Of the total SEZ proposals, seven are Information Technology or ITES, three
bio-tech, one pharma, one research, two gems and jewellery and one food park,
Parrikar said.

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Re: [Goanet] Affluence and effluence / to Selma

2007-09-20 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

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Selma wrote:
> Ahem, .. I'm currently poolside sipping apple-martinis :-)

And I was eating a bowlful of curd at a simple and modest guest-house
in Hyderabad while reading it on my cheapo Blackberry (Rs 7.3K). BTW,
I'm sure you must have heard of Richistan. I hadn't before this debate

Talk of the Nation, June 5, 2007 ·  Author Robert Frank discusses his
book, Richistan, in which he argues that a new class of wealthy
individuals are spending differently than traditional blue-blood
millionaires. He describes life in an insulated world of wealth he
calls "Richistan," where everything is bigger, and conspicuous
consumption is the goal.

Robert Frank, author, Richistan: A Journey Through the American Wealth
Boom and the Lives of the New Rich; writes the "Wealth Report" column
for The Wall Street Journal
Frederick Noronha Ph 0091-832-2409490
List of Indian e-lists

[Goanet] Live music for Daniel Pearl

2007-09-20 Thread Jazz Goa

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

memory of Daniel Pearl who used to be a part of
Mumbai's live music scene. Some of Goa and Mumbai's
most accomplished musicians will take the stage backed
by a house band called THE MIGHTY HEARTS. The event
takes place on Daniel's birthday 10th October, 9pm
onwards. Over 25 singers and musicians will pay
tribute in an exciting crossover of musical genre's
ranging from pop and rock to jazz and blues and
everything in between. 

For more info please call Meldon on 9820282522


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Re: [Goanet] US Dollar in trouble ?

2007-09-20 Thread Mervyn Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

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Jim Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it true?
> I think so.

Jim F.
I don't think the US dollar is in trouble. It is in
deep trouble. Ever since the current administrations
stoped reporting how much money it prints everyday,
the US dollar has been in a free fall.

Three years ago I advised my US clients to buy
Canadian bank stocks. Canadian bank stocks have
appreciated 18% EVERY YEAR for the past twenty years.
Three years ago US$10,000 purchased CAD$14,000. Today
USD$10,000 is worth less than CAD$10,000. 

That's a 40 percent return for my clients on the
currency alone. Then you add on the 18% ANNUAL
appreciation of bank stocks, plus annual dividends of
4%, and you have doubled your money in three years.

Middle East residents had better be paying special
attention now. Some Middle Eastern countries have
already announced that they are de-linking their
currency from the US dollar. 

PS. Yes, I do value George Bush as the "Dear Leader."


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[Goanet] Of Interest to the Goa-ILUG

2007-09-20 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

The BOSS development team has announced the release of BOSS GNU/Linux
2.0, a Debian-based distribution with support for Hindi and Tamil:
"BOSS version 2.0 successfully released. Finally our Indian GNU/Linux
distribution is released on 17th September 2007 in the Connect 2007
program. Features: GNOME 2.18; Orca screen reader; Espeak; gDesktlets;
Beryl 2.0 - an excellent 3D desktop; 2.6.21 kernel; on-screen keyboard
support; 2.2 with support for two Indian languages
(Hindi and Tamil), with plans to move to other languages as well; a
pleasing desktop background and icons; enhanced BOSS presentation
tool; complete Tamil and Hindi desktops; update manager for updating
your BOSS to the latest packages."

Found this at:



2007-09-20 Thread Sanny Vaz

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Church groups spar over mass

20 Sep 2007, 0538 hrs IST,Ipsita


NEW DELHI: Bitterness between two
warring factions of the Roman Catholic Church in Delhi seems to have disrupted 
the Christian
spirit of brotherhood and harmony. 

The Latin
Rite and the Syro Malabar(SM) Rite are two of the 23 Rites that form the Roman
Catholic Church. The two have co-existed in the city for years, but things 
ugly on August 5, when members of St
  Augustine’s SM parish gathered for Mass at St
Michael’s Latin Church. 

that day, people from the Latin parish started provoking us. They said we had
no right to be there and that they were the only legitimate worshippers in that
church. A heated argument followed and some of us were pushed and hit. It
seemed to be a pre-planned job as the police had been stationed there from 6
am," said Sunil John, an SM follower. 

"minority within a minority", the SM Rite, originating in Kerala,
follows a hybrid, indigenous form of Christianity, holding its Masses in
Malayali. The 1 lakh followers of the Rite in Delhi are under the 
administration of the
Latin Archdiocese, with the Archbishop of Delhi responsible for their spiritual

While the
amount of "rent" to be paid by the SM parish for holding Mass at the
Latin Church of St Michael’s is part of the problem, there is more to it. The
23 SM parishes currently existing in Delhi
are slated to form the core of a new, independent SM diocese, which is awaiting
sanction from the Pope. 

Viewed as a
prelude to the formation of the new diocese, the formation of the new St 
Augustine’s SM parish
seems to have ruffled feathers within the Latin Rite. "The SM parish of St 
Augustine’s, Karol
Bagh, which was established on July 29, 2007, is a personal parish," said
Reverend Father Jose Edassery, a representative of the SM Rite. 

This means
that, although the parish does not have property of its own, a separate priest
is appointed to look after the needs of members of that community and to hold
an independent Mass. St Augustine’s parish and St Michael’s Latin parish share
the church as per the Archbishop’s instructions.A Malayali Mass is held there
every Sunday. 

displaced St Augustine’s
parishioners have not been able to hold Mass for weeks now. In a statement
issued on August 18, Archbishop of Delhi Concessavo said that, given the
"tense situation," the Malayali SM Rite Mass would not continue at St
Michael’s Church but efforts would be made to find an alternative venue.Members
of the SM Rite held a protest dharna outside Goldakhana Cathedral
 Church on August 26. 

The priest
of St Michael’s parish, Father Albert Pintosaid the problem had been solved and
the Archbishop had taken the necessary steps to rectify the situation

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[Goanet] Fwd: SAVE MY LANGUAGE_konkani

2007-09-20 Thread Venantius Pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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Hello Goanetters,
I recently communicated with Roshan Pai for help with some words. Here
is a link to the GSB Konkani Dictionary he is a part of:
It is managed by four individuals around the world.

Many Goans may not relate to some of the translations the site offers;
but we should remember that Konkani is quite amorphous, as is any
language that is well travelled. For instance, anger will translate as
kopu, and aakrodha (raag is not mentioned); the Fuzzy translate button
suggests possible analogues--aapaatkaalu, vipathi (both, danger),
bhayankara and apaayakaari (both, dangerous).

So here's to a language that asks so little of us, but gives a lot; at
least to those interested. Imagine making love (not excluding
ladainhas, pujas, and cursing across Sumerian geometrized fields) in
Konkani as opposed to in English, etc. A blast to last; to say the
least--even fine if only for procreation.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Roshan Pai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Aug 10, 2007 10:19 AM
To: Venantius Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Venantius,

Yes, please do recommend the site to Goanet if you can.

I am based out of Cambridge in UK, so is Malvika. Ramesh Pai is based in Blore.
Veena Shanbhogue is based in Dubai, and Suresh Kamath is based in
Singapore. etc etc. Its overall a global effort, and we use the
internet to co-ordinate.

The German translation was done by a Polish (German immigrant though)
friend of mine.

All the very best with your Japanese lessons 

Yes any contributions (proverbs/words) to the cause of our beautiful
language would be very much appreciated.

Roshan Pai

[Goanet] Konkani & Golgal Goans

2007-09-20 Thread Miguel Braganza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

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Dear Shrikant,

If I remember right you are a promoter of Chess and our paths
intersected at the "Rain Water Harvesting" workshop in Panaji

Your statistics on the choice of language for conversation are very
indicative, even if they may not be uniformly applicable through out

In my humble opinion, we have to begin somewhere to encourage our
generation and  the next to BEGIN CONVERSATION  in  KONKANI and to
speak as much Konkani as possible. The dialect does not really matter
as one can understand the other dialect ...or ask if there is
difficulty in understanding some word. For example, I learnt that the
Saxttikar says "indur" for the rat that we Bardezkars call "Undir". He
says "fell" for what we call "Khell" .. We get along. To one who is
well versed in the Queen's English, the Londoner's Cockney still
sounds like another language.

If we focus on what unites us, instead of harping on what divides us,
we can truly find a WAY FORWARD in spite of our politicians and
so-called social workers and intelligentsia.

Mog asundi.


Subject: [Goanet] Konkani & Golgal Goans Message-ID:

 vinay natekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said,

 That should be the platform for a Goan uniqueness, a
 sort of benchmark against which the Goan diaspora should
measure itself rather than set up standards based on their individual
upbringing or way of life abroad.

I also like the words and views you put in your post.
I passed out from  college in 1981.
We friends had made a study that time about our
language,,,it was starting of Konkani movement...
please note...
We came to following conclusion
Two goan college girls when meet .. 90% they will
start conversation in English and if goes beyond half
hour chances that it will end in kokani is 30%.

If two goan college boys meet. 50% they will start
conversation in English and if goes beyond half hour
chances that it will end in kokani is 90%.

If a catholic and hindu college students meet. 95%
they will start conversation in English and if goes
beyond half hour chances that it will end in kokani is
If two catholic college students meet. 100% they will
start conversation in English and if goes beyond half
hour chances that it will end in kokani is 30%.

If two hindu college students meet. 100% they will
start conversation in English and if goes beyond half
hour chances that it will end in kokani is 100%.

I dont think there is any imporvement in this
statictic in favour of kokani... my knowledge tells me
that .. it is worsen

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Dubai Soccer - Siolim hold Divar

2007-09-20 Thread borg costa

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

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In the inaugural match of the 4th inter-village
tournament, organized by United Goans and  held at
Iranian Club stadium –Dubai,   Siolim United hold
three times champion Vaxim Divar to 1-1 draw.

Vaxim Divar went into the lead thru Randall who
outsmarts the Siolim defender to score for Divar.

Siolim went all out in the second half and equalize to
make it one all.

In the second match of the day ABC Benaulim who came
after a one year ban to beat SFX Old Goa. Benaulim
went two up in the first 15 minutes. First it was
Urban who opened the account for Benaulim and within
few minutes’ former international & ex-Dempo player
Orlando Viegas sent a free kick into the box to set up
Frankie Barreto another former international & ex
Salgaonkar player to score the second goal. 

SFX score through a powerful free kick which kept
Benaulim keeper Bonnie dazzling under the bar.

Russell got at least three clear chances to put
Benaulim in the safe position but he hit the side post
twice. SFX tried their best to equalize but they were
unlucky not to score.
The match ended 2-1 in Benaulim favor.

Today there are three matches the first match starts
at 3.45 pm.



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2007-09-20 Thread Sanny Vaz

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Govt approves two
greenfield airports in Goa, Maharashtra

30 Aug, 2007, 1409 hrs IST, PTI

NEW DELHI: An approval has
been given for setting up international greenfield
airports in Goa and Maharashtra through
public-private partnership (PPP), government told the Lok Sabha on Thursday. 

The airports, for which 'in-principle' approval has been given, will be
constructed at Mopa in Goa and Navi Mumbai in Maharashtra,
Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel said in reply to questions. 

These are in addition to two greenfield airports
being constructed at Shamashabad near Hyderabad
and Devanhalli near Bangalore,
he said adding these will be operational by April next year. 

The government also intends to give approval to construction of such an airport
at Cunnoor in Kerala and the process is underway, he said. 

Patel said the government was encouraging greenfield
projects usually through public-private route. 

Such projects can be undertaken by private sector cent per cent as also state
governments, the minister said. 

Noting that Airports Authority of India (AAI) had 125 airports under its
purview, Patel said these needed to be developed, including through
public-private partnership. 

He said the Indira Gandhi International
Airport at Delhi
and Chhatrapati Shivaji International
 Airport at Mumbai have
been restructured and handed over to joint venture companies in May 2006 for
operation, management and development through PPP model. 

To a question, the minister said Cooch
  Behar airport was ready and can be opened for
commercial operations in about a month.

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[Goanet] Career Guidance Series on FM Rainbow from today

2007-09-20 Thread Goanet Careers

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

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Career Guidance Series on FM Rainbow from today

The Campus-Radio Career Guidance Series 2007, which recently concluded its c 
ampus trail, is all set to begin its Radio Series on AIR FM Rainbow from 
21st to 30th September 2007. In addition, this year, the event will have a 
TV Series to be televised on HCN every Saturday at 6 pm, starting 6 October, 
for the benefit of the larger student community in Goa.

The unique 'land-to-air' career event, conducted in 11 educational 
institutions in Goa, is organised by AIR's FM Rainbow in association with 
Plus Publications, publishers of Careers: The Complete Guide .

Career Experts Abhijeet Naik, Nagesh Sardessai, Vishal Agarwal, Pravin 
Sabnis, Merwyn Sequeira, M. A. Sundaram, Lucette Virgincar and Sonia Sirsat 
are part of the resource team.

Reputed personalities like Elvis Gomes, CCP Commissioner; Cajetan Vaz, Brand 
Consultant; Dr Ajoy Estibeiro, Doctor-Entrepreneur; Pravin Sabnis, architect 
turned corporate trainer; Sherin Antao, trainer; Blaise Costabir, 
entrepreneur; Dilip Sahakari, investment consultant; Richard Pinto, 
hospitality consultant; RJs Savio & Bambino, of Limca Book of Records-fame; 
Deepti Desai, research fellow and member of Antarctic expedition, will also 
inspire with their success stories.

Educational institutions which were part of the Campus Series include Dempo 
College of Commerce, Altinho; Don Bosco HSS, Panjim; DMS College, Assagao; 
Zantye College, Bicholim; People's HSS, Panjim; Chowgule College, Margao; 
Carmel College, Nuvem; Rosary College, Navelim; Dhempe College, Miramar; PES 
College, Farmagudi and MES College, Vasco.

The event is sponsored by Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training, with 
IMS Learning Centre, Broadway Book Centre and Plus Books as the Associate 
Sponsors. Herald and HCN are the Media Partners of the event.