Re: [Goanet] The US dollar, gold and you

2008-02-11 Thread Deelip Menezes
Interesting!! I have quoted you at

Deelip Menezes

[Goanet] Condolences - Ralph Gonsalves

2008-02-11 Thread Goa's Pride
   The managing committee and members of Nuvem Kuwait Parishioners (NKP) 
express their deep condolences to:
  Mr. & Mrs. Roque Gonsalves (NBK-Kuwait) and their bereaved family, on the 
untimely demise of their beloved son RALPH.

  Eternal Peace grant Unto him Oh Lord 
And let Perpetual Light shine Upon him
  May him soul rest in peace.
  Nuvem Kuwait Parishioners (NKP)

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] 10. From Fr. Jude himself :D)

2008-02-11 Thread Jude Botelho
Hello Friends, I know you have been concerned, so read on... read on!! I am 
sharing my email with you for starters. Very soon, Fr. Jude will be writing to 
you directly - Praise God!! Have a nice week ahead. -Brenda

Hi Brenda,

It is good to be able to contact you again. I got Colly to
get my laptop to the Clergy Home yesterday and yours is the first mail I am
sending. Thanks for all the prayers, care and concern for me. I am feeling
stronger though the healing process is slow and will take its time. My left
hand is a bit painful, as they have taken an artery for the bypass. It is a bit 
numb. I can’t type fast and for long. I hope I can be
on Skype one of these days so we can chat. My new Bombay cell number is: 
Do give me your number again as this is an old laptop.

Thanks for everything you have done for me!

Much love,


  Chat on a cool, new interface. No download required. Go to


2008-02-11 Thread Shanti Dhoot
At the Carnaval, Bab Domnic’s group has won a prize
This is not at all for me a surprise
He is a man of many talents and skills
And yet there are about him no frills
As he quietly reaches out for the skies.

Re: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Dirty Panjim

2008-02-11 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
joegoauk posted photographs with some very pertinent captions:

1:  No where to sleep?   Come to Campal near KA

2:  No where to Park?  How about on the footpath?  (leela boat in the

==jc's comment==

Dear joebab,

Thank you for keeping us informed of what we said would be inevitable.

1: When the MGP/BJP started/accepted the changing of names of towns
and cities in Goa i.e. Panjim to Panaji (not Ponnje), Vasco da Gama to
Sambhajinagar (abortively), Mapusa to Mhapsa(senselessly) it sent
out a strong signal that Goans could be sidestepped. They did not need
to be asked about such things.

2: When Goan public health authorities turned a blind eye to filth in
eating establishments (commencing circa 1965), it sent a signal that
unregulated bhel-puri stalls and ice-fruit vendors (from wherever)
were welcome to open unregulated businesses in Goa.

3. When the MGP gave the land in Sancole to a Fertiliser plant at 1
paisa a sq metre, it sent a signal that Goa, its water table and fish
resource could be polluted by anyone with money. That also is the
impetus for the Dharavi-type slum which developed in the so called

4: The MGP had another plan - to set up a Nuclear plant in Canacona -
which did not materialise as Karwar apparently won out on that source
of radiation.

5: When successive Goa Govts sat/sit quiet on Dabolim - why should
anyone else care?

6: When the BJP assisted anti-Catholic and anti-Goa George Fernandes
routed the Konkan Railway through the areas it is now passing it
facilitated the hit and run chaps + the mass migration of those who
have no other place to sleep but the places Joebab takes his pics at.

7: When the BJP sat silent as Anjediva Island was taken away and its
pilgrimage site made out of bounds - why should anyone else think
twice about taking over the mountain tops at Cannanguinim, Dona Paula
or Betim?

8: When successive govts kept silent about the slumification of Vasco
and Margao - why are we surprised about it happening to Panjim?

9: When successive govts have sat silent as nonGoans put in charge of
various departments were able to "convert" land belonging to third
parties and sell to the highest bidders -  why this present shock?

10: When mine-owner owned newspapers told us that ALL was well in Goa,
and hyper-sensitive Goa Journos castigate those of us who disagreed -
why this fugdi now?

My questions esp to those who now say "BJP-zindabad" are the following:

a: Has it ever struck you WHY it is that Goans voted the BJP out - in
spite of knowing fully well that the Congress was corrupt?

b: Do you have any LEGAL (as opposed to illegal) solutions to this problem?

c: What part did the IFFI (and the BJP) play in the RAPID influx of
the high-rollers into Goa?

d: What effect will the forced Marathi-zation of Konkani play on the
influx of the folks from the ghats?

e: What exactly is the purpose of photographing the filth (over and
over again) except to advise us that our predictions have come true?

Did we not predict it on this very site a good decade ago?



[Goanet] Mormugao under seige

2008-02-11 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The Port town of Mormugao Harbour came to a grinding halt.  This morning when 
students teachers and office goers besides the "aam aadmi" ventured for their 
daily chores they were welcomed by a total Bandh.  Schools continued with their 
classes and some office goers in private firms reached their work place (the 
train service ensures this in the event of any Bandh).. While the heat of the 
agitation was focussed on the Port area the fishing harbour at Vasco da Gama, 
the sea front resembled of a World  war II like situation where fishing 
trawlers barges lay on the periphery of the ocean going vessels.  

This was supposed to be a blockade of sorts, which could compel any charterer 
to lay compensation claims from the MPT for what in port terminology is termed 
as demmurage.  Thus this time it would not be the Mormugao Port Trust one of 
the 12 major ports having a natural harbour that would be claiming it from the 
shipping vessels but vice versa.

While the newly christened umbrella of several associations viz"  Mormugao 
Bachao Andolan " MBA under the stewardship of Simon Pereira all linked with sea 
related activity at the Port viz barge owners, fishing trawlers, passenger 
vessels, and small fishing boats besides other NGOs,have made their stand clear 
that they are not against the Mormugao Port Trust (a Central organisation which 
indeed has rendered yeomen service to the Union Territory and the Port both to 
sustain the mining of exports, tourism, container services exports imports of 
industrial products etc to the State or which use the Port for onward despatch 
of goods;)  what seems to be the crux of the issue is the rather "high-handed 
attitude of the Indian Revenue Service CEO the MPT Chairman Mr  Pravin Agarwal 
IRS in redressing to several of the issues put up before the MPT .  
Interestingly a) bunkering facilities for barges operating at the Panaji 
Port;b)  use of local passenger vessels by
 the contractors undertaking works at the Port; c) inclusion of a local 
representative on the Board of the Mormugao Port Trust seem to be the inner 
concern of the MBA.   However the setting up of fishing jetty and other 
development activities along the Baina beach and opposite island too have been 
all culled together.  Further to consolidate their demands the growing coal 
pollution caused by transportation of ore from sea to land was hyped to get the 
full support of the local community which have been affected most due to land 
and sea breeze. Though the invisible pollution caused by the petroleum product 
terminals have been a greater hazard it is the visible coal dust along the 
roads and in the atmosphere which has attracted oppostion.

However the drama which unfurled today was not without warning.  Over a week 
the politicians irrespective of political affiliation joined hands -- there was 
the BJP MLA Mormguao also Mormnugao Municipal Councillor Mr Milind Naik, Mr 
Mauvin Godinho Deputy Speaker and MLA Cortalim and Mr Jose Filipe  D Souza MLA 
Vasco da Gama that joined hands.  Not to be left out the fishing associations 
from Cutobona Velim too joined todays bandh by bringing their fishing trawlers 
to the Harbour.

Early morning as a warning of things to unfurl during the day a Kadamba 
Transport Corporation bus GA-01-X-332 window pane was struck by a sharp object 
which resulted in a broken glass pane . The bus was detained at the 
Vasco-da-Gama Police Station.  From then on the KTC withdrew all their buses 
proceeding to Mormugao Harbour and made a detour from the Headland Sada.  
However the MPT buses were seen freely moving to and fro Headland Sada and 
Vasco-da-Gama and outside the Port town. Motorcyle pilots made a quck earning 
in the absence of all public transport. The KTC buses were however plying from 
the outskirts of the Port town and in the evening too.
The fish vegetable meat and fruits vendors too were off in support of the 
strike, Essential services were however unaffected.

Contingents of CRPF were seen manning all the gates to the Berths and the Oil 
tank installation to avert any calamity.  

Many feel that the precursor to this agitation against the Chairman is also 
because of attempts to relocate  religious structures in the name of carrying 
out developmental works.  The community were appalled by the unconvincing 
reasons the Chairman adduced to justifying the relocation of these age old 

When this writer spoke to some of the agitationist telephonically late  evening 
it became amply clear that an adamant Chairman would ultimately have to pack 
his bags and move off.  

Interestingly yet another precussor to the agitation was the issue of the MPT 
issuing a notice to public on its jurisdiction which covers every inch of the 
coast line along the Mormugao Tiswadi and right upto to the Betul Port and 
cautioning that any activity along these notified areas would attract penal 
action under the Ports Trust Act of 1963.  According to Mr Agarawal vide 

[Goanet] Lent Disciplines Attract More Christian Groups (SAR News)

2008-02-11 Thread Goanet News
Lent Disciplines Attract More Christian Groups

ROME (SAR NEWS) -- As thousands of Catholics entered a period of
fasting and prayer and almsgiving that precedes Easter, other
Christians are joining the tradition to observe Easter more

The 40-day season of Lent, once largely observed by Catholics, has
some mainline Protestant denominations, including Anglicans and
Episcopalians, continue to devoutly follow the tradition.

Lent is not typically observed in evangelical Churches.

"Easter is huge in evangelical Churches," but they do not observe
"Lent as Lent", noted Rev. Sam Shaw of Hope Church in Tupelo, MO,
according to the Daily Journal.

Still, "Easter must have preparation," Shaw said. And some
non-liturgical Churches are embracing Lenten disciplines.

"There is a trend... toward more sacramental forms and it is not
surprising to see the recovery of imposition of ashes on Ash
Wednesday," said Rev. Daniel K. Dunlap, vice-president of Houston
Graduate School of Theology and a liturgy expert, according to the
Houston Chronicle.

Pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in Houston administered ashes at a
service, Ash Wednesday night, reported the Houston Chronicle.

Most Baptists do not observe Lent. Many of them prepare for Easter by
contemplating on the Word rather than through ritual, said Rev. Kermit
McGregor of Calvary Baptist Church in Missouri, as reported by the
Daily Journal.

But McGregor, along with many Baptists, finds value in Lenten
disciplines such as fasting, which many do to identify with Christ's

Fasting is "a great way to focus and to enter more deeply into prayer", he said.

Mark Batterson, lead pastor of the non-denominational National
Community Church in Washington, D.C., started observing Lent a few
years ago. This year, he's fasting television for 40 days with his son
and is planning to pray and read Scripture daily.

"It (observing Lent) has made Easter so much more meaningful,"
Batterson wrote on his blog. "I feel like I'm preparing myself
spiritually to re-experience the crucifixion and resurrection."

This year, Lent began February 6, the earliest since 1913 when Lent
started on February 5. Easter falls on March 23.

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] GOADIARY: Mackerel what?

2008-02-11 Thread Dr. Nandakumar Kamat
>These pickles seem to be made in Vinegar (acetic acid, locally made or
synthetic) and moderate intake would not be any problem but I would
advice Goans to minimize intake of all Vinegar based foods ( unless
neutralized by substantial portion of dietary fiber, plentiful of
vegetable salads and fruits) which seem to induce tooth sensitivity, gum
diseases, caries, esophagus irritation, stomach and intestinal cancers
which are phenomenally rising in Goa. Instead the preparations can be
made in lime juice, tamarind juice, kokum juice with dash of spices.
Saraswats make fantastic 'Bangdyachem lonche' with chilly ,
ginger,garlic,  tamarind, jaggery, onion  paste and hot spicy, reddish
brown , thick oily Mackerel uddamethi which even on deathbed would revive
a Goan if a small portion is applied to his/her tongue irrespective of
age or the condition.
 For that matter I thank the Portuguese for having gifted us the simple,
easy to cook, excellent Sardine preparation with black pepper, onion,
chillies and tomatoes. We modified it for crabs and it worked.Must have
been discovered by an unknown cook on ocean going vessels.
There is no match for Goan food anywhere in the world.
We need to discuss more about our culinary heritageand its'
anthropology, art, science and gastronomic aesthetics

Xavier Cota treated me not just to a cup of tea (all I wanted) at
> Tato's in Margao, the Panjim branch is my daughter's favourite. Then, he
> offered to drop me to the South Goa headquarter's bus-stand. We shared
> some weird ideas on translations, editing and publishing as we rode on.
> En route, since I was trying to pick up something, he pointed out a
> place called the 'Chef' where I saw this packet of Mackerel
> Molho.
> "Ready to eat", "10% extra", it promised, as if I needed that extra
> nudge. I'm a sucker for experimenting with something I come across in
> the market.  And the package explained: "Michelle's Mackerel Molho is a
> tasty, ready-to-eat fish pickle. This Goan delicacy is a sure shot cut
> to lengthy cooking and is easy on the pocket too."
> It has been ages since we ate this traditional stuff. In today's
> fast-paced life, who has time to make fish into pickle?
> When it comes to making, packaging and selling unusual food products, I
> think the South Goans are better off. And more adventurous  This
> particular item comes from Beau Ideals, PO Bag 1155, Vasco da Gama at
> or [EMAIL PROTECTED] There are a small
> number of other names in the field -- like the more-visible Karma
> Foods. Tell us what you've found interesting.
> On taking it home, the kids were a bit suspicious. "Is it spicy?... I've
> had my dinner..."
> Personally, it did take me back in time though, to another day and
> another age, when we were all less "developed" but had more time to
> prepare food which was more time-consuming to work on. At least when you
> eat something out of a package (even if it's not so
> environmentally-friendly), one knows what it's made of and what
> exactly it's meant to be.
> Whoever would imagine that you could make pickle of fish!
> If you didn't know (I couldn't pretend I knew it either), the fish
> pickle involves ingredients like dry Bombay duck (shouldn't that be
> mackeral?), syntethic vinegar (what's that?), red chillies, onions,
> sugar, edible vegetable oil, garlic, ginger, coconut feni (!), cocnut
> vinegar, tamarind, spices, condiments and salt.
> The packing is passable ... a nice soft box, but just a plastic bag
> inside. Caveat emptor: "Do not use the inner pouch if leaking or
> bloated."
> Without intending to be too negatively critical though, this is a nice
> product. I felt it worth its Rs 49 price (for 180 grammes). And as I
> typed this article  in my owl hours of close to 4 am, I got tempted to
> try out another snack, a poyee with mackerel molho. Never mind the guilt
> felt soon thereafter on reading of the total fat and cholesterol content
> of each serving. (Is Goan food necessarily
> tasty-but-unhealthy?)
> The other products from Michelle's include a few ready-to-eat items
> (prawn balchao, kingfish molho, mussel molho, squid molho, mackerel
> molho and bombil molho). There are also masalas and spices (recheado
> masala paste, vindalho masala paste, sorpotel masala paste, cafreal
> masala paste, mint chicken masala paste, roast masala paste,
> fish-curry-masala paste, xacuti masala powder, vegetable masala
> powder, chicken curry masala powder, sambhar masala powder).
> There are quite a few masalas-and-Goan-foodstuffs in the market.
> Unfortunately, not much publicised... the kind of products that you need
> luck and chance to run into. Check them out when you're down. Not
> perfect, but getting there! Fairly reasonably priced too.
> See images:
> FN
> --
> Frederick Noronha Ph +91-832-2409490


2008-02-11 Thread W.F.

reny pereira wrote:

I have filled this form twice once when I finished Inter Science 1977 and 
then after graduation 1980.  I was in Goa till 1990.  Till date there is 

I never wanted to leave my mother land.


- Original Message 
From: W.F.

This is a good emailand would be very interested in continuing in Goa, 
but sad to say that in 1984 - 1986 , I did fill up the form  employment for 
Govt. Sectors in Panjim, and until date now nothing happenned...

If Goans will get jobs in Goa then this will be a very good idea..and all 
our goans can come back...instead of struggling here in Gulf especially. 
For UK and other countries don't have a problem since they already have 

Mrs. Fernandes

"ANTHONY (NRI Goan)" wrote:

Government must give 100% Reservation For Goans in Government Sector and 75% 
Reservation For Goans in Private Sector.

Then I am sure, many Goans who are working Abroad and other parts of Indian 
States will come back to Goa to work & settle in Goa.

By this Policy, Goans Majority, Identity & Culture will remain intact.


[Goanet] Act fast to REMOVE picture of PROPHET MOHAMMAD (PBUH) from WIKIPEDIA

2008-02-11 Thread Ahmed Shaikh
ACT -1: Sign the Petition for Removal of Picture


WIKIPEDIA site has published the image of our prophet Mohammad SAS. Please sign 
the petition on the below mentioned link to have it removed. 

It takes just 30 seconds.
Wikipedia published the picture on this link:

JAZAKALLAHU KHAIRA Also please forward the link to all your Muslim

ACT -2: Send an Email to Wikipedia to see the Pitition 

Send following message to these addresses in an email to Wikipedia Editor 
Wikipedia Editor:
There is an illustration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on Wikipedia's website, 
which is extremely PROHIBITED IN ISLAM AND AGAINST THE BELIEVES OF MUSLIMS.  specially this one 
There is a petition signed by more that 132,000 muslims who wants wikipedia 
editors to remove that picture from wikipedia's website.

Re: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Dirty Panjim

2008-02-11 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
JoeGoaUk wrote:
>No where to sleep?
>Come to Campal near KA

Dear Joe,

Stop pulling the wool over our eyes.  You must have 
used Photoshop to doctor this picture.  Where have 
you been, Joe?  Didn't you know that all the ghatis 
in Goa have been assimilated by Frederick Noronha 
and his pinko chums?  The people in your photo 
must be the Niz Goenkars encroaching on public 




Looking for last minute shopping deals?  
Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[Goanet] Mining lease Map of Goa

2008-02-11 Thread sebastian Rodrigues

Here is the mining lease Map of Goa. See for yourself mining disaster in Goa. 
Mines are particularly located in Adivasi localities. These leases were granted 
by Portuguese colonial government that was forced out of Goa through army 
action on 19th December 1961. Colonial legacy however remains intact thanks to 
India's central governments and Goa State governments that are routinely 
manipulated by mining companies. These leases are upheld by 'Independent India'.

Sebastian Rodrigues

Post free property ads on Yello Classifieds now!

[Goanet] Sobit Amchem Goem

2008-02-11 Thread Pravin Sabnis
Dept of Art & Culture, Govt of Goa

invite you for

a visual musical rendering of Goa's secular fabric
waeved from the lyrics of Dr Manoharrai Sardessai
& directed by Dharmanand Vernekar

Participating artists will be felicitated at the hands of
Chief Guest, Shri Digambar Kamat, Hon. Chief Minister of Goa.

Guest of Honour, Shri Anand Prakash, Development Commissioner, Govt. of Goa.
will be the guest of honour

Editors, Ashwin Tombat, Sanjay Dhavalikar, Sandesh Prabhudessai
will share thoughts on communal harmony.

Venue: Maquinez Palace Auditorium at INOX Multiplex
Date: 13 Feb 2008, Wednesday 
Time: 5.45 pm sharp.

  Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on

Re: [Goanet] Cabo Raj Niwas

2008-02-11 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

Dear Dr. Barad,

You spur me again. I will try and provide a single answer to
your two questions:

If you've read Lionel Messias' regular Monday column in 
today's Gomantak Times (it was reposted here), you'd know 
that even 'deshi' Indians need an Inner Permit to visit the

current Goa Guv's home state of Nagaland. Forget Goan kids
being freely allowed on the Cabo grounds, occupied, as they
presently are, by a former (and I guess, aspirant) politician 
with, if I err not, a Z+ security threat status.

There's much more to be said on this but the rules of Goanet
will not permit me to. Parrikar must convince his party at the
national level to demand do away with this inherited institution
of the Raj, and vest the powers in the titular head of the country.

Rgds, v

On Sun, 10 Feb 2008 Dr.U.G.Barad wrote :

But I am still looking out for two answers: whether Goan Children are bared
from entering Cabo Raj Niwas and is Niwas protected all round with armed
forces these days or not.

Best regards,
Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (12Feb08)

2008-02-11 Thread alexyz fernandes
Freedom Fighter Fanchu Loyola's Essays Translated 
by Alexandre Barbosa will be released today:

Feb 12 at Fundacao Oriente: Panjim at 5:30pm

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by

Re: [Goanet] Question to Fr.Ivo

2008-02-11 Thread Fr. Ivo da C. Souza

Dear Ana Maria,
Thanks for your appreciation. I am briefly answering your two questions, 
which are of direct interest to the Catholics (and 'believers'). There 
should not be again a complaint that this is a "Catholic Forum"... Since 
your "question" has been allowed by the Administration, I believe that my 
"answer" is expected.

[Goanet] Goa news for February 11, 2008

2008-02-11 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Security check at Goa hotels - Calcutta Telegraph
[Feb 9, 2008]  9 (PTI): The Goa government has said that
hotels, guesthouses, lodges and other accommodations will have
their lincences cancelled if they do not keep ...

*** Mining Resumes in Goa Despite Opposition From
Environmentalists - Voice of America
[Feb 7, 2008]  By Steve Herman Mining, along with tourism,
forms the economic backbone of India's seaside state of Goa.
Environmental concerns recently halted much of the ...

*** Goa\'s complete online news edition - Sunday, February 10,
2008 - Herald Publications
[18 hours ago]  Olympic gold medallist 1988 ” Seoul Games,
Rosa Mota (centre) and Comandante Jose Vicente Moura of Portugal
who were declared Ambassadors for Goa Tourism, ...

*** India I-League Preview: Mahindra United  Sporting Club de
Goa -
[Feb 8, 2008]  Sporting Club de Goa are in the safe zone and in
a similar position as the homes side looking for maximum points
in the coming games to end the league on a ...

*** India Thwarts Terrorist Plan to Attack Tourists Visiting
Goa - Bloomberg
[Feb 7, 2008]  8 (Bloomberg) -- Indian security forces thwarted
a plan by terrorists to attack tourists visiting the western
state of Goa, one of India's most popular ...

*** Four lane road to be developed from Kundapur to Goa -
[Feb 9, 2008]  Karwar: Union Minister of State for Surface
Transport KH Muniyappa on Tuesday said that four lane road would
be developed from Kundapur to Goa border along ...

*** M&M to spend Rs 250 cr on 5 tech institutes - Economic
[2 hours ago]  The three colleges will be in Pune, Goa and
Chandigarh, with the group having allocated Rs 250 crore forthe
five campuses, the very first being in ...

*** Hit the track to trip on Goa - Deccan Herald
[Feb 9, 2008]  By S Lalitha,DH News Service, Bangalore: The
first rail package tour to Goa from the City is slated to
kickstart on February 15. ...

*** Goa advances - Hindu
[Feb 9, 2008]  Madurai: Defending champion Goa registered a 3-0
win over Maharashtra in a rain-affected match in group ˜B
quarterfinal league in the 17th youth (under-21) ...

*** Decision on name of Goa minister to be axed for MGP
tomorrow - Hindu
[13 hours ago]  Panaji (PTI): Goa Chief Minister Digamber Kamat
will announce the name of the minister to be dropped from the
cabinet to accommodate its alliance partner's ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Daily Haiku_note for Francis

2008-02-11 Thread Venantius Pinto
Hi! Francis,
I have been reading your haiku's on Goanet. One critical element in a
haiku is that it suggests season in some form -- the subtler it is,
the more endearing its feeling; otherwise it is not a haiku (as the
Japanese see it, beyond the syllable structure) in the true sense.
This implies something which the reader may intuit and create a whole
-- as in an experience which the poet has delineated. I was not aware
of the seasonal aspect in the past, but thought I should point this to

Some references from the Internet:

Do consider writing also in Konknni, particularly if you are good at
it. The syllable structure of Konknni may provide fresh revelations.
All the best in your writing.


> From: Francis Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] Daily Haiku #11


> sandwich
> a bowl of pez,
> end with
> a bowl of pears.

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Dirty Panjim

2008-02-11 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photos: Dirty Panjim

No where to sleep?
Come to Campal near KA

No where to Park?
How about on the footpath?  (leela boat in the background)

other vehicles (with Mandovi bridge/Cruise boat in the background)
Abv seems permanent parking zones

Others with 4 legged
opp Dempo House

Near old GMC

Many more here

  for Goa & NRI related info... 
  For Goan Video Clips

Sent from Yahoo! Mail - a smarter inbox


2008-02-11 Thread Goa's Pride
  The President and Members of United Club of Utorda – Kuwait,
  deeply mourn the sad demise of
  We convey our heartfelt sympathies 
  to Mr. & Mrs. Roque Gonsalves 
  and his family members. 
  May his soul rest in peace
  And let Perpetual Light Shine upon him.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[Goanet] Eye Spy - This appeared in the Gomantak Times dated February 11, 2008

2008-02-11 Thread Lionel Messias
Lionel Messias
Eye Spy - This appeared in the Gomantak Times dated February 11,2008

Hell of a pad

It's like a cancer that won't leave you even after a radiation overdose.
Only death provides relief from the pain. Somebody in the tourism ministry
wants to build a helipad at Ela, Old Goa for a proposed project to provide
helicopter services no one knows for whom. Towards this end 20,998 sq mt of
land has been transferred from the PWD to the Tourist Department. Now await
the announcement of yet another grandiose extravaganza announced in the
usual grandiloquent manner. By the way the department appears to be having a
problem collecting the rent on the lease agreement it has with the Taj group
of hotels to whom it hired out the helipad that has not had a landing in

Here's another stunner. It costs Rs1,51,400 per month to maintain the
Circuit House in Altinho, Panjim which is used by every politician, top
official and influential person in India for a free stay in Goa paid by your
tax money who on return to their mother States promptly fill out an
exhaustive expense sheets. That's the kind of dough the government is paying
GTDC to do the job.

That sinking feeling again

The bank guarantee of Jaisu Shipping Co Pvt Ltd tasked with the job of
re-floating the River Princess ends on May 28, 2008. The legal implication
of granting the company an additional month after its contract expired on
May 20, 2007 would have come into operation only if it asked for an
extension one month before ie April 20, 2007. It didn't and even if it can
be arranged which as you know is possible in Goa where official files
randomly disappear, it would depend on whether the government agreed to it.
And also on the condition Jaisu pays the liquidated damages (or penalty) of
Rs100,000 per day for a minimum of 30 days specified in the agreement. Jaisu
also gave the government a performance security deposit in the form of a
bank guarantee of Rs5.50 cr and a demand draft for Rs25 lakh as earnest
money deposit that is refundable on successful execution of the salvage. In
return for re-floating and towing away the ship, Jaisu was to be paid Rs5.50cr.

Catch 22

Where am I going with this? It's simple. The River Princess is never going
to be re-floated and towed away, so therefore the government should simply
cut its losses and show Jaisu the door because as it happens Jaisu is not
going to pay up the Rs30 lakh penalty since it can't salvage the ship and
therefore clearly, must also cut its own losses having invested heavily so
far. In fact, the only clarity in this entire saga is the definition of
completion of contract which the agreement clearly states is when the ship
is towed away wholly to an authorized ship breaking yard and the fact
certified by a competent authority. And the only ship-breaking yard is in
far away Alang in Gujarat but the ship grounded in June 2000 and corroding
since without any maintenance, won't get that far in one piece. So, while
the River Princess (built in 1975) will never be salvaged, the government
ironically can salvage itself if it acts now. Because, though everyone in
government failed miserably, the law department that scripted the agreement
made sure that the Rs30 lakh penalty can be deducted from the EMD or by
invoking the bank guarantee. But it has to invoke the bank guarantee payable
in Panjim through the State Bank of India before the expiry date. Else,
Jaisu will jettison the contract and jet off to Gujarat.

Lord, show us the light of day.

Politicians have their wires crossed most times, some have short fuses,
others electrifying in their speeches. The Calangute MLA actually wanted the
lights put off. Let me throw light on the subject. On December 27, 2006 the
Tourism Deparment deposited Rs37,013 with the Executive Engineer, division
VI, Mapusa to repair the high mast lights at Candolim and Calangute beach.
On March 6, 2007 it sent him another Rs79,432 for the same repair jobs.
Shockingly, the MLA stopped the repairs of the Candolim high mast light
because the beach shacks have hit his hotel's revenue. Strategically placed
the rays of the powerful halogen carve a light swathe for late night
revelers heading for the many shacks. There can't be any other reason.

Ray of hope

First Governor Jamir said Goans had a 'negative mindset.' Coming from a
politician proportionately responsible for turning Nagaland into a war zone
and into India's most unconstructive State, I found it hilarious. Did you
know domestic tourists need an inner-line permit to enter Nagaland? But when
Digambar Kamat said Goans were habitual opposers, it set me thinking. Maybe
Goans known for their tolerance of corrupt politicians would not oppose if
for instance a flower park was set up instead of a food park in Quepem
because Goan women would be employed. I recently visited the Tanflora
Infrastructure Park, a public-private venture at Amudagondapally village in
Tamil Nadu promoted b

[Goanet] CBSE

2008-02-11 Thread rcabral
I think there was a query regarding admission to a CBSE school. Only a few 
schools in Goa are affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education. The 
Kendriya Vidyalayas - five of them altogether, two in Vasco, one in Ponda, one 
in Bambolim and one in Verem - and the Navodaya Vidyalayas - two of them to be 
found in Goa, one in Valpoi and the other one in Canacona - are affiliated to 
the CBSE. Sharda Mandir in Miramar and Manovikas in Margao are affiliated to 
the ICSE.

If I'm not mistaken both follow the NCERT syllabus. This same syllabus has also 
been adopted by schools in Goa. A small observation:Children coming from 
village schools too have done very well for themselves.
Hope I have been of some help.
Have a nice day!

[Goanet] Goanet challenge for US$100

2008-02-11 Thread Mervyn Lobo
I am convinced that there are people here with hidden talents. One of the local 
papers in Toronto currently has a competition where its readers are asked to 
"reverse the word order of a common hyphenated two-word phrase, and provide a 
new definition." 
As I want to see what people on Goanet are capable of, I will start a similar 
competition here on Goanet and provide a prize of US$100 for the top three 
entries. I will also donate to Goa Sudharop a US$  amount for every entry 
Since I do not want to give those with access to the Toronto newspapers an 
unfair advantage, all the entries printed in the Toronto newspaper will be 
Here are some examples of reversed order two-worded phrases, with the new 
1) Tune-fine: The penalty paid for singing off-key.
2) Eagle-spread: A politically incorrect condiment.
3) Mortem-post: Upright piece of wood used by the firing squad.

I just know the talent is here. If this is successful, we can organize more 
challenges. This particular challenge ends on Feb 29th and the winner will be 
announced a week later. You can send in multiple entries. In fact, each entry 
that you send in will allow Goa Sudharop to get more funds for its activities. 

Send your entries to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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[Goanet] Of Goans, non-Goans and Ghantis....

2008-02-11 Thread Philip Thomas

I could subscribe to this viewpoint without hesitation. At the heart of the
problem is practically non-existent urban planning and inequitable national
economic development both uninformed by an enlightened environmental and
global perpsective.

[Goanet] Cabo Raj Niwas

2008-02-11 Thread Vinay Natekar
Does Indian states really require the positions of  Governors ?" These
are just  ceremonial posts  created to occupy the Raj Bhavans causing
reckless waste of tax payer's money.

These positions are used by Political parties ruling the central
Government to award their loyal partymen  or bureaucrat after retirement
with huge emoluments  who would dance to their tunes and salvage their
own party run Governments at the states or if the state is ruled by
opposition party to create roadblocks   in functioning of that state.

The recent example is Goa governor S.C. Jamir's violation of the
Constitution and elementary democratic norms through  his utterly
improper decision to prorogue the state Assembly abruptly, at a time
when it was about to take up the appropriation bill. In the process this
biased politician Governor  have become illicit accomplice of this
discreditable act.

Though he has succeeded in his great task of saving collapse of congress
Government by prorogating the house  he has  inflicted dishonour and
disgrace  on himself and the constitutional position he holds. His
preemptive action to take  advice from a minority Government is a slap
on the face of democracy and a hideous display of  political
partisanship of the meanest kind ably aided and abetted by the Congress
High Command in New Delhi.  

The Governor has played the role of Congress protector with consummate
skill with the connivance of fraudulent and opportunist  Goa Congress
which has reputation of over ambitious, corrupt and  defector
politicians  which  has become a bane in Congress culture of politics. 



Re: [Goanet] Hiunduism and Henotheism

2008-02-11 Thread Fr. Ivo da C. Souza

Dear Selma,
It was interesting what you wrote. But I am not entering into controversy 
on "nude" gods,
which was closed by the Administration. I am only trying to enlighten one 

which has come up often on this Forum.

than worshiping Gods...
*I know that you are not interested in gods. This is not directly an answer 
to your write-up.
Scholars speak of "henotheism" in Hindu traditions, not of polytheism, as I 
have once pointed out.

One God under different modalities.


[Goanet] Article

2008-02-11 Thread domnick rodrigues
  One of the British MP Mr. Keith Vaz, who claims to be a Goans.
  It is obvious practice everyone say our ancestor born in Goa. Due to such
  position everyone love Goa or called Goans. It is easy to solve theory but 
  to solve practical. Did Mr. Keith love Goa or Goans it is obstacle issue. His 
  not accountability to be a  Goans, he never ever support to UK Goans or try 
to solve
  any difficulties facing our youth in UK. The best and real Goan are those who 
  their heart with open minded helping other with what he have. Mr. Keith was 
  man being a MP British Government, but as far as my knowledge  he never use 
  capability or help Goans. However, he is good to help only bollywood 
  he can say I love bollywood , and not Goans.
  Domnick Rodrigues


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[Goanet] Traffic Department & Road Safety

2008-02-11 Thread Mario Vicente Santos Pereira
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 16:49:21 +0530
From: "Goa Desc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Road Safety UPDATE:Transport vehicles account for
 42.56%  mishaps in Goa.
Transport vehicles account for 42.56% mishaps
Verna, most accident-prone zone
The traffic cell has come out with the statistics for
road accidents during the year 2007, pointing out
that buses, trucks and tempos/ pick-ups collectively
constituted 42.56 per cent of the total vehicles involved
in the road accidents around the state.
The data also shows that Verna is the most accident
prone zone with maximum accidents registered during
2007, while Panaji is the safest place, barring the
maximum car accidents category which informs that the
capital city has experienced the maximum car accidents
during last year - 
The year 2007 also saw recommendation of suspension
of 266 driving licences, while during the earlier year such
recommendation was made for 174 licences.
The Navhind Times 08/02/08 page No.1
Dear Goanetters, 
Regarding the above article.
If the traffic accidents are increasing day by day and year by year in 
Goa,  then the Traffic Department should have  traffic checking  stations 
to some junctions on the main/highway roads  where it is possible. All 
heavy vehicle drivers should be made aware  and they should remember that 
the traffic police check is waiting in certain points/junctions.  All the 
roads should show some signs/slogans about safety i.e. "Traffic Check 
Ahead". I hope this will  reduce some percentage of accidents. Every 
driver will control their speed and  drive safely to avoid accidents.
Drive safely and save lives.
Mario Vicente Santos Pereira,


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by mistake,  please  e-mail  the sender by replying to this message, and 
delete the original and any print out thereof. 

[Goanet] Panjim Mayor, Bombay Band -Groove etc

2008-02-11 Thread JoeGoaUk

Bombay Band, Tony (Mayor) etc

Tony along with CM Digu and Minister Mickey also seen here (half minute clip)

  for Goa & NRI related info... 
  For Goan Video Clips

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[Goanet] Of Goans, non-Goans and Ghantis....

2008-02-11 Thread marie
I totally agree with Selma's statement:-

[Goanet] Daily Haiku #11

2008-02-11 Thread Francis Rodrigues



a bowl of pez,
end with
a bowl of pears.

Aunty, Famous Indians, Haiku, Churchill cartoons, etc:


[Goanet] malaika - usha udthup

2008-02-11 Thread JoeGoaUk

The same is uploaded at Rediff here

But it is not from UshaUthup I think

  for Goa & NRI related info... 
  For Goan Video Clips

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[Goanet] Indians dissatisfied with Gulf jobs, want change: Survey

2008-02-11 Thread Goanet News Service

Indians dissatisfied with Gulf jobs, want change: Survey

DUBAI: Rising inflation and weakening of Gulf currencies have taken a toll 
on the Middle East job market, with majority of Indian and Pakistani workers 
unhappy with their current jobs and willing to look for a change, a new 
survey said.

According to the salary survey released on Sunday, 69 per 
cent of workers were more likely to quit their jobs this year.

Only 16 per cent of Indian and 13 per cent of Pakistani workers said they 
were less likely to switch jobs.

The attractiveness of the Gulf region for expatriate workers has taken a 
hammering over the last two years due to the rising cost of living and 
weakening of Gulf currencies linked to the declining US dollar.

Inflation surged to record highs across the Gulf last year, registering a 
rise of 14 per cent in Qatar, 7.6 per cent in Oman, 6.2 per cent in Kuwait, 
6 per cent in Saudi Arabia, 4.9 per cent in Bahrain and 9.3 per cent in the 

The businesses in Gulf countries, where the number of Indian workers is 
estimated to between four and six million, face a tough year ahead in 
retaining staff with majority of the workers expressing willingness to quit 
their jobs this year, the survey said.

Data from the annual survey shows a sharp decline in job loyalty across the 
Gulf states. In Saudi Arabia, 69 per cent were planning a job change while 
in the UAE the figure stood at 68 per cent. 

[Goanet] Hindu Gods

2008-02-11 Thread Vinay Natekar
Dear Albert

I support your views that nobody should criticise other  religion's god.
Every religion has different means of practicing their religion and thus
different Gods. Though prayer made to each of their own god will reach
only one universal Almighty God who has created all of us. We give him
different names and worship him in different forms within each religion.
God is present in every Human beings, animals, trees and everything that
is  present in nature. If we respect all his creations, we will respect
God. No single religion is superior over other religion. We often fall
prey to infidelity, not only because many different views are held on
different religions, but also because of the fact that the same
principles are often enunciated in different ways and approach.

One is  welcome to praise or disparage your own religion and suggest the
reformation you feel essential  but no one is bound to accept opinion or
derision of his religion by person of another religion.





Re: [Goanet] NRIS/NRGS- Can they help Goa?

2008-02-11 Thread Floriano_GMAIL
When Oscar Rebello (Dr), now the convener of GBA, then,  just a week away
from being appointed the convener, passed on the latest news to me about
Patricia Pinto/Satish Sonak (Adv) of PMCA being arrested by Babush
Monserrate for objecting to the cutting of the road-side mango tree in
Taleigao for road widening, my reaction 'upset' and 'baffled' Oscar at the
same time because I was overjoyed to the extent that I would  fire crackers
if I had some available. In his own words "I have lost you" is what Oscar
had said. "Take heart, Doc", I had told him. "Today the shit has reached
here form here". And I had said this by puting  my hand under the nose and
the chest respectively to explain what I meant. "Now GOANS will wake up from
their deep sleep". And Oscar had understood it very well. GOANS did get up
during the GBA V/s RP-2011 affair. But they promptly relapsed into  deep,
comatose sleep immediately after RP-2011 and before the Elections-2007.
Why?. Becasue there were still some more millimeters left for the shit to
climb and overcome their nostrils. In the meantime "let us get a good snooze
while the going is good" seemed to have been the sentiments.

Forgive me Dr. Fernandes but I am staunchly and truly a skeptic. And I
cannot help being one with all that I see around. Maybe if you had the
opportunity to chat with me some, during your mentioned visit to Goa,  you
would have gotten a heavy dose of the same.

Keep up the good work, though, of sounding the "Abandon Ship" blasts   which
are sadly limited to just 'seven' so that every GOAN runs for his/her life
jacket. And may the Good Lord keep the 'sharks' at bay.

And, BTW, four out of seven blasts have already been exhausted  considering
(1) RP-2011 (2) Elections-2007 (3) SEZs (4) MPT v/s MBA -Mormugao Bachao
Andolan - which has crippled Vasco today with its total  Bandh.



- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 5:03 AM
Subject: [Goanet] NRIS/NRGS- Can they help Goa?

Dear goanet Readers.

Goans look at NRI/NRG as one who comes to Goa for a short while, have a good
time, and criticize everything and everybody. " If you care so much about
Goa,why not come and help.”I have heard these sentiments often enough and I
feel some of them are genuine, while others not..

Re: [Goanet] question to Fr.Ivo

2008-02-11 Thread Nigel Britto
Continuing this question, one Parish Priest recently said that people are
falling away from the Church because other sects offer 'healing'. And he
went on to say that this offer of healing is 'temptation'. And that we
should suffer, and stuff like that. And the same Parish Priest also told us
in his sermon not to view Miracle Net and God Channel, lest we get
(Maybe it's the same PP Ana Maria Fernandes is referring to)

Isn't it ironic how Roman Catholics like us are perfectly cordial with
people from entirely other faiths but we look down upon Believers and

Truth Liberates,
Nigel Britto

[Goanet] Daily Haiku #11

2008-02-11 Thread Francis Rodrigues

DAILY HAIKU #11:WEEKDAYsandwicha bowl of pez,end witha 
bowl of pears.__Aunty, Famous 
Indians, Haiku, Churchill cartoons, 

Re: [Goanet] question to Fr.Ivo

2008-02-11 Thread Floriano_GMAIL
The true word of God was heard from the river-sides and the hill slopes of
Jerusalem during the 3 years of public life of the man called Jesus Christ
aprox. 2008 years ago. They got drowned  the moment he was crucified. In its
place what goes by is just super lip-service and ineffective/times wasting

floriano lobo

- Original Message -
From: "Ana Maria Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 5:55 PM
Subject: [Goanet] question to Fr.Ivo

Dear Fr.Ivo
I admire your writings on the goanet. You make time to reply to the
questions put to you .We know you are very busy person yet you make time to
get things clear to the goanetters. I have some few questions to ask you.
No1. Believers or protestants as we call them are also christians who have
gone away from us as we claim that we are the true body of Christ. why do
the catholic priest criticise these believers from the pulpit and also their
bible ? Some priests call them false prophet and ask the catholics not to
attend their teachings on the TV. One parish priest told us not to view
Miracle net and God channel.
No 2. Every year we collect lot of money towards mission. In fact we have
one sunday in October as Mission sunday. The priest call themselves as
Missionaries .If that is so why does not the church organise mission for the
people of Goa  specially as this year is the year dedicated to the word of
God > People have to run here and there to get the word of God

Re: [Goanet] Act fast to REMOVE picture of PROPHET MOHAMMAD (PBUH) from WIKIPEDIA

2008-02-11 Thread Carvalho

--- Ahmed Shaikh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ACT -1: Sign the Petition for Removal of Picture

I think in respect for the 5 or 6 of us on this site
who are atheists and agnostics, Goanet must give us a
break, and time to recuperate from these type of
postings which have become a regular feature on
Goanet. My mind has turned to utter mush reading this
day in and day out, so much so that I am beginning to
wonder if I have been mysteriously teleported to the
16th century. 

As a secular forum, Goanet must stop becoming a
mouthpiece for such propaganda.



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Re: [Goanet] question to Fr.Ivo

2008-02-11 Thread angel

If I may quote Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel :
"The man that has not suffered what could he possibly know anyway..."
or this one (cannot remember the author) "Hour by hour, minute by minute, 
pain drips upon the heart, and against our will comes wisdom, from the awful 
grace of the gods..."


- Original Message - 
From: "Nigel Britto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] question to Fr.Ivo

... that we should suffer, and stuff like that. And the same Parish Priest 
also told us

in his sermon not to view Miracle Net and God Channel, lest we get
Truth Liberates,
Nigel Britto