[Goanet] Goanet Reader-Lighter Vein: Interrogating Politicians and Exposing Them: A Primer

2008-05-09 Thread Goanet Reader
Interrogating Politicians and Exposing Them: A Primer

by Vidyadhar Gadgil

On one of my rare visits to Panjim, I bumped into old pal
Cecil Pinto. At Bar Bevado, while he downed his customary
caju feni and I, following my teetotal eccentricities,
consumed cup after cup of tea, we caught up with recent
events. Next thing I remember is waking up the next morning
at home, with a throbbing headache. But, whether dream or
nightmare -- blame it on too much thiamine -- I vaguely
remember accompanying Cecil on one of his journalistic
assignments. Anyway, over to Cecil and the report I
hallucinated he was going to file:

The Goan media landscape had a seismic shock following the
release and unprecedented success of a video interview titled
'Parrikar vs Parrikar', uploaded to Google Video (and
subsequently aired on some Goan news-channels). For as much
as twenty minutes, media-watchers at Cafe Prakash in Panjim
stopped talking about the imminent entry of the TOI into Goa
and only discussed this new efficient exploitation by the BJP
of the brightest new medium for political statements -- the
internet. I, your popular, fearless, maverick correspondent
Cecil Pinto followed up on this story.

I caught up with a beaming Rajan Parrikar (RP), the brain
behind the project, at the Campal waterfront, where RP was
clicking photos of workers engaged in their daily routines,
presumably for his forthcoming photo-feature on the woes and
miseries of the neglected working class and migrant labour in
Goa, and the need to improve their lot. Basking in the glow
of his recent success, he kindly agreed to share a few candid
thoughts with me.

Cecil: Rajanbab, tell us something about your recent

R Parrikar: The internet is the new frontier for getting your
message across -- we decided to exploit its potential. I
spoke with the young, handsome, dynamic, visionary, secular,
progressive [the other adjectives used by RP have been edited
out due to limitations of space. Our newspaper has only 12
pages. Our apologies -- Editor] leader of the Goan masses,
Manoharbab Parrikar. And Manoharbab's honesty, efficiency and
all-inclusive vision for Goa shone through in every frame.
The courage of the man is astonishing! Which other Goan or
Indian or even global politician would dare submit to hours
of searching examination on camera by a man who is his
unofficial cheerleader and propaganda agent? Who else would
have the vision to insist that the questions be submitted to
him well in advance, and that he retain the right to decide
which he would respond to?

Cecil: What about all the allegations about his communalism?

RP: He has convincingly rubbished them in the interview. Only
Manoharbab and his fellow BJP members are truly secular, the
rest are psuedo-secular communal harmony scumbags. He is also
true to his convictions. Which other man would have the
courage to stand by his first and greatest love, the RSS, and
openly describe it as his 'church'? Manoharbab is a true
proponent of Madhavbab Sadashivbab Golwalkar's vision, in
which Hindus are the benevolent elder brothers and all others
-- yes, even Muslims -- their younger siblings. That is his
vision for Goans of all faiths.

Cecil: That does sound like a true visionary. But what about
people of non-Goan descent?

RP: Cecilbab, our vision is truly all-inclusive. They are
also more than welcome -- in their home states, to which they
should return at the earliest.

Cecil: But you didn't say this clearly in the interview?

RP: We have developed a full-fledged mature media strategy.
You have to pick and choose your audience and medium, and
then plan your message accordingly. We efficiently used the
popular internet forum, Goanet, to create a facade of
participation, while retaining full control over the
interview. In the interview itself I dispensed with my usual
pithy descriptions of filthy ghanti, Delhi savages, the dirty
stinking toilet called India, etc., which have become the
stuff of legend in Goan cyberspace, and are in a sense my
USP. This sacrifice, though painful, had to be made for the cause.

Cecil: But there has been much criticism of the interview
doing the rounds?

RP: All sour grapes. Sonia Gandhi and the Po...cough,
cough...sorry, where was I? Yes, Sonia Gandhi and the
poverty-stricken (in a strictly ideological sense) Congress
have instructed the Goa Congress to fund disgruntled ghanti
Marxists, purveyors of communal harmony sleaze, and
madrassawallahs to question everything. Sad to say, many of
our Goan Catholic brethren and Goan Hindus -- this latter
betrayal really hurts me -- whom they have managed to corrupt
have joined them in this motivated propaganda. But the
BJP/RSS represents the only true voice of the Hindus and all
Goans, as Manoharbab convincingly demonstrates in the

Impressed and enlightened, I headed to the Congress office to
elicit their reactions to this astonishing media coup by the
BJP, but found it, as usual, totally 

[Goanet] Portugal 'offering alternative to Anglicised Spain'

2008-05-09 Thread Goanet News

Portugal 'offering alternative to Anglicised Spain'

Portugal is attractive to those looking to buy overseas property
because it is not Anglicised in the way much of Spain is, it has been

John Reilly, managing director of overseas property firm Buy Abroad,
stated that this difference had a major appeal for those wanting to
mix with a different culture, commenting: People are looking for a
country that offers a mix of traditional things like tavernas rather
than fish and chips and English pubs.

However, Mr Reilly said, this did not necessarily mean areas such as
the Algarve were simply more upmarket, with the greater affluence of
the investors there being the result of higher prices to start with.

A Place in the Sun has listed Portugal as one of the best countries in
Europe to invest in.

It stated that the average investment will bring a return of 360 per cent.

Overseas Property news posted 8 hours ago

[Goanet] Builder's lobby steps up propaganda

2008-05-09 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

In the face of mounting opposition by Goans, 
the real estate  builder's lobby has launched 
a media counterattack.

The first salvo was fired by one Advocate Cleofato
Coutinho in this week's Herald (May 5, 2008)
where he made a pathetic argument that
the Gram Sabhas are exceeding their brief in 
opposing construction projects.  

Translation: you common people of Goa are
finally standing up for what is right and we
don't like it.  

The word he employs - usurp - for people 
demanding a say in the running of their affairs 
says it all. 

Why might he say such a thing?  For that 
you have to wait for installment #2 of my 
Wrecking Salcette tour).  Note that he has 
a nice built-in escape hatch.  He can always 
claim, I am merely talking about the existing 

Then we had Digu going to bat for his builder
buddies in the interview with Times of India.  
Spoon fed by his cronies (eg. the builder
Naik and the mine owner Timblo) he tells 
us that Goans should not live in a well, that 
instead we should go global.  

Translation: Goans, please let my builder 
buddies run riot and flood your villages with
rich bhaile, ooops, I mean, global citizens.

Today we learn that the builders have introduced
another variable to muddy the waters.  Define
mega housing projects, they tell us.  Is a
20-apartment complex a mega housing project?
30?  40?  What exactly constitutes a mega
housing project?, they ask.

My answer: Even a SINGLE apartment project
is one too many right now.

But watch out, dear Goemkars.  These pirates
and their political enablers are not going to sit
by twiddling their thumbs.  Crores and crores of
rupees are at stake here.  The national builders
are also going to come after us.  Expect a
media blitz, subtle and not-so-subtle, in the 
near future

Btw - Goanet postings are fed back to not only
the builders, but also to the highest levels of
the Goa govt political hierarchy.

Warm regards,


[Goanet] BBC E-mail: India children's health 'ignored'

2008-05-09 Thread RUBY GOES
RUBY GOES saw this story on the BBC News website and thought you
should see it.

** Message **

** India children's health 'ignored' **
More than half of Indian children under five do not get the health care they 
need, a report says.

** BBC Daily E-mail **
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[Goanet] Deputy Mayor Yatin Parekh opposes Hotel Project in Alto St. Inez, expresses solidarity with residents

2008-05-09 Thread Sandeep Heble
I, Shri Yatin Parekh, Deputy Mayor, Corporation of the City of Panaji,
hereby states and submits the following:

1.  Some days back, i.e. immediately after I returned from my official
visit to the Mayor's Tourism Forum in China, a group of residents from
Alto St. Inez and surrounding areas met me to express their
apprehensions against a hotel project coming up in this residential
area to the left of the Alto St. Inez junction right next to the
sloping road leading to Altinho.

2.  The said construction work related to a Ground + 6 storey hotel
project, the permission to construct the same being granted to M/S
Pentagon Developers in Plot No PTS/ Ch. No 77/190, 191/192  193 of
Panjim City by the CCP vide its License No 4/80/TS/2005-06/108.

3.  The protesting group objected to the said construction on several
grounds, some of them being:

a)  That the said construction of the multi-storey hotel being in a
residential locality, the concerned authorities should therefore not
have given permission for the construction of such a huge multi-storey
project in this area.

b)  That the said construction project, being located right at the Alto
St. Inez junction would be a hindrance to the smooth flow of traffic
in the area and also to the movement of residents in the locality.

c)  That the construction was an ecological and environmental disaster
as it would involve hill cutting and was therefore likely to cause
potential environmental damages leading to landslides that could pose
serious threats to the homes in the vicinity and to its inhabitants.

d)  That various laws and norms had been flouted by the builder on
construction on hill gradient, parking, etc.

4.  I immediately requested the CCP Commissioner Sanjiv Gadkar to stop
the said construction pending further enquiries. Being a long-standing
Corporator from the St. Inez area and being born and brought up here,
I can relate to the feelings of the local residents and empathize with
them. The present locality is also well-known for its artistic and
cultural traditions and such type of commercial construction will also
tarnish the aesthetic beauty of this locality and hinder the
celebrations of artistic and cultural festivities and traditions of
the residents of the locality.

5.  I have also inspected the plans of the said project since with the
help of experts in the field of construction and I find the grievances
of the protesting residents genuine. The CCP has presently stopped the
construction of the Hotel Project. Also, the Construction license
issued by the CCP was for a period of one year only beginning from 1st
March 2006 and has thus expired. The excavation work that was
commenced by the Builder/ developer was thus unauthorized and

6.  I have written a letter requesting the CCP not to renew the said
license for construction.

I hereby express my support and solidarity with the people of Alto St.
Inez and surrounding areas and have requested the Corporation of the
City of Panaji not to allow Construction of this Hotel Project and/or
any further construction activity in this area without a proper
ecological and environmental study.

Yours sincerely

Shri Yatin Parekh
Deputy Mayor, CCP

[Goanet] India to play host to foreign navies

2008-05-09 Thread Goanet News

India to play host to foreign navies
Shiv Kumar
Tribune News Service

Mumbai, May 7
The planned expansion of INS Kadamba, the naval base at Karwar in
Karnataka earlier named Seabird, will enable the Indian Navy to play
host to visiting international navies with fleets much bigger than her
own. The US navy and the NATO powers are watching eagerly and are
looking for bases in the region to beef up their presence as the
political temperature in the region has increased several notches.

According to naval sources here, once the expansion of INS Kadamba
naval base at Karwar is completed in five years' time, it will have a
capacity to host 45 warships including simultaneous dry docking
facilities for three aircraft carriers. The new airfield, which is a
part of INS Kadamba will have a capacity to handle 50 fighter
aircraft, including the F16s and the F18 Super Hornet fighters.

The United States is already pushing for a comprehensive defence
agreement with India to follow on the heels of the Indo-US nuclear
agreement. But even before such an agreement is signed, the defence
co-operation between the two nations has been strengthened
significantly, say sources.

Both Indian and the US navies have already begun joint patrolling in
international waters. Keeping the sea lanes open from pirates and
terrorists on the South China seas is already a stated objective of
both navies.

Plans for the Defence Policy Group comprising service officials from
both India and the USA, according to sources, is charting a deeper
engagement between them.

Once the defence co-operation agreement between India and the US/NATO
comes through, Karwar and the adjoining coastal area of Goa stretching
all the way to Sindhudurg in Maharashtra will be opened up to host
defence personnel looking for rest and recreation, the sources said.

Goa, which is likely to become the centrepiece of the RR effort, is
already sprucing up its infrastructure, which will seamlessly merge
with its larger effort to increase tourism. The state is working on
building an expressway connecting Sindhudurg to Karwar passing through
Goa. Also on the drawing board is an expressway linking Sawantwadi
bordering Goa to Panvel on the outskirts of Mumbai, which will allow a
road trip from Mumbai to Karwar in about eight to 10 hours.

Goa is also increasing the number of casinos gradually to cater to the
tourist trade. From the five floating casinos that are to open by this
year-end, the number will go up several times in the next few years.
There is also a proposal to permit casinos on land so that some of the
state's beachfront properties can be opened up to this industry.

Even Maharashtra does not want to be left behind. Land on the virgin
beaches of Sindhudurg bordering Goa is being acquired by some of the
bigger hotel chains in the country.

A few like the small Kamat Group of Hotels have already opened several
beachside properties to woo the tourist trade. Tax breaks for
tourism-related projects are also on the anvil.


2008-05-09 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

But Digu said in his interview with the Times of India 
that his goal is to make Goans happy.  Well, today 
he made one Goan - Somnath Zuwarkar - very happy.  
Let it not be said that valiant, forthright and amazingly 
far-sighted Digu does not keep his word.



[Goanet] Diesel Racket; In Goa too?

2008-05-09 Thread Gabe Menezes
Diesel Racket Chokes India as Drivers Fill Up With Cooking Fuel

By Dinakar Sethuraman and Archana Chaudhary
More Photos/Details

May 8 (Bloomberg) -- At a kiosk on the Trichy-Tanjore highway, one of
southern India's main trucking routes, drivers of motorized rickshaws,
scooters and vans belching black smoke line up to buy water bottles
filled with green liquid.

The bottles contain diesel or gasoline diluted with kerosene, which
the government subsidizes to provide low-cost cooking fuel for the
nation's 600 million poor. Kiosks sell the mixture for as much as 10
percent less than gas stations do.

``My mileage gets hit, but it's cheap,'' says Kaja, who uses only one
name, as he waits to fill his autorickshaw in Namakkal, Tamil Nadu,
380 kilometers (236 miles) southwest of Chennai.

Adulterated fuel is choking India's cities and costing the government
$6.5 billion a year in wasted subsidies and lost taxes, says Bhamy
Shenoy, who advised the U.S. Agency for International Development from
1997 to 2002. The bill may soar after the price Indian refiners paid
for crude rose to an average of $110 a barrel in April from $80 in the
previous 12 months.

``The lost revenue ends up in the pockets of politicians, officials
and gangsters,'' says Shenoy, a Mysore, India-based consultant who
worked for ConocoPhillips, the third-biggest U.S. refiner, before
joining USAID. ``Adulteration is thriving because no one wants to lose
this income.''

In the year ended March 31, India spent $19 billion to subsidize fuel,
including $4.8 billion on kerosene, according to the oil ministry.

As much as half the 9.4 million tons of kerosene India produces each
year ends up in adulterated motor fuel, Shenoy says. Kerosene, which
isn't taxed, costs 9.05 rupees (22 cents) a liter (1.1 quarts) in
Mumbai. Motorists pay 36.08 rupees for diesel, including tax.

Health Hazard

The sale of illegal fuel also undermines efforts to improve air quality.

Kerosene produced in India contains as much as 2,000 parts per million
of sulfur, a major component of smog, exceeding the maximum 350 parts
per million mandated for diesel sold in major cities, says Desikan,
trustee of Chennai-based NGO Concert, which lobbies against fuel
tampering. Desikan uses only one name.

``Adulterated fuel not only damages vehicles, it ruins people's
health,'' says Anumita Roychowdhury, associate director at the New
Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment, who wrote a fuel
tampering report for India's Supreme Court in 2003.

The scam works in various ways. Most commonly, criminals pay employees
of regional distribution centers to dilute diesel and gasoline with
kerosene, Desikan says.

``It costs only a few dollars to pay a depot manager and workers to
mix it with motor fuel,'' he says. The black market depends on a
network of corrupt officials, oil company workers, truckers and
retailers, Desikan says.

Secret Depots

In other cases tankers are diverted to secret depots where kerosene
and gasoline are mixed, then shipped to India's 34,000 official gas
stations, where most of the adulterated fuel is sold, Shenoy says.

Racketeers have to pry open and replace locks on fuel tankers. Bharat
Petroleum Corp., the country's second-biggest state refiner, imported
tamper-proof locks and fastened global positioning system devices to
its 4,000 tankers to monitor their movements, says Arun Singh,
Bharat's deputy general manager for retail network planning. He
wouldn't discuss their effectiveness or the extent of the problem.

``Adulteration is rampant, and oil companies will have to be held
responsible,'' says Roychowdhury, who also blames government inaction.

Official Murdered

Oil companies deny corruption is endemic and say they are trying to
curb racketeers.

``If we find any collusion between our employees and the system we
take action against our own people,'' says A.M.K. Sinha, executive
director for retail at Indian Oil Corp., the country's largest

Whistle-blowers risk their lives.

Manjunath Shanmugam, an Indian Oil sales officer, was shot dead in
Lakhimpur Kheri in northern India on Nov. 19, 2005, after discovering
that gas station owner Pawan Mittal was adulterating diesel. Mittal,
who was sentenced to death, is appealing his murder conviction.

``There is big money involved, and in some cases it's run by
gangsters,'' says Arun Balakrishnan, chairman of Hindustan Petroleum
Corp., India's third-biggest state refiner. He wouldn't comment on
allegations of official corruption.

In addition to $2.4 billion in wasted subsidies, adulterated fuel eats
into sales of legal diesel, depriving India of $4.1 billion in tax
revenue, according to Bloomberg calculations using government data.

M.S. Srinivasan, the oil ministry's top civil servant, says the
national government isn't to blame.

``Not enough is being done to curb fuel adulteration, especially by
state governments with whom the implementation lies,'' said
Srinivasan, who declined to elaborate.

In 2006 the 

[Goanet] Konkan Railway... info on Geocities

2008-05-09 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
A Konkan Railway page on Geocities...
Not sure how updated the info is though. FN
Frederick FN Noronha * Independent Journalist
http://fn.goa-india.org * Phone +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Goan Muslims alert officials on provocative speeches in mosques

2008-05-09 Thread Sachin Phadte

A few days ago, there was an article posted on this list regarding  Muslims 
from Goa complaining about provocative speeches made by some  Muslim priest 
making provocative speeches in a mosque in Vasco.  It  would seem that this is 
not a new issue, as the enclosed article from  seven years ago makes it obvious.

Sachin Phadte.

Goan Muslims alert officials on provocative speeches in mosques
Author: Mayabhushan Nagvekar
Publications: Herald, Panaji, Goa
Dated: December 7, 2001

PANJIM, DEC 6 - All of you should be waging jehad in Kashmir. What  are you 
Goan Muslims doing here, sitting quiet, while your brethren die  in 

This, and a spate of other inflammatory speeches, made in mosques at  Quepem 
and Vasco recently, has had the state administration on the hop.

Two persons, who claimed to be maulavis, attended religious proceedings  at 
the Quepem 15 days ago, highly placed sources in the South District  
administration informed Herald. After the culmination of a prayer  session, 
the duo started making such inflammatory speeches, much to the  discomfort of a 
section of namazis, sources added.

Sources further informed, that the maulavis claimed to hail from Bihar  and 

An identical incident had also transpired in a mosque at Baina, where  two 
persons were reported to have made such allegedly seditious and  inflammatory 

The local administration was awake to the situation, after a  representation 
drafted by a section of Muslims in Quepem, who were  disturbed by these 
developments, was received by the Superintendent of  Police (South) I D Shukla 

A section of the Muslims residents of Quepem, have expressed  apprehension 
over the visit of these maulavis. Although, they have not  named any local 
sympathisers, they have asked the administration to  treat the matter 
seriously, a senior police officer informed this  reporter.

We even had our police personnel to attend the religious proceedings in  
plain-clothes, to learn more, but we could not learn much. The maulavis  must 
be lying low now, sources informed. But only a couple of days  ago, some 
pamphlets containing provocative literature, were distributed  at a mosque in 
South Goa, they added.

Following the receipt of this representation, the local Sub Divisional  Police 
Officer, SP and other administrative bigwigs in South Goa  arranged a 
tete-e-tete with the senior residents of the area, to discuss  the matter.

While no senior government official was willing to speak on the issue,  which 
is being described as a 'sensitive' issue, senior officials in the  southern 
district administration said, that the District Collector  (South) has 'solved' 
the problem.

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[Goanet] scholarship to australia

2008-05-09 Thread jane gillian rodrigues
 Dear Goankars,

Please remember that Rs. 19 lakhs is not much, when converted into Australian 

Basically, the Australian government admits students who would be able to 
support themselves, financially, if they are unable to find part-time jobs, due 
to health or other reasons, while studying there. 

I am sure, the Australian government must have had this written clause in the 
form, for all students applying for scholarship that they needed to show a 
surety bond of Rs. 19 lacs, to get entry into Australia, after winning the 

Please also remember, that the standard of living is very high in Perth and 
nobody, is holding a gun to anybody's head and forcing them to study in 
Australia, so the young student and his family can refuse the Australian 
scholarship and instead study elsewhere.

Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 17:41:00 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Study in Australia - A query

Hi Joe
Please see below, a few comments from me.
--- JoeGoaUk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wonder if any one could help in this matter..
 My friend's son got a scholarship  to study in
 Australia (Perth).
 She says he needed to show a (surety bond? of Rs,19
 lacs) to get entry into Australia (?)
CORNEL: It is unlikely  a sholarship has been won as
normally everyting is found on a university
scholarship. It is more likely that admission for a
place has been offered at a cost of some 19 lacs.
Depending on the kind of course and duration, 19 lacs
may not be excessive. A surety is to avoid problems
like a student/family running out of money midstream. 

A lot of info is available on Australian Higher
Education on the web and of course, the

Australia with a population of only about 20 million
in a truly huge country is keen on educated manpower
and looks favourably after graduation re Indian
students seeking work experience and then permanent
settlement using appropriate official immigration

There are a fair number of Indian students in
Australian Higher Education and many work part-time to
cover their costs like driving taxis, working in
restaurants etc. I did meet several in Sydney and
Melbourne. In general the student experience has been
positive but there have been reports of isolated
attacks on visible minorities including students.

Provided the institution is a recognised one, the
quality control is sound. Perth is a beautiful warm
place but somewhat isolated by 3000 miles from the
many cities and towns in Eastern Australia. Perth also
has a reputation for being a bit 'racist' but my
contacts there reject this label.

 I find it is too much, so also her brother in
 But her son wishes to go there as he is not
 interested going on ship etc
 Can any one come back on this to say if it is true 
 that they ask such a huge amount as surety ?
 Any advice or tips would be much appreciated

Re: [Goanet] An expansion in Goanet's perspective

2008-05-09 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
We either need more of what is happening in Goa today, yesterday and as 
recently as over the past few years.surely more happens than is 
permitted to be shown on Goanet, or we need to plead with the moderators to 
give a little more scope, not so many postings labelled as inappropriate or 
are the sensitivities of the adult moderators so that we cannot gauge what IS 
appropriate for us to read?
  If there is a cuss word or two, or if the poster has been racialist or sexist 
beyond acceptance, perhaps a form of censorship may be the way forward but I 
have had several posts not accepted by Goanet when I really could  not see 
where I had offended anyone, other than it was perceived as possibly offensive, 
but is that not just what people do in conversations, some subjects are taboo 
(or are they?), so they are not permitted beyond just mentioning them, but no 
details can be gone into.
  Some subjects do get to be a bit long in the tooth,but that is probably up to 
Goanetters to say so.  For instance if a subject has been done to death for 
over a month, or two months, or if it goes on longer than there must be someone 
who is interested in posting further on the subject.  If we have new 
subscribers, they may well bring up the subject again, as did I several times 
when first joining but was not aware of the archives  some more than 2 
to 5 years old, since then many more people have joined but the subjects may 
not be mentioned again, because it was done to death a year or so ago.
  But why cant we repeat some advice to the newcomers or allow the newcomers to 
bring forth a fresh look on an old subject, then the older Goanetters can give 
sage advice.
  In the meantime, I will only  be taking note of recipes only, unless there 
are any fresh subjects or old subjects with 21 century resolutions to 
  Having said this, perhaps I may well visit other sites of interest to me, for 
Goans  people of non-PIO but are interested in all things Goan.  I may be 
enlightened further. Its a shame that I feel there is 'no point' anymore in 
reading any of the posts, I delete 90% these days, when a year ago I read every 
post, then 6 months ago started reading only my top 10 posters or if there 
was a newcomer / disguised former reject from Goanet or anyone other than the 
usual posters, I now have only a Top 5... the others are no longer 
interesting for me, its the same old, same old having culled 5 of 
the Top 5, there is very little now for me to do other than find something 
else, what is happening with Goans in the UK / Canada / USA / other western 
countries why / who / when / etc is also of interest to me.
  The Gulf Goans have their sites where their interests lie either with 
Goans back home or their own segregated life-style, not wanting to participate 
with the rest of the world.  Goa has had a very bad press lately, not just in 
rapes, drugs, murder etc, this has been going on for decades but it took one 
courageous mother to make the whole world sit up, watch and listen.
  How about these recipes then?  Looking forward to trying them out. I have a 
good mind to send in recipes myself to spice up the humdrum lives of our admin 
  John Monteiro

Mario Goveia wrote:

 But wait. Who would address the question? As you well know, the Goanet Admin 
 are busy with other priorities:-))

Dear Mario, I suspect this discussion will not go beyond you and I, but I 
thought I'd give voice to several goanetters who have candidly admitted in 
private that they are bored with Goanet.

 The moderators seem to cull everything remotely OFF TOPIC or sexually explicit 
(as if the average readership is eight years old), politically incorrect or 
irrelevant to Goa. Goanet has become devoid of all its former wit, humour and 
profundit...So I await with
bated breath for the arrival of these women on Goanet to spice things 

[Goanet] Rave Party not just about Scarlett

2008-05-09 Thread Goanet News

Rave Party not just about Scarlett

Indo-Asian News Service

Thursday, May 8, 2008: (Mumbai):

Director Prabhakar Shukla, who is attracting media attention with
plans to make a film on British teenager Scarlett Keeling who was
raped and murdered in Goa, says the film is not just about her but
also on the larger issue of drug abuse.

Given the large and rising number of drug abusers, most tourist
places have become unsafe. Today it is a worldwide problem and my film
will focus on this issue, said Shukla.

The film will also give a message to youth to be cautious while
visiting such tourist spots in India as well as in other parts of the

The film is titled Rave Party and Shukla will shoot the major portions
of the film in Goa, where 15-year-old Scarlett's body was found on the
Anjuna beach in February.

I will shoot some parts of the film in Britain as well.

Scarlett's mother Fiona MacKeown claims that she knows the identity of
her daughter's killer and that even police know about him but are not
taking action because he is a powerful man.

On plans by Shukla to make a film based on the case, Fiona told the
media in Britain that if it is to show the corrupt officials in Goa
then it could be a good idea.

But I hear he is going to call it 'Rave Party', which doesn't sound
good, she was quoted as saying.

Shukla says: I am planning to visit Britain next month and I will
talk to MacKeown there and discuss things with her. I will surely show
the corrupt officers in the film. But I will also show how the drug
mafia exploits tourists and what happens at rave parties.

Goa is a tourist paradise, but I want to show the darker side of the
popular tourist spot. People like watching reality; so I have decided
to show reality in my film, said the director, whose directorial
debut Kahani Gudiya Ki was also based on a real-life incident.

So who plays the main lead in the film? I can't reveal the name right
now. I will make the proper announcement soon.

[Goanet] Goa faces the onslaught of industrial pollution (Armstrong Vaz, Merinews)

2008-05-09 Thread Goanet News
Goa faces the onslaught of industrial pollution
Armstrong Vaz, 08 May 2008, Thursday

Goa is not a leader on industrial front, but small pockets of
industrialisation have been confined to areas far away from the scenic
coastline. One such village, Cuncolim, has been facing the brunt of
industrial pollution for the last two decades.

CUNCOLIM CITIZENS Action Committee member Oscar Martins' forefathers
fought Goa's first war of independence against the Portuguese way back
in 1583. Today, Martins and his fellow villagers have risen up to save
the village from pollution ridden industries.

Martins has warned the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) that
the people would be forced to take drastic steps to the extent of
repeating the 1583 history if the land is acquired for any
service-related and housing projects under the guise of

The IDC was trying to oblige the Delhi-based Vigneshwara Developwell
Pvt Ltd by acquiring five lakh square metres of land, in Cuncolim, to
set up IT based industries, besides housing and retail shopping near
the Cuncolim industrial estate.

But there are other issues involving industries in the village. One of
them is the construction of a hazardous waste disposal site. The
pollution-laden industries have been in the news for all the wrong
reasons and are toying with the health of the villagers. The latest
move to construct a hazardous waste disposal site in Cuncolim has set
the alarm bells ringing in the village, which is already suffering
from pollution related issues from the industries, which first set
shop in the early 90s.

The Pollution Control Board (PCB) had cracked the whip in 2006,
declaring the closure of three industries. The three industries were
Sunrise Zinc Ltd, Nicomet Industries Ltd and Karthik Alloys Ltd.

The industries are playing havoc by throwing safety regulations to the
wind. Industrial units continue to discharge solid and liquid
effluents and polluting the ground water even today.

Just shutting down the three polluting units in the Cuncolim
industrial estate is not good enough. The owners of these units should
bear the costs of cleaning up the contamination they have caused or
face rigorous imprisonment for life. Such heavy metal and solvent
contamination caused birth defects and even death in the case of
nearby residents in the Silicon Valley in the 70s and 80s due to the
contamination caused by companies in the 60s and 70s, says Dr Carmo
D'Cruz, a Goan and an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology,
now settled in Indian Harbour Beach, Florida.

So before any such serious health problems come up in Cuncolim, the
owners of these polluting units should be made to pay for and conduct
the cleanup of the ground around the polluting units. And stringent
EPA-type guidelines should be imposed on these units. The health
effects of these ground water pollutants on the local population
should be closely monitored.

The bureaucrats and the politicians, who sanctioned permission for
these units to operate while continuing to pollute the groundwater
with deadly heavy metals like zinc, cadmium, copper and nickel and
deadlier solvents, should also be thrown out of office unless they
take responsibility for cleaning up the pollutants and have the area
tested to be contaminant free. Otherwise a catastrophic environmental
disaster is waiting to happen and impact future generations of
Cuncolkars living in that area, he added.

It remains to be seen how authorities decontaminate the affected areas
surrounding the industrial estate of metal waste found in soil and

The PCB needs to undertake the exercise of decontaminating the areas,
where the heavy metals are present in excess of the prescribed limits.

Meanwhile, the Nagpur-based National Environmental Engineering
Research Institute (NEERI) is conducting a detailed study of the
pollution level within and outside the Cuncolim industrial estate. The
exercise began in January and will take months before the report is
compiled and submitted to the board.

Now the question is, who will pay for polluting the ground water
resources. The pollution board is waiting for the NEERI's report to
throw light on the extent of pollution caused by the two industries.
Accordingly, the affected people will be able to approach the
appropriate quasi-judicial forum to claim compensation and relief.

But relief at what cost, questions Nilesh Kunde, a resident of
Cuncolim. Human life is precious. The dangers of pollutions are too
manifold to risk the continuation of the polluting industries in the
village. It is the start of a long drawn-out struggle. Permanent
closure is the long-term solution for such polluting industries and
the villagers need to build a strong case for the closure of the

Chronology of events leading to the closure of industries at Cuncolim:

*  Dead fishes surface in a rivulet in Cuncolim, in 2000

*  The dead fishes are sent for testing

*  Test results are 

[Goanet] Mama Cool Party at Club Gaspar Dias

2008-05-09 Thread Ethel Dacosta

Mama Cool Party at Club Gaspar Dias

Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM celebrates Mother's Day with a `Mama Cool Party' on May 
11, 3.00pm

Calling all Goan Mamas for a fabulous day out. In inimitable Mirchi style, 
Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM will host the `Mama Cool Party' on May 11 at Gaspar 
Dias Club, Miramar, 3.00pm onwards to a fanfare of fashion wear by Vastra, 
beauty makeovers by Meena Jain and on-the-spot contests and prizes to take 
home. Up for grabs is an LG fully automatic Front loading washing machine, 
microwave oven, vacuum cleaner among other gifts, including recipe sessions 
for microwaves conducted by LG professionals.

Conceptualised by Radio Mirchi as an occasion to say `Thank you' to the 
mothers in our lives, the event will also host innovative competitions for 
cool mothers with the `Ayeena's Beautiful Hair Contest,' and the `Bridal 
Wear Competition,' even as mothers vie for the Antakshari queen honor, 
covered live by Mirchi RJs.

Supported by LG, Dekhne Classic and Jai Santoshi Pearls, the `Mama Cool Day' 
event and competitions are open to all mothers. To avail early bird surprise 
gifts, sms GOA space MOM space NAME  to 5. Venue registration on May 
11 starts 3.00pm sharp.

Ethel Da Costa
Head of Programming
Radio Mirchi
Entertainment Network (India) Ltd

[Goanet] Wrecking Salcette - Part 2/4

2008-05-09 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

It's Day 2 and our 'Wrecking Salcette' caravan rolls 
into the heart of Salcette, in the once-sublime 
village of Colva, the ancestral home of Goddess 
Mahalakshmi, today a denizen of Bandode in
Ponda taluka.

Colva is Orgy Central for our builders.  What
Linking Road is to the whores of Mumbai, Colva
is to our real estate gigolos.

First stop, Sernabatim.  Notice the passel of
ghatis underneath the billboard -


From the main road coming in from the direction 
of Betalbatim, these sights assault the senses.  
Hideous blocks of concrete erected on the edges 
of green fields, even in what were formerly green 
fields and/or orchards -



Now to Colva proper.

Digu's desire to make Goa a global village seems 
to have found concrete (pardon the pun) expression 
in this absurdity.  Rejoice, Goemkars.  Florida 
finally has come to Goa.

Scan to the bottom of this photograph for the 
name of the Legal Advisor.  An article in the 
Herald earlier this week tells us that the 
Gram Sabhas are exceeding their legal
powers in their opposition to construction 
projects.  There appears to be a lot of similarity
in the spellings of the name of the author of
that article and the Legal Advisor on this

There is absolutely nothing wrong with any 
lawyer serving as a Legal Advisor to a 
business.  But if these two are one and the 
same fellow, we are free to draw certain 
conclusions about what might have motivated 
the author to put forth the case he did.


Fort Lauderdale in Colva, eh?  


These raptors have done a number on our orchards.
For whom are these apartments?  Not for Janu gaudo.
Not for Caetano.  These are for the Sabharwals, the
Singhs, and the Browns.


Cheek by jowl Goa's Disneyworld is the mother of 
all projects where you can experience a life wedded 
to nature.  No kidding.  These fellows have a sense 
of morbid humour -




This is how it looks when you step back.  Concrete 
monstrosities leering over the villagers' traditional 
dwellings.  The 3 or 4 surviving families (others 
have been 'settled' with cash and flats) are being 
pressured to leave by both the builders  the
local politicos.  Juicy 'settlement' carrots of 
apartments etc have been dangled -


The only wrinkle is, they don't want to leave 
or abandon their traditional lifestyle.  They 
want to continue with their farming, raising 
their livestock, and doing what their ancestors 
have done for generations.  But that does not 
sit well with Digu's new 'global' order for
Goa.  Mingelina, the woman on the far left, 
said that she has no desire to live in a flat,
that she wants to die in her current home.


A short distance away, shoveling more 
concrete for an excusive this and that - 



We close this lavish spread today with the final
course -



This woman complains to us about the changes
happening around her home.  But these
are small fry, of no consequence whatsoever
to the big guns.  And with ghatis now available
by the hundreds, who cares for the Niz Goemkar


These were merely the highlights, not a complete
accounting of the concrete-kshetra in this, 
the Goddess's former abode.

Part 1 of Wrecking Salcette archived here -




Re: [Goanet] An expansion in Goanet's perspective

2008-05-09 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi John
Arising from your substantial introspective post below
(but now necessarily truncated) I believe that:

a) clarification ought to be provided to the 9000+
membership of Goanet, about the membership of the
Goanet Admin team or any other management team that
presumably exists for Goanet to function effectively.

b) identification by name of such a team(s) so that
the membership can know who has responsibility for
different functions, and especially, who can act on
recent constructive criticism about Goanet and
particularly its moderation.

c) next, publicity on the public forum should be made
available for consideration of constructive
suggestions from the Goanet membership with the main
aim of co-operatively helping to make improvements to
Goanet at this particular juncture even if this make
take some time to implement satisfactorily.

d) there is absolutely no ill-will in wanting to see
improvements in the functioning of our much esteemed
Cornel DaCosta


 We either need more of what is happening in Goa
 today, yesterday and as recently as over the past
 few years...surely more happens than is
 permitted to be shown on Goanet, or we need to plead
 with the moderators to give a little more scope, not
 so many postings labelled as inappropriate ...

  I have had several posts not accepted by Goanet
 when I really could  not see where I had offended
 anyone, other than it was perceived as possibly
 offensive, but is that not just what people do in
 conversations, some subjects are taboo (or are
 they?), so they are not permitted beyond just
 mentioning them, but no details can be gone into.

  If we have new subscribers, they may well bring up
the subject again, as did I several times when first
 joining but was not aware of the archives ...
 some more than 2 to 5 years old...

   But why cant we repeat some advice to the
 newcomers or allow the newcomers to bring forth a
 fresh look on an old subject, then the older
 Goanetters can give sage advice.

[Goanet] Opposition to Hotel Project: Gratitude, update, photographs of site location

2008-05-09 Thread Sandeep Heble
We, the residents of Alto St. Inez and surrounding areas wish to
express our deep gratitude to the Deputy Mayor Shri Yatin Parekh for
strongly backing our cause and for joining us in objecting the
construction of this mega Hotel project right at the Alto St. Inez

We also thank the Panaji MLA Shri Manohar Parrikar who took up this
issue with the Commissioner and the Mayor of CCP at a meeting held on
8th May 2008. We understand that Mr. Parrikar too has come out openly
against the construction of the Hotel Project in this area.

Patricia Pinto of Goa Bachao Abhiyan intimated us that an
environmental study was conducted by the Department of Mines and
Geology sometime back wherein it was mentioned that this area was
prone to landslides because of the nature of the soil. Given this
area's fragility, Mrs. Pinto expressed her apprehensions whether this
area could house a ground+ 6 Hotel project.

Upon further perusal of the plans and documents, it is quite apparent
that the concerned authorities have flouted various laws and norms in
issuing the necessary licenses. Furthermore, we were shocked when we
learnt that the license for construction issued to M/s Pentagon
Developers was valid from 1st March 2006 for a period of 1 year only
and the CCP has not renewed the same till date.  As such, it is quite
clear that the construction work that had commenced including
excavation and cutting of the hill was blatantly illegal and

We have written letters to the CCP Commissioner and the Chief Minister
requesting them to look into this matter, to withdraw all the
permissions granted for this said construction and further to initiate
stringent actions against the Builder/ Developer and all the Officers
who have approved the construction of a mega hotel project in this
ecological and environmentally fragile area and at a junction point
which could prove to be fatal from the pedestrian and traffic point of

Photographs of the construction site/ area location are available at the link

Yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
Representative of protesting residents of St. Inez
St. Inez, Panaji-Goa

[Goanet] John d' Silva's Tiatr : EKVOTT (Picks and vedio)

2008-05-09 Thread JoeGoaUk

John D’Silva’s Tiatr EKVOTT.

I have not watched his last production ‘VODDEM’ for that matter I have also 
skipped many tiatr during the last 6 months or so (for reasons mentioned 
earlier).  However, we only decided to watch this tiatr because it was free 
which also mean one can take photos and capture video too.

John’s youngest son about 9 Master Benhur Shaan was  introduced to the tiatr  
for the fist time (earlier, his other son Chris about 14 now in SSC, was 
introduced to tiatr and VCD).
Benhur does the job of a rent collector. See pic and Video

Joe, as usual, at his best, decent songs, role etc

Peter de Pedda also done equally well as a brother to Joe and  he sang a song  
in favour of Herald saying it always brings out the truth, its role during 
Konkani agitation etc etc.

Elvis-Carmen, both husband and wife in real life,  done full justice too.
Carmen, I always like her (as an actress) also played a role of a dumb which 
she did very beautifully and deserves full marks.

Aplon, as usual in her best outfits.  The role which she did could have been 
The role was like a villain or tom boyish
Her first marriage failed as she found out her fiancée was married on the very 
wedding day.  She then falls in love with Joe and  take a vow saying if anybody 
comes in between them she would kill.. And she proved that by poisoning Carmen 
when she saw a photo of her and Joe together. But it did not work as planned so 
she try to shoot her with a gun eventually she gives up.. and try to kill 
herself (see pic) and to her surprise and while she was there he gets not just 
one but two offers from two eligible bachelors viz Doctor Xavier Gomes and 
Joe’s brother Peter.

Remy (Remdious de Raia). This guy is one of the fixed member of John’s troupe.
Last time he was  along with Joe and John in the video clip (see link below)

Xavier Gomes who is well known for composing  songs which are controversial in 
nature or that make local headlines such as Da Vinci Code etc this time he took 
‘Scarlet’s murder’

John D’ Silva, a natural   serious comedian.
When Peter requests him to hold his helmet for while for he had to go for 
making No.1
John says, make it slowly and don’t push too hard..
Peter ask, why?
John replies: Because No 1 and No.2 are connected to each other.. (see video)

Congratulations to JohnD’Silva and his entire troupe including the musicians 
and back stage staff..

Finally, a note to the organizers.  Just because it was a Fish Market 
Association or just because the Holy Cross Chapel located right into fish 
market, it   doe not mean that the tiatr should be staged right into the fish 
market too.  It could have staged on the other road opp new market building 
where recently orchestra was held organized by market traders association..  
Imagine one has to be there seating or standing for 3 long hours at the place 
where it stinks from the fish market, beeef/chicken meat stalls and the side 

Audience was around 500 including migrants about 200. What really surprised me 
to see the migrants were enjoying the tiatr right till the end particularly the 
comedy part of it.

Watch EKVOTT – a trailer

EKVOTT tiatr stage pics

Previous from XINN (John-Joe-Remy)

John D' Silva's entire troupe (from Tiatr Dhull)

  for Goa  NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/nowyoucan.html

[Goanet] suggestions please protection of goan land

2008-05-09 Thread jane gillian rodrigues
Dear Mario,

I enjoyed your replies to my e-mail, and thank you for the same, but you have 
not offered any solutions  to protecting Goan Land.

My reply to your statement below - (A) does the constitutional freedom to own 
personal property also include destroying nature?

(B)Can you please check and let me know why Kashmir which is also part of a 
constitutional democracy only allows Kashmiris to buy property and not you, or, 
any one else???.
The last time I checked, Goa was still part of a
constitutional democracy with guaranteed freedoms
including the freedom to own personal property

My reply to your statement below - Could you please explain to me why Aldonkars 
have taken a stand, making it the  governments business to prevent misuse/sale 
of their village land to other Indians?What about SEZ???

It is absolutely none of the governments business why
anyone would want to sell their property, neither is
there any way for the government to prevent sales to
other Indians, whether Goan or not.

My reply to your statement below - good suggestion, could you, or, any Goankar, 
suggest the name of a local goan businesswoman/man or others, who would provide 
this service to bungalow owners too?

 The private businesses that provide
this service for absentee owners have a business
incentive to do a better job.

My reply to your statement below - Thank you for referring to our Goa as a 
civilized, free, society.

This is how civilized free societies maintain a
balance between progress and development.

My reply to your statement below:-Please remember - (A) The Voter gets the 
government she/he deserves. 

(B) It is pretty scary, when we can see and hear a lot of people using the 
scariest of English words, to  force the US govtmt, nay harass, the US govtmt 
to help them, get into the US. 

(C)  As for the US PREZ - I am at a loss, for the scariest words in the English 
language, (but I will do my best), which states It is a shame and a disgrace 
that US citizens do not want to be ruled by a woman - Madame Hillary Clinton.  
In fact, Oprah Winfrey and other US feminists who talk a lot about women 
power, are doing their best to see that the US does not elect a Woman 
Prezident, although many countries around the world, had a female - Head of 

The scariest words in the English language are 'I'm,
from the government and I'm here to help you' -
Ronald Reagan.


Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 06:44:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet]  protecting goan land

Date: 8 May 2008 10:44:24 -
From: jane gillian rodrigues

The Goan government should only allow goans to sell
ancestral property if the owner can prove he/she is
facing financial difficulties, and no one else is
capable of maintaining the property, through IT, bank
statements, etc. otherwise selling of ancestral land
should be completely stopped, in Goa.

Mario observes:

The last time I checked, Goa was still part of a
constitutional democracy with guaranteed freedoms
including the freedom to own personal property.

It is absolutely none of the governments business why
anyone would want to sell their property, neither is
there any way for the government to prevent sales to
other Indians, whether Goan or not.  I understand
there are already prohibitions on foreign nationals
with no ties to India from purchasing property in Goa,
but also some loopholes in these laws.

However, the local Panchayat should be able to pass
local zoning laws which would require the land to be
used in ways that are compatible with its
surroundings.  For example, one can't build a factory
in a residential area, or build an eight story
apartment building in a neighborhood of single family
homes, or build something that messes up a historical
site as we saw from Rajan Parrikar's pictures of the
St. Diogo church in Guirim.

This is how civilized free societies maintain a
balance between progress and development.

Jane Gillian wrote:

Some beach resorts, in Goa, rent out the flats with
the permission of the owners and the owner gets a good
income, same way, the Goan government, should rent out
these bungalows with the permission of the  owners to
tourists, and give the owners a part of the income so
accrued.  So, all goans benefit.

Mario asks:

Why would the owner of a private bungalow want the
government to manage their property?  Perhaps you have
not noticed the gross ineffiency of almost every
government department with the possible exception of
the armed forces.  The private businesses that provide
this service for absentee owners have a business
incentive to do a better job.  Government bureaucrats
have no such incentive.

The scariest words in the English language are 'I'm,
from the government and I'm here to help you' -
Ronald Reagan.

[Goanet] FW: Insensitivity of Bollywood.

2008-05-09 Thread Averthan D'Souza



From: Averthan D'Souza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 May 2008 11:45
To: Subject: Insensitivity of Bollywood.


Dear Editor,

Media reports indicate that some Bollywood film director is
planning to make a film on the late British teenager Scarlet Keeling, whose
corpse was discovered on the Anjuna Beach a few months go.This death has
grabbed the attention of the media world-wide because of the lurking
undercurrents of drug trafficking, alcohol and the nexus between the law
enforcement agencies, the drug mafia and some politicians. From the
point of view of sensationalism, the reality has proven to be more
breath-taking than anything that Bollywood could possibly dream up.As it
is,  Bollywood has become notorious for aping the West, both in regard to
creating popular films, as well as in depicting violence and sex in films.

The tragic death of an unfortunate British teenager has scalded
the consciences of  the local citizens, and sensitive people all over the
world.   It would be extremely unfortunate, under these circumstances, for
the Bollywood director concerned to exploit the situation merely to make
money, by making a film about this tragic episode.   The film industry, as
it is, is known to be driven by the lust for money and for popularity.
Bollywood has lost its soul.   Making a film about Scarlet Keeling would
only further expose the insensitivity of the film industry.   Public
pressure should be brought to bear on the director  who is planning to
exploit the situation merely to make money by producing a film which will be
both gross and  vile.


Yours truly,

Averthanus L. D'Souza,

D-13, La Marvel Colony,

Dona Paula,  Goa 403 004.

Tel: 2453628. 

[Goanet] Catholic Goeankars N.B. 'Respect atheists', says Cardinal

2008-05-09 Thread Mario Goveia
Quoting Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor:

I want to encourage people of faith to regard those
without faith with deep esteem because the hidden God
is active in their lives as well as in the lives of
those who believe.

The leader of Roman Catholics in England and Wales
said that a hidden God was active in everyone's

Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 23:51:27 +0100
From: Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I do, I do, I do, regard those without faith with
deep, nay deepest esteem!

Mario adds:

To all the agnostic and atheist Goanetters too
numerous to mention, I would like to join Gabe in
expressing my deepest sympathies, ...er, I mean,
esteem, to your closely held beliefs since I am unable
to scientifically prove mine beyond a reasonable

See, all Cardinals are not pompous idiots.  This one
has figured out that you all have a hidden God
operating behind the scenes that you are not aware of.
 Try disproving THAT scientifically:-))

But, let's not waste our time arguing about that - we
have Goa to save from the tender mercies of those
dastardly migrants that keep its economy humming - and
vice versa - not to mention the new - often subtle,
sometimes open - attempts at turning Goa into an
authoritarian separatist Marxist state.

On the other, less pressing issue, we will all find
out who was right soon enough, so let us postpone that
needless discussion until after we are gone from this


2008-05-09 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

Far sighted Digu is up to making Goans happy. And that's the reason he
withdrew case against Somnath. He would not mind withdrawing all the cases
against Goans provided they are Congress supporters. 

Best regards,
Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Today's two new uploads on MAND blog

2008-05-09 Thread sebastian Rodrigues


Here are new uploads on MAND blog:

1. Mining Leads South Goa for Water crisis 


2. Syngenta expansion plant opposed at Corlim Gram Sabha. 



Timely update on all current affairs, sports, events and all thats in News here 
on MSN videos.

[Goanet] Daily Haiku #98

2008-05-09 Thread Francis Rodrigues



the hands that whine
for palms of tel,
are scum who'll line
the walls of hell.



Daily Quote #18:

I should be the Environment Minister, not Mickey!! Every
day I cycled 20 kilometers to school at Loyola's. In the
evening I was the only one who re-cycled all the way back
to Benaulim! 50 years ago I was the pioneer of re-cycling!!

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[Goanet] Invitation to Participate in Youth Conference 1st June to 8 June 2008

2008-05-09 Thread Navendu Shirali

  It gives me great pleasure to invite you or your referrals to participate
in 'Lets Make A Difference' , the annual Youth Conference organized by IofC
('Initiatives of Change') at Asia Plateau, Panchgani, Maharashtra  for the
age group of 17 to 27 years. This is a 7 day residential conference which
starts on the 1st of June 2008 and concludes on the 8th of June 2008. .
Participants have to arrive before 3.00 p.m. on 1st June, those who are
traveling long distance and convenient transport connections are not
available, can arrive at Asia Plateau on 31st May, and can depart any time
after lunch on 8th June;

During my graduation I was sent to this Conference by my Principal in 2002,
ever since that I have been participating as it has helped me tremendously
in my personal life, my family, my career and in my little contribution
towards the society.

   This conference aims to inspire and motivate youth to realize
their inner strengths, to strengthen their value system and lead in their
objectives contributing towards a cleaner, calmer and fairer world. To
achieve this, we take the participants on an inward journey wherein they
introspect and understand themselves better, thus helping them to initiate
changes in their lives to make a difference. This would be done through
various interactive and fun filled activities that would be conducted
throughout the 7 days of the conference.

This Youth Conference is being conducted for over 10 years, attended by
cross section of Indian Youth from various backgrounds and states. IofCis a
non-profit organization which works for a better world by bringing out the
best in people. It encourages every individual to find his or her unique
contribution to the transformation needed in the world - starting with

I met young Indians, discussing and making road maps on how they can make a
difference for making India a better Country. I saw young Journalism
students choosing Rural Journalism from the comfortable metro stories; seen
Harsh quitting his lucrative job for preparing for IAS. A young Goan, Dyson
Misquita quitting his inherited restaurant business  placement job in
National Aids Control Organization for working in Uttaranchal mountains for
Health Programs.  Deepa, an architect from Ankleshwar shared with audience
that for many years she has never used a single plastic bag and she was
instrumental in conducting moral value based Workshop for 75 school
children. Zulfikar Khan a theatre artist, quit his mainstream work in
Chandigarh and started night theatre schools for boys in slums, who would
shoe shine or collect garbage. Next Generation of many businessmen
committing to ethical standards in their business.

Each one asking themselves How can I make the difference.

Dashmesh, from Nagpur who inherited his father's business empire had bought
acres of land near wildlife sanctuary. It is in his introspection that he
saw a power to transform the lives of youngsters in the nearby village who
were glued to gambling, spurious liquor. He is now working towards
rebuilding the schools, sponsoring the village youth to participate in Youth

Krishna Lohar, an young teacher from Jharkhand, decided to pursue his dream
of building a school in an Adivasi area. In spite of all odds, he managed to
make a school without paying a single bribe. A teacher from Panchgani spent
a year teaching in Nagaland, as his contribution to bridge the gap between
Nagas and Indians.

A young couple from IIM-A, gave up all their time for composing and singing
songs that promote communal harmony. Power of inner voice is something
special, my friend for example quit his corporate job in IBM Daksh to join
Department of Agriculture in Karnataka. In last 6 months, he has been
instrumental in building 85 greenhouses for farmers across North Karnataka.

It might sound as place for social realization. But that's incorrect, I have
seen many siblings speaking and hugging to each other after many years.
Relationships which were broken being  bridged. Nuclear families coming
together. I have seen a Hindu fundamentalist once arrested under TADA first
time in his life hugging Muslim.

To quote my friend Bhanu  At a societal level, such individuals create an
atmosphere of hope, honesty  healing which is essential for any
development. Because they have taken steps of change in their own lives,
they have faith that even others can change like their personal lives and
their surroundings can become different. This empowerment is experiential
and not just cerebral. They no longer feel cynical or apathetic, they become
initiators of Change

I urge you or your referral to participate in this year's 'Lets Make A
Difference' Youth Conference, it truly will be amazing experience.

Enclosed herewith please find Brochure and Form for the Youth Conference,

For any queries please feel free to contact me, *also inform your friends
and relatives about this so they can join you.*

[Goanet] SouthGoa is heading towards water crises

2008-05-09 Thread cedrico dacosta
SouthGoa is heading towards  water crises

Very nicely put...the rate at which the salcette
citizens are suffering due to acute water shortage is
really a point to note...recently the BJP had
organised a dharna in Margao...but of late...nothing
has been heard...

The state of south Goa's only dam at selaulim in
pitiable...thanks to the mining lobby which polutes
the entire water resevoir...

but as long as politicians in power are supported by
the mining lobby...there is much that can be
done...unless the people come out in the open to
expose the politician-mining lobby nexus.

can we start with the CM?

Cedric da Costa


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

Re: [Goanet] Catholic Goeankars N.B. 'Respect atheists', says Cardinal

2008-05-09 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 See, all Cardinals are not pompous idiots.  This one
 has figured out that you all have a hidden God
 operating behind the scenes that you are not aware
  Try disproving THAT scientifically:-))

Science can only attempt to prove or disprove what is
part of the natural world. This cardinal appears to be
fully aware of that fact. He holds a very reasonable
fundamental belief that the supernatural is not
factual but mysterious. 

In other words, that we do not know is a truly humble
and honest position.



[Goanet] Goa-related books

2008-05-09 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Goa-related books (some):
Frederick FN Noronha * Independent Journalist
http://fn.goa-india.org * Phone +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Subject: Churchill in the UK

2008-05-09 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Cedric, it's too late for Churchill to learn any lesson now. If he is in UK
it's only to park the money he siphoned from PWD department, that's it.

Best regards,
Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Goa faces the onslaught of industrial pollution (Armstrong Vaz, Merinews) (Goanet News)

2008-05-09 Thread cedrico dacosta

Goa Faces the onslaught of Industrial pollution...

jog my memory...does Joaquim Alemao represent Cuncolim
in the LA...btw he and Digamber are trying since the
last monsoon to get rid of the garbage problem at
sonsoddo...so you can imagine the delivery rate of
these politicians...

honeslty the people of cuncolim should confront
Joaquim Alemao and Digamber on the neglect of Cuncolim

and if he cannot resolve the issue...show him the door
at the coming hustings!

Cedric da Costa


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[Goanet] Goa news for May 10, 2008

2008-05-09 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Scarlett\'s mother summoned by Goa Police - NDTV.com
[9 hours ago]  PTI The mother of the murdered British teenager
Scarlett Keeling was summoned by Goa Police to provide evidence
to investigators after she claimed of ...

*** Goa hands over Scarlette murder case to CBI - Hindustan
[May 7, 2008]  Nearly three months after British teenager
Scarlette Keeling was found dead on Goa's Anjuna Beach, the
state government on Wednesday formally handed over ...

*** Russian mother regains kid\'s custody - Times of India
[May 7, 2008]  She had arrived in Goa on a tourist visa in
October, while the accused had come to Goa on a business visa a
month earlier. Petrina and the accusedwere ...

*** In Goa, the dead can\'t rest in peace - Times of India
[May 8, 2008]  On May 4, the Agacaim police brought an
unidentified body of a middle aged man to the morgue at Goa
Medical College, Bambolim, which was laid at the ...

*** Goa: Pleasure Trip Turns Tragic - Times of India
[2 hours ago]  MARGAO: A marriage celebration in Goa could have
gone more horrendously tragic for a family from Karnataka were
it not for the strong winds and the on-shore ...

*** Goa may lose soccer school after protests - Times of India
[May 7, 2008]  PANAJI: Goa's dream of hosting a national
football academy could soon go up in smoke. A delay in the
project caused by local protests may prompt the All ...

*** Bartenders display their skills in Goa - Times of India
[May 8, 2008]  Bartenders from all over Goa displayed their
bartending skills at the Bacardi Martini Grand Prix India
regional rounds. The event, which was held at Butter, ...

*** India: 20% drop in output, Goa cashew nuts to cost more -
[10 hours ago]  Mr Suresh Zantye of Zantyeâ#130;¬#132;¢s
Cashews, one of the leading growers of ready-to-eat cashew nuts
in Goa told The Navhind Times that this year the unseasonal ...

*** Scarlett case: Suspended Goa forensic expert reinstated -
[May 8, 2008]  Panaji: Goa government on Thursday reinstated
suspended forensic expert Silvano Sapeco who had conducted the
first autopsy on murdered British teenager ...

*** S Goa police short staffed - Times of India
[22 hours ago]  MARGAO: The police have repeatedly borne the
brunt of mob fury in South Goa in the last several years while
on duty because they are woefully short of staff ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] charcoal painting exhibition- smitha bhandare kamat

2008-05-09 Thread smithabhandare kamat

Meera- a statement in coal, charcoal painting exhibition of smitha bhandare 
kamat, is open for public veiwing, at Kala Academy from 12th May 2008 to 15th 
May 2008,between 10.00a.m to 7.30p.m.
all are cordially invited



Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[Goanet] The migrant danger to Goa

2008-05-09 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Its easy to criticise Rajan and others working on solutions for Goa  Goans;
he is clearly spending his valuable time. Can I request that you focus
on solutions which would benefit Goa  Goans?



2008-05-09 Thread Shanti Dhoot

Thank you for your kind words regarding my once-a-day limerick

It seems that at least among a few, these have begun to click

But more satisfying than a compilation

Would be to see the implementation

O   Of at least a few of the ideas – and hopefully double-quick.

-  Shanti Dhoot

Message: 8 of Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 530; 8 May 2008
From: George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Daily Haiku  Limerick

Kudos and credit to Shanti Doot (Limerick) and Francis (Daily Haiku) for
their 7 days-a-week output on this forum. Sometimes we fail to notice or
acknowledge genius in our midst. Consistently and over a period of time they
provided great quality in their daily posts. Perhaps an e-book compilation
of their work is in order.

[Goanet] Parking Fees, the Status-quo and the Goan Revolution

2008-05-09 Thread Jason Keith Fernandes
Parking Fees, the Status-quo and the Goan Revolution

Jason Keith Fernandes

(published in the Gomantak Times 7th May 2008)

On the 3rd of May 2008 Pramod Khadeparker opined in the Gomantak Times about
the decision by the Corporation of the City of Panjim to charge parking fees
within the City. The column was a perfect example of the short-sighted
selfishness of India's middle class that is resulting in the rapid
deterioration of urban India and the frustration of our developmental goals.
The protection of privilege; and the conversion of privilege into right is a
marked feature of this peculiarly sanctimonious class. And so rather than
welcoming the decision of the Corporation to make possession of a private
vehicle costly, we oppose it tooth and nail. What is appalling is that this
opposition is based not on a progressive vision of democratic urban
development, but a commonsense that emerges from privilege. It is a matter
of concern that the positive assertions by Gram Sabhas all over Goa, voicing
a need to have development that benefits the local resident, rather than
some distant speculator, are being highjacked by the privileged classes, to
effectively secure privileges that in fact go against the general interest
of the local and marginal individual in Goa.

The parking fees in Panjim are a good idea. It will now force individuals to
internalize an economic cost that was earlier being externalized. Thus once
we pay the fee, we will all come to realize the costs involved in having
ever more vehicles on the street, and force us to look for more eco-friendly
and democratic solutions to the increase of private vehicle on the road. The
Corporation should have ideally already thought this out. The question that
we should be asking the Corporation is, where will all the revenues
generated from the parking fees go? Will it be used to create a network of
reliable public transport system within the city, or will it be diverted
elsewhere? It is when the revenues generated from parking fees are diverted
elsewhere that we should raise a hue and cry. Or rather we should make sure
that the fee system does not come into force, until and unless the
Corporation puts in place a system that will take into consideration the
plight of the persons unable to pay the parking fee, and left with no
convenient transportation alternative.

Many of us would like to see the Corporation and the State invest in broader
roads, and four and six-lane highways, as a way out of the traffic crises we
currently face. There could be no surer way for urban disaster in Goa.
Broader roads mean faster-vehicles and consequently more deaths on the
roads. Broader roads means space for more vehicles to fill, and consequently
even larger roads. The logic could go on endlessly, until all we are left
with environments that are composed only of roads for vehicles. Many of us
see the rise in the number of automobiles on Goan roads as unstoppable. We
do not contemplate a situation where all of us rely primarily on public
transport. A public transport system that is quick, reliable and
comfortable. Our imagination I would argue is limited because we fail to
look beyond our middle class horizons, where private vehicles are the result
of years of hard work, and once we have got the power to lord it over
others, we are loathe to give it up. Public transport would also force us
into situations of intimacy with other, possibly lower order human beings.
And we all know how averse we Indians are to the touch of these lower order
human species.

 Mr. Khandeparker articulates some genuine concerns that we should ensure
before the fee system is put in place. What is the role of the traffic
police? Is it, as current instances have shown, only to fine persons and
generate finances for a greedy State? Once more I would like to point out
that the process of fining, as opposed to managing, is a manifestation of a
desire for power and control. Management is the process where one is
encouraged into dialogue with others, fining and punishment when used
without prior attempts at management is merely the naked display of power.
Eventually, the question that we must ask ourselves, is by giving in to
these displays of power, are we creating a democratic state or an
authoritarian state. An authoritarian state that believes that it is only
the 'educated (code word for elite) who can understand logic, the rest are
mere dumb animals that have to be punished into discipline. If we do not
recognize the need for the traffic police to primarily manage and only
secondarily fine, then as Mr. Khandeparker rightly points out we will
realize a scenario where the municipal employees and the traffic police go
berserk in the name of parking fees.

This disciplining of the State is currently in process in Goa, but it keeps
getting caught in the anti-outsider rhetoric that allows for the populism
that a revolution runs on. In the end however, it fails to address the real
problem. Mr. 

[Goanet] Banyan trees in Macau

2008-05-09 Thread Bernado Colaco
Typical bharat ignorance in the article. Goans although a small community have 
contributed in a large way to the Macau society. Besides our food elements have 
also penetrated  the local cusine. It is not only Banyan trees!
By Kavita Bajeli-Datt, Macau, May 7 : This swanky Chinese gambling
enclave, which was once a Portuguese colony, has a quaint Indian
connection - banyan trees, brought from Goa over a hundred years ago.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/nowyoucan.html

[Goanet] suggestions please protection of goan land

2008-05-09 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: 9 May 2008 11:16:56 -
From: jane gillian rodrigues 

I enjoyed your replies to my e-mail, and thank you for
the same, but you have not offered any solutions  to
protecting Goan Land.

Mario responds:

Jane Gillian,

I spend my days wondering how I can provide you with
an enjoyable education on how the world works:-))

Regarding offering solutions, how did you miss the
following post? 


Starting with that post I have become like a stuck
record on how Goa can protect it's environment through
local zoning laws rather than authoritarian separatist
Marxist notions that have no place in a modern
democracy having failed wherever else they have been
used.  Zoning laws control development without
stopping it and make it compatible with the
surroundings, history, architecture, culture etc.

By the way, local zoning laws are not specific to the
US, they are used across Europe and in every rational
civilized country.

Jane Gillian wrote:

A) does the constitutional freedom to own personal
property also include destroying nature?

Mario responds:

No it doesn't.  Anyone who deliberately destroys
nature should be locked up, after they are soundly
spanked, and they should then throw away the key.

The real issue in a free democracy is who gets to
decide whether an owner of private property is
destroying nature.  Zoning laws, which are developed
with local input, are a sensible solution that control
development without preventing it and make it
compatible with the local environment.  Everyone wins.

Jane Gillian wrote:

Could you please explain to me why Aldonkars have
taken a stand, making it the governments business to 
prevent misuse/sale of their village land to other
Indians? What about SEZ???

Mario responds:

To begin with, my comment you are referring said it
was none of the government's business why someone
would want to sell their property, not what is done
with the property after someone buys it.

Citizens in a democracy can get together collectively
to influence their local legislators, as the Aldonkars
did and the SEZ opponents as well.  This is perfectly
legitimate as long as it does not trample on the
rights of minorities.  These decisions can still be
challenged in court and the legal system will
arbitrate.  All such heat and angst is precisely what
zoning laws would avoid, up-front, before a project is
approved, without village-wide or state-wide morchas
on every project.

Jane Gillian wrote:

good suggestion, could you, or, any Goankar, suggest
the name of a local goan businesswoman/man or others,
who would provide this service to bungalow owners too?

Mario responds:

I will leave it up to those who live in Goa to refer
you to private real estate and rental agents that rent
property on behalf of absentee owners.

Jane Gillian wrote:

Thank you for referring to our Goa as a civilized,
free, society.

Mario responds:

You are very welcome, and I want to keep it that way
compared with those who want to intentionally or
unintentionally turn it into an authoritarian
separatist Marxist state.

Jane Gillian wrote:

A) The Voter gets the government she/he deserves. 

Mario responds:

Isn't that what the Goans in Goa have right now?

Jane Gillian wrote:

(B) It is pretty scary, when we can see and hear a lot
of people using the scariest of English words, to 
force the US govtmt, nay harass, the US govtmt to
help them, get into the US. 

Mario responds:

I have no idea what you are talking about here. 
Unless they are being persecuted, no one gets into the
US to get help from the US government which would
prosecute and send them home if they are caught. 
However, the US Constitution does provide aliens who
are in the country, whether legally or illegally, the
same legal protections as citizens have.  Immigrants 
mostly come to the US to get away from corrupt and
socialist-type governments and for the limitless
private opportunities of this free and diverse 

In case you missed it here is an unbiased opinion
based on personal observation on what the US I know is
like from a non-American Goan who lived here for
several years:


Jane Gillian wrote:

(C)  As for the US PREZ - I am at a loss, for the
scariest words in the English language, (but I will do
my best), which states It is a shame and a disgrace
that US citizens do not want to be ruled by a woman -
Madame Hillary Clinton.  In fact, Oprah Winfrey and
other US feminists who talk a lot about women power,
are doing their best to see that the US does not elect
a Woman Prezident, although many countries around the
world, had a female - Head of State.

Mario responds:

Actually, you have unintentionally confirmed that the
US is above making such important decisions based
simply on gender or race, but on their perception of
the whether the individual fits their idea of who they
want to lead the 

[Goanet] Goa should act fast on new airport, says Patel

2008-05-09 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Goa should act fast on new airport, says Patel
10 May 2008, 0152 hrs IST,Yogesh Naik,TNN

PANAJI: Union civil aviation minister Praful Patel has expressed strong
dissatisfaction about the Goa government's tardy pace of work on the new
airport. Speaking to TOI, Patel said, I wish the Goa government would
act fast on creating a new airport. Our policy is to create more
airports in the country. Goa has an issue about keeping the old airport
in Dabolim operational and this can be discussed at length. But work on
the new airport and land acquisition must start. 

The airport at Dabolim belongs to Indian Navy and is getting busier with
the number of flights increasing. The government has selected Mopa in
North Goa as the airport site. Patel said there have been enough
meetings on this issue and he wanted action from the Goa government. He
said that by adding a new airport, Goa can give a big fillip to tourism.

Until five years back, Goa had 18 to 20 flights a day. With tourism
growing, the flights have increased to 35. Besides, during the tourist
season, there are five to eight charter aircraft which occupy the bays.
The Mopa airport project has suffered severely due to differences
between politicians in Goa. Key politicians from South Goa have
repeatedly opposed the Mopa airport since it is a long distance away
from South Goa's tourist attractions.




Re: [Goanet] An expansion in Goanet's perspective

2008-05-09 Thread Roland Francis
I agree with Selma's opinion.

When I started reading and writing on Goanet two to three years ago,
there were almost no posts that I skipped. Admittedly some were
boring, though not to death Even Albert D'Souza of Saligao and Mapuca
did show a little improvement when he was being needled.

These past months I have on introspection realized that I delete more
than 75% of the posts that I come across on a daily basis.

Looking at the latest bunch of posts received today, how could the
following conceivably interest me as an overseas Goan:

Accidents on the rise in Merces (and are they going down in the rest of Goa)
Invitation to participate in Youth Conference (privately send to Clinton Vaz)
Two new uploads on MAND blog (are we going to be told about downloads as well)
Mama Cool party at Clube Gaspar Dias (Mama Africa would interest me more)
Educomp launches MagiKeys at Goa IT conclave. (Inform the Vatican, it
might be of use at their next conclave)

Oh my, oh my, the excitement needs to be ramped up more than a little.
Even Mario Goveia has been tamed.


On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 4:04 AM, Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Mario,
 We have Rajan Parriker doing a V. S. Naipul on us
 everyday wanting to save Goa, we have Clinton trying
 to save frogs, some NGO trying to save dogs, a couple
 of spurious and doctored articles about the
 Inquisition or conversions, and a couple of
 obituaries. That's Goanet in a nutshel these days.

[Goanet] Encroachment at Times of India office

2008-05-09 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

On Thursday, I went into the new Times of India 
office at Miramar to register my complaint about 
this encroachment on the pavement in front of 
their office -


To their credit they moved swiftly to correct the 
problem.  yesterday was fine.  I hope it stays that 

This illustrates a deeper problem with Indians.  
They want all the trappings of the modern 
Western life but without any of the support 
systems that are mandated in the Western 
countries.  We have this large residential building 
out of which the TOI  Radio Mirchi operate.  
But no parkling lot to service this commercial
enterprise to which part of the building has been
rented.  Where are the employees supposed to 
park?  Why did the CCP grant the commercial
license?  Can you imagine the situation when
the monster hotel Kamat is building at the
St Inez junction comes online?

Indians ought to go back to bullock carts.  
That is where we are.

Warm regards,


ps: The traffic chaos I had to confront early this 
morning at 1 am at the Shirgaon zatra!  O Berther.