[Goanet-News] Sanjay tied in forgery knot - Actor ’s marriage on hold after Maanyata’s ‘husband’ moves court (The Telegraph, Kolkata)

2008-02-18 Thread Goanet News
Sanjay tied in forgery knot - Actor's marriage on hold after
Maanyata's 'husband' moves court
Sanjay with Maanyata shortly after their marriage in Mumbai on Monday.

Mumbai, Feb. 16: The Goa administration has suspended Sanjay Dutt's
court marriage a day after a man moved a Mumbai court claiming he was
Maanyata's husband.

The bride's affidavit of being single is being probed, South Goa
collector G.P. Naik said today. He added a second charge: a forged
residence certificate for Maanyata was used to get the union
registered in Goa.

Maanyata and Sanjay, who is on bail in an arms possession case, could
face the charges of polygamy, perjury, forgery and bribery of a
government official if the state believes it has a case after
investigations, sources said.

The registrar's office, which suspended the marriage pending the
investigations, has court powers and submitting a false affidavit to
it amounts to perjury.

Sanjay and Maanyata have also had a Hindu wedding in Mumbai after the
February 7 registration in Goa. But if the polygamy charge is proved,
it will be annulled, too.

Naik said either the bride or the groom must be a resident of a
particular state for at least six months if their marriage is to be
registered there.

Sanjay Dutt and Maanyata used a fake signature on a residence
certificate given to Maanyata, Naik said.

The couple had signed the marriage papers before Chandrakant
Pissurlekar, the sub-registrar of Salcete in Margao.

Pissurlekar's office relied on a residence certificate issued by the
office of the mamlatdar (a senior official), showing Maanyata's
address as House No 1743, Aquem-Alto, Margao, for the last six
months, Naik said.

However, the mamlatdar's signature was later found to have been
forged by a clerk in his office. The clerk has been suspended.

Also, while filing the affidavit that said she was unmarried, Maanyata
had failed to attach a divorce decree as required, Naik said.

She would, however, need to do that only if she had ever married
Meraj-ul Shaikh, a jailed eve-teaser who told a court yesterday that
Maanyata was his wife.

Meraj, who said neither he nor Maanyata had sought divorce till now,
sought legal proceedings against Sanjay and his bride for violating
Muslim marriage laws.

Naik said all documents relating to the marriage registration had been
sent to the Goa law department. The marriage cannot go ahead till the
law department clears it. We are investigating how Sanjay and Maanyata
acquired the forged documents. We will take action against them.

Meraj told the court that Maanyata, earlier known as Dilnashin Ahmed,
was an item girl in B-grade Bollywood flicks and married him on
April 5, 2003. He said the couple had a son who now lived with
Maanyata's mother in Dubai, and sought the boy's custody.

The man, who claims to be an aspiring scriptwriter, was jailed for
sending vulgar text messages to leading actresses.

The Goa BJP waded into the controversy, saying political clout was
used to gain the residence certificate. Sanjay's sister is a Congress
MP and so was his late father.

I wonder why no FIR has been registered yet though forgery has been
proved, said Goa BJP general secretary Govind Parvatkar.


[Goanet-News] An open letter to the Times of India

2008-02-18 Thread Goanet Reader
An open letter to the Times of India

Dear Times of India,

We have been getting the news of the entry of your
publication for many moons now. There has been talk of your
paper opening an edition in Goa for the past decade or so.

Finally it's happening. The journalists' world is agog --
with the thrill of getting access to new jobs and higher
salaries. But, for the most part, the average reader back in
Goa doesn't have a clue about the big news on the horizon.
Media often doesn't discuss media issues. As one colleague
would put it, dog doesn't eat dog.

So, the times are changing, at least as far as the news in
our small State goes.

Welcome to Goa. The Times of India has long had some link
with Goa. Quite a few journalists of Goan origin have worked
for your publication. Quite a number of Mumbai-based Goans
read your paper as their first choice. In fact, during my
high-school days, The Times of India and India Today were the
only two outstation papers that reached my village, and gave
me an insight into the outside world. Some of my
most-respected colleagues have worked with the Times of India.

But it would be hypocritical not to state that we do have
mixed feelings about your decision to finally set up base in
our small place.

  We feel flattered by your decision to finally
  consider Goa worthy enough as a media-market worthy
  of your attention. But, we have reason to feel
  unsure about the impact your arrival here will have
  on both the profession of journalism as also the
  media industry as a whole.

Some of my colleagues argue that your entry here would mean
a great deal of relief to under-paid, overworked journalists
in Goa. Others see your arrival here as a reason for
increasing media penetration and readership, reaching out to
youth and neo-settlers in Goa, creating a bigger market,
improve the salaries of journalists and the operations of ad
agencies or improved national and international coverage
(together with more sensational news, and more Page 3
splashes). Optimists see the arrival of the ToI into Goa as
possibly contributing to better proof-reading, more
application of the RTI Act, better advertising, better
sponsorships (the equivalent of Ganesh in Goa), synergies
with other members of your media empire (on the web with
Indiatimes, and on radio with Radio Mirchi, and in the world
of music with Times Music). But is the job of a newspaper one
of staging great year-end parties? Hardly so

  We are already seeing the impact of the Times
  impact being felt here. To begin, the most obvious
  impact is the fact that journalist salaries are
  going up in Goa. Phenomenally.

In a way, the salaries on the media front in Goa have long
needed an upgrade. Things have stagnated for long. There has
been little media expansion since 1987 in the
English-language print media here (since the birth of
Gomantak Times). But should the hike in salaries come the ToI

Yes, low and stagnant salaries have been a problems here. It
has forced many journos into changing their profession or
even going into a kind of exile. Journalists have become a
major export 'commodity' from Goa today. Whether they settle
in Mumbai or the Gulf, or even places as unexpected as
Bangkok, Sydney and Papua New Guinea, they have had to
migrate far and wide to get access to better jobs.

This is not a healthy situation.

Now, the situation has drastically changed. We are hearing of
Rs 30,000+ and Rs 40,000+ salaries for mid-career
professionals. Not too long back, Rs 12,000 was considered
quite significant by Goan standards. In other sectors, the
depressed Goan market pays people with our educational
background around Rs 5,000 to 12,000. It is only a few of the
entertainment-oriented, tech-focussed or black-money flush
sectors that can pay higher salaries.

  So what effect will the hiked salaries have on the
  media industry as a whole? Will they create 'gilded
  cages' which people can't afford to leave? Will it
  heighten the servility that media-persons have to
  toe? Will it lead to the collapse of one or more
  newspaper in the State?

As one editor-friend put it, those changing jobs primarily
due to the high-salaries bait might just be pricing
themselves out of the market. While media houses obviously
don't want to lose their staff, I suspect he just might be

Trading high salaries for a lack of freedom -- as has been
the case -- is counterproductive to both the journalist's
self-esteem and the wider newspaper business as a whole.

On this score, the Times has still to prove its bonafides. It
needs to reassure the journalist community as well as the
English-language newspaper reader in Goa that its high-salary
gambit is not just meant to destroy the competition. Big
business from Boribunder should desist from playing the role

[Goanet-News] GOANETTERS IN THE NEWS: Peter Nazareth...

2008-02-18 Thread Goanet News
Ugandan Born UI Professor Enlivens Classes with His Multi-cultural Heritage
Although he left Uganda in the 1970s, Peter Nazareth brings his
multi-cultural background to world literature classes. (Photo (c)Tom

 On a cool night during the dry season in Uganda, Peter Nazareth had a
dream. He awoke, wrote it down, and included it in his first novel.
Days after its release, Nazareth's dream became reality.

Perhaps it was more of a nightmare that Nazareth, former senior
finance officer of Uganda, had dreamed of and accurately predicted the
former Ugandan president's decision to expel Asians from Uganda. This
expulsion was the handiwork of Idi Amin, who grabbed power in 1971.
Nazareth's book, In a Brown Mantle, published in 1972, was prophetic.
Nazareth, 32 at the time, was initially surprised by the power of his
own book. Thirty-five years and a curriculum vitae of 62 pages later,
Nazareth is confident literature is powerful beyond its author's

Many, many writers have had this experience, said Nazareth, a
professor of English at the University of Iowa. I was astounded by

 In a Brown Mantle was so powerful that it became Nazareth's vehicle
to a new career and country. Yale University offered Nazareth a
fellowship shortly after the novel's release. With intentions of one
day living in Uganda again, Nazareth moved to the United States.
Nazareth was glad to leave Uganda, which was chaotic and ambiguous.

Although Nazareth was not directly targeted by Amin's oppression, he
was stateless. Nazareth did not return to live in Uganda, yet he did
not abandon it.

Every writer discovers at a certain stage that you get to a point
where, in order to expand and even do things for your culture, you
have to be someplace else, said Nazareth. I didn't give up writing
as a Ugandan for Uganda, but I expanded it. It's become broader and I
am able to dance around to a different perspective here and different
perspective there.

PHOTO: Peter Nazareth with Kenyan journalist Peter Kimani and UI
International Writing Program alumnus Kirpal Singh of Singapore, at
the book release party in November 2007 for Creating a Nation Through
Poetry. (Photo (c)Tom Langdon).

 Fusing Life and Literature

 Nazareth does this through his writing and English classes at the university.

 One of the things being multicultural allows him to do is see all
the angles, said Colin Grask, 21, an English major at the UI and a
student of Nazareth's.

 Grask said Nazareth has discussed his Ugandan origin not only in his
African literature class but in many of his classes, which range in
topic from classical American literature to Singapore literature,
which was born in 1965 when Singapore gained its independence from

Nazareth usually can find some connection to whatever type of writing
he teaches, and he often uses his own family as a jumping-off point
for class discussions. Nazareth's mother is the eldest of 14 children.
Nazareth's grandfather, Mathias Francis Gomes, had three children with
his first wife. Most of Gomes's 17 offspring are now married to people
of different cultures. Chinese, Portuguese, Eurasian, Indonesian, and
Filipino are just a few leaves on Nazareth's cultural family tree. And
the tree branches to different religions, too. Many of Nazareth's
family members have married into new religions, including Islam and

In a recent class, Nazareth's slip-on tennis shoes shuffled across the
tile floor as he described his Uncle Jerry to his Singapore literature
students before transitioning to an open discussion on the
significance of a character's name in Suchen Christine Lim's Fistful
of Colours. Nazareth's eyes looked upwards in thought beneath
permanently arched eyebrows as he listened to students' input.

 Students said they appreciate Nazareth's teaching style, in which he
fuses storytelling and in-depth analysis of literature.

 He doesn't come in and lecture at you, said Grask. He teaches you
about the book that you're reading and the ideas, not only the ones
that are at the surface but the ones that are way below. And then he
finds a way to relate that to real life.

 Appreciating Elvis

 Nazareth has never written an autobiography, but pieces of his life
are tucked into everything he does. For example, Nazareth said he and
many Africans grew up listening to country singers like Roy Rogers and
Gene Autry. Nazareth started listening to Elvis Presley in 1957 and
was surprised to learn that Presley grew up with the same music he

 Nazareth teaches a class on Presley, which has received worldwide
media attention, including from World News Tonight with Peter
Jennings, The Today Show, As It Happens of Canada, and National Public
Radio. The class, Elvis as Anthology, focuses on Presley's
relationship to African American history, social change, and
aesthetics. It focuses not just on Elvis, but on other artists who

Re: [Goanet] Swindon Goans

2008-02-18 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 18/02/2008, Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
 Swindon [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swindon] is in Goa's newspapers
 today, by way of some large-sized adverts in the Herald. Abel Pires of
 Agassaim, Swindon (as is the fashion for two-or-more affiliation
 names for people who are part of the Goan diaspora) has been elected
 president of the All Goa Swindon Association. He gets wishes from
 ex-MPT player and Agassaim Sports Club president Tony Fernandes,
 Agassaim panch James Afonso, and a whole lot of others from
 Mercurim-Agassaim, Goa Velha, Batim, Malvara, Sulabate, Dandi
 Agassaim, Nuria, Conlatim-London, Siridao, daxibatt-agassaim, Nuvem,
 Panjim, Vasco and elsewhere).

 Could any Goanetter paint a word-picture of Goan migration to Swindon,
 of which one has heard a lot over recent years?

RESPONSE: I saw that in the oHERALDo last week, two advertisements on
the back page congratulating the President included in the list are
the Pilar fathers (Swindon). The Pilar fathers are actually based in
Mitcham, Surrey/London; a priest visits Swindon once a month to say
mass in Konkani.

The Swindon Goans probably have closer affinity to Goa, than other
Goans who originally came from East Africa. Last week there was a
death of a Goan woman in Swindon, the body was transported back to
Agasaim for funeral rites and bruial in St. Sebastian's.

Swindon is an up and coming Town/City with a heavy inflow of Goan and
Polish peoples. This has over loaded the infrastructure and it is
common knowledge that the Goans live in cramped conditions with
extended families - as many as 15 people living in one small house.

The Catholic schools are unable to take all the applicants, so this is
a real concern to many. Now that the GOA Swindon has been formed,
perhaps this and other issues will be addressed.

There are many meat and food packaging industries in Swindon and Goans
readily find work there. Also the BMW and Honda factories are located
there and many fork lift drivers are Goan youth.

They have a football team and participate in the local league,
although sometimes they get trounced heavily.

The route to Swindon is by obtaining a Portuguese passport, thereafter
the extended family comes into play, with a helping hand.

My congratulations too, to the formation and election of the Swindon
GOA President.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] : Please sign this online petition reg attacks on Christians in Orissa

2008-02-18 Thread anand virgincar

  Dear George-bab,
  I have signed the petition as requested . Furthermore ,
  I have taken the liberty of forwarding the appeal to my 
  several hundred friends and colleagues urging them to
  do the same at the earliest.
  I sincerely hope other fellow Goanetters will follow suit .
  My prayers are always with the Christians  ( or for that
  matter peoples of any faith ) who are victims of violence
  anywhere in the world.

  luv and regards,
 ( Dr Anand Virgincar )
Who's friends with who and co-starred in what?

[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular?

2008-02-18 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Dr. Barad,

If you recall, Indira Gandhi was an elected Prime Minister in a
Parliamentary form of democracy. If you remember, she was not shot
dead at the end of the Emergency. It has been reported that Operation
Blue Star in a NON-Emergency era was the cuase for her killing. Quo
vadis, Fascist?

The Janata Party with a strong opponent of Indira Gandhi since 1969
organisational split of the Congress into O and R groups, Moraji Desai
, as PM ruled India from 1977 to 1980. so why was the reservation for
SC/ST not terminated by them. Chips of the old block?

Well, we had the BJP in power for a cool five years [or almost five
years]. Why was this RESERVATION POLICY not terminated then?
Obviously, for the same reason why Ram Janmabhoomi temple was not
built in Ayodhya ...POLITICS of the conveninces.

Ab Kalia kya karega, Sarkar??

Mog asundi.


 Sun, 17 Feb 2008 21:43:15 +0530
From: Dr. U. G. Barad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet]  Is Congress Party Secular?
Moderators of Goanet, please allow me for little lengthily message. Sat, 16
Feb 2008 from Vinay Natekar under Subject: [Goanet] Is Congress Party
Secular?  Sat, 16 Feb 2008 from Dr. Jose Colaco.

My response: Fascism to be a system of government marked by
centralization of authority under a dictator, suppression of the
opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of
belligerent nationalism and racism.

Natekar wrote: It has ruled for over 50 years of post independence out of 60
years by keeping people uneducated and illiterate and dividing Hindus and
minority religions on communal basis, and further divided majority Hindu
community by their ludicrous reservation policies thereby deepening caste
biases and exploiting them for garnering their vote bank by instigating
insecurity and fear psychosis in their minds.

Barad's comment: Dr. Ambedkar, the father of constitution, had made a special
provision within constitution which was applicable for 15 years from the
date of acceptance of constitution of India that India government would put
in special efforts to educate and uplift the SC/ST and there after this
special provision will laps. But what did Congress do? Under the pretext of
uplifting poor SC/ST they siphoned the money to their bank balance and yet
continued to extend the special provision to nearly 60 year and beyond! Not
only is this they have now included Other Backward Classes (OBC) also in the
special provisions defeating the very purpose of Dr. Ambedkar thinking! You
call this development? I think Natekar is right. What you are citing is just
a handful of example which has got no meaning in the context.

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-18 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Dr.Anand Virgincar,

Vinay used the word FASCIST to describe the Congress. It is definitely
malaprop ;-)

You can have your relatives in Margao or other parts of Goa to apply
to the Goa Public Service Commission under the Right to Information
Act [RTI] for the name, religion and caste/tribe/class [all as per the
application form] of the candidates selected by GPSC over the last
five years for the Goa Civil Service cadre and various other
departments in Class I and Class II Gazetted posts. that will give you
the information for just Rs.10/- and 30 days wait. We will discuss
that later.

Right now I am in the process of exposing the MYTH of Konkani teaching
IN GOAN SCHOOLS and the impact of the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE ACT,1987. I
have got some very interesting data  ...thanks again to the RTI.

I am NOT about to debate GBA with you. Come to Goa, settle down here
and then talk politics. It is easy to day dream from afar. One cannot
eat English cake and discuss the flavour of Goycho pao ani kallchi

Mog asundi.


Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 12:52:05 +
From: anand virgincar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

Miguel-bab says :It appears to be rather obvious that Vinay not only
does not know party politics and polemics in Goa, but that he is also
weak in English. One should not use words one does not understand. It
impresses no one.

 During the Congress regime disproportionate number of Hindus were
appointed by cash. This is the reality. No proof can be provided of
the transactions, only the statistics are available. Manohar-bab has
quoted them to show he has not really altered the ratio of employment
according to religion. Or let somebody show me that even 25% of the
officers, cadre wise, in any Government Department are catholics. 26.5
% of Goans are catholic. In the Senior Class I Gazetted p
 osts, it is even difficult to find Bhandari and Maratha officers.
Educational performance of Goans do not show such caste and religious
differences, why do Government departments do even under the

I say :

I see that the author has made certain fairly sensitive allegations above,
some direct ...others implied.
i) Re-check this brief excerpt from his manuscript for any typing or
other errors .
ii) If there are no significant alterations deemed necessary , could he please
reply to this message confirming that he stands by the above statements ?
( After all , this information is being disseminated to several thousands over
the globe , some of whom are not conversant with the  ground reality  in
Goa ...unlike the esteemed author )

May I also gently remind the author that I am still awaiting his learned
response ( in his capacity as the flag bearer of the  apolitical 
lobby on this
forum going by his voluminous previous discourses on the issue ) apropos the
elementary questions I posed in the political v/s apolitical thread.
Lesser mortals
like me cannot understand words like  apolitical  and are entirely dependent
on the infinitely gifted such as the author for enlightnment.

luv and regards,

( Dr Anand Virgincar )

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Goanet] Evolution and God (from a Scientist)

2008-02-18 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Fr. Ivo da C. Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When you say that God is a figment of mind, then
you can use all these terms to miracles and
supernatural realities-- the existence of God is
superstition or unfounded-irrational belief (This 
would be a good strategy), hallucination
in a common sense, not medical acceptance,
infantilism, neurosis, sign of destitution.  Instead
of God you can posit Santa Claus at the beginning
of the Big Bang explosion (or expansion) (in a
lighter vein)...
Dr.Santosh who may simply say: I do not know
 whether God exists, 

Actually, nowadays I say that God(s) exist. They exist
in the minds of a vast majority of people. We now know
that all mental concepts have well-defined physical
representations in the human brain. God(s) have one
too. In this new interpretation even figments of
imagination are part of the physical reality by virtue
of being physically instantiated in the brain.



[Goanet] An open letter to the Times of India

2008-02-18 Thread Goanet Reader
An open letter to the Times of India

Dear Times of India,

We have been getting the news of the entry of your
publication for many moons now. There has been talk of your
paper opening an edition in Goa for the past decade or so.

Finally it's happening. The journalists' world is agog --
with the thrill of getting access to new jobs and higher
salaries. But, for the most part, the average reader back in
Goa doesn't have a clue about the big news on the horizon.
Media often doesn't discuss media issues. As one colleague
would put it, dog doesn't eat dog.

So, the times are changing, at least as far as the news in
our small State goes.

Welcome to Goa. The Times of India has long had some link
with Goa. Quite a few journalists of Goan origin have worked
for your publication. Quite a number of Mumbai-based Goans
read your paper as their first choice. In fact, during my
high-school days, The Times of India and India Today were the
only two outstation papers that reached my village, and gave
me an insight into the outside world. Some of my
most-respected colleagues have worked with the Times of India.

But it would be hypocritical not to state that we do have
mixed feelings about your decision to finally set up base in
our small place.

  We feel flattered by your decision to finally
  consider Goa worthy enough as a media-market worthy
  of your attention. But, we have reason to feel
  unsure about the impact your arrival here will have
  on both the profession of journalism as also the
  media industry as a whole.

Some of my colleagues argue that your entry here would mean
a great deal of relief to under-paid, overworked journalists
in Goa. Others see your arrival here as a reason for
increasing media penetration and readership, reaching out to
youth and neo-settlers in Goa, creating a bigger market,
improve the salaries of journalists and the operations of ad
agencies or improved national and international coverage
(together with more sensational news, and more Page 3
splashes). Optimists see the arrival of the ToI into Goa as
possibly contributing to better proof-reading, more
application of the RTI Act, better advertising, better
sponsorships (the equivalent of Ganesh in Goa), synergies
with other members of your media empire (on the web with
Indiatimes, and on radio with Radio Mirchi, and in the world
of music with Times Music). But is the job of a newspaper one
of staging great year-end parties? Hardly so

  We are already seeing the impact of the Times
  impact being felt here. To begin, the most obvious
  impact is the fact that journalist salaries are
  going up in Goa. Phenomenally.

In a way, the salaries on the media front in Goa have long
needed an upgrade. Things have stagnated for long. There has
been little media expansion since 1987 in the
English-language print media here (since the birth of
Gomantak Times). But should the hike in salaries come the ToI

Yes, low and stagnant salaries have been a problems here. It
has forced many journos into changing their profession or
even going into a kind of exile. Journalists have become a
major export 'commodity' from Goa today. Whether they settle
in Mumbai or the Gulf, or even places as unexpected as
Bangkok, Sydney and Papua New Guinea, they have had to
migrate far and wide to get access to better jobs.

This is not a healthy situation.

Now, the situation has drastically changed. We are hearing of
Rs 30,000+ and Rs 40,000+ salaries for mid-career
professionals. Not too long back, Rs 12,000 was considered
quite significant by Goan standards. In other sectors, the
depressed Goan market pays people with our educational
background around Rs 5,000 to 12,000. It is only a few of the
entertainment-oriented, tech-focussed or black-money flush
sectors that can pay higher salaries.

  So what effect will the hiked salaries have on the
  media industry as a whole? Will they create 'gilded
  cages' which people can't afford to leave? Will it
  heighten the servility that media-persons have to
  toe? Will it lead to the collapse of one or more
  newspaper in the State?

As one editor-friend put it, those changing jobs primarily
due to the high-salaries bait might just be pricing
themselves out of the market. While media houses obviously
don't want to lose their staff, I suspect he just might be

Trading high salaries for a lack of freedom -- as has been
the case -- is counterproductive to both the journalist's
self-esteem and the wider newspaper business as a whole.

On this score, the Times has still to prove its bonafides. It
needs to reassure the journalist community as well as the
English-language newspaper reader in Goa that its high-salary
gambit is not just meant to destroy the competition. Big
business from Boribunder should desist from playing the role

[Goanet] Qatar's first church sparks bitter debate

2008-02-18 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

Simon D'Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Qatar's first church sparks bitter 

  Note from  NRI-Qatar Goans yahoo group moderator - An article on Qatar Church 
field  by AFP agency - but the writer has got  the church name wrong instead of 
St. Mary it should have read as Our Lady of the Rosary church.
  Keyword: Qatar-religion-Christianity-church FEATURE
  Headline:  Qatar's first church sparks bitter debate
  by Faisal Baatout
  DOHA, Feb 16, 2008 (AFP) - A bitter debate has broken out in the tiny, 
oil-rich Gulf state of Qatar over construction of the Muslim country's first 
Christian church, set to open next month in time for Easter.
  Critics have branded the concept as repulsive while supporters said 
building places of worship for other religions is a right guaranteed by Islam.
  One former minister insisted there should have been a public referendum.
  The cross should not be raised in the sky of Qatar, nor should bells toll in 
Doha, wrote columnist Lahdan bin Issa al-Muhanadi in the Doha daily 
Al-Arab—adding an apology in case the concept upset any readers in this country 
of 900,000, of whom only 200,000 are native Qataris.
  But the former dean of the sharia (Islamic law) school at Qatar University, 
Abdul Hamid al-Ansari, disagreed, saying having places of worship for various 
religions is a fundamental human right guaranteed by Islam.
  Ansari has written several newspaper articles welcoming the Roman Catholic 
church in Doha, which is called St. Mary's and will be inaugurated on March 15 
by Vatican envoy Cardinal Ivan Dias.
  Four other Christian denominations are also planning to build churches in 
Qatar, whose ruling family and most of its small native population adhere to a 
strict rigorous doctrine of Islam known as Wahhabism.
  Once St. Mary's opens, neighbour Saudi Arabia, which also practises 
Wahhabism, will be the only Arab nation in the Gulf that bans churches.
  Gas-wealthy Qatar has opened up since current ruler and staunch US ally 
Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani seized control and ousted his father in a 
1995 palace coup.
  Qatar's leaders have even hosted Jewish rabbis and Christian clerics 
alongside Muslim religious scholars at annual inter-faith forums.
  But Ansari sees the old influence in the current opposition. He attributes it 
to a fanatic culture resulting from religious teaching (stipulating) hatred 
for the other and from social norms that denied non-Muslims their rights on the 
basis of old political and security considerations that have become obsolete. 
  St. Mary's parish priest, Father Tomasito Veneracion, a Filipino, stressed in 
comments to the daily Al-Raya that the church would be merely a place for 
collective prayer. It would not have crosses outside the building or serve as 
a platform for proselytising.
  It would finally provide a place of worship for those who up to now were 
forced to practise religious rituals at home, he added. And it would be open in 
time for the solemn Easter holyday, which this year falls on March 23.
  For other Christians, construction of an Anglican church will begin in May, 
according to Qatar's Anglican priest Canon William Schwarz. Building has 
already begun on a Greek Orthodox church and another for Copts.
  The Vatican website estimates about 100,000 Qatar residents are Christian. 
Most are Indians, Filipinos, Lebanese and Western nationals who, despite 
praying in private, have celebrated Christmas publicly for about a decade.
  The debate meanwhile has spilled into the letters pages of Doha's dailies.
  Engineer Rashed al-Subaie, in a letter to Al-Watan, agreed Christians should 
be allowed to practise their faith but should do so in line with public morals 
without being given licences to set up places of worship.
  Christians should worship their God in their homes, not publicly, he wrote.
  Lawyer and former justice minister Najib al-Nuaimi also objected to building 
churches in Qatar on legal and social grounds.
  Qatar is a Muslim—not secular—state, as per its constitution. There should 
have been a referendum on the building of these churches in order to ensure 
they are socially accepted, he told AFP.
  But Ansari hit back at those citing Islamic texts to justify their rejection, 
notably Muhanadi who has quoted the Prophet Mohammed saying no two religions 
will come together in the Arabian peninsula.
  This does not mean that churches should be banned in Qatar because (Islamic) 
religious scholars believe it applies to Hijaz—specifically Mecca and Medina, 
Islam's two holiest cities in Saudi Arabia, Ansari said.
  Let's all welcome the presence of churches in Qatar... as a demonstration of 
Islamic tolerance and human brotherhood, he said.

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[Goanet] Forget 'rear' view mirrors, PREVIEW Goa's fate!

2008-02-18 Thread Philip Thomas
See this and weep[Gabriel de Figueiredo]
Try to get over the past, mate, though its not easy. And check out what's in
store for Goa from what is written, directly and indirecly, about it TODAY.
Here is an example from Business Standard about  the bidding for the new
airport in Hyderabad -- which is likely to be repeated in the case of Goa's
Mopa airport:

Sunil Jain: Getting crony capitalism to fly  RATIONAL EXPECTATIONS Sunil
Jain / New Delhi February 18, 2008

To begin with, the bidding itself was curious. The state government owned
the land of the new airport and so carried out the bidding. [and] selected
the [Hyderabad based] GMR group on [this] basis. In Delhi and Mumbai, the
AAI signed the concession[s] since it, not the ministry, owned the airports.
In this case [of Hyderabad], since the AAI couldn't sign, the ministry
helpfully stepped in!  The ministry of civil aviation, which granted the
Hyderabad concession, has actually no right to do so since it doesn't even
own the airport land!

Since the concession was signed with the Government of India's (GOI's)
Ministry of Civil Aviation, the actual negotiations took place with the GoI
and, in the process of negotiating with the GoI, a host of additional
concessions were added on. [The old] Airports Authority of India [Begumpet]
airport, which serviced around 6 million passengers [per year] and gave AAI
annual revenues of around Rs 150 crore, would be closed down. It also
promised no new airport was going to be set up within 150 km of the GMR one
for 25 years. **The aviation policy, on the other hand, allows such airports
to be set up, with some concessions though.** Then, to help make the new
concessionaire make some more money, the concession allowed charging of a
User Development Fee (UDF). Needless to say, if these concessions were known
earlier, others would have liked to bid as well, and perhaps a lot more than
GMR, which is going to give just 4 per cent of its revenues to the AAI.

On the face of it, a UDF seems fair enough and is equivalent to paying tolls
to help fund an expressway. But since a UDF is based on the cost of a
project, it's important to ensure this cost is not over-stated..Essentially,
in sectors where cost-plus regimes are still in vogue, such as in power,
there are elaborate rules/guidelines on how costs are to be
determined/apportioned, but there is nothing of the sort for the UDF in the
concession agreement. The concession is also silent on whether this UDF will
take into account the earnings the GMR group will make from other
airport-related operations.. Big deal, some will say since, under the law,
only the central government has the right to grant licences for setting up
new airports - so, concession or licence, they're both really the same
thing. Well, not really since **a licence does not entail any obligations on
the part of the licensor while a concession does**. It was under the
concession, for instance, that the central government promised to shut down
the existing airport, to give GMR monopoly rights and UDF - and since all
these are in the concession, GMR has a legal right to them. **None of these
sweeteners could have been given under a licence**.
Replace Hyderabad with Goa/ Mopa and you have a pretty good idea of what
is in store for us unless citizens are alert and get things changed
(non-violently). The biggest change to be effected is to switch mindsets
from a Big Bang approach (global hub, A380 airport, two runways, hotel,
mall, expressway etc etc from Day One) to Big oaks from little acorns grow
(safeguard land and use it for night parking, lay a 6000' air strip, run
regional services including cargo, build as you go etc) to ensure Dabolim
does not close, ever. Find the  airport developers (Gopinath  Co, CIAL etc)
who will be willing to do this for Goa and get them to bid. That is the way

Re: [Goanet] Swindon Goans

2008-02-18 Thread Eddie Fernandes

From: Frederick [FN] Noronha *  ???
Could any Goanetter paint a word-picture of Goan migration to Swindon,
of which one has heard a lot over recent years?

Check out the GVUK Swindon supplement at

Eddie Fernandes

[Goanet] Eye Spy appears in Gomantak Times every Monday

2008-02-18 Thread Lionel Messias
*February 18, 2007*

*Eye Spy *

*Lionel Messias*

* *

*Beach of a party*

*For long 5-star hotels using their own staff and social clubs deploying
disinclined students have used beach cleaning as a photo opportunity. Why,
because its only done at the beginning of each tourist season. You never see
starred hotels cleaning their own sea fronts during the season when their
guests are actually dirtying them. That is one of the reasons why Goa's
beaches are dirty 24x7 through the tourist season? The Tourist Department
thinks no and has proof even if it's pure spoof to prove its point. It spent
millions of taxpayers money cleaning the beaches from Pernem to Canacona in
2005-06. *

* *


*Murali Builders (Contractor) Siridao, Bambolim (name of beach) 54777 pm *

*Jan-April 05 (cost with period)   *

*Manguesh K Kaskar, Vagator, Mandrem, Keri, 33300 pm *


*Murali Builders, Bogmalo, Baina, 99777 pm *

*Jan-April 05*

*Rosario Santan Fernandes, Cavelossim, Varca, Fatrade,
Benaulim,   Colva, Betalbatim,
Majorda, Utorda  Velsao, 174,600 pm *

*Jan-April 05   *

*Pratap Virnekar, Anjuna, Arambol, Morjim, 33300 pm *

*Jan-April 05*

*GU Haldankar, Palolem, Agonda, Morjim, 156,000 pm *

*Jan-April 05   *

*Lions Club of Arpora-Nagoa-Parra; Nerul,
Sinquerim,  *

*Candolim, Calangute, 87000 pm *

*Jan-March 05*

*Vinod Kumar Ghanta, Terekhol, Keri, 57300 pm*

*June 3, 05-June 30,

*Roy Vaz, Arambol, 57300 pm   *

*Ref Lite India, Mandrem, 67300


*Ramesh Metals, Morjim, 57300 pm *

*Manguesh Kaskar, Anjuna, Vagator, Ozrant, 105,000 pm*

*Venkateshwara Constr, Calangute, 93000 pm  *

*Pratap Virnekar, Candolim, 86000 pm*

*Ramesh Metals, Nerul, 30850 pm*

*Brian Enterprises, Caranzalem, Dona Paula, 43900 pm  *

*Murali Builders, Bambolim, Siridao, Baina, 114,312 pm*

*RS Fernandes, Velsao, Betalbatim, 113,000*

*Satya Sudhir Ghanta, Colva, 51260 pm*

*Jaju Enterprises, Benaulim, Sernabatim, 57300 pm*

*BR Pereira, Zalor, Fatrade, Varca, 44750 pm *

*Juveena Vaz, Cavelossim, 44700 pm *

*Gauresh Naik, Betul, Canaguinim, Cabo de Rama, 43000 pm  *

*GU Haldankar, Patnem, Talpona, Galgibag, Agonda, Pallolem, 113,000 pm

*(Where dates not mentioned, the period is June 3, '05 to June 30, '06) *

* *

*Murphy's Law*

*Though, I asked for details of workers employed, some figures were not
given implying the department did not care to know how its money was spent.
The tenders awarded to Bogmolo-Baina boggles the imagination because Baina
beach is a virtual open-air toilet on one half while the other half has no
tourists, no shacks and no restaurants. It never had. Therefore there's no
cause to term it beach cleaning as you and I know and understand it. The
half that is not used as an open air toilet is used by fishermen to keep
their canoes and boats. Murali Builders was inexplicably paid big money to
clean beaches where comparatively few tourists go (or none go as in the case
of Baina and Bambolim) whereas in beaches where thousands of tourists throng
almost till midnight, less money was spent. It doesn't make sense. Maybe for
the tourism department, Murphy's Law operates: the lesser a beach is used,
the more dirty it gets, so you pay more!  *

* *

*Taken to the cleaners*

*Since the government works in mysterious ways, forgive me for stretching
the possibilities a bit. Is it possible the Ghanta's are related or are the
same person that would then make one of them a benami name? Agonda has less
than a handful of hotels and no beach life –it has two beach pubs. Yet it
was clubbed with Pallolem and Galibag and a huge (second highest) tender
awarded. Then the following year Patnem and Talpona were added for a lesser
tender cost but a 13-month period against the earlier period of four months.
If this is not Murphy's Law than it has to be plain and simple mockery of
your tax money. Also, compare the two Calangute tenders, price wise and the
number of workers employed, and you stay convinced none of this makes sense.

* *

*Numerology, perhaps? *

*Forgive me for suspecting too, that the contractors appear to have applied
numerology to their equations. Thus, it appears Murali Builders may have a
penchant for the figures '777' and for the number 9. Because, in 54,777, 5
and 4 add up to 9 and this number appears twice in 99,777. And he may have
applied the so-called science when he quoted the figure '114312.' Numerology
again, because 1,1,4 add up to 6, while 3,1,2 also add up to 6. Else, how
could Murali Builders end up with the number '2' in a straightforward
quotation where no percentages are involved or VAT is levied. Or could it be
just cooking the books as they say, almost contemptuously. In 2006-07 beach
cleaning was not tendered and for 2007-08 the tenders have just been
forwarded to the 


2008-02-18 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM FEB 18: After about two months the forest department was
today able to catch a male leopard at Kudchirem Bicholim.

It may be recalled that leopards had created havoc in Bicholim since
last several months. Several people from Bicholim had spotted the
leopard and it had also tried to attack some in Bicholim. Earlier, the
Animal Rescue Squad from Bicholim had caught a leopard but it escaped
after breaking himself free.

Today at night the leopard was caught at Kudchirem in the cage placed
by the forest department some two months back. On receiving the
information the Range forest officer, Pradeep Verekar rushed to the
spot. The incident was kept secret and the wild cat was taken to the
Bondla wild life sanctuary.

Speaking to Herald the Animal Rescue Squad chief, Amrut Singh told
that there is a possiblaity of more leopards still in Bicholim and
still the forest department has placed two cages at Lamgao and
Kudchirem. Today the leopard that is caught is not the one that
escaped earlier by breaking the cage Amrut Singh explained adding a
female leopard and cubs would still be there in the area.

[Goanet] Goa to have 40 knowledge centres

2008-02-18 Thread Goanet News

Goa to have 40 knowledge centres

Special Correspondent

IT training must for government staff

PANAJI: The Goa Government has decided to make knowledge of
information technology (IT) mandatory for government employment and
proposed to set up 40 knowledge centres in towns and villages cross
the State to impart training in information technology.

Goa Minister for Information Technology Dayanand Narvekar told
presspersons here on Friday that there was a plan to have a
public-private-participation project to set up knowledge centres that
would impart training in information technology at a nominal fee.

Mr. Narvekar said the Planning Commission had sanctioned Rs. 35 crore
to the State for its e-governance project.

The State had initiated an ambitious e-governance project to reach the
broadband network to gram panchayats.

The Minister said the Government distributed 75,000 computers to
students under the Cyberage scheme. But no effort had been made to
train people in computers.

Mr. Narvekar said there were plans to set up three more information
technology parks in north Goa. The Government would take local MLAs
and various public bodies into confidence before taking up the
projects, he added.

Re: [Goanet] See this and weep

2008-02-18 Thread Floriano_GMAIL
Try telling this to Lambert Mascarenhas  Co. (freedom fighters) including
Dr. J C Almeida. :-))
The world is rocking today appreciating what KOSOVO has done to itself.
Hopefully,  Goans will not even stir for another whole century cause they
have been adequately anesthesised


- Original Message -
From: Gabriel de Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] See this and weep


 What you've said in the first sentence is laudable.
 I've said something similar in the past ...

 --- Rajan P. Parrikar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Joining the Indian Union in 1961 without any
  safeguards in
  place was the kiss of death for Goa and Goans.  The
  are coming home to roost now after 40 years.

[Goanet] Gandhi

2008-02-18 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

Dear Victor,


This has reference to your message titled Gandhi (Message no 7 dated Sunday
17 February 2008) regarding book authored by Pamela Mountbatten. 


Victor, I have already answered you. Buy the book, read it and if you don't
understand something from that book and to get explanation from horses mouth
you could write to Pamela directly. 


If you find the book too costly to buy, please try if you can get low cost
edition of this book which I am not aware off and still if you don't want to
buy the book...forget it. With this explanation I would rather say you can
continue to wait for weeks, months, and years holding your breath or


Remember one thing. To get educated one has to spend by way of purchasing
books, news papers, journals, magazines, etc. 


Best regards,


Dr. U. G. Barad



Here are follow up messages of Victor and my response to them: 


Victor wrote: Dear Dr. Barad,


   It is now a week since I asked you to provide us with the exact words
Pamela Mountbatten used, that led you to make certain derogatory remarks
about persons who are dead, and so not able to defend themselves against
lies and calumnies.

   Have you found the passage yet? Do you think you will ever find it?
Are you hoping Goanetters will forget what you wrote, if you duck the issue
long enough?

   Come on, Dr. Barad! We are waiting for your answer. Fortunately, we
are not holding our breath, or we could die of asphyxiation.

   Best possible personal regards,

   Victor Rangel-Ribeiro


Victor Rangel-Ribeiro wrote: Dear Dr. Barad,

  I have no interest in  buying Pamela Mountbatten's book. You made a
statement that you claim is based on that book. It is up to you to prove the
truth of that claim --- if it is based on that book, please cite the exact
passage that is relevant. You can quote up to 400 words without violating
copyright laws.


  So  please go to it. We are waiting.

  Victor Rangel-Ribeiro


Dr. U. G. Barad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Dear Victor,


Please buy the book authored by Pamela Mountbatten titled India Remembered:
A Personal Account of the Mountbatten's During the Transfer of Power. The
book is available in India as well as abroad. You can also order the book

online. The book cost just US $ 25.55. 


Once you read that book you will get much more info than what I had written
in my message earlier. I am sure the book will reply your - paraphrase -
quarry and much more. And after reading the book, if you still have
difference of opinions please write to author Pamela directly. 


Mr. Victor, for your information, I know am writing to secular public forum
i.e. Goanet and not pleading any case in any law courts to prove my point..


Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad



Victor Rangel-Ribeiro, under message No 7, dated Sat, February 2008 in
Goanet Digest, Vol 3, issue 164, writes to me: Dear Dr. Barad,


To illustrate and prove your point, will you please quote the exact words
Pamela Mountbatten used in her book? Don't paraphrase what she wrote; just
give us the exact passage you have relied on?





[Goanet] Pandemonium at Nerul gram sabha (Gomantak Times)

2008-02-18 Thread Goanet News
Pandemonium at Nerul gram sabha (Gomantak Times)

By a Staff Reporter

PANJIM: Expressing lack of confidence in the panch members comprising
of Nerul gram panchayat, the Gram Sabha which met here yesterday
demanded that the same be dissolved an an administrator be appointed
to oversee its affairs.

Locals attending teh gram sabha questioned panchayat secretary
Prashant Naik as to why he had not registered the resolutions taken at
the previous session of the gram sabha.

This led to vocal protests at the gram sabha.

Sensing that the situation was gradually getting out of hand,
mamlatdar Ganesh Navelkar and PI Sudesh Narvekar intervened and tried
to pacify the crowd.

It was only when they failed in their efforts that the mamlatdar
ordered that the gram sabha be adjourned.

This provoked the locals attending the aforesaid gram sabha, to demand
the dissolution of the Nerul grampanchayat and that an administrator
be appointed to oversee its affairs.

Locals who had attended the proceedings of the gram sabha with the
hope of getting their grievances redressed went home a disappointed
lot. In the same breath, locals unanimously resolved to form 'Nerul
Bachao Abhiyan' to fight for the genuine rights of Nerul residents.

Former Nerul sarpanch Shashikala Govekar, Uday Desai, Shiru Shirodkar
were instrumental in spearheading the demand for the dissolution of
the Nerul panchayat.

Meanwhile similar scenes were witnessed at Pilerne gram sabha over the
issue of passing the annual budget.

Police personnel had to intervene for restoring order at the meet.
Trouble started when Pilerne deputy sarpanch Ramakant Malik turned
down the locals' demand of repeating the speech relating to the budget
which could not be audible in view of the power failure.

However, amidst repeated demands from locals that the passing of
budget be postponed by another 15 days, Malik had no option other than
to comply with this demand.

Pilerne panch members wer ealso grilled by locals over issues like
garbage disposal and related matters. ENDS Gomantak Times, Feb 18,

[Goanet] [Fwd: Want to donate blood? Need Blood Donors? Just SMS]

2008-02-18 Thread Clinton Vaz

Dear Goanetters,

I thought i should share this with the rest of you, should you need 
blood and don't have anyplace to get it from. You could also sign up as 
a donor on this webiste.


Dear Clinton Vaz

In our endeavour to facilitate easy registration and availability of Blood 
Donors to the people of India , www.indianblooddonors.com has SMS enabled 
its helpline. With this initiative, getting donors and signing up to 
become a donor is merely a matter of a brief SMS.

Want to Donate Blood ? Just SMS

SMS DonorSpaceYour City STD CodeSpaceBlood GroupSpaceYour Name to 

Sample SMS Donor 022 B Positive Khushroo then Send to 5676775

Need Voluntory Blood Donors? Just SMS

SMS BloodSpaceYour City STD CodeSpaceBlood GroupSpaceYour Name to 

Sample SMS Blood 022 B positive Khushroo then Send to  5676775

You have got this mail as you are not registered on Indianblooddonors.com. 
Please forward this mail to all your contacts. You never know when you can 
help save a life.

Its all about saving a life.

[Goanet] An open letter to the Times of India

2008-02-18 Thread Philip Thomas
What a long winded, repetitive letter! Is the author some kind of god father
of Goa's print media? Why hit the panic button so hard? I was interested in
the repeated references to boosting of local journo salaries but nothing at
all about honorariums to contributors. One local paper pays zilch to folks
like me who have contributed and published 10 articles in 4 months. A TOI
affiliate used to send me Rs 2K per published piece --- 10 years ago. Here I
have not even got the courtesy  of an acknowledgement or a word of
appreciation. Btw, the typo editing has certainly improved in this paper of
late. Thank heaven for small mercies.


2008-02-18 Thread Shanti Dhoot

We now have in Goa a big shark, namely the Old Lady of

Causing a certain amount of awe, legitimate concern and

Goans like Clare Mendonca and Frank Moraes* 

Have contributed much to this paper in their days,

And as Fred** says, the arrival of the Times of India should not mean plunder.


(*Clare Mendonca was
an outstanding Film critic and, at their inception, there was talk of naming
the Film Awards Clare Awards instead of Filmfare Awards; Frank Moraes was the
first Indian editor of the Times of India, an outstanding journalist in his own

**Fred Noronha in his
open letter to the Times of India dated February 18, 2008)

[Goanet] KONKANI in WORLD RECORDS - Singing marathon record smashed!

2008-02-18 Thread Ancy D'Souza
Singing marathon record smashed!

Singing marathon record smashed!
At 10pm on Sunday 27th January 2008 a new Guinness World Record for
the Longest Singing Marathon by Multiple Singers was achieved by the
Mandd Sobhann Cultural Organisation, in Managalore, India. The
stunning 40-hour record was achieved without any rest breaks by a
continuous stream of 44 different groups consisting of 1,711 singers
belting out 645 songs in the Konkani language.

A record of this magnitude is just as much a test of logistical and
organisational skills as it is singing durability - the attempt took
almost a year of meticulous planning to succeed!

As Guinness World Records adjudicator, Keith Pullin, announced that a
new record had been set, the vast crowd at the Kalaangann (the world's
only Konkani Heritage centre) erupted in deafening applause and
cheers, as the organisers danced and embraced with unbridled tears of
joy and relief. Fireworks, confetti, and tickertape filled the warm
night sky as singers, musicians and spectators partied into the
morning of a brand new, world-record-holding-day.

30 January 2008
(c) Copyright Guinness World Records 2008

This news link is awailable at


Forwarded By:
Ancy S. D'Souza, Paladka
E2-139 Diwan Apt III
Vasai Road East
Thane Dist - 401 210
Tel: 0250-2390225
Cell: 9320733213, 9323299570, 9892917888

Re: [Goanet] Gandhi

2008-02-18 Thread Seb dc
One thing i can't understand is: 'Why quote someone, when u cannot provide
what is required' I for one has been anxiously waiting to hear from Dr.
Barad. but now it seems he has given the slip Better luck next time
Victor !!

 Dear Victor,
 Victor, I have already answered you. Buy the book, read it and if you
 understand something from that book and to get explanation from horses
 you could write to Pamela directly.

 Remember one thing. To get educated one has to spend by way of purchasing
 books, news papers, journals, magazines, etc.

Ok for education i can understand, but what about quoting someone, that too
without proper...:-) Need i say more. Nice duck doc!!


[Goanet] Even more on Surviving Wedding Receptions

2008-02-18 Thread Cecil Pinto
Even more on Surviving Wedding Receptions
Third in a series of reviews by the author himself
By Cecil Pinto

We return to the wedding reception from where we left it, or rather we
return to Cecil Pinto's bestselling book, Surviving Goan Catholic
Wedding Receptions: A must-have Manual and Guide. Verbatim excerpts
from the book, in sequential order of chapters.

Quote from Chapter 8, Watered down Whiskey.
Along with the snacks is served the first round of beverages. Waiters
come around with huge rectangular wooden trays holding glasses
containing – multi coloured aerated soft drinks, beer, and whiskey
pre-mixed with soda. Held at the correct angle one might discern a
faint golden hue from this soda-ed down drink, but considering that
the ratio of whiskey to soda is about 1:28 don't be too hopeful. You
will have to consume about 14 of these whiskey glasses to get the
equivalent of one peg into your system. And think of the trips to the
urinals. One is always then in a quandary whether to position oneself
closer to the bar or closer to the toilets. Experienced wedding
drinkers keep good insider contact with a waiter to get them stiffer
mixtures. Some weddings have a second choice of Rum, Gin or Brandy,
but rarely Feni. Why our state drink is no longer served at weddings
remains an enigma, or for that matter why the MC speaks in English and
not Konkani.

Don't be shocked at seeing young teenage boys drinking beer quite
openly. This is quite the norm at Goan Catholic celebrations and
parents turn a benevolent blind eye to this in the spirit of the
occasion. The more enterprising among the teenagers get a cooperative
waiter to pour some whiskey into their beer. Some parents can't figure
out why their teenage son is using the most foul words and puking all
the way home, when all he had was two glasses of beer. The mayonnaise,
pronounced minus, is often unfairly blamed for this effect.

Quote from Chapter 9,Bazooka in your face.
Somewhere in the mid 1980s when video cameras (VHS format) first made
their appearance in Goa it has been convention to have a videographer
record every excruciating detail of the wedding for generations to
laugh at. Just when you're on your 26th glass of watered down whiskey,
and telling everyone at the table a naughty anecdote about when you
and the second bridesmaid were dating, a glaring bright light will
spotlight your table and stop all conversation. As the cameraman pans
around capturing everyone at the table you are expected to maintain a
deadpan expression and remain absolutely still. Smiling or taking a
sip from your glass is absolute taboo at this point. Do you want to be
remembered for generations as the guy who was drinking and talking and
enjoying himself at the wedding?

If this isn't intrusive enough there's more to come. Soon after you've
served yourself at the buffet and are stuffing yourself silly the
videographer and his assistant will ambush you from nowhere and
suddenly you will find yourself struggling to swallow a large piece of
roast tongue in the full glare of a bright light held by the grinning
assistant. Please resist the impulse to strangle the assistant or the
cameraman with the loads of coiled cable they always seem to be
carrying around.

Quote from Chapter 10, Grin and bear the flash.
While the videographer at a wedding is intruding on and irritating the
guests, and interrupting every aspect of the wedding, the still
photographer is busy staidly 'documenting' the occasion. Please be
nice to the man. He has been up since afternoon faithfully recording
the 'blessings' at both houses and has witnessed the expected inter
and intra family conflicts from then on right through the nuptials and
here. And he's supposed to grin and bear it all too. Remember the
still photographer is not meant to be artistic or catch candid
moments. His job is to neutrally document (as in documentary) all
important aspects of the wedding and give these photos to the couple
later in a standard wedding album with as little variation as possible
from any other wedding album. Champagne Uncorking, Cake Cutting,
Toast, Replying to Toast, First Steps, Buffet Examination,
Brides's Extended Family etc etc.

God forbid that he takes a candid photo of the little flower girl
playing with the confetti on the floor, or the cute little page boy
lying fast asleep across two plastic chairs or the elderly uncle
grinning apologetically as he tries to carry five whiskey glasses at
one go. We can't have such fun stuff in the wedding album can we? No!
The photographers job is to provide serious posed stiff photos that
can be used to settle any family conflicts later. The candid shots can
be done by the guests with their mobiles and compact digital cameras.

Quote from Chapter 11, Cha.. Cha.. Cha..nge the music
We are approaching the point where the wedding is slowly but certainly
taking on a life of its own. Enough alcohol has been consumed for
inhibitions to loosen. The bachelors and spinsters with 


2008-02-18 Thread airesrod
On a visit to Goa Medical College, Bambolim, to see a
friend who is hospitalised it was devastating to learn
that in Room no 7 of ward 121 which happens to be a
private ward, a stinking dead rat has been lying
unattended for the last three days. I was further
informed that rats are all over the ward as the
grilles covering the drains in most of the rooms have
fallen apart. Good sanitation has to emanate from
every corner of our hospitals. Maybe before we get rid
of the rats we may have to deal with those brats
responsible for the total decay of Goa’s public health
care system while promising super speciality care for
the Aam Aadmi. 

When he was Chief Minister, Mr. Pratapsingh Rane after
his jaunt to Singapore decided that the colour of the
uniform of Goa’s cops should change. Recently Health
Minister Vishwajit Rane accompanied by a fleet of
doctors had a week long jaunt in Dubai at our expense.
We have to wait and see what changes will be
introduced at Goa Medical College. If they are able to
get rid of the rats it would be a commendable
achievement. The rats could shift base to the Porvorim
Secretariat to keep an eye over an aged senior
government officer who is reportedly spending late
nights in the office in a much extended honeymoon

Aires Rodrigues

Yahoo! Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Try it

[Goanet] Special Seminar issue on SEZs

2008-02-18 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
The special issue of seminar on SEZs has gone on

Question everything -- Karl Marx

Re: [Goanet] Of Goans and non Goans

2008-02-18 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
On 15/02/2008, Philip Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have not been really able to understand what the Goans are agitating
  about. OK may be SEZs were pushed through in obscene haste. But I still dont

Goan protest is a very complex phenomenon. It's almost as if we are
making up for lost time during the Salazar years ... and that was a
long time indeed!

To one section, it is a rearguard action against the loss of
priviledge they had in colonial times. You can read this in some of
the posts on Goanet too. As you would notice, the priviledged sections
(both Catholic and Hindu) have a grouse against the military action of
1961, because this, among other things, opened the flood-gates of
bahujan empowerment (though with a communal edge at times). It's
almost as if sucking-up to the ruling elite (of whatever creed or
colour) is no longer the domain of a tiny-elite.

There are others who feel the pressures of the decisions of the
political elite on their natural resources they have long depended on,
on their natural resources-based lifestyle. A few other protests have
been spearheaded by a generation of student activists that got their
baptism of fire in the 'seventies, when there was a considerable
amount of student turmoil here. Quite a bit of 'activism' is also
generated by paranoia over a change in the possible demography of the

Some protest is also fuelled by political parties and the agendas of
individual politicians. For instance, the Medium of Instruction and
anti-KRC campaigns got an undeniable filip by dissidence within the
Congress, and the ambitions of particular politicians to upstage the
chief minister(s) of that time.

Nowadays, we are seeing some amount of  protest being fuelled by the
ambitions of one-man (and his backers) to reclaim the
chief-ministership that he had claimed using a mix of treachery and
deliberately-fuelled ambitions. Needless to say, the
corruption-fuelled style of Congress politics will also ensure that it
runs into the brakes of protest and agitation sooner or later.

But it helps to understand what fuels the agitations here, as you ask. FN
Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org

[Goanet] Birthday Greetings to Mr.Conceicao Teotonio Gomes....... (Nuvem/Kuwait)

2008-02-18 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com
  We, the Commitee and all the members,
   of Nuvem-Kuwait Parishioners (NKP) 
  wish our President 
  Mr. Conceicao Teotonio Gomes 
  (18th February 2008)
  Bhesanv tumcher poddum re!
  Ad multos anos.
  Lino G. Fernandes
  Gen. Secretary
  Nuvem-Kuwait Parishioners (NPK)

Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[Goanet] Do you have High Blood Pressure ? Then, Use Herbs and Spices Instead of Salt

2008-02-18 Thread edward lopes
Use Herbs and Spices Instead of Salt

[image: Illustration of basil leaves]*Basil:* Use in soups, salads,
vegetables, fish, and meats.

*Cinnamon:* Use in salads, vegetables, breads, and snacks.

*Chili Powder:* Use in soups, salads, vegetables, and fish.

[image: Illustration of a jar of oregano]*Cloves:* Use in soups, salads, and

*Dill Weed and Dill Seed:* Use in fish, soups, salads, and vegetables.

*Ginger:* Use in soups, salads, vegetables, and meats.

*Marjoram:* Use in soups, salads, vegetables, beef, fish, and chicken.

*Nutmeg:* Use in vegetables, meats, and snacks.

[image: Illustration of parsley]*Oregano:* Use in soups, salads, vegetables,
meats, and chicken.

*Parsley:* Use in salads, vegetables, fish, and meats.

*Rosemary:* Use in salads, vegetables, fish, and meats.

*Sage:* Use in soups, salads, vegetables, meats, and chicken.

*Thyme:* Use in salads, vegetables, fish, and chicken.

 *Note:* To start, use small amounts of these herbs and spices to see if you
like them.

[Goanet] Quick step or jive ?

2008-02-18 Thread Gabe Menezes
All the bands were playing this in Goa



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO:Medicine Safety:making it a reality in our homes.

2008-02-18 Thread Goa Desc
Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO

Dear Cybergaonkars on Goanet,

We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 22nd February from 4pm. to 6pm.
at Goa Desc Resource Centre
No. 11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa Goa.

TOPIC: Medicine Safety:making it a reality in our homes.
SPEAKER: Open Discussion

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the Friday Balcao event
but if you cannot attend, then please send your
views and action plan suggestions by post to
FRIDAY BALCAO Post Box 78, Mapusa 403 507
or by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

best wishes,

Roland Martins

Don't miss out on the discussion. Information is power,
Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy

[Goanet] Press Note from St Joseph High School, Arpora

2008-02-18 Thread C Fernandes



Lyons Association (Past Students of St Joseph’s High
School, Arpora) meet on 24th February 2008.

The Principal, Fr Simao Rodrigues invites you, our
dear Lyons -The Past students of St Joseph’s High
School, Arpora (The First English Medium High School
of Goa, Established in 1887) for a General Body
meeting on 24th February 2008 at 11:00 am at Holy
Trinity Church Community Hall, Arpora-Nagoa-Bardez-Goa
(next to Corporation Bank, Nagoa-Bardez).  You deserve
to meet your classmates and recall your golden school
days.  We wish to revive the Lyons Association to
achieve our goal: to maintain, foster and achieve the
values of the school motto “CIBARIA NECESSARIA SUMITE
ET ABITE”, by adopting our revised ad-hoc
Constitution.  Plans for future program will be
discussed.  Please confirm your attendance on school
telephone number (0832) 2276689 or send email to:

Fr Simao Rodrigues
St Josephs’ High School, Arpora
Telephone No: (0832) 2276689



[Goanet] GOANETTERS IN THE NEWS: Peter Nazareth...

2008-02-18 Thread Goanet News
Ugandan Born UI Professor Enlivens Classes with His Multi-cultural Heritage
Although he left Uganda in the 1970s, Peter Nazareth brings his
multi-cultural background to world literature classes. (Photo (c)Tom

 On a cool night during the dry season in Uganda, Peter Nazareth had a
dream. He awoke, wrote it down, and included it in his first novel.
Days after its release, Nazareth's dream became reality.

Perhaps it was more of a nightmare that Nazareth, former senior
finance officer of Uganda, had dreamed of and accurately predicted the
former Ugandan president's decision to expel Asians from Uganda. This
expulsion was the handiwork of Idi Amin, who grabbed power in 1971.
Nazareth's book, In a Brown Mantle, published in 1972, was prophetic.
Nazareth, 32 at the time, was initially surprised by the power of his
own book. Thirty-five years and a curriculum vitae of 62 pages later,
Nazareth is confident literature is powerful beyond its author's

Many, many writers have had this experience, said Nazareth, a
professor of English at the University of Iowa. I was astounded by

 In a Brown Mantle was so powerful that it became Nazareth's vehicle
to a new career and country. Yale University offered Nazareth a
fellowship shortly after the novel's release. With intentions of one
day living in Uganda again, Nazareth moved to the United States.
Nazareth was glad to leave Uganda, which was chaotic and ambiguous.

Although Nazareth was not directly targeted by Amin's oppression, he
was stateless. Nazareth did not return to live in Uganda, yet he did
not abandon it.

Every writer discovers at a certain stage that you get to a point
where, in order to expand and even do things for your culture, you
have to be someplace else, said Nazareth. I didn't give up writing
as a Ugandan for Uganda, but I expanded it. It's become broader and I
am able to dance around to a different perspective here and different
perspective there.

PHOTO: Peter Nazareth with Kenyan journalist Peter Kimani and UI
International Writing Program alumnus Kirpal Singh of Singapore, at
the book release party in November 2007 for Creating a Nation Through
Poetry. (Photo (c)Tom Langdon).

 Fusing Life and Literature

 Nazareth does this through his writing and English classes at the university.

 One of the things being multicultural allows him to do is see all
the angles, said Colin Grask, 21, an English major at the UI and a
student of Nazareth's.

 Grask said Nazareth has discussed his Ugandan origin not only in his
African literature class but in many of his classes, which range in
topic from classical American literature to Singapore literature,
which was born in 1965 when Singapore gained its independence from

Nazareth usually can find some connection to whatever type of writing
he teaches, and he often uses his own family as a jumping-off point
for class discussions. Nazareth's mother is the eldest of 14 children.
Nazareth's grandfather, Mathias Francis Gomes, had three children with
his first wife. Most of Gomes's 17 offspring are now married to people
of different cultures. Chinese, Portuguese, Eurasian, Indonesian, and
Filipino are just a few leaves on Nazareth's cultural family tree. And
the tree branches to different religions, too. Many of Nazareth's
family members have married into new religions, including Islam and

In a recent class, Nazareth's slip-on tennis shoes shuffled across the
tile floor as he described his Uncle Jerry to his Singapore literature
students before transitioning to an open discussion on the
significance of a character's name in Suchen Christine Lim's Fistful
of Colours. Nazareth's eyes looked upwards in thought beneath
permanently arched eyebrows as he listened to students' input.

 Students said they appreciate Nazareth's teaching style, in which he
fuses storytelling and in-depth analysis of literature.

 He doesn't come in and lecture at you, said Grask. He teaches you
about the book that you're reading and the ideas, not only the ones
that are at the surface but the ones that are way below. And then he
finds a way to relate that to real life.

 Appreciating Elvis

 Nazareth has never written an autobiography, but pieces of his life
are tucked into everything he does. For example, Nazareth said he and
many Africans grew up listening to country singers like Roy Rogers and
Gene Autry. Nazareth started listening to Elvis Presley in 1957 and
was surprised to learn that Presley grew up with the same music he

 Nazareth teaches a class on Presley, which has received worldwide
media attention, including from World News Tonight with Peter
Jennings, The Today Show, As It Happens of Canada, and National Public
Radio. The class, Elvis as Anthology, focuses on Presley's
relationship to African American history, social change, and
aesthetics. It focuses not just on Elvis, but on other artists who

[Goanet] Daily Haiku #18

2008-02-18 Thread Francis Rodrigues



made merry
at martin's corner,
with chris perry
and lorna.

Aunty, Famous Indians, Haiku, Churchill cartoons, etc.


[Goanet] Another English Daily from Goa - Times of India

2008-02-18 Thread JoeGoaUk

Another English Daily from Goa - Times of India

Which also means our monthly newspaper bill will increase by another say Rs.115
to about Rs.410 assuming TOI is sold at Rs.3.

TOI may take sometime to catch up with local readers as readers may look at as
national newspaper. 

The New TOI will be housed in this new building, entire basement (some of you
already saw this pic about 18 months ago -whilst under contruction). The new
premises may be innaugurted anytime now as everything seems to be ready.

Check it here:
 nite view

It's on the DB Road to Miramar beach or opp Goa Mariott Road or next to Dr.
Rufino or very close to Magson superstore or Mom's Kitchen.

I think, the first floor of the same building house offices of one of the Goa's
FM Radio.

  for Goa  NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

Sent from Yahoo! Mail - a smarter inbox http://uk.mail.yahoo.com

[Goanet] Goa news for February 19, 2008

2008-02-18 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa govt issues showcause notice to Manyata - Times of
[15 hours ago]  PANAJI: After deciding to put the registration
of Sanjay Dutts marriage in Goa on hold, the state government on
Monday issued a showcause notice to Manyata ...

*** Karnataka takes title - Hindu
[4 hours ago]  KOCHI: Karnataka, with an all-win record,won the
South Zone under-25 limited-overs cricket championship which
concluded in Goa on Monday. ...

*** Next elections will be held in re-drawn constituencies of
Goa - Navhind Times
[Feb 16, 2008]  Panaji, Feb 16 The state joint chief electoral
officer, Mr KB Surjuse today said that Goa along with rest of
the country would have to conduct its next ...

*** Goa - A Beach Paradise! - Mangalorean.com
[Feb 17, 2008]  By Deepak Pereira, Oman [ Published Date:
February 17, 2008 ] Goa is located on the west coast of India
also known as the Konkan coast. ...

*** Sesa Goa Rises on Expectation It May Raise Ore Prices
(Update1) - Bloomberg
[16 hours ago]  18 (Bloomberg) -- Sesa Goa Ltd., India's
biggest non- state iron ore exporter, rose in Mumbai trading on
expectation it will raise prices for Japanese ...

*** Looking for price agreement between BHP  Rio: Sesa Goa -
[17 hours ago]  Commenting on this price hike, PK Mukherjee,
MD, Sesa Goa said that the hike is largely a function of the
demand-supply situation. ...

*** John 00 Fleming - Central Station
[1 hour ago]  Another misconception about Goa Trance is that it
was mainly Indians behind it. The British notoriously head to
Spain for holidays, whereas the Israelis ...

*** Goa needs expert chess coaches, says R Gokhale - Navhind
[20 hours ago]  by Jovito Lopes Panaji, Feb 17 There is bright
future for chess players in Goa provided there is more
governmental support, parental help and expert ...

*** Goa U-21 down TN, retain national crown - Navhind Times
[20 hours ago]  Margao, Feb 17 Holders Goa retained the
National Under-21 Football Championship for Dutta Roy Trophy
scoring a commanding 2-0 victory over hosts Tamil Nadu ...

*** Goa keeps trophy - Hindu
[Feb 17, 2008]  Madurai: Defending champion Goa extended its
hold on the Dutta Roy Trophy, defeating host Tamil Nadu 2-0 in
the final of the 17th edition of the youth ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] : Please sign this online petition reg attacks on Christians in Orissa

2008-02-18 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Ditto.  I sent same to friends, my wife also signed.  Good luck
  John Monteiro
anand virgincar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear George-bab,I have signed the 
petition as requested . Furthermore ,I have taken the liberty of forwarding the 
appeal to my several hundred friends and colleagues urging them todo the same 
at the earliest. I sincerely hope other fellow Goanetters will follow suit .My 
prayers are always with the Christians ( or for that matter peoples of any 
faith ) who are victims of violenceanywhere in the world.luv and regards, anand 
( Dr Anand Virgincar ) 

Re: [Goanet] Please sign this online petition reg attacks on Christians in Orissa

2008-02-18 Thread George Pinto
Dear Anand

Thank you for signing the petition. May secularism and respect for human rights 
survive inspite of
various fundamentalists currently on the rampage all over the world.


--- anand virgincar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Dear George-bab,
   I have signed the petition as requested. Furthermore ,
   I have taken the liberty of forwarding the appeal to my 
   several hundred friends and colleagues urging them to
   do the same at the earliest.
   I sincerely hope other fellow Goanetters will follow suit.
   My prayers are always with the Christians (or for that
   matter peoples of any faith ) who are victims of violence
   anywhere in the world.
   luv and regards,
  ( Dr Anand Virgincar )

Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the online petition:

Protection of the Rights of the Christian Minorities in Orissa hosted on the 
web by
PetitionOnline.com, the free online petition service, at:


I agree with what this petition says and I am sure you will agree, too.

I request you to go through this Petition and also sign it. Thanks !

Warm wishes,
Fr. Cedric Prakash sj

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PRASHANT - A Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace

Street Address : Hill Nagar, Near Kamdhenu Hall, Drive-in Road, Ahmedabad - 
380052, Gujarat, India
Postal Address : P B 4050, Navrangpura PO, Ahmedabad - 380 009, Gujarat, India

Phone : 91 79 27455913, 66522333
Fax : 91 79 27489018
Email: sjprashant@ gmail.com

[Goanet] Iodine and thyroid cancer in Goa

2008-02-18 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
Iodine and thyroid cancer in Goa

Arora, Raman and Dias, Avril (2007) Iodine and thyroid cancer in Goa.
Online Journal of Health And Allied Sciences, 5 (4). ISSN 0972-5997

Full text available as:
PDF - Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF viewer.
121 Kb

Official URL: http://www.ojhas.org/issue20/2006-4-3.htm

There is a low papillary to follicular ratio in iodine deficient
areas. A study of malignant thyroid tumors done over a period of 4
years in Goa shows that the ratio of papillary to follicular carcinoma
in Goa conforms to a iodine deficient status of the population.
EPrint Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:  Iodine, Thyroid carcinoma, Papillary, Follicular, Goa
Subjects:   Endocrine Diseases  Endocrine Gland Neoplasms 
Thyroid Neoplasms
-Journal Repositories  Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
Endocrine Diseases  Thyroid Diseases  Thyroid Neoplasms
Inorganic Chemicals  Elements  Trace Elements  Iodine
Neoplasms  Neoplasms by Histologic Type  Neoplasms, Glandular and Epithelial
ID Code:2061
Deposited By:   Dr Srinivas Kakkilaya
Deposited On:   16 April 2007

Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490
The Goa books blog: http://goabooks.wordpress.com
Goa1556 (alt.publishing.goa): http://goa1556.goa-india.org

Re: [Goanet] An open letter to the Times of India

2008-02-18 Thread Albert Da Cruz

Dear Fred,

It was interesting reading about the arrival of ToI in Goa.

As you are aware my brother Alfred who lives in Mumbai was one of the first 
non-whites to be recruited as sub-editor cadet for training under the 
English Editor.

I may be wrong as I am relying on my fading memory it was Sir Francis Low.

There were many others in other sections associated with the ToI who worked 
with dedication and loyalty on the Newspaper.

I am delighted to note that the ToI will now be available in Goa as it has 
like other Indian Newspapers, namely the Hindu and the Calcutta Statesman 
most unenvialble reputation.

Best wishes for all young journalist.


Re: [Goanet] Facts v/s Hearsay

2008-02-18 Thread anand virgincar

 Dear Jose-bab,
 As you may have read in the response to your previous post 
 in this thread , it has been suggested that  the Broken Peace 
 report has been discussed threadbare and ad nauseam on
 this forum.
 Not being familiar with the terms used in the statement above,
 I used google search to find the following explanations :
 Threadbare : ineffectively stale , trite or hackneyed.
 Ad nauseam : in reference to a topic or argument that has
 been discussed extensively and repeatedly until everyone is
 tired of it , driven to the point of nausea and nobody cares
 to discuss it anymore.
 Having digested this information ( and not having any reason
 to doubt the word of the person who used these terms with
 respect to the Broken Peace document ) , I had decided to
 abandon all further discussion on this topic in the presumption
 that this forum may not wish to discuss the issue further.
 However , your continuing involvement in this discussion has
 encouraged me to prolong this thread a trite more.
 I thank you for your support and request you to clarify a few
 points you have made so far.
 To recap your comments in respect of Broken peace report :
 JC said ( in his first post ) : Must say that I found this document
 quite horrifying to read.
  JC said ( in his latest post ) :I submit that there is a strong case 
 that can be made out in favour of Hearsay. 
 And all this time, I thought that this was a fact-finding committee.  
 My questions to Jose-bab,
 1 ) Why did you find the document horrifying to read ( I am assuming
 this was when it was first floated on Goanet ) ?
 2 ) Why did you think all this time that this was a fact finding
 committee ?
 3 ) Why do you now submit that there is a strong case for hearsay ?
 4 ) Does your perception regarding the document ( in 1 above ) change 
 now ? If yes , why ? ( and what are your new perceptions on reading
 the document now ) ?
 5 ) In your personal opinion, is there any probability ( or at least any
 possibility ) that any other reader/s of Goanet who have followed this
 thread may have changed their views as you have done ?
 Finally , I would be grateful if more Goanetters would contribute to this
 discussion .
 I have not said ( yet ) whether this report is reasonably accurate or
 significantly flawed . I shall do this in due course and make certain
 observations as to how it has been used by political and other lobbies
 in Goa ( and continues to be used )

 luv and regards,
 ( Dr Anand Virgincar )
Who's friends with who and co-starred in what?

[Goanet] Joseph Furtado (1872-1947)_use of pidgin English in poetry

2008-02-18 Thread Venantius Pinto
About two hours ago, my hand reached out and pulled off one of my
shelves, The Twentieth Century: Indian Poets, chosen and edited by R.
Parthasarathy. Upon closely reading the introduction, learnt that
although some poets had to an extent taken risks in verse; the first
one to really do so was Joseph Furtado (1872-1947). He wrote some
poems in in pidgin or bazaar English, like the 'Fortune-teller' and
'Lakshmi'. But Furtado himself did not use pidgin English exclusively,
except in a few humorous poems. He seemed to have been unaware of the
possibility of its developing into a creole. A pidgin, in any case,
arise under the pressure of practical circumstances in a bilingual
Goan Fiddler: O meri rani, hamko do thoda pani.
Lakshmi: I speak English, saib.
Goan Fiddler: Very well, my English-speaking daughter, give me then a
little water.
Lakshmi: Why little? Drink plenty much. All peoples liking water of this well.
Goan Fiddler: Many thanks, Never thought to find in this
out-of-the-way village a Hindu girl speaking English. And nice English
too you speak, my daughter.
Lakshmi: I going to English School in Poona. 'Smart thing that
gold-smith's daughter', teacher always saying. I no girl, saib, I
Goan Fiddler: I know it, and have a child too--quite a beauty like its
mother. You must let me see it.
Lakshmi: No, no, I have not got child, saib. You made me quite shame.
Where you going saib?

It says further in the introduction, that after Furtado, Ezekiel
(Nizzim) was the only other poet to have seriously considered the use
of pidgin English in a few poems.

Also learnt that Joseph Furtado's poetry is in the following book,
Early Indian Poetry in English : An Anthology: 1829-1947/edited by
Eunice De Souza. New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2005, xxxi, 341
p. ISBN 0-19-567724-2.

One of the two persons to whom Parthasarathy's book is dedicated to is
Lancelot Ribeiro (the painter??).


[Goanet] Corporate exodus: the real reason?

2008-02-18 Thread Philip Thomas
Punjab to take Centre to court on tax breaks Joe C Mathew / New Delhi
February 19, 2008 The Punjab government has decided to oppose the central
government's 2003 area-based tax exemption scheme in the Supreme Court on
the grounds that the policy had resulted in significant revenue erosion and
job losses for itThe state claimed these losses have been caused by
several industries migrating to nearby Himachal Pradesh as a result of this
scheme, which runs till March 2010 Janjua claimed that 90 per cent of
pharmaceutical manufacturing units in Punjab have shifted to areas like the
industrial town of Baddi in the Solan district of Himachal Pradesh. **The
migration of industrial units to tax-free states has drawn complaints from
several chief ministers, including those of Punjab and Andhra Pradesh, and
dozens of Parliamentarians**. The central government's special area-based
exemption package was mainly targeted at hill states (in the north-east,
Uttaranchal, Jammu  Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh) and the Kutch district of
Gujarat to encourage new industrial investment in those regions. All units
set up in these regions between 2003 and 2010 are exempt from excise duty
for 10 years and income tax for the first five years, followed by a 50 per
cent income tax exemption in the remaining five years.  These industrial
units also enjoy concessional central sales tax.

Local reporting about loss of tax revenues in recent years has not
highlighted this aspect though there were some vague hints earlier. Nor have
there been any reports about the Goa government  or its MPs complaining
about the corporate exodus out of the state for tax reasons as other states
and their MPs have reportedly done. Maybe Goa prefers to think that it is
kicking the corporates out -- Pele style!


2008-02-18 Thread edward lopes










[Goanet] A Leader with a regal mien_Times of India, May 29, 1966

2008-02-18 Thread Venantius Pinto
The piece appeared in the Times of India on May 29, 1966. There is a
lot to learn in this piece for politician, clergy and the common man.
I doubt very much whether anyone writes in such an open manner for the
ToI anymore. There are also a number of critical analogies that one
can make through this text with the situation in Goa today. Also do
not miss the tiny bit about model state. Then weep a little -- it
will help to clear sinuses and minds.

This is also a nod to the Times of India, and lovers of the ToI
(although now, it pretty much pg 3 squared many times over) as Goans
attempt to figure out its intentions and interest towards Goa.

A Leader with a regal men
by Pollux

As a campaigner, Dr. Jack de Sequeira, the United Goans leader, can be
ruthless. On the political battlefield he is known to be fearless. In
his public utterances, he has acquired the reputation of being
brutally frank. And yet, even his opponents in politics will concede
that he is a thoroughly likable person.

That is because he does not allow his political prejudices to
degenerate into personal attacks. He likes to hit hard at his
adversaries but he also respects those who give him a good fight. Day
in and day out, he ridicules the leaders of the ruling party in Goa.
And in return, when he earns their wrath and is attacked, he does not
pull a long face. He has an infinite capacity to laugh at his own and
others' foibles.

Once I used to play tennis. Now I am playing politics.. I like it
better, said the man with the flowing beard and the regal mien.

Dr. Sequeira is fighting for a cause which is dear to his heart. He
speaks louder because he is in a great hurry to be heard. Some say he
has a tendency to exaggerate but that is apparently a part of the
posture. Being in the Opposition in Goa he fears that unless he talks
loud enough his case might go by default.

Dr. Sequeira and his party, the United Goans, are champions of a
full-fledged statehood for Goa. He is opposed to Goa merging its
identity with any other State. Now he has come out with a new idea. He
wants the formation of Goa State as a precursor to a Konkan State --
stretching from Malwan to Mangalore.

At the AICC session in Bombay, he was quite a conspicuous figure. He
whispered in my ear, I think I have won the battle. He said he has
impressed upon the leaders that the question of deciding the status of
Goa could not, under any circumstances, be decided through an
election. If the people had to be consulted on this issue the only way
out was a referendum. Call it an opinion poll or a consultation poll
or anything you like but ask the people only one question: statehood
or merger? That will give a clear picture, he said, dramatically
thumping the table.

For one who has his entire education in Portuguese, Dr. Sequeira
speaks amazingly good English. Wrapping his beard around his hand, he
fell into a reverie telling me about his childhood when his father
took pains to tutor him in English. He was a staunch nationalist.
said Dr. Sequeira about his father. He spoke a number of Indian
languagesand having been brought up under his guidance I could
never stomach foreign domination..

The youngest in the family Dr. Sequeira studied at the Lyceum and
later at the medical school. He became a medical graduate at the age
of 21 and was just getting ready to take up blood research when his
father died. Giving up the lure of medical practice he took his
father's prosperous business.

It was after Goa's liberation that Dr. Sequeira plunged into politics.
In May 1962 he formed a party called Goencho Paksh [sic Goycho
Pokx/Goencho Pokx]. A year later he founded the present party which
came into being after merging with five other parties working for the
same objective -- statehood for Goa.

So much has to be done in Goa...so much has to be done, he sighed
getting into the belligerent mood that suits him so well. If I can
get Goa to run for five years I will make it a model state and from
that start we will go into a larger Konkan State.

I had to remind him he was not addressing a public rally. The doctor
liked the joke. His ringing laughter followed me as I stepped out of
his room.

(Times of India on May 29, 1966)

[Goanet] Sanjay Dutt's escapades.

2008-02-18 Thread Averthan D'Souza
Dear Editor,

Our newspapers (and electronic media)  are brimming with stories
about how Sanjay Dutt and his partner Manyatta contrived to get married in
Goa in spite of  not being residents of this State.  All kinds of
revelations are being fed to the public on a day-to-day basis.  The
spotlight seems to be on Sanjay Dutt and his newly married partner.Of
course Sanjay Dutt is not new to this kind of negative publicity.   He has
become a veteran of unconventional behaviour.   However, the point which
seems to be overlooked by the media is the role of the Goa Administration
and the responsibility of the officers of the Mamlatdar's Office as well as
the functioning of the Collector in this episode.From what appears in
the media, one gathers that the Sub-Registrar was remiss in registering the
so-called marriage.  The established procedures were not followed.  Proper
scrutiny of documents was not done.  Whether this shabby handling of the
entire process was due to sheer incompetence or whether there was fraud
involved has to be investigated by the highest authorities.How can a
woman who is known to be a non-resident of Goa be given a Residence
Certificate?   How can her declaration be accepted without supporting
evidence?   How can the marriage be registered without due process?These
questions need to be answered by the Chief Minister himself.  What kind of a
government is he running?   

It is understandable that the media focuses attention on the
star because it smacks of bollywood surrealism.  However, it is a matter
of grave concern for the citizens of Goa that the local administration can
be manipulated so easily by powerful interests.  Goa's reputation is already
in the doldrums because of its inability to enforce the  Rule of Law.   The
Sanjay Dutt episode only adds further evidence of the shabby manner in which
our Government functions. 


Yours truly,

Averthanus L. D'Souza,

D-13, La Marvel Colony,

Dona Paula, Goa 403 004.

Tel: 2453628.