Re: [Goanet] Goan archetypes, stereotypes and caricatures

2008-02-28 Thread Santosh Helekar
Dr. Parrikar has compounded his problems. His
insinuation of the scientific method in the task of
judging Robert Newman's credentials is absurd. To make
matters worse he conflates the scientific method with
his idiosyncratic fixation on a personal
interrogation. It is well known that in science, or
for that matter, in any other field, including social
and cultural anthropology, the competence of a scholar
is judged by a critical reading of his writings, and
on how well he is regarded and cited by his peers.
This judgment does not hang on the availability of a
report of a one-on-one interrogation administered by
some finicky lay person.  

On the issue of Goa, at first Dr. Parrikar appears to
be backtracking from his earlier stance by denying
that bhaile and ghanti are the root cause of Goa's
problems, even though decrying them has been the
centerpiece of his sabbatical campaign in Goa. But
then he clarifies that they are merely one major
problem. The trouble with this, however, is that, once
again, he fails to explain exactly what this problem
is, let alone provide a coherent rationale for it.

Finally, speaking of platitudes, he does not realize
that the worst of these banalities involve playing the
blame game - the relentless reprobation of bhaile,
ghanti and the rest of India for no substantive
reason, which has been going on in Goa since the 60's,
and on Goanet, since its inception. Dr. Parrikar did
not invent these epithets, nor this trite excuse, on
his ongoing epiphanic extended vacation in Goa. 

I don't have to go on a prolonged fact-finding
furlough to Goa, or engage in a protracted
interrogathon of an indigene on Goan soil, to know
that there is nothing original, insightful or
sagacious about blaming others for our failings. 



--- "Rajan P. Parrikar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Be that as it  may, opinions and hypotheses must be
>(preferably) based on available evidence, which is
the >foundation of the scientific method.  For an
accurate >reckoning of  Dr. Newman's knowledge of Goa,
I would >need to interrogate him.  Past experience has
taught >me not 
> to rely on a man's writings alone in the fields of 
> cultural and social anthropology.  Dr. Helekar 
> appears to subscribe to a different technique, 
> one relying on hearsay, the number of believers, 
> reputation etc. 
> I have made the case several times here that they 
> represent ONE problem, and in my view, a major one 
> now.  Dr. Helekar can refute or confirm my
> assessment, 
> but only if he would first deign to step into the
> field 
> laboratory.
> As things stand, my "xenophobic rant" has one virtue
> over Dr. Helekar's pious cant: it comes out of
> experience
> in the field.  Dr. Helekar, on the other hand, seems
> to 
> be no more than a long-distance opinionista.
> The platitudes you write above are all
> too
> well known.  They add nothing to what we already
> know.
> Insight into the what, why, and,
> how-can-we-fix-this-
> -mess? takes a great deal more than facile pecks at 
> the keyboard.

Re: [Goanet] Attack on the police

2008-02-28 Thread Sachin Phadte

To my message about a policeman killed during the agitation against Metastrips, 
Joe Colaco raises some valid points. Essentially he has put forward some issues 
relating to the role of the courts. I trust we will follow the same principles 
in dealing with the attack on the police station in Panaji recently.

Sachin Phadte 

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[Goanet] Thanks Digu ! Goa already has a taste of Bihar.

2008-02-28 Thread Miguel Braganza
On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 23:30:44 +0530 "Kamalaksh Chari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Thanks Digu!

It really gives me a pleasure to thank our beloved CM for giving me an
opportunity to see Bihar in Goa itself without spending pie.
If anyone has any doubt then he or she may kindly refer to newspapers,
dailies of past 3-4 days and he will get to know the details.
Indeed our CM has this great vision to showcase all that is happening
in Country to duplicate it in GoaSEZ, landscams, attack on police,
Bandhs, morchas, Burglary, Raasta Roko, attacks on ministers, assault
on women, etc..etc..

 Only few things are left to be seen i.e. Bomb-blasts, terrorist
activities(which will soon sprout if the same routine continues). Digu
is trying his all efforts to do that and will definitely come out with
good results.

COMMENT: That is not all, Kamlaksh-bab. First, it was one Editor from
Bihar who trained our Journos to tell us how stupid we Goans are,
journos including. Then they imported an "I Pee Yes" Superintendent of
Police from Bihar who showed the Goa cops how to celebrate a
terror-fic Shivaji Jayanti in Panaji this year. Poor Babush was no
match for his goondagiri. Now he is reportedly the Commandant of our
"Home Guards". Our home is in safe hands. There are Bihari and
Jharkhandi maids and manservants in 25 percent of Goan houses already.
The grapevine has it that Lalu-ji has bought land in Arpora. The
infiltration of Goa is complete. I am not xenophobic but inmigration
has its limits, specially spatial and demographic.

 Now, we have a direct GOA-to-PATNA train announced in the Railway
Budget. The Thakurs and the Maoists can come easily to train our folks
in the niceties of life...and death.  Go Goa Bihar! Ani anink zai??

Mog asundi.


Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular? + Facts v/s hearsay

2008-02-28 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Rajan,

Thanks for the elucidation. So we are agreed that Dr.Anand Virgincar
is for Manohar Parrikar as CM. That is good. I like the fortright
manner you have put it now as he did in the advertisements before the
02 June, 2007 elections. Some of the others on that list were hesitant
to stand by the advertisement.

Coming to the point of GBA, can you put a NAME to any of the Core
Group members, who meet every month, who are supposed to be ones "who
have quit the GBA in disgust " [your words]. When I contact them for
the monthly meetings, they either promise to come or inform if they
are out of station or have another engagement. No one has told me they
have QUIT THE GBA. Those who fail to attend always give
reasons/excuses why they could not make it. If YOU  know a GBA Core
Group member who has quit in disgust, simply name him on this list. I
like the fortright manner  in which you write. Please do it in this
case also. Let us know the "Closet Queens" in the GBA ...if there are
any. Let them drop dead from the GBA and .let their skeletons roll
from the GBA cupboard. Holi hai! It is time for renewal.
Rajan wrote:
"The decibel level of your protestations is
inversely proportional to the strength of your case."
Comment: I will hold my peace, while you shout out the names of the
QUITTERS from the GBA. It is a deal you now cannot refuse!

Mog asundi.


Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 00:50:57 -0800 (PST)
From: "Rajan P. Parrikar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular? + Facts v/s hearsay

Miguel Braganza wrote:
>Dr.Anand Virgincar was ...and possibly still is ...for PARRIKAR as CM with
>Cristao MLAs so that Manohar-bab does not become totally communal. Do you
>want to deny that for him, Rajan-bab?

Why would I deny that when he himself has been saying it
openly here on Goanet?  He came clean right away where he was coming from,
what his goals were, what his political preferences are.No chicanery,
no doublespeak.  Perhaps such forthright manner is alien to you?

>Please do not market your half-baked opinions as the Truth. The GBA is alive
>and working.

True, the GBA is alive and working.  Working for the Congress.
The GBA as a credible group was compromised long ago.
Ordinary people like me, who kept aside our political
preferences and wholeheartedly got behind the cause,
mentally & emotionally, were betrayed.  I wish this had
not been the case, but you cannot wish reality away.

Right now the number of fellows who have quit the GBA
in disgust exceeds the heads still bobbing up and down
in the ruins.  The decibel level of your protestations is
inversely proportional to the strength of your case.

Warm regards,


Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Congress encourages violence in Goa

2008-02-28 Thread anand virgincar

Dear Goanetters,
According to Goa Congress general secretary Vishnu Wagh ,
the vandalisation of the Babush and co headquarters and
the physical violence against the MLA and others by the
police was very much justified.
In other words , anarchy is now official in Goa ( by the
Congress's own admission )
The Congress has finally rewritten Mahatma Gandhi entirely
and now say :
" An eye for an eye is the way to enlighten the world."
luv and regards,
( Dr Anand Virgincar )

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[Goanet] Re.Attack on police.

2008-02-28 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Dr.Jose Colaco,

If I recall right, Matanhy Saldanha, a leader of the anti-Metastrips
agitation became an UGDP MLA of the Goa Assembly during the pendency
of the case. To his credit, he remained with the UGDP till the very
end ...but not without joining the Manohar Parrikar Government as the
Minister for Tourism. Nothing wrong in any of these three event. I
dare say he was a good Minister for Tourism, even if unsuccessful in
the shifting of the River Princess that sits like a frong at
Sinqueirim. The probem is the Goa Police forgot about evidence in the
case of rioting and homicide. A dead cop is of no consequence in a
Tourist destination like Goa. His wife must have received Rs.40,000/-
as his life insurance package and family pension. Perhaps even a job
for one of the family members in a suitable cadre depending on the
candidates education.

What can the trial court decide without hard evidence or witness
account. Who wants to give evidence against a Minister's supporters in
Goa? What will the appealate court decide without evidence. The appeal
must be time barred by now.

For a few lakhs of rupees, builders make tenants swear an affidavit
that they were never the tenants.Can an Executive Magistrate compel
them to claim tenancy?
Asim sao coisas do Mundo, quem nao sabe nadar .. you know the
rest. Poor cops.

Mog asundi.


From: "J. Colaco < jc>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Attack on the police

Sachin Phadte wrote:  While we on Goanet are rightly condemning the
attack on the police recently by the goons belonging to Babush
Monteserrat, let us also remember the killing of a policeman during
the agitation against the Meta Strip plant in Goa. Some people were
arrested for the crime, but the courts let them off because of lack of

jc's response:

So Sachin, What should the Courts have done?

And ... Which entity is charged with the responsibility of producing
the evidence in Court?

Are you suggesting that the Courts should have sentenced the arrested
people - without evidence being produced in court?

Was the Court unfair? If so - why was it not appealed?

If you consider the Court's decision unfair - WHY do you not file a
civil case in Courts.

Make you case first - and I will find a few people to join you in the
civil litigation  IF there is actionable evidence.



Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Liar, Liar,Liar

2008-02-28 Thread Vinay Natekar
We have seen Home minister Ravi Naik's crying foul by accusing Manonar
Parrikar for being responsible for current great  Babush  v/s Police
tamasha. How can a  liar be believed when he is speaking  in uncouth
manner and giving reckless statements. One blatantly planted fabrication
can not deracinate well-known and evident facts. 

Never speak the truth is the strategy of this  Cong+NCP+Mix bhaji
Coalition and  Collusion  Government. Without carefully contrived
"Lies", this Congress would perish of despair and boredom. The most
honorable liars in Digus'  party are those who manage to keep their
'truthful' balance without sliding on the tag of 'corrupt' truth and
survive. The best liar in this Congress party is one who makes the
biggest  amount of swag by lying in  the longest way.  A liar goes in
fine clothes, A liar goes in rags, A Congressman is a liar, with clothes
or no clothes. Our future is doomed  as long as we are committed to the
noble task of being deceived by these political thugs.





[Goanet] Goeant xanti ievm

2008-02-28 Thread aurelio viegas
Goeant anik ek pavtt bovall. Kaim pulisank halinch
zalolea ghoddnneam vorvim nikhllavpache asat tor kaim
zannank Goenchea bhair bodli korpache asat oxim
chin'nam disunk laglolean pulisanche ghorabe sompar
vochpachi bhoim dakhovnk lagleat .He ghoddnne vhelean
oxem disun ieta ki amchea Goeant kiteim zavm te vixim
kitem tori ilaz asa.
Atam amkam hem sozmonam ki Ponnje pulis sttexnnar
morcha ghevn gelole lok zababdar kai Monserrate-chea
ghorant ghusun todd-fodd kelole pulis zababdar ?
Atam Goenche porjen ek lokxant ghevnk zai ki Tallio
eka hatan marunk zainant dusrea hatach-ii goroz asta .

Jitlo he ghoddnnek Monserrate zobabdar titlech pulis
zababdar mhonnttoch Goem sorkaran atam ek korpachem 
Atam tori Goeant xanti zavn amchem Goem xantichem
zavnk ami axevn ravum-ia

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[Goanet] blame it on SVM & GBA

2008-02-28 Thread Pravin Sabnis
Anand Virginkar wrote
  1 ) Manohar Parrikar ( along with Matanhy Saldanha , Bab Floriano
  Lobo , Soter D'Souza and others were the first to raise their voices
  against SEZ's in a big way ).The others like SVM and GBA only
  followed after a significant time lag ( in spite of the fact that their
  leaders had the huge land scam in front of their noses as part of
  the RP2021 committee )...
  The questions which are truely mystifying me are :
  A ) Why are the activists and leaders of the SVM and GBA ( and
  the local media ) falling head over heels in praising Digamber Kamat
  and his goverment to the high heavens for the scrap of ( possible )
  good they did in merely making a grand statement that the SEZ's
  ( which were dumped on Goa by the Congress goverment in the
  first place ) were being cancelled ?
  B ) Even more puzzling , why are the activists and leaders of the
  SVM and GBA ( and the local media ) scraping the barrel to find
  anything and everything they can find ( including baseless allegations )
  to castigate Manohar Parrikar , the GMAS and the YFG ( when the
  political opposition to the Congress government have had no say
  in the approval of the SEZ's and cannot stop the cancellation of
  SEZ's even if they wished to ) ??

Sorry, Anand-bab, 
you are carrying this BLAME it on SVM & GBA game too far.

You allege that GBA & SVM reacted only after GMAS did.
Fr. Maverick, Soter, Albertina and yours truly have created awareness about 
in public meetings BEFORE the 2007 ELECTIONS!
(All of us were actively part of the GBA and are yet to dissociate with GBA.)
Then all the major politicians were singing the ONLY TWO SEZs tune.
Why do you deny facts, Anand-bab!

Let's go further back to 6 December 2006, when SEZ WATCH was formed
Since then, others and I 
made presentations on SEZs before more than 50 groups.
since we didn't issue press notes, we have no evidence to prove to you.
But you see on ground, the people know who are paper tigers
and who are the real activists.
 the ordinary Goans who did the extraordinary work include
Frank Monteiro, Edwin & Diana Pinto, Charles Fernandes, 
Allan Faleiro, and so many more 
who collected documents through RTI
and filed a criminal complain against the fraud of the GIDC.
Your favoured politician is yet to file his FIR.

BUT you want to disregard and discredit all of us instead.
Peter Gama, Lawrence, fr Erimito, Br Orville, Videsh Jhalmi,
Ramkrishna Jhalmi, Dilesh, Swati, Pratiksha and others are not just names.
they are fearless, committed soldiers who have no inclination
to be caught on camera or in print.
They only want to save their motherland.

By the way get the facts right, the CSJP and Fr Maverick 
were the first off the block
in the campaign against SEZ way back in 2005.
What time lag are you talking about?

It is stupid to presume that 
since the BJP is part of GMAS 
then the SVM must be backed by Congress.

Well the SVM has always targetted the Congress and its politicians,
but it is pertinent to note that
 Buyao (of the BJP) did not utter Alex Sequiera's name
at the YFG rally at Verna on 20 december.
Instead he attacked Oscar & Miguel and refused to name the third person
lest he be called a communalist. 
Imagine! he names two Catholic surnames but avoids the third?
Why did BJP's Buyao attack GBA instead of Raheja's and Alex?
Didn't you wonder why?

I have full faith in the sincerity and integrity of Soter, Floriano Lobo,
 Dhumo, Shashi Kamat, Rajan Parrikar, and so many others 
who are with GMAS. I visited their hunger strike as well as their public 

I was the one who objected to YFG misusing MY name
while at the same time abusing the GBA and playing 
dirty with Nigel & Aaron who did the initial work.
I was the one who protested, Miguel only carried it forward.
But on the net and on the public platform,
Buyao and others don't attack me, they only attack Miguel.
don't you wonder WHY?

What anand do you get by blaming everything on GBA & SVM
Have your anand in giving credit to your favoured politician, 
even if it is not due.
but, refrain from tarnishing the names of those 
who entered the gates of the SEZs in Keri and Verna 
and stopped the work without hurling a stone.
NO POLITICIAN came anywhere near the site
during the entire non-violent stoppage of the SEZs
that went on through the day.

Anand-bab, we need to attack and expose the 
politician-bureacrat-developer-broker nexus.
and not the ones fighting this dangerous combine.
Hope we can move our discussions to greater priorities
There is a Goa out there out of the view of our information.
where illegalities flourish under the patronage of the
very establishment that is supposed to uphold the law.

in anguish

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[Goanet] Against Islam - Editorial in The Navhind Times (Goa)

2008-02-28 Thread Goa's Pride
  Terrorism is ‘anti-Islamic’, says Dar-ul-Uloom, the highly regarded Islamic 
seminary of the Deoband school of Indian Islam in UP. This declaration is bound 
to intensify the debate Indian Muslims at large have been having – in public 
and in their minds – whether what some of the organisations, groups and 
individuals in India and abroad have been doing in the name of Islam is indeed 
in accordance with the tenets of Islam. The Quran, of course, nowhere talks of 
bloodshed of the kind terrorism has come to be associated with. Prophet 
Mohammed’s teachings had humanitarianism and compassion at the centre of human 
living and could not be imagined to ever prescribe killing of innocents as a 
way of protecting or promoting faith.
  But of course, Islam does have exhortations that expect followers of the 
faith to fight with all their might any forces or elements that seek to destroy 
their faith. As the rector of Dar-ul-Uloom, Maulana Marghoobur Rehman says, 
terrorist masterminds have been using these exhortations as the justification 
for their violence against say, the US forces and whatever the US is associated 
with. The violence, in fact, is not only confined to forces and things 
American, but has spread against almost every faith and every country and every 
section of society that are ‘others’ or ‘ours’ but not supporting and promoting 
Islam. The misuse of the exhortations against enemies of the faith by terrorist 
organisations has been so widespread that many of them have often killed people 
of Islamic faith, because they did not submit to their dictates.
  This is what happens with organisations believing in violence. Violence 
becomes a cult with such organisations. They do not know whether they are 
fighting the real or perceived enemies of Islam. In any case, it is too 
far-fetched to think that anyone, including America, is out to destroy Islam. 
Destroying Islam is not a part of the US Constitution or law or foreign or 
defence policy. Nor is it a part of the Indian Constitution or law or interior 
or defence policy. Yet, terrorist organisations inside and outside Kashmir 
would describe the Indian government, the Indian troops, the Kashmiris of 
non-Islamic faiths, everyone as enemies of Islam. There cannot be anything more 
erroneous and misconceived than this. If at all, the Indian government has 
political and strategic interests to keep Jammu and Kashmir as a part of India; 
the Indian government’s interest is not to destroy Islam in the state.
  This is what misguided Muslims have to understand: India is a multireligious, 
multicultural and mutually tolerant country where followers of no faith are 
permitted or encouraged by the State to destroy other faiths. There may be 
political organisations, groups and individuals that are hostile to Islam and 
would use the first opportunity to inflict damage on the life and liberty of 
Muslims – but the Indian State and the Indian people as a whole stand 
steadfastly and committedly by the principle of co-existence.
  The Dar-ul-Uloom declaration that terrorism is not Islamic should hopefully 
strengthen the forces among Indian Muslims that believe that Islam is not in 
danger of decimation of India. As a matter of fact, India is one of the safest 
places for Islam and followers of Islam. This does not, of course, intend to 
create a rosy picture of total absence of discrimination and hatred and 
violence against followers of Islamic faith in this country. But these are 
issues that have no association with the existence and promotion of faiths. 
These are not religious issues, but political and economic issues that 
minorities have faced everywhere and have tried to a small or great extent, 
depending on the country, to surmount and solve them by forcing the system to 
follow an egalitarian and non-exclusive policies.
  - Forwarded by 

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[Goanet] indo-jazz fusion gets gorgeous!

2008-02-28 Thread Jazz Goa
Celebrated Indian classical violinist Sunita Bhuyan
jams with the Brown Indian Band, watch videoclip here:


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[Goanet] From the pages of the Anglo-Lusitano, December 23, 1950

2008-02-28 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
Bom-bahia, Mumbai, Bombaim, Bombay
Boroinar Martin Pinto

Goan Emigration to Karachi
By H Raymond, MA (Oxon)

Goans in Mirpurkhas (current-day Pakistan)

Welfare works among Catholics
Frederick Noronha Goa, India  Ph +91-832-2409490
Publish your work:

[Goanet] The problem with terms like "ghanti"

2008-02-28 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया


2008-02-28 Thread godfrey gonsalves
In a surprising development it is now learnt from sources in the Civil-cum-Sub 
Registrar Salcete that the duo Sanjay Dutt 48 yrs and "Manyata" 29 yrs ie Ms. 
Dilnashin Amir Ahmed Shaikh  filed an affidavit executed before a Notary in 
Mumbai which was produced by their legal counsel stating therein that they were 
unaware of the fact that the Special Marriages Act 1954 was inapplicable in Goa 
and as such the entire documentation presented before the Civil-cum-Sub 
Registrar Salcete on the 7th February, 2008 intended to register their marriage 
now be treated as cancelled.

Further the sources in the Civil-cum-Sub Registrar's office have  expressed 
surprise that the entire fraud perpetuated by the duo is being hushed up 
because it involves a celebrity. It is  learnt that the legal counsel Mr Manoj 
Dessai representing the duo was a junior of a senior legal practitioner who was 
once heading the Goa Public Men's Corruption (Investigations & Enquiries) 
Commission Altinho, Panaji. Even assuming but not admitting that they were 
unaware of the applicability of the Act, the fact that they sought to register 
their marriage in Salcette South Goa District when niether  of the two were 
residents of the place itself speaks volumes of their malafide intention.  This 
is because  even under the Special Marriage's Act the necessity of domicile and 
residence of thirty days is a condition precedent for Registration of Marriage 
before the Registrar. Hence it is improper for the legal action to be called 

Meanwhile notwithstanding the affidavit the case when it comes up on 7th March. 
2008 before the Mamlatdar Salcete will provide a legal fiction of sorts for 
while on the one hand the entire marriage documentation is sought to be treated 
as withdrawn on the other the "talathi"  is suspended and being charge sheeted 
for preparing a fraudulent document and indirectly abetting in the registration 
of the marriage. 

In fact the staff appear to be non-plussed  that the Civil-cum-Sub Registrar 
who ought to have been suspended for dereliction of duties has been taking 
things in his stride while the talathi Mr Prashant Cuncolkar is at the 
receiving end.

Many have also expressed surprise that the entire episode is taken lightly when 
in reality the corruption that goes on in the issue of residence certificates 
have brought unforseen misery to students and genuine Goans who are made to run 
from pillar to post. One woman told this writer that --- these "ghanties  
referring to migrants -- get their residence certificate ration cards with 
agents of the MLA's and Ministers operating outside the Collectorate and with 
least hardships while Goans are made to provide proof of residence and identity 
etc etc and umpteen visits until the same is issued.  Come admissions to 
schools and colleges students are made to frequent the offices of the 
Mamlatdars with umpteen documents and have to undergo endless anxiety to obtain 
a residence certificate.

Meanwhile as already reported the "divorce" status of Manyata has been 
challenged by her alleged husband Mohammed Mehraj a Hyderabad native presently 
held in custody at the Arthur Road Jail , when it comes up on 3rd March 2008 in 
the  Small Causes court at Bandra.


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[Goanet] Talking Photo: Daniel F De Souza with Rita Rose

2008-02-28 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photo: Daniel F De Souza with Rita Rose

Congratulations to Daniel F De Souza

Daniel book 'KOSLICH MALIS NASTANA'  has bagged the Konkani award for 2007
instituted by the Thomas Stephens Konkani Kendr.

Daniel was born in Bombay and did his education in Goa. He started his literary
career through 'Gulab' and later he regularly contributed  to 'Goencho Avaz'
'Konkani Mail', 'Vauraddeanchi Ixtt', Goan Review, Goan Observer etc.
He has also acted in Prince Jacob's Film 'Padri'.
He is the recipient of 'Man of the year 2002' by the Goan Review.

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F De Souza with Rita Rose on 25.2.08

Also, wishing Daniel all the best for his forthcoming book 'Kovnnam ani Kovita'
entitled 'NIALLUNK' which is  releasing soon.

You can also wish him at

Abv info partly taken from Goan English dailies

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[Goanet] Easter Night with "Forefront" on 27 March 2008 in Kuwait

2008-02-28 Thread Goa's Pride
Easter Night with Forefront on 27 March 2008 : 
  The Goan Expat's Club is all set to hold its 1st Social Event in a unique 
ambience on 27 March 2008 at the Fakher Al Deen Palace, from 8:30 pm onwards 
with Goa's top band "FOREFRONT" and Kuwait’s top DJ’s John & Marlon. 
  This glamorous event will be hosted by Kuwait's distinguished compere 
  Julio Cardoso. The highlight of the event will be Dance to the beat contest.  
  Stay watch for further details through news and internet media.


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[Goanet] Why?

2008-02-28 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
Why wouldn't or couldn't expats undertake 'developing villages'
independent of government? Specially since we have known governments
that are unresponsive, corruption-prone or mired in communalism? --FN

Goa welcomes NRGs eagerness on developing villages - Hindu
[Feb 25, 2008]  Panaji (PTI): Goa government has rolled out a
red carpet to NRGs (Non Resident Indians of Goan origin)
intending to invest in developmental projects in the ...
Frederick Noronha Ph +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] N O T Í C I A S - Televisão: RTP tr ansmite documentários sobre portugueses no Canad á e Portugal em Goa

2008-02-28 Thread Paulo Colaco Dias

Televisão: RTP transmite documentários sobre portugueses no Canadá e
Portugal em Goa

A comunidade portuguesa residente no Canadá e os traços históricos e
culturais de Portugal em Goa são o mote para uma série de quatro
documentários que a RTP1 vai exibir a partir de terça-feira.
"Mais Perto de Casa" será também transmitido na RTP Internacional nos dias
01,08,15 e 22 de Março.
Mais detalhes em:
Melhores cumprimentos, 
Paulo Colaco Dias.

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Re: [Goanet] Goanet challenge for US$100

2008-02-28 Thread Roland Francis
majesté lèse = like Monserrate, a loose cannon.

mark book = playing matka in Chandanwadi.

allocation strategic = Alibaba buying out all 40 thieves to spread risk.

display visual = Valmiki's Margao palace.

shore sea = land reclamation in Calangute.

Princess River = rules the sea forever.

hunt fox = to find missing Siolim chickens.

résistance de pièce = Hair piece of aging Toronto Goan constantly falling.

polls exit = democracy of the non-Goan numbers.

swell ground = breaking bunds for pisiculture.

plume de nom = domingo joao theodor cassiano manuel de lopes-pereira.

Hind Jai = breaking nuclear agreements with a superpower.

Portugal viva = European Union - here we come.


On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 9:10 PM, Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folks,
> The closing date for entries is Feb 29th, your local time.

[Goanet] Comments on Newspaper Headlines - 28 February, 2008

2008-02-28 Thread Floriano [goasuraj]
NT: Learning abilities of Goa's school students are poor: NCERT study.
[ This body should study the Chimbel Primary and Secondary Muslim foundation
schools  where its students  claimed 21 out of 23 trophies in the all Goa
round of school competitions held at Valpoi recently]

NT: HC passes ad interim order on speed governors - No new transport
vehicles can be registered till March 12 without speed governors: HC
GT: HC- No governors, no registration.
  H: Governors a must for new vehicles: HC

[All the heavy earth moving machinery (JCBs) is unavailable in the entire
Goa, Karwar, Hubli, Belgaum region due to the unprecedented and urgent
demand for its services in Goa. Goa's Vidhan Sabha is being razed to the
ground. Porvorim NH-17 stretch has been put out of bound for normal traffic
until further notice which could be days to come. Thank to  God for the
demolition. Not many Goans understood  what Goa Vidhan Sabha meant as
displayed on its entrance gate. Goa Su-Raj wanted to add  'Goa Legislative
Assembly' above 'Goa Vidhan Sabha', but too late. Nevertheless a big 'thank
you' to your Lordships at the HC for doing us Goans a deep favour]

[ Another incident that was reported today:  One enterprising truckowner
took delivery of a brand new truck and promptly parked it at the gate of the
Raj Bhavan at Dona Paula. "Kya Mangta Hai?" was the query from the security.
'Governor'  was the reply]  :-))

NT: Rahul to pay first official visit to Goa in March.
[Madkaikar smart up  and pronto. He is seeking to contest from Cumbarjua
next. Now is the time to get all your ST brethren together for the March at
Dabolim to stage a 'Rasta Rokho'. But make sure you pay what you promise to
pay each one to be available. Last time you promised them Rs. 500 and gave
them only Rs. 300. That is very unfair way to  treat your brethren]

NT: Depoliticization of police force is need of the hour.
[And we thought that the Goa Police had worked-up an appetite to contest the
next round of state elections in a big way after getting their heads stoned
by politicians right at their safe haven, the Police Headquarters. Relax you
must, though. Your chance will come sooner  than later to get even with

GT: China chinks for 90,000 Kms of India.
[ Hurry ! Make that hot-line call to JFK. But first, he must be informed
that it is not 'Formosa' that he must air-lift the war supplies to be
dropped at the India-China borders. That 'Formosa' that he knew then now
goes by the handle of 'South Korea' If you have trouble locating JFK,  then
alert PJN. PJN who?  Pandit Jawarharlal Nehru you stupid. He must be very
much in touch with JFK. They were good friends, you know?]

GT: Abolish Tax Holiday: GSIA.
[Air fares have suddenly done an acute  downward paragliding drop above all
expectations that they will fly upwards endlessly. Vijay Malhya is seen
competing with Sudin Dhavalikar for ice packs]

GT: Only Cong is secular: PM
[Thanks Chief !  After all a devoted 'Sardar' should know better]

 H: Sanjay-Manyata wedding knot untied.
[Sanjay you idiot ! Must you get everything wrong? Couldn't you take your
'pheras' anti-clock-wise??]

H: Clock ticking over N-deal: US to India.
[Sardar, you fool ! (;) 'R e m o v e   t h e   b a t t e r i   e s'

H: Diocesan Board for dual medium at primary level.
[Now that is awful. They are going to confuse the poor kids all over again]

H: No Cabinet reshuffle before Budget: Willy
Willy's wrong... Dhavlikar will be inducted before session: Mickey.
{Hey! I was right. Wasn't I?? Thanks you Dr. Anand-Bab. Just see that you
phone-up  the Guinness Book people to inform them  that another Nostrodamus
is around and kicking] :-))

H: New Pfizer drug can help you quit smoking.
[ What the hell. Anyone wants to quit smoking? Pay me the money and save
yourselves from the overdose of drugs. After all I have quit smoking since
1984. Besides, the money will go a long way in organizing our Party's
forth-coming Margao Convention in April.]


GOA needs a 'REVOLUTION' if it is to see better days.
Goasuraj is that revolution. Support it.

[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] Fourth Sunday of Lent

2008-02-28 Thread Jude Botelho
Dear Friend,
We are in the middle of Lent and though I have yet to
recover fully, I thought I should send out these reflections to you. Thank you
once again for your good wishes and prayers that have helped the healing
process. Thanks to you, I have been able to see God’s hand at work constantly
healing me. I hope to resume my work in Delhi after Easter. Keep praying for

Have you ever played blind-man’s bluff, or have participated in a 
trust-walkwhere you have had to be blindfolded and led by another? Have you had 
anoccasion to check your eyesight because of an eye injury, or sickness or 
oldage? It is in these moments that we come to value the gift of sight. But 
muchmore important than physical sight is the ability to see with eyes of 
faith.Jesus wants us to have this gift of faith. “Lord that I might see!” Have 
aninsightful weekend! Fr. Jude
Sunday Reflections: Fourth Sunday of Lent 
-Lord that I might see…. 02-Mar-08 
Readings: Samuel 16: 1,6-7, 10-13;
Ephesians 5:
8-14;  John 9: 1- 41;
The first reading from Samuel tells us in a simple way how
David was identified, chosen and anointed as King of Israel. The author wishes
to convey to the readers that David’s choice was totally God’s initiative and
his successors were truly authorized representatives of Yahweh. It also shows
us how God’s choices are unlike human choices. We go by external appearances
but God looks at the heart. God does not choose us because of our capabilities,
as he does not need our talents, but our availability to do his will. The
reading also reminds us that God’s choice is unchanging and He remains faithful
to his choice in spite of our infidelities. All God’s chosen ones are given the
power of the spirit to guide and direct their lives.
The Divine Plot
Saints and holy people give God credit for having as much of a plot intheir 
lives as writers do in their books and movies. Whenever we watch athriller, or 
read one, we are not disturbed or upset if everything seems to begoing against 
the hero in the first half of the story. We know beforehand thatit is all going 
to turn out all right in the end. The more problems there arein the story, the 
more hindrance and sufferings, the better the plot is. And,in the end, it all 
gets solved. God has as much talent as any writer ofhair-raising stories. He 
knows exactly what he is doing with our lives. Heknows exactly why he does 
things. They all have a good purpose. Can we wait patientlyfor the plot to 
Frank Michalic in ‘Tonic for the Soul’
In the second reading from his letter to the Ephesians Paul
uses the contrast between light and darkness to illustrate human nature without
Christ – darkness, and human nature that has been blessed with the grace of the
spirit given to all who have received the gift of faith. The effects of
receiving the light of Christ in baptism are seen in complete goodness and
right living and truth. Therefore we must live as enlightened people living by
the light of Christ.
Discover the hidden gold!
”A ten-year-old boy was working in a factory in Naples, Italy, beforethe 
present laws of child labour were put in place. His mother was convincedthat he 
had a good singing voice, and by working in the factory he could earnmoney to 
pay for music lessons. His first music teacher, however, told the boythat he 
did not have what it takes to be a singer, and that it would be a wasteof time 
and money to pursue the idea any further. The boy’s mother, a poorpeasant 
woman, was not easily put off. She encouraged her son, she told himthat she 
believed he had talent, and she even went bare-foot, rather than buyshoes so as 
to save money for his music lessons. Her efforts and the boy’sperseverance bore 
fruit, and the boy, Enrico Caruso, became one of the world’sgreatest tenors!” – 
It is one of our human weaknesses to judge others when wehave insufficient 
evidence. We go further and even condemn others as useless,never realizing the 
fact that we had nothing
 to do in ‘creating’ that person.God who creates cannot create thrash. It is 
our finite mind that very often isnot capable of penetrating the wisdom of 
God’s doings, and our refusal toaccept this simple fact results in so many 
wonderful things in God’s creationgoing waste. Our not seeing the hand of God, 
or making an effort to discoverHis goodness and beauty only proves our 
Percival Fernandez in ‘100 Inspiring Anecdotes’
In today’s Gospel Jesus confronts the blindness of his
disciples and the Pharisees and all people who refuse to see because of their
prejudices and lack of openness to God and his action in their lives. The
occasion for teaching his disciples and followers about real blindness and true
sight is his encounter with the man born blind who sits begging by the wayside.
The Jews following their traditions believed that sickness, disease, and
suffering was a result of sin, and as a consequence, a punishment from 

[Goanet] iijs Signature Goa

2008-02-28 Thread JoeGoaUk
iijs  Signature - Goa

I knew for sure that there was something to come up at Kala Academy for last
two weeks  or so. There were over half a dozen huge electric generators plus
men seen busy working day and night..

Few days back, I saw all street light poles on DB Road with poster/banner ‘iijs

At one time I even thought they must be launching ‘Signature’ whisky in Goa.

It was only today, I found out it is the first edition of India International
Jewelry Show (iijs) organized by  Gem and Jewelry Export Promotion Council
(GJEPC) from Feb 29 – March 3.
 It’s a premium, by-invitation-only, Jewelry Trade show. Positioned as an
exclusive business-to-business trade event,  the show offers tremendous
networking and sourcing opportunities for Global buyers.

Entire open area at KA, including Darya Sagam , parking Area and the entire
road for vehicle exit gate (near old Campal ground) is fully covered, fully
insulated with fully air-conditioned.  There are about 150 different stalls of
Jewelry mainly diamond and Gold from over 100 different traders all over India.

It appears that the posh delegates will be putting up with posh hotels like
cidade de Goa. Taj etc as there is a huge board displaying coach departure
schedule to various hotels.

Huge KA entrance gate erected with four main poles  with concrete ground
Beach is also beatified and the infamous IFFI jetty beautifully  converted into
a dock for floating restaurant - see pics

It also appears that the entire KA premises  will be out of bound for general
public due to high security reasons (Precious diamonds etc)

The whole set up must have cost them about 3 crore.

Check these pics taken at night

  for Goa & NRI related info... 
  For Goan Video Clips

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[Goanet] What goes around, comes around.

2008-02-28 Thread Vinay Natekar
The entire episode of Babush Monserratte and his supporters stoning city
police station  and police brutalities against Babush and his family
members is disgusting. I was wondering  if we were living in our
historical serene Goa or naxal affected states like Bihar, UP or Orrisa.
It was a heinous act of attacking the center of custodian of law and
order and physically harming police personnel who are human beings like
us. Equally atrocious was on part of police to indulge in vandalism  in
damaging Babush's  house and property and arresting and assaulting his
son and wife instead of taking legal action against Babush if his
involvement in the incident was anticipated  or established. 

By transferring  P.I. Sudesh Naik, Dy.S.P. Mohan Naik and SP Neeraj
Thakur out of Goa or to reserve police battalion  will not resolve this
problem neither the Congress Govt can claim  they have done a justice to
the victims By targeting the small pawns of this game of power.  It
should be proved who instigated the whole violent incident and the
culprits should be brought to book however high their clout in politics
may be. Does this Govt has the guts to declare on whose orders did the
police act ?

I don't think  police were having  personal grudge against Monserrats or
any old score to settle. This should be out of frustrated minds of
politicians specially Home Minister whose position in the ministry was
under threat due to prospects  of Babush's induction  in the Cabinet. So
this could be one of the way to tarnish his image further to stop him
getting ministerial berth. Secondly it could be out  of revenge for
spoiling Finance Minister's  opportunity of  making big bucs from
construction of  SEZ IT habitat at Dona Paula.





[Goanet] Visiting Portugal

2008-02-28 Thread ice man
I plan to visit Portugal this May. Can any Goanetters give me ideas of good 
places to stay in Lisbon and Oporto (any other suggestions for places would be 
welcome as well - I've heard of Algarve, Fatima etc.). I plan to be there for a 
  Ideally my wife and I would like to rent places like small 2 bedroom 
apartments because we might have some friends with us, but Bed & Breakfasts or 
hotels are acceptable as well. We are looking for places that are pretty 
central so that we don't have to drive too much or use public transport. 
  Thanks in advance.

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[Goanet] Preserving Goan Identity

2008-02-28 Thread Mario Goveia
Gilbert Lawrence wrote:
The challenge is how does the Goan Diaspora maintain
their identity? The answer from the Parsis (and
others) is through their daily, monthly and annual
links to their original roots.  Like the Parsis, the
Goans have come a long way. The challenge facing us,
(in Goa and our Diaspora) is whether we can build on
the progress we have made.  If we wish to also
maintain our identity, the Parsee  community that has
survived more than 3000 years, away from their
original homeland, may have some clues for us.  Most
Parsis do not speak their original language, rather
 speaking and being educated in the local language of
the region they live in. The Parsis have been very
adept to blend and be very successful in their new
environment, without being assimilated.  They have
maintained their community links, both locally,
nationally and internationally. 
Mario responds:
This is rich - reminds me of King Canute.  However, I
will agree, that many Parsis do think like Gilbert
when it comes to resisting assimilation and being
elitist, ethnically exclusionary and caste-concious.
Have Goans come a long way only to go back to living
like they used to where they came from, when so-called
ethnic "identity" is even disappearing where we came
Does Gilbert even know that the concept of
"maintaining ones ethnic identity" is steadily
disappearing in urban, middle-class India as educated
Indians in India now frequently marry across all the
lines that signify the "identity", which includes
caste, that seems to be so important to him?
Does this "Goan identity" include Goan emigrant
parents forcing their children to marry within the
Goan community and caste, even as they may want to
assimilate into the cultures that many of their
parents have committed themselves to?  Isn't
assimilation what has made the immigrant societies of
America, Canada, Australia and NZ the free, secular,
open societies that they have become to those who
choose to live there?  Do we want to look longingly
backward to the discrimination that maintaining an
"ethnic identity" implies, further complicated by
Indians with caste discrimination?
The Parsis, who left Persia for India 1,000 years ago,
not 3,000, have been declining in number steadily over
the years - the total number worldwide is now
estimated as fewer than 100,000 - precisely because
they have been dogmatically exclusionary and have been
inbreeding to the point that it has led to noticeable
genetic problems within the community.  Does the Goan
diaspora want to go down that same road?  Do those of
us who are Christian want to continue to defy our
religion that teaches us that all humans are created
Recently, progressive Parsis, especially in the
diaspora, have begun to marry non-Parsis in growing
numbers.  This is similar to what is going on in the
Goan diaspora, especially in America, Canada,
Australia and NZ, with opposition from those who want
to maintain the "purity" and "identity" of their Goan
castes.  These progressive Parsis have begun to
advocate for the conversion of spouses who were not
born Parsis.  Currently, those who married non-Parsis
were, in effect, excommunicated and shunned by the
purists among their leaders.

Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular? + Facts v/s hearsay

2008-02-28 Thread anand virgincar
   Bab Miguel Braganza says :
   Thanks for the elucidation. So we are agreed that Dr.Anand Virgincar 
  is for Manohar Parrikar as CM. That is good. I like the fortright
   manner you have put it now as he did in the advertisements before the
   02 June, 2007 elections. Some of the others on that list were hesitant   
to stand by the advertisement.
   I say :
   1 ) I am amazed Mr M Braganza needed an elucidation to be aware of
   my political stand. I have made my stand crystal clear from day 1 of
   my Goanet presence . I also make it clear before I proceed with any
   political conversation ( as I did with my first verbal contact with Mr
   M. Braganza ). It was also clear in the advertisement campaign before
   the June assembly elections ( and it was I who told Mr M. Braganza 
   that I was part of those responsible for those adverts when I introduced
   myself to him )
   2 ) There are many untruths about the adverts which have passed 
   unchallenged ( like many other falsehoods that have been propagated
   on Goanet ) in the archives. I will tackle those in due course.
   For the present , I would be grateful if Mr M Braganza can tell me a
   single name of those on the list who are hesitant to stand by their
   inclusion in extending full support to the adverts  ( there were about
   50 names of doctors , lawyers , engineers , chartered accountants ,
   directors of multinational firms etc etc  I ask Mr M Braganza to
   name just 1 who is hesitant to say that they believe wholeheartedly
   in what they said  in the ad's otherwise this is another untruth to
   add to his record )
   ( Dr Anand Virgincar )
Free games, great prizes - get gaming at Gamesbox.

[Goanet] Goanet] Attack on the police ..remembering the past.

2008-02-28 Thread Miguel Braganza
On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 09:50:17 +0530 Sachin Phadte
Subject: [Goanet] Attack on the police
While we on Goanet are rightly condemning the attack on the police
recently by the goons belonging to Babush Monteserrat, let us also
remember the killing of a policeman during the agitation against the
Meta Strip plant in Goa. Some people were arrested for the crime, but
the courts let them off because of lack of evidence.
Sachin Phadte

COMMENT: It is a shame that the GOA POLICE could not get a conviction
in a case when one of their own was killed WHILE ON DUTY during a
riot. It was bad enough that they  did not have the leadership,
planning and contigency to prevent the death of the Head Constable [or
was he an ASI by then?] at Verna during the anti-Meta Strips
agitation. I had then pressed the Church authorities in Goa to condemn
the act, even though Matanhy Saldanha was leading the anti-Meta Strips
agitation. It did not. It is not too late. Pope John Paul-II
apologised for the wrong done to Galileo many centuries after his
death! This is not even an apology. Just a condemnation of the act and
the UNKOWN Persons who killed the Policeman in mob fury or frenzy. I
do not even remember the leaders of the agitation condemning the act
of homicide [not manslaughter] ...the policeman was trapped and killed
intentionally. I think one of the newspapers has alluded to the case

We must remember history ...or we will be condemned to repeat it.

The GPYC President, Sankalp Amonkar, who apparently spoke in his
personal capacity at a public rally should hide his face for speaking
against an event after 60 days gestation. The GPCC General Secretary,
who was a larger-than-life shadow of the CM during the first four
months of the current term also found it easier to caste his vote for
the Police Officers who failed to do their job uphold the law.

We must also ensure that the Police Women who were injured in the
attack  by the mob on 19 February, 2008, Malcolm, Michael and other
unconnected persons who were hammered by the Panaji Police or IRB
"men" and Jenifer Monserrate [uninvolved in the mob violence], receive
justice. I am happy that Dr. Pramod Salgaocar, the Chairperson of Goa
State Women's Commission has taken cognizance of the matter and that
Auda Viegas of the Bailancho Ekvott, Amol Morajkar , the Chairperson
of the North Goa Zilla Panchayat, Nelly Furtado-Rodrigues of the
Panchayati Mahila Shakti Abhiyan are following up on the matter. The
silence of the Bailancho Sad, otherwise vocal in such matters,
surprises me. Are women politics to be blamed or what? It is sad that
the Goa Police could not protect its women. Even the migrants are more
chivalrous, they protect their women from others even if they beat
them at home. The Goa Police HQ has covered itself with shame on
Shivaji Jayanti. Read my column in the GT this Friday [tomorrow] for

Mog asundi.


Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Goanet] The problem with terms like "ghanti"

2008-02-28 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Frederick Noronha wrote:

What's the "problem" here?  You can give full page ads
in the Navhind Times, Herald, GT etc etc of this for all 
I care.

If you want, I can supply you with far more creative 
foul epithets to go with my name instead of so lame 
a term as "ghanti."  Let me know if you need help
with this.

Warm regards,



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Re: [Goanet] Goan archetypes, stereotypes and caricatures

2008-02-28 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Santosh Helekar wrote:
>On the issue of Goa, at first Dr. Parrikar appears to
>be backtracking from his earlier stance by denying
>that bhaile and ghanti are the root cause of Goa's
>problems, even though decrying them has been the
>centerpiece of his sabbatical campaign in Goa. But
>then he clarifies that they are merely one major

There is not even a sliver of backtracking here.  
Dr. Helekar could have avoided this embarrassing 
boo-boo and spared us the spectacle of his being hoist 
by his own petard if only he had a modicum of respect 
for the rudiments of the scientific method he has been 
touting on this forum.  A minor dig into the Goanet 
archives would have disabused him of his serious 

Reference #1:
Sept 18, 2007

"The harebrained tourism policy, the real estate mafia,
the builders, our political leaders, the curse of uncultured
Dilliwallahs seeking an old Portuguese house, the ridiculously
priced apartments targeted at bhailes, the Russian mafia,
drug running along the coastal belt, rave parties, the ghati
menace - all these are interlinked, symbiotic cancers currently
eating away at Goa's soul.  For purposes of discussion and
strategy on how to combat the scourge, we have to break
down the problem into smaller manageable portions.  Here
I have addressed the ghati menace but this is really a part
of a bigger affliction."

Reference #2:
Dec 14, 2007

"Outsiders are not the ONLY problem, but they are A problem, 
and a major one at that."

Reference #3:
Jan 6, 2008

"It has never been anybody's case that the migrants 
are the ONLY major problem currently wracking Goa, 
as claimed by the Marxist gits.  The alarming levels of 
migrant presence are A (as in "one") major problem."

Warm regards,



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[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (29Feb08)

2008-02-28 Thread alexyz fernandes

Goa CM Digambar Kamat being rebuked by a government employee:

"Do not spoil your image by taking Bribes.Ha! I learnt the art from your 
Ministers Diggu Kaka"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by

[Goanet] Goa news for February 29, 2008

2008-02-28 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Sanjay-Manyata knot undone - Times of India
[5 hours ago]  PANAJI/MUMBAI: The three-week controversy over
their secret Goa wedding ended in an anti-climax on Thursday,
with Sanjay Dutt and Manyata withdrawing their ...

*** Jaffer slams 178 in sensational Mumbai win -
[12 hours ago]  At the Guru Nanak College Ground in Chennai,
Goa clinched a high-scoring thriller by two wickets. After
opting to bat, Andhra posted a challenging 291, ...

*** Govt likely to use 1897 Act to denotify Goa SEZs - Business
[Feb 27, 2008]  Last week, the inter-ministerial Board of
Approvals had recommended starting talks with the Goa government
on denotifying the three SEZs following strong ...

*** Goa U-14 hammer Maharashtra - Navhind Times
[20 hours ago]  Panaji, Feb 27 Stunned by yesterdays defeat to
Kerala, the Goa boys hit back and slammed 8 goals against
Maharashtra in AIFF U-14 football festival at ...

*** Goans hope for slice of pie - Herald Publications
[16 minutes ago]  BY HERALD REPORTER PANJIM, FEB 28  What will
Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram have in store for Goa and
Goans in his Budget to be presented in ...

*** Fujifilm \'Digitally Driven\' at GOA - What They Think
[20 hours ago]  VALHALLA, NY (Feb. 28, 2008) - FUJIFILM Graphic
Systems USA, Inc. is helping printers maximize the opportunities
that emerge from new technologies in the ...

*** Rahul to pay first official visit to Goa in March - Navhind
[20 hours ago]  The Youth Congress in Goa has 4 primary
member sand 4000 active members. Mr Gandhi was appointed as an
all-India Congress committee general secretary on ...

*** Goa score hard fought victory against AP - Navhind Times
[20 hours ago]  Chennai, Feb 27 Goa chased a stiff target in a
high-scoring affair against Andhra Pradesh and secured their
first win in the round robin league match of the ...

*** Germany\'s Carl Zeiss ink JV with India\'s GKB Hi-Tech in
Goa - Deepika
[7 hours ago]  ... with its joint venture partner GKB Hi-Tech
of Goa, enhancing its equity stake to 50 per cent in a bid to
boost its manufacturing facilities in India. ...

*** Govt to use 1897 Act to denotify Goa SEZs? - Herald
[16 minutes ago]  ... Clauses Act of 1897 could be an option
for the central government to find a way for the denotification
of three Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Goa. ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Gandhi - and the formation of Pakistan

2008-02-28 Thread Mario Goveia
--- "Dr. U. G. Barad" wrote:
> Without taking much space of Goa Net, I conclude
> saying, had it not for Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma 
> Gandhi combine,  our India would have continued
> to be one single nation not bifurcated into India
> and Pakistan. This is because Nehru's weakness was 
> taken advantage of by Lady Mountbatten who was
> then the Vice-Roy of India. 
Carvalho elisabeth_car at
Tue Feb 5 14:23:21 PST 2008
The creation of Pakistan has meant breathing space for
Muslims in India, to grow in a democratic, secular
country away, at least in part, from the yoke of
Islam. Pakistan is testimony to how impoverished a
political ideology shaped by Islamic fervour can be.
Without Pakistan, you can be assured our energies
would be frittered away on countless imagined slights
blown out of proportion. And I use the word "blown"
Mario responds:
Dr. Barad, exactly when was Lady Mountbatten the
Vice-Roy of India?  I must have been pre-occupied when
that happened.  Oh, I get it.  She was engaged in Vice
in India:-))  Good one, Dr. Barad:-))
I disagree with your analysis of the "benefits" of the
partition of the sub-continent, which I would argue
was one of the most unfortunate and costly decisions
in modern history.  Here is a different view.
Nehru and Gandhi could do little to stop it - the
partition was a demand of the paranoid and radical
section among Indian Muslims led by Jinnah and the
concept was unfortunately accepted by the Brits.  Some
have argued that Jinnah would have settled for being
the PM of an undivided India, but Nehru wanted that
post for himself.
As it turned out, most of the radicals, the
radical-leaning, and the paranoid Indian Muslims
followed Jinnah into Pakistan, and Pakistan's
radicalism and continuing political mess is based on
this skewed and misguided sample of Muslims, with its
corresponding lack of diversity.  Their periodic bouts
of "democracy" last only as long as the Generals allow
it to.
On the other hand, the sensible Muslims stayed behind
and, because of this, the mentality of Indian Muslims
is completely different and more secular than that of
their religious brothers across the border.
Had there been no partition of the sub-continent
Muslims would have been some 28% of the population of
an undivided India, instead of 14%, which would have
provided far more balance to the already
secular-leaning Indian population.  The radical
Muslims would have been neutralized by the moderates
who slightly outnumber them and would have acted as a
calming influence on their Islamic fervor which is
enhanced by the fact that almost all Pakistanis are
Muslim.  Over time, I believe the radical Muslims
would have seen the benefits of living in a secular
The greater religious balance would have also
benefited the smaller religious communities in India
and offset the power of the Hindu-supremacists.
There would have been no Kashmir problem, no expensive
competing nuclear interests, no border conflicts. 
BILLIONS in time, angst and treasure would have been
saved that have been wasted in the ongoing conflicts
between India and Pakistan, and the sub-continent
would have been far more stable and stronger because
of it.

[Goanet] The Colonisation of Goa - A letter to Rajiv Desai

2008-02-28 Thread Roland Francis
My friend Rajiv Desai from who wrote the article that
appeared on Goanet has requested me to post one of the replies he has
received (not from a Goanet reader):

Dear Mr. Desai

I read your article with interest.

I am a Goan , resident in Spain and have been witness  to the
"colonization" of Spain by the Germans , the Latinos and the English
in particular besides the wealthy East Europeans and the Russians.

Immigration has been good for Spain but along with the good comes the
inevitable. The scoundrels , the rich and the famous have cast their
dreams into stone and devastated the pristine shorelines of this
naturally beautiful country. Along the coast , once luxuriously green
hillsides are now whitewashed in concrete. These stretch over many
kilometers to as far as the eye can see. Billions have been made
through corrupt practices with government officials at times making so
much of the loot that they would buy anything just to get rid of the
cash. So they amassed collector´s items in the form of paintings,
bought Arabian steed ( who were rescued by the SPCA), filled large
storage locations with trunks of currency notes and to cut the list
short, also filled many garages with vintage cars.

All these colonizers have started their own local tabloids , built
their own little clubs , groups, restaurants ,shops and bakeries -
where locals find no place but they don´t care anyway as the
colonizers keep their little town/village economies thriving.

The locals have played a supporting role .They sold their ancestral
properties and have grown rich. They have over the last decade fuelled
the construction boom and internal consumption-all of which now face
the onslaught of an economic downslide.

So while I look at Goa through pictures ( and I was there last August)
and am sad about the colonization, I see that history keeps repeating
itself-didn´t the British colonize India.? As an eternal optimist , I
have hope that as the British did, these nuveau riche Indians and Euro
spinning colonizers of various skin shades will also leave behind
lasting , constructive legacies  over time. A mix of race and culture
infuses new energy into the "colonized" society.

Best Wishes

Hubert Rau

Roland Francis

[Goanet] Economic Survey on SEZs

2008-02-28 Thread Goanet News Service

Economic Survey on SEZs

Acquisition of land for developing special economic zones (SEZs) is a major 
cause for concern, says the Economic Survey for 2007-08, which was released 
yesterday by Finance Minister P Chidambaram. The Finance Ministry presents 
the Economic Survey in Parliament every year, just before the Union Budget. 
It is the ministry's view on the economic development of the country in the 
year gone by, and the prospects for the year ahead.

The survey has also expressed "apprehension" about the possible "misuse of 
the (SEZ) scheme and relocation of existing industries into SEZs".  It says 
the Board of Approval (BoA) headed by Commerce Secretary G K Pillai, which 
approves SEZ proposals, would not give a go-ahead to SEZs that "have carried 
out or propose to carry out compulsory acquisition of land. after 5 April 

There you have it. The Union Finance Ministry is now articulating the very 
apprehensions that led people in Goa to agitate against SEZs and, as a 
result, prompted the state government to scrap them. If there is any single 
factor that predominated in the revolt against these autonomous industrial 
republics, it was land. Most of the SEZs were grabbing many times the amount 
of land they needed, merely because they were getting it for a song.

For example, the K Raheja Corporation Pvt Ltd's IT/ITES SEZ at Verna was 
spread over an area of 105.91 hectares, or 10.59 lakh sq metres. However 
many units they were planning to put up; even if every employee of every 
unit lived on the site and got world class recreational facilities, they 
wouldn't have needed more than 1 to 2 lakh sq metres of land. A look at 
their MindSpace BPO units in other cities will make this very clear. The 
Cipla-Meditab Pharma SEZ got much more land.

That is why the Economic Survey advises state governments to first acquire 
wastelands and, if only necessary, single-crop agricultural land for SEZs. 
If at all double-cropped agricultural land has to be acquired, says the 
survey, it should not exceed 10 per cent of the total land acquired. It 
seems the central government, at least, has learnt the lessons of Nandigram 
and Goa.

However, the BoA's latest salvo - that the Goa government will have to 
examine the question of compensation to the three notified SEZs - is an 
issue that has to be handled with extreme care, as each of them has a 
'sponsor' in the shape of a prominent and powerful local politician. These 
gentlemen stand to lose a great deal if the promoters of their pet projects 
have to depart with empty pockets. And it is here that ordinary people need 
to be very careful, because some of them occupy prominent positions in the 
present government.

There will be a lot of pressure on the Goa government to agree to completely 
unrealistic claims for compensation by the developers of SEZs, both from 
within and without. These claims need to be scrutinised very carefully, as 
the figures the promoters have been touting to the media seem highly 
inflated and completely at variance with the work on the ground. 

Re: [Goanet] Goanet challenge for US$100

2008-02-28 Thread Silviano Barbosa
Re: [Goanet] Goanet challenge for US$100




3)  KAKA




2008-02-28 Thread airesrod
Utt Goenkara is organizing an open discussion on the
Events at Panaji & Taleigao on 19th Feb, Was it a day
of dark deeds?  

The open discussion would be held at Institute Menezes
Braganza hall at Panaji on 2nd March at 10.30 am.

The discussion would be open to the public to
enlighten the people on the events of one of the
blackest day in Goa’s history.

Leaders of all political parties and NGO’s are welcome
to participate in the discussion.

The Monserrate family, the injured policemen and other
victims would be also welcome to narrate their version
of the events.

As public participation is vital for good and
effective policing, we have requested the Chief
Secretary to depute senior police officers and
magisterial officers to participate in the

Any citizen who was a witness to the events of the day
can share what he or she saw, so that it could help
the public at large to form a realistic opinion of the
happenings of that day.

Please attend the meeting and kindly inform your
friends too.

Aires Rodrigues
Utt Goenkara
Mobile: 9822684372


Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Inbox.

Re: [Goanet] Why?

2008-02-28 Thread Pandu Lampiao
Aye bagwaan, pray tell Irmao Fred, do you know of one Goan, expat or
otherwise with grand ideas/schemes (exception of Charles Correa) who
can devlelop villages without goonda giri and gol-mal gootala?
Say when you slip out of amchi Goi for the Goa convention, do visit a
Gooichi family and and I think you will be pleasantly may
have to pinch yourself a couple of times and wonderaye bagwaan, me
Fred, where am i? Develop villages? Naaw. One wouldn't trust one to
build your behind of your house (the part that faces the nunnery)!

This is a load of nonsense.I would. with great confidence,
approach an NRG (non resident goonda...sic, goachi) if I want to do
some goolmaal, a croooked scheme certain to fail; a Delhiwalla with
all thier koktail paties, social crudeness and inabilities to hold
their watered down Solan Delux are a better bet at a grand scheme for
a Goichi village than a local (so what if they spent time abroad).
Just my assessment, the locals lack ideas, they are not blessed with
the creative, if you know what I mean.

Sorry, gotta run, some paan-eating Delhiwaala has just driven up with
his disel-run german import and a bottle of..

Regards to the neighbouring nuns from Sawantwadi.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक
नोरोंया <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why wouldn't or couldn't expats undertake 'developing villages'
>  independent of government? Specially since we have known governments
>  that are unresponsive, corruption-prone or mired in communalism? --FN