[Goanet-News] Goanet Reader: Men who will stop the water... vignettes from Goa's mining heartland (Hartman de Souza)

2008-09-14 Thread Goanet Reader
Men who will stop the water: vignettes from Goa's mining heartland

By Hartman de Souza

We skirt Paikdev's temple for Paikdev Zor, where this tribal
snake deity bathes. The story goes that the village of Maina
in Quepem Taluka once received all the water from the 'zor'
or 'spring', and people from adjoining Kawrem, none. Then
after a terrible tragedy, an angry father from Maina,
grieving for his inconsolable daughter whom he had given into
marriage at Kawrem, forced Paikdev to send water, through the
hill, to that village too.

  I glance back. Seeing how the mining company
  'renovate' Paikdev's temple, I feel a chill of
  sadness, only heightened by the fine spray of a
  dying drizzle.

Some years back, Paikdev's temporal abode was a labour of
love crafted in laterite, mud-plaster and whitewash, nestling
in a small clearing, surrounded by hundreds of trees. Now, as
if in a mockery of archaeological surveys, contempt for
tribal beliefs, it seems manufactured in a factory. Paikdev
in concrete; garishly painted into dissonance; in return for
this paucity, the absence of his hills, trees and water.

After an hour and a half, unlike my motley colleagues, I am
tempted to sit. Aki, all of eight, eagerly bunking school,
skips ahead like a sprite; Zaeen, fifteen, playing truant to
identify birds, looks like he would rather not go back to
school; and to Pauto, in his mid sixties, and Shantaram, in
his thirties, this is home. It's July, the traditional paths
covered with thick grass and shrubs well over Aki's head;
creepers and vines form a thick web, through which we stumble
and pick our way.

I mutter a loud prayer to Paikdev and ask him to ensure I do
not put my foot on a snake's head.

Not all snakes are poisonous, Zaeen says.

Yeah, sure. I just don't want to find out which is which.

Shantaram points to an old mine, abandoned in Portuguese
times. It takes thirty years for the earth to recover from
mining, so, apart from a sudden incline and overhang in the
distance, and a deep bowl, the forest has returned in
vengeance, the mud road all but disappeared, although one can
spot recent wheel tracks. The earth regenerating itself could
have made a nice story if we didn't know the ending.

This is where they intend mining, I say.

What will happen then? Aki asks me.

This hill will disappear, I tell her. Her frown says she
can't comprehend the scale of destruction, or maybe she's
trying to figure out how anyone could be stupid enough to
make a hill just disappear.

We climb clumps of grass wedged between ancient laterite
burnt a deep brown. At the summit we look out at a morning
clear enough to plot the rain. In the distance, cloud-misted
hills stretch towards Sulcorna to join the taller ghats, home
to the Kushawati; directly below, sprawling to our right, the
four hills we have trudged over.

To our left, across the Maina-Kawrem road, barely 500 metres
from the Government High School at Maina, is the rogue mining
operation that dug out two hills in barely six months,
leaving behind a bottomless cavern. This is what will happen
here? Aki asks. They're stupid people.

No, I want to say, just very greedy and very, very dangerous,
the kind who will murder for ore. Zaeen's just read the Goa
Foundation's Goa, Sweet Land of Mine. How do they get
'environment clearances'? he asks.

There's a laboratory in Hyderabad that fabricates reports
saying there's nothing on these hills except ore.

That's it

It's worse.

I tell him what Joao, a lawyer from Quepem, says: that the
mining operations have already begun without 'environment
clearances'. Zaeen snorts in disgust. He's figured out that
back in school, they'll tell him he must respect the law!

  We pass full grown cashew trees, bhendi, teak, and
  mango, planted some twenty years back by the Forest
  Department, who will watch silently as they are
  hacked down. I see pots to distil feni, and as we
  skirt the last hill, plantations of areca, tiny
  terraced fields of rice, and lean-tos of thatch
  left over from the summer months when shepherds
  watch over cattle grazing.

The shrine leaves Zaeen, usually on constant alert, in
repose. Pauto says Paikdev takes the form of a snake. To me,
his face is a giant rock darkened with age, buried in the
hill, and festooned with bright-green ferns and lichens, tiny
sprigs of wild flower, grasses, creepers and vines; his eyes
glow rich with the blackness of ore. Around his forehead are
entwined the thick roots of an ancient kusum, its trunk a
pillar to the sky, its canopy of leaves welcoming the clouds.

From Paikdev's mouth, along the furrow of his pursed tongue,
water courses out.

  Before his great-great grandfather's time Pauto
  tells us, the water only flowed to Maina, where
  lived a man who gave his daughter in marriage to
  Kawrem. Blessed with beautiful child, one day she

Re: [Goanet] OCI - Overseas Citizenship of India (benefits FAQs - new)

2008-09-14 Thread JoeGoaUk
One of the feedback received.

..and I thought dead man does not require a visa to enter a country.

Any one?


Dear Sir
I was wondering if you have any knowledge about the possibility of repatriation 
of mortal remains of a person holding OCI (while alive - life long visa as 
stated in the OCI) from their country of citizenship to India and if so what 
would the procedure be to do so in a shortest span of time. Many thanks.


OCI -  Overseas Citizenship of India

See Complete OCI booklet and Lifelong Visa Pics here

The scheme was introduced by Govt. Of India in January, 2006

Who is eligible  for OCI?
Any foreign National who was a Citizen of India on or at anytime after 26th 
January, 1950 or was eligible to become a Citizen of India on January 26, 1950 
or belonged to a territory that became part of  India after August 15, 1947  ( 
as in Goa (also Damn  Diu) which became part of India in Dec.20, 1961) or 
his/her children and grandchildren is eligible for registration as a Overseas 
Citizen of India  (OCI) under the Citizenship Act 1955.

In other words..
Any person who, or whose parents or grand-parents were born in
India is eligible to apply for OCI.

What are the benefits of OCI ?
-  Multiple entry Life long Visa to India
- Exemption from registration with  FRRO or FRO (Foreigners’ Registration) for 
any length stay in India.
- Parity with NRIs in respect of all facilities available to them to economic, 
financial and educational fields except in the matters relating to the 
acquisition of agricultural or plantation properties.
- Parity with NRIs in the matter of issued of Indian Driving License and 
admission of children in educational Institutions in India.
- Parity with resident Indians nationals in the matter of tariffs in Air fares 
in domestic sectors in India.
- Parity with domestic Indian visitors in the matter of charging entry fee to 
visit National Parks and wildlife sanctuaries in India.

Abv benefits partly taken from the News Paper items appeared ion all Goan 
dailies during the first 10 days of Sept. 2008.

Foll, web site was also given.

Buying or selling properties in Goa?
Legal dept of some builders/Estate agents insist on certified copy of OCI 
without which you may not be able to sell or enter into sale agreement or Sales 

FAQs (Ans by JoeGoaUk)

As an OCI hoder..

Q. Can I have Indian Passport too?
Ans. No. Only Indian Citizen can have Indian Passport, (you are Overseas Indian 

Q. Can I apply for Photo Election Card?
A. No. Simply because you are not an Indian National but OCI.

Q. After making money in the UK for the last 10 years, and acquiring OCI in 
March, 2006,  I have now come to Goa for good with an intention of taking a new 
job in Govt. sector where I can earn (unofficially) more than what I earned in 
UK. What are the going rates for Govt. jobs?
A. Well, going rates  range from 1 lac to 20 lacs depending on which grade or 
dept you chose. E.g. Sub-Inspector Rs. 10-12 lacs.
Sadly, you are not allowed to take any Govt. job as an OCI.
Now, before you ask me, with your money if you can contest election in Goa or 
India solely to make good money like every body else’s does
The answer is again NO.

Q. ‘Chett, jelad Picasao mure’ What I am going to do now in Goa?
A. What picassao? Don’t worry. JoeGoaUk is here to help you.
Go back to UK and work there for another 18 months (make more money) then Come 
back to Goa. After continuous stay in Goa for 12 months, immediately apply for 
Indian Citizenship or Passport. Once you have acquired it  then you can contest 
election and if elected can become a minister- don’t’ forget to make JoeGoaUk 
your PA.
Or for that matter,  you can take any Govt. Job or buy any 
agricultural/plantation properties.

Q. Hey, that’s sounds good but why can’t I apply now? I have already completed 
not just one but two years in Goa ‘mure’?
A. Are-e baba, I have worked out your case based on the information you given 
Registered OCI may be granted Indian Citizenship after 5 years from the date of 
registration provided he/she stays in Goa (india) for one year before making an 
application for Indian Citizenship.
In your case, 2.5 years already elapsed i.e. 2.5+1.5+1= 5 years 

Q. Oh, I see.  Hang on a minute! I also had PIO card for last 5 years, Am I 
eligible to apply now o what?
A. In that case, you have to be in Goa or India not for just one year but at 
least 7 years before making application for Indian citizenship.

Q. One last query.  My brother in law has just come to UK after acquiring 
Portuguese Passport in Goa. I guess he is very lucky as he still has his photo 
ID/election Card.
He says, after making money in UK for 3-5 years, he too will go back to Goa to 
try for Ministership..
A. Bad news for your brother-in-law too.
After acquiring Portuguese passport, one has to surrender his Indian Passport. 
Then again, one has 

[Goanet] Two die in fresh Orissa violence

2008-09-14 Thread Ancy D'Souza
Two die in fresh Orissa violence
14 Sep 2008, 0346 hrs IST, Sandeep Mishra,TNN
Times of India

BHUBANESWAR: The situation in the volatile Kandhamal district of
Orissa spiralled out of control again on Saturday as a mob of rioters
exchanged fire with the security forces in Tumudibandh area, leaving
at least two people dead and a CRPF jawan seriously injured.

The district has been on a boil since the murder of a VHP leader three
weeks ago. With the latest deaths, the communal violence in Kandhamal
during the past few weeks has claimed at least 21 lives.

On Saturday, the situation turned violent after police tried to resist
a mob from attacking a church and the house of the local sarpanch,
officials said.

Trouble started when a large group comprising local Kandh tribals
damaged a church and set afire the house of a villager. The mob,
including around 50 men armed with country-made guns and traditional
weapons, was allegedly looking for local sarpanch Sisir Mallick, who
is from the dalit Pana community but has converted to Christianity,
sources said.

[Goanet] SON'VARACHIM SUNGTTAM: Konknni Bhaxa Mondoll Vo Lipi Mondoll?

2008-09-14 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

www.goa-world.com  Quality. Precision. Professional.

Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter 

Konknni Bhaxa Mondoll Vo Lipi Mondoll?
Gõyant Konknni bhaxechi seva korche khatir sabar sonvstha sthaploleo asat. 
Tantuntli bhou pornni mhonnlear, Konknni Bhaxa Mondoll (KBM). Hem  Mondoll 1962 
vorsa, Ban'navlechea Pedro Correia Afonson suru kelem. Fattlea 46 vorsanchea 
kallant hem Bhaxa Mondoll Konknnichi seva korta. Choukoxi korun khobor 
melloilolea  pormannem, survatek  KBM-ant don-ui lipimni - Romi ani Devnagori  
- Konknnicho vevhar choltalo. KBM-acho vangddi zavpachim formam don-ui lipimni 
chhaplolim astalim, ani azun-ui tim toxinch asat. KBM-ache karyavollincho 
riportt divpi 'Konknni' nanvachem 'news bulletin' aslem tem-ui  don-ui lipimni 
chhaptale mhunn thoim vaurlole mhalgodde sangtat. Tea bhair, KBM-an odim-modim 
vorsamni natalanchea kallar, 'Natal Ank' vorsallim uzvaddaileant. He 'Natal 
Ank' Romi lipintlean astale hem sot. (2000 ani 2007 vorsa uzvadda ailolea 
'Natal Ank' don-ui lipimni asat.)
1973 vorsa KBM-acho sahit'ya puroskar poilech pavtt Konknniche Romi lipintle, 
Kallea Vistidachi Choli he Bonaventure D'Pietron boroilole kadamborek favo 
zalo. Tea uprant-ui, KBM-ache sahit'ya puroskar Romi lipintlea kaim pustokank 
favleat. Ani azun-ui, dor vorsa porikxok mondoll suchoita tea pormannem Romik 
hea mondollache sahit'ya puroskar ditat. Mhonnche, KBM-ant azun-ui Romik zago 
asa oso tacho (bhailo) orth zalo. 
20 vorsam fattim, Konknni Romi lipintleanuch Rajbhas mhunn pas zatoli oxem 
somzun Romiche londde rajbhas chollvollent rostear denvle, ani te chollvolle 
khatir (khubxeamni pordesant ravun legit) duddu khorchile. Punn nim'nnea 
vellar, Romivaleank kallokant dovrun, muttbhor nagrivaleamni  Devnagori 
lipintlean Konknni Gõychi Rajbhas mhunn pas korun ghetli, ani Romi lipicher 
onit keli. Hi onit aiz amkam dolle bhorun disun ieta. Punn hi onit zagear 
ghalunk, Romik Rajbhas Kaideant zago magtat tednam, heram vangdda KBM-ui taka 
virodh korta.(Morattik Rajbhas Kaideant khuim tori zago dila mhonntoch 
Moratticho hanga proxnuch iena.) Rajbhas Kaideant bodol korpachi konnem-i 
kapostad keli zalear  poristhitechi goroz mhunn hinvseche upai (violent means) 
hatant gheunk fattim sorchenant oxem tache odhikari sangtat. Dusrea orthan, 
Romik legun Rajbhas Kaideant zago na. Rajbhas Kaideant Romik virodh korpi he 
odhikari aple vichar 'justify' korche khatir,kaim motam
 manddtat tim onitichea ghansak sampoddlolea Romichea pattlavdaram modem kitlim 
khol pallam-mullam dhortolim tem khobor na
 Tanche sangnne pormannem, Romi lipichi zotnai Goa Konknni Akademintlean (GKA) 
zata ani Dalgado Konknni Akademik (DKA) sorkara koddchean onudan mellta. Toxem 
polleunk gelear, Bhaxa Mondoll hem bhaxe khatir asa, lipi khair nhoi. Bhaxechea 
Mondollan bhaxeche nodrentlean vichar korpachi goroz asta, lipiche nodrentlean 
nhoi. Hem Bhaxa Mondoll Konknni pustokank sahit'ya puroskar ditana, lipicho 
bhed-bhav korinastana Romi pustokank legit inam' dita. Zalear, tech Romik nitin 
Rajbhas Kaideant zago divpacho vixoi ieta tednam, KBM-an Romi lipi sovem aplo 
dusvas kiteak dakouncho? 
Bhaxa Mondoll hem Romi lipintlea pustokak vorsantlean ek pavtt puroskarachem 
lolipop diun, apunn Romi lipicher onit korina mhunn  dakounk sodta zait. Toxem 
zalear, tech Romi lipik Rajbhas Kaideant ghalpachi magnni asta tednam, Bhaxa 
Mondollachi Romicher onit kiteak? Vo, Romi lipik vorsantlean ek pavtt puroskar 
diun Romi lipichi apunn zotnai gheta oxem Bhaxa Mondollak dista kai? Hem tor 
khorem asot zalear, Bhaxa Mondollachea odhikareamni ek gozal ghott monant 
dovorchi – fattlim 21 vorsanchea kallant Konknniche Romi lipik sorkara 
koddchean koslench onudan, mozot, Sahit'ya Akademiche toxench her puroskar, ani 
aiz Konknniche Devnagori lipik ani Morattik Rajbhas Kaideant jitlim sompeponnam 
ani sovloteo melltat, toslem kainch ek mellunk na, torui Romi lipi azun 
jiti-jivi asa, ani bhouch promannan gollta. Hachem khoreponn, Konknniche Romi 
lipintlean uzvadda yeupi potram-masikantlean thavem zata. Hem sot, 
konnacheanuch nhoikarunk zaina. 
KBM-an hacher barik-sarik niyall korun, lipi poros bhaxeche udorgoticheruch 
aplem mon ghalun vavurpachi goroz asa. KBM bhaxeche udorgoti ani vavra khatir 
sthaplam  mhonntoch, hea mondollan Devnagori itloch Romik-ui man diun, Gõyant 
vostolea Konknnichea don-ui lipiank gheun fuddem vochpachi, bhaxechi 
purnnponnim udorgot korpachi goroz asa.  Lipichea proxnak lagun bhaxa 
mondollachem rupantor lipi mondollant zaunchem nhoi mhunn chotur ravpachi nibel 
goroz asa. Na zalear, itlim vorsam bhaxe khatir vavurit fuddem ailolea 
Mondollachea borea vavracher dusvasachem xellem udok poddun, to vavr nirfoll 
zavpachi bhirant asa.   
(c) Prof. Jose Salvador Fernandes
Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter (since 1994)


[Goanet] Nostalgia #1

2008-09-14 Thread Francis Rodrigues


The mellow gossamer of dreams and memories of Goa
of another day..Now that the International Convention
too is but a memory, what better than to use the space
vacated to stock up on the pretty past that haunts us so

Every day a delightful vignette will be posted up on the
Convention site - if you too have something to share with
us, please forward (with caption if poss.) and we'll put it up.

We're starting today with a picture taken on the old children's
park sand dunes of Miramar beach over four decades ago!

Remo Fernandes' original Beat 4 pop group of 1967 - 70:
Luis Remo Fernandes on lead guitar, Caitano Hank Abreu
on rhythm, Alex Rosario on bass and Steve Sequeira on drums.
Remo, who first began on the banjo, had previously started his
first pop group at the age of 10 - the Billy Rangers won first prize
(the Valles Shield) at the Mando Festival in both 1966 and 1967!

Picture: courtesy of Ivan Rocha and the Call magazine of Pilar.

Visit the Convention website and hit the Nostalgia button.
Click on the photo too - it will gently unfurl. Here's the link:




[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo 'Pustok Vachteleak Khorench Katkutleo Zatat?'

2008-09-14 Thread lino dourado
Pustok Vachteleak Khorench Katkutleo Zatat? 

Nidhechea savarant aslom hanv. Dada, dada korit mhagelem dakhtem por mobile 
fone gheun rumant ailem ani cell phone mhojea hatant dilo. Orxim mhagelo mobile 
ticheach koddenuch asta. On-ollkhi bail mon’xegelo fone ailear ti konn ani 
khoinchean uloita tem vicharun eke ‘secretary’-chem kam’ kortelea porim vagtta. 
Ani oxem korpak mhoje sundoren taka xikoilam. 
“Konn ek Varkechem bebuk mhonn sagun tujea thaim ulounk sodta.”.mhojea hatant 
mobile fone ditana mhojea poran mhaka sanglem. 
“Hello. Konn uloitat?”, hanvem vicharlem. 
“ ‘Aitaracheo Katkutleo’ hea tujea pustokachi ugttavnni zal’lea bodol mhojim 
porbim tuka.” 
“Dev borem korum. Punn tumi konn?” 
“Uloitam uloitam ollokh mellteli tuka. 73 panar aslolo ‘Boro Samaritan Trasant 
Poddta Tednam’ ho lekh ‘Aitaracheo Katkutleo’ pustokar asunk favo naslo” 
“Koincho lekh mhojea poilea pustokar chappun haddcho vo na haddcho hem mhojem 
kam’. Tuka kosli addkoll zali?” 
“Sompun gelele gozalincher tunvem lekhon korchem nhoi aslem. Ani kortach zalear 
dusreanchim bhavnnam dukhovpak naka aslim. Peklele ghaye porot ustun yadichea 
sagoran xenoichem nhoi.” 
“Dusreanchim bhavnnam dukhovpa sarkelem mhojea pustokan kainch ek nam.” 
“Naslem zalear, ho fone tuka hanv korchim naslim. Thom’nne marun dukh dinastana 
kantte kaddta tum.” 
“Polle ostore. Tuka dukh zavpa sarkelem mhojea pustokan kitem asa vo nam tem 
hanv nokom punn sodeak mhoji sundori mhojea sangata bed-ir nidhloli asa. Ani 
tum uloita titlench mobile speaker-a velean tichea kannar sadovta. Gorje viret 
ticho dis piddear korcho nhi.” 
“Kiteak korcho nhi? Fokot tujean dusreancho korunk zata?” 
“Sokall fuddench tuzo suseg piddear korpa sarkelem hanvem kelam kitem?” 
“Suseg piddear kela mhonnonuch uloitam tuje thaim. Pustokak nanv mat tunvem 
borem dovorlam. Pustok vachtana peklele ghaye porot ustileat ani mellelea 
otmeank zagrut korun katkutleo zatat kai distat. Oxem kitem kat mhaka zalelean 
tuka ek ugddas korun dislo. Ken’na  tori tujea khorea jivitan eka choliechi 
blousant hat ghalun bebbuk dorlelem asa tunvem?” 
“Oh no! Viola tum? Ajun jitem asa? Mhojem mhonn’nem, bhouch vorsam sompun 
gelelea tea bebkachi tuka ajun yad urli?” 
“Kiteak urchina? AK pustokar tuzo lekh vachtoch mhaka odik katkutleo zalea vori 
Bizlecho xok’k laglelea porim mhageli sundori utthli. Mhojea hatantlo mobile 
ghetlo ani mhonnlem 
“Oi? Ajun tuka katkutleo zavpak mhojea ghorkarachea hatak koslo jadu asa? Ani 
mhaka kiteak zainant tor” 
“Ghoddie tujea bebkacheo xirio meleat asteleo.” Violan mhonnlem ani fone bond 
Lino B. Dourado 
Chotrai: ‘Boro Samaritan Trasant Poddta Tednam’ ho lekh AK pustokar vachunk 

[Goanet] Scholarships for Chess Players

2008-09-14 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
Press release
Scholarships for Chess Players

Taleigao Chess Academy has taken initiative to give scholarships for chess 
players from Goa. Scholarship of Rs.1000/- per month for twelve months from Oct 
to Sep total Rs.12000/- will be given to chess players born on or after 
01/10/96 from Goa. 
Number of scholarships will depend upon fund raised as on October 4,  2008. 

Entry form for Scholarships are available from September 16 to 28, 2008 between 
9.30 to 11.00 and 3.00 to 5.00 at Taleigao Chess Academy, Dynasty Manor, 
Odlembhat, Near Bank of India, Taleigao-Goa 403002.

Last date of accepting the entry form is September 30, 2008.

On Sunday 5th Oct. 2008 at 5.30pm at Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall, 
at GCCI bldg., Near Azad Maidan, Panaji successful chess players will be given 
the first scholarship cheque of Rs.1000/-.  

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite Yahoo! group 
at http://in.promos.yahoo.com/groups/

[Goanet] VHP to organise ‘shradhanjali sabha ’ at dist level

2008-09-14 Thread Ancy D'Souza
VHP to organise 'shradhanjali sabha' at dist level
Express News Service
14 Sep 2008 05:00:00 AM IST

BHUBANESWAR: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad has planned to organise a
month-long district level shradhanjali sabha (memorial meeting) for
the slain social activist Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati staring from
September 23.

As many followers of Swami Laxmanananda could not attend his 16th day
ritual at Chakapada in Kandhamal district because of prohibitory
orders, the sacred soil from the samadhi of the saint was sent to
various parts of the State.

The month-long memorial meeting will be held at villages and culminate
at district headquarters on October 23, VHP's state general secretary
Gouri Prasad Rath told this paper.

Puri Sankaracharya Nischalananda Saraswati has been requested to
attend the memorial meeting at places of his choice, Rath said.

The Sankararachaya, who is observing 'Chaturmasya', a four-month vedic
rituals during the monsoon season, is very keen to the proposal of the

However, a detailed programme will be chalked out in consultation with
the Sankaracharaya only after the 'Chaturmasaya' programme which comes
to an end in October.

The seer was gunned down by unidentified assailants on the night of
August 23 at Jaleshpeta Ashram.

The objective of organising the month-long memorial meeting is to give
an opportunity to the people to pay their respect to the greate soul
who has dedicated his life for the uplift of the underprevileged and
downtroden people of the Kandhamal district, said State VHP general
secretary Gouri Prasad Rath.

It is the people's will and the VHP is respecting their sentiment,
Rath maintained.

Many people from across the country were keen to attend the 16th day
ritual of the seer but could not make it because of the curfew imposed
in the district, he said.

The month-long memorial ceremony will culminate on October 23 at
district headquarters and sadhus and sants from across the nation will
attend the memorial function, Rath added.

[Goanet] 1st World Daman Day

2008-09-14 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

1st World Daman Day celebrated worldwide on 20th August 2008




The first-ever, “WORLD DAMAN DAY” was celebrated by people of Daman origin 
living outside India in countries like the UAE, USA, Canada, Holland, Macau, 
Portugal and the UK along with the 9th “World Goa Day” on invitation from its 
London-based founder, Rene Barreto. The month-long celebrations were 
undoubtedly, the biggest worldwide Damanense party in the history of Daman!

World Daman Day like World Goa Day, is primarily celebrated outside of India in 
an effort to first establish identity and later turn it into a brand as Goa has 
already done. The date, though significant for Goa vis-à-vis the status of the 
Konkani language, isn’t of any significance to Daman. But there was the benefit 
of getting a helping hand from the much-experienced organizers of WGD. In any 
case, ultimately, it was the spirit that counted and which turned a black 
number on the calendar into a red-letter day! Says Faustinho Mendonca, Chairman 
- DCOP, “Be it any date, I can assure you of our cooperation all the time.”

The theme for World Daman Day ’08 was, “Viva Damão! Keep the culture alive!” 
The imposing centuries-old monuments, customs and traditions have withstood the 
test of time – all 450 years of them – but it is the culture that breathes life 
into them.

The motto was to promote, publicize and celebrate all things Damanense by 
showcasing the unique Damanense cultural heritage, expressed culturally and 

Cock in the shadow of the peacock

A heady blend of Indian and Portuguese cultures, the Indo-Portuguese subculture 
of Daman is obviously multicultural, multilingual and multiracial yet always in 
beautiful melodic harmony. When the Portuguese spelling of the word, ‘Daman’ is 
broken up into its two syllables, it reveals the secret behind the 
characteristic hospitality of the typical Damanense – 'Da mão' – which 
literally translates as, 'give me your hand,' meaning, ‘welcome!’ Says Asunta 
Franco, Country Coordinator for Fujairah, “You can take a Damanense out of 
Daman but you can never take Damão out of a Damanense.” It truly is a way of 
life, for life!

UK – Leicester  Peterborough

The largest body of Damanenses outside India is based in the UK comprising 
largely Catholics, Hindus and Muslims who have literally transplanted the 
culture on to British soil. Says Franco Fonseca, Peterborough-based Country 
Coordinator for the UK, “the British come to observe our social and cultural 
events but not with the intention of adapting to the culture… they have 
adoption in mind.” The month-long festival held in Leicester and Peterborough 
showcased Damanense cuisine, folklore, folksongs, Damanense Mando, Portuguese 
folk dance, art and sport… “We included games like Sete Telhas, Jili Patta 
and Inti-tolla even though these are now sidelined in Daman itself,” says Luis 
Fonseca, Overall Coordinator for Leicester. The show they put up is the biggest 
we’ve ever seen and is best expressed by some of the Damanenses in Leicester, 
“Assim, nosso nutinho ulhado na Damao temem.” It’s more than obvious that the 
centre of gravity of the
 Damanense world has moved to the UK!

UAE – Dubai, Sharjah  Fujairah

The three country coordinators for the UAE organized cultural, culinary and 
sporting events as well as picnics and excursions, which included a visit to a 
Portuguese fort in Fujairah. Lysa Lopes, the coordinator for Sharjah, uploaded 
some of her best Damanense recipes on the WDD-08 website. Tourists to Daman 
often ask where they can sample Damanense or Indo-Portuguese cuisine. Damanense 
food is not served in any of the hotels though many label some items on their 
menu as ‘Daman special.’

The grand finale of the month-long celebrations was in Fujairah, where 
Damanenses from Sharjah and Dubai joined in a gala event of music, dancing, 
games and a traditional Damanense dinner.

Canada/US, Holland, Portugal and Macau

Damanenses in Canada, the US, Holland and Macau being a handful only, could not 
do much by way of shows, programs and competitions but they did an excellent 
job of spreading the word via the Internet, giving Daman global exposure never 
enjoyed before! Says Oscar Noruega of Macau who has a blog dedicated to Daman 
at http://odamao.blogspot.com,  “Exchange all we have of our culture, specially 
songs, lyrics, music, notes and other arts.” What better way than through the 
Internet? But it came as an eye-opener that while the Damanenses in Portugal, 
especially the self-appointed ambassadors of our culture, did not show any 
enthusiasm, quite a few Portuguese (read, Europeans) did – goes to show that 
those that preach seldom practice!

Daman – Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?

On reading about WDD-08 in the Hindustan Times and the Times of India, 
Damanenses in Daman too wanted to join in the partying. “The whole world is 
celebrating and what are we doing about it?” asked Mr. 

[Goanet] Daily Grook #217

2008-09-14 Thread Francis Rodrigues


by Francis Rodrigues

my mobile is a jester
she yells when i press,
the poor thing's just a
damn cell in de stress!

puns  word-play of all kinds,
if you read between the lines!


Re: [Goanet] Pustok Vachtoleak Khorench Katkutleo Zatat?

2008-09-14 Thread JoeGoaUk
 Deu borem korum Lino bab,

Tujea 'Bebkachi' khobor aikon, makai mhojea 'sonxea Pileamchi' yad aili. 

Soglim ghorchim konna eka soireachea mornak gelelim aslim, havuim vospacho punn 
mak zor ailolo munn hanv vosonk nam.

Hi sundor supurli choli amchea xezarchi, sumar 16/17 vorsanchi ani hanv sumar 
20/21 vorsamcho manai.  Mhoje Khobrek munn ailoli ti.. Uloitam-uloitam, oseoch 
ami eka mekachio katkutleo korun laglim.. uprant 'bott galunk dilear hat 
galtat'  munttat toxi amcho ghot zali ani haven donnui hat gatle.  Jivitant 
poilech pautti hatant dorle 'Kai bore mou-mou sonxeache pile'. Jivak mhojea 
itlem borem dislem, itlem borem dislem kim chulir dovorlelem adon pasun voton 

Suamr eka vorsa uprant, zednam maka mhojea zolm-disak khub xim 'Birthday Card'- 
am ailolim ani tantun eka card-acher daddpeachem naum (Sender's name) oxem 

With love,
Sonxeache pile



  In Goa, Dial  1 0 8  
  For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Dear Goans

2008-09-14 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
I want to get AAM AADMI certificate. 


Please let me know the exact procedure.


Best Regards,


Dr.  U. G. Barad


2008-09-14 Thread Eddie

Godfrey Bab...thanks for the report.

Let me add ...this sort of attitude by carpenters from Benaulim has been 
going on
for years now...they had boycotted the fair many years before in late 
their Original (traditional)place was near the post office...which they 
found too small as their group increased
n they were finally given the Church grounds, which was used for other 

Dev borem Korum
Edward Verdes
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 8:01 PM

An eerie silence prevails among the villagers of Chinchinim on the eve of 
the Feast of Mount Mary ((which will be celebrated tomorrow Sunday, 14th 
September, 2008, ) when this writer visited the village this evening.

from the Chinchinim end

+91 98221 58584 (24 HRS)

 Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to 

[Goanet] Sir Gungul'lo

2008-09-14 Thread marshallmendonza
Roland Francis wrote:
The first Indian army chiefs Cariappa and Thimmaya were Keralites who had 
distinguished themselves with the British Army in WWII. The first Goa military 
Governor after the Portuguese were vanquished in 1961 was Kenneth Kandeth (aka 
Candoth) a Keralite.
Isn't Coorg part of Karnataka? I believe FM Cariappa, Gen Thimmayya, Gen GG 
Bewoor, Gen Kandeth and many other defence personnel were Coorgis who are a 
martial race and very cultured and sophisticated. They own coffee 
plantations.The women drape their saris very differently from other 
Indian.Robin Uthappa who currently plays cricket for India too is a Coorgi as 
were several hockey players of yesteryears.I do not think Coorg has anything to 
do with Kerala.



Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 1066

2008-09-14 Thread Frederick Noronha
Agreed. It should be open to all points of view! Even those I disagree 
with :-) FN

jane gillian rodrigues wrote:

Dear Goanetters,

We Indians are all aware of how social issues and religious issues are always 
well-connected in India.

Goanet has always given everyone, irrespective of caste/religion/gender etc. to 
express their views.

If Fr. Ivo wants to defend his faith - good.

If anyone else wishes to inform us about documented miracles taking places in 
other religious places of worship, we would all like to know.



Message: 1
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2008 09:56:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: ralph rau [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Last time I heard Goanet was a forum for discussing social issues of concern to 
Goans and not debating matters of faith.

Its rightly said - to those who believe (the man of the cloth, Fr. Ivo) no 
proof is necessary. To those who cannot, will not, or do not (the doubting 
Thomases - all of them) no proof is sufficient.

Fr. Ivo should stop trying to defend his faith. It merely attracts the ire of 
the detractors.

Footnote: Faith can also be seen working its miracles in Tirupati and elsewhere

FN M: 9970157402  or 9822122436 P:+91-832-240-9490 (after 1pm)
Skype: fredericknoronha Yahoochat: fredericknoronha
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
Email fred at bytesforall.org Res: 784 Saligao 403511 Goa India

[Goanet] Right wing Hindutva Neo-Nazi thugs launch anti-Christian pogrom in the Indian state of Orissa

2008-09-14 Thread Ancy D'Souza
Right wing Hindutva Neo-Nazi thugs launch anti-Christian pogrom in the
Indian state of Orissa
Friday 12th of September 2008
Dr. Amarjit Singh, Khalistan Affairs Center

Anti-Christian pogrom in the Indian state of Orissa burning many
churches  killing many innocent Christian

India's Sikh minority better beware  keep it's 'powder'dry as it is
going to be next

Washington D.C. -  A secret internal Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
survey, taken some weeks ago, had painted a grim picture for the
political ambitions of the right wing, Neo-Nazi, fascist party in the
forthcoming Indian Lok Sabha (Parliament) elections. The comprehensive
internal study showed that the BJP would not be able to win more than
140 Lok Sabha (parliament) seats as compared to the 2004 Lok Sabha
polls when it won 130.

The gloomy internal survey immediately triggered a rethink, in the
fascist Bharatiya Janata Party leadership, about electoral advantages
of well-timed pogroms against India's monotheistic Christian, Muslim
and Sikhs minorities in Hindu-majority India. The first shot under the
BJP's current (2008) strategic rethink was fired by the departing
'Neo-Nazi' Governor of Indian occupied Kashmir, retired General Sinha,
when he, 'out of the blue', three days before his departure in May
2008, started a controversy, over allocation of state forest land to a
150-years old Hindu 'phallic'shrine located in a cave in the
Muslim-majority Indian 'colony'of Kashmir, a friendly neighbor of Sikh
Punjab. The Amarnath cave is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, and is
located in Indian occupied Muslim-majority Kashmir. The cave is
situated at an altitude of 3,888 meters (12,760 ft) about 141 km (88
miles) from Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir. Inside the main Amarnath
cave lies an ice stalagmite resembling the Shiva Lingam (the phallic
symbol – an erect male penis - used in the worship of Hindu god Siva)
which waxes during May to August and gradually wanes thereafter. This
lingam is said to grow and shrink with the phases of the moon,
reaching its height during the three-month-long summer festival when
thousands of Hindu pilgrims come a calling to the Amarnath cave.

The thuggish BJP elements in Jammu province of Indian occupied Kashmir
immediately seized theAmarnath cave 'opportunity' by organizing a mass
communal agitation in Jammu against the cancellation of the illegal
order of allotting state-land to the Amarnath shrine committee which
had been unanimously apposed by the inhabitants of Muslim-majority
Srinagar valley, who had objected to the illegal and unconstitutional
land-for-shrine suggestion of the departing Kashmir Governor. The BJP
thugs quickly organized a blockade of the valley by killing and
beating up truck drivers (mostly Sikhs) going to, or returning from,
the Srinagar valley on the Jammu-Srinagar highway the only road link
the Srinagar valley has with the rest of India. The Hindu thugs only
relented when the Srinagar valley's Muslim inhabitants in massive (but
peaceful) retaliation, suddenly triggered a far grimmer crisis which
threatened to plunge the Kashmir valley into the armed anti-India
insurgency of the early nineties again. The dramatic escalation in the
Srinagar Valley radically transformed the nature of the crisis – it
became an emergency with international ramifications. An angry mass of
Kashmiris, estimated to be around 250, 000 strong came out on to the
streets, bent on marching across the Line of Control into
Pakistan-held Kashmir with the aim of opening the traditional trade
route to Muzzaffarabad. ( Link )

It is not surprising that as a result of this new 'Hold your head
High' arrogant attitude, mobs of emboldened Hindutva elements, (Vishwa
Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal et. Al, all 'first cousins of the BJP)
decided to repeat, in August 2008, the anti-Christian December 2007
pogrom in which  Christian churches schools and orphanages, in
Kandhamal district of Orissa state, had been attacked and dozens of
Christians were murdered. Readers may remember that in 1999 an
Australian missionary, Graham Staines, and his two sons were killed by
a mob that set their car on fire with the three inside. The current
violence against Christians in the state of Orissa was organized by
Hindutva thugs, prompted by the Aug. 23, 2008 killing in that state of
Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, who had been associated with a Hindu
radical group opposed to Hindus' converting to Christianity. Although
a letter left at the scene claimed that Maoist rebels carried out the
attack, but the Hindutva elements blamed the Christians instead and
started an anti-Christian pogrom in Orissa. The attacks in Kandhamal
have destroyed or damaged about 1,400 homes of Christians and at least
80 churches and small prayer houses, which were set on fire, a local
government official told the media. Clergymen say orphanages were also
destroyed. Estimates from Christian groups put the death toll at more
than 25, though a state official in Orissa said 16 were killed.

[Goanet] Mount Marys Fest, Chinchinim.

2008-09-14 Thread Beny Pereira
I read with interest, Godfreys report abt the same. Its very disgusting to know 
that the traditional fer is gonna be a thing of the past. We do know how much 
Fabrica is worried about the security. We need not be worried overnight of the 
ill effects of terrorism at least in Goa. But to deny the traditional spot to 
garment shops run by all Ghanttis is insulting our own goan carpenters. These 
carpenters have a solemn right over the place but not one that is as might is 
right. For this carpenters this places and a few fairs more are their bread and 
butter. They dont have fancy showrooms or by the road side showrooms which are 
practically run by outsiders. I dont want to get into this outsider/insider 
issue but it is really getting to this. Cant imagine our own fabrica doing harm 
to our traditional fair like this. Gone will be the days of ferent bhoupache. 
It was fun. Picking kadde boddies, chonne biknass, and of course the  few eye 
romancing gonna be a
 thing of the past. It was for the boys and girls to pick on the opposite sex. 
Not eve teasing in the sense but we all enjoyed at the same time. Today we will 
have gun totting policemen eye suspiciously everything because of hte 
heightened security in response to the delhi blasts.

This stalls are the main source of furniture needs for all Goans. Please dont 
rob the carpenters of the traditional spot.

secuity is fine, but i appeal to the Church of Goa, n hte Fabricas of all 
churches, Please do not rob traditional aspects of  of our Fairs. 

A concerned parishioner. Wishing everybody a safe fest.

Beny Pereira
Dubai UAE.

Re: [Goanet] NOMAN ROMI LIPIEK - poem

2008-09-14 Thread Venantius Pinto
Hello All,
Here is a translation of Noman Romi Lipiek, a poem by Basilio Magno's. It
was sent to me by one of our most focussed Goans, and I took it upon myself
to share it further via Goanet -- a translation into English. I am keeping
the word Konknni as opposed to translating it from the Konknni / Konkani;
believing that it maintains the weight of its creator Basilio Magno's words.
Likewise in some cases I hold on to the word Romi, and in other stanzas I
used Roman script.

venantius j pinto

Tum Romi Konknnicho mogi zaun hanv sontostam ek
mhoji kavita: Noman Romi Lipiek, tuka pattounk.
Patietam ti tum khoimsor tori porgott'toloi mhunn.
Chodd rekadd tuka Espanhak than.
   Basilio Magno

Being that you are a fan of Konknni, with pleasure a
poem of mine: Hail Roman Script, I send you.
Trusting that you will share (spread) it around.
Much regards to you from Spain.
   Basilio Magno

Noman Romi Lipiek
 borovpi:  Basilio Magno
 Hail Romi script
   Basilio Magno

Konknni bhaxe, tuk' kortam ami noman!
 Tum zali mhonn Raj-bhas amchea ganvachi,
Tantun mellunk pavllem Gottok-raj amkam,
 Jem zaun aslem sothea amkam soimbachi.
Punn torii dusro xevott aslo hacho,
 Ghott korunk Goeam ekvott Goy'mkarancho.

Konknni language, we Hail thee!
 For being the language that governs (mother tongue) our villages,
On account of which we achieved our vigorous existence,
 Which was indeed ours from time immemorial.
But even though there may be other aspects to this,
 Twas strengthening in Goa unity among Goans.

Ek bhas, ek des, tach' vorvim ekuch porza,
 Hi zaun asa vhodd politik-filosofi.
Don bhaso zuzleot apleak gheunk ek Goa,
 Konknni jikli, arrun gheli Morathi.
Punn Morathiwalle zaun xanne kolle,
Tannim dampunn haddle Konknniche dolle.

One language, one state, likewise one people,
 This having been a great political phhilosophy.
Two languages fought to make Goa its own,
 Konknni won, Marathi lost.
But Marathi protagonists being clever foxes,
 Blindfolded they Konknni eyes.

Bulloile Konknnink, des-bogttichea nanvan:
 Romi lipi naka, ti zaun Eropi,
Ti Goeam haddli Purtuguez soithanan;
 Amchi dhexi lip as' Devnagiri.
Zaite Romin borovpi haka bull'let,
Morathi ravlet zague, Konknni niddlet.

Fooled were the Konknnis, in the name of nationalism:
 Reject Romi script, to Europe it belongs,
It was brought to Goa by the Portuguese Satan;
Our regional script is Devnagiri.
 Many writing in Romi were fooled by this,
The Marathi (side / lobby) stayed awake, the Konknnis slept.

Zait zaiteank puttounknam hem soth porgottunk,
 (Biyonn mhunnot mhonn Purtuguez-cho lembddo);
Ki Romi lipien sompem ekvott zoddunk,
 Nhoi fokot Goy'mcho, punn akhe Indiecho;
Zossem korun ghetlem bhair vhodd desamni,
Tanche vhoir thoddi vollouk gheuhea ami.

Perhaps it was that many could not stomach this truth,
 (In fear of being labelled a Portuguese appendage);
That through Roman script unity would be easily created,
Not only among Goans, but in India as a whole;
 As achieved abroad by many nations,
Let us get to understand this a bit.

Poilem Sonvsari Zuz somp'por, Turki ganv
 Vapddi Arabik lipi Turki borounk;
Punn 'Attarturk' poddver ietoch, (vhodd tach' nanv!)
 Formailem Romi lipien Turki xikounk.
Romi lipien sompi zaun, vaddli ti bhas,
Aiz Eropak porzollta ticho porkas.

The First World War having ended, Turkey
 Employed Arabic to write Turkish;
But 'Atttaturk' upon taking power (praise be his name)
 Decreed that Turkish be taught in the Roman script.
It being simplified on account of the Roman (script), that language
Today in Europe spreads its brightness

Asat zaite vhoddle des Asiak, zannim
 Arab lipi niklaun Romi vapuddli.
Ponas vorsam patim des Indones-in,
 Apli bhas Romi-n borounk suru keli.
Tanche dhekin Singapor, Malaisia,
Apleo dhexi bhaso Romi-n boroita.

There are large countries in Asia, which
 Have shed Arabic script employed Roman (script)
Fifty years ago Indonesia-ns,
 Began writing its (national) language in Roman script
In its wake Singapore. Malaysia,
 Write their national languages in Romi

Hem sompeponn ami khudd zanno Goeam,
 Chodd konn khoreponni xiklonam Konknni;
Ti maim-pain ulloileli aikon ghoran,
 Xikleom ullounk, borounk soronknam patim.
Inglez vo Purtuguez borounk zanno zaun,
Konknni borounk zall' sompi, nastan' lisaum.
This simple fact we do know in Goa,
 Not many truly studied Konknni;
Hearing it spoken in the house by mother and father,
 Learnt to speak it, not hesitating to write it.
English or Portuguese one may know to write,
 It turned out Konknni was easy to write, sans education.

Goem zaun aslem Roma Udentichem,
 Goy'mkaramni koretalem vhoddlem nanv,
Zor' Romi lipien-uch borounk tharail'lem
 Ani Indiek dilelem hem lisanv.
Konnamcheanui sompi xikunk zait asli,
Zaunk ti bhas Tamil, Hindi vo Guj'ratti.
Goa had been the Rome of the East,
 Creating a large reputation for Goans,
Had it been 

[Goanet] Hooked on Goa

2008-09-14 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Hooked on Goa
14 Sep 2008, 0047 hrs IST,TNN

Fellow writers, artists and friends gathered for the release of author
Sudeep Chakravarti's latest book, Once upon a time in Aparanta. 

The heavy downpour couldn't keep the people away from Gallery Gitanjali,
Panaji. The book draws inspiration from Goa's political and social

The audience sat in rapt attention as the author read out passages from
the book. Once the reading was over, guests spoke in excited tones. We
saw Booker prize nominee Amitav Ghosh catching up artist Apoorva
Kulkarni. Alban Couto and wife Maria were there to congratulate the

Marion Taleyar Khan and family were also present for the event. At one
corner, author Margaret Mascarenhas, Swatee Nair and Vinita Coelho were
busy exchanging happenings since they last met. Also enjoying the
evening were wildlife photographers Nirmal Kulkarni and wife Assavri.
Artist Theodore Mesquita was seen talking to the writer.




[Goanet] Orissa, the drama of the refugees: forced conversion to Hinduism or more violence

2008-09-14 Thread Ancy D'Souza
Orissa, the drama of the refugees: forced conversion to Hinduism or
more violence
by Nirmala Carvalho

According to the government, the situation is under control, but it
has delayed the elections, and has barred entry to the district of
Kandhamal. A Christian activist denounces new violence against the
refugees, while Hindu fundamentalists have drawn up a list of 140
Christians guilty of the murder of the Swami.

New Delhi (AsiaNews) - Despite the reassurances issued by the
government of Orissa, which in a document submitted to the Indian
supreme court calls the situation under control, Hindu
fundamentalist violence continues against Christians. According to
Sajan K George, head of the Bangalore-based Global Council of Indian
Christians (GCIC), there is a climate of tension in the area, so
much so that the local government has prohibited any entry into the
district of Kandhamal, and has delayed the administrative

The Christian activist denounces the drama of the refugees, who are
caught between a rock and a hard place: Many Christians, says Sajan
George, are leaving the relief camps and returning to their villages
because of terror of the Hinduvata extremists at the camps;
intimidation to reconvert to Hinduism is just one of the many fears of
the Christians. However, residents of Rupa village in Raikia area of
Kandhamal where one Rasananda Pradhan had been burnt to death during
the riots are reluctant to go back, fearing further attack.

According to the leader of the GCIC, the heads of Sangh Parivar - an
association of nationalist Hindu groups, including paramilitaries
connected to the VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad) and to the RSS (Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh) - have prepared a list of at least 140 Christians
guilty of the assassination of Swami Laxamananda Saraswat and five of
his followers, but without providing any proof of their
involvement. The list has been distributed among the Hindu
fundamentalists, who have been asked to punish the Christians in
case the government does not provide justice. The threat has
contributed to increasing the panic within the Christian community,
already crushed by the violence in recent weeks and now facing the
concrete possibility of new violence.

On Thursday, September 11, during a meeting at which some of the
leaders of the main fundamentalist Hindu organizations, including the
VHP, took part, there was a discussion of the future strategies to
adopt after the assassination of the Swami and the spiral of violence
that this led to. One of the groups present at the meeting is
proposing a social boycott of those who work for peaceful
coexistence among minorities.

Meanwhile, the list of violence against Christians in Orissa is
growing longer. According to the Global Council of Indian Christians,
four more corpses have been found, and Hindu fundamentalists are
believed to have attacked six more villages in the area of Kurtamgarh,
near Balliguda. The situation of tension is thought to have induced
the government of Orissa to delay the elections. Ashok Singhal,
president of the VHP, is also demanding, under threat, an end to the
activity of proselytism on the part of Christians in India, and a
return to the practice of Hinduism on the part of those who have
embraced Christianity. On the night of September 11, some Christian
families were attacked by groups of fanatics: they were able to save
themselves, but their homes and possessions were destroyed.

Re: [Goanet] Orissa Christians Suspect Hindu Hand Behind Saraswati Murder

2008-09-14 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 05:51:48 +0530
From: Ancy D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Orissa Christians Suspect Hindu Hand Behind
   Saraswati   Murder

Ancy D'Souza seem to have just copied and pasted the news that he got
from somewhereor more to it he seem to

have acted like a PRO in this case without knowing detail facts.

Here i am giving only SOME details from what i know about the issue..

It was Aug 23 when all were celebrating Gokulasthami that the gruesome
murder of Swami Laxmananand Saraswati

took place. About 28 persons entered the ashram and fired on swami in
which he along with other 4 of his followers

were killed.

KANDHAMAL a hill region from Orissa. ..In 1994 the part of Kandhamal
was separated from the Phulbani district.

This new district was named Kandhamal as included the Hindu Schedule
tribe population of Kandh (Kondh). They

were the followere of Hindu religion and worshiped the nature and Hindu deity.

Their poverty, illiteracy was the main cause which led some of the
Christan missionaries to interfere into their personal

life. Christians know only one 'god the lord' and they never worship
nature or idol which at times they call a stone.

Swami Laxmananand Saraswati was the man who stood against this
conversion. Attempts were made by the

missionaries to kill him several times in 1967,1961, 1976,
1978,1982,1986 and 2000. Everytime they missed their

target. But, on Aug 23 the task of missionaries was fulfilled.

Swami Laxmananand Saraswati had got a threatening letter on Aug 22 but
the state authorities ignored it. On 9th Aug

in the Raikiya Samaj Kendra run by christan terrorist there was a
meeting held and the topic was to kill swami. It was

attended by ex-MP, Nakul Nayak; ex leader of Tamudibandh village,
Krishna padashet and some others (All converted

christans). After the massacer of Swami Laxmananand Saraswati there
was hardly any publicity that was given to the

issue as it did not delt with the MINORITY.

Later when the issue was taken up the police arrested a worker of the
World Vision a Christan association from

Kandhamala. Another two person from Gujiwadi Kikram Diggal and Wiliams
Diggal were also arrested from the house


Laxmananand Saraswati.

When the situation went out of control the killers tried to pacify the
situation by claiming that it was the work of

Maoiest. That's the best thing any one could do at such a point of
time when they have no other alternative but to save

themselves from the SIN. But to their bad luck the Maoist had first
only saved their skin by pasting posters in the

district saying that they are not involved in the murder.

Now this is another stunt of the Christan missionaries which Ancy
D'Souza has tried to publish.
Carry on till the DOOM'S DAY

[Goanet] Happy Feast to all Chinchonnkars (and Bombay, Bandra)

2008-09-14 Thread JoeGoaUk
Happy feast to all Chinchonnkars and Bombay, Bandra

It reminds me of an old H Britton song where he says ‘ with just 25paise (Char 
Anne) he has won the love of a Bandra girl..’ 

Watch him singing LIVE here

As for Chinchinim,  
The chinchinim  Festival Committee organizes their XXI annual Mount Marry’s 
Festival on 14th and 15th Sept. at CRCC Grounds.

Plus there are Tiatr  like KITEAK HI SOIRIGOTH? By Mini Mario at 7pm on 15th 


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[Goanet] Can someone tell me what about this surname?

2008-09-14 Thread U P Kamath
Colaco's whole world seems to revolve around saraswats.
For colaco saraswats are omnipotent and omnipresent. His all thoughts
and action are driven by one word - saraswats.
I am sorry to see an adult (I presume) Indian, living in 21st century
democratic India being enslaved just by a caste name - saraswats.
Let me create an imaginary conversation with colaco:

Question: Who is responsible for the catastrophy in orissa?
Colaco: saraswats.

Question: Who is responsible for bursting of Bunds of Koshi river and the
flood in Bihar?
Colaco: saraswats.

Question: Who is responsible for the blasts in Delhi?
Colaco: saraswats.

But for Goanets readers sensibilities, I could have slipped in a couple of
really juicy QA stuff!

As far as proof is concerned I feel colaco should look up for the
meaning hypothesis in an English dictionary.

If only colaco came out of his saraswat fixation and directed his resources
properly, he could have come up with an alternate hypothesis.


[Goanet] Nine churches attacked in Karnataka

2008-09-14 Thread marshallmendonza
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Nine churches attacked in Karnataka
Bangalore: Suspected Bajrang Dal activists on Sunday attacked nine churches in 
parts of coastal and Malnad districts of Karnataka, protesting alleged 
conversion of Hindus into Christianity by missionaries.

The attacks, believed to have been planned and executed in the morning, left at 
least eight persons, including two pastors, injured, police said.

The pastors were injured in Sirur and Jayapura.

Churches in Singtagere, Magodu, Jayapura in Chikmagalur district of Malnad 
region, prayers halls in Udupi, Sirur and Mudur in Udupi district, Kodikkal, 
Falnir and Afla Centre in Mangalore were the target of the attacks, they said.

Motorcycle-borne miscreants barged into prayer halls and ransacked them, they 
said, adding additional reinforcements have been sent in view of the violence.

Five persons have been arrested in Udupi in connection with the attacks, they 

In Mangalore, the authorities have clamped prohibitory orders for three days 
from today, police said.

© Copyright 2008 PTI. All rights reserved.

[Goanet] Nine churches attacked in Bangalore?

2008-09-14 Thread Samir Kelekar
The title is misleading, the title should be Nine churches attacked in
Mangalore and not Bangalore.



[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Men who will stop the water... vignettes from Goa's mining heartland (Hartman de Souza)

2008-09-14 Thread Goanet Reader
Men who will stop the water: vignettes from Goa's mining heartland

By Hartman de Souza

We skirt Paikdev's temple for Paikdev Zor, where this tribal
snake deity bathes. The story goes that the village of Maina
in Quepem Taluka once received all the water from the 'zor'
or 'spring', and people from adjoining Kawrem, none. Then
after a terrible tragedy, an angry father from Maina,
grieving for his inconsolable daughter whom he had given into
marriage at Kawrem, forced Paikdev to send water, through the
hill, to that village too.

  I glance back. Seeing how the mining company
  'renovate' Paikdev's temple, I feel a chill of
  sadness, only heightened by the fine spray of a
  dying drizzle.

Some years back, Paikdev's temporal abode was a labour of
love crafted in laterite, mud-plaster and whitewash, nestling
in a small clearing, surrounded by hundreds of trees. Now, as
if in a mockery of archaeological surveys, contempt for
tribal beliefs, it seems manufactured in a factory. Paikdev
in concrete; garishly painted into dissonance; in return for
this paucity, the absence of his hills, trees and water.

After an hour and a half, unlike my motley colleagues, I am
tempted to sit. Aki, all of eight, eagerly bunking school,
skips ahead like a sprite; Zaeen, fifteen, playing truant to
identify birds, looks like he would rather not go back to
school; and to Pauto, in his mid sixties, and Shantaram, in
his thirties, this is home. It's July, the traditional paths
covered with thick grass and shrubs well over Aki's head;
creepers and vines form a thick web, through which we stumble
and pick our way.

I mutter a loud prayer to Paikdev and ask him to ensure I do
not put my foot on a snake's head.

Not all snakes are poisonous, Zaeen says.

Yeah, sure. I just don't want to find out which is which.

Shantaram points to an old mine, abandoned in Portuguese
times. It takes thirty years for the earth to recover from
mining, so, apart from a sudden incline and overhang in the
distance, and a deep bowl, the forest has returned in
vengeance, the mud road all but disappeared, although one can
spot recent wheel tracks. The earth regenerating itself could
have made a nice story if we didn't know the ending.

This is where they intend mining, I say.

What will happen then? Aki asks me.

This hill will disappear, I tell her. Her frown says she
can't comprehend the scale of destruction, or maybe she's
trying to figure out how anyone could be stupid enough to
make a hill just disappear.

We climb clumps of grass wedged between ancient laterite
burnt a deep brown. At the summit we look out at a morning
clear enough to plot the rain. In the distance, cloud-misted
hills stretch towards Sulcorna to join the taller ghats, home
to the Kushawati; directly below, sprawling to our right, the
four hills we have trudged over.

To our left, across the Maina-Kawrem road, barely 500 metres
from the Government High School at Maina, is the rogue mining
operation that dug out two hills in barely six months,
leaving behind a bottomless cavern. This is what will happen
here? Aki asks. They're stupid people.

No, I want to say, just very greedy and very, very dangerous,
the kind who will murder for ore. Zaeen's just read the Goa
Foundation's Goa, Sweet Land of Mine. How do they get
'environment clearances'? he asks.

There's a laboratory in Hyderabad that fabricates reports
saying there's nothing on these hills except ore.

That's it

It's worse.

I tell him what Joao, a lawyer from Quepem, says: that the
mining operations have already begun without 'environment
clearances'. Zaeen snorts in disgust. He's figured out that
back in school, they'll tell him he must respect the law!

  We pass full grown cashew trees, bhendi, teak, and
  mango, planted some twenty years back by the Forest
  Department, who will watch silently as they are
  hacked down. I see pots to distil feni, and as we
  skirt the last hill, plantations of areca, tiny
  terraced fields of rice, and lean-tos of thatch
  left over from the summer months when shepherds
  watch over cattle grazing.

The shrine leaves Zaeen, usually on constant alert, in
repose. Pauto says Paikdev takes the form of a snake. To me,
his face is a giant rock darkened with age, buried in the
hill, and festooned with bright-green ferns and lichens, tiny
sprigs of wild flower, grasses, creepers and vines; his eyes
glow rich with the blackness of ore. Around his forehead are
entwined the thick roots of an ancient kusum, its trunk a
pillar to the sky, its canopy of leaves welcoming the clouds.

From Paikdev's mouth, along the furrow of his pursed tongue,
water courses out.

  Before his great-great grandfather's time Pauto
  tells us, the water only flowed to Maina, where
  lived a man who gave his daughter in marriage to
  Kawrem. Blessed with beautiful child, one day she

[Goanet] Goa news for September 15, 2008

2008-09-14 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Narayan Rane\'s resort in Goa lands in trouble - Economic
[Sep 12, 2008]  12 Sep, 2008, 1419 hrs IST, PTI PANAJI:
Maharashtra Revenue Minister, Narayan Rane's family owned resort
near Calangute beach in Goa is in the midst of a ...

*** States casual about forming tourist security group - Times
of India
[2 hours ago]  However, only a few states, including Goa,
Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, are taking the
challenge seriously. While the Goa and Tamil Nadu ...

*** Goa Dairy milk costliest? - Herald Publications
[19 hours ago]  Even if the price hike of Rs 2 is implemented,
the price of toned milk in Karnataka, at Rs 18, will still be
cheaper than Goa. A comparative statement of...

*** In love with Goa, Konkani - Express Buzz
[6 hours ago]  WE know Devi Chandrasekhar as the Malayali girl
who won the award for the best actress at the fourth Goa State
Film Awards earlier this year - for her ...

*** Goa govt\'s move to delete heritage monuments raises
eyebrows - Press Trust of India
[Sep 11, 2008]  Panaji, Sep 12 (PTI) Goa government's move to
delete fourteen heritage monuments from the list of protected
sites has raised apprehensions among heritage ...

*** Why Goa\'s jungle is a shade better - guardian.co.uk
[Sep 12, 2008]  A Goan speciality. Quite illegal, and O for
oops. We are involved in a long, drawn out war against error.
Please let us know instantly about blown bulbs ...

*** Blank roster stares at HC judge in Goa - Times of India
[Sep 12, 2008]  On August 11, he wasmoved to the Goa bench.
Subodh Kantak, advocate-general of Goa, told TOI on Friday that
Justice Bora was not sitting in court for the ...

[14 hours ago]  14 (DM)- It is really a big challenge for
anyone to reach Goa from Dharwad. One has to travel on State
Highway-34 to reach Goa from Dharwad and should be ...

*** Delhi boy opposes ragging at Goa varsity, beaten up - Times
of India
[22 hours ago]  PANAJI: Uday Anand, a final year MCA student at
Goa University, is living under constant fear from his
classmates for asking his juniors to stand up against ...

*** Hooked on Goa - Times of India
[17 hours ago]  The book draws inspiration from Goas political
and social upheavals. The audience sat in rapt attention as the
author read out passages from the book. ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] All-India Retreat for PLHIV Religious Leaders

2008-09-14 Thread Peter F. Borges
September 13, 2008

Dear Friends,

INERELA+ India Sub Regional Office is organizing an All-India Retreat for PLHIV 
Religious Leaders from 23-28th November 2008 at Nagpur, Maharashtra. Interested 
persons could kindly contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] See note below on the 
INERELA+ or visit www.inerela.org for more details and membership criteria. 

INERELA+ is an international, interfaith network of religious leaders - both 
lay and ordained, women and men -- living with or personally affected by HIV. 
It is recognized that religious leaders have a unique authority that plays a 
central role in providing moral and ethical guidance within their communities; 
indeed their public opinions can influence entire nations. INERELA+ looks to 
empower its members to use their positions of respect within their faith 
communities in a way that breaks silence, challenges stigma and provides 
delivery of evidenced-based prevention, care and treatment services.  


The idea for this network was first publicly discussed in 2006 as a global 
expansion of ANERELA+, the African network. INERELA+ was launched two years 
later at the 2008 International AIDS Conference in Mexico City. Before the 
founding of ANERELA+ in 2003, very few religious leaders in Africa lived openly 
with HIV nor were they willing to be open about HIV+ family members. The few 
that did had no support structure and no united voice. In all but the most 
accepting of communities, religious leaders usually kept silent for fear of 
stigma and discrimination. ANERELA+ sought to address these issues. As ANERELA+ 
became increasingly well-known, partners representing regions outside of Africa 
began to enquire about a possible global expansion. The response to this need 
was the creation of INERELA+ . 


Sixty percent of people living with HIV are located in sub-Saharan Africa, thus 
ANERELA+ will not be merged into INERELA+ but will remain a separate, but fully 
related organization. Based on the realities of the HIV pandemic in the rest of 
the world, it was decided to create regional networks based on shared elements 
of history, language, culture and religion. The four regions are: Americas, 
Asia/Pacific, Europe/Central Asia and North Africa/Middle East. India, due to 
its unique risk profile and large population, is treated as a sub-region with 
its own network structure. 


In just under five years, the two networks have grown to encompass over 3,500 
members across five continents. It is hoped that within five years of 
INERELA+’s launch, the networks will increase their worldwide membership by 
over 6,000. These new members will mobilize their respective faith communities 
to provide accurate information and other services to an estimated 2.5 million 
people around the world, helping to reduce HIV-related silence, shame, stigma 
and discrimination, and thereby reducing the number of new infections.

Peter F. Borges,

National Coordinator, India Sub Region

International Network of Religious Leaders Living with/Personally Affected by 


C/o The Young Men’s Christian Association, Nagpur

140, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Nagpur – 440001

Phone: +91-712-2524 834, 2548 789, 2540 024; Mobile: +91-9923414559

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Website : www.inerela.org